Fox Hunt Drive (2020) - full transcript

Alison, a down-on-her-luck young professional, spends her evenings trying to make ends meet as a ride-share driver. Wrapping her shift, she decides to take on one last passenger - only to find herself in unexpected danger when she discovers the mysterious stranger is not what he appears to be. Alison is cajoled into taking the fare against her better judgement, and when she discovers blood-stained jewelry and a gun in his bag, she begins to fear that she may not make it out of this trip alive. Through a twisted turn of events, Alison turns to her enigmatic passenger for help. In over her head, she must get through the night covering her tracks, avoiding the police, and discovering who her inscrutable passenger truly is. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Where are you?

Chaos is the natural
state of things.

To have a plan,
to have a direction,

a blueprint, to strategize.

That is the foundation
of progress.

With careful
and thorough forethought,

there is no problem
that can't be overcome.

This is Alison Meyers.

I'm following up about
the job opening in

your design department.

No, I... I already
submitted a résumé.

No, I... I understand.

Thank you.

Rhythm, data, hierarchy.

Principles by which the chaos
of life can be organized.

This is Alison Meyers.

I'm just calling about
the job interview

that I had
at your firm last week.

I was wondering
if anyone's begun scheduling

follow-up interviews?

It's already been filled.

The axis.



To plan
is more than just preparation.

It is to conceive
of a desired outcome.

To define the shape
of one's future.

When a plan is fully realized,
there is no one and nothing

that can stand in your way.

This is my boss's car.

That's sweet.

- This is my boss's wife's car.
- Oh, my God.

Yeah, that's hell a tight, too.

This is my boss's cousin's car.

Oh... Oh, my Go...
Bro, I'm getting extremely hard

right now.

And that's how
we all got to know each other.

So, Tina,
she had this thing for Gabe.

Really good-looking guy,
hot musician, long hair.

The problem with Gabe,
though, is that he was busy

with literally every other
girl on campus.

Didn't even know Tina existed.

So, Gabe and my brother
are best friends.

Well, actually, they're cousins,

but that doesn't matter.

My brother
ends up falling for Tina.

The problem with Tina, though,
that I knew... my brother

had to find out the hard way...
Is that Tina is super high-mai.

- High-mai?
- High-maintenance.

Okay. So tell me
what you think about this.

...are not sure
how the dog got in there.

Police are still looking
for a suspect in the murder

of an Orlando woman late
last Thursday night.

Twenty-two-year-old Emily June
was fatally stabbed outside

of the Winter Park restaurant
where she worked

as a waitress.

Police have yet
to determine a motive.

Stock prices fell
for the second week in a row

as news of a labor shortage...

In one mile,

merge onto I-4 East.

You have arrived
at your destination.

Please look out for Neil.

Come on, Neil. Where are you?

Are you Neil?

That's right.

- You're Neil?
- Yes, I am.

That's not you.

If we could get moving,
there's somewhere I have to be

and I'd like to be there soon.

I'm here to pick up this guy.

No, that's Neil.
And you're here to pick me up.

You said you were Neil.

I know. Look, Neil's my friend.

Neil called this ride for me.
So, if we could go? Please.

I think I should talk to Neil.

Oh no, you don't need to.

I should call him real quick.

You don't need to call him.

I'm sure
he messaged you already.

Did he you message you?

Yo, it's Neil.
You know what to do

when you hear the bee...

Okay, look, there's no one else
on the street.

If the ride's not for me,
then who's it for?

So, if we could just get moving?

You'll hear from Neil,
I'm sure, sooner or later.

Thank you, by the way.

- For what?
- Oh, for deciding to take me.

I understand
you have rules to follow.

I'm not trying to cause trouble.

It's not a problem.

It's just that I have a feeling

this will be a long night.

And I'd rather things
went smoothly.

- Why do you say that?
- What?

Why do you say it's
going to be a long night?

I... it's nothing personal.

I just didn't want to have
to kick out another passenger.

You kicked someone out before?

One guy. He kept hitting on me.
So, I told him to get out.

- Where'd you leave him?
- I don't know. Wherever.

But he called the company
and I got in trouble.

I really can't afford
to lose this job, so...

Well, you have nothing
to fear from me.

So, where are we heading?

- You gonna hit the clubs?
- Nah.

I'm more
of a classical music guy.

Those songs drive me crazy.

Not much else to do
this time of night.

Oh, depends on
what you're looking for.

I mean, it's none of my
business, but... just curious.

When it gets this late,
it seems like everyone

is either heading home from the
bar or heading out to the bar.

Either that,
or I'm taking a stoner

to Taco Bell and they don't
even know what time it is.

Sounds troublesome.

In one mile turn right...

Yeah. But it's fine.
Nothing I can't handle.

Let me ask you something.

What's been the worst night
of your life?

What do you mean?

I hope it wasn't
because of a passenger.

No. It's never
gotten that bad.

Do you enjoy it?

- What? Being a driver?
- Yeah. Do you enjoy your job?

This isn't really my job.
I just do it to make money.

That's a fine distinction.

I mean, uh,
I'm really an architect.

That's what I actually do.

I've just had some... setbacks.

Let me guess.

A catastrophic
structural failure?

Hmm, no. More like
catastrophic personal failure.

The problem is there's
only so many firms

in the city and everyone
seems to know each other.

- So, if you screw up...
- In 500 feet, turn right.

...It kind of follows you.

But I'll...
You know, I can get back in.

I'm sure.
So, what do you do?

Oh. Um...
I work nights, like you.

- Oh, okay.
- Turn right.

I like the city at night.

- Yeah, not much traffic.
- Yeah, exactly.

In one mile,
merge onto Highway 50 West.

The streets start to empty out
I think around 2:00 a.m.

That's the best time.

There's so few people out.

I feel like I have the city
to myself, you know?

You can make great time.

Yeah, there are times
where you can go blocks

without seeing a single person.

I always
like it when that happens.

I like to pretend
that I'm all alone.

You can imagine the whole
world is just... quiet.

- And empty.
- That's, uh... peaceful.

It sounds peaceful.

Hey. Yeah, I am.

Do you have what I want?
Yeah, I have it.

It'll be inside a black bag.

Don't ask me where I got it.

It's really better
if you don't know.

No. I'll be coming alone.
I have a ride.

No, she is, but she'll be
gone by the time I get there.

You'll never even see her.

I wouldn't worry about it.

So, was that your friend?

- Who?
- Neil.

Oh, um, no.

Yeah, I hate to bring this up,
but do you think

it'd be possible to pull over?

What do you mean?

I'm sorry, but, uh,

I think
there's a rest stop up ahead.

If we could just stop
for a moment.

- You got to go?
- Sorry.

You know,
it really won't take long

to get to your destination.

No, no, I know but I just...

Honestly, we're almost there.

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to insist.

- Okay. It's your time.
- Thank you.

Uh, it's right up here.

It'll just be a minute.

There's a vending machine
out here, too, if you like.

- Thanks. I'm good.
- Are you sure?

I think I'll just stay here.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.
What's wrong?

- You startled me.
- I'm not that scary, am I?

Sorry for taking so long.

Hey. I brought you something.

Help yourself.

I already opened it for you.

Cool. Thanks.

Don't you like cola?

I think I'll save it for later.

When I need the caffeine.

Of course.

If you're here to rob
the place, you're too late.

We've already made
our cash draw for the day.

Not here to rob you.

What can I do for you, officer?

Looking for a pair of earrings.

Something for the little lady?

I'm guessing
that's not your girl.

Emily Jane. A week ago,
she was stabbed eight times

in the parking
lot of a restaurant downtown.

Oh, shit.

What's it got to do with me?

This picture was taken
earlier that day.

You see these earrings?

She didn't have them when
she arrived at the hospital.

We're guessing whoever
stabbed her still has them.

You want to know if someone
try to unload them here?

Nice pair. Earrings, I mean.
But no, I haven't seen them.

Well, if anything comes in...
call me.

So, what, you're gonna
hit every pawn shop in town?

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You seem a little stressed out.

Maybe we should just
listen to some music.

Excuse me. Can we turn
the music off, please?

- What was that?
- I said, I prefer to have

the music off, please.

You don't like it?

No. In fact,
I... I really can't stand it.

So, I'm going to have to insist.

Sorry about that.

Might have had it a little loud.

It's not your fault.

I just can't stand
amelodic rhythms.

It's probably
something neurological.

They nauseate me. And I'm...
I'm not speaking figuratively.

I... I feel an actual
physical sense of nausea

when I hear certain songs.

It's almost like a...
feeling of vertigo.

Louder and more dissonant
the song is, the worse it gets.

Have you ever heard
of "The Rite of Spring"?


Igor Stravinsky
in the early 1900s composed

a piece of music
so intense and disturbing

that, uh, supposedly people
in the audience began to riot.

The first people to hear it
were, uh, almost driven mad.

I haven't heard of it.

It's actually become
popular over the years.

But, you know,
that tends to happen.

People begin to tolerate
a certain degree of madness.

- Do you smell that?
- What?

Something's burning.
I smell smoke.

Yeah, you're right.

I'm going to
pull over for a second.

I'm going to take a look.

This will only take a second.

Hey, it's me.

I just feel like something
really bad is going to happen.

- Everything all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

The engine
just overheats sometimes.

Oh, well, I'm sure it's had
a chance to cool off by now.

We should probably get going.


Who were you on the phone with?

The phone?

Were you calling for help?

You know, with the engine?

- I wasn't calling anybody.
- I heard you talking.

Neil. Your friend.
He finally called me back.

Neil? Neil called you back?

Well, then, I told you.

You have nothing to worry about.

Sorry for the delay.

Yeah, it's fine.
As long as we get going now.

You know, you should
probably have someone

take a look at that.
Your engine, I mean.

- If it keeps overheating.
- I know. I've been meaning to.

You know,
it puts real wear and tear

on your car
driving it like this.

And it's not like the app
covers any of the costs.

I suppose
that's an extra expense,

but for someone in your line
of work, it's a necessity.

Your car's your livelihood,
after all.

Five years of college,
two years of interning,

an apprenticeship
and my car is my livelihood.

In one mile,
turn left at Fox Hunt Drive.

You know,
I hadn't noticed it before,

but, um, that's a very nice
bracelet you have on.


Can I ask you where you got it?

It was a gift from
an old boyfriend, actually.

He gave it to me the first
weekend we went out of town.

We weren't able to see
each other much because of work

and... other stuff, so
it was a really important trip.

We went to Ybor City and stayed
in this beautiful old hotel.

And at night,
we had the most amazing dinner.

Finger steak
with white truffle pasta.

After afterward, we went
for a walk on the beach.

Just us and the waves.

And then he stopped and pulled
the bracelet out of his coat.

It had been there all night.

And as he slipped
it on my wrist, he said,

"I want you to know something.

"No matter what happens.
I will always love you."




Did you see that?

I think you ran a red light.

But did you see it?

Do you think it was a dog?

Yes. Now, let's go.

You shouldn't do that.

Wait by the car.

Lady... Lady... Ladybug.

He's dead.

Oh, my God. Oh.

Oh, my God. Oh, my...

Sorry, Raymond.

911, what's your emergency?

I need to report an accident.

We're on Fox Hunt
at Land Craft Avenue.


It's awful.
He's just laying there.

- What?
- I wouldn't do that.

- Call the cops? I have to.
- We should go.

We can't. There's
a dead body in the street.

I have to explain what happened.

I mean, I could lose my license.

I could go to jail.
I... I'll lose everything.


But what do we say?
Uh, you talk to them.

Tell them it was an accident.

If you vouch for me, If...
If I have someone on my side...

- No. No.
- What?

I will not speak to the police
under any circumstances.

But what will I do?

If you call the police,

they'll arrest
you for manslaughter.

Intentional or not,
that's a crime you committed.

And you'll lose everything,
just like you said.


- What's your name?
- Alison.

- What's your last name?
- Meyers.

Alison Meyers,
do you want my help?

Will you follow
the instructions exactly

and do everything I say,
just as I describe it?

- Yes.
- Are you sure?

- I have somewhere to be.
- Wait!

Help me.

Hold on. He's missing a shoe.

- We can't just...
- Alison.

There's a body in your trunk.
We need to go.

Dispatch to Detective Hartford.

Respond to Fox Hunt
and Land Croft

for a possible signal four.

911 call was disconnected.

10-4, dispatch. Is there
not a patrol car available?

I'm trying to run
down leads on a case.

Negative, Detective Hartford.

to Fox Hunt and Land Croft.

to Fox Hunt and Land Croft.


Why are we taking it...
Him with us?

If we left him there,

there would be
a murder to investigate.

And they'd come looking for you.

But it's almost impossible
to prosecute someone

when there isn't a body.

It'll be like he...
He just vanished.

Where are we going?

we're going to my destination.

Once we're done there,

I'll take you
where you need to go.

And where is that?

Someplace you can put a dead
body where no one will find it.

Take a right up here.

Have you done this before?

Have I done what before?

You know. This sort of stuff.

- Hit and runs?
- Moving bodies.

Just before the accident,

you tried to take something
from me.

I had to grab your arm
to stop you.

I know.

What were you going
to do with that gun?

What did you think
I was gonna do?

I don't know.
I was... scared.

Scared of what?

I looked in your bag.

When we pulled over at
the rest stop, I looked inside.

You shouldn't have done that.

What is all that stuff?
Jewelry and gold watches.

I saw you take
the ring off that guy's finger.

He doesn't need it.

Is that how you got
all that stuff?

- What do you mean?
- You stole it?

You stole
each piece off of somebody.


I saw blood.
On a watch.

Did you...

What happened to those people?

You said that if I helped you,

you'd follow my instructions,

that you'd do as I say.

- Yes.
- Be quiet.

I understand
you'd rather not be here.

But I won't be long.

I'd like to get
this over with quickly.

What do you want me to do?

Absolutely nothing.



Yeah, sure.
We're still down.

- Excuse me.
- I'll call you back.

Hey, pretty woman.

You here to buy
or you here to party?

I'm looking for someone.

Party's in the living room.

I think Low Boy's in
the back are doing some

transactional shit.

I gotta hit the head.

Hopefully you'll stick around.

Do I know you?

- Neil?
- Alison!

I booked a ride.
What took so long?

My fault. Sorry.

- Car trouble.
- Check it out.

I got my girl Bridget here.

And over there on the couch
is Bowser, tripping off the VR.

You want to try it out?

Take a hit at.

Strap on the VR and zhoom!

Down the tunnel
to a whole another universe.

Man, it's wild, for real.

I'm sure it's great,

but I'm looking for your friend.

Oh, yeah. I think he's
in the back with Low Boy.

Hey, look out for Kathy.

Who the fuck are you?

Um, I'm Alison.

I drive a Backseat.
I'm here to pick someone up.

Do you usually come inside when
you pick them up with your car?

Well, you see,
I dropped him off here,

and now I have to take him
somewhere else, so, uh...

Alison, right?
Let me show you something.

Come on. This way.

Come on.

If you don't mind,
I think I'm gonna go back

and wait in the car.

Ladies first.

So, you're one of them
ride share drivers, yeah?

How do you like it?
Being a driver, I mean.

You meet some
interesting people.

Have a seat.

Let's set the mood.

Well, you're a good girl, right?

I mean, you're not gonna
cause no problems to nobody.

I'm sorry for going
in your bedroom.

I promise, I was just
looking for my friend.

Well, I know one thing.

Ain't nobody
what they say they are.

I mean, take that
Cosby cocksucker.

Everybody thinking
he harmless and shit,

making jokes about
his sweater and pudding pops.

that motherfucker gone through

more roofies than
a UCF frat house.

On the other hand, take me.

Maybe you think
I'm some kind of dope dealer,

a pusher, a kingpin.

Well, now, see, that ain't me.

What I am is I'm a...
I'm a healer, a medicine man.

You know, I... I'm bringing
the community together.

You know?

No thanks.

What I want to know
is what are you all about,

little Miss Driver?

See, I got a girl
down at courthouse

says the cops are trying
to work up a case against me.

Get someone on the inside.

A couple days later, I catch
you snooping around my boudoir.

Real Scooby Doo-like.
What am I supposed to think?

You think I'm police?

I don't know
what the fuck you are.

And that is the fucking problem.

That is Kathy.
And Kathy does my shit.

And Kathy
makes problems disappear,

like unwanted guests.

Low Boy!

What's going on in there?

Who sent you? Was it Andrino?

Open up right now or I'm
taking my shit across town...

You try that,
you see what you get

from that cheap ass
motherfucker. Look at me.

I swear I'm not police.

You know, that is exactly
what a cop would say.

- I couldn't be a cop.
- Really?

And why is that?

Because... because...

Go get her, Kathy.

Because there's
a dead body in my trunk.


And why would
a good goody girl like you

have something
like that in her trunk?

I'm the one who killed him.

Psycho chicks are the best.

I'm going to go wait inside.

Yeah. Well, I... I was gonna
say you could do that. Yeah.

So you met Kathy?

Kathy, the crocodile.

I thought she was an alligator.

She got teeth
and she live in a swamp.

What the fuck
difference does it make?

I did a report on alligators
in middle school, respect.

So who's this
guy you've brought?

Oh, guys.

Guys, I see it.

I don't know.

I've just met him tonight.

You don't know him?

No. But if Neil says he's cool,
then he's cool.

Hey, Neil.

Your boy is cool, right?

Nah. He's an asshole.

So you can just
ditch this guy, right?

I mean, if you want to get
out of here, just say the word.

I know a few
places where we can go.

Yeah. I don't think so.

Hey, hold on man.

Three caps?

Yeah, I need at least four.

It took me
months to get all this.

I hear you, man,
but that is business.

Tell you what. Three caps
and you can have a hit

of whatever you like on my
table over there.

Thanks. I'll just stick
with the pills.

I suppose you're ready to go.

Do you think?

Well, let's go.

I still got to
get out to the Oaks.

You mean Lake Oakley?

What's out there?

Oh, shit.

Oh my god.

Move the table. Move the table.

What's she taking?
What's she on?

Uh, she took some E...
Uh, she took some E

- and she did a bump.
- Give me her purse.

She's epileptic
and you gave her coke?

I don't know.
What are you saying?

What the...
What does that even mean?

Low Boy, open my bag.
I need a bottle.

Oh, my God. Is she gonna die?




Oh, my God.


I thought you said
she was going to die.

She was. Let's go.

What happened?

What the hell was that?

They're an interesting crowd.

I mean, what was
that with the girl?

What did you put in her mouth?

Hey, hey, wait, man.



You earned that.

Got one less dead
chick at my house because you.


But you.

Sweetheart, you better get that
car washed before someone

think you really did kill


Salutations, motherfuckers.



Yeah. Dispatch said
you needed something.

Yes, sir.

I put a call in for a
team of crime scene techs.

Yeah, well, what do you got?

Potential hit and run.

I got a long streak
of blood running down

the middle of the road here.

Looks like the victim made it
to the side of the road.

Well, what's the
condition of the victim?

Well, the victim isn't here.


So you found
blood in the street?

Yes, sir.

You know, Hartford, people
hit animals all the time.

A dead dog does not
warrant a police investigation.

Well, there's an
awful lot of blood here, sir.

Well, maybe it was
a great frickin Dane.

Now, look,

I know you're trying to
make your bones here, okay?

But this is not
the way you do it.

You find a body in the street,
call that in.

You find blood in the street,

it's a job for sanitation.

Yes. Sorry, sir. Understood.

So what's with the gun anyway?

I don't really trust those guys.

I can't sleep.

I haven't slept in days.

I've been working
24-hour shifts,

trying to keep busy but...

I live the days in a trance.

I've tried a lot of stuff,

but the only thing that works
for it is Diazepam.

My insurance won't cover it but
I need it so...

That's what the pills are.


Yeah. Valium?

It can also treat a
seizure in an emergency.

So I guess I was lucky.

And what are those?

Rescue tools.

I use them to cut
people out of seat belt.

Can also cut through clothing,
trim bandages.

They got a lot of uses.

You're an EMT.

I'm a paramedic.

So what you were saying before,
all the jewelry and stuff.

Did you really take
those off of dead bodies?

Sometimes they're
dead when we get there.

Sometimes it's on
the way to the hospital.

I mean, most calls we
get here are just minor stuff.

A bar fight.

Most times we just patch
them up but not always.

What happens?

Well, it could be anything.

Last call we got
was for this girl,

probably in her twenties,
early thirties.

Working a late shift
at a restaurant downtown.

Somebody accosted her
right in the parking lot.

Never found out who or why.

Guy was gone when we get there.

But, uh, she's been stabbed,
eight times.

puncture of the right lung.

Her ventricular
had already been perforated.

And we can't stop the bleeding.

And I'm with her when she dies.

And I'm usually
the one who's there.

Was she the one with the watch?

The one I found
with the blood on it?

She had a watch,
necklace, pair of earrings.

Yeah. I removed them all
before we got to the hospital.

Do you ever regret it?

When you take that stuff.

Should I?

Well, most people when they see
someone die, they get upset.

Makes them sad, you know?

Unless you're a psychopath.

If I got upset every time
I saw someone die

I wouldn't be able to do my job.

I found that out pretty quick.

So it used to bother you?

I suppose.

Yeah. It did.

Back when I started.

And then what happened?

Uh, I learned how to do the job.

You just got to step outside
of yourself for a little while.

You just kind of switch the
flip the part of yourself

you to turn off to do this
kind of work.

When you're back home,
when you're off duty,

you can cry if you have to.

You can grieve.

One day I got to work
and flip that switch

and I just left it off.

It seemed to make things easier.


Are you going to live the
rest of your life that way?

Yeah, I don't
know what that makes me.

Maybe I am a psychopath.


A psychopath is someone
who pretends to feel things

even when they don't.

You're talking about someone
who pretends

not to feel things,
even when they do.

Did you ever think
that that might be the reason?

The reason for what?

The reason you
can't sleep at night.

And 20 on pump five, please.

Your total's 43.72.

It's a chip.

You've got to
use the chip reader.


Hey, lady.

You forgot something.

Oh, thanks.

So, what are you
doing with all this stuff?

Bleach and garbage bags.


Do you hear that?

It's my phone.

Are you going to answer it?

Hey, can you
come here for a minute?



How do you get to Highway 50
from here?

Well, if you're headed east,
you just follow the road

that way a few more blocks

until you hit the second light.

Hey, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Looks like I missed it.

Well, okay, then.


That was a mistake.

I should have never let anyone
get that close to the car.

Sort of makes you wonder,
though, you know.

Who's calling this person?

Not really.

I don't want to think about it.

Well, it's not a good sign,

What do you mean?

Well, they're getting
calls at this time of night.

Someone's trying to
get in touch with them.

And that means someone's
already looking for him.

So what are we going to do?

Look, just tell
me where we're going.

What's the spot
you're talking about?

Have you ever
heard of Lake Oakley?

Yeah. It's out in
the boonies, right?

Isn't there a camp out there?

Uh, no.

Well, no.
Yeah, there used to be.

A couple of years ago
visitors started getting sick.

A kid died.

The lake was... was
contaminated with algal blooms.

Now the resort's shut down

and the whole lake is covered
in this layer of toxic algae.

So if you get inside there

and you sink something
in that water,

it'll be years before anybody
finds it, if ever.

Sink it?

How do you sink it?

Tie it to something heavy,
like some bricks.

What about concrete blocks?

Good evening.

Looking into a
possible hit and run.

I'm wondering if
anyone has used your car wash.

I'm going to
stop you right there.

Do you remember
anything about them?

The girl came in
and bought some stuff.

What kind of stuff?

Garbage bags and bleach.

Maybe 20 minutes ago.

Did they say
where they were headed?

You know that guy right there

was actually asking me how to
get to the highway from here.

Isn't there
some kind of a reward?

Here we go.

They got them.

That was lucky.

Not really.

These are leftover
ones from the basement.

The foreman uses them
to make little workbenches.

You've been here before?

Every day.

I designed this whole building
back when I still had my job.

Now all I can do
is sit in the car,

eating a sandwich while I watch

the rest of them do the work
without me.

If they're still
using your designs

why would they fire you?

Like I said, personal failings.

I was dating my boss.

Oh, I see.

And you got caught?

No. He broke up with me.

He was married.

I don't know how I
thought things would go.

I guess I was fooling myself.

I told him I thought he was
making the wrong choice,

but he made it very clear that
he was done with me.

Just to make sure I didn't
cause him any more trouble,

he reported me to HR
and got me fired.


So that's what
happened to my career.

The thing I always wanted to do.

Well, not just do,
not just a job.

I wanted to be an architect
since I was a little girl.

And now I drive strangers
around in my car every night

just to make rent.

And I spend every day

trying to find someone else
who will hire me.

It's not like I could get
a reference from my old boss.

So I've kind of
been left out in the cold.

At least now you
can get your revenge.

What do you mean?

Stealing their cinderblocks.

These have got to be worth
at least a dollar a piece.

Good point.

That'll teach them.

Can I ask you something?


Why did you decide to help me?

You needed help.

Well, thank you.



Mike. That's my name.

Thank you, Mike.

Mike. What's wrong?

Oh. Nothing.

Can I see the guy's phone?

What do you need that for?

Just thinking that
we need to be thorough.

Every trace of this guy
needs to disappear

or this will all
come back to you.

You should probably pull
the battery out, just in case.

They probably can
track that stuff now.

I'm not sure
that's how it works.

Well, just to be
on the safe side,

we should destroy the phone,
not just sink it.

Maybe you can break it in half.

The person that called when
we were at the gas station.

It says her name was Michelle.

What did you say?

Hartford, please come in.

The vehicle was due
back at the station an hour...



Oh, it's just something
this guy said before he died.

He said, "Ladybug."

He did?

Yeah. I didn't know what it
meant at the time,

but it's a person,
in his call history.

That's why he mentioned her.

That was the last
person he spoke to.

I mean, look at the time stamp.

When was the accident?

I don't remember.

Well, it was around midnight.

He got a call from this
woman minutes before he died.

How do you know it's a woman?


Who do you think it is?


What do I do?

You have to pull over.

It's probably nothing,
like a busted tail light.

They'll give you a ticket,
and that'll be that.

Is everything all right?

Can you step out
of the car, ma'am?

Come with me.

What's going on?

I came across the scene of a
possible hit and run

earlier this evening.

Oh, my God.

There was a lot of blood
at the scene, but no body.

Do you know anything about that?

Oh, I'm not sure what you mean.

Did you take your car through
a car wash early this evening?

Um, I may have.

Any particular reason for that.

The car was dirty.

I've been meaning to clean it.

I'm going to take a look.

This will only take a second.



It's me.

You all right? What's going on?

I'm okay,

I think.

I mean, I picked this
guy up for a ride, and...

I don't know. There's something
creepy about him.

I'm sorry.

I didn't want to call you, but
I just didn't know what to do.

Do you need any help?

Can you meet me outside?

I'm right down the
street from the office.

Yeah, of course.
Give me a minute.

I'll be right down.

I'm sorry.

I just don't know what to do.

I feel like something
really bad is going to happen.

If I look in the trunk of that
car, what am I going to find?


Just old clothes and things
I was planning to give away.

Okay. I'm gonna ask
you to open the trunk.

Okay. Can you
take a step back now?

That was close.

No. It's good, man.

You need a receipt?

You're serious?

Get the fuck out of here.

Your product in
the bag over there.

You can use the bag for
transportational purposes

or whatever, but I will need it
back, and my kids.

Yeah. Sure of thing.

Hey, Captain.

Yeah. It's done.

I'm headed back to the station.

There's something I
want to check out first.

Let me ask you, what's the best
way to head out to Lake Oakley?

A... Alison.

Hey, Mike.

I just want to say
I appreciate you sticking

with me through all this.

This whole thing
has not been easy for me.

But you have kept a level head.

You have kept me calm
and focused

when everything else was crazy.

If you weren't here,
I don't know what I'd do.

So thank you.



Who is that man in the trunk?

He knew you.

He's the one I told you about.


When I worked at Miller
& Westhoff, he was my boss.

You are Ladybug.

The one that called him.

Right before the accident.

Did you know that he
would be on that street corner?

But it was all an accident.

You... you were hysterical.

Was I?

Yeah, of course.

I needed an alibi.

You were supposed
to come to my rescue.

Maybe I went a little overboard.

But believe me,

I've cried enough real tears
for Ray already.

I just needed someone
to speak to the police.

I didn't expect you to
volunteer as an accomplice.

It doesn't matter.

When we get to the lake,
we can get rid of him.

Thanks to you.

And then we'll be
done with all of this.


I'm going to start scrubbing
the blood out of the trunk.

You got this?


Are you worn out?

You must be tired.

You had a lot of work.

I hardly ever come out here.

You'd think it
would be quiet at night

but listen, frogs, crickets.

It's kind of
nice just to listen to.

You're all right?

I'll be fine.

Do you want to go home?


If you want,
I can put on some music.

But you don't
like pop music, right?

You're more of a classical guy?

Uh, I don't know.

It doesn't matter.

I bet I know what
you're looking forward to.


When you get home,

you're looking forward to
getting some sleep.

I don't blame you.

We've been driving all night.

I'm exhausted.

I can't wait to get
home and forget all about this.

So what are you going to do?

What do you mean?

There's two bodies.

You left that cop back there.

What are you
going to do about that?

I don't know.

Do you think I
need to do something?

You shot him.

Well, yeah, but...

well, that wasn't my gun.

That was the gun from your bag.

I pulled it out
back at the gas station.

Did you buy that gun yourself

or did you borrow it
from someone?

Uh, yeah, I... I bought it.

So it's registered to you then.

Well, if you're on record
as the owner,

then I don't really have

anything to worry about, now,
do I?

You all right, Mike?

See. I told
you you'd be sleepy.

Where are they?

Where are they?

I had four bottles in here.

Yeah, you probably don't need
them, but just in case,

I crushed a couple up for you.

If you've been drinking
that soda,

you're probably starting to
feel it.

And don't worry
about any loose ends.

No one will know what happened.

I'll make sure of it.

Mike, relax.

Where are you?

Gordie Wilson, Orlando PD.

She says, this guy a called a
ride then forced her to drive

around the city trading stolen
merchandise for drugs.

I came across these two
at Low Boy's

and I knew something was up.

They were headed
out to Lake Oakley

when an officer
pulled them over.

She says he shot him
right in front of her.


Well, it sounds like
she's had a hell of a night.

Miss, are you all right?

I think so.

It's all over now.

You're safe.


To plan is
more than just preparation.

It is to conceive
of a desired outcome

to define the shape
of one's future.

When a plan is fully realized,

there is no one and nothing

that can stand in your way.