Kill Mobile (2018) - full transcript

A group of seven friends decide to play a game at a dinner party. Placing each of their phones on the table, they agree to share the content of every message they receive. However, it soon appears that this is going to be no normal evening. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
When we get there,

don't stick around.

Move forward!

I'm watching you the whole time.

Just move a little bit.

What did you say?

I said, when we get there,

don't stick around.

I'm worried leaving our kids to your mom.


There is a lot!

Hurry honey,

get off and take that lot.

Hold me tight.


I love you.

Can't hear you.

If you love me too,

then hold me tight.

No wonder the traffic is jamming here,

Why the hell on earth
they hold a wedding here?

This is a residential area.

Isn't it?

Looking good.

What a coincidence.

Let me introduce you,

Bai Xuejiao.

This is my childhood friend, Wu Xiaojiang.

His wife, Li Nan.

Nice to meet you two.

Nice to meet you.

Your new girlfriend?

My fiancé.

The traffic is jamming out there.

I know.

What a shabby wedding.

Cost no more than fifty thousand.

So stingy.

Give me a ride.

Come on up.

Can you be even lazier?

You all come together.

Let me introduce you.

Move it.

Cut the intro.

What's your problem?

Don't you see I got a watermelon?

No sense at all.

Why rush?

I'm gonna use the bathroom.

New girlfriend?

It's fiance.

Isn't it?


He is,

professor Wen Bo.

Dai Dai.

Don't let him watch cartoon.

As well as the ipad.

No good for their eyesight.

Go to bed early.

Ok mom,

Bye bye.

Truth or dare.

No wonder you kept her from us all the time.

She is so young.

Hand me a beer.

Don't you dare wear no underwear tonight?

This is Eason Chan style.

Don't flatter yourself.

You think will Xiaoxiao

come alone

or come as a pair?

Will she bring that boy?

The one that is six years younger than her.

What about that French old man
who she dated?

Talking about that man.

I remember him.

That guy

went to toilet twelve times

in two hours

when they had dinner.


next time Xiaoxiao should probably

consider someone who is

strong and healthy like us.

Just shut your mouth.

Where is you boyfriend?

Generation gap.


Aren't we suppose to

drink all night?

Put your mobile phone down.

He is right.

Your phone is sticking to your hand.

Forget iphone eight,

just launch an iphone palm,

and install it to your arm.

Grill some vegetables

Dai Dai.


I'l help.

The chair is so uncomfortable.

How much it cost.


I'm gonna go inside.

Can you make a salad?


Why is he so nervous?


Did he?

You scared me.

Because you scared him.

Is is true that psychologist like you

can see something that

general people don't see?

Tell me.

Look where he stays.

He can see everyone

whereas no one can see his phone.

Did he look around other's position

while he look at his phone?

Especially you.

He is now under the

defensive muscular tension status.

If you pass by

at this moment.

He will definitely avoid you.

And the way he holds his phone

is also suspicious.

His thumb is on the lock screen button.

Once you go there,

he will lock his phone in anytime.

why are you hanging around?

Is the jujube sweet?

Why you ask me

while you are eating at it?

There must be something.

Take it easy.

Only if you have regular sex life,

there is nothing to worry about.

What if we don't?

Knock it off.


I'm talking nonsense.

Think of this as occupational disease.

No more experiment for your husband.

I never do experiment,

I go real.

What are you doing?

Why you have to stick to me

in such hot weather?


I posted a moments today,

did you see?

What moments?

I can get a free class

if I got thirty likes.

Give me your phone.


I'll give you a like later.

You'll forget by then.

It's due today.

You remind me,

Those friends of yours

gave you like hundred likes.

You can get it without me.

What do you want?

What are you watching?

Financial report.

You smile like that watching financial report?

Why can I just be happy about company making

Let me share your happiness.

You keep trying to look

my phone today.

What do you mean?

Who taught you?

What is wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong,

just checking.

Li Nan.

Li Nan.

Li Nan.

Stop right there.

Did I check your phone before?

Show some respect will you?

You can check my phone anytime.

I don't want to look at your phone.

It's just full of mid-age gossips.

Mid-age who?

You! You think you still a young girl?

Of course I am!

Give it to mel

Who do you think you are?

What did you say?

Wu Xiaojiang, what's wrong with you?

Just let her have a look

if you have nothing to hide.

Be a man, hurry.

Are you nut?

Why don't you give yours to her?

Li Nan, wanna check my phone?

Well well.

Give it to mel


Give a little respect would you?


It's not easy that we gather around here.

If not here, it will just be

you on your phone,

I'm on mine.

Two people

have no words together.

What's the point.

Suit yourself.

Li Nan

apart from checking his phone,

you two can switch.

Jia Di,

that's a very dangerous


Do you know how many secrets are hiding in
your phone?

Besides from Wechat.

Text message,

Call history,

Transfer record,

Wi-fi connection history,

Taxi history,

Order history.

I also got a movie tickets here.

Last Saturday.

Two tickets.

This records will expose you.

It's not smart if they only check Wechat

Are you a duck?

Looking quite peace from above,

while messing around underneath.

Since Dai Dai made a good start,

let's play a game tonight.

Couple switch their phones.

Take the phone.

You know what.

You guys continue.

We are leaving.

Kids are alone at home.

Let's go honey.

Sit down.

Didn't you say we won't stay long?

Now you are staying.

I don't even take a bite since I got here.

Why rush to go home now

when he suggests to switch phones?

Why you acting so nervous?

How many secrets you got in your phone?

We are not going home unless
we switch our phone.

I'm nervous?

I'm not nervous.

I got nothing to hide in my phone.



The reason I don't

let you look at my phone,

is that we must have

mutual trust.


I have no secrets in my phone.

Check it now if you want.

I'l unlock it.

No secrets.

Let's go home and then you can check whatever
you want.

Let's go home.

Don't make such intense atmosphere

in front of them.

Come here, come here.

Let me tell you.

They must got something in their phone.

It's not nice

if we expose them.

Am I right?

Come on, let's go home.

Skip the dinner.

How about

we all put our phones on the table.

From now on,

we just concentrate on dinner and chatting.

No matter Wechat message,

or calls

we share it to others.

What do you think?

That's our privacy,

it's inappropriate.

Let's play something else.

Wouldn't it be nice

if we had our dinner without phone.

Tell me about it.

Let's have a proper dinner.

Li Nan,

just let go

if you find nothing in his phone.

Why you take the apple away?

Putting our phones.

Phone my ass.

Put the apple back.

What are you doing?

No one is putting their phones in it.

Everyone agree to play this game.

What's the matter with you?

You need to put your phone in it as well.

Do you think it's appropriate?

I'm cool with it.

I'll put it.

What happened to your iphone?


you sell your iphone

cause no one is buying your script?

Are you serious?

You use Nokia because it's deletable.

Done kiddo.

You are done.

No way.

My baby love me so much.


You are all kidnaped by technology.

You see?

I see.

Jia Di is right.

We used to say,

you need to control nuclear power

if you want to be god.

Now you need to control your phone

if you want to be god.


That's exactly what I'm going to write for my next

I need a foreign director.

At least someone like Christopher Nolan.

A great Dunkirk evacuation

of all human kind

in technology.


Can I named the leading actress
after your name?


I just want to

put down your name

over and over again.

Oh my god, that's so gross.

Be careful.

Pervert don't use their hands

to take off people's clothes nowadays.

Then with what?

With their mouths.

She said that out of jealous.

Bossy women hate pervert the most.

Because normally,

pervert is not interest

in flirting them at all.

Not my phone,

I got work to deal with.


drink all night,

stay up all night.

No working.

Xiaoxiao already drop it.

Where's yours?

If you will excuse me,

I'm not playing this childish game with you.

Come on honey, let's go home.

We go home no later than half past eight.

Unlock your fingerprint password.

No silent mode.

No airplane mode.

Share every message.

Put it on speaker when you get a call.

Thank you Xiaojiang.

You have a new delivery order.

Kids had already had their dinner,

they also had some yogurt.

Have fun.

Hello Mr. Bai,

How do you do?

The Maserati you ordered is arrived.

One white.

One red.

Where are you?

Take your time.

I told you,

you don't see any trace of man in this house.

There is a express box.

No no no,

don't set up a meeting.

Forget it.

I'm putting my thoughts away.

I don't want to force her anymore.

Xiaoxiao is an adult.

I only want her to be happy.

Your girlfriend can't be

that young and beautiful.

Am I right?



This is your engagement ring?

The design is so special.

What brand is it?

It's custom made by my baby.

We met each other because of this nail

which punctured my car tire.

A nail.

Jia Di.

Could you be even more stingy?

How dare you propose to her

with a ring made by nail?

What made of this ring is not important.

This ring is out weight than a ten-carat diamond

in my mind.

Did he also tell you that

this is the cupid's arrow?

How do you know that?

Jia Di's cupid

is totally kick ass.

It can turn anything into an arrow.

Am I right, Jia Di?

Tell me about it.

Jia Di never failed with this move.

Let's make a toast to Jia Di and Jiaojiao for their

Dai Dai,

don't you want to check Wen Bo's phone?

Drop it,

she is not like you.

Try to peep my phone all the time.

Dai Dai is a psychologist.

She doesn't need to check,

she just need to

hypnotize Wen Bo,

and he will tell her everything.

Go date a man,

smoking will hurt your lung.

Man will hurt my heart.

Dai Dai, teach me how to do hypnosis.

You are too stupid to handle that.

Don't poke mel

I don't even touched youl!

Follow me.


Go to sleep, go to sleep.

You can't feel your toe.

You are asleep.

Did you cheated on me?

You think it's funny?

Move away.

Look at me.

If you cheated on me,

will you choose to castrate yourself,

or kill yourself?

Li Nan,

Wu Xiaojiang

is just a quail.

He has no balls to do such thing.

Shut up!

I married you because I think you are a quail.

Make me feel safe.

But now give a second thought.

A quail can lay eggs everywhere.

You should give man

some spaces.

I give my baby a lot of space.

Even so, he still loves me

as the one.

You are the one.

I know.

New message.

The first one.

Put it on the table for us to see.


I miss your body.

Let me see.



I saw nothing too.

Did you deleted it?

It's phone bill.

That's junk message.

No need to keep it.

I miss your body.

It's an unknown number.

I don't know her.

There must be some mistake.

Someone who send you message

must know that you are using Nokia.

I swear I don't know who that is.

I'll die here if I lied to you.

Your phone is ringing,

let me pick up for you.

Put it on speaker.

Who the hell are you.

Do you know me?

Sending me those messages.

Speak up!

Who are you?

If you have something to say,

can't you say it during daytime?

Why you have to pick the time

when I have my dinner with my girlfriend,

with my fiance.

Say something!

No sound.


It must be voice phishing.

I must hang up.

No way.

Jia Di,

don't hang up.

I'm your dad.

You set me up.

How come you have two phones?

This is the phone for work.

I use it to contact school and my students.

I need to have a drink.


You doubt me?

No no no,

no doubt at all.


Wen Bo,

you have another phone for student,

female student?

Screw you.

You are getting more like

a dressed-up beast.



Wen Bo, don't listen to him.

He is jealous.

Don't say that

in front of the kid!

Be a good auntie.

I'm not bragging,

Didn't I made you feel like

you are in the cloud every time?

That's years ago.

One cigarette now I give you to that.

Light a match maybe in two years.

Wen Bo,

I heard that you got a new art book.

Let us see it.

Go go go, go see the art book.

The art book that you mentioned last time

when we met.

Let's go, go find out.

Got any phone with you?

All clear.

These are all impressionism.

Ok cut the impressionism.

Cut the crap.

What about our phones?

Phone phone.

What about it?

The game goes quite well.

I got nothing to be scared of.

You use Nokia

and you got nothing to be scared of?

How come women are

so addicted to men's phone.

While men are not interested

in ours at all?

Tell you what.

I saw you gave signal to Xiaoxiao.

You are desperately to check Jiagjiao's phone.

She is so popular,

I need to be well prepared.

Are you two filming spy movie?

Li Nan just want to be well prepared.

The one in your pocket is a phone.

The one on that table is a bomb.

We don't know

when the bomb is going to explode.

I want to check his phone now

while he is not here.

No, it's not appropriate.

Don't do that.

My phone has no password.

It's like wearing no clothes

putting my phone on the table.

You guys cover me.

I will take a quick look.

Don't act like a man

would you?

What are you doing?


why can't I sit

next to my wife?

Is the jujube sweet?

She is talking to you.

You've been eating it all day.

You tell me.

Since when you eat jujube?

Why you came back that fast?

Is that even a real art book?

Art is about feeling with your heart,

not about speed.

Did you do something bad

behind us

when we are not around?


I was just telling them that

in marriage,

couple will naturally form into

C type character and P type character.


Stand for children.

Refers to children.



One who want to draw attention to its spouse.


Stand for parents.

Refers to parents.



And take this as the

standard of happiness.

I must be P.

I'm way older than Jiagjiao.


I'm P.

I'm the family man.

They are all count on me.

I'm P.

No no no,

You two are more childish,

I'm the family man.

Contribute to my daughter.

Endure my wife.

And take this as the standard of my happiness.

So I'm P.

That's enough.

Don't bother.

You are all P.

Three P, how about that?

Li Nan.

We are in the game.

Honey, give me back.

Honey, I'm so sleepy.

I want to go home,

and stay with my kids.

See, I don't have it.

Don't be so nervous.

Jiaojiao, give me that.

Li Nan,

don't you wanna check his phone?

Let's check it


Come over.


If you want to play this game,

you need to follow the rules.

Give it back to me.

I got it.

Here here here.

Deal is a deal,

nobody play tricks.

Look how nice Xiaoxiao was.

Look at you.

They four are in the same team.

Which four?

No we are not.

Sit still.

Keep your hands from the table.

Don't move.

Don't you crash my chair.

Get up.

Don't be mad at me honey.

Why are you acting like this?

I play the game very serious.

Let's make a toast to Xiaojiang.

What for?

I got nothing to be scared of.

My phone call.

Speaker mode.

It's my mom.


Where are you?

Hi mom.

Hi auntie.


are you in some troubles?

Tell me.

Seriously mom,

what's wrong?

I just

got an express box of yours.

Look what I found here.

A rope.

A handcuffs.

And a whip.


it look like a gag.

Do I need to call the police?

No mom.

Maybe they send it wrong.

I'll talk to you when I get home.

Gotta go.


Shut up.

I didn't say a word.

I know exactly what are you gonna say.

It's not the April Fool's Day.

Don't make fun of me.

Nobody is making fun of you.

We just have the eager

to discuss with you.

So you are the one who

holding the whip,

or being lashed?

You need to get lashed.


are you dating someone?

There must be someone.

No no.

That's strange.

Why you bought the whip for?

Whip is for lashing others.

Are you gonna lash yourself?

So kick ass.


I need to go to the bathroom.

You want me to dance again?



Thank you.

I saw you making a detour.

Did you go to somewhere else?

Just cancel the order.

If you don't waste time on talking to me,

you are already here.

I've been starving for an hour.

Hurry up!

Hi, may I speak to Ms. Zhang?

This is Mei Xin Medical Cosmetic Surgery

Yes, I'm calling to remind you don't forget your


I'll arrange you to Monday afternoon,
is that ok?

Have a nice day, bye bye.

Whose phone?

The phone is ringing.

It's mine.


May I speak to Ms. Dai?

Yes, I am.

Your bed is already reserved,

as well as Doctor Wang's schedule.

You can do the pre-examination next week.

Ok, how about

next Monday.

No problem.

Then I'll schedule you to Monday morning.

See you then.

Ok, bye bye.

Wen Bo.

What happened to Dai Dai?

I'm fine.

No need to worry.

I'm fine.

You do surgery

for fun?

Dai Dai,

do you need my dad to call

an expert from PUMCH?

For your convenience?

No need.

Thank you for asking.


surgery is very simple.

There is no such thing as simple surgery.

A broken leg will let you lie in bed for months.

Let alone cut something off.

My surgery

is not cutting thing off.

It's adding something on.

Adding something on?


Add what?

I'm going to do

breast enlargement surgery.

I'll drink for that,


Let me tell you a joke.

Whatever you think,

I'm with Dai Dai.

At our age,

it's ok for man to let their head down,

woman must have their chest out.

Very ambitious.

The larger your boobs are,

the wider your stage is.

Are you nut?

It's about big heart.

Come on Jia Di.

The story I told,

I'm right.

Dai Dai,

Not too big.

Wen Bo

is too emaciated

to handle that.

So annoying.

Whose phone?

Not mine anyway.

Not mine.

Look at you guys.

All claim yourself innocent.

It's not phone ringing.

I microwaved some crayfishes.


Dai Dai,

why you have to do the surgery?

I thought psychologist will encourage

people to be self-identification.

I do identify myself with getting beauty.

But I

I really thought

the fake boobs

are no better than the real one.

I'll teach you what

I learned on line.


your breast like this.

And do it like this.

Rub the acupoint.

She has been rubbing those for two years,

I don't see any changes.



don't you see how strange

women are?

Why you believe that

the more you rub,

the smaller your face is.

whereas the boobs,

will get bigger.

What if it's the other way around?

That's true.

Dai Dai,

if your breasts get bigger,

when you are jogging...

This is like redecoration.

Congratulation on Wen Bo
move into new house.


when do we hold a warm up party?

Screw you.

Are we still have beer?

We just drank out the last two bottles.

I'll go buy some.

Your wife is watching you,

what you take the phone for?

I need to pay the beer

with wechat.

I don't have cash.


just go.

I won't look at your phone.

When did I put money

in my pocket.

Don't worry,

I got you.

You'll be fine.

You know your wife

the best.

I know her the best.

My wife will not look at my phone.


I'm all clean.

Have some crayfishes.

You are coming with me.

Give me a hand.

Knock it off.

At my place,


you guys go.

We can smoke on our way out.

I'm out of cigarette.


Come on Xiaoxiao.


Say it.

What do you want?

Always so smart.

I did want to ask you something.

I met a girl

on line.

We will

have a chat sometimes.


or flirting?


What I'm trying to say is,


She is a camgirl.

I will send her



sports cars

for recreation.

As a return,

she will

send me some sensible gifts.

Sensible gifts?

Sexy gifts.



What time?

Nine o'clock.

It's almost nine.

Wait for your phone to ring.

Don't do that to me.

I don't want to hear that.

It's not about the ringing.


only you can help me.

Our phones look the same.

Let's switch.

Are you crazy?

What am I going to explain

if I got some sexy pictures from a girl?

Say that is your bestie.

Girls are hold hands

to toilet nowadays.

It's not big deal to receive some pictures.

That's teenage girl.

Do you see people like me

hold hands to toilet?

How old is she?


seventeen to nineteen,

maybe twenty or so.

Don't tell me she is underage.

That's impossible.

Her body looks so mature.

How much.

I got it.

I got it.

Let me pay it.

Let me.

Take the puffed food

and snacks away.

Six bottles of beer is good.

I lost my sight suddenly.

What time is it?

Ten past eight

or ten past nine?

I'll take it all.

Even it's not healthy.

We are back.

Any crayfishes left?



let's drink.


Here, bottoms up.

I'm so happy today.

Cheers cheers.

Drink up.

You didn't drink up before.

I drank up.

You need to drink up too.

Drink it yourself.

Ok then I'll drink up.

You are a loser if you don't.

Way to go.

Phone phone.

Mine mine mine.


what are you doing?

Reading book.

Good girl.

Have you decided?

You want Maserati Quattroporte or GT?

What about the color?

I want a white one.

Who's that?

Her dad.

Sugar daddy?

Bitter daddy.

Real daddy.

But you need to give me before my birthday.

Is that ok?

Your sweetheart has no gifts

for her birthday.

Don't worry,

all settle.

Love you, bye bye.


I thought you like red color?

I do.

But I think

white looks more prudent.

Suit you more.

You can drive it

to work in future.

How awesome.

Bai Xuejiao, you crossed the line.

How many times did I tell you?

Don't give me gifts.

I'm just a scriptwriter who nobody knows.

I'm fine with my moto.

Do you feel ashamed

because me?

I didn't mean that.

just thought that we are getting married.

from now on, what's mine is yours,

what's yours are still be yours.




is yours.

I just want you to be mine.

Others don't matter.

What's the difference?

I'm gonna puke.

Me too.

What are they doing?

They are

sending us love signal.


want to bless us.

Love you guys.


Thank you.

What shall we do with this kid?

Grow up.

About that Maserati,

I think

red is your color.

I think white suit me more.




Bai Jing Pictures.

Don't need to pick up that one.

Pick it up.

Your ringtone is like haunted.

If you don't answer the call,

what are you going to with this crap?

Use it as a brick?

Seriously don't pick up.

He call in sick

for the dinner tonight

to producer.

If he picks up now,

the producer will drag him to meeting.


Ignore it.

What time is it?

It's almost nine.

Almost nine!

No private space at all.


I won't pick up

in the middle of our dinner.

Don't spoil her.


aren't we said we leave at eight thirty?

Let's go honey.

Go go go.

You go,

leave your phone here.

We continue.

I'm not going home then.

If 1 go,

it's like

I have something to hide.

No way.




Remind me for the meds.

We haven't eat the fish oil today.

Baby can I have a bottle of water please?

What for?

For my whitening pills.

Keep me young and beauty.

Now you joining the club.

Wu Xiaojiang.

And keep you.


Want some?

It's too big

to swallow.

You mid-age people,

cannot live without those pills.

How can you even eat dinner

after these pills?

I heard you overstrained yourself,

have some.

What's this?

For your brain.

New Zealand oyster essence.

Specially for man's second brain.

I'm already oversupply.

If I take this,

the inflation will mess up the harmonious of

Can't you just

expend the market demand?


we haven't make it today.

I'm coming.

Excuse me.

Suit yourself.

What's that?

Too tight, too tight.

How about now?


Wu Xiaojiang.

Wu Xiaojiang.

Come over here.


Let me see.

Oh my god.

Holy shit.

Wen Bo,

come over here.

What's the matter?

Come on.

Come on.

You are the best.

Come on.

what are you doing?

I'm not like you,

taking meds like meal.


is my meds.

Then your dose is not enough.

You need to carry Wu Xiaojiang.


No no no no.

I'm coming.


Let me help you change.

Don't you wanna ask me

about my breast surgery?

I don't want to intervene your decision.

Be careful.

Don't you even curious?

Why can't we just like other people?

Be fine?

You really think other people are fine?

Let's see.

Let's end this game.

I'm getting sleepy.

There is no fun anyway.

Don't be, we only get two phone calls.

Not that soon.

I agree with her.

If we keep playing this game,

staring at the phone,

we don't have time for dinner.

Don't panic.

I don't know this number.

Hello Sir,

our company is now launching a new financial

The entrance price is fifty thousand Yuan.

No thank you.

Looks like

your crappy phone

cannot block crank call.

Whose phone is it?

It's Xiaoxiao's.

Why the screen remain dark?

This is...


Burn after reading?

It can do that?

Hurry, screen cap it.


If you capture it,

people who send it will know.

Professor Wen,

base on your experiences

as an art practitioner.

Are these two original?

They are photoshoped too much.

Look like butt.

What's this?

Let me see.


oh my god.

Who is this girl?


She is


Isn't she the girl

you interviewed

last time who has been sending

you naked pictures ever since?


Our company,

run international brands.


the competition is quite fierce.

Since when you are in charge of interview?

I thought you were in legal department.

Why are you so curious about their company

as a housewife?

It's way beyond your knowledge.

Come over here.

Why she set the burn after reading function

if she want to promote herself?

She is afraid of leaking out.

These girls

are too smart.

This is so called safety awareness.

You see how amazing the internet is.

No need to worry.

You can definitely not recognize her outside

after the photoshoped.

Shut the hell up would you?

Have you met her?

How do you know it's fake or real?

You don't even know her.

Do you know her?

How about that,

have you met this kind of girl?

Help me identify

whether she is pretty or not

without her make-up.

No, take it away.

I don't want to look.

Let me tell you,

Li Nan is enough for me.

My wife looks pretty

with or without

her make-up.

I know.

Come on Wu Xiaojiang.

Drink up your beer

for having a pretty wife.

You are lying if you don't drink up.

I'll follow you.

No need.

Since we are all in good mood,


I won't stop drinking until the applause stop.

Way to go.

Nice Wu Xiaojiang.

Don't try too hard.

Here it comes.


Whose phone is it?

Mine mine.

Show it to us.


Martin wants to know

where am I.

Who is Mating?

Not Mating.

It's a foreign name called Martin.

I think it's a guy.

In mandarin is Ma Ding.

It doesn't sound like an foreigner.

It seems

he is an employee from foreign firm who has an
English name.

There are six Sarahs in my dad's company.


He is a client from foreign firm.

A client.

What client?

How come I don't know?

Why he asks your

location all the sudden?

We are having some business before,

and it's going quite well.

We were so closed to sign the agreement.

And his boss turned down the deal.

Martin feels guilty.

So he wants to buy me a dinner all the time.


he often send me message
ask me where am I.

Martin is very decent.

We could still be friends even the deal is off.

Couldn't we?

Very decent.

Reply him then.

I think,

it's not necessary to reply

a greeting message

like this.

You're right.

Reply it.

Don't influence your business.

Then I'll reply

talk to you after meal.


Let me

reply him.

Here is what I thought,

you see,

we are all sitting here


watching you

reply him

word by word.

That's not appropriate.

She is right.


This is business.



I think,

even client

has its own time

after work.

You need to let him rest.

Am I right Wu Xiaojiang?


His work is not like yours.

Wu Xiaojiang,

is making money for his son.

There is no such thing as off duty.

How about,

I reply him

one message.

At least.

I missed the days when we don't have phones.

No one can reach us

after work.

And now?

Wechat is became our tool for work.

Are you there?

What are you doing?

How do you do?

And something like this.

What are you doing?

Where are you?

Why the hell should I tell you

where am I?

I'm off duty.

You know?

A message,

I'm off duty now!

You send me a message

and I need to show up?

Who do you think you are?

What the hell!

What took you so long?

When are you gonna pay the debt?

Whose phone?

Mine, junk.


Junk message.

Let me show you something funny.


please read the message.

That's new.

Every family has oldsters,

Every people will grow old,

The more you care the elder,

The better the society will be.

Paradise Nursing Home.

Being god's neighbor.

Paradise Nursing Home.


What an absurd name.

Who will send their parents to heaven.

That's very thoughtless.

Friends with angels.

Answer me.

Who do you want to

send to heaven?

Have some.

Jigjia wants me to go with her that day.

Did my mom get in your way?


She didn't mean that.

Why don't you just kill her?

Watch your words.

Don't bother to look at nursing home.

Just put her into grave directly.

Don't say that Wu Xiaojiang.

You guys know.

Wen Bo.

My mom,

raised my bother and I all by herself.

I send her to nursing home

when my mom is enjoying her late life.

That's immoral!

Am I right?


After Jiaojiao and I get married.

My parents.

My stepparents.

Plus her parents.

That's six people.


How come?

I have stepparents too.

We should all go to nursing home when we grow


gonna play this game everyday.


can send your parents

to the nursing home as your wish.

No one is playing this stupid game with you.

You heard me?

Wu Xiaojiang.

Li Nan, Li Nan.

Come here.

Look at his temper.

They are fine.

It's normal that couple got into a fight.

Me and Wen Bo,

we haven't fought for years.

Jia Di,

we should go there.

A little housework will not kill you.

Enough Xiaojiang.

That's enough.

You stay in the couch everyday,

enjoying the aircon and watching television

You put those

essences and lotions

on your face.

She did that

because of you.

It's not about that.


those bags you bought,

those shoes you wear.

I work my ass

for every penny.

Come here.

Don't touch me.

Sit down.

I won't Kill her.

Sit here.

You can't spoil her!

Listen Li Nan,


are living in three-room house

only because of me.

You will live in a sewer

without me!

That's just outrageous!

It will be a time bomb,

I'll tell you that.

The only thing you know is drinking.

You drink everyday.

All I wished is

you came home

without drinking.

Like gambling.

Then you just sit on the couch.

Watching your goddamn phone.

I just want you to keep your eyes on me.

Even just one look.

How hard is that?

It's like torturing you.

Look at her.

Look how angry she is.


She always say that I don't care about her.

That's not true.

If I don't,

I will not eat those oyster essences everyday.

I'm now

sweating in seafood flavor.

You are overreact it.

Let me tell you Wu Xiaojiang.

Let's change.

You look after the kids

and your mom.

I go to work

I think my life is better than now.

Li Nan can do whatever she wants,

but she can't send my mom to nursing home.

That's my bottom line.

Since when my life is miserable like this.

That's it.

That's enough.

Don't make she feels embarrassed.


You can put your anger on me.

Or me.

Why you?

Don't help her.



Li Nan,

we lived well with what we have.

You don't have to

jamming in the subway or bus.


Yes, or riding a crappy moto.

Hanging around.

That's not nice to say.

Looking down on us working class while you
getting rich.

What kind of working class are you?

Why aren't I?

Every penny I earned

comes from every word I typed.


Not seeing the way you typed.

But I did see the way

how you become a deadbeat.

Touching your lips,

and you got a Maserati.


Tell your dad,

the car has to be red!


you are not allowed to send me gift
from now on!

Ok ok.

Don't get mad.

You can't just say it out

even it's the true.

He wants me to go against him.

Listen Wu Xiaojiang,

we all know that

you had your pressure.

Right Li Nan?

But being a family man

is not simply spending money.

You need to spend more time.

You can't let Li Nan

done it all.

Right Xiaojiang?


My bad.


Mr. Wang.

Hi auntie Wu.

Come in come in.

I know the time I pick

is not that appropriate.

It's ok.

Better get started then.

Ok, let's begin.


Mr. Wang.

Can I change my clothes?


After I died,

No matter what

my son Wu Xiaojiang or my daughter in law Li

marital status is,

the inheritor of this property

is and only will be my daughter in law, Li Nan.

Her ID number is...

Buddy, don't get angry.

I fell down.

Wait a minute.

Take it.


Thank you.

Hi, Mr. Wu's order.

Thank you.

It's ok.

Dai Dai.


I wonder who

suggested the barbecue
in a hot summer like this.

It will excess internal heat,

make us more irritable.

My attitude wasn't nice before,

don't be angry.

Li Nan.

You see, Xiaojiang is apologizing to you.


He doesn't mean it.

Don't be mad at me.

How about


you send me to the nursing home.

you should go to slaughter house.

What slaughter house.

Why should 1?

Well, everything is fine.

Here, quickly.

Put on your slipper.

Did you two practice everyday at home?

The target is big.

His face is big.

Jia Di.

This is Xiaojiang's

way of trying

to be friendly.

It's all your favorite.

Come come.

Come on Jia Di.

Don't being so childish.

Li Nan and I ordered these

before we arrived.

It came late

because of the traffic.

See this is the golden meat that you like the

What is golden meat?

How come I never eaten it?

Is it good?

Golden meat is

donkey's treasure.

Never heard of it.

But you are my treasure.

While downstairs is having a good mood,

let's take a picture together.

Come over here.

Big treasure come on.

Is everyone in?

What a waste of time.

My waist is souring.

Reply him.


After we took the picture.


What if it's emergency?

It can't be.

He'd call 110 if it's emergency.

Who's that?

What took you so long?


Her ex-boyfriend.

You keep your ex's wechat?

What about it?

We all got exes.

Take photo take photo.

Come on.

Ok, photo first.




Jia Di.

Where are you going Jia Di?

Listen to me.

We are having dinner.

Don't you leave.

What are you doing?

He is dating a new girlfriend.

And he wants to have sex with her.

But he is still struggling.

He wants me to give him some advices.

So you two are bestie now?

Your ex-boyfriend

has a new girlfriend,

and discusses about his sex life with you?

He is actually quite innocent.

I don't see how innocent he is

sending you sex message

in the middle of night.

You called that innocent?

Give me back my shoes.

Hold on,

listen to me.

Listen to me.

Jia Di,

maybe he sent it wrong.


Maybe he wants to send

I want to make glove

and missing a g?

Doesn't make sense.


Give me my shoes!

Listen to me.

Who decide to break up?

I did.

He is very nice actually,

just a little bit co-dependent.

He seems to be.

Keep sending you message

after broke up with you.

If you two are clean,

don't pass on message in between.

Just call him directly.

Let Jia Di talk to him.




It's me.


what should I do?

It's our sixth date.

Can I move on?

I told you,

no way.

It's not about how many times you dated.

You've been together for only two weeks.

She will think of you

as a frivolous person

who don't respect her.

But I really like her.

The more time I spend with her,

the harder can I control myself.

You need to control yourself

if you really like her.

I think,

you need to put yourself in her shoes.

You should wait at least one month.

One month?


By the way,

how's it going with your genius boyfriend.

Did you put yourself in his shoes?

We are fine.

Kinda busy now,

I gotta go.


everything is fine.

You can leave now.

Leave if you want.

Leave, genius.

Here is your shoes.

My feet!

Bad temper.




Are you mad at me?

You don't trust me.

That's not true.

I feel upset

not because

he sent you message.

I'm upset because

he called you Jiaojiao!

They all called me Jiagjiao.

Is there a problem?


We all called her Jiaojiao.

Yes we did.

What's the matter?

That's not the same.

He can't call you Jiaojiao anyway.

I can't stand it.

Can't people break up and still be friend?

You can send him flower on his death
anniversary that's all.

Those who keep in touch,

are all thinking of getting back together.

Be careful Jiagjiao.

Look at me,

I never had ex-girlfriend trouble .

You only need to delete the number

when you break up before.

They will became strangers.


you need to delete phone number,

Wechat account,

Alipay account,


Even you deleted them all,

people can still dig out something on the

At our times,

it's impossible to

completely isolated from each other.

It is an art that

how to get along with your ex.

It's not necessary to get along with

your ex.

Making phone calls all the time

without finishing your job.

My boyfriend is studying in England.

He is having break time now,

it's the only time we can talk.


Go ahead.

I wished my boyfriend had smart phone
at that time.

How about you sleepover at my house tonight?

My parents are not home.

What do you want?

Just give your mom a call.

And say

it is classmate reunion today,

it will be too late to go home.

Female student?

Young and pretty female student?

It's Qiaogiao.

It's our daughter.


why are you not home?

Is my mom next to you?



can I sleepover at my classmates' house

How many are they?

There are few.

Boys or



Is Shen Ning there too?

I promise,

boys and girls are sleep separately.


You are now

standing in front of

the crossroad

of your life.

No matter you chose left,

or right.

Dad will always support you.

I believed

you will

make a right decision.

No matter

what kind of trouble you are in,


daddy is always here.

Dad you are so nice.

Not like mom.

Monitor me as if I'm a thief

I will never know

she putted a camera in my room

if not you.

She checked my location all the time.

She did that out of your own good.

She is afraid that
something will happen to you.

Something will definitely happen to her.

Don't think I don't know you two are divorced.


have a good time,

be careful,

and get home early.

She makes me worry all the time.

Qiaogiao said,

you two are

got into some fight?

No wonder you talk less today.


You must say the divorce word accidentally.


Kid must had heard it.

You can't let Qiaogiao misunderstand you.

You can't let her believe that you two are already

Wen Bo told me

about the divorce.

It's for buying house.

We are buying house?

Since when?


Dai Dai.


I don't know

that you don't know anything about buying



I need to go to the toilet.

You two are divorced for real?

It's the crank call before.

Crank call.

Let's play with her

to kill time.


may I introduce you our financial products?

You may.

Your girlfriend is next to you before?

Why you hung up the phone?

Jiaojiao will misunderstand me.

What now?

Dial back.

I said dial back.

Why you hung up?

How many times did I tell youl!

Stop harassing mel

You want me to

I want you to stop harassing me.

Don't you understand Chinese?

It's no point you pretended to be sales.

Even if I pick up your phone,

do you think I will see you?

Let's make it clear today

before you take any chances.

It's my fiancé

next to me.



I going to get married,

stop calling me.

Forget about it.

It's not gonna happen.

It's all my fault,

I met you too late.

If I met you earlier in my life,

I will not waste time on wrong people.

And the trust will not be influenced
between us.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry baby.

I lost my temper before

because your ex called you Jiagjiao.

Can you understand me now?

Not only I mind your ex,

but also mine either.

After all these years,

I met someone,

not you.

I met another one,

not you again.

Promise me.

There will be only two of us.

We can never let others to affect us.



you are so cute.

You made a good choice.

You need to married a man with high emotional

You will live a happily life forever.

You got a problem with me?

What kind of business you do

with Martin?

Keep harassing you.

I won't pick up.

Can't let him get used to it.


Let me see what kind of business
you did with him.

Don't pick up.


are you avoiding me now?

Can you be realistic?

If you don't satisfied,

you can negotiate with me.

If we are happy together,

I may divorce for you.

You always behaving passively like this.


We already slept together.

Can you stop pretending we are not?

Saying no in the beginning.

But then,

you moan loudly anyway.

I'm hanging up.

He is drunk.

Don't mind him, here.

Let's drink.

What did he mean you moan loudly?

I remember.

We went out for dinner that day.


he almost got into a fight with people
next to us.

And I shout loudly.

Stop making up.

He is not talking about drinking.

I get it.

I finally get it.

He invited me for drink

again and again.

You said yes?


I've been avoiding him honey.

I won't go with him.

You guys know that I

only spend time on

watching cam girls.

I will not...

Some colleagues saw us

went to hotel together.


Actually I was drunk,

I was drunk that day.

And then?


How many times?


Just once.

No wonder you won't let people look at your

You've been hiding so deeply.

Just shut up.

Back in college,

you always take shower with me.

And you always rub my back.

Said you are professional,

for free.

when did he?

I just knew either.

Just knew.

But I think,

this is




No wonder you won't touch me

after I gave birth.

No wonder you don't have any girlfriend

before you met me.


I don't have any boyfriend either.

You know what,

I did this for business.

I was drunk that day.

It's not my intention.

Then why you moan that loud!

It hurts.

Put it on speaker.


Mr. Jia.

Who is this?


Zhang Chi.

The ring I made for you last time,

are you satisfied?

It's ok.

It's fine.

What do you want?


about the ancient costume and props I
mentioned last time.

you can help me

to pull some strings in the crew.

I can do anything.

Ancient, modern, counterfeit.

The Bvlgari earrings

I made for you last time.

The shoppe couldn't detect it.


I got it.

I gotta go.

What Bvlgari earrings?

When I

booked the ring for you,

I bought it incidentally.


I don't even have ear piercing,

why bought it incidentally?

I cannot possibly

give you counterfeit earrings.

Then who you gave?

The producer.

The producer?

She hires me

for writing script.

I need to

send some gifts to her.

Bai Jing Pictures.

Let me ask her incidentally,

That's not necessary.

Did she like the earrings or not.

It's near the due day.

Didn't we had a deal?

She will drag me back for work.


I'm pregnant.

Where are you?

Come back now.

I need to see you.

We need to discuss about it.

I'm freaking out.

I really don't know what to do.



You've been waiting this child for years.

This is

dream come true.

Wang Litong.

When did you become a producer?



listen to me.


Way to go


Jiaojiao listen to me.




Scram off.

Wang Litong.

It's me.

Good job!

You spend my money,

and sleep with my boyfriend.

Where is your dignity?

Who is barking around me

like a dog?

Let me tell you,

we are not done.

Better be careful.

We are already divorced.

Why can't we separate?

Qiaogjiao is still young.

Besides your mom is not in good condition.

My dad just had a surgery.

At this moment,

how can we...

In your mind,

I'm a wrong wife.

In Qiaogiao's mind,

I'm a wrong mother.

Our family problems

is all my fault.

But what on earth did I do wrong?

Did you wear your underwear?

Li Nan.

Open the door.

It's me Wu Xiaojiang.

Did you wear your underwear?

Did you wear your underwear?

I don't even know him.

We are just game couple.

CP, in games.

What game you need to play

with no underwear.

Will it return your HP

or increase your ATK?

It's just for fun.

For fun?

Why don't you make fun with him


asking him

if he wants to suck your breast?

Wu Xiaojiang.

That's enough.

We never called.

We only keep our relation in games.

He has family,

his wife is very controlling.

I'm not?

He has family and you don't?

You think you are single?

Give me you phone.

Call him.

Let's find out what game you are playing

without wearing clothes.


Say it.

Pick up.

It was unexpected,

getting your call.

Say it.

I'm sorry,

I call you because

I was curious.

Did I

crossed the line

for what I sent today?


It's just a game.

Your voice is

not what I imagined.

Didn't we agree

not calling each other?


had a fight with your husband again?


call me abruptly in future.

It's not convenient.


See you in game.

Did you wear underwear?

I already called him.


We don't know each other.

You should tell.

We never called.

I'm not asking you if you called or not.

I'm asking you did you wear underwear?

We just play game together.

Are you done Wu Xiaojiang?

Don't ask me.

I'm asking you.

Did you wear underwear?

Go get an abortion, I'll pay.

Jia Di,

don't you go after Jiaojiao?

Go my ass.

Don't put your finger in my pie.

Mind your own business.

I'm officiousness?

I suggest you go after your girlfriend

out of good will.

How can you...

You have a good will?

If it wasn't you

picking up the phone again and again,

Jiaojiao will not leave.

You wanted to play this game in the first place.

You wanted to look at

your girlfriend's phone.

Don't think I don't know.

Let me tell you Jia Di.

Since we were young,

you like to take advantage.

It's your karma.

This is what you got in the end.

You deserved it.

I'm capable of taking advantage.

You don't have that kind of face.


Speaking of the face.

I got face too.

The only difference between us is that

I have sense of shame.

You are shameless.

You have sense of shame?

You slept with both gender

I'll tell you what,

I did it for living.

You did it

for vanity.


showing off.

About your Maserati,

you don't have red nor white now.

Go ride your crappy moto.

Stop it.

I don't have red nor white.

I don't have green either!

What green.

What do you mean?

Pantie pantie pantie.

Jia Di.


Hit me.

Watch your tongue.

Look at you,

how you treat these girls.

What about me?

I'm not like you.

You are an Oscar-winner.

You are already divorced.

Stop acting.

Why did you divorced anyway?

Because of model?

Or school girl?


he didn't get divorced for you didn't he?

It's nothing to do with you right?

Are you out of your mind?

I'm out of my mind.


got social status.


got money.

And you all look down on me.

You all got family.

I got nothing.

I don't want to live anyway,

just kill me.

Jia Di,

calm down.

Calm down, calm down.

Jia Di, Jia Di.

Let go.

Wu Xiaojiang.

Are you serious?

It's not my fault.

You grab it

and hit yourself.


what are you doing?

This is not done.

You need to do it

like this.

Stab him.

Wu Xiaojiang, you go first.

Here, hold it.

Stab him here.

It's quite fatal.

blood will splatter all over the wall.

How releasing would that be.

Stab him.

Stab him!

Aren't you quite bold before?

Why become a coward now?

It's been a dozen years

since school.

When did we fight like this?

We also said awful words to each other.

But what was that for today?

Because of this goddamn phone?

People invented it


better communication.

For improving relationship.

But now?

Have to be so addicted like that?

From the moment you open your eyes in

to night when you go to bed.

Even when you in toilet,

you are holding it.

When friends are having meal together,

it suppose to have a nice chat.

But then?

Everyone just sit there

with their phone.

Nobody is talking anything.

The most ridiculous thing is,

husband and wife lying in the bed.

You'd rather play with your phone

than look at her.

What's this,

it becomes your long term wallet.

your tool for taking advantage.



Why are you wearing a mask?

Living in a hypocritical world.


Me either.

I thought the phone is the axe that will help me

break through the obstacle

in my career before.

But turns out,

it becomes a blade,

stab into my heart.

Ms. Han,

I didn't force you.

You are drunk.


I'm pulling it out.

I will pull it out so that you can see.

Coming around?

Listen carefully Martin.

I will not be afraid of you anymore.

I will not resign.

That's a lot of anger.

You don't like the gifts I send you?

I assumed

you want to sue me?

On what accusation?


You don't have evidence.

See you in court.


let's go home.

All I did is watching camgirl on line,

and send some gifts.

I work like hell everyday.

I never crossed the line.

You are the busiest man in the world.

Why can't I relax a bit?

What photo, what photo?

Stop playing dumb.

How much you spent on camgirl?

Let me be honest.

I didn't spend less.

But I not going to spend more from now on.

Because I will save the money

for buying you panties.


will it turn you on

without wearing pantie.

Or what?

It turns me on.

It must turn you on as well by watching

camgirl's photo in the couch everyday then?


My horizon is broadened by discovering a new

Jia Di.

Is there some kind of character

that is terminally ill or

impotent in your script?

Keep it for me if there is.

What for?

I'll tell you that sucker's name.

Let him died in your story.

Call me anytime

if you need help

for that.


I can't do this anymore.

We shouldn't be like this.

Dai Dai.


You told me you like sweet girl.

I give you sweet girl.

I give you everything.

How could you do this to me?

What you are doing,

is shameless.

I'm giving you one more chance.

From now on,

you stay with me all by your heart.

I can forgive you for everything.

I will ask my dad to invest you

no matter how awful your script is.

I'm sorry.


the baby is mine.

Of course.

You know me.

I can barely raise myself.

But if

you would help,

we raise the kid together.

I think we will be fine.

The earrings

I gave you is a fake one.

The real one is too expensive.

But what I said is true.


I'm going home.

How's that,

isn't that a great idea?

A tragedy caused by phone.

Once the movie is finished,

men and women

will go to toilet,

take out their phones,

and start deleting.

Come on,

let's play this game for a while.

Help me enrich the details.

Put your phones here.

You see,

nobody answer.


Do you wanna play?

She doesn't.

Do you wanna play?

He doesn't.

But I'm telling you,

we will play with you.

Because we got nothing to be afraid of.

You on the other hand, it's hard to say.

Do you dare to play?

I'm talking to you.