Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster (1996) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[birds singing]

[music playing]

[guns firing]


[guns firing]


[guns firing]


[guns firing]

[dramatic music]


[guns firing]

[thunder rumbling]

[classical piano music]


Every day is a
day of decision.

Most days our decisions
will be about small matters.

There also will be days
when our decisions will

be turning points in our lives.



[tapping on floor]

MAN: Colonel Vail, sir.

Colonel Vail, sir.


Dinner, sir.

Colonel Ladislaus, Major
Jordan and Captain DeSantis

are already eating, sir.

Thank you very much.

You're dismissed.

[door opening and closing]


JODY: (SINGING) I don't know
why I keep going 'cause my heart

just keeps on breaking.

I can't seem to find
my way back home.

Tell me where I
can find a love who

can give me love I'm giving.

I can't seem to find
a love that's real.

I can't seem to find
a love that's real.

Let me see your pass, ma'am.

[dog barking]

She's clear.

That reminds me of
that job that time--

you know that-- that old
guy with a goofy hat.

I must have emptied an
entire mag into that guy

and he just keeps waving
around this rusty old sword.

Same thing with this hombre.

He was dead five
times over and he

keeps shaking his finger at
me like, who the hell are you?

This is just a wedding.

You ever do that?

Miss a guys vitals
on purpose just

to see how much he could take?

Jeez, I'm living with
a bunch of stiffs.


Who wants to go over
the wall tonight?

MAN: Quit talking trash.


Willy, I'm bored
with this place.

Same old faces, same old
food, same old whores.

We volunteered.

Some of us volunteered.

It was either this
luxury hotel or the men

in the funny white coats.

Right, Frank?

That night in Wichita, Mike,
when those kids got in your way

and you decided
they were the enemy,

how many kids did you take out?

They had it coming, Frank.

What's wrong with you guys?


I hate soft targets.


Frank, right?

Excuse me.

Hey, how come you
never want to party?

I don't have time.

Don't be a blanket, honey.

I'm saving up for college.


Yes, ma'am.

The boys have been seeing your
charms for a month now so--

well, I just had to
order myself up a treat.

[giggling] Well,
good thinking.

What, the maid's on
strike or something?


JODY: Hey, don't.


Hey, cut it out.

[door banging]

The password.


[music playing]

I've been estranged--


Hi, baby.

Sorry I woke you.

Well, I wasn't sleeping.

You said you'd be
here two days ago.


Well, I couldn't call you
where I was and, you know,

when I got in I didn't
want to wake you.

Come on, baby.

I really missed you.

Come here a minute.

Come here.


Did you?

Where were you?

The Middle East, Bosnia,
Armenia, Latin America-- where?

You know I can't
tell you that, Janice.

Yeah, well, wherever you
were you're still there.

It's not working, Colin.

I didn't marry you just
so I could live alone.

I hate it.

It'd almost be
easier if you did get

killed on one of
those special jobs

you do for the Special Forces.

At least I'd be able to mourn.

[door clanging]


Ah-- Oh, god.

Where is it?

[vermin squeaking]

Colonel Vail, you're not
allowed to be here, sir.



[suspenseful music]

[distant begging]

[distant shouting]

MAN: Find number one.

[alarm blaring]


Stop where you are.


Do not proceed.

I repeat, do not proceed.

Colonel Vail, if you proceed
we will have to shoot.

[guns firing]


[suspenseful music]

MAN: Come on.

Turn off the goddamn siren.

What the hell's
going on, Captain?

Sir, it's Colonel Vail, sir.


Seal off the
southwest sector now.

Yes, sir.

[guns firing]

[explosion booming]

[guns firing]

Drop the gate!

Drop the gate!



[explosion booming]

[distant explosion booming]

[birds chirping]

It's me.

Hey, you.

[dramatic music]

[phone ringing]



Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

You have to go?


For how long?

I don't know that, Janice.

I'm sorry.
- You're sorry.

Colin, If you go now I won't
be here when you get back.


[door closing]

[birds cawing]

Colonel Frank Vail.

He trained your unit
eight years ago.

COLIN: Yes, sir.

Are you friends?

We were.

He died, sir.

About five years
ago he experienced

post-traumatic stress
disorder while on leave.

He had a flashback.

There were casualties--

I understand civilians.

I tried to visit him
in a prison hospital.

They told me he got
shot trying to escape.

And what did you
think about that?

I was surprised
Colonel Vail would

allow himself to be shot, sir.

We had a little snafu
with the rehab group.


As you know,
Captain, black ops are

missions that never happened.

The rehab group is a black
ops unit that doesn't exist.

Its members fly directly
to the target then back.

They never go off base.

Officially they're all dead.

So security is
never compromised.

Except at 0100 hours their
fearless leader Colonel Vail

went AWOL from Fort Monroe.

Colonel Vail is alive, sir?

On the last job one of our
boys tried to go on vacation.

Vail did his duty and
shot the son of a bitch.

Maybe he's upset about it.

PARKER: I wouldn't
speculate about that.

Colonel Vail and the
other group members

are close to perfect
killing machines.

No doubts.

No remorse.

Find him, Captain.

Bring him back.

Colonel Vail will not
be easy to capture, sir.

The mission parameters include
the possibility of target

retrieval after termination.

Are you saying if I
can't capture Colonel Vail

I should kill him Mr. Parker?

Captain, you mustn't
allow the police

to take him into custody.

You are authorized
to use all means

to avoid jeopardizing the
security of the rehab group.

You understand there'll
be civilians involved, sir?

We'd all like to avoid
collateral damage, Captain.

But nothing and nobody is
to compromise your mission.

We can't have a media circus.

How many men have
you killed Mr. Parker?

Excuse me?

COLIN: Confirmed kills.

I don't kill people.

COLIN: I didn't think so.

I don't see how
that is relevant.

You just issue the orders
and watch the show, right?

MAN: Captain.


I trust you, Colin.

Don't let me down.


[bird cawing]

[distant talking]

[classical piano music]

[door opening]

MAN: Captain Neal, sir.

Captain Neal, sir.

They're ready for you, sir.

[door closing]

COLIN: Now, I understand
you had faulty intelligence.

You couldn't get a
positive ID on the target.

So you just wiped out
all the potentials.



It was real embarrassing.

COLIN: Was Colonel Vail upset
about that, Major Jordan?

Like we give a fuck
about the dudes we wasted.

Uh-- Major Hawk
Kayhan tried to desert.

Any idea why?



Uh-- He had to go get
a wedding present.



Colonel Vail shot Major Kayhan.


Is there any
indication that he

may have been upset about that?


COLIN: Do any of you guys
have any idea why Colonel

Vail would go AWOL, huh?

Maybe he got tired
of playing dead.

Captain Willard.

Captain Willard, do you ever
get tired of playing dead?

Ah, come on.

Look at the advantages.

No bills.

No divorce court.

And every so often you get to
pump some asshole full of led.


You, uh-- hired the services
of one prostitute last

night named Jody Richardson.

I'm tired of 20
fucking questions.

Did she say anything
to Colonel Vail?

Hey, you looking
for a job, buddy?

'Cause we got an opening.










Come on.







You're hired.

Whose picture was in the
frame on Vail's bedside table?

Some old chick and
some real ancient guy.

How's you know
there was a photo?

I didn't.

Now I do.


[siren blaring]

It's a red '73 Mustang.

It's by the main entrance
just like you asked.

Why do you need
to see him, Frank?

You don't need to know that.

[sighing] Well, I--

I didn't need to know he
was still alive either.

You know, when we were together
I never really had him.

And when he died I
somehow got him back.

And now you're taking him
away from me again, Frank.

[footsteps disappearing]

Mother died in 1958.

The father is still alive.

Marine Corps general.

Records don't show his postings.

I bet the son of a
bitch is black ops too.

How about the wife, Wendy?


Runs a gardening store about
400 miles east of your 20.


I want 24 hour surveillance
on both of them.

Tap their phones.

She flushes the John I
want to hear about it.

Get back to me.


like you said, sir.

We found fragments of
glass 50 yards from where

he dropped the vehicle.

They fit the photograph frame.


Now get the lab to put
the pieces back together.

There might be enough
chemical residue

left on the glass for
them to enhance the image.

MAN (ON RADIO): Yes, sir.

[siren blaring]

[pop music]


What can I do you for?

Jody Richardson, please.




I need to talk to her, now.

100 bucks.

And if you're broke
I got some magazines.

You can go jerk off
in the parking lot.

This is police business.

Got a badge?




Third door down.


Third door down.




[knocking on door]

I'm not here.

Talk to Milo.

Nice place.

I need to talk to you Jody.

And who are you?

A cop or something?

You were at Fort
Monroe last night.

Who did that to you?

Did you see him last night?

Yeah, I saw him.

Did you say anything to him?

I bumped into him.

I said, hello.

Did he say anything to you?

He said, excuse me.

Did you talk
about anything else?

Look, I didn't go
there to talk, OK?


Hey, Mister.

Did he you do something bad?


[door opening]


I was just sending
some stuff back home.

Don't bullshit a
bullshitter, Jody.

You still owe me 800 bucks
for that hospital bill.


Don't even cover rent.

And you got Dick to pay me with.



That sweet little
box of yours.

You can bet I ain't letting
you take it out of here

till you pay me back.

JODY: I'll work hard Milo.

I promise you I'll pay you back.

I want a down payment.

Come on, honey.

I got customers waiting.

FRANK: That's right.

You sure do.

I need to talk to the lady.

MAN: You too?


Did you tell
anyone about this?

No I didn't.

I didn't tell him anything.

I promise you I didn't.

Who didn't you tell?

The guy who was just
here a minute ago.

Look, I don't talk to cops, OK?

How did you get this?

A woman came by last week.

Short blonde hair.


She knew I worked at the
base and asked me if I

wanted to make some money, OK?

I don't ask questions
when somebody

puts rent money in my hands.

This woman?

Thank you very much.

Take care of yourself.

Hey, Mister.

Is he dead?

I wouldn't hang around
here if I were you.

I'd move fast.

[ignition struggling]


Good to see you, Colin.

Same here, Colonel, but they
sent me to bring you back.

I can't go back.

I've got my orders, sir.

I need 48 hours.

They want you back now, sir.

Just a minute.

OK, look, all I'm asking for
is 48 hours and I'll be back.

I can't just give
it to you, sir.




Watch the road.

This is Moorhead.

We've been listening to
your damn car for an hour.

What the hell is going on?

I located Vail, sir.

MOORHEAD: Excellent.

However, I was
unable to detain him.

Then don't try to
detain him, Captain.

Just kill him.

Yes, sir.

Remember, no police.

Sir, were you able to
locate Vail's father?

[electronic beeping]

Damn it.

[music playing]



Do you want to tell
me where we're going?


He lost his hat.

Do you ever sleep?


Bad dreams, huh?

I know, I get 'em too.


JODY: So why did you split?

Stop asking me questions.

Something I have to do.

You ticklish?

We're going to need a new car.

We're going to need some money.

I don't want to
rob anything, but--

If you let me go I know
where we can get both.

Car and money?

JODY: Uh-huh.


The police won't look too
closely if you take 'em.

But you have to let me go.

I have to let you go?


That's depends.

Where is this place?

Not far.

I used to have a habit and a
guy I was hanging around with.

He's got everything you need.

He's the biggest pusher around.
He's got the car.

He's got the cash.


No, I'm clean now.


JODY: See that Caddy?
FRANK: Yeah.

JODY: That's his.

Turn it off.

How many are there?

Um-- like three
or four usually

if they're not out selling.

Wait for me.

[ignition struggling]

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Damn it.

MAN: [screaming]

[glass shattering]

[gun firing]


[engine starting]


Thanks for waiting.

[music playing]

[phone ringing]

MACHINE): Hello, you've

reached Colin and Janice.

We weren't able to
come to the phone so

please leave your message
at the sound of the beep.


[phone ringing]



Yeah, Martha.

Colin here.

Is my wife there?

Yes, she's here.

Well, may I speak with her?

Martha, does she know
it's me on the phone?

don't you leave me a number

and she'll call you back?

Oh, look, I can't give
you the number where I am.

Would you ask her to call home
and leave a message for me?


Yeah, I'll be calling in.


I'll ask her.

Yeah, OK.


Hey, Martha--

Seen the suspicious person.

24, 23--

Look, Martha, you--

you know I love her, right?

know you do, Colin.

I mean, you know that right?


I know.

But it's just-- it's a shame--

Yeah I know.

Peruvian marching powder

in here--
- I know, Martha.

--to build a sandcastle.

You're right.
MARTHA (ON PHONE): But things--

perp didn't even touch it.

He just grabbed the cash.

You're right.

Maybe some guns.

Yeah, all right.

And some shooting.


RADIO): Five stiffs.

Two shots a piece.



RADIO): OK, Car 34.

I'm sending the coroner
over to 642 Aspen Street.

642 Aspen.

He should be there in about 10--
15 minutes.

So how long have you
been living at the Fort?

What is that top secret?



You know, I don't just hook.

I sing too.

Well, what do you sing?

JODY: Stuff.


What kind of stuff?

JODY: (SINGING) I don't know
why I keep going 'cause my heart

just keeps on breaking.

I can't seem to find
my way back home.

Tell me where I can
find a man who can

give me the love I'm giving.

I can't seem to find
a love that's real.

Except, you know, I
get scared, you know,

when I'm in front of
a bunch of people.

Funny though 'cause when I'm
with a guy I just don't care.


Well, we all have to do
things we don't like.

JODY: [chuckling]


You do what you gotta so
you can do what you wanna.

What did you do that
you didn't like?

So that's what you're
running away from isn't it?

Not just that guy who was asking
me a whole bunch of questions.


You kill people?

A lot?


Bad people.

You wouldn't like them.

JODY: And other people?

We're going to
get another car.

This one is too conspicuous.

When you can, pull over.

That's good.


Pull over here.

You sing good.

[siren blaring]


Well, it's definitely
not wise guys.

They would've used a 22.

Back of the head.


Looks like Rambo IV, huh?

Nine millimeter.

Two slugs per stiff.


Did you not see the
police line, do not cross?

What the hell is the
Internal Security Division?

He left the drugs, but took
the guns and money, right?

How would I know what he took?

If he took it, it isn't here.

Did he take a vehicle?

Look, I don't know what
the hell kind of cop you are,

Officer Smith.

Did anybody see him enter
or leave the building?

This isn't the
kind of neighborhood

where anybody sees
anything, capiche?

So nobody saw him, right?



JODY: It was a nice car.

Why didn't we keep it?

How much further we gotta walk?

Keep walking.


[engine starting]

Get in the car.

Get in the car.

Found the Mercedes.

We've got a stolen
Chevy around the corner.

I bet he's driving that.


Just got a stolen
4x4 north of Salem.

We picked up a driver's license
on the street right there.

A girl by the name
of Jody Richardson.

Blonde hair, blue eyes--

RADIO): You want me

to worry about
some joyriding kid

when a crazed psycho
Rambo is on the loose?

Ah, don't worry
about her, Sherlock.

JODY: What's it like?

Doing what you're doing?

We've got enemies.

People who could destroy us.


Drug lords.

They can't get arrested,
but we can take 'em out.

That's what you have
to tell yourself.

You're sacrificing yourself
for the folks back home.

Then you realize you're not
just sacrificing yourself--

you're taking them with you.

Your wife, you friends, family.

Then maybe you find
out that the people

they're sending
you to kill weren't

who you think they were.

Yeah, but what's it like?

How does it feel?

It feels dead.

[music playing]

I went on a mission
a long time ago.

Went wrong.

When I came back home part
of me was still there.

Suddenly I thought I was
surrounded by the enemy.

I started killing.


I was in my hometown.

Do you understand?


They gave me a choice.

A padded cell or a chance
to serve my country.

So they arranged for
me to be shot dead

while breaking out of prison.

You're not allowed to
tell me this are you?

That's right.

What about your wife?

You have a wife don't you?

They told her I died.

[tires screeching]

[bird shrieking]

JODY: Oh, shit.


It's something I
shouldn't have done.


They're gonna know
what car we stole.

What did you do?

I dropped my driver's license
back where we stole the 4x4.

You what?

[explosion booming]

JODY: [screaming]

[gun firing]

What's going on?

[guns firing]

What am I supposed to do?

I'm out of here.


[guns firing] It's gonna go.

It's falling.

Just get out of the car.

Get out of the car.

It's gonna go.


[gun firing]

OK, let's go.

Now, there.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

[gun firing]

[explosion booming]

[birds squawking]


[dramatic music]

I'm out of here.

[suspenseful music]


[gun firing]


[bird shrieking]

[guns firing]

[electricity buzzing]


Oh, shit.

Son of a bitch, Vail.

[water splashing]


I don't believe I'm doing this.



Oh-- oh, yeah.

Do you boys get off
on this macho shit?

Who the hell is that guy anyway?

Colin Neal.

JODY: Oh, Colin Neal, great.

So who is he supposed to be?

You met him as a diplomatic.

He's not officially dead, yet.

JODY: Yet.

How the hell did he know
where we were going?

He knows how I think.

I trained him.

You trained him?

He saved my life
a couple of times.

I saved his.

We used to fish together.

JODY: Fished together?


You're weird.

You know that?

You're really weird.

Why did you come back, Jody?

You stupid brave son of a bitch.

You're bleeding all over inside
and you're too tough to know

you need a Band-Aid.

[electricity buzzing]

Sorry about the
little mess, Sherlock.

Maybe you and this
guy you're chasing

are enjoying yourself good,
but you're not in goddamn Nam.

You don't go setting off
dynamite on my roads.

If you break the law again
I'll put your ass in jail.

Special ID or no special
ID, capiche, Agent Smith?

[train whistle blowing]

MOORHEAD: Captain Neal.

- Yes, sir.
- Twice you had him.

Twice you lost him.

You and the target are
good friends-- too good.

It won't happen again, sir.


You're off the mission.

I'll have other
people handle it.

I can get him, sir.

I know how he thinks.

I got within 20 feet
of him on an open road

with a Claymore mine.

I can kill Frank Vail, sir.

OK, but take out the girl too.

She knows too much.

- General, she's a civilian.
- You're authorized.

Yes, sir.

[owl hooting]

These smell good.

[music playing]

[phone ringing]

[electronic beeping]

RECORDING): Please hang

up and try your call again.

Please hang up.

This is a recording.

It's going to
get cold tonight.

[music playing]




It's OK.


What's the matter, Jody?

Why is it that
all the assholes who

want to fuck you and
now the good guys

just want to leave you alone?

Hey, come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

It's going to be OK.

Everything's gonna be OK.

I'm going to drop
you off pretty soon.

I know.

Jody, I want to thank you.

What for?

It's not every day
I get to play hero.


What I mean is you reminded
me of a lot of things.

I used to live around here
before my mother passed away.

Loretta and I both
lived here together

and became very good friends.

It's a nice town.

FRANK: Yeah.

Loretta had a gardening
store and she'd plant seeds.

I'd leave and when I'd
come back there would

be fruit trees everywhere.

God, I hated those trees.

They reminded me of
how long I'd been gone.

You must miss her very much.


Do me a favor.


You never did get to say
goodbye to her, did you?

I'll say goodbye to you.

Don't worry.


I think you owe her
a goodbye since she

knows you're alive now.

Not now.

Why not?

They'll be watching
her, that's why.

You're a big tough
guy aren't you?

Getting shot to death
doesn't scare you,

but speak to your ex--

that's another matter.

Well, maybe your mission
is more important to you.

I don't know.

[bell tolling]

Loretta Vail?

Can I help you?

I hope so, ma'am.

I'm a friend of Frank's.

You're one of those
special forces bastards.

I can tell one of
you a mile away.

He's in trouble, ma'am.

If I don't bring him in alive--

[phone ringing]

Just a minute.

Don't look at any of the plants.

They'll wilt. Flower Power.

Who's this?

This is Frank.

Loretta, I know it's been
seven years, but I love you.


I know time--

been so much time it probably
doesn't sound like much,

but I still love you.


I never wanted to lose you.

I never wanted to lose
you, but I had no choice.

Maybe we should
talk about this later.

OK, I understand.

I understand.

I want you to
understand something.

I didn't have a choice.

You always have a choice.

Listen, I have someone here.



Yeah, well, um--


Um-- See if you can get
that straightened out, OK?

We'll see you tomorrow.
- Goodbye, Loretta.

Goodbye, Loretta.

[dial tone humming]

Listen, whoever you are.

You want my husband?

He's in Arlington.

You bastards killed him.

That's all I know.

That's all I want to know.

Do you have a wife, Captain?

Does she know when
you're coming home?

If you're coming home?

Is she willing to
cry herself to sleep

for three months
at a time or is she

just gonna find somebody else?

I hope she doesn't love
you, Captain, for her sake.

Because you know what?

You can die with
not a mark on you.

You walk, you eat and you try
to sleep, but you're dead.

Why don't you just
remember that the next time

they pin a piece of tin on your
chest for killing somebody?

I will.

[dramatic music]


Nice work, Lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.

You see that mountain
range in the background?


Run a match on all
surrounding mountain

ranges within 400 miles.

The computer should be
able to figure out where

this picture was taken from.

There's a house in that area.

That's where he's headed.

WENDY (ON RADIO): Yes, sir.

--parked in the parking

lot for a long time
watching the clerks.

Hey, Lieutenant.


You married?

WENDY (ON RADIO): No, sir.


--licence plates.

David, Alexander--

Just wondering.


David, Alexander 780.


[vehicle approaching]

[siren blaring]


Get you seat belt fastened.


Come on.

Oh my god.

39, do not attempt contact.

Suspect is armed and
extremely dangerous.

Tail the vehicle
and wait for backup.

- Oh my god.
- Sit back.

Sit back.

Unit 39, do you read?

Hope you can hear this.

We're in pursuit of suspect.

Readying Railroad.

We're entering the Reading
rail yard, Tamarack Road North.

[suspenseful music]

Look out.
- Look out.

Look out.


They are right there.

Let's see if the gate is open.

JODY: It's closed.

FRANK: Nope.

It's not open.

[sirens blaring]

[tires screeching]

Got you, you son of bitch.

OK, fat man, I want you
to get out of the vehicle

and lie down on the
ground face down, now.

[gun firing]

You've got 10 seconds
to get out of the car.

10, 9, 8--


[guns firing]

FRANK: Drop your guns.

Drop your guns right now.

Drop your guns right
now or I'm gonna drop--

I'm going to drop--

I'm going to drop the car if you
don't drop your guns right now.

Drop your guns out of the car
or your car is going down.

Lay it flat on the ground.

39, do not attempt contact.


Do no attempt contact.

Do you read me?

[gun firing]

[siren blaring]

[gun firing]

[explosion booming]

I don't believe it.

The son of a bitch torched
the barrels on purpose.

[echoing clanging]

[explosion booming]

[suspenseful music]

You'll have to drop me off.

I would just slow you down.

No, I can't drop you off.

If he catches you
he'll kill you.

[gun firing]


Go, go, go.

Jody, go.

[guns firing]


[guns firing]

My gun jammed.





[train whistle blowing]

[knocking on barrel]


COLIN: How's the water?


Get the hell out of here.

[siren blaring]

Always a pleasure to meet a
fellow law enforcement officer.

How are you, Agent Smith?


I'm glad to hear it.

I suppose if I arrest you
some big shot's going to phone

my office and you'll be back out
in the street in five minutes,


Yeah, that's what I thought.

So let me explain something.

I like to play by the rules.

People feel safer when
cops play by the rules.

So here are the rules.

I see you again you'll be
shot by accident of course,

capiche, Agent Smith?


[music playing]

MUSIC: (SINGING) Tell me where
I can find someone who can

give me the love I've given.

I can't seem to find a love--

WENDY (ON RADIO): Only two
ridge lines matched the photo.

One's in Virginia.

The other is about
86 miles north by

northwest from where you are.

Got it.

[birds squawking]

Took you long enough.

You're a hard man to get to.

How'd you know where to find me?

I still have a few old
friends willing to risk

their brass stars.

Brad Foster?

Uncle Max?

I remember them.

They remember you,
my promising son

the young captain,
before all that--

I don't have much time.

Neither do I.

[bird squawking]

[engine rumbling]

By the time I got
to take the tests

it was too late to operate.

Chemo, radiation-- nothing.

I should've died at
Guadalcanal, Frank.

My buddies did.

The North Koreans shot
off my wing over Incheon.

Sharks got the
pilot, but I lived.


I'm always almost dying, Frank.

And now I'm rotting inside.

I can smell my own stink.

If it weren't for
that Sunday school

crap about unforgivable
sins I'd do it myself.


Are you asking me to kill you?

You've killed
civilians, Frank.


They were the enemy.

They had guns.

Yeah, some of them.

Those were my orders.

It was war.

You call that war?

My father died leading his
battalion in the Ardennes.

His father, like the
Spaniards, Havana.

His father covered Pickett's
flank at Gettysburg.

Vails are warriors.

Ever since the Vikings sailed
out in their long ships

they've served with honor.

There is no honor in war, sir.

Dad, you've killed men up close.

You still remember their
faces as they were dying

in front of you, don't you?

That's why I'd like--

I need an executioner,
but kid gets a conscience.

I'm sorry to
disappoint you, sir.

Must be hell
having a conscience.


An old soldier like you--

probably got some big
debts to pay back.

Haven't got a hell of a lot
of time to pay them back.

Some how it just doesn't seem
good enough to say forgive me

Father for I have
sinned, does it?

Forgive me doesn't
pay for all the men

who died because
of your stupidity,

cowardice, your damn
fool pride, does it?

Forgive me, son.

Forgive you for what?

Um-- That village,
Willamay-- the one

just before you cracked up.

We got late breaking reports
that the main enemy formation

had already left for the hills.

The source was too
valuable to burn so we

had to go ahead with the raid.

I made it a point
of honor not to pull

my son off that mission.

You authorized that mission?


I figured I'd explain later,
but when you got back home

I couldn't talk to you.

Your mind was still out
there in the jungle.

You couldn't stop killing so
they offered you Fort Monroe.

Let you pay for your
crime with more murder.

It was me, Frank.

I turned you into a murderer.

What are you waiting for?

I'm the son of a bitch
that sent you in.

Close the circle.

Do it!

[birds chirping]

[knocking on glass]


You can't pay it back that way.

Then what the hell
am I supposed to do?

Live with it.

It's easy for you to say.


I've been dead a long time.

After a while the
world of the living

starts to look frightening.

It's complicated.

Staying dead is easier, right?


Living is better.

Living, Dad.

Living is better.

Come here.

I'll be right back.



FRANK: Come on.

Come on.







Do it, Colonel.

You know I would.

That's right.

I trained you good.

[dramatic music]

You would, huh?

Then where would you go?

Back to your wife?


Straight to Fort Monroe.

They're going to have
another job opening.

Remember, Colin, for
every life you take

you lose a bit of your own.

I'll take that risk, Colonel.

You have to take
care of my dad, too.


He wants me to kill him.

You went AWOL to
kill your father, sir?

My orders were
just to show up.

I found out the rest
when I got here.

It's just like
any other mission.

Do it.

Just remember my dad.

I'm ready.

[imitation of a bird calling]


[guns firing]

MAN: [screaming]

[guns firing]

[dramatic music]

[birds chirping]