Heaven's Bookstore (2004) - full transcript

foodval.com - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Excuse me

Watch out

Don't come too close

Um, I came again to talk about

the Wabi fireworks

I'm Shoko's niece

She was my mother's sister

People say I look like her

And, um, I hear d that you
went out with her and about...

...the accident

I watched the fireworks
with my aunt many times

She always looked forward
to your fireworks

Even in the hospital.
Before she died

she waited for your Wabi

She stared out the window

I'll never forget how she looked,

as if she was praying while she waited



You gave up fireworks but my aunt
wrote music for you until the end!

Don't you know how she felt while
she was waiting for your fireworks?

This is the plan for the show

Wait, what are you doing?

I told you already

I quit fireworks

I'm finished with fireworks


What a loser

Wow, so beautiful!

So pretty

Wow, amazing


Aren't they, Shoko?

The show's over

Can you go home, Kana?

I'll be OK

OK, goodnight


Why didn't you launch them?


Came to deliver your order


You haven't been back since then

You having a picnic?

Fun, isn't it?


Have a seat

Here you go


Shall we?

Bon appetite


Celery with miso?

Not so common

Really good

My boyfriend always ate like this

What did he do?

Made fireworks

So the shop accident...

He. Um...

quit, taking responsibility
for my ear injury

I told him

it was his fault
I couldn't play the piano


I never did want him
to quit fireworks

I honestly wanted him
to keep creating fireworks

But that didn't r each him

Once a year

I watched his fireworks
and wrote a song

I wanted to compose 10 parts

but there was no 10th show


Oh, that...

The 10th par t

That's the only phrase
that came to mind

A song called 'Eternity'

Shoko, would it be OK for me
to play it?

He made Wabi, Japanese-style fireworks



They seemed to bloom forever
in the sky

So beautifully


Play a bit more brightly

And make the third chord

match the melody a bit more

The third...


That's it. That's it

Sounds good

Keep going


Should have let

Shoko and Takimoto get married

They were going to?

They promised each other

But as a parent...

I couldn't forgive the man
who took her talent

I wonder,

he must've realized our feelings

He stopped coming
after she entered the hospital

It's not your fault


If they had been together,

Shoko would've been happier
when she died

Anybody home?






Sorry to barge in

It's me, Shoko

What the hell are you saying?

I want to see you launching fireworks

I've had enough of you!

You should know better!

Running again?
Like you did from Shoko?


I know about the accident

and my aunt's hearing loss

But running don't help, you know

Shouldn't have quit
if you felt responsible

What do you know?


Shoko's dead

That's why I'm -

fireworks won't help!

You can't pay her back?

All you can do is live like this

for 12 years after quitting?

Who are you to say this?

Don't be so miserable!

If my aunt were still alive,

she'd be sad to see you like this!

Shoko would be crushed!

Listen to me very carefully

She's the one who told me to quit
to take responsibility

She's the one who said no to marriage

If I could only meet Shoko
one more time

I'm sorry


is something my aunt wrote
before she died

She was always inspired
to write music during the show

She was holding this
in the hospital at the time

I think my aunt is still waiting
for your fireworks

I'm leaving


waiting for your fireworks

Can I help you?

A reading?

"The Crying Red Ogre"

Let's go over there

Have a seat

There was a house

somewhere hidden,
on the cliff of a mountain.

Who lived there?

A red ogre lived

A young and lively ogre
lived there, alone

He was a lively ogre,
but not a violent one

Rather, he was a kind
and considerate ogre

The red ogre thought every day,

'I was born as an ogre,
but I want to get along with humans '

'I want to be friends
with the villagers '

One day he could no longer stop himself

And he hurried and took
a wooden plank to write on

It's OK

'I'm a kind ogre. Anybody is welcome '

'I have good snacks
and can make tea, too '

The red ogre

put up the sign by his house



Red ogre,

please always be kind
and sincere to humans

and show them good times

I have to leave you for a while

and will leave this mountain

Our coming and going to meet

might have caught the attention
of humans

That's why I decided
to depart on a journey

A long journey, a far journey

But wherever I go,
I'll always think of you

I'm sorry, Kaoru

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm going

Take car e

Here, take the one you like

This one

Thank you

I'll take care of Kaoru

So don't worry

Thank you

Come back safely, then you're a pro


Thank you for everything, boss


Take car e

Time to go

Big sister!





What'll happen to her?

She'll live out the rest of her life

Wouldn't she be happier here?

But she still has to live

Your job'll be done soon

Leave no r egrets

It's not easy to come back

14 days left

How many special seats?

18 now

Oh, 18. Is that enough?

Ms. Kato said she?d bring money
and 4 or 5 people

Oh, she?s coming

So we should get more tables?


Excuse me

Could we have
30 special seats in total?

30 seats

Shouldn't we have more food?

We should add drinks, too

OK, more food and drinks

I'm back

Hi, Maru

I got sponsorship money

from Fujimura Engineering!

You're amazing, Maru

I got down on my hands and knees

That's too much

Sentaro, you already got 8 sponsors

I have to try, too

Leave it to me

I'll sell my car if I have to
and take out a loan

A fireworks loan?

Kanako! It's Mr. Nishiyama

What is it?

Maybe he'll do it for free?

Hey! Put him on hold first!

Could he hear?

Hey, Maru.!

Hello, Nagase speaking

Yes, thank you for calling

Really? Thank you very much

Yes, as soon as possible

Yes, I understand

Yone, what happened?

Take this

Oh, thank you

Come in

It's OK

Come now

Sentaro doesn't like it
when I'm around

People will think I'm spoiling him

No one thinks that

Having a hard time
with the loving fireworks?

We all know you're doing your best

Have a bit of fun, too

Thank you

Hope it clears up
in time for the show

Me too

My back hurts when it rains

Don't be an old lady

I am!

It's stopped raining a bit

Gotta go now

Really? Take care

Good luck


See you

Bye now

That's it. That's it

Not bad at all


Can you add a bass line?

Good. Keep going

Wait, wait.
That sounds too common

Oh, that's it




I've finally realized
why I'm here in heaven

It was my dream to compose
and play my own music

But when I was brought her e,
I couldn't

I'm not dead yet

My job'll be done soon


So while I'm here

Let's finish the song


Shall we continue then?


No, no, no!

More forcefully


That's it!

That was great

'A Bright Place'

'A Fragment of August'

'The Celery Flower'

'To a New World'


'Heaven and the Sea'

'Buried Sand'



Everyday all you talk about is Yui

Yui's story is finished.
No second act

There is

Really? How?

When I take over your job,
I can go to earth to meet her

Heaven and earth will -


Cool your head off a bit

You work in the store from now

Hey there!

Check this out

Is it for me?

It's mine. Can't play it, though


Today's your last day

Thank you

Not at all

I'll be on my own if you leave

Come back

Hey, when he comes back
he'll be dead for real

That piano...

Play it well


Thank you so much


Can't open it

Can't open it

Why's that?

You can't open it

I can't?

C'mon, open it

Hi there

How's it going?

Need someone to hold it

Somebody help!

Ms. Nagase

How are you doing?

For everyone

Thank you

Great weather

Preparations are going well

Should be OK with this wind

I honestly wasn't sure
in the beginning

But I'm glad I came

Couldn't hear you play,

but I'll never forget your music

Don't come back soon

I won't

I'm glad I met you

Take car e

You too

We're off

Thank you!

Thank you!

Wow, look at that


The next part is sponsored by
Fujimura Engineering

'The Starmines'

These are my fireworks

No, they're not yours

Your sponsor's fireworks

They're mine

Wonder if Takimoto will show

Not giving up yet

Roger that

Starmines from 2.5, start.

Still more to come

Two more to go

Five, please

500 yen each

Got five here

I'll take change for 3000

OK, thank you


Look out

Oh, excuse me

This? Thanks


Kenta's ready. All's ready

Two of 'em!

Yes, thanks

Oh, here they come

Takimoto isn't coming

Should we announce that it's over?

It's over

It's over

Thank you

The Mihama Shop District
Fireworks Show

is now finished

What a show

Thank you so much. Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

They were great

Can't be helped
if that was Takimoto's answer

It was a big success

People will be
even more excited next year

You were the most excited

They were great, Kana

Well done

No loving fireworks,

but I almost fell in love with Kana

How about marrying my unworthy son?

Sentaro's not unworthy

And, don't forget we're not married



They were great

They were beautiful

Kanako! Help!

On my way


Thank you so much. Take car e

Thank you

They're loving fireworks

They're beautiful

Is this...


Excuse me

That song...



Why do you know it?

I was with her

Believe me?

Wabi fireworks