Foxfire Light (1982) - full transcript

A spoiled rich girl used to getting her way comes up against a rancher who won't be intimidated by her. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Welcome to Missouri, Joanna.

It's a relief to get away from
all the hassles of Beverly Hills.

And, to be where there are
more trees than people.

Mother gave a party
for my graduation

that did not quite work out
the way she planned.

As a matter of fact,
it turned into a disaster.

Well, I do speak a little
French, so it helps a lot.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Well, Mother, I was just
talking to this interesting man.

You know, I've invited all of
these influential people here

for you to meet and I find
you gabbing with the help.

Mother, I...
He's not help.

You know, I couldn't care less.

I just wish you'd show
me some consideration.

I mean, for all the trouble that
I've gone to arrange all of this.

Well, I tried circulating among

what mother loves to call
the right people.

But all those fake smiles and
phony compliments got to me.

And that last Mr. Right was about
as wrong as Mother could get.

I'd like you to meet Ted Hines.

Ted is a legend in the
real estate business.

Your mother tells me you want
to get into the business.

Yes, I was telling Ted
how excited you are

about meeting with him next
week, about joining his firm.

Mother, you know
that's not true.

I'm sorry, but I'm not really
interested in real estate.

See, I majored
in creative writing.

Well, that's great.
Creative writing,

creative finance
go hand in hand.

Well, thank you, Mr...

Mr. Ted, but I'm
really not interested.

You can't be serious about
this writing, Joanna.

I mean, even talented writers
are starving to death.

Well, thank you very much for
the vote of confidence, Mother.

But I am serious.

I can't believe
that I have been studying

in a liberal arts
college for four years,

studying to be a writer,

and you just push aside
my feelings with no regard.

Joanna, it is time
you dealt with reality.

Yes, Mother,
I think you're right.

Well, I did it again.
Me and my big mouth.

I guess I behaved badly,

but she just pushed me to
where I didn't have a choice.

What are you going
to do with mothers?

I suppose they're just
necessary evils.

Have you stopped pouting?

Mother, I'm sorry
if I spoiled your party.

And I really appreciate
your intentions.

But I just wish that you
would check with me first

before you start making
plans for my life.

I was only trying to do what I
thought best for you, Joanna.

I realize that.

Look, Mother, I love you.

And I don't want to
quarrel with you.

And I think we both need
time to cool off,

so I have decided to go away.

Go away?

Joanna, you've been
away for four years,

you gonna leave me again?

I've phoned Uncle Reece and I want
to spend time at his summer place.

So you're going to the Ozarks.

What on earth would you
want to go there for?

Because I want
some peace and quiet.

I want to get away from all this
stupid label dropping and pretense.

Some of the happiest times
of my life

were when I was five years old and
Daddy took me to see Uncle Reece.

And you don't think it might
be a little bit awkward,

I mean, Reece is a bachelor.
You might be in the way.

Well, if I were going to
be in the way,

I'm sure he would have told me.

Look, just because things didn't
work out between the two of you

doesn't mean that Reece
and I won't get along.

Besides, he's the only family
I have left on Daddy's side.

if that's what'll make you happy.

Excuse me. Hello.


Could you tell me
where Reece Morgan lives?

Well, I reckon
trying to get there

would have made you half-crazy

if you hadn't stopped and asked.

It's a piece of driving
past Inez Mumford's.

Ned, you remember
an old crazy Inez Mumford,

took the left fork in the dark?

I sure do.

She got stuck feet
first, knee-deep river mud.

Stood there yelling all night.

And come daybreak,
she'd sweated so much,

cows thought she's a salt lick.

Made her half-crazy before
they nudged her loose.

And hell.
Inez been to college.

Thank you for your help.

Just remember,
that road don't dead-end,

it just makes such
a cantankerous left.

Unless you're afoot, but you'd
stop right in front of the Reed's.

Thanks again.

Ezekiah, she said
Reece Morgan's place,

not Reed Steward's place.


Why don't you look
where you're going!

Will you pipe down,
you're scaring my mules!

I'm scaring your mules?

What about the fright
they gave me?

You all right, miss?

Do I look all right?
I wasn't hurt, no thanks to him.

You could have gotten me killed!

Those mules shouldn't be
allowed on public roads.

Now just hold it right there.

Those mules go
where I tell them to go.

And I told them
to come on this road.

Of course, I wasn't expecting
anybody else to come along.

Well, you should've looked.

You're lucky
the damage isn't worse.

Easy, Zig, take it easy, boy.

Hold it. Hold it.
Everything's okay.

In case you haven't noticed,
it happens to be my car

that is damaged,
not your damn mules.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

And I'll pay you for
the repairs on your car.

With what,
some scrawny chickens?

With hard cold cash,
if it takes every cent I got.

Nobody ever said that Jesse
Bates doesn't pay his debts.

You just keep your money
and forget it.

You know, I can understand you're
being upset about the accident, miss.

That don't excuse
your lack of manners.

That's right.

You don't insult the person by implying
they haven't got the money to pay,

and then refuse
to accept their offer.

I am certainly not in the
mood for a lecture on manners.

I would just like to
get out of here,

but it seems that I am stuck.

Well, we'd be glad
to help you on your way.

I'll unhitch the mules and we'll
pull her car back on the road.

Mules? Don't you
have an auto club?

No, we don't have an auto club!

Hold up there, Jesse.
I think I can get this thing out of here.

You be careful with that car,

it's not one of
those pick-up trucks.

I've taken about all the sass
I'm gonna take out of a woman.

Either you can shut up
and stay out of the way,

or you can get
your car out of here.

Which will it be?

Well, you got that dent in the
right rear and that seems to be it.

Well, that's a small miracle.
I suppose I should thank you.

I suppose you should.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

My uncle has a cabin down this road.
Reece Morgan.

Could you tell me
how much farther it is?



Joanna! Get over here!
Uncle Reece! How you doing?

You sweetheart.

How nice to see you.
You have trouble finding the place?

I don't want to
talk about it right now.

The place looks just like I remember
it when I was a little girl.

You were only five years old.

Yeah, but I still remember
those skinny little steps

and climbing
this tree here. Wow!

Come on inside and I'll get
you a glass of mountain water.

Great, I sure could use it.

I remember that fireplace.

Do you really?

You were so small.

I remember we used to sit by
the fireplace and make s'mores.

"S'mores"? What's that?

Don't you remember?
We'd use a piece of graham cracker,

and lay a little piece
of chocolate on it,

and we'd set them by the fire.

And then we were roasting
marshmallows, the chocolate would melt,

and then we'd mush them
all together and eat them.

And I always wanted s'more.

Yeah, that's right.
Hey, how well do you remember your Dad?

I just remember
the little things like...

Like that same summer,
we went walking in the woods,

and I was frightened
by this strange light.

The woods' foxfire light.
That's what the folks around here call it.

Yeah, I remember that summer.
Last time I saw your Dad.

He claimed he saw foxfire light.

All the years I've been coming
here, I've never seen anything.

You know, I've dreamt about it so many
times, I thought that I imagined it.

So, it really does exist?

I guess so.
How's your mother?

Impossible as always.

You know, when I was younger, I always used
to wish that you could become my Daddy.

Almost happened.
But as you say, your mother's impossible.


I never knew what
went on between you two,

and Mother wouldn't
talk about it.

Well, it's no secret, really.

Went together for a while,
I fell in love with her and...

One day it just ended.

Well, unfortunately,
I don't think it ever ended for Mother.

Come on.
I'll show you your room.

Same one as before
from so long ago.


It's good to see you.

I'm glad to be here.

Good. Now, I understand that.

Tom, I understand that.

Do not let them change the
deal, do not let them back down.

Yeah, that's a bluff.

Look, either they deliver
or we cancel the contract.

Absolutely no changes.

All right. Hey, Tom,
remember I'm here on vacation, will you?

Just get along without me, okay?

All right.
I'll talk to you later.

Trying to get away from business
for a month, that's not too easy.

Hey, you look terrific.
What would you like for breakfast?

I never eat in the morning.

What's on the agenda today?

Going for a trip to
the hardware store into town.

Would you like to come?

Sure. Just give me
a little while,

I'll get changed and we'll go.

All right.

There still a lot of
backward hillbillies around?

Backwards? Not at all.

They're shrewd and smart as
any corporation executive.

People of the soil and they
know what friendship is.

Ooh, that was a pretty house.

That's Linc Wilder's place,

he sold me my cabin
some years ago.

Calls himself a ridge-runner.

Ridge-runner, what's that?

They all call themselves that.

I guess because of all the ridges
around here. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Look here, Hendricks.

I'm all ready to offer you more
money for this old piece of junk.

Ain't that right, boy?

That's right.

Ooh, ain't that something.

Ain't that the truth.

Isn't this the place where
you got me that cupie doll?

You remember that too?

Sure I do.

You wanna go in?
Sure, yeah.

I don't know what it's for?

Well, you put it in your linens.
It's rose blossoms.

It's just like I remember it.

Certain lingerie or night
gowns, makes you smell sweet.

Thank you.

Hello, Rachel.
Still your old smiley self.

Well, Reece,
when did you get back in town?

A couple of days ago.
And why didn't you write?

Why, I didn't know
I was supposed to.

Well, every day I checked with the
mailman, and every day I came up empty.

Stop clowning, Reece.

You know, if I asked you out to
dinner for the umpteenth time,

would you still turn me down?

Yes. I suppose I would.

This is my niece, Joanna Morgan.

Joanna, this is
Mrs. Rachel Parmelee.

Well, I didn't
know you had a niece.

Welcome to the Ozarks.

Thank you. You have
a very lovely shop here.

Well, we won't take up
any more of your time.

See you later.

Bye. Bye, Joanna.


Isn't that disgusting?

What? That old man
and that young girl.

I think that lady's
turned on by you.

Can't prove it by me.

Come on. I saw you
flirting with her.

Me? Flirt with
the widow Parmelee?

She's a widow.
She's unattached.

Come on, I saw you
turning on all that charm.

Well, I must be losing my touch,

I've been tying to go out with
her for the past five summers,

so it's not as though
I haven't been trying.

Sounds serious.

She came out with me, could be.

Hi Linc, how you doing?

Just stopped by to say hello.

I'm glad. I'd like you to meet my
niece, Joanna Morgan.

We've already met. We just
didn't bother to introduce ourselves.


Didn't I tell you
there was another man there

when my car went into the ditch?

I must have forgotten.

Yeah, Joanna told me about
the incident on the road,

she feels bad about some of
the things she said to Jesse.

Well, I'll go turn the water on.

Why didn't you tell me
where my uncle's house was?

That was very rude.

That wasn't rude,
that was rural.

We're not in the habit
of turning the other cheek.

You didn't appreciate the help we gave
you getting your car out of the ditch.

So, why should I help you again?

I did appreciate your help.

You didn't show it.

Well, you weren't exactly
courteous to a lady, you know.

No, because I didn't see a lady.

Very cute, but obvious.

Mr. Bates is the only one that
deserves an apology from me.

At least you recognized that.

Look, why don't you back off.

I've already told you that I'm
not proud of the way I behaved,

but that doesn't seem
to be good enough for you.

I pity your wife.

You can save it,
I'm not married.

Well, I can see why.

Hello, Linc.
Quite a rain heading our way?

We could be in for
an afternoon squall.

Well, Joanna and I drove by
your house this afternoon.

She really liked it.

I'm flattered.

It was the house that I admired.

Excuse me, I have
some things to do.

Yeah, I guess it does look
like we're in for a squall.

What's going on?

I don't know, Reece.

I never did care for
a woman in fancy britches.

I think you have the wrong
impression of Joanna.

Her mother's tried to run every minute
of her life. Just overly defensive.

Could be.

Well, I better get back into town
before the lumber yard closes.

Say goodbye
to your niece for me?

Sure will.

Linc told me
to tell you goodbye.

How come the two of you
almost exchanged blows?

I just couldn't help it.

I mean, I know he's your
friend and everything,

but if I would have just stayed
there for one more minute.

I don't know, maybe I just can't get
along with those country bumpkins.

Pride goeth before a fall.
Has that occurred to you?

Kind of turns you on,
doesn't he?

I would have come in to pay
for the repairs on your car.

I always pay my debts.

Weren't no use for
you to come collecting,

I didn't stop by
because of that, Jesse.

I came to apologize for the
way I behaved the other day

and for the way I spoke
to you and your mules.

Well, I reckon
I can overlook it.

Of course,
I can't speak for my mules.

Thank you.
My name is Joanna Morgan.

Pleased to meet you, Miss Morgan.
Pleased to meet you.

You have a real nice place here.

Yeah, it's home.
I got 40 acres of land.

But 40 acres of hill land ain't nothing
like 40 acres of any other land.

You know, if you was
to flatten it out,

I'd have maybe
three or four times as much.

Well, I wouldn't
want to walk it.

There's an advantage
to walking these hills.

Walking out on the flat land
would be plum boring.

Not to mention how tiring it would
be without a downhill to spell you.

I hadn't really quite
thought about it that way, Jesse.

Well, a lot of folks can't
look and see at the same time.

What's on the surface is not
necessarily what's underneath.

So I'm learning.

So how much do you
reckon I owe you?

Don't worry about it.
I'm insured.

And besides, I really don't think
it was your fault the other day,

I was driving down that
road a little fast.

Well, it's okay by you,
it's okay by me.

It was really nice
to have met you, Jesse.

Very happy to have met you,
Miss Morgan.

You have a good day.
You do the same now.

Would you look
at that beautiful bird.

Yeah. You know,
the hill folks have quite a story

about a redbird flying
across your path.

Yeah? What's that?

Well, if you can
believe such things,

they say that you're gonna
get kissed twice before dark.

I'm gonna get kissed twice
before dark? By whom?

Well, now,
the sign don't say that.

It just says
you're gonna get kissed.

I'll let you know
what happens, Jesse.

Okay. Bye now.

Hi, pretty thing!
You're new around here, aren't you?

Yes, I'm...
I'm visiting a relative.

Yeah, I saw you and your
relative over at the doll house.

What are you doing with an old
city dude like that, anyway?

You know, what you
really need is

a big, strong,
country boy like me.

You know, to take care of your needs.
Your every needs.

Lady, I don't take
kindly to being ignored.

Of course, I guess I will
take exception in your case,

because I know when you
and me get together,

we gonna have a real ho-down.


You might as well quit ignoring me.
I always get what I want.

I'm gonna have you arrested
if you don't leave me alone.

Get lost, Deke!

Stay out of this, Linc.
She's mine.

I'll give you two choices,

either you can walk away,
or you can be carried away.

Hey. It was just a joke. I was just
having a little fun, that's all.

Just a little joke, you know.

I'm just having a little fun with this
little lady. There ain't nothing to it.

Man can't take a joke.

How'd that come about?

What do you mean?

Did you do something
to get him going after you?

How dare you suggest that I would do
anything to encourage that gorilla!

Just asking.

Wondering if you were doing something
as rude as you did to old Jesse.

There's obviously
no point in talking to you.

Thank you for
coming to my rescue. Bye.

Miss Parmelee?


I'm Joanna Morgan.
We met yesterday.

Mind if I join you?

Well, please do.

Thank you.

I'm so glad I found this place,
it's charming, just adorable!

It's a favorite of mine.

I just went shopping. You know,
I packed in the spur of the moment.

You know how you
always forget something.


I like what you're wearing.
Where did you find that?

Well, thank you.
I made it.

You made it?

My goodness! With a business to
run, where do you find time?

Well, it's a form of therapy.
Actually, what I mean is

it helps me to relax after
a long day at the shop.

Yeah. I still have that little
cupie doll that Reece bought

from your shop
when I was six years old.

Well, that was
before I owned it.

Then he really is your uncle?

Well, of course he's my uncle.
What did you think?

Well, your uncle is a very,
very charming and wealthy man.

Very attractive.
It's not unrealistic

to imagine that a young girl
would be attracted to him.

Well, I suppose that's true, but I'm
sure that Reece would prefer a woman

rather than a young girl.

As a matter of fact,
I think he's interested in you.

I can't take him seriously.
Well, why not?

We come from
two different worlds.

Our values are so different.

He strikes me as the type
who plays around a lot.

I'm sorry you got that impression
because that's not Reece at all.

Really? Well,
maybe I misjudged him.

Well, maybe you should
get to know him better.

You all decided what you want?

Do you have a club sandwich?

We sure do. Good.
I'll have that and some iced tea.

All right.

Your uncle is here only...

One month out of the year.

That's hardly the basis
for a stable relationship,

even discounting the fact that
he and I have nothing in common.

Well, that's
not necessarily true.

I mean, you both own
your own business.

You both love this part of the
country, for openers.

Well, I never thought
of it that way.

Would you come to dinner
on Friday night?

No, thank you.

Please! Come on,
I'd like to get to know you better.

Well, it's against my better
judgment, but okay, I'll come.


Hello! Is anybody
home? Uncle Reece?


Thank you.
You looking for Reece?


Was there something else?

I just came from Jesse Bates.
He mentioned you were by.

That's right.

I didn't mean to step on
your feelings this afternoon.

After talking to Jesse, I have to
admit, it changed my opinion of you.

Well, I'm so relieved.

You know, I stayed up all
last night thinking about it.

What makes you so sassy?

I'll tell you
what makes me sassy.

Because you strike me
as the type of man

that likes to keep a woman
barefoot and pregnant. Right?

I mean,
isn't that a motto of the hills?

You for it or against it?

I can't believe you just said that.
I'm against it, of course.

I thought maybe
you were going native.

I noticed you were barefoot

and I couldn't swear
if you were pregnant,

but you sure got
the bones for it.

Are you quite through?

Come on, where is
your sense of humor?

Can't you see me laughing?

You know what
your problem is, Joanna?

No, but I'm sure
you're gonna tell me.

You always want the upper hand.

You're afraid of losing control.

You can dish it out,
but you can't take it.

Is that right?

Why don't you just admit
that you're scared?

That's ridiculous.
Is it?

Did Jesse Bates
put you up to this?


He said I was gonna get
kissed twice before nightfall.

Some silly superstition.

Twice. Well, now,
I can't make a liar out of Jesse.

There's only supposed to be two.

Don't wanna spoil
Jesse's prediction.

Catch any fish?

Why, they wouldn't even drink my coffee.
You been here long, Linc?

Linc just got here.

Well, Joanna's been
entertaining me.

Got your shopping done?

Yes, and I had lunch
with Rachel Parmelee.

I asked her to dinner
on Friday night.

Well, is she coming?

Really? Well,
how'd you manage that?

I just asked.

You gonna join us, Linc?

Is that all right
with you, Joanna?

If that's a yes, I accept.

So, Linc is coming to dinner.

At times, he's so sure of himself,
it's positively infuriating.

But he does have
a way about him.

Maybe it's that lazy glint
in his eye.

That half-smile of his
seems so sexy.

I don't know,
but he's starting to get to me.


What are you doing out here?

Well, it's so pretty,
I was just exploring and looking around.

What are you up to?

I'm looking for me
some sassafras roots.

What do you use those for?

Well, ain't nothing better
for what ails you.

There's a lot of truth
in those old remedies.

These woods are so mysterious, you know.
They're almost spooky.

Yeah, it can be at that.

Jesse, have you...

Have you ever seen any
strange lights around here?

That's a long story.

I'll tell you about it sometime.

Well, got to get moving.

Goodbye now. Take care of yourself.
Don't get lost.


You look lovely.
Thank you.

I can't stay very late,
you know.

Rachel, the evening has
just begun.

Now, I've waited five years to
try to get you out to have dinner.

Don't try to end it so soon.

Well, I'm not.

It's just that I have to be at the
shop early tomorrow morning and...

Why are you so uncomfortable?

I promise you I don't
bite on the first date.

Well, if you did,
I'd bite you back.

Well, it looks like the evening's
gonna work out after all.

Yeah, that old Jesse
knows more tales

and superstitions of the Ozarks.

You know,
the first time I talked with Jesse

he told me about
the laws of the hills.

Ridge-runners, that's hill folk.

He says, "Don't take too kindly
to so-called outside authorities."

It's commonly
known as hill just-us.


Listen, this is
such a wonderful meal.

At least let me
do the dishes, okay?

No, no, no.
You sit right there.

Linc has volunteered
for kitchen duty tonight.

Did I volunteer to wash or dry?

I never would have guessed
you had domestic talent.

Well, I had a good teacher.

Who? Your mother?

No. Reece. My mother had
difficulty boiling water.

You got a little
dish soap on your face.

You know, you must be the most
exasperating woman I've met.

You get under a man's skin
whether it's what he wants or not.

Well, that's funny because I was just
thinking the same thing about you.

My home in L.A.
is bigger than this but more empty.

You must have a lot of friends.

Not too many close friends.

To be frank with you,
Rachel, I'm lonely.

I find that very hard to believe.
No, it's true.

I used to think that the evenings were
the worst, but now it's the mornings.

No one across from
the breakfast table,

and no one to wave goodbye
to in an empty house.

Do you feel that sometimes?

Yes. Yes, I have.

Then we have
something in common.

But there are a lot of other
things to think about, Reece.

Like what?

Well, I don't really know
you very well, and I...

I don't think
I want to get involved.

Why? What are you
afraid of?

Why, I'm not afraid of anything.

I just thought
that the next time I...

I fell in love,

I'd have both my feet on the
ground, and I feel so shaky.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

What? You're
glad to hear it?

Don't you see, Rachel?
We're in the same place.

I want to be with you,

and I believe that
you wanna be with me.

Look. Dinner was
a success after all.

Damn. Will you
get this for me, please?


Got it yet?

By the way,
dinner was very good tonight.

With a little practice,
you might make some man a good wife.

Well, with a little practice,

you could become
a good wife too.

You know, you would have
very pretty shoulders

if you didn't have
that big chip on them.

If it weren't for men like you,
the chip wouldn't be there.

You are like a bull nettle,
you know that?

Doesn't that make you itch?

I've decided
it's just a heat rash.

Nothing a cold
shower won't cure.

Very funny.

Why don't you quit fighting?

Who's fighting?
You are!

Well, I don't understand.

Suppose we just
take this up another time.

We're still going
riding on Sunday?

Sure. If you
pack us a lunch.

Listen to the tree frogs
and the locusts.

I know. I love it.

It's an Ozark symphony.

Fills up my head and drowns out my
thoughts. Makes me feel so peaceful.

That's why I come back
every year.

That and other things,
like people who live in doll shops.

Smooth talker.

No smooth talker.
Actually, when I'm with you

I seem to stumble
over my tongue quite a bit.

Well, I hadn't noticed that.

No, it's true.

If I was really a smooth talker,

I'd tell you that the locust
songs are mating calls.

And they're singing
their little hearts out

because they want some pretty
little locust to notice them.

Now how would a man
from the city know that?

Don't know.
Empathy, perhaps.

Listen, they stopped.

Know what that means?

They found their mate.

Maybe I went too far tonight,
but I just couldn't resist teasing him.

I wish he wasn't so serious.

I just know that there's
a mischievous and fun side

underneath all that
aloofness of his.

I hope I don't make a fool of
myself when we're out riding.

I wonder if horses
come with training wheels.

What the heck.

When he sees the way I ride a
horse, it might just loosen him up.


Well, howdy folks.
I didn't expect to see you up here today.

What you been doing, Jesse?


Trouble with doing nothing is there
ain't no place to stop to rest.

Life can be rough.

Where are you folks headed?

We thought we'd ride up to the top
of Old Baldy and watch the sun set.

If I was you, I'd make it a
point to get back before dark,

because it ain't gonna be a fit night for
man nor beast once that sun goes down.

The haints will be out tonight.

The whats?

Haints. Ghosts?

You're kidding.

You know, there's a lot of things
that happen that man can't explain.

Now, over here in Stone County,

the folks say that
there's a mountain

over there that's hainted by the
ghosts of the Spanish conquistadores.

It seems that
years and years ago,

the Spaniards buried a bunch of
gold over there in those hills,

and shortly after,

they were attacked and
killed by a bunch of Indians.

Every last one of them.

Now, if you go up
on that mountain tonight,

the folks claim that you can hear the
screams and sobs of those dying men.

You really believe that?

Well, ain't saying I do
and I ain't saying I don't.

Haints are mostly invisible.

Man usually can't see them.

Now, you take animals,
that's a different thing.

Animals can see
things that we can't.

Ghosts, I suppose.

Well, if a horse shies,
folks say he's spooked, right?

And that just proves
what I'm saying.

You mean the horse
has seen a ghost?

You can see that same ghost.

All you gotta do is look
between your horse's ears,

sight right down his nose,
if there's a ghost there, you'll see him.

I'm not really sure
that I want to see it.

You might not have any choice.

If we stay here any longer,

you're gonna have Joanna
too scared to ride with me.

Well, just remember what I said
about getting back before dark.

Yeah, we will.
Have a nice ride now.

Okay. Bye-bye, Jesse.

You caught
the fish on board here.

I'm sorry.

I did it again.

What am I doing wrong? You caught
the fish over on board on starboard.

Let her rip.
Wow, that's better.

What are you smiling about?

I'm smiling at you.

I'm a mess.

You certainly are.
A beautiful mess.

You know, the first sign of
old age is failing eyesight.

I've got it.

It's a well-known fact
that love is blind.

I suppose you think I'm rushing?

Love is a beautiful word,

and that's exactly
what I'm feeling.

I can't seem to act my age.

It's a good thing
I'm sitting down right now,

'cause if I wasn't and you touched
me, I'd swoon.

That's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

There isn't a sane,
sensible thought in my head.

This is worse than the
back seat of a 1950 Chevy.

Wait a minute, I've got one!
I've got one!


Well, that's a big one,
you'd better

let me handle it.
No, no, no, no!

Not on your life!
This is mine! You get away!

Reel him in!

He's a beauty!
It's a beauty!

That's not a fish,
that's a whale!

It's a leopard seal.
It's a minnow.


It's our first fish together.

Hello, Deke.
What are you hunting for?

I been tracking a coyote that's been
getting after one of my chickens.

Is that a fact?

See, I don't much like the idea of
nothing getting after my chickens.

You know what I mean, don't you?

So, I figure that when
I catch up to him, well,

I'm gonna blow a hole
in his side so big that,

well, it'll just guarantee that he ain't
never gonna get one of my chickens again.

You could be making a mistake.

Yeah? How do you figure that?

That coyote you're tracking could
turn out to be a timber wolf.

Now, I know coyotes
are sneaky devils,

but I never met one that wouldn't
turn tail and run from a fight.

Wolf, coyote...
Don't make me no difference.

This right here
will take care of it.

If it does turn out
to be a wolf,

you better make
that first shot count.

There won't be time
for a second try.

He'll be right at your throat.

I'll just try to
keep that in mind.

You do that.

Now if you'll stand aside and let us
pass, I'll be obliged.

How do you know he's not going
to shoot you in the back?

I don't.

Hey! Wait for me.

What kind of
superstition is that?

Well, marriage is a serious
matter in the Ozarks.

There's a lot of superstitions
about how to choose a mate,

and how to tell
a virtuous woman.

How do you tell
a virtuous woman?

♪ Mama, mama, have you heard

♪ Papa's gonna
buy me a mockingbird

♪ And if that
mockingbird won't sing

♪ Papa's gonna
buy me a golden ring

♪ And if that
golden ring is brass

♪ Papa's gonna
buy me a looking glass.

♪ And if that
looking glass don't shine

♪ Papa's gonna shoot
that bow of mine ♪

Linc, tell me
more about yourself.


I guess you could say
I had to grow up fast.

Maybe too fast.

My father died
when I was kind of young,

and I was handed the responsibility
of my younger brother,

sister and my mother.

It made me a bit of a loner.

Not that I didn't have friends,

but I didn't have time to play.

Do you now?
Well, Mom passed away,

my sister's married now and my
brother is living in Dallas.

So, I guess
that makes me a free man.

I think... Leave 'em? Yeah.

I think that's what I
like so much about you.

What's that?

The fact that you're able to
stand on your own two feet.

You know, I sensed it the
minute that I laid eyes on you.

Remember we had that
run-in with Jesse's mules?

You did?

And you gave me such a
hard time after that?

Well, you should have used
a little more finesse.

It's finesse you want, is it?

You know what I'd like?


I'd like...

Some lunch.

What's wrong?

I was just thinking about how
I'm going to feel when you leave.

I'd hate to just be
a holiday fling.

Hey, don't you think you're
jumping to conclusions?

It's getting late.
We better head back.

We'll take the short cut back to
the road while the light holds out.

You want to race?

Come on.

Linc! Linc, stop him!

Linc, stop him.

Are you okay?
What happened?

The horse got spooked
by that light.

The same one I saw
when I was a little girl.

Where'd you see it?
Back there.

Just like Jesse said.
It was a blue light,

and it was
real close to the ground.

It was probably just a foxfire.

It's a natural phenomenon,
not the haints.

Did it scare you?
Yeah, it scared me.

Just as much as it did
the first time.

But it also fascinated me.

Damn that Jesse
and his ghost stories.

What happened to my horse?

He's probably halfway
back to the barn by now.

Linc, what causes foxfires?

It's kind of
a spontaneous combustion.

You see, two elements can exist
in the same environment together

with nothing happening,
until a spark sets them off.

It's an illusive thing.

Either it's there or it isn't.

Mother, what are you doing here?

I wanted to surprise you.

Well, you certainly did.

Mother, this is Linc Wilder.

He lives down the road.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, Mrs. Morgan.

How do you do?

This is unexpected.

Well, I better go track down your horse.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Nice to meet you, Mrs.

See you tomorrow.

How are you, darling?

Mother, why didn't you tell
anybody that you were coming?

Aren't I welcome?

And just in time, too,
judging from what I just saw leaving.

Mother, that's very unfair.

Where's Reece?
He's out.

He's out?
Where would he be out here?

If you must know,
he has a lady friend.

I'll leave the rest to
your X-rated imagination.

Reece is seeing someone?
- Rachel Parmelee.

And who is Rachel Parmelee?

She owns the doll shop in town.

She's from the Ozarks?

Reece must be pretty desperate

to be seeing some barefoot
yokel from this area.

That hardly
describes her, Mother.

Hello. Well, Elizabeth.

Hello, Reece.
Goodness, what a surprise.

When did you arrive?
About an hour ago, but no one was here.

Reece, are you still necking
in the back seats of cars?

You got lipstick on your collar.

As a matter of fact,
it was the back of a boat.

Yes, Joanna's been telling me
that you've been seeing someone.

I'd like to meet her
while I'm here.

I'm sure Rachel will look forward
to meeting you with pleasure, too.

Here, let me help you
upstairs with your bags.

Have a good trip?
It was all right.

It's there on the right.

That's it.

Well, I hope you'll be
comfortable here, Elizabeth.

It will be just fine.

Reece, I'm sorry
if I was rude downstairs.

Old habits die hard,
and I still care.

Elizabeth, don't
make things awkward.

I'm not,
really, I just came to...

Reece, I don't even
remember why we broke up.

Does it matter now?

We had some wonderful times
together, Reece.

You can't have forgotten that.
I mean, I haven't.

Even this room, it reminds...

You know, kind of reminds
me of that little cabin

that we shared
on the Hanovers' yacht.

Don't you remember
how small it was?

We had to even
take turns dressing.

You loved the whole idea.

Well, that's all in the past.

Yes, but it doesn't have to be.

This woman, Rachel is her name?


What's she like?
What's her background?

She's from an entirely
different world, Elizabeth.

I don't know whether you'd
understand, Elizabeth,

but I find her very appealing.

Now, you have
a good night's rest.


Hey, what are you
doing up so early?

I couldn't sleep
so I decided to run.

Is Mother up yet?
No, not yet.

It's beautiful.
Is it an engagement ring?


Have you asked her yet?
Not yet.

Suppose tonight's the big night?

No, today is the big day.
I'm going into town right now.

Chicken, I suppose you don't want
to wait till Mother gets up?

Now, you promise me,
you don't tell her my plan.

I promise, scout's honor.

And don't spit.

Hi. Hi, honey, how are you?

Was that Reece's car?

He had to go into town.
Did you sleep well, Mother?

Not really. You know, he may be
involved with that country yokel,

but he'll never marry her.

Mother, be fair,
you haven't even met Rachel yet.

Rachel, even
the name sounds common.

Darling, I know
him better than you do.

There's been countless
affairs over the years.

The moment
the newness wears off,

he'll just cast her aside
like the rest of them.

You know what?
I think you're wrong this time.

Well, if I am, little Daisy
Mae has to be one smart cookie.

I don't think she's
one to play games, Mother.

Well, Reece better wake up.

He's going to make
an awful fool out of himself.

On second thought,
give me three.

One for each of my nieces.

I'll be with you in a minute.

There you go.

It's going to be a hot one again
today, I'm afraid.

Whoo! Good day for a swim.

Straight for the lake.

Thank you so much.
You come back.

Is there something
I can do for you?

You can give
me five minutes of your time.

But time is precious.

Can you be influenced?

Well, what is it that you want?

Well, how about this?

I don't know what to say.

All you have to say is yes.

Is this a proposal?

Well, are you saying yes?

I can't talk.


This lady has just
consented to become my wife.

Well, anyway, so, all I did was ask
where my Uncle Reece's cabin was,

and he went into
this 10-minute spiel

about Inez Mummel
or something like that.

I didn't understand him,
he was speaking a different language.

Well, I understand
congratulations are in order.

I thought you would have been
too clever to have gotten caught.

Well, you must be Rachel.
Hello, I'm Elizabeth, Joanna's mother.

It's so nice to meet you.

Have you two set a date yet?

As a matter of fact,
yes. Next week.

So soon?

Excuse me, I'll get that.

It's to be a simple ceremony.

Just the minister
and two witnesses.

Reece, that isn't fair

to cheat your family and
friends out of a wedding

after we've waited
all this time.

Not to mention your bride, but I should
think you'd want something more elaborate.

No, it was my idea, really.

Yes, I would have rented
the entire L.A. Coliseum.

Did I hear right?
You two are getting married?

Yeah, she...
She twisted my arm.

Thank you, Linc.

Well, we got to have a
party to celebrate this.

Yes, dinner,
champagne, the works.

Actually, what I had in mind was an
old-fashioned barbeque at my place.

I'll invite a bunch of friends and
neighbors up this Sunday. How's that sound?

That sounds like
a lot of trouble, Linc.

It never is for friends.
Sunday, then?

That sounds wonderful.

And may I help?

Do you know much
about having a barbeque?

We practically invented
the barbeque in California.

Well, while you two are
arguing about barbeques,

Rachel and I are
going to go for a drive.

Nice to have met you.
Bye Joanna, Linc. Bye.

Where are you going, Mother?

I'm going upstairs.
I seem to have a headache.

I get the impression your mother
wasn't too pleased to hear

about the engagement.

Well, I mean, it came
as quite a shock to her.

I'm sure she was
a little stunned.


I wonder what she would have thought
if I suggested white lightning.

You mean moonshine?

I don't think she would
have appreciated that.

Well, I guess there's quite a spread
between champagne and moonshine.

Well, I'll go up
and check on her.

I'm so glad you did that.

Did what?
Stood up.

See, there's an old
superstition in the Ozarks

that says it's unlucky
for a man to kiss a woman

when she's sitting down
and he's standing.

Is that right?
I have it on the best authority.

Don't tell me.
Jesse Bates?

Who is it?
It's me, Mother, may I come in?

Yes, of course.

You okay?
How do you feel?

How would you feel?

Mother, I'm really sorry.

It hardly does any good
to be sorry, now. I...

Joanna, why didn't you call me
and tell me what was going on?

I don't think you
have any idea what...

Mother, what do you think
I could have possibly done?

I don't know,

I thought if I came
here, Reece and I...

I don't know,
maybe I've been entertaining

some sort of a fantasy
all these years,

but, God, seeing him with her...

Mother, I'm sorry,

but I think you
brought this on yourself.

Joanna, stop,
go away, I'm so tired.

I'll be downstairs
if you need me, Mother.

So, the doctor said,

we have very good reason to believe

"that you might be
trying to escape."

Well, it wasn't that bad.

there's Mrs. Morgan.

I'm so glad she decided to come.

Excuse me.


Glad to see you're feeling
better, Mrs. Morgan.

Thank you,
Mr. Wilder.

No need to be formal.

So I've noticed.

Come on, let's go get a drink.

I've heard a lot of
nice things about you.

I'm Linc's sister, Sharon,
and this is my husband, Bill.

Thank you, nice to meet you.

Where are the kids, Sharon?
Grandma and Grandpa are babysitting.

We have three boys.
Only three kids.

I guess that proves that a
ridge-runner doesn't keep his wife

barefoot and pregnant
all the time.

- Howdy, y'all.
- Howdy.

Hi, gang!
It's about time you got here.

Come on over and join us.
That's what I come for.

We're going to play up
a storm this afternoon, boys.

Here, listen to this.

How'd that sound?
My fiddle never sounded that good.

Well, what you need
is some rattlers in it.

That's what gives it
this good tone.

Rattlers? What kind
are you talking about?

Well, from a rattle
snake, what else?

Next time you see one,
kind of stomp him,

and then cut his rattlers off and take
'em home and put them in your fiddle.

It will sound just like mine.

Yeah, and cows fly, too.

Are we going to stand here arguing all
day or are we going to play some music?

Hey, Reece, we're going to
play a song for you.

Let's go, boys.

Well, now that I've learned
you guys how to play,

I'm going to join the
party and have some fun.

What do you think
of your daughter?



Well, I think I'm falling
in love with the Ozarks.

Just the Ozarks?

Well, not just the Ozarks.

Time to eat.

Isn't that Deke?
What is he doing here?

We both live in the same hills.


Hello, Deke.

You, sure know how to
throw a heck of a party.

Glad you could make it.

Well, you see, I never was
known as one to hold a grudge.

How I look at it is,
you win some and you lose some.

The trick is just, well,
knowing when to throw in the cards.

Well, now, with that said,
you reckon an old pouty like me could

just wish both of you the best?

You bet.

That ain't no joke.

Well, hello,
are you enjoying the party?

Well, I see Reece has
already abandoned you.

No, no, he just went
to get some drinks.

Well, he's always
thoughtful and attentive.

Isn't he so?

Well, I suppose he's changed,

and doesn't have
that roving eye anymore.

You know, I felt
that way at first, too,

but then after
I got to know him,

I realized it wasn't true.

You know, I really
admire you, Rachel.

You do?

Well, yes, taking on a new
husband and a new lifestyle,

all in one leap, and...

I see what you mean, yes.

Yes, of course,
it will take a little time

to get used to
living in Beverly Hills.

Especially, Reece has
a beautiful, beautiful home,

does a lot of entertaining
for business purposes.

How well I remember
those formal dinner parties.

Does he do that a lot?

Darling, if you need any
help, please call me.

I've given thousands
of dinner parties,

so arranging all the fine details
is really second nature to me.

That's very kind
of you to offer.

And if you need to buy
some new clothes,

I'd be happy to take you to
some of my favorite shops,

so you can get a new wardrobe.

I never thought of that.

Knowing Reece,
I'm sure he hasn't given you much chance

to think about those things.

Marriage is difficult under
the best of circumstances,

and I'd hate to see the two of
you getting off on the wrong foot.

Well, thank you so much
for your kind advice.

I'm so glad we've had the
opportunity to have this little chat.

I'd like to think
we're going to be friends.

Well, I can't imagine otherwise.

Elizabeth, are you
enjoying yourself?

I can't remember
having so much fun.

Here you are, dear.

Hey, where are you?

Here. Just thinking.

About what?



I guess I'm just
a nervous bride-to-be.

Did Elizabeth have anything to do
with the way you're feeling right now?

No, no, I just...

Looking around at all my friends,
the country, and thinking about leaving,

I never expected to be uprooted.

Well, you'll adjust to that.
We'll manage that.

Elizabeth has been doing a number on
you, hasn't she?

No, I'm just having
second thoughts, Reece.

I have a mind of my own.
Of course, I know that.

Excuse me for a minute.

Mr. Wilder, how long
does this party last?

Till all the guests go home.

And how long is that, generally?

Could be into the wee hours.

Mother, why don't you sit down
and have something to eat?

Elizabeth, I'd like to talk to you.
Excuse me.

Is something wrong?

Damn it, Elizabeth.

I knew when you arrived here
that you'd start making trouble.

Reece, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I want you to stay
the hell out of my life.

Whatever there was between the
two of us has long been over.

Now, you said something to
Rachel, and you've upset her.

I will not stand for that.

Look, it's absolutely nonsense.

I did nothing of the kind.

I discussed
moving to California...

Will you get this
through your head?

Rachel and I are
getting married next week,

and there is nothing that
you can say or do about that.

Is that clear to you?

Reece, you're shouting.
Yes, I am shouting.

Do you hear what I'm saying?

Obviously, the whole world is listening.
We do not need your help.

Not now and not later.

If that's the way you feel.


you arrived here uninvited.

Of course,
that didn't bother you,

you barge in whether
you're welcome or not.

Were it not for Joanna, I would have
asked you to leave a long time ago.

She is my brother's daughter,
but I've had it.

Now, I want you
to make your excuses

and catch the next plane
for Los Angeles.

You understand?

You understand?

Mother, are you all right?

I don't feel very well.
Would you mind if we left the party?

Well, I guess.
Linc, I'll be back shortly, okay?

I didn't mean to upset you.

I'm sorry you asked
Elizabeth to leave.

I don't think she was to
blame for the worries I have.

Well, let's chalk it up
to prenuptial nerves.

Are you nervous?

You don't think that you have
a monopoly on that, do you?

Yes, I thought I did.

I mean, you always seem
so sure of yourself.

I never imagined that...

Well, I'm just letting my
fears get the best of me.

Will you forgive me?
Nothing to forgive.

I think we can make it work.

I know we can.

I love you.

I love you.

I can't believe that Reece
would say such a thing.

Well, obviously,
he doesn't want me here.

He thinks I'm trying to
come between him and Rachel.

All I did was offer to help,

and he accused
me of interfering.

Were you, Mother?

He's making an awful
mistake marrying that woman.

They have nothing in common.

I was just trying to be nice
and this is how he repays me.

Mother, it's none
of your business

who Reece chooses to marry,

so why don't you just stay out of it?
All right, okay.

You know,
we always haven't gotten along,

but I'm so glad
you're here with me, Joanna.

I've never felt so abandoned
in my life, Joanna.

Mama, I'm here.

I'm here.

Joanna, will you
fly home with me?

You mean now?
You mean tonight?

Reece doesn't want me
here, I must leave.

But, Mother, I...
Joanna, I need you.

Just give me a minute to think.

I mean, what am I
going to tell Linc?

I know there's a very,
very big attraction there,

but, sweetheart, in a month,
you'll forget even what he looks like.

These holiday romances
are always like that.

Joanna, please come with me.

let's go upstairs and pack.

But I want to stop
and speak to Linc

on the way to the airport,
all right?

Leaving? What do
you mean, leaving?

Linc, if you'd
just let me explain.

Explain what?

Can't you see that that manipulating
witch has messed up her own life,

and now she's
trying to ruin yours?

Linc, she's my mother.

And regardless of her faults,

I still love her and I
resent you calling her names.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

But, I just can't see why she can't
get into a plane all by herself.

Don't you understand?

She's been hurt.
And I am all that she has.

Now, you didn't you tell me that you
helped your mother when she needed you?

In other words,
you're telling me,

"Goodbye, it's been
nice knowing you."

Yeah, well, if that's all the
understanding that you're going to give me,

yes, I'm saying goodbye.

That's the longest face I ever did see.
Something wrong?

I suppose so.

Well, now,
that's no kind of an answer.

Where's Joanna?

I reckon she's on her way to
the airport at Springfield.

Well, now,
what's she doing that for?

We had a fight and she left
with her mother.

And you let her go
just like that?

What kind of a man are you
that you'd lose your woman here

because of a lover's quarrel?

Go on after her.

Linc, I just heard
that Joanna's gone.

I'm afraid that's my fault.

How come?
I told her mother to leave.

It never occurred to me that
Joanna would go with her.

Well, what are we standing
around here jawing

when we can go and catch Joanna

before she gets on
that airplane.

She's probably
catching the 6:30 to Denver.

You're right, Jesse,
I gave up too easy.

That ain't like me.

Well, where you going?
To the airport. Excuse me, miss.

Hey, wait for us.

Linc, take my car.

Mind if I drive?
Be my guest.

Wait for me.

705, Denver to Los Angeles.

Mr. Roberts,
paging Mr. Samuel Roberts.

Please meet your party
at the airport...

Come on, Joanna.

Sometimes the plane is
late getting off the ground.

That's right.

Come on, Linc, for Pete's sake,

my mule can go faster than this.

I'll get these checked through to
Los Angeles, have a nice flight.

Can I help you, ma'am?
Yes, Denver.

Will that be smoking or non?

Window seats, please.

Is that for two?

Your flight will be running approximately
15 minutes late this evening,

we've had a traffic delay.

All right, fine.

You've been assigned
seats 2A and B.

Thank you
and have a nice flight.

Thank you. Thanks.

What time is it getting to be?

Miss Marks, Miss Sandy Marks,

please go to
a white courtesy telephone.

Joanna, you know,

we haven't decorated your room
since you were in high school.

You know what might be fun, we call
Andrea as soon as we get out to the coast

and maybe she could come over and,
you know, we could refurbish your room.

Pink and mauve, I think. They would
be nice colors. You look so pretty...

You look so pretty in that.

Pink, Joanna?
Pink or mauve?

Pink, that's fine, Mother.

What time is it, honey?
It's 6:40.

Hold on to your hat.
Atta boy, Linc. Go, go.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.

At this time we're ready to board
flight 705, nonstop service for Denver.

Please have your boarding cards
available for the agent at the door,

as well as the flight
attendant onboard the aircraft.

I'd like to thank you for flying
with Ozark this afternoon,

and hope that you have
a good flight.

I can't stand
this place another minute.

It'll be so nice to get
back to civilization.

I hope they remember
to pick us up.

Joanna, honey, they're boarding.

I suppose your hearing's gone?

Ozark flight 705 is
now in its final boarding process.

Ozark flight 705 is now
in its final boarding process.

Hold it there, slow... hold it. Officer,
I'm in a big rush, it's an emergency.

Arms up.

I got to catch...
Empty your pockets, please.

Back through
the machine, please.

All right.

Out of the way.

Air Midwest flight
848 is arriving at gate number one.

Well, we sure gave
it a good try.

Well, you could call her
in Los Angeles tonight,

take the first plane
out in the morning.

No, I don't think so.

She obviously made up her mind.

Maybe this is the way
it was meant to be.

You know, you're right Linc.

I think this was the
way it was meant to be.

I don't see what's so funny about
it, you old coot.

You stop being so rude to Jesse.

I couldn't go.

I told my mother that
it would break my heart.

And would you believe
that she told me to stay

just as we were
getting on the airplane?

This calls for a celebration.

Darned right, it does.

I got an idea.
What's that?

If you will agree
to marry me right now,

we can go back to the
party and save the trouble

of throwing another one.

Well, that's very parsimonious of
you, but I will marry you anyway.

What the heck?

That means cheap, Jesse.

Well, what are we
standing here for?

Come on, let's get
back to the party.

Okay, let's go.