Intruder (2016) - full transcript

During one of Oregon's most violent storms, a young cellist seeks solitude and comfort in the safety of her large apartment, but soon realizes she might not be home alone. With the modern and simple tone of Paranormal Activity paired with the cinematic elegance of Hitchcock's Rope, INTRUDER is a disturbing psychological thriller that will make you think twice about being home alone. Starring John Robinson (Elephant, Lords of Dogtown) and the rising Scottish actress Louise Linton (Lions for Lambs) in her first US leading role. Written and directed by Travis Zarwiny. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[dark music]

[thunder rumbling]

- It's really coming down hard.

What's it like over there?

- I'm on my way to rehearsal.
Traffic's a nightmare.

[kettle whistling]


- I hate this weather.

- Tell me about it.
It's bloody horrible.

Makes the whole city
feel crazy.

Well, at least you've got
a man in the house.

Speaking of which,
how's Robert doing?

- Yeah, he's good.

He's actually
out of town this week.

He got a new client,
so he'll be in Japan.

- That's a long flight.
- Yeah, I know.

- He travels so much.

- This place just feels
so big when he's gone.

- What?

- The power just went out.

Let me call you back.
- I'll be here.

- Okay, bye.

[bottles clinking]


[intense music]

[dramatic music]

[thunder rumbling]


[music continues]


[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

[cello music]

[music continues]

- You're still having
a hard time with that?

- Vincent, hi.

- I always thought your little
hands were too fat for Dvorak.

- Sorry, I thought I was alone.

- No, I'm working late too.

- Well, I hope
I didn't disturb you.

- No, I love listening
to you play.

- I'm still trying
to master this legato.

Dupree made it look so easy.

- Well, I think
she had more focus

but honestly,
I think you're more talented.

[instrumental music]

I love this theater
late at night.

It's so empty..

...and so still.

In the quiet

I feel like
I can find my muse.

So when you're playing..

...really pay attention
to your breathing

and really
listen to your body

and, Elizabeth, just play.

- I'm trying.

- Mm, maybe you should
fucking try harder.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

- Elizabeth! You startled me.

I was so focused
on the front door,
I didn't even see you there.

- No, my apologies,
that was my fault. Sorry.

You going somewhere?

- As a matter of fact I am.

I am off on a weekend outing
to the coast..

...with a 36-year-old doctor,
I might add.

- Ooh! Sounds serious.

- Or scandalous,
depending on how you look at it.

- I hope it's scandalous.

- Honestly, me too.

The London Philharmonic?

Oh, my God!
You made it in, didn't you?

- Yeah, yeah.

I was gonna tell you,
but I just found out myself

but yeah,
they've accepted my application

to their expansion program.

- Ah, a summer in London
studying with the finest.

I'm jealous.
- No, don't be.

I hear it rains
even more over there.

- I'm so happy for you.
- Thank you.

- Hey, how about we celebrate
when I get back? Monday?

A true ladies' night in.
I'll cook dinner at my place.

What do you say, neighbor?
- That sounds great.

- Great, it's settled then.

The castle is yours
until my return.

- Thank you, madam.

- Hey, at least tell me
you're celebrating this weekend?

- Oh, I am.

I'm treating myself to a nice
relaxing weekend at home.

- Perfect. No Justin?

- Uh, no. Unfortunately.

- Domestic problems?

- Ah, just boyfriend drama.

[intense music]

- Oh, don't worry about him,
he's harmless.

- They always are in the
beginning, and then it changes.

Anyway, have a great weekend.
- You too.

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[answering machine beeps]

- Elizabeth, it's me.

I bet you're staying home
this weekend,
being a vegetable.

Hopefully with
a nice bottle of wine.

But look,
that's not why I called.

Oswald needs a place
to crash this weekend.

I know it's a lot to ask,
but you're my only hope

and you don't even
have to call me back

'cause I'm already
on my way over.

I swear
I will make this up to you.

I'll see you in a bit.

- I guess that
settles that then.

[answering machine beeps]

- Honey, it's mom.

Ah, the London Philharmonic

my clever girl.

Dad and I are so proud of you.

It gives us
an excuse to come over

and visit
the family this summer.

Hmm, how exciting.

Anyway, love, don't forget
to call me this weekend.

Better yet,
let's talk on the computer.

I finally figured out
that video chat thing.

I love you. Bye.

[answering machine beeps]

- It's Justin.
I really need to talk to you.

It's important.

Look, I know I said
some things that didn't
sit well with you

and I'm sorry, but avoiding me

is not gonna
make this any better.

I'll be back in town tomorrow
and really want to see you.

It's killing me
that you're not picking up.

It's 2:30 right now.

If I get in early,
I'll text you..

...or just stop by.

I'm serious about..

- So am I.

- And in other news,
the body of Emily Bishop

was found late last evening
in her home
in Sylvan Highlands.

The police investigation
is currently under way.

The death is the fourth
in 6 months

to rock the city of Portland
and its surrounding areas.

Police Chief Horace McFadden
says that since..

[thunder rumbling]

[instrumental music]

[door shuts]

- Jesus!

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

[kettle whistling]

[instrumental music]

[knock on door]

Hang on!

- Elizabeth,
you live in Portland, Oregon

for God sakes, not Detroit.

- Oh, please! How many locks
do you have
on your door again?

- 9. But I live
in a different neighborhood.

- Oswald, my man.
Welcome back.

- Thanks for taking
care of Oz for me.

- Sure.

- I'll be back
Sunday evening to get him.

Monday, for sure.

God sakes, I don't want to keep
interrupting your personal time.

- It's fine. Come on,
let's go sit down.

So, Marty, I've been
waiting for you to tell me

what's really
been bothering you.

You never bring
Oz over unannounced.

- I'll tell you, I just needed
to work up the courage.

- Sounds serious.

Whenever you're ready.

- I have to leave the symphony.

- In the middle of the season?
Why? What's happened?

- My son happened.

- Daniel?
What's wrong with him?

- Nothing is wrong with him.

Between shows
and rehearsals and travels

and more rehearsals,
I'm never home.

I missed his first steps, E.

I'm never gonna get that back.

- Honey, Marty

we can fix this, I promise.

We've been through
worse together.

[intense music]

[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

[cello music]

[Oswald mewing]

Oz, you hungry?

Dinner is up.

It's Fancy Feast
for you, young man.

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]




- Hey, sis, what's going on?

- I just thought
I'd call and say hi.

Can you believe this storm?
It's crazy.

Where are you?

- Just passing
over Bridal Falls.

- You gonna be at
mom and dad's on Monday?

- Uh. it looks like it.
Everything alright?

- Um, sort of.

- I don't think
I like the sound of that.

- No, really, no, everything's
fine. Everything's alright.

What's, what's
your drive like?

- It's pouring rain,
visibility zero.

Weatherman's promising
a huge storm.

Standard Oregon fair.

- Well, then,
I should let you go.

You've got to
concentrate on the road.

- No, I can,
I can talk for a bit.

- Oswald's here.

- Marty's cat? Is Marty okay?

- Yeah. Yeah, she's fine.

- Good God, how long
has she had that cat?

Seems like forever.

[instrumental music]

Uh, hello?

What are you doing?

- I'm staring at a piece of
lint behind the water heater.

- What?

- I don't know what I'm doing.

- You're doing a security
check, aren't you?

I should have known,
you're such a little girl.

- Maybe I am.
- What for?

Something got you spooked?

- Ah, yeah, no.

No, it's fine, it's nothing.

Do you remember
all those stories

that dad used to tell us
when we were young?

- Uh, dad told us
a lot of stories, E.

- Yeah, but I'm talking
about the scary ones.

- Uh, I know, I remember.

- Do you think
he enjoyed watching

our imaginations squirm?

- Absolutely.

[intense music]

- I just found Rusty.

- Your old teddy bear.

- Yeah,
he was hiding under the bed.

[alarm blaring]

Oh, Jesus Christ!
- What?

- My alarm..

My alarm went off
and scared the hell out of me.

- Listen, it sounds like you
have everything under control

over there,
I'm gonna, gonna go.

It's, uh, treacherous
driving out here.

- Okay, maybe you're right.

I think I'll have
another glass of wine.

- I'll see you at
mom and dad's. Uh, talk soon.

- Okay, drive safe, bye.

- Bye.

[thunder rumbling]

[intense music]

[music continues]

- Here we go.

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[toilet flushes]

[intense music]

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[birds chirping]

[instrumental music]

- Ozzie, behave.
I'll be back in a jiffy.

[music continues]

[intense music]

[music continues]

[cello music on headphones]

- Hey, is,
is your name Elizabeth?

- Yeah.
Do I know you?

- Uh, no, sorry.

Um, you don't know me,
we -- we haven't met

but I, I live
in the neighborhood

or I guess, you live in mine.

- Cool.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I -- I live
in the big blue house

um, with the white
trim on it.

- Oh, I know that house!

Yeah, that's a great spot.

I walk past it every day.

- Yeah, it's a great
neighborhood. I love it.

I live off of JoLa's coffee.

- Ah, it's the best coffee
in the city.

- Right?

- I love their pastries.

They're super buttery,
but my God, they're delicious.

- I think it was last week,
I saw you there.

I was, I was just
waiting for my order.

I -- I couldn't help overhear
you talking.

- You know what, you're right.

Justin and I were there
celebrating some good news.

What better place to do it,
than JoLa's, right?

- Yeah, it's perfect.

Justin's your boyfriend?

- Uh, yeah, if you mean the guy
with the beard, that's him.

- Oh, my name's John,
by the way.

- Elizabeth.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

- Likewise.

- So, how long have you
lived on Berkeley?

- Uh, about 3 years now.

- I got you beat.
I've been there 4.

It's such a beautiful

- Yeah, I like it.

- Isn't it crazy though
that we've lived

on the same street
for 3, 4 years, and here we are

just meeting by chance?

- I blame the internet,
you know

that whole online dating thing?

- Hm, my friend Marty's
into meeting people online.

Me, I could never do it.
It kills the romance for me.

- Yeah, well,
for some of us shy types

it's kinda one of the
only ways to really

get ourselves out there,
you know?

- I hear you.

So, any luck?

- Ah, no..

No luck.

But they say,
the fun is in the trying, so..

- Hm, I don't know

it just always seemed like such
an awkward way to meet people.

Then, I'm the kind
of person I don't even
like to send e-mails.

I actually still have
one of those old

answering machines
from the 1980s

that my parents used to own.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

-Does it still work?
- Oh, yeah.

- I remember those.

- Justin calls me analog.

He thinks
I'm that old-fashioned.

- I think that's cool.

I mean, you know, everyone
these days is so obsessed

with their phone and texting.

There's no eye contact
any more, you know?

- I know. Not me though.

I like to see the world
around me.

- Well, hey,
it was nice to meet you.

- Likewise, John.

It's always nice
to meet a neighbor.

- Maybe I'll see you around.

- Yeah, that'd be great.
Have a good one.

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[door opens]

[door closes]

- Elizabeth? E?


You home?

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Holy shit!

- I'm almost happy to see you.

[instrumental music]

[Elizabeth chuckles]


[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[Elizabeth moans]

[music continues]

[Elizabeth moans]

Oh, God.

[music continues]

- So was that make-up sex
or break-up sex?

- I don't know yet,
haven't decided.

- Fair enough.

You'll never guess
who I ran into?

- Hm.

- Professor Renwood.

Apparently he's heading up
the new agricultural division

responsible for documenting
my research.

- Wait, not the same
Professor Renwood

who denied you a referral?

- The same.
Now I'm his boss.

- You're kidding.

- How ironic is that?

- Perfect example
of poetic justice.

- This is delicious.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- None for you?

- I'm not hungry.

So, have you given
any more thought

of coming to London with me?

- I can't go. Not right now.

- Why?

- It's not up to me.

- But it is up to you,
it's your project.

- And that's why
I can't leave just now.

I know this trip is important
to you, to your career

and I think that's why it's been
so crazy for both of us

but if I leave now,
I could be jeopardizing

the future of my research
and of my project.

And if you don't go to London..'ll regret it
the rest of your life.

- No, it's worse than that.

I could lose my seat
with the orchestra.

- And I could lose my tenure
at the university.

I'm sorry.

I know how you had your heart

set on us
being together in London.

- Well, I should have
expected this, right?

This is what happens when two
ambitious people fall in love.

- Look, E..

...I've been thinking

and maybe we should think
about moving in together

when you get back?

- Shacking up? Really?

- You'll have a contract
position at the Philharmonic.

I'll have
tenure at the university.

We'll have enough money,
and we can be
workaholics together.

- Alright.

I guess I'm officially
accepting your bad news.

- I love you.

- Hm. Whatever.

[Oswald mews]

- Hey, Oswald, good buddy.
I heard you were in town.

- Hm. Did you
go by your house,
or did you come straight here?

- Nah, I came straight here.

- You gonna go home?

- Yeah, I gotta make sure

Charlie didn't
tear up the place.

You remember Charlie,
don't you, Oswald?

- Hmm. Be careful, you know,
what they say, dogs get jealous.

- Yeah, right.

- I'm gonna go take a shower.

You're gonna let yourself out?

- Yes, I can.

Speaking of letting
yourself out, young lady..

...maybe it's time you find
another hiding spot
for your spare key?

- Like where?

- Like nowhere.

Under the flower pot
went out in the '90s.

- Why don't you keep it?

[intense music]

So, are you coming back tonight?

- I don't know.

You want me to?

- Hmm, honestly, honey,
it's okay.

I think I've already moved on.

[music continues]

- So we're officially calling
that make-up sex then?

- I guess so. Lock the door
on your way out.

- Right.

- Oh, Justin!
- Yeah?

- Don't forget about
dinner with the parents
on Monday night.

- Uh, this is the first
I've heard of it.

- Well, can you make it?

- Your mother would never
forgive me if I didn't.

Of course, I'll be there.

- Okay. See you tonight.

[music continues]


- Hey, E, I forgot I picked you
some wildflowers.

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

- The usual?

- Yeah.

- Turkey, cranberry sandwich
and an Americano.

Do you want
an extra shot with that?

It's only a buck.

- Sure.
- Cool.

I'll have that up in about
15 minutes for you

if you want
to go take a seat.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

[music continues]

- Hey, Dakota.

- Hey.

- What's going on?

- Hanging out.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Where's your mom?

- Over there.

- Oh, yeah? High five.
I'll see you later, alright?

- Yeah. Bye.

- Bye.

[intense music]

- Your food is ready.

- That was quick.

- Yeah, I threw in
a chocolate chip cookie.

I know that's why
you like to come back.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

See you tomorrow.

[instrumental music]

- So you wanted
to see me?

- Yes, I wanna ask you
for some advice.

- Let me guess,
you're having second thoughts

about going to England.

- Perhaps.

- You are such
a disappointment to me.

You have so much talent.

You actually have so much
talent that I envy you.

And now you're asking me
to stand here and bear witness

to you throwing your life away

over some stupid person,
over some stupid situation?

- I just wonder if
there are other priorities

to take into consideration.

- No!
This is your only opportunity!

Don't squander
your fucking potential!

[intense music]

[cello music]

[cello music]

[intense music]

[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

[intense music]

[music continues]

[knock on door]

- John?

- Surprise.
- What are you doing here?

- Uh, did you loose this?
- My wallet.

Hold on a second.

- Hey.

- Thanks.
Come on in.

- Oh, great.

- Come in, come in.

- Oh.

Hey, you must have dropped it
when you were at the Laundromat.

I found it when I was
going to dry my clothes.

It's all there, I promise.

- Wow, I can't believe I..

- Yeah, it was on top
of the washer.

Your address was in your ID,
it's on your license, so..

- Oh, right.

Uh, uh, thank you.
This is great.

I, uh.. Uh, thank God it was you
who found it, right?

- Yeah.

- You're soaking wet,
let me get you a towel.

- Oh, that'd be great, thanks.

I figured since
were neighbors

I might as well
just bring it by.

- Of course, thank you.

- Do you mind
if I take my coat off?


Stay a while,
it's the least I can do.

- Oh, thanks.
- Really.

- I lost my wallet once too.

It was such a pain in the ass

getting everything replaced
and canceled.

- Yeah, I need to be
more careful.

It must have just fallen out
of my pocket or something.

- Yeah.

It's a cool pad.

- Thank you.
It's cozy.

[intense music]

- You're a musician?

- Yeah, I'm actually with
the Portland Philharmonic.

- Really? That's interesting.

- How so?

- I don't know, I guess
I just have never met

a classical musician before.

- Hmm.

- People normally have
like boring jobs.

Like Starbucks
or, or dental assistant.

You know, like real life jobs?

- I have a real life job.

- You know, yeah, I, but you
actually like your job.

- Yeah. I guess I lucked out.

- So how did you
get into music?

- It was my parents really.

They were the ones that got me
into music when I was young.

- Oh, cool.
Parents are, are special.

- Are you close
with your family?

- No, I'm not, actually.

- Oh, um, can I get you
a cup of tea

or something hot to drink?

- No, I'm fine, actually.

- What about a glass of water?

- Sure.
Yeah, well, that'd be great.

- Okay.

So what line of work are you in?

- I write. A blog.
I write a blog.

- I didn't know that
that was a real job.

- Yeah, no, neither did I,
until I tried it out.

You know, the more
people read my stuff

the more clicks I get, and that
in turn gets me more advertisers

and somehow I get a check
at the end of the month.

- Hey, if it works.
- Seems to be.

- So what's the blog about?

- Uh, basic stuff,
relationships, dating

that sort of thing, how to meet
the person of your dreams.

Speaking of which, can I ask you
a personal question?

- Sure, if it's not too weird.
- No, I don't think so.

I mean, I just wanted to know
about your boyfriend.

- Justin. Yeah, what about him?

- Uh, how'd you guys meet?
And, uh, what does he do?

Or where did you guys meet?

Sorry, I know
that's a really weird question.

But believe it or not, there's
thousand of guys out there

that wanna know answers
to questions like that.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- So how does a guy like
that get a girl like you?

- Well, what's a girl like me?

- Come on,
don't make me say it.

You know, I'm -- I'm
the shy type, remember?

[Oswald growls]

- Ozzie, be nice!

Don't worry,
he'll warm up to you.

- It's cool,
all cats hate me.

- Don't worry about it.
Cats hate everybody, right?

- You don't have to answer
that question right now.

I put you on the spot,
I'm sorry.

Maybe just think about it?
- Sure.

- Maybe next time, uh,
we could do an interview.

And you could shed some light on
the whole dating thing for me.

My readers would
really like it.

- Sure, sounds good.

Actually maybe you should
talk to Justin as well. I mean..

Besides, it'd be cool
for you guys to meet.

- Yeah, that,
that would be great.

- And I was thinking earlier

I know this really hot violin
player, single mom

currently looking for the next
exciting thing in her life.

Maybe the 4 of us could go
grab a coffee some time.

- That would be,
that would be great.

I'd, I'd look forward to it.
Thank you.

- Okay. Oh, John?
- Yeah.

- I need that.

- Oh, yeah,
of course, sorry.

- And thanks again so much
for finding my wallet.

- Yeah. Hey, no worries.

Okay, I'm really
leaving this time.

Okay. You're a life saver.

- Take care.
- Bye.

[intense music]

Oswald? Ozzie?


Where is that cat?


Oz? Tch, tch, tch.
Here, kitty.

Oz, you hiding?


Hey, you hiding?

[Oswald shrieking]

Oh, no.

Stupid little bastard
got out again.

[thunder rumbling]

[intense music]

[thunder rumbling]

Ozzie. Oswald.

Oswald. Ozzie.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.



Kitty, kitty, kitty, come on.



[thunder rumbling]


Stupid cat.

[intense music]

I'm sorry.

I, I didn't see anybody there.

- Why would you?

I love the rain.

It's invigorating.

- Have you seen a cat anywhere?
I lost my cat.

- You mean your friend's cat?
- Yeah.

Wait, how did you know that?

I -- I've gotta go.

- You know, they hate the rain.


It's probably waiting for you
at your front door.

- Thanks.

[intense music]


You have got to be kidding me.


It's just been one thing after
another this weekend.

- Did you at least see Justin?

- Yeah, he came over
this afternoon.

He's not coming to
London with me, by the way.

- Is there more you want
to tell me about that or..

No, not really.

I'll fill you in later.
- I see.

Dare I say,
"Boys will be boys"
or does that not apply here?

- Nope, it applies.

- Well, it's still not too late
to find another suitor.

- Mum. No.
- I'm kidding, dear.

Justin is a catch,
you should keep him.

- I'll be sure to mention
that to him.

Storm is really kicking in.

I'm worried about Justin, he was
supposed to come over tonight

but he's a no-show.
He hasn't even phoned.

- There's still time.
It's early for you young types.

- You're still a spring chick,
yourself, mum.

Give yourself some credit.

- It's not me you have
to convince about that

it's your father.

- Well, he's still with you,
isn't he?

- Good point.

- I talked to David yesterday,
by the way.

- Oh, good. What did he have
to say? Anything interesting?

- No, not really.

He's just giving
me a hard time, as per usual.

[thunder rumbling]

Great. Hang on, mum.

Having a bit
of a minor disaster over here.

- You want me to have
your father come over?

- You think he'd mind
traipsing across town

to rescue his little
girl in the rain?

- Please, he lives for
that sort of stuff.

Especially for his little girl.

- I don't think dad would
ever let me live it down

if I couldn't
even change a light bulb.

- Neither would your brother.
- Okay, hold on a sec.

- I'm not going anywhere,
take your time.

[intense music]

- Okay, I'm back.

- So Carol is coming
on Monday.

I forgot to mention that
on your answering machine.

- Who?
- David's girlfriend.

You remember, she came
for Christmas briefly.

- Oh! Oh, the biology major.
Yeah, I liked her.

- Good. Should I be expecting
Justin as well?

- I hope so,
if he can make it.

He's just so absorbed
in his work.

[bulb shatters]

Mum, I'm gonna have
to call you back.

Things are getting pretty
hectic over here.

- Domestic difficulties
getting the best of you?

- Yeah, you have no idea.

- I can wait.
Go do what you have to do.

- You sure?

- Believe me, I've got
nothing better to do

as pathetic as it may sound.

- Okay.

[intense music]

[music continues]

- Well, what is going on
over there?

- Oh, nothing, I'm just
taking care of a juvenile cat

and cleaning up bloody mess.

- Well, maybe I should have
sent your father, after all.

- Oh, I'm glad
you're enjoying this.

- Immensely.

- Okay, oh, voila.

- That may be my cue
to say goodnight.

- Okay, night, mum.

- Love you, and so does your
father. Let's chat tomorrow.

- Okay. Bye.
- Goodnight, honey.

[intense music]

It's late.

Justin, where are you?

[music continues]

[cell phone rings]

[intense music]

[ringing continues]

[ringing continues]

[ringing continues]

[ringing continues]

- This is Justin. Leave
a message after the beep.

- Justin?

- Justin?

[cell phone beeping]

[beeping continues]

[music continues]

[beeping continues]

[thunder rumbling]

[instrumental music]

[intense music]

[music continues]


- Bless you.

[intense music]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

- Hmm.



[intense music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

- Somebody! Help me! Anybody!

[instrumental music]


[intense music]

- Here's your food.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, you're welcome.

- No cookie?

- No, not this time.

By the way, I, um,
I just moved
into the neighborhood.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]