Fox Trap (2016) - full transcript

After a terrible accident leaves a young girl disabled, five years later, the group responsible are invited to a remote manor house in the countryside for a class reunion. Little do they know, they are being targeted by a masked maniac hell bent on revenge. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- Open the glove compartment.

- Where did you get that?

Isn't that Connie's?

- I figured she
didn't deserve it.

It belongs to a
real beauty queen.

- Wait.

What about Connie?

- I finished it
with her for you.

- I really like you Niall.

- What was that?

- What?

- I thought I, I thought
I heard something.

- Who is that?

- What the hell is this?

Who is that?


Come on stop this.

Let me see.

What the fuck did you do?

- If you help her
this is on you.

- What?

- Leave her.

Come on let's go.

- Connie we can't just
leave her on the floor.

- Go.

I'll deal with this.


- She's alive!

- Jamie.

I burnt them again.

- How can you be so bad at it?

- I don't know.

- Give it here.

Alright I'll teach you okay?

- Okay

- Marshmallow on a stick.

Hold it there.

- I'm watching.

- Then you get it out
and there we have it.

The perfect marshmallow.

- You look so good eating those.

- Thanks, piss off.

- I am freezing.

- Well go and turn the heat on

- I can't, parents
don't know I'm here.

- You said they were
gone for a few weeks.

- Yes, but they didn't give
me permission to come here

on my own, especially
after last time

and especially not with you.

- Yeah they're never
gonna forgive me for that.

- They'll get over it.

I'm their little girl remember.

You gonna thank me
for dinner or what?

- It was alright.

- I'm serious that took
me all fucking night.

- It was good.

- You are gonna
thank me properly.

- What if he's there?

What if it's them?

- Well if it was them
they wouldn't have to ring

the doorbell would
they you idiot?

- Who do you reckon it is?

- I don't know.


- Who was it?

- I don't know.

But they left this.

- Okay, so someone just
dropped this off then.

- There's not another
house in four miles.

I highly doubt someone
just dropped it off.

- You got a secret admirer.

- That I can actually believe.

- Yeah cause it's you.

- Of course it's me

- May I?

- Yeah

- That's you.

- Fuck off it's nothing like me

- That's you

- Well then this is you.

- Weston Prep.

- Isn't that our year book?

- Yeah, so why would
anyone send us this?

- I hated her.

- Yeah.

- Aww, look at Niall.

- Look look hands off their
picture, get off get off!

Year eight.

The hair

- That was cool at the time

- It was not cool,
it was never cool.

- Three other people had it.

- Okay the three other
people, who were the three?

- Um.

- Hmmmm, exactly.

There were no three,
it was just you.

- No, no, no, we should
go to the police now.

- No no one knows it was you.

- What?

- Nothing.

- There must be something,
you just went dead cold on me.

- I'm just thinking about her.

- I thought we weren't
gonna talk about it anymore.

- I know Jamie but sometimes
I do think of Frankie.

- Just stop now,
just listen right.

If she didn't go away for
it then you would have.

- No one deserved that.

And then poor Lorraine.

- Just stop!


Lorraine, I just don't
have time for it.

She didn't die from it.

She's disabled but she
didn't die from it.

I'm sorry

- Fuck Jamie.

- Good way to kill the mood.

- Yeah, I'm gonna get a drink.

- Get me one?

- No.

Jamie, I'm creeped out,
I think someone's here.

Okay, stop fucking
around now Jamie.

Jamie, Jamie look
at me, look at me.

Jamie please look at me.

What the fuck?

Don't touch it, don't touch it!


Let's get out of here,
come on, come on.

I need you to run, come on.

- Stop, stop, stop!

- You're okay.

- I'm not I'm,
bleeding, I'm bleeding.

- I promise you,
Jamie you're okay.

Jamie we need to
go please, please.

- I can't, I can't!



- No, no, no.

Please no!


Please no.

Please no!

- Right before you
say it, I'm sorry.

I know I'm late but I just
didn't wanna forget anything.

- Hey hey hey it's fine,
calm down and kiss me.

See, it's a much better
way to start this wonderful

and weird journey.

- About that.

- What?


No, are you second
thinking going?

Frankie look we've
been through this.

It's worth going and
seeing them again.

- Yeah, seeing them again.


I don't know.

What If I can't go
through with it?

What if I get there, I freak
out and I want to turn around?

- Well then we turn
around and we come back.

Look Frankie, those girls had
you put away for two years

of your life for a crime
that you didn't even commit

and they owe you.

- Owe me what?

- They owe you at
least an apology.

So you can get over this
and move on with your life.

- Dear Frankie, you are invited
to a private celebration

of close friends from the past.

We can't wait to
see you once again.

Yours truly, Emma.

I don't know.

I'm just scared you know?

- Yeah but you don't
have to be alright.

I won't let anything
bad happen to you, okay?

You ready?

- I guess.

- Good.

It's a long drive ahead of us.

- This place really
is something.

- It is indeed.


- In here.


It's me Dina.

It's been so long.

Now this is my boyfriend Ray.

Ray this is Frankie, she's
an old school friend.

Hold on.

Who is this handsome fella?

- I'm Josh, her boyfriend.

- Good going Frankie.

Another drink anyone?

- Oh yeah I'll have
whatever is going.

- Yeah wine would be great.

- When we arrived we
couldn't believe Emma

actually lived here.

- She's not the best
host is she really?

Leaving the guests to
attend to themselves.

- Here's yours.

I would have done the
whole hello blah blah blah

but we all know you hate
us so why not cut the crap?

- So, is anyone else
here or are we the first?

- Niall's here.

- Is he still dating Connie?

- God no they broke up
before college started.

- Well I wouldn't know,
I didn't get to go.

- Knew it.

Told you she hates us.

- Ignore Ali, shes been
drinking since we got here.

Frankie hey, how are you doing?

- Yeah good thanks, yourself?

- Yeah, things have
seen me well luckily.

Glad you're doing well though.

You deserve it.

Niall, nice to meet you.

- So, how long's it been huh?

Since we were all
together like this?

Must be what, like eight
years or something?

Well how about we toast.

Nice place huh?

Ray stop it

- Why?

- Wait.

Did you hear that?

- What?

It was probably nothing.

- You don't know my friends.

- Dina can we stop all this?

- What?

- We're not at school.

If they wanna play
around let them.

- You really don't
like my friends do you?

- Well it's all a bit
childish isn't it?

Silly little girls playing
silly little games.

- Well you didn't have to come.

Ray let's just go downstairs
and see if something is there.

If nothing's there,
nothing's there.

No harm done right.

Come on.

- What's up?

- Frankie!

- Anna, nice to see you.

- Come here.

- Josh, Frankie's boyfriend.

- Anna, you too.

- Nice to meet you.

- So I am gonna get some wood
for the fire place otherwise

it's not gonna last
the night so yeah,

I'll give you girls
some alone time.

- Ah damn, Emma?

Emma are you down there?

- It could be mice?


It could be?

It's an old place?

It could very well be mice?

- You know I hate mice.

- Come on.

- Didn't know you
had a boyfriend?

- There's a lot you don't know.

We met while I was
away, we connected

and he's always
been there for me.

You know the others are
inside, you should go say hi.

- Yeah, no I will.

Driving for all those hours
made me fell kinda sick

so the fresh air is good.

- Yeah the drive was long right?

- Yeah so long!

It's good to see you Frankie.

Like I mean it.

I was kind of worried you
weren't gonna turn up.

Is she here?


- No, I haven't
seen her as of yet.

- So tattoo parlor,
what's that like?

- Yeah its really
great actually,

it's going really well.

- Ali, looking exactly
how I remember you last.

- Connie.

You made it.

- I wouldn't miss it.

- Um, do you want the usual?

- Sure.

- Very pretty.

- You seen anyone else?

- No, I mean it wasn't exactly
the first thing on my to-do

list after I got
released you know?

- Yeah I do.

- What about you?

- Um, yeah, no, I saw
Emma last year working in

a perfume counter, the
others, not so much.

I heard Connie's a lawyer now?

- Connie is nothing but a fraud.

She packed in the
lawyer career after just

a year of studying.

She gave up and went back to
live with her mum in Australia.

That's the only
reason Niall's here.

Desperate much.

Anna you look better.

- Thanks.

It's good to see you too Dina.

- She's here.


You coming in?

- You're gonna need
more than that to break

the ice in this room.

- Connie.

It's been a while.

- Well it wouldn't have been,
had you returned my calls.

So Dina, who's this?

- This is my boyfriend, Ray.

- Nice to meet you.

- Well you sure know
how to pick them, huh?

Is he loaded?

He's loaded isn't he?

And some things never change?

Look at you two
back together again,

who would have thought?

- Connie.

- Frankie, how's things?

- Yeah, they're good, Connie

- Hey guys come check this out.

- We've all got one.

- What are these?

- Presents.

- Emma, you shouldn't have.

- Open it.

- Haha Emma very funny.

You can come out now.

- I don't think Emma would
do something like this.

- Oh you've got a note.

- Dear Frankie,
welcome to our reunion!

Pick a room and get ready,
but don't be late for dinner.

It will be served at eight PM.

PS, it's invitation only.


- Jess has a box.

- Jess is invited too?

This really is a reunion.

- Where's Jess' doll?

- Hi I'm Jess.

This is Emma's house right?

- I mean this is obviously
some dumb game being

played by the girls.

They're messing with us.

- Someone's here.

- Who's car is that?

- Game over girls.

Come on let's go see
what she's playing at.

- Excuse me.

- Hello?

Is anyone there?

- Connie don't go out there
we don't know who it is.

- You guys are such pussies.

- Do you see anyone?

- No.

No one's here.

- Is the engine on?

- Yeah.

- That's weird.

- They're down there.

I know they are.

- Huh?

- Babe?

Do you hear that?

There's something in the walls.

- Forget about these noises.

Come here.

- Hold it.

We've got all night.


- Yep.

- What?

It said formal wear.

- Yeah it said formal
wear as in formal,

not like you're being knighted.

- Alright.

I'll forget about
the fucking tie then.

- Hey what the fuck is
with the attitude Ray?

- The attitude is a
reaction to the way

your friends talk to me.

It's a result of
your friends being

patronizing little shits.

- Okay where the fuck
did that come from?

- I don't know, what
Connie said earlier.

- What did Connie say earlier?

- You were there.

That you're only with
me because I'm wealthy.

- Of course Connie said that.

She's a bitch.

And she's got no man of her
own and shes just jealous.

- Well your friends
just aren't nice people.

And I don't know why you
give them the time of day.

- Just calm down.

I hear you.

And that was a shitty thing for
Connie to have said earlier.


- Is there any truth in it?

- Of course not Ray.

That's an incredibly
insulting thing to say.


Come here.

- Josh do me up.

- You look stunning.

- Josh.

I'm scared.

- Of what?

Hey Hey hey, of what?

- The anger I felt earlier

- There's nothing
abnormal about that.

Obviously you're gonna be angry,

they let you take the fall for
something that you didn't do.

- No but it wasn't just anger
though, it was like hatred.

- Oh, looks like I
have a mystery admirer.

She doesn't even look like me.

So you like watching do you?

Well get a load of this.

I don't have time for
catch me, rape me.

- What are you doing?

- Nothing.

I was just gonna
go have a shower.

- Niall I know it's you.

- Oh looks like you're
sitting next to me.

- Where am I sitting?

- Oh looks like you
weren't invited Joshy boy.

Ditto to you my friend.

- What?

- There are no places set
for the uninvited guests.

- Yet Emma and Jess have places.

- Yeah where exactly are they?

- Yeah come on ladies
you can come out now.

Joke's over.

- Pointless, I mean if
they've gone this far

there must be some grand finale.

Let's wait it out.

See what they've got planned.

- Ray just take Ali's seat,

its not like she's
turning up anyway.

- Why's she not turning up?

- She said something earlier
about maybe going home

and haven't seen her
since so take her seat

and if she does turn up
she can find a spare.

- Hey what's inside that?

- What the hell is Bluff?

- Oh I used to play
that when I was little.

So you open up a question and
you can either tell the truth

or you can bluff the answer

so make everyone
believe your lie.

- I guess that's tonight's
entertainment then?

- Sweet.

Pass it here, I mean
it could be fun right.

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Who wants to go first?

No one.



Let's do this.

Okay, I think this
is slightly different

to how you used to play Anna.

- Wait the question
cards are handmade?

- Yes Emma and Jess got a bit
creative over the weekend.

Anyway Dina.

Is it true,

is it true that you set up

the prank on Lorraine Mayfield?

- You crafty bitch.

- Excuse me?

- If you wanted answers you
should have just asked me.

- I don't know what
you're talking about.

- You know I thought
this was a weird set up.

We all get invited
here for a reunion,

what eight years after
you were put away?

Like what the fuck?

Nice going Frankie.

No Josh no, keep them out.

You want this.

Let's play by your rules.

- I didn't do this Connie.

- Dina, go, answer.

Did you set up the prank?

- Anna did.

- What?

- Don't lie Anna.

It was your idea to play
the prank on Lorraine.

- No it wasn't, don't lie,
it was you and Connie.

- No Anna it was you.

You said it when you were drunk

and then we just got carried
away and went through with it.

- She's right Anna.

It was you.

- Funny that because you
didn't seem to remember

any of it when the
police called you.

- You had a choice Frankie.

We all had a choice that night.

You chose to go down
there and help her.

Had you stayed with us
and stuck to the plan,

we would have all
gotten away with it.

- I was doing the right thing.

She could have died.

- Doing the right thing
ultimately got you sent

away for all those years.

Next question?

- What was the
real reason behind

the prank on Lorraine Mayfield?

- Seriously?

Okay fine.

She was a retard,
she was a nerd.

She was uncool.

- That's not the real reason.

- I can't back you
up there Connie.

- Well what was the real reason?

- It was after one
of the house parties.

I was drunk and I
knew she liked me.

I'd had a few and wasn't
thinking straight.

I had lost Connie
somewhere so I decided

to go home on my own.

And on my way back, I ran
into Lorraine at the bus stop.

She just had some
fight with her step-dad

and was talking about
leaving town for good.

We got talking and
what can I say?

- What did you do to her?

- What the fuck Anna?

What did I do to her?

She told me she liked me.

She said she was cold so I
said we can get in my car

and if anything she
took advantage of me!

The fucking state I
was in and everything!

How was I meant to
know Connie was gonna

come chasing after
me that night?

- I came to your place
that night because

I was worried about you.

I didn't think I'd get back
there and find you and that spaz

getting it on in the car!

- Wait so there was a reason
for this prank the whole time?

- Other than her being
a complete reject,

I suppose the deeper reason
would be that she fucked my

boyfriend and the next
day at school neither

of them knew I'd seen them.

And then Anna came
up with the idea

to play the prank
on Lorraine at prom.

- I didn't know any of this.

We were just talking
about pranks,

something to make
our prom memorable.

- Well it sure was memorable.

You stabbed your best friend
in the back that night.

You turned on her
like the rest of us.

We all had a choice that
night and Anna you did that

So what kind of a person
does that make you?

- You're right.

And I will never, ever be
able to express how sorry

I am for what I did to you.

What we all did.

I wasn't thinking.

I was so young and so stupid.

And I just jumped to the first
chance in that situation.

Please believe me when
I say I have regretted

it every single day.

- I believe you.

- This is so pathetic.

- Fuck you Connie!

There's no way they would have
put all of us away for that

but because of you
they didn't see it for

the accident that it was.

They saw it as a single
individual making

an attack on a bullied girl.

She's alive!

- If you help her
this is on you.

- We can't just leave her!

- Leave her.

- Come on let's go.

- Connie she needs help!

- No, no, no, she
needs our help come on!

- No I cant!


- Lorraine?

- What have you done?

Get away from her!

- Frankie pushed her!

- Not a single one
of you backed me up.

Oh my god, do you not
understand what we actually did?

Lorraine fell in such a way
that she broke several bones

in her back causing her to be
paralyzed from the waist down.

We disabled a girl over some
stupid prank gone wrong.

A prank that you
pushed on to all

of us for some kind of
sick and stupid revenge.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I know what happened Frankie,
you don't have to spell

it out for me, but
let me remind you

that Lorraine disabled herself.

- Oh my god.

- She's the one who ran.

- You know what, screw this.

Fucking knew you
wouldn't have changed.

This whole thing has been
a complete waste of time.

- Hey, hey, hey, it's
okay its okay, look at me.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.


Shall we?


You wait here, I'll go inside
and get our stuff alright.

Okay, back in a minute.

- Don't look at me like that.

- You have absolutely no
shame for what we did do you?

Not only did we ruin
Lorraine's life,

we ruined Frankie's as well.

Time to grow up now Connie.

- Please stay.

Look the real reason I came
here tonight was to see you.

Look I realize how much
I fucked up that night

And I would do anything to
get our friendship back.

Come on.

- What's Jess' car still
doing out by the gate?

- Do you think it really is
Emma and Jess or do you think

that Lorraine girl has got
something to do with this?

- I don't think Lorraine
Mayfield is capable

of something like this.

Although she would have a damn
good reason to mess with us.

- Well if I was Emma,
I'd avoid showing my face

after everything
that's kicked off.

- Yeah, tonight hasn't
exactly gone to plan.

- My mum died recently.

She had MS.

- Anna, I'm so sorry.

- Seeing her fade away, it
made me think about Lorraine.

And what we did to her.

We took so much
away from Lorraine.

We took away her future.

And I couldn't live with myself.

And that's why I
came to see you.

And when you rejected
my visit I understood.

I understood because
you were my best friend

and I let you take the fall.

- What the hell is that?

- What the hell is this?

- Oh my god these are our dolls.

Come on let's go.

Let's go!

- That crazy bitch is
really here isn't she?

She's out to get us.

- What's going on out there?

- Lorraine's here.

It has to be her.

- Oh no you don't.

- Wait, where are you going?

- To see who's fucking with us!

- Do you really think
we should go in there?

- Stop being a pussy, Niall.

- Who is it?

- It's no one.

Who ever it is, they're gone.

- Belongs to a
real beauty queen.

- This is the crown you
gave Lorraine that night.

- Whoa, easy tiger.

- Anything?

- I have Jess' key, so
if she wants it back

she'll have to
come in and get it.

- No one was there?

- No, nothing.

- This was however
left on the seat.

Look if this is Lorraine, Emma,
or Jess, I no longer care.

I'm going to bed.

I'll be leaving first
thing in the morning.

- You going downstairs?

- No, why?

- Don't you want to go
and talk to your mates?

- No I wasn't planning on it.

- Alright, just fancied a beer.

- Go get it yourself.

No, I'm done playing
games so screw them.

We're leaving first
thing in the morning.

- Hey.

- Hey.

God I can't get any signal.

- You can't sleep?

Listen, I know you
try to put on a front

in front of all the
others, trying to pretend

you don't care, and
everything is fine.

But don't forget
that I know you.

And I know this is all bullshit.

- I don't know what to do.

- You're better than this.

- I was thinking that
when we leave here,

do you wanna meet up?

I know that I've got
a lot to make up for

and I know that you might
never be able to forgive me.

- Yeah, I'd like that.

- Ray?

Oh my god.


- What's that?

- Help me, help me!

Open the fucking door!

Somebody help me please!

Help me, help me guys, help me!

Anna please.

Somebody's in there, somebody
killed him, he's dead.

- What do you mean there's
someone in the room?


Whoa whats going on?

- He's killed him,
he's dead, he's dead.

- What are you talking about?

Ssssh, ssssh.

- He's dead, he's killed him.

- Dina!

Dina, what happened?

Dina where is he, where is he?

- He's in there, he's in there!

- Dina he's not
there, what happened?

- Where is Ray?

- Dina tell me what happened!

- Calm down.

- He's, he was right there.

- He's not there!


- Oh my god, Josh.

- Frankie, stop, Frankie!

- He was right there.

- Fuck!

- It's Lorraine, she's here.

- What?


- You saw her face?

- She wore that mask.

That mask we wore that night.

It's her.

- Lorraine can't
walk, it can't be her.

- We don't know
what state she's in.

None of us have
seen her for years.

Look she could be fine and
walking free for all we know.

- Does no one have
any fucking signal?

We need to call the
police or something!

- There is no signal!

There's no signal here.

- We need to get the fuck out
of here now, come on let's go!

- What?


We need to stay in here!

We need to wait it out in here!

We don't know what's going
on out there or who this is!

We need to stick
together and find out who

the fuck this is together!

- This isn't someone,
this is fucking her,

this is Lorraine I know it is!

- I agree with Connie!

We need to stay together,
we're stronger in a group.

We need to stay together.

- No you lot are fucking crazy,

we need to get out of here now.

Come on let's go!

- Come on!

- No, no, no!

- Come on, come on.

- Frankie, Frankie.

Listen, we're gonna get
this son of a bitch okay?

Come on.

- Keys keys keys.

Okay right we're gonna find
the nearest house or petrol

station and were gonna
get the police sent

here as soon as possible.

- No we can't Niall.

- Listen Frankie
we'll gonna be fine.


- This is fucking
crazy going outside.

- Please come with
me, I can't leave you.

- Please stay with
me, please, please.

- Okay just stay together okay.

Barricade yourselves
in the house until

we come back with help.

Niall, come on!

- Be safe.

- We'll come back with help.

- Fuck.

Move, get out the fucking way.

- What are you doing?

- What the fuck?

- Open the door.

Open the door.

- It's not working.

- What?

- Come on, come on, come on!

- I'm trying!

- Okay drive.

- Fuck!

- What?

- I need you to get
out and push the car.

- You've got to be
fucking kidding me?

- For fucks sake!

Get round here.

- I think we should
have gone with them.

- I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.

- Go!

Go Dina!



- It's fucking stuck!

- Do the fucking handbrake!

- Fuck I can't see
shit from here!

Can you?

Fucking hell!

- Okay now start it up!

- It's not working.

Niall it's not working.

- Keep trying!

Keep trying!

- Oh my god Niall!

- No!

- Open the door.

- Wait for her.

- She's done for, the
killer is out there,

we're in here, we're safe!

- What?

- Right, the killer has
her, now's our chance,

come on, let's go.

- What do you mean?

Go where?

- We head for the
fields, we keep running

until we get somewhere.

- I thought you weren't a
complete bitch after all.

- Don't go there with me!

- You're fucked up!

- Fuck you two!

- No we have to help her,
Connie we have to do something.

- No!

- No!

- Connie's right.

Dina's gone.

We've got to keep
ourselves safe now.

- Please no, no, no, please.

- Frankie?

Do you think it'd be
a good place to hide?

- More like, where does it lead?

Is that?

- What?

- It's Lorraine.

- Holy shit.




What's happened?

What's going on?

Lorraine what's going on?

Please tell us what's going on.



What is it?

- Nothing.

Why is she down here?

- What have you done?

Get away from her!

- I think Sandra Johnson
was Lorraine's mother.

- Our headmistress?

- Sandra Johnson.

Terrance Mayfield, father
to Lorraine Mayfield died

of natural causes in 1998.

Terrance's sister Sandra
took custody of Lorraine

in the absence of her father.

- So she was Lorraine's aunt?

- Sandra Johnson was
there that night.

The night of the prank.

- Call an ambulance now!

- Wait, you don't really think
Mrs. Johnson is behind this?

- Taking revenge for
what we did to Lorraine.

- Anna?

What is this?

- I think this is how we die.

I'm dead.

Sandra Johnson is
doing this for you.

- No, look I die here
just like everyone else.

She's doing this for her.

- Well we've already
broken the plan.

Connie and Niall, they
didn't die in the barn.

Connie survived and
I'm still alive.

We can do this.

- No, no, no!

Fucking hell!

Oh my god no, no!

- Is that Connie?

- Is that?

- Hide.


Anna, no, Anna!

Please don't kill me!

- Let go of her!

Let her go!

- Please I don't
wanna die, please!

- Anna are you okay?

- I'm fine.

- Open the door!

- I can't it's stuck!

Is there like a door or a window

or something you can get out of?

- Anna go, go and get help now!

- I'm gonna come back and try
and jam this door open okay?

Okay I'll be back.

I'm gonna get help,
I'm gonna help

What no, no.


No Dina please.

No please.

Please stop, stop.

I can make it okay.

Please, no stop, Dina, Dina.

Okay, okay





Come and help me!

Get it off!

Get if off me!

- I can't!

- Come on!

- It's too sharp, I can't do it!

Mrs. Johnson?

- What?

Wait, the headteacher?

What do you mean?

- Mrs. Johnson was
Lorraine's aunt.

Mrs. Johnson was
there that night,

the night of the prank.

Why are you doing this?

You don't need to do this.

She wouldn't have
wanted you to do this,

and killing us, killing us
isn't gonna make her walk again,

it's not gonna change the past.

You gonna look at me?

- Wait no we need
to get Frankie!

- Whatever let's go!

- Who the fuck are you?

- I'm the intelligent one,

I'm the one thinking through,

let's fucking go!

- Fuck you, I'm getting Frankie!

- Wait wait, where's Anna?

- She went to, fuck
the killer got her,

come on you have to come
with me, we have to go.

- What?

No, no, wait, wait, wait!


We can't leave when
there's nowhere to run!

- Frankie we have to go please!

- Anna's really dead?

- Yes, I guess so but please
Frankie we have to go.

- Wait, wait, wait, look.

Connie it's our only
chance come on, come on!

Please come with me!

Connie come on.

- What the fuck are
we doing out here?

- Connie we need to hide.

We need to hide.

Come on please, come on.

Connie please.

No let go!


Oh god he's alive.

He's alive Connie!

Josh, Josh please get up.

It's okay, okay, put
your arm over me.

Connie, Connie give it to me!

Please help him please.

- Frankie we're
running out of time.

We've gotta go.

Okay you ready?

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Connie?

- That bitch got me
good with that bottle.

- I've wanted to
do that for years.

- Think straight.

Behind you.

- Anna it's not what you think.

Okay yeah it is.

- Where the fuck have
you been all night?

I was supposed to go upstairs
and get our stuff while

you took care of
your side of things.

I've been on my own
all fucking night!

- I know but the fire
distraction didn't do anything.

- You were supposed
to take care of Connie

and Niall in the barn.

- Josh I've had this bitch
attached to me all night

like a fucking tick.

None of it went to plan
because they didn't stay

in the barn long enough.

Don't look at me like that.

- Are you fucking
with me Frankie?

- Meaning what?

- Meaning as of right
now, this all falls on me.

Hey literally if the police
fucking show up right now

this all fucking falls on me.

- So you really think
I set this all up?

My god we had a plan Josh
and the plan didn't work

so what was I supposed
to fucking do?

- While you've been running
around playing survivor girl

all night, I've actually been
finishing these fuckers off.

- I have blood on
my hands Frankie.


Anna has more blood on
her hands than you do

at this moment in time!

- Alright just calm down.

I'll finish the rest
of them off okay?

- You know she finished
Dina off right?

- Didn't you get
her in the barn?

- Well when Connie went
darting off into the woods

I had to go and deal with
that as well didn't I?

And I thought Dina was a goner?

Hey guess what Frankie?

It doesn't even matter
cause we're fucked.

We're fucked Frankie!

Anna went and killed Lorraine.

We're fucked!

- Wait Josh.

Josh come back, stop!

Listen to me for a second.

Had you just listened to me
before I would have explained

to you why I had been running
around like survivor girl

all night because
I got inspired.

I just say we pin
this all on Anna.

- How the fuck is
that gonna work?

We spent this whole time
making it look like Lorraine

and Mrs. Johnson had been hiding
out here for the past week,

waiting for people to arrive.

Anna was never part
of the fucking plan!

- Fucking shut up will you?

Just think about it
for a second okay?

Her finger prints are
all over the knife

used to kill Lorraine.

No okay so I don't know,
she snapped when her mother

died and the guilt of what
happened with Lorraine.

She was crazed and
obsessed with me,

would do anything
for me and this

was her way of making amends.

- You're sick.

- I'm sick?

Fuck you Anna.

You come to visit
me one fucking time

when I'm locked
away in that place.

And then you moan to me
about your mother dying,

about feeling all alone.

What because you
have no one now?

You need someone to
be there for you?

You lost your mum.

I lost my entire
fucking family because

of what happened to me.

I cant get a job, my
whole life changed,

so now so will yours.

- You're not gonna
get away with it.

You're not gonna get
away with any of it.

- Yeah we will.

We will, we will, okay because.

You see after you killed
all of our friends,

you confessed your
weird obsession with me.

I make a quick dash to the
police managing to call them.

But just before they
arrive I get one quick jab

to you with my knife and you
are left as the only survivors.

Come on Josh, come on.

She's already killed
Dina and Lorraine.

Okay we have Mrs. Johnson
here, we kill her as well

and we can make this
all out to be like it

was all Anna's idea of the
perfect bloody reunion.

We can do this
okay, we can do it.

Josh I need you.

I fucking need you.

Please, please.

- Yeah, yeah, okay, okay.

- Okay right, go and
get Mrs. Johnson okay,

bring her down here.

We blag something about
how Anna sees her as

the whole reason why this
accident got out of hand

in the first place okay.

- You were dead.

- I guess I just
cry really well.

Oh my god Josh.

- You even managed
to shed a tear.

- Let's just finish this.

- You're gonna fuck him over,
I can see what's going on.

If it doesn't land on
me, it lands on him.

- You really think I'd do
a thing like that to him?

- Yeah.

- Josh was the only one
who was ever there for me

and you know what?

It was his idea so if he
were to take the fall,

then I guess he had it coming.

I recognized Jamie's car.

He was the one that
ran over Lorraine.

I let Josh take care of Emma.

I wanted to watch.

Out of everyone, it was
her who had the best place

to host this event.

We knew we could make
the whole idea a reality

if we set it here.

Using her identity
to lure you all in.

- I am gonna get some
wood for the fireplace.

- Niall I know it's you.

- Josh do me up.

- Shall we?

Okay, you wait here and I'll
go inside and grab our stuff.

- And it fucking
worked didn't it?

It fucking worked Anna.

- Wait.

Do you hear that?

- It could very well be mice.

- They're down there.

- What have you done?

- Well go on then.

- No you've done nowhere
near as much as me tonight,

you do it.

- I can't have her blood on me.

- Just say you tried
to stop the blood,

it makes sense, do it!

- Frankie, please, no.

Frankie listen to me.

- Shut up!

- No, no!

- Frankie listen to me.

You don't need to do this.

- Call the police.


If you act anything
like you did before,

we're onto a winner.

- Josh, please,
please, please, please.

- Hello?

Police please!

Please I need help.

My name's Frankie Holingsway,
oh god she's killed them,

she's killed them
all, Anna Nathan.

You need to help us, there's
only two of us left please!

We're at 116 Tollgate Avenue.

Please hurry!

Okay I'd say we have
about 10 minutes.

Oh shit, Josh, Josh.


Where are you?

Come on, do it.

- What?

- Do it.

- I'm not gonna do it.

- Anna, please do it.

- I'm not gonna do it.

I can't do it.

- Do it Anna.

- I'm not gonna do it.

I can't do that.

- Anna I can't go back there.

I can't go back there.


I can't!

No, no, no, no.

- Frankie, no, no, Frankie.

Stop it, no, no, Frankie.

Frankie you don't
need to do that.

You don't need to do it Frankie.

- Anna why, why did
you do this to me?

- What have you done to her?

- Trust me.

- No no!

No No!

No no!

- Police!


Put down your weapons.

Put the knife down.

Put the knife on the ground now!

Put it down.

It's alright just stay calm.

An ambulance is on
it's way to help you.

Just bare with me alright?

It's gonna be fine
just stay with me.