Jubilee (1978) - full transcript

Queen Elizabeth I travels to late twentieth-century Britain to discover a tawdry and depressing landscape where life mostly seems aimless and is anyway held cheap. Three post-punk girls while away their vacuous existence as best they can, from time-to-time straying into murder to relieve the boredom.

John Dee.

Some pretty distractions,
which you call angels...

call forth to forget our cares.

Some aquavit to pass this hard night
for our pleasure...

and this our gentlewoman.

Your Majesty, as-- as once a virgin,
fashioned the whole earth...

so by a virgin
it shall have rebirth.

So says the old sage, wisdom.

Dear Doctor John...

our triumphant antimony...

our kingdom's eyes.

This me pleaseth to see
and have discourse with angels.

Your Majesty,
the spell we cast forth...

in the name of Christ Jesus
and his angelic hosts...

calling forth the fiery,
spiritual creature...

our angel Ariel.


angel commander of the ten hosts...

I cast for Ariel,
pearl of fire...

my only star.

God's moonbeam,
send forth my flower.

The smoke and ashes of ages past...

which hangs like morning mist
in veils across the universe...

parts in swirls and eddies...

and through them,
the shooting star, my angel Ariel...

flies with mirrored eyes,
leaving a sparkling phosphorescent trail...

across the universe.


Down he plummets towards Earth...

through the great vacuum...

on the curve of infinity.

And like a fiery rose,
he descends...

to Mortlake.

All hail, great master.

Grave sir, hail.

I come to answer thy best pleasure...

be it to fly, to swim...

to dive into the fire,
to ride upon the curled clouds...

to thy strong bidding.

Ariel... and all his quality.

This vision exceedeth all expectation.

Such an abstract never before I spied.

An angel, Your Majesty,
is the sun's true shadow.

Spirit Ariel...

Her Majesty wishes to have knowledge...

to swim in those pure waters...

which are the essence of that
which bind all creation.

By me...

this task shall be performed.

For I am that pure and clarified spirit...

by which thou mayest turn all metals...

to the most pure gold.

Sweet Majesty,
pluck up thy heart...

and be merry...

for I will reveal to thee...

the shadow of this time.

Break it up, kids.
Get against the wall.

All right. Move.
Right up there. Come on.

Come on!


Run! Come on! Run!

All right, girls.

We are now proud to welcome...

Miss Amyl Nitrate...

England's glory...

who's going to tell us
the exciting story...

of her misspent life.

The world is no longer
interested in heroes.

So sad.

We now know too much
about them, don't we?

Do you know any real heroes?


I don't.

Anyway, let me introduce you to...
Amyl Nitrate.

She's our heroine.

Our school motto is
Faites vos d?sirs r?alit?.

Make your desires reality.

I myself prefer the song,
"Don't Dream It, Be It."

"In those days, desires weren't allowed
to become reality.

"So fantasy was substituted for them--

"films, books, pictures.

"They called it 'art.'

"But when your desires
become reality...

you don't need fantasy
any longer, or art."

"I always remembered the school motto.

"As a child,
my heroine was Myra Hindley.

"Do you remember her?

"Myra's crimes were, they said,
beyond belief.

"That was because no one
had any imagination then.

"They really didn't know
how to make their desires reality.

"They were not artists like Myra.

"One can smile now at their na?vet?.

"When, on my 15th birthday...

"law and order were finally abolished...

"all those statistics that were
a substitute for reality...


"The crime rate dropped to zero.

"Who believed in statistics then?

"Only the vital ones.

"In any case, I started to dance.

I wanted to defy... gravity?"

I haven't danced for a long time.

No one is interested
in the ballet anymore.

But history still fascinates me.

It's so intangible.

You can weave facts
anywhere you like.

Good guys can swap places
with bad guys.

You might think Richard III of England
was bad, but you'd be wrong.

What separates Hitler from Napoleon...

or even Alexander?

The size of the destruction,
or is he nearer to us in time?

Was Churchill a hero?

Did he alter history for the better?

Now, my friend Mad, on the sofa,
is a pyromaniac.

But she thinks she's a revolutionary
out to better the world.

I'm not so sure.

The boys in the bed
are Sphinx and Angel.

They're from Deptford and brothers.

Their relationship is quite peculiar...

but they're nice enough.

And over there at the wash basin
is Chaos, our French au pair.

Life in England these days is inflationary...

but we're carrying on regardless...

coping with misgovernment
and idiocy on every side.

Oh, Carnation from Floris.

Not all the good things
have disappeared.

Shit! Piss!

- What's up, Amyl?
- I've broken my Winston Churchill mug.

- Oh, look.
- Oh, Winston!

- Oh.
- Oh, don't worry. We'll stick him together.

- Got a bit of glue. Don't worry.
- Oh, look.

- You got any glue? Got any glue?
- Yeah, yeah.

"Teach Yourself History,
by Amyl Nitrate"

"Number one:
'The History of England."'

"It all began with William the Conqueror...

"who screwed the Anglo-Saxons
into the ground...

"carving the land into theirs and ours.

"They lived in mansions
and ate beef at fat tables...

"whilst the poor lived in houses,
minding the cows on a bowl of porridge--

"whilst they pushed them around
with their arrogant foreign accents.

- There were two languages in the land--"
- What two languages?

Chinese and Liverpudlian.
How do I know?

- What about Norman?
- Norman who?

Oh, fuck off.

"There were two languages in the land,
and the seeds of war were sown.

"At first the two sides coexisted...

"meeting only on the racetrack
and the battlefield...

whilst they fought
the rest of the world--"

That's you, Chaos--
"who they despised more than each other.

"Now one day,
when there was no one left to fight...

"it dawned on them that
the real enemy was at home...

and that they should
fight themselves.

"Having grown greedy on the booty
they had looted from the rest of the world...

"they decided to fight with money.

"But by now this was made with paper,
so it was pretty worthless.

"So, when they discovered this...

they took to fighting with guns."

"The rest of the world sighed
a sigh of relief to be rid of them...

"and got on with their own business...

and England slowly sank into the sea."

Who you writing this crap for, Amyl?


It's a hobby.

When I'm not making history,
I write it.

I try to compress it.

It'd be great if all history
could be written on a Mandrax.

This is how to compress it.
You forget it!

What are you doing that for?

I'll compress you, you--


- Ow!
- Fuck off, Mad!

Help me, Sphinx. Amyl's a raving lunatic.
I'm a damsel in distress.

You clammy slag.

You've sat in the K-Y
with your fat arse!

Oh, fuck off!

You get it, Angel.
The exercise will do you good.

I'm gonna show your brother
the real thing.

- Fuck off.
- Oh, fuck off yourself.

Who is it?

It's Bod.

Shut your eyes, all of you.

Shut your eyes, Angel.

Where'd you get it from?

I captured it in Deptford.

It's high fashion.

Now shall one king
rise up against another...

and there shall be bloodshed
throughout the whole world.

Fighting between the devil...

his kingdom and the kingdom of light.

What'd you say your name was again?


- You want some more eggs?
- No, thank you.

- Want a cigarette?
- No, thanks.

What do you do?

Nothing. I'm a musician.

You're gorgeous.

I could get you a job
with Borgia Ginz.

He's always looking for new talent.

He owns the media.

My name is Crabs, by the way.

I'm an actress.

- Ever see War and Peace?
- No.

- Tea, please.
- Hi, Crabs.

Hello, Viv.

Where have you been all my life?

Now, now, Crabs.
Don't worry.

She won't take him from you.
She's got me.

I like a girl with talent.

- So where's Amyl?
- Burning the midnight oil.

Working on her decline and fall.

- Who's that?
- That's Bod.

She's royalty.

Don't like the way she looks.
My dad had a suit like that.

Um, I think it's kind of nice.

She liberated it from
a Russian diplomat...

she fucked at the Dorchester.

After he came,
she put his clothes on in the dark.

She found a thousand pounds
in the jacket.

Wears it for luck now.

You're a sucker for sex.
Why don't you keep up with the times, Crabs!

You're an antique,
like this place.

- What's the postcard, Mad?
- It's New York.

And you can forget it.

It just had the bread
to con the rest of the world.

America's dead;
it's never been alive.


It had better be.

Why don't you read the label, Bod?

All these ruins.

All this concrete,
brick and glass...

and the people who made them
are utterly forgotten.

The prisons we live in today...

might have taken
more than a day to build...

but it doesn't take long to destroy them.

You cow!
Get out of my place!

- Oh, cor, cor.
- Oh, look at this!

Come on, Viv.
Let's split.

Come on, Angel,
before she burns the place down.

No one's gonna help you,
so help yourselves.

No! Oh, no!


No. No. Ah.

If your house is ugly,
then burn it.

If the street you live in depresses you,
then bulldoze 'em down.

And if the cook can't cook,
then you kill her. All right?


For a moment, I thought
you were gonna kill her.

Just dress rehearsal.

Oh, I was glad to get away.
Mad's so crazy.

- Not to worry.
- Well, I know she's right.

- That's what upsets me.
- Bit bare in here, isn't it?

Well, she's got a bed,
doesn't she?

- What you do in here all day?
- I'm a painter.

An artist.

Very good.

Didn't know there was
any artists anymore.

Yeah, there aren't.
Painting's extinct.

Art isn't.
It's just a habit.

I started painting when I was eight...

copying dinosaurs from a picture book.

It was prophetic.

- I'm alive.
- So am I.

Artists steal the world's energy.

Bet they never get caught.


They become blood donors.

Their lifeblood drips away...

until they're bled dry.

And the people who control the world...

make it as inaccessible as possible...

by driving the artists into corners.

You see, it's dangerous.

Our only hope
is to recreate ourselves...

as artists or anarchists,
if you like...

and release the energy for all.

My brother's an artist.
A piss artist.

Love in a void it's so numb

Avoid in love it's so dumb

Love in a void

- Jaded reputation on which you're staking
- Rocks don't lose their shape



Diamonds are a girl's best friend

- De da de da
- What a fucking awful day.

Da dum
Quite New Wave, don't you think?

Oh, give us a break.

I'm gonna make it
into a crash helmet.

- That'd give it some use.
- Mmm.

That would be distinctive.
Why didn't you steal the pearls as well?

I never liked pearls.

- Or oysters.
- Yeah.

Pearls are for the pure.

And the world's your oyster,
so swallow it.

De dum dum da dum

De da dum de da da da


What's that?

- It's Top of the Pops.
- What, again?

Yeah, they believe in overkill.

Mmm, he's cute.
Who is it?

Waiting for our caviar.

- How should I know?
- I don't take trash to rot

Now come on, you morons.

We have the right to work

- What are we gonna do this evening?
- We have the right to work

- We have the right to work
- Only thing that's open after 11:00...

in this fucking country
are the police cells.

Right on, Bod. If you're bored,
join the National Front.

Mmm. Why don't you
take up embroidery, doll?

There's so little electricity
in this country.

Maybe it's fused!

Da da da da dum de da--

Ah, real help at last.

- We'll try the fox-trot
- Hello?

- I'll eat a mango
- Who?

- You drink a straight scotch
- What?

Most people would hang up.
She's hanging on for dear life.

Oh, yes, I'd love to come.

- Who is it?
- God. Borgia Ginz.

The impresario.

He wants my opinion
on his latest find.

- Are you going?
- Of course.

Oh, how the mighty are... fallen.

She's got no principles.

I thought you were gonna
introduce me to Borgia Ginz.

Ah. I don't give away
my connections that easily.

You gotta convince me
you're worth it first.

And she doesn't need
much convincing, dear.

Anyway, I'm going.

Well... she's in for a surprise.

You wanna know my story, babe.

It's easy.

This is the generation who grew up...

and forgot to lead their lives.

They were so busy...

watching my endless movie.

It's power, babe. Power.

I don't create it.
I own it.

I sucked and sucked and I sucked.

The media became their only reality...

and I own their world
of flickering shadows.





C. of E.

You name it.

I bought them all...
and rearranged the alphabet.

Without me...

they don't exist.

My God!

It's Amyl Nitrate!

Sieg heil!

She's England's entry
for the Eurovision Song Contest.

She's my number one.

Rule Britannia



Rule Britannia



Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

When Britain first
at heaven's command

Arose from out the azure main

Arose, arose, arose
from out the azure main

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Rule Britannia

- Britannia
- Britannia

Britannia rules the waves


Never, never, never
shall be slaves

Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah ah ah

Rule Britannia

- Britannia
- Britannia

Britannia rules the waves


Never, never, never
shall be slaves


Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

Sieg heil!

Rule Britannia


- Britannia
- Britannia

Rule Britannia

- Britannia
- Britannia

- Britannia
- Britannia

Rule Britannia


To you, Elizabeth of England,
is granted the greater vision...

that man perceives
but little and rarely.

Beyond this labyrinth...

and the serpent of memory...

is the still point of the world...

that gateway which men seek.

It is everywhere and nowhere.

It is here and now.

Rounded time turns in a circle
throughout infinity.

In you is the beginning
and the end...

and the forgetfulness beyond.

He who murders
will swim in blood...

lapping against the bounds of time.

But he who sings with joy...

will be continuously greeted
with joyfulness.

Every deed you accomplish
accompanies you throughout time.

Consider the world's diversity...

and worship it.

By denying it's multiplicity...

you deny your own true nature.

Equality prevails
not for the gods' sake...

but for man's.

Men are weak...

and cannot endure
their manifold nature.


He's great, isn't he?
I picked him up at the roadblock.

- What's your name?
- Happy Days.

Where are you from?

World's end.

Why do you encourage them, Crabs?
You'll only get the clap.

Tough shit, you virgin queen.

Where were you last night?

Anyway, I like him.
He's got a great arse.

Yeah, he's a real sex object.

A real cute sex object.

Uh! Back to work!

No tea breaks!

For Christ's sake, Crabs,
leave off!

What do you see
in these damn studs anyway?

Hey, you.
Why don't you push off!

- Oh, leave the guy alone.
- Fuck off!

He's better than a vibrator and bigger.

You are.
Don't worry about her.

Her parents were Christians.
She was born with a hang-up.


- I'm coming!
- Hang on!

Oh, another hit-and-run merchant!

Just hold it, mate, or it's curtains for you!
Don't you spurt.

We'll pound you.

They all want to cream
as quick as a flash of zipper.

It's a lower form of life.

Christ. Blue movies for breakfast
is more than I can stomach.

Oh, I like to watch.

- Fuckin' hell.
- Oh, neat.

Just right, man.
Hold it.

You fucking bitch!
Look at this!

Get off, you--

Oh, neat, neat, neat.
Perfect. That's it.

Do you think he's dead?

Dial 9-9-9.


One, two, three.

- And--
- Wait. Hold on. Wait. Christ.

- Heave--
- Heave ho!

- Makes me rather sad.
- Oh, cut it out, Crabs.

Mm. Just for a moment,
I thought he was the one.

Go on. Laugh.
I really did.

Shit, your mind's really blown, Crabs.

- Why are you all against me?
- We're not.

We're just trying to save you...
from yourself!

Yeah, your mind's like
a faded collage...

of Penthouse and true romance.

Just for a moment
I fell in love with him.

Love snuffed it with the hippies.

Sex is for geriatrics.

The mindless.

O, my love is like

A red, red rose

That's newly sprung in June

O, my love

Is like a melody

That's sweetly played in tune

So fair art thou my bonnie lass

So deep in love am I


I will love thee still, my dear

Till all the seas gang dry

Well, Viv, it's your turn now.

We're steppin' back.

Us boys, we've been
in the limelight now...

five thousand years.

Great, isn't it?

He hands over to you
just as time's running out.

- Oof.
- When there's no chance.

That's what I call friendship.

Well, I mean,
the end's inevitable.

It's either now or later.

It's what makes the present so vital.

Take your partners
for the last waltz.

I love you.

And I Iove you, Angel.

I love you both.
Both of you.

You seem to have got
things sorted out.

Well, why look for anything else?

Life's too short.

All that desperate search
for one place...

that's better than the next.

And I will come again

My dear

Tho' it were

Ten thousand mile

My brother's great, isn't he?

- Ha!
- Perfect.

It's a nice day.
Let's go out.

Piss off.

It's the biggest studio
in the world, Kid.

Borgia bought it from the liquidator.

Christ, it's huge!

Borgia does everything with style.

You didn't believe me, did you?


that was W-Wall Street.

They say the dollar's crashing
since you withdrew your support.

I'm not interested...

in peanuts economy, Schmeitzer.

Now, let's get down
to the real business.

Committing a murder
in the overcrowded cage

Well, sir, we've sold 50 million copies
of "Paranoia Paradise"...

in Moscow alone
in the last three days.

Lounge Lizard's number one.

As long as the music's loud enough...

we won't hear
the world falling apart.

Black is black
white is white

Life is life, baby
nine to five

Oh, excuse me, sir.

There was a message earlier
from M-Madame Mao.

She said she wanted
to be in a film.

She won't be in this one.

I can assure you.

The alien way
to every word you say

Is an inspiration
to an uninspired day

Black is black
white is white

E-Excuse me, Mr. Ginz...

but it's Miss Crabs to see you.

Hi there, Borgia.

I hope I'm not interrupting,
but, uh, this is strictly business.

I've been doing a little
talent scouting for you.

He's called The Kid,
but he's pure sex.

I'm gonna be his manager.

- Mmm.
- Well.

What can I do for you?

Or rather...

what can you do for me?

Hello, Mr. Gi-Ginz.

Oh! You see?
He's a natural!

He's gonna be the new Garbo!

Garbo is very p-profitable.

I'll take him into the theater...

and audition him.

Just for you, Crabs.

I'll call Bod.
She'll be so jealous.

I don't care about the money.

- I just don't wanna get ripped off.
- Oh! Shh.

Please let me see
the light of day

Turn it on an island in my
you don't understand

They don't care
They don't see

There's a light in the nigh
for people like me

Oh, you useless prat.

I know where there's
some lovely flowers.


- Where?
- Max's.

It's a bit far, isn't it?

We can go by car.

Good old Max.

You'll love him.

- Hello, Max.
- Hi, Max.

This is Viv.
She's a friend.

- Hello, girl.
- Hi.

Okay. Come in.
We're round the back.

- Watch your foot, son.
- Praying for rain, eh?

- Hello, Bod.
- Hello.

- What a crazy garden, Max.
- Yeah.

I had a bad case of weeds,
so I sprayed it all with poison.

It looked a bit sad then,
so I planted all these plastic petunias.

Max has been telling me about his adventures
as a mercenary, since he left the army.

Aw, the army was a fucking con.

It was a way of solving
the unemployment problem...

before they gave up entirely.

You're more likely to die of red tape
in the Guards than a bullet.

I ran a sideline, sellin' the boys
to the local punters in the pub.

The army sees more action
in bed these days.

Ah, no.
Damn it.

This carnation's got mildew.

Yeah, we never got a chance
to kill anyone in the army...

so I used to kill the weeds
in the garden of an evening instead.

- Yeah, it must have been frustrating in the army.
- You're not kiddin'.

Just think. We're sittin' on enough megatons
to blast a sunrise into the west...

and no one's prepared
to press the fuckin' button.

It's a bleedin' waste. I mean,
think what it all cost. I pay my taxes.

The're probably so bored...

- they haven't got the energy.
- Yeah.

War got so big...

it lost all contact with people.

Yeah, well, the reaction's set in.
It's moved back onto the streets.

Politicians helped, though.

They demoralized everyone
so much talkin' about devalued money...

as if it was all
most of us cared about.

Their popularity died with the pound.

It's funny how, when you try
for one thing, you end up with another.

Personally, though,
I prefer the world dead.

I mean, it's cleaner.

My idea of a perfect garden...

is a remembrance poppy field.

There's a caterpillar.

There's a fucking caterpillar
in the tulips.


What the hell.
It's full of protein.

Hey, come down to the bingo parlor tonight.
You might win a prize..

- Right.
- Ta-ra!

- See you down there. Ta-ra! Ta-ra!
- Ta-ra!

Fuckin' kids.

Little ears will be much better

When you are a r-r-real go-getter

Gonna take you down
all the way

Ooh ooh ooh

Plastic surgery

- It's so
- Plastic

Plastic surgery it's fantastic

You better take me away, yeah


Oh, yeah

So don't go sitting in the sun

Your new face
might start to run

Just forget your makeup scheme

Clean your face with Mr. Sheen
Ooh, I'm gonna

Take you down to Harley Street

Plastic surgery

It's so plastic

Oh, yeah
Plastic surgery

- It's fantastic
- Fantastic

I'm gonna take you down
I'm gonna take you down

Take you, take you down
Oh, I'm gonna take you down

I'm gonna take you down to

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

Ah, ooh, la-la-la

You're signed up!

Now... what are we going to call you?


That's it! That's it.


That's commercial.

It's all they deserve.

- You're great.
- Uh, plastic surgery.

Really, you're great.
Now take my advice.

Keep away from her.

She'd sell her soul
for a couple of inches.

The music industry's dead.

You're better off on the streets.
It's not worth it.

He'll steal your voice...
and sell it.

He doesn't care if the mindless public
hears your words or not.

He just wants to package you.

When he's through with you, you'll just be
another face on another cover. Hey.

Why don't you come along
and sing to me, huh?

And the devil came unto him...

and took him to a very high place.

And he showed him
all the boroughs of London.

And then the devil said...

"I'll give you all this...

if you'll go down on your knees."

And he answered,
knowing full well...

it was built by the
Department of the Environment...

and was a rip-off...

"Fuck off, Satan."

And Satan left...

- and an angel came...
- Yeah?

and ministered unto him.


That's where Angel and I was born.

I never lived below the 14th floor...

till I was old enough
to run away.

Never saw the ground
till I was four.

Just locked alone
with the telly all day.

First time I saw flowers,
I freaked.

I was frightened of dandelions.

Me old gran picked one once.
I had hysterics.

Everything in that tower block
was regulated.

Planned by the social planners...

to the lowest common denominator.

Sight: concrete.

Sound: the telly.

Touch: plastic.
Taste: plastic.

Seasons regulated by thermostat.

Once a year, me mum and dad...

dusted down the plastic Christmas tree...

and exchanged pathetic presents.

Didn't know I was dead
till I was 15.

Never experienced love or hate.

My generation's the blank generation.

Hmm, two.

Home and dry.
It's my lucky day.

And you threw a double.

Hmm. I've won a beauty contest.
Second prize.

- Oh.
- You'd only win second.

- First.
- Collect ?10 from each player.

And quick.

I'll trade Whitehall for Piccadilly.

- Don't do it, Crabs.
- Oh, shut up.

I'll give you Piccadilly...

?200 cash--

a deal under the table...

- and... all of British Rail.
- Ah!

What's a nice girl like you
doing trading Piccadilly?

You'd be lost without it.

I'm spaced.

Let's call a halt.

- Amyl will win in any case.
- Win what?

Anyone who can afford to build hotels
on the Old Kent Road's bound to.

I'm gonna make some tea.
Anybody want any?

- Uh-uh.
- Mm-mmm.

Go get the black book, Amyl.

Let's plan the future.

Good-bye, baby, and amen!

What could be better than that?


Must be something pretty
in here somewhere.

There you are.
What about meeting him on a dark night?

Fuck. There's no one left.
They're all dead.


Who's that?

Lounge Lizard.
You think he's still alive?

Never heard of him.

Ew. He looks like death.

Kiss of death.

The world won't miss his missing...

You're crazy, Bod.

I love you!

Let's go!

Come on, Chaos.

Let's get Lounge Lizard.

Go on, Crabs.

- Whoo!
- Let's go, Crabs!

Oh, I'm on TV again?

Oh, my big hit.
This earned me millions.

Late last night
after I went to bed

I got a demonic feeling in my head

Yes, I did.
And you know--

Something pulled my legs apart

And I felt it right up to my heart

- Paranoia
- Paranoia

- Paradise
- Paradise

It's sure gonna be
the death of me

- Ask Adam and Eve
- Ask Adam and Eve

Now, Eve didn't think
that the devil was bad

No, the naughty boy.

But to her he was an angel
that just turned bad

No, red. Red is the word.
But what about communism?

Part of God's heaven
is what the devil had

God kicked the devil out

It doesn't matter.
I'm so rich. I'm filthy rich.

- I could eat my own glasses.
- Paranoia

Ooh, that was a no-no.

- Paradise
- Paradise

Is sure gonna be the death of me

- Ask Adam and Eve
- Ask Adam and Eve

- Paranoia
- Paranoia

- Paradise
- Paradise

Is sure gonna be
the death of me

- Ask Adam and Eve
- Ask Adam and Eve

- Here we go. Another go. Paranoia paradise
- Paranoia paradise

- Paranoia paradise
- Paranoia paradise

- Paranoia paradise
- Paranoia paradise

- Paranoia paradise
- Paranoia paradise

Oh, yes. Uhh.

A star shines forever.

Stars never go out.
The galaxy is full of stars.

True stars.

Remember the days.

Good evening, backstage.

This is Miss Slaughter here...

bringing you the very latest
and important world events.

And tonight we have...

Lounge Lizard...

who's granted us
an exclusive interview...

from the privacy of his own home!

First of all, Lounge...

tell me what it's like...
to be dead.


I'm gonna vomit.

I bet you're loving it!

Oh, I love it.

Fucking great!

I am sorry.

However, we do allow you to take...

seven records with you...

of your own choice.

What a taste.

What a buzz.
Amyl, give us a Coke.

Give us a Coke, Amyl.

A great chill embraceth this place.

Your Majesty, by our leave.

'Tis a true marvel.

What signifieth this corpse?

A dark parable it is...

to my understanding.

Light and dark,
hot or cold...

living... or dead...

mankind is attracted
by the polarities.

Seeing or not seeing.

Sweet angel...

little I thought to be thus transported
from my dear England.

Spirit Ariel...

we would have knowledge of God.

Please Your Majesty.

Gaze deep into the crystal.


Elizabeth of England...

a feather in the wind of time...

pray for knowledge of God...

from the deep whirlwind of shadows...

on the edge of the abyss.

Where is God?

Is God dead?

Save your souls,
ladies and gentlemen.

The greatest live show on Earth.

Save your soul. Welcome to the
palace of heavenly delights.

And did those feet

In ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green

And was the Holy Lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen

And did the Countenance Divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills

And was Jerusalem


Builded here

Among these dark satanic mills

And here's the man
who made it all possible.

Cardinal Borgia Ginz.

The man who picked up
the 30 pieces of silver...

and made the movie
you saw on TV.

This is your last chance, folks.
So come on in.

Borgia Ginz is giving up the theater
and going into the car park business.

Without progress...

life would be unbearable.

Progress has taken the place of heaven.

It's like pornography:

Better than the real thing.

They prefer the shadows.

The light's too cruel for them.

They're all working for me...

and they follow blindly...

under life insurance.

Sent me

To give you

A little

Bit of sympathy

Ooh, I'm gonna

Hey, Mad, do you wanna hear
my new chapter, "Civilization"?

What, are you gonna serialize it?

Hold it everybody. Another Mandrax
history lesson from Amyl!

Oh, fuck off.
Here goes any case.

"On human rights:
Human beings have no rights...

"but some dumb fuck's
told them they have them.

"First political rights--
freedom of speech and things like that.

"And if that wasn't enough,
they were told they had material rights too.

"They forgot about
the political rights soon enough...

"but they got hooked
on the material ones.

"One desolate suburban acre and a car...

"then a TV, fridge...

"and another car.

"That was by right, mind you,
but the habit demanded more and more.

"The day came when the expectations
couldn't be fulfilled any longer...

"and everyone felt cheated.

"So here we are in the present--
fucking great--

"with civilization destroyed by resentment.

"But since civilization itself was always
fucking awfully boring for everyone...

"who gives a shit?

We can do without it."

Plastic surgery

It's fantastic
You better take me away


- Oh, yeah
- Get the salt, Mad.

All right.

Hmm, it's a really neat job, isn't it?

A bit permanent.

- I can't find any salt.
- Oh, it's on the shelf.

- Is it behind the HP?
- Go and show her where it is, Viv.

- She's as blind as a bat.
- They're all the same.

Oh, that live show
was fucking awful.

- Where's that Borgia Ginz at?
- Nowhere.

- Yeah, where do they get those guys from?
- Oh, they dope them.

- Plastic surgery
- I saw them in the vestry.

- It showered Librium.
- Yeah, it was a real rip-off.

- It's for wankers.
- Yeah.

Oh, they're gonna take you down

Gonna take you down to

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah,
oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, ah, ah, ah

It's all fucking nostalgia.

It's the only way
they can get through the day--

avoiding pure action.

It's the entertainment business,
isn't it?

Easy come, easy go.

Yeah, well. I'm going bingo.
I promised Max.

I'm staying in.
I've got better things to do.

I'm gonna get zapped.
I really like TV when I'm stoned.

Yeah, well, I'm going bingo.

Come on, Kid.
Come on, Angel.

- You coming, Viv?
- No, I think I'll stay here.

Come on.
There's nothing here for you.

Come and have some fun.

- Okay.
- Whoo!

Come on.
See ya!


Come on.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Max's
Bingo Palace. It's a laugh a minute.

Okay, now.
Eyes down for the full house.

Lots of lovely prizes tonight.

First prize donated
by General Idi Amin.

One of the privates
got a chop last week.

We're not prejudiced here, you know.
Second prize: tin of baked beans.

Offer definitely not to be repeated.

Okay. Let me get me balls untwisted
and away we go.

And the first one's a white.
Five and six-- 56.

And a white again.
Four and nine-- 49.

And a white.
Five and four-- 54.

And a red.
On its own, number eight.

And a red.
Legs 11.

And a white.
Four and eight.

And a green.
One and nine-- 19.

And a white.
Five and nine-- 59.

And a blue.
Three and one-- 31.

And a white.
Four and four-- 44.

God rest Jayne Mansfield.
And a blue. Three and five--

'Ere. They got Maureen.

I know.
She had the look.

You can tell, you know.

Oh, ain't it a shame?

Oh, don't be so sentimental, Joyce.

I know, but she was so young.

I know, but what did you expect?
She never carried a gun.

- Not even a knife.
- I know. She couldn't get used to it.

I told her last week in Sainsbury's,
"At least a hatpin, Maureen."

They threw the toaster in the bath,
and she was electrocuted.

Oh, my God!

What do you expect
with millions unemployed?

- Nothing.
- Fuck all!

And it's white.
Five and five-- 55

And it's white.

'Ere, I won one of them inflatables
last week for Fred.

Funny, three of us in the bed.

You ought to give it to Ted.

He'll be lonely without Maureen.

- Yeah.
- And it's white again.

Oh, my God!
I've won! House!

The lovely lady in the white hat.

Three months' supply of jubilee knickers.
Red, white and blue.

- What the 'ell do I do with them?
- Well, worth a quid.

Special Branch.

What the hell's going on?

- Special Branch. Nobody move.
- Come on. Give us a kiss.

You all right?

Yeah. I'm all right.


This'll put an end
to your history lessons.

- Hysterectomy touch?.
- Ow. Ooh, fuckin' hell.

Do you want any help, Amy!?

I got through life with brains...

and a pair of fists.

I just have to look.

- Okay. You're on.
- Come on then.

You rubber Medusa.

On my right we have...

Miss Amyl Nitrate.

And on my left...

Mad Medusa.

And may the best man win.

Oh, my fucking jaw!


What are you doing
in my chair?

The bingo--

They just--

They just killed the boys.

Like your charm, princess.

Yes, we are.

I need a piss.

Here you are, Viv.
A toast for Angel.

And another one for Sphinx.

Come on. Don't cry.

Crying won't change anything.
It's a negative reaction.

Help me make these firebombs instead.
It'll make you feel better.

We'll show those bastards.
You wait and see.

Fuck you, Mad!
Do you wanna kill us?

Britannia rules the--

Oh, this'll put us in the mood.

Burn, burn, oblivion. R.I.P.

We'll get those bastards.
We'll corner 'em.

It's party time.
Let's liberate the zoo.

Where's the razor?
Where's the razor?

I'm gonna castrate him!


I'll kill him!

Crawl! Crawl!

We'll kill you now!


Watch him crawl!


You fucking bastard!

Of course they've discovered the, uh--
the new chocolate substitute.

Sir, would you mind
if put my stuff in with yours?

I haven't got much.
You know, I'd hate to waste a machine.

- Just make yourself at home.
- Thank you.


Where'd you get the T-shirt?

Oh, T-shirt I pinched at,
uh, Seditionaries.


So do you always take your clothes off
in the launderette too?

- Mm-hmm.
- Mmm. Tr?s chic.

Must have cost a bomb.

Did you get it
in the King's Road?

Mmm. So what are you doing
after the spin dry?


I just love a man
without his uniform.



Mmm, sure is the special branch.

Let's get married.

Could have kids.

Lots of boys like you.

I want to settle down.

I think I've fallen in love.

What do you do?

- I'm an actress.
- Mm-hmm.

In between jobs at the moment.

Did you ever see Rock Follies?


- Who's that?
- I don't know. Shit. I'll get it.

No future!

Oh, li la. La, la.

The wheel turns.

In his hands...

the roses of ecstasy burn.

The ashes are upon his brow.

Waters of Leith
steal upon the golden-eyed.

He dances into silence.

Oh, li la. La, la.

Color deserts the world.

I am...

the mirror--

the fire that consumes
all that is created.

I bring the winter of thy flowers...

and the frost
that secretly destroys the temple.

Halt! Halt! Halt!

Blacks, homosexuals and Jews
are banned in Dorset.

Section one. Passport.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Any seditious literature,
records, tapes?

Hey, hold it.
That's my Elvis album.

That's on the blasphemous list too.

Right. On your way.

My God, the English Customs
are deplorable.

It used to be just
the color of your skin.

They have to be tough
to keep the riffraff out.

Dorset's the only safe place
to live now.

It's tragedy that socialism and freedom
weren't compatible.

It's wonderful, Borgia.
Is it all yours?

It used to belong
to some aristocratic family.

I requisitioned it.

Oh, well.
Carnation from Floris.

Not all the good things
have disappeared.

Sieg heil. Sieg heil.

Borgia, darling,
can I have a tank?

It would be just perfect for a Saturday
afternoon stroll down the King's Road.

Of course, darling.
You're my number one.

I'll make millions out of you.

This is my first trip to the country.

It's really exciting.
I mean, all those trees...

and the animals!

I have a passion for fur.

They all sign up in the end,
one way or another.

We lost Lounge Lizard...

and gained the Daughters of God.




Oh, my heart rejoiceth...

in the roar of the surf
on the shingles.

Marvelous, sweet music
it is to my ears.

Oh, what joy there is
in the embrace of water and earth.

Yea, a great elixir is the seashore.

Here one can dream of--

of lands far distant and the--
the earth's treasure.

The sea remindeth me of youth.

Oh, John Dee,
do you remember those days?

The whispered secrets at Oxford...

like the sweet sea breeze?

Codes and counter-codes.

The secret language of flowers.

I assigned myself with rosemary...

a true alexipharmic
against your enemies.

And I with celandine...

true gold of
the new spring of learning.

You were my eyes then as now
with your celestial geometry.

You laid a path through treachery...

and opened my prison
so that my heart flew like a swallow.

Sweet Majesty...

to me you are the celandine
now as then before...

balm against all melancholy.

Hmm. Ah...

but I was young then.

There and back.

There and back.

The waves break
on the shores of England.

The white cliffs
stand against the void.

We gaze seaward...

contemplating the night journey.

The sun sinks lower.

The moon waits
to make her entrance.

In the south at Tilly Whim...

a picture of wind on the sea.

In the west...

a vision of silver dew
falling into a chalice...

flowing on a sea of pure gold.

In the east...

a black hoarfrost--

the sun eclipsed
by the wings of the phoenix.

In the north...

a howling chaos into which
a black rain falls without ceasing.

Now... is the time of departure.

The last streamer that ties us
to what is known... parts.

We drift into a sea of storms.

And now Elizabeth and Dee go along...

the same great highway...

and the light of the air about them
seemed somewhat dark...

like evening or twilight.

And as they walked...

the phoenix spoke...

and cried with a loud voice:

"Come away."