Julietta (1953) - full transcript

Julietta Valendor is a romantic and dreamy girl who accepts with difficulty the fifth-year-old fiancé chosen by her mother: the very worldly prince of Alpen. One day she is given the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams in the person of lawyer André Landrecourt.

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I'm going to marry a Prince.

I don't love him.

Why are you saying this?

why am I saying this?


-I'm coming!

Did you call Julietta?

She's not on the beach.
She must be on the dunes.

I can't close it.
If only we had a man.

We haven't had a man in ten years
and we always close our suitcases.

Try. I can't anymore.
I'm drained.

I haven't slept in three days.
I see question marks everywhere.

It's your liver.

Should Julietta get married?

Shouldn't Julietta get married?

Should I force her to speak?

Should I ignore her tears?

I'm losing it.

-I've done it.

-I took this out.
-Where will we put it?

-In the hat box.
-Whatever. Julietta!

Don't shout.
She can't hear you.

Ever since Hector left,
she spends her time on the beach.

-How can I sleep?
-Nobody wants you to sleep.

But if you're restless each time
she's more annoying than usual...

Call her. I need to speak to her.

Who is it?

Yes? That's right.

Yes. It's Paris.

Wait, here she is.
It's the prince d'Alpen.

Get dressed.


Ah, my little Hector.

Yes. We're taking the train
later on.

Thank you,
your flowers are gorgeous.

Julietta is very well.

No, she's not listening.

The engagement ring?


A diamond or a sapphire?
I really don't know.

She isn't into jewellery at all.

She'll be happy
with anything you give her.

You find me a little naff?

My humble respects, madam.

You should take a sapphire.
She's too young for a diamond.

That's why I thought
she might like one.

She's not very worldly.

You'll teach her.

-The sapphire is perfect.
-You're right.

-Get the ring ready. I'll wait.
-Very well, sir.

Can you stay a bit longer?

No. I'm going to Bordeaux
and I have a lot to do.

Thank you for coming.

I wish you
all the happiness with her.

But as a friend, I must tell you
it's sheer madness.

I'm old enough
to indulge in madness.

I'm through playing night-birds.

It's time I had children from an
innocent wife I'll be jealous of.

I'll hide her in the country
and in nature's truth

I'm hoping to extend the fleeting
ecstasy of a shared love.

Good luck.

I don't think I'll see you
before your wedding.

Talking of which,
I hope you're not getting married.

-I might.

He doesn't seem to be
the right man for you.

Maybe not. But he's mine.
It's even better.

But you're hiding him.
A bad omen, Rosie?

A precaution.
I don't want you do damage him.

You should get inside.

Mum is at the end of her tether.

I'm thinking.

You'll think on the train.

I don't want to go to Paris.


I'll let you deal with mum.

No, listen.
Wait for me.

I'm very sad.

You're in love. It's normal.

You think so?
I don't think it's normal.

Have you ever kissed a man?

-I had to wait for your permission?
-I mean a real kiss.

Eyes closed.

Eyes closed? I don't know.

Was it nice?

It was heaven.


Then I'm not normal.

I can't get married,
I'm not normal.

-What do you feel, exactly?
-I can't explain but...

I feel almost disgusted.

It's as if pink naked creatures
were crawling on me.

-Did you tell your fiancé?
-Of course not.

The first time, I didn't know.
Then I thought it would get better.

But even his hand on my shoulder...

-How do you find Hector?

So it's really my fault.

I need to break the engagement,
enter a convent

and have myself

Julietta! Martine!


Try with another one.

Aren't you ashamed?
I'm engaged.

I have committed myself.

Then marry him
and try with another one after.


Here you are!

We're staying.
She doesn't want to get married.

What? You changed your mind?

Answer me.

I don't know.

Be honest.
Tell me what's wrong.

-You love someone else?

I wish I were a widow.

Be patient.
You need to get married first.

-You don't love the prince?
-I do, but...

-So what's wrong?
-I know.

-She doesn't like kissing him.
-So what?

-So what? That's all.
-That's all?

Get dressed.

This minor detail would
make you cancel the wedding?

Ask your fiancé not to kiss you.
Find an excuse.

Tell him it brings you
out in a rash.

Or accept it.
The kissing period never lasts.

You think so?

I know so.

Come, enough childishness
and stop precarvi...


I really like this word.

It's round and wavy and...

Listen to me.
Do you want to break it off?

People will laugh at us.
Tongues will be wagging away.

You'll never find
such a good husband.

-Never mind.
-Yes, never mind.

-You tell him.

You do it. If you want
to break it off, ring him.

Martine, get Paris on the phone!

I'm exhausted.

No, I don't want to. I can't.
Let me think this through.

He has lots of qualities.

And on top of everything,
he is a prince.

A prince...

It's a bit outmoded but...

It's nice to be a princess.

It's time to go.

So, what will it be?

I think I'll be a princess.

Well done.
She'll be a princess!

No, we're coming.

-So we're going?
-Don't ask silly questions.

Get my coat, my hat, my gloves.
Go brush your hair.

You'll drive me mad!

It will be the biggest wedding
of the year.

You'll have six bridesmaids.

Two children will carry your train.

People will whisper:
"The sister's bride is lovely."

-The organ will resound.
-Mum will cry.

I'll walk slowly
on the prince's arm.

And suddenly...

-He'll collapse.

Too much emotion. His heart.

I'll let out a long moan.
People will gather.

Some will shout: "A doctor, quick!".

I'll say: "No need to, he is dead.
He knew it would please me."

My long white train will turn black.

And I'll come out of church
a widow.

A widow? It's horrible.

No, it's a great tragedy.



-Where are we?
-In Poitiers.

Go have dinner.
I'm too tired.

-Are you coming?
-I'm not hungry.

First service.

Sorry, madam.



You left your case on the train.

Your train, quick!


-Hop in!
-I can't.


Be careful!

It's my fault.
I'm sorry.

-You were going to Paris?

There are no more trains tonight.

What am I going to do?

Come, let's see.

You scared me, Mr Landrecourt.
Everything OK?

The young lady
doesn't have a ticket?

No. I left my bag on the train.

-I have no money.
-Go while I close my eyes.

We'll find you a room.

I don't have any money.

Don't worry about that. Hop in.

Hello, Mr Landrecourt.
I was worried.

I was delayed.

-Thank you.
-I fixed your breaks.

You can go for it.

Will I find a room
at the Hotel de France?

I doubt it.
There's a vet conference.

Maybe at the Trois Piliers?

Goodbye, Mr Landrecourt.

Everybody knows you.

I'm a lawyer and I live around here.

Is Poitiers a nice town?

Yes, it's nice.
But hotels might be full.

I've just been.
I've done them all.

No vacancies either.

You think it's funny?

Sorry, it's my nerves.
What do you want me to do?

You're right. Sorry.

I didn't know
there were so many vets.

-Where can I take you?
-Don't worry about me.

I can sleep on a bench,
under the stars.

That's not possible.

-Let's ask local people.

I'd rather sleep at yours.

I live 25 km away from here.

The house is closed and empty.
The servants are on holiday.

I have to leave at dawn.

For a night, I don't need much.

Maybe some soap and a comb.
That's all.

You're right.
It would be easier.



-I called my daughter Julietta.
-I'm called Juliette.

-For what?

-Nothing. Julietta!

I'm calling my daughter Julietta.

-Call her another name.


See? When you call her Martine,
she answers.

-It's not her.

She's not your daughter?
Who are you looking for?

I'm looking for a young woman
called Julietta.

You should have said.

-Where is your sister?
-I don't know.

Where could she be?
Sorry, madam.

-Where did you get on?
-In Poitiers.

-The carriage was empty?
-No, you were there.

Was I alone?

I dared not ask.

I'm so silly.

I wouldn't know.

She must be stuck in the toilets.

The locks are very bad.
I'll go and get her.

Sorry, madam.

Open the door. Are you there?

If you're stuck, don't worry,
we'll get you out.

-But it's not you.
-I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Where is my daughter?
Martine, don't you know?

Almost there.

-Are you married?
-No. You neither?

Oh, me... I'm a widow.

A widow? So young?

You think it's funny?

No, sorry, it's my nerves.

No, I think it's very sad.

I can't complain.

Being sad is more peaceful
and I feel less lonely as a widow.

The countryside smells nice.

Listen. Is it an owl crying?

Yes, but don't be scared.

Scared of an owl?
Who do you take me for?

Only thoughts scare me.

-What are you playing?
-Nothing, I'm improvising.

Chocolate and dry sausage.

A cab will pick you up
tomorrow at 9am.

The Paris train is at 10.24.

Here is some money for your ticket.
Take it now so we don't forget.

The phone is in the kitchen,
if you need to ring someone.

Nobody's waiting for me.

I'm going to get your bedroom ready.

Not now!

Sorry, I should let you go to bed.

I'm very rude.

No, you're very... unusual.

The sausage is too dry.

-You're not hungry?

Thank you.

Then leave me alone.
I'm used to it.

-You live alone?
-It depends.

I sail around the world.

Are there mice here?
You think they like chocolate?

I'm leaving at dawn.
I'll be gone a while.

I'm glad hotels were full.

I really like your house.

Let me show you the rooms.

You don't put out the fire?
It could be dangerous.

I'll come back.

-Are you sure there isn't anyone?
-Nobody's here.


Walls resonate as if children
had played here.

They played, a long time ago.

-Do you hear the chains?

-And if it were a ghost?
-It's the shutters creaking.

Don't worry.
There's nobody here.

-Here is my bedroom.
-And the others?

Let me guess.

Can I go in?

Will I sleep here?
I like this room.

Here are pyjamas.
And the bed must be made.

I'll let you undress.

No, wait, I can't undo
the zip on my own.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome. Good night.

-Are you tired?

I'm not. What am I going to do?

There are books on these shelves.

Thank you. Sorry.
I hope I haven't kept you.

I'm the one who should thank you.
It's all my fault.

-Good night, madam.
-Good night. Sir!


-What's the time, please?
-Ten to midnight.

Thank you.

My train just arrived in Paris.


Ah, my dear Hector.
Here we are.

Julietta has disappeared.

-We can't find her.

Take care of the luggage.

Oh, my friend, it's terrible.

-What happened?

At 7.30pm she was on the train
and at 8.30 she was gone.

Here is her bag.

Is she prone to disappearing?

A well-bred girl like Julietta

doesn't disappear
without telling her mother.

-I'm about to faint.
-Please, let's keep our calm.

There are only three ways
she could have disappeared...

She'll have found another way.
What do we do?

Tell the police. I know the chief.

And my luggage?
I've already lost a daughter.

Let's not waste time.
I'm sick with worry.

-Rightly so.
-You know something.

I know it all.
She tells me everything.

-What did she say?
-Silly things.

Young girls only say silly things,
older people too.

Sorry, let's go and see your friend.

Take the luggage.
We'll find you.

I'm easy to find.
Let's go.

I should have told mum.

No. If I tell her, she'll come
and get me with Hector.

Let's pretend I'm dead.

If I were dead, she'd hear about it.

Hello, sir. Are you off?

Yes, I'm off.
When you go, lock the kitchen door

and leave the keys to the mechanic.

He is a friend.

Is he reliable?
I can't miss my train.

He'll be there.

-Good day to you.
-Goodbye, sir. And...

-Don't lose your cigarette case.
-I won't. Thanks again.

Yes, Hector.

No, Hector.

I'm not that worried.

But no accident has been reported.

You promise Julietta...

There's someone on the line.

Miss, please, give me my number.
I really need to go.

I can't believe it's engaged.

Yes? Is it you, mum?

No, madam, I'm not your mum.

-Yes, Hector?
-Are you listening?

I have been listening
for forty minutes.

Oh, the police...

It's their job to image the worse.

They feed on tragedies.

Hector, be reasonable.

We can't be quicker than the police.

The police?

-I know Julietta.
-I beg you...

Tell me what you think.

I am very loath to lose her but...

-If she doesn't like me...
-Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Wherever she is, I'll find her
and take her with me.

I can't wait to embrace her.

-I can't wait to embrace her.

I'm sorry, you came for nothing.
The person left with Mr Landrecourt.

Let him know we have his tyres.

He won't be back till October.

Never mind. Thanks.

-Goodbye and thank you.
-You're welcome.

Tell me. What did you do without me?

-You bought a tie.
-In Limoges.

Is it ugly?

For Biarritz...

A man like you should buy
porcelain in Limoges, not ties.

By the way, I took a decision.

We're not going to Biarritz.
We're going to your place.

-Where? To my place?

You don't think it's a good idea?

No, I don't think so, my love.

The house is empty,
it will be gloomy.

What would people say?

I never brought a woman there.


You don't want me to be the first?

The first one will be my wife.

-It's not the commitment you want.
-And if I changed my mind?


-I'm so happy.
-Let's go, then.

I really fear you'll get bored.

-With you?
-Let's go to Biarritz.

You like living in luxury,
surrounded by socialites.

Which luxury? Which socialites?
You don't know me.

I crave for simplicity.

I'm through playing night-birds.

I dream of living
hidden in the country,

hoping to extend the fleeting
ecstasy of a shared love.


-You don't believe me?
-I do.

I want to believe you.

What have we got to lose?
Let's try.

Oh, my case.
You still have it.

-It hasn't left me in a year.
-To forget it would be to forget me.

-That's why it will never happen.

Yes, really.

You never lie?


How did you become a lawyer?

I was a fool.

I wanted to defend everyone,
including widows.

Widows are not what they seem to be.

I adore you.

I know.

But do you love me?

It's really dark
under these trees.

Where are we?

We're almost there.

I'm both happy and touched
to show you my home.

Why did you say the house was empty?
The light is on.

The light is on?

I forgot to switch off the bathroom.
It was dark when I left.

I couldn't wait to see you.

I left in a rush.

Here is the living room.

It's like another world.

I had preconceived ideas.

I didn't expect your house
to look like that.

-Your nose is cold, my love.
-Not only my nose.

Time to get down to work.

Only mad people
and lovers can light a fire.

I hope you're a bit of both.

You deal with the fire,
I with the luggage.

I'll be back.

Why are you running?

I'm not running.

I don't have matches.

On the mantelpiece.
In the nacre box.

I'm sorry, I didn't...

Keep quiet.

Keep quiet.

Stay here.
Don't move. I'll be back.

Don't be scared.
I'll explain.

How is the fire going?

It won't start.

And I broke a nail.


It's nothing.

I hear a heart beating wildly.

It's my watch.

Never mind.

This place is really gloomy.

Why is it so dark in here?
It feels like a century ago.

Yes, it's dark.

And it must be a century
this room is dark.

It's always been like that.
I didn't change it.

It shows.

Let's not stay here.

Let's visit the rooms.


It's stormy.

Yes, it's really stormy.

Oh, look.

It's dry sausage?


The mice must have eaten it.

Look, we can see their bites.

Don't tell me there are mice.

In the country,
it's normal, my love!

But don't worry.
I'm here to protect you.

You haven't seen the kitchen yet.

Come and see the things
which belong to you.

Make yourself at home.

I want some.

It's warm.
Take what you want, my love.

Take a tray to the living room.

I'll carry the luggage,
run a bath for you and come back.

Don't take too long.

Go away.

Naughty creature.

Oh, my God.

I got so scared.
It's horrible.

-I saw... I saw...
-What did you see?

A big white shape
walking towards me.

It must have been the curtains
filled out by the wind.

-You think so?
-I promise.

No, I can't believe curtains...

It's odd but it happened to me
several times.


I thought I'd die.

I think I need a drink.

Can you squash
the spider, please?

There. It's over.

Drink slowly. I'm going to close
the window that scared you.

No need to. Stay with me.

I want to tame those curtains.

If you leave me alone,
I'll come with you.


-Your room isn't ready.
-I'll make my bed.

It will remind me
my boarding school.

No, let me get everything
ready for you, my love.

I'm sorry.

-Have a rest.

Madam, where are you? Quick.

Your bed linen.

You'll find mattresses up there.

Who did you kill downstairs?

A spider. Why?

I never heard
a spider shout "André".

Be ready at dawn.
I'll come and get you.

My clothes are in the bathroom.

I'll bring them. Wait for me.
I'll drive you to Poitiers.

-I'm not going.

Where will I go?

To hell, if you want to.

I don't want to, thank you.
I won't go.

But why?

What are you doing here?

And you?
Why are you hiding me?

We don't have time to talk.

Then don't talk but bring me
a candle. I can't see.

And water! I'm thirsty.

-You called me, darling?

-Scare me.

Are you making fun of me?

Of course not, I was teasing.

This bad liqueur
gave me the hiccough.

This bad liqueur?

It's 150 years of age.

There's nothing young in your house.


-Let's go.
-Let's see your bedroom.

I mean let's leave this house.

It was a mistake to bring you here.

You'll get bored.
You're bored.

Not at all.
I don't want to go.

-You neither?
-What do you mean?

Darling, what's happening?

Nothing. I'm crazy.

-Everything will settle by tomorrow.
-Of course it will.

I'll bring you some water,
sugar and a knife...

I'm not staying
with these old pictures.

They're my parents.

I'm sorry.

I should have known.

Come, let's visit our home.

Why did you do that?

It's for the...

Don't worry, it will pass.

-Are we really on our own?
-You saw someone?

No, but I heard chains.

The shutters creak.
I told you already.

You didn't.

I'm sure I told you so
in this staircase. On this step.

It must have been
a false reminiscence.

Or a real one.

Here is my bedroom.

A bedroom says it all and I'm
allowed to know and hear it all.

Oh, what a nice candle-holder.

-And here, what is it?
-The bathroom. I need to tidy it up.

And I forgot to run you a bath.

Look at this beautiful view.

You were right, earlier on.

It's really stormy.

It's warmer outside.

How silent it is.
It's so typical of the countryside.

And this wind. Do you like wind?

-But the bath is ready.
-Ah, yes... No!

The water is cold.

-I used the wrong tap.
-It's tepid. I'll warm it up.

Are you absent-minded?

I thought you were so level-headed.

I'm absent-minded
when I think of you.

What about here?

It will be your bedroom.

-You like it?
-Yes, very much.

Only a few things need changing.

-The door leads to the corridor?

You said you did my bed.

Where are the sheets?

Now that's really weird.
I must have forgotten them.

Or I lost them when you called me.

Whatever are you thinking of?

Make yourself comfortable,
I'll get the sheets.

I won't be long.

-Can I use the bathroom?

It's going to take me a while.

I love having a long hot bath
before going to bed.

Here are your clothes.

-And a candle.

And matches.

And some water, I beg you.
Your dry sausage is too salty.

Do you need anything, my love?

No, thank you.

You found the bed linen?

-Good. I'll make my bed.


I'm coming!

Don't panic!
The fuses have blown.

André, quick!

The fuses have blown.
I'll fix them.

Give me a candle in the meantime!

I don't have one.

There's one in your bedroom,
on the chest of drawers.

You think so?

I'm positive!

You touched the fridge.

-How do you know?
-I tried to fix it.

It's all clear now!
Give me your candle.

Thank you.

You've got to bring it back.

Give me a bathrobe,
a towel, anything.

Can't you see I'm shivering?

Turn around.

It took you ages
to find this candle.

You don't hiccough anymore.

No, but I'll catch pneumonia.

Where are you off to?

Fixing the fuses.

Don't leave me in the dark.
Find another candle.

I need some light.

You're so clumsy.
I'll come with you.

What a house! Where are the fuses?
In the stairs.

How practical!
The house is so badly conceived.

You're so clumsy.

The fuses are also 150 years of age?

No. I plugged the fridge
so you'd have champagne tomorrow.

But you switched everything on.

So it's all my fault?

No, it's all my fault.
I shouldn't have brought you here.

Hurry up, I'm freezing.


You should see yourself.
You look like an angry mermaid.

I'm keeping it.

It's more logical to leave it here.

Logical or not, I'm keeping it.

My candle.

-Hide yourself.
-I want my candle.

She won't give it back.

Shall I go and get it?

No. Wait here. One second.

Come in.


You need anything else, my love?

The bed linen.

Oh, sorry.


Come now, I'm sorry I was so curt.
I apologise.

We spend our time apologising.

I need to tell you about...

About rats in the cupboard
and the thief in the attic?

No, not exactly.

Then I'd rather not know.
Get my sheets. I'm exhausted.

You won't sleep well in this house.
Let's go elsewhere.

If I don't sleep well,
we'll leave in the morning. Happy?

Go and get the bed linen.

Thank you. It was hard work?

Hide yourself.
She mustn't see you.

Who is it?

My fiancée.

You're engaged?
I don't envy you. It's not fun.

No. Because of you.

Take her elsewhere.

You're the one I'm taking elsewhere.

Don't bank on it!

If you don't bring me water,
I'll go myself.

And I have the key.

Don't lock me in
or I'll make a racket all night.

Here are the sheets.

What are you doing?

I don't want you to unpack.
I want to leave in the morning.

I don't want to!

You hurt me.

Will I eventually get to sleep?

Your behaviour is very strange.


I didn't force you to come here.


If you think I'm not worthy
of your horrible house, tell me.

Why are you saying this, my love?
I'm not worthy of you.

You're so patient and trusting.

The candle.

Where is the candle?

It burnt down.


Because I lit it.


So it would keep you warm.

And where is the candle-holder?

I took the candle-holder
to put it away.

I hate candle-holders
without candles,

vases without flowers
and beds without sheets.

And women without a smile.
Give me a nice smile, please.

No, I can't.

Go to bed.
I'll make my bed.

-You're dismissing me?


Don't be sad. We have
the whole life in front of us.

You don't want to...

No, I don't want anything.
I want some rest. Understood?

Come now, darling.
Go to bed. Let me sleep.


I'm coming!
Don't be scared, my love.

Did you hear?

There, calm down.

Calm down, it's nothing.


This terrible racket?
This thundering? Nothing?

There's a storm.

A storm?

Are you scared of thunder?

I am.

She's a little girl.

A little girl
who needs to be lulled.


Sleep well, my love.

Sleep tight.

Where are you going?
Don't go.

I'm here, near you.

There, in the corridor.


André, I hear steps.


André, steps...

I was coughing, I choked.

Are you taking me for a fool?

You cough with your feet?
Your house is haunted.

Candle-holders walk, candles melt
and the thunder hits pans.

And you're telling me
you're coughing.

Poor darling, it's scary
to be in a house you don't know.

The steps,
it's the water in the pipe.

The glimmer is that
of the lightning, from the storm.

Calm down.

Why did you say you coughed, then?

It's not incompatible.

I cough, the lightning shines,
the pipe drains.

We each stick to our role.

A nice flat in Paris, on the 7th
floor in a stone building...

-I told you...
-We shouldn't come here. I know.

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired.

Go to sleep.

Go to sleep!
That's easy for you to say.

Don't go.

Go to sleep.

With the owls,
the mice, the spiders,

the thunder, the lightning...

Is the superintendent around?

At this hour? He's the boss.
What do you want from him?

It's about the girl.

I think I saw her.

He might get in touch with you.

You don't want to hear my story?

Order from Paris:
tact and discretion.

Meaning: whether you find her
or not, you're in trouble.

I'd rather let the boss
be in trouble.

Wake up, we need to go.


Come on, get up.

Get dressed, I'm taking you.

Please, don't start.

But why did you stay in my house?

I felt good.

I like your house.

Its heart is fading
but it's still beating.

You're forcing me to be unpleasant.

More, you mean?

Shall I call the police?

Go on, call the police.

I'll tell them you kidnapped me
and held me hostage.

You're a lawyer.
It will serve your reputation.

Who will believe you?

I'm a minor.

You're a minor?

But you said...

Truth in the day,
lies at night.

You know the saying?


I just invented it.

So you're a minor.

I'm ready to believe that
and I'm happy to help you.

But tell me why
you want to stay here.

I ran away from a prince
who forced his attentions on me

and darkened my heart.

How could I trust you?
You're a liar.

Don't deny it, you're a liar.

Why did you hide me
from your fiancée?

Don't start.

I was going to apologise. Had you
introduced me, I'd have said:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose
on your kindness."

I'd have told everything.
And instead?

You threw me in a dark attic,
without a drop of water.

-And if I told her the truth now?

How could she believe you?
It's too late.

Unless she's a fool.

Let's say that...

She's a fool?

No, let's say I didn't treat you
well because I panicked...

What an excuse!

Sorry, I can't go.

Why don't you go?

But it's my house!

Then stay.
You don't bother me.

I won't bother you
but you need to feed me.

-Mr Landrecourt!
-I'm starving.

I'd like to have breakfast.

-Who is it?
-Arthur, my gardener.

We'll take this up where we left it.

Of course, I'm at your disposal.

It's the least I can do.

Don't make any noise, please.

I thought you were here.

I saw lights on last night.

Holidays are over?

They never started.

I got mixed up
in some nasty business.

If it's a woman, that's bad.

Yes, that's bad.

Can I help you?

When you were young,
I helped you out more than once.

Yes, but this time, she's upstairs

and she doesn't want to go.

You brought a woman here?

Yes, but it's too long to explain.

Really, Mr André...

Don't start giving me a lecture.

It's not my fault.

Why is she bothering you?

Why? If only I knew why.

She's crazy.

That's what we say
when we don't know.

I'll get rid of her.

No, please, stay here
and don't make a sound.

And... No, I don't
have time to explain.

Then bring her downstairs.

And then?

I'll take her in my cart.

She'll scream, she'll...
She's capable of anything.

If she resists, I'll cover her
with a canvas. Story over.

Are you mad?


Trust me.

You have breakfast

and I'll send her to you.

We're going to make
a trip to Poitiers.

If you want to have breakfast,
go down in the kitchen.

Can you do the zip for me?

-Be careful!
-It's fine.

Thanks. And to brush my teeth?

Also in the kitchen.

Where are you, my darling?

I'm here.

Who are you?

I'm a good boy
and I'm taking you for a ride.

What? Have you lost your mind?
Where is Mr Landrecourt?

-Don't make a sound.

I don't know.

Come. Nicely.

Where do you want me to go?
Don't touch me.

Never mind.
You've asked for it.

Arthur, stop!

Go away, it's too late
to feel sorry.

Here, my darling,
I'll set you free.

There. Help me, you fool.

You've ruined everything.

No, keep calm.

There, my love.

Keep calm.

Keep calm, my love.

There, it's over.

You see what you did?

I'll teach him. This man is crazy.

He's a brute, a satire, a...
Who is he?

Arthur, my gardener.

Fire him at once.

-I can't do that.
-No, he can't.

I've known this old servant
all my life.

An old servant
who drinks the old liqueur

while pruning the old trees
of your old house.

Congratulate him,
give him a rise.

Don't make such a fuss.

Arthur made a mistake,
it happens to anyone.

-A mistake?
-I thought...

Be quiet!

He likes making passes
at female servants.

He's a country boy.

He thought I was a servant?
That's perfect.

So what? No harm in that.

Who does she think she is?

-I demand apologies.


Arthur, please.

I'll think about it.

Come, he'll give in, I know him.


He'll give in? Perfect.
Should I apologise to him?

I'd like to forget
everything for a while

and show you my garden in the sun.

Our garden.

Give me a smile, please.

-Would you like a toast?
-Please. With butter.

-No jam.

Thank you.


I want some coffee.

-My love.
-No, thank you.

I don't have a teaspoon.

Arthur, bring us a teaspoon.

What happened?

Arthur gave us a spoon.

His service leaves
much to be desired.

He used to be more agile.

The spoon would fall
straight in the cup.

I don't think it's funny.

No, me neither.

I'm going to show you around.

-I haven't finished my coffee.
-The river, the forest...


-I'm not dressed.
-You're fine.

I need to change.

She didn't have a ticket
and came from Bordeaux.

I was in a good mood...

-Where was she heading to?
-Don't rush me.

I'm good enough to help the police
who need informers like me.

Where was she heading to?

I don't know.
She was with Mr Landrecourt.

She went in his car.

Landrecourt? The lawyer?


Thank you, old man. I'm off.

How could I know?

It was the other one.
Got it?


She's in the attic.

When we set off, get her and drive
her to Poitiers, with my car.

I'm not asking your advice.

I didn't say anything.


Arthur, women!
What a pain.

I'm ready. Can we go?

Don't you think it's beautiful?

I got a run in my stocking.

-Take them off.
-Never mind, given the situation.

Give me Arthur's hat.


Who are you?

I'm a good boy
and I'm taking you for a ride.

That's so nice of you.

-Would you like a toast?
-No, thank you.

I don't have anything else.

Sit down.

The room is bare
but I want to improve it.

I'd rather set off now.

Where to?

To Poitiers.

But you'll bring me back?

Yes, well...

I understand what you're doing.

So, are we going?

OK, let's go.

-You won't tell anyone?

That he held me hostage.

If people knew that,
it would be bad for him.

You're talking of Mr André?

Of course.

He brought me here, one night.

It was snowing.

It was snowing?
So it was in February?

I don't remember.

He hid me in here for days.

-He was madly in love.
-How is this possible?

You think it's impossible?

No, I meant...

And now he turns me out.

Where will I go?

I'm dishonoured.

He dishonoured me.


He's not mean
but he acts without thinking.

Same goes for his children.

He has children?

He never told you?

Eskimo children.
With eyes like that.

He let them freeze to death,
trapped in ice.

He was distracted.

Is it true?

I don't know but he told me so.

He had no choice if he wanted
the other woman to marry him.

-He wants to marry her?

Where did he find her?

If I stayed here,
I could try and dissuade him.

But even in his attic,
I'm in the way.

Never mind.

Let's go.

Wait a minute.

I really liked this attic.

He likes it too.
He came here to hide, as a child.

You came to find him?

He told you:
"Go away, I'm the Chinese emperor."

And you said:

"The Chinese emperor also washes
his hands before dinner."

He told you that?

He told me everything.

He doesn't know it
but he told me everything.

She'll turn him into a pout.
She must be queen of pouting.

One day, to escape,
he'll go boar hunting.

And then, bang.

Accidents happen quickly.

Poor Mr André.
Who would have thought so?

I won't be here
to watch over him anymore.

Listen, I have an idea.

I have too many ideas.

I'm going to move the car a bit,

in case he comes back early.

I'll tell him
I drove you to Poitiers.

And if you managed to come back,
it's none of my business.

-And you?

I furnish the room,
I stock up on food.

And I hide here.

And you prevent the wedding.

Which wedding?

-His wedding.
-Ah, yes.

And mine?

I think the country
really suits you.

Six months here and you get
older, fatter and pregnant!

Gee up!

What are you doing here,
in this cart?

How pastoral of you!

I'm enjoying a ride, and you?

We're going to Biarritz.
I have big news for you.

Bob, look, it's Rosie!

Did you hear about Hector?

No, tell me.

Am I keeping you? I'm sorry.

Mr Landrecourt.

I'll put the cart in the shade.

I can't wait to hear the news.

It's over.
The wedding is off.

I never thought
he'd see reason so quickly.

It's not him, it's her.

She ran away
because she hated kissing him.

The sister said it all.

-Anyone here?

You came just at the right time.

-Mr Landrecourt isn't here?
-No, he's gone out.

-That's a shame.
-I don't think so.

-Careful, one more step.

Let's put it here.

Thank you.

I'm a friend of his and I need
to see him. When will he be back?

Tonight, I think.
He went out with his fiancée.

I didn't know he was engaged.

With whom?

A very pretentious woman
he kisses all the time.

All the time.
It's disgusting.

How old is she?


I'm very bad at this.

She looks like
she's never been a child.

And how old are you?

-Eighteen and a half. Why?



How long have you been here?

Forever, it seems.


I think I saw you
in Poitiers station two days ago,

with Mr Landrecourt.

-You were coming from Bordeaux.
-It wasn't me. Maybe my double?

At the time, I hadn't been born.

-And now?
-And n...?

Now I'm coming out of my shell.

But I'm lost.
Too many things I don't understand.

I fight, I doubt...

-This is none of your concerns.
-On the contrary.

You can't understand.

I'm trying to.

You intend to stay here long?

As long as possible.

If I came tomorrow, you'd be there?

Most probably.


Goodbye, sir.

Are you sure
Mr Landrecourt is engaged?

Nothing is sure
when it comes to these things.

-The tip was good, it's her.
-We take her in?

I'll first ring the mum.

Thank you, superintendent.

I'm very grateful to you.

No, don't do anything.

I'll see you in Poitiers
and we'll go together.

Perfect. Thank you.
Goodbye, superintendent.

Here you are, thanks.

Dear Hector, what happened?
Your wedding is off?

Julietta didn't love me.

I understood it and gave back
her mother the hand she gave me.

Let's change the subject, shall we?

How are you?

I missed you.

I long to be with you.


Are you happy?

I don't know.

I want to see you.
Do you want to come for dinner?

André, I'm back.

Oh, sorry.

I'm in a very good mood. And you?

What are you thinking about?

Not much.

A story that is sorting itself out.

Come, Rosie.
Let's go for a ride.

And tonight we'll go back home,
only the two of us.

Will you be cross
if I own up to something?

You want to go to Biarritz.


I invited Hector d'Alpen
for dinner tonight.

Hector d'Alpen? Who is he?

An old friend I'm very fond of.
I mentioned him.

He wants to meet you.

I'm exhausted.
I'll have a bath and change.

I don't want Hector
to see me like that.

See you later.

Make yourself pretty,
I'll tell you when Hector is here.


I put a chicken in the oven.

Shall I set the table
in the living room?

Leave it, I'll do it myself.

How did it go?

-Mission accomplished.
-What did she say?


Poor girl.

Her name was Julietta.

Poor girl.

You said it!

Let's leave it at that.

But what are you doing here?

Sorry, I hadn't recognised you.

Your name is Julietta?

You're very pretty.

But what are you waiting for?

A visitor?

He'll probably feel disoriented.

No. After having brushed
his hand over your eyes,

he'll recognise his kingdom.

Then he'll come close to me and say:

"I hadn't guessed it would be you."

"I beg your pardon."

He kneels down.

I rest my hand on his head.

And I keep still.

I hold my breath.

What did you do?

Are you moved?

It's beautiful, I know.

With the little means I had,
it wasn't easy.

You want to ruin me?

Go away.

Go away!

That's all you have to say?

I didn't expect you
to be so ungrateful.

In my dream, you looked around you,
petrified with gratefulness

and you said: "Where am I?".

I don't want you
to haunt this house anymore.

I'm unhappy.
I'm looking for a pair of eyes.

Eyes that would polish me
and make me shine.

My case.

Ever since I forgot it,
I don't like it anymore.


What weapons should I use
to fight against you?

Why do you want to fight?

You're right.

Then I surrender.

I'll go,
since you stole my attic.

Where will you go?

Where witches can't go.

You'll get bored.

I'm afraid so.

You'll feel lonely.

I know.

Then go.

Let me dream.

As you wish.


Wait a second.

I have a favour to ask you.

If you refuse, I'll understand.

I haven't said no.

Then... Kiss me, please.

Do you mind?

You seem to be doing it

Thank you.

Thank you.


If I did it again, I'd feel guilty.

You might think I'm a woman
of easy virtue.

I think you're mad.

Out of rashness or temerity.

Have I disturbed you?

I'd like to be disturbing.

You're really annoying.

I've heard that before.
You talk like my mum.

What would she say
if she saw you here?

Disguised as a vamp in this costume.

If you don't like it,
tell your fiancée.

What? You had the audacity to...

Give it back.

It was abandoned in a room.

Give it back!

I don't have any evening gown.

Should I take it myself?

Up to you.
If you touch me, I scream.

What's happening?

What's happening here?


Who screamed?

I did.

You scream on your own?

I hurt myself when looking
for the luggage.

What luggage?

Yours. Mine.

Let's go. Straight away.
We must leave this house.

First, my suitcases
are in my bedroom.

Second, I'll go when I want and
not until I find my missing items.

Where are my powder,
my rouge, my perfume?

So? It's all here.

It's not all here!

It's my toilet water,
not my perfume.

And this is my day rouge

and my evening powder. But my day
powder, evening rouge and perfume?

-Your day perfume?
-You've got a nerve!

That's the last straw!

You could knock.

Where are the day rouge,
evening powder and perfume?

-From dawn?
-You've got a nerve!

-That's the last straw.
-I was guessing.

Give them to me.

You'll bring them back?

No. Yes.

Yesterday's rouge, yesternight's
powder and yesteryear's perfume.

-The gown.
-Not the gown.

Will you let go of this gown?

Let's share!


Go and get it yourself.

Thank you.

Are you mad?


What are you doing?

Retrieving your gown.

My gown?

Let go of it.

Let go!

Let go!

Will you let go?

You'll tear it!

Go away!

Leave it.

This is all there is left of it.

He didn't touch the buttons.

Who did that?
Who took this gown?

-The dog.
-The dog took it in my room?

No, but I took it to iron it.

Why? It didn't need ironing.

-A bit.

So while I was looking for
your perfume, the dog came in.

And he stole your gown.
He's so young.

This dog is so young
he took my gown for a roast?

You shouldn't make fun of me.
You're pushing it too far.

Where is all the furniture?

I had it taken away.
You didn't like it.

Taken away?

By whom?

A cabinetmaker.
I wanted it to be a surprise.

If you wanted it to be a surprise,
it's a success.

You intend to have dinner in this
cold room, this ice rink for mice?

You fought with the cabinetmaker?

No. I tripped.

I'm through.

-I'm off.
-Me too. Let's go.

You go your way.
I'll go my way.

As you wish.

Oh, Rosie...

Look at us. We're arguing because
of a gown and a cabinetmaker?

No, because this house
changes you.

-It's not the house.
-It is the house.

It's hostile to me.
I feel it.

Everything is turning against me,
even you.

If you love me, you'll have
to choose. Your house or me.

We'll think about it.

You need to think if you love me?

Yes. No.

Your house or me,
take it or leave it.

We'll live somewhere else.

You'll sell it?

-I'll sell it.

We'll go tonight with Hector.
I need to go back to Paris.

Why Paris?

My hair is dirty, my nails are
broken, my clothes are creased.

I need to spend a few days
in a civilised place.


Penguins, seals...

Anything but these two women.

The North Pole.
Alone... With a whale.

And an edelweiss in my tooth mug.

I'm off. Farewell.
Good luck to you.

This is what I'll tell them.

Women can be a pain, but what about
a nice, gentle girl, like...

If I were you, I'd keep quiet.
You liar.

Mission accomplished. Poor girl.

What are you doing?

After 35 years' loyal service,
I'm resigning.

-Perfect, I'm selling the house.
-Just as well.

At least you won't bring
your Eskimo children,

or dishonour young girls.
Your father would have been upset.

It's always been a good house.

-What are you talking about?
-I know what I know.

-What do you know?
-The truth, and it's not pretty.

You should be ashamed of
what you did to this young girl.

-What did I do to her?
-She told me everything.

You kidnapped her,
you held her hostage.

With all the degrees you have...

-I dishonoured you?

-I have Eskimo children?
-That, I don't know.

Are you an empty-headed girl,
like all the rest? Why do you lie?


Why can't you stop lying
each time you open your mouth?

What do you want from me?
Will you tell me?

Nothing. I'm sorry.

It's a bit late for that.
Tomorrow, you'll talk to the police.

-Trust me, because I don't lie.
-You do.

You make horrible lies.
Useful and vulgar lies.

I only lie when it's useless,
to make it nicer or more fun.


Your first name.
I know that's true.

Julietta disappeared from a train.
Escape or suicide?

Neither, you know that. I left
the train to give you your case.

That's a fact.

-And after?
-After, I...

I didn't want to go back,
that's all.

-I'm engaged.
-Oh, no, please.

Enough lies. I met you
as a widow hunted by a prince.

I'm engaged to a prince.

And I wanted to be a widow.

Please, tell me the truth.

You don't understand
I need to know?

You don't understand
I can't lie to you anymore?

The prince exists and he loves me.

You keep silent.

Don't you think it's crazy
someone should love me?

Carry on.

-I don't want to marry him.


You should have told him.

It's not easy to break a promise.

It's not easy, I grant you that.

So I hid here.

And you came back.
You turned me into your secret.

You made us a couple
that only exists for us.

You're on a desert island.
With your Robinson.

Your Crusoe.


-Will you do me a favour?
-Of course.

If you don't want to, tell me.

Kiss me, please.

Why are you crying?

I'm not crying. I'm in pain.

It's all your fault.

You opened a wound in me,

through which the small Julietta
is escaping.

I was fearless,
now I'm scared.

I used to guess everything,
now I don't know anything.

Will I become stupid and deaf
like grown-ups?

Goodbye, sir.

You want to leave?

I can't stay here.

I disturbed your life.

I need your help.

-Would you like to help me?
-Of course.

I'm going to have
to plead a difficult case,

where the culprit has no mitigating
circumstances whatsoever.

I'll have to find some arguments
to save his life.

What can I do to help you?

Stay here.

Close to me.

Don't move.

In hard times, I always came here,
to think things through.

No. Don't say anything.

Don't say a word.

You don't have to say anything.

Hector, how nice to see you.

Prettier than ever.

What's wrong?
How are you?

Not well.

Take me away from here.

Already? I told you
he wasn't right for you.

He is right for me.
We love each other but...

But ever since we came here,
he behaves insanely.

When love is around,
there is no "but".

With "buts", love takes its leave.

Maybe. I don't know.

Take me for dinner in a nice place.

This house is lovely.
What's wrong with it?

I'll never come back here.

Where is he?

For two days, he's been spending
his time in the attic.

Will you always run up to her
when she calls?

No. It's the last time.

We're made for each other.
How could we ever forget it?

It might be time we remembered it?

Here is André.

You have a lovely house.
Glad to visit it.

Buy it, he wants to sell it.

Rosie is not serious.

I'll never sell this house.


I would have liked
to have you for dinner

but I think our friend
changed her mind.

I would have gladly stayed

but this beautiful woman's wish
is my command.

Let's have dinner
in a cheerful place.

Would you mind excusing me?

Not at all.
Hector will bring me back to Paris.

-As you wish.
-Wait here, I'll take my suitcases.

I'm sad to think
you'll have bad memories.

Don't be sad,
I only keep good memories.

I apologise. I misbehaved.

Not at all.

I did. I shouldn't have lied to you.

I should have told you
about the girl in the attic.

A girl? What are you talking about?

She was here when we came.
I didn't dare tell you.

I hid her in the attic.

The gown, the thunder,

the teaspoon, it was her.

No need to invent this to cover
for your owls and your gardener.

I'm not inventing anything.

Enough of your attic.

Why wouldn't there be
a girl in the attic?


The attic is the place
to hide sulky girls.

Let's invite her for dinner.

-I doubt she'll want to.
-Enough of this.

I'll go.
So there's a girl in your attic?

No dog, owl, thunder or pipe?

Only a girl in the attic?

I'm totally crazy, deaf and stupid?

No, on the contrary.

I'm telling you you've been perfect.

Yes, I'm always perfect.

I'll be perfect till the end

and till I ridicule you,
your country and your attic.

Let her be.

You're charming but I think you
don't understand women in general

and this one in particular.

Why do you want her
to believe the truth?

So? Where is your girl?
Was she eaten alive by rats?

You owe me some explanations.

Which explanations?
I told you there was a girl.

She missed her train in Poitiers.

I put her up in this house.

I find your story very interesting.


Hector, are you also
losing your mind?

No, it's over.
I know who was hiding here.

Nobody. I don't know why
he invented this story.

It's been going on for two days.
What was he doing here?

Black masses?

I know why I couldn't find
any candles in the house.

Come on, let's go.

Hector, what are you doing here?
Where is Julietta?

Sorry, I don't have a clue. Goodbye.

You must first tell me what you did
with my daughter. I want her back.

Good luck. I didn't find her.

My respects. Come, Rosie.

-Where is Mr Landrecourt?
-He was here a minute ago.

Mr Landrecourt?

-I'm exhausted.
-Behave yourself.

Mr Landrecourt!

My dear little Arthur.

There is no little Arthur anymore.

I need your help!

What did the beast do to you?

I had managed to tame him but
my mum just arrived with the police.

To arrest Mr André?

And his father, up there,
has to suffer this shame.

I'm the one they want to arrest.

Poor girl.

Help me, please.

Your little Arthur
is going to help you.

Luckily, there's still
some juice in there.

You came at the right time.
Are you looking for Julietta?

She left. You understand?

My car!

-She took a car, do something!
-I am doing something.

Not you. Your role in this story
is more than dubious.

I could arrest you
for kidnapping a minor.

He's so nice.

Stay here
and be ready for the police.

Do your job, find her.

Let's go after her.
You'll arrest him later.

You, hop in.

-He's really nice.
-Yes, very nice.


I have something urgent
to tell you.

-I want to marry your daughter.
-Which one?

-How many do you have?

Julietta? Good luck with her!


You were forgetting your case again.

I was so afraid I had lost you.

Did you win your case?


Oh yes!

I am...

I am sentenced
to love you for all eternity.