He Who Loves in a Glass House (1971) - full transcript

We are not interested in the
power of washing powder.

Why? We live in a world
where people make a living...

...on the fact that a millions of
people buy what a few people make.

There is a lot of manipulation.

They make us believe...

...how good and important it
is that we buy certain things.

And that's why I think it's good that
this film is about an advertising expert.

It would be good if movies
made people skeptical.

About the environment
of the viewer...

...about the media that exists,
television, film, radio, newspaper...

...all sources of information.

But a film should also be
skeptical about the viewer...

...viewers should become
skeptical about themselves.

Of course, this means,
that this film...

...must make people
skeptical about itself.

Personally I think that the film should
be set in a less exclusive milieu.

Then it would be more realistic.

There are thousands
of people in the cities...

...who don't really know
what they are living for.

They can't even identify
with what they do for a living.

There is no problem that
just affects a single person.

For example, everybody is...

...if sexual needs
cannot develop naturally...

...the strongest power of
humanity is suppressed...

...fears arise and
people become unstable.


(the moat)

Filmed in the Viennese studio
of the painter Hundertwasser

(Austrian radio station)

(Switching stations)

Terrible. Milk and Cognac.

I have not washed my feet yet.

Shall I still wash them?

You spend half your
life in the bathroom.

The milk makes your mouth sticky.

Yuck. My mouth is so dry.

Wash your feet another time. Come here.

This heat makes me sick, really.

It has at least 30 degrees
in this glass house.

Hey, are you crazy?

You have a real washing complex.
Like a cat. Cats do that too.

It tastes different now. Much better.

Are you in a drought?
Shall I close the window?

I am sorry. I stained the couch.

It doesn't matter. It's
a part of it now.

I'll get towels to clean it.

No, what for?

I'd rather do it now.

I won't get it out otherwise.

That's how it is now. It makes sense.

You can't leave it like this.

You do have a washing complex.

I didn't mean to spill it.

Think about something else.

I don't wash more than others.

Much more, twice as much, you
want to wash something away.

You're always talking about it.
- You talk about it, I don't.

Aren't you hot in theses jeans?

You're wearing a skirt.

It was cooler yesterday.

It's at least 30 degrees. 28...

Move a bit.

Yesterday it was also quite hot.

You are the only woman who doesn't shave
under her arms, did you ever notice that?

Not the only one.

Well, I mean, it's just pretty rare.

Why? What makes you think so?

Because I can see it. I see that
you're not shaving under your arms.

It's called armpits.

There neither.

I'll shave it off.

What for?

I'll shave it off if you want.

But I like it.

I think it's stupid that women
shave there anyway. Why is that?

In Italy nobody would
even think about doing that.

Don't you have anything else to drink?

In the kitchen. - Now I'm too lazy.

I'll get you something.

What's that?


Too slimy.

I think it's gone bad.

Like you.

That's why I put cognac in it,
so your mouth doesn't dry out.

What happened?

I just had to laugh about something.

About what?


Stop touching the same place.

Shall I tell?


What I was laughing about.


But I want to.

I am not interested.

My mother shaved off
part of my eyebrows.

When I was 12.

I looked like a criminal.

Is that why you laughed?

The moat.

The moat between us.

I'm sorry, what is between us?

Between you and me.
Between us and the others.

And I though you meant the moat outside.

Why am I mechanical?

Why mechanical, I didn't say that.

You said it yesterday.

Yeah, yesterday... - Yes, and today
again: "stop touching the same place."

I don't even remember that anymore.

You say things like that on purpose.

Of course.

Come here please.

Shall I get you something?


Something to drink.

I just had milk.

I'd like to get you something.

Kiss me.

Your mouth is way too wide.

Too wide for what?

For nothing.

It's just a bit wide.

You always find something
that is wrong with me.

Without a navel, we'd be disfigured.

Imagine that. No navel.

What, without navel?

That would be quite unaesthetic.

I haven't thought about it.

The navel is the first wound.

Anyway, Raquel Welsh's
is ugly. So wrinkled.

Every navel is beautiful.

Oh no, I've seen a lot
of belly buttons that...

I mean theoretically.

Yours is beautiful.

You think so?

In theory.

I see.

You have a great navel.

It's hot.

Come on. Caress me.

I'll open another window.

Come... caress me.

Do you like it?

I've never really felt at home here.

But now you like it here, right?


Yes, it's nice.

But this glass house is so artificial.

One should be free everywhere.

Come on, it's your turn.

Actually it's too hot for that.

As for Raquel Welch's navel... wrinkled
may not be the right word, but...

Damn glass house...

And all those people can look inside.

But nobody does.

Stop it, not there.

See, you're mechanical.
It's always the same place.

I really want to go to the seaside.

Just you and me.

To a little village.
A real vacation trip.

Real simple.

It was always best, when
it was just you and me.

No matter where. I don't want
to experience anything great.


You want your peace.
That's what you want.

We were just fighting...
...because of the others.

They were annoying.

Let's go. Just you and me.

It's gonna happen. We'll just drive off.

But I've got a photo shoot
during the next two weeks.

Two weeks...

Summer has just begun.

Your wife is downstairs.


Outside. For at least half an hour.

That's not true, is it?

Go and have a look.

Rather narrow, your couch.

You could have sold it too.

I did. It'll be picked up
tomorrow. Maybe the day after.

(Political commercial of the
Austrian center right party)

Get dressed.

That's her.

Oh nonsense.

It's her.

Get dressed!

Ouch! Damn...


I didn't know, you said you were...

Sorry to bother you, I tried calling
you, but I couldn't get through.

Bothering... You're
joking. Please, come in.

Christine is here.
- So? Where's the carpet?

And the wardrobe mirror?
- It's Hanna

The lamps are missing,
too. Igor, what happened?

Nothing happened.
I'll tell you everything.

Did you take the carpet to the cleaners?
- Hanna's here!

It was very dirty. The dirt's coming
from the roof. - I'll explain later.

Igor, where is the cupboard?
Where is the cupboard for God's sake?

Hello Hanna.
- There is nothing in this suitcase!

Hello Christine, how are you?

Fine, how about you?

It's hot.

I see you have already
adjusted yourself.

You changed because of the heat, right?

Do you find it that hot?

The storm cooled it down a bit.

The window was open... In fact, I closed
all the windows because it was raining.

I'd like to know where the furniture is.

Hanna was in Munich, it was
her father-in-law's birthday...

...my fathers, or rather my father-in-laws,
Hannah's father, you know?

Sure, I get it.
- How are you, was the celebration nice?

Tell me what happened
to the furniture, please.

I told you I'd tell you later.
- No, tell me now, tell me now, please.

You barge in here... let's calm down!
- He had them taken away.

Some was picked up
yesterday, some this morning.

And I am the last to know.

The chairs and the table are in the
children's room, I had them put in there.

Children's room? We have no children.

It's all in the Dorotheum,
he wants to auction it off.

We always called it the Children's
room... All right, into the room.

I put the things into the room,
had them put there.

The auction is on Thursday.

We can talk about everything until then.

And if necessary...
- What's necessary?

He did not tell me either why he
did it. The thing with the furniture...

Put on some clothes.

The things started to bother him.

The radio's broken.
There is no more sound.

That's all he told me.
- Brand new batteries inside.

Probably something's broken.

What's the matter with the both of you?

Why are you so quiet?

It's even hotter up here.
Because the windows don't open.

I have always said that
these windows were no good.

We could get an air conditioner.

Yes, we could do that.
- Igor just slept with me.

You're imagining things.
- Why?

I thought so. Because
this is what it looks like.

She just came here
to see what I was up to.

What does it look like?

We were about to leave for lunch.

Where do you have that thing from?

You don't even know how to use it.

Since when do you live together?

What do you mean?

It's an easy question.

Two days?

You can tell me. A month? A week?

You are crazy, thinking
you can ask us these things.

Why not? - Just answer her.

Don't shit your pants!

It's just one of her acts.
Do you think I'm afraid of that thing?


Sit... I am not your dog...

Living together...

We meet sporadically and
we sleep together occasionally.

What do you say, Igor?

I'm not saying anything.

Just admit it. - Why would I?
- Why don't you? - I am!

The furniture is downstairs in
the children's room like I told you.

You know exactly that's
not what she means.

It's not a children´s room. - All right,
downstairs in the room. Side room.

The table and some chairs.

I don't know why you're such
a coward. You can admit it.

Just admit it. Yes, I slept with
her, of course I slept with her.

There you go.

Have a seat. Sit down, please.

Stop fussing around, I said sit down.

Lie down.

Ouch... Shit.

The other way around.

No, not like that.
Don't lie on your bellies.

You know exactly what I mean. The feet
go here and you lie next to each other.

But they are rather
dirty, because of the floor.

Is that better?

Is this where you do it?

Well, it doesn't matter where you do it.

You systematically became my friend,
so it wouldn't be so conspicuous.

Was it his idea or yours?

Nonsense, it just happened.
- His.

What are you thinking?
While you're sleeping with my husband.

Does it turn you on, that he's married?

I don't think about anything.
I think about everything.

I don't know why you're embarrassed.
It's a very objective question.

Why don't you ask your husband?
- Because I'm interested in you.

I'm not interested in
what you are interested in.

Go on, kiss my husband.

What? - Have you never
kissed? Kiss my husband!

Definitely not. Not like this.

Well, if you don't I'll have
to shoot you with this pistol.

This isn't a pistol, it's a revolver.

Great. With this revolver, then.

All right, come on,
let's humor her. Kiss me.

I want her to kiss you first.

I want her... this person that you have
an week long affair with... to kiss you.

It can't be that difficult.


Take of his wife beater.

It's OK, I gave it to her.

I want her to take your undershirt of.

This is coercion. I could report you.

I don't care about that. Take
it off, tell her I'm not kidding.

Come on, just take it off.
Go on, it doesn't matter.

It does matter to me.

She can't make you do anything.

Come on, you don't want
to keep your pants on.

Give them to me.

Thank you.

Go back to bed,
I'll tell you what to do.

Your turn.




Same procedure.

Get undressed?

Yes. - OK OK...
I don't want to be a killjoy.

Here you go.

How do you like it?

Shall I give you my clothes?

Just throw them on the floor.
- Of course, my things go on the floor.

Let's go.

What do you mean?

Make love to her.

Do it.

I won't.

Well, if you don't, I'm
gonna have to kill you.

I am just gonna shoot you.

You always count to
three, like this: one, two...

I'll kill both of you. It took me four
hours to get this shitty gun in Munich.

I am not going to do it.
I don't want to hurt you.

You won't hurt me.
I am asking you to do it!

I don't know what you'll get out of it.

I'll tell you who you don't want to
hurt, because this isn't about me.

You don't want to hurt her.

We don't love each other.

What are you doing? - Calling a cab.
- Hang up the phone.

The phone's broken.

What's wrong with the phone?

Why do you say that? It's not
true. You never said that before.

I don't love you.

The phone is out of order. I
couldn't get through yesterday.

Nothing's wrong. Let me try.
- It's completely silent. No dial tone.

No sound, no dial tone.

There was nothing!

Maybe the cradle was stuck.

Hello? - I can finally... -
Yeah, send a car. First district.

Moat 17A. - 5th floor. -
There's no name, no. Understand?

Be quiet. - Tell him 5th floor. - It's
the bell without a name, OK? Thanks..

Why didn't you tell him the 5th floor?

Don't bother, you won't get out.

I fantasized about catching and
killing you a thousand times.

I've thought it over carefully.
Now I've just caught you.

Come on, it won't hurt us. If she
has thought it through carefully...

I love you.

I don't mind doing it.

You got it.

Even better for you
if you love her.

Let's go.

Sleep with her.

I want to see it.

I don't want to.

That's your loss, because I want to.

The doorbell rang.

The doorbell rang.
- The Taxi. - It didn't ring.

Tell her not to get distracted.
I won't be distracted.

Not by you.




Don't paint on me.

I am talented.

Please don't, Christine.

That's silly.

Please, wipe it off.

Who is the one with the
washing complex now, huh?

Come on, stop it.

Let me.

It works for me.

I don't know where to put my clothes.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

I understand. You think I'm
in a better situation, but I'm not.

Don't apologize, it's
helping nobody but yourself.

I never had any
intention of hurting you.

Honestly, I haven't thought about you.

You still have lipstick on your mouth.
- Yes, I know.

I suddenly stood in front
of a gun store in Munich.

One of those with fishing
hooks and a pocket knifes.

It was quite strange because...
suddenly I wasn't myself anymore...

...but somebody else. I was
watching and I went in there...

...but they didn't sell me
anything because I was too clumsy...

...until I deducted from their
questions what I had to say.

Why are you standing here?
Stop it, come in.

Why did you ring the bell instead of just
coming in? Didn't you want to catch us?

I didn't have a key. I stood
down there without a key.

You knew that your husband
was cheating on you for a year.

A year, you say?
- Don't fool yourself.

I was waiting for the right opportunity,
so it'd look like a crime of passion.

You stood down there for half
an hour so we could see you.

And you rang the bell. That
was an additional chance for us.

I could have disappeared over the roof.
- She told you that she had no key.

Why should I go easy on you?
- You did go easy on me. - Christine!

Let go of me.
- I thought you were satisfied.

All of us were perfectly happy with the
situation. - Christine, come on.


I overestimated you.

We didn't have to take
you into consideration.

Do you think I see you as a rival?
- Of course you do.

But that's not true. I have nothing
against you. On the contrary.

Look, if you live with my husband... or
want to live with him. If you love him...

...I want that too, it's the opposite of
rivalry, you can see that, can't you?

The law is not on her side.

After all, it is Hanna who is
under legal protection, as the wife.

But if you can have a right to a
human being at all, Christine has it.

Her love gives her a certain right.

Igor does not want to give up Hanna.

On the other hand, he
tries to profit from the young girl...

...who is free, unattached
and who has not yet failed.

To tell you the truth, I
have no fixed position yet.

The role has attracted me, because
I am in a similar situation myself.

I just try to get to know myself.

Because how can you understand the needs of
the majority if you don't know your own.

Getting dressed up for your girlfriend?

Not really.

Just shaving.

You don't have to shave for me.

I wouldn't.

So you do it for your
girlfriend after all.

If you want to know, I do it for myself.

I don't want to know anything.

But you asked.

Did I?

Yes, you did.

Oh, let's stop.

You started it. - Yes.

I'd like to know why you got a
girlfriend. Can you explain it to me?

Is it me? - No.

Can't you explain it to me?
- Yes. It's not you. I'm satisfied.


That's not an explanation.

I want to be open.


I always want to... meet people.

I want to talk to them...
I don't know... talk

...to them, know what
they feel, what they think.

Well, I want to be open to all sides.

You don't want to miss out
on adventures, that's it.

No, no, I didn't say that.
- No, you didn't.

There must be a way for people to
get together without a special reason.

I mean, without any calculation.

No, I don't think it has
anything to do with that.

Doesn't that count as... communication?
- Selfishness.

Your attitude is selfish.
Yes, you are selfish.

You are trying to limit me.

Oh, come on, where is this great all
encompassing communication in your affair.

See, you want to restrict me.

Be honest for once.

This has has nothing to
do with your philosophy.

It does. Really.

What's wrong with her?

How shall I know?

Now I've got it.

Hanna just made up her mind... Yes.

She knew all along that we... ...she
just didn't want to talk about it.

It is much better that way.

So don't start blaming me for this.

You could have talked to her.

You met her 100 times before.

What are you doing there?

I'm just a bit sweaty.

Please be careful not to
get the gun wet. It's loaded.

With electricity.

Don't dare to tease me
about my washing again.

If something spontaneous happens,
it always gets corrected afterwords.

Either we do it ourselves,
or someone else does it.

Conditioned mechanisms.
Like the washing.

That also has a corrective function.

Have you ever noticed that?

Most religions have ablutions.

Not just symbolical.

Reality is consciously
transformed. These are corrections.


I just want a little freedom.

It's not easy for me.

I want to understand. For myself.
What it means to me. Freedom.

How to imagine it.

What is it? - I feel sick.
- What is it? - Nothing.


Fucking cigarettes.

Please leave me alone for a moment.

Don't touch me.

Not here. That's my stuff.

But that's the only furniture left.

I need some space.

And don't talk to me like that!

These are my things. My photos.

I can put them away if you like.

It's OK. I guess you have some
kind of customary right here.

I'll leave my things in my suitcase.

Do you know a way out?

Like I said, I'm putting the pictures
away. I have to leave soon anyway.

No, that's not what I
mean. I mean a way out.

There must be something
we can do. All of us.

I don't know.

We will come up with something.


My apartment is so impractical.

Not here. At my place.

I live in the apartment
of an old friend.

He used to be my
boyfriend. He still has a key.

I know that he sometimes comes
into my room when I'm not there.

You can leave your things here.

Are you going to cancel our
collaboration now? - No.

Thank you for the recommendation.

I gave the photographer your address.

You don't need to worry.

I just have these few pictures
left... the once lying around.

Things were easier before, weren't they?
Before this encounter. - Yes.

You said we would figure it out.
- Yes. Somehow.

Of course there are a lot of solutions.

Superficial ones.

I mean, how we handled
it up till now was one.

Your role is clearly defined
by society. Mine too, of course.

I could give up that role and
prove to Igor that I really love him.

Then I would have to
give up my role as well.

That would further complicate things.

No, I would be gone,
I mean it, I would be gone for good.

But why? He loves you.

Otherwise everything
would be much simpler.

And he loves you too.
Well, I couldn't do it anyway.

Do what?

Give him up.

I don't even know why I said that.

Maybe you did mean what you said.

Do you think...

Do you think it's that
interesting with him?

I mean, you know, he spends
days saying, "Vroom, vroom".

Yes, and then he asks me what it
sounds like and I have to say it again.

What for?

Stupid commercials. They're working
on advertising motorcycles now.

So if you want to get rid of him...
- No.

I know for a fact I don't want that.

You might have to.

I think you are underestimating me.
- Yes?

Or you are overestimating yourself.
- You overestimate Igor.

He's always takes the side of the
stronger one. - Good for me.


I shaved, Hanna.

I smell like that
aftershave you gave me.

Can you smell it?

You got it for my birthday.

Good for me.

Now we're fighting. Too bad.

Better than nothing.

There are so little...
Well, possibilities.

Be careful with the gun.

I tried calling you last
night. Over and over again.

This morning too, but I
couldn't get through. I called...

...the company. They told me
the phone was out of order.

The phone does not work
because the bill is not paid.

Normally you do
that from the office.

I did not pay the phone
because I did not want to pay it.

I can do it tomorrow, I
have to go to the bank anyway.

The phone doesn't get paid,
the phone gets abolished.

I canceled it.

I'm sorry, but why do you
want to cancel the phone?

No. - But that's what you said.

You said you were gonna
cancel the phone. - No.

What did you just say?
- I said I did cancel it.

I'm gonna call and have it reinstalled.-
It's not working, so you can't call.

You'll see. - It won't work,
because I did not pay the bill.

But I can use a phone booth
or the janitors phone.

You can't reinstall anything
because you are not the owner.

Then you'll have to call! - I won't.
- Igor, we need a phone!

No can do. - Childish - Can do.

The phone's not working.

Well, I'll make a call
from a phone booth.

Come on, let's go.

There's nothing I can do either, I'm not
the owner, I have no say in the matter.

And who's the owner? - The European Petrol.
- Then I'll call your secretary...

That won't work either.

I know it's not possible from here,
but there's a phone booth downstairs...

Let's go downstairs...

Look, I've kept saying that I
don't know what I'm doing this for.

Doing what?

This nonsense at the European Petrol.

Don't forget that you get
40.000 shillings a month for it.

38.000. - For this nonsense.

I don't need a telephone to find out
how the EP can increase its turnover.

All right, tell me what's
going on, did you quit?

Who says it's good or
healthy to work anyway?

Did you quit your job, Igor?

Sales Promotion Manager at the EP?

Sales Promotion Manager, that's just a name
for something that doesn't even exist.

All right, you quit. - Yes.
- But what are we supposed to live on?

I'm tired of coming
up with funny movies...

...or plastic caps so that the
EP sells 0.4% more gasoline.

You can't just let such a position go.

You almost doubled their turnover. He
changed the colors to orange and pink.

I know.

Before that it was green,
red and dirty green.

You can't just let go
40,000 shillings a month!

Any other color would
have been just as good.

When I was still at the company,
you earned much less, maybe half.

But you were happier, and today...

You keep talking about money.
I am not talking about that.

But you're entitled to it, you've
increased their turnover!

What's the point?
I always ask myself that.

Why do you need to increase
the turnover? For whom?

That's quite normal. That's
what everybody wants.

Then go there. You do my job. They
still talk about you in high regards.

About me?

I can't do advertising.
I got no experience at all.

They keep asking if you want to work again,
you should become Sales Promotion Manager.

I'll talk to Mr. Forster.
- Go for it! - But about you!

If you don't want to work anymore
then at least tell us about your plans.

I'm throwing a lot of little
bombs down at the moat. - What?

My future or yours?
- Stop playing hide and seek.

I'm not playing, I'm serious.
Very Serious.

Stop lying to me and yourself.

I bombed Vienna!

You were just throwing
cigarettes from the roof.

I was more patient
back in the day, sorry.

Can I have a proper answer now, please.

Destruction has a liberating effect
on the destroyers. Psychology.

The cigarette is a weapon,
I dropped it, that's all.

Cigarettes are sociologically
obsolete weapons of the class struggle.

You want to give up smoking.
- Yes, I'm dropping them.

Why can't you just say:
"I want to give up smoking?"

Why do you have
to make such a fuss.

For God's sake. It's so much more.
It's something fundamental.

It's an attempt to adapt. It's a big
deal! - You make everything a big deal.

Listen, you too, Christine. The cigarette
is the luxury of the underprivileged.

Oh God...

At the same time it is
the alibi of the privileged.

But the underprivileged don't want to take
cigarettes from the privileged anymore.

The underprivileged will take the
cigarette factories from the privileged.

That is the new thing about it.
A wonderful idea. Bridging the gap.

The cigarette is historically outdated.

Great ideas. You don't want to work
anymore, you don't want furniture...

...no telephone, you don't want
to smoke anymore, wonderful.

Just tell us what you really want.

What do I want? I don't want
anything. That's what I want.

I don't want to decide anything!

What about Christine and me?

You can do whatever you like.

We want to hear your opinion.

What about equality? It doesn't exist. I'm
supposed to worry about you all the time.

Just do it yourself.

Come out! - Stop shooting!

Don't let him get away!

I want to know where the
furniture is. Why did you sell it?

Because it was hideous. Because
furniture is an abominable invention.

And the beautiful baroque cabinet?

Furniture is the functional
tool of bourgeois rituals.

What did he say?

Not this magnificent cupboard.

From childhood on we are systematically
dismantled, deformed, reduced...

...programmed, adapted,


To eat we needed a table, it has four
corners, four legs and is made of wood.

Put the gun away.

Think about the neighbors.

It's a revolver!

In the future, you'll have to take care
of yourself. Come up with something.

I am having a solitary revolution.

I want to know what you two
were thinking, Christine and you.

I didn't talk about it with Christine.
- He doesn't know what he wants!

Alright. You can join my revolution, OK?

Come on, you have to
decide now, asshole, I told you.

Stop it, people are watching.

The police will be here any moment.

I'm serious, I want to know
what's going on. Did you quit?

You shave under your arms. Why
do you shave under your arms? Ouch!

Christine is way more natural.

What are you gonna live off in the future?
- Why do you shave under the arms?

Tell me now! - Idiot.

Come here, I won't harm you.

Come out.

If you come out right
away, I won't shoot.

What were you thinking while you
were cheating on me this year.

What do you want me to say?

You got to say something.

Up here of all places?

Why did you even do it?

Everybody does it.

And because everybody
does it, you do it too?

Not everybody does it.

Why didn't you tell her?

Life is pre programmed.

You must know what you want.

I'm looking for a new life form.

And what do you
expect me to do now?

I'll leave that up to you, of
course. I never influenced you...

...I mean, we are equals.

Does that mean I can cheat on you too?

No, on the contrary.

Oh, not me? - Let's use another
word instead of cheating.

I'm sorry. - He cheated on me, too.
- Yes? - With you.

See? The revolution is inevitable.

So from today on you have
two wives. Christine and me.

Well, if that's how you want it.

I think that’s how you want it.

That depends on you. And Christine.

We're all old enough.

One man and two women. Your great
revolution promotes traditional prejudices.

That would be very convenient for you.

I'm not working anymore. For real.
- And who's going to feed you?

You! - Me?
I don't even think about it.

Christine, maybe?

I don't think she would
like that. Would you?

I don't earn enough money for that.

I didn't say that I don't want to
work at all, I didn't say that, did I?

I just said that the profession as a
concept is a terrible pathetic convention.

It will be abolished.

And what will you do? - Anything.

Everybody will do several things in
the future. Machines will replace us.

I make 2000 shillings max a week.

Every computer can work for the EP.
- Not me, I can't.

I also started at zero.

We all have to start from scratch.
- I couldn't do it either.

The plastic hats were a great
idea. Or the new color. Really.

You'll just have to try a
little harder. It's all teamwork.

And I'll become a model, like Christine.

With all the poses.

I can also help with the household.

Not bad. Go ahead. - What?

Make us a coffee!
- Really? - Yes. - I will.

Because he wants one himself.

Can you even make coffee?

It's not a big deal.

He can make coffee. -
I'll buy a coffee maker.

All right, I'll give it a try.
But I make it the way I like it.

Just so you know.

He should bake something too.

Not sure we can ask for that,
since I don't bake either.

You don't? - I always make these
cherry tarts. They're manufactured..

Does he like them?

Does he eat them?

Surprising. He always asks me to
bake something, but I just can't do it.

I like those cherry tarts, too.
- I've completely stopped baking lately.

That will make it easier for Igor to
cope with the equal rights movement.

What a lucky guy.

...especially for simple people.

...for ordinary people...

They will say: "These problems
are none of my business."

"What do I care." They
don't have these problems.

It is the specific story of Igor and it
could take a completely different course.

I don't see it as a manual,
but one could discover similarities.



Probably cinnamon... Very good.

Do you want to watch?

Filter coffee, yes?

The water is almost boiling.

And the coffee, where is the coffee?

You haven't even started.

Are you looking for the coffee?

No, why?

Where's Christine?

She went down to get pastries.

She's getting a strudel for you.

Let me do this, OK?

It's burning.

Here's the coffee.

It's not a ground one.

I know exactly what you want.

It's certainly not... the only option.

Don't you have ground coffee?

Stop it!

What's supposed to happen now?

You don't do anything, you just talk.

You think it's enough to
throw furniture from the roof?

I threw cigarettes, not furniture.

Stop your stupid jokes.

This is about something. It's
about us. I'm totally serious.

Help me, please.

Hey, you almost hit the coffee grinder.

It only bangs, it doesn't shoot.

Don't touch my car.

It does not work, there
are no real bullets in it.

The gun doesn't work?

No, unfortunately.

It was the only one I could get.

German laws, eh?

It really doesn't work?

Shall I try it?

May I?


What are you doing there? Help. Help!

I didn't shoot. Was I shooting?

You said it didn't work.


It scared me.

I can't do this anymore.

I feel so damaged.

We're captives.

Captives? Why?

I cannot handle this situation.

You know that I love you.

I'm so scared.

Why, it's all...

I don't know what's going to happen.

We have to try. It's an experiment.

I don't know how it will end.
- I love you.

Would you like to go to the sea?

I really want to go to the sea with you.

Somewhere where there are no people.

And what will you tell Christine?

Just you and me. Us two.

Let's do it.

Listen to me.

We'll just drive off.

For how long have you known?

I knew it right away.

I felt it right away.

Are you mad at me?
- I can't be mad at you. Not at all.

You are mad at me.
- No, it is wonderful.

It is wonderful!

Are you happy?

Like crazy.

I'm very happy.

Which month are you in?
- The third.

I am pregnant for three month.

Come in darling.

For God's sake! There's
no more water in there.

My God, the kettle's glowing.

Strudel. - Yes.

Is this one for me?
- We can share it.

No, I don't like the other stuff.

Listen, let me do it. Come on.

No, it's still cold.

It's quite warm.

But why? - No. This needs to cook first.

Are those cake forks, have a look.
- You should now.

You don't have to be so rough.

Cream? - Yes. Good.

Where are the napkins?

We don't need napkins.

But napkins are important,
we can't do without them.

I don't think there are any.

The cup goes on the saucer,
on the top right of the plate...

...knife on the right, fork on the left,
these are very important basic rules.

Did I do something wrong?

No, everything by the book.

You have used all tools according to
the rules, we are perfectly programmed.

The coffee is a bit thin,
but not bad for a first try.

Where are the napkins?
- Napkins?

Pour, it's your job.


He is doing well.

Why? What did I do? Lift your cup.

Thank you, thank you...
that's enough for me.

Look, is a dummy.
Looks real, but it's a dummy.

Really? She faked it?

Look at this. Take a look. Look!

For God's sake.

Firecrackers. Fake bullets.

This strawberry cake is very good.

People robbed banks with
these things, with guns like these.

What did you do in Munich?

Celebrating a birthday.

My fathers, his 68th.

He wanted to come here, but his friends
are old people who want to be together.

It's better that way. This
is not an old people's home.

Mmh... the strawberry cake is very
good. Why should you even bake yourself?

Delicious this Strudel.

Igor is looking for a new way of life.

Isn't that what you're looking for?

Everybody does.

I don't mean everybody...

Is our situation even clear?

In relation to each other?

Yes, to each other and to society.
That's the same. You can deduce that.

We are all fooling ourselves.

Do you want more coffee?

A little, yes.

The cups are so small.

I take some too, please.

The coffee is really good.

It's de-acidified, for the stomach.

It says so on the package.

This heat...

Any news from your dad?

Pardon? He is doing well.

He's tan , goes for a lot of walks.

Yes, that's important.

Was he happy about the money?


Excuse me, please.

What's wrong with her?

Hanna, are you all right?

No idea what's wrong with her.

I saw some napkins lying
around here somewhere.

Please, not my last pictures!

Everything in here...

Stop! Not my invention.
It is a prototype.

Not my paperwork, I need that.

We have to do this,
we wanted it to happen.

My pictures, my photos.

You have started it.

I couldn't have done it on my own.


It's not good for the three
of them to go to bed together.

I think it's confusing.

The viewer might believe that something was
cut, or that group sex is the solution.

I think it's a pity.

Why would Hannah suddenly develop
a passionate feeling for Christine?

Yes, I can imagine loving two men.

Yes, I could imagine
living with two women.

But I am not sure
about the right moment.

It expresses relaxation.

For the first time...
there is no more tension.

They overcame some constraints.

I am pregnant.


That's why I was in Munich.

To see my old doctor.

That's beautiful.
- Are you glad? - Yes, very much.

Third month. I'm in my third month.

September, October, November,
December, January, February. Pisces.


Excuse me. Hello.
Please, I want you, or you...

...you know, I wanted to... Pity.

I said hello.

Please stop.

Pardon? I did not understand.

Get dressed!

Listen to me, please.

I live up there, look up.

Are you married? Hello?

Are you happily married?
Do you have problems?

Some of you must have
problems in your marriage!

Listen, I'm the one that's been telling
you for years to use the the gas of EP.

I'm responsible for
the ugly plastic hats.

I invented the caps that
your kids tease you about...

...they are my invention! I earned
38.000 shillings a month for that.

You paid for that.

But I've stopped doing
that. And you should stop too.

Long live the Revolution!

Conventions will be abolished.

Why the hell don't these people stop?

Do you keep looking away because
I'm wearing something else than you?

That's just an coincidence.
It is not that important.

I don't want to provoke you.

I just need to ask you something.

Didn't you raise your
right hand back then?

You listened very carefully and
the uniform didn't bother you at all.

But my uniform embarrasses you.

You are way to satisfied with your ugly
clothes. You aren't free but held captive.

Do you think you can do whatever
you want? Do you think you're allowed?

Hey, watch it.

Wouldn't you like to smack somebody
once in a while? Me, for example?

What about your job? Is it fun
for you, or do you do it for money?

Why don't you live
according to your needs.

Why do you have people
tell you what your needs are.

Long live skepticism and the mistrust
towards the authorities! Long live freedom!

Let me see your ID. - I don't have one.
- Then please come with me.

I am quite sure that he does not
know that he is naked on the street.

Yes, I think he is naked on purpose.

I think he's going a little bit crazy.

The ending is ambivalent. I don't
think he is about to leave the women...

No, I'm not in favor of them
staying together for all eternity.

What's the point,
there are no guarantees.

I believe that the marriage as well
as the affair are going to fall apart.

I believe he will stay with Hanna and...