Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season (1996) - full transcript

When his old enemy Elliot Manning goes missing in Australia, Jonathan Hart is suspected by the Australian police of having done away with him. With help from his wife, Jonathan turns detective in order to prove himself innocent. The couple go through a few adventures while trying to clear Jonathan's name.


Darling, listen to this.
In the "It Had to Happen"

"During Die Walkure at the
Sydney Opera House..."

During the what?

Die Valkyrie, you know, pum
pum pa pum pum!

Just as Siegmund pulled out
his father's sword and
Sieglinde swooned,

the phone rang

in row G. A woman removed a
cellular from her evening bag
and handed it to her husband.

To the outrage of the
neighboring Wagnerites,
he took the call.

-Speaking of which.

-MAN: Your secretary,
Mr. Hart.

It's Liz.

Ask her how Freeway is.

Hi, Liz. Yeah, great.

How is... Oh, he is. He does?

He wants to speak with you.

-Freeway! Hello, baby!
I miss you!

You wouldn't have liked
quarantine, though, I promise.
(KISSES) I love you.

-Tell him you love him.

-I love you, Freeway.

So long, now.
You be a good boy. Bye bye.

Ah, Liz. Anything else of
major importance?

You rented the car for us.
And you got a Jag. Wonderful.

All right, we'll talk to you
tomorrow. Thank you very much.

Isn't this magnificent?

Yeah. And in living black and
white. Wait till you clamp
an eye on the real thing.

I realize that it is not your
favorite thing to sit through
six hours of Wagner.

So, have I thanked you enough
for getting the opera tickets?

-Oh, yes!
-Have I?

Are you sure?

Uh huh, and I never get tired
of the way you show
your appreciation.

How do I do that?

I feel really good about what
we're doing.

-Going to the opera?
-No, no! By buying the
game reserve.

It's going to be very
interesting to see
Elliott Manning again.

After all these years.

Yeah, won't it.

Who would have ever guessed
that he'd wind up owning

the world's largest private
game reserve and that we'd be
buying it.

We don't own it yet. Don't
forget we've been working on
this thing for over a month

and he insisted that we come
down here. You know, he drives
a hard bargain.

He always did have a
mean streak.

Maybe that's why he offered me
the deal.

He wants to punish me for
taking you away from him.

You didn't take me away from
him. You swept me off my feet.

And look where it got me.

JENNIFER: It really is

JONATHAN: And in living color.

-(SCREAMING) Darling, darling!
-What's the matter?

Just hug the white line.

You don't think I know how to
drive on the wrong side of
the road?

I didn't say that. It's just
that you almost kissed that
parked car back there.

All right, I'll hug instead
of kiss.

Elliott must own this part of
town. His name is everywhere.

Well, the rumor is that his
empire is on shaky ground.

Really? Huh! Well, now that's
more like the Elliott
I once knew.

He tries to box your ears when
he's on the defensive.

Maybe that's why he sent me
a kangaroo for a
wedding present.

So he could box my ears.

Well, if we get the game
reserve, you can send him a
whole flock of kangaroos

to box his.

A flock of kangaroos?

A passel?
A passel of kangaroos?
A gaggle!

JONATHAN: A gaggle of

-A hoard?

-A herd.

A herd. A hoard.

Welcome to the
InterContinental Sydney,

-JENNIFER: Thank you.
-JONATHAN: Thanks.

Did you know this hotel used
to be the Treasury Building?

Maybe we can get a loan.

G'day! My name's Johnny. Call
me "Johnny on the Spot." I'll
be serving you any way I can.

Well, my name's Johnny, too,
but not on the spot.
Not yet, anyway.

The hotel registration's just
across the lobby. I'll take
care of the rest of your bags.

Thanks, Johnny.
Do I hit the spot?

Absolutely, Sir!
Thank you very much, indeed.

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hart. I'm
Lisa Brandt, PR director
for Manning Enterprises.

-How do you do?
-Miss Brant.

Lisa, please. Mr. Manning
wants you to be his guests.

-Well, it is his hotel.
Thank you.

No, not at his hotel.
At his house.

-At his house.
-Oh, that's very kind, but I'm
sure we'll be fine here.

Oh, don't get me into trouble
with Mr. Manning.

He would never forgive me
if I didn't bring you back.

-Well, we wouldn't want to
get you in trouble.

Johnny, put the Harts' luggage
in my car, please.

-We have our own car.
-Oh, good. Then why don't you
just follow me?

Good shot!


-Uh huh!

There they are.

-Jennifer! Welcome!

-Nice to see you again.
-You have no idea.

You guys look great! Jonathan.

Elliott. Good to see you.
Thanks for putting us up here.

I don't want you out of
my sight.

Tonga, I want you to meet my
very old friends, the Harts.

-How do you do?


Among other things, Mr. Hart
is a great competitor.

He beat me in the LA to
Honolulu race 21 years ago.

You had the better boat.
I was the better sailor.

Wait till you see the boat
Elliott has now.

-You have another boat now?

Yeah, for now.

Well, after you freshen up,
we'll have lunch and go for a
sail on the Cloud.

Great, but I thought we were
going out to the reserve to
go over some things

with Harry Jones.

You're too thorough, Jonathan.

Well, it's part of my nature.

First things first.
I'll bet you a bottle of
'82 Chateau Lafite

that you can't beat that shot.

You know, I'm not a
betting man.

Oh, no.

And yet?

You'd better shoot straight,

-JENNIFER: Bull's eye!
-LISA: Look at that!

-JENNIFER: Yay! Oh, that's
-I guess it's a tie.

I hope you didn't do that
on purpose.

I'm flattered that you think
I could.

We can't just leave it a draw.

-Come on, I'll show you
your room.

Cheer up, big boy.
The fun has just begun.

The game is just in motion,

They're here, and he's flush
with money.

Luck, as they say, is the
residue of design.



We look so young. That race
seems like a lifetime ago.

To me, it's like it
was yesterday.

I never saw a gun like this
this before.

It's called a Desert Eagle.
It's the one I use when I need
all the help I can get.

Careful, it's loaded.

I treat every gun like
it's loaded.

So, Elliott, are you going to
tell me that people are

waiting in line to buy the
game reserve?

Oh, Jonathan.
You know me better than that.

Why should I blow smoke?
Nobody's standing in line to
buy a game reserve.

But, as a real estate
development, that's a
different story.

So you're going to replace
the animals with overpriced
tract homes?

-It's called progress.
-Not in my book, it's not.

It'd take you a couple of
years to create a development
like that.

You're not playing a game with
me, are you?

The game reserve is not a
game. It's a very expensive
business proposition.

I can't afford a couple
of years.

My people have gone through
all the projections. You're
asking an awful lot for it.

But maybe you think that
overcharging is a way
of winning.

Let me tell you something,
Jonathan. I want a cashier's
check by tomorrow morning.

No negotiation. That would
assure you that those
overpriced tract homes

you're so worried about
wouldn't exist.

Well, that wasn't part of the
deal, but you're famous for
changing the rules.

I don't want to bore you, but
my life down here is not all

"put another shrimp on
the barbie."

And I don't want to bargain
with you, so why don't we just
cut through it all.

You know Jennifer's feeling
about animals.

She's practically a one-woman
crusade. She'd have my head on
this wall, if she could.

You'll have a cashier's check
in the morning.

Well, that was quicker and
even more painless than even
I expected.

I know how you like to win.
Maybe you think this will even
the score.

You know, you can only make
just so many things in
life happen.

You can't make love happen.

You either win or you lose,
and that's that.

Congratulations, Jonathan.

Should we join the others?

Why doesn't Jonathan go out to
the reserve after I show you
the boat?

It'll only take about an hour.

And I'll drive you and Lisa
out to the reserve tomorrow
morning and we can stay

the night so you really get a
feel for the place.

Oh, that's very kind, Elliott,
but I think I'd rather go
with Jonathan.

Actually, that's not a bad
idea. I'm just going to be
going over the books tonight

with Harry Jones. You can
come out tomorrow when all the
boring work is done.

Come on, Jennifer, why not?

-Are you sure?
-Positive, really.

That's the ticket. Jonathan
will just check and recheck
all the numbers.

You know how thorough he is.
Tonight you can get a rest,
get over your jet lag

so you can stay awake at
the opera.

All right. But let's get going
bright and early in
the morning.

Up with the birdies. But
tonight, there's a great place
out at the beach

owned by a real character.
I'll book a table and we'll
make it an early evening.

To togetherness.


Oh! Can I see your watch?
Don't you think you ought to
call Lisa's office

and find out what's happened?

Why? She's not coming.

What do you mean?

It's just you and me,
Just like the old days.

Wait a minute.
Did I miss something?

Did you say something that I
didn't understand

or did I say something you
didn't understand?

No. If only you had. You know,
the times we had in London
are memories I can't shake.

That was years ago!

Yeah, well, I thought maybe
you still might change
your mind.

Elliott, read my lips.
I'm married.

And very happily.

I've been married.
Several times.
Unhappily, unfortunately.

You know, the reason that I
called Jonathan first about
the game reserve is so

that I might see you again.
I thought maybe we could pick
up where we left off.

We left off, if that's the way
you want to put it

easily six months before
I even met Jonathan.

Well, he got lucky and
beat me.

-It wasn't a competition.
-Well, it is now.

Why don't we just finish our
drink and go?

You're the only intoxicating
thing in this bar that I want.

Elliott! The only time you
ever hear something like that
is on a soap opera!

-Jennifer, I don't watch TV.
-Good evening! Mr. Manning.

Jennifer, may I present Bully.
The most raffish restaurateur
down under.

It's an Australian name for,
how will I put it, a diamond
in the rough.

But basically I'm just a
harmless beachcomber.

-How do you do?
-How do you do.

I heard the you and Mr. Hart
were in town.

-Yes, the Harts bought the
game reserve.

I heard that, too, and I'm
very pleased for you both,
but mostly for the animals.

So, where is your husband
this evening?

Well, unfortunately, he's at
the reserve.

And Miss Brandt?

I think we need some dinner.
Is my table ready?

Of course, Mr. Manning, I'll
get the maitre d'.
And may I suggest

that the Tasmanian oysters are
particularly excellent
this evening.

Elliott, I think I'd just like
to go home and go to bed.

Oh, that's brilliant.
I'd like that, too.

I mean I'm going to take
a taxi.

Jennifer, you have changed.
When I first knew you, you
always liked a good time.

You know, Elliott, I don't
think you ever knew me.

-Elliott. Don't do that. Ah!

Are you all right?

I'm fine, thank you. Would you
do me a favor? Would you mind
calling a taxi for me?

Mrs. Hart, please. Allow me to
take you home in my car.

Thank you, Bully. You know,
sometimes a diamond in the
rough is a girl's best friend.

There's such good news and
such bad news about this
place, Mr. Hart.

We can't let this drop.
These animals need us.

This is a great habitat.
The animals should be
breeding well.

But they're not?

I didn't want to tell you this
until I was absolutely sure.

But all I think the Manning
reserves is the right to kill.

I think he hunts them.

Hunts them?

Yes, Mr. Hart.

Could you prove that?

Look. Look at how the number
of each species diminishes
over that past five years.

Let me see that.

There's no record of sale,
there's no documentation as to
the causes of death

they just disappear.


-Hello, this is Jennifer Hart.
Is Jonathan there?

Oh, yes, Mrs. Hart.
He's right here.

Hello, darling?
Everything okay?

Now, darling, I don't want to
upset you, but Elliott's up to
his old tricks.

What happened?

Now, don't worry.
I'm fine now.

Fine? Tell me what happened.

Well, he got a little out
of line.
But everything's all right now

and I'm here with Bully.
Bully's driving me home.

-Bully. Of Bully's Bar, Bistro
and Bathhouse?

Where in the world is that?

Balmoral Beach.

So Bully is driving you home
now because Elliott got out
of line?

You better believe it.

Okay. I'm on my way back there
now. And you tell Bully to
keep an eye on you.

I'll do just that.

I gotta get back to Manning's,
Harry. I'll call you tomorrow.

Mrs. Hart? If you or Mr. Hart
ever need any assistance

don't hesitate to give old
Bully a buzz.

Jennifer, I can't tell you how
bad I feel about the way
things have turned out.

Oh, now, Lisa.
It's not your fault.

But if I hadn't gone out to
the office, maybe I wouldn't
have come back to such a mess.

Don't blame yourself.

He told me to get off the boat
and stay off.

-He did?

What I really should do is
leave and never come back.
But I can't.

You love him very much,
don't you?

Against my better judgment,
trust me.

-Hi, baby. Are you all right?

-I'm fine.
-Where's Bully?

Bully's back at
the bathhouse.
Believe me, he does exist.

-And Elliott?
-He's on the Cloud.

Don't go out there, darling.

If he's going to play games,
he has to play by the rules.
He's broken the rules.

I won't be long. And I want to
talk to him about how he runs
his game reserve.

Ah! I've been expecting you.
What would you like?

I wouldn't mind
an explanation.

Well, call it desperation.
I don't have to tell you the
story of my life.

Now, I know you've guessed
that my back is against
the wall.

Foreclosures, overdrafts.


So I'm not the only one who
suspected there was trouble
in paradise?

I know. Word of mouth travels
like cholera. But you're the
only one who I'd admit it to.

Why do I have the privilege?

Because you are the only one
who'd believe that the only
thing I really wanted

in my life, and lost,
is your wife.

Now, that's the explanation
I was waiting for.

I heard that you came on
strong with her tonight.

I tried. And I lost.

And I apologize.

What if I don't want to accept
your apology?

Well, then, I take it back.

Do you know that when your
stress increases, your
intelligence decreases?

Stress, I'm talking about
stress. Did you know that
people who are expert shots

at target practice are often
lousy when the target
isn't inanimate,

when the adrenaline starts to
pump. Anxiety and fear can
make you miss your mark.

I'm not anxious, and I'm not
fearful. I'm angry.

I'm angry about what you do
with those animals.

Anger can make the adrenaline
pump, too.

Our deal is off, so don't
count on that check too fast.

And I want to look into some
things a bit further. You know
how thorough I am, Elliott.

Jonathan! How much has
Jennifer told you about
her and me?

Don't even go near
that, Elliott.

No, no.
How much do you know about us?

She never talked about you.

Oh. Do you like to dance with
her? I always did.

I always liked the way she
used to rub my back.
Does she rub your back?

I mean, when you dance?

Leave it alone.
She rubs my back just fine.

And, on the best nights,
I remember how she used to
scratch my back.

Do you want to take
another shot? Go ahead.

Darling, are you hurt?

That's Manning's blood.
Not mine.

Elliott's hurt?

Only his pride. If you want to
want to pick him up, I'm sure
you won't get any resistance.

-Shall we get out of here?

-Can you get the briefcase?

I don't think he wants to
see me.

I'm sorry, Lisa.

See, darling? The animals
officially belong to him.

If he wants to hunt them all,
there's not a thing we can do
about it.

-Is that his right to do that?

That's outrageous!
That should be the biggest
crime in the world.

Once the place belongs to us,
it'll be a different story.
But, in the meantime...

In the meantime I think we
should call a TV station and
have them do an expose on him.

-Good idea.


I think it is my turn.

-Who is it?
-It's me, Lisa.

-Lisa, come in.
-Good morning.

You are just the person I want
to see.

Are you aware of what Elliott
is doing with his animals?

Jennifer, I'm not aware of
anything he does. In fact,
I don't even know where he is.

He didn't come back to the
house last night and I'm
getting scared.

-Good morning, Lisa.
-Good morning.

What are you scared of?

-Elliott didn't come back to
the house.

Your turn!

We're very popular
this morning.

-Mr. Hart.

Detective Sergeant McNeil,
Sydney police.

You were with Elliott Manning
on board the Cloud last night?

Yes, I was.

I'd like to ask you a
few questions.

-Come in.
-Thank you.

He's got one, too. There's
a few things I'd like to
tell you about the way

Mr. Manning runs his reserve
and takes care of the animals.

-My wife.
-Miss Brandt.

I think I should tell you
first that Mr. Manning's dead.

What? No.


Blood was found on the deck of
the ketch and there was a
split railing.

Looks like he was knocked
right through it.

Was it Manning's blood?

The lab's working on it.

Can we have a look at your
hands, Mr. Hart?

The bruised one, of course.

How did you bruise that?

We were on board the Cloud
last night. We were down in
the state room.

Mr. Manning made an insulting
remark about my wife.
I hit him.

But when I left he was very
much alive.

As a matter of fact, he was
laughing at me through a
split lip.

Yes, there was blood
below, too.

We'd like to see what you were
wearing last night, Mr. Hart.

How do you know that Elliott
is actually dead?

We found what the sharks left
of him.

And the shreds of his clothes
match what he was last
seen in.

The Cloud was moored at the
jetty. Inside the shark nets.

It was anchored beyond the
reef, in shark-infested

And I'm telling you that's not
where she was when I went
aboard her.

-Was anyone with you?

Did anyone else board the
Cloud after you?

I wouldn't know about that.
My wife and I came here to
the hotel right after that.

Miss Brandt, you stayed at
home last night?

That's right.

Your room faces the water. Did
you see anyone, or hear any
small craft, motors?

Well, I wasn't looking
outside, but even if I was

I couldn't hear anything.
No motors.

You slept soundly last night?

I didn't sleep at all.
I waited for Elliott and he
never came back.

JONATHAN: Detective.

Maybe he fell overboard.

Precisely, Mrs. Hart.

You fall over a railing,
not through one.
Especially not one that thick.

Mr. Hart, I must ask you to
surrender your passport.

Oh, you can't be serious!
Are you charging my husband
with murder?

Let's just say we'd like it if
he doesn't leave town.

Believe me, Mr. Hart, the view
is a lot better from up here
than it is from jail.

Miss Brandt, is there
somewhere that you and I can
go and talk privately?

We can go to my office.

Are you all right, Lisa?

I'm sorry, Jonathan.
What I said is the truth.

You'll be hearing from us.

Take it down to the lab.

This is insane! Maybe we ought
to call our lawyer.

Maybe we ought to call
our banker and put a hold
on our check.

Oh, darling. This trip hasn't
turned out the way we hoped,
has it?

No. Well, let's look on the
bright side of things. We
still have our opera tickets.


I know that bad news travels
fast, but this is ridiculous.


ELLIOTT: Hello, Jonathan. Hey,
how's the adrenaline pumping
this morning?

It's him.

I think that maybe you're in
a lot of trouble.

Hello, Elliott.
You must be in a bit of
trouble yourself.

Yeah, but I'm not going to
prison for the rest of
my life.

I don't intend to, either.

Listen, that money should be
in the bank by now.

I want that cash before I get
out of the country.

I'm not giving you a cent.

I can make this case stronger
against you. More clues that
you murdered me

in jealous revenge.
But if I get my money...

Oh, if you get your money
you'll probably send the
police a snapshot of yourself

on the beach at Puerto Rico.

Don't laugh. Good idea,
something like that would get
you off.

Well, I can't wait to get your
offer. I'd swap passports with
you, but the police

have already taken mine.

You cash the check. I want big
denominations. You put the
money in a trash bag.

Put the trash bag in a
receptacle bin next to the
concession stand

on the ferry from Daws Point
to Luna Park.

That might take a little time.

Take a little time. You be on
the three o'clock ferry.
No cops, huh?

Or something else from our
past is going to turn up.


Sydney to Luna Park.

-Sydney ferry to Luna Park.
-Oh, yeah.


Let's get this one together.

Mr. Hart, Mrs. Hart. I finally
managed to get you a
New York Times.

You know, I practically had to
murder someone to get it?

Something I said?

No. It's just that now I'm
"Johnny on the Spot."

-Is everything okay?

-Where's McNeil?
-Right in front of you.

-What's McNeil doing now?
-He's been looking at a map.

Any sign of Manning?

No, but I did see a panhandler
who looked like he had a fake
beard on.

There he goes!

Do you think there are enough
of us?

It's a regular rugby team.

Oh, look.
It's the opera house.

Isn't it beautiful?

It looks great from here.
It's like we're in the
102nd balcony.

I don't think anyone we're
interested in is going to go
anywhere near that trash bin

until we put our trash in it.

Why don't you go up there and
buy us a couple of cups
of coffee

and I'll show the community
that we're not litterbugs.

Good idea.

Two coffees, please.

Thank you.

Here you go. That ought to
keep us awake for the opera.

Anyone see us?

Only the usual suspects.

Look at that man.

He's about Elliott's size,
isn't he?

Does he look like the guy you
saw at the bank?

No, absolutely not.

-You sure?

Well, he's got a beard.

Why don't you go over there
and pull it, and see if
it's fake.

Why don't you?

Let's see what he does, first.

Hey! What's going on?

-It's not fake.
-Who are you guys?

-Sydney Police.
-Oh, police.

I think this might be a bomb!



Perfectly safe, no danger
whatsoever. Get lost, mate.

Well, you've certainly caused
enough trouble in your short
stay here in Australia.

Is this some sort of game
you're playing, or what?

I'm not playing any game.
I think it's Mr. Manning
that's playing the game.

I didn't know he wasn't going
to show up or send anybody.

Mr. Hart, I have only your
word that he called.

You have mine, too.

Well, I only have your
husband's word that he punched
Manning on board the Cloud.

Mr. Hart, you're not only a
suspect, you're the
only suspect.


Well, what about his man
Tonga? Or his first mate, or
his fourth mate, Miss Brandt?

We've checked.

Well, I think if you check on
Mr. Manning's business
dealings, his holdings,

his investments, you might
find that he...

That Manning's empire was
about to collapse?

We've had our suspicions about
his business dealings for some
time now.

What have you got?

Oh, Mr. Hart, I'm just a local
bloke. The Australian federal
police have had a

team on this for over a year,
but they don't tell
us anything.

Oh, come on now, Detective
Sergeant McNeil. You must
have had your unofficial ear

to the ground.

Well, I suppose.

Well, among other things, he
has gambled his employees'

pension plan and lost.

Oh! Well!

Doesn't that mean that there
are other people who would
like to see him dead?

That someone might want to
get him for what he's done to
his animals.

Look, Mr. and Mrs. Hart.
I think you've been reading
far too many detective novels.

I suggest you leave this to
the authorities to handle
this case.

Have any more questions?

Yes, I do. You only picked up
a cashier's check from
the bank.

What's in the package?

I shredded The Thin Man.

Excuse me for a moment.

Want to keep a lookout?

-Keep a lookout!

We're in a goldfish bowl!
Everyone can see us!

Well, if McNeil gets in your
eye line, send up a
flare, huh?

What are you doing?

Darling, what are you doing?

I'm doing what Claudette
Colbert did in It Happened
One Night.

You're attracting attention,
not distracting.

Yes, but they're not looking
at you, are they?


Harvey J. Lee,
7 Napier Street.

Did you find what you were
looking for?

Yeah, I got it.

You can come down now,

Here he comes.

Mrs. Hart, what are you doing?

Just killing flies.

My wife was killing flies and
I was killing time.

Is there some sort of crime in
that, or do I have to call my
attorney again?

The results from the lab
report. It was Manning's blood
on the deck of the Cloud

and on your shirt, Mr. Hart.

Well, he deliberately smeared
it on me. What about the body
parts that you recovered?

Did you test those, too?

No, we haven't. It's not
necessary. The evidence takes
you where it tells you to go.

Where did it tell you to go?

But, if you had tested them

you might discover that those
were not the remains of
Elliott Manning.

Mr. Manning's remains were
identified by his body guard
from an old scar.

He's being buried
this afternoon.

This afternoon? That's a
little fast, isn't it?

That's how his lawyer said
it had to be done.

Well, you'd better stop it.

Forgive me for saying so,
Mr. Hart, but so should you.

Now, if you're
finished protesting,
and swatting flies...

I want you to dig up those
body parts and have
them tested.

I am not going to exhume a
body or parts of a body on
your word.

First of all, I would have to
have a court order.

Then get it.

And what? Tell the magistrate
that, on the word of the
murder suspect

who made a fool of me on
the ferry...

I want you to dig up those
body parts, and I want you
to have them tested.

Mr. Hart. Enough tests have
been run and the results
are conclusive.

Now, in half an hour, one of
Australia's most prominent

citizens is being laid
to rest. G'day.


-JONATHAN: What an afternoon.

A ferry ride, a fight with
the police, a funeral,
what next?

An Aboriginal hoedown?

-That might be fun.


The Lord is my shepherd...

-Hello, Mrs. Hart.
-Hello, Bully.

He maketh me to lie down in
green pastures...

Such a sad and
unexpected occasion.

Yes, and so fast.

This is my husband, Jonathan.

Darling, this is Bully, of
Bully's Bar, Bistro...

-And Bathhouse.
-That's right.

-How do you do?
-How do you do?

-You have a charming wife.
-Thank you.

And thank you for taking care
of her last night.

But what happened to you?

Well, I was checking out the
waterfront, which is what we
beachcombers are apt to do.

PRIEST: My cup runneth over.

Tonga looks quite upset.

He looks like he wants to
kill me.

And I will dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.

It's hard to believe that,
just a few hours ago, you were
wrestling with

Mr. Elliott Manning at the
bar of my restaurant.

Yes, it's almost as if he's
still with us.

Poor Lisa.
If only she knew the truth.

Jennifer. Jonathan, thank
you for being here.


Tonga. Tonga's just been
great. He claimed the body or
whatever and

made all the
burial arrangements.

Well, Tonga seems like a very
obliging fellow.

Oh, Jonathan. Perhaps you were
wondering why Detective
Sergeant McNeil

wanted to see me alone.

Well, I assumed that he wanted
to ask you some
personal questions.

Right. He thought I might be
a suspect, too.

Believe me. No matter what
anybody else says, I don't
think you're guilty of murder.

If I'd been on that boat last
night, Mr. Hart, you'd be in
that coffin, not him.


You and I know who is not
in the casket.

The question is, who is?

You know what the meaning
of the word, "kangaroo," is?

What is it?

-That's right!
-What's right?

-"What is it?"
-What is what?

The meaning of the word,
"kangaroo." Unless it's

-What is?
-"What is it?"

-Wait a minute,
who's on first?

No, What's on second.

-What are you talking about?
-It's the old Abbott and
Costello routine, you know,

-Who's on first, What's on
second, I don't know his...
-Oh yeah.

Well, it's sort of like that.

What did the colonial say to
the Aborigine when he first
saw a kangaroo?

-What'd he say?
-"What is it?"

Hm, and what did the
aborigine say?

Well, he couldn't say
anything. He didn't understand
the man.

So he asked a translator what
the white man had said.

And the translator said,
"kangaroo," which in
aboriginal means,

BOTH: "what is it."


-You answer it.
-No, no,
you answer it.

Nah, you answer it.

He's gonna want to talk
to you.

-How do you know it's him?
-I know. I know.

-ELLIOTT: You used to be
better than that, Jonathan.

You were right.

I thought you were always
so thorough.

It was obvious that the ferry
was crawling with cops.

-I want my money.
-Sounds like your adrenaline
is pumping a bit now.

You're not gonna get a cent.
And you're gonna go to
prison. And Manning,

no matter what anyone else
believes, I know you're alive,
and I'm gonna get you.


Well done.

They're no good to us.
Hart's not gonna give us
the money.

The game's not over yet.

I want you to check the hotel
safe and their suite.

Harry Jones said they're going
to the opera tonight.

-Yeah, yeah I gotcha.
-Oh, and while you're at it, I
want you to do something

about that cop who's been
following me.

Yeah, get him off your back.

ELLIOTT: But the last thing I
do, I gotta get Jonathan Hart
out of my life.

-Good evening.
-Good evening. Thank you.

Would you like your car in
the VIP valet lot, sir?

-Uh, no, it's rented.
-The tux?

No, the car.
Just put it in the lot with
the peasant shacks.

-Thank you.

I can't believe we're actually
here. (LAUGHING)

JONATHAN: It doesn't look as
good as it did from the ferry.

JENNIFER: Oh, come on.
You're gonna love every minute
of this. I promise.

JENNIFER: And so will I.

JONATHAN: Don't count your


Door 12.
Straight ahead to the right.

Here, darling.

-Side door to the left.

-We're not going to the opera.
-We're not?

Not tonight, darling, but I
promise you I'll bring you
back when we get things

cleared up.

-Where are we going?
-To find Harvey J. Lee of the
Australian Federal Police.

Oh, you'll do anything to get
our of Wagner.

There was a rover following
us, I saw them in the
rear-view mirror.

Do you think it was Elliott?

I think it was Tonga, that's
why we're gonna give him the

Let him think we're in here
for six hours.

-Oh, four.

-Four and a half.

Okay, five.




That'll take care of Hart.

-Miss, we're leaving.

It's in German.
They don't tell you that,
do they?

-I don't see the rover,
I guess we dusted Tonga.



Why don't we leave a note?

-Good idea Mrs. H.
-I have a pen,
do you have paper?

-Oh, darling!

Well, at least they're good
for something.

Pretty expensive notepaper.

You looking for Harvey Lee?

-Yes, we are.
-You're part of the band?

The band?

Yeah, the dance band he plays
in at weddings
and Bar Mitzvahs.

Oh, you're saying that because
we are in our band clothes?

I guess he dresses for gigs.

I mean, judging from the
amount of times his tux has
come back from the cleaners.

-Are you the singer?
-Yes, I sing.

Showers mainly.
No weddings or Bar Mitzvahs.

I thought you blokes
were on the road?

Why, when was the last time
you saw Harvey?

Oh, I've never met Harvey.

-No, no. Number nine told
me he was a musician.

I'll tell you what, he must
come home at all hours or
sleep all day.

maybe Harvey's been

and hasn't told us about it.
Um, we'll leave him a note.

-Oh, suit yourself. Goodnight.

You know...

-I used to love that program.


What ever happened to that
bloke? You never see him on
television anymore.

Another career up in smoke?

Well, some careers die hard.

Darling, what are you doing?

If you can make like
Claudette Colbert, I can make
like Errol Flynn.

Be careful.



-How'd you do that?
-With the key.

-Where'd you find the key?
-Under the flowerpot.

-How'd you know it was under
the flowerpot?
-Isn't it always?


Ew. Mr. Harvey Lee is not
going to win the Good
Housekeeping award.

What do you wanna bet that
Harvey was moonlighting on the
Cloud last night.

-You mean you think...
-I think Mr. Lee went to sea.

Modest supply of tuxedos, huh?

Look at the date on these.

16th, 18th...

-BOTH: 20th.
-22nd, 24th.

The man next door thinks the
cleaners brings back the same
tux every two days.

But someone who knows
that the key is under the

delivers another one
each time.

Because no tux ever actually
leaves this place in the first

Exactly. Because the tux is an
excuse for someone

posing as the cleaners to
come by and stop in.

-Uh huh.
-But why?

Maybe the answer is in the
answering machine.


ELLIOTT: Mr. Lee, I know who
you are and who you work for,

and why you're interested
in me.

-That's Elliott!
-I'd like to have a little
talk, face to face.

I'm sure you have my private
cellular number

along with all the other
personal data on me.

Call, and let's meet.

Thursday, 9 pm.

9 pm?

That's about the time you
called me from Bully's car,
wasn't it?

Yes. Maybe Elliott was calling
from his car after he left the

Maybe Harvey answered his
call, and Elliott brought him
out to the boat.

So maybe it was Harvey J. Lee
who went through he rail.

And who was buried this

Come on, see if we can find a
place that's still open where
we can buy some picks

-and shovels.
-Wait, wait, wait.

-You're not gonna do what I
think you're gonna do?
-Well, if McNeil's not going

to dig up the body, or what's
left of it, and check out the

we'll do it ourselves.

That's what I thought you
were gonna do. Ugh.

Here you go, mate.
Thank you very much.

Pop the trunk,
will you, darling?


Of course, the guy wouldn't
sell me city equipment,

but you what he had the nerve
to charge me for his own

Please don't say an
arm and a leg.

-No, a bloody fortune.
-How did you explain why you
needed the pick and shovel?

I told him that we were going
to dig up a body.

He thought that was
very, very funny.


Looks like a backhoe over

How you gonna start it?


-How'd you do that?
-Well, I grew up on a farm in

Well, bring it in here.

Hold it, hold it!

Bring it down a little bit.



-Pay dirt?

We'll see.

Uh, Jonathan?

I don't feel very good about

Well, you don't have to look
if you don't want to.

I didn't mean I didn't want to
look, I just meant...

-It feels creepy.
-Well, don't look.

I think it's better if you
don't look.

Alright, I won't look.

-I promise.
I promise I won't look.


Well, what do you know?
Look at this.

-You just said, "Don't look!"
-No, no, look, now.

What is that, a body bag?

A body bag...full of rocks.

-ELLIOTT: That's right,

-I knew I'd find you two here.

if it isn't the heavy

-Hello, Jennifer.

Well, Jonathan,
now that you've dug your own
grave, and your wife's,

the least you could do is
help her down. Get down there,
get down there.

Where's the cashier's check?

I know you went to the bank
this afternoon.

-Who went overboard, Elliott?
-Oh, um...

An unfortunate crewman.

-Named Harvey J. Lee?
-No, no, his name was...

George Spellman.

Well what happened to
what was left of him?

What was left of him was

I, uh, I didn't want any more
tests done.

So, I have a friend who has a
friend who knows the

and Tonga took care of the
rest, and...

-And you took care of both
of them?

I still have a little spending
change left.

So, Jonathan,
give me the check.

-What makes you think I
have it with me?
-Well, I know you didn't put

it in your hotel room.
And you didn't put it in the
hotel safe.

Remember, I own the hotel.

Tonga checked, and
so you must have it on you.

Now give me the check.

It's in my jacket.




Come on, come on.

Good, thank you.
Now that I've got the check,

and I've got you...

Jonathan, you're a money
conscious man,

think of how much you're gonna
save on your burial costs,

He's gone.

BULLY: Hot time in the old
town tonight.

Thank you, Bully.

You should have been here
earlier. We could've used you
instead of the backhoe.

My car is just over here.
It wouldn't hurt to hurry.

A bit late in the evening for
explanations, don't you think?

I'll flip you to see who takes
it back to the rental company.

-How was your shower?
-Oh, it was great, thank you.

-I made you some breakfast,
please sit down.
-Oh, it looks delicious.

-Thank you.
-Mr. Hart, so you're happy
to be in one piece?

-Very happy.
-Unlike some other people
we could mention.

You're referring to
Mr. Manning's crewman who
went overboard?

How did you know about that?

Well I got to the cemetery in
time to here Mr. Manning tell
you what happened.

-You saw Manning?
-For a moment.

Fortunately, I was behind
the mausoleum when your rental
car blew up.

And Mr. Manning, well, he
got away under a rather large
cloud of black smoke.

Not unlike a magician.

Yes, he's full of tricks.


Have a croissant while they're

Bully, how did you happen
to be in the cemetery in the
middle of the night?

Well, I was following Tonga,
and Tonga was following you.

He thought you gave him the
slip at the opera.

He must've planted the bomb
beneath your car and then
disappeared on his own.

-And you?
-Well, I followed you to the
house of one Harvey J. Lee.

Lee is an agent for the AFP.

He's been investigating

He has an empty apartment with
only tuxedos and an answering
machine in it.

He pretends he plays
in a band

for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs.

We think he was the one who
went through the rail on
Manning's boat

and was buried in his place.
This is delicious!

Well, it's all in the way you
steam the milk.

Really? The milk.

What's your interest in all
of this?

Well, Mr. Manning owes me
a great deal of money.

Gambling debts.
And since he's alive and out

I want it back,
simple as that.

You better tell the police
you saw him too.

-They won't believe me.
-Well, I don't think that
going to the police is going

to get the money for me.

look what it did for you.

What do you suggest?

Well, I need your help
to get Elliott Manning.

You're the only ones that he's
shown himself to.

He needed our money to
skip the country.

I gave him the cashier's check
at the cemetery.

There's no telling where he

-I don't think so.

-Because I have what's left
of your check.

The blast from the explosion
must have knocked it out of
his hands.

-Then, he still needs our
-Besides, for whatever reason,

Mr. Manning has a special
animosity and fascination
for you.

Oh, he'll come after you.
But this time,
not just for the money,

but to kill you.

21 years ago, I beat him in a
race from Los Angeles to

And he has a certain obsession
with my wife.

He thinks she should have
married him instead of me.

Aside from the race,
there was never any contest.

So you have a long history
of competitiveness?

In sports and business

And in affairs of the heart,
so to speak.

No, it goes way beyond that.
It's a power play with him,
a game

in which so far,
he hasn't scored any points.

But he's determined to.

Finish up your breakfasts.
I'm sure that the police will
be eager to speak to you.

I'm sure they've traced
the car to us, and they've got
our prints all over the

backhoe and the tools.

Mr. Hart, we may be able to
help each other.

You need him to clear
your name, and

I need him to cleat the slate.
I need you.

And vice-versa.
So why don't we join forces?

-Sounds good to me.

Well, Bully, it looks like
we're in this thing together.


It's gonna be a bright
and sunny day.

And you're gonna need some
sunglasses. I'll get you some
from the souvenir shop.

You think the cappuccinos
are good, you're gonna love


You were right.
McNeil must be inside
looking for us.

Here's my card with a number
to call

if you ever need my help, hm?

Alright, partner,
we'll keep in touch.

-Put on your glasses.

-Maybe no one will recognize
-Oh, good idea.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart?

You've let it go too far with

I never meant to, Bully,

I thought you were smarter
than that. You knew what kind
of man Manning was.

What did you think?
That you were going to be the
one to change him?

-I guess that must be it.
-Lisa, I just don't want to
see you get hurt.

I know. You're a good friend,
and I appreciate your concern
for me.

Then you've got some
tough decisions to make.

-You've got some serious
thinking to do.
-I know I do.

I know it better than anyone.

Thanks for your passport,
Mrs. Hart, and for your

Now, if you don't mind,
I'd like to have a word with
your husband.

See you back at the hotel?

I won't be long, darling.

Take a seat.


-Please, may I come in?


-Look, I don't know how to
say this. So I'll just say it.

-Elliott is alive.
-Did you hear from him?

He called me at the house
just before I left.

-He wants me to get him
out of the country.
-Oh, this is great.

-I guess I should have known
-Jonathan is with the police

right now, you can call them.

-I can't call the police.
-Of course you can.

Jennifer, I don't know if I
can deliberately betray him.

You're not betraying him,
you're telling the truth.

Lisa, Jonathan is accused of
murdering a man we both know
is very much alive.

I know. Part of me thinks I
have to turn him in, but the
other part thinks...

Here is Detective Sergeant
McNeil's card.
That is his direct line.

-Here's the telephone.
Call him, please.


Detective Sergeant McNeil?
This is Lisa Brandt.

I've heard from Elliott
Yes, he's alive.

Detective, at this point,
why should I lie?

He wants me to meet him
at Whale Beach in, uh,

45 minutes?

Yes. Okay.
I keep him there until you
and your men arrive.

Yes, bye.

Lisa, you're great.

It worked. She pulled it off
because she's not a loose
cannon like you are.

You know if the Hart's had
been in that car, I'd have
been just as finished

as they'd be.

Thanks to Lisa,
there's one more round.

Did you deliver the gift to
Jonathan, or did you screw
that up too?



-Keep down, Jennifer.
-Did you see Elliott?

No, not yet. But we don't want
him to see you before the
police get here.

Right. I'll just stay here,
and I'll look out for
Detective Sergeant McNeil.


-Wish us luck.
-Lisa, thank you. I couldn't
have done this without you.

It's alright.


Hello, this is Jennifer Hart,
has Detective Sergeant McNeil
left yet?

Have I left for where,
Mrs. Hart?

-Detective Sergeant McNeil!
-At this point, I think we
know each other well enough

for you to call me Fred.

Fine. Fred, did you receive
a phone call from Lisa Brandt

saying that Elliott Manning
had phoned her to say that...

That's too confusing,

Why didn't you just stay in
the car, like you were
supposed to?

I'm sorry Jennifer.
Really, I am.

She was talking to the cops,
let's get out of here.

-Hello, Johnny.
-Mr. Hart.

-What happened to you
-I wouldn't go in there
if I was you.

Oh now, Mrs. Hart couldn't
be in that bad of a mood.

No, Mrs. Hart left with
Miss Brandt a little while
before it came.

-Before what came?
-The crate.

-What crate?
-The heavy one.

There's an envelope with it.
Here, let me show you.


There's a key, Mr. Hart.

Jonathan, I sent you one for
your wedding.

Now I'm giving you one 'till
death do you part if I don't
get the money.

Here's the key to the gate
so you can return to sender
if you're not happy

with the deal.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Is there anything I can do,

Can you get me a gun, Johnny?

Well, my brother has a rifle.
But that would really be
putting me on the spot, sir.

Get it.


-My friend,
you're trespassing.
-I'm not trespassing.


Now you're trespassing.

-No! No!

Nice kitty, kitty.


-ELLIOTT: It's the biggest
gray kangaroo in captivity,

you like it?
Good for your breeding
program, don't you think?

-Where's Jennifer?
-Oh, she's right here. She'd
like to talk to you if you

got a minute.

-(WHISPERING) It's Jonathan.

Darling, you better do what
he says. I think he's serious.

She's right.
I am serious.

It's a swap.
Jennifer for the cashier's

Hello, Jonathan.
Are you listening?

Yes, I'm listening.
Very carefully.

I want that check.

So if the check's not here
within the hour,

you're gonna be attending
another funeral, only this
time, it's not gonna be mine.

It'll be your darling wife's.

JONATHAN: Make a left here,

-The reserve's ahead, Johnny.
-Wanna give me the key so I
can open the gate, sir?

I'll get it.

When we get inside, I want you
to help me let our friend out.

No worries, sir.

-You alright?

Come on, mate, go for it.
Go on.

You're a good man, Johnny.

Thanks, Mr. Hart.

Tell you what though,
I've never been a spot like
this before.


-Johnny, give me a hand.

-Johnny, there's a phone in
there, get on it.

Get an ambulance up here. Get
the police. See if there's a
first aid kit in there.

-Harry, what happened?

-Watch out Mr. Hart.
-What about my wife?

-They took her with them.

Manning and Lisa Brandt.

-No phone, Mr. Hart.
-Cut this off.

-Hack it with it.
Put him in the truck.

-Get on a phone, Johnny.
-Right, Mr. Hart.

-Which way did they go?
-Up the river.

-Hang in there, mate.



-Jonathan, watch out,
it's a trap!

Oh, no, no, Jonathan.

I'll let it go! Put it down.

If you look on the arrow,
you'll find another key
to my character.

I didn't even try to hit you.
I just wanted to get your

I could have hit you.
You know that, but, uh,

well, it's not time.

Go ahead, use the key.
Unlock the love of your life.

I won't hurt you. Not yet.

-Don't you want the check?
-Oh, indeed I do.

But, I want to take it
off your dead body.

I'm gonna give you ten minute

And then, just as in love and
war, all is fair.

Oh, you guys better go.

You only got about nine and a
half minutes left now.


What do we do now?

The ol' Butch Cassidy
and Sundance.





Jonathan, it's a dead end!




Darling, don't!

Not for his sake,
for yours.

You're right,
he's not worth killing.

This proves my point,

People who are expert shots
at target practice are often
lousy at live game.

When the target's threatening,
the adrenaline starts to pump.

It can throw you off your

-ELLIOTT: Tonga!

Tonga, kill them!





-What are you doing, are you
crazy? Shoot the Harts.

I'm afraid I'm on their side.

Game, set, match.
You lose.

I'm a special agent with
the Australian Federal Police.

-You're not Harvey J. Lee?
-No one is. We invented him.


Interpol Agent Brandt
and myself.

how could you do this to me?

You probably won't believe me,
Elliott, but I really did fall
in love with you.

In spite of my job and better

So you made up Harvey J. Lee
to mislead Manning?

Well, to take the spotlight
off us.

We had to let him think
that someone was after him

without revealing it was
actually the man who always
had a table for him

or the woman who was going
to marry him.

-What do you say to that?

-Let's go, Manning.

Well, well, well,
look who's here.


Oh my...

-Looks like you found a


-I think he likes me.
-I wonder if Freeway will like

-Oh, I hope so.
-Well, I think we've made
enough friends.

we have a benefit to make.

What should we call him?

-J. Lee?



Now I know why the old man
was so eager to get back.

Oh, isn't it wonderful?
It's the first life in this
fabulous place.

I'm not kidding.
That's what they call the
male kangaroos,

-the old men.
-Oh, is that where it comes

And it's a mob of kangaroos.

And the translation for
kangaroo is "what is it,"

-you were right.
-Where did you get your

-Johnny on the Spot.

We'll we're just going to have
to come back as often as we
possibly can to visit you

and our mob of what-is-its.

That shouldn't be a problem.

California is only a hop,
skip, and a jump from

-You didn't say that, did you?
-I had to.

I'm so excited.
We're finally going to be able
to say we've seen it.

You know how long it's been
since we've seen a bed?

-I hope I don't fall asleep.
-At these prices?

I can't imagine how much
you paid for these tickets.

Must've been a fortune.
Thank you, darling.

It was a steal.

All I did was make a donation
to the opera fund and they
gave us the tickets free.

-Sh, I don't want to miss
a syllable.

Why not?

It's in German, you know?