Illusions (2015) - full transcript

A disillusioned woman tries to gain control of her life as the people closest to her begin to die mysteriously. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(pulsating bass-heavy music)

(heavy breathing)

- It’s fine.

It’s fine, you’re fine.

You’re fine.

(water running)


(suspenseful electronic music)

- OK,

what’s wrong?

You probably said two words

and you barely
touched your food.

- I had another
nightmare last night.

- Oh, Alex, why don’t you
see somebody about this?

It’s getting ridiculous
and you look like hell.

- I am seeing someone,
Eric, that therapist.

- Is it helping?

- Some days yeah, some days no.

- Well, I’d give it
a little while longer

and if something doesn’t change,

drop ’em and find somebody else.

(muffled voices)

- Angela?

- Alexandria?

- [Alex] Hey.
- Oh, hey.

Do you mind?

- [Alex] Oh, sorry, here.
- Thanks.

- Well, how have you been?

- I’ve been good, how are you?

- I’m good, I’ve been good.

- Honestly perfect timing,
you being here, thank you.

Come on in.

- Thanks.

- Let me put this
away real quick.

Let me take that from you.

Thank you so much.

- You’re welcome.

- [Angela] So,
how have you been?

I haven’t seen you in a while.

- (sighs) I’ve been good.

I was just over at
Eric’s, actually.

- Oh, how’s he doing?

- He’s good, he’s good.
- [Angela] That’s good.

Oh, I’m sorry, can
I get you something?

- Oh, no, thank you.

- Are you sure,
it’s not a problem.

- I’m fine, really.

I should actually get going.

- Really, are you sure?

- But it was really
great seeing you.

- It was great seeing you.

I hope to see you soon.

- Of course.

- All right, I’ll
see you later then.

- [Alex] Have a good day, OK?

- You too.
- [Alex] Bye.

(suspenseful droning music)


(harsh screeching music)

- Interesting.

This one’s different this time.

So, what do you think it means?

- Aren’t I paying
you to tell me that?

OK, I don’t know.

I don’t know what it means

but it means I’m not
getting any sleep.

That’s what it means.

- You’re avoiding again.

- I’m not avoiding!

I honestly don’t know!

But I do know this,
I’m getting sick of it!

- Well, we’re about out of time.

Have you given any more thought
to taking the medication?

- No, and I’m not going to.

I can get through this
without the pills.

- Fair enough.

I’ll see you next week.


(suspenseful ringing music)


(dog barking)


- Alexandra Myers?

- Yes, that’s me.

- Detective Warren and
Stuart, can we come in?

- What’s this about, officer?

- It’s detective, and we
could discuss it out here

in front of your neighbors or...

- No, no, please, come in.

- Nice place.

Anyone else home?

- No, sir.

- We’re from homicide.

I’m Detective Warren,
that’s Detective Stuart.

We’re investigating the
murder of Angela Withers,

which occurred this morning.

We understand that
you were there.

- Oh, my God, yeah.

Yeah, I was there.

I was visiting my friend, Eric.

He lives in the building
right in front of hers.

- Yeah, we’ve already
spoken to him.

- Did she seem distraught
this morning to you?

- No, in fact, she seemed happy.

Maybe a little
stressed out but...

- Did you notice anyone
suspicious while you were there?

- No.

- Are you married?

- No, just a boyfriend.

- You two getting along?

- Yes, of course, why?

- What did you and
Angela talk about?

- Nothing really.

She was carrying groceries,
trying to get into her apartment

and I helped her,
and that was it.

- Nothing else happened?

- No.

Look, she and I were friends
but we weren’t close.

I mean we were acquaintances
more than anything else.

- Where’s your boyfriend?

- Still at work, I guess.

- Did your friend,
Eric ever date Angela?

- No, not that I know of.

- What about you?

- No.

- Well, that’ll be all
for now, Ms. Myers,

but we might have
some more questions

so I wouldn’t stray too far, OK?

- Yes, of course.



(creepy droning music)


- Oh, honey, I’m sorry.

I didn’t mean to startle you.

Baby, come here.

(heavy breathing)
It’s OK.

I’m so sorry I scared you.


Are you OK?

- I’m fine.

- [Man] Are you sure you’re OK?

- I’m fine, baby.

- [Man] Dinner will
be ready in a few.

I see you’ve been
cleaning again.

You didn’t have another
nightmare, did you?

- A small one.

- [Man] How did your
session go today?

- What day is it?

- [Man] The sixth, why?


Dinner’s ready.

- Hmm.

(mumbled t.v. voice)

Are you...

Are you staying here tonight?

- Yeah, I think I will.

- OK, baby.


- Hmm?

- [Alex] Have you ever been
out in public and felt like...

I don’t know, like
someone was watching you?

- Yeah, I guess, maybe, why?

- [Alex] Because I
felt like that today.

- What happened?

- Nothing.

I was at the bookstore

and I felt like this
guy was staring at me

and then when I went to leave

I felt like he was following
me and then he was gone.

- Hmm, that’s weird.

I’m sure it was just
your imagination.

He was probably just looking
in your direction is all.

- Yeah, maybe you’re right.

- Was this after or before
you heard about Angela?

- Before.

- I’m sure it was nothing.

- Yeah.

You’re right, babe.

- Goodnight, baby.

- Love you.

- Love you too.


(glass breaking)

(suspenseful droning music)

(intensifying creepy music)



- Yeah, babe, I’ll
be out in a minute.


Alexandra, I’ll be
out in a minute.



You want to come in, come in.

(harsh screeching music)

Whoa, no, no, no!



(creepy ringing music)


- Jason!

- Alexandra.

(heavy breathing)

Alexandra, you’re gonna be late.

We overslept again.

I made you some toast.

I’ll see you tonight.

Oh, and I got you a gift.

It’s on the bathroom counter.





- Morning.

- Morning, Mary.

- How you doin’ today?

- Amazing.

How are you?

- Good.

- [Eric] Hey, Mary.

- Hey, Eric.
(phone ringing)

- There you are.

You’re late.

A little early
morning rendezvous?

- Hardly.

But he did get me
something nice.

- Oh, yeah?

What did he get you, a diamond?

- Nu-uh.

- Two tickets to
the game tonight?

- No.

- I got it, the ski trip.

He’s letting you go, am I right?

- A calendar.

- A calendar, what?

- He really loves me.

- A calendar.

Is it electronic or something?

- No.

- Oh, yeah, he
really adores you.

Drinks tonight?

- Sure.

- Sweet.

A plain paper calendar, huh?

- Yep.

- Now you see, this is
why I’m not married.

I don’t get that.

(upbeat blues-rock music)

- Hey, do you want to
go shoot some pool?

- Sure.

- Bye.

- Another round?

- Yes, please.

And keep ’em coming.

- All right, comin’ right up.
[Alex] Thank you.

- So, everything’s
good at home, I see.

- Yes, yes.

- That’s good, that’s great.

I’m happy for you.

- Thank you.

- (sighs) Listen,

I wanted to say
something at work

earlier about Angela.

- Yeah, I couldn’t
believe that either

and I’d just seen
her that day too.

It’s crazy.

- Yeah.

I hope they catch
the son-of-a-bitch,
that’s all I can say.

- Yeah, me too.

- So,

is Jason gonna let you go
on this ski trip, or what?

- I haven’t even asked him.

- Why not?

- I’ve just been too busy.

- Too...


- Yes, busy.

- Alex, what could
possibly be more important

than a beautiful
ski resort weekend,

plenty of booze, one
night relationships,

and plenty of booze?

- I’m probably gonna have
to ask him to go with me.

- Ah, geez, Alex,
you’re killing me.

This is supposed to be
a co-workers weekend.

- It’s the only way he’s
gonna let me go, Eric.

- I liked you better when
you weren’t this whipped.

- Here you go.

If you need anything
else just let me know.

- Yeah, please, one
backbone for the lady.

- Actually, yeah.

Do you know that guy at the bar?

- Which one?

- The one in the trench coat.

Isn’t it a little hot to
be wearing a trench coat?

- Yeah, but you know, we get
these kinds all the time.

Sorry, I don’t know him.

- [Eric] What’s the
matter, you know him?

- No, but he keeps
staring at me.

- What?

He’s probably just
waiting on a pool table.

- Eric, the tables are over
there and I’m over here.

Come on.

- Well, maybe he’s
checking you out, you know.

You are kinda cute, in
that best friend/sister

kind of way.

- Eric.

- Don’t flatter yourself,
you’re not my type.

- You don’t understand, I
saw this guy at the bookstore

the other day too and he
was staring at me then.

- Come on.

- I’m being serious.

- Let’s just go over there
and see what he wants then.

- What, Eric, no.

- [Eric] Where the
hell did he go?

- He’s gone.

- No shit, he was just
standing right there.

- Eric, he disappeared.

- Probably some whack-job,
don’t worry about it.

That’s awesome.

- Thanks for asking me out.

- Go get some sleep.

Take care.

- Bye, Eric.
- [Eric] Bye.

(voices in unison
saying "Alexandra")

- I’m telling you
I’m freaking out.

- Well, what about
the medication?

Have you considered taking it?

- I started it two days ago
and I don’t think it’s helping.

- Well, I’m sure it is.

Let’s cut back on the dosage.

Let’s try that for a
few days, all right?

- All right.

(suspenseful droning music)

- Hey, you.

Mr. Russell says he needs
that report on his desk

by 5:00 today.

Did you happen the finish that?

- I left it in the copy room.

Can you go get it?

- Why do I have to go get it?

It’s your report.

- Can you just go get it?!

- All right, geez.

(phone ringing)

- Very good, Alexandra.

That’s very good indeed.

However, I’m
concerned about you.

You just haven’t seemed
like yourself lately.

Is everything all right at home?

- Yes, sir, everything’s fine.

- And Jason, he’s OK?

- Yes, sir.

- Well, you know, if you
ever need someone to talk to,

my door is always open.

- Yes, sir, thank you.

- I was thinking that maybe

you’d like to take
a few days off.

You know, just to rest.

Hang around the
house for a few days.

- No, thank you, sir.

That won’t be necessary.

I’m fine, really.

- Well, if you
change your mind...

- I’ll let you know, sir.

Thank you.

(suspenseful ringing music)

- [Alex] Hey!

Hey, you!

Hey, stop!

(yelling in foreign language)

- What the hell’s
going on with you?!

What the hell are you doing?!

Get the hell out of here!

What are you guys doing?!

Get the hell...

You want some trouble?!

Huh? You want some trouble?!

- [Voiceover] You’re crazy, man.

(yelling in foreign language)

- You might need some help.


- Excuse me, can I help you?

- [Alex] Call the police,
there’s a man chasing me!

- [Woman] What?
- Do you have a back door?!

- [Woman] Yeah.

(screeching tires)


- I’m telling you, she is crazy.

She is nuts.

- OK, calm down.

- I’m calm.

- Just tell me what happened.

- She came running in the store
and knocked everything over.

Then she went out the back door.

I followed her out the back.

That’s it.


I don’t know, I didn’t see it.

- OK, let’s just go
over this one more time.

Tell me what happened.

- Why do you keep
asking me that?

I already told you.

I’ve never seen him before.

I don’t know who he is but
he was holding a knife.

- OK, and you said
that he had dark hair?

- Yes.

No, I don’t...

Look, he was trying to kill me.

- OK, calm down.

- Look, I know it sounds
crazy but it’s not!

- OK, look, we’re
gonna look into this

but I’m gonna need you to
come down to the station

to fill out some
paperwork form me, OK?

- Fine, let me just
call my boyfriend.




- What do you think?

- Oh, she’s certifiable, man.

There’s no doubt about it.

- Yeah, but

the saleslady said a man
did come in the store

right behind her and it
seemed he was the one

she was running from.

- Oh, yeah, you mean the
same saleslady down there

screaming that she’s nuts?

And she also said she
really couldn’t be sure

about that other guy.

(laughs) I mean, look, man,

this chick is probably
hittin’ the bottle.

She’s having problems
with her old man at home

she’s not telling us about.

Come on, we see this
shit 20 times a day.

Besides, she is
suspect number one

in that Angela Withers case.

- OK, yeah.

You’re right.

But I don’t know.

Something about her,

just seems too convincing.

- Yeah, don’t they all though?

- Yeah.

- [Alex] Why is this
happening to me?


- [Eric] What did the cops say?

- They made me file a report.

The usual fucking bullshit!

I don’t think they believe me!

- Hey, you gotta calm down, OK?

- I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what to do!

Tell me what to do!

- Alex, relax.


And you’re gonna
have to tell Jason.

- Are you crazy?

He’ll freak out,
I can’t tell him.

He’ll panic and want to leave
the country or something.

No, no!

- He’s your future husband.

He has to know.

- You’re not hearing me.

He’ll lose it.

He’ll tell me to cut back
the dosage or something, no.

- All right, all
right, all right.

Have a seat, please.

We’ll work this thing
out together, OK?


- Hit me again.

- My God.

- Keep ’em coming. (sniff)

Alright, I need to
lay low for a while.

That’s it, right?

That’s all I need to
do is just lay low.

- What about work?

- Damn it!


I’m gonna order us some food.

What do you want?

- Nothing, just more alcohol.

Yeah, OK, I’m gonna
order us some food.

- I don’t understand.

Why did you tell the officer
you needed to call Jason

when you didn’t?

- I guess I just second
guessed it before I did.

- Mmm-hmm, I see.

- See what, doctor?

There’s nothing to see.

- Well, let’s explore that.

Why do you think
you didn’t tell him?

- Because I know him.

Because he’s a man
and he’ll freak out.

Hell, I’m freaking out, doctor.

- OK, OK, calm down.

- I just don’t understand
why this is happening to me.

Why me, I’m a good person?

I pay my taxes, I
give to charity.

Why me?

- There is no reason
for you to believe

this man is after you.

It could just be an
isolated incident.

- Doctor, I’ve seen this
man more than once, OK?

He’s stalking me.

- Really?

Let’s look at it.

You saw him in the
bookstore, right?

- Right.

- And you saw him at the bar.

- Yes.

- This could all just
be a coincidence.

- Then how do you explain him
almost attacking me, doctor?!

- OK, OK.

Now, clearly there’s some
things we need to work out here

but I want you to
stay on your meds

and I want you to come
back and see me next week.

Alexandra, OK?

- OK, doctor.

- [Doctor] OK.


- You know, comedians are gonna
want to copyright this shit.

- Yeah, I know.


- You guys are
holding out on me now.

- OK, so it’s about
this bloom end.

It was just really good.

- [Server] Hello.
- Hi.

- [Server] My name is Tess
and I’ll be your waitress

this evening.
- Hi, Tess.

- [Tess] Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Miss, can I have another
glass, this one’s dirty?

- [Tess] Oh, I’m sorry.

I’ll get you another
one right away.

- Thank you.

- [Woman] I don’t know...


- They have some great food.

- [Tess] OK, there we go.

- Miss?

You didn’t get that.

- I’ll be right back.


- [Tess] There we are.

OK, are you all ready to order?

- I think so.

- [Woman] Yeah, can
I get the spaghetti?

- [Tess] And what
are you having?

- Can you go to him?

- [Tess] OK.

- I’m gonna have the pasta.

- Sure, OK.

- Great night, Alex.


- [Alex] Don’t thank
me, thank Jason.

It was his idea.

- Hey,

I’ve been noticing
you all evening

and does it happen to you too?

- What?

- When people stare at you.

(laughs) Don’t you
just hate that?

It’s like they want to
follow you home or something.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I do.

- Just freaks me out.

(voices in unison
saying "Alexandra")


- [Jason] So you caught
the end of the game, right?

That was a good game.

- [Man] I kind of knew
it would go that way.

- Well, guys, thank you
for the great evening

but I have an early day tomorrow

and so does Jason, I’m sure.

- Uh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, early day. (laughs)

- [Woman] All right.

Call me tomorrow?
- OK.

- [Woman] I’ll see
you later, bye.

- [Jason] Nice to see you.
- Bye.

- [Jason] See you around.

(nocturnal piano music)

(suspenseful droning music)
(phone ringing)


- Oh, my God, Mary.

You scared me!

- Sorry.

Mr. Russell needs this by 5:00.

- OK, thank you.

- Are you OK?

- Yeah, I’m OK.

I’m OK, thanks.

I’ll bring it right to him.


Oh, my God.

- And we are here.

- Can you drop me
off a little closer?

- What, you’re scared?

Your car is right there, Alex.

- Are you serious?

- What? (laughs)

- Nothing, nothing.

Thanks, Eric.

- Cool.

- I’ll see you tomorrow, OK?

- [Eric] Yep.

Hey, Alex?

(laughs menacingly)
So scary, huh?

- [Alex] Asshole.

(door creaks)

(suspenseful droning music)

(tires screeching)

- Fucking bitch, you
could have killed me!

Son of a bitch.



(suspenseful droning music)


- Whoa, Jesus!
- [Alex] Jason.

- Sorry, I just
wanted some water.

- You scared me.

- What’s going on?

- I thought I heard something
but everything is fine.

Come on, let’s go back to bed.

- Wait, wait, wait.

I’m thirsty.


- I think I’ll be all
right, night stick girl.



- Alexandra?

- [Jason] Oh, man,
this place is creepy.

(blues-rock music)
- Line ’em up.

One more for the road.

- Eric, the bar closed
for you ten minutes ago.

- Jo?

You know me, I’m Eric.

- Yeah, that’s why I closed it.

Come on, go home.

I’m calling you a cab.

- I don’t need a
babysitter, damn it.

I need another beer.

What the fuck is this?

- (laughs) It’s a pick-me-up.

- I don’t need a
damn pick-me-up.

- [Jo] I’ll have Skip
make you a sandwich.



(suspenseful droning music)

("Freakshow" by Marion Crane)

? Welcome to the freakshow?

(moves into creepy
ringing music)


- Uh, I gotta stop that.



Chick’s got me spooked now.

It’s fucking ridiculous.

(suspenseful droning music)



- OK, we’re all done in here.

You can come on in.
- [Stuart] Thanks.

- Look like somebody we know?

Run that for prints.

- I told you, "I
was at home in bed."

- Then how do you
explain the picture frame

he had with your
fingerprints on it?

- I don’t know, we’re friends.

I’m over there all
the time. (crying)

Am I a suspect?!

- We haven’t said that.

We’re just trying to
get an understanding

of your relationship
and where you were.

- I don’t freaking believe this!

My friend just died!

Someone just killed
my best friend!

You’re over here questioning me!

You’re accusing me!

- Notice anything strange
about him recently?

Anyone mad at him?

Might want to harm
him for any reason?

- No.

- Notice any strange men
following you around lately?

How about that psychiatrist,
are you still seeing him?

- How’s that going for you?

Ms. Myers, are you on
any psychotropic drugs?

- (crying) The only
friend I’ve ever known

is lying over there dead and
you guys are messing with me.

I’m not answering
any more questions

until I speak with my attorney!

- OK, but I think by the
time that this is all over,

you’re gonna need a
lot more than that.

- What do you think?

- I think you know what I think.

- She’s guilty as hell, right?

- I think they’re
having an affair,

he calls to break it
off, she comes over,

they get in a fight, but
this time she’s on something.

The drugs kick in and she just
stabs the shit out of him.

(phone ringing)
- Great, me too.

But how do we prove it?

- (sighs) C.S.I. come back?

- Nu-uh, you want to hold her?

- On what?

Let her go for now but I want
to hear from C.S.I. tonight.

- You got it.

(phone ringing)

- Alexandra, let’s try
and work through this, OK?

- (crying) I can’t believe
it, I can’t believe he’s gone

and I’m never gonna
see him again.

- I’m sorry.

I really am.

- And the worst part is those
idiots think I killed him.

They think I killed
my best friend.

- Are you officially a suspect?

- I don’t know,

they haven’t named
me as one yet.

- Have you contacted
an attorney?

- I had to, I had to, they
were interrogating me!

He said I haven’t been
named as a suspect yet.

- Well, that’s good news.

Look, in these situations,

it is typical for one to
dwell upon past discretion

but I don’t want
you to do that, OK?

We can talk through this.

We can come up with a solution.

Somehow make sense of it.

- How do you make
sense of this, Doc?

How do you make sense of murder?

How do you make sense
of senseless killing?!

- [Doctor] Well I...

- Stop!

Don’t say another word, OK?

I’m leaving, I’m out of here
and I’ll see you next week!

- Alexandra.

- You want to tell
me something doctor?

Tell me that I’m
dreaming, doctor.

Tell me that I’m
gonna make up soon

and all of this
is gonna go away.

- I wish I could, Alexandra.

I wish I could.

(suspenseful droning music)



You understand I am underneath
doctor-patient oath here

and I really cannot
divulge anything.

- Yeah, yeah, look, doc,

we’re not here to waste
your time or ours.

We just want to know how
long she’s been seeing you

and what for.

- (sighs) Well, Ms. Myers
has been coming to see me

for about a year now.

- And?

- Yeah, Doc, just give it
to us in layman’s terms.

- Well, basically she
suffers from a lot of things.

A dream-like state where she’s
asleep and thinks she’s awake

and vice versa.

Various neuroticism,
such as forgetfulness,

extreme cleanliness, and...

- OK, OK, Doc, look, just tell
us if she’s loons or what.

- I don’t consider my
patients "loons," detective.

- OK, OK, of course you don’t.

Did you know the deceased?

- I did not.

- Did Alexandra ever express
any hostility towards him

or about him to you?

- As I mentioned, detective,
I cannot tell you that.

- Look, Doc, we can
get a warrant down here

faster than you can pop another
Viagra and make you tell us.

- I suggest you
do that, officer.

I want to tell you this:

Alexandra is not a murderer.

- Because you’re the
expert on murderers, right?

(clears throat)

Oh, one more thing.

Where were you the night and
time the deceased was murdered?

- I was at a dinner
party with friends,

whom I’m sure will
collaborate that.

- I’m sure.

We’re gonna be in touch, Doc.

You know, I hate
these smug assholes.

They think they can
fix these people

and they don’t have
a first fucking clue.

- C.S.I. came back empty.

- I knew you were
gonna say that.

(clock ticking)


(phone ringing)

- Alexandra?

I just wanted to let you know

that we’re all very
sorry about Eric.

He was a wonderful man.

- Thank you.

- If you need anything,
just me know, OK?

- OK.

Thanks, Mary.

(sentimental piano music)



(suspenseful droning music)

Oh, my God, Mary.

- Alexandra, are you OK?

- I’m fine, are you OK?

I’m so sorry.
- [Mary] No, I’m fine.

It’s OK, really.

Are you looking for someone?

Is Jason here?


- Huh?

Jason’s at home.

- OK.
- [Alex] Yeah.

- Are you gonna be OK?

- Yeah, I’ll be fine, Mary.

I’ll see you tomorrow, OK?

- OK.

- Bye.
- [Mary] See you tomorrow.

(creepy droning music)

Oh! You scared the
hell out of me.

- I’m sorry, you
forgot your bag.

- Oh, thank you.

(tense jarring music)

- Hey, babe.

- [Alex] Hey, babe.

So, I ran into Mary
at the store today.

- Oh, yeah, how’s she?

- She’s good, she looks good.

(suspenseful droning music)

- [Warren] What do we got, guys?

- Guys, it looks like
a bloodbath over there.

Actually, you’re probably
gonna want a pair of these.


- [Warren] All right,
let’s see what we got.

- I’d say she’s been
dead about five hours.

- Five hours?

Cause of death?

- Easy, knife.

And I’d say a big one.

- You’ll never guess
where she works.

- Where?

- Same place as our
friend, Alexandra Myers.

- Could just be a coincidence.

- No, I doubt it.

Have a unit pick her up.

- If you want it.

- My God.

- We have the witnesses
that place you

at the scene of the crime.

- Yeah, I was there.

I ran into her and we spoke.

She was my friend.

- Look, princess, we
know you’re guilty

so why don’t you save us
a lot of time and confess?

- I left before she did.

I was home by 7:00 PM.

You can ask my boyfriend.

- For all I know, he’s
in on it with you.

- I told you assholes, I
told you there was a killer

on the loose and you
didn’t believe me.

This is your fault, detective!

Yours, not mine!

- You killed her, didn’t you?

- [Alex] No.

- You killed her

just like you killed your
own best friend, Eric.

He pissed you off and
you stabbed him to death

in his own house.

- (crying) You
stupid piece of shit,

people have to die
around you bastards

before you’ll do any real
police work and even then,

you’ll arrest the wrong people.

You should be fired, detective,

for not doing your fucking job!

- You little bitch.

Your skinny ass is mine.

See these walls?

You need to get used to ’em

’cause you’re not going
anywhere for a very long time.

(suspenseful droning music)

Come on, she’s guilty
as sin, I’m telling you.

- [Stuart] I know,
so let’s go prove it.

- You needed a
night out, you know.

You’ve just been so stressed
and everything like that.

Ooh, hey, look at that.

Come on, let’s go inside.

- You go check it out,
baby, I’ll wait out here.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, go on.

Check it out.

- OK, I’ll only be a minute.

(suspenseful droning music)


- It doesn’t matter to me.

If you think we should
buy it then fine.

- I don’t want to buy it
if you don’t want to...

(blood-curdling scream)

- What the hell was that?

- [Woman] Oh, my God.

- Are you OK?

Are you hurt?

Do you need an ambulance?

- I’ll call the police.

- [Alex] No, no, don’t do that.

It’s OK, I’m OK.

- But he attacked you.

- I think you should
call the police.

- [Alex] It’s OK,
I’m fine, really.

I’ll report it, I’ll report it.

(phone ringing)

- OK, Ms. Myers,
we’ll do our best

but I can’t promise you
anything at all, OK?

You may want to go to the
hospital and get that looked at.

- Yes, I’ll do that.

- All right.

As I said, if we find anything,
we’ll give you a call.

All right?

- OK, thank you.

- All right, you take care.

- Daniels.

- [Daniels] Hey,
Stuart, what’s up?

- What did that lady want?

- She was filing
an assault report.

She was pretty upset too.

- An assault.
- [Daniels] Mm-hmm.

- What, like roughed up?

- Yep.

- Can I see that?

- Mmm-hmm.

You know her?

- Yeah, sort of.

Give me a copy of this
over at my desk, all right?

- Not a problem, got it.

- All right, thanks.

- [Daniels] Yep.

- What is this?

- Open it.

- OK, so?

- So, what do you think?

- What, you think Myers
is the office killer?

- Possibly.

The truth is really
I’m not sure.

- There’s no fucking way, man.

This chick’s on a whole new M.O.

All the homicides are original.

Besides, she doesn’t
even sound Canadian.

- So what?

- (sighs) Look, man, this
chick is a brand new case,

I’m telling you.

The killings don’t even match.

- Well, I thought about that.

She could have changed
when she started up again

to keep us off her ass.

- No way.

These guys always kill the
same way, that’s their M.O.

Look, Myers is not
the office killer.

- All right.

(pulsating electronic music)

Mr. Mills. I’m Detective Stu...

- I know who you are, detective.

- OK.

- I couldn’t make out his face

’cause the reflection
was totally blinding me.

Maybe it was a
bracelet or something.

- Dr. Waller, can I get
a moment of your time?

Where were you the
night of the 17th?

- Am I a suspect now?

- So, you’re wondering if
she’s able to distinguish

between the real and the unreal?

- You know, you guys
are all the same.

You don’t trust anyone, you
think everyone’s up to no good,

and that everyone’s a criminal.

- I do remember being
blinded by something.

Something that he was wearing.

- As I mentioned before,

she has a mild case
of schizophrenia.

She has dreams and has
problems distinguishing

at times the dreams
from reality.

- I can have you taken
in for questioning.

- Do it!

Do it, goddamn it!

Alexandra is a good person.

And that’s nothing a man like
you would ever understand.

- Now, her case is mild
and there have been cases

that have been quite severe.

- You want to arrest me?

Here I am.

- Now, I’ve told you just about
everything I can, detective,

so, if you need
anything further,

I would recommend
you get a warrant.

- [Stuart] I’m just trying
to find out what happened.

- No, you’re trying to
hang an innocent person.


(pulsating electronic music)

- We’re holding her on murder.

- And what evidence do you have?

- Man, fuck you!

- Hey, come on, let’s
step outside for a minute.

Come on.

- Detective Warren, my
client’s already told you

she was with her boyfriend.

Now, unless you’re
making a formal arrest,

based on solid evidence,
we’re walking out of here.

- You slimy piece of...

- [Stuart] Hey, come on.

We’ll be right back.

You’re free to go, for now.

- Come on, Alex,
let’s get out of here.


- I’m telling you, Doc,
I can’t take it anymore.

They’re dying all
around me like flies.

- OK, calm down.

- I could be next,
I could be next.

- [Doctor] OK, breathe,
let’s do our breathing...

- You can be next!

My God, Jason could be next.

- [Waller] I think it’s time
to go to our comfort place.

Close your eyes
and try to relax.

- I can’t, I gotta
get out of here.

- [Doctor] Alexandra, trust me.

- I’m in danger!

I’m in danger!

- Alexandra, I want you
to lay down and relax.

Lay down and go to
your comfort zone.


Breathe, in, out.

Very good, very good.

Now, tell me what you see.

- I see a beach.



Miles and miles of ocean water.

- Good, continue.

(deep breathing)

Tan hammock.

Jason, he’s smiling.

He’s drinking a coconut drink.

- He’s waiting
for you, isn’t he?

Good, relax.


And you’re right there with him.

Very good.

- Honey, I’m home!

Got the wine!



(suspenseful droning music)


You sly thing, you.

Honey, honey?

My God.

No wait, no!

- Hey, those prints come in yet?

- Yeah.

Nothing except Russell’s.

- Damn it.

And Myers, what’s
her story this time?

- Boyfriend puts her at
home at the exact same time.

- That’s bullshit.

- I don’t know.

I think I believe him.

- What?

He’s fucking covering
for her, man.

- I’m just not
convinced anymore.

Let’s look at it for a second.

The girl comes in with
bruises one night,

has a sound alibi.

- Fuck that, man!

She’s playin’ the sytem.

You know they know
how to do that.

Fuck, man, she’s got us by
the balls and she knows it.

She’s got that fuckin’
asshole in on it with her.

(phone ringing)

- Hey.


Yep, I’m just gonna
take a bath real quick

and then I’ll be there later.

Yeah, OK.

All right, bye.



(lips smacking)
What’s my little guy doing?


Here boy.




What are you doing
out there, Stanley?

Stanley, come on.

(lips smacking)

Come here, Stanley.

What did I tell you about
knocking your water bowl over?

Come on, buddy.


Come in here with Mommy.

Where are you?



Come here with Mommy.

Come on, buddy.

Let’s go, Stanley.

Stanley where are you?

(suspenseful droning music)

I don’t have time for this.

Stanley, come on.

Forget it.

(creepy droning music)

(screams and splashing)

(tense rumbling music)

- Hard day?

Hey, honey, good to see you too.

Missed you, how was your day?

You gonna tell me
what’s going on?


Whoa, what did I do?

What’s going on?

- You just don’t
have a clue, do you?

- Well, enlighten me.

- You just don’t understand.

- Understand what?

What the hell’s
going on, Alexandra?

- My boss is dead.

Murdered, OK?

- What, Mr. Russell?

What happened, how?

- What happened, what happened?

Damn it, Jason, he was murdered!

OK, there’s people out
there dying because of me!

He’s after me!

- Who’s after you?

- I don’t know.

I don’t know who’s after
me but he’s out there

killing everyone I know
because he can’t get to me.

I could be next, Jason.

And the fucking cops, they
think that I’m the killer!

- The cops don’t know
you’re the killer.

- They don’t have to know it.

They can lock you up
on suspicion, Jason.

We need to get out of town, OK?

That’s what we need to do.

I need you to start packing.

- No, Alexandra. no.

- Yes!

OK, we’ll go to the bank.

We’ll pull out all the money...

- No! Alexandra stop it!

I’m not leaving here.

I’m not leaving my family.

This will all blow over
and work itself out.

- Work itself out?

Work itself out?

Have you lost it, Jason?!

There’s people
dying because of me!

OK, I could be next!

You could be next!

- Stop it, Alexandra, stop it!

I won’t have it, I won’t.

Now, you’re gonna call Dr.
Waller and work this out.

And the cops

are gonna find the killer.

And that’s it.

- Jason...

- No, don’t say another word.

Or, so help me God, Alexandra,
I will walk out that door

and you will never see me again.

Call Dr. Waller now.

I’m going for a walk.

- Jason.

Jason. (crying)

Doc, isn’t it possible that
this could all just be a dream?

- [Waller] Alexandra, we’ve
already gone over this.

- lt’s just that things like
this don’t happen in real life.

- [Waller] Alexandra, don’t
you think that’s a pretty naive

statement to make?

- [Alex] OK, well
not to me, at least.

- Look, I agree with Jason,

the police are going to
find the real culprit

and you, you need to focus

and continue on
with your therapy.

That’s the best
thing for you now.

(suspenseful thrum)

- [Alex] Hey, babe, it’s me.

I have to work late so you’re
on your own for dinner.

Love you.

- Alexandra?

I’ll be heading home soon.

Do you need anything else?

- No, I’m OK, I just want to
get this done before I leave.

- OK, cool, I’ll see
you tomorrow then.

- Have a good night.

- You too.

(suspenseful droning music)

(door creaks)


Hey, Suze, is that you?!

(door squeaks)


(suspenseful thrum)

Hey, Suze, I’m in here!

(suspenseful droning music)

(screams) Oh, my God, Jesus!

The lights in the
bathroom, I was in there.

- Oh, Ms. Myers,
I’m terribly sorry.

I didn’t know you were in there.

- It’s OK, Jesus, it’s OK.

- I’m terribly sorry, Ms. Myers.

- [Alex] It’s OK, it’s
OK, go back to work.

(creepy humming music)


What now?

Jesus, I have to get this done.

Are you OK?



(pulsating electronic music)

(heavy breathing)


- Alexandra.

- Oh, my God!

(clapping and voices on t.v.)

- [Voiceover] Was convicted
on first degree murder.

Just after 6:30 tonight
he was transferred here

to Brokie County
where he is spending

his first night in jail.

- [Voiceover] I just
need to see the face

of the person who did this.

- [Voiceover] Onlookers
gathered at the jail

to get a glimpse of the
man who was convicted

of murdering local
university professor,

Steve Bully last winter.

Investigators say Norton
admitted to killing Bully

after intense interrogation
that lasted several hours

and ended up being
admissible in court.

Even after the conviction
though, Bully’s
family and friends

say that hey will
not have peace,

but at least justice has been...

(dog barking)

(tense droning music)

- Fuckin’ kids.

Mother fucker.



Mother fucker.

(laughs) I fuckin’
knew it was you.

(phone buzzing)


Piece of shit.

(tense droning music)


- Sam, open up I got dinner!

Hey, Sam.




Goddamn it.



(heavy breathing)

Myers, fuck.

(water running)

- Jason?!

(glass breaking)

(creepy droning music)

Jason, is that you?

I know you were just
there to see me.

I know you would never hurt me.


What is there to eat?



There’s no ice
cream, so cake it is.


Jason, stop, please
don’t do this to me!



- Get someone over there now.




(tires squealing)

- [Stuart] Freeze!


(heavy breathing)

- Jason.

Oh, baby.


I knew it wasn’t you.

I’m sorry I ran
from you. (crying)


(birds chirping)

- Hey, babe.

What’s wrong?

- Where’s the calendar?

- [Jason] What calendar?

- The gift you bought
me, the calendar.

- (laughs) Baby, I didn’t
buy you a calendar,

I bought you your
favorite nail polish.

Hey, hey.

You’re OK, you’re OK.

Here, I’ll do it for you.

Hey, you’re OK.

I gotta run.

Try and have a good day, OK?


- Yes?

- When did you get
this big knife?

(creepy droning music)

(pulsating electronic music)