Fox and His Friends (1975) - full transcript

Working class and middle-upper class worlds come together in this interesting look at class conflict within the gay world from the German director Reiner Werner Fassbinder. Fassbinder plays Fox, he is working class, a former circus performer who wins the lottery of DM 500,000. His life starts to look up and doesn't have to struggle financially. Fox can now have the life and things that he has always wanted. He begins a new relationship with Eugen, creates a business partnership, and his life is looking bright. While he wants to climb up the social ladder, it isn't without turmoil, and being torn between his old working class roots, and the shiny new facade of middle class consciousness. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
For armin and all the others

fox the speaking head

It won't cost you a penny more,
ladies and gentlemen!

As the only German traveling carnival,

it's our pleasure to offer you a show

which is truly unparalleled
in the entire world.

Fox and his friends

and now for the real sensation.

It won't cost you 100 marks,

not 50 marks, not 10 marks.

No, ladies and gentlemen.

It's only 2.50 and not a penny more!

For that, we offer something truly unique!

Ladies and gentlemen, come closer.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
step this way.

Come closer. The show starts soon!

Don't be shy.

Step this way, ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you, come along.
Don't be afraid.

And now, a brief description
of this evening's show.

We open the show with madame cherie!

Madame cherie from Paris!
The radiant Venus!

Right before your eyes,
up on the stage,

only two or three yards away,

madame will appear
in the brilliant colors from 1001 nights,

a remarkable spectacle!

Second, and especially for you,
gentlemen, madame antoinette!

She'll show you a striptease
that will knock your socks off!

But that's not all. There are sensations
upon sensations, one after the other.

Sensations, every one of which
is worth the cost of admission.

For example:

Isabelle, the girl in cellophane.

Here she is, ladies and gentlemen.

Her show starts

with a beautiful dance

and ends when the last veil
has fallen from her body

and she stands upon the stage
just as you might wish to see her.

And at the close of every show,
the crowning finale as it were,

we'll present a spectacle
that won't cost you a penny more.

You'll experience something unique,
whether you believe it or not:

Fox the speaking head!

A man like you and me,
but with his head severed from his body.

You won't believe it,

but see it with your own eyes!

He introduces himself,
states his age and where he was born.

But that's not all,
ladies and gentlemen.

Every spectator in our theater

is entitled to ask him questions

and he will answer them all.

A miracle of surgery,
an abnormality in the carnival -

look. Your friend inspector braun.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

we offer you the principal attraction,

the sensation of all sensations.

Now life intrudes into the daily routine
of us poor showmen.

See, hear and marvel.

The man stepping onto the stage
is my friend, inspector braun.

And what is he holding
in his hand?

What? Well?

Rightly guessed:
An arrest warrant.

Or might I be wrong?
No, you're not wrong at all.

Now, ladies, get dressed.

I'm closing the theater.

- And hurry!
- You filthy pig!

Now, now.

Have you forgotten your French manners,
madame cherie from Paris?


You've grown pretty fast, boy,
haven't you?

Never mind. It'll be all right.

I won't get more than three years.

Maller? I'll take him away.

Take the cash box
and seal everything.

All right, boss.


Come on now.


- Something wrong?
- No.

They confiscated the cash box.
Not a single penny for us.

Tough luck.

Any plans for where to go?

No. Where should I go?

Home? To Paris?



What now?


You know, I'm going to win the lottery...

And I wondered if you wanted
to go in with me.

Thanks. You've been going to win
the lottery as long as I've known you.

Now, let's go. Break it up!


say, could you lend me
20 marks, boss?

Sure, my boy.

In silver or in notes?

It was just a question.

- Hello.
- Hello. Trying your luck again?

Yes, just like every week.
But with one difference.


This is my lucky week.

What would we be without hope?

You make a living off it.

Rather poorly.

That's what they all say.

What are you doing?

Emptying out my safe.

You should go wash your foot, boy.

Five beers, grandpa.

Just into thin air.
As if swallowed up by the earth.

You must think I'm really stupid.

Why do you think
I'm washing my feet?

I was wondering that myself.

Can't you stop drinking?



do I complain about your dirty business?
It's all right.

Is that clock right?

I think so. 4:30.

You gotta lend me
10 marks, Hedwig.

I've got no money at home, Franz.

Not a single penny.

Five marks, Hedwig.
I must turn in my lottery ticket, I must!

I don't care if people throw away
their money on the lottery.

You have to give me five marks!
I'll win! I know it!

I told you I've got no money
at home! Let me go!


Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

I told you there's no money.

- If mother was still alive -
- But she isn't. Cheers.

If you need a place to stay, Franz,

you can always sleep here.




Four, five.




I don't know what
to talk about either.

- Are you from Munich?
- Yes, more or less.

Do you have the run of the house?

Unfortunately, my bungalow
is being redecorated.

Blah, blah, blah.

- How about you?
- I can already walk, too.

How time flies.

Said the old man
and forgot to breathe...


That's sad.

Depends how you look at it.

What are you into?

The back is a delight,

and the front is quite all right.

I see.

Two-way, reversible model.

Sure, makes you well-rounded.

- Where are we going?
- Feldafing.

Feldafing? You're kidding.
That's too far away.

I'm going to win this week.

And I thought, “finally someone
who's not so complicated.”

Well, tough luck.

You're not too keen
on lending me 10 marks?

- Not really.
- Just as I thought.

Stop over there!

Once I go in, wait a bit,

then blow the horn
three times, okay?

And then another three times.

It sounds through the room

the charming melody - hello.

It was like a dream

What can I do for the gentleman?

It's my sister's birthday.

I'd like to order 30 red roses
and 30 white lilacs.

30 red roses and 30 white lilacs?

A beautiful bouquet, sir.

Damn, he wanted me
to get small change.

Could you just give me 10 marks?
Uncle Max wants to buy chocolates.

Would that be possible?

I'm coming!

Quickly, before he gets impatient.





Well, now you're a con artist,
uncle Max.

How did you know my name is Max?

Your name is really Max?


That's cool.

Wait. Five minutes left.

I need a lottery booth!
I'll kill myself, step on it!

Shit. Whenever you need something,
you're screwed.

- 6:30.
- No. Shit, shit!


Must be my lucky day.

Don't bother me, boy.
It's past closing time.

Here, it won't take long.

Go buy some bread,
you'll be better off with that.

Please, have a heart.

Just do him a favor, madam.
Otherwise, he won't survive.

Madam? Did you call me madam?

I haven't heard that since 1953.

So what? Man's no bird.
Give it to me.

- Ten numbers.
- All right.

Pretty clever, for your age.

You're not getting
any younger either, my friend.

Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Here are the tickets.
And five marks change.

I'll send you flowers,
red roses and white lilacs.

Next week,
after I've got the money.

Can't you put on a record?

That jingle-jangle is unbearable.


The people you associate with, my dear.

Very strange.

Drop it.
He's all right, that boy.

Tastes differ, thank god.

How true.

How's it going with Max?

He's forgotten me.

I withess one affair after the other,
with one guy after the other.

I'm allowed to be near him, that's all.

Say, where did you pick him up?
At a public lavatory?

Don't be indecent, darling.

Why not?

I've had the best experiences
with public lavatories.

But the stench, old girl.
And then guys like that...

This guy, two weeks ago,
won 500,000 marks...

In the lottery.

- 500,000 what?
- Marks, my dear.

Half a million.

I prefer to work for my money.

None of us would throw it away.

- Always these extremes.
- And what does he do?

For a living, I mean.


He worked at the carnival.

As “fox the speaking head.”

God, that's funny.

Fox the speaking -

that's more than I can take.

What else? Does he have
something in his pants?

Enough for me.

Would you dance with me?

- Me?
- Sure, or am I squinting?

Some people squint even when
they aren't actually squinting.

I don't understand a word, darling.


Have you taught him how to be rich
with decency?

He's not the sort of guy
whom money makes rich.

You can't buy manners
with money.

Manners, my dear,
don't fill the belly.

He's doing it right.
He's watching his money.

He's a quiet guy.
He doesn't know much, but...

There is such a thing
as natural intelligence.

Well, it takes all kinds in this world.

- I must be leaving now, my dears.
- So soon?

- It's after 7:00.
- What? Indeed.

Would you give me a lift, alwine?
To gértnerplatz.

- Sure.
- Bye.

It was lovely.

Bye! - Bye, all!

Bye. Take care.
I'll show you out.


I must be going, too.
I need to visit my mother.

Yes, darling.
Will you come for breakfast?

- About 10:30, all right?
- Okay. Bye.


Thank you, I know the way.

- Have fun.
- Come on.


Did you come in your own car?

Then I must take you to the city.

That's common courtesy.

Am I right?


Have you two
been enjoying yourselves?

I think you're daft.

- Do you?
- Yes, pretty much.

How about you?

Do you wash yourself
from time to time?

Some people wash themselves,
and some people are clean.

And some people stink
even though they're clean.

And that's good, because some people
are turned on by a bit of smell.

Don't look at me.

I know, you're into “brute for men.”

It's “brut,” my darling. “Brut.”

Watch out. You're so smart
you might pee your pants.

- Want to get out?
- No, I'm starting to enjoy myself.

Did you do it with uncle Max?

No pain, no gain, my dear girl.

We'll see which of us is the “girl.”


Just as I pictured it.

- What?
- Your place, my darling.

- Since when am I your darling?
- Since I say so.

Where's the bedroom? - Why?

I want to check out the mattress.


I see.

Please not with your shoes on!
The blanket must be dry-cleaned.

Oh, excuse me.

I forgot.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

It's really just because
of the cleaning.

- I see. Do you snore?
- Pardon?

You never know.

Happens in the best circles,
I've been told.

Did you put down roots? - Why?

Because you won't sit down.

Pour me another, please.

By the way,
if something stinks, it's me.

I took off my shoes.

They're new, you know.

Quite tight and pinching.

Maybe your pants
are pinching, too.

Well, to be honest...

Do you always toss
your clothes around like that?


Some people have a tidy closet.
Some people have a tidy head.

You don't say!

Should I wash myself,
or do you want me naturally?

Well, cheers.

Who's that?

My father.

Looks nice.
He could be to my liking, too.


Dad? He's not my dad, stupid.

He's just another guy to me.

I can introduce you to him,
though I don't think -


Everyone's to be had.
What a pity.

Your bed is too soft, my darling.

What's up?
Want to keep me in suspense?

I'll just clean up your mess,
my darling.

Silly cow.

Have you heard this story?

There was a man in California
whose car broke down on the freeway.

And he waved and waved,
but no one stopped.

After nine hours, he shot himself.

Now come.

The doorbell"s ringing.

Yeah, the doorbell's ringing.
I'm not deaf.

Wasn't that the doorbell? - No.

Yes, it was. What time is it?


Exactly. 10:35.

Typical. Always the same.

Would you mind going into
the bathroom for 10 minutes?


To hide. Don't you understand?

Hide in the bathroom?
If you want.


And lock the door.

Oh, Philip, my darling.

My head, always these migraines.
You know them.

Yes, all too well.
We wanted to have breakfast.

Breakfast? The mere thought
of food makes me sick.

Am I interrupting?

You're not alone?

Not alone?

Me? With my migraine?

- And what's this?
- That?

Oh, that.

These are pants, my darling.

And who do they belong to?


Since when do you frequent
public lavatories?

Because they smell like it,
those pants.

Let it be. A little escapade.

How little?

Eight inches?

Or seven?

Or even smaller?
You're disgusting.

I'm not being disgusting.
I'm thorough.

It's a matter of interest, after all.

I didn't measure it,
but it was enough.

Yes, that's enough.

Darling, what's wrong?

I'm offended.

Oh, him.

Just as I thought.

Gross. And in my bathrobe!
Please give him his bathrobe, Franz!

No, thanks. He can keep it.

- Here, if you want it.
- No, no.

Well, not bad.

Have fun.

Philip, wait!

Just wait.

I'll explain it to you later.


I ater.

You can't do that, father!

It's not just a matter
of firing a few workers.

The good name
of our company is at stake.

Our tradition!

What is it?
Come on, back to work.

Eugen, tradition or not,
I don't have a choice.

I must declare bankruptcy.

I can't go on and I don't want to.

I can't let the company run up debts,

which would make
bankruptcy proceedings impossible,

for lack of assets.

But -


Maybe if I -

but I would need complete freedom.

If you want.
I'll sign the company over to you.

If you still see a way...

If you have an idea...

I'll give it a try. I have an idea.

Well, he's a real good catch,
a young entrepreneur.

At last someone who doesn't
want anything from me.

He's got enough himself.

A wonderful romance.

The entrepreneur
and the lottery queen.

Yes. He just acts a little posh,
a little daft.

Stay away from him, Franz.
You'll draw the short straw.

Wrong! Mine's longer.

I said you'd draw the short one,
not that you had a short one, didn't 1?

Yes, you said he'd draw the short one.
I heard it with my own ears.

Nonsense. You're just jealous.


But of the half million, darling,
not of the daft entrepreneur.

- Why daft?
- That's what you said.

Posh and daft.

I never said that.

You did. Didn't he?

Yes. You said it. Posh and daft.

Well, he is.
You're probably right.

he's really not my cup of tea.

A young entrepreneur, posh and -


Good evening, I thought -

you said you might be here
in this dive.

I missed you so much.

- Would you like a drink?
- Here? No, really.

I thought we could
go out for dinner.

- Okay, see you.
- 8.50.

Here. Keep the change.


The bar probably isn't
plushy enough for her.

- What did you say?
- Your new boyfriend is posh and -

I don't know.

Very daft. That's what you said.

Good evening, gentlemen.

How about this table?

You know,
I prefer to sit in corners.

That's childish. We'll sit here.


We'll have wine.

Do you have chateauneuf-du-pape?

I'd prefer a beer.

Okay. A pilsner for him,
half a bottle of wine for me.

We still have to choose the courses.

What would you like to eat?
You know, I

I understand, my poor darling.

It's all in French.

You'll learn it in time.

How about the turtle soup?

Turtle soup?

I'd prefer noodle soup.

A consomme with garnish.

And afterwards a roti de veau
avec d'asperges et petits pois?

Or épaule de mouton
avec haricots verts,

avec pommes de terres sautées?

Well, the second.

It's lamb shoulder
with green beans and fried potatoes.

Please excuse him. - Never mind.

And for dessert maybe...

A compote de poires...

Or une péche melba?

Do you have all of that? - Yes.



I'll take a language course
if we go out to dinner more often.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you.

Nonsense. I don't mind things like that.

I know that I'm stupid.

- But...
- I am. In some respects, I'm stupid.

Say, did you collect
may bugs as a child?

Why are you asking
about may bugs now?

Don't know.
Just crossed my mind.

I used to collect them

and put them in a cigar box
with a leaf of lettuce or something.

And recently I met someone

who told me that
I could have sold them,

the may bugs, to the authorities.

I didn't know that.

But we all did that!
Ten pennies a may bug.

Everyone knows that.

Yes. See?

Can you do this?

- Don't be silly.
- I can even do it with both hands.


Oh, a nice family gathering.



Everything fine,
the company and all?

Yes, it's consolidating.

By the way,
I just got a beautiful icon in.

Not up for sale yet.
Maybe you'll come over.

I will.

We don't want to disturb you.
We'll sit over there.

See you later.

Come. Sit down.

Do you understand it?

Eugen and that monster?
But of course.

Of course I understand it.

There are things between
heaven and earth, my boy,

that go far beyond
what you could ever understand.




I just don't believe it.

- Would you like some toast?
- Yes, two pieces.

And scrambled eggs with ham!

Toast and eggs with ham.
I should open a breakfast café.


I thought you were still in bed.

I am.

But you won't come.

- You want to do it again?
- Yes.

I'm a member of the proletariat.
They're more potent than -

that's an old wives' tale.

Invented to defame
the working class as brainless.

Nothing in the head but drinking,
eating and fucking.


- What?
- Is it true or not?

Personally, I lack experience
with workers, you know.

- Come now.
- Afterwards, we'll go to the company.

Father will be there, too.

- All right.
- Cheers.


May I introduce you
to my new boyfriend?

- Mr. biberkopf.
- Good afternoon.

- My father.
- Very pleased.

I like him much better
than the last one.



I told you, much better
than the last one.

Stop that!

Right. I'll stop and you begin.

Exactly. Mr. biberkopf
wants to look around.

I've told him a lot
about our company.

I don't mind. Call krapp.
He can show him around.

- Krapp!
- What's the matter?

Show the gentleman everything!

This is the cutting machine.

The sheets are cut here

so that they can be creased
in the next step.

The capacity of the machine is -

spare us the details, Mr. krapp.

We're interested in the big picture.
Of course.

This is a gluing press,
and back there are the folding machines.

This is an enveloping machine

which inserts the sheets
into the envelopes automatically.

- Do you love me?
- I can hardly bear it.

You drink too much, my darling.

Hey, a guy isn't safe from you
anywhere, really.

71 kilos.

That's too much, darling.


That's my ideal weight,
almost underweight.

So you say.

Yes. Just as many kilos
as centimeters in height, minus 100.


Yes. Sometimes even an idiot
knows something.

I can go up to 76 kilos,

because I'm 1.76 meters tall.



And since when are you an idiot?

I've learned that over time.

I can't do this and that,
don't know French and -

and where's eugen?

Having 5:00 tea
with business partners of his father.

So that's what they're called now.

I think he's really there.


Who's that?

Another one.

I'm getting out.
How about a beer in the bar?

- Okay. I'll be right there.
- Yes.


Since when does eugen
concern himself with the company?

He wants to play
a bigger role, he says.

Mineral water, please.

Yes, thiess bookbinders.

A renowned
and long-established company.

If you invest in it,
you'd turn a nice profit.

You think so?

Well, they've got
a steady string of orders.

I wouldn't hesitate
to buy a share, if I could.

Especially now.

Eugen's father is said
to be facing liquidity problems.


Strange, eugen didn't tell me -

I don't know any details.

But there are rumors.

Say, do you think -

could it be that eugen won't talk
about these things with me?

Could be.

He's a little peculiar
in business matters.

Besides, it doesn't have
anything to do with you.

Eugen runs his own company

with about 60 or 70 employees.

He's all right.

I see. My little brother
runs in the best circles.

Soon you'll have forgotten me.

Nonsense, Hedwig!

Nevertheless, it was very kind of you
to bring me the bottle.

Real French cognac.

Be careful, Hedwig.
It's bad for the liver, they say.

Nonsense. My liver
is the best in the world.

Say, when is Fritz
going to be released?

What has Fritz got to do with it?

I just thought -

next year in September.
That idiot.

Next time, he'll get preventive detention.
Then everything will go to hell.

There doesn't have to be a next time.

But you know Fritz.


You know,
eugen isn't just a phase.

This is real love.

- Don't let him clean you out.
- No.

He won't.

He has absolutely no need for it.
He's got enough himself.

He doesn't depend
on someone like me.

Why are you looking at me like that?

That must be him!


- This is my sister. This is eugen.
- Hello.

Good afternoon.

So you're eugen.

Well, good luck.

- Thank you.
- Maybe another time.



I don't have any money for food.

I'd like to withdraw
100,000 marks.

In cash.

- In cash?
- Yes, in cash.

- 100,000 marks in cash?
- Like I said, in cash.

- In cash, you said?
- Yes, in cash.













- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Cash. Cash. Cash.

If you repeat a word often enough,

you don't know
what it means anymore.

Father, Mr. biberkopf has loaned
the company 100,000 marks.

Apart from that, he's going
to work for us from now on.

You don't mind, do you? Father?


Were you talking to me, son?

Excuse me,
I'm a little absent-minded.


I told you that Mr. biberkopf
gave us a loan of 100,000 marks.

And that he's going
to work here from now on.

And then I asked you
if it was all right.

You're a nice guy, fox.

That's your name, isn't it? Yes.

Then I'll call you fox.

It reminds me of better times.

Do you understand me, fox?

Fox movietone news.

Do you remember?


- Pardon?
- I said merde.


Hand me the French dictionary
in my jacket.

I bought it especially.

Look up what the word
means in German.


Why? Is that too much trouble
for you, my darling?

No, it means “shit.”

I see.
And what's the word in French?


Shit, you can't be serious.

What's the matter?

“Dear Mr. thiess,

due to the growing
complaints of neighbors

and recent incidents that we must
consider a breach of contract,

we're forced to cancel
your rental agreement without notice.

In particular,

it's because of the noise

and the accommodation of persons” -

that's you.

“That provoke moral outrage
among our tenants

and that we cannot tolerate.”

You don't own an apartment.
Then we'll both be homeless.

Could be interesting.

Nonsense. We'll just rent
a new apartment, that's all.

No, it's not. We'll be kicked out
right after the housewarming.

Just like that, all the straights
will have it in for us.

You're right.

And since you're so bright,
you must have thought about what to do.

What do you suggest?

You're looking for a reasonable
investment for your money?


Real estate should be part of every
reasonable investment strategy.

And since we need an apartment anyway,
it's best to buy one right away.

That's a good idea.

I'm sure you know someone
who has one or can broker one -

I'll take care of that.
We can probably even see one today.

Anything wrong?

I love you, that's all.

It's a lot of money.

But I'm telling you, darling,
it's a steal.

In a few years,
itll be worth twice as much.

I don't know.
I'm not familiar with these things, but -

We'll put a biedermeier dresser here

and two lofty biedermeier chairs.

We'll put the bed here.

A baroque bed, if we can get one.

And the stereo will go here
as well as a mirror

with a matching gold frame.

And a flat baroque dresser
with two armchairs.

That sounds very nice, but -

no buts.

Now [I'll tell you
how we'll furnish the living room.

A dark Chinese silk rug here.

And over there,
an english suite in leather,

19th century.

And here, a bookshelf. - Pardon?

A bookshelf.
For books, my darling.

What books?

Books for reading.

I don't need any books.

Well, you don't need any books.

And here, the color TV.

Here, the house bar
in an antique escritoire.

And heavy, brown velvet curtains.

And very discreet light.

When you talk like this,

I can really picture the apartment.

And? Do you like it?


I like it.

Very much.

We'll take it.

You know I don't want
to twist your arm,

but this is a real gem.

The inlays are very well done,
very precise.

But it doesn't go
with a Chinese carpet.

Yes. And how much is it?

Precious things like that
have their price.

And for the table, we need
two chippendale candle sconces.


Just look at them.
Aren't they magnificent?

Yes? - Very nice, yes.

We'll be so happy
in our new apartment.

And then this tres-a-tres.
I've had my eye on it for ages.

Come, sit down with me.

What kind of bedroom furniture
do you have?

Something in biedermeier or baroque,
but nothing too gigantic.

You're in luck.

I've got a special rarity
for two lovers.

A bedroom set, english baroque.

I've just listed it,
but you can count on me.

A real rarity, early 18th century.

You agree, don't you?

It's all right.
Put it on the bill.

And we'll also take
those two tigers there.

So, my darling, that's done.
Now we're going to dress you properly.

You can't go walking around like this.

I feel quite comfortable.

There's just no comparison.

You must dress
as befits your standing.

We want to go to the opera together,
or to the theater.

All together...

It's 84,500 marks.

80,000 for a friend. Okay?

80,000. Fine.

Look, why don't we go to c&a.
I'm sure they'll have something.

That's where the workers
buy their Sunday suits.

You must get it through your head
that you're something better now.

You're the boyfriend
of an entrepreneur.

You can't walk around
in ready-made clothing,

especially not from a store like that.

We'll go to Philip's boutique.

Well, are you happy?


What's that?

It's when you're together
with someone you can talk to.

Isn't it? - Time will tell.


I've got something great for you, too.

A blue checkered jacket

with dark blue trousers.

I'm very curious. Show it to me.

How interesting.

Becoming bourgeois
in your old age, Franz?

- Hello.
- Hi

- hi.
- Looks good.

I feel uncomfortable
in this Violet shirt.

- Then take it off.
- Okay, thanks. Thank you!

- Show me the clothes.
- They're right here.

Tell me, darling,
how do you like this? For me?

Well, put it on.
It should suit you.

All right.

Yes, it's very nice.

I also need a cream-colored shirt
and something elegant.

I've got it all here.

Say, don't you have
something else?

Something extravagant?

But of course.

Something in velvet.

Red velvet, maybe.

Eugen doesn't like going there,
you know.

Has he forbidden you to come?

He can't forbid me anything.

We've agreed on it.

So, how do I look?

- Do you want it?
- Yes.


Then we'll buy it.

- Add it all up.
- Yes.

Franz will give you a check.


- Just help yourself.
- Thanks.

In case you're looking
for the dessert fork,

it's to the left of your plate.



Well, fox -

may I call you that?

After all, you're a part
of the family now.

I'm very happy that
you've given us a loan.

He's seen the company
and observed for himself

that he's dealing with
a prosperous enterprise.


Do you need a handkerchief?

Thanks, I'm fine.

I'm sure you're well aware, however,

that such businesses
have a lot of outstanding debts.

And just how difficult it is,
in the current economic situation,

to convert these debts,
some of them long-term,

using outside capital,
into liquid cash, at least in part.

I don't know much about
economics, unfortunately.

You'll find us fair partners.

We'll pay good interest rates,
and you'll get a fair contract.

Yes, the contract
won't be a problem.

We should hurry.
Mr. siebenkés is expecting us at 3:00.

Your cup.

If you're looking for the sugar tongs,
they're in the sugar bowl.

We've come together

to sign a loan contract

between the thiess company
and Mr. Franz biberkopf.

I assume that everyone present

is familiar with the nature
of a general partnership,

so that I may proceed
to read the contract.

'Between thiess ohg,
represented by its shareholders

Mr. wolf thiess
and Mrs. Bertha thiess,

and Mr. Franz biberkopf

the following loan contract
shall be concluded.

Paragraph one:

Mr. Franz biberkopf
shall Grant the thiess company

a loan of 100,000 marks -

in words: One hundred thousand

Paragraph two: The annual
interest rate shall be seven percent -

in words: Seven -

or at least the federal bank rate
should it exceed seven percent.

Paragraph three:
The loan period is three years.

Both parties declare that the contract
can't be terminated within this period.

Paragraph four:

As security for this loan,
Mr. Franz biberkopf shall be assigned

outstanding debts
with a value of 100,000 marks -

in words: One hundred thousand -

which will be redeemed
by the company thiess ohg.

In the case that the thiess company
should fall into arrears,

Mr. biberkopf is entitled
to lay claim to the redeemed debts

for up to 100 percent
of the loan sum.

Paragraph five:
The mode of loan repayment” -

Right. What's the point?

You know all this, Mr. biberkopf.

A contract is a contract.

And thank god, people are not
as inexperienced in these matters

as in the past.

In the past, there -

yes, that will be all right.

But what about the option

that I may become a partner
after the debts are repaid?

I mean, we had agreed on that,
and that must be ensured.

After all, that's what
this is all about.

I can't sign a contract
without such an agreement,

can I?

Paragraph 19 postulates that
very clearly. You can rest assured.

Here, look.


Yes, thank you.
That's all right.

Then sign here, please,
in triplicate.

So, what do you business people drink
to celebrate a contract? Sekt?

One bathes in sekt, darling.
One doesn't drink it.

But I want sekt. Springer!

Don't shout, I'm sensitive.

- A bottle of sekt, please.
- Oh, 1A la.

If sparkling wine, then real champagne.
Do you have dom perignon?

How much?

Dom perignon, my dear.

We drink sekt here
if we want something special.

Sekt gives me a headache.

Let him be,
if that's all he has.

Tell your posh and daft girlfriend
to go to another “etablissement.”

Tell your fat and ignorant girlfriend
it's pronounced éftablissement.

If you use foreign words, then -
stop quarreling! I want to have fun.


- Who's that?
- Your predecessor, madam.

- When did they let you out?
- This morning, on parole.

This is eugen,
and this is Klaus.



Would you like a glass of sekt?

Sekt? Sure.

We're celebrating a contract
that eugen and I signed.

- You're signing contracts?
- Yes.

- Hi, springer.
- Hi, Klaus.

What kind of contract
did you two sign?

Our business partnership and all that.

That's great.

Fox the speaking head
has business partnerships!


I won the lottery, half a million.


It's all right. I can tell him.

He's an old friend.

No need for secrets.

- Say.
- Yes?

- You've been so quiet the whole time.
- Me? Quiet?

- Quiet, exactly. Is anything wrong?
- No. What would be wrong?

Maybe you don't like me
lending Klaus money.

Why shouldn't I like that?

It's your money.
Do with it as you please.

He'll pay me back.
He's all right, you know.

But he's straight out of jail.

There's a difference
between tax evasion

and cheating a friend.

Do you understand?
Of course I understand.

But 30,000 marks
is a lot of money.

But Klaus needs it
to make a fresh start.

I don't want to quarrel again!
Neither do I. You're probably right.

- Pretty ugly old crate, right?
- But reliable.

And loud.
Soon it will fall apart.

Sometimes it makes me
feel ashamed.

Ashamed? Why? It runs.
What else should a car do?

Make an impression, for example.
But one day -

- I have an idea!
- For heaven's sake.

I won't let you talk me out of it.

We'll buy a new car
with a stereo and all the extras.

- Your ideas are quite expensive.
- Yes, but they make life more enjoyable.

Sometimes I've thought about
a race car, streamlined.

Just wait and see.
If you say so.

Excuse me, would you mind
putting slippers on?

I'm not visiting a castle.

Why a castle?

Do you want to step on
our precious rugs with dirty shoes?

Here, I bought slippers for you.


Now you're speechless, right?

You've never seen
an apartment like this before.

I'm really proud of myself.

Well, it's a little bit like a museum.

What do you mean, like a museum?

It's cozy, comfortable,
cultivated and homey.

Franz! - What?

If you're looking for an ashtray,
it's next to the stereo.

This was one of my first records.

“Why do you paint
only white angels?”

Yes, and that was very long ago.

I loathe that kind of music.

I'll have to teach you
what good music is as well.

Sure, but...

Somehow I like
this kind of music, you know.

It reminds me of my past.


You were a different person then.

You'll have to learn,
learn and learn.

You'll have to learn about culture.

It's difficult, I know.

But in the end, we'll manage
to make a human being of you.

He does lend a hand.

Good. He's got a vital interest
in the company.

You don't need to go easy on him.

Well? Everything all right?
It's okay.

- Well, feeling good?
- Looking for a quarrel?

God forbid.

You can't complain.

It's gotten much better
over the last six months.


It was me alone, father,
who saved the company last month.

Yes, you did.

The worst financial problems are solved,
and one day, we'll have paid off fox.

Yes. We got back on our feet,
all on our own, right?

A fine achievement.


Cheers, father.

What must all that have cost?

I don't know.

At least 120,000
to 150,000, I think.

- If you've got the money!
- Well, he has it.

A very nice apartment!
Very tastefully furnished.

Just make sure you keep it.
Don't worry.

- Well...
- But we love each other.

I sold them my best pieces.

And they're showed off
to their best advantage.

Eugen has a fine sense of effect.

One has to admit it.

Yes, and to think that
I may live here one day.


Who knows.

Thank you.


So none of you here likes women?

You don't know what you're missing.
You're missing a lot!


Let's drink, sweetheart!

Try it. No?

You wimp!

Nothing but wimps here!

Such pathetic company.

Darling, your vulgar, drunk sister
is ruining our party.

Come on, leave her alone.
You can ignore her.


She's obviously trying
to make a scene.

She's offending our friends.

A brilliant idea to invite her.

Don't be so uptight.
She's just drunk.

She's got good reason to drink.

You're damn right.

Excuse me.

May I? Cheers!

Please behave yourself,
you stupid cow.

You and your awful relatives.
You have no face to lose.

I'll bring her to her senses.


My dear and handsome
young friend.

Please don't touch me!

Then calm down.

You're all pigs!
And your noble asses reek!

Can't you smell it?

I can. It stinks to high heaven!

And god himself is dressed up
as Marlene Dietrich

and he's holding his nose.


Well, I think we'd better be going.

Yes. I think so as well.

It was a lovely evening.
Really lovely.

I'm so sorry for this faux pas.

She's just had too much to drink.

These things can happen at a party.
I really must apologize.

Bye, Franz.

What a fine mess!

What a proletarian!


She's my sister,
do you hear? My sister!

And this is my apartment
with my furniture in it.

My sister can do
whatever she likes here,

because I prefer my sister
to any of your friends, get it?

Don't get upset, Franz.

I didn't mean it like that.

I'm just quite irritable lately.

We're both quite irritable.

We're having a crisis.

No wonder, with all the stress
over the last six months.


Sometimes I feel like
I'm just overworked.

But now, you know,

with the business
running smoothly again,

we could work less.

That would help our relationship.

Eugen, I -


- I have an idea, you know.
- No, I don't know.

But I do.

You know,
we'll just go on vacation.

We'll just go wherever we like.

Yes. That's a good idea.

I love you.

Eugen! Hello!

I haven't seen you in ages.

A lot of work, you know.

Is this another new boyfriend?
Or do I know him already?

No, I'm here for the first time.

That's all right.
All vices must start at some point.

Where do you want to go?

- No idea. Eugen decides these things.
- You know, we're -

I see. Honeymoon.

Peace and quiet and -

peace and quiet?
But we've been together for six months.

I see. Why didn't you say so?

What will it be? Italy? Spain?

Or maybe a handsome arab?

- An arab might be fun.
- An arab? I don't know.

Exactly. Just leave it to me.
I know the ropes.

- Maybe Morocco.
- Morocco? Where's that?

In Arabia, darling.

And you know how
to speak Moroccan?

Nonsense. They speak French there.
I can speak it, too.

- Yes, he can.
- Morocco, then?

I've always wanted to go there.
Where's the best place?

Marrakech. Definitely.

The fat Mr. schmidt just got back
from there last week.

You know, he owns the flower shop
at Max-weber-platz.

It must be incredible.


And we have an excellent hotel
under contract there.

And how far is it to the beach?

Marrakech is not by the sea, my dear,
but there's a lovely swimming pool.

Never mind, Olga.
The good girl lacks a bit of education.

Can you pick someone up there?
Depends on the guys.

If they don't look too scary, yes.

So make up your mind.
It sounds quite good.

Yes, sounds good.

Three weeks for two.
How much is that?

I'll calculate it. Scheduled flight or -

scheduled flight? I thought about
a neckermann package tour.

- Neckermann?
- Sure. That's much cheaper, isn't it?

Okay. You're paying.

This place is called
the meeting place of the dead.

- Why's it called that?
- How should I know?

Why are you called
Franz biberkopf?

Idiot. Where did you
get that from, anyway?

I read it in the guide -

it sounds much better in english...

Like everything else.

Did you see him?

- Which one?
- That one.

Do you fancy him?

He's a handsome guy.

At least he's properly dressed.

- Well, what now?
- I don't know.

We don't know what's
common practice here.

It won't be different
from everywhere else.

Now he's going away.

Do you think we could take him
to the hotel?

- It's expensive enough, I think.
- Let's invite him to dinner.

- What do you mean?
- Since when do you care?

- Do you want to quarrel?
- Who's quarreling? Me?

You know what?
We'll just call a taxi.

If he follows us, all right.

If not, it's fine also, okay?



Is he coming? - I think so.

Where to?

- What do you want?
- To eat.

To the restaurant!


Are you French?

No, I'm German. From Germany.

- Ah, you're German.
- Yes.

No. But he can.

Yes, but just a little.
We'd like to eat.

Is there a good restaurant?

Sure. I've already
told the coachman.

Ah, yes, thank you.


Yes, sir.

- Ask if we can take him to the hotel.
- Ask him yourself.

You're always so proud
you can speak French.

You're jealous, darling.
That's all.

Excuse me?
You're probably jealous,

or why would it occur to you
that I'd be jealous?

Why should I be jealous?

- And why should I be?
- You started this.

- That's not true! I just -
- You always “just,” and I fall for it.

I'd like to see that happen,
just once.

See? You're doing it again.

We don't need to sleep with him.
I'm not in the mood anymore.

I see. Suddenly you're not
in the mood anymore. Typical!

Of course you're jealous.

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Okay. Would it be possible
to take you to our hotel?

Sometimes it is, sometimes not.

- What did he say?
- Sometimes it's possible, sometimes not.

- Think he's got enough in his pants?
- Am I clairvoyant?

Or do you want me
to ask him that, too?

Sure. Would you buy
a pig in a poke?

And afterwards,
you'll blame me again.

Excuse me.
When have I ever blamed you?

You're always a big talker
and make me look small.

I don't know why we're quarreling
over a camel-driver.

What's your name?


You're good, with cock? Here?

Are you any wiser now?

What guy would admit
he's got a small cock?

Such nonsense.

Are you from Marrakech?

Now I live in Marrakech.
My father's from tiznit.

Understand? - No.

Judging by his nose and hands,
he must be well hung.

Marry him, if you like.
I don't mind.

You're such an idiot.

If I pay now...

He'll see all our money.

- Want me to send him to the John?
- I'm just asking what I should do!

Just pay. If he bashes our heads in,
it's our own fault.

I'm going to the men's room.
Excuse me.

- Is he calling us?
- Is your name “hey”?

Excuse me, but it's not allowed
to bring arabs into this hotel.

I don't understand.

We'd like to have a drink
with our friend.

You can drink with him, sir.
But not in this hotel.

- What's he saying?
- That he's not allowed in our room.

God, this is so embarrassing.

Why embarrassing?
We've paid for it.

But you?

You're also an arab.

We're in Morocco.

Why aren't Moroccans
allowed to come here?

I don't understand.

Tell him we'll move
to another hotel.

That's no use.



Meet me at 8:00 in the bazaar?
Yes, we'll come.

What did he say?

He wants to meet us at 8:00.
But we won't go, will we?

No idea.

If you want boys,
I can send someone from the staff.

But you must have seen
it coming last week!

Of course!
I've talked to Dr. kusters!

Stop crying!

Yes, I've -

I see, you can't tell me anything else.
- Hello, father.

Anything new?

- We had a heavenly time.
- Hi

- you come back now that it's too late?
- What is it?

Euro-textil stopped payment

after I delivered 800,000
brochures last week.

And no bankruptcy proceedings,
for lack of assets.

Not that it would help us.

- How much do they owe us?
- 187,000. 187,000 marks!

And the bank?
I talked to the director before we left.

That's no problem.

It's just tough luck.
The bank will understand.

The bank refused all credit.

They got tipped off
about the euro-textil affair.

Today is Wednesday.
Friday, wages are due.

That's 41,280.70 altogether.

And in the cash box,
we have 3,954.30.

And all because you
had to go on vacation!

When was my last vacation?

- Father, I beg you, we -
- Letit be. Then I'll -

that's out of the question!

You've done enough for us.
We can't expect you to help us again.

I won't allow it,
that would be improper.

Proper or not, you idiot,
we must save the company.

That's in everyone's interest.

And besides,
I don't have much left anyway.

We wouldn't need cash.

Our reputation isn't that bad yet.

They want collateral, collateral!

But we don't have anything
to offer anymore.

Collateral. We'd need something
to be creditworthy again.

- Say...
- Yes?

What about the apartment?

If I sign it over to you,
just pro forma,

then the bank would have to -

my god, if you did that,

I'd never forget you, never.

Well, that would be a solution.


Another hurdle cleared.
I'll call the lawyer.

Strange that you didn't
buy an opera ticket for me.

- Why?
- We do everything else together.

But, darling, you don't
understand anything about it.

You'd just be bored.

And they sing in Italian anyway.

- I see.
- Exactly.

Would you get the door, please?

- What? Aren't you coming?
- Eugen says I'm too stupid.

I didn't say you're too stupid.

I said you'd be bored.

- Oh, you're ready.
- I'm a punctual girl.

Would you like a drink? - Sure.


To an enjoyable evening.

Now come, we're late.

Bye, baby. Have a cozy evening.

- Bye.
- Bye.

This is the happiest time of my life.

I never would've thought
that I could be so happy.

I still can't believe
I've met someone like him.

All the things eugen does for me!

One day, I'll be the co-owner
of a company.

I've got my own apartment,
a good salary.

All of that never would
have happened to me.

And then culturally, you know -

he bought antique furniture for me.

It's precious
and just increases in value.

He knows all the styles.

He looks at it and knows
the period and the century.

And now he's setting up
a library for us.

- Is he? Anything else?
- Yes!

Besides, he's handsome

and he knows how to dress

and he's always there for me!

I see. You're having problems.
Why didn't you say so?

Problems? Why do you say
we're having problems?

Why, why, why?
Don't scream like that!


Care to buy a Rose, sir? - No!

Boy, what's wrong?

Hey, I know you.
You're the one who -


Yes, it's me.

Now leave me alone.
Leave me all alone!

Hey, you haven't paid!

Let him go, springer.
He'll come back.

500 marks?

But it was only 10.

I love you.

I love you, eugen.

I need you so much.

Without you, I'm nothing.

You mustn't leave me alone.

I feel so lonely without you.

Listen, darling.

First, I don't like
sleeping with drunks.

Second, it's terribly late
and I have to work tomorrow.

You too.

Third, we must stop sleeping
with each other every day.

We're not a couple just fallen in love.


Yes, you're right.

Some people are always right.

- Now it's happened!
- What?

I told you it wouldn't work!

- What's the matter?
- I won't take the blame for it!

No one can blame me
for this, not me!

Biberkopf set
the cutting machine all alone

and didn't tell me about it.

Then he put all 40,000
copies through, all 40,000!

Look. It's a catastrophe!

They're all like this?

All. Completely miscut.

Get him in here!

That's all we needed.

Your friends!

Have you seen
what you've done? Here!

Of course I've seen it.

But it was too late,
they were all through.

Sorry, but it's not my fault.
I'm just not a trained bookbinder.

I don't know how it happened.
It's just asking too much of me.

You know what this means
for the company, you -

leave it, father!
We all make mistakes. It's only human.

We all must learn to live
with our mistakes. No one's perfect.

No one's mad at you.

We just need to see
how we can sort it out.

All the copies are ruined?
Yes. All.

- We can't recut them?
- No, the height is wrong.

All right, then I'll call
the print shop. You can go.

How can you stay so calm, eugen?

Don't you understand
what this means for us?

We're ruined! This is the end!

It will cost us more
than 150,000 marks!

Father, your memory's failing you.

Did you forget that shortly before
we went on our trip -

Here, I hope you like it.

We'll have lobster soup...

Followed by trout a la basque.

We just love your cooking, son.

You can't really call it cooking.

I just putter around.


And in good family tradition,

You didn't miss anything
last time at the opera.

It wasn't music, just noise.

Those modern composers
are all the same.

What did you see? The firebird?

Yes, unfortunately.

Terrible. And so loud.

No, no.
I like Mozart much better.

- Or do you like stravinsky?
- Strav-what?

No, mother.

Fox doesn't like
modern concert music either.

Why do you say
I don't like modern music -

what's the matter?

Oh, nothing. It was just a slip.

- Behave yourself.
- What did I do?

Don't put bread in your soup.

But next week, there'll be
a sensation at the theater.

Oh, yes. Strehler"s lear, yes?

That will be fabulous.

Yes, it's a worldwide sensation.
I've ordered three tickets for us.

That's lovely.

I'm looking forward to it.

So you should, mother.

No, the white wine goes
with the trout.

It's an alsatian edelzwicker.

One thing you have to admit,
our boy has taste.

Yes, he does have that.


- Extend your finger.
- Me?

Yes, don't be afraid.

I don't bite.

Please do him the favor.


Now say “brrr.”

Biberkopf here.

One bratwurst, please.

1.80, please.

Would you like to fuck?

No, you don't understand.

You two, with me.


Why? Can you see it?

- Another one.
- He's gone completely nuts.


Our girlfriend there...

Who's been so especially lucky.

He must be so happy
he can't stand it.


- Hello, darling.
- Hi

well, how are you today?

Leave me alone.

Now, now!

Think about it.

How about the two of us?

All fun and no regrets.


If I have fun,
I want to have regrets.

You're an odd bird.

The uglier, the better.


He hit me!

In the face!

Listen here, fox!

Everyone can do as he pleases here.

Everyone can brush off everyone,
but in a decent way, understood?

If you think you're so special that
you can beat people up, then get out!

What's wrong?

It's all right.

Hello, my lovelies. I'm Ingrid.

I'm supposed to perform here,
isn't that right?

God, how often do I have to tell you

not to switch the light on
when you come home so late?

And you behaved
so badly with my parents

that I wished the ground
would swallow me up.

Be quiet.
I must tell you something.

I think I'm ill.

Today, in the car,
I nearly blacked out.

And at springer's,
I thought I would die.

Suddenly I had terrible chest pains.

I've never had them before.

And then, you know -

then I was so frightened.

Where else but at springer"s?

But if you're really ill,
you should see a doctor. I'm not one.

It's probably just hysteria anyway.

Now let me sleep.

Well, Mr. biberkopf,
I can reassure you.

Physically, you're healthy.

Please sit up.

Have you experienced
a lot of distress recently?

Are you under much stress?


In your case, tension causes
disorders in the nervous system.

A very common disease nowadays.

There's no cure for it.

You just need rest.

But I'll prescribe you something
to keep it under control.

Depending on how you feel,

take one tablet in the morning
and one in the evening.

But no more than two a day!

Valium for Mr. Franz biberkopf

Sorry I'm late.

I went to see the doctor
and had to wait.

- The doctor?
- Darling, you don't have to apologize.

You can come and go as you like.

What? As I like?
I don't understand.

But now hurry.
Krapp is waiting for you.


Father, I'm not interested
in what you're about to tell me.

- Shall we go for a drink?
- No.

Are you depressed?

I don't know. I'm thinking.

- Oh.
- Yes.

There you have it.

One shouldn't overdo it.

This isn't the right moment for jokes.

So you have a real problem, stupid?

Yes, for me,
it is a real problem.

God, you're clever.
Sometimes I just want to smack you.

Oh, getting aggressive
in your old age?

Don't worry. I won't hurt you.

- You really don't want a drink?
- No. And when I say no, I mean it.

Come on, out with it.

Okay, I'll tell you.

I can't take any more, eugen.
I want to break up.

I want to separate.
Over and out.


It's easy for you to mock me.

But for me, it's not that funny.

I tried so hard
to do everything right.

I really made an effort.

But this is not my world.

It just isn't.

But you enjoyed yourself,
time and again.


At first, it was fun.
I was impressed by you.

And I believed I loved you,
but you were ashamed of me.

But - - you were ashamed!

And your friends despised me.

Let the others think what they will.
We're all that matters.

Yes, we are what matters,

but everything's changed
between us, too.

You've changed.

Sometimes I think that deep down
you don't want me.

Every relationship suffers
due to certain factors:

The everyday routine,
work, force of habit.

But if you really think
we should separate,

very well.

Everyone should do as they please.

But there are
a few matters to discuss.

The apartment, for example.
I'll keep it.

- The apartment?
- Yes, the apartment.

As compensation
for the miscut brochures.

A damage of 150,000 marks
is no small sum.

But - - no buts.

I bore the damage, as you know.

It's only fair...

And just.

Besides, the apartment
is still signed over to my name.

So that's how it is.

I should have expected this.

Then take it.

Take it.

Take everything!

I just want to be able
to be myself again.

To be myself again.

Just to be myself.

- Hello, Mr. krapp.
- Hello, Mr. biberkopf.

- Hello, Mr. thiess.
- What are you doing here?

Oh, I just need to settle
a few formalities with you.

- What formalities?
- The repayment, eugen.

- What repayment?
- The 100,000 marks, eugen.

- What 100,000 marks?
- The 100,000 marks I lent you.

But you got it all back,
didn't you?


Not a single penny.

Eugen. You know it very well.

But you received
5,000 marks a month,

just as the contract stipulated.

I got per month -

but that was my salary!

For my work!

I worked like a dog for it, two years!
Do you really think...

That I would pay an unskilled worker
5,000 marks a month?

That was the repayment
for the loan, stupid.

Just read the contract!

you didn't have to work here.

I told you again and again.

It was purely voluntary on your part.

And I thank you for it,
on behalf of the company.

You pigs.

You cheats.

You took everything from me.


But I'll show you.

I'll destroy everything you have.

Everything! - Stop it!

I'll destroy everything!

Mr. krapp!

- Throw him out.
- It's all right.

It's all right.

- Anything wrong, father?
- No, eugen.

You're right.

Deep down, you're right.

But Mr. biberkopf.

Mr. thiess had a new lock
put in today.

What, he had -

yes, this afternoon.
Didn't you know?

Yes, I just forgot. Thanks.

- You're welcome. Good evening.
- Good evening.

Oh, it's you.
What do you want here?

What do I want?
To get into my apartment, what else?

- Eugen's apartment, you mean.
- No, it's my apartment

with my furniture,
paid for with my money.

That's none of my business.

Eugen doesn't want
to be bothered by you.

That's all I know.

Besides, he needs calm.

Absolute calm,
after all the trouble with you.

By the way,

we had your personal belongings
sent to your sister.

Can I help you, Mr. biberkopf?


- So, how did he react?
- How do you think?

He's really desperate. Nonsense.

People like him are much
too dull to be desperate.

We really must get rid
of all this horrid furniture.

It's giving me nightmares.

God, are you stupid.

Fox, the lottery king gets ripped off
like he was born yesterday.

You're stupid and primitive.

Yes, I've got that in common with you.

With me, you fool?

That would never
have happened to me.

Please stop, Hedwig.

I can't take it anymore.
I'm done.

By the way, you owe me money.

I paid the courier

that your boyfriend
sent your things with.

He made you pay for the shipping?
God, is that funny!

You owe me 76 marks. 76 marks.

Yes, I owe you 76 marks.

Here, keep the change
for your trouble!

It serves you right.
You're good for nothing.

You never were.

And you wanted to be a businessman!

You're just good enough
for the carnival.

You loser.

If mother were still here -

then what? What?

You think mother would
wipe you clean, diaper you

and put you to bed
with a pacifier?

It's unbelievable,
so much stupidity in one person.

Just leave me alone.

Then get out of here,
if you want to be left alone.

Grab your things and get lost!



Come back, Franz!

I didn't mean it.

It's practically new.

Only 35,000 kilometers.

That's nothing.

My god, kid, who would buy
a car like this these days?

With the oil crisis.

Expensive fuel, expensive taxes,

expensive insurance
and no spare parts.

It's hard to sell, if at all.

But it's a nice car, something special.
It's impressive.

It'll be hard to get rid of.

Come back next week,
maybe we can make a deal then.

No, next week is too late.
I's now or never.

Well, I'd take it for 8,000.

I can't pay more, honestly.

It could sit here for months.

What do I do with such a hotrod?

Should I drive it myself?

But the extras alone,

the radio and cassette player
cost 1,000 marks.

The car is in top condition!

I'd need at least 10,000.

And when I bought it,
you said the car would keep its value.

When I sell, it's different.
I don't buy then, I sell.

8,000 is my last offer.

I can't pay more,
and I don't want to.

Am I a Jew?
Do I look like a Jew?


All right. 8,000.


heavy blossoms everywhere

and out of the night

a sweetl woman comes

like the sun, like morning dew

you were lovely and fine

in the moonshine

where's your lucky star now, fox?

You look so pale.
Seems you're too happy to sleep.

That's all old news. Forget it.

Oh, he speaks foreign languages.

Shanghai I was happy there once

but now it's long past

Shanghai, Shanghai

so it wasn't right for you?
You drew the short straw after all?

Maybe. But I've learned my lesson,
you can count on that.

Stars shining brightly

through the clear night

that was in Shanghai, Shanghai

when you smiled for me

- what about the company?
- I'm out.

- And your money?
- So-80.

What do the ladies
in the painting business say?

“He who climbs high
takes longer to fall in the paint pot.”

But not that much longer.

Hey, I know you two.

Look, the guy
from the bratwurst stand.

Springer, two beers please.
It's on me!

And I thought you had
learned your lesson.

How much I pay?

He wants to know how much I pay.

I pay for everything.
I always pay for everything.

I have to pay
for everything, always!

What's wrong with him?

I don't know. He doesn't move.

Help me turn him over.

He's all cold.

Here, look!

Money. And a gold watch.

If you can find a way to get it
across the border, I have no qualms.

That's for me to worry about.
But one thing I guarantee.

You'll be surprised
at the good condition they're in.

Almost every single piece.
I'm sure we'll come to an agreement.

Maybe he's got more.
Take a look!

Come on! Someone's coming.

- Someone's lying over there.
- There are drunks lying everywhere.

The government
should do something about it.

But it's the same in other countries.
I was in Helsinki recently.

You can't imagine the number
of drunks lying around.

Even though it's so hard
to buy alcohol in Finland.

But that's -

Valium 5.

He's dead.

There's nothing we can do.

Come. Quick.

I don't want to be mixed up in this.

And helping him
is now out of the question.