Geez & Ann (2021) - full transcript

They first met at an alumni event. The first meeting was very memorable for the dreamer Ann and the mysterious Geez.

- You put the costumes on the back, huh?
- Good.

- Marsha.
- Ya?

The rope is quick to clean, huh?
In one hour, here we go.

Yes ready.

Where do you want to put this on, Din?

Ann! Where do you put this?

Just there it's okay.

- Here, please?
- Yes.


- Eh! Oops, be careful.
- Oops.

- If it's spilled, you won't eat!
- Sorry, Gizka.

Hi, it's set, huh.

We open with "Indonesia Raya" first,
after that we start with a welcome.

- Yes? Thank you.
- Yes.


Sorry, ma'am, I haven't received the
transcript of the Principal's data.

- Alright. I'll send it later, OK?
- Yes, thank you, ma'am.

Ann! Sini, Ann!

- Why?
- Ann! Seriously, Ann!

Ayla said, I'll be
the opening act?

Never mind, I'm still freaking out, Ann!

- Dear Natha.
- Can not!

Instead I need you
to be an icebreaker!

You can! You're confident! Can!

- Natha can!
- Yes!

Get heartburn, Ann! Ouch, I want to go to the toilet!

there are only 30 minutes left to check the sound .


Gosh, Thalia.

Look at the glasses.
Ouch, her brother is so cute.

April is not strong. Which one does Thalia want?

- Just the long one.
- Which one?

Cute, like his hair. Gosh!

Gosh, Tha, been looking for a new one.

- You just broke up this morning.
- There he is, Ann.

I've been single for half a day. Danger.

Ann wouldn't understand that.

No time for men, Dude.

No time for boys?

Let it be. Later, if you like someone, you
will get the most feeling.


One two three four!

ASBAT, we make tonight
the most memorable night for visitors, huh?

- And for us!
- Yes!

That's Batari!

Get into position!

Hello friends!


That's the performance from the band contest.
Ask for applause!

Everyone's still passionate, right?

- Yes!
- Oh, yes. I want to tell.

In our school, there is one comic
that is very funny.

Ann, get scared.

Wait, yes.

April, Thalia, Gizka, Hana,

all Asta Batari,
gathered behind the stage.

Natha didn't dare go up
if she hadn't seen us all.

It doesn't take long to wait for a mate,
we immediately call.

Here comes Natha!

- Good afternoon everyone.
- Afternoon.


My name is Natha.

Today, I will tell you
about friendship.

My best friend is behind it all.

Who are we, his name is Asta Batari!

Like my topic today, I will
talk about friendship.

The gang that was in school during high school.

I do know kids,

I know very well
what gang boys face .

You, in the jacket.
Clear. The son of a motorcycle gang. Yes No?

Right? Chills when walking.

How about you, the one in green? Well.

Your face is very specific.

Gang boy. Know what gang?


Now, I want to tell
about friendship.

When it comes to friendship, we share
joy, sorrow together.

But my friend ...

Power failure!

- Ann.
- Eh, Ann!

Let the technician take care of it!

- Yes, Ann!
- Ouch, danger!

The technician is not there.
The show has to keep going.

Where did Ann study electricity?

Need help?

Those who are not interested, are not
allowed in the area.

- Eh, Ann!
- Oops, be careful.

If you want to act like an electrician,

Make sure you're right
if you don't wanna look ridiculous.

First, I'm not pretentious.

Second, I'm the committee.

Who are you and what business

Friends, the lever goes down.

- Hati-hati, Ann.
- Pelan-pelan, Ann.

- Bahaya.
- Apa?


- Sudah. Urus panggung.
- Baiklah.

- Turunkan aku.
- Bukankah kau sudah terbiasa?

Kita lanjut lagi, ya? Baiklah.

Nath! Natha!


Dah! Terima kasih, Semuanya! Terima kasih!

- Kau kru band mana?
- Aku bersama band Indie Brothers.

Nah, Teman-teman.

- Itu dia penampilan dari komika kita.
- Dina, Semuanya, kembali ke posisi.

Mana tepuk tangannya?

Ini dia yang kita tunggu-tunggu.

Kita sambut ke panggung, Indie Brothers!

Dengan sang vokalis, Geez!

Aku pergi dahulu.

- Selamat malam, Semuanya!
- Malam!

Terima kasih sudah mengundang kami.

Ayo kita buat malam ini
menjadi malam paling berisik!

Ini suara kami

Suara hati kami

Jika kau tak mengerti

We do not care

Indeed we are different

And we are fine

If we are together

You know you want

We have to try it

Because we will win no
matter what

There's no other way.
We'll never give up

Because we will definitely win

Because we won't give up

Next performers please be ready.

Thank you to all of you.

Man, please take care of this.
Later, just give it to the vendor.

- Yes, Ann.
- Thank you.

Sorry about that.

I didn't know if you
were an Indie Brothers kid.

It's okay.

I like honest comments.

Gazza Cahyadi.

His nickname is Geez.

Unique name.

It means "god", huh?

How do you know?

Because I like reading.

Keana Amanda.

- Ann.
- How do you know?

Because I can read?

Honestly, my band performance


Yes, just like that.

Earlier when I heard the chorus, the
sound was not very audible.

But never mind. Really, it's okay.

In my opinion, nowadays many bands
cannot maintain harmony on stage.

So, just noisy, screaming.
When finished, they are no longer united.

Once again, thank you for being honest.

Those are just the words.


My new song. I made it in the studio.

The harmony should be more awake
than the songs I made on stage.

I'm waiting for your opinion.


How can I tell you?

We will definitely meet again later.

Jeez, what's that?

Why are you guys?

It's okay.

It's anxious to see Ann be able to chat
with her guardian angel.

You guys are eavesdropping, right?

Not eavesdropping. If Ann smiles
when chatting with handsome boys,

we must be earning.

Not just a handsome boy.

You're chatting with Geez, Ann!

You know, right?
One school's top alumni, Ann!

Hana, isn't it that
Ann wants to date him?

- On a date?
- Cie!

Gosh, your thoughts have gone too far.

Be given a song!

Tell me more! Thalia!

You are the reason, make a wish
I will be that person

You are the reason
Trigger my heartbeat

You are the reason
my footsteps are advancing

Enough to say
you want me

Because I told
you you are for me

You are the reason every…

- Just got home, Mas?
- Eh!

- Mbok Ijah. Mama belum pulang, 'kan?
- Belum.

- Nanti kubelikan piza.
- Mantap.

- Tapi seperti biasa.
- Ya.

Terima kasih.

Kamu dari mana? Kenapa baru pulang?

Biasa, Ma.

Les bahasa Jerman dan ke sasana olahraga.

Ma, berapa kali aku bilang?
Jangan masuk ke kamarku tanpa izin.

Kenapa memangnya?

Kamu menyembunyikan narkoba, ya?

Mama bercanda.

Mama tahu kamu tak akan
menyia-nyiakan masa depan kamu.


Aku investasi Mama.

- Kamu akan senang di Berlin.
- Sejak kapan Mama peduli kesenanganku?

Kamar kamu berantakan sekali.

Di Berlin nanti, tak ada Mbok Ijah.

- Kamu bisa membereskan baju sendiri?
- Tentu bisa, Ma.

Apa lagi ini?

Pasti terjatuh waktu aku siapkan
untuk disumbangkan kemarin, Ma.


Ingat, Geez. Tak ada musik lagi.

Pasar Minggu! Awas!

Merapat belakang! Tarik!

Pasar Minggu!



Kau tak seperti psikopat
yang menungguku pulang sekolah, 'kan?

Kau lebih memilih aku masuk ke kelas?

Ulasannya. Sudah didengar CD-nya, 'kan?


- Tapi…
- Kenapa?

- Terlalu klise? Bridge standar? Atau…
- Aku belum jawab.

Tapi hasil karyaku genius, 'kan?

- Siapa yang bilang begitu.
- Jadi, apa?

Lagi pula, kenapa pendapatku
sebegitu pentingnya?

Kalau untukku tak penting, kenapa aku
memberi satu-satunya kopi CD padamu?

Jadi, CD seret yang kemarin kau berikan
padaku satu-satunya kopianmu?

Maaf sekali, Geez. Saat aku putar,

suaranya seret dan tersendat begitu.

Seret? Tersendat? Apa?

Ya, lagunya bagus.



Kurang menempel.

Musik rok bukan berarti isinya
sembarangan berisik, Geez.

Mungkin ada yang salah dengan telingamu.

Apakah kalian sadar?

Ini sudah seminggu semenjak Ann
diajak berkenalan dengan Geez.

Bagaimana? Sudah ada kabar lagi
atau belum dari dia?

Kalian menghitung?

Bagaimana bisa tak menghitung?

Kami mau merayakan
pelepasan status jomlomu!

Aku saja sudah melupakan dia.

Astaga, untuk apa diingat?

Aku tahu! Aku mau
melihat Geez di Instagram.

Dia punya pacar atau tidak. Ya, 'kan?

- Aku tak peduli.
- Yah!

Ann, maaf sekali, Ann.

Dibuat privat, Ann.
Aku tak bisa melihatnya.

- Mohon maaf, ya!
- Busku datang.

Pergi dahulu, ya? Dah.

- He's handsome, Ann!
- Just follow, Ann!

If not, I'll just follow!

Pull! Come on, hang up, Bang!

- Geez?
- I want to show you my record.

Right now?


- Listen up.
- What?

Next door.


My morning sun


Rays in my day

You shine my sun
You are everything to me

You are my sunshine.
You are my everything

Your smile

Make me pound


How? Memorable ?


You mean it's stuck?

Yes, that is what I mean.

Nine out of ten.

Uh, you know what?

Thirty-two recordings.
If you don't like it too,

means I have to change bands.

- Thirty-two?
- I want thirty-three.

But my bass player
had to go back to the hospital.

- He's got typhus.
- Wait.

So, you pulled your bass player
from the hospital

just to record this song?

Yes. After recording, take turns.

My typhus drummer.


Your humor is weird.

Thanks, yes, Geez. Want to come in?

If I feel at home, how?

Just hold on. For you.

iPod. In the past, I also had,
but it's been sold.

Thanks, yes, Geez.
I'm waiting for your other works.

OK, I'm in, OK?
Want to do assignments.


Sure you are more willing to pay attention to assignments

instead of paying attention to me?


I like.

I like women
who are more concerned with value.

Let me attach importance to him.


- Asalamualaikum.
- Wa alaikum salam.

Kenapa Ibu ada di sini?

Siapa tadi, Ann?
Apa yang dia berikan kepadamu?

Oh, alumni, Bu. Namanya Geez.

Ini. Tiba-tiba memberikan iPod?

- Sebentar. Kamu dan dia tidak…
- Ih!

Tidak, Ibu! Tidak dekat. Cuma teman.

Aman. Dia alumni.

Tak dekat dan cuma teman,
sudah memberikan iPod?

Anggap saja rezekinya anak teladan
yang rajin belajar.

dan akan lulus dengan nilai sempurna
seperti doa ibunya tercinta.

Hati-hati, Ann. Benar, ya?

Ya, Ibu. Aku sayang Ibu.

- Ibu!
- Ya?

Ini bunga dari siapa?

Tadi ada yang mengirimkannya untukmu.

Ann, kalau kamu terima bunga ini,

berarti aku tak sempat masuk.

Semoga bisa untuk menemani
saat mendengar laguku.

Dari laki-laki tadi, Ann?

Is it just a friend?

I studied first, yes, Mother!

Ma, everything all right?

Congratulations, honey.

You are accepted.

You are accepted.


Don't embarrass Mama as an alumni.

Mama already called Mama's friend
in Berlin to arrange for your move.

Ma, how about I just take
the SNMPTN exam results?

- College here?
- What?

You said the exam was just for fun.

From the start, we agreed that
you would enter Mama's campus.

You know? It has been years
Mama sacrifice time, cost ...

Ma, I did. Mama, take it easy, okay?

I will definitely go
to Berlin, Ma. Yes?


You are lucky.
All of Mama's dreams for you come true.

If in the past someone guided Mama
like Mama guided you now,

surely Mama doesn't have to go through
so many disappointments like now.

We'll arrange a dinner
to celebrate this, shall we?

Thank you, Ma.


Have you got the flowers?

Already. My brother accepted.

But he stripped it down.

Looks like for college assignments.

He stripped it?

Kidding. Thanks, yes, Geez.

You're weird too. Today, I still
read Five Friends .

My friends too. Everyone said
I was old-fashioned from reading the Five Friends .

If your friends think you are weird, are
you sure they are suitable to be your friend?

It so happens that my friends
think I'm old - fashioned, not weird.

Ancient is like vintage .

Forgive me.

Uh, what are you doing?

As an apology, I bought it.

No need. I can buy it myself.


You want to go to Germany, right?

My mom is a graduate there.
So, he speaks German.

Shall we drink coffee?

I don't drink coffee.
Besides, I already have an appointment.

With a boy?

I'll take you, okay?

Sister Ann is coming!


Have you memorized the song that
Kak Ann taught yesterday ?


Oh, yes. Today, Kak Ann brought a friend.
His name is Brother Geez.

Hai, Kak Geez!

So, later Geez will sing
with us in large numbers, huh? We start.

One two Three.

When the Saints go marching in

When the Saints go marching in

Oh, I want to be in the number

When the Saints go marching in

- I did!
- Patience, Mas!

- Down!
- Eh!


Semuanya jawab pakai bahasa Inggris
juga, ya? Jangan takut salah.

So, what is your favorite animal?

- Saya!
- Saya!

Neng Ann! Kata Geez, boleh ambil es krim

Pelan-pelan. Satu-satu, ya?

Jangan berebut. Satu-satu saja.

- Satu-satu!
- Tiga!

Harus beli satu gerobak?

Mau dua? Tapi nanti anak-anak batuk.

- Kamu berlebihan.
- Satu.

Terima kasih, Om.

Kesukaanmu. Matcha.

Terima kasih.

Setiap Minggu, kamu mengajar di sini?

Jadi, anak di sini agak kurang mampu
untuk membayar les bahasa Inggris.

Jadi, siapa tahu dengan aku
membantu mereka dengan cara seperti ini,

nanti mereka tak salah bersaing
dengan teman-temannya saat SMA.


- Hah?
- Maaf, Mas. Tadi uangnya kurang.

- Saya salah hitung.
- Ah, Mas! Bagaimana?

Terima kasih, ya, Geez. Mau masuk?

- Mau minum atau yang lain?
- Tidak.

- Lantas, maunya apa?
- Maunya kamu jangan masuk dahulu.

Ini berapa lama?

Sudah malam.

Aku mau mengerjakan tugas.


Sampai bertemu lagi, Peri Kecil.


- Asalamualaikum!
- Halo, Ann!

- Astaga!
- Sudah!

- Ayo, duduk!
- Duduk!

Eh, sedang apa? Kenapa tiba-tiba ke sini?

Astaga, waktunya bercerita!
Jadi, ceritanya,

satu jam yang lalu,
kami sedang kongkow di…

- Gizka.
- Aku.

Lalu tiba-tiba ada suara bel.
Ya sudah, saat kami buka pintunya,

kami dapat kiriman bubble tea
sebanyak ini, Ann!

Dari siapa, Kawan-Kawan?


Astaga, Geez!

Dia memang sungguh mengerti,
saat mendekati perempuan,

harus mendekati teman-temannya dahulu.

Dari usahanya itu,
kami semua sudah cukup yakin

untuk memberikan restu
kepada kalian berdua.

Jadi, harga kalian semua
cuma segelas bubble tea.

- Lumayan, gratis.
- Bukan begitu juga, Ann.

Ya, tidak. Ini baru pembukaan.

Dia berjanji akan menyuplai bubble tea
selama satu minggu

untuk kami semua.
Coba bayangkan, selama satu minggu.

Tapi dengan syarat kami membantumu
bersiap-siap untuk pergi.

Memang kita mau ke mana?

Kami tak ke mana-mana.
Yang pergi hanya kau!

Kalau begini, Ayah tak ada apa-apanya.

Kalau Ayah jago, sudah jadi musikus.

Bukan fotografernya.

Kalau yang ini, suka?

Kamu bisa memainkan blues juga?


Geez, bisa pulang
sebelum pukul 21.00, 'kan?

Sekarang saja belum berangkat.

- Belum macetnya.
- Mas.

Maaf, Bung. Om sudah coba bantu kamu.

Saya usahakan pulang
sebelum pukul 21.00, Tante.

Ini baru anak band yang sopan.

Kau enak. Rambutmu bagus,
kau punya alis. Aku?

- Aku ada apa?
- Aduh, Ann!

Ann, kau punya banyak sekali kelebihan.

Jadi, kau juga pantas berkencan. Ya 'kan?

- Bagaimana?
- Jadi?

- Ya, Ann.
- Bisa, 'kan?

- Ayo, Ann.
- Mau, ya?

- Ya sudah.
- Bagus, Ann!

- Ya!
- Mau?

- Tapi!
- Apa?

Kalau kalian mau mendandaniku,
jangan aneh-aneh, ya?

- Aku ingin tetap jadi diri sendiri.
- Beres. Siap.

- Tenang saja!
- Ayo!

Geez, kalau ini,
pasti kau tak tahu lagunya.

Astaga, Mas.

Tak usah sok.

Ann, Mas belum memainkan apa-apa.

Tapi Ann tahu Mas cuma bisa satu lagu.

Baru mau pamer.


Geez, kamu sudah tahu mau kuliah di mana?

Coba ujian masuk negeri juga?

Geez, Tante Manda ini,

kalau urusan akademis, itu jatahnya dia.

- Saya diterima di FEUI, Tante.
- Ya, prinsipnya,

kita sungguh berharap
konsentrasi Ann tidak terganggu.

In order to get good grades, you
can enter a state university, huh?

Ya, Tante.

Yes, ma'am. Mas, dad.

We left first, huh?

- Aunt, Om.
- Yes.


- Don't forget, huh? At 21.00.
- Yes, Aunt.

Great, Ann! Great!

- Enjoy the trip!
- Ann, take care, okay?

- Mission accomplished!
- Hooray!

I've never been here.

Therefore, I chose this place,

Why do you know I've never been here?

If so, the photo must
be on Instagram.

Are you stalking me?

Your account is not made private.
So that anyone can see, right?

Come on.

Thank you.

- Geez.
- Ya?

But promise, yeah, this is the last surprise?

Because I'm not the type
to be surprised.

Lagi pula, kalau aku tahu
hari ini kau mau mengajakku pergi,

- aku bisa mengerjakan tugas dahulu.
- Sut.

Kamu sebawel ini, ya, kalau sedang gugup?

Siapa yang gugup?

Pertama kali berkencan dengan laki-laki?

Kata siapa?

Di sini, restorannya bagus.

Tapi kenapa menunya banyak yang dicoret?

Makanannya ada,

tapi tadi aku sudah minta yang mengandung
boga bahari atau kacang dicoret.

Alergi, 'kan?

Jangan bilang sebentar lagi
kamu akan tahu golongan darahku apa.

- O.
- Ih!

Sepertinya aku harus takut padamu.


Silakan, Mbak.

- Sudah selesai?
- Sudah, Mbak.

Biar saya ambil, ya?

- Terima kasih, Mbak.
- Ya.

- Terima kasih, Mbak.
- Ya.


Sembilan dari sepuluh.

Tapi bisa jadi sepuluh.

Kalau kamu mau ikut denganku.

Ke mana?

Kejutan, Dewa Kejutan.

Awas hujan.

- Pak Amir.
- Ya?

- Pak Amir!
- Siapa, ya?

Eh, Neng Ann!

Sebentar, pintunya saya buka dahulu.

Mau menunjukkan ke teman saya sebentar.

Oh, ya. Ayo masuk. Silakan.

- Hujan. Ayo, cepat.
- Ya.

- Saya hidupkan lampunya dahulu.
- Ya, Pak.


Wah, ini tanahnya punya siapa?

Punya keluarga besar,
tapi ayahku yang mengurusnya.

Nah, yuk.

Sekarang, aku tahu
kenapa kau tak takut naik steger.

- Lama.
- Ya, sebentar.

Awas, hati-hati.


Keren sekali tempat ini,

Ya. Eh!

Aman pula.

Ada ukulele. Boleh juga.

- Sini.
- Baiklah.



- Dari?
- Sepuluh.

Aku cuma bisa memainkan lagu ini
kalau dengan ukulele.

Kenapa kau pergi?

Why do you live on my own?

When I need it

Need you here

Is this my fault?

Or is it what you want?

Don't wanna see you again

But also want you back

I don't know everything I think

The wounds that will remain in my heart

Where are you?

Where are you?

Do not care

Where are you?

Where are you?

I myself

Forgive me. The song is not fun.

What's the song about?

When my mom and dad were together

and when they parted ways.

More precisely,
when my father left me and my mother.

And how my mother could not
forget her hatred.


maybe my closest night
to feel the name of the family

- Geez.
- Ya?

So, my father had a minor heart attack
two years ago.

My mother is a lecturer.

Now, Mother is
the backbone of the family.

Therefore, I must be able to pass
into the public medical faculty.

Because I don't have the heart.

Can you ask me to help pay for me to
enter private medical school?

Why are you laughing?

Not. I thought of you
telling your patient's condition

in a sadistic style you give a review.

Halo, Ma?

Yes, again at the bookstore.

But ready to go home.


Why are you lying?

Ann, it's complicated explaining it.

It's about 21.00.

You promised to send me home
before then, right?

Or do you want to lie to my parents too?

Ann. That's not what I mean, Ann.



If you can lie to your own parents,
how about the others?

Ann. Okay, I lied.

It's because my mom wanted me to be focused
and ready to go to business school in Berlin.

Are you going to Berlin?


You want me to be honest?

I've been accepted.

Next month, I'm leaving for Berlin.



Either way it hurts more.

Do not know or find out.

I don't know which is more sad.

Listen to the truth

or live
a pleasant lie .

If only the foundations
could be honest and trusting,

we know the word disappointed
will not come to greet.


- Halo, Geez.
- Ya, Ma.

Tomorrow, Mama comes home.
You can pick up Mama, please.

This is good news.

Mama is very happy.

This latest project,
Mama sure will succeed.


I have a lover.

And I want to be serious.

He knows you're going to Berlin?


Have you told what companies
will invest in this project?

I'll tell you in the car later, okay?

- No! Graduate!
- Steady!

I never thought I would pass!

- The important thing is to pass!
- Yes, pass!

If you want to kick him out,
I'm going now.

It's good to ask people out,
then just walk away.



Congratulations, yes.

I've talked to my mom about us.

He agreed. I won't
lie again, Ann.

We do not hide?

My time here won't be long, Ann.

But I promise,

I will always be there at the
most important moment in your life.

Especially your birthday
and graduation later.

Four years in Berlin.

That's also if you go to college properly.

Every vacation, I return to Jakarta.

You will never
celebrate anything by yourself, Ann.

Geez, you don't make promises
you can't keep.


indeed you have checked

2016 government's version of the national holiday schedule ?

So, Little Fairy,

would you like to accept this
symbolic flower of holiness?

Congratulations, yes.

Thank you.

- You don't have to go to the campus yard.
- Why?

It's not good if my senior caught
me being escorted by ...




Dah, Ann.


Come on! Run!

- Come on, run!
- Hurry! What time is it already?

Come on, quickly! It's still morning.

This is a rude example.

Given the task, not done.

Anything else that is rude? Hey, you!

Where is your ID?

Come on, over here!

Stand up!

This is more rude!

Like Five Friends too, huh?


Very nice.

- Ann.
- Tari.

Wait, yes, Ann.

Ma. Why is Mama here?

Who made this event,
all of Mama's friends.

German graduates.


Ma, introduce, this is Ann.

Good afternoon, Auntie.

Good Morning.

How are you?

Geez, this is your mother?

- Yes, Om.
- Very beautiful.

Geez must have learned music
from Mom too, right?

No wonder, Geez. You have great taste in music.

Now, we know where it came from.
Hello, Aunt.

Sorry, yes, my husband and child
really like to joke.

Hello, I am Manda, Ann's mother.

Geez, Mama has to go.

You delivered, huh?
Mom wait below. Now.

Excuse me, everyone.
Nice to meet you and your family.

Good day.

Dad, that's right, " Guten tag ."

- Good day?
- Yeah.

- Om, Aunt.
- Yes?

Sorry, yes. I said goodbye first.

I just hold the glass There.


Why is Mama being rude
to Ann's family?

That ridiculous family?

Ma, I told Mama.

I have a girlfriend.

There he is. Ann and her family, Ma.

The bunch is close, you think you
can waste your time with them?

Yes, what's wrong with it, Ma?

Because they are losers.

Ma! Mama don't know!

Just from the clothes,
Mama could see their quality.

Try, what is the job of the father?

Was a photographer.

Was a photographer, now?

Why Mama…

As long as you know, Om Sentot
had a heart attack, Ma.

Since then, he hasn't been able to take
much time to take pictures.

In other words, unemployment, right?

Geez, are you aware?

If you want to be an artist, be an

what are the edges? So poor!

Trouble family,
trouble everyone.

Mama doesn't want you to be
around people like that.

Mama wants you to be successful and successful,
have an international career.

Yes? So, Mama wants you to be
among successful people.

Not just hanging around,

Next week, you go to Berlin.


You have your papa's blood.

If we let our guard down just a little,

you can be like him.

We don't want that to happen.

Mama doesn't want that to happen.

Mama has arranged everything.
You just show up.

Later, Mama's friend whose name is Astrid
will pick you up

and will take you to the dorm, huh?

Yes, I went in first, Ma.

Dah, Ma.

- Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday!

- Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday!

- Happy Birthday!
- Happy Birthday!

- Happy birthday, dear Ann.
- Happy birthday, dear Ann

Make an application!


Cut the cake!

I asked, "Are you serious?"

- Wash your hands before eating.
- Spray this.

Friends, I'm a little unwell.

I'll go to the toilet for a bit, okay?

- What happened to you?
- Want some company?

- Are you okay, Ann?
- It is okay.


The best ones usually
appear late, right?

Happy birthday?

Gosh, it's getting harder and harder for me to have a boyfriend

if the correct male standard is
like Geez!

I'll give you later!

Come on, just come along.

Keep walking.

- Slowly.
- Yes.

- Hold.
- Where is this?

- Come on.
- Where?

Back to the body. Sit down.

Now, open it.


I think…

I brought your favorite place here.

So, when I leave later,

I will always imagine

beach breeze ...

the waves…

and sunshine on your face, Ann.

Gazza Cahyadi!

Do not go anywhere.



Come here.

After all that Mama gave you,
it turns out that this is the payback.

You are indeed your papa's son!

You said you wanted to go to Berlin, but did you come here?

What for?

If Mama's friends find out
you didn't get there,

they will panic and report to the police,
thinking you have been hit by a disaster.

Turns out, you came here instead?
Do what?


Listen, yes.

Don't take my child to the level of you
who only likes to be seduced by boys!


It's all my fault, Ma.
Ann has nothing to do with it.

Because of that woman,
you betrayed your mom?

The ones who fall and wake up alone
raise you, so a single parent?

Just him?

Mama thinks you're the only person
who won't betray Mama.

What turns out? Embarrassing!

Hey, congrats, yeah.
You have destroyed my family!


This is all my fault! Ann has nothing to do with it!
Ann doesn't know anything, Ma!

Ma, I beg of Mama. Please.

Wait in the car, Ma.
Uneasy, we are noticed.

- You come with Mama now!
- Mom, I'm definitely going to Berlin!

Mama please escort me there,

but I asked Mama for help.

Give me some time, Ma. Just five minutes.

Please, Mom.

Ann, aku bisa jelaskan semuanya.

Jadi, ini kado dari kamu, Geez?

Saat kamu sudah janji padaku
kamu tak akan berbohong lagi?

Ann, aku juga sudah janji padamu
untuk ada di ulang tahun kamu.

Ya, 'kan?

Jangan bilang kamu melakukan ini semua
demi aku!

Ann, kumohon.

Mama kamu sudah menunggu.

Silakan marah padaku, Ann. Puaskan saja.

Luapkan semua kekesalan kamu.

Tapi kalau besok aku berangkat,

kumohon jangan benci aku, Ann.

Kita memang akan berpisah,

tapi tak seperti ini, Ann.

Aku tak akan sanggup.


Sepertinya mau hujan, Ann.

- Haltenya masih jauh pula.
- Ann!



Aku Rifky.

Aku periskop Geez selama dia di Berlin.

Kau butuh antar dan jemput? Ayo.

Tepat sekali, Ann. Aku ikut, ya?

Rif, aku sepertinya masih bisa
naik kendaraan umum.

- Thank you.
- Ann, really…

You do it all yourself

You can not be advised

Says my song is ugly
But you are still

My little fairy

You are funny when I disturb you

I climbed the tree house.
Value ten out of ten

But Mama told me to go home at 8:00 p.m.

But you are still

My little fairy

My little fairy

You are my Little Fairy

Ann, there's a package.

From Geez again, huh?

When you gather,
"Tang, are you not ashamed of your sister?"

"Swim to high."


"Swim to high?" What?

Jellyfish swim every day.

Where is it? Not tall, but mushy.


Now, let's discuss ...
Don't be annoying, I'm pissed off.

We discussed sensitive matters
for some other people.


- LDR is an abbreviation. right?
- What is that?

Lu He Cracked.

Yes, because it will not happen.

Long shots
rarely work.

Moreover, long distance relationship?

Because ... Even the research data from BKMG,

85 percent of people with LDR fail.

- Fifteen percent didn't work.
- The same!

Yes, because it is very difficult.

That is, you are free
to send messages every day,

"Don't forget to eat, honey."

But if
he is fed there by another couple?

I used to have a girlfriend in Kalimantan.

Now an ex.

I've caught him cheating.
I immediately asked there.

"Honey, you said
unfortunately only to me?"

"Ya, tapi…"

Try page 156, Tar.

Oh, that was that, right?


- For who?
- For you. From Geez.

This is funny.

It seems like over time
people will think of your boyfriend

if for example it's not Rifky
yesterday or him, not Geez.

Geez alone is still not clear
whether my boyfriend or not.

Thank you very much.

But I asked you to please tell Geez,

don't send you guys again.

If you need food delivery services, flowers,
or anything else, there is an application.

I just want to say,

Geez is currently hard to reach.

Hard to call, huh?

But can you communicate with you?

Just date the three of them.

Ann? Why?


Why? Ann!

This is the second attack
in the last year.

The blockage is quite alarming

and need immediate action
before other complications.

We will observe again
in the first year.

Apa pun untuk menyembuhkan
suami saya, Dok.


Ini semua perhiasan
yang Ibu kumpulkan selama ini.

Tanah yang dekat Bogor bagaimana, Bu?
Yang ada rumah pohonnya.

Itu punya keluarga, Gi.

Ibu harus minta izin keluarga besar.

Ibu tak tahu saat ini nilainya berapa,

tapi kalau untuk biaya operasi,
rasanya pasti cukup.


Nanti habis dari swalayan,
mampir ke rumah, ya.

Tolong ambilkan baju ganti Ibu.

- Ya, Bu. Asalamualaikum.
- Wa alaikum salam.



- Halo!
- Aku juga.

Begini, Ann. Jadi, ceritanya

baru saja kami dihubungi
oleh Mas Barista Ganteng.

Katanya, kau ada masalah!
Kau baik-baik saja?

Bukan barista, tapi pemilik.

Ya, intinya itu. Tapi aku senang

kami tetap menjadi kontak daruratmu
setelah sekian tahun!

Terima kasih, Ann!

Kau memang selalu diselamatkan
laki-laki ganteng.

- Resepnya apa?
- Berbagilah.

Sudah sadar?

Ini, diminum dahulu selagi masih panas.

- Pelan-pelan.
- Ya.

Terima kasih, Mas. Ini gratis, Mas?

Ya, gratis.

Untuk kami, gratis juga, 'kan?

Untukmu bukan gratis, tapi hibah!

Ann! Katanya, kau sedang mencari
pekerjaan sampingan lagi, 'kan?

Ini, di sini ada. Mumpung
sudah kenal dengan yang punya.

Ya, kami memang butuh karyawan lebih,
tapi yakin bisa langsung bekerja?

Berjalan saja tadi hampir tertabrak.

Bagaimana kalau menghadapi
pelanggan yang rewel?

Saya bisa, Mas.

Saya janji akan bekerja dengan baik.

When it comes to work,
Ann is really a hard worker.

- We're all witnesses. Yes, right?
- Correct.

Anyway, if Ann works a mess,

- We're ready to put on our bodies.
- Yes.

Correct. We guarantee, Mas.

Let's just say the vacancies are filled.

- Good.
- Thank you sir!

Thank you, yes, Mas!



- Hello?
- Hi.

I'm busy doing internship lately.

So, I didn't have time to contact you.

I am really, really sorry.

From earlier, what you've been talking
about is just about

you and you only.

How about me?

Yes, I was just about to ask, Ann.

How about you? How about Om Sentot?

Good. Dad is nice too.

Geez, I don't have long.

My birthday is soon.
Are you sure you want to come?

I must have come for my Little Fairy.

Is it a promise or something?

Ann, I won't make promises
I can't keep.

I will prove it to you.

OK, I'll call you later, OK?

Ann, why aren't you home yet?

Why is your expression in
such a problem?

- It's okay, ma'am.
- Enthusiasm, huh?

- Good night.
- Night, Mas.

Thank you.
This is the order and this is for Mas.

- I didn't order this, Ma'am.
- It's okay, Mas. Just have a drink.

Thank you.


Ann, I was just about to leave,

but my mom came.

He's suddenly here
until next week.

Sorry, Ann. I can't come
on your birthday.

But I promise
I'll fix this all.


This can't be about your father, right?

If so, then you must have
asked permission to come home to me.

This is about Geez, Mas.


Two years I know him.

He's the first person who made me
feel happy, as happy as I am.

But he's also the one who makes me
feel so sad.

In fact, I already told him

Don't give me a promise
if it can't be kept.

Whatever is heavy,

will definitely pass.

Whatever is fun,

will definitely disappear.

Most important,

we must always learn
from whatever we receive today.

Because the universe has its own plans.

So whatever you feel
from Geez today,

if bad,

forget later too.

If it's good, don't throw it away.

Follow your heart, Ann.


Please don't position you
have to choose between your mother and me.

I'm tired.

The distance between us
carries more negativity.

I give up
on this uncertainty, Geez.

I can't stand
a one-sided love .

If you care for me,

you will accept my decision

So, I beg you to stop your periscope.

Don't contact me again,
whether directly or indirectly.

Help me to forget you, Geez.

Because you are far away,
not only physically, but also heart.

And all this time, I was lulled by you.

Starting today,

Your Little Fairy's wings are broken.

- Knowledgeably!
- Here, there's something special about me. Awesome!

Cookies with my original recipe!

- Look, it says " Best Friend ."
- This is Asta Batari, right?

Well, starting tomorrow,

I can't
treat you as my employee anymore?

Thanks, yes, Ann.

Because you helped me
build this cafe.

I don't know what kind of memento
suits you.

This is yellow cattura coffee .

Hope you like.

Mas Bayu.

Just give me coffee beans?
Not another seed? Gold ore.

Whose gold? Mas Bayu you mean?

Are you kidding?

Mas, this souvenir is very special.

- Thank you very much.
- You are welcome.

Oh, yes. Tomorrow I graduated, Mas.

Congratulations, yes.

- Friends, go first, huh?
- Yes?

- Dah, Mas.
- Be careful, Mas.

- Ouch!
- Sit!

- Honestly, it's delicious, Ann.
- Thank you.

Ann, are you serious you didn't catch the
code, Mas Bayu?

Unseen period?

Just now the way to look at him
is very different.

There is no working relationship.
So, you can.

Already, it's better
now we toast first.

- Good.
- Ouch!

For our future!

- For our future!
- Future!

What are you doing here?

Where is my guitar?

You answered Mama's question first.
What are you doing in Jakarta?

As Mama asked.
I've been to college.

Until this semester,
my grades have always been perfect.

I take the holidays for seminars.
Take an internship.

- Tapi kamu belum lulus.
- Aku sudah mengajukan tesisku, Ma.

Sisanya adalah formalitas. Mama tahu itu.

Ma, aku sudah menjalankan tugasku.

Sekarang, sekali lagi aku tanya.
Di mana gitarku?

Lalu kamu mau jadi apa? Mau jadi musikus?

- Mau jadi artis seperti…
- Papa?

Aku suka musik seperti Papa.
Mukaku seperti Papa.

Caraku tidur seperti Papa.

Apa karena itu Mama melampiaskan
semua kebencian Mama ke Papa lewat aku?

Ma, di darahku, mengalir darah Mama.

Kalau aku gugup,
mataku banyak berkedip seperti Mama.

Aku berkuliah di tempat Mama.
Aku menjalankan semua rencana Mama.

Aku tahu apa pun yang aku lakukan

tak bisa mengubah kenyataan
bahwa aku anak Papa.

Tapi yang tak aku sangka,

ternyata semua yang sudah
aku lakukan selama ini

tak bisa juga membuat Mama menerima
kenyataan bahwa aku juga anak Mama!

Aku banyak salah pada Mama,

tapi jangan benci aku
karena kesalahan orang lain, Ma.

Mama tanya ke aku kenapa aku pulang.

Besok, Ann wisuda, Ma.

Tapi hari ini…

Hari ini, Mama berulang tahun.

Ini kado untuk Mama.

Aku minta sesuatu dari Mama.

Ma, lihat aku.

Ma, lihat aku.

Aku sebagai Geez, Gazza Cahyadi.

Bukan sebagai bayang-bayang Papa.

Aku tepati janjiku kepada Mama.
Aku tak lari dari tanggung jawab.

Aku Geez!


Kenapa gitar itu penting untukku?

Aku ingat.

Dahulu, waktu aku bermain gitar,

walaupun kacau sekali,

itu adalah terakhir kalinya
aku melihat Mama tersenyum.

Mama tak bermaksud
membuat kamu merasa seperti itu, Geez.

Maybe Papa ran away
too because of Mama's hard heart.

Mom, Papa left because he's a loser
and irresponsible boy.

It's not Mama's fault.

Mama told me herself.

I have to be around successful people.

Geez doesn't have to go far, Ma.

Mom's son.

Let's welcome our best graduate,
Keana Amanda.

There are some things that the more approachable,
the farther away.

That which is maintained, is getting messy.

The more it is built, the more it collapses.

Because plans are designed
not just to be realized,

but also for adulthood.

Being a doctor
was my dream from childhood.

Over time,
dreams turn into ideals.

Ideals turn into targets.

But the target turned into a worry.


we think more about the bad possibilities
that will happen in the future

and neglect today
which really happened.

Until the end, the universe said,

"Have been given the opportunity,
but how come you don't know how lucky?"

But I don't want to
be that kind of person.

Hence, today,

I want to thank you ...

to my family…

my friends…

and a special person to me.

The one who always taught me
to be on the straight path.

People who always encourage
to be confident.

But I've never
said this before.

Thank you, Bayu.

Because you've made me
the best version of myself.

Wa salamualaikum
wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

- There it is.
- Good.

- Even farther.
- It's far. One two…

- Repeat. The skinny one.
- Ann.

Can I talk to you alone?

- Further.
- Yes, all in order.

- Ann!
- Ann?

- Mas Bayu?
- Eh!

Maybe now you want to be given
green bean seeds!

- I gave you coffee beans yesterday!
- Carelessly.

What's the matter, Mas?

I want to say ...

Thank you for
saying my name when I graduated.

Mas Bayu lama!

Ann, Mas Bayu wants to shoot you! Hurry!

Accepted or not? Yes, right?

If rejected,
there is always a reserve player, Mas.

- Ih!
- Thalia!

What? Bayu doesn't want to do anything.

Want to cry.

Ann, I'm waiting for the perfect time
to give this to you.

And I think ...

this is the right moment for me to
give this to you.

Ann, I want to be your best man

and your guide.

If you are not ready,

I will wait for you.

Wa alaikum salam.

Little Fairy.

For four years I felt I was
the most sinful of all.

Can't keep my promise.

I accept the consequences,
follow your wishes.

Stop calling you at all.

Even though I've let you down,

at least I have the determination to carry out your
wishes even though it hurts.

And today, I saw it at graduation.

You have become an adult woman.


I did not call you,

but not a day
i stop thinking about you

Give me a chance to explain to
you in person, Ann.

In front of your house,
I have prepared a car to take you.



books of the original version of Five Four .

It took me two years to
search all of that in Europe, Ann.

Geez, you remember everything.

You never really left.

Don't cry, Ann.

If you dare to cry,

I will close
all ice cream shops in the world.


I am in front of you.

But why only now?

Why are you coming home only now?

Because I'm looking after, Ann.

And I keep one promise of mine, Ann.

If I can't come home
for your birthday,

at least I can still go home
when you graduate.

But why today?

When I gave my
heart and promise to Bayu.

I wish you had arrived earlier, Geez.

I can't just break my promise

Like you.
You have kept your promise.

- Especially if we do not keep our promises?
- Ann.

My little fairy.

Look me in the eye and say
that you don't love me.

As, Ann.


We never know
how the universe works.

What, how, why.

All the question sentences
that are now become heartbreaking reality.

Regret and annoyed together.

Being a solution that will
never end

until he gave me an explanation
on a return.

Subtitle translation by Adi Nugroho