Intimate Stranger (1991) - full transcript

A struggling bar singer takes a job as a phone-sex operator in order to make ends meet. One night she gets a call from a man who tricks her into listening while he murders a prostitute. Then he tells her that he's going to kill her next. She goes to the police, but the detectives don't believe her. However, an ambitious uniformed cop does believe her, and together they try to track down the killer before he kills anyone else--including her.

(slow music)

- [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, the Tom Tom Club's

own Mistress of Rock 'n' Roll,

Cory Wheeler and A Few Good Men.

(audience applauding)

(rock music)

♪ Yeah, I admit you got the biggest brown eyes ♪

♪ And you know how to part your lips to tantalize, sure ♪

♪ Yeah, you can get any girl you want ♪

♪ Go ahead and do it

♪ Don't say you don't know you're doing ♪

♪ Well, baby, ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore ♪

♪ I ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore, no ♪

♪ So quit it

♪ I love you, I love you, I do, boy ♪

♪ But you ain't gonna cheat on me ♪

♪ I need you, I need you, I do, boy ♪

♪ Choose, is it her or me

♪ Choose, is it her or me

♪ Yeah

(people talking)

♪ Just 'cause I ain't being saying, boy ♪

♪ You should be ashamed of what I've been seeing ♪

♪ Yeah, you better watch your step, boy ♪

♪ You can bet you're going to lose ♪

♪ The best thing you ever had

♪ Well, baby, I ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore ♪

♪ I ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore, no ♪

(phone ringing)

♪ I ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore ♪

♪ So you can quit it

- Hello? - Hello.

- Who's this?

- [Bruce] This is Bruce.

- Well hi, Bruce.

This is Angel.

- [Bruce] I know.

- How do you know?

Have we talked before?

- [Bruce] Yeah, about a month ago.

You don't remember me?

- Mm, well, I talk to a lot of men, Bruce, a lot of men.

- [Bruce] Oh, uh, why don't you tell me

what you've got on, Angel?

- Well, not very much.

It's kind of hot in here.

Just my black panties and a black bra, black lace bra.

But it's too tight.

It's making my nipples real hard.

- [Bruce] Yeah, really?

- Yeah, could you help me with it?

- [Bruce] Yeah, how old are you, Angel?

I like young girls.

- [Cory] Well, it's your lucky night, hun.

I'm only 15.

- [Bruce] 15.

- [Cory] My daddy's not home, but I'm very nasty for my age.

- [Bruce] No shit.

- [Cory] Mm, I want you to take my panties off, Bruce.

Slide inside me.

- [Bruce] Should I slide headfirst?

- [Cory] Yeah, do it now.

- Oh. - Oh.

Do it harder, harder, Bruce.

- [Bruce] Oh, Angel.

- Mm. - Angel.

- [Cory] Oh.

Oh, hun. - Oh.

- [Cory] Oh.

- Oh, Angel. - Oh, Bruce.

(Cory groaning)

- [Bruce] Oh, Angel.

(phone ringing)

(slow music)

(Cory sighing)

(distant siren wailing)

- Hello?


(slow dramatic music)

Talk to me, hun.

- [Man] Talk to me, hun.

- Oh, you want to play?

That's okay, I like games.

- Angel? - Yes, baby.

- Do you remember me?

- I don't know.

I talk to a lot of men, baby.

I'm a horny little slut.

What's your name?

Well, tell me something memorable.

- I talk to a lot of girls too, Angel,

but you're my favorite.

You're the best.

- Oh, thanks.

I aim to please.

- The last time I talked to you, my inside stuff came out.

That's what it's all about, isn't it,

making your inside stuff come out?

- If that's what you like.

- Do you remember you stripped for me

and you showed me your different parts.

Could you do that again for me, Angel, huh?

- Sure, baby.

I love to have men watch me.

It makes me so hot.

- I had a girl once, you know,

and I made her inside stuff come out.

I've got a girl with me now, Angel.

- Mm, menage a trois.

- Yeah, she's into it if you are.

(woman groaning)

I've got her all tied up.

She's been tied this way for hours.

All tied up with a gag in her mouth.

Do you like the way she looks, Angel?

- Yeah.

- She's so helpless.

(woman groaning)

So very, very helpless.

She's going to die soon, Angel.

She's going to die and you're going to watch. (laughs)

- Hey, uh, what's going on over there?

- Menage a trois, Angel, menage a trois.

You, me, and a girl about to die.

- Hey, I don't like this game.

Just stop it.

- There's so many ways to get inside of a woman.

(woman groaning)

A knife, for example.

A knife in the throat,

the throat works out so well.

(woman groaning)

I've got a knife here, Angel.

Isn't this fun?

Huh? Goddam it.

Isn't this fun?

- No, it isn't fun.

Stop it.

- Listen to this, Angel, listen to this.

(woman groaning)

- [Cory] Leave her alone.

Let her go.

- Do you think I'm a bad person?

I'm a bad person.

I'm a sick, sick fuck.

I should be killed.

This poor girl, she shouldn't have to live through this.

She's just trying to make a living, Angel, just like you.

But I like it.

It feels so good.

Is that so wrong, huh?

Talk to me, goddam it.

That's what I'm paying you for, bitch.

- No, stop it, stop it.

- Oh, I'm almost there, Angel.

(woman screaming)

You strip for me now, Angel.

That's right, my inside stuff is coming out.

And her inside stuff is coming out.

(woman screaming)

- [Cory] Please, stop it.

- (laughs) My inside stuff is white

and her inside stuff is red, red, red.

- Hello? Hello?

Hello? Hello?

Billy, Billy, Billy.

(slow music)

- Cory, what's going on, honey?

- I was just on the phone.

I had this call from this guy and he killed someone.

- What? - Yeah.

He's had her all tied up.

I heard screams.

- Oh my god. - It was horrible.

(phone ringing)

- Finzino Enterprises.

- Freddy, it's Cory.

I was just on the phone and I heard something horrible.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.

What happened?

- I was on the phone with this guy

and I heard him kill somebody.

- Come on, Cory, you gotta be sharper than this.

You know how these customers are.

Method acting, that's part of the fun.

- No, this was real.

- Look, we provide a service here.

Men want to live out their fantasies.

They want to do outrageous things.

They want to hide behind the telephone

and say the dirtiest things they can think of.

They talk, we listen.

It's fantasy, Cory.

Nothing happened.

- Freddy, I heard her scream.

- Come on.

I don't need this crap.

(phone beeping)

- [Billy] Cory, you have got to go to the police.

- Son of a bitch.

- You've got to let them know what happened.

I'm going to take you down there.

- Oh, he was so evil.

(phone ringing)

(slow music)

- Cory Wheeler.

- And when did this happen?

- About 3:00 a.m.

- Uh-huh.

Phone sex?

You do phone sex for a living?

- Yeah.

I'm also a singer, but yeah.

- Is that so?

I always wondered who did that kind of stuff.

(men laughing)

Why don't you tell me exactly what you saw this morning?

- Well, I didn't see anything.

A guy called me up and he had a woman tied up, and-

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

This was a phone call?

A phone sex call?

- Yeah, and while I was talking with him

on the phone, he killed someone.

- You must hear all kinds of weird shit, huh?

I mean, all kinds of weird people must call you up

and they must ask you

to do all kinds of weird shit. (laughs)

- Yeah, look, Detective Bickner,

if you want to get your rocks off

you could just pay your money

and call me like any other guy.

- Yeah, well, let me take a couple of notes here.

I'll put it in the computer.

I'll get on the case right away.

Let's see, no witnesses,

no evidence of any kind, and no corpse, right?

- Right, no corpse.

Thanks a lot, asshole.

(detective laughing)

- Asshole?

- Oh, man. - Excuse me, miss, miss.

I'm sorry, but I overheard your conversation back there.

Is something wrong?

- Yeah, something's wrong.

I didn't have to come down here.

I witnessed a murder.

They're not even interested.

There's a weirdo killer out there.

Scumbag cops.

- What's the matter, you don't like cops?

- What's it to you?

- I'm a cop.

- Great.

- Wait, look, maybe I can help you.

Let me get you a cup of coffee

and we can talk about it, huh?

Come on.

- Hey, Bill. - Dan, how you doing?

- This guy ever call you before?

- [Cory] I don't remember him.

He remembered me.

He said I was his favorite.

- How'd he find you?

- He asked for me by name, Angel.

- [Man] Angel?

- Yeah, I use a lot of different names.

Most of the girls do.

Angel, Candy, Kitten, Mistress for the S&M customers.

Guy calls up and gets the office,

and they get a credit card number.

They run it through a credit check

and then if it comes up good,

they patch him through to my line.

(slow music)

- And what do they do, make requests?

- Some, some do, some don't.

Some guys ask for a blonde or a girl with big tits.

Some ask for a particular name,

someone they may have talked to before.

- [Man] You get a lot of regulars, don't you?

- Yeah.

- You know what you do,

you call the office and you have them say

that Angel's going to be away for about a week.

Tell them to say you're on vacation

or something until Friday.

This way if he calls, I'll come over,

set up a trap, and trace the call.

- Why are you doing this?

Bickner was- - Bickner's an idiot.

Look, let me help you find this bastard, all right?

No police involvement, no paperwork, no bullshit.

All right?

- What's in it for you?

- You know how long it takes to become a homicide detective?

Four or five years, if you're lucky,

if you kissed the right ass.

I don't have time for that.

You know, my father used to say,

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."

- Why should I trust you?

- Why not?

Chances are this guy is not going to call you again.

But if he does, you want to be alone?

- No.

- [Woman] In the spring moon,

in the warm, wet grasses of the spring,

I will hold you, touch you, taste you.

- [Cory] Hold you, taste you, touch you.

- [Woman] What?

- [Cory] Taste your first, then touch you.

- Got it.

Taste you, touch you.

(Cory laughing)

Looks like your friend might have found another date.

- Maybe, we'll see.

- So what's he like anyway?

- He's a cop, and well, he's like a cop.

- Well listen, hun, I better go.

- Okay.

- You think they'll let me in the China Club like this?

- Yeah, they'll let you in.

You know what it's gonna look like

when the AC hits your chest.

- I sure do.

See ya.

- [Cory] Have fun, hun.

- Sorry.

- I'm sorry I'm late.

- Well, you obviously have never hung out with musicians.

They tell me Angel got a lot of calls this week.

- [Man] Oh yeah?

- [Cory] Black one's for business.

The blue is my private line.

(slow music)

- It's unlisted, right?

- Yeah, but the office has the number.

Does your boss know you have this stuff?

- No, they don't encourage people

to borrow the surveillance equipment.

- How's it work?

- The number comes up here.

The computer at the station has a cross-reference file.

It's kind of like a backwards phone book.

You punch the number in you, you get the address.

You wouldn't have something to drink here, would you?

- Beer. - Great.

- Okay.

- So how long have you lived in Hollywood?

- Well, I left Baltimore about eight years ago.

- Your folks are still back east?

- Yeah, my dad moved to Florida.

My mother's underneath Baltimore.

- Sorry.

- Mm, just glad somebody is.

My dad married a cocktail waitress

six weeks after the funeral.

(phone ringing)

Here we go.

- Wait.

- Hello.

- [Caller] How goes it by you, Angel?

- Hi, baby.

- [John] Howdy, this is John.

Where you been?

- Oh hi, John.

I've been away.

Did you miss me?

- [John] Oh yeah.

They told me at the office you'd be back on tonight.

I couldn't wait to wrap my hands around the phone.

- [Cory] You're in luck, baby.

- [John] How's that, sweetheart?

- Well, you know that little black skirt you like so much?

- [John] Yeah, tell me about it.

Tell me what you look like.

- Okay.

I've got blonde hair down to my shoulders.

I've got kind of small breasts, but they're real nice.

- [John] Uh-huh.

- And a thin, flat stomach.

Beautiful tan, long legs. - Oh yeah.

- My best feature is my ass.

I have an incredible ass.

- [John] Well, that sounds nice.

- But you know what?

I forgot to wear any underpants.

- [John] Oh shit.

- And if I were to be sitting across the room from you,

you could probably see right up my skirt.

- [John] What if you just sat down across from me,

like in a waiting room or something

and you caught me looking at you

out of the corner of my eye?

- Yeah.

You mean like in public, like in a dentist's office?

If I was to walk into the dentist's office

and sit down across from you-

- [John] Uh-huh.

- And just go over and pick up a magazine.

- [John] Yeah, uh-huh.

- You could look right up my skirt and see my pussy.

- [John] Oh bingo.

My meat's pressed up against my zipper.

It's bursting.

- Mm, that's good, John.

- [John] Oh, Angel, that's good.

- Mm. - That's nice, Angel.

- I could move my legs around nice and slow.

- [John] Oh, Angel.

- In my short little black leather mini skirt and my-

- [John] Yeah.

- Spiked high heels.

- [John] Oh, little pony, god.

- I knew exactly what I was doing.

- [John] Oh.

- But I just sit there.

- [John] Oh, you're good, honey.

- Let you watch me. - Mm.

- Till you couldn't stand it anymore.

- [John] I can't stand it now.

- And you just have to come over and give it to me.

- [John] Yeah, I'd give it to you, yeah.

- Come on, John. - Oh, that's good.

- Mm, yeah.

Come on, hun.

Mm, oh yeah, that's good.

Oh, oh. - Yeah well, that's good.

- Oh, oh, hun.

- [John] Mm, my little pony.

(both groaning)

- Oh, that's so good, hun.

- [John] Oh, come on, little girl, ride me hard.


(both groaning)


- Oh, John. (groans)

- [John] Oh shit.

(John groaning)

- Oh.

- [John] Oh god.

- Oh, that was good, hun.

- [John] I love you, Angel.

I love you.

- Call me next week.

- [John] Thank you, Angel, you're the best.

- Night, John.

It's going to be a long night.

(slow music)

(phone ringing)


Oh, come on.

Yeah, honey, come on. (groans)

Oh, hun.

(phone ringing)



It's your money, pal.

(phone beeping)

(phone ringing)

(slow dramatic music)

- Hello, Angel, it's me.

You remember me, don't you, Angel?

Menage a trois.

I think about you all the time now, Angel.

You're my new favorite girl.

- Nick, Nick.

- [Man] Hello?

- Yeah, I'm here.

- I fantasize about you,

about all the things I'd like to do to you.

I like to do some nasty things to women.

I like to tie them up really tight so they can't even move.

Tie them with their legs spread apart so I can fuck 'em.

And then, well, then when they're all used up,

I'm going to find you, you little slut,

find ya, fuck ya, and then I'm going to kill ya.

- Nick, Nick, it's him.

- [Man] Hello?

- [Cory] Yeah, yeah, I'm here.

- I'm very good at what I do.

I'm very good with my hands, I'm good with tools.

I'm a very good hunter.

You're going to be my next acquisition.

I'm looking for you, Angel.

Do you hear me?

Are you there?

- Yeah, I can hear you.

- Maybe we can have phone sex together, huh?

When I find you, wouldn't that be fun, huh?

Good night, Angel.

Adieu, sleep tight, Angel.

- Goddam it.

- What's the matter?

- He's got a scrambler on it.

- What's a scrambler, what's a scrambler?

- It interferes with the.

- He said he was going to find me, Nick.

- [Man] Maybe we can have phone sex together, huh?

When I find you, wouldn't that be fun, huh?

Good night, Angel.

Adieu, sleep tight, Angel.

- When these guys pay for the calls,

what do they use, credit cards?

- Yeah.

- [Nick] What kind of a filing system

do they have over there?

- The girls get the credit card number, they log it.

And then they put the log on Freddy's desk

and he takes it to the bank in the morning.

- What time do they lock up?

- 6:00 a.m., why?

(traffic rumbling)

Why'd you become a cop, Nick?

- I don't know.

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to become a cop.

After I left New York,

I was working with my father for a while in construction.

He died, I came out here.

I took the cop test and here I am.

Why do you do what you do?

- You mean, sing?

(slow dramatic music)

- Is this everything?

- That's it, 3:50 a.m.

- D.P. Ashley.


- What do you mean, shit?

- He charged it to his Interbank Card.

I tell you right now, this is not going to be easy to find.

- Well if you can't find it,

what the hell are we doing down here?

- I didn't say I can't find it.

I said it's not going to be easy.

(phone ringing)

(people talking)

Hey, glad I ran into you.

- I wish I could say the same.

Hey, how's that trap that I gave you?

How'd it work out?

- That son of a bitch had a scrambler.

- Oh man, that's too bad.

- Listen, I wanted to ask you something.

Remember the other day you were talking

about the computer inter-reaction.

What was that?

- Why all of a sudden do I not like the direction

this conversation is going?

- Come on, give me a break here, huh?

- All right.

Yeah, computer interface, so?

- Right, give me five minutes.

- I don't have five minutes, man.

I've been here all night, man.

- Come on.

- [Man] I'm exhausted.

I gotta go to sleep.

- It's from Credit Check.

It's all the credit information you could want.

- Where'd you get this?

- My friend Herb at the station

tapped into their main computer.

- Is this legal?

- No.

That's where the bills are sent.

(doors thudding)

- Maybe I should ring the bell and, you know,

if he sees you, he might not answer.

(slow suspenseful music)

- All right, but don't go inside, all right?

And watch your ass.

(doorbell ringing)

- Hello, is Mr. Ashley home?

- No.

- Do you expect him?

- He doesn't live here anymore.

- [Cory] Oh, well, if you hear from him,

could you tell him that-

- It's unlikely that I'll hear from him.

Mr. Ashley passed away 11 years ago.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- I'm Dana Ashley.

May I help?

- No.

Dana Ashley, Dana P. Ashley.

- What's all this about, Miss?

- My name is Cory Wheeler.

- [Dana] Wheeler.

- Sorry, I'm not sure,

I'm not sure what this is all about.

Thank you.

(slow music)

He's using Ashley's credit card for phone sex

and she doesn't even know it.

- That shit happens all the time.

You get a hold of a good card,

you can use it for months if you keep the charges small.

What I gotta do is get a hold of a recent bill.

(dramatic music)

(door clicking)

(Cory gasping)

- Yo, Ciccini, somebody's looking for you, line seven.

- Hello.

- Nick, Nick, it's me.

I got this package.

(slow dramatic music)

It was addressed to Angel.

When I opened it, it had hair in it,

like pubic hair.

- What?

Jesus Christ.

- It went to Freddy's office and they sent it over here.

I just talked to him.

- At least he doesn't know where you live.

Who brought it to the office?

- I don't know.

It was just there.

Listen, could you meet me at Meg's?

- Yeah, who's Meg?

- She's my sister.

- [Meg] So you're a cop?

- [Nick] Yeah.

What do you do?

- [Meg] I'm a model turning actress.

- Oh yeah? - Yeah.

- Would I have seen you in anything?

- No, not yet, but soon.

(slow music)

You gonna have some wine, hun?

So, think you can catch this guy?

- I hope so.

- Well, good luck. - Thanks.

- [Cory] Regular party in here.

- [Meg] Some wine?

Why not take the edge off?

- Take your own edge off.

There's no killer looking for you.

- [Meg] Cory, Cory, Cory.

- [Nick] I got the last six months

of Ashley's credit card bills.

- So what exactly are we trying to find here?

- Any unusual expenses.

- Look at all these department stores.

Wish I could shop that much.

- Fizino, that's the phone sex.

- Look at this, Oriental Escort Service.

- [Cory] It's twice last month.

- Not cheap either.

- What time is it, Meg?

- [Meg] 9:15.

- Oh God, I got to go to work.

- Don't work tonight.

- [Cory] I got to work, I need the money.

- Cory, I'll be at home if you got to get ahold of me.

- [Cory] Okay.

- So what do we do now?

(phone ringing)

(door knocking)

- Hello, Nick Ciccini?

- Yeah.

- Hi, Mina, glad to meet you.

- Oh hi, how are ya?

Come on in.

- Nice house.

You have drink for me?

- Yeah.

- Mind if I get comfortable now?

- No, go right ahead.

How long have you been in America?

- Just a little while.

- [Nick] You like it here?

- It's fun, LA is fun.

- Yeah, LA's a fun town.

You gotta be careful out here though.

- Oh, I know.

Many crazy people.

- [Nick] Yeah, you worked

for the escort service the whole time?

- You said get comfortable.

(slow music)

- [Caller] I want to know what you look like, Angel.

Tell me all about your body.

- I've got an amazing body, Bob.

I've got a body to die for.

When I walk down the street, have on a short skirt,

guys will go crazy.

I'm 38, 24, 36

and I've got long blonde hair and blue eyes.

- [Bob] Oh.

- Blue as the California sky.

- So how's business been?

- Good, Mina very popular.

- Well, I can see why, you're a beautiful girl, very sexy.

- Thank you.

- That woman that works in the escort service,

the one that answers the phone, what's her name?

- You ask so many questions.

Why you ask so many questions?

- I'm just curious.

- Shy and curious, huh?

Curious and shy.

You're a reporter. - What?

- You're a goddam reporter.

- I'm not a reporter.

- What then, cop?

I'm not talking to no cop

and I'm not talking to no reporter.

- I am a cop.

I'm not going to bust you though.

I just want to ask you some questions

about a girl who's missing.

She works for your escort service, that's all.

- This is about Suzaki?

- [Nick] Who's Suzaki?

- Why, do you know what happened to her?

- No, why don't you tell me?

- She disappeared Friday.

Nobody's heard from her since.

- What was it, an outcall?

- No, that's a thing from her apartment.

I'd just seen her an hour earlier and then she was gone.

It's like the door was wide open, all the lights were on.

Somebody got her from inside her apartment.

- And nobody called the police?

- For a missing whore?

I'm sure the cops would look real hard

for missing Oriental whore.

- Wait a minute, wait, wait.


Let me ask you something.

Why the accent?

- That's what men want, isn't it, a wind-up doll?

They don't really want to know who they're having sex with.

(phone ringing)

(slow dramatic music)

- Hello?

- Hello.

- [Cory] Who's this.

- I was waiting to get my thank you note, Angel.

Did you like my present?

It's a small memento of our night of sex and sin,

and the nights yet to come.

- I don't know who you think you are.

But the police are gonna nail your ass.

- Oh, so you want to play cops and robbers, huh?

That's good.

I like that, Angel.

I like that a lot.

You be the good guy and I'll be the bad guy

and we'll see who wins.

You look for me and I'll keep looking for you.

But I got a feeling I'm going to find you first, Angel,

because I'm very good at what I do.

And what I do is nasty.

(camera clicking)

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

- [Nick] Cory, it's Nick.

- Oh, Nick, he just called back.

- [Nick] I'll be there in 10 minutes.

- Okay.

Nick, I want to call this off.

- What are you talking about?

- I'm scared.

- Look, I'm not going to stop now.

I almost got this son of a bitch.

- No. - I'm close-

- Maybe you should get some help.

- I can't believe you're saying this.

- One murder per family is enough.

- What do you mean by that? (sighs)

Remember the escort service that was charged to Ashley?

- Yeah.

- There was a girl who worked for that service

that disappeared last week.

I went down to the morgue tonight and I think I found her.

- What makes you think it's the right one?

- Because her throat was cut and her pussy was shaved.

(slow dramatic music)

- Watch your ass.

(bell ringing)

- Yes?

- Are you in charge here?

- Yes, may I help you?

- [Nick Yes, I'm Officer Ciccini.

I'd like to ask you a few questions.

- Questions?

What kind of questions?

- Well, I'm afraid we have a little problem here.

I'm going to have to see your client list.

- Who are you with?

You can't just barge in here like this.

- All right, look, lady.

Don't give me a hard time here.

I don't want any trouble.

- Trouble?

We make good downtown, mister.

You come here and threaten us with trouble?

- You know this girl?

(people speaking in foreign language)

(fist thudding)

(fists thudding) (men grunting)

(speaking in foreign language)

(fists thudding) (men grunting)

(gun firing) (woman yelping)

You're unbelievable.

- Could we talk?

(slow dramatic music)

- Here we go.

She made an outcall to D.P. Ashley, 17 West Alameda.

That was two weeks ago.

That was one week before she disappeared.

I'd still like to know what you meant before.

- Meant about what?

- You know, about one murder per family.

- You know what they say about curiosity.

- Look, the only reason I brought it up

is because it's a strange thing to say, you know?

- My mother was shot sitting at a red light,

one of those stray bullets,

some kind of gang thing.

- (sighs) I'm sorry.

- She was a substitute teacher, and, you know,

they always send substitutes to the worst neighborhoods.

Back in Baltimore it was pretty safe.

But I guess that's a thing of the past.

- Thanks.

- It was pretty grim. (sighs)

I got the phone call.

It was summertime, a really hot, stinking Baltimore summer.

Dad was drunk and Meg was a baby.

She didn't understand.

I was always like my mother.

Meg's like my father, you know, a flirt.

I went down to the police impound to pick up the car.

It was, you know, this big old Dodge Dart

and huge seats, you know, like a bench, like a school bus.

And I got the car out of the lot okay.

And I got into the street, and then I got lost.

And I looked down at the seat.

It was caked with dried blood.

And I just cried, cried like a little baby.

I was sitting in my mother's blood

and I was sitting there alone.

Where was my family?

Why was I sitting there alone?

(Nick sighing)

I'm sorry. - It's all right.

- Oh, hun.

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

I gotta go.

(traffic roaring)

(phone ringing)

- [Meg] Hello?

- [Nick] Cory.

- No, it's Meg.

- [Nick] Meg, it's Nick.

Is Cory there?

- No, she's asleep, dead to the world.

- Look, tell her I just got off work

and I'm going to go over in a little while

and check out that address.

- Wait a minute,

the address from the escort service?

- Yeah.

I figured if I can get this guy's voice

to match what I got on tape, I'm all set.

- Maybe I should go with you.

I mean, Nick, don't you think

I could get him to talk better than you?

- Yeah, maybe that ain't a bad idea.

(slow dramatic music)

I'll pick you up in a half hour.

- What the hell are you doing?

- Shut the door.

- What the hell are you doing?

- I need a wire.

- [Herb] Oh really?

You got a warrant?

- No.

- You know where I just came from?

Milligan's office.

- [Nick] What did he want?

- Seems Credit Check called.

They discovered a confidential file

missing from one of their disks

and they've traced it to this precinct.

- Oh shit.

- Yeah, shit.

I gotta tell you something, Nick.

They keep asking me questions, it's not going to be my ass.

(Nick sighing)

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

- [Woman] Is this Cory Wheeler?

- Yeah.

- [Woman] I need to talk to you.

It's important.

Could you meet me somewhere?

- Who is this?

- [Dana] Dana Ashley.

(people talking)

(slow dramatic music)

- Do you have the time?

- No.

- Oh, it's 4:30.

- Thank you.

- Now.

(Dana grunting)

(slow music with vocalization)

- [Man] Hey, what is this?

- [Man] Just a minute, folks.

It's that damn fuse again.

- Oh, that's better. - There you go.

(Cory gasping)

- It's okay, he's gone.

I think.

- Come on, let's get out of here.

- I met Malcolm about a year ago.

He was my teacher actually at one of those dance studios.

We became involved briefly for just a few weeks.

Involved is perhaps too flattering a word.

The truth is he was paid handsomely for his services.

You have got to understand

that I am quite active in my community

and I, well, that's really all I've got.

- He's blackmailing you?

- It's been a very difficult time.

It's not just the money and the credit cards,

but he haunts me.

He haunts me and he won't let me go.

(slow dramatic music)

I told him that someone

had come to the house looking for him.

I couldn't wait to tell him.

I thought it would scare him, keep him away from me.

But it didn't.

He came out and he made me get your number, call you.

He made me, Cory, or I would-

- It's all right, it's all right.

- I dug myself into such a deep hole.

He shows up at the house late at night.

He forces me upstairs and he makes,

he makes me, he makes me do things that I,

that should only be done in love.

You know the thing about a house, a big house like mine,

your voice doesn't carry.

Neighbors are so far away.

I have to go now.

- No, wait.

I want you to talk to somebody, a friend of mine.

He's a policeman.

- Oh no, I can't.

- Yeah, he can help you.

- Oh no, I really have-

- Wait, no, no.

Please stay, please, please.

You're in danger.

We're both in danger.

There's no place for you to hide.

Look, sit down, sit down, and I'll make some tea, all right?

We'll put our heads together.

You know, I really think you should talk to my friend.

If we just stay calm.

Do you want herbal or regular?

Well, is regular okay?

- You nervous? - No.

- [Nick] You look nervous.

- [Meg] I'm not nervous.

- Now look, when you get there, you knock on his door.

You tell him you're lost,

you're looking for your friends apartment.

Just get him to talk.

- Well, if this dress can't get him to talk,

I don't know what will.

(slow dramatic music)

- Go ahead.

(door knocking)

- Nick, he's not answering the door.

What do I do?

He just unlocked it.

- Shit.

Get out of here.

(dramatic music)

(guns firing)

(slow dramatic music)

(engine roaring) (tires squealing)

- Are you sure you don't want me to drive?

- No, I'm all right.

- You tried, Nick.

(phone ringing)


- [Cory] It's me.

- Hi. Hi, Cory.

- (sighs) I'm really lonely.

(slow dramatic music)

- Listen, maybe you should call Billy.

- He's not home.

I don't know where he is.

Could you come over and spend the night?

- Oh, Cor, listen, I really can't tonight.

- [Cory] Please.

- No, just have a drink and lie down

and I'm sure you'll feel better.

- I've already had a drink.

You know, I'll sleep on the floor,

like when you used to come over from Baltimore.

- Cory, I'm sorry.

I just, I can't tonight.

- I'd do it for you.

- Cory, don't pull this shit with me.

- [Cory] You know I would.

- Cory, don't pull this fucking guilt with me.

Not tonight.

- Oh, you're with somebody, huh?

- [Meg] Cory.

- Well, Meg, this is serious.

I really need you tonight.

- Cory, I am always here for you, always.

In fact, I fucking risked my life for you tonight.

- What are you talking about?

- (sighs) Nick and I found the killer.

- [Cory] What?

- You were asleep when he called earlier.

There was a shootout, but he got away.

- I got call him.

- Don't bother, he's not home.

- I'll call him at the station.

- He's not at the station.

- I'm going over there to talk to her.

(slow dramatic music)

- Oh. - Oh.

(mid-tempo country music)

- Feeling a little lonely tonight, huh?

- It's funny really.

There's hundreds of guys out there fantasizing about me.

I know some of their names.

I know what they like to do in the dark.

And they're at home thinking

of the girl with the perfect body, me. (laughs)

Then I hang up the phone and finito.

(slow dramatic music)

(door knocking)

- [Nick] Cory, Cory.


- (sighs) Ricardo, when you going to invite me over

to hear your famous record collection?

- Record collection?

I got no record collection.

Cory, you talking about you and me?

- Think fast before the moment's passed.

(slow dramatic music)

- Cory.

Hey, Cory, baby.




(fist thudding)

(Billy grunting)

(slow dramatic music)

- [Man] Stabilize the neck.

- [Man] Yeah, we don't want this guy-

- What's going on?

What are you doing here?

- He's been here.

Must have come last night.

- Oh, Billy.

(siren wailing)

- You stay at my place till I figure this thing out.

- Figure what out?

- (sighs) Jesus, just let me think here for a minute, huh?

- Face it, you blew it.

He's gone.

You fucked up.

- You are so ungrateful.

- Ungrateful?

I bring you to LA.

I give you a place to live.

You fuck my drummer and whatever else

you can wrap your legs around.

- You fucking bitch.

I am not responsible for your sad fucking life.

- Jesus Christ, both of you shut the fuck up.

(all sighing)

(upbeat music)

- Cory.

- Hey, baby. - Hi.

- I thought you were coming by last night.

- Tronz, I want you to meet a friend of mine.

Nick, this is Rick Tronzo, drummer in Cory's band.

- Oh, how are you doing? - How are you doing?

- Baby, I was waiting up for ya.

- Sorry.

- Hey. - Hey.

- How are ya? - Good.

(sighs) Did you hear anything?

- Yeah, I called the hospital

and Billy checked out a couple of hours ago.

And then I called his apartment

and there was no answer.

- Maybe he's sleeping.

- Yeah.

- Look, I think you should stay at my place tonight.

It doesn't make sense for you to go back home.

It's just not safe.

- Are you going to be there?

- I'll be there.

I just got to stop by the police station.

I get some business I got to take care of it down there.

I'll be there later.

- Okay, thanks.

- What do you say, Cory, huh?

It's about that time.

(slow music)

All right, she's back and she's bad.

Let's hear it for Cory Wheeler and A Few Good Men.

(audience applauding) (audience cheering)

♪ Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man ♪

♪ Didn't I give you everything that a woman possibly can ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Each time I tell myself that I think I've had enough ♪

♪ I'm gonna show you, baby, a woman can be tough ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on

♪ Take it, take another little piece of my heart ♪

♪ Take another little piece of my heart ♪

♪ Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, baby ♪

♪ Oh, you know you got it if it makes you feel good ♪

♪ You're out on the streets looking good ♪

♪ Baby, deep down in your heart you know that it ain't right ♪

♪ Can you hear me when I cry

♪ I cry every time

♪ Oh, all the time

(phone ringing)

- Hello.

- [Nick] Herb, it's Nick.

- Nick, what the hell are you doing?

Get your ass down here.

- Look, Dana Ashley's been murdered.

- [Herb] What? How?

- I don't know.

I just saw it on the news.

Did you come up with anything?

- Nothing.

No record, no credit.

- Shit.

Look, I got to Cory's apartment and talk to her neighbor.

- I really think you better get down here, man.

- Well, just stall 'em.

- I can't. - Stall 'em.

♪ Come on

♪ Take it, take another little piece of my heart now, baby ♪

♪ Have another little piece of my heart, oh ♪

- Thanks, hun.

♪ Take another little piece of my heart now, baby, baby ♪

- Hi.

You know, you can't get those in Kansas City.

- Excuse me?

- Dos Equis, you can't get 'em in Kansas City.

- Yeah, well, you can't get a lot of things in Kansas City.

- Hello, hun.

♪ Each time I tell myself that I ♪

♪ I can't stand the pain

♪ I wanna hold you in my arms and hear you once again ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on

♪ Take it

♪ Have a piece of my heart

♪ Have another little piece of my heart ♪

♪ Take it, take another little piece of my heart ♪

(Meg gasping)

- Hello, Angel.

(gun clicking)

♪ You know you've got it

- One sound, one sound

♪ If it makes you feel good

- You're dead.

♪ You're out on the streets looking good ♪

♪ Baby, deep down in your heart ♪

♪ You know that it ain't right

♪ Can you hear me when I cry

♪ I cry every time

♪ Oh, all the time

♪ But each time I tell myself that I ♪

♪ I can't stand the pain

- Billy.

It's Nick, I'm a friend of Cory's.

(slow dramatic music)

Christ, he really roughed you up, huh?

- Yeah.

- Look, I just want to ask you a couple of things.

When he was here last night, did he say anything to you?

- Yeah, I told him.

- Told him what?

- About tonight, the Tom Tom Club.

She's going to be there.

- All right, look, it's going to be all right.

Tom, what are you doing here?

- Why didn't you come in on your own, Nick?

- Look, Tom, I- - No, no, no.

Don't make this any harder than it has to be.

Come on.

(slow dramatic music)

- I knew I'd find you, Angel.

When I set my mind to something, I always get what I want.

I don't know why that is.

I've always been that way.

Obsessive, I guess.

Or is it compulsive?

Do you feel like screaming?

It's only natural.

Go ahead and scream.

I hear screams in this neighborhood all the time.

(phone ringing)

- Hello?


- I thought I had you, Angel.

(slow dramatic music)

I really thought I had you.

- How'd you get this number?

- Menage a trois, Angel.

Let's have him a menage a trois.

- How'd you get this number?

- A friend of yours gave it to me.

A very good friend.

Here, do you want to say hello?

- Cory.

Oh my god, Cory, Cory.

- I was close, wasn't I, Angel, huh?

She's a pretty one.

(Meg sobbing)

I take my time with the pretty ones,

try and make a good thing last, you know?

- Oh no, no, it's me you want.

It's me you've been looking for it.

- No, this is exactly what I like, total power,

total control.

It gets me so excited.

- [Cory] Leave my sister alone.

You don't need her.

I can give you what you really want.

- All right now, Angel, let's get down to business.

- Yes, baby.

- [Malcolm] Are you ready for me, bitch?

- I'm ready for you to do whatever you want to me.

- [Malcolm] I want you to come over here, Angel,

and stand in front of me.

(Meg sobbing)

All right, turn around, bitch.

- [Cory] Like this, baby?

- [Malcolm] Call me master.

- [Cory] Yes, master.

- Okay, drop your panties.

Down past your ankles, right down to your high heels.

- Oh yes, master.

- Oh, that's good.

(Meg sobbing)

All right, now bend over.

Bend over!

- I'm ready for you to do anything you want.

- Now this is gonna hurt.

But you like it, don't you, Angel?

- Oh yes, master.

- You like it a lot, huh?

- Yes, master.

Anything you want, master, anything you want.

- Grab that table.

Bend over so you can't see me, but I can see you.

- Yes, master, please, please give it to me.

- [Malcolm] Do you like it?

- [Cory] Oh yes, master, yes.

- It feels tight, doesn't it?

- [Cory] Yes, master.

- Good, Angel, this is good.

You got to see your little sister right now.

Oh, she's real pretty.

I want to hurt her too, Angel.

I'm going to tighten her way up.

- [Cory] Wait, I'm the one you want.

- Do you want it bad?

- Oh yes, master.

- [Malcolm] Do want me to give it to you, huh?

- [Cory] Oh yes.

- It's just what you deserve, you little whore.

- Stop.

- Beg. - Stop.

- Beg for it.

- Please, do it to me now.

- Beg for me more!

- Please, master, please give it to me.

- Oh, that's good, Angel.

Oh, that's so good.

- Don't.

Cory, Cory.

(Meg sobbing)

- Oh yes, I like that a lot.

And you know what else I like, Angel?

You know what I really like?

(fabric tearing)

I like hurting people, Angel.

I wonder why that is.

I wonder what went wrong, huh?

What do you suppose went wrong?

(Meg sobbing)

You know what?

I'm going to have to call you back, Angel,

in about 20 minutes.

I'll be sending you a present.

(Meg sobbing)

She's real pretty.

She's going to take a lot of work.

- Oh no, don't, don't go yet.

- [Malcolm] I'll get back to you, Angel.

- [Cory] Please don't go.

- Goodbye.

(phone beeping)

(dramatic music)

(Meg sobbing)

- Nick Ciccini, please.

- Sorry, he'll have to call you back.

- No, this is an emergency.

I got to talk to him.

- Right, he'll have to call you back.

- No, there's a guy with the equipment, Herbie.

Can I talk to him?

- [Woman] Please hold.

(phone ringing)

- Yeah.

- Hi, Herbie, this is Cory Wheeler with Nick Ciccini.

Remember me?

- Hey, I'm really sorry about what happened.

You know, it was my ass or his.

- I just got the call.

I need an address.

- Do you have any idea

the kind of shit that's going on down here?

- You got to give it to me.

It's a matter of life and death.

- All right, what's the number?

- [Cory] (213) 934-4772

- Paradise Motel, 1725 Sunset Boulevard, LA.

- Oh thanks.

- Unauthorized use of computer codes.

Electronic equipment taken from this precinct.

And firing your weapon while not on duty?

You're looking at six months here, Ciccini.

- The girl was in trouble.

She had no one to help her.

- If she has a problem,

she could walk through that front door

and talk to a real detective.

- She did walk in here.

She told them what happened,

and they laughed at her, for Christ sakes.


(door clicking)

- Can I get you to sign these for me, Captain?

You know, when a cop has deadlines.

Nick, your old lady called.

Some big emergency.

Wants you to call her.

- Is it all right if I use the phone?

- Go ahead.

There's a phone right there, Ciccini.

- It's a private call.

- Okay.

(phone beeping)

(phone ringing)

(slow dramatic music)

[Officer] Where you going, Nick?

- Bathroom.

- Bathroom's back that way.

- I'd rather go in the street.

- Nick, Nick.

(slow dramatic music)

- [Cory] Faster.

- [Malcolm] Huh?

- Oh.

(Meg whimpering)


- Cory.

Son of a bitch.

(Malcolm laughing)

(brakes squealing)

(engine rumbling)

- [Woman] You're hurting me.

- [Man] Stay still, woman.

- [Woman] Stop it.

- [Man] Goddam it.

- [Woman] You're a nasty man.

- [Man] Devil woman, you get your ass back here.

- [Woman] I'll get you a cop, baby.

- Don't do that, don't be like that.

Come on.

Oh. (groans)

(slow dramatic music)

(Meg sobbing)

(gun firing)

- Oh, Meg.

Oh, oh god, Meg.


- [Meg] Oh god.

(Cory gasping)

(Malcolm grunting)

(fist thudding)

(lamp smashing)

(Malcolm groaning)

- [Cory] Angel's here, right in here.

- Open the door, Angel.

You be good, Angel, be real good.

(glass smashing)

Goddam it.

Open the goddam door.

Goddam it.

(dramatic music)

(wood clattering)

- Oh no.

- Angel.

I'm looking for you, Angel.


I'm going to find you, you little slut.

You're going to be my next acquisition, Angel.

I'm coming.

And what I do is nasty.


(Cory panting)

(fire roaring)

(Cory panting)

(fire roaring)

(tires squealing)

(fire roaring)

(Cory panting)

- Meg.

- Help Cory.

- What? - Cory.

- So, you're Angel.

You're the beautiful phone sex goddess

I've been dreaming about.

We're a lot alike, Angel.

We both crave the theater of sex.

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

You probably think I'm some poor evil man.

It's true. - No.

- But you see, my body doesn't work like normal men.

Even when I was younger

I couldn't get that excited about a woman

without that extra thrill.

What I like is a knife.

With a knife in hand, everything works out just fine.

(Cory grunting)

I've been waiting for this for the longest time.

(Cory moaning)

Waiting to feel what it would be like to-

(gun firing)

(hand slapping) (Cory grunting)

(guns firing)

(Malcolm groaning)

(Cory grunting)

(wood thudding) (Malcolm screaming)

(slow suspenseful music)

(Cory panting)

(Malcolm moaning)

(Cory panting)

(gun firing) (wood thudding)

(men grunting)

- You dirty bastard.

- I'm a sick, sick fuck.

- [Cory] I'm going to kill you.

(dramatic music)

(gun firing) (Malcolm screaming)

- [Malcolm] I fantasize about you,

about all the things I'd like to do to you.

(gun firing)

Maybe we can have phone sex together, huh?

There's so many ways to get inside of a woman.

(Dana whimpering)

(Suzaki screaming)

Sleep tight, Angel.

(slow music)

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

- [John] Howdy, is this Angel?

- No. - No, this ain't Angel?

- No, this is Cory. - What?

- You've got the wrong number.

There's nobody here by that name.

- [John] Maybe you can tell me how-

- [Billy] Cory, what's going on, honey?

- Redecorating, Billy.

Every once in a while you just have to redecorate.

Is that offer still good down at the shop?

- It sure is, honey.

I'll tell you all about the inventory,

and then there's the price list.

And I'll give you your own key to the register.

And there's these great discounts

on all the fashion and accessory items.

Why don't we pick this up tomorrow, okay, hun?

- How you doing?

- Okay. You?

What happened with the review board?

- Six months suspension, no pay.

It could have been worse.

They could have kicked me off the force.

- Sorry, Nick.

- Yeah, what are you going to do?

How's your sister?

- She's okay.

She'll be up and around in a couple of weeks.

- Look, you want to get a cup of coffee?

I really want to talk to ya.

Look, Cory, I'm sorry about what happened

with me and your sister.

I wasn't thinking.

I made a mistake.

Look, I better go.

- Wait a minute.

We all make mistakes.

Let's have some coffee.

(mid-tempo music)

♪ Right on Sunset

♪ A prostitute is upset

♪ She got kicked out of her room ♪

♪ She just goes down, down, down and she never stops ♪

♪ She gets low enough

♪ She thinks she'll wind up at the top ♪

♪ And in a bar down in LA

♪ Where the well drinks all flow cheap ♪

♪ There is a drunkard by the name of O'Malley ♪

♪ Whose bar tab is so steep

♪ That he just goes down, down, down and he never stops ♪

♪ He gets low enough

♪ He thinks he'll wind up at the top ♪

♪ Well if you wanted to find me ♪

♪ You've come to the right place ♪

♪ So talk a walk on by me

♪ And wipe that smile off your face ♪

♪ 'Cause you're going down

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ Well life can be so deep

♪ That a man can surely drown

♪ If he falls asleep on the wrong side of town ♪

♪ He just goes down, down, down and never stops ♪

♪ He gets low enough

♪ He thinks he'll wind up at the top ♪

♪ He falls

♪ Well if you wanted to find me ♪

♪ You've come to the right place ♪

♪ So take a walk on by me

♪ And wipe that smile off your face ♪

♪ 'Cause you're going down

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ Going down, down, down and you never stop ♪

♪ You get low enough you think you wind up ♪

♪ You think you might wind up