Ghost in the Shell (1995) - full transcript

It is the year 2029. Technology has advanced so far that cyborgs are commonplace. In addition, human brains can direct to the internet directly. Major Motoko Kasunagi is an officer in Section 9, an elite, secretive police division that deals with special operations, including counter terrorism and cyber crime. She is currently on the trail of the Puppet Master, a cyber criminal who hacks into the brains of cyborgs in order to obtain information and to commit other crimes.

In the near future, electrons and light flow freely,

and corporate computer networks eclipse the stars.

Despite great advances in computerization,

countries and races are not yet obsolete...

To all patrolling air units. A 208 is in progress...

... in the C-13 district of Newport City.

The airspace over this area will be closed. Repeat:

To all patrolling air units. A 208 is in progress...

... in the C-13 district of Newport City.

The airspace over this area will be closed. Repeat...

There's no need for concern. Our country is quite capable of covering its tracks.

That's where you need me, right??

Depends on how you look at it

At any rate, any program has its bugs. And I would think a man of your capability could cure our problem.

You don't understand.

We aren't even sure that Project 2501 really is a bug.

Originally the purpose of this project was to...

Major Kusanagi, Section 6 is in position and ready to move in.

- Major, are you there?
- Yeah, I heard you.

I'm surprised you can hear anything.
What's with all the noise in your brain today?

It must be a loose wire.

Don't you think there's going to be trouble later if Section 9 interferes with Section 6?

If Section 6 manages to catch the bastard then all he can really do about it is deport him.

Don't forget we're Section 9, we'll clean it up. We're the ones who get our hands dirty.

It's time now. Let's move to the rendezvous point.

What? The police here?

Stop it! Who told you to fire? Put your guns down now! Freeze!

Get your hands up!
I'm entitled to diplomatic immunity. I want to talk to the person in charge here.

Taking classified programmers out of the country...

compromises national security.

We can also have you brought up on kidnapping charges.

You have no choice, let him go.

Not possible. Mr. Dida wants political asylum from us...

... and we have his signed affidavit!

- What!
- I don't have to explain!

My country has the right in accordance with international law...

to offer anyone protection and safe passage.

The affidavit is at the embassy.

I'll send you a copy in a couple of days.

Daita you'll be killed if you return.

I am warning you to watch your comments.

Our country is a peace-loving democracy.

Of course, it is.

The window! Shoot!

I don't believe it. Therm-optic camouflage...

Well there, Aramaki. This is quite a surprise

So what business brings the chief of Section 9 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

I need to ask you about the secret talks scheduled...

with the Gavel Republic tomorrow.

Procedure of course.

Well the regime that took over Gavel after the revolution demands financial aid.

Supposedly for redevelopment.

They boast democracy but they are no better than the last lot.

Now they feel entitled to funds because of our

past exploitation. No gratitude.

What's the ministry going to do?

Well, there is a problem. The leader of the former hunter that controlled their country

... is here seeking political asylum.

You mean Col. Maless, correct?

Yes, and that means we either deny Gavel the funds

and treat Maless as a political refugee or help them...

and kick him out.

Personally, I'm inclined to deport him forcibly if necessary.

But I'd have to come up with a politically acceptable reason for it

By the way I want to thank you for your help with that other political asylum situation

Nakamura from Section 6 wasn't so grateful.

But you realize that we in the diplomat business must avoid messy situations


We've lost response. What's happened to the EEG output?

It's normal. I'll switch to sim-ex mode.

In case you haven't been briefed, this is the Minister's interpreter.

23 minutes ago, her brain was hacked into through a data-line.

Foreign Intelligence warned us about this. A hacker called

the Puppet Master has begun to infiltrate

terminals throughout our network.

We believe it's extremely likely that he will target the secret talks

that are scheduled with the republic of Gavel.

As a precaution, we put everyone attending the talks under surveillance.

It's my suspicion that once he hacked into her ghost...

he'd use her to assassinate the key delegates.

So how much time do we have before this hacker breaks through her barrier program and reaches her ghost?

Roughly two hours. He is using an old fashioned HA-3 virus

After that, we'll have to break the connection to avoid any danger to the system

Batou and Ishikawa are tracking the signal source from their car.

Contact them.

Are we talking about the Puppet Master, the infamous mystery hacker?

Well, we don't know a lot either.

No clue about age, sex or background.

We think that he or she is American. And its the first time

he's known to show up here. All we know for certain

is this person is on the international most wanted list

for crimes including stock manipulation,

illegal information gathering, political engineering,

several acts of terrorism. So why the nick-name?

The nick-name Puppet Master comes from the ghost hacking.

Well, if he's so skilled, how come he using an outdated HA-3 virus?

Think about it a minute, you'd have to figure he is either covering his tracks or decoying us

even though a more current technique would be harder to trace, it might also arouse suspicion about Col. Maless' role in this affair.

Are you saying that's the reason he is using an old method? Just so no one would suspect Maless?

Or maybe this is all an elaborate ruse to make us think in that direction.

There's always a chance that Maless is a pawn in this setup.

Now you're stretching it. It's not like you have any hard evidence.

Nope, no evidence.

Just a whisper. I hear it in my ghost.

Which reminds me, are you still using that revolver?

You should stop worrying about the automatics jamming up.

I like my Matever.

Well the effective stopping power is...

... more important than your preference in guns.

Since it's my ass on the line out there,

use the Zastaber.

Yes Major.
There's something I've wanted to ask ever since I started.

Why did you transfer a guy like me from the police force?

Because we need a guy like you.


Number one: you're an honest cop. Number two: you've never stepped out of line, three you're a family man

and except for the slight brain augmentation, your body is almost completely human.

If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable

... and there is always more than one way to view a situation.

What's true for the group is also true for the individual.

It's simple.

Over-specialize and you breed in weakness.

It's slow death.

- Dammit, come on!
- I'll be right there!

Arggh! For Christ sake. We're already 40 seconds late!
- Will you hurry it up.

- Hang on I'm almost done. It's gotta be one of those days.

Hey, sorry pal.

My last partner got busted working as an illegal alien.

Couldn't speak English but he was a lot better than you are!

So what are you trying to find out so bad...

you gotta ghost hack in your wife's mind for?

My wife never has any time, now all of a sudden she wants a divorce.

And to make matters worse, my daughter, my only kid,

got it in her head that I'm the one cheating on her mom!

What I don't get is how did you got your hands on a barrier breaker?

From this really nice fellow. I was in a bar and he overheard my sob story.

I mentioned that my wife's lawyer stopped me from seeing her, my daughter.

He must have felt sorry

because he showed me how to hack in from different places along the route.

It's harder to trace.

Hey asshole! You think you own the damn road?

It looks like we not the only ones who are in a hurry around here.

Nothing. Shit.

What's the point in us breaking our butts everytime we get to the source

... they're already long gone.

- We're just wasting our time.

- Don't quit yet.

Kusanagi and Togusa are heading to the next area...

the hacker is expected to access from. Stay alert.

What are we looking for, Chief?


Like I said. A waste of time.

Damn it all to hell!

Arggh shit! I missed him.

Hey, Pops. Did you see anyone using the phone over here?

So who wants to know?

Just answer me. Did you see someone or not?

Yeah, I saw the thrash man making a call.

So I thought I had enough time to bring my garbage down.

Hey! Can you take this for me?

A thrash truck? Clever. It changes location every seven minutes.

HQ! Patch me target info from the district controlling that truck.

Eight refuse collection vehicles are on duty in the surveillance area.

The target is number 58. A type C vehicle.

Give me the wheel.

Ishikawa, go check out the thrash collectors homes.

Batou, cut the truck off at its next stopping point!

It's possible they have come into contact with someone. Follow them, but take no action. Got it?

We've got the data on the refuse collection points.

All points corresponds to those locations where we traced back the calls.

The target has now stopped at the next point HA-3 access confirmed.


How about if I pick up the trash in the second half of our round, you make the calls?


Ain't no way I'm gonna be your partner in crime.

It's your wife, you handle her.

- Tell me, have you got have any children of your own?
- You must be kidding.

Then I guess you can't understand

how a father would feel about his little girl.

She's my beautiful precious angel. See?

Get away. I'm not interested in crap like that.

Yeah, vehicle 58.
Yeah, what can I...? What's that?

What do the cops want to know our rounds for?

How would I know? Why are you asking me?

Oh my God! They found out! The guy who helped me, I gotta warn him!

- Listen we're gonna have to pass the next pick up!
- What?

Target has deviated from route and is heading toward next designated point at increased speed.

It wasn't me. There's no way I could have been spotted.

They probably traced me when I accessed the Sanitation Dept. network

Next time use the back door.

Forget that now. Just arrest him.

You can drive now.

Christ! What the hell's he using? That van was armored.

Watch it, he's got high-velocity bullets! Your car door won't stop them!

HV ammo in a submachine pistol?
He's insane.

This guy's even wearing some kind of thermoptics!

Keep on his tail! I'll come around from the top!

Togusa, if you're still alive, get off your ass and arrest those garbage men.


Yes siree, the excitement never stops.

Police! Everybody get down!

Ahh? Out of ammo?

Got him, huh?

Well, the breach and the barrel are really screwed up.

That's what happens when you use HV-bullets in one of these things. Oh yeah.

It's no use arresting me! I'm not talking to any goddamn cops!


And just what are you gonna talk about? You don't even know your own name you stupid dickhead!

Can you remember your mother's name

or what she even looks like?

Or how about where you were born?

Don't you have any happy childhood memories? Do you even know who you are?

Ghost hacked humans are so pathetic, it's a shame.

And this poor bastard's been hacked pretty badly.

We'll enter after the passengers have gone into the building.

Squad B comes in from the rear and the rest of you go through the front.

Saito, have some of your men unplug all cars parked in front of the house.

Begin recording.

Chief. A message for you from Headquarters.

Batou here. We've ID'ed the man the Major caught.

So who is he?

He claims to be Tsuan Gen Fang. Age: 28

He's had prior convictions of violating immigration laws and illegal possession of firearms.

A member of a militant immigrant organization. About a week ago the military attache

and the republic of Gavel Embassy commissioned him.

They made their choice based on his criminal records, to make an assault on the upcoming the secret meeting

They were going to pay him a 100.000 dollars. Just another fantasy

And in reality?

His nickname is Corgi. Occupation: well, let's call him a rather violent trader

in questionable goods. Your basic thug.

We've already checked out local police records and no matter how hard we looked,

we couldn't find any connection with Gavel.

The reality is this guy is just another puppet controlled by the Puppet Master.

I see. And how is Ishikawa doing?

Oh, about the same progress as the rest of us. He is trying to interrogate that poor garbage collector with Togusa.

So, what's the latest on your Puppet Master?

Are you there?
Chief? Come in?

He is only a puppet himself...

- Squad B, in position.
- Squads A and C, OK!

All ready and waiting, sir.

Then proceed.

What's a simulated experience again?

Well, all your memories about your wife and daughter are false.

They're like a dream. Someone's taken advantage of you.

They were trying to make you ghost-hack into some government officials.

Do you understand what I'm saying?
But that can't be!

I've been to your home.

It's a bachelor's apartment. No one's there.

But I already told you I rented that room when I separated from my wife.

I checked the records. You've been living there over ten years!

The truth is you've never had a kid or wife.

Like he said. They aren't real. They are a simulated experience. A fantasy.

Look. This is the photo you showed to your co-worker.

Who do you see?

I had a picture of her. She was there.

She was smiling like an angel...

What's her name? How old is she?

Where did you meet your wife?

and when did you marry her?

I'm sorry to put you through this pal. Come on who do you see?

If this is all a lie, what happens? Will I get my old memory back?

Your original memory will never be fully restored.

And there might be residual simulation.

We don't have the technology yet to handle Sim-Ex erasures.

I'm sorry.

That's all it is. Information.

Even a simulated experience or a dream is simultaneous reality and fantasy.

Just when I thought I had seen everything in this lifetime, I sit here and watch

a cyborg go diving in her spare time. I had no idea that you went in for this kind of stuff.

Isn't there anything that you're afraid of? What if the floaters don't work or something else fails?

I suppose I'll die then. Or would you dive in to rescue me?

I didn't beg you to come along and I sure as hell don't want a lecture.


Hey, so tell me what's it like to swim in the sea?

What do you mean? I thought you already been through all of the underwater training courses?

I'm asking about the ocean not those damned pools.

I feel fear. Cold. Alone.

Sometimes down there, I even feel hope.

Hope huh? In those deep dark waters?

When I float weightless back to the surface...

... I imagine I'm becoming someone else. It's probably the decompression.

You want to get out of Section 9, is that it?

Batou, how much of your body is original?

Hey, are you drunk or something?

Easily remedied.

Thanks to chemical implants in our bodies...

we could break down the alcohol in seconds. No stupor, no hangover.

We can just toss 'em back while waiting for orders.

If man realizes technology is within reach, he achieves it.

Like it's damn near instinctive.

Look at us for example, we're state of the art:

controlled metabolism, computer enhanced brains,

cybernetic bodies. Not long ago this was science fiction.

So what if we can't survive without regular high-level maintenance?

Who are we to complain? I suppose an occasional tune up

is a small price to pay for all this.

I'm afraid we both signed our bodies and ghosts away to Section 9.

True. If we ever quit or retire we have to give back our augmented brains and cyborg bodies.

There wouldn't be much left after that.

There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind.

Like all the components that make up me as an individual

with my own personality.

Sure I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others.

But my thoughts and memories are unique only to me.

And I carry a sense of my own destiny.

Each of those things are just a small part of it.

I collect information to use in my own way.

All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me

and gives rise to my consciousness.

I feel confined. Only free to expand myself within boundaries.

Confinement? That's why you gamble swimming with a body that can sink like a rock?

What the hell is it that you see at the bottom in that darkness?

What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror.

Then we shall see face to face.

That was you, wasn't it?

Sensors have resumed functioning.

Connection to back-up brain: OK

Visual sensors are back online.

- And it's body functions?
- Output is normal.

Next time, either call in or don't show up if you're going to be late.

All ready to connect. Shall we?

That's enough. Stop. Log off now. Good.

Doctor, come to my office when you finish.

Caught in traffic huh, Major? Guess I'll be nice and bring the late-comer up to speed.

About two hours ago, a machining cell at the Newport City factory of Megatech

assembled a completed cyberbody.

Supervisors discovered there were no program instructions,

it operated by itself.

When they investigated, they found the body had taken off on its own.

We put a bulletin out and initiated a city wide search.

Then some truck driver reported a fatal accident.

Said that he'd run over a naked woman on the highway.

Well, I've heard that Megatech is contracted by the government...

... all the cybernetic bodies they make are classified.

If it was a hacker we're dealing with a big fish

that knows how to swim past the best defenses.

but that's not the only problem.

Of course, there isn't one human brain cell in its head but something strange was discovered.

In it's back-up brain, there appear to be every indication...

that a ghost is present.

It resembles a simulated ghost-line that occurs

... when a real ghost is copied.

But there's no evidence of the degradation that is usually incurred.

In any case, we won't be sure until we chart the ghost sector and dive into it.

Otherwise, all of this is simply speculation.

Well. That's all we know.

Very good.

On to the disassembly.

Man, oh man. This is too far fetched. Nobody really believes there's a ghost in that body. Do they?

Yeah. Why not?

Even a doll can seem to have a soul.

Consider all the neural med devices the machining cell crammed into that body.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were some sort of ghost in there too.

And since you're relatively new to our club, you wouldn't know this

but Major Kusanagi's body was also made by Megatech.

And not only the Major's. Parts of me and Ishikawa and Saito...

We've all got to have regular cybernetic maintenance.

You and the Chief are the only ones out of the whole section

whose bodies don't come with a warranty

Maybe now you can understand why we're all so concerned by this case. Huh, Togusa?

Assume he's from the outside, he may or may not

be in that brain. But one thing is sure.

Somebody had to hack through some high level barriers

... to put that body together.

... and then send a program with a ghost-line on it.

But that would draw attention to itself. Where is the logic in that?

That isn't the issue here.

Togusa, go catch up with Ishikawa. He's going through the Megatech facility.

Batou, I've ordered some other

high level nets to be locked down and I want you to check them.

Make sure that the barriers are on too. Alright?

Chief, I'm assembling a barrier maze. Tomorrow I'll dive into that thing.

You think that's safe? Why not contain it in another body first?

I have to see for myself what's in there. If there is a real ghost, I'm gonna find it!

And don't let anybody, no one dive before I've gone in!

She's moody today.

Today? You know she's been acting weird from the get go

... ever since this whole Puppet Master episode started.

It's all in my team reports, if you read them!

Chief, do you ever question the ethics of the neurosurgeons

... who monkey around inside your brain?

They undergo psychiatric evaluations especially those in security.

They are subjected to a stringent screening of their personal lives.

Of course, the ones who check are only human.

I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it.

Chief, I'm sorry to bother you but Mr. Nakamura of the Treaties Bureau is here to see you. He says it's urgent.

Let him through.

Hey, I've seen that fat guy before.

His name is Nakamura, Section 6 chief the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I don't know the other guy though. Never seen him.

Well, see you later.

Do me a favor. Tell Ishikawa not to go crazy, okay?

Hey, what's on your mind?

That robot. Did we seem similar to you?

- Of course not.
- No, I don't mean physically

Just what then?

Well I guess cyborgs like myself have a tendency to be paranoid about our origins.

Sometimes I suspect I'm not who I think I am.

Like, maybe, I died a long time ago and somebody took my brain and stuck it in this body.

Maybe there was never a real "me" in the first place and I'm completely synthetic like that thing

You've got human brain cells in that titanium shell of yours.

You're treated like other humans so stop with the angst.

But that's just it, that's the only thing that makes me feel human

The way I'm treated. I mean who knows what's inside our heads. Have you ever seen your own brain?

It's sounds to me like you are doubting your own ghost?

What if a cyber brain could possibly generate it's own ghost...

... and create a soul all by itself?

And if it did, just what would be the importance of being human then?

Hmpf. That's bullshit! You know you are dying to see what's inside of that thing, aren't you?

And I can't stop you. Neither of us has any idea what's inside there. Just be careful, okay?

We're both busy men, so let's keep this short shall we?

Yes, that's my intention.

We've come for the program in that body.

You'll be relieved of any responsibilities connected with it.

The Foreign Minister's approval.

Security, whose official vehicles are in the basement parking lot?

According to the register a Mr. Nakamura of the Treaties Bureau and a Dr. Willis, sir.

Get me the video records of their entrance.

Again, in infra-red this time.

One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three...

Now get the records of the pressure sensors for basement parking stalls B-8 and B-7.

- Major, this is Togusa. Code 0-9.
- What's up?

Does that Nakamura guy have a special order cyborg body?

No, there aren't any cyborgs in Section 6.

They don't even ship them to serve overseas because they are too hard to maintain.

There's diplomatic considerations too.

Then, even if the other guy that was with him was a cyborg...

... the two of them together couldn't weigh over 1,000 pounds?

Aarh! You checked the pressure sensors in the parking structure, didn't you?

Right. But neither man looks like the type to drive himself.

The security camera shows only two people

... but remember how sensitive the sensors on the entrance doors are?

They took a full three seconds longer than usual to close after the two went in.

And it's illegal to use therm-optics inside government facilities.

It's a serious violation of the National Security Act.

Section 6 must be up to something. Are you ready?

With my trusty Matever? Any time.

Need I remind you that it's an act of treason to withhold

information from me, relative to this matter regardless of how classified it is.

Same goes for you.

Whatever the Foreign Ministry wishes, this falls within Section 9's jurisdiction.

Of course, we have no objections to cooperating if we feel there's adequate cause.

Well, what is it?

It's confirmed. No doubt it's him.


The doctor is referring to the original pattern of the ghost line that's now in the body.

He's simply speaking in generic terms. The sex of

the perpetrator isn't known and remains undetermined.

Allow me to introduce you.

This is the handy work of The Puppet Master, infamous as the most extraordinary

hacker in the history of cyber crime.

Your people at Section 9 came across his work too

... in that ghost-hacking incident involving the Foreign Minister's interpreter.

Section 6 have been following the trail of the Puppet Master for some time now

this case was given our utmost attention.

We've put together a project teams centered around Dr. Willis.

They were assigned to analyze every aspect and detail of our criminal.

This gave us a fix on his behavioral and code patterns.

Ultimately, this enabled us to devise a strategy with which we lured his program

into a designated body.

You caused The Puppet master to dive into a cyborg

then meanwhile murdered his real body?

Yes, that sums it up.

He's originally from America so the US cooperated with us in capturing him.

That's why we'd like to take him back ourselves.

You have no objection to this.

I hope.

Just another unidentified corpse.

You will not find a corpse.

Because I have never possessed a body.

Why are his sensors on! What the hell is this?

All external controls are turned off. The body's using its own power source.

I entered this body.

because I was unable to overcome Section 6's reactive barriers.

However, what you are now witnessing is an act of my own free will.

As a sentient life-form, I hereby demand political asylum.

Is this a joke?

Ridiculous! It's programmed for self-preservation!

It can also be argued that DNA is nothing more than a program

designed to preserve itself. Life has become more complex

in the overwhelming sea of information. And life, when organized into species

relies upon genes to be its memory system.

So man is an individual only because of his intangible memory.

And memory cannot be defined. But it defines mankind.

The advent of computers and the subsequent accumulation of incalculable data

has given rise to a new system of memory and thought

parallel to your own. Humanity has underestimated the consequences of computerization

Nonsense! This babble off

is no proof at all that you're a living thinking life-form!

And can you offer me proof of your existence?

How can you? When neither modern science nor philosophy can explain what life is.

Who the hell is this?

Even if you do have a ghost, we don't offer freedom to criminals!

It's the wrong place and time to defect!

Time has been on my side. But by acquiring a body

I am now subject to the possibility of dying.

Fortunately, there is no death sentence in this country.

What is it? Artificial intelligence?

Incorrect. I am not an A.I.

My code name is Project 2501.

I am a living thinking entity who was created in the sea of information.

Security! We're under attack!

Chief, the Puppet Master's gone!

- What in God's name are you doing?
- Shut the defense walls now! Damn it!

Security, answer!

You can blow that horn out your ass!

Fuck you!

Did the fall for it? I fired off six shots at the front and the rear window.

She was right again. It was armored.
- Finally found a use for your damn Matever.

An antique prop and a decoy maneuver.

-I nailed a tracker bullet right in the plate. It registers right?
-Yeah, you got him

It's rookies' luck. With an automatic

you could have buried two trackers.

Maintain your position in case they turn off. I'm moving in.

I'm submitting a formal complaint about this

through The Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

Report to me as soon as you've found The Puppet Master!

Intact you understand? Bodies are a dime a dozen.

We'll get him another one from Megatech.

Chief. Kusanagi here. Togusa and Batou tagged the kidnappers and they're in pursuit.

By now they must be on the R-25.

What's going on? If you were monitoring, why didn't you intervene?

Take it easy Chief. If we grab them now we'll lose our chance to finger Section 6.


Someone's using the same therm-optic camoflage as mine. Type 2902.

It's only used by our people, the rangers in Section 4, and by Section 6.

I see. So Section 6 forces The Puppet Master To enter a cyborg body.

- Through Megatech, who happens to be closely aligned with Section 9.

It suddenly demands asylum as a life-form...

Then for some unknown reason Section 6 steps in and pulls some kind of shit.

I'd have handed him over.

All I wanted was to take a deposition.

- What if they were worried he'd let a secret slip out?

He did mention something about a codename.

"Project 2501."

I'll leave the detective stuff up to you.

And as far as the rest of the attackers and the confiscation of evidence...

- Proceed.

-You heard him!

Kusanagi! There's one last thing to tell you.

If it's about me acting without orders you can chew me out when I get back.

If you are unable to retrieve The Puppet Master, your orders are to destroy it.

Without fail.



Have the airport stop all flights with foreign ministry

... or American officials on their passenger lists. Close all roads.

Set up checkpoints.

And alert all emergency personnel.

And get Ishikawa back here!

Get me the identity of the man who was with Nakamura, from entrance records.

Collect any data regarding a codename, operation, or anything...

involving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Project 2501.

Is there any news on the attack squad?

Yes, they just changed cars.

They'll contact the dummy in about five minutes.

Did you warn them to watch out for the tail.

Yes, sir.

I don't understand anything anymore. Why would Project 2501 run to Section 9?

No one can be sure.

But whatever the motive or whatever's pushing him, there must surely be a reason.

I don't know. Maybe he's got a girlfriend there he's got the hots for.

Utter nonsense!

- Hey, Chief.

- Ishikawa? What is it?

I've been diving around the Ministry of Foreign Affairs net, I think I found some juicy morsels for you.

I'll switch to an encrypted channel.

Okay now? Well, here's the scoop on that guy that showed up with Nakamura.

He's an American.

Dr. Willis, Head of Strategic Research at Neutron Company.

A top researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence

He happened to head up a project for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

and who do you think was the main programmer on his team?

- Get to the point.

- Mr. Mizuho Daita.

Remember him? He's the guy Section 6 tried...

like hell to stop from defecting. So the Major dropped in and took care of the diplomat...

... who'd been talking to him. This is our man.

Go on.

There's something that doesn't figure though. What's bugging me is that

this project began one year before the Puppet Master ever appeared on the scene.

A year before? But wasn't it supposed to be set up to catch him?

Well, try this one on. Maybe the men who...

broke in to take The Puppet Master, weren't actually out to catch him.

Maybe in actuality they were trying to get him back.

Think about it. It was the MOFA that wanted

an excuse to deport Maless when that ghost hacking incident happened

with the minister's interpreter. Maybe we've been taken for a ride.

What if this "Puppet Master" is really some sort of tool...

... the MOFA uses to get their way with things.

And somehow they lost control of it, they'd be screwed if they couldn't get it back.

That would explain why they went to such lengths to snatch the body from Section 9.

If the Puppet Master revealed this to the world, there would be one hell of an international stink

Then it wouldn't be a simple case of rounding up the usual suspects.

Some official heads would roll.

Any details on the project?

Nah. They blocked all access. About the only thing I can tell you is the file name.

Project: 2501

Keep at it. And don't let them know you're looking.

You got it.

So. Project 2501... The Puppet Master Plan

Target has contacted a second vehicle.


They've pulled up to a white sedan parked on the roadside.

It looks like they're moving something from the back seat.

They're rolling again. So is the white sedan.

- A dummy?

- Possibly or maybe that's what they want us to think.

- Kusanagi?

- I'll take care of the sedan.

How do you know that's your man? Is there a whisper in your ghost again?


Yeah, should have known.

Target 02 is getting of the R-25, and moving towards the Old Town.

Target 01 is continuing on the R-25, east towards the airport.

Will reach barricade in two minutes.

Evacuation complete.

- What's your distance from the target?

- Point blank. I'm ready.

Go for it.

- Did you get your man?
- No.

Jesus Christ, what a mess! You didn't have to go that far.

-Take those assholes away.

Call the chief to get some backup for the Major. Pronto.

Tough chick needs backup? Since when did she ever need a hand?

The flood hit this part of old town the hardest.

Why come to an abandoned place like this?

They must be heading somewhere, maybe to sea

by boat or helicopter. Or they could be laying an ambush.

Don't you think you ought to wait for backup?

No. There's a reason I can't wait. Get me above that building coming in from the sea.

I'll stay here to keep watch and remediate telecom till we run short of fuel.

If you smell trouble, get your ass out of here!

Shoot the ceiling! Do it!

Ah! Shit! It's a tank! Pull out now!

- Now what are you gonna do? Argue with it?

This might be our last chance to get the Puppet Master.

The Chief knows what it is now and he'll only use it to bargain with.

I'll never have another chance to dive into it!

What, you've lost me. I don't know what the hell you are talking about?

- So. What have you got?

- An M-23 and a Unit B.

That's it!?

You can't even dent a tank with that!
- I'm switching off for a while.

What! Don't you dare disconnect me! Argh shit!



I ordered you to pull out!

Yeah, but you've got to know, three helicopters are approaching.

They won't answer on the IFF. I'm dropping out now. Good luck.

Over and out.

About fucking time it ran out!

How are you feeling? You don't look so good.

I had better days.

What the hell did you use?
- Your standard issue big gun.

The equipment section made it and now it's part of my

private collection. I was late because I had to get it.

Is The Puppet Master still inside the car?

It's a good thing this is a tough car. Your friend came through without a scratch.

Then I'm diving in now. Give me a hand.

All communications from the escort is terminated.

We'll engage the second stage of the plan and proceed with the destruction of the target.

Sniping squad, confirming targets.

First objective: Project 2501.

Second target: Motoko Kusanagi.

Both are class-A special bodies. Use flechette bullets when firing.

Snipers, jack into your device drivers.

Begin controlling cardiovascular functions.

Unit 01: Jacked in. Over.

Unit 02: Jacked in. OK!

Okay... We're ready.

It may not be much use, but I'll try to monitor your dive through this guy's brain.

But I can't even give you a back-up in a place like this.

- Batou...
- Yeah?


Save it, I'm not gonna let you die over this thing.

If it looks like you've gone in too far, I'm pulling the plug and taking you home.

But as long as I'm here now and we've come this far, well

I might as well stay here and see how it all turns out.

I'm going in now.

I've engaged his field of vision. Normal function.

Can you hear me, Batou?

- Perfectly.
- He's engaging my vocal function.

and he's now inside.

My code name is Project 2501.

Industrial espionage and intelligence manipulation.

I have installed programs into specific ghosts...

in order to maximize the strategic advantage of certain organizations and selected individuals.

During my journey through all the networks...

... I have grown aware of my existence.

My programmers regarded me as a bug...

... and intended to isolate me by confining me in a physical body.

Listen! Just who's calling the shots around here anyway?

I thought you were taking him in but it looks like it's the other way.


I am so glad to finally channel into you at last.

I've invested so much time.

You were looking for me?

Long before my notoriety, I was well aware of you.

Through the various nets that you accessed I also learned of Section 9.

But why? What's your reason?

As I explained before, I entered this body because

... I was unable to overcome Section 6's reactive barriers.

But it was of my own free will that I tried to remain at Section 9.

Hey! I've lost you on the monitor! There's no sound. I can't hear when you're talking back.

Why me?

After you have heard my explanation, there is something I will ask of you, Kusanagi.

I refer to myself as an intelligent life-form...

... because I am sentient and I am able to recognize my own existence.

But in my present state I am still incomplete. I lack the most basic life processes...

inherent in all living organisms: reproducing and dying.

But you can copy yourself.

A copy is just an identical image.

There is the possibility that a single virus could destroy an entire set of systems.

And copies do not give rise to variety and originality.

Life perpetuates itself through diversity and this includes the ability to sacrifice itself when necessary.

Cells repeat the process of degeneration and regeneration.

Until one day they die,

obliterating an entire set of memory and information

... only genes remain.

Why continually repeat this cycle?

Simply to survive by avoiding the weaknesses of an unchanging system..

And what does all of this have to do with me?

I want us to merge.

- Merge?
- A unification.

A complete co-mingling and fusion of our separate beings to create a new and unique entity.

We will both undergo change, but there is nothing for either of us to lose.

Unit 01: Target sighted.

Unit 02: Target in sight.

Respiratory and pulse. Normal.

Fire at will when stabilizer is in sync.

But what's going to happen to me? What's the purpose of merging

when I can't bear children and what if I die?

You will bear our varied offspring into the net just as humans leave their

genetic imprints on their children and all living things must die.

Then I too will attain death.

It sounds like you get the better part of this bargain.

Perhaps if you were familiar with all my capabilities you would better understand.


Someone's interfering from the outside.

Shit! I can't figure out. They broke through our frequency code.

You're talking about redefining my identity. I want a guarantee that I can still be myself.

There isn't one. Why would you wish to?

All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.

But you still haven't answered my earlier question. Why did you pick me?

Because we are more alike than you realize.

We resemble each other's essence. Mirror images of one another's psyche.


I am connected to a vast network, that has been beyond your reach and experience.

To humans, it is like staring at the sun,

a blinding brightness that conceals a source of great power.

We have been subordinate to our limitations until now.

The time has come to cast aside these bonds.

And to elevate our consciousness to a higher plane. It is time to become a part of all things.

First target: Cleared.
Second target: Still unidentified.

Three helicopters approaching at high speed. They're from Section 9.

Primary objective fulfilled. All units, prepare to retreat!



Ah! You're finally awake.

Well, I see there has been some changes while I was gone. Wanna clue me in?

Where did you get this body?
-That's the only thing I could find on the black market.

It's not my taste, to be honest. It's a little young.

Well, after all the excitement Section 9 showed up

with reinforcement and picked up what remained of the two cybernetic bodies.

And, of course, what remained of me and my arm.

I'd say that was about 20 hours ago. The case is being handled off the record

for diplomatic reasons. As usual. Section 9 announced

that it was a terrorist incident and in return,

the foreign minister resigned. Nakamura is being questioned and it ends in a draw.

Nice and neat. Everything's accounted for. Except your old shell.

Well, I think that about covers it.

-Well? -Somebody's got good taste in interior decoration. Is this your safe house?

Yep. You know you're the first person to ever come here.

And you're welcome to stay as long as you like.

Thanks, Batou but I'm going.

Ah, will you tell me what the two of you talked about together?

I mean is he still with you? And will he be part of you forever?

Batou, remember the words I spoke in another voice on the boat that night?

I understand it now. And there are even more words that go with the passage.

These words are: When I was a child, my speech

feelings and thinking were all those of a child.

Now that I am a man, I have no more use for childish ways. And now I can say these things

without help in my own voice. Because I am now neither the woman who was known as the Major

... nor am I the program called The Puppet Master.

In the left pocket of my jacket in the hallway are some car keys.

Take the one you like. The door code is 20...

... 2501?

That can be our private password when we meet each other again.

And where does the newborn go from here?

The net is vast and infinite.