Gråtass - Hemmeligheten på gården (2004) - full transcript

Little Grey Fergie moves to a new farm with his friends. On the new farm they're going to have such a good time! But things don't turn out as they planned. Little Grey Fergie discovers that some crooks are trying to uncover a secret on the farm. They sabotage the running of the farm and destroy the friendship between Little Grey Fergie and his friends, to make Goggen sell them the farm.Little Grey Fergie helps out, and discovers that the secret is a valuable water source that he finds for Goggen. When everything seems to be solved, Fergie is kidnapped by the crooks, who also steal the water. Gamlefar, Goggen and Grynet have to do everything in their power to save him. Fergie gets away, and saves himself as well as the farm, so that everything ends up the way they hoped it would. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
The little tractor Gråtass

We are on our way to a new farm.

A farm Goggen inherited
from his uncle, Georg.

We are all excited,
and a little apprehensive.

Goggen is probably most excited,
because there's supposed to be -

-a secret on the farm.

Maybe a little tractor will get
something to do as well? We'll see.

You are very lucky, Goggen, it's
a nice farm you have inherited.

Let's wait and see how it
looks like in the light of day.

Let's carry the luggage inside.

But...did that loo just move?

And someone has just
cut a hole in the ground...

And forgot the pick.

-That was the last suitcase!
-The last one?

Gamlefar, you're probably used to
things like that from the old days?

I'm used to things like that,
but I hope there is a toilet inside.

-What...! What is this?
-What happened?

You tell me.

-The banister fell off.
-Let's hope the rest of the house -

-is in better shape, Goggen.
Or else we will be busy.

Of course the house
is in good shape.

Why did you hide in the outdoor-loo,
idiot! But get in here!

This was not according to the plan.
We must get rid of those farmers.

Who are those characters? What
are they doing here on the farm?

The farm is very nice, but it needs
a little upgrading. It'll be alright.

I wonder what the windmill is for?

It's breakfast!

Nobody around, I'm driving.

-Some food is just what I need.
-Homemade bread is just delicious.

Lucky Goggen, who inherited this
farm. What was uncle Georg like?

I'm not really sure.
I did not know him that well.

Well, people very seldom put
a windmill on top of their barn.

Uncle Georg
must have been a strange guy.


The things he made
always worked. Like this...

Look here...

-That was very clever.
-I want one of those!

Here's one slice.

-And here is one for you...

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

I think the things he made
always had a purpose.

Oh, very clever!

Yes, this is Goggen's farm, hello.
Attorney Antonsen?

We were just talking
about uncle Georg.

Come to your office
to sign some papers?

We can come over right away.
We're coming.


Come on, you two!

You drive, as the boss on the farm.
We farmhands can sit in the back.

You are a funny girl, Grynet.

must be placed somewhere.

I'm hungry!
What if we stop and...

Hubert! The press doesn't work!
Nothing works.

-What is it? I'm working.

Are you craZy? I could
have had a work-related injury.

I'm the boss, I make the decisions
and I'm doing exactly what I want!

-You care about things like that.
-I got this scrapyard from uncle.

We did!

-Then "we" must get some money.
-Always going on about money.

We've almost run out of food.
Only two buns left in the fridge.

Two buns left?

If you weren't so laZy,
we could have had lots of money.

Let's steal that veteran tractor.
It's worth one million kroner.

-How do you know that?
-Because uncle Harry said so.

-I don't want to steal that tractor.
-Ok, then we have to crush cars.

But...that's the guy from last night?
What is he doing?

Oh, welcome. I was working
on an important case.

-You must be Goggen?

You look like your uncle Georg.
Come in, come in.

We'll shut the door, your uncle
Georg liked to keep a lid on things.

We deserve some fresh air.

I'm going to fetch the documents.


You have seen the farm,
and it needs some upgrading.

It is a noble old farm, owned by
your family for hundreds of years.

There's an old family farm
you're taking over.

If you should decide that you
don't want the farm after all,-

-I actually have got an offer
from a possible buyer.

That's not an option.
We're going to run a farm.

The letter said there's supposed
to be a secret on the farm?


Your uncle Georg was a strange
one. He was polite, kind, helpful.

But he always
talked about a secret -

-that was going
to secure his old days.

The generations after him too,
for that matter.

He said it could be very valuable.

I guess my pants
are a bit slippery.

-He surely said more than that?
-No, he didn't.

I just wanted you to know it.

I actually took it for granted
that you wanted the farm.

I've already made out
the documents in your name.

It just needs your signature.
Here you are.

There's something funny going on.

But did we park here, Goggen?

Are you forgetting, Gamlefar?
I can't use a forgetful farmhand.

Just cut it out, Goggen.

Let's make a list over everything
that has to be done on the farm.

-Here is the list.
-So it's ready, Goggen?

Let's see.
"Number one: look for the secret"?

We don't know what
the secret is or where it is?

We'll repair the farm, earn
some money and pay our bills.

-What if the secret is valuable?
-Then we can renovate the farm.

I think we can forget
the secret, Goggen.

We'll repair the farm with the
money we've got, to earn money.

Then we have an agreement.

I think it's going to be nice here.

Great that they agreed to
renovate the farm, it's needed.

But I can't help them.

So I can look
for the secret instead.

I'll take a look
in the barn tomorrow.

-Do you need help, Gamlefar?
-Thank you, Grynet.


Just continue up there,
that's great.

Where is Goggen?

What are you doing, Goggen?

You're not looking
for the secret, are you?

No, I just had to find
some more planks.

-Yes, for the wall of the shed.

I think Goggen probably should
help the others. I'll take a look.

Maybe the secret is hidden
somewhere inside here?

Lots of strange things here.
Empty bottles.

That drawing shows that
the windmill runs a pump. Strange...

And here is an old earth drill.

It fits perfectly
on a tractor like me.

Hello! Anybody home?

Hello, yes!

Hilde Høygarden. I represent
The foundation "Fun at the Farm".

-I'm Goggen.
-Oh? The owner?

That's nice, just the man
I wanted to talk to.

-I picked some flowers for you.

Goggen? Since we
know each other better now...

Did your attorney mention that
someone wanted to buy the farm?

-Yes, he mentioned it, but...
-That was me.

-Was it you?
-The foundation "Fun at the Farm".

Fun at the Farm?

We want to use the farm for
city-based children in trouble.

The ones that can't get out of
the dirty, dusty, horrible cities.

They get asthma and bronchitis,
cars threaten to run them over.

Well, that's not very good...

This farm will be
just perfect for them.

-Don't you think so?
-Yes, maybe...

All mighty! Is there a lady visiting
at the farm, Goggen? I say...

Hello, hello.
I'm Gamlefar.

Hilde Høygarden. We want to buy
the farm for less fortunate children.


May I touch it?
One seldom sees-

-such a thick
and great beard nowadays.

-It becomes you.
-Yes, well...

Maybe it is a good idea to sell
the farm and do some good?

It takes a lot of work to get
the farm up and running.

-Don't you agree?
-You're working for a good cause.

But the farm has been in the
family for years. I want to keep it.

I understand, Goggen,
you're the boss.

But if you change your mind,
just call me, Goggen.

If you feel like it...

Bye, guys!

Thanks for the visit,
it was very nice.

Bye, bye!

My, oh my...

Sell the farm?

I didn't mean it like that!

I just thought you should
keep all possibilities open.

There was something funny with
that lady. I must investigate.

The daft farmer didn't take the
bait. We must use other means.

"Other means"?

What's that?


The idiot didn't repair the press.

That laZy fool! Hubert!

Are you eating the last buns?

There's a green lump left.

You're not helping
to get money...

And you eat the rest of the food
we have! Without sharing!

-You refuse to steal the tractor.
-There's something strange about it

Who is that?

-Helga Hoggerud?

Helga Hoggerud!
What a nice surprise.

Don't be too sure, Herpert.

IOU: One million kroner.
-A million?


Gamlefar, Grynet, come and see
what I found! Hurry up!

Are you coming, Grynet?


Cut it out, Goggen. Goggen!

I said stop, Goggen!

-What do you think, Gamlefar?
-You better repair the farm -

-before you play around
with all kinds of things.

You own this place, and you
better not take shortcuts!

Take shortcuts? But, Gamlefar,
we have worked all day.

Besides, it is my farm,
and I can do what I want.

Ok, message taken, Goggen.
I won't interfere again.

-After all, I'm just a farmhand...
-I didn't mean it like that.

I don't like that Gamlefar and
Goggen are having a fight.

-I'm not quarrelling, Herpert.
-Yes, you are.

An iou on "Incredibly Serious Ltd,
Scrapmongers and Various".

You owe me one million kroner,
or to put it in other words:

I own the yard.

Yes, this is Helga. Hi.

The first sample is delivered
any moment now, just as agreed.

No, no problems,
I guarantee, great.

Have a nice day.

You haven't got one million.
That's why I have a job for you.

A job?

You're going to sabotage a farm,-

- so that the people living there
give up and sell the farm to me.

Then you'll get the yard back
and then you'll owe me nothing.

But...I was about to suggest
something like that.

The sooner the farm is mine,
the better it is. Get going!

This is too good to be true.

Just so you keep your promises,
one of my men will stay here.


Hi, lads.

Any food here?

What is the idiot doing?

He's not all right,
he's going to ruin everything.

Hi, worm, get going!

We must sabotage a farm.

What's that sound?
Must be a big truck.'s the two villains.

Herpert and Hubert Hoggerud.
They've tried to steal me earlier!

What are they doing here?

-Turn off the engine, idiot!
-I have done that.

-Where are you going?
-I need to go to the loo!

Just stand here beside Jimmy,
stay here till we have finished.

-What are we doing here?
-Be silent!






I told you to stay with Jimmy!

Are you sleeping?
LaZy idiot!

Nestles! It stings!

-Oh, it stings!
-Be quiet!

If the villains think they can
ruin the farm, they're wrong!

Come on, down the hill!


You forgot the hand brake, idiot!

It stings!

I must do more
to make the villains disappear.

Maybe I can...

It stings!

They didn't wake up.
Do we have to wreck more?

-Isn't it enough now?
-Come on!

They are awake, Herpert!

That's strange. This has something
to do with the secret, I'm sure.

Hubert, we forgot the worm.

They are gone.

I would like to look at
the contents of that drawer.

But the others
can do it tomorrow.

They will certainly see it
when they come out here.

A cup of coffee is what I need.

-I'll open the window for fresh air.
-Yes, do that.

Goggen! I thought you were
renovating this farm!

-There's not a single bolt left.

What in heaven's name...
What kind of sloppiness is this?!

-My back certainly felt that.
-Are you ok, Gamlefar?

Weren't you supposed to mend
that banister on the porch?

-Yes, and I did it, too.
-That could be discussed.

The house will probably fall
down on us one of these days.

Who threw those paint boxes there?

-I did.
-We must have more, it's expensive.

If you're carrying on like this,
this farm will never be renovated.

But, Gamlefar, I did place
the boxes properly.


"The house will fall
down on us one day"...

Goggen, come here!

-What is it?
-A chest of drawers. Look inside.

A book?

-Gamlefar, come and take a look!
-What is it?

There is a secret.

-The secret is a well.
-What are you saying?

It's a well, with clean
and tasteful water. Read it!

Listen up: "I have spent a long time
looking for the old well.

And I found it at last.

The water is clean and tasteful.,
Locals say it has a mystical..."

-...magical and healing power.

After tasting the water
my arthritis is better."

He must say more than that?
-Let's see...

"I need some drilling equipment,
to get to the water easier."

Read where is says
it's worth a lot. There!

Listen up. "I'm quite sure
the water is valuable.

I have hidden the well to prevent
anyone from finding it.

I must get the equipment
to drill for the water.

It's hidden at a place where
nobody would consider to look."

-Hide the well? Why?
-Isn't it exiting?

We also found two bottles
of water in the drawer.

It's water from the well.
And it tasted good.

-It has been bottled for a long time.
Taste it, Gamlefar.

Didn't it taste good?

Yes, it was nice and fresh,
but it's only water.

Let's keep on working,
we have a lot to do.

The people that dug here probably
also know about the well.

But why dig in the yard?

At the same time Herpert and Hubert
are trying to sabotage the farm.

This is connected.
I must find out more.

-We must begin searching at once.
-Take it easy, Goggen.

-Yes, why?

This property consists of
several acres. It's big, very big.

Don't be negative, Gamlefar.

I just think we should work
on this place before it falls down.

The first one who spots
the well, shouts out!

Nobody around.
Let's drive!

Hope the villains won't see me.

We have sabotaged, let's talk
about getting the yard back.

Yes, Helga Hoggerud?

Everything is ok.

The well is in the farm's front yard.
Uncle Georg told me that.

When we find it, the samples for
the miracle soda can be delivered.

Have a nice day.

I'll fix it.

We want our yard back, now!

I mean...your yard.

I'm just here
to say two things, Herpert.

One: I'll keep the yard
till the farm is mine.

Two: that means more sabotaging,
now! Get going!

Well done, Herpert.

Some guys! But at least I know that
the well is somewhere in the yard.

-This job isn't too big for us?
-What do you mean?

To find the well.
The digging is quite a strain.

And there's still many places
we haven't looked.

Gamlefar is right,
the farm is pretty big.

No! I'll continue digging,
you can do whatever you like.

I didn't mean it like that...

Supper is ready. I have eaten,
so I'll go to bed. Good night.

I'll help you, Goggen. I'll drill
in the yard. The well is there.

I know that now.


Now what are you doing?
Yes, I can see that you're drilling.

-I have to drill through the rock.
-Where did you get the equipment?

-From the shop.
-Of course you got it from a shop.

But how did you get it?
They didn't give it to you?

-No, I bought it.
-Have you bought it?

-Yes, I used my savings.
-Take it easy, Goggen.

-How could you afford all this?

I used my savings and the rest
I'll pay in monthly payments.

We can't manage more
than the monthly expenses.

And think about what we will need
to get things sorted here.

When my next payment is due,
we've surely found the well.

Then we can pay for everything,
and the farm...

You're talking rubbish!
Listen to me, Goggen.

Listen to me!

Here. The well must be here.

I have drilled almost all over
the yard, but not found anything.

Not here either.

I just hope
the well hasn't dried out.

A new debt crisis threatening

This is really hopeless.

For cryin' out loud..!

Is he drilling here as well?

But.. What...


Go over there, look!

What have you done, Gamlefar?
What on earth...

-Be careful.
-God almighty!

-Did you hurt yourself?
-Are you trying to be funny?

-What happened?
-I'll tell you what happened.

You dig all over like a craZy mole,
while the farm is rotting away!

-But I haven't drilled here.
-Oh, no?

-Who, then? A goblin?
-I'm telling you I didn't drill here.

Strange that you can take time off
from your precious drilling.

Have you found the well, Goggen?
With your expensive equipment?

Maybe there is no well?

Maybe it only exists
in your craZy uncle's head?

I'm so tired of the whole mess!

Our lives were fine
until we came here-

-and you started treasure hunting
instead of working.

-I just want the best for us.
-Do as you like, Goggen.

-Then I can do as I like.
-We have to talk as adults.

Oh, no. Gamlefar and Goggen
have never fought like this before.

I drilled that hole in order to help,
and then I made it worse...

Yes, Helga?

The plans have changed. We need
the samples earlier than agreed.

-Tomorrow, in fact.

Everything under control?
There's no problem?

No, of course not.
Let's agree on tomorrow.


-The job is done.
-We made the porch fall down.

That was my idea.

Great. Then, there's...

There's only one thing left.

There is a well on the farm.
I need a sample of the water.

-Sample of the water?
-When I get it, you'll get the yard.

I don't trust her, Herpert.
I said it before, I don't trust her.

The well is in the yard, you dig
to find it. You'll manage that.


Get me the sample tonight,
or find yourself a new yard...

-And a new country to live in!
-I'll move south, where it's warm.

I'll show you warm,
you useless snail!

Here you are...

Have you thought about...

We thought life would be great
on Goggen's new farm.

But it has turned out
quite the opposite.

We have said
so many stupid things.

Not only Goggen said stupid things,
I have said a lot myself.

I really hope the well exists.

But the most important is
that Goggen and I make up.

Even if he's selling the farm
and we move back to the old farm,-

-I'll support him in everything
he does from now on.

That's what I've planned, Gråtass.

Even if Goggen sells the farm,
I want to be his friend again.

I don't like it now.

"if Goggen sells the farm,
I want to be his friend again."

It's getting late, Gråtass.

Thanks for the little talk.
See you tomorrow, good night.

I must find the well
to make everything ok again.

There's only a few places left
in the yard to look for it.

I must find the well tonight.

I shal l find the well tonight!

What did uncle Georg
write in his diary?

He's hidden the well at a place
where nobody will look.

Where is it?

Can it be..? Is it possible..?

We help children

Nobody will look for
clean water under a loo.

It must be there.

It's not fixed.

What's that?

Here it is!
It must be here.

It must be here.

It is here!
It's the well, it exists!

When Goggen sees it tomorrow,
everything will be alright.

-Do you know what I just saw?

The tractor,
the veteran tractor, it's here.

The tractor we have tried
to steal. It's here.

The million-tractor drove by
itself, up the barn bridge!

You're dreaming. You've developed
the ability to sleep while walking.

It's here!
It's driving by itself.

The water is most important. We
can't go back to Helga without it.

-The stupid farmers dug up the well
-But, it's under the loo!

Helga said: "in the middle of
the front yard." It's here.

Let's go and get the tank.

-Put it down the hole and suck.

Yes, when you suck, the water
will find it's way down the hose-

-and eventually flow by itself.

-By itself?
-Yes, isn't it funny?

And when it starts flowing,
put the hose in the tank.


-We haven't got time for this! tastes great.

Stay away! We must finish here
before daylight breaks.

This is enough.

The farmers will wake up soon.
Hurry up!

Hide the tank, and I'll
take a look inside the barn.

-Hubert! The tractor is in the barn!

-Do you know what that means?

-I don't trust Helga.
-You don't either?

We won't give the sample to Helga
before she gives us our yard back.

But if we steal the tractor,
worth a million,-

- we can easily buy the yard.
-That's what I tried to tell you.

We can ask for proper payment for
the water sample, cash in the till.

-Strange, I understood everything.
-Ok, let's steal the tractor.

This has gone wrong before.
We must have a proper plan.

Where is Goggen going?
It's early.

He will be happy when you tell him
w'ell help him look for the well.

I'm looking forward to telling him,
if he only will wake up.

Ok, the coast is clear!


-What is it?
-I want a proper plan.

First you want to steal the tractor,
then you don't! We can just take it!

He's afraid of a tractor.

The tractor feels when we're around,
almost like it knows us.

That's no problem.
It doesn't know me.

But...what is he doing?

No electricity, no driving.

Oh no!

But what on earth,
look at the wonderful plants.

There's nothing here,
but's wet.

-It's been equally good watered.
-Lots of water is streaming down.

-Where does it come from?
-You tell me...

-Look, it's streaming down.
-From the loo? What on earth...

We're not even using it.
We have to check this.

There's a big hole here, Grynet,
with lots of water in.

And I'm stuck...

One, two, three.

What is this?

-It's the well, Gamlefar!
-Yes, it must be.


Grynet..! Gråtass?



We help children

Hi, Goggen. I really hoped you
would come, and now you're here!

Yes. Can you tell me more
about the children?

You bet I can. Fantastic
of you to help us. Come in.

We can at least talk about it.

Helga's miracle soda
is good for you!

I'm so glad
you changed your mind.

The children will be very happy.

You're going to be their hero.

-Do you think so?
-Yes, I'm sure.

I have the documents here,
you can just sign.

Hey! You owe us money!

The deal was 100 kroner each.

You can share 160, not a penny
more! Just forget it. Here!

-You have lied to us!
-Oh no. Off you go, creeps.

You lied to me too! I want the
documents back. I'm not selling.

-You already did. The well is mine.
-The well? Do you know about it?

Yes. That's what I wanted,
not the rundown farm.

Let me go!

You lied to me! If I had known,
I would never sold the farm!

Helga's miracle soda
is good for you!


All we have to do now is to fetch
that little lump of gold.

Hi, Helga speaking. We have
a little sample ready for you.


That's ok, see you. You'll bring
the contract, won't you.


We are ready.

The water sample.

-We have to talk.

Gråtass, we must split!

What is it?

You'll have to start, Gråtass!


Goggen has signed the documents
for the sale. I have won.

-Yes, the water...
-It's the source to my success.

With clean, magical
and crystal clear water,-

-a big soda factory is interested
in my miracle soda.

I have signed papers
saying the farm is mine...

And that
the stupid farmers must go.

No one can stop me as long as
I have the proper documents.

The documents
concerning the farm...

And the yard.

We must stop them, Gråtass.

Where is the water? I must
prepare a taste sample. In a hurry!

Taste sample?

Did you think I would just
sell the water as it is? No.

I shall make
the world's only miracle soda.

The machine is ready.

Well, boys, where is the sample?

Helga must not get to the water.

Like that!

Herpert Hoggerud, have you done
what you were supposed to do?

Yes, we have, that's no problem.
The water is...

The tractor against the yard,
and then payment for the water.


So you want the yard back
and get paid too?

We'll get the yard, you'll get
the tractor and the water.

And we get paid as well.

You are tough business dealers.
Let me see the water.

You mean the tractor?

Yes. Coming?

Well, Helga. Let me present
a one-million-tractor.

But where in the world is it?
Where is it, Hubert?

Don't look at me.
It can be anywhere. It's alive!

It was here just a moment ago.
It must be here somewhere.

-I hope the water is in that tank?
-Yes, but the tractor was here!

Forget the tractor,
it's the water that counts.

-But it was here!
-The tractor is ruining everything.

I don't need the old tractor.

I'll keep the yard till the contract
with the soda-giant is signed.

It's enough! Bring the water
to the soda machine. Now!

Dear Helga, come...


Don't give her the water, Herpert.
It's our only means of pressure.

Pressure...water... Pressure...

You're a genius, Herpert!
I'm a genius.

Connect the water tank
to Jimmy. Hurry up!

And you, come with me.

We're gonna make sure
Helga doesn't follow us.

-We are ready, the water is here.
-Yes, the water is in the tank.

I have to fix everything!

Oh, no, Grynet!

When we get the yard,
you'll get the water.

I'll get you banned from
the Hoggerud-klan, Herpert!

Goggen, stop!

-Grynet and Gråtass are gone!
-What are you saying?

-The scrapmongers took them!
-But jump on, Gamlefar!

I have to do everything myself.

-We can't stop here.
-But where are we going?

We know where we are going.
To Herpert and Hubert's scrapyard.

-Yes, and we've never been there.

What shall we do, Goggen?

It's my fault.
If it wasn't for me trying to...

It's not your fault
that Gråtass is gone.

I wanted to look for the well.

It's my fault the life on the farm
didn't turn out as we planned.

-But we have found the well!
-Found the well?

So everything is going to be alright.
Everything about the farm and...

-But I have sold the farm.
-What? Sold the farm?


But why did you do that, Goggen?

Because we were fighting,
and I didn't want that.

I don't want us to fight either.


We have to talk, Goggen. About
everything that has happened.

But what is this?

-It's a microphone!
-A microphone?

Those villains have heard us
all the time. We have been fooled!

Look, it's Helga's car. Her name
is Hoggerud as well. Come on!

Welcome. The soda is ready.

Hi, Helga!

-What are you doing?
-Me? I was just going to...

Herpert said...

He's our man. Hieronemus pushes
the handle, and the water breaks.

Helga Hoggerud!
I thought you were in hel...

Herpert lifts his arm,
I push the handle down.

Arm up, handle down.

Swap the water against the yard...

I want the water. Now!
The water first.

We'll fix this.

Let me out!

It's there, Goggen. It's there.

-Stop, this I private property!
-I'll give you private property!

Don't be afraid, Grynet.
This is gonna be alright.

Come on!

Oh, no, not now!

Where is Gråtass? And Grynet?

Gråtass and Grynet?
I have no idea.

No. But the tractor disappeared
at Helga's office earlier.

-We've never heard about "Grynet".
-Oh no?

I swear!

Oh, that was close.

Helga's suitcase is in the car,
and in it the documents on the farm.

If they are destroyed,
Goggen will get the farm back.

Like this...

We want the farm back!

Oh my, what was that?

You're gonna regret this as long as
my name is Helga Hoggerud!

You can forget the farm,
you can forget the yard.

Let me out!

I can't get out!

You...! Goggen? Hi!

The suitcase?

I won!

But, there's Gråtass.

-Hi, Gråtass.
-How are you, Gråtass?

That terrible woman just vanished
with the documents for the farm.

Just wait till we
can lay our hands on you!

-What can we do, Gamlefar?
-You tell me.

-But look here! Look!
-But there's the suitcase, Goggen.

What on earth,
where did it come from?

Hi! Good of you
to get the suitcase.

Maybe you could give us
the documents for the yard?

I think we'll keep the yard.
If you're trying to steal Gråtass..!

You're going to taste
your own medicine! Right!

This is unfair.

Do some honest work, crush all
the cars you have lying around.

Then you can get the yard back.

All of them?
We'll never get finished.

No, that's right.

No problem, the press is working!



Let me go!
What is this? Let me go.

Everything turned out fine. Grynet's
vegetables grew big and juicy.

And Goggen is selling
buckets of water from the well.

Here you are.

Uncle Georg planned for
the windmill to power the pump,-

-but a little tractor
can do the same job.

Maybe even better.

Gamlefar is in charge
and is controlling the income.

How is Gråtass?

You must be tired. You have
pumped water the whole day.

I'm glad you are friends again.

Friends? We have always
been friends, Goggen?

There has never been
any disagreement between us.

-Just small matters, or trifles.
-And it was your fault.

Yes...what did you say?

He's starting again.

I think we probably
should go indoors.

-Thank you, Gråtass.
-Thank you.

-You are a joker, Goggen.
-I almost fooled you again?

-Can you carry all this?

Just open the door.

It's good to be friends again.

And that we can help each other
instead of fighting.

There's always something
you can help your friends with.