Foxhunting (1980) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

A film by

After the novel "Some peasants" by DINU SARARU

I don't have one! Never did,
I don't have anything to give them.

How the hell should I give them a rifle,
if I don't own any?

If I had one I would have given it, it's
not like I take pride in there poverty.

Maybe they needed them,
if there are so many officers.

They've got to have something, now that
they are not shepherding anymore.

But if I don't have any... I'm sorry.

And even if I had one,
I wouldn't have given it to them.

If you don't have at least one rifle in
your house, why did you go to war?

Anyone who has rifles, who has guns,
anyone who ever has any fire arms,

must hand them in
until tomorrow morning.

If someone doesn't hand them in until
tomorrow morning, and if we find them,

that person will answer before the law
for illegal fire arm possession.

Anyone who has rifles, who has guns,
anyone who ever has any fire arms,

must hand them in
until tomorrow morning.

You are all screwed! They called from
the district, from the party.

Is that understood?

This is Turbatu's kid, sir.

Wasn't I with his pap
at the chalk stone with dynamite

and when his pop came back from
the war didn't he have dynamite?

I don't see anything, sir.

- Dismissed.
- Yes, sir!

- Name...
- Borénescu I. George.

It's ancestral.
It's just like the great old day.


- Name!
- Pétru the Short.

- You?
- I'm with him.

I'm more placid, more law-abiding.

When you have a weapon you must
handle it and we don't have the time.

- Ok, next.
- Yes, sir!

If you don't mind, but my rifle is in
your father's possession for tow years.

You know that we are friends.

- What rifle? What father?
- Is your name Turbatu?

And are you from Sarcot?

Didn”t I send you to buy tobacco
from Stroiesti?

- Dismissed!
- Yes sir!

You must answer clearly,
what kind of politics did you do before.

I didn't comrade because the war
just started.

And it wasn't like now when everybody
asks you what kind of politics you do.

You where sent on the front
and that was all the politics.

That was the situation. I wouldn't
have gone just like that on the front.

Ijust had gotten married then.

It's clear.

What kind of politics did your dad do?
What did he do for a leaving?

Well, with the war. In 1916,
he didn't return from Marasesti.

We where war orphans.

And his father, what kind of politics did
he do? What did he do for a leaving?

Well, with the war.
But the one with the Turks.

And he didn't come back either.

Why are you in such a hurry?

No, comrade!
There is no rush.

We have the power and we are calm.
We are calm!

Now, let's see, what is
troubling you, comrade Lucean.

I'm troubled because I've
left a sac of corn at the mill.

And I'll lose al the maize flour
if I don't go and get it.

Because the mill goes,
and maize flour goes as well.

We're going to die of hunger comrade
and the birds will die too.

- And there are the foxes...
- What foxes?


No comrade, we must remain calm.


What kind of politics did you do,
comrade Lucean?

Good day, comrade Prime!

I'm listening, at your orders!

That is exactly what I told them too.
That we must remain calm.

I have a new case at Cornu Caprei.

Yes. Understood, sir!
Understood, comrade.

Allot of enemies of the class
in our district, comrade Major.

At your orders!

Allot of enemies of the class
in our district.

Poor them!

I didn't understand...
What do you mean poor them?

- Do you have a rifle?
- No, comrade.

Where would I get a rifle from?
And what would I do with it?

Didn't I have enough during the war?
What should I do? I don't have any!

- You have a rifle...
- No I don't, I swear on my own eyes!

But with what do you go
into the forest to catch foxes?

Your honor,
we bring forth, the fact that

the defendant was brought
in by our officers.

For songs against the revolution.

I had a drunk man's mind. Don't you
know how one gets when he's drunk?

What did I do?
I sang "Long live the King!",

but the district's comrade told me
to sing "Long live the Partyl".

And since then I only sing
"Long live the Party!".

Where were you coming from
when you fell with the ladder?

From the attic...

Silence, please...

Go and see where Pétru is?

There was just you and the victim no?

No, there was the district's
comrade, but he couldn't come,

because he is away.

Sit where you are and
answer the questions.

- What is the defendant's opinion?
- Néité Lucean!

I don't have anything to say.
The ladder was old.

The kids where cutting it
up to make fire wood.

If I had corn, wouldn't I give
to the State too? I would...

But until I come back
I'll leave you the kids.

I'll leave you the kids and the wife.

Feed them, kill them,
do as you please.

I don't have any power.
They're seven, I leave you seven.

The kids are yours, is your problem.

The State owns the quota
and the State can't wait.

And we don't belong to the State?
To whom the hell do we belong?

Hello, comrade!
You shall not curse at the State,

because the State is the people
and we do not permit that.

El don't curse at the State.
I curse the destiny that got me here.

And you come to threaten me after I
served sever years on the battle field

and I survived,
only I know how I survived.

If I had corn,
wouldn't I give it to the State?

But I don't. If the State finds its joy
in taking my children's food.

What we had we ate.
We'll see what we can eat from now on.

I don't have a rifle comrade. I've been
searched and they still didn't find one.

They searched using a dog
and still nothing.

But where have you been?

Away with the war...

I just arrived at Banské Bistrita,

because we where wounded and
we got sent home as veterans.

I saw one in Craiova, he was doing the
same thing... selling watermelon.

The scammer. He was shouting:
Buy a watermelon after you tried it!

He then cut it open, and then
he will put it in your arms.

You cut it, you brought it!

Leave him, George...

Leave him alone so we can see.

So we can see what the deal is,
because I think we can't escape...

There's no more brandy.
Go get some brandy.

Hey, can't you hear?
- Wait!

Here, hold it, because I'm going
to drop it, I can't hold on weights.

Things change you know.
I won't put anymore red currant in...

I quit. I take down the bricking, I put
down the fence, what more shall I do?

Baptismal font of the Rising of
St. Great Martyr Aristicé...

- Aristicé, that is no saint.
- It's not a saint it's a Great Martyr.

They have there own hierarchy.

Do you think things are like here
where we curse for everyone?

- Who?
- What do you mean, who?

- Well whom?
- Well us.

What are you doing Genica,
aren't you going after brandy?

Are you going or shall I?

- Do you hear her?
- Go!

- You say that you heard it like this.
- Well, yes it is like that.

Well, let me see you
now comrade Lucean.

Well, how can you see comrade major?

I was going out, out on the gate,
because the major was going out with me.

He was going to tend his business,
I was going to tend mine.

What kind of business?

We needed to know about the farm,
because we spoke to the prime secretary.

- What did you speak to him about?
- We where not near the Security anymore.

We where right about...
where Maritza had her alehouse.

That is now some sort of office for

that cankered guy,
Buduricz'a's man from Ciresu.

Which Budurigé? That guy that used
to be the church's singer?

You should see him in that office
in the market with a leather brief case.

- He has a leather brief case?
- Yes sir.

He has a leather brief case
and receipt book.

He fines peasants in the
market and he curses at them.

That God damned canker,
thinks he's God.

- How can he have a leather brief case?
- He has, sir, he has one.

He has, and he give them to everyone.

Didn”t you see that even Cyclop
has a leather brief case?

He has them from the Party.

Does the Party have that many leather
brief cases?

Just wait a moment!

- Who's there?
- We come in peace.

Is the comrade home?

The comrade... I'm the comrade...

Did you sign up?

Mind your own business, because the
politics has people who can tend to it.

You'd better go and silence that dog.

Please, you to mister John.

- Is the squire?
- Poor squires!

- Come in!
- Is Néité home?

Here, I will go and get him.

Aaa?!... New people.
New and rich people.

Who did you wrong that made you
come all the way up here

to the end of the world.

If I knew you have a phone we
would have spoke on the phone.

I would have come
to the mayor's office.

Or we could have stayed everyone
in its place.

If there's no phone.

Damn bourgeoisie, it left us...

Like you can see, anyway...

Comrade Lucean...

Where are the children?

Néité, did you speak about anything
with the district's secretary?

Listen? How much do you think Peter
pay for those teeth?

Hell knows.
I think its gold.

He got screwed by that Jew in Craiova,
for sure he got screwed.

How can he get that much
gold to make those teeth.

He has tow.

Listen? I wouldn't go ahead
with the house building.

At least to make something for
the children. They grow up so fast.

And they come to you and take you,
because they don't care about anything.

You got all rich.
You planted a red currant.

I heard that George Otet
dog got stole by a fox.


This can only mean that very hard
times are going to come.

This summer has gone down
the drain, winter is coming.

Pétru, stop now,
you need to take it easy.

Build that fence.
Plant a red currant near the gate.

A plum tree, tow, a house.
Take down this hut and make a house.

Iwill, Iwill...
I'll plant a red currant.

- Who are you building a house for?
- Let's see.

Let's see how the weather gets.

Who wins the elections, how can
we get out of the spring.

Let's see firs, ok?

- They are gold?
- Hell only knows, let's see.

You arrived?

Put it on my tab!

What are you doing, you're leaving?
Sit and have a brandy.

Hey Simion, can you make me a
bucket or tow of brandy?

You're building a hose Néité...

You'll see.

What are you doing here? You are
making brandy? Without authorization...

Look here's the proof.

Don't hit!

This one is going to sue us. He went
to the doctor and he has a certificate.

Cheers! What's up Néité?
You came this early?

And with your adjutant along...

- No the adjutant didn't let me.
- Do you have the keys?

What's up, John?
Who smashed your face?

- What, don't you know, don't you...?
- He hit himself on a rock.

- You hit yourself on a rock?
- You? You again...

- The phone is ringing.
- Come you are grown up now...

I need to say it, this can't go on.

His wife beats him all day
wrong, and smashes his face like...

You can say that the devil is at
mayor's office and his de deaf too.

I think that next
month he is going to be changed.

Leave him the hell alone, he will
starve to death, he's really poor.

It canit be, we can't afford
keeping all the idiots at our door.

Oh God, please get him fired!
Get him fired for he won't starve.

There will be some others that can hear
on the phone and call out for you.

But I think it's about time that
you should give us an authorization

to go during the summer with some
apples. Me and Pétru.

- What do you think?
- It can“t be.

Brandy, bring the brandy!

Saint Ciripoaia, who, in her
youth got involved with

the Martyr Mucéléu from the bridge...

Where did you dig up this Ciripoaia,

who got involved with Mucéléu from the
bridge, because he isn't in the calendar.

I don't think that this martyrs didn't
have what they needed during there life.

I've read in a book that one...
I don't remember her name,

she wasn't from around here,
good looking woman.

She sinned, and she sinned,
because this girls from Asia Minor

are like five or six for one man.
That's all they do.

They sit all day in the shade...
and when he needs them,

he snaps his fingers, points
at one and she comes.

Like Dumitru, when he snaps his fingers
of his good hand, and Victorita comes.

- Does she?
- She doesn't come.

She doesn't come or she
doesn't have why to come anymore?

You know that you will receive a
dispense if you make a foundation?

The house place on the
ground is not given to kolkhoz.

You know? And Mucéléu gives you
the money, with interest?

Careful, this one will get to you,
he is not very safe.

And you will remain with your house
unfinished. How much do you give him?

Let's see...

- God, let me give you more brandy...
- No, let me.

Give to the people,
so they will be content.

I can help myself...

Did he tell you too that its time
to make a request?

- Kind of.
- And?

And nothing. We'll see,
in winter or spring...

Let's just see what other do.
If we're still alive then.

I thought I would sign up...

Go get that shovel.

Mister Néité, what are we going to do?

How sis you say that I should put
that ladder for the basement?

Because I need to know how
to make room for it.

- You whistle?
- Well what the hell should I do?

- Who are you building a house for?
- Let's see, let's think about it.

To the one that listens the most.
Who loves to work.

Take the oxen up heal.

George has run away to driving school.

These turkeys are driving mad.

They sit under the plum tree,
look up until they fall asleep

and they fall like rocks.

Damn fox, it must be really big.

- So now you have a house, you're rich.
- Foundations, they are not houses yet...

Foundations, houses... The state
can't touch a place with a house on it.

We'll see, we'll see.

May I pinch your nose,
mister Lucean?

What? Did you have another fight
with Tudora's child?

- No...
- Then?

- George ran away to driving school.
- What did you say?

George ran away to driving school.

Don't forget the papers,
you will need it.

So you don't have to go back, you hear?

Mom, mister is here.

- Here take the oxen.
- George, is that you?

Why do you stop in front of the gate?
Do you want to break down the fence?

Where are you going?
Why don't you sit to talk?

Where do you come from on a Saturday?

- George is leaving?
- He has things to do.

Working, what do you think,
not like here?


How did he know what I was looking for?
How did he know?

Why do they say that I'm your adjutant?

From where?

You either know, or don't know?

What are you saying? To hell with them.
You take a fool's man's word?

Did make an arrangement with Dumitru
or didn't you?

Which Dumitru?
- From the district, which Dumitru...

lsn't he the one from the Security?
Turbatu's man?

No sir, how can he?

How can he?...
I'm his father...

ls his father sir.

You got yourself a fur,
comrade Lucean.

So, they are like us,
without a license.

And the hard times they made
for us when he was in that position...

Where is the fox!

- Where is it?
- At the council.

It went to the council.

It went to the council, nobody there.

Will come back by nightfall, can't sleep
nowhere else. Where to sleep elsewhere?

- There they are.
- Its powerless.

It snowed a bit so it can
swell up but it's powerless.

Cyclop, was stupid, but he knew
what he was talking about.

Why are you so sweaty?

As stupid as he is, but...

Look there is Sofronie the priest...

To hell with him!

I didn't catch that fox either.

And he wronged us allot
while he was with the Security.


What? What is wrong?

- What day is today?
- Well, tomorrow is March. Come!

Give me the money on Saturday,
if today is Thursday.

'L'lme lies to us too.

'L'lme lies to us too,
men lie too.

I gave you money, I made you a house.
You need to give me money.

I don't have any money.

I gave you money.
You need to give me the money.

- Can”t you hear, I don't have any?
- If not, you'll give me the oxen!

Idon't care. I gave you money,
you give me the money or the oxen.

- The oxen?
- Yes.

Is like this lad...
We have allot on our heads...

We can't even take a piss anymore.

Come lad, tomorrow is a bad day also.

We need to carry in the snow.
Damn life.

Isn't, Prian?

Listen? There is the mayor's office,

What, you are new?
Weren't you here before too?

At Cornu Caprei's with
the data collection.

We are not with the data collection.

If you're not collecting data,
why did you come here?

What do you want to take?

- Listen comrade?...
- Leave him...

Which Budurigé, sir?
The one that used to sing in the church?

You should see him in his office, in the
market with his leather brief case.

Long life for us...

And what did the Major have to say?

Baptismal font of the Rising of
St. Great Martyr Aristicé...

Well he was saying but I acted
like I couldn't understand.

I mean, what I spoke with the Prime
Secretary is another thing.

- But he was on my tail, you know?
- Aaa... understood!

Yesterday when I went after tobacco,
the one from the shop pulls my sleeve.


Aha... and says:
Trusu, will it be a kolkhoz.

Shut it...

Really... I saw Craina talking
to the man from the Party.

That one said, that Craina should talk
to Néité because I don't know what,

deal Néité made with the
Prime Secretary, with Dumitru.

What dill have I done?

What dill have I done?

- And when did loudspeaker tell you?
- The day before yesterday.

What did you tell to that
Dumitru from the District?

What did I tell him?

That I don't have any!
I don't have a rifle.

They are checking the ground
foot by foot.

These peasants are slick devils.

If I don't know them,
then nobody does.

This is St. Peter the Short.


Leave him George!
Leave him alone, and we'll see!

It seams to me we're not
going to get off the hook.

Can you see comrade Major?

Can you see how our class enemy
looks like?

I see comrade Prime.
I can see, said the Major.

But you know that things
are done like this, and like that...

and I don't know what the
hell they where still talking about.

But you see, he was admitting
to his mistake.

Give some water to the pigs.

Leave them be!
Keep saying.

And then that one... that Dumitru,
Dumitru from the desk, goes on saying:

lt's not right!
lt's not right!

Because with them we need
to build socialism not with others.

Isn't it so comrade Lucean?

We do, comrade Prime, we do.

We'll build because we know
how to build. What is our job?

To build, no?

Go away...
You mean, you should build?

Look here who the hell is in
charge for building the socialism.

Look at him... It wasn't my place
to interrupt the man, no?

Look at him!
lt's not like I couldn't.


Its not he was making me
build the socialism then and there.

Look at him!

I used to mind my own business and he
stayed at the district with his socialism.

- Well isn't it right, isn't it!
- What problem did I ever have with him?

Look that he understood
that you promised to build

and he is going to look
you up and ask you to build.

Did you say to this Dumitru
that you're going to sign up?

What the hell should I sign up for?
Where should I sign up?

You would better go inside
and bring people more to drink.

Look at her!
She wants to know everything.

- Godfather!
- Come inside!

- Godfather, I'm leaving.
- Not coming for a drink?

Thousand years of peace!

Legal holydays not included and
without the right to appeal.

And how do we stand now?

What do you mean?

Just like that.

- Do you have fresh water?
- Didn't I give you already?

I'm the comrade.

Have you signed up?

Go mind your own business, the politics
has people who can tend to it!

You'd better go and tend to that dog.

You damn dog,
aren't you going to shut up?

Please, come, the "comrade" is eating.

Vasilicé, dong damn you who thought
you to curse?

- Comrade Lucean...
- At your orders!

This is not good. lt's not ok
that we don't have other means.

And you know. And it's not necessary
that we should come here all the time.

And tie him up!
Te up the dog.

- We'll tie him up sir...
- Leave the damn dog!

Comrade Lucean...

You talked about something
with comrade Prime last fall.

- Comrade Prime wants to know about it.
- Yes... Is it ok?

Is ok what comrade Prime said.
Is ok what we've talked about.

It depends on the person's situation.
Like me for example.

Who has 6 children and all boys.

- And they are all needy, God damn them.
- Never mind, they still take you.

They will take you later on.
They will take you and ask you:

Hey... where is my dowry?
And they are 6 not one or tow.

- How much land do you have?
- Me? Not much.

Not much but how much?

Isn't it in the financial books?

I told you that where there is a house
the land is not taken to the kolkhoz.

- Where there is a house to.
- And them...

It's not a secret anymore if
it's in the financial books.

Six peaces.
One for each child.

There is that part in the Valley with
rocks, it's more like a grazing ground.

Bad land, only rocks.

Leave, it alone...
we'll make it good land.

Only that we have to work alltogether,
fast, because there is not time...

We need to see the light fast. We'll
make the land like is written in books.

Do you have a book about that?

Yes, l'll give it to you
so you can read.

I will read, I will. Just let me
finish with the house building.

You should come to take
it so you can read it.

Maybe, maybe...

You should come, you hear?

- Where are the children?
- Where do you think, out with the sleds!

- You need them for anything?
- Yes.

One needs to come with me
to the Valley with rocks.

Come on, Vasilicé, put more life into it,
it's going to be night soon!

Your father thinks the old house isn't
enough. What he does now with two houses?

Come now, Genica, who upset you?

Answer woman, when you're asked!

Come on, you have the gift of speech!
You're not mute.

This Néité knows only to
tell people what to do.

Put more heart into it!

Bless you, Néité!

Bless you!
God rest her soul!

I'm all alone now, Néité.
All has turned to dust.


He kicked him out, they put him on leave,
Hell knows what he did.

They spread out and they put mine
on leave.

He came now home and he
"wait for new orders".

- How come?
- Yes, yes, they fired him... for good.

It's over, now l'll go to the CTS
(car and tractor station) in Méldéresti,

it seems there is some work to do.

In there departments!
His ex boss, the Major, told him,

To go there to see that's going on,

And if anything to talk to them.
So they see what he can do and say.

- Is it possible?
- Yes.

Sandu, did you do something wrong
there that they fired you, just now.

Eeey, personnel cut.

Do you see brother how God
strikes when he wants to?

Ey comrade, that's what he teaches you?

You said it's the father of the people.
What the hell am I, aren't I the people?

You are not the people.

You sign this declaration
because if I'm going to beat you up,

the people will beat you up.

From where were you
coming when you fell with the ladder?

From the attic!

- Who?
- The council!

Néité, you need to come and
speak with comrade Craina, at noon

we are upset with you, you'll see.

Bring the documents which proof that the
land whit the house foundations is yours!

Without authorization.

What is it?
Did you pick a fight with Tudora's kid?

- No, George ran away.
- What?

George ran away to driving school.

- Leave them until Saturday!
- You didn't give me the money, anything.

Or at least until next month.

Pétru, are you home?


They took Néité.

Where is father?

There comes a time in a man's life
when he needs to settle down, isn't?

He settles... let's see if he has
on what to sit.

Old times!
Now craft and hard work counts.

And if you have a hat on
your head, you're done.

We won't escape this winter.

Neah that is not the biggest trouble.

Woman, Easter is coming, look!

This snow will go away soon,
it won't last forever.

Easter is coming and my father-in-law
doesn't come with those two sheep.

Those two who promised me.

If I knew he wouldn't have given them,
we would have talked differently.

We talk, nicely, we get along,
we bargain.

I can relate to there situation,
we are human but... anyway.

Afamily is hard to keep,
the wife needs to eat as well...

she needs to get dressed, to shoe, no?
No matter the kind of Saint she is.

Here, take everything!

- Ehe... wealthy house!
- Who's there?

- I'm cutting there hair, what else?
- Cutting hair...

- Oh it's you?
- Are you home?

Yes, come in!

Craina comes!

Come in!

No need. We don't really have
that much to talk about.

Be that as it may... Then let's sit
on that wood over there.

I see you have sheep...

I don't think you declared them
for the quotas.

Now, are you here for the quotas
or you're here like a man visiting?

I'm not here for the quotas.
I see that you didn't declare the sheeps.

When did I ever have time to do it with
all this work? Spring came and...

If I don't work hard enough,
means that you will come and demand,

and the financial office demands too...
and the quotas demand as well...

I just have those two.

Eh well...

Veta the wife of Haralambie
was put sown with a pig

and she never had pork for Christmas.

She used to walk it in a leash
and mourned it like it was her father.

I have some leftovers from the house.

But what's the point?

The point was for us to sit and talk.
I waited and you never came.

And then I did.

He was whipping himself for nothing,
he was all right.

Godfather, hold the cup properly!

Poor Pétru!
poor some more brandy!

Well, it was a nice wake.

According to the possibilities.

Then let's rise our glass
and in honor of the dead.


Listen? Do you know how this guys
got there decorations?

They fell out of the wagon at Tisza
and then done, the war was over.

Come home, be a shepherd
for bare sheep.

What is it sir?

If they would have shot us two by two,
Gogu would have been all right.

They wouldn”t have picked him.

- Who will sign up?
- Me, and Peter the son of Tomas.

- When?
- When the time comes.

If this is politics,
We need to play too.

And you know how to play?

With this poverty and with our needs,
what we already have is not enough.

So like Peter the son of Tomas said,
then to slay the earth to pay the taxes,

better nothing, and then let's see
who will give us from now on,

because they have to take away
the taxes if we can't pay them.

- George, do you know how to play?
- Come on, get out of here...

Why didn't Peter come? Did you fight
with him or you didn't ask him to come?

- What, you don't know?
- No.

Come fast, godfather!
Come fast, Pétru is dieing...

What's wrong?

So, comrade, I think there is no need
for that much talking.

Isn't it so comrade?

And how they say, we're among us here

because we all started from scratch?

And now the time has come to be
like the rest of the good world.

You comrade, should be the one that
understands us the most

because for you, this is the only way
you can change your social status.

Go on!

Think how it would be for me to start
working, how should I say... organized.

Come all, Come all in the morning.

And gather all, like I said, organized.

Bring light to this village.

What have you accomplished,
all by yourself, comrade?

I see you did your best and
it's shows you're ambitious.

- How much land do you have?
- We don't really have that much land.

Where did you serve during the war?

All over...

And abroad?

Just until Banské-Bistrita, and then
spring came and we came back because...

Our job was over.

You where at 1'Isza?

The poor horses couldn't make it,
allot of them died.

Allot of horses did die,
I was there too.

- He, is really a president.
- He was just like you.

And look at him now,
a peasant president.

When I went with Néité after the foxes,
is then when I caught the cold...

They I got this cold, because
I went to see what where they up to.

Come Pétru, get a little fresh air!
Maybe you'll feel better.

- Four big brandy's!
- Incoming...

- Done! I paid YOU UP-
- Five!

Is it gold, Peter?

Other materials, it's just as shiny.
God damned Jew.

He left me with one tooth
and he went away somewhere.

- To Craiova, where else?
- No, he isn't at Craiova.

That is what all you're left with...
He took your money, and it's done.

- But how do you have the money?
- I have money, my foot.

He put a tooth even for Lazar the
son of Costorache son of Gaga.

- Where?
- In his mouth, where else?

What does Craina want, why is he
asking you to bring the papers along?

So I wont work anymore,
or he will fine me.

- What do you do with the foundations?
- Nothing.

God, please take care of me, the sinner,
and help me not forget anymore!

Long live our Party, comrade!

He climbed on the stand
and he sang "Long live the King"!

Ey old man, couldn't you sing
something else?

Son, I could, but with my drunk mind.

Don't you know son how the
mind of a drunk man works?

- Then you should do as I teach you!
- Yes...

If you get drunk another time, and you
feel like singing while climbing a stand,

you need to sing "Long live the Party!"

If you say this is better,
I'll sing that!

- Long live the Party!
- Much better...

How man sheep do you have?

Take the dog!

He bit me!

Well man, you want to pick on a dog?
He has a dog's mind?

You wont die from it.
'Fumes like this call for a brandy.

Come inside!
Don't you hear, bring some brandy?

He's gentile comrade,
he didn't harm you.

Come on, did you get scared? he didn't
harm you. Come let's have some brandy!

I lost my calm.

Comrade, he doesn't listen.
And there is nothing I can do.

I have six children with her,
can I leave her now? No I cant.

If you're feeling lazy I can go.

Where's the calm?

The occasion is?

- Comrade Lucean...
- At your orders!

You at the district to see
comrade Prime,

and he is asking questions.

- Did he say something about me?
- Long leave the Party, comrade!

Does the Prime know you?

They where talking politics there,
him and Naita...

Didn”t Pétru say, when he went,
that he's going to fire that

deaf guy on the phone?

Because he says is his fault that he
can't transmit politics to Cornu Caprei?

Oh, God damn you Peter
and your golden teeth,

I will pass by you're place this week!
You'll see!

- What did you do, did you sign up?
- Is now the time?

Yes, fall is coming and
we all need to work.

I work for Néité Lucean.
Where ever when he comes.

So don't cry over the signature,
we don't have anything to use.

Signature... I'm in!

- Let the time come.
- Let the time come.

Because if this leads the
country to advance, I'm in.

Hello sir!


Here, comrade!

- Hello!
- Hello!

Crafting... let me see
how good you are.

We know to do other things too,
what peasant doesn't.

He just needs to be asked,
he can do even politics.

This is true, they can do politics.

God damned politics!
Aren't we the ones that feed it?

Who feeds it if not us, not us?

I would be nice if you would
pass by the mayor's office,

maybe there is something broken there.
What do you say?

It would be ok comrade, because
he knows us the less wealthy ones,

I mean the workers.

And the drunk...

We know politics, it can
be done, but it needs to be done well.

- It's not possible.
- What do you mean it's not possible?

You need to give me an authorization
so we can go down hill with some apples.

What do you mean it's not possible?

Here the one in charge is Craina,
God damn him!

You're one of us.
Give us the authorization, you hear?

He called me here and he made
me sign the request to enter.

Or I couldn't get the apple out
of town, God damn him!

- It's not possible.
- What do you mean it's not possible?

It's not possible.

I have orders to give authorizations
only to cooperating members.

What cooperating members? Cooperating
with what? There aren't now here!

- Well if it wasn't made?!
- It wasn't but it will.

We can't live like 2000 years ago.

- Like until now...
- Until then we will die of hunger!

Look sir!

- Can it?
- What is it?

You have the District on the phone.
The Committee..

- What Committee?
- With the campaign, it starts...

Stroiesti have announced that
next week the campaign will start.

When you fight with your wife and
she smashes your face like she did now,

don't let me catch you to the Council,
don't come here.

- Go to Hell, you hear?
- The Committee...

Every day you come like you've been
in a war. Go away fast...

hello, yes!
It's me, hello!

We are determined!

We are there!

Of course, of course, you have
been bitter with us too.

And in heavens you didn't settle
that good.

You know how it is.
Let's see...

- Why did he start with me?
- Well he started.

He started with George Otet.


Only that, we think how it is going
to be in spring.

We should elect a deputy.

- Hey, can you give me some money!
- Me?

From Néité, from the foundation,
we have two more days.

- Who many?
- From the bricking, well...

It's good, it's good...

They passed over that.
Now with this job...

because you should know
it's not an easy one.

- You let me alone at the bricking.
- They called me as an old member.

And now with all this plans
there was the need.

Now that you have a salary...

Because if you stay here for nothing,
I take it he is paying you?

Here, Pétru, you can come
whenever you want.

My door is always opened!

Pétru, you can come when ever
you want. My door is always opened!

For now l'm all right,
I'll patch it up how I can.

But you should see how, becouse the
collectivization is coming and then...

And why are you so happy?
What is it in for you?

And where did Peter get
that idea to make you deputy?

And what more did he say?

Well I should declare the sheep now,
and give my share of the wool,

or they will fine me.

Either they find you,
or they make you deputy.

- I think they will fine me first.
- Then they wont elect you.

Who the hell would
choose me as deputy?

If they don”t, stop fooling around
and get to work.

You need to slow a bit down
from now on.

You need to rough-cast the house,
do it even if you don't have resources.

Settle down!

Keep you feet on the ground because
you never know what it will come.

Well, at least I have those foundations
and maybe they will give me a break.

And if needed I will run for deputy too.
They've even asked me.

- Who did?
- Some one did ask me, who was he...

We are very determined when
it comes to the enemies of the peoples.

He's not home, he isn't!

He is at the council


- Have some brandy!
- Leave me!...

take some, come on!...

- Drink up!
- Leave me the hell alone...

Take the brandy...

- And Dumitru?
- He talks to them, what else can he do?

That land is not his.

Let me give you some more brandy.

Where's your father?

Cyclop, knew something, you hear?
He wasn't talking nonsense.

A boiled one would be better.

He has cattle and he has a can too...

Take some! Take some!
This is my body.

Who breaks for you.

You with you condition as a poor man,
as a worker, should be closer to us.

We raised a bit in the world we
are not really like that anymore.

We made a house, we planted a plum,
or two.

We are not like that anymore.

Comrade, nowadays it's no shame
being poor,

because for the poor
people we made there revolution,

is for the poor that we
took the power in our hands.

God damn the one who made the car,

and who bought it!

Pétru, this is like your twin brother.

He can't be.


- Hello, Comrade!
- Cheers!

- You're out by here for Obrocesti?
- Only over Mégura.

Your making a house...

Your making a house, ha?

Isn't this you?

Say boy, we know each other a long time.

- Néité Lucean...
- I think we know each other.



God damn you!


Close the door!

We're understood, Néité?

Well, as you said.
What was the deal?

The deal was for you to sign up, not
to make house foundation everywhere.

So they will come after you and burry
you along with your house foundations.

If poverty pushed us here, where
should we build our houses?

But I'll sing up...
If I said I will, then I will!

But maybe you cut me some slack so
I can finish my children's houses.

So they wont curse me for leaving
them abandoned and I took there land.

Then after I have nothing more
to do I'll sign up.

I will make my wife sign up too, she
isn't good for anything anyway,

I need to count her in too, no?

Don't you want to go into the light,
to go away from this God damned whole?

You will move us some where else
with the kolkhoz?

I'll move, if needed, I will you know.
I moved during the war too.

I've been everywhere, thinking about
all those places makes my head spin.

I was where you where,
where you learned those stories...

You're in a hurry, Néité!

- With the house foundations?
- No, not with them...

With what we spoke about,
we are in a hurry too

because we don't have allot of time.
- Little time now?

Yes, Néité we need to move one

because poverty is ganging up on
us and there isn't other solution.

With nice behavior, with a good word,
With what ever the hell we can.

With force, if we don't make our point in
time, we need to finish, you understand?

I see, how can I not see?

I was lucky to understand event
Turbatu's man.

So I get a bit of this...

- So nothing more can be done?
- Nothing!

You should have seen it sir, how
he spoke with the Prime Secretary,

like he spoke with his brother, Vasile.
That we should do this and that.

That... we will make that
thing in time... you know?

Did he say something about me?

Get Néité, I have something
to do with him.

Come, fast godfather,
Fast, is dieing!

Allot of horses died, I was there.

- How do you know?
- From Lucestii de Deal.

We will go with the cart, yes...
With apples...

I gathered some,
but if we're not allowed?

We didn't...


Pétru, come a bit outside
and get some air!

I got this cold when I
was with Néité after foxes.

I've froze... I stood there
to see what they where up to.

What do you say?

Oh God, what should I say?
What should I talk about with you?

Pétru is here, not me.
What should I say?

Pétru, they are leaving and you're
not coming home, what are you doing?

We are here?
We reached this quota?

- Here we sit?
- No, Pétru...

it's not what you think.

What did you do comrade?

You left us inside and you sit
outside in the shade.

Come inside to see
how we settle this, right?

We are in a hurry.

Look we have, paper and ink,
lets see...

I saw this kind of situations at...

No, he is sick.
let's see if he I sick.

Pétru, lad, what is wrong with you?
When did you get sick?

Néité, I'll go.

I'll go to the Valley with rocks
to see...

You can't go, how can you go?

We where there and we dug.

Where would you go now?

Where, lad, where would you go?

Lad, don't do something like this.
Pétru, you hear?

Néité, how long?

Pétru, why did you get upset, lad?

You don't need to be upset.
We will sign up too, what can we do?

They've all escaped, all of them.

But us and Nicu the son of
Nae and Bucéléu.

But we will sign up too,
they maybe right.

Maybe we will rise a bit by that.

But there is no reason to get so upset.

You will get better.
Get better... and in spring...

Iwont die, I wont die...

I'll go in the garden to tend to the
vineyard, it seemed a little withered.

Fast bring a candle!

No need.

It was the same when he buried
us with all those brands.

I got out of that darkness.

- Hold the candle!
- No need...

The places with the house foundations?
And the cart?

And the oxen?
I don't have the oxen anymore.

Put down the oxen too!