Frenzy (1945) - full transcript

A seance is held to discover the whereabouts, and the killer, of a sculptor's wife.

Subtitles by Nostromo

Well,Maria,what's the matter?

You found a man under your bed at last?

Oh stop my dear,
make me get down

No I'm on my way,let me go up

No,not up there and don't you go either

Maria,what's the matter?
Whatever happened to you?

The organ I heard it playing again

Oh,Maria what are you
talking about,what organ?

The organ at the studio I heard it played

I knocked

There was no answer

But the music suddenly stopping

And when I looked inside the room was empty

And then I went bonkers

Don't be silly Maria,it's
the schnapps you drink

There's no one up there,and the
organ doesn't work anyway

It was probably rats

Rats don't play the organ

Oh,they squeeze and ??


Oh,stop try to frighten me

Come up and I'll show you how silly you are

No,not up there

But why? You're not afraid
of an organ,are you?

Oh,and besides

I got some of those cakes you wanted

Come on up with you

I only go outside the door

You see there's no one here

And no organ music

But I heard the organ played

Well,now you can see for yourself

No one has sighted those notes for months

But anyway what are
you doing in here at all?

You knew you were told to stay out of here

What should I want to come in here for?

Mr Garrie told me to get the
bed ready in the gallery room


Is Mr Charles going to sleep here?

And then when I go to the
door I heard the organ again

Then I opened the door and there was no one

No one

So I run


When did Monsieur Charles
tell you to do this

What did he say exactly?

He told me yesterday,you wouldn't
have got me up here otherwise


Monsieur Charles has
never slept here before

How should I know

Well,you'd better get on with it

Here are your cakes

You leave that alone

Get on and get your bed ready

If you want something else to do why on
earth don't you clean up this place a bit

Why don't I clean the place up?

Because I have been particularly
told not to,that's why

Everything must be left just
as it was when Minetti was here

Did Monsieur Charles say that?

Yes he did,that's you up,doesn't it?

That's how he wants it,
that's how it's got to to be

But if you ask me,he's mad

Mad like all artists

At least you might have
done a bit of dusting

It would take more than
me to clean up this room

There's more than dust and dirt
swept away when the room is clean

There is the ordinary dust

And then there is the other sort

Which settles on the soul

Evil thoughts and evil deeds

This studio has it more than it's share

Look at it

Getting thicker and thicker every day

Good stuff

But wait until the dust settles and then

And what good will it be then?

Don't you feel it smoothing falling
off on that white skin of yours

Good stuff too but the dust lasts longer

I repeat all the machinery
of the police can do has been done

And still we are not satisfied

That's why we..

The last resort you come to me

-Hardly flattering
-On the contrary my dear friend

Here we realize if we are out of our depth

So to whom do we call for help?

To France's most famous criminologist

Very flattering

But I still cannot see

why the Minetti case should come
within the scope of my knowledge

It involves a young man
called Charles Garrie

His model Lucille Lindbeck
is I believe of your many


Her father was an old friend of mine

He asked me to keep an eye
on her when she first came to Paris

She went to work with
Garrie about six months ago

And I met them several times afterwards

Yes he has a studio off
the Boulevard St Michel

But how does he came into the case?

Well,he doesn't work there any more

He now works in a studio in
the end of the Impasse de Vauve

What's strange about that?


The studio where he now
works is the old Minetti studio

He moved in just as soon
as Minetti was dead

He took great care as everything
should be left just as it was

Nothing has been touched

Exactly he pays for it to fall into bits

Eccentric perhaps but I
can see nothing wrong in it

Maybe not

But got it from the neighbours
say that his manners is suspicious

And of course we know he was on
very intimate terms with the girl

Was he?


I promise nothing but
I'll see what I can do

I thought you would

I think I have a friendly talk
with my young friend Lucille


It such a relief to me you come back

I was getting really worried

Charles says he is all
right but I know he is ill

Very ill

But I know you can help him

Don't worry,my dear,
we'll see what we can do

-So you will come then?
-I'll come

Thank you

You are both still in that
studio off the Boulevard?

Yes,we nearly always work in the other one

-Impasse des Fauves
-Yes,the studio at the end


Sorry I'm late

That's all right

So was I

Life is bad anyway

I don't know what is wrong with me

This is not working not at all well

Turn a little to the light will you?

-Is that better?
-Yes,like that


I think you are overworking

Oh,I don't think so

Charles,you're not sleeping are you?

Why can't we go away again?

Somewhere in the sun,
the weather is lovely now

Got to be wonderful in that little village,
the sea was so brilliant and peaceful

Let's stop working for
a while just be together

What the devil are you doing up there?

I told you to get that ready yesterday

The whole place is falling to bits,
I'm responsible to the landlord

I told her I told you

Mind your own business

I pay the rent,don't I?

Get out and stay out

-You cant talk to me like that I..
-Get out

Asch was

What was Maria doing up there?

Cleaning up I suppose

I thought you told her not to

Did she tell you that?


She's made the bed up there

-What for?
-Has she?

I must have told her I suppose

Charles,you are not going
to live here,are you?

I don't know

I thought I might

I wish you wouldn't

No good can possibly come of it

It's a hateful place

Even Maria is scared stiff
to come in here on her own

Is she why?

Oh,nothing she said she heard noises
or something but she was possibly drunk

Did she described the noises?

What noises?

The noises she said she heard,
did she describe them?

Oh,Charles,surely you don't believe

Did she describe the noises or didn't she?


How is the great sculptor
and the charming model?

I didn't know you were back

We are all right

Just been at the Salon

and as I didn't see anything of yours there

I thought I should come over and
find where you are hiding them

I didn't send anything this year

The muses are out of you

Nothing I like well enough

Let's see the present of them

Pretty awful

Is that meant to be Lucille's shoulder?

Yes,don't you like it?

I admire both of them tremendously

but if that is meant to be one of
them she should sue you for libel

This clay is devilishly hard

I'm so pleased you come

Charles even decided to sleep here now

-You'll talk to him
-Leave it to me

What are you two whispering about?

About love

How are you keeping
yourself these days,my friend?

Oh,I'm all right

-Sleeping well?


You look to me as you haven't
slept or eaten well for a week

Simple about me I'm all right

No you are not,come on now,
what's on your mind?

Now look here,are you my
friend or my doctor?


Oh,I see you won't let me do any more work
today,Lucille,get dressed,we are finished

When did you sleep last?

And eat?-Can't

Drink a brandy I suppose,
got to stop that,you know


Away from here

That's impossible

Nothing is impossible for
a man in your state

I'll tell you it's out of the question

Now,you listen to me

I know what I'm talking about

For some reason rather
you are in a pretty bad state

go on as you are doing,
you are heading for a breakdown

The mind ,my friend,has the most
delicate balance in the world

Push it too far and..

-Charles,you must take a leave
-I can't

-Why not
-I have my reasons

They can't be as urgent as mine

At least get out of this studio

Why do you say that?

Well,look at the place

Why did you leave your own comfortable
studio and come and live in this morgue

You felt it too?

Felt what?


Charles why won't you let me
do for you what I would do any ??

Come on now

Tell me what's on your mind?

You've got money,talent and Lucille

Who obviously is very much in love with you


Lucille,you can go home

What's the matter? She's only
gone to sleep,she often does

It's common in models,
it's holding the pose I think




What's the matter?

Before our eyes you fell
asleep again that's all

You can get dressed and go
home we are finished for the day

Let's go home,I'll take care of Charles


Sit down

Well,what is it?


How long was I asleep?

Oh,about five minutes I suppose

I'll tell you later

I had a horrid dream

A dream? That's most interesting,
can you recall that dream?


No I can't

I can't talk about it

It's before I come here

But so vivid,it seemed real

Hideous,evil forms closing
down on me,suffocating me

-Same time tomorrow,Charles?

Charles,dear,I'm so worried about you

I wish you wouldn't sleep
in the bedroom here

Don't worry about me,Lucille,
everything will work out all right

Just trust

See you tomorrow morning


I do not know what I
would do without that girl

Things she does for me

What she gets out of it,isn't it?

A treat her abominable

I snap at her,I'm rude

I used not to be like this,Ivan

I don't even feel like myself

I feel like I belong to another world

Lucille used to be able
to pull me out of it

Now everyday the feeling grows stronger

Go on

You're right,Ivan

I am ill

I know I'm ill

But admit won't do any good

You've got something
on your mind,haven't you?

Won't you like to tell me about it?

No,no,no,calm,relax and sit by me

Do you remember a sculptor named Minetti?



Did you know him?

Yes I did,in fact this
used to be his studio

Minetti? Yes I remember him well

Died about a year ago

Of course,I was present at the autopsy

Advanced paranoia

Most interesting case


It was about two years ago

He just married a young
woman called Christine Renoir

Anyway he had gone some
form of ceremony with her

I didn't know them then

Christine told me later that
she met him a ballet school

Most interesting a ballet school?

Stop it,stop this noise

What's this noise,you ought
to be ashamed of yourselves

You behave like another
street urchins instead of ladies

Go on to your bars get
ready to do some work

Fifth,fifth,come on


Right,now warm up,and warm up with some
drawn on that one will you play it again?

Warm up with some grande battment



Up with the arms



One jambe

I suppose you think it is good

I think it's terrible

go on get to your bars and pirouettes

that's it the only reasonable
you are doing is writhe

Good heavens,ridiculous

There,that's the one,the
girl over there by the mirror

Yes I see

That's Christine Renoir

I call her



Come over here a minute

Christine,dear,this is an old
friend of mine,Monsieur Minetti

Monsieur is a well known sculptor

And he thinks you'll be honoured
of wanting you to pose for him

He's doing some figures from the ballet

and he picked on you as being
an ideal ballet dancer

He'll pay you of course

You could do with a little extra money,mm?

You are very kind,Monsieur

But I have no experience,
do you think I'll be all right?

You don't need any experience,my dear

as a matter of fact,the less
experience the better

I'll do all the work,all you
have to do is to stand still

a little irksome perhaps,
but not uncomfortable

And now let me have a good
look at you,Mademoiselle


Charming,turn around,will you?

On your toes


That's settled then

When do you want her to start?

Of course it could not
interfere with her work

She's free two afternoons a week

Go back to your practice now my dear

And I'll arrange with Monsieur
when you can go to his studio

Thank you Madame

Quite another leg,quite another leg,
you've been resting all the time

Come into your positions
and be ready for the adage

In positions for the adage

Developez all the bras,right

Go on

What about her family?

Are they going to be all right?

No need for trouble like that,Monsieur

This girl is an orphan

She has no parents

A little money which pays for her training

-Quite alone
-How convenient

An orphan

We understand each other,don't we,Madame?

She worked with him
on and off for some time

He appeared to excite an
extraordinary influence over her

She was the only model he used

And he turned out a
lot of little figures of Christine

Always in???

Hold your arms up

He sold many of them which
was seen all over Paris

It was a few months later

And do not despair Mademoiselle,
it might be much worse

Your heart it is not permanently injured

Only strained

Take things easily and you
may never have another attack

And perhaps,one couldn't tell

In a few years you may be able
to continue with your dancing

A few years?

But then it will be too late

What am I going to do ???

What indeed

A most unfortunate situation,my dear

A ballet dancer who can't dance

You have no parents,have you?

No money either

Paris offers cold comfort
to penniless prudes

This studio

You have been happy here?

Why not regard it as your home

No,no,my dear,you misunderstand me,
I mean I shall be completely bourgeois

You want me to marry you?

And why not?

It was shortly after the
marriage I first met them

It was here in the studio

but it was of course it was
very different to what it is now

And yet he was holding a private exhibition

He had a certain talent,
nothing really outstanding

but his work had a charm
and a quality of its own

My wife,Monsieur Garrie

The exhibition is a great success

From the moment we saw each other there
was a feeling of sympathy between us

Do you think he would
agree to make a bust of me?

She was obviously most unhappy

Speak to him about it,eh?

Oh,yes,Madame,I will most certainly

I'd so much like to have one of his works

I felt strangely drawn to her

And we met frequently

It was about six months later

When the first visible change
begun to come over Minetti

He's given up his regular style of work

and started on the most morbid
and grotesque subjects

Why do you make such horrid things,Anton?


You prefer these,do you?

Sentimental rubbish

Oh,Anton,I fail you

Hello,Anton,hello Christine,oh an accident

-What do you want?
-Nothing,just a visit

Eh,did I invite you?

Really,Anton,what's the matter with you?

Then,good evening

Good Lord,what's happen to Anton?

I said,good evening

Good evening

Meet me in five minutes
in the Cafe Nouvelle Ouefs

All right

What's happened,what's wrong with Anton?

I don't know,I don't understand it

Something terrible has come
over him and frightened

He hardly ever speaks to me,just looks

and the organ,he plays the organ,
all the time,always the same tune

-When did all this start?
-A few weeks ago

Do you think he knows about us?

-You mean that we've been meeting?

No,I'm sure of it,but that's
got nothing to do with it,it's him

There's something matter with him

Sounds I think he's going mad

-Thank you


Why do you put up with a life like this?

You owe this man nothing

You never loved him or he you


There's so much that we could do together

Oh,Charles, you are a darling

But it did never work,he'll
never let me get away from him

Where ever we went he'll find us

I'd think he rather kill me than
let me get away from him

I must go now,get back before he returns

When can I see you again?

He's going away tomorrow,
I can see you on Thursday

Where is he going to?

I don't know,he never tells me,just go

Does he?

Very well then,on Thursday

Here,same time and don't you be late

I decided to find out what Minetti was
doing so the next day I followed him

He went to a small village outside Paris

A splendid day I felt I had real genius

A few more sittings and we'll be finished

I am glad

When are you coming back?

You know what happens to little
girls who ask questions,don't you?

I am changed out here,alone at night

I'm frightened

I don't like the country

And then all this new
studio which terrifies me

And with all your weird things

Why can't I have someone to
stay with me when you are away?

Because I won't have people
spying on me,that's why

Everyone wants to spy on me

And I won't be spied on

Answer me,when will you
take me to Paris,like you promised?

When I am ready

I won't stay here any longer

I'll go away

You go away,will you? That's interesting

Where to?

Back to the gutter,
where I found you,I suppose

Don't worry,my dear

I'm arranging for you to come to Paris

And soon

So that was the explanation

Well after that I was more determined
than ever to persuade Tina to leave him

If he ever saw us together until one
night we went to a fancy dress party

Strange how thing would worked out

Lucille was at that party

You think it will be all right

Yes,dear,don't worry this is the Right Bank

We shan't meet anyone we know
here it's just old Jo-JO,we can trust him

-You do want to go,don't you?
-Yes,you know I do,I just wondering with it

You look adorable

You know,Tina, we make
life very difficult for ourselves

Let's stock this whole in
the corner of distance

I've decided not to listen
anymore of your fears

-But it's..
-Or objections,we'll go away

Quite away,out of Paris,out of the country

Do you want to,don't you?

Why do you ask?

Thank you

We'll go to Marseille and
get shipped to southwards

My dear Christine

My beautiful ???

And Charles,my dear friend,what a party!

All the noise

And the figures do you like it?

Now come along here

Out of the way

Make way for two new guests

Come along

Here's darling Christina and Charles

She will be happy with the ??


Oh my beautiful Lucille

Come back to my ???,my darling

And the act will seem poor

Come on my friends,come and eat

Enjoy yourselves girls as busy as ever

Enjoying yourself?


Who is that?

That? My dear Lucille,you've never
been to one of my parties before

You see,you and I and most of the
people here belong to the Right Bank

But there are one or two from the Left Bank

And Charles Garrie is one

Of course, it'll take a few weeks
to get a few things to arrange

I shall have to get all
my material together

Now get my things out gradually
without him knowing

Oh Charles

You see,he and Christine,well

Do you know,my dear,I hate to
step in and spoil it wouldn't you?

Remember we are artists
as well as gentlemen

We must fight a proper
duel,an artist's duel

Come on

Quiet please



On the word one,salute

On the word two,en guarde

On the word three,commence

Are you ready




Charles,look,that man over
there,keeps on staring at me

I didn't see anyone

Charles,let's go,I'm frightened

But,Tina,don't be ridiculous


It was soon after that

that something happened
that made me realize

I had to get Tina away as soon as possible

Minetti had returned

He smashed all the figures
of her in the studio

He started feverishly
working on a new subject


You don't appear to care for it,Christine

It's a pity

Because it's going to be my masterpiece

And then you never were not much
a judge of art,were you?

Nor of anything else,what's that matter

An very silly girl

And very filly girl indeed

It must be just a co-incidence

But Charles,don't you see,it
can't possible be a co-incidence,it is me

A horrible character showed of me,
every detail and linen and everything

He must have seen us and this is
his way of killing,but he knows

Yes I

He'll do something awful to me,
I know he will,the way he looks at me

Oh,Charles,take me away

We'll leave tonight

But must be careful

There is one or two things I must do first

now listen what you must do,
go back as nothing

-No,not that Charles
-Now seriously be reasonable

We must be careful

We must have said nothing

I want us to be well on our way out
of Paris before he even misses you

I suppose you are right

Go back,get the best
of your things together

When he goes out for his evening drink

slip out and meet me in the
Gare du Nord at six and let me take this

There's a train that's go back 615 and 620

I leave you there with my mother

She'll take care of you

And then in a few days
we'll leave for the South

I wish we could go now

Dearest,do trust me

There's so many things to do

there's passports,money,remember we are
going away for good and leaving no trace

Very well,Gare du Nord at six

-Under the clock
-Under the clock

Don't you be late


I couldn't make it out

So thinking that something
gone wrong with our plans

I decided to wait in the Impasse
in case she slipped down later

I spent a useless and miserable night

When morning came I returned home

Later I went to Minetti's studio

Oh,Charles,how nice of
you to have called,come in,come in

-Is Christine well?
-Oh,yes,only a passing headache,you know

But sit down,dear chap

she's around somewhere,
would love to see you

you don't mind if I go on working,do you?

Oh,not at all

What are you doing?

A symbolic subject

The pipes of pear I call it

Haven't made Pan very attractive,have you?

My dear fellow,you've missed
the subtlety of the thing

When real life seldom is,is it?

No I suppose it isn't

Do you go to the exhibition of Carnot?

No, I keep myself very
much to myself these days

Will Christine be long do you think?

My dear chap,forgive me,a shocking ??

-A glass of wine?

You know I'm really very
grateful to you Charles

You've given up so much of
your time to the dear girl

So she tells me

-Ah,good morning,Maria
-Good morning,Monsieur

Please stay below

But Monsieur

I will attend to it later

Later? Always later

But I brought you up some coal

Thank you

It's nearly empty

You have burnt a lot

The coal man comes today,
shall I get you some?

Yes,yes,anything the usual

Tina didn't arrive so I
made an excuse and left

I was sure there was something
sinister behind Minetti's behaviour

So I hang around the Impasse
waiting for her to return

I waited most of the day

She never appeared

Then I got really alarmed

and made enquiries in all the
places she might have gone

And no one had seen her

Several days passed

And I could not find no trace of her

Finally I was foolish
enough to go to the police

I'm afraid it's hardly a
matter for the police,Monsieur

If what you say is true and
this woman has disappeared

surely her husband would have come to us

She is a married woman,no I'm sorry

There is nothing we can do

I didn't no which way to turn

I finally decided to go to Minetti and
make a clean breast of the whole thing

Tell him Tina and I loved each
other and ask for her release

I must go to the girl

There is nothing you can do,Monsieur

Now if you don't go away I
shall be forced to arrest you

What happened,Madame?

He's murdered her,that's what happened

-What are you saying?
-Hear,leave me alone

You're as mad as he was


I seemed to die in that moment

I'd became demented

I felt I had to see her again

That night I went to the morgue


May I see the body of Madame Minetti?

Come in,Monsieur,come in

See the other three
gentlemen came to see me

the floor is hard and he
spent a quite a while here

Sit down

You have made me something,
Monsieur,won't you?

I was just popping out to
supper when Monsieur rang

and I thought,it was another customer
but I am glad I am glad in seeing you

I have so sense for anyone who can
talk,and I love to talk

Some wine?

Don't worry,Naughte is a very good
wine,excellent wine

and you must try the cheese too

I've got a lovely delicious cheese,
I bought it fresh this morning

Keeps so well in here,
you know,I keep it here

Under this lap

-But I came to see
-Of course

Yes,Monsieur,what a shocking cause

It comes of being so much alone,you know

Minetti? Oh yes I remember
Madame Minetti she

She kept an ?? in Rue de Frere,
a very good wine she used to sell

Very. But that was before
your time,let me see

It was

I want to see the girl who was
murdered in the Impasse

Oh,that one,certainly,I put her
over there by the window

It's the best place you know,I always
put the pretty one by the window

I'm sorry you don't want
to have some cheese

But come on,Monsieur

I,I'll show you

A very sad case,Monsieur

Very sad,indeed

A beautiful face

Don't you think,Monsieur?

It's a bit bruises around
the throat show up so much

Apart from that a perfect specimen

I don't get many perfect
specimen these days,you see

The last time I..

Don't you feel well,Monsieur?

This is not Madame Minetti

Let me out of here

I'm so sorry,Monsieur

Don't you want to stay and talk with me?

People so seldom talk these
days and I love to talk

It was the woman I've seen with
Minetti's at the village cafe

A very terrible story

Yes but that's not the end

I redoubled my efforts to find Tina

I advertised I combed Paris,
I could find no trace of her

She'd completely vanished

Now the police made enquiries

Fruitless enquiries

And all the time I couldn't help thinking

if I only hadn't made her
go back that night

I can't get it out of my mind

I imagined that she might
have lost her memory

She was wandering around the country

So when the studio was sold out

Knowing it the only home she knew

I took it,lock, stock, and barrel

Nothing has been touched

Her clothes is still there in the bedroom

Everything is just as she left

There was nothing more I could do

I tried to keep my mind
out of the horror of it all

I went back to my work

But without much success

Hello,Jo-Jo,what are you
doing this side of the river?

Well, as Mohammed wouldn't
come to the mountain

the mountain had to come to Mohammed

Why have you deserted me?

-I've been working too hard
-Working too hard

These if there was anything good,that's
not an excuse for deserting your friends

You come here to insult me?

My dear boy do you think
I climb 15 flight of those stairs

merely for the pleasure of insulting you?

No,I brought you the sweetest
loveliest girl who wants to meet you

Heavens know why

Now Lucille,this is Charles Garrie

Charles Garrie,Lucille Lindbeck

How do you do,Mademoiselle

I saw you at Jo-Jo's party some months ago

You model,Mademoiselle?

Surely you must know that Lucille Lindbeck
is the most famous model of our quarter

You ought to feel very flattered that
she's come to your studio

-Why? When Gaston Claire..
-Perhaps,Monsieur has already a model

I've been working without one

Up till now I preferred my own company

You mean you'll model for me?

Really,Charles,what do
you think she's come for,you idiot?

You might stand in the portal light

Take your hat off

A little more to the left,please


Thank you

It was really she who kept
me for losing my reason

A charming patience with me did
much to restore my piece of mind

Constantly but all this in
shadow of Tina came between us

What's the matter?

Don't you like it,dear?

It's lovely

Charles,what come over you?

I haven't done anything,have I?

It's not you,darling

What has happened?

I know it wasn't she

It was the voice of Tina

which kept hammering in my
brain telling me to come back

This feeling of Tina's
presence grew so strong

that I found myself impaled come
and work in the studio where she has lived

The more I worked here

the stronger grew the conviction
that one day she would return

Some day she will return

I know it

My dear friend,I do not want to seem unkind

But it is not far more
likely that she is dead

It's now more than a year

Put beside all these morbid thoughts

Go away from here

Marry Lucille

She adores you and would
make you an excellent wife

You still don't understand

With this shadow hanging
over me what can I do?

I can't ask Lucille to
share this horror with me

Can't you see until I
know I have no future?

Solution is here

Here in this room

I feel it

I know it

One day alive or dead

She will come back

That where madness lie

These morbid thoughts naturally only is
encouraged by these unnatural surroundings

I tell you get out of here

Go away with Lucille and
these imaginings will cease

That's just did,it's not imaginations,
things happen in this room

Strange inexplicable things,not only me,
other people have heard them too

What sort of things?

The organ plays,Maria has heard it

These things are naturally
very simply explained

You've got an organ in this room,
someone must been playing it

Impossible,it doesn't work

Then these noises are
probably not the organ

but water pipes,wind,echoes,many
things could sound like an organ

That's not all

Something much more strange than that

Do you see this lamp?

Well,every night at eleven o'clock

This lamp begins to flicker

It burns slower,then goes out

Can be many reasons for that

Lack of oil, a draft,faulty
burner and coincidence

Don't you think I haven't
though of all that

I shielded it,changed the oil,
put in new wicks

But still at eleven it goes out

You think I'm going mad maybe

By living too long in
these morbid surroundings

you begin to hear and feel
things that do not exist

Do you think I'm having delusions?

I see

If you saw for yourself
would you believe it then?

That's it,come back here
tonight and see for yourself

And you'll know that I am not going mad

Will you come,Ivan?

Yes I come but on one condition that you
came and have a good dinner before

That's a bargain

Heavens,this place look
bad enough by daylight

but now you certainly provide it the right
setting to make me believe anything

Like the lamp

When did you say this phenomena occurs?

Exactly at 11 pm

Still a few minutes to go

You know,Charles

I'm not at all sure

That I'm doing the right thing and
encouraging you in this nonsense

Wait,you'll see

I'm glad the stove kept in,some cold night

Are there any other studios
in this building occupied?

No,they are empty

What are you doing up here?

I saw a light coming from you

when I ordered the hall so I came
up to see that's my job,isn't it?

Get out and don't come up here again

No wait a minute,Madame

I've something to ask you

I'll talk to you but not to him

Monsieur Charles tells me that you
are hearing organ music here in this room

Yes,I do

I hear it all times

And not a soul in the studio,mind you

Is there anything particular
about this music,can you describe it?

You know the tune

Yes,can you tell us the tune

Cruel against an old woman
I've no learning of music

Can you hum it or sing it?

I'm no singer either

But not that when I was a young girl

On the tune

That's it

Charles are you sure someone is
not trying to have some joke on you?

Well,anybody who could possibly
be interested in scaring you out of here?

What do you mean?

Let's have a look at the organ

Very strange

The lamp,now you'll see

-There's a body on your
-Stop it

Fool,screaming like that
because the lamp goes out

Now do you believe me?


The possibility is there

Violent deeds,violent emotions can leave
an impression on a room or an object

Something has made such
an impression on this room

Some power concentrated some object

But where is that power?

I have it

We must have a seance here

Here in this room,and
the power is at its highest

That way,and that way only
can we solve the mystery

A medium is a living bridge

across which this spirit there is
beyond powerful to this one

-If Tina is dead I shall see her
-That is possible

No,I don't like it

There is danger I admit

But only to the medium

If one of experience is brave

I know the very woman let's try tomorrow

Don't let us do this,Ivan

I have a presentiment that
something terrible will happen

Leave it to me

The whole affair puzzles me deeply

And I am sorry now I took it on

But why?

I like Charles Garrie

And as I told you I feel I have
some responsibility with that girl Lucille

Does she come into the story?

Not yet but

Unless Charles Garrie is
a remarkably fine actor

he is in a highly neurotic condition

Besides a psychic element
has now come into it

Now what do you mean?

Spooks,ghosts,the supernatural

This is ridiculous

Not so ridiculous as you may suppose

Our senses have their limits,very limit

But are we to seriously believe

that nothing exist beyond
the limit of our senses

Anyhow Charles believes he
has experienced supernatural

And that belief I propose to
exploit to our advantage


By holding a seance in his studio

In fact I have already arranged

But you don't seriously believe

What I may believe or not
believe does not enter into it

Because in this case a result of
the seance has been prearranged

-Ah,fake medium
-Certainly not

Madame Kadowa is a medium,a very famous one

But in this case she has agreed to help me

Well,I am still utterly in the dark

Well,I believe it'll be my explicit

What Madame said,and I
suppose ??,in Garrie's state of mind

I hope to trap him into
revealing the whole truth

Highly indigenous but suppose we fail

Then no harm has been done and in any
case we maybe backing up the wrong tree

Near to hold your nose

There is that possibility

There is another possibility,my friend

There are more things
in heaven and earth,remember?

What help do you need?

Two men in the building tonight

Light more candles,quick

What have you done,
Madame,everything is spoilt

I must leave the place

Somebody tried to kill me

I am suffocated let me go,let me go

-I got to get out of here
-Will you pull together,Madame

Let me go,let me go

What things haven't ? happened,
you knew what you had to do

Don't you know?

Didn't you feel the presence

I never had such experience before


Nothing will induce him to
? at his heart,nothing

You mean there is something here?

Are you ready for us,Monsieur

No,you can go back

I told you we should never had done this

Charles,my friend,can you forgive me?

What happened?

A rare case

But the development on you was possible

What do you mean?

It's a psychic condition,
difficult to explain

It sometimes happens that
medium is out of tune with the control

When the influence is too
strong the trance is broken

Sometimes with dangerous
effect to the medium

Such a condition occurred just now

I see and now what do we do?

Find another medium of course

No,I won't any more of it

Charles,we must

I can't tell you why

But we have gone so far,
there isn't going back

We must find another medium

Someone more sensitive to the influence


What a fool I've been

Why didn't I realize it before?

Her eyes,the very confirmation of her
head,everything proclaims to medium

What are you talking about?

You will see I've got the very
woman,tomorrow night

Tomorrow night will bring the solution

Lucille what are you doing here?

Lucille is going to help us

Look,I won't hear it

I had no idea it was Lucille

Ivan you must be mad

I love you,I won't have her
dragged her into the scene

That's the very reason that you must

Think man,your future,your
very life is at stake

Besides it's not only you

There is Lucille herself

I told her all


All,she loves you but your
mind is chained to the past

How do you know she is a medium?

Don't you remember when I fell
asleep at the studio while posing?

Yes,what has that do with it?

Can't you see,she was not really asleep

not normal sleep,some influence in
this studio sent her into a trance

Charles,the choice is yours,
between the living and the dead

Charles you said you loved me just now

Then let me go through with this

Very well

If there any harm behold
her,Ivan,I'll kill you


We have no time to lose

What do you want me to do?

Sit down

Your hands like this

Enter your mind of thoughts

Close your eyes


Start breathing



I like you pick you thoughts on Christine

Whatever your hear,what ever happens,
don't get her up,don't say a word

Do I sense a subject?

Anyone here?


Oh,Charles I waited so long

I tried so hard

The lamp,the organ

I tried so hard,Charles


Can you tell us what happened to you?

I will try but you must help me

Think about me,Charles

Think hard about me

I am in a room


Open the door,Christine

In a minute

Wait a minute

You are not thinking
of going out the evening

Are you my little,Christine?

You are not thinking of
leaving you poor old Anton?Are you?

Because he'll never let you go,you know

You don't think that Anton
doesn't know what you are trying to do?

Do you?

Because he's searching now,
he knows all about it

What happened then,please go on

I must know

She is in there now in the plaster

You are coming in here now

Give me the prefect to the police

Subtitles by Nostromo