Fox in a Hole (2020) - full transcript

When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teacher Berger against her will, he is forced to confront his biggest fear, triggered by the mysterious, withdrawn inmate Samira. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Give me my sticks.

Please use yours,
you have so many.

Want to come to the concert?

You sure?

I really have to go now.
We'll talk tomorrow.


Are you from court?
I wanna withdraw my testimony.

You're late.

I know.
I don't have that key yet.

Who is this, Miss?

That's Mr Fuchs.

The new teacher.

Him? He looks like a loser!

Yo, what loser?
What are you on about?

- He's the best you could find?
- This is not a popular job.

If you're not here anymore,
I won't be here either.

- We'll survive, Hamza.
- Just get lost at once.

Shut it. You, stop laughing.

There aren't even schools
where you're from.

- So, where is Mbakou from?
- Just look at him!

- Bella Africa!
- Anton-Krieger-Gasse, Vienna.

- You're not Austrian.
- Yeah, sure.

- You're all from Thaliastrasse.
- Where all the other niggers sell.

What do you think of
when you hear Africa?

- Big tits.
- Hungry children.

- Mbakou!
- Fat asses!

This one.
That loser.

- Nice weather!
- Kids! You know what this is?

- A mountain.
- Which one?

- Grossglocke.
- It's Grossglockner, you idiot.


Do you have high blood pressure?

When I think of Africa,

the Kilimanjaro is the first thing
that comes to my mind.

It's a volcano
that's millions of years old.

It was there...

before there were even humans.

Surrounded by a jungle full
of wild animals.

Just shut your fucking mouth!


Then lush grassland.

The most beautiful birds.
The brightest colours.

And at an altitude
of almost 6000 metres,

a glacier.

Ice and snow,
in the middle of Africa.

And if you're lucky
and the weather's good,

you can see all the way
to the Indian Ocean from the top.

Have you ever been there?

- Did you ride your Yahama?
- Yamaha, you knob.

You say "desert, big tits and cocks"
when I ask about Africa.

Do you know what that's called?

- Stupid.
- Very stupid.

No, Dragana,
it's not stupidity. Jamila!

It's a cliché.

And just because Mr Fuchs
looks the way he does,

doesn't mean
he's not a good teacher.

Right, darlings,
write a page about Africa.

- Seriously?
- No, Miss. Please. Why?

- We always listen to you and...
- What should I write about Africa?

- What the hell?
- Seriously?

How's your homeland?

Don't worry, kids.
Fuchs is just my new assistant.

Write, children.

- Baumgartinger to the office.
- Go on.

Just fuck off.

Go find your. own pen!

Why don't you tell them the truth?

- Love, not punches.
- Give me back my pen.

- That Yugoslavian is a pain.
- Go fuck yourself, sand nigger.

Bude, shut the fuck up.

Watch your mouth.
You've no idea who you're talking to.

Sala, you still asking for trouble?

I'm done. I'm bored.

Can I swap seats
with the fucking Albanian?

What for?

So you can
trade cigarettes with Hamza?

How about the others?

I'm almost done, Miss.

Hamza, why is your handwriting
getting bigger?

Is it a neurological defect?

Miss, I have an artist's hands.

So, writing is not an art?

"So, writing is not an art?"

You can write me
another page for tomorrow then.

- No problem.
- Fuchs, be a dear.

Open up the middle cupboard
back there.

Easy now.

No need to hurry.

After you, Mr Assistant.

- Out of my way, midget.
- Fuck off.

Hurry up.
We don't have time.

Come on.
Get out of the way.

- That's my favourite colour.
- Move it.

That black crayon is mine.

For the Serb.

One on one.


Picasso can suck my dick.

Nobody wants to suck your dick.

Kids, when you paint,

just listen to your heartbeat.

Let's go, kids.

Wash your stuff,
each of you.

We Yugo and the sand nigger
will clear the rest.

For world peace!


Zolak. Follow the warden.
You have a visitor.

- This stays here.
- Sorry.

All good.

Stop messing around.

Spahic, off we go!

Come on.

Okay. Let's go.

Get a move on.

Well, teacher?

How was your first day?

- Not bad.
- He has no key so he was late.

No key before safety training.


- If you want a key, yeah.
- Sure.

Let's go, girls.

Come on, Spahic.

Fuchs, prison school.


I'm the new teacher.

I've never seen you before.

Because I'm new.

You're the expert.
There's no doubt about that.

- But there are ways...
- One moment.

Lift your arms.


I need your mobile phone, keys
and any sharp objects. And your ID.

You know the drill.

- Is that all?
- Yes.

Please look after your visitor's ID.

Wear it visibly.


There are ways
to evaluate the lessons.

It would be a chance...

Morning, colleagues.

You don't answer to me, Fuchs.

And certainly not to Weber,
not even Vanicek.

Do you know who Vanicek is?

Sure, the prison director.

- You only answer to the students.
- I know.

- That's exactly why...
- They don't need another teacher.




guard it with your life.

You should get a chain.

So, what are the plans
for the school?

How much longer will Berger stay?

That depends entirely on you,



of our former colleagues
went into wine-making.

Welcome to corrections.

A fair wine, so to speak.


Time for school!

Will you ever stop
knocking on the cell doors?

I don't think so.

Maybe you can get her to stop that.


This is how it would look.
At least, take a look.

I didn't expect this of you.

I've always done it like this.

That you're a red wine lover.

Oh God, not again.

You little wankers
should be ashamed...

Do we have an appointment?

- Am I getting out?
- One day, sure.

Is this your new assistant?

Ketabi, youth correctional counsellor.

Fuchs. I'm the new teacher.
I'm here to replace Berger.

So that's how
the School Board sold it to you?

You're not the first to try.

- You got three minutes?
- Five, if you want!

- I got seven for you!
- I got a whole lifetime.

I've got as long as you want.

Seven, eight...

Five minutes aren't even
enough to list your crimes.

What crimes? I'm innocent.

- I'm more innocent.
- Guilty as a lamb.

Do you want to go back
into your cells?

In the break, perhaps?

You can go.
I'll manage.

- Thank you.
- Kids... keep an eye on Fuchs.

Sure, Miss.

- See you.
- Relax, Hofer. I'll see you at 2:30.


I guess you have a lot of questions.

Come on.

I can feel you have questions.
So spit them out.

Why are you here?

Why didn't you
go to a regular school?

The man asks good questions.

Maybe because I deserve it.

- Yeah, right.
- Are you a murderer, too?

It’s irrelevant why I'm here.

What matters
is that you learn something.

I have a question, Sir.

Give him a little more time.

I don't have time.

Why not?

So, what do you want?

Do you know anything?

She's not talking.

She hasn't talked for weeks.

Well, give her some more time.

Elisabeth, if she won't talk,
they'll put her away.

Her mother won't talk.

Her father's in a coma.

- I'm worried.
- You know I can't do anything.

Or you don't want to?

They give this to us when we come in.

I can sort us out a room if you want.

Yes, man!

- Smash his fucking face!
- That's enough!

- Hey, stop it!
- Break it up!

Sala, what did I miss?

I helped a pupil with the colours,
and he changed seats.

- You did that on purpose!
- Class is over for today.

- Says who?
- I do.

Sala. You come with me.

Let's go.

You heard it, children.

Break it up!

Break it up. Stop it.

They waited until you left.
It was planned.

Outside you can daydream.

But in here it's tense.
There's no room for mistakes.

Here. Your homework for today.

Solitary confinement?
Because of two slaps?

It's called
"high-security cell", dear colleague.

Why on earth would you
leave Fuchs alone on his second day?

You knew Spahic was a security risk.

That's why I took her out.

Mbakou shouldn't be there either.
He's too old for school.

But he wants to be.

You should be glad.
Taking them out of school is a mistake.

Those are the rules.

Does she expect me to allow
fighting to go unpunished?

Punishment lies with the court, Ernst.
We're not revanchists.

The juveniles won't know structure
with all this wishy-washy talk.

Do we need to get involved
in teaching now?

No, nobody wants that.

This faux-pas aside,
how's Fuchs doing?

Well... can I get an answer?

Nice eyeshadow!

- Little Sala!
- You really deserved that.

Did you get cosmetic surgery, Sala?

Yeah, at Dr Frankenstein's.

What's it like
to get beaten up by a girl?

- Really!
- Embarrassing.

Dicl you at least learn something?

Do you realise you messed up, Sala?


Why me? She's the one
who stabbed her dad.

And now she needs
to be punished by you?

You wouldn't understand.

Why not?

- You're Austrian.
- And you're not?

No, he's Muslim.

There are Austrians who are Muslim.

Vukovic, read out the passage.
Maybe someone else can help.

"It takes four workers
six hours to build a wall.

How many hours does it take
three workers?"

- Two.
- Five.

Fewer workers need less time?

- That loser can't do math.
- 12 hours...

Don't just guess,
do the math.

- Shut up.
- How about seven?


You heard Miss.
She said seven.

Four times six, 24.
24 divided by three, eight.

It's like a robbery.

Fewer people, more booty.

What does our specialist say?

- That's correct.
- Solid, bro.

Inverse proportion.

Hear that, idiots?
Inverse proportion.

Affray, coercion, theft...

assault, rape, murder,
who knows.

- Don't you want to know?
- Why?

They're just students to me.

Sure, but they failed out there.
Now they're here.

Yes, true.

But according to Riedl,
art therapy can help prisoners

to heal themselves by painting
and through individuation.

They have no tests, no structure.

How will they ever get a certificate?

What do you see here, Fuchs?

- Planets.
- And?

And... names. In space.

And why does the boy
draw his family as planets?

- Many kids draw their families.
- He draws them as planets in space.

They mean the same thing to him.
He can't reach them.

Well, he's in the drawing, too.

That's him.

That's how far he is
from everyone else.

I couldn't know that.

Clean up, will you.

I told you I'm not your assistant.

Spahic is in solitary confinement

where we can't do
anything for her. And why?

Because you weren't paying attention.

Wear the key on a chain.

Or it'll disappear.

Mr Fuchs.

Where are you going?

What's that?



The teacher has good ears.

Guess it's from the basement.

Probably Spahic.

Don't you want to take a look?

It's totally normal.

She'll calm down again.

I don't find that normal.

Then find yourself a different job.


Stop it!


Stop it, please!

Hey! She's harming herself!

Hey, stop it!
Help, she's harming herself!


There's a reason why you can't use
your key to get into cells.

- You're not a guard.
- I told you to take a look!


- Goddamn it!
- I won't harm you.

Calm down.

Easy now.

We need a doctor. Now!

Calm down.


Calm down now.

Why are you standing there?
Go home!


Calm down.

Easy now.

You'll be fine.


- Hi.
- "Hi?"


You look well.

Fancy haircut.

I just got us a gig.
Nice coincidence!

Really? That's where you play now?

Yeah, that's where we play now.

But last week we were in Linz.
150 people.

Went down a storm.

Just like the good old days.

I'm happy for you.

Don't be pissed off.

Stay for another drink.

Hannes, I miss you.
Stop blaming yourself.

It's not a coincidence that you...
that we...

Come on, mate.



The doctor will take care of it then.

Maybe you prefer injections.

How's your food?

Why is Spahic here?

She beat her father into a coma.


We don't know.

What about the mother?


If you want to help Samira,
gain her trust.

The youth correctional services
will do the rest.

Then arrange for me to speak to her.

You don't really want this, do you?
Medicating a child forcefully?

What sort of person enjoys that?

I don't think it's a bad idea.

He's neutral, as a teacher.

I'll go in with him.

Samira, I brought someone along.


I'm sorry I didn't prevent
what happened in class.

If you cooperate,
they'll let you go back to the others.

Can I talk to her in private?

Is that okay with you?

I'll be outside.

He was a colleague
from another penitentiary.

What happened?

- All good.
- Did she take it?

That was the point, right?

Maybe just leave her alone.

What happened?

Ten minutes.

Two minutes!

You bloody cunt!

You get a key
and come in even later.

What's that called?
Inverse proportion?

So what?
You don't need me anyway.

Oh, I do, Fuchs.
I badly need an espresso.

Which of you darlings wants coffee?

Fuchs is buying today.

- I want a melange.
- Cappuccino for me!

I need an Americano, please.

Doppio, please.

Latte macchiato, caramel,
medium sweet.

Do you want me to write it down
or can you remember it?

With a bit of cream
and a little bit of sugar.

But make it snappy!

Had a long night?

This is not what I applied for.

You know that.

What are you doing after class today?

Probably the shopping for Berger.

- 5 p.m., Justitia.
- What's that?

You're not a part of the team
until you've been to the Justitia.

You didn't hear that from me.

5 p.m.!

Mr Assistant,
please put my coffee right here.

You should be a waiter.
But a waiter has to be on time, too.

Anyone making a snide remark
can forget about their coffee.

You should forget about that.

Now the Yugo gets my coffee?

Shut up.
Did I hurt your feelings, princess?

I don't need your fucking coffee.

- Check out that crema...
- Bro, give me some.

- Piss off. Get your own coffee.
- Dude, the Yugo's got mine.

- Thank you, Ms Berger.
- You're the best.

Enjoy, kids.

It was a joke.


The boys fooled me.
That won't happen again.

Fuchs, you're a good man.

You're not afraid of repercussions.
That's why we chose you.

You should never forget
who you're dealing with.

That Spahic girl,
she critically injured her father.

That's no joke.


What do you think we're doing?
At the prison?

I don't know.
Lock people away?


your colleague, Ms Berger,
is causing a lot of unrest.

And she lost control
over the class once before. She's...

completely esoteric,
if you ask me.

We correct what went wrong in society.

That's what we're there for.

That won't happen to you again.

To youth.

You're going back to the others.

Let's go, gear up.

This is yours.

Let's go.

On the right.

Be nice, now.

- Looks like a construction site.
- Feels like home!

Miss, what's up?

- Can we paint the wall?
- Not all of it.

It's all yours.

- Move!
- Careful.


Look, who's here.
Perfect timing.

There's a canvas for you at the back.

Why's that cunt back?


Where does your problem
with women come from?

Your mom wasn't nice enough?

- A woman should know her boundaries.
- What boundaries?

Please tell us.

Those of the Quran. Women have their place.
That's how it was spoken.

You haven't even read the Quran.

And God told you to force
your penises on women?

Don't say penis and God
in one sentence.

God created penises, too.
He won't be offended.

Woman was created from Adam.
That's even in the Bible.

You're smarter than that, Sala...

Do you know something I don't?

Is that even possible?

What? She paints,
that's a good thing.

Fuchs, I'm not an idiot!

I won't let you put
my art class at risk.

Weber's just waiting
for me to trip up.

He doesn't want the kids painting.
He's only interested in rules.

You're just jealous
that I got her to paint.

This is not an educating competition.

But if you think
you can do this job better,

you're welcome to take over the class.

Berger wants me to take over class.


Is that why I'm here?

Samira painted in front
of everybody today.

I left her some paint in solitary.

I know.

I'm not colour-blind.

Don't worry.
I take full responsibility.

You still fucked up with Sala.

I wrote this song.

Can't you get us a gig in prison?

Like Johnny Cash.

You're fucking wasted.

If Fuchs joins, why not?

Seriously, you can
join us again anytime.

- I know you want to play.
- What are you talking about?

I know you do.

It's nobody's fault
that Felix killed himself.

Okay, I have to go.

- Hannes, wait.
- I have to go.

- Come on. Stay.
- It's okay.

- Stay a little longer.
- Have fun.

I have to teach tomorrow.


I'm Samira's new teacher.

Can we talk?

How is your husband doing?


Mrs Spahic, can you tell me
what happened?

I told the police everything already.
And the woman from the court.

I know, but I need to understand.

It was just a disagreement.

Nothing special, alright?

Just a disagreement?

That's all?

She's impatient, aggressive.
She cut her hair.

But that's all normal.

She's an adolescent girl.

Mrs Spahic, we want to spare
your daughter a long sentence, understand?

Excuse me.

One moment.

- Coffee or tea?
- Coffee.

Hurry up.

Coffee or tea?

Just give her tea.

Good morning, dear pupils.

But seeing these new faces
is disappointing, to be honest.

Can you ask Norbert
to reconsider Hamza's sentence?

Since when are you pals
with the judge?

What's with Hamza?

He was released, what else?


Tell the new boys
how things work here.

Tell me.

You've certainly
been here long enough.

Look away.

No idea?

- What about you, Vukovic?
- Ms Berger, I can do it, too.

- School.
- School, yes. But how?

The usual.

That's all you can think of?

You're not here to sleep, you know.

What's that?




Can you whistle a little louder?

Don't be shy now.

So? What is that?

That's the Radetzky March.

You're not as dumb as you look.

And where is it from?

The praised land of Austria, comrades!

Well done, Hofer.
What else comes from Austria?

- Hitler.
- Hitler! Yes, unfortunately.

What else?
When you think of apples?

- Apple hookah.
- What else? A dessert.

- Apple sauce.
- Yes. What else?

- Apple turnover.
- Correct. What else?

What comes from Austria especially?


With apples, I mean.

- Apple strudel.
- Apple strudel. Right, Mbakou.

Well done, Mandela.

Who wants apple strudel?

Up the stairs.
Wait for me there.

- Where are we going?
- To the kitchen. Where else should we...

Rudi, it's me.

I need to get into the kitchen.

No, with the students.

It is, believe me.

- What is going on?
- The boss wants to talk to you.

Yes, commander...

Director, sir.

Gertainly, sir.

Looks like you're our accomplice now.

You wish.

So this is where they make
that vile grub.

- Can I smack him?
- Later.

How many apples do we have?

- You wanker!
- Hey!

Baumgartinger, you're an idiot.

- What’s up?
- How did you manage a robbery?

He didn't.
That's why he's here.

Baumgartinger, just guess.

- 4000.
- No need to exaggerate.

We need to know the weight
of all the apples.

Well done, Sala.
So find out the weight.

Here's a scale.

Where are the apples from?

- From Albania.
- Bullshit.

- Baumgartinger, where were you born?
- In the Third Reich.

- Hartberg, Styria.
- Where is Styria located?

- In Austria.
- Yes, but where exactly?

We need a map of Austria.

All clear, inspector?

Come here, all of you.

Chef, can you help?

Do you have a pen?

Wait, let me check.


This is our country.
Where is Styria on here?

Do you want to draw it in,

- Try harder.
- Almost.

That's where our apples
probably come from.

So, what spices do we need?


Sugar, sure.
Raisins, good.

- But what tastes of Christmas?
- Cinnamon.

Cinnamon. Right, Sala.

- Where does cinnamon come from?
- Egypt. Apple strudel, too.

- It's from Austria, moron.
- Shut it, douchebag.


Well... Strudla.


The Balkans are sort of right, Samira.
But strudel comes from Hungary.

The pastry is from Turkey.

- Best country.
- Then why are you here?

- Shut it.
- Quiet now, let's move on to physics.

At how many degrees
do we cook the apples?

- 400.
- What?

- Or do we bake them?
- Cook and bake them.

Yugo, you can't just
barbecue everything!

She does this all the time.

Well, commander?

Did you know 200 apples
can make 48 kilos of strudel?

There will be consequences, Berger.

You violated several regulations.

Only with the director's permission,
of course.

Try it.

Careful, Fuchs. Careful.

Come on, Ernst.
Have a bite.

The kids baked this for all of us.

Right, strudel tigers,

back to class.

Ms Berger?

- You had us worried.
- What?

- Stay put.
- I'm okay.

- Where are the students?
- In their cells.

They've had
enough excitement for one day.

The time has come, right?

You need to start your therapy.

Rudi, you know what that
means for the school.

Then divide things up.
You do one group, Fuchs the other.

I'm thinking about you.
You need to look after yourself.

- So Weber can do as he pleases?
- Oh, come on.


You'll have to carry me out
in a body bag.

That's why you should get a chain.


Georg, I think he's lost his key.

You're kidding us, right?

You know what this means?

I've just had it on me.

Hi, Ernst, it's Georg.

The prison teacher has lost his key.

Put out a high alert.
I'll tell the boss myself.

When did you last see your key?

My key.

You're not very quick, Fuchs.

Whatever, just give me my key!

I told you at least 20 times

to get a chain for your key.

Otherwise it'll disappear.

And now it's gone.

What will you do if an inmate
takes the key, huh?

I've never lost my key in 25 years.
It'll cost you.

- Weber will...
- Don't be childish, give me my key!

Maybe you put it
in here somewhere. Look carefully.

Stop it. I know you...

Stop it!
I know you have my key!

You know everything, right, Fuchs?

But the students have seen
through you and so have I.

You know nothing about me!

Now give me my key!

I knew it, Fuchs.

You're a genius.

Barge at the right time and...

This fucking door is coming out now.

- I hope we don't have to come by again.
- No doubt about that.



Check that out.

What the...

What's the big idea?

Fuchs, how will you explain
this door to Weber?

I'll tell him the truth.
It was one of your esoteric ideas.

Open the door.

Or did you lose the key again?

- I found my key.
- That's great.

Looking for this?


What's going on here?

Clean up. Make it quick.

What's this about?

Turn around.
Don't mess with me.

Can you count up to that?

That's a door.

Amazing powers of observation,

- Twat.
- Shut it, knob.

What are we doing with the door?

Figure it out yourselves.
I can't explain everything.


- A door is to pass through.
- Right.

And behind this door,
freedom awaits.

Who wants to go first?


Fuck off, Nazi scum.

Other side.

But once I go through,
I'm still in prison.

That’s because you’re a gypsy.

Imagine you're leaving prison.

The first step into your new life.

Visualise it, Vukovic!


How does it feel?

- Good.
- Good?

You're free!

I'm out, you tossers!

Where you come from
you don't close doors?

- Obviously not!
- Who cares, he's out.

Where's the goose


Why so jumpy, man?

What's up with you

What do you want, Peter?

You calling me back would be a start.

I'm busy.

- We have rehearsal. Everyone's waiting.
- You know I stopped playing.

Oh, come on. Let's just go to the space
and have a jam like we used to.

It'll do you good.
When did you last have fun?

Hannes, please.

You have to start enjoying life again.


Look who's here.

Peter Steiner has made
Sthe impossible possible again.

- You owe me 100 bucks.
- What are we playing?

Of course we'll play "Lose My Mind".

Ladies and gentlemen,
after two years

Peter and the Fox are back
in their original formation. Hannes?

It's fine.

Let's take five.

Why are you still here?

Seat 04.

Papa is dead.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault, love.

I'm sorry.

It's the devil inside of you.

You realize you're abusing
your position?


Doctor, just give me
a minute with her.

Ignore him.

Doctor, please let me see her
for a minute.

How is she doing?

She's stable.

But she lost a lot of blood.

She harmed herself.

- With what?
- A piece of wood.

A paintbrush from art class.

I don't think
it was a suicide attempt.

It's a cry for help.

The paintbrushes are labelled.

You should've noticed.

Yes, I should've noticed.

Elisabeth, this is bad for us.

One of the guards
tipped off the press.

There has to be a reaction.

You're relieved
of your duties as of today.

That's accorded with the School Board.

Art class is cancelled
for the time being.

Mr Fuchs will replace you
as the prison teacher.

- Wait a minute...
- Throw me out for all I care.

- But let the kids paint!
- Elisabeth, I...

I'm thanking you on behalf of
the prison service for your...

Cut the crap.

Ms Berger.

Dear Elisabeth, I need your key.

Why did you do that?

You know it was me.

Vanicek has no right to...

If Vanicek knew,
he'd have thrown us both out.

There wouldn't be classes for months.
Is that better?

There have to be classes.

The director has turned a blind eye
a lot lately. He's retiring soon.

I told you.

In prison you look after yourself.

Except for the teacher.

What does that even mean?

What am I to do now?

The right thing, Fuchs.

Come in.

Any idea who spoke to the press?

You know full well that Spahic
didn't get the brush from Berger.

Have a seat.

I'll show you something. Please.

Now, something interesting
is happening.

No worries.
It's in good hands.

But it could get you
into considerable trouble.


And now

let me work in peace.


Where is the painting stuff?

Aren't we allowed
to paint anymore?

So, where did we stop last time?

We stopped at the door of Miss.

I mean before the door,
of course.

Is it true she got fired?

I bet it's because of her.

Come on.


You want to continue school
when you're out, right?

No one will take us now anyway.


Getting a certificate might not mean
you can do everything out there.

Probably not.

But without a qualification
you have no chance whatsoever.

We have nothing more to lose.

- Maybe you don't.
- Shut up.

You do have something to lose, Sala.

I'm being accused
of attempted murder.

I'm worth nothing out there!

Are you going to cry now?

Why not?
I cry sometimes.

Oh Mama, I'm so sad.

What's this?

- What is this?
- 50 euros.

I'm sure you've all
gone through stuff.

And you carry some blame
for being here.

But your value
as human beings hasn't changed.

This is still 50 euros.

And if we don't do what you say,

Weber will lock you in the cell
all day long.

Anyone who wants that
can get up and leave now.

Tell me the truth.

Yugo, can you read these numbers?

What the fuck?

- What's wrong?
- You're talking too much.

- You're gonna get whacked.
- I'm gonna put your eyes out.

- Open the door!
- No way. I'll wait for backup.

I said open the door!

Wait for backup, you idiot!


Samira, come!

I am not Samira.

- Is Mrs Spahic in?
- Who are you?

I need to talk to her.

- I'm sorry, today is not possible.
- Yes, it is.

Hey, I asked you who you are!

A friend.

What are you doing here?

I'm very sorry your husband died.

But your child is still alive!


Get out of my home right now!

You can't just
show up here like that!

She wants to kill herself.
And she won't stop trying.

I know.
Why do you think I'm here?

But this is a vigil.

You should leave.

Look in the fridge.

Hannes, please go now
or she'll never speak to me again.

Hey! That's enough!

She's not a girl,
don't you get it?

I do!
But you're not helping.

On the contrary!

Listen to me.

Whatever you do,
the prison won't bring back your son.

What do you know about my son?

What do you know about my son?

- Your child needs you.
- Get out.

Samira tried to kill herself again.



Leyla, one day she'll succeed.

He is my husband.

He's my brother!

Did you give
your daughter hormones?

We just wanted her to be normal.

Like the other girls.



Hey! It's past 8 p.m.!

You could at least use the pads.

Give me my sticks.

Please use yours,
you have so many.

Want to come to the concert?

You sure?

I really have to go now.
We'll talk tomorrow.

Get up.

Get up, come over here.


Stop it! Stop it now!




And you, in my office.
Right now.

You'll go back to class
and stick to the rules.

No more funny games.

And I'll forget how often
you've broken the rules.


If you get the girl out of the sick ward
and have her examined properly.

And as of tomorrow,
there will be afternoon classes.

Why would I do you a favour?

Do yourself a favour, commander.

I'll make your life in here hell.

Woman Life Freedom