Fruits Basket: Prelude (2022) - full transcript

Based upon Natsuki Takaya's Fruits Basket manga series, It centered around Tohru Honda's parents accompanied by a digest episode of the anime series, narrated by Kyo, and a brand-new anime story about Tohru and Kyo, set after the series.

Even if the world doesn't need us,

we live for the people who need it.

At least, that's what I think.

Well, I almost lost custody of Tohru anyway!

The guard ?

Then I was so busy, not to mention moving...

Dealing with all of this has given me some strength.

Simply because Tohru was by my side.

Oh yes ?

But I assure you that she is adorable!

The cutest on earth, no, in the universe itself!

- But this Katsuya Honda. - Eh ?

Don't you miss it?

I wonder

how many times you will get lost and how long it will take

for you to find the answers to your questions?

At that time, his words seemed so abstract to me.

I had in me this feeling of being born only

to be looked down upon by others and hurt them.

And it has always been.



You cry ?


Why are you crying ?

Don't tell me that...

You love it ?

This Tohru Honda...

You're wrong...

I can't afford to love him.



The girl you see is called Tohru Honda.


What is she doing here?

I know her.


From the start, I knew it.

Who you were.

And who was your mother.

That's a long time ago...

Back when my master had just adopted me.

Say, kid!

Do you dye your hair when you're just a kid?

Or is it natural?

But what am I getting involved in?

And who are you first? Do you want me to hit you?

The rude brat!

You're so cute !

Mi... Cute? What next ? Old skin!

The brat just said something?

But it's too cute!

You risk getting kidnapped for being so cute, go home quickly.

- Your mom must be worried. - I don't have a mom, she's dead!

And your dad?

I don't need him to die!

And then he too

he prefers me dead!

It's truly sad...

Apart from my master,

I didn't think such a person existed.

Every day my mother looked at me with a scared look.

Then there was the hatred of my father...

And the contempt of the Sôma family.

It's living in such denial,

that she appeared to me as a ray of hope.

What could the daughter of such a person look like?

Today I have a surprise to show you.

Here is my treasure


From the beginning,

I know you.

But I am silent.

I wanted to pretend not to know anything...

I couldn't tell you anything...


It's not your fault, Kyô.

It's not your fault.

But you must not go out.

Since outside, there are only bad things.

Hurry home with mom.

And let us remain forever within this dwelling.

You have to do nicely what your mom tells you.

I won't forgive you!

I come back early.

See you at home, okay?


Something even more terrifying will happen.

Kyô ...

I don't want to see it.

I don't want to think about it.

Not yet...

And since,

the memory where I left your mother to die,

I preferred to hide it deep inside me.


Tell me, do...

Do you also see

the spirit of the dead?

Why do you ask me this ?

For nothing.

Like that.


they are the strongest alive.

For waves, it's the same.

The waves of the deceased are certainly very weak.

Faced with those of the living who are more powerful,

they are substituted.

I feel in you

many waves that resonate horribly.

Why ?

Coming to this grave arouses in you such deep regret?


Nobody will forgive me.

Nobody will forgive me.


So why...


am I still looking for it?

Tohru !

Uh, Ky...


What is going on ?

You come home very early...

Once high school is over, you will be confined.

Just like other cats.

For eternity.

I wouldn't want it anymore.

Let her belong to me.

I hope not anymore.

I swear to myself.

So please

allow me,

for the little time I have left,

to stay with her.

Until the last day,

at the last moment...

Tell me,

what do you want to do ?

Are you planning to spend your life running away from your own desires?

In this sinister castle.

By staying locked up in this castle...

Until the end of your days?

Well, that would bother me...

I do not want...


I do not want...

I won't forgive you.


this is for you, Tohru!

Merci !

I wonder if they will cook well given their shapes.

Don't worry, I take care of everything!

Kyo, we're going to eat soon!


Maybe he's sleeping?

He's gonna come anyway.

I knew it would happen one day, she now appears in my dreams...

All this to remind me

what is my place.

And don't get my hopes up.

Like the possibility

that Tohru

can love me...

such things

would be ridiculous.



I have something...

to tell you.

- Kyo? - Me too.

I have a question to ask you.

Seen what happened.

If I'm wrong, you can laugh to your heart's content.

You can even call me an idiot.

Tell me,

is it that

you love Me ?

Are you dumb or what ?

I thought you loved your mother?

All that then, was it just wind?

Was it wrong?

I can't take it anymore.

I should never have been by his side.

Why I wanted to stay with her

for the time I have left?

Here is the result...

It's unbearable.

Kyô ...

I don't want to tell him.

Or let her know.

Or admit what I did...

All this is too hard for me.

Listen to me please...

You know absolutely nothing!

You ignore

what I have done !

That you love me...

You make me sad...


I really pity you.



In fact, I could have avoided...

the death

Of your mother...

I happened to know her.

And that day...

The day of the accident.

I was present, near her.

I recognized her immediately.

His profile, the color of his hair...

She hadn't changed.

I hesitated to speak to him.

And that's when I saw a car coming at full speed.

I understood that she was in danger.

I wanted to pull her by the arm.


But I am not a “human being”.

If I had hugged him, I would have turned into a cat.

And everyone would have seen that I'm not human.

So I let her die.

Everything happened...

By my fault.

She said she wouldn't forgive me.

Your mother died because of me.

She saw that I had remained planted upright.

" I will never forgive you."

She clearly told me that.

I can not

forgive me.

I will never forgive you.

I too can't forgive myself.

And I don't want you to forgive me.

It's finish.

Yet at this time...

I will not forgive you.

That's what

do you want to hear?

More than that.

I can not believe

that my mother

said such a thing.

I can't imagine him saying that,

but if ever

she really said such words...


I will be

forced to go against his will!


if not i know that

you will never understand

how much I love you !

Through your orange hair,

I saw in the light of your eyes...


you disappoint me.

I understood your deep sadness.

That you kept screaming.


Kyo, come back!

To see you like this

hurts me even more

than being separated from my mother.

That's why...


Attends !

Please !

No, that's not what I wanted...

I never wanted that...



Do not leave...

Do not Cry.


It'll be OK.

Do not worry.

It'll be OK.

Everything will be fine now.

Its good.


I get it, don't worry.

Say no more.

They will get to you.

Where were you ?

Why didn't you go see her at the hospital?

You flee ?

Say what you want.

I would only hurt her by staying here.

I can't protect her.

It's better for everyone that you stay by his side.

OK, I see.

Oh no, that's why I hate guys.

Can I order a pizza?

Can't you protect her? But what are you saying ?

Want to catch her when she falls off a cliff?

Will you be satisfied if you can save him from getting hit by a car?

We believe we are dreaming!

Who do you think you are there?

The local Superman?

You're just an asshole cat.

Shut your mouth !

I never said I wanted to be a hero!

But you, you would be able to, I imagine!

If I could, I would have gladly been!

A guy as perfect as you!

I wanted to be

like you !

I'm giving up ! Let off steam!

I add nuggets?

Are you kidding here?

Are you kidding me ?

Don't fuck with me, you moron!

Stop being stupid...

Me too...

I wanted to be

like you.

I admired you so much, if only you knew!

And yet...

Why do you dare to tell me that

also easy ?

Are not you ashamed ?

Are you kidding me ?


You are you...

And I am just me...

You can only be yourself.

That's why we have to accept who we are

and assume!

You protected her.

You protected her very well!

She was content and happy!

Maybe it's just a detail for you...

You may not have superhuman strength like a hero,

but when you were near her...

Honda always had a smile!

you really think,

what will be the case if I am with her?

But open your eyes, shit!

There are things only you can do!

Don't make her cry!

Stop being stupid !

What are you still doing here?

Your lifelong idol does everything to get you moving.

Cat jerk.

Brothel ...

I hate this fool...


can she

accept me, as before?

And me...

Am I really

in love with her ?

Why do I like it?

What do I like about her?

And how much?

Take ?

It does not matter.

I love it.

I'm in love with her.

I love it,

just to die.


My legs no longer obey me.

They take me away from Kyô,

It's weird, I don't understand.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

I had decided that when I saw him again,

it would be with a smile.

Wait, please!

One minute…

Right now, I...

Stop… My tears must

stop flowing!

I don't want to bother him.

Or that he hates me!

I do not want…

Disappoint him even more!

In fact,

I only thought of myself.

I asked you to listen to me

and accept my confession.

But I didn't think about how you might feel.

And I left like this,

without apologizing.

While I know very well

that I could have never

see you again.

And yet...

Sorry to have made you cry.

Sorry for hurting you so much.

One last time,

just once.

No more needed.

Can you give me one last chance?

I want to be with you.

If I have to live

I want it to be with you.

And nobody else.

Because I love you.

But then…


does that mean i can stay by your side?

That I can take your hand

and be with you?


it's already the case.

We could

repeat it to me


hundreds or thousands of times,

I will always feel

to live

a daydream…

Kyô ...

I prefer to warn you, it's our second kiss.

The first, when was it?

She really doesn't remember.

Remember it all by yourself.


it will upset me.

OK !

I can take you

in my arms ?

Even if I will quickly transform...

I know that because of my nature

- you risk suffering, one day. - Kyo…

Haven't you figured it out yet?

You know,

I love you very much, Kyo!

With all my heart !

And this love makes me invincible!

I see…


I'm invincible, too.

I have nothing to fear now...

With you by my side.

Hey, how about you? Is your hair natural?

How do you cause me? It's mean.

Call me, Kyoko. My name is Kyoko Honda.

His first name sounds like mine...

What's your nickname?


OKAY ! I'll call you kid.


- What is a kid? - A kid is a kid.

But don't you miss that Katsuya Honda?

I wonder

how many times you will get lost and how long it will take

for you to find the answers to your questions?

Until next time, kid!

You know, after high school,

I'm thinking of leaving here.

Oh, don't worry!

It's not to go and isolate myself somewhere.

so far,

I have always avoided the world

and the people around me.

But everything has changed.

I have become a normal human being.

I can live in this world with you now.

And that makes me happy.

That's why

I want to get involved more and discover this world.

To expose myself to another life, elsewhere.

And if possible, with you

by my side.

You talk about leaving...

Do you have a destination in mind?

One of my master's friends owns a dojo

which is very far from here.

To start,

I will train and work there.

I think once I take over from my master,

this experience will benefit me.

All that I will have learned outside,

both good and bad things.

I know that's immature of me.

And that I'm going to take you away from the people who love you.

- But I don't want to live hiding anymore... - Yes.

You no longer need to hide what you want to do.

I'm sure your master must have been happy to hear that.

Because you told him about your future.

You expressed to him your desire to live.

He must have been happy

truly thrilled.

That's why I'm coming

with you.

What ? You're sure ?

It is far ! You won't be able to easily see your friends!

You can think about it

and even refuse.

There are things I'm not about to give up.

I'm the stubborn type!

Uh, okay...

You may be stubborn, but...


It's my decision.

There is one thing I want to tell you.

My mother doesn't hold any grudges against you.

Even though she actually told you

that she wouldn't forgive you,

It shouldn't be out of hate for you.

I am sure

and certain.

I will not come back

on it.

I'll go wherever you will go.

It's true that it makes me sad to have to leave my friends.

But separate me from you

would hurt me even more.

I want to stay by your side

for all time.

I don't want to leave you

nor wait for you.

So take me with you.

Ah, gamin.

I have to do what ?

Tohru didn't come home.

I look for her, but I find her nowhere.

She disappeared !

She has completely disappeared!

Do not Cry !


I will do everything to find her!

Wait for her at home! I will save her...

and protect her!

It's a man's promise!

It's a man's promise!


Can I take it with me? You agree ?

You see, I keep my word.

Kid, keep your "promise"!

It took me some time, though.

I will protect her

all my life.

OK ?

At the moment,

I don't recognize your voice, it sounds like a whole different thing...

I've never seen you like this.

It scares me.


But from now on, I want to understand you better.

And also...

I want you to tell me about your worries,

just as you listened to mine.

Tell me

all your pains, your fears and your weaknesses.

let me share this

with you.

I want to continue to live with you.

That we share our meals, our studies

and our problems.

I want to share all this with you!

I want us to live all this together!

I still have...

I've always behaved stupidly.

I realized that if we don't get lost at least once,

we will never find the answers to our questions.

And this, regardless of the era,

it is for everyone.

I am happy,

for giving birth to you.

It's because you're here

that I manage to live and laugh every day.

Then me too,

I'm sure I was born to meet you!

That would make me even happier then!

That would make me really happy...

Mom has to go, Tohru.

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Fruits Basket

But what is it ?

How awful.

You have to call the police...

We shouldn't go near it...

Let's go...

What are you watching there?

Do you want to die or what?

It's horrible !

I wonder what his parents are doing.

Even before entering middle school, she was already a difficult child.

She was hanging out with delinquents spreading evil around her...

A father who ignored his family,

and a mother who only cared about her husband's reputation.

A family that never dated.

Even eating together was rare.

Without ever having been hugged once...

Outside. You are a disgrace to our family.

In this world, there are those who are useful and those who are useless.

You are in the second category. Shame on you.

My dear...

Never set foot in this house again.



Why did you become like this?

You do know how much your father scolded me because of you, don't you?

Do you even know what our neighbors think of us?

Say... Answer, why?

You should never have given me life, then.


Who asked you to give birth to me?

Neither her parents nor her "friends", she could not believe in anyone,

she suffered from it.

During the nights when she rode her motorbike,

she felt like laughing now

and cry at the same time.

She felt like she could go anywhere.

And in reality, she couldn't go anywhere.


What does your outfit mean?

I who thought that you would recover...

Where do you think you are?

Contact his parents.

In college, she had only been there for a few days.

Follow us ! We need to talk.

But to meet him that day,

it was a real coincidence.


Don't you have the slightest shame?

All the worries you cause others...

You know you're hurting serious students!

You're going to shut your mouth, yes?

You thought yelling would scare me?

Hein ?

Stopped !

E... Look,

You're going to stay here until your parents arrive!

Stop running away, you big shits!

So you're not damned to manage me?!

Call my parents? They'll never show up anyway!

Against what...

do you pour out so much anger?

Pardon ?

Who are you ?

If you want to give your sermon, do it somewhere else, asshole.

It is not my intention,

however, I'm just curious about your anger.

It's not your business.

Go away.

I understand, but I'm still interested.

There's everything that breaks them for me, got it?

All !

All !

Everything pisses me off!

These cretins of teachers,

these pov' students,

shabby pseudo-can

ces parents hypocrites

and you too !

Absolutely all,

all of you,

I hate you all !

despise me like trash,

when you are no better...

You are worthless...

All, yes, you must all disappear.

People like you should all die!



Clam! Disappear!

Break you all!


You want us to take care of you, don't you?

Let people notice you.

That we need you.

That we listen to you

and be accepted.

But also,

to be loved, right?

Know that I

I am like you.


I became like this...

Brothel ...

Why did you become like this?

That's it...

What I would like to understand the most...

Why ?

But why...

When was she wrong?

What was his mistake?

I feel so lonely...

She just wanted to become someone who could love and be loved.


she could not achieve this ideal.

Do you feel alone?


Let's run away, together.

But wait...

By the way...

My name is Katsuya Honda.

Nice to meet you.

My first impression of him made me think he was a weird teacher.

Say, is that a problem?

What are you talking about ?

You are a teacher...

Isn't it dangerous for you?

Do not worry.

I'm just a trainee with very little motivation.

Wait, aren't you a teacher?

She couldn't figure him out, was he just being polite?

Or was he a hypocrite behind the appearances?

She didn't know.

It's the first time they've spoken to each other and he brings her here...

To invite him to the restaurant with an air of indifferent.

He was really out of the ordinary for her.


do you take care of me?

Well... what do you think?

I interested you ?

You could say that,

miss without eyebrows.

Stop groping me!

Yes, please excuse me.


That day, the only thing she was certain of.

It's that the ramen was really excellent.

Deep inside her, she was hurting.

But the ramen they ate that day was really delicious.

The other teachers didn't lecture you afterwards?

Since you took me out of college.

No, not particularly.

I explained to them that you were sick

and I walked you home.

And then,

even today, I benefit from the prestige of my father.

That prestige?

He has already retired

but my father was a teacher.

He taught there for a long time.

He has the reputation of being an excellent teacher.

Since I am his son,

people keep a certain distance from me.

They surely think that I will become a good teacher.

This situation is disturbing.

I grant you.

However, this is not always a bad thing.

If I'm not mistaken in the manual.

This prestige can come in handy.

Because even when I leave the conventions, nobody reproaches me.

In fact, you may be the worst of them all.

- Thank you. - That's not a compliment.

Well, it's time for me to teach my afternoon classes.

Are you going to be away again?

Yes of course.

One day, I would like you to see me on the blackboard.

Miss without eyebrows.

Now I have eyebrows! I drew myself!

You could have caught...

Of course I noticed them...

I find you much prettier with it.

Miss without eyebrows.

Mess ! I have eyebrows there, look!

Stop with that nickname!

Contrary to appearances, he had a very strong character...

But paradoxically, it was also very cold.


Damn, I'm completely screwed...

He pays well for my head.

But she was very attracted to him.

Since then, she went to college more often.

But without attending classes.

Because they could see each other every lunchtime.

How is your internship going?

Do the other students like you?

Everything is going well,

making others appreciate me is my specialty.

But look at that!

It's true that you are good at fooling people!


It's not a compliment!

No more quarrels with your comrades, Miss Without Eyebrows?

But no !