Joy of Learning (1969) - full transcript

How do we learn? What do we know? Night after night, not long before dawn, two young adults, Patricia and Emile, meet on a sound stage to discuss learning, discourse, and the path to revolution. Scenes of Paris's student revolt, the Vietnam War, and other events of the late 1960s, along with posters, photographs, and cartoons, are backdrops to their words. Words themselves are often Patricia and Emile's subject, as are images, sounds, and juxtapositions. In addition to the two characters' musings, the soundtrack includes narration, music, news clips, and noise. The result is a montage, a meditation, a reflection on ideas and how words and images mix - and how filmmaking is a path.

12,247 images speak of her.


72,000... 127,000...

444,000 males speak of her.
About 2,600 meters.

127,000 will be faithful.


No, don't move.
I'm also stopping.

It's anti-atomic umbrella.

Yes, but I use it
as a reflector of consciousness.

Who are you?

Where are you going?

Where do you come from?

She comes from underneath the sea.

She was a third world delegate
for the new Citro?n factories

in the North Atlantic.

She was fired for giving pocket tape
recorders with printed circuits

to the employees.

So that they could record

all of the abuse
from the French bosses.

Her name is Patricia.

She's the daughter of Lumumba
and the Cultural Revolution.

Said he.

- Emile Rousseau.
- Said she.

We know, in fact,
that the opposition to the Left

obtained from its accomplices
in the government

that schooling in France
be obligatory until the age of 55.

This morning, 25,000 urban youths,
including Emile,

happily presented themselves
to the opening of classes

at the College of Sciences
in the city of lights.

But there was a sign
that said classes were full

and the doors were guarded

by the 18.4th Armored Regiment
of Parachutists.

Since Emile and his schoolmates
wanted to enter by force,

the dean of the college
called the Minister of Civil War

for him to order the parachutists
to fire on them.

The works of mathematician
Laurent Schwartz,

which had been presented

to the Russell Tribunal
two months before,

served to calculate
the angle of firing,

since it was the same
used by the B-52s

when their white phosphorus bombs
destroyed the silk factories of Hanoi.

That's how Emile was shot
in the heart.

Luckily, he carried
under his sweater

the latest issue
of Les cahiers du cin?ma.

His injury was minor.

Why did you do that?

Question of method.
And yourself?



Me. Learn.

Make them learn.

And it's up to me to turn
the weapon against the enemy

with which they attack
our language.

Yes, learn.
All we wanted was to learn.

To have the three To's.

- Which are?
- To read. To write. To count.

In the end, it's not
a very funny problem.


- We have to find a solution.
- We're not going to stay here.

And naturally, as always,
we're all alone.

Obviously, since we're
in the Middle Ages.

France is still a democracy,

and the Party isn't ready
to take over.

After all, maybe we're not
as alone as we think.

After all, yes.
We're on TV, right?

Yeah, so?

Television is in all households.
Why couldn't we be as well?

A home, isn't that an optical thing?

And in South America,
there are the homes of the revolution.

So we should go into people's homes
and ask, so that we can learn more.

First, to learn more.
Then we'll see.


First, to learn.
That's not bad.


To learn.

A society, in church.


Until the end of the earth.

And I searched.

At its simplest expression.

So, his call...

And finally, we...
People have decided to...

We can't really understand.

Of course,
they're speaking out of order.

We're all German Jews!
We're all...!

We can't really understand.

Of course,
they're speaking out of order.

- And for the rest...
- Solida...

We can't really understand.

And for the first time...

Of course,
they're speaking out of order.

I think that...

- I had gone.
- To the ends.

- Of the earth.
- Searching for.

What Rousseau calls.

Progress almost unaffected.

- Its.
- Beginnings.

- And I.
- Looked for a society.

- Reduced to its simplest.
- Expression.

The society of the Afranics
was at the point

where all I could find were men.

- The Afra-what?
- Afranics.



F-R-A-N-?-A-I-S, French.

Yes, it's the French of the year 2000,
the Afranics.

After the mutations
of the computers.


In the universities, we can meet...

This disorder
is really getting annoying.

No, listen, we study links,
relations, differences.

Organized like this,
we can put into function

the factories and universities

for the profit of the national
collectivity of all.

This disorder
is really getting annoying.

No, listen, we study links,
relations, differences.

The armed forces of the state
can do nothing against them.

Well, then, off to work.

Might as well study that.

We'll start over from scratch.

No, before starting over,
we must go.

- We'll go back to zero.
- And once we get there?

Well, we'll look around,
see if there are any traces.

Deep down, we're going to search
for what's left.

It's true, for social studies,

it's not about composing man,
but to dissolve him.

- Is that it?
- Yes, of course.

Of course. To find the solution,
whether chemical or political,

one must dissolve.

Dissolve hydrogen,
dissolve parliament.

Here, we're going
to dissolve image and sound.

- C-I?
- T.

- E.
- N.

- E.
- L.

- M-A.
- E.















Images, do we choose them?
Or do we encounter them by chance?

By chance, since we don't know
exactly what they are.

Any image.

That's not very scientific.

I don't agree. Chance is structured
just like unconsciousness.

The mentality of education is...
As well in...

Our unions have...
We're made to...

- Student! Unity!
- Well, everything went...

- The protest that...
- The President...


So, in an image,
we must discover a method.

Yes, we must find
the discourse of its method

and ours as well.

But then we must not forget to
self-criticize ourselves afterwards.

And if we find this method, it
will give us laws of fabrication.

At the very least, reference points.

Therefore, maybe one day,
the fabrication of images

will be based off known things,
as opposed to unknowns,

as they are currently created
in Hollywood, in Moscow,

in the RTF studios in Paris,
at the BBC in London,

at the R.A.I. in Italy,
at the Shochiku in Tokyo, etc.

The first image.

You're only speaking of images.
You've forgotten sound.

No, I haven't forgotten.

It's the same thing.

But we can isolate them.

In isolated, there is "isle".

We are also isolated.

An isle.

- Robinson.
- Yes, Robinson.

We must absolutely not imitate him.

- He was a fascist.
- Robinson?


In evidence, he immediately
made Friday his slave.

What we need to discover
are images and sounds

that are free.

For example, say "oh".

I told him say "say",
and now, Stalin.

I told him "say",
and now, Stalin.

Theoretically, these two sounds
have nothing to do with one another.


But they could eventually
have a connection.

Yes, so what we need to know
is what separates them.

To know...

Mark off in time and space,
this silent word that separates them.

You, my comrade.

You that I ignored,
behind the turbulences.

You who are arrested,
frightened, asphyxiated. Come.

Talk to us.

And when we'll know,

when we'll use
those two sounds together,

their connection
will inevitably be correct.

To know all this,
we must investigate its base.

- It will be hands-on work.
Theoretical as well.


In every image,
we must know who speaks.

I told Patricia, "Yes, but without
an investigation, no right to speak."

- Well...
- We must find the truth in the facts.

What are the facts exactly?

- It's.
- It's.

- The things.
- The things.

- And.
- And.

- The phenomenons.
- The phenomenons.

- As they.
- As they.

- Exist.
- Exist.

- Objectively.
- Objectively.

So, that's what we said.

The truth, it's the internal place
of these things and phenomenons,

meaning the laws that govern them.

To research is to study.

We have to study.

I told him, otherwise
there's no possibility of television.

Not a true television, in any case.

And not a commercial-filled television
like in France.

I told her, no cinema either.
Not a true cinema, in any case.

Therefore, no true images,
nor any true sounds,

unless we study them first.

What will we do the first year?

We'll pick up images,
we'll record sounds, like we said.

It will create unorderly experiences.

Actions, hypothesis.

Yes, and the second year,
we'll criticize it all.

We'll decompose, we'll reduce,
we'll substitute, and we'll recompose.


And afterwards, the third year,

we'll create a few samples
of sounds and images.

My practice will not be blind,

since you will have enlightened it
with your revolutionary theory.

My theory will not be without object

since it will be linked
to your revolutionary practice.

Look, the day begins.

- I'm leaving.
- Me too.

- I'll see you tomorrow night, then.
- Okay, same place, same time.

- Bye.
- See you tomorrow. Bye.

- Hello.
- You're late!

It's two in the morning!
What the hell were you doing?

In the West,
the massacre of the red earth,

forgotten under
the tons of steel and iron,

under the appearance of possession,
ancient and crisped,

with a shown sex
and without a sex.

In the East, the accumulation
of history and the black earth,

violence that springs when wanted,
which surges from the marsh of time,

and little by little,
covers the adversary

from whom hope has been taken.

In the West, the masses.
In the East, the people.

In the West, the images.
In the East, the scene.

In the West, signs without roots,
accumulating, signs without any hold

on the deep axe of the exterior.

Signs that reflect
to the tiny interior of skulls,

at the nervous torsion, deeply
divided by common ownership,

at the knocked out hallucination,
only to trace.

In the East, the invisible force
of the complete mutation

of the square writing
that takes to the surest ground,

the communal inscription
made of skin and blood,

the marred thought
that knew how to think,

each of the appearances
that we can see realized,

is the product of the appearance
that it needs to produce itself.

In the East, during the night,
the past is suddenly erased,

the simple indestructible force
of the line.

It's precisely like this that the moon
must have been created and fueled.

Understand how that which slides
throughout the years and centuries

became for you, to the point
where water has become superficial.

How it's now about a revolution,
not by pairing substances or units,

but by continents and integral texts,
but by continents and integral texts.

You no longer recognize
the world of your language.

You now walk far
from these long and discreet signs.

You are located at the crossing
of unfastened forces.

Obligated to see them sink in their
divided and differentiated multitudes.

You can no longer forget
what can be called

the definitive passage of lines
through steel lungs.

Infinity is a gigantic animal,
although it has no specific features

or any senses that can report back
from the exterior into itself.

With this perspective, the circular
motion around a center disappears,

as well as the movement
of corral rocks attacking birds,

transforming them in their glides
to the depths into a closed book,

although the stories continue.

A double trajectory, risen
from a force without guarantees,

and the question that is then asked
is farther than your memory,

asks how to note at the same time
the form and the sense,

by which link, tension and opposition
can be translated into a sentence.

There's nothing in the world that
develops in a totally equal manner.

This time, it turns over itself,
embeds, spreads and multiplies.

Designating the moment,
we work over here.

There, this is what really works

where the Reds
still fight against you,

fight and will fight again
and again, without respite.

Meanwhile, the story continues.

- Come on, the day begins.
- What are you doing today?

With Michel, we're going to break
the slumber of Laida Damo.

While they sleep, we beat them up
and steal their dreams,

and in turn, sell them to
France Dimanche and Marie-Claire.

And then, we give the money away.

- Okay, good-bye, comrade!
- See you tomorrow night!

This isn't serious.
It's 3:00 a.m.

Where were you?

let me tell you

at the risk

of seeming


that the true revolutionary



guided by great

feelings of love.

The images are going by
too quickly. We have to react.

You're too romantic. A cultural
revolution doesn't happen in one day.

We said we'd criticize
all this next year.

It is intolerable
that the guns command the Party.


We're in a bit of an intellectual war
right now, no?

Yes, I said to Emile.

I told Patricia, let's try to make
an immediate criticism anyway,

without waiting for next year, where
we'll criticize ourselves anyhow.

Yes, it's true,
it's wrong of me to forget, I said,

that the students of Paris,
in the beginning of May 1968,

proved, by their bloody sacrifice,
the truth of the Cuban theories,

faced with cultural immobility,
and often reactionary worker unions...

Judged to be undesirable
in France!

evening speech

It's possible to say that eroticism

is the recognition of life
until death.

Until death.

Until death.

To understand is to discover
the common ownership

of a series of different facts.

more precisely

first year

more precisely

first year

more precisely

In May 1968, I voted
for the socialism on the barricades,

by participating
in the general strike.

The history of man
is that of his repression.

The return of that
which had been repressed

constitutes the underground
and taboo history of civilization.

The exploration of this history

not only hides
the secret of the individual,

but also that of civilization.

There is no neutral science.

Scientists, there is
no neutral science.

The scientists collaborated
with Hitler and Johnson.

There is no neutral science.

There is no neutral science.

There is no neutral science.

We can say all we want
about what see,

but what we see
is never lodged in what we say.


If you want to see the world,
close your eyes, Rosemonde.

Close your eyes, Rosemonde.

Close your eyes, Rosemonde.

- The day begins, I have to hurry.
- To do what?

Get photos taken in my underwear
for L'Humanit? Dimanche.

Why not ask an agency?

No, at L'Humanit?, in the feminine
magazines of the C.G.T.

they show the same lingerie
photos than in the Figaro.

I find that disgusting.

Revolutionary women's underwear

should be photographed differently
than in the reactionary press.

- Bye.
- See you tomorrow night!

The majority of students have
currently adopted the slogan:

The Sorbonne belongs the students!

We do not agree with this slogan.

We would prefer by far:
The Sorbonne is for workers!

Second problem...

Here, what can we say?
What should we say?

Here's what I propose: First, theory,
second, practice and tactic, okay?

Number one, theory, strategy,
therefore create discourse.

Number two, and so,
form thus the grammar.

And so, the theory is born from
the practice which conditions it.

And so, the form creates the content.

The S.W.A.T. team is in the Sorbonne.

The students are outside.

The S.W.A.T. team stays
at the Sorbonne,

the students block the entry,
and it could last a long time.

Here's our new slogan:

The Sorbonne belongs
to the S.W.A.T. team!

My comrades could believe
that it's not...

... a sort of bond
with the workers, the slums.

And so, we propose

that if the S.W.A.T. team wants
the Sorbonne, it can keep it.

We can turn the Sorbonne into a
garrison house for the S.W.A.T. team.

... a Saint-Ouen.

She said to me,

if we went live with a random Afronic
via satellite?

"Soviet or American?" I asked.

She said, "No. We'll use
the Third World's satellite,

if there's censorship,
it will be revolutionary."

- Aristotle.
- Red.

- Circle.
- Lion.

- Work.
- Tiger.










Race car.































- A ghost haunts the world.
- The ghost of communism.

All the powers of the West have
united to track down this ghost.

Johnson and the Figaro.

The Spanish radicals
and the policemen of Indonesia.

The Big Corporation and Pompidou.

It's about time for the communists
to expose them.

To the world.

Their conception,
goals and tendencies.

In a given historical situation...

There are many ways
to discuss the revolution.

But there's a necessary agreement

between those
that are decided to do it.



I who like fascism.
I am ultra-fascist.


After me...

Behind me...



The country, lots of countryside.
Ah, yes. It's nice.





Like me.


Like here?

Like here.

Like here.




Caress an animal.
So it won't be mean.





I don't understand.




Difficult to explain.

Sex, sexuality.




There were many women.
There were women by the bucket.




Yes, I work.






Shoe artisan.




- I was told to register...
- Cuba. a shoe artisan.


Algeria was a French colony.


Colonization, lots of colonies.














You've never seen this.

You'll never see like me then.

- The day begins. I'm going.
- What are you doing this afternoon?

With Bernardo,
we're going to throw grenades

into the largest
movie theater in Rome.

- To punish the Italian spectators.
- What did these idiots do now?

They refuse to project the films
in their original versions.

Since the invention of talkies,
they still haven't seen a film talk.

It's unbelievable.

Terrifying. They would prefer
a slave sound to a free sound.

They must be punished.

- Yes, okay. Bye.
- See you tomorrow night.

from now on

we will no longer accept

any kind of

blatant truths


don't believe

that there exists

blatant truths

blatant truths


to the

bourgeois philosophy

The scientists collaborated with
Hitler, Johnson, Stalin, de Gaulle.

Films from the Third World.

Unobstructed films.

Films, etc.

You too, little Western girl,
pass the word of Lumumba,

but also that of Michel Servet,
who gave his blood,

so that it may flow like his ideas.

For the Marxist-Leninist students,

the main task is to teach
with the working comrades.

As a Marxist-Leninist,

it is not about giving weapons
to the working comrades,

but to teach them how to forge some
and to teach each other.

An erroneous style of work is the
expression of an erroneous policy.

To implement a bourgeois style
of work to the study of Mao's words

is to implement a bourgeois policy.

Let's turn our attention
to the clinic.

And let's first take
into consideration the pleasure of...

To work and study,
as a Marxist-Leninist,

the words of Mao Zedong,
we need to reform our study.

Only the Little Red Book
can lead us

to the true Marxist-Leninist
methods to study

the words of President Mao.

A certain kind of peeping Tom
comes when he imagines...

sound analyze

There's still an artistic program
over there.

Not piece by piece,
but by large quantities.

Always new things.

Listening to your own voice.

With what speaks...

- With who?
- No.

With what do you speak?

I talk like everyone else talks.

If we say something,
then we must do it.

Close your mouth.
There are no more teeth growing.

So, if we do something,
we must say it.

To speak alone
is to listen to yourself talk.

I'll start over.

Everyone that talks.

Listening to your own voice.

Close your mouth.
There are no more teeth growing.


If we say something,
we must do it.

So, if we do something,
we must say it.

Funny thing, you have here.

Really funny thing.

I was talking about mouths
and teeth no longer growing,

and this thing also talks
about teeth no longer growing.

Analysis of sound through image.

Sunday morning, the whites
became green, so I saw red.

Now, analysis of image
through sound.

My sex is black,

and I spend sleepless nights
preparing Molotov cocktails.

Here, the sound is missing.

The CIA killed the sound technician

who had recorded the voice
of Camilo Torres,

who denounced the alliance
of the Vatican

with the American Secret Service.

Here, the image is missing.

The Anglo-Canadian police gouged
out the eyes of a cameraman

who was filming the landscapes
and faces of a free Quebec.

Here, the sound is missing.

The French upper management
asked the government and its police

to beat up the reporters who were
recording the sighs of the workers

facing their hellish work pace.

2nd year

Situation: Critical

University: Critical





I will disgust youth from money.

I will disgust youth from money.

The conflicts of a child, I said,
are not conflicts with reality,

but originate from the subject's
inability to identify himself.

So, what is being questioned
is the image of oneself.


I said, the image of oneself.
And her?

The image of nylon.

Me, the image
without the dot on their "i".

Me, reflex image.

Me, virtual image.
Or aerial.

Me, the image from a book.

Me, magnetic image.

Me, image that gives away the key
to freedom and cinematography.

I added that we had to be careful not
to fall into the ideology of the real.

Trap that isn't always avoided

by great filmmakers such as Dreyer,
Bresson, Antonioni, Bergman.

Yes, but then what is a false image?

Where are the true images
and sounds?

I'm 84 years old.

I'm 30 feet tall.

I'm wearing a yellow sweater.

I'm 20 years old.

- Listen, it's clear.
- Because you know me.

I'm 5'4"...

Imagine de Gaulle
talking to the students,

Johnson to the Vietnamese,
Franco to the workers.

- It would immediately be less clear.
- My blue sweater.

...unionized Spanish workers.

But the leaders of the Paris branch
of the student union

needed an entire night's discussion
to analyze a face to...

I'm 84 years old.

- In this image and sound...
- I am 33 feet tall.

- You have to be able to...
- My sweater is...

- Yes and no.
- Yellow.

Yes, for the effort to make...

No, because within an image
and sound, nothing is stable.

So, it's about grasping a movement.

I'm 5 feet tall.

- The solution to these...
- My sweater is blue. these contradictions
within the people.

film - social - critic

And now a minute of silence in sound
to the memory of the Black Panthers

killed in San Francisco
by the FBI's hit men.

And now a minute
of silence in images,

in particular, for the memory
of the Afro-Asians and their friends

beaten by the police of Kimole
and Fran?ois Mitterrand.

Who today are supposedly
part of the opposition to the Left.

And, in general, a minute
of silence in images,

for all the absent images,
censored images, prostituted images,

machinated images,
delinquent images, buggered images,

images beaten up by all
the governments, televisions,

and Westernized cinemas that
rhyme information and repression

with trash and culture.

We hear when we are a part
of what is said to us.

The freedom of woman
begins at her stomach.

The freedom of woman
begins at her stomach.











2nd Year

A constant current

Between the biological

Nature of man

And the constructions

Of intelligence

Must be established

Must be established

scientific film


The act

of exploring

a country.

The act

of carefully


the symptoms of a disease.


The link between
language and money.

Giving one's word.

Naively believe.

Monetary crisis in London.

Language crisis in Paris.

And since sound is
the union representative of the eye...

It stands to reason that image then
is the political office of the ear.

in the trading of goods

Here, Patricia is reading an alphabet

that the Gaullist government
distributes in elementary schools.

She notices that every word given for
a letter stems from the bourgeoisie.

And that most of the genuine words,
and their uses, are absent.

For example, the letter B.

There's the word "better",

and its use says that brioche
is better than bread.

The proof is
that de Gaulle and Pompidou

speak to the workers of 1968 like
Marie-Antoinette did to those of 1789.

Yes, but then they'll say we chose
this letter on purpose.

Shit, it's not true.
We can take any letter.

Turn the pages at random, I say.

Letter "A".

There's the word "acquire"
but not "art".

Letter "S".

There's "sensible" and "soap",
but neither "sex" nor "syndicate".

Letter "P".

Neither "police" nor "psychoanalysis".

Letter "C".

Neither "culture" nor "capitalism",
"class" or "combat".

Letter "R".

There's, of course, neither
"revolution" nor "repression".

Letter "F".

There isn't "fascism",
but there's "family" and "fries".

And for the word "famished",

the university Gaullists
give this example:

I feel famished when I arrive
at the dinner table.

And what about the Third World
children who don't have tables?

"No, this display is too easy,"
I told Patricia.

Banks exist to lend money,
and the dictionary to lend words.

But what cannot be loaned out
is the distinction between bills

and between words.

We write words in succession,
not on top of one another.

Images and sounds can be stacked
on top of one another.

Yes, because an image
is never an image,

but a contradiction of images.

And it's the same for a sound.


We return to the just contradiction
within the people,

reflected in their representation.

No, not representation,
but presentation.

Not a show, but a struggle.

first research into sound

- He asked me.
- What are you doing?

- She answered.
- I'm listening.

In movies, we always see
people talking, never listening.

Because it's not definable.
At least not easily, like dolphins.

Patricia asked me, "Pompidou?"
I said, "No, Pompidou is a shark."

The fish then, I said.

Emile said that they have a language
which is strictly through sound,

but at much higher
frequencies than ours.

We still can't define it in comparison
to our own language.

We ask ourselves whether it's
derived from Chinese or Egyptian,

rather than Latin.

"As you can see,"
I whispered to Emile.

"Sound is very mysterious,"
whispered Patricia.

Regardless, we should be able
to come closer than usual.

second research on sound

After she said this, I told her,

"Do you remember on Friday,
with Anne and Michel, when he said,

'Let's go act like idiots
at the Pentagon?"'

And she said, "Oh, yes."

Remember, I made you notice it.

The time she took to say, "Oh, yes."

Yes. Let's attempt to reenact it.

Let's go act like idiots
at the Pentagon.

Oh, yes!

That's not it.

Let's go act like idiots
at the Pentagon.

- Oh, yes!
- That's not it either.


It's strange, the intonation
Anne had when she said it,

the sound of it was very brief.

But to come close to a correct
definition of it, we would need...

There was in this sound,
all the latest Beatles albums,

as well as all the novels by Gide.

Thus, this simple sound
is incredibly complex to transmit.

Now, it's lost.

Yeah, we should have recorded it.

No, I did not say "reproduce".

I said, "Transmit to someone,
into someone, who is living."

No, you see, we're unable to say it.

Oh, yes!

No, that's not it.

- You see.
- Yep.

It's maybe because voice is
the best expression of freedom.

I told Emile that
his great-great-grandfather

had already discovered this.

"What? Who did?"
I asked Patricia.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

What is true of the citizen,
is primarily true

of those nude beings, offered
to the power of others, the newborns.

If we cannot recreate that sound,

it's because we don't quite know
what it is made of.

image merged so intimately

with the sound it represents

that it ended up usurping
the lead role.

The eye must listen before looking.

The day is beginning, I have to go.

- Where are you going?
- To Besan?on, at the Rhodiaceta.

The buddies are on strike.
They're occupying the factories.

Chris and I are going
to project films for them.

The Dictator and The Lamentesse.



It will be day in an hour.

This really isn't serious.

- Protest.
- Comrades, Cohn-Bendit...

To the protest...

Not welcome...

Still, we don't know what it is.

Yes, now the unit of time is defined
by a natural physical phenomenon.

Since 1960, the meter is
a product of the wavelength,

due to the radiation
emitted by krypton 86.

What about the second?

Well, it's the transition
between two super thin levels

of the fundamental state
of the tome of caesium 133

unperturbed by exterior fields.

It's insufficient as a definition, no?

It's insufficient as a definition, no?

In any case, it allows rockets to be
sent to the moon. That's not too bad.

- Yes, but listen...
- What?



And because the ideas
I received from the senses

were much more lively,

more expressive, and even,
in their own way, more distinct

than any of the ideas that I could
simulate myself through meditation,

or that I could find
imprinted in my memory,

it seemed that they could not have
been processed from my soul.

Yeah, so?

The exact time of this excerpt,
of the 6th Meditation of Descartes,

not the time that Descartes
took to write it,

and even that,

but even more difficult,

the length of this speech...

It's the time it took you to say it.

No, that's my own time, through it.

But it's time, not yours,
nor Descartes', but its own.


- It's not clear.
- No, it's not clear.

Yes, suddenly, I'm thinking...

About what?

Yes, there's something despicable
about time.



Eternity and infamy
were born together.

This proves that we need to start
from scratch.

Here, more evidence.


School will transform
societal relationships

by organizing the long term
and abstract education

of children who
by their familial origins are destined

to occupy society's highest places
in management and administration.

Then, through a shorter
and simpler education,

destined for the children
of workers and peasants

whose entrance
in the professional world

seems to require
a limited education.

Well read, Emile.

That's how the governmental
statements should be read

on French television.

Michel Debr?:
Which youth do you need?


To contest the current educational
system and to elaborate solutions...


We must understand that
the evolution of the university

of the past two years
and those to come,

is dictated by an objective.


Its integration in the monopolistic
capitalist system of the state

puts itself exclusively
at its service.

We must also understand
the phenomenon that Lenin picked up

that the monopolistic capitalism
of the state

is the most complete preparation
material of socialism.

The anteroom of socialism,
the phase in history

that no other intermediary phase
can separate from socialism.

The step of assimilating these truths
that Comrade Mao Zedong underlined.

All that is reactionary is similar

in that if we don't try to hit it,
it's impossible to make it fall.

It's like when we sweep,

where the broom can't reach,
the dust doesn't leave by itself.

Worker's discourse.

This signifies that it's useless
to cry out like the revisionists do

and request a democratic reform
of the universities,

because either this reform
will make the universities

return to a liberal
bourgeois framework,

which is impossible,

considering the irreversible
development of capitalism

in our country,

or it aims to obtain from the
capitalists second-rate arrangements

and in better conditions,
even obtain integration

in the educational system
of a capitalist monopolistic state.

This system can only be
contested globally

and can only be replaced by
a socialist educational system.

The battle will certainly be long,
hard and...

Worker's discourse.

The socialist revolution
will not be won in a day.

It will necessarily require
ideological preparations.

Yes, worker's discourse!

Yes, intellectual discourse.

How many discourse levels
did we say we have?

Not bad, here already,
she's thinking.

- She is thought about.
- And she a-thinks.

And she is unthought-of of.

2nd year
continuation and end.

3rd take.

Amateur film.

Student film.

- One of the questions that we can.
- Ask ourselves in terms of anthro.

- Pology, regarding.
- The universe is precisely.

- Whether the universe is or isn't.
- Swiveling. Practically speaking.

- This signifies that in.
- The case of the negative answer.

- By going in a circular path.
- In the universe, we will return.

- At our starting point.
- Not identical to ourselves.

- But symmetrical to what.
- We were before.

- "To what can we link this?" I said.
- "To this," I said.

- "More to this," I said.
- "Yes, more to this," I said.

Love is a discourse

where each has the other
announce what they are.

- Maybe by searching the.
- Zero degree of images and.

- Sounds, by listening to the echo.
- In my memory, am I.

- In the process of living with you.
- The zero degree of love.

We know, since the breakthroughs
of psychoanalysis.

That perversions.

Are fulfilled.

And develop.


The negation.

Of the sexual.

What is sex?

It's a divine
and magnificent activity.

- It's a murderous activity.
- What?

People murder each other
in their beds.

Yes, it's true.

Some of the biggest crimes
ever committed

were done in a bed.

And without using any weapons.

That may be why America
is so afraid of the Black revolution.

Yes, and during the secret
administrative meetings

of her dreams,

she was ready to do anything
to stop this revolution.

That's right.

And the war in Vietnam was
the quickest way to slow it down.

Imperialist film.

Didactic film.

Guerilla film.

Since she was afraid,
I told her to hide behind me.

I am her mask.

Cocksucker, imperialism, climax.

Drugs, West Germany, legs
spread open, fascism, Catholics,

kiss, suck off, swallow the...,
bourgeoisie, ass-licking,

self-management in Yugoslavia,
to be fucked.

And the police can always try to
figure out to whom belongs this voice.

- His voice.
- The professor's speech.













Since he was afraid,
I told him to hide behind me.

I am his mask.

So many things to say.

How I assassinated Kennedy,

by order of the ghost
of the other and love.

How, by the order
of the ghost of Dziga Vertov,

I shot with my Chinese
portable bazooka

at the spectators who were there
to see War and Peace,

the Russian Hollywood film.

By the order of the ghost
of Antonin Artaud,

and that...

Me, Republican Security Companion,


...instead of shooting
on the workers of Redon

and when I turned my guns
on the bosses,

and I shot them in the back,
since they were running from reality.

And why is there in a society...

And the police can always try to
figure out to whom belongs this voice.

... denounce the things.

Culture is not only a political

It is also linked
to an economical situation.

It's part a social class.

The bourgeoisie
will read a repression

teeming with cultural activities.


This is the necessary solution
To problems

The sufficient solution

The day begins.

- See you tomorrow night.
- Where are you going?

Nella and I are going to bring oranges
to Litvinov and Bukovski.

That the KGB imprisoned

because they organized a protest
in the streets of Moscow,

in favor of Sinyavsky and Daniel.

And so, they had taken seriously

what the Party leaders
had taught them

about the Soviet system
of total democracy.

- Bye. Be careful!
- Bye!

With the development of bourgeoisie,

meaning that capital is developing
with the proletariat,

the class of modern workers,

who live with the condition
of finding work,

who only find it if the work...

You're late.

It will be day in an hour.

This really isn't very serious.

third year

And after the third year,

we'll create two or three models
of sound and image.

historical film

(how lightly love was regarded
in the time of Alfred de Musset)

[Reading a poem
in a distorted manner]


To know.

The Heart of Women.

Certain of fickleness.

Have second thoughts.

Changing sometimes.

Who say no.

Often playing a role.


To be weak and violent.

Principle that is imposed.

By the world.

Lie sometimes.


Take pleasure.

By madness!

lmperialist film.


novel film

What is it?

It's a novel.

What is it called?

One Hour of Literary Work
by Isidore Solaire.

Strange, is that what is called
a new novel?

I don't know. No matter, I know
where it came from and how it works.

"Where?" I asked.

It's that guy who works at
the university publications of France,

next to the cash register.

He's the one who wraps the books

and gives them to those
who buys them.

Since he's too poor
to buy the books,

in the few seconds from the moment

when he receives the book
from the cashier,

and he gives it back to the customer,

he gives it a quick glance

and learns by heart the little bit
of text he's able to read.

He's been there for 30 years.

He started like that and learned the
alphabet and multiplication tables.

Today, he reads
Faulkner and Chomsky.

And the text you just read is
the result of one hour of his work.


It resembles the fold-ins
of Ferlinghetti and Burroughs.

Maybe, in any case,
it's a rare example of text-book.

Of text, yes, but more precisely,

the practical piece
of the French literary production

in which the worker... of language
should find natural links

between speech and writing.

She couldn't have acted alone,
of course.

She needed an accomplice.

Now, let's examine the situation.

One is a long narrow cardigan
with rounded pockets

that one wears with a divided skirt
made of red flannel,

and a printed cotton shirt.

There are deplorable abuses.
We wrongly steal and kill.

All the mafia heads are intoxicated
by their power.

However, near the end
of Louis XIV's century,

two men pierced the crowd
of mediocre genius.

I sometimes err in my operations.
The squirrel has a long tail.

Papa reads the newspaper
every day.

You will not be surprised
to hear me say that the question

to know whether the world can be
represented through the theater

is a social question.

international film

Here, the image is missing.

By request of the Figaro
and Paris Jour,

French Customs destroyed
the negatives of the film

about Springer's
ultra-reactionary newspapers,

that Rudi Dutschke had shot
with his comrades

and that they were going to project
to their French friends,

revolutionary communist youths.

It is not enough to say...

You have to try and see...


The augmentation of salaries,

and in fact, the consumer power
of workers, have indeed increased.

And also, by the multiplication
of certain administrative jobs,

but also by the multiplication
of certain...

Opens in particular conditions,

that are conditions of battle,

in which the French student
movement is also...

The governmental
repression started...

... at the present time,

after the massive durable...
of the last 20 years,

we should not be surprised
that capitalism

has brought in so many parasitic
jobs in the tertiary sector.

... that the comrades and their...

... the bourgeois at the Orly airport.

The French government...

... from the length of their work,
of inflation,

the middle class that lives
in part on its back,

is also the victim of the same
decreases, the same lies.

... of the students' battle,

and we can promise here
our commitment,

because independently
of this repression,

this international
coordination of battles

between all the revolutionary
students of Europe...

Ask for ideological justifications...

To feed the proletariat an equal...


... to encourage the functionality
of utopian ideology...

... the radio...

... proud to find allies
in the middle classes,

that take on or enlighten
the ideological demystification...

... tonight...

... or the earths
can have a second layer

that reinstates a criticism in life.

Considering that the government
prevents students

from gathering
on university grounds...

Attracted by the violence
of power so new,

a power created and directly
controlled by the workers and people,

where each has his own past,
said the leaders of the P.C.F.

Demand bourgeois parliamentary
traditions, if you really want it...

... the following conditions,
they propose

to open the meeting to all
of the revolutionary militants...

What the workers must learn from
this lesson is at heart very simple.

We think that the role
of a revolutionary avant-garde

that it should not be a sect,

but to completely integrate itself
in the mass movement,

if this movement
has the same objectives

of the French movement of today.

Workers are strong when united

through organizations
that directly represent them,

which are under their direct control.

They are strong when united
with the other workers,

in organizations that represent
their common interests,

under common direct control.

They are strong
in these popular organizations

take to arms to sweep away
the vermin.

Parliament will not exist with
the politicians of the bourgeoisie.

It will not exist with collaborators...

And so, we have to love each other
more intimately. We have to...

On the condition
that the revisionist leaders

forget to tell the workers

the originality
of the French political life.

The bourgeois state needs
to consider itself...

In any case, take the initiative,

contact the temporary coordination
of the committees of action.

Rendez-vous on the 12th,
Monday morning.

Because of the vast rebellious
student movement,

the events of Friday crystallized
in the Latin Quarter.

The evidence was made
by the numerous students who...

... the city of Paris has to...

... politics wanted to act,


Dispersed into multiple groups,

the Mandarin university students,

everything will be set in order.

Let's show them that their rebellion,

let's show them that our rebellion,
is not just a one day thing.

... but in a workplace,
for there are amongst us,

people who no longer go to school
or college, but who work.

We now have to make
an immense effort of propaganda

against all lies that might...

That rise against this tendency...

... to show that we never believed
that it had been told ten times,

and we'll repeat...

To maintain the...

... any revolutionary act
of the working class.

And to gain the trust
of the working class,

to be able to fight with...

In each other's same situation...

... so we can develop our ideas.

This is why it's important
that we know and already have a...

Ultimately, old faces, that remains...

... the profits of factories,

causing to be victims,
to rally together,

and then explain our position,
and we'll wait for whomever...

What we also say,

documentary theater
represents a reaction

against the current situation.

It demands clarification.

For today, we want to express
ourselves in front of the factories,

if they don't want us to do so,
we'll chase them away! It's...

... theater on the street,

documentary theater cannot
measure itself against reality...

Against the reality of an authentic
political demonstration.

It can never equal its vitality...

... politics, or who belongs...

... as a god in the sky
of the infinite...

... there's a necessary thing.

If you see on the boulevard...

Documentary theater cannot provoke
the state and the bureaucracy,

like many led demonstrations
have achieved to do

against the government

and the promotional
centers of economy.

Even when it tries
to liberate itself from the...

When he wants
to appear imperfect,

holds onto a position
and a military...

The assembly, if it agrees
on this position,

can ask the Minister of the Interior
to get along with...

Documentary theater, in the end,
is an artistic product,

and it must be, if it wants
to justify its existence.

... parts of their bodies,
to the capitalization of slums.

We also ask that the university
grounds be open night and day

to the worker.

We want...

... the difficulties that we can
expect, when we seek the truth.

Which influential organism
and which power

will try their best to oppose
any grasp on con...

We want...










He is only responsible
for his remarks.

You can think whatever...

Models of interpretation.

Anticipated models of interpretation

is not the right term.

Anticipated models of interpretation.

I won't discuss...

On the screen
of connective knowledge,

with shadows, with reflections...

They opposed themselves
to the students joining the workers.

They wanted the workers to be
a contributing force to the students.

The subversion
always risks serving them.

... of Marseilles.
The workers don't care!

People pretend...

And the reply to great violence.

... speak English,
they claim that now.

It's not the workers
who are the leading contributors.

May be...

Neither does the revelation...

The type of work
that is intellectual and productive.

experimental film 2

Psychological Film

When we were.

When we were together.

And played out for us
the sweet game of being two.

It sometimes happened
for me to sleep at your shoulder.

That you beat me at the race,
before me, in the dark night.

And the sudden silence
would fill me with fear.

The anguish of being alone
like a trial of death.

And not just the fear of dying,
I've always been resigned to that,

but of this expanse in front of me,
on all sides, like a forgotten path.

Terrified, to find myself in front
of a mirror without any images.

To feel the shadow
of an absent being

detached from me.

Engaged in a realm of dreams,
where I have no place,

where I cannot follow him.

And even if tomorrow I learn,

for him, followed...
I won't believe any of it.

And anyway, I would only have been
attached to his steps for an instant.

In this manner,
I spent half of our life,

in the streets, the metro,
in this despair that

if it sank, in the end,
in my sleep, in my dreams,

was only comparable to prison,
a punished life,

a sort of madness
where I could even forget

those that I had lost.

I have never, in my life,
awoken without wailing.

A profound wail.


Of all the justice of the night.

Sometimes the feeling in me
was so strong,

that it remained with eyes open,
for a long time,

and you would ask me,
what's wrong?

And I couldn't tell you.

Believing it was
the fog of bad dreams,

that was still obfuscating my gaze,

and still struggling in the tangled
memories of the shadows...

Or else, in the consciousness
of which the tale explains nothing.

I would divert with calculated
remarks, the resumed conversation,

with yesterday's events
or the occupations of the day ahead.

And so, keep to myself,
this almost present.

This rupture of the depths,
in the fashion of a pain that we hide.

In my youth,
I sometimes spoke of my dreams.

It's been a long time
since I've stopped doing so.

This fear sometimes
obscures existence.

More and more,
gaining on awakened life,

of my silence, even.

It would thrust upon me
an awful doubt about all things.

And foremost, about us,

what made us be,

to say us.

To us, signifying you and me.

To us, different from this plural we,
which exists only in my presence

and remains when its components
diminish, augment, vary.

One of these "we's"
which are but extensions of me.

This reality that you could,
like me, destroy,

better than me.

I say all this without example,
without order,

in an abstract form,

because depending
on the discourse that I am,

try as I might to turn toward you...

My love.

I know that it's but a trick
of the stranded.

I say you.

I share things
between you and me,

as if it were nothing,
and although I doubt this sometimes,

it's through that,
that I remember.

That I still have my reason.

Guerrilla Film.

This face is a bottle.

The eyes are the cap.

The hair, a wick that descends
into the bottle until the nose.

The mouth and the chin
being the bottom of the bottle.

You throw this face smashing
into a CRS in France,

a Kapo in Germany,
a Carabinieri in Italy.

In short, against any other face
of the repression.

blue - film - flyer
version - inter - red

Morale is...

a partisan of Israel
is objectively a reac-zionist

let's look

The Party is at the same time
the motor and the target

of the revolution.

let's listen


let's criticize

adhere to the P.C.F., P.C.I., P.C.B.,
P.C.U.S., to create 2 or 3 Vietnams

let's look
let's listen

skin - red - the flag
the cause of the people

let's look
let's criticize

philosophers must ally themselves
to the pariahs and the unemployed

funny film

Are you leaving?




Where are you going?

I'm taking the 10:17 Tupolev
to Bratislava.

Are you going to shoot another film?

Yes, with Skolimowski.
And you?


I don't know.

You might as well stay here,
if you want.

- It's true. It was nice here.
- Alas, alas, I cannot.

Why not?

They already programmed
another show for this sound stage.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

It's too bad,
half the shots are missing.

Which ones?

For example, you know
that shot I liked, when I sang:

There is no situation
We can't address

with a Marxist or Freudian analysis.

Yes, but Bertolucci will shoot
that one in Rome.

Yeah? And there's also the shot
where I asked you:

- "What is an honorable family?"
- Oh, right, the one where I answer:

"A family in which
everything is taboo."


Yes, but Straub will shoot
that one in Germany.

Yeah, and there's...

There's the one where we illustrated
the pillaging of the Third World.

Yeah, well, Glauber Rocha
will shoot that one in Brazil.

There's also the shot...

Other filmmakers will shoot them!

They will...
They will for who?

Well, they...
They do it for the people.

The people.

We're still speaking of them?
But we never see them.

What are you writing?







It sounds like the merging
of "method" with "sentiment".

Is that it?


I found this word, finally,
to define images and sounds.

- And you?
- Me?

This never was,

never will be,

because this is.

It's not bad, either.


It's a bit vague,
what we've discovered, no?

In other words,
this film is a failure.


No, not really.
In fact, not at all.

Listen, what better ideal to propose
to the man of today

that is above
and beyond themselves?

Otherwise, regaining
through knowledge

of the void that
they themselves discovered.

- Godspeed, Juliet.
- God is dead, Jean-Pierre.

- So long!
- Bye-bye!

The film didn't want to,

cannot want to explain cinema,
nor constitute its object.

But, even more modestly, give
an efficient method of achieving it.

This film is not the film
that needs to be made.

But how, if we have a film to make,

we necessarily have to go
through the well-known paths of films.