Foxfire (2012) - full transcript

Set in the 1950s, a a group of young girls in upstate New York form their own gang. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

"Do not ever tell Maddy
Monkey" they warned.

"If you tell, you're a dead man. "

But now, after so many
years then, I'll tell you.

Who would prevent?

All, I was involved in
drafting the the original rules.

I was in Foxfire Official
Chronicle of the script.

The only one which was believed to
be made change our actions into words.

Permanent evidence.

Typed, clean, dated entries.

We were hoping that it would
become historical document -

where the truth would live forever.

This would avoid distortion of the
owners, misunderstandings and lies evening.

As we did those things only evilness.

But worst of all Foxfire were lies.

Maddy! Wake up, Maddy!

Maddy, it's me, Legs!

You let in or not?

Mother sleeps. Carefully.

Did you walk up here to Plattsburgh?
- I walked.

I do not think so. That's
more than 160 kilometers.

I'd walk 1600 miles if more would
not have to live with the grandmother.

He is so weird. takes me do
silly things around the house.

To do the dishes, clean up the bathroom.
tried even teach the bed petaamista.

He said:

" Things can be done either on
the right or in the wrong way. "

I laughed in the face. then I said,
something that I made up my math class:

"No, the right ways to have only
one, false in the millions. "

"That's why everything goes to hell. "

He just stared at me.
As if I had slapped him.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Stay here as long as you want.

Do not worry, Maddy. Tomorrow
I will leave the old man's.

He can not get her
daughter so easily overcome.

Maybe he would call the police.

Stop it.

Thank you for helping me.
In this way it should be:

If a girl is in trouble,
he can go to another's.

Another take care of her. As you
do. No questions asked. Does not it?


As always, the Legs
talked and I listened.

You have a place in my heart, Maddy.

Probably that night, 16
March 1966 Foxfire was born.

At least according to Legs.

Who knows?

We did not even have a name. But
soon, and for this I am sure -

Legs came up with it: Foxfire.

He said he had heard it in a dream.

Yes, Foxfire was a sisterhood.

It was the secret of loyalty,
trust and a bond of love.

Yes, we were outlaws.

We did things which could
be called a criminal offense.

Impunity because exclusively male
- sacrifice

were ashamed to complain too much.

Stop it!
- Like this?

Stop it!

I'll tell Mom!
- You're the one you wanted to come here.

Stop it!
- He smells good.

Stop it!

Leave him alone.
- It's your your loss is.

Come on. Did they hurt you?

Thank you.

What? No, stop!

Please, stop it!

Stop it!

Here he comes.

Hey, Rita.
- Hey, baby.

He'll be back soon begging for more.

Go to freshen up. Your father
has already enough concerns.

You and your brother driving
him to the brink of destruction.


See how to make.

We went through the last week of
the equation. Remember last week?

Yes, sir.

Do not disturb Ms. O'Hagan when He
interprets the mysterious patterns.

If you use the same amount
of time to study the make-up -

you may seem to asshole -

to try to fix so easy to do.

Enough. You have presented your
skills enough. Go and sit down.

You're so cute when mökötät, Rita.

It goes without saying,
that you get a detention.

Hello, girls.

Should not you be in the second session?

Do not pick on me for it.
- " Ope is so mean to me. "

You mean to have you here.
- "It's not my fault. "

It is not.
- It is.

Every time you cry, Buttinger win.

I do not even know when
I cry. It just happens.

Margaret, why do you look
at me like I'm disgusting?

Maybe you are. After all, you do not say
anything. You just sit there and cries.

I'm not as tough as you.
- You'd fight, Rita.

" Shall we go to my class to
study the anatomy of the woman? "

Tell him to fuck off, Rita.

Get the fuck out!

You have to decide how
to let men treat you.

Buttinger and his neekerihuulensa.

Out of the way!
- What's the matter with you?


Filthy piece of shit!

Pads still in hell.

You heard me!


ARROW Little girls pussy

MY NAME IS Buttinger AND I ARROW pussy

Flat mushroom here!

Mushroom here!

- Come and get it!

That's it!

Sit down!

What's in here? What is going on here?

Vinnie Roper, sit down!


Did you see? Gaze was empty,
just as we would have killed him!

He will not return ever again.

I do not know how to thank you.

Stop it. Buttinger would be
could not bully anyone of us.

It's no longer about you,
Rita, of us. We are the Foxfire!

Not so fast.
- Foxfire!

Do you want that we are separated? - Not
worry. They do not stand a chance with us any.

We do not like the Viscounts,
typerissä your badge and takeissaan.

We're too clever for
them. We are invisible.

Quiet. A father and his new
lutkansa are in the living room.

Let's go back.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on in..

This is like a church or something.

Come on, girls. All here to talk about
the remains of these walls inside.

Upon pain of death.

Do you swear that you own your life Foxfire
- sisters?

Yes, I swear.

to follow Foxfire view of the world?

Yes, I swear.

Do you swear workers'
revolution and doomsday through -

even if the go the through the valley -

and even if you tortured, Foxfire,
you do not betray your sisters?

Yes, I swear.

Legs, I want to be the first.

It does not hurt. Just
stay where you are.

Will you stop the blood from leaking?

The point is ready.

Damn! It happened!

It's really cool, Maddy!

It's my turn, Legs.

Go for it.
- Move your hair.

- Take it easy.

I can not!
- Have a seat. Take my hand.

Goldie and I do not have
any worry. You can do it.

Well it goes.
- You do not leak very much.

Can I see?
- Do not turn around!

Are you ready?
- Oh, Legs...

That's it.
- It looks great!


Your turn, Legs!

What is your name?
- Maddy.


It's a great name.

And he seems like a nice girl.

Father, tell me how it started to you.

I think you will like it the story.
- Tell me.

It was the year 1909.

I was 24 years old. I
studied to become a priest.

I attended the Socialist Party
the party conference in New York.

There were thousands
- of men and women.

My brother.

My sister.

My partner.

I stood among them,
International and sang. And...

God came to me.

Yes, at the moment
The Lord came to me -

and I realized that the perfect
happiness is the release of God.

Humanity's ascent common
God's level. And then:

Forgetting God.

Sorry. I need to change the lock.

Should have done it a long time ago.

Welcome, Walt!

Hey, Maddy.
- Hey, Uncle Walt.

Do you throw away on a
typewriter? Can I have it?

I sell it for five dollars.
- But you throw it out of the scrap.

Why would you want it if it is junk?
- I can write to it.

Then it costs five.
- But you throw it away.

I do not throw it away, if
I five. Then sell it to you.

I do not have five dollars.
- Ask your mother.

I can not.
- Why not? By the way...

Your mother should learn
how to how not to get fired.

I have three U.S. dollars at
home. Can I give the rest later?

Okay, before you get the
money Negroes take stuff down.

Sell ​​it for you. You made a good deal.
- I know, thank you.

Hey, Maddy. Do not worry, Uncle Walt took
care of everything. The machine is back there.

Are you playing a typewriter,
baby? I think you will like it.

I told eight U.S. dollars?

You said five.
- No, I think you misunderstood.

Do you want a typewriter or not?

I do not.
- Come on, you get it.

No eight, but five.

If you...

If you are a good girl...

I will get rid of it on Saturday!
It costs $ 8, if you want it!

Hey, Uncle Walt. I brought the money.
- Let's go inside.

Wait for the back room.

Honey, I told you, that
you can get it for free.

You said eight U.S. dollars.
- It is only one sanomistani issues.

I said something else.

How old are you?
- Old enough.

For what?
- Typing in a typewriter.

Do not play dumb.

You know why you're here,
I know why you're here.

Do we know?

You pervert! Now no longer
be a little tough boy.

How could you? She is the niece!

Did you think you can get away with it?

Do not touch me ever again!

I'm sorry!
- We'll kill you, you bastard!

I'm sorry!
- Filthy pig!

Do not touch me!

Enough already. We did
not come to kill him.

A downed stop kicking.

Buy yourself something nice.

" July 20, 1966. "

" Foxfire another victory. "

" The enemy, Walter Wirtz,
men's clothing shop owner... "

"... did... "

"... a number of... "

"... inappropriate... "

"... proposals... "

"... for my... "

"... sister's daughter. "

Why did you write it?
- Because it is important.

To whom is it important?
- For us, first of all.

But we already know.

But we can not forget.
- We will probably never forget.

We had to write it all up.
Date, place, name of the object -

and shock due to... We wrote
all-important, distorting.

If we were not careful, Foxfire lose.



Probably the bastards Oldwick.
- No, wimps throughout the loess.

But always try to annoy us.
- There is a Viscount revenge.

Hacking into their school
with and break the windows.

It reminds of religious symbols.
- What is religion?

I do not know.
- It's just a flame.

Maybe it's a warning.
- That's right.

Where does it warn?
- The danger, perhaps.

The fire. I do not know.
- That the end is near.

Anyway... I think it's beautiful.

Margaret SadovskГЅ, Mr. Greene
says they saw a tattoo on your back.

It reminds them of graffiti, which
we have removed from the walls.

How he has been able to see it?

It was a mere coincidence.
- Does she go to the girls' locker room?

You know that the school has a strict the
rules of the secret societies in terms.

Do you know the rules, Margaret?

I have not broken the rules.

First comes fear, then respect.

The oppressed rise up in rebellion
and draw up their own laws.

This has been the each revolution.

In 1776.

In 1789.

In 1848.

And, in 1917.

And so will happen in the future.

Thank you.

I want it to have in front of me.

If you only knew how
hopeful we were in 1917.

I wish I knew...

Meetings, chats...

a pleasure...

It has for a long time.

Even more recently -

was able to talk about these
things. We met and we talked.

But nowadays can not
speak to the rest -

than happiness.

All of this cackle of happiness.

Blah, blah, blah...

stateside can not get
enough of happiness.

" Happy. "

" Unhappy. "

What does it mean?

Believe me, the man is happy
when he lives in the immediacy.

Mobile mode.

Always seeking for.

Tim! Those girls are back.

I told you, that you
are not welcome here.

We were just browsing.
- It's not a crime.

How much does a dog cost?
- $ 20.

How much will it cost?
- You can not afford...

If you would buy it, he would buy more
and they would sell even more expensive.

Get out, or I'll call the cops.
- You do not understand.

An idiot. It's not about the
individual dogs, but out of principle.

Get out!

Should I call the police?
- Call.

The guy's a Nazi.
- Sign up.

Here, Legs.

- Ready.

Animal Rights!

Happiness is a journey,
not a destination.

But we do not understand
it as it occurs.

One day, when the die
is cast the last time...

When all is over, awaken -

like a dream.

And we will say, " Yes... "

"I was happy then. "

"Now that it's over, I
understand, I was happy. "

"I " -

"... I was happy then. "

Must look at, but not touched.

Monday is a test so
please read the signs.

No thank you.
- This is stupid.

Hey, Maddy.
- Hey.

Is your shoulder tattoo?
- It's just a birthmark.

I have not seen it before.
- It's always been there.

I'm not the only one who wonders. it
does not not a secret. They know all.

How do I join?
- I do not know what you're talking about.

What did he want?
- None. Stick his nose in others' affairs.

He wants to join us!

Him will flow problems.
- You're jealous because she's pretty.

Come on. Boys are always all over him.

You know him best. What do you think?
- What do you mean by that?

He is kind.

Easy to handle. He
will not get problems.

You do not consider this?

You can not be serious.


It is a grandmother, Maddy.
- In fact, it is isoisoisoiso...


Look at the teeth.
- Whoa.

They are creepy.
- No to the eyes.

Girls, we have a
responsibility to help him.

Him and everyone else.
- So as you helped me.

No way. Soon we will have reached 60
- We need a checklist.

What is a checklist?

Let's not talk about this here.
- They're verisiskojamme.

Do you swear that you own your life Foxfire
- sisters?

Yes, I swear.

That you follow the world view?
- Yes, I swear.

Rather die than fail?
- Yes, I swear.

I am so grateful. Legs...


I would die for you.

Children still breaking something.

Oh, how cute witches.

Let's get to the door.
Let's take a look at witches.

What have we here? Scary witches.

You're welcome.

You're welcome.

And the one for you.

Just a second.

Come on, kids.

Did you see his face?
- He was so scared!

I'm sick of this town.

I, too, am. There are so boring.

I want out.
- That would be nice.

Come here!
- You have to see this.

So pretty!
- Unbelievable that people wear such.

Look at those shoes.

I will never use that.

We did not come here to dream, girls.


Fuck you, bitches!
- Son of Foxfire!

I'll beat the shit out of
your faces, you bastards!

Look, guys.

Where are you going?
- Hey, beautiful.

Violet, I heard that
you're Iähennellyt Jack.

I have not done anything. I do
not know what you're talking about.

He mixed with wet dreams reality.

Clear the way.
- Do not go, I'll show you something.

Where are you going, baby?
- Go to hell!

They are just assholes.
- Who are you calling an asshole?

Get off me! Go to hell!

Get out of here!
- Son of a bitch!

The bastards!

Vinnie Roper, right? The girl
seems to threaten you with a knife.

You heard what Goldie said. Go to hell.

I see you. Drop the knife!
- Come and get it!

I believe that you reserved.
- You do not know what happened.

I know what I see. Call the police.

They were trying to help.

This is a crime! You will be
separated! I make all of you!

Let's get out!

Run! He'll call the police!
- Legs Roperia threatened with a knife...

It was pretty scared shitless.

Watch out, you bastard!

Was separated from you, Legs?
- Are we all in trouble?

- Faster!

What are you looking at?
What's wrong with you, bitch?

Oh my God, Goldie!

Come on, Goldie!

Did you see his face?
- It was a...

Careful, Maddy.

Do you think the same as I do?


I do not think...
- No, no, no...

You can not.
- What if someone sees us?

You can not be serious.
- Here he comes!

Are you crazy?

Drive, drive!
- Oh, my God!


Hey, hey!
- What if it is to call the cops, Legs?

Look at that son of a bitch.
- Do Legs!

Shut the fuck up, Rita! I do
not intend to kill us, trust me.

Oh, shit!

You're crazy, Legs!

Legs, do not let them grab us.
- Try to.

Would be the use of a weapon.
- I'd shoot rings out.

He is right behind us!

Be careful Legs!

I do not think anyone died?

Is anyone hurt?

I call Abel SadovskГЅ the witness stand.

Mr. SadovskГЅ, let me know your
relationship with your daughter.

I have to admit -

I am not able to keep him in check.

He can not be controlled.

These children today... I have
had to to increase her alone.

Maybe things would be different if I had
remarried after the death of their mother.

Maybe he would not be as awkward.


What do you mean?

Yes, we fight, we are talking
about rarely, but "tricky"?

That's not true. Besides,
you do not even know me.

What are you doing here pyhäpuvussasi?
Everyone knows that you're a drunk.

Fuck me in front of strangers.
- Miss SadovskГЅ...

Mr. SadovskГЅ whether the daughter -


I mean: He's dating boys?

Do you have any information
about he uses drugs?

That says it all. Thank you.

Maguire Lana Violet, Kahn, Rita
O'Hagan and Madeleine Wirtz...

to impose a Six months probation.

Siefried Barbara, in spite of
assistance of aggravated theft, -

you just handed down
a years of probation.

Margaret SadovskГЅ, you are
accused of a number of crimes.

Aggravated theft, driving without
a license, resisting arrest, -

vandalism, rowdiness, -

hidden in the possession of the firearm,
assault and battery company, truancy.

Miss SadovskГЅ -

sentence you to a minimum of 6
months in an educational institution.

What is the maximum penalty?
- As you decide for yourself.

Judgment length is indeterminate. I
can be released until the age of 18.

That is, in 3 years. An adult
should a more lenient sentence.

It is unconstitutional children
to be treated like this!

We are not here to discuss the law.

At the Court of Justice
have no power to judge me.

Is this the case? The following case.

Foxfire NOT regret nothing

We thought we were untouchable,
invincible... We were wrong.

The other, which they despise, -

retaliated by ripping our hearts
out of it. They took us for Legs.

I still wonder the same thing:

Why does society feared
the 16-year-old girl?

His only crime was to
promise us the impossible.

Why he was held as a major threat?

When he left, it felt like life
would have departed from us.

We were on probation, and the minor,
so we did not get to meet Legsiä.

It was the most cruelest.

Is the room ready for 307?
- It is.

See you tomorrow.

Since I did not hear his
voice and the Foxfire was ice -

I was not able to
write a word typewriter.

Hey, Mom.

Look, Maddy...

I do not want to bother,
but is you $ 16 cash economy?

It is. I promised.

Please, Mom.
- Thank you, darling.

"All is well. I made new friends.
We are taught horse-riding " -

" and cosmetology. I'm good. "

" The food is pretty good. We work
hard work, so the food tastes like. "

" You are all in my thoughts.
Kisses and hugs. Legs. "

That's it?
- Yes.

It is not the correct
letter. Legs is not like that.

those bastards censoring everything.

Thank you for your warm welcome.
- The girls are waiting for you.


I'm Marianne Kellogg. I would
be a big sister, if you want.

Convenience. Yes.

What is your name?
- Margaret.

Nice to meet you, Margaret.


This must feel awkward,
but we came just to talk.

Thank you. Would you like chocolate?
- Yes, thank you.

Smells good.

Do you like to read?
- I like.

What do you like to read?
- Despite what. Comics, magazines...

I mean books.

Them too. Here is the library.
- That's nice.

I brought a couple of
books, I like very much.

Thank you, it was a friendly.

I like especially
this: " Little Women ".

It tells of four with her mother
resident sisters. The father is at war.

The book follows the lives of girls
year, from Christmas to Christmas.

It says they are facing
the joys and hardships.

Do not worry. I'll read it.

Let's talk about you.

I think?
- Yeah, you.

What are you going to
do when relieved of?

I do not know even if
I think about it a lot.

I just know that I will
never let anyone control me.

It is a good decision.

Do you know what he did?

Something really vile.

He left me when I was
seven months. It is not.

I know why he left. He was
ashamed that's how he treated -

the only people who put their trust
in in him. His daughter and me.

Why is he talking about this shit?
To-day was supposed to celebrate.

Legs was right. For
lutkalla a pig snout.

Damn, there he is!
- Already?

Legs! Oh, my God!

Come on!

Come on!

Come on, Legs!
- Come on!

Come on!
- Come here!

Come on, Legs!

All right, here we come!

Legs, you got guests.

I'm so glad coming, Marigold.


Dempster sisters. Marigold
and... What's your name again?

This one.
- They are also Lowertownista.

Marigold and I spent
time along with Red Bank.

It's not always been a bed
of roses dancing, or what?

When did you get out of it?
- About a month ago.

You are definitely happy.
- Of course, it is wonderful to be free.

I thank the Creator
for every free moment.

Do you want to dance?

I want to show you something.


It's so beautiful.

Sometimes I have been so scared -

and thought, Foxfire
that was just a dream.

Did they hurt you?

Trifle. Sometimes my
eyes just start to leak.

One woman did it for me.
Thumb, just like that.

According to Father Theriault
it is because of the society.

Capitalism, and because the
we have to sell ourselves.

But it is not the whole truth.

Why does a girl have to
squeeze his thumb eye?

Yes, men are our
enemies. But women can be.

Claim to be sisters, but imisivät
compared, if you would be able to.

They hate without
reason. They just hate.

It is depressing.

Those five months while you were
away... It felt as if we had not lived.

We do not even have been able to
meet, because we thought only you -

and all the horrors of
that you had to endure.

Not to worry. No one will hurt me.

I was too clever for them.

When they tried to
moments, I was running away.

I changed Soaring Hawk.


Stop, stop!

Where's he going?
- We do not expect you to, Legs!

Watch your step.

The house needs renovation,
but it is habitable.

- Look at it.

It requires a lot of work.
- But we can do it.

It's so big.

The house is solid.

It stinks.
- Once we have cleaned up...

Oh, how beautiful.

Legs, here is beautiful.

There is enough room.
- This is a pigsty.

Tenants left suddenly and then
left the house terrible shape.

But the rent is cheap. 46 bucks a month.

What about the purchase price?
- 3200. It can be negotiated.

Why not?
- Let's go upstairs.

Does not make a hasty decision.

But this seems like a kodiltamme.
- Do not act on a whim.

Come on, Muriel. - I, too,
will sign the agreement -

so I have the right to opinion.

Do you have a comfortable
experience maintenance of the house -

or rent payment?

Water, electricity, debris removal from.

What do you do in the winter when
the snow storm roaring outside?

We'll be fine. With everyone's help
we will be able to manage the house.

Girls... you do not know anything.

Changing the house is
like getting married.

It wants to, but all of a
sudden one day wants out.

Thanks for your concern, gold, but I've
been thinking about this for a long time.

Is that right? And since then, smart guy?
- The whole fucking life.

Here you go. Three months in advance.

We have a house!

Thought that we could afford.
- Thank you!

With just a small ollessain

This evening, I asked, "What do I get?"

" Valtaako of the seas, the richness
of the country?" My mother sang just:

" Kenpä may know ' it '

" ken guess tomorrow "

Ken found out to get you

growth of its time, but

seems to usher in a

It's hard to know where the story
begins. It's hard to go back to the top.

How to find a moment,
order to be able to say:

" Here it is, Now can
start ticking clocks "?

But that spring, when the sun
shining brighter than ever -

we were all convinced Foxfire that
the story started from the beginning.

Here, in an old farm Oldwick
Road, 6 km south of Hammond.

Roof tiles were skewed and the
facade of the weather ränsistämä.

But we were just as beautiful
area as a proud, old schooner.

Above all, it was a house that
Legs chose us. It would be a -

a sanctuary for all those
in need for women and girls.

We have about twelve bucks. It
should live throughout the month.

Then we will have to starve.
- Get it now and then for breakfast.

What's this?


Where did you get them?
- None of your business.

No one needs to explain.
Each gives as much as he can.

I make a few short bit as a waiter.
- Do not worry, even if not to give.

I have never seen so much money.
- How much is it, Lana?

$ 120-

and 66 cents.

- Let's celebrate!

Now no need to go hungry.

Stop it. Continue tomorrow.
- Then I will not have time to write it all.

What did you say?
- Nothing.

You said something.
- No, you go to sleep.

I want to sleep, girls.

All right.

We have a lonely feeling.

Here is the top enough rooms,
and yet you have to disrupt us.

Come on, This is the first night.

Come on, Rita!
- Hey, Maddy.

Make some space.

Where do you want patjani?
- Make Room!

Good night, girls.
- Good night.

Look at the headlights.
- I like this.

Not the way it works.
- I'm not wasting your time.

I love this. How much? I, too,
I love it. You can not afford.

What about this? Beautiful, is not it?
- Very nice.

Come on, Goldie!

Yesterday you said 400, Acey.
- I would not say anything so foolish.

Maybe you were drunk.
- However, I would be so stupid.

It is worth $ 800.

What do they say? Rita?
- Massaging the shops.

I know who bends.

Come on, Acey. 600?

Okay, I can sell you a 600,
respectively, sweetie. You win.

You're welcome. You did not believe me.

This is our car. What's it say?

Look, Viscount bastards.

Warm. We need a refrigerator.
- We need more than that.

Curtains, for example.
- And the food.

Lots of food.
- Steaks.

I need gas.

I know how it is stolen.


But you forget the most important:

Beer and cigarettes!
- And the grass!

Yes, grass!
- We should draw up a budget.

Here we go again.
- We need a plan to survive.

We did not survive, but the
good life. We deserve it.

That's right!

Give it to me.

Come on!

Not vice versa,
otherwise it will not fit!

I told you!

Do you see?

Do you swear that you own your
life Foxfire - sisters? - Yes.

That you follow the world view?
- Yes.

Rather die than fail?
- Yes, I swear.

Welcome to Foxfire, Agnes.

You can get help with family
responsibilities. Then you get to know it all.

He is accustomed to household work.

I have taken care of when I got into
married laundry, food, cleaning...

In addition, he had to make
mulkeromiehensä brothers housework.

Is Lana explained how we
conduct our financial affairs?

It's not a problem. I do not
earn much, but their pleasure.

What did you do windows?
- Board up the gap.

We had no alternative.
- Let's not talk about it. Agnes greeted with a welcome.

You asked.

In our time, ceremonies were formalized.

Everyone does not seem to
have to go work in the morning!

Is this ekaa 3 months?
- Revenue barely cover costs.

Although we have not used any money
for the renovation of the house.

Juurija just survive.

And the biggest expense
for rent, is the food.



Will improve the situation of the new girls?
- Our income is quite deplorable.

Only two of us working,
or three, including Agnes.

We do not do not worry
about the girls income.

I never said that.

You do so, but you were kind to Agnes
because you know his way in the high seas.

You just do not get it.

Wake up! Wake up now, Maddy!

Violet, out of bed! Get up, everybody!

" Money, money, money!"

That's the word echoes in my head.

Ding, dong! Awake!


It is the only word that
I hear. Arise, Marcia!

Listen to me! Wake up, Lana!

I dreamed of it for me.

We have to find a solution. Together.

But we're just arguing
from cereals to and -

butter and broken
windows. It is ridiculous.

Legs, calm down...
- Worrier makes me nervous!

Worry is useless. It chokes me!

I want you to speak.

I want us to come up with ideas.

I do not want us to be of little
girls who are afraid of the punishment.

We can do anything. Foxfire
flame does not go out ever.

Seeking money from where
it is: Men's pockets.

That money belongs to us.

Is this sufficient?
- For some more along the edges.

Show. A little uneven.
- Adding to that a little bit.


May I join you?
- Please.

I'm Jerry.
- I'm Elaine.

You are too kind.
- A young woman's does not belong to walk home alone.

I'm over there.

No trouble at all. It is
the journey along the way.

Here you go.
- Oh, great.

What are you doing?

What is it about girls?
- This is no longer hard to be a son.

We were just talking about. I did not touch.
- Did you talk with your hands?

Does your wife that you kiss girls?
- Take my wallet.

And a clock.
- And the ring.

Thank you.

In explaining to the wife.
- Hello!

Come on!

I'm so proud of you, Rita.

It went really well.

I sat alone in the diner,
and I saw a man coming in to.

looked at each other and he came to me.

The guy was piss pants.
- I wish I'd been there.

You still get your chance.

Do not you afraid of?
- No, he was very nice.

And the time komeakin.

You are too dependent on men.
if man touches me, whip him.

They are pink flee when they see you.
- I do not care. I do not need men.

In that case, you can not be the bait.
- Sooner than I hook the bait.

Stop it already. Today we celebrate.

- Rita!



So, on behalf of three
and eight against.

Even hypocrites. You do not get
qualified Marigold because he is black.

We did not because of it. I do
not have nothing against niggers.

Then what's the problem?

Vote for him just because
that he is a friend?

Foxfire does not work that way. Are you
comfortable expert? You just joining us.

You think you're Foxfire
torchbearer? The cleanest of all?

Will we allow Snow White to come
here as if he were part of the family?

You make me sick.

You think you're better than blacks.

So I imagine. Fuck you, SadovskГЅ!

Fuck you!

I'll drive you back.

I'll get you, Martha.

I'm so glad you came.

What does the " Windward " mean?

It's an old story. Come on in..

Windward was a castle that my
father's family held in Scotland.

Come on in..

Come on.

We chose the name, because
it suited the house.

Here, the cold wind blows in the winter.

Come on in.. We can
be in the living room.

Please, sit down.

- Hello, Mrs. Kellogg.

Sit down. Make yourself at home.

Marianne told me about your plans.
- He's right, Ma.

I'm going to secretarial
school. once I have enough money.

What do you do now?
- I am a seller Kresgie'sissä.

We often go there. Can
not we just, Marianne?

I do not work in the
center, but Lowertownissa.

You could give Whitney and my...
- Whitney's father.

We could help you training.

Secretary of the school is a good
idea. Here, Hammond has a great school.

Whitney has hired a number from there.
Secretaries, assistants archives...

Quick... writers... And what else?


It would be a good idea, future.

As long as it is not charity.

If it's just a loan.

Sorry. Son of a light switch.


- Do you like it?

Veronica, you are a goddess.

Who is it?
- I ordered the champagne.

Are you crazy? I'm already tipsy.
- You can not stay here.

Hide in the bathroom. Your shoes.

I'll be right.

How are you?

What the hell is he doing?

Patience. Do you not trust each other?

Are you kidding me? Violet
is doing what he wants.

Thinks he's a movie star.
- Shut up! He'll be here.


Are you all right, Veronica?

Please do not hurt me.
I'm only 16 Let me go.

Of course. I do not
understand. I will not hurt you.

I ran away from home.
The father is Colonel -

and the police are looking
for me. Do not touch me.

I was not going to touch you. I do
not hurt. I'm breaks his hair idea.

Please, I have a daughter your age.

Let me go.

At last.

How much did you get?

$ 136 in tips.
- What the hell are you puuhasit?

We waited for over an hour.
- It is said that the technology changed.

Is that right?
- Nicely groomed, Violet.

Here you go.
- Thank you.

Watch out.
- Good.

- Thank you. Keep the change.

Have a nice day.

I love chocolate.

This is the life.
- Yes, indeed.

Run, Legs! Faster!



Maddy is nice, but I do
not think that he dares.

Maddy is capable of anything.
- Maybe he does not have enough pretty.

Look who's talking.

He is at least as cute
as I am, and I'm done.

Maybe he does not have enough charming.

Maddy is not a fault, that
you are not interested in boys.

Do not you get it?

Something's wrong with him.
- Then I do not know what you're talking about.

Perhaps Goldie's right.

in fact I do not really
trust the Maddyyn.

He's not one of us.

The first time is the
hardest. Do not panic.

I do not panic!

I really like you.

Do not choose anyone. Watch the
clothes and the way of speaking.

Where the hell is he doing?
- He's ruining everything.

Leave him alone. She'll be fine.

Sorry. Thank you.

What the fuck?

What does he do?


Are we following the bus all night?
- Stop complaining. Take it easy.

Where the jump for the ride?
- Colton. You?

Across the river. It has
a restaurant, which I like.

Best steaks in town. What do you think?

Well, I've got a hunger,
and I like steaks.


I am a Chick. What is your name?
- Margaret.

I would have thought that I spend
the evening a young, pretty girl with.

Nicely said.

You'll love that place. I go
there often with the mother.

Let's go for this. Shortcut.

There's no doubt about it, Margaret.

Couple of years, you are beautiful.
- Why did a couple of years?

You're pretty young, are not you?

Parents to know where you
are? This way, no problem.

Do not be afraid.

We both know what you are.

You are a runaway child who
is flirting with strangers.

Do not. Not to worry.

Do not you know that it is
dangerous play with fire?

What a little bitch.

You know that it is dangerous.


Is this what you want?
You want me to hurt you?

No, do not!

Did I tear your head
off? Yes, I'll rip you.

I tore from where it feels like.
- Mother!

You son of a bitch.
- No!


Little slut.

- I'm fine.

You are so fucking stupid.
You let him take you away.

What would you have done if we had
not come from? We took a huge risk.

Goldie, enough is enough.
- You little shit.

I was worried about you.

He could have killed you.
- I know.

Legs, what happened to us?

Something has changed.

My uncle Mason and Ethan.
Simon's uncle and aunt Matilda.

Matilda and her mother Elizabeth. Kellogg,
Jr, and Whitney, that is, the father.

Is not it beautiful?

It is.

She says that in this picture
of his soul shines in his eyes.

What about your father?
You never talk about him.

Did he die in the war?
- I think so. The body was found.

It is definitely tough.
When Jesus tests our faith.

It's not hard, if he
is with you. It's easy.


You come to church with
Sunday? Father wants to see you.

This Sunday? I visit my
grandmother's house in Plattsburgh.

Maybe next?
- Maybe.

It is a father's office. It is locked.

It is locked.

My parents did not want
me to to go to their room.

Do not get your parents
to go the bedroom?

It's their private space.

After all, they are not at home.
- What do you do, Margaret?

You will not be touched... They are
expensive, and my mother would like to...

Your mother is not here!

Margaret. Margaret, I think we...

It's not... It is a very expensive...

What do you think?


Take this.

Daddy will get you.

Daddy's going to get you!

Do not try to escape!

Where do you think you're going?

I told you, that daddy will get you.

All the memories from
this period are obscure.

My notes were just tuherruksia.

Loose fragments, as the author
would have been suspended.

Legs bought weapons from Acey Holman.
In order to protect us, he said.

In order to escape the
bus man like incidents.

But we felt that something
else was going on.

Legs was like a shooting
star, always in motion.

And we were like a comet in the
wake of a rotating space dust.

Only he knew where he was
on the way. And we followed.

None of us knew, what he was planning.

I can not do this.
Weapons terrible to me.

Violet, you try, I'll try later.

It's not that hard.

Wild attracted many travel -

but I'm not involved in it.
Perhaps my desire to own, -

or perhaps in order to
avoid other suspect eyes.

I did not know at the
time, I was scared.

Marianne and I we wanted to shops -

but Whitney wanted a place in Astoria,

Steinway to visit the museum.

We had to look at the three pianos days.
- I got it.

Marianne here.

I was afraid you no longer would play.

It's nothing. It is a thing of the past.

Not to worry. I put everything in its
place, they did not notice anything.

Let's not talk about it
anymore. You are still welcome.

So, the church. Dad
would love to meet you.

I will be happy, Marianne.

I do not know how to thank you.

But I have to ask for service.
I want to invite a friend.

He is so glum and lonely.
Mother died of cancer last year.

She is a good girl. You
will not be disappointed.

See you on Sunday. Bye.

Honey, you sit over there.

I do not think it is too long?
- Of course not.

Veronica, sit next to me.

Davis, take a seat next to the
end. Claire can not sit next to you.

Father, you know your
place. Sit down, please.

Thank you.

Davis, Claire, Susan, I want to
introduce Marianne's fantastic friends.

Veronica and Margaret.

Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Some reach the top, some do not.

You do not have to eat
it all. I ate only half.

Why others do not reach the top? Maybe
they do not want? It is a mystery.

Is not it, girls?


What are your your future plans?

After studying accounting, I would
like to open their own beauty salons.

To succeed, must be their own boss.

What do you wish 're doing, Veronica?

I would like to work with Margaret.
- Beauty Salon.

You'd fit mainoskasvoiksi.

Before that, I need a job.
Office work, for example.

Is not it, Margaret?
- Yes, any work invalid.

Those who really want and believe in
themselves, and of course the Lord -

reach the target, for
the Lord will help them, -

who help themselves.

I like you because you have
dignity. Of the social needs.

All grizzly, demanding rights.
Society is full of parasites.

Communists supported by the
trade unions require sick leave.

They want to recruit sick
being. Can you believe it?

Pay me, I fell down
drunk on the machine.

This is the plot. They want to crush us.

The Communists are the problem.
Communism is like the plague -

and it will destroy the foundation
of our society. It is like a cancer.

Here we go again. But I did not argue.

Leikkaanko cake?
- Yes.

Veronica, are you writing machine?
- Yes, I like it.

Treasury would need to two stenographer.

How can we thank you?
- Give thanks to Marianne.

I can not promise anything,
but I'll call as soon as I can.

Thank you for letting us come.
- It was a pleasure to meet you both.

They are awesome.

The man is comfortable.

I had a great time. Did you?

I do not know... They are
comfortable, and the...

Marianne and Mrs. Kellogg
wanted we need to feel at home.

Shut the fuck up.

Million, we could pay all your
debts and bills. The coming.

One of the big show, and we can stop.
You are the only one who opposes it.

We voted in favor.
- I do not like it.

The acquisition of the weapons...

I'm not asking you to to use a gun.

I just want that you
are involved planning.

You must enter the
full the ransom letter.

We may need more than one -

so that we can avoid
last-minute panic and cottage.

Only you will be able to
write it the right way.

That's bullshit.

You do not need me anymore.

That's not true.
- Do not argue.

You sit in a movie theater
in the back row. I saw you.

You suutelitte.

What are you talking?
- Collis Connors.

It's an ice cream vendor. -
It's cute, dark-haired boy?

It is endowed with a soft voice?
- Stop it. I do not care about him.

You do not, huh? As you 're going
to see siirappisia love movies.

Are you one of the calf? Go to hell.

Is it true that Rita?

Is it true?

It is. We went in three of date.

Trifle. He's nice.
- It's not a big deal.

I'm so sorry. I do not
do it again, I swear.

It would be best. You
will have to distinguish.

It is sufficient, W! No
need to revise the rules.

Shut the fuck up. W is
even in the right opinion.

What about equality? Agnes,
Patty, Jennie, Toy and I are new -

but we took an oath. What about the then
even though you are one of the oldest.

so what Even if you draft your rules.

Maybe someone should from time
to time to remind you of them.

You need us. We have new blood.

Sacrifice my life for you anytime.

Right now, compliance with the
rules is more important than ever.

Before us will not be easy.

We have to trust each other,
otherwise it all goes to hell.

So from now on: No more
lies, no more secrets,

and stretching the rules.

And is no longer one of the oldest.

We are here together. We
are all Foxfire. That's it.

All right, baby. If
you want to leave, -

differ from Foxfire, so I understand.

I can get others to accept it.


Where do I go?

TODAY I have to leave the farm.

Now, as we approach the end of the
year, I find it hard to continue.

Not because I was losing Legs forever -

but more importantly, Foxfire
in violation of the oath -

I decided not to help.

I have been loyal to
the decisive moment.

I was forced to leave the area.

Others wanted an explanation -

Legs but sure did not have to defend.

I avoided the formal procedure,
which would have ended the trial.

Expulsion would have been unbearable.

He was broken, but let me go.

I had to promise that I
would reveal Foxfire plans.

My memory was that Rita separated
by a couple of days before me.

But the notes from the He
was still there when I left.

It's funny, because
I do not remember it.

He was fired a week later Collis
did not leave because of Connor.

Their relationship had changed serious.

These are the last notes.

It is for events after I got
to know only after many years.


He is a Scott, Account Manager.

Exit and safe. Sorry that
you had to come so late.

But I do not have time during the day.

Thank you for allowing
us to take valuable time.

No, I would like to thank you.

You would understand if you saw
those old carrion who work here.

I pray for you, do not
turn into like them.

As long as it is not contagious,
there is no need to worry.

You are amazing. is good for
you to meet people like you.

It feels good to laugh.
- You will laugh often?

Do not get me wrong. I love I
adore my family and my profession.

You know what kind of angel
Marianne have. But you are different.

You are so friendly.

Veronica, I suggested that we continue
the evening restaurant close to the river.

What do you think?
- It's all right.


Then to the left.

We'll be there After half an hour.

Hold it!
- Do not shoot!

Do not shoot. You get all of my
money. Take the keys and wallet.

Do not shoot. He is a good man.
- Shut the fuck up!

I do not want your wallet, but you.

If you obey, you will not
be harmed. Move your ass!

Come back!
- I do not know them.

Shut up, or I'll shoot it
off! This is a kidnapping.

Stand up.
- I have a wife and daughter.

Do not hurt the girls!
They do not relate to this.

Look at me! Please, they
do not call the police.



In it!
- Do not hurt the girls!

Feet in!

Come on!


Move it!
- Down the stairs!

- Listen to me: We have your husband.

I beg your pardon?
- Do not call the police.

Do as we tell, so no one gets hurt.

Who is this?

Who is this? Hello?

Write: " I'm good. If you
obey as soon as I get home. "

Write now!

Damn. Please!

All right. I shoot your brains out?

What is one million U.S.
dollars mean to you? Tell!

I do not understand that the
rich man rather die than pay.

All is well.

Everything is going according to plan.

It's all over in two days.

I'm going to take a nap.

Someone has to guard him.

You've got to eat!

We made you a good dinner!

Do you want to die of hunger?

Kuukahda ago. The sooner the better.

Show your card.

I'm tired of to carry that asshole shit.


Hello? What did you do to my father?

Where is he?

You monsters! Even match!

Answer me!


How do I pay if I do
not know if he's alive?

Did you kill him? I
ask, do not hurt him!

What the hell am I supposed to do?

He does not talk. What do I do?

He refuses to speak to you!

Do not you ever do not feel
lonely? You are far from home.

What about your wife?

And your child.

We do not want to hurt you, Kellogg.

But we need your help.

Can you speak to your
wife, if you call her?

You need to talk to him!

I pray for you, Margaret.

I pray for the salvation of your soul.

We can not go on like this.

He has to talk to his wife.

How do we get him to phone booths?
- Is there a better solution?

Good idea, Legs. Let's take him
phone booth in the middle of the city.

Now, you listen. We'll call your
wife and you're talking to him.

Stand up!
- Get up!

Stand up!
- Son of a bitch!

Get off me! Get off!

Get off me!
- No, W!

It was not supposed to. I
did not do it on purpose.


I even tried.

You're not going to die?

Oh, my God!

Jesus Christ, Jesus...

Jesus did not help you, but we do.

We need to call an ambulance.

Listen. You will not die.

We will help you. Hang in there.

We blew it. You have to leave.

Get out of here, everyone! Do not
feel guilt. The idea was not yours.

You are not involved in the
kidnapping. You can go! Get out of here!

Legs But...
- Get out!

How about you, Legs?
- Do not mind me.

Do not you get it? It's over!



Run for your...

Why are you still here?

Legs, it would be best if
that son of a bitch would die.

You will do as I say.

You can go.
- I'm not leaving without you.

Neither do I.
- We will close this together.

I already told you: He was shot in
the chest. Please send an ambulance.

Oldwick Road, 6 km south of Hammond.

Old state.

Rusty old mailbox without a name.

Never mind who to call. Please help her.
- Let's get out already!

there, speedy possibly
by a drunk driver -

the road to the Iron
Bridge. I call for backup.

Will be.

You will get along without me for
a while. They send me to New Mexico.

The other is sent to beautiful
places I have and I will stay here.

Six months later you get to Alaska.

I've always dreamed about.

Maddy? Maddy Wirtz!


What are you doing here?
- I'm not anything special.

I come here sometimes
to spend the holidays.

Is he yours?
- It is.

Hey. You're beautiful.

Oh, man.

You're beautiful.

We did crazy things.

When you think about it...
- Yes, indeed.

What about the others?

Lana and Goldie were arrested, but
this is something you already knew.

They left the city when
freed. That's all I know.

Have you heard of Legsistä?

I do not. I'm not.

Are you?
- No, not a word.

But Lana and Goldie said, that
W and Legs went out to the north.

I heard the same thing.

You know, that the car ever been found?

I'm sure the Legs and W
crossed the Canadian border.

- Yes.

Maddy, I want to show you something.

Few people know about it.

Oh, God, Maddy...

I saw this magazine many
years ago just by chance, -

because I did not read the policy pages. but
I saw this on the front page, and I thought:

" Oh, my God, it's him! "

CASTRO the Sierra Maestra


It's her. Is not it?

It turned out that Toni...
Do you remember the Toni?

He, too, saw the front page
Legs and recognized right away.

Maddy? You're so quiet.

After all, it is he?

Rita, gold...

I do not know.
- Exactly the same. I know.

Maddy, it's me: Legs!

Maddy, wake up!

You let in or not?

Quietly, the mother sleeps.

I really do not believe
in God and a shit.

Immortality of the soul.

Do not you think that we have a soul?

It is with us.

But that does not mean
that it will live forever.

It is like a flame. That's true -

when it returns.

Although it will one day sammuukin.