Hibiki: Shôsetsuka ni naru hôhô (2018) - full transcript

Hibiki is a precocious 15-year-old with a penchant for writing. She enters her novel to literary magazine Mokuren for nomination, but it does not satisfy conditions for their Rookie of the Year award, so it is tossed, until Editor Fumi Hanai discovers it.

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Hitotsubashi, Chiwakeda-ku, Tokyo
3-4-2 Shoronsha
To the people in charge of "Mokuren Newcomer's Award"

Original Work
Mitsuharu Yanamoto

Script - Masafumi Nishida

Yurina Hirate

The first week sales of the newly
published work is just 600 copies.

I wonder what would happen
with literary works.

This elevator is going up.

Ayaka Wilson

Shun Oguri

Keiko Kitagawa

- Mr. Ohtsubo.
- Yes?

A manuscript for
the Newcomer's Award came.

Ah, since we only accept
entries through the internet,

the ones who missed the application
guidelines will be rejected.

Then is it alright to throw it away?

- Yes, please, do.
- Okay.

Director - Sho Tsukikawa

Hibiki Akui



Don't read while walking.


Give it back.

That's dangerous, you know?


didn't you read books
all spring break?

I didn't.

There was something I had to do,

that I didn't get to read at all
since the start of the year.

What were you doing?

None of your business, Ryotaro.


Hey, give it back.



Is that interesting?

- At least, tell me if it's--
- Shut up.

Excuse me.

We kind of want to join the club.

Get lost.

Sorry, but we're not looking
for new members.

But please, let us join.

Aren't we all obligated
to join a club?

If we were to choose
which club we want to join,

it would be the literature club.

Don't make me say it again.

Get lost.

Hey, what are you doing?

No new members.

Don't make me say it again.

I want to join the club.

Are you looking down on me?

- I'll kill you.
- Hey, wait.

Don't get in the way.


Are you okay, Takaya?

You're kidding. It's broken.

- It's broken.
- What are you doing, Hibiki?

Since I've been told
that I will be killed,

I just did it to prevent that.

Hey, seriously,
picking a fight is a bad idea!

Let's go, Takaya!


- Mr. Ohtsubo.
- Yes?

Can I ask you to do
the 20 pages of the second half?

Are you really going
to retype everything into a file?

Since the deadline is tomorrow.

Stop it.

Even if you submit on her behalf,

you don't know her address
or contact details.

I'll make some
random stuff up for now.

We only received her work.

She'll definitely approach us
sooner or later.

But what will you do if it won...

and you still don't know
how to contact her?

I probably...

became an editor just to make...

the world know about
this kind of work.

The people yesterday were probably
just treating this place as a hang out.

And maybe, there really
isn't a literature club.

So, you also came today.

Ah, you were here yesterday.

Things sure escalated quickly, huh?

Heard they won't be coming back.

Is that so?

I am Rika.

Second year, the president
of the literature club.

Nice to meet you.

Ah, nice to meet you too.

- Nice to meet you.
- Were you the one who arranged the books?

You figured it out?

Yes, it was me.

What is it?

Is there something about
how it's arranged?

Don't you notice?



Even though the authors'
names are alphabetical,

the shelf here,

and here,

both start with "A".


Do you know why?

- Hm...
- 3, 2, 1.

The right side are interesting novels.

The left are trash.


It's the first time
someone actually got it.

I rearranged a book since
it was in the wrong place.

Wrong place?


I see.

So, you put Ryosuka Hamada's
"Playing War" in the boring shelf.

True that his writing skill is immature.

It's just that the setting
and the drama in the book...

were completely a novel idea.

But, it was one of the books
that had meaning in the literary world.

More importantly, we have a big problem.
The members are only us three now.

If there aren't at least four members,
the club won't be certified.

But, there may still be
new students coming in.

Well, it's tough times.

There are fewer kids
who like to read novels.

Since my seniors retired,
I'm the lone member.

So, I've asked Takaya and
his gang to take the place.

Can you place this book
on the right bookshelf?

On the highest shelf.



Your name's Hibiki, isn't it?

I more or less have an idea
what kind of person you are...

from yesterday's incident.

But you know,

you aren't living alone.

And society has rules.

This is the literature club,
and I'm the president.

You're a junior and--

I'm sorry, President.

I carelessly knocked down the shelf.

Since I'm your junior,
I will take responsibility and fix it.


go find another member.

You were the one
who drove them out.

That's why it's your job
to find enough members.

Am I wrong?

Got it.


We don't have enough members.

Don't talk nonsense.

Besides, how about you pay up
the medical treatment of this, huh?

I think I already paid
with the fight you sold.

How very manly and
cool of you to ask me...

to pay up to an injury in a fight.

The hell you said, bitch?

Let's go somewhere else.

You're right.
It's not manly...

to ask for money to settle a fight.

Then fall down from here.

I'll join the literature club...

if you fall down.

Go on.


I'm the one who broke your finger.

To settle that,
you should push me.

Everything looks different
when you stand on a different spot.

So, there's a world like that.



I admit your guts.

I get it that you're serious,
so get back here.

Come back here.





That scared me.

He said he would like to rejoin.

Huh? What?

- Really?
- Oh, shut up.

Got any complaints?


I'm sorry, somehow...

The new book of Mr. Akihito Sobue

is released today.

Um, currently, our reporter,
Ms. Masaki is currently in the line...

live at the Books
Kinokuniya Otemachi branch.

Ms. Misaki!


Please, have a look.

It's a long line.

On this release day,

fans who are called "Sobuests"
are eagerly waiting...

and flooding the bookstores nationwide.

Newly written full novel after five years.
"White Zouérat". Overwhelming interest!
Akihito Sobue


Sir Kijima, isn't this amazing?

Well, it's already a familiar sight.

He is truly a world renowned author.

Mr. Akihito Sobue's new book
after five years, "White Zouérat",

is the tenth novel he has written.

And it's his first fantasy work.

800 thousand copies
were first published.

Really? They said 800 thousand
copies for first edition?

It's the first time in a while to hear
some good news in the market.

I'm sure it would sell more
if there's a movie adaptation.

That sounds good.

They shouldn't be that happy...

that a book from another
publication would sell well.

Even though,
it's from another publication,

Sir Sobue also writes for us,
and even be the judge of...

- the Newcomer's Award.
- It's not good at all.

We must become a monolith
of the literary world.

If we just let it go like that,
we'll just be a side competition.


I know that we don't
have to hurry...

if we don't know how
to contact Hibiki Ayukui.

That's not what I intend to do, jerk.

I'm sorry.

Hello, this is Shoronsha.

Hi. I am Akui.

Yes. Thank you for your patronage.

I don't really remember
calling you guys before.

I'm sorry.

Can you connect me with the guys
in charge of the Newcomer's Award?

Ah, can I ask your name again, please?

Hibiki Akui.


It's not "Ayukui"?

"Akui" is written like "eating a trout".

Hibiki Akui.


Uh, uh...

I'm sorry.

I'm the one who's in charge
of the Newcomer's Award, Hanai.

How did you know my name?

Because I read your
"The Fairytale Garden".

- So, you've already read it?
- Yes.

Was it alright that
the manuscript wasn't a soft-copy?


Ah, um,

it's not really alright.

But, why did you submit it handwritten?

I didn't see the application requirements.

I just found them now.

So, how was it?

It was unbelievable.

Even though I didn't know...

what period or country it took place,

a nostalgic scene expanded before my eyes.

I was thinking about how, maybe,
this was the way for people to live...

as themselves in the world.

And I felt like...

you had the right interpretation
about how to live a life.

It was interesting.

- Ms. Hanai.
- Yes?


Ms. Akui, it starts from here.

With your novel,

we'll revolutionize the literary world--


Oh, no!

Ah, you're back.

Where did you go?

Don't worry about it.
It's done already.

What was it?



What is this?

- Why did you suddenly start flirting?
- Hey, stop it.

Really now.
What? Hey...

Hey, you.

I'm leaving.

Ah, how about club?

Today is the release date
of a new novel.

Then, see you tomorrow.

I wonder if she's talking about
the new novel of Akihito Sobue?

I wonder too.

- I'm also leaving.
- Huh? Wait.

Huh? What?

We'll start a club journal
with the literature club.

- Huh?
- What?

Please, write a short story.
One per person.


Don't say that.

Can you also tell Hibiki?


Bye then.

What? Only a page?

Well, it's alright since
I wrote something, right?


Normally, people can't write
so damn fast like you.

Ah, you know,
she write novels on the net.

You don't have to tell them.

Your novels are really interesting.


You've read them?

Not the one on the net,
but last year's club journal.


At first look, it's a common
"boy meets girl" story.

But, the perspective is new.

I felt the sense of style in
chosen words more than anything.

Thank you.

Are you going to write something?

Have you been quickly
inspired with any ideas?

It's not quick,

but during Japanese class,

I felt a little fatigued after PE class.

The May breeze made
the tree leaves sway.

And I thought of a story
about a young girl dancer.

I'm looking forward to it.

Millennium Tower
Hibiki Akui

What will you do with...

Hibiki Akui?

I'm thinking of waiting for her
to call me the second time.

It's already the deadline.

The results of the first round
will be out soon.

I'm going to ask the editor-in-chief
for a direct appeal.

You'll definitely be turned down
if you ask him.




If by chance that masterpiece
remained in the final round,

what will you do if it won?

The author has copyright over it,

but we have the right to publish it
under application rules.

Even though, we can't get
the author's contact details,

I think it won't be a problem.

We don't have any right to publish works
without the author's consent.

The author also has the right
to not publicize their works.

It really is a miraculous work.

I'm sure with her work,
the world would be--

That's too bad.

Please, consider, Sir Kanda.

It's really too bad.

Are we done?

I was in a middle of a call,
you know.

Excuse me.

Hello? I'm sorry for cutting
our call midway, Mr. Sobue.

What did your subordinate say?

Is there any trouble
involving an author?

Yes, it's troubling,
but it's completely on our side.

Ah, that's right.

I'll be counting on you again
for next month's column,

and also being on
the Newcomer Award committee.

Yeah, the Newcomer Award.


Which reminds me,

my daughter seems to be
writing novels in her club.

Oh, really? That girl?

I wonder if she would
even win awards.

How was it?

Can you see a glimpse of
the second coming of Sobue?

No, she won't let me read it.

She's embarrassed
since she's coming of age.

Isn't your daughter...

in high school?

See, it's cute!

Shall I put on the head dress too?

Why are we doing this?

Well, you see, I bought these
for a material for a novel,

but I thought they would suit you.

Come on, say "muah".
Close your lips and open them.



See? You look like a princess!

Are you making fun of me?

No, you really look cute.

I'm going to give these to you.

It sure is fluffy.

"The Fairytale Garden"
Hibiki Akui


just forget it already.

I'm off.

- Hanai.
- Yes?

You're going to
Mr. Sobue's place, right?

Yes. I'm going to get
his write-up for the column.

I want to ask you for a little
favor from his daughter.


Come in.

- Good afternoon.
- Fumi, long time no see.

You're picking up
Papa's manuscript, right?

Yeah. Also, I want to talk
to you about something.

Okay. Come in.

Thank you.

Sir Kanda, the editor-in-chief,

seems inspired that the second
coming of Sobue will make money.

That I came here to ask you
to write a novel and make your debut.

Sounds like him.

But, after he let me
see your novel,

and said that...

you already talked that
you will soon debut,

really surprised me.



what I would like to talk about
is your screen name.

Screen name?

Aren't the novels you wrote in
the internet only credited as "Rika"?


That old man said that...

it should be written as "Rika Sobue".

Ah, I see.

Looks like he wants
to grandly publish your name...

as Akihito Sobue's daughter.

Of course, you also have
the right to not do that.

Your talent alone have enough value
to get your works published after all.



Ah, well,

I'm just thinking...

If I submitted my work
for the Newcomer Award,

do you think I could win it?

The quality of your novel
is not like that of a newcomer.

There's no way it would be dropped in
the prep reading and the first round.

But the authors...

who're judging the final round
have their own preferences.

Of course.

Sorry for asking something weird.

Ah, give me a little time
to think about my screen name.

Okay. You can take your time.

Is the column with you?

Ah, it's in the study.

I'll make some coffee,
so you can get it there.

Okay, got it.

Are you Rika's friend?

Who are you?

This is Sir Sobue's study, you know.

Did you get permission to come in?

Who are you?

I'm the editor supervising Sir Sobue.

This isn't a place where
anyone can just come in.

Please, get out.

It's none of your business.

It is.

I've told you.

I supervise Sir Sobue...

Like I said,
it's none of your business.

What do you mean?

Isn't this the room where
Akihito Sobue writes his novels?

What does this place
have to do with an editor?

Although, I have nothing
to do with the composition,

it's also an editor's job
to support the author.

And that includes chasing outsiders.

Come on, get out.

Aren't you just thinking
you're also a creator?

So what if I am?

So, editors are also creators, huh?

Yes, I intend to be one.

Does this have anything
to do with Sobue's novels?


Not yet.

Then it's none of your business.

Just get out.




I told you to get out.



Wait! Hey!

I kinda heard a loud noise.


Hey! Wait! Hibiki!

What're you doing? Geez.

Fumi, are you okay?
Sorry about her.

Why should are you apologizing?
I did nothing wrong.

Well, I'll listen
to your side later, Hibiki.


Your name's "Hibiki"?

What's your surname?



You're Hibiki Akui?


I'm Hanai!

I received your manuscript!


I see! So it's you!

I've been waiting for your call!

Because I haven't given up on you!

I'm very sure that with your talent,
you'll surely win the Newcomer Award!

Please, tell me your contact details!

I read your text.

First of all, good work with
the screening on the second round.

But, it's just that...

I thought you would send 100 entries.

But why would you only
just send one entry?

You'll understand once you read it.


I told you, you'll understand once
you read "The Fairytale Garden".

How was it?

Well, let's see.

It feels like the amateurs did their best.


Ah, but only...

"The Fairytale Garden"...

well, was nice.

That's quite rare that you praise
a stranger's work, Nisshy.

No, no, it's not that
I'm praising it.

Hibiki Akui...

that girl...

how old is she?

Sorry. I can't tell others personal
information of the writers.

Um, is she older than me?

Do you want to know that much?

It's like the concept of present,
past, and future are broken.

To be honest, it's the first
time I saw such talent.

I see, Hibiki remained
until the final round.

That's off the record.

I know.

Naturally, she'll make it
into the final rounds.

But, she has to win.


are you really sure?

You'll be credited as...

Rika Sobue in your debut work.


Besides, many people will
most likely read it if I do that.

Also, you were the very first...

who evaluated my novel.


Just that if "The Tower of Four
Passing Seasons" will be published,

I think there are some places
that needs to be revised.

Could we discuss them now?



Ah, sorry.

Are you in the middle of work?


It's alright.

You see,

it's been decided that
my novel will be published.

I see.

It's going to be tough.


I will get it published
with my full name.

But, I will prove to them that...

I gave my true abilities.

I see.

49th Mokuren Newcomer Award

"The Fairytale Garden" - Hibiki Akui

The End



Then, how many novels
have you read?

20-30 each month.

That's amazing for a high schooler
to finish a book per day.

What is this question and answer for?


Our editor-in-chief...

wants us to know more about
the author we are in charge with.

Do you have a boyfriend?

- I'm leaving.
- Sorry, sorry.

This will be the last.


you like novels?


I love them.

I like both reading
and writing them.

It's like that it's directly
touching my heart.


Can I ask you one more thing?

There's more?

Why didn't you add
your contact details...

when you submitted your work?

As I said on the phone before,

I only wanted to hear
people's impression about it.

I just wanted to verify
my sense of worth.

It never crossed my mind
to be a novelist.

Mr. Sobue's daughter to debut?

Yes. I heard she has somewhat
pretty good writing style.

I've met her many times in parties,
but she seems an airhead.

Besides, just because she can
write good compositions,

they will debut her?

Akihito Sobue sure has tumbled down.

No, no.

His new work is currently
in its fifth printing.

That "White Something" or whatever?

He's only good in the business,

restraining himself in exposure,
and just stir up things to talk about.

If asked to appear on TV
and lecture like me,

he just always refuses them.

I really want to follow his example.


Ah, Mr. Kijima, Mr. Ohtsubo,
long time no see.

You came today
to accompany your father?

No. I came for a preparatory meeting...

with Fumi, and also
accompanying a friend.

Go to the shop ahead of me.

Ah, okay.

I've heard that
you're going to debut?

Ah, yes.

Are you happy that you're going
to debut with your Papa's name?

I know, right?

Well, to be honest,
I really feel pathetic about it.

Why are you foolishly laughing?

No reason.

So, it's a high school girl's debut
by just halfheartedly fooling around...

just because her father
is a famous novelist, huh?

You really have a good father.

No, I'm not halfheartedly
fooling around.

I seriously like novels.

With that kind of face?

Yes, with this masked face.


Shouldn't it better if you just
look down on literature?

Like do compensated dating.

You're terrible.

Ah, so you're already doing
it with some old man?


You're doing it for
around 20 thousand?

That much huh?

Sorry for the wait.

Sir Kijima, are you alright?

What's with you?

Who the hell do you think I am?

Hitoshi Kijima.

A novelist who used to be
popular a long time ago.

We're really very sorry.

Apologize. I'm sorry...

I'm really sorry. I'm sorry.

Why would you kick him, Hibiki?

Of all the people,
that's Sir Kijima.

Do you understand?

He's a writer who won
the Akutagawa Prize, you know.

He's also a judging committee
of the Newcomer Award.

Wait, why didn't you hit him then?

Don't you want to help a friend
when she's being made fun of?

Even if I did,

there are other ways.

Not through violence.

Thank you, Hibiki.

But, the reason I just
let him make fun of me...

was because I don't want
to be a burden to Papa.

Is what I did a burden?


Just kidding.

I was also somewhat at my limit.

Don't worry.

I will be responsible
for my own actions.

It's alright already.

You know, in a society of adults,

nobody can take responsibility
for their own actions alone.

It just means that
when you get reckless,

many people will be affected.

Remember that.

Why is he here in Shoronsha?

To collect information in a magazine.

Is he currently on it?

He's probably in the bar
in front of the building.


can I help you?

So, you're Hibiki Akui?

Why do you know who I am?

Ohtsubo told me.

Yeah, when he asked me
who "Hibiki" is, I told him,

you're a finalist in the Newcomer Award,
and he wants to read your work.

Have some business with me?

What is it?

I just forgot to say that...

the reason I kicked you
has nothing to do with Rika.

I've just wanted to hit you
for a long time now.

If you got a problem,
do anything to me.

Hibiki, just what are you doing?

Huh? She kicked you?

Why do you hate me?

Sir Kijima,

she's actually a good girl.

Can't you tell?

- Hibiki!
- I don't.

Since I'm living honestly everyday,

I don't know why some...

high school girl...

who I've met for the first time
would bear such a grudge.

But, if I'm going
to force out a reason.

Is it because my current
novels are boring?


You used to be a genius, right?

Like the story of your debut work
of a sanatorium during wartime.

The story where a girl
takes care of an old woman.

Although it's a common theme...

where one's opinion of life
and death was used many times,

it wasn't written in a regular death.

That's only until you won the
Akutagawa Prize on your fifth work.

From that point on,
your compositions only feel like...

repetitions of deja vu of the same story.

Nothing was interesting at all.

The work of novelists are not
to just line up Japanese words.

Isn't it their job
to move people's hearts?

You're currently not a novelist.

You're just some old man
who shows up on TV.

Sir Kijima,

I deeply apologize about this.

It's just as you say.

The time when I had talent
was so long ago.

Since winning the Akutagawa Prize,

there really isn't anything I want
to say anymore to this world.

I read your "The Fairytale Garden".

To witness such young talent,

I see the reality,
even though I don't want it.

I'm going to entrust...

impressing the world to you.

Huh? Then why do you
still keep on writing?





It's a force of habit.

You'll understand that someday.

This sensation of having
come to terms...

with your own world and reality.

I see.

Sorry if I'm the only one drinking.

Don't be.

I'm envious as someone
who can't drink.

I can't stop crying when I read
the manuscript, Yamamoto.

It's a masterpiece.

I wonder if you'll be able to get
the Akutagawa Prize this time.

I'm sorry.

Even though, I've already
asked you thrice...

just to be rejected in the end.

Don't say that.
Instead, we've talked that...

you'll be accepted next time for sure.


This time for sure,

it's going to be filial piety.


It won't make it in time.

Since Sir Sobue has hurriedly
went on a trip for research,

so he'll be absent.

There he goes on research trip.

Since I've securely received
his results of judging,

I would like to start
the screening meeting...

of the Mokuren Newcomer Award.

- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you.

"The Walking Time"...

by Kaneda Deku.

"The Fairytale Garden"...

by Hibiki Akui.

"The Neighbor"...

by Nurikawa Ryosuke.

Isn't it refreshing
to be covered with sand?


You don't have to read
when you're on the beach.

Why not? She's free
to do what she wants.

Then why would she
even come to the beach?

You won't be able
to write a good novel...

when you're just always
sitting on a desk.



There's a crab here!


Who cares about a crab?
That's just a crab.

Yes, hello?



It's Fumi.


Got it.

Since we're at the beach,
I'm hanging up.

So, you won the Newcomer Award?


I see.

So, you're also going to debut
next month under "Mokuren".


My book will be released
in November.


Then that means,

we'll both be candidates for
the next Akutagawa Prize.

I'm after...


I see.

I'm not really good being hospitable.

Why don't you ask someone
who's good at smiling...

in front of customers?

It's not about being
good or bad at it.

It's work.

It's not really a work
I'll be doing forever.

I just can't yield.

Which reminds me,

you're aiming to be
a novelist, Tanaka?

Normally, 28 is the age...

where you already
get results, you know?

It's time to accept
reality and give up...

when you didn't achieve
your dream at that age.

What do you mean "normally"?

I don't care who
you're comparing me to,

but don't lump me with
some commoner like you!

How dare you!

You're fired! Fired!

- Hello.
- Hey.

- You're going out?
- Hello?

I'm Ohtsubo from Shoronsha.

Is this Mr. Kohei Tanaka?


Have you read
this month's "Mokuren"?

The winning works
has been published there.

- No, not yet.
- Ah.

Are you just being modest?

New writers usually say that.

You should read it objectively
since you'll learn things.


Then you haven't read the other
writer's work who won, huh?

Other writer?

Yes. There are two writers
who won this year's Newcomer Award.



Ah, Kijima.

You should call him Sir Kijima.

Just what are you wearing?

When I said to come
with her best clothes,

she came wearing these.

Isn't it cute?
I got it from Rika.

You look like a fool.

Did you dress up by yourself?

Someone who dress up like--


Nice to meet you,
Tsuruko Tachibana.

I deeply apologize,
Ma'am Tachibana.

Shake my hand.

Ah, so it's you.

Nice to meet you.

I like your novels.

Thank you.

So, she's really just 15 years old.


I can't believe it.

I find "The Fairytale Garden"
really good.

Thank you.

So, you're Hibiki Akui?

Kirihiko Yoshida.

- Yes.
- That should be Sir Yoshida.

- Shake my hand.
- Sure.

"The Fairytale Garden"
was fantastic.


Your "Melody of Light"
was interesting.


Can I introduce him to you all?


He's the winner,
Mr. Kohei Tanaka.


Thank you very much.

Anyway, to the judges,

if you're ready, please,
go to the assembly hall.

To the two winners,
please, wait here for awhile.

- Then, Hanai.
- Okay, understood.

- Congrats.
- Thank you very much.

I'm looking forward to your works.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.

Come on, Hibiki.

Properly greet him.

Both of you are in this month's
"Mokuren" after all.

Your novel is self-conceited.


Since you won together,
get along with him.

Come on, how about
shaking his hand?


Ah, excuse me, Mr. Tanaka.
What are you doing?

Well, I just put
a little strength in it.


The literary world
is no place for kids.

Just what're you wearing?

You just want to be popular, right?

I can tell even without
reading your work.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, wait.

Calm down.

You don't have to pretend
to be angry, little girl.

I'm really gonna hit you.


Please, please,
please, calm down.

The awarding ceremony
will begin soon.

I would like to ask the two
winners to go to the venue.

Come on, it's going to start.

Once it's over, we'll
calmly discuss about this.

Let's go.

We'll continuously ask them
to write new works from now on,

and greatly liven up the literary world
with the strength of these youths.

Congratulations to the two of you.

I heard she's just 15 years old.

So, she's still in high school.

She's cute.

If her works sell well,

she has the potential
to spring up like an idol.

Take good care of her.


We would like to hear
from the winners.

First, would be Mr. Kohei Tanaka.

Please, say a few words.

Um, I'm...

Kohei Tanaka.

Even though I won,

I'm not really satisfied at all.

I have no intention to stay here,
so I'm not happy at all.

I intend to change
this current literary world.

And I will use my talents--


We'll quickly take you to the hospital.

You don't have to.


The southbound train will
soon be passing through.

Since it's dangerous,

please, stand behind
the yellow line.

The southbound train will
soon be passing through.

Who told you that you can leave?

What's with you?

You're scaring me.
Get lost.

Aren't you the one
who started the fight?

You said you'll hit me,
so that's why I hit you.

If you want to hit me, hit me.

That's just a figure of speech.

One more thing.

I don't mind if you say it's boring.

But only decide after
you really read it.

If you don't, that's just unfair.


I should...

I'm sorry!

Won't you apologize?

I'm sorry I hit you.

Give me a break!

Just what were you thinking?

If you are going to be sued,

the editor-in-chief said,
your work won't get published!

It's alright.

We made up.

It's not that easy.

It was the same with Sir Kijima.

Because the other person yielded,

it won't be a serious matter.

Are you saying that I'm wrong?


I think the other party is at fault.


whatever the reason may be,

violence cannot be the answer.


Promise me that you'll never do
something like this ever again.

I don't want your talent
to just end like that.

So, it's going to be out soon.

Pig in the Pigsty


4000 copies of "Pig in the Pigsty"
will first be published.

But, I think it will sell more.

Even though you're aiming for
the Akutagawa Prize,

I believe that it would still sell well.


Our guest for today...

is Ms. Rika Sobue
whose debut work is out now!

Thank you for having me.

Actually, Ms. Rika here...

is the daughter of
the famous Akihito Sobue.

I'm actually a Sobuest.

Thank you very much.

Ah, if you'd like,
please, read my book too.

Of course!

Um, Ms Rika's novel,
"The Tower of Four Passing Seasons"...

has been highly praised for
the sense of language used...

that is unlike the Japanese language.

Let us now present what the story is.

A girl who lives alone in a
Tower of Four Passing Seasons,

which has four seasons each day,
and one year passes.

On Sale starting November 3 (Sat)
Akihito Sobue's daughter sudden debut!!

What's up?

I just read "The Tower of
Four Passing Seasons".


So, you want to talk
about my novel?

Yeah. What I can say
about your novel is that...

Sorry. Can we put this off
for another month?

The candidates for the Akutagawa Prize
will be announced on December 20.

Will they pick you or me?

It would highly unlikely
to be the both of us.

It's not about the number
of copies sold...

as I think there will be
real evaluation there.

We'll know if my novel is
interesting or not after a month.

It was lame.

The hell is this?

Enough! Stop already!


let's not be friends
this whole month.

It's regrettable.

But, it's been decided that...

we won't publish
"The Fairytale Garden" as a book.


The reason is that,

if Hibiki Akui caused problems later,

it would be troublesome in the future.

But, the published issue of
"Mokuren" is selling well.

The evaluation of
"The Fairytale Garden" itself is--

That's not it.

The problem is the author herself.

That girl is nuts.

She's not normal.

But without a doubt, she's a genius.

I have no plans to argue
with you regarding that!

Besides, you have Rika Sobue now.

- But--
- Understand?

Hey, everyone's so gloomy!
Brighten up! Brighten up!

Let's have fun with work, okay?

Brighten up! Brighten up!

I see. 200 thousand copies...

Huh? What a weak reaction!

Because I'm not convinced at all.

It's in the top of the literary works
for the second half of the year.

That's because you properly
fixed some parts.

You're the one
who completed writing it.


Sorry, can you go out and
buy some things for me?


Pig in the Pigsty

In the year 1882,

Hirobumi Ito studied in Europe
to investigate the constitution.

He studied under Gneist in Germany,

and Stein in Austria,

and learned the German style
constitutional system.

After returning home,

he became the government
adviser of Kowashi Inoue,

Miyoji Ito, and Kentaro Kaneko.

It would be better if the two
of them would make up soon.

I was in the same
middle school with Rika.

It's the first time I've seen her
having a dispute with someone.

I guess the reason she can
get along with anyone...

is because she doesn't show
her true feelings.

Hibiki probably is...

the very first person that
Rika doesn't get along with.

I see.

Yes, hello?

Ah, Yamamoto.

The candidates for Akutagawa Prize
have been announced.

It wouldn't be strange that
"The Fairytale Garden" gets selected.

Or it would be Rika Sobue's.

"The Tower of Four Passing Seasons"
sold 250 thousand copies after all.

I know, right.

There's somewhat of a great uproar here.

- Ah, Hanai.
- Yes?

Did you get any call
from the secretariat?

- Yes.
- So, which is it?

- Both.
- What?

Just now,

the candidates of the Akutagawa Prize
and Naoki Prize were just announced.

Yes. To some extent,
they're in the expected range.

But who would have thought, huh?

In other words,
we were surprised.

And here are the works that are
candidates of the Akutagawa Prize.

These are the five novels
that are candidates.

But, what we would like
to pay attention to is this novel.

"The Fairytale Garden"
by Hibiki Akui.

That author, surprisingly,
is just 15 years old.

Sir Kijima,
if this novel were to win,

then the author would be
the youngest in history, right?

Yes. Ms. Risa Wataya
was 19 years old...

when she won the award
being the youngest so far.

Anyway, for the viewers,

we would like you to remember
this "The Fairytale Garden".

And now, here are the candidates
for the Naoki Prize.

Please, have a look.

Actually, "The Fairytale Garden"...

has been chosen
both in the final round...

of the Akutagawa Prize
and Naoki Prize.

This is quite an accomplishment.

Setting aside winning the prizes,

it has been 60 years since a work
has been nominated on both.

And to think the novel came from
just a 15 year old girl.

Ms. Rika Sobue, who has
also been attracting attention...

as a high school girl writer,
sadly missed the nominations.


Well, it is a fact that
her work sold well though.

So, to put it simply,
"The Fairytale Garden" is--

Guess who?

The girl who got nominated on both
Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Prize.



You can't just trespass into
people home's like that, you know.

But, I rang the bell.

Oh, sorry.

I didn't hear it.

I tried to look for you in school,
but you weren't there.


Today is the promised day, right?

I want to make up with you.

What are you talking about?

This goes far beyond that.

You got nominated on both,
you know.

You'll be getting magazine interviews
and TV appearances.

You'll be a hit in the media.

You won't have time to get along
with an average girl like me.

So how about...

quitting the literature club?

The hell?

I mean,

you just read books all the time
when you're in the club.

And besides,

it's not like we're really friends.

Goodbye then.

No, Hibiki!

You've got it all wrong!

It's fine.

I don't think that's what
you really feel.

I'm sorry, Hibiki.

Please don't say
you'll quit the literature club.

I won't.

I'm sorry.


So now that we made up,

can we pick up where
we left off last month?

"The Tower of Four Passing Seasons"
was lame.

It was just an essay where
the plot and structure was pretty.

I think you had something
you wanted to express,

but I don't know what happened.

Can we stop that?

Hibiki, you got nominated
for both prizes, you know.

This has nothing to do
with the prizes.

This is about your work
as much as it is about my work.

I guess when I rewrote it
multiple times,

I lost sight of what
I wanted to write about.


In the beginning, I only
wanted to write about...

a country where the four seasons
pass in a span of a day.

But Fumi said,
there wasn't enough drama.

So, we decided to make it
an "outside world".

It became a completely different story
from the one I first envisioned.



So Fumi told you
to write a lame novel?

If you accepted the criticisms and
still wrote the novel based on them,

and it resulted in a lame story,

then that's the fault of the writer,
and that's you.

Don't shift the blame onto others.

Enough already.

I can't write anymore.

I am...

not like you who's a genius.

Good job. To think
she's nominated on both.

I've always watched over
such great talent!

It will already be big news
even if it's not yet the awarding.

Can you publish the work
in book form soon?

Of course, Mr. President.

That is already in the way naturally.

There were rumors of the violent
behavior of Ms. Hibiki Akui...

who have both been nominated
in Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Prize.

What do you think Mr. Minowa?

This is startling.

Why now?

I'm sure because now's the time.

We have to put out stuff
that can't be asked at interviews.

Isn't it better to ask her parents?


You're Ms. Hibiki Akui, right?

I'm Yano from "Weekly Truth Report".

Can I ask you a few questions?

I don't want strangers to write
anything they want about me.

Delete the photos
you just took and leave.

Okay, but just a minute of your time.

What's your reason
for starting to write novels?

Ah, then let me change
the direction of the question.

Do you have a boyfriend?

Of course, you have one,

since you're a present day
high school girl.

Who is he?

Is he a hottie?


Could it be you don't have one?

Even though,
you're a high school girl?

Of course, that just means that
your boyfriend are novels, huh?

Ah, ah.





- Hey.
- Yes.

- What did you just do just now?
- What?

Don't give me that.
What's this?


- Hey.
- Yes?

Those are yours, right?

Ah, um, the company I work owns it.

Ah then, let me ask your name
and contact details.

Ah, I can't tell you that now.

I'm sorry.

Ah, I made contact with Hibiki.

She's definitely the one.

She got violent again,
so things got a bit out of hand.


Since she was shaking
when I was asking her,

I'm sure I could
get her next time.

The elevator door is closing.


Good evening.



you can't just--

Is this your son?

Could you not just
go through my stuff?


Where does he live?

The child has nothing to do with you.

But, I'm also a child
of my father and mother.

Looks like we can finally talk.

Don't make an article about me.

I think you're misunderstanding.

Weekly magazine journalists
aren't your enemy.

It would be a great publicity
if you were featured.

I've told you to not feature me.

Are your parents
authors or something?


You worked really hard
to write that novel, right?

Or have you been learning
to write since childhood?

Not really.

Then it's alright to write
anything about you.

You just realized
you're a genius, right?

The role of a genius is
to be envied and resented...

by those people
without talent, right?

Don't feature me.



You won't be able
to run away anymore.

Ah, someone came out.
Who are you?

People of the press,
please, listen.

Um, since she's only 15 years old,

please, refrain from
making reports about her.

Ms. Akui?

You're Ms. Akui, right?

A few words about
your acts of violence please!

Sorry! Since it's dangerous,
please, stop taking pictures!

Please, move back!

Since it's dangerous,
please, move back!

Please, stop taking photos!

Since this happened,

I think, you have no choice but
to apologize in front of the press.


Adding the fact that
you hit Mr. Tanaka,

you must apologize to everyone.

Why should I?

I already apologized to him.

Why should I apologize
to everyone then?

The announcement of the winners of
the Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Prize
is finally tomorrow!

Come in.

- I'm back.
- Welcome back.


This is from France.


Ah, that's right.

I've read your
"The Tower of Four Passing Seasons".


In truth,

it doesn't have qualities
that I would openly praise.

But you know,

if there is a shelf
of interesting novels,

and a shelf of boring novels,

I would...

put it in the shelf
of interesting novels.

Let's meet each other
at 1 PM tomorrow then.

Isn't the announcement
of the winners really late?

Wouldn't it be better
if we meet by then?

How about going out to dine...

or go sightseeing until
the announcement of the winners?

Think of it as my treat.

Are you sure?

Tomorrow will be
an important day to you after all.

That's what I think.


I want to go to the zoo.


Hibiki's Home Number



Rika. Long time no talk.


Wanna go see alpacas tomorrow?


Fumi said she'll come along with us.


- Ah.
- Sorry for the wait.


Guys, this will our sponsor for the day.

Thank you for treating us.

- Hey.
- Hello.


What's going on?

I don't wanna waste the day if I fail.

So, I wanted to have a main activity.

Now, it's the literature club's field trip.

I'm gonna go buy tickets then.

- Takaya.
- Hm?

Why don't we look at the map
of the park over there?

Ah, good idea. Let's go.


I ended up writing again.

I remembered why
I started to write.

I see.

Sorry that I got anxious.

Welcome back.

Here goes.
Okay, say cheese.

Oh, looks good. Here.


- Oh!
- Whoa!

What? It got photographed with us?

- It got photographed?
- It did.

- Really?
- Awesome!



Okay, say cheese!

How clumsy.

Isn't it squeaking?

Ah, it's really squeaking.

It's not squeaking with me at all.



You're early.

That's in place of your parents.

I give that to you
to get you nominated.


Thank you very much.

Um, since it's already 5PM,

we would like to start the judging
of the Akutagawa Prize.

If you please.

We would like to start
the judging of the Naoki Prize.

If you please.

I wonder if we would make it
in time of the Night Parade?

Hm? That sounds nice!

But, going to
the Sky Tree is also nice.

- Sky Tree?
- Yes, Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

- Sky Tree.
- Wait, wait, you guys.

Have you forgotten why
we came to Tokyo?

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Sky Tree.

Hey, please, be quiet really.

Yes, hello?

This just in.

The winners of the Akutagawa Prize
and Naoki Prize have been decided.

The ones awarded with the Akutagawa Prize
are Hibiki Akui's "The Fairytale Garden"

and Miyuki Toyomasu's
"Corpses and Flowers".

Quiet down! Quiet down!
The Naoki Prize!

The one awarded with
the Naoki Prize is...

Hibiki Akui's "The Fairytale Garden".

Hey, hey. I'm confused.

Hibiki Akui "The Fairytale Garden"
Miyuki Toyomasu "Corpses and Flowers"

Hibiki Akui "The Fairytale Garden"



As expected of you.

Come on, Hibiki.


We'll be watching the news!

Will she be okay?

Be careful now!


It's really strange.

The selection committee
doesn't have good tastes.

Is the personality of the author
and their works irrelevant?

This will be discussed
by Mr. Hitoshi Kijima.

Mr. Kijima,

we heard that Ms. Akui
assaulted you before.

Yes. She hit me...

in the face.

That's awful.

What do you think as a victim
now that she won the prize?

Well, to be honest,
I am angry.

- If that's the case--
- But even so,

if I had to pick who should win this year's
Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Prize,

it would be without a doubt
"The Fairytale Garden".


It was that overwhelming.

It's a masterpiece.

What? I'm somewhat turned off.

So in the end,

it's just a rigged preference topic?

But does it matter if she's cute?

Well, that's no good.

That's not it.

Have you lot read...

"The Fairytale Garden"?

Huh? He's scary.

Huh? We haven't read it.

You have no right to criticize
if you haven't read it.

My heart shook...

when I read it, you know?

Please, wait for a few moments
for the Akutagawa Prize...

and Naoki Prize awarding ceremonies.

Please, wait for a few moments
for the Akutagawa Prize...

and Naoki Prize awarding ceremonies.

Ma'am Akui, thank you for coming...

Miyuki Toyomasu.


I liked your novel.

Shake my hand.

Ah, really?

Thank you.

I also really liked your
"The Fairytale Garden".


Congrats, Hanai.

No, I didn't do anything.

Didn't you pick up
the abandoned manuscript?

Thank you very much.


I wonder if it's alright.

If she does something here,

things won't be irreversible.


will protect Hibiki.

Even if you do...

Thank you for waiting.

We will now commence the
Ryunosuke Akutawaga Prize,

and Sanjugo Naoki Prize.

- Ooh!
- It's Hibiki!

She's wearing a black hood.

Who's behind her?

Isn't that Fumi?

- Oh, that's her!
- Ah, it's really her!

And we will now start.

Ms. Hibiki Akui,

please, say a few words
with winning the prize.

I'm Hanai, an editor of Shoronsha...

who is in charge of Hibiki Akui.

I beg your pardon,

but since she's only 15 years old,

all the questions that will be
asked to Hibiki Akui tonight...

will be answered by me in her behalf.

- Huh?
- What?

In addition,

as you can see with her appearance,
please, understand that...

it was decided that her exposure
would be refrained...

to protect her privacy.

Hey, are you serious?

Um, then Ms. Hibiki Akui,

what are your thoughts
in winning the prizes.

I'm happy.

She said she's happy.

Now then,

we will now move to
the question and answer.

If you have any questions,
please, raise your hand.

I'm Ozaki of Dainichi TV.

If you won't be able
to answer yourself,

why did you even
showed up today?

That's because she won the--

I'm asking Ms Hibiki.

She said that it would be rude...

to not show her gratitude
for receiving the award.

Hey. Are you serious?
We're going to do this?

Besides, what's with that editor?

Do we really need to do this?

Um, I'm Yano of Weekly Truth Report.

I have a lot of questions.

- First of all--
- I will answer directly to you.


don't say anything rude.




There are negative comments
in the society to award the person...

who is charged for assault.

What do you think of this matter?

Let me hear your opinion.


I am currently talking to you.

It has nothing to do
what the society is saying.

What's your opinion?

I think...

I think it would be better that you,
Hibiki Akui, break off from writing.

I don't think people want to read...

a work of someone who can't
control their emotions...

and hurt others.

You're talking for someone else again.

Say if you want
to read them or not.

I have no desire
to read it the least!

That's why you're asking me
to stop writing?

Indeed, if you act violent.

I intend to continue writing.

I don't care what other people say.

I write because I want to.

I will continue writing as long as
there's something I want to write.

I want to live like that.

Then I have a question to Ms. Hanai.


How much were you...

involved in the contents of
"The Fairytale Garden"?

Since "The Fairytale Garden"
was a submitted work,

I wasn't really involved.


Since a 15 year old girl's
novel just won both...

the Akutagawa Prize
and Naoki Prize,

it's a bit of an unbelievable feat.

This might be a very rude question.

But did that girl really write
"The Fairytale Garden"?

Excuse me?

Ms. Hanai, you're also the editor
in charge of Ms Rika Sobue, right?

So, you published two consecutive
popular high school girl authors.

Did you by chance touch up
any of their novels?

Isn't there any possibility
that you wrote them?

So, what can you say?

Of course, I wouldn't do--


Hibiki, no!

That's all for the conference!

Excuse us!
Please, make way!

That's all for the conference.

160th Akutagawa Prize Winning Work

Hibiki, why?

Why did you do that?

- Because just now--
- I know!

I understand that you won't
let him get away for...

finding fault with your work!


I intended to be quiet
no matter what they said.

But, he was intentionally
nasty toward you.

I couldn't let him
get away with it.

Ms. Akui,

with what happened,

we won't be able
to publish your work.

Sir Kanda!

It's a pity.

I see.


Thank you for today.



You have a lot of things to do
before minding her.

You wanna die?

Weren't you just touching
the railway gate?

None of your business.

- Just butt out.
- No, it's my business.

But, if I find out...

that some guy committed
suicide here tomorrow,

I'd feel sick.

Tell me why you wanna die.

If it's good enough,
I'll leave you be.

I am...

a novelist.

I've been doing this for 10 years,
but nothing has come from it.

I wasn't able to make anyone happy.

If 10 years didn't work out,
then make it 11 years.

That's what I've always thought.


I was able to write
only lame titles.

I'm already fed up.

If you're not going,
then I'll just leave.

I also write novels.

Don't put me with children's work.

If you've worked on
novels for 10 years,

I'm sure some people out
there found them interesting.

And I might be one of them.

You don't sell,
your works are trash,

therefore, you must die.

Why don't you then find fault
to your status to the people...

who find your works interesting?



What's your name?



Could you be...?

Actually, hang on.
What're you doing?

Hurry and come here.

If I leave, you intend
to kill yourself, right?

Dying because you write
nothing but crap?

That's just stupid.

O-Okay! I won't!

Just come on and get over here!

Dazai also said this:

"If you're an author,
die after making one masterpiece".

I get it. Hurry!


I will not die yet.

Since I do not remember
writing a masterpiece.

We will do our best to not do
something like that again.


Thank you very much.

Hey, Hanai.

- Yes?
- It's yours.

Line number two.


You're now talking to Hanai.

Ah, Fumi?

- You know...
- Hibiki?

Hibiki, listen.

It's been decided that...

"The Fairytale Garden"
will be published!

After the previous conference,

the editor-in-chief said,
this might be a chance anyway.

In fact, there are tons
of orders that arrived.

And the first print would be...

a million copies!

I see.

Thank goodness.



A new story came to my mind.

If I finished writing it,

could you also be...

the first to read it?



if it's a million copies,
how much would I be getting?


If a book is 1400 yen,

10% of a million copies would be...

140 million yen?


What? Ah.


Be sure to explain to your parents.

It's alright.

It's not like
I'll let my parents pay.

Don't you understand
your situation?

Your family might have to pay...

a hefty fine to
the railroad company...

for what you did.

It might be hundred thousands.

And it seems someone even paid
a hundred million in the past.

It's alright.

I think I would be able to manage.

Yurina Hirate

Ayaka Wilson

Masanobu Takashima

Yuya Yagira

Yukiya Kitamura

Toru Nomaguchi

Mizuki Itagaki
Sho Kasamatsu

Daisuke Kuroda
Kazushige Komatsu

Eisaku Yoshida

Shun Oguri

Keiko Kitagawa