Ins Blaue (2012) - full transcript

Into the Blue

Robert calling Nike, over.

Wilhelm here. What's up'?

Simone needs a toilet.
Stop as soon as possible.

Big or small?
- Did you hear that?

None of your business! There'll be an
accident if Nike doesn't stop right away.

Tell her, she shouldn't drink
so much coffee next time.

Wilhelm to everyone: there's a
gas station in ten kilometers.

Simone will have to wait that long.

The vans will continue driving.
You can catch us up.

Simone can press her cheeks together.
And anything else for all I care.

Abraham to everyone: all cars stop
at the gas station. And children...

...choose your words more carefully
in future. Thanks! Over.


Can you get me an espresso please?
- One for me too.

A double for me. Or I'll be
dead tired when we arrive.

You want one too?

Thanks, I'm wide awake.

Although I didn't sleep the whole night.
Too much going on in my head.

I'll bring you one anyway.
It won't hurt.

Did you let the hotel know that
we'll be several hours late?

Don't won-y. They'll wait for us.

It's good you speak so many languages.

I'm pretty excited!
- Me too.

I'll go see what they are doing.

Is anyone missing?
- No. They're all here.

Then we'll continue.

Let's go!
Everyone back in the cars.

We'll stay in convoy.

When we arrive I want you to get me
the largest, nicest room...

...and Laura the room next to mine.

You can count on me. You're the boss.

Nike is your boss.

You're my boss!

Nike calling. Do you see the sea?

It's what I've been dreaming of.
It's going to be wonderful!

Perhaps I should say something.
What do you think?

Every team loves it when
the director speaks to them.

Say anything you want.
It doesn't really matter.

My father thinks I should say something.

I'm happy we have all arrived
safely at our first big location.

I won't speak for long because tomorrow
we will start at 5 am with the scene...

...where the three women pitch
their tent on the beach.

Don't drink too much wine.

Wilhelm will distribute
the call sheets for tomorrow.

Come in!

Can't you drive a bit faster'?

I want to leave this dreary land
behind me. The road is too narrow.

Besides, I'm afraid
the motor will give up on us.

I once drove to Italy
in an ancient Beetle.

The motor began running on three
cylinders. I could only do 80.

You've had so many experiences!
I wish I were as old as you.

Be glad you're not. I feel ancient.

It's essential that no mosquitoes
get into the tent.

If they taste our sweet blood...

If they taste our sweet blood,
we'll be half-dead in the morning.

I don't think there are mosquitoes here.
- You have no idea.

I once did a bike tour with a friend...

I thought you just wanted to snuggle.

I did.

You must go back to your room now.

Or I won't be able to sleep. You do
want me to look beautiful tomorrow?

I should have done it this way.

When I shot a scene at sunset...

...the sun had gone down
before everyone was ready.

How long before the sun is up'?

5 or 6 minutes.

You have to see this!

I love Italy!

Eva, say that again please,
but softly, without pathos.

I love Italy.

God is great and infinite.

There are fish everywhere.

Paradise is everywhere. If we look
closely, it's right around the corner.

A Dolphin!

I'm a hundred percent sure
you'll get the money.

I'm not.

Your project is not
what they have in mind.

It's Abraham Rabenthal.

Mr. von Andreny!

I'm on location in Italy.

Was our application successful?

Then I'm ruined.

Thank you for the information.

Papa, we'll manage.

Even if they don't give us money,
"Into the Blue" will be a wonderful film.

It will make you rich
when it opens in the cinema.

We'll get the "Golden Palm" in Cannes.

The French critics will cheer and
eventually the Germans will too.

We're making 21st century cinema!

I've explained this to you before.

Quiet, please, we're shooting.

- Running.

- Running.

Seven, the second, take one.


Did you get it'?
- Yes.

That's all we need.

Maybe you should stroke it.
Even technical things need love.

I do that when my computer
doesn't do what I want.

You really think it will help?

Dear, good old car,
please don't let us down.

We are three women and we want you
to take us much, much further... least five thousand kilometers.
Then you can break down.

We need to look in the engine.

Maybe there's a cable loose.

But which one?

We could unscrew the spark plugs
and look at them.

Good idea.

We have some tools with us.

Do you really know something
about cars'?

More than you.
We're not cuddly chicks.

We're modern women who know
how to fend for themselves.

I give up. I've run out of ideas.

Please, please, dear God,
let a car come!

Thanks, cut.

Thanks Laura. That was really good!
Now the monk can arrive.

But it's almost evening.
We'll continue here tomorrow.

I have an idea.

What kind of idea?

You cancel Herbert Beier's part
as the fisherman, and Johannes too.

Paul will play the fisherman
and you will take Johannes's role.

We'll save 20.000 Euros.

What do you say'?

Nike, you are crazy!

The fisherman might work
with a lot of make-up. But I...

I can't memorize three lines anymore.

I have problems just remembering
the names of your team.

I'm a sad old man
and I can't act at all.

I would ruin your film.

As well as my film.

Please say yes. I'm improvising.

You can say whatever comes into
your head. You always liked that.

But those were real actors.

You don't need to twist your tongue.

He's been sent by God.

I speak German.

I am Brother Franciscus.
- I'm Laura.

May I ask you something?

Ask me whatever you want.

How does a monk know about cars'?
Aren't monks only interested in God'?

I used to be a car mechanic.

It's more complicated than I thought.

But we'll fix it.

Do you think it's possible
to seduce a monk?

Those two seem to be getting on well.

Look at them.

A monk is just a man.

Franciscus, I can hardly say
your name. It sounds so holy.

Bravo, Brother Franciscus!

Does God speak to you when
you pray to him? He doesn't to me.

How can I explain? I didn't study theology.
I'm just a simple car mechanic.

But now you are also a monk.

You have to say something.

God is everything.

You are also a part of him.

When you ask him for something...

...the answer is there within you.

You just have to be
open enough to hear it.

I studied philosophy and Nietzsche
said, God is dead. I believe he is right.

I'm tired now and I'm going to sleep.

I invite you to sleep in our tent
tonight. Does anyone object'?

No. It's a super idea.

I don't know if it's a super idea.

I am already quite drunk
from your wine.

I'd like to talk more about God.

You don't need to be afraid of us.

We won't harm you. We're just
grateful that you repaired our car.

And besides we think
you're really cool.

I'm looking forward to Abraham's house.
What a shame you'll be gone.

Why'? We could shoot the scene
with me as the fisherman there.

Nike, did you hear that?

I want to shoot at least
one scene in Rome.

But Rome is much more
crowded than Berlin now.

There's nothing but tourists.

Besides, we haven't got
a shooting permit.

We can just act as if we're tourists too.

That's weird. It's hard to look at.

Eternity frightens me.

Laura, you must say something too.
The camera is running.

Eva, could you repeat that, please.
It was good.

And action!

That's weird. It's hard to look at.

Eternity frightens me.

What shall I say?
I can't think of anything.

Make an effort!

I'll start again.

That's weird. It's hard to look at.

Eternity frightens me.

I think it's great.

When I love a man I want a volcanic
eruption to take us by surprise.

You can't just come in like that.

I don't want you to see me naked.

I see you naked all the time
in Nike's film.

That's different.

May I come later'?

No. I want to sleep alone tonight.

Alright, then I'll go.

Don't be mad at me.

I don't feel great today.
I have my period.

I just wanted a little cuddle
before going to sleep.

I don't feel like cuddling either.

Besides, you know where that leads.
Good night, Abraham.

Sleep well.

You can dream of me.

What are you doing here
in my bed'?

We made love.

How can you not remember that?

Are you quite sure'?

Absolutely sure.

You were so loud I was afraid
you would wake half the hotel.

What took you so long?

I had to fill the tank.

You could have let us know.
- How?

Don't you have a cell phone?

No. I'm a monk. You can't
talk to God on the phone.

I've brought you something.

Can you lend me a cell phone?
I should inform my abbot...

...that I won't be back at the
monastery for three weeks.

Or they'll throw me out.

You can have my cell phone.

But don't talk too long.
Foreign calls are damn expensive.

You can call your abbot now.

How do you envisage that?

I don't speak any Italian.

And I don't even know
how to address an abbot.

Dear Paul...

you're a professional actor
and have some imagination.

You take the telephone from Eva,
walk back to your Fiat...

...because naturally you don't
know the number by heart...

You dial the number
in your car, then speak.

My abbot gave me three weeks.
I can stay with you. Isn't that wonderful?

What did you tell him?
- That would interest me too!

Did you tell the truth or did you lie?
You'll go to hell if you lied.

I told him I'd met three young German
women who are traveling in Italy...

...and searching for the meaning of life...

...ultimately searching for God.

And that I am rather like
a missionary in this matter.

That's not really a lie?

You're a great monk! I love you.

When we get to Abraham's house,
we'll go to a church.

I'll cut the last bit.

In the film you don't know
where your journey is taking you.

And the philosopher you meet is named
Herbert Wittgenstein, not Abraham.

I wouldn't have said it if you'd given me
a real script instead of an outline.

Was it okay otherwise'?

Your "I love you" was good.
I liked it very much.

I know you will manage everything...

...but I'm afraid.

I'm reading up everything about
philosophers in the internet

...and what they do.

I try to imagine what I might say.

It just seems so...


Abra, you've got it wrong.

Philosophers are just normal people.

They write great things.

But they are just like you and me.

They are hungry, they like
to drink - like you - red wine.

They fall in love,
are sad when love is over...

...and are afraid of death.
That's why they philosophize.


You are a clever child.

I wonder where that comes from.
Not from me.

Perhaps from your mother'?

I don't care.

You are my dad.
And we're making a film together.

That's all that matters.

You shouldn't drink so much wine.

We have the day off tomorrow.


We're going dancing. Are you coming'?

I think I'll do some editing on the
computer. Besides, I'm dead tired.

Have fun.

Good night.

I want to dance too.
If you don't, I'll dance alone.

You're crazy. Some Italian
will run off with you.

No one's going to run off with me.

I'm not the greatest dancer.

Doesn't matter.

I'll show you.

May I sit with you?

Of course.

Where are the others?
- Sleeping off their hangovers.

So why are you up already?

I don't drink alcohol.

The wine here is delicious.
You should try it.

I know how good wine can taste.
I'm an alcoholic.

I want to use our free day to get
some atmos, without the film team.

May I come with you?

I can hold the microphone.

It's so much fun working with you.

We should do this on all our free days.

You're a crazy guy.

Godard's sound man was the same.

He recorded sound at night
and didn't sleep. A madman.

I haven't seen as many films
as you have.

I worked for TV and didn't have
time to go to the cinema.

I'm hungry and will die if I don't eat
something immediately.

You're my guest. But you must
drink a glass of urine with me.

You're to blame if I have a relapse.

From one glass'?
I don't believe you!

I'll do anything for you.

Let's go!

I'm afraid.

You don't need to be.

God is with us.
- You are with us, but you're not God...

...just a little monk who
used to be a car mechanic.

I don't see any God.

God, where are you?

Send us a sign!

God, where are you?

Give us a sign!

Thank you, cut.

We won't repeat it. It was wonderful.

Isn't this incredible?

We're looking into the earth's core.

It's too weird. I would rather not look.

I think it's great.

When I don't want to live anymore,
I'll throw myself into this crater.

Then I'll die quickly
and it won't hurt for long.

The others must park up there.

The lighting and camera buses can
unload here, then they must move.

Nike wants to shoot the scene
where I bring...

...the three girls to my house.

This is also your office now.

You have everything you need here.
I hope the telephone works.

Yes, it does.

The internet is rather slow.

You need to use a modem
connection. It takes a while.

Only Nike can come in here...

...and perhaps her director's assistant.
What's his name anyway?


This room is taboo for anyone else.

You poor things!

You're almost dying of thirst.

Salvatore didn't take good care of you.

I'll be here just for you soon...

...then you'll get your daily watering.

This is where I live!

I could stay here forever.


I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm Herbert Wittgenstein.

Yes, the son of the great philosopher.

Come inside.

I'll take care of Laura's foot first.


The wound has stopped bleeding.

It's a clean cut.

I'll put a little disinfectant on it.

Don't won-y, it won't hurt.

Mr. Wittgenstein, are you a doctor'?

A doctor...

...but not a physician.

A doctor of philosophy.

If I'd known that I would have
to take care of your wound...

I believe I would have
studied medicine instead.

You must talk to Eva.
She's studying philosophy.

But watch out, she is dangerous...

She'll fall in love with you
right away.

I have that too.

So do I.

I'd rather fall in love with you.

Oh, Nike, no, I don't know... it is so...

I don't know...

The camera is still running.
Just think of something unusual.

You have wonderful feet.

I would like to kiss them.

Go on then.

I have never kissed a woman's feet.

Don't you have a wife,
Mr. Wittgenstein?

Thank you, cut.

Super, Abra. I didn't realize
you could flirt so well.

Can we shoot that again.
Something's wrong with the sound.

Are you crazy?

I'll kill you.

We'll never get it that good again.

I can do it again.

We'll take a break until Lucas
has discovered what's wrong.

We can't use it.

What did you do?

I turned the sound off because
Abraham interrupted the take.

You wanted to continue and I turned
it on again. Otherwise I did nothing.

You smell of alcohol.

Did you drink?

I don't believe it.

I'm son-y, Nike.

I warned you.

It seems it's going to take longer,
so just relax for a while.

What shall I do?

I fear Lucas's sound recorder is broken.

I hate those modern things.

Can you find the fastest connection
between Bari and Berlin?

We're sending Lucas
back to Berlin with that thing.

If you want, he can stay there...

...and we'll get another sound man
with a new recorder.

That's brutal.

I can't just kick Lucas out.
That's impossible.

There is a flight to Rome in two hours...

...with a direct connection to Berlin.

What's impossible?

Is there something between you two?

No. How'd you get that idea?

I may be old, but I'm not blind.

Come in.

The recorder... isn't working properly.

We need a new one.

Dear Lucas, you're flying
to Berlin right away.

Maria is booking your flight.

The plane leaves in two hours.

I'm sorting out with Nike
whether you will return.

Go pack your bag.

Maria will take you to the airport.

We'll shoot landscapes
without sound.

Lots of short takes.
Lucas can do the atmos later.

Have you fallen in love with Lucas?

You would have thrown
him out otherwise.

Maybe. A little.

I won't tell anyone.
Did you sleep with him?

Drive back. There was a road
into the mountains.

My father told me about a cave.
Maybe we'll find it.

He read "The Man without Qualities"
there when he was at film school.

He never could find it again.

I'll live here when I can't
make films any more.

You can come here when you're
not shooting and be with me.

You're dreaming.

No need to say more.

Dreams can become reality.

All my films are dreams made real.

They're your dreams, not mine.

I would marry you.

And when I die,
it would all be yours...

...and Nike's.

It's lovely and cool here.

The light will be difficult.

We can't reach it with the bus.

I definitely want to shoot here.

This is a magical place.

The fisherman could show the cave to
Josephine and make love to her here.

If I were a fisherman...

...and wanted to sleep with Josephine,
I would go to my boat.

But the other fishermen would see him.

I don't believe he would do that.

He wouldn't go to a hotel either.

They could make love on the beach.

You have no imagination.

Just picture it,
at midday it is boiling hot.

The fisherman shows
Josephine his cave...

...where he brought his
girlfriends when he was young.

He even had a mattress in the cave...

...always something to eat, and wine.

He carries her off like a vampire.
Josephine, who adores him.

You are so beautiful!

Would you like something to drink?

Rather a lot of gin.

Are you trying to seduce me?


We had a deal. I'd sleep with you
once to get a part in Nike's film.

I've slept with you twice.
That's it.

You can take it or leave it.
I'm an actress, not a whore.

We don't want any fish.

The fisherman hears us.
But he is mute. He cannot speak.

He wants to give us the fish.

No idea what present is in Italian.

That looks pretty good.

That's great, Simone.

Now I just have to learn
that I cannot speak.

You'll manage.

Lucas is back.

Lucas, are you ready?


Sound is running.

- Running.

Thirty one the 4th, take one.



You're a funny pair. He's mute
and you can't speak Italian.

I'd love to be on the boat
when they're fishing.

Thanks. Cut.

The next scene is the one where
Laura steps on the broken glass.

We'll need lots of blood.
I want it to look dramatic.

As if Laura had been
bitten by a shark.

The water around her
must turn red.

Do you have plenty?

Two liters. That should be enough.

Wilhelm, please tell Abraham that
we'll be ready in half an hour.

Will do.

I can't take any more sun.

And the philosopher has forbidden
me to go in the water.

I think I'll go and see him. I must
thank him again for saving my life.

What a lousy trip.

Josephine hangs around with her
fisherman the whole time.

What does she sees in him?

And now you're off too.

I'll be back.

A man who can't speak
isn't such a bad thing at all.

Please make a friendlier face.

It's supposed to become a love story.
You can't look so morose.

Anyway, it won't match the scene
we already shot.

You're taking your morning walk
along the beach...

...below your house full
of philosophical books.

You might sing to yourself.

But it should be something

About being and
nothingness perhaps.

And then you could have an idea.

Something you never
thought of before.

You stop and start to laugh...

Just a moment...

You start laughing and the hand
camera is very close to you.

And then you hear Laura's loud scream.

You hadn't even noticed the women
because you were so deep in thought.

Where is the first aid kit?

I'm here without a car.

Don't be so complicated.

The women have one in their bus.
They'll bring it to you.

You just have to take off your sandals
and run to Laura.

Then you'll carry the bleeding Laura
to the beach.

I don't want Abraham to carry me.
He can hold my hand...

...but I don't want Abraham
to carry me.

No! I want Abraham to carry you.
What is wrong with you?

That's the way we'll do it.

Have you got any bandages?
- In the car.

It doesn't look good.
I hope she won't bleed to death.

Fantastic! Nike, would you mind if I do
a quick interview with your father'?

You need some time before
the next scene. What is it'?

The fisherman's cave.

And you'll have a lunch break first.
Everything is set up.

I'll do it now.

Where are you taking me?

Why can't you speak?

What are you doing?

Are you going to ravish me here?

What's in there?

A treasure?

Doctor, are you there?

You're a long sleeper.

What a surprise!

I'd like to be woken this way every day.

I'm a night owl.
I can only work at night.

Do you want to lie down with me?

If you'd like.

Please don't misunderstand me.
I'm just expressing my gratitude.

Good morning, Abra.

Today is your most difficult scene.

I'll do whatever you want. I just
don't want anyone to see my willy.

Of course.

Don't be nervous. It will be fine.

But the whole film team stays outside.

That was my intention.

Did you already speak to Laura?

I'm going to do that right now.
She is still in make-up.

Anyone not absolutely necessary
for the scene will remain outside.

You don't need to be afraid.

But I am afraid.
Abraham is capable of anything.

Let's be realistic. What am I supposed
to do if your father gets an erection?

I doubt that. He's much
too nervous about the scene.

But if it happens?

He is very experienced.
He's shot a lot of them himself.

I haven't. I have never
done anything like this.

I'm only doing the scene
because I like you.

You must be careful or everything
will go up in flames.

My books are concerned with things...

...that are absolutely vital
for the survival of mankind.

My whole life I've studied what the
great philosophers said and wrote.

My favourite philosopher is...


Only one of his thoughts
has been passed down:

'Panta rhei'.

Everything flows.

One life is not sufficient... understand
what he meant by that.

One would have to be immortal.

Would it be alright...

...if I undress you now'?

Not really. But...

...alright, if you wish to.

Stop saying "Sie" to me.

Call me Herbert.

I'm not going to continue!

Abraham is going too far!

I'm going back to Berlin tomorrow.
That wasn't agreed upon, okay'?

Stop! Cut! Finish!

Simone, bring me a towel!

I am sorry. 50"'!-

I never thought my father
would do such a thing.

You understand, he is my father.

I must admit something.
It's not easy.

Tell me!

I slept with your father
to get the part in your film.


I don't believe it.

I gave you the part.

I'm not lying. Ask him.

But you must not leave.

I beg you. I must shoot the scene
with you and Eva on the beach.


Don't kneel, what will the others think?
- I don't give a damn!

I want to finish this film.

That's all for today.
We'll continue tomorrow.

Where is my father'?

I saw him going down to the beach.

I just saw the scene. You can
use it if you cut away the end.

Where exactly'?

On the shore.

I am infinitely sorry.

Yes, I slept with Laura twice...

...but it wasn't...

That little hussy is deceiving you.

Maybe she just wants
to get back at me.

I hate you.

I am no longer your daughter!

I curse you.

Go to hell!

Nike, you must eat something.

I've lost my appetite.

I think it's awful you watched
the scene without me.

I am sorry. 50"'!-

What do you want to shoot tomorrow'?
- I don't know.

I need something for the call sheet.

They should all be on the terrace
of Abraham's house at 8 a. m.

All will be well.


I'm not going to continue!

Abraham is going too far!

I'm going back to Berlin tomorrow.
That's wasn't agreed upon, okay?

Stop! Cut! Finish!

Simone, bring me a towel!

He can't just drive away and leave
the house and all our equipment.

Dear Nike...

I have always loved you.

Your life always meant
more to me than my own.

You cursed me.

can't live with that curse.

I'm leaving.

You have authorization
to access all my accounts.

Don't look for me.

Finish your film.

I wish you the best of luck.

I am sure your film "Into the Blue"...

...will be a good film.

Be strong!

I still love you.

Your Abra.

PS. Please take your curse back.

What's happened?

You look so sad?

He's not coming back.

But we'll continue shooting, won't we'?

We can leave out the few scenes
you wanted to shoot with your father.

Did he leave you some money?

You don't need to worry
about your fee.

I've got everything
under control again.

Please tell me I'm not dreaming.

You're not dreaming.

You did it.