It's Gonna Get Worse (2007) - full transcript

"Sex, drugs and rock and roll", not in the West but in a Communist police state - Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia of the 1970s . Anti-hero Olin, 21, has just left a mental hospital, after having slashed his wrists to dodge military service. His prominence in the underground scene of youthful revolt makes him an increasing target for the forces of order. Eventually he is on the run, determined to cross the frontier to the "West" he dreams of.


Di rector

Based on the novel by


- Welcome home, Olin.
- Hi, Crip.

Hey, would you believe it?

- Olin's back.
- Hey, the loony.

Loony! Loony! Loony!

When the poppies ripened

all the junkies laughed

And when they blew a joint

they shouted victory!

When the poppies ripened

all the junkies laughed

And when they blew a joint

they shouted victory!

Here, Olin, put these on,
you look naked without them.

- Welcome back!
- Thanks, Pig Pen.


Olga's here!


Hi, madman!

- How are things?
- What do you think? Fucking awful.

Show me.

- How was it?
- Not bad. Boring sometimes.

- But I survived.
- I won't survive my ma. The cow.

- She let you out, though.
- She fucking didn't.

She's at some fucking
meeting again, so I scrammed.

How can she take
that Bolshie crap?

Hey, Olin. I need to be
a certified loony too.

I get called up next year.
What shall I do?

Do this to yourself.

I wouldn't be able to.

- Get a razor, I'll do it for you.
- Really? -Yeah.

- But I'm fucking scared.
- Then do your national service!

Olin, get a move on!

The pub will close soon
and you're still sober?

Don't you remember
that horror

when they kick you out
from the pub straight thinking?

- Shit! Olin!
- Help me with him.


- You'll take care of him, won't you?
- Sure thing.

- Olin, see you!
- We've got to go.

Olga, you're fantastic!

- Give me a fuck!
- Shut up!

The cops'll pick us up
for being drunk.

I need a fuck, Olga. Let me!
I've had no woman for a year!

It's not on.
Otto's your pal too.

Follow me down.

Olga, let me fuck you...

Here, this is for the morning.

And make sure no sees you, OK?

You'll know it's morning

when the light comes
through there.

What are you doing?

Who are staring at, stupid cow?
Off to work with you!

You ruffian!

Get building!
Left, right! Left, right!

- Wake up.
- What's up?

Where's everyone gone?

We're closed.
The lads tried to wake you.

You almost thumped someone.

Fuck it. Where will I sleep?
Olga's fucking let me down.

They said her Mum's banned
her from going out.

Will you give me a hand?

I can't make you out.
They can jail you any time.

And me, for that matter.

Except you've got nothing
so they can't take anything.

Whereas I work my arse off
and stand to lose the lot.

Fuck them!


Something for the morning.
Enjoy yourself!

Thanks, Alois, mate.

Give me a ciggy.

I've got some beer.

Saatz beer. Good stuff, mate.

- Broke, eh?
- More or less.

We'll earn some money.

Saatz beer...

Look, bread!

Hey, Gumo! Jackpot!

You did well today, Gumo.

Amazed, eh?

Eat first.

Help yourself.

Pall Mall...

They used to
issue us Camels...

We got fucking shit
in the mad house.

Gumo, we'll make a great team.

- Fucking hell.
- Hi, Crip

Hey, Olin, the cops
were looking for you.

- I'm supposed to phone them.
- Fucking cops...

Do a runner, Olin...

Where am I supposed
to run to in this fucking jail.

Give us some beer
and three packets of cigs.

There was this guy
in the fifties

who called in for
two packets of cigs.

- I didn't see him for ten years!
- Don't put the mockers on me.

They sucked him off
both with his cigs.

He's here comrade sergeant.
Of course.

Identity check!

- Where do you work, citizen?
- I don't have a job.

You'll come with us, then.

Major... Can I smoke?

Shut your gob.
Your being interviewed.

So why no job?

I just got back from treatment.
I haven't found a job yet.

What about pick and shovel?

Even a cretin like you
could manage that.

I'm not a cretin.

So what do you call
someone from a loony bin?

According to law no one's allowed
to remind me of my illness.

- Comrade.
- You little shit!

Know where you are?
Know where you are, bastard?

This is called Public Security.
We can do whatever we like.

- Get it? -What's going on here?
- Comrade chief...

You went over the top, eh?

Watch it! You just
might lose your job. Get out.

Pack it up, Olin.
Get up.

You're making an awful din.

You shouldn't have
mentioned the law.

It's a touchy subject.

Make sure you've got
a job by the end of the week.

Then you come yourself
and bring me the proof.

Is that clear?

If you want to be left alone,
don't organize any events.

Your football matches
and suchlike.

We're looking for Vaclav Krkoska,
he's work-shy too.

If he doesn't get a job
he'll end up inside.

I don't know any Krkoska.

You call him Pig Pen.
Give him the message.

Now get out!

Good morning.

What can I do for you?

We heard you were
recruiting street cleaners...

Not exactly recruiting.

We leave those jobs
to gypsy citizens.

- We're just as good.
- What schooling do you have?

Olin went to grammar school
I was at the tech.

Nothing doing then.

But Olin's certified and needs
an outdoor job and peace and quiet.

Is that true?
Show me.

We might manage that...

You'll get plenty
of peace and quiet,

if you do your job properly.
What about you though, lad?

Well I've had a spot of trouble
with the law,

nothing serious
just youthful pranks,

and I'd like a job
to make up for it.

I get the picture.
A loony and a criminal. You're on.

- You mean it??
- Of course I do.

Any chance of accommodation,

Accommodation, eh?
That's a problem, is it?

We have to sleep at mates' places
and Olin's not well...

Sure. I do have one room.
It's in a cellar.

I can pretend it's for your tools.
But not a word to anyone, OK?

Of course not.

There's the address.
98, Budovatelu street.

- Storage space...
- Thanks a million.

- Bye!
- Tomorrow morning at 6.

Fucking hell!

Loony and a criminal, eh?
You're on, he says.

Know me what the big cop told me?
That Krkoska will end up inside.

But we've already got a job.

Fucking great!

I can't believe this.
You've got a pad?

- Fantastic.
- This is neat!

This is excellent!

- Absolutely top class...
- Lovely.

So this will be my wigwam.
Only squaws will be allowed in.

And they'll write
odes to my lance.

- Want to be first, Olga?
- Arsehole!

- Where will you wash?
- I'll wipe my dong on my jeans

and the girls
have their knickers.

There's a lav of some kind

in the passage
and maybe a washbasin...

What will you sleep on?

Leave that up
to Pig Pen and Co!

Leave off! Arsehole!

Where will it go?

In place of the gramophone?

Don't be fucking stupid.
Flowers need light.

Yeah, sure.


No, let's put it over there.

That's a great spot.

If you say so.

That's excellent!
Just right.

Well, that just might work.
You're a fucking genius!

Hi, morons!

Be seated ladies!

Don't tell anyone we're here...

We scarpered from home
and the cops are after us.

No worries.
Have a drink.

Wow! Wow, Olin.
Have a feel of this.

I haven't handled knockers
like these in a long time!

Fucking hell.
This is the real stuff!

Scarpering seems to be the rage.
I'll be off too.

My Mum gives me hell.
Know what she said today?

I've found you
a nice clinic, Olga.

I have a surprise
for you friends.

To help the gents be eloquent
and the ladies to relax.

You'll give me
a fuck then, Olga?

I'd sooner fuck the Wild Man,
you arsehole!

You're making a big mistake.

You could hang a bucket
on my prick.

I've got hundreds
of thank-you letters!

God, that's strong!

You fancy it, don't you?

Olin's a really
nice guy, you know.

- And he's been inside a long time.
- I know.

- He really needs it a lot
- Yeah, sure.

Tell me you love me...
Do you love me?

You know I love you.

You don't!

Give me a fucking ciggy, someone!

Here, have a leather
one with no filter.

Oh fucking hell!

You're a real cunt!

That was an assault
on the best prick in Europe!

Heil Hitler!

Fuck... Hi.

Hi, Adolf!
Where did you spring from?

Iron makes me really ironic.

Look at this, Pig Pen!

And another.

This is fantastic.

A real treasure trove!

- You're doing fine, lads...
- Yeah?

But take it steady.
Leave some for the afternoon.

Got your drift, boss.
So it's time for a snack, yeah?

- Of course.
- I get it.

- I'm already hungry.
- Course we are.

Fuck me!
You two in working clothes!

A bit more respect.

You should address us
as the "working class"!

We want some grub,
but the main thing is:

We're broke!

Well, since you've got jobs,
you can have 100 crowns credit.

Hey, Crip, lend me 20 crowns.

I need to organize
the football match.

God, I give you an inch...
But if it's for football, OK.

Gumo, to work!

Sit down.


Lemon, a shake of pepper,

and it mustn't have been out
of the sea more than 24 hours.

- What the fuck?
- What sea, Gumo, what lemon?

- I know, he's talking about oysters.
- Oysters! Fucking hell.

I fancy playing drums
in our band, Olin.

What do you reckon?

You could write me the song

and I could be a singing
drummer like Ringo Starr!

- I know what.
- What?!

Hash and Chink will play

you'll take the mike,
unzip your fly

and start to roar:

"I've got a prick like a trunk
and it's all full of spunk".

- Great idea, mate.
- You can just see it!

The dance-hall packed,
me with my prick out,

and the girls
throwing their Knicks

shouting: "Our king, our king..."

If this comes off, I'll pass
my reject mistresses on to you.

- Let's go!
- What are you fucking doing?

- Catch up, you cunt!
- Fucking idiot.

Get a move on!

I told you not
to get mixed up...

Good morning.

Do you know where
I could find Franta Petras?

- I don't know any Franta Petras.
- Me neither.

I heard he was living round here.

He was a wartime pilot
in England.

No pilots come here.

Tall, well-built chap
with a big burn on his face.

Do you think it could be,
the Wild Man?

Yeah, it just could be
the Wild Man.

I don't know how you call him...

He got that scar when his plane
caught fire over the Channel.

I've got an invitation for him

to London to receive
a Battle of Britain medal.

It's only a formality though.

The bastards will never let us go.
I'll have a beer.

- Hi, Cakeman.
- Hi, Olin.

I need a cake in the shape of
an aircraft by tomorrow morning.

- It's for the Wild Man.
- I'll make a cake. -Ciao.

It's all for you, Gumo!
We all think you're a great guy!

- It's for me?
- Sure!

- Really for me?
- Sure.

- All of it?
- Yeah, sure!

What a fucking idiot...

A real idiot...

Otto, what are you doing here?

I never thought
they'd let you out.

We'll they did, as you see.
But I'm full of pills.

- This is Petra.
- Hi.

She was released with me.
She's nowhere to go.

I'm not playing in this muck.

We play in all weathers!
No postponements!

Unload, lads...

- We're in the shit, Olin!
- Why?

- There's no way we can lose.
- I know that.

You haven't heard.
We didn't have a collection.

- How come? -Because the shitheads
bought rum with the prize money.

- Don't worry, we'll smash them.
- I hope so.

Pig Pen!
Pig Pen!

- What are you fucking at?!
- You don't know what love is.


When the poppies ripened

all the junkies laughed.

And when they blew a joint

they shouted victory!

[Parody on National Anthem]

- May I?
- Sure.

That's really beautiful.

The Hag, the Hag...

Well, er, you've won first prize
for your, er, composition...

Petra, what are you doing?
Wait, I'm over here!

Petra, what are you doing?

- Can I, Crip?
- Yeah, help yourself.

- Sure you're not coming?
- No, I'm the organizer.

That's the point.

Realize how many informers
there are among them?

- The cops will be here in no time.
- I don't give a fuck.


- You know what she told me?
- Who?

Petra, of course.

She said she doesn't love me.
She wants to live with the Hag.

She's fucking ditched me.
Do you understand?

Let her go.

What do you mean,
fucking let her go?

I fucking love her!

- Just forget her!
- I won't fucking forget her.

You love Olga, but when Otto
come you pack your fucking bags,

- I not such a fucking cunt.
- Shut your fucking mouth!


Fucking bastard!
You're an arsehole!

Fucking prick!



Olin, marry us!

Yeah, great.

Wedding! Wedding!

Olin! Otto and me too!
Let's get married, yeah!

What a gas!

Come on folks,
let's have a wedding at 6am.

And your children will
be our children.

You'd better not say
our bed will be your bed

or I'll smash your face.
- Why not?

Olin, make sure no one
knocks her off.

I'm going for flowers
I want to get married too!

I join your hands and your blood.

Love each other
till death or the next nick.


I join your hands
and your blood.

Love each other and till death
or the next nick.


MY turn!

My turn...

Don't bother with her.
Find someone else to marry.

You reckon?
Hey, want to marry me?

- Okay...
- Yeah...

She's got nice breasts.

I've got to have that photo.

This one's quite good.
Adolf's great too...

Identity check.

I haven't got it on me.

I really haven't.

Gumo, give me some money...
for a beer

How dare you, citizen! Sit down,
take out your identity card.

Got a crown...?
Got a crown for a beer...?

How dare you, citizen?
Identity card.

Give me a beer...

Identity card! !

- Gumo, money for a beer...
- Silence!

Fucking silence!
I want your identity card!

Take him away!

Leave off, copper, OK?
Don't fucking touch me, copper!




Did you hear they've
taken the Wild Man away?

Fucking bastards.

Here's to the Wild Man, then.

Well, tell him then...

Olin, we meant it seriously
with that wedding, you know.

I know...
Pig Pen hasn't got over it yet.

We're going to live
together for good.

And we'd need you to...

God, this is stupid...

Be strong, my love.

Wild Man!
Straight and bold!

Is that you?

Two rums, Crip!
They let you out?

Wild Man?
Got away!

They shut me up.
Loony bin.

- Just look at the clothes.
- Bastards!

Let's go then, Mr. Petras.

Leave him alone.
Don't you realize,

they'll kill him
in that madhouse?!

Think of me what you like,
but it wasn't my idea.

He needs to be in an institution.

You need to be
an institution, you cunt!

Leave over...

I know where the Wild Man is!

I don't believe you.

We'll go and get him out!

It's not for certain yet.
We'll have to phone.

They put him in a home
for old loonies in some village.

Let's go.

- Got a phone directory, Crip?
- Sure!

They've just brought
my grand-dad to you.

The police did...

Yes, that's him.
Could I visit him?

What's that you said?

What's up?
Is he there?

What's happened, Olga?

- The Wild Man's snuffed it.
- What?

He hanged himself.

I'm going to piss
on my Commie Dad's grave!

- Who’s coming with me?
- Me, Hash!

There's no fucking point!

You don't know how great if feels
to piss on those bastards' heads!

Leave him alone...

Leave him alone, you shitheads!

Let him go.

You Bolshevik bastards.

You cunt!

Open that coffin.

That's out of the question!
He's not in a fit state!

But we are!
Open it!

How dare you?

I'm telling you
to open the coffin!

That is quite
out of the question!

I think it could
be managed, Comrade...

I'll open it for them briefly
and there won't be any further fuss.

I wash my hands of it.

Dear bereaved.

Piss off, cunt,
and turn that off.

I think we ought
to leave them alone for a while.

When we were sorting
through the bins

you said we'd make
a great team...

Then they stuffed you into a
madhouse and I kept my trap shut!

We've always kept
our traps shut!

The Commies locked you up
and tortured you

until you lost your mind.
But you're our mate and buddy.

Save a space upstairs
for us, mate.

So we go straight
there like you!

Hey, no one's allowed in here...

I just want to take
his ashes away.

- It'll be worth your while.
- Keep your money.

You took enough liberties
to get sent down for three years.

Will you be able to give us them?

No problem, I'm on my own today.
And stuff the regulations.

- But you'll have to help me!
- Yeah, yeah.

That was the first
decent funeral of my career.

You were great.

Not really...
Just not cowards for a while.

This is where you
used to sleep, Gumo.

Sweet dreams!

You don't have to get me drunk...
I've already had plenty.

- Here's to you, then, Olin!
- To you!

And now to us.
To a successful delivery...

Hey, you're not...
are you?

Of course! Both of us!
You're just fantastic!

You're joking...
Then I'll be a dad!

Sure! But hang on...
Don't forget what we agreed!

I know. But you'll
let me see them.

Sure. But you mustn't
forget you're dead!

So here's to the dead Dad!

- The dead Dad.
- This is marvelous.

- Ciao, cretins.
- Ciao Pig Pen.

This is Jaroslav,
I met him at the station.

He's nowhere to stay
so I took him to our place. OK?

- If you think so...
- Hi.

Jaroslav is a fantastic
left winger.

We'll use him in the return match
and they'll shit themselves!

Hey, tell them how many years
you've been playing.

- Eight.
- Eight fucking years.

- Good. -That's great.
- Hi, Pig Pen.

- Ciao.
- Ciao.

Hey, what if we sang
the girls our new song?

Great idea!

[A nostalgic song
whose chorus is altered to

"Show your cunt"]

Come here!

Ciao, Pedro.

- Know who that is?
- No.

The word's going round the jails

about a sneak
with a racket tattoo.

He's turned in a lot of lads
including a very good pal of mine.

- Now they've sent him
to spy on you. -No!

I've got to go.

Bring him to me round
the corner over there.

I much prefer pissing
in the fresh air

I hope I've made myself clear,
you fucking shit.

So in response to many requests
here are a few smoochy numbers.

You under arrest, citizen.

Fine. Now it's our turn
to do the thumping.

You bastard!


Not very clever, are you?

So why did you lure Zdenek
Skraloup from the pub?

Who turned out the lights?
And who threw the chairs?

I don't know anything.

- Comrade chief. Could you?
- A moment.

Write me exactly what happened.

- Should I stay with him?
- There's no need.

He knows what he has to do.


Look here, you can't just
take my child away like this,

I won't put up with it.
Reconsider it.

You could end up on the beat
till you retire...

Fucking hell, what
were you drinking?

Olga smashed an ash tray into
the face of one of my guys!

Pedro's under arrest...

Why do you hang around
with people like that?

Because they're normal!

What crap are you talking?
He almost killed that guy.

You call that normal?

You're a right crew.

You know what Olga can expect
if she carries the can?

Reform school till she's 18
and then prison for the rest.

So what am I supposed to do?

Send him in.

Pig Pen!

I don't believe it,
the graves have opened!

- Come here Olin, mate!
- Ow!

What's up.
You stink of a beating!

- They really roughed you up!
- Any idea where Olga is?

Yeah. Olga's fucking great.

I was at the interrogation
with her.

The cop yelled at her
so she picked up an ashtray

and smashed it in his face.

Watch out!

Hey, Olin. When they let us out
we are gonna meet here.

I'm worried they'll never
let us out, Pig Pen.

We won't live to see the day.

You're talking fucking soft.
They have to let us out one day.

You're right, mate.

Useless as usual.

- It's for you, Olin.
- For me?

Don't worry, it's only Otto.

Otto's found Olga!

He needs help to spring her!
He needs me.

You cunt. You know how long
you could get for that?

I don't give a fuck!

Otto's my pal...
I must talk him out of it!

- You've no fucking chance.
- So what am I supposed to do?

What? Play. It's your turn.

I can't! The girls go
shopping with a minder.

They take turns.
It's Olga's turn tomorrow.

I've sussed the guy out.

He's a hefty bastard
but we'll cope with him.

You know what we'll get
if they catch us?

Fuck them! They'll put us
away one day anyway.

This way we've got a chance.
It's worth a try.

I'm not sure...

We won't starve.
I've got money.

- You?
- I robbed a kiosk yesterday.

Well, I hope the fellow
didn't snuff it.

The place was closed, stupid.

And I've sold
the ciggies already.

Don't get drunk.
It's D-day tomorrow.

Hide your hair under that.

Go for his bollocks
he's a Commie queer anyway.

I'll knock his guts right
out of his body with this.

- You mustn't blow it, though.
Hit him twice to make sure. -Sure.

Then once round the block
and meet us by the factory.


Go for a milk.

Out of the way, sonny!
You lie in the way.

Now we need the bread!

What are you up to?
Leave her alone!

Look at what I got!

What are you up to?
You look sex starved...

I am sex starved

and besides we're
trying to be inconspicuous.

You weren't followed?

What do you take me for?
Iran like the wind.

But that cunt won't be
jogging for now.

Hey, that's him.
Let's go!

What the fuck?

You want to get drunk
before we get there?

Give me it!

Shut up for fuck's sake!

There could be some hunters
around here and we'd be fucked.

We're already fucked darling!
Have a drink!

- Fancy some?
- No.

- No. We'll get pissed on rum.
- Hey, no messing about, OK?

I'm the only one who'll
go into town.

We've got to hold out
for at least two weeks.

And then its freedom,
sweet freedom!

I wonder what we'll do there?

I haven't a clue what
it looks like in the West.

First they'll put us in a camp

and then we'll have
to choose where next.

America, Australia,
New Zealand are possibilities.

- And maybe South Africa.
- I'd go to America.

Because the fucking Commies
will never come there!

America is all
about fucking money.

Let's go to Australia.

We'll drive around in jeeps
and the world can fuck itself!

I'd like Paris.

They say French men
are a good fuck.

Ease off, OK?

I'm going to make a fire.
I can't drink that rum neat.

I have to boil some water.

- Here we go...
- Thanks!

That's so good! Fantastic.
Another one, boss!

Dear viewers, welcome
to our regular police spot.

Police is looking for
three escaping people.

The first is Olin Brada,

who attacked and hurt
a minder from a detention

institution for teenage

Brada is 178 cm tall,
long hair,

last time he was seen
he wore a blue overall.

Nevertheless it's highly possible
he has changed his clothes.

The second one searched for
is Olga Novotna

who escaped from
the detention institution.

Novotna has brown hair,
is 163 cm tall...

song: The little boy's locks
fell to the floor..."

He wasn't allowed to move..."

I managed to find the guy.
He'll get us into Hungary.

And he'll buy us tickets
to the Yugo border.

- But we don't have enough money.
- So we'll rob a fucking kiosk.

Don't be stupid. We're strangers,
they'd nab us right away.

We'll have to try something else.

I hope it's not
what I'm thinking.

Yeah, we'll have
to sell ourselves.

- We will? Olga OK, but us?
- So it's OK for me, yeah?

You think you know
what it's like

when some drunken old fart
shoves it in you? Fuck off!

Two vodkas, please.

Don't drink it too fast.
We're short of money.

Here you are, gentlemen.

I'd need the whole bottle.

Hey, let's call it off.
We'll be here a couple of days

- Olga will earn it.
- You'd really be such a bastard?

Hi, lads. Will you take
a drink with us?

- Sure. We were feeling
a bit lonely. -That's a fact.

Have you something to drink?

You're really nice.
What's your name?

Mind your own business.

Don't get drunk,
you won't enjoy it...

I don't intend to enjoy it!

Don't worry,
it'll be lovely.

- I'll be gentle with you.
- None of that.

- Wouldn't you like a shower.
- No, thanks.

We're in the shit.
He called the cops.

Fortunately I cased
the joint in advance.

But there's a guy in a car
in front of the place

and three more round the corner.
We've got to scram right away.

Take it easy...

This is our last fucking chance.

In Gdansk we can get some money
for the ferry to Sweden.

Your poor arse will be worn out
before we earn enough, Olin!

Shut your mouth, Olga.

Wait. My grand-dad in Prague
has a painting by Zrzavy.

It should fetch enough
for us to pay the ferry.

Look out! Cops!

Stand aside!

The bastards caught Olga,

when she was about
to sell the Zrzavy painting.

They locked her in
the reform school again

so she jumped out of
a 5th storey window.

Otto hanged himself afterwards.

They caught me too

and put me in a madhouse
for quite a while.

But then things went
like clockwork.

I got to Yugo on a false passport
and then came here.