Grave Intentions (2021) - full transcript

In this anthology of chills, thrills, and kills, a practitioner of the magical arts teaches the basics of her craft. The most important lesson? You must be mindful of your intention. Five of her customers are about to learn this the hard way: A woman looking to change her luck gets ensnared in a dangerous game; In the quest for justice, a man is transformed into a monster; In an attempt to right a wrong, a woman rescues a stray cat; A father and son are torn apart when a joke goes too far; A young girl needs protection from the demons in her life. We all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so where does the road lead when your intentions are grave?


Intention is the heart
of all magical workings.

Intention is pure energy.

The energy that fuels the magic.

Energy is like electricity.

'Tis neither positive, nor negative,

but it can be charged.

Your intent charges the energy.

Positive or negative.


Or evil.

You must be mindful of your
intention when working magic.

Focus on your desire or goal,

but be clear and specific.

Because what you want

may not be what you get.

While intention is powerful,

tools can help amplify it.

Tools I'm happy to provide,

for a price.

Your immortal soul.

I just messin' with ya.

Actually, I offer a number
of reasonably-priced

Scroll through my enchanted
selection till you find an item

that'll bring about
your happily-ever-after.

Because everybody has a story.

The question is,

are you the hero,

or the villain?

Like this customer. She's looking
to work some candle magic.

Now, burning candles
for spiritual purposes

goes back to ancient times

and the belief that a lit candle
connects our physical world

with the other side.

Colors carry different energy frequencies,

so the color of the candle
should match your goal.

Your intention.


is all about peace,
purification and new beginnings.

Red is a fiery color, used
for love, passion and courage.

Orange brings about profound change

and matters involving justice and law.

Yellow is for creativity,

logic and other powers of the mind.

Green is the color of prosperity,

and is associated with money,
luck, health and success.

In business or gambling.

Blue deals with harmony
and emotional healing,

and seeking truth in justice.

Purple is for power, ambition
and spiritual awakening.

Now, some folks believe
black candles are evil.

Not so, but they are a powerful tool

for protection

and absorbing negative energies.

This customer has a big game coming up

and is looking for a little luck.

Definitely a green candle for you, child.

Now we inscribe the candle

with the name of the target of the magic.

The last step is fixing the
candle with dressing oil.

This makes the spell more powerful

and seals the magic inside,
until the candle is burned.

I hope this brings the luck she needs.

Okay, does anyone
else not have a partner?

Oh, Mattie.

You're in luck.

Everyone, I'd like to introduce
you to our newest member.

Olivia Korhonen, joining us
from a European bridge group.

Come say hello, partner.


Well, it certainly is my pleasure.

The worst
betting I've ever seen.

Let's treat each other
like ladies, shall we?

Thank you for...

Sorry, I'm not very good, but
usually I'm not that awful.

I wouldn't blame you if you never

wanted to play with me again.

I enjoyed the game, even though we lost.

We'll turn things around with time.

I'm going to kill you.

I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to kill you.

Isn't she lovely?


Grab me a beer,
would you, sweetheart?

You girls takin' this game

so seriously.

You don't hear Bud and me say

we're gonna kill each other, do ya?

And with him, I got plenty of reason.

It wasn't like that. You didn't hear it!

It was more than the game.

I heard it. I'm on it, okay?

All right, look, if she actually does it,

I'll take a dim view.

I'll take a very dim view.

Don, I am not safe!

Mattie, come on. This is all bullshit.

Baby, you're safe.
Everything's fine, okay?


Come watch this with
me. Come on, sweetheart.

Good shot!

Yeah, watch this put.

A dog's predatory instincts

can never be fully suppressed.

Most attacks are on prey

that's perceived as fearful, weak...

Oh, my goodness.

Look at her.

It's Mattie.
She's changed.

She looks beautiful.

Just really looks gorgeous.

I'm going to kill you.

I'm going to kill you.

Hello, partner.

So this is why your hair looks so good.

I am looking forward to practice.

I'm not sure, um...

I have things to do.


Oh, no, you must come.
We make such a good pair.

But in order to play elegantly,

we must look the part, don't you think?

May I?

I gave up on them years ago.



Let's see.

Oh, your poor little hand.

Oh, with such dry skin, these
things, they happen sometimes.

I'll get you a bandaid.

All this worry, Mattie.

I am not gonna switch your partner.

I mean, just last night,
she was gushing about you!

And now all this business?

Oh, honey, what is
really going on with you?

Well, I just...

I mean, if you could just...

Not this time.

Now, where's that welcoming
gal that I know you are?

You're a sweet thing.

I gotta go, baby.

Bye bye.


All right. I'll make a fruitcake.

Am I early?

We're still practicing?

Yes, partner. Of course we are.


Oh, no.

That's a lovely color on you.

Oh, I didn't...

Thank you.

Oh, and you.

So beautiful.

Well, I hardly know anything
about you.

Well, what is it you would like to know?

Well, it sounds so silly.

It's just that I see you
around everywhere, and I, I-

- Mm, yes, small towns are
delightful that way, aren't they?


Well, I'm probably just
imagining things.

I thought you whispered this thing.

I'm sure that I'm not right,

but it sounded almost like a threat.


Oh, you are a such a timorous
woman, Mattie Whalen.

You frighten so very much.

It is a wonder you manage

to stick your head of your little pen.

You see, where I am from,
there are a great many sheep.

And where there are sheep,
of course there are dogs.

And it is a curious thing, Mattie.

Sometimes a dog will
sneak into the sheepfold

and begin to kill.

Not for hunger.

For play.

For sport.

But then it goes back in to its master

and eats dog biscuits.


Do you understand me, Mattie?

I haven't traveled very much.

I can't imagine where Jenny and Linda are.

It's so unlike them.

You see, they it's something

about the purebred passivity of the sheep

that triggers something
in the dog's brain.

Something very old.


They're blundering around in
their pen, bleating in panic,

too stupid to defend themselves, to act,

to fight for their life.

It's all just too much for the dog.

It simply obeys instinct.

Do you begin to see, Mattie?

I don't.

No, I don't.

You are my sheep.

And I am like the dog.

Of course, a dog cannot wait to kill.

But I can wait.

I like to wait.

When one person gets some good luck,

someone else often get
an equal share of bad.

Make sure your intentions
put you on the right side.

Speaking of the right side.

You're probably thinking,
"Madam Josephine!

That's a voodoo doll and they be evil."

Bah. That's Hollywood movie nonsense.

Poppets been around for ages.

Since pharaohs ruled Egypt.

They've been called many
things through the years.

Doll babies, effigies,

dollies, fetishes.

And yes, even voodoo dolls.

No matter what you call
it, a poppet is made

to represent someone
during magical workings.

They can be made out of most anything.

Wax, clay, soap.

Roots, corn husks, metal, fruit.

Even meat.

I'm partial to cloth ones, myself.

Whatever the material, it needs
to be shaped like a human.

Like attracts like.

You're working sympathetic magic,

so what you do to the poppet
happens to your target.

But the most important
part of creating a poppet

is the tag lock.

A personal item that
creates the magical link

between the poppet and the target.

The strongest tag locks are
locks of hair, nail clippings

and bodily fluids, but since
people don't really wanna

hand over those type of things,

a photograph can do the trick.

Then you name the poppet,

to seal the link.

I have made you,

and you are Willie Bingham.

Now all of that Hollywood mumbo jumbo

got you thinking poppets
are only used to do bad,

but just like other magic,
it's all about intention.

If you want to work a spell
of protection on someone,

wrap their poppet in bubble wrap.

To draw money to someone, tape
dollar bills to their poppet.

You can do works of
healing, to bring love,

and even to lose weight.

But, yes.

You can also stick pins in a poppet,

to cause pain.

Oh, I pray this customer

use this poppet magic wisely.

I remember two Willie Binghams.

One, pasty-faced with fear
after the sentence was read.

And the other, after the
series of amputations.

The first is now blurred by the painfully

sharp focus of the second.

I was the very first surgical supervisor

appointed under the state's
revised stance on capital crime.

My job?

To see that medical protocol was followed.

That inmates would not suffer
any more than the usual

post-surgical discomforts.

- You're gonna remove my hair?
- That is correct.

No way!

Well, you are
a murderer, Mr. Bingham.

Oi, Warden!


No, sir, that is not fair!

I killed that girl, but that weren't me!

It was the booze.

And the drugs.

I killed her somethin' awful.

They say I mutilated her! I never...

The first surgery is largely symbolic.

- Symbolic?
- Correct.

Well, a piece of cake, then.

Nothing to worry about, huh?

Well, I'm here
to make sure you suffer

no more pain than is necessary.

Why don't you just do
what they used to do, huh?

Just bloody execute me! Once and for all!

You're to be made a national example of.

Your chance for recompense.

It's expected that the reduction

should cease by the
second or third surgery.

Come on, come on.

Towel, please.

family members determine

how far the surgeries will go.


You can proceed.

This is what my criminal ways got me.

You best all mind yourselves, kids, hm?

'Cause you don't want this.


You don't ever want this!

Okay, mark it.

In March, they
removed Mr. Bingham's right arm

and his left leg.


You may proceed.


Mr. Bingham.

Don't hurt none.

Where's me supervisor?

As Mr. Bingham's
procedure advanced,

he was exhibited to the
more difficult cases

in the underfunded state-run high schools.

His hands.

Behave yourselves, now.

Unless you wanna look like me.

Although Mr. Bingham

was recovering well physically,

his outlook grew progressively darker

as the third surgery approached.

The boys upstairs are very pleased

with your progress, Willie.

I don't the expect the family
will take it any further.

Every job hits patches of rough road.

There are times I strain

to glimpse the bitumen below it all.



Tensions continue
to rise around the nation.

Fresh protests erupted today
over what many are now labeling

a cruel and barbaric form of punishment.

The man at the center of it
all is 38-year-old inmate

William Bingham, convicted of the rape

and murder of a young
schoolgirl earlier...

Looks good.

You may commence.

Mr. Bingham gave up a kidney and a lung.

Organs from inmates
provide a small but steady

revenue stream for our now
privatized penal system.


Yes, Mr. Bingham?

Are they cutting off my
right leg or is that me left?

It's your...

Left leg, Mr. Bingham.

- Left leg.
- Left leg.


Five months later,
the fifth surgery was ordered.

Please don't do this.

Now, now, Mr. Bingham.

It will all be over soon.

Mr. Bingham would lose his namesake.



You okay?

Are you in pain, Willie?


I never saw Mr. Bingham
cry after that day.

Nor has he spoken to me since.

He went into his final surgery

without any observable emotion.

They removed his ears,

his nose and the tip of his tongue.

A laser depilated what
remained of his body.

We've made through to the end now, Willie.

That was five years ago.

Mr. Bingham's room is the last

on the southern end of the top floor.

The light is always on.

And I know he's there.

Eyes to the ceiling.

Dead silent.

Except the last week of every month.

That's when Mr. Bingham and
I travel to the high schools.

Messing with sympathetic magic
to do harm is bad business.

Any ill wishes may be
reflected right back at you.

Maybe not right away,

but magic worked with grave intentions

has a habit of coming home.

If working with poppet feels too dangerous

and you're looking to
work magic that's more

socially acceptable,
consider using crystals.

These colorful stones

store the powerful energy of Mother Earth.

And since intention is also energy,

when you work with them,

your intent is absorbed by the crystal.

So make sure to choose one with properties

that match your intention.

For example.

Clear quartz opens the mind,

facilitates communication,

and amplifies powers.

This is why it's used
to make crystal balls.

And this here.

Oh, this here's a lodestone
which is a natural magnet.

So if you want to draw something
to you like money or love,

a lodestone amplifies that intention.

This customer is feeling
despair about her life.

Poor child.

But I've got the perfect stone for her.

And it's already set in a ring,
so she can keep it with her.


It changes from green to
red, depending on the light.

So it brings hope by
reminding us that life

is not just the one thing
it seems to be right now.

When you first get a crystal,
it's important to cleanse it

of any energy it picked up
from others who touched it.

You do this by setting
it in direct sunlight,

or placing it in running water
or burying it in the earth.

Once any lingering
psychic energies are gone,

hold the crystal in your hand
and charge it with your intent

by directing your thoughts toward it.

Then keep it close.

I trust this will manifest the
change she needs in her life.

- Now, spray it.
- Wait.

No way.

- Go ahead, spray it.
- No.

You're gonna spray it.

What did
it do to you, huh? Huh!

Calm down, man. Chill out.

Is this fucking funny, huh?

What did it do to you?

- It's not mine!
- Huh? It's not yours?

- It's not mine.
- It's mine now.


Yeah, what did the cat do to you?

What did it do to you?

What did it do?

She's weird.


It's okay, kitty.

It's okay.

Come on.





Please, no!


What did I do to you?

What did I do to you?

Suck my dick!

What did I do? What did I do?

What did I do?

♪ I didn't see it coming ♪

♪ But it did, now it won't fade ♪

♪ And I thought I'd see it coming ♪

♪ But in a week and a day ♪

♪ I was falling fast through that forest ♪

♪ To a canopy of bliss ♪

♪ Now a shadow in your room ♪

♪ Gazing everything I'd miss ♪

♪ And I flew to the moon ♪

♪ And I, to mirror you ♪

♪ And I, I saw the future ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ And I flew to the moon ♪

♪ And I, to mirror you ♪

♪ And I, I saw the future ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ Take me back to your room ♪

♪ Close the curtains in
the middle of the day ♪

♪ And only open them for the moon ♪

♪ Close the curtains in
the middle of the day ♪

♪ And only open them for the moon ♪

♪ I flew to the moon ♪

Unfortunately, there's more to crystals

than peace and tranquility.

Their vibrational energy can
be shaped by dark intentions.

While alexandrite does boost hope,

it can also cause
over-focus and obsession.

Now, if crystals feel too
"suburban housewife" for you,

you can try your luck with one of these.

These powerful charms have
been called many names

in many cultures.

Mojo hands, charm bags,

prayer pouches, gri gri bags.

Never mind what you call them.

What they are is a spell in a bag.

A hex you can carry with ya.

The bags contain a mix of
items like roots, herbs

and minerals, animal parts,
graveyard dirt, crystals

and other items of spiritual value.

Each item must have a specific
purpose in the working

and support the overall intent.

This customer is asking
for a boost of bravery.

He needs extra courage and
strength in his life, right now.

For the bag itself, 'tis
best to use flannel.

Match the color the goal,
just like with the candles.

For this working, it'll
be red, for courage.

Now, you don't just dump
the ingredients in a bag

and be on your merry way.

Each maker has their own special
ritual for creating a bag.

It might involve prayer
or chanting or sigils,

but the key is clearly
visualizing the intent

as you place each item.

Start with a lodestone
to draw the magic to you.

Then a blood stone which vibrates

with the energy of courage.

Add dried thyme,

which the Ancient Romans
believed was a source of bravery.

Then High John the Conqueror root,

to draw strength and courage.

And yarrow overcomes fears.

And last.

An arrowhead.

As a symbol of protection,
courage and strength.

These charmed amulets
should always have at least

three items but no more than
13, odd numbers are best.

Now, gently blow into the bag

to breathe life into the talisman.

Tie it together, while saying,

"With these knots,

I bind you

to this purpose."

When you get a spell bag, keep it close,

wear it round your neck or keep
it in your pocket or purse.

Maybe even sleep with
it under your pillow.

Hopefully, this will give the
customer the courage he needs.

Happy birthday, Luke. 10?


Psst! Luke!

Over here!

If Mom sees me talking to you-

- No, I know. She almost kicked
Rango today, drunken bitch.

Well, anyway.

Here, happy birthday.
Sorry about the glitter.

I've been putting makeup on
fairies in a commercial all day.

It's chocolate.

- Thank you, Susie.
- You're welcome.

Let me know if you need
anything. Okay, hon?

I'm here for you.





Is that what you would do

if you came home to find me dead?

Standing there, doing nothing?

Jesus Christ, you peed yourself.

Go change before
your dad gets home.

Where's Daddy?

Always Daddy with you, isn't it?

How should I know? He
doesn't tell me shit.

Where's my birthday boy!

Speak of the devil.

- What happened?
- It's not a big deal.

I played dead as an
emergency response test,

which he failed, by the way.

I mean, calling 911?

How hard can it be?

Don't look at me that way.

I didn't think that he'd
actually believe it.

Right, Luke?

My lucky Luke.

You know I was just kidding, right?

Come here, Luke.

I'm so sorry.

Things are gonna change
around here. I promise!

It was a joke.

A joke!

Why is everyone so god
damn serious around here?



Get up, Luke. School.

John! John!

Call 911!



It's not real!

See? It's just makeup.

Susan helped me!

Mom, it's a joke! Like yours!

Never kid a kidder, kiddo!

That bitch Susan is in so much trouble.

I am talking police. I am
talking lawsuits, I am...

Happy birthday, Luke.


They opened it already. It's chocolate.

You look good.

Need anything, or...

I'm fine.


You seem different. What's going on?

10 years after mother died,

the bitch came back.


10 years of nothing, and
this morning, there she was.

"Happy birthday, lucky Luke."

You stopped taking your meds?

Yeah, well, it's fine-

- You can't stop taking
your medications, Luke.

You promised me. We have
to tell Dr. Bertman.

Your mother is dead. You know that, right?

It's okay, Dad. I took care of it.

What do you mean?


Off Interstate
278, she was hitching a ride.

What did you do?

What do you think?

I killed her.

Well, again.

Oh, my god.

She deserved
it. You said so yourself.

Oh, my god.


Listen to me.

You have to tell the
police what you did, now.

You understand?

You're not well. You need help.

Son, please.

I thought we were in this together.

We are. We were.

But that was before you...

You have to, we have to tell
them the truth. All of it.

Including what really happened that day.

All right? Tell them everything.

We made a mistake.


We made a mistake, Luke.




10 years ago, my father told me to say

that "Daddy killed Mommy", but he didn't.

I did.

He's innocent. Get it?

I killed my mother.

- Come on, this visit's over.
- No, no, no, he did!

- Come on.
- I tried.

Bye, Daddy.

No, Luke!

Luke, please, don't leave!

Don't let him leave! He killed somebody!


No, no, no, no! Call his doctor now!




Excuse me?

You need a ride?

Most believe bravery is a good thing,

but sometimes it gives us the
courage to do something bad.

That's why you must be clear and specific

with your intentions!

I've shown you some traditional tools

for amplifying intentions,

but sometimes, folks are looking
for something a little more


They don't want to advertise
they're using magic.

Or they want to give a gift to help,

or hurt,

someone, without them knowing.

If this be the case,

you can infuse ordinary objects

with magical energy.

When you charge an item
with a specific purpose,

you enchant it, creating a talisman.

Charge a pillow case with sweet dreams.

A pair of dice with luck.

A toothbrush with an
"all is well" blessing.

Pretty much anything can be a vessel

for your intentional energy.

This talisman is for a
child in need of protection.

So it must be something
that can be close by,

without raising suspicion.

There are many rituals for enchanting,

but you now know the most important part

of any spell or rite is intent.

So, I like to keep it simple.

Hold the item in your hands
and curl your fingers round it.

Clear your mind.

Connect to the power of the earth below,

and the air above.

Keep your intent clear in your mind.

Now visualize a light

of the color associated with your goal.

Since we're infusing this
item with protection,

the light will be black.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now direct the light energy
in your mind into the object.

Picture it flowing down your arms

and pouring from your hands into the item.

Visualize the object growing
brighter and brighter

as it fills with your energy.

Then speak your intent aloud.

Protect her.

Time for your nap.

I'm not sleepy yet.

When you wake up, you still have a lot of

chores and homework to do.

But I can do those things now.

It will be better if you rest first.

That way you'll have
energy when you wake up.

Okay, mom.

I'm sorry I can't give you a better life.

That's okay.

I'm happy as long as we're together.

I promise to study and work hard.

Someday I'll buy you a house and lot.

Really, a house and lot?

Where did you learn these things?

From the neighbors.

I heard they're finally moving out.

Sweetie, do good in school.

I want you to get away from this place.

Start a new life.

I have faith you'll be
able to do that someday.

Just as long as we're together, mom.

Okay, now go to sleep.

Don't leave me, okay?

I'll never ever leave you.

Marian, it's
late. Time to wake up.


Marian, get up. I need your help.


Marian hurry up, or you're
going to get in trouble!

I won't get mad at you. Come down.

What took you so long?

Sorry, it was hard to get out of bed.

That's okay.

Come on.

Help me downstairs.

Goddammit! What's taking you so long?

I need you to be quiet, okay?

Marian are
you coming down or not?

Don't wait for me to come up there!

If I get my hands on you,

I'm going to beat you up!

Open the door.

Marian, what the hell?

Open the door!

You're so stubborn.

You useless animal.

I told you to me help me downstairs

you can't even do that.

Why is it so hard for
you to follow orders?

You're a pain in the ass! - Please stop!

Please stop!

Son of a bitch!




What the heck, Marian?

It's been over a year.

Your mom died a long time ago.

She's never coming back.

I hate you!

Do you think I wanted this?

Do you think you're the only one

having a hard time?

You have no idea of the
shit I'm going through.

I'm so sick of it!

I'll never call you my mom.

Thank God for that!

Your mom was a whore,
she left you with me!

You're just like her, you ungrateful brat!

Go ahead, cry.



Cry some more!


Go downstairs and help me.


Auntie, wake up.


Auntie, wake up.


Marian, I'm sorry about earlier.

I didn't mean to...

Protection comes in many forms.

And sometimes that form
just happens to be yourself.

Some folks think magic is ridiculous,

but magic be all around us.

It's the energy that connects us

and the way we manipulate that energy

through our intentions.

to find what you need to
harness this intentional energy.

But remember what they say.

"The road to hell is paved
with good intentions."

So where does the road lead,

when your intentions are grave?

♪ I flew to the moon ♪

♪ And I, to mirror you ♪

♪ And I, I saw the future ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I flew to the moon ♪

♪ And I, to mirror you ♪

♪ And I, I saw the future ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I saw the future ♪

♪ I saw the future ♪

♪ I saw the future ♪