Fourbi (1996) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
You're really talking crap...


What did I say? Nothing at all.

I'm talking about your book.

Have you read it?
You haven't read it.

You're just teasing me.
You haven't read it.

Max told me.

Well-read Max was here in the morning.

Oh, Max! And what did Max say?

He said you wrote that life

made no sense, and other
such nonsense


One day you were born.

You didn't ask for it, did you?

So, one day you were born.

And then you die.

That doesn't make any sense, does it?

The sole meaning of life

is life itself. Isn't that
a splendid thought?

Life itself. Period.

Any search for something beyond that
just leads to religious wars.

- And everything else...
- What did you say?

- I didn't say anything.
- Yes, you did.

I said: And everything else...

- What?
- Everything else!

The world being upside down, etc.

You see: What's not intended
to be understood

is what everyone tries to understand,

and what is meant to be understood,

is understood by noone.

You'd like some nice shoes?


To kick your big ass.

Oh, all right.

The girl has already signed.

- What's her name again?
- Rosemonde.

Oh yes! The Rose of the World!

Great first name. Makes for a good title.

We can start with the film.

First I need a budget.

That's the job of the producer.

For a budget you need a script.

We lack the specfications to prepare

a budget. We need to work quickly...

in order to meet the deadlines.

First we produce a program.

We wanted the private channel.

Everything must run smoothly.

I've found a young screenwriter.

- Fine. We need young ones.
- Absolutely.

He'll do a good job.

A writer isn't necessarily...

a screenwriter.

I'll take care of it.

So far we only know

that the girl killed a guy.

She has to throw up the chunks,

so that the story appears realistic.

Which ones do you want?

The red one, the blue ones,
the silver ones

and... no, they don't fit.

I can get you a smaller size.


otherwise I can also
try out the black ones.

Not bad...

Thousand and eighty francs, please.

Thank you so much.

Don't you have small change?

No, I only got large bills.

Is that so? Well, I'll see what I can do.

Please, ma'am.

Are you joking?

- It's true.
- Impossible. That's a joke.

Okay, I won't tell you anything.

Really? Shit. And how does it work?

You sign up with your address and photo,

you never see anyone personally.

You don't know the guys,
you're the victim.

No, damn it.

The hunter gets your picture,

obviously not the address, but
only the district.

So that he knows where to find you.

Together with the photo, he receives a gun...

and plastic bullets filled with red colour.

He has to find you and shoot you.

The color stain on the
clothes is regarded as the evidence.

- Shit! Is that true?
- Of course!

- Aren't these guys stupid?
- Shit!

And you get paid for it?

Of course. I won't play the idiot for free!

- The other jerk also pays?
- Yes.

He pays in order to play the cop.

This can't be true.

Is he looking for you right now?

I don't know, maybe.

The stray bullet will hit us.

So stupid.

This can't be true.

Stupid story.
Shall I call you "Rabbit"?

Watch out!

How was it in Barcelona?

Awesome, you can't imagine.

One party after the other.

Rosemonde used up a lot of money.

There they won't open before 2 AM.

There are fiestas everywhere...

Because you spent the days
in the museums,

you didn't get a lot of sleep.

- Yes, and in churches.
- Especially in churches.

Rosemonde certainly likes them.

I don't like going into hiding.

One needs to look ahead.

I don't like when everything
stagnates. Ahead...

The girl? I gave her
the 10,000 francs.

Then we got her. She must talk.

Yes, tomorrow I'll meet
with the screenwriter.

Not so fast.

Right now we don't have funding.

Be prudent.

Don't worry. Doggy Bag
took the bait.

We'll have to deliver something.
Go ahead!

Careful, careful... If you listened
to them,

you'd stop doing anything.

Ah, yes?

Well, yes.

The aircraft, Barcelona,

the hotel, television...

Oh yeah?

Stop it! I've paid for three months

of overdue rent.

- Three months?
- Yes, Sir, three months.

Next month it's your turn.

Have you squandered everything?

Not everything...

Afterall it's not your money.
The same as with Barcelona.

You probably bought shoes as well.

That's none of your fucking business.

The closet is filled with shoes.

Don't make me laugh!

Then laugh!

Say, will you bring us the beer?

I'll be coming soon.

Were you there when we filled up

the headmaster's car with snow?
Till up to the roof.

No, I had only heard of it.

Right, you're were rather the quiet type.

The snow was really dirty.

That was fun.

It was a drag going to secondary school.

I didn't get bored. I enjoyed learning.


What kind of job are you doing now?

Communications. For the company...

"Communication 2000". Do you know it?

No, I don't.

So, you're working in Communications.

What's it exactly about?

You should write a screenplay for me.

You're also involved with cinema?

Not exactly. Let's say,

I pull the strings for some big deal.

Did you hear about the new private channel?


Broadcasting will commence in six months.

That's quite soon. They need
to compile a program.

They need to get money, sponsors, ideas

and scriptwriters. Our company

has been assigned to get this going.

To prepare everything, you understand?

- More or less.
- Good.

We're preparing a series,

for which the pilot should be shot soon.

That's why I need you.

What kind of series?

We searched the miscellaneous news

for stories which

have really taken place.

Then we sought out the affected people.

They sell the story, sign a contract.

Those are obviously crime stories.

They need to be dramatic, otherwise

they wouldn't make a picture.

We got a story.

We need a scriptwriter.

- You're the first one.
- Me?

Yes, you. I immediately thought of you.

You're a friend, aren't you?

I suspect that

your books don't earn you a lot.

We got the first contract.

You visit the girl...

- A girl?
- She's called Rosemonde.

Rosemonde. A nice name.

Funny, right? She should tell you
her life story,

because we need to get to the truth.

Without that the series won't be

Do you understand?

Isn't that quite a similar concept

to the so-called reality shows?

It's fiction based on reality.

That's what makes it a film.

Otherwise we wouldn't need a

Isn't your concept a fake?


Not at all. We want the truth.

Right, that's not always funny.

But people want that.

And what happened to this Rosemonde?

She killed a guy.

A murder? Interesting...

The guy tried to rape her.

She fought back.
She got hold of a pair of scissors,

which she drove into his artery.

She said she acted out of self-defense.

The lawsuit got suspended

because there were no witnesses.

I don't know whether I like
your story.

She certainly had a hard time.

Why again putting a strain on her?

But she wanted it. She signed.

She even received a payment in advance.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Have you seen this guy before?



Just because. A friend who lives nearby.

I lost his address.

Never seen him before.
What would you like?

A Cervelat.

I only sell them in pairs.

Good, I take two of them.

Three francs, please.

Can I please write down what
I want to say?


I'm not a scribbler.

If you want to retell the story,

you should ask a journalist.

If yoo want to investigate,
you should ask a cop.

- A cop?
- Yes.

I'm not looking for a cop,

but a scriptwriter.

What I want to say:
Can I give the story

a certain direction,

based on the facts.

Yes, I think so.

What do you mean by "direction"?

A vision of the world.

Your state of mind?

No, my point of view.

Point of view, vision of the world,

I don't give a damn. Tell a
story based on the reality.

Right now the reality is like this:

I draw you a check covering
10000 francs.

As a payment in advance. You'll see,

this series is going to hit the mark.

Once the channel launches,
you'll be famous

instead of eking out a

living with your editions.

As the saying goes:
"Money can buy happiness!"

Well, if money can buy happiness,

then sign your check.

Not bad to have 10000 francs
at one's disposal.

- And who pays for it?
- What?

Where does the money come from?
It's not yours.

- A sponsor.
- Who?

- Doggy Bag.
- What?

Doggy Bag, a gigantic dog food company.

- Kevin, the world is perfect.
- Absolutely.

Let's continue working on the form,

just the verse,

in order to understand the

Another problem is the aim a character has.

We'll work on that later.

Let's first focus on the alexandrine.

Continue, Philaminte...

This generous gesture, Sir,
I much admire

And you deserve to have
your heart's desire

I grant your suits, Sir.
Henriette and you.

No, mother! I've changed my mind.

Forgive me, do,

if once more I oppose your plans for me.

Good, that flows quite well.

Always remember what we've said:

Bear in mind the structure of the

Binary, ternary.

Divide the verse into six units.

Or in two, four, six or...

in three, etc., etc.

The possibilities are limitless.

And the meaning results from it.

Not the person, but the meaning.

Let's continue.

What? Will you cheat me of felicity,

now that the rest have
yielded, one and all?

I know what, Clitandre, that
your wealth is small

I wished to marry you as long as I

might realize my sweetest hopes thereby,

and at the same time
mend your circumstances.

But after this great blow to our finances,

I love you far too deeply to impose

on you the burden of our present woes.

I welcome any fate which you will share,

a fate without you, though,
I couldn't bear.

Good. To conclude:

Think about life.

About life. The alexandrine
is life itself.

Man has the ability

to divide cosmic time.

Take the number 12, for instance:

The number 12, just as the alexandrine,

is an important unit.

There are 12 months in one year,
quartal, half-year

Or, in contrast, 24 hours,

two alexandrines taken together,

The entire day makes for...

two alexandrines, one distich.

The distich is what gives it a meaning.

What is really being said?

Consider that as well.

It's splendid. Continue, Marie.

These discourses are well-known.

Love is blind. But everything changes.

Time moves quickly.

There's nothing which quenches the
fervor of the heart

more easily than having to
struggle constantly

with problems of everyday life,

to utter more than accusations
and grievances.

Are you staging "The Learned Women"?

No, this is a workshop,
not a rehearsal.

- Don't you have a job?
- No.

And I'm sick of these workshops.

It's like going to school again.

It's almost worse than doing nothing.

Why are we actually here?

Oh, that! We are the loyal servants

of our art.


At times I talk myself into
believing that. Seriously.

Or else... the depression.

You should give it a try.


Well, telling yourself:

I'm a loyal servant, no, maid...

How do you say: servant or maid?

You say: Maid.

Maid, maidservant,

girl Friday.

That's what suits me: girl Friday.

Running the household.
I could run yours...

Is it still chaotic there?

Yes, it's even worse now.

I have to go.


You need to tell him everything.

No, not like talking to the police.

It's entirely different.

A really likeable guy.

About your age.

Who was that?

- Who was that?
- Kevin.


- An American?
- No the film guy.

And what did he want?

We're going to start working.

An author is going to visit me.

In order to write the script.

The script! Madam now consorts with...

with Americans and authors.

She's going to be a television star!

Ah, the Mister is jealous.

Point-heads and so forth.

Everyone is doing business.
This pays well.

- Mmh, yes...
- Yes, Mister.

And how long is it going to take?

It depends on you and the time

you're going to place at my disposal.

I'm only helping out. Mostly
at weekends.

Why did you accept the offer?

Well, just because...

Television means a bit of distraction

from workin in the bar.

But what do I have to tell you?

- Everything.
- What, everything?

Your entire life.

Childhood, family, where you're from,

what you did after school,

right until the story that befell you.

When was it?

Six years ago.

I won't hear of it.

- Really?
- Just invent something.

I can also look up

in the court transcript

what you dished up the judges.

It annoys me to talk about it.

Then you shouldn't have accepted.

Yes, but I need money.

It's well-paid.

Aren't you also doing it for money?

Not necessarily.

It might be interesting

to listen to you and utilize
somethng of it.

What's interesting about it?

Every life is interesting.

Wait until I told you mine.

A fiasco.

How are we going to tackle it?

We need to find another place.

I want to record it.

At my place it would be quieter.

No, not at your place.

Why? I'm not the big bad wolf.

I prefer my place.

As you like.
Would Saturday be fine for you?


Next weekend?

I can't work in the bar...

Just because.

- Where did we stop?
- What?

We talked about the dog,

but didn't get any further.

Actually we didn't get...

anywhere so far.

Don't you remember your childhood?

No... just a little...

Where did you live?

In the city? In the countryside?

In a hick town.

But we moved a lot.

My father was often away on business.

Which kind of business?

No idea.

Just commerce.

Once he took me along to Paris.

The entire family?
Weren't those many people?

No, just me.

It was great.

Not my brothers, especially not them.

Don't you meet your brothers anymore?


Do they live here?

No idea.

You know, I could have done better

than hanging around here.

Somehow it never worked out.

Something always got in my way.

I simply didn't make it.

What would you have liked to become?

A hairdresser. But I wouldn't...

have been able to finish
the apprenticeship.

The school, etc...

People always chewed me out.

There was always some asshole...

A teacher, a man in charge,
a woman in charge.

School isn't one of your strengths.

I'm not as stupid as I look.

But studying is expensive.

My father had no money.

Oh, yes? But you said

he was a businessman.

Yes, but he was never at home...

There's one thing I was talented at:


Really? You sing?

When I was little,

the singing teacher took notice of me.

He gave me private lessons, even for free,

because he thought that I was talented.

I even released a single.

A song?

With a guy from a rock group.

Together we released a single.

I could have become a famous singer.

But it didn't work out?


The group split up, we moved.

Then I became a waitress.

Tell me,

how do I get home?

- What?
- How do I get home?

You take the train at
the border of Basel.

The train?

Well, you can't just walk.

Wait. I have to transport five cars,

that means five train rides
from Basel to Genf.

- I hate the train.
- Look at the landscape.

Yes, of course. I'll look at the landscape.

You either accept the job or you don't.

We'll find someone else.

Where do I have to go?

It's all written down on the note.
Where is it?

- No idea. In the pocket.
- Go on! Search!

Here's the note!

Don't scrunch it up! Be careful!

You cross the border...

at the denoted places.

You deposit the car and get back.

And come home. And leave again..

Then you take the next car with you.

You get back by train.

What's going to happen with the cars?

The Germans don't need them.

They're going to the East.

They're doing business with them.

Ah, I understand.

You're also a businessman.

You better shut up.

We don't know anyhow

what to do with these cars here.

In the East they need them.

Yes, but that one is broken-down!

In the East they're going to fix it.
Then it will work again.

In the tundra.

First I will need to get to
Basel with it.

There's something I like to do...

How should I say?

How should I say?

To dream.

Yes, I like to dream.

How did you guess it?

I looked at you closely.

Could you now talk about the time

when the story took place?

Did you know the guy?


I already told you:

I won't say anything.

I won't hear of it anymore.

I already had to...

bear the whole shit:

The nuthouse and such.

There's an end of it! Finished, over.

I don't mind. But how should I

write my screenplay?

We both signed the contract.

I need to hand over the tapes
to Kevin's lawyer

for it to be legal.

Those tapes must contain

the truth about Rosemonde.

The material to make a story out of it.

Let's try to once again

talk about your family.

- About your father?
- My father?

Do you really want to know?

He was a salesman, he sold

That made him an alcoholic.

When he was drunk, he hit my mother.

His daughter is a slouch.
Are you happy now?

Will that be in the film?
It's really interesting!

Listen: I understand

that you're annoyed and don't
want to talk about it.

But let's get back to the beginning.

What am I doing here with you?

I could be doing something else.

I thought that with your story

we might get an indication for

current events, in order to

get a description of our condition.

A description of our condition?

Yes, the shit we're all stuck in.

Now then: Should we meet again

and try to find something out?

I don't know...

Yes... we can give it a try.

There's one thing I was talented at:


Really? You sing?

He gave me private lessons, even for free,

because he thought

that I was talented.

I even released a single.

A song?


With a guy from a rock group.

We released a single together.

I could have become a famous singer.

But it didn't work out?


The group

split up.

She's just making fun of me,

the stupid cow.

Strange, those people

who want to tell everyone
their life stories.

That sells well.

But not just that.

It's a kind of public confession

as it was a custom in some religions.

Television is today's religion.

Better than the clergymen.

- Not that much.
- A bit though.

You don't look good, you know?

You certainly have an unhealthy lifestyle.

You don't change. You work too much.

Yes, I work too much,

go to bad late, drink,

chase the girls.

I wouldn't have wanted an author
as a husband.

Your mother only liked proletarians.

Forty years of good service

and a nice wage at the end of the month.

After that the pension.

I never had a reason to complain.

Today we, the authors,

are the proletariat.

Except that I'mactually earning money.

Are you making progress?

Well, actually not.

She's unapproachable.

I wonder

if she realizes what it means

to make this film.

I'm doing what I can,

but right now I get the impression

that she's making a fool of me.

Wait, wait. Let's get this straight!

I don't work in the business "almost".

Contracts have been signed...

Listen, I'll come over soon.

- She doesn't want to...
- She doesn't want to?!

She signed, received a check.

In that case she has to return it.

We're not at that point yet.

You have to make her talk.

"You have to make her talk."

A bunch of people is involved.

Lots of money has been invested.

I don't give a damn.

Oh, yes? But you also received a check.

- We're all in this together.
- Who's that, all?

I'm sick of those assholes.

I'm sick of this bullshit.

Stop chewing everyone out!

We've arrived at the end of the century.
Yes, yes...

But listen. Are you out of your mind?

We're buddies. Let's not
yell at each other.

You can't just let me down now.

Try tapping her again.

All right, agreed.

But I'm doing it just for you.

Do you like people?

If I like people?

Mankind in general?

Well, just people...


But I have to admit that

I would prefer to see some people dead.

There are days when

I don't like people.

Today for instance.

That's right. Today I wouldn't dare

to leave the house. That's why.

And me?

You're okay.

What do you like

when you're in that mood?

- Fourbi.
- Fourbi?

The dog.

But sometimes he also barks at me.

One always need to take care of him.

And if Fourbi upsets you,

what is there left for you?

No idea...

Yes, food...

I'm starving.

Could I get a beer?

Yes, I know what I love.

To fuck.

A broad and nice topic.

I assume you had some adventures

before getting together
with your boyfriend.

There. Now it should become a porn.

But no.

It's part of your life,

so let's talk about it.

There's nothing special about it.

Relationships with boys.

At times it works out, at times
it doesn't.

And does it work out right now?

With Pierrot?

More or less. Oh, if Pierrot
learns that I talked about him,

he's going to strangle me.

But there's nothing we can
actually talk about.

No, that's not true.

But there are some things that
shouldn't be talked about.

I got the right to have my secrets.

Of course, but I don't see what I can do

if everything is a secret.

Just make something up.

That's far more amusing.

Noone's going to know that it's
made up.

In that case I'm going to write a novel...

and your character will be
a pain in the neck,

a real vampire.

Are you really a writer?

Can I adress you informally?

Of course.

Yes, I'm a writer.

You don't look like one.

How is a writer supposed to look like?

I don't know.

An older guy,

with glasses.

I could never read a book.

Did you give it a try?

Not since I left school.

If it takes too long, it bores me.

I prefer to do nothing at all.

I'm always getting bored,

yet I'm not actually bored.

People only think I'm bored.

- Do you understand that?
- I think so.

Still here?

Each time I come home, you're here.

I come home, I live together
with a woman,

and there's always someone
talking nonsense.

Your scheme is starting to bother me.

It's no scheme, we're working,

or at least that's what we try.

You should ask him to pay the rent.

That was stupid.

I'm getting angry about you

snooping around here.

Fourbi got a nose for snooping.

- I got ears.
- Leave my dog alone.

He doesn't snoop around in dirt...

What is that supposed to mean?

You got me right.

You force Rosemonde to dish the dirt.

She shouldn't tell her life story...

to a guy she doesn't even know.

But she first has to tell me,

before telling it thousands of spectators.

- Digusting.
- Why should it matter to you?

It brings in a lot of money.

He worms the information out of you,

after that he buzzes off.

Are you giving me a sermon?

Right, a sermon.

I find that disgusting.

You should reveal your life story...

to all those assholes.

- Hello, mister.
- Hello.

Do you know this guy?

He's a friend who lives around the corner,

but I lost his address.

Never seen him.

But those people sitting over there,

you may ask them.

Mister, he's a friend who
lives around the corner,

but I lost his address.

That's the guy who always

takes his black dog for a walk.

He limps.

He must live close-by.

Thank you.

Yes, I'm in the "Mont-Blanc".

I can't hear you well. A lot of noise.

Where are you? Where?

What? No, at the airport.

I'm going to travel to Rotterdam.

60 tons of meat have gone missing...

What? Yes, 3 containers with 20 tons.

What is that supposed to mean?

Ah, well, meat.

They're stealing it from us...
there are thieves everywhere.

No idea... surely the Russian mafia.

What? I don't understand.

I didn't hear anything...

I didn't hear anything from the producer.

He's untraceable...

Is it making progress or not?

What's he doing?

What do you say? The scriptwriter?

Problems with the girl?

I don't understand anything...

I call you once I get back.

If not the mafia, then it's the scriptwriter.

Fuck them all!

You should play her game,

descend to her intellectual level.

You're wrong.

It's not a matter of intellectual level,
as you put it.

We esteem each other... even a lot.

You didn't fuck her, right?

- That would bungle everything.
- No fucking.

Shitty business.

If you want, I can write
the script for you.

I can make up a story.


A secret that noone is able to reveal.

I stay close to her person.

Impossible. That's not the purpose
of this series.

On the contraty.

The other solution...

No other solution. She has to reveal.

Wait. You don't even know

what I'm going to say...

I have a friend, an actress.

She could interrogate Rosemonde

on the pretext that she plays the role...

and would need to get to know her.

And then?

She could tell me everything.

I could write the true story.

That's quite an idea.

She could play the role in the film.

She's as old as Rosemonde was back then.

Perhaps it works better with a girl.

- Should I give it a try?
- As things are now...

That's Marie, the girl I told you about.

Did Paul explain to you what it's about?

Yes, more or less.

And you think that you can do it?

I don't know, but I can give it a try.

Attention, an important mission.

You're our last hope...

Much has been invested. Can you spare time?

Momentarily: yes.

The problem is: We need to be quick.

We're already behind schedule. Because of Paul.

He couldn't worm the secrets

out of her.

Two coffees, please.

I got an idea. A good idea.

You see, I'm a businessman, that's why

there's no attenting without receiving.

I make you an offer:

If you can make her talk,

then I will give you the role.

Which role? The girl?

Yes, the leading part of the film.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

Under the condition that she
tells you everything.

Well... I don't know...

I give you a check covering
10'000 Fr.,

if you're going to accept.

I have to think about it,

Give me some time.

Fine. I give you 30 seconds.

That's not much.

One has to make quick decisions in life.

They call me "Mr. 30 seconds".

I prepare the television broadcast:

30 seconds for the teasers,

30 seconds for each news topic.

What are teasers?

Promotion for programs, opening...

and end titles, flashing by like

video clips. Remember:

I only give you the role,

if you can make her talk.

You will make it,

you seem to be smarter than she is.

Good. I return to the realm of shades.

- Be nice to Marie.
- I'm always nice.

Right. I'll be back in an hour.

- Where are you going?
- Business...

Well then, work hard.

We'll do what we can.

I hope so!

Are you really going to play my part?

We don't even look alike.

That's not important.

We don't have to look alike.

Maybe... but it's impossible like this.

I'm younger, but as old as you were

when that thing happened to you.

That doesn't matter. We're too different.

Recently I saw a film
about Marylin Monroe.

The actress...

and her were two of a kind.

That had to be.
Marylin Monroe was a star.

Everyone knows her.
They couldn't have just casted...

a brunette.
But nobody knows you.

Nevertheless, it doesn't work.

Are you an actress?


Well, I took classes.

It's hard to find work.

Is it true that one has to sleep with guys,

if one want to become an actress?

Marylin fucked the President
of the United States.

And the President's brother.

Both brothers? Say...

She was in love.

With both? I don't believe that.

Fuck the President,

then you'll become a star.

Yes, yes. You and me should get

to work now.

I already work with Paul.

I won't start all over again.

I need to get to know you

if I want to play your part.

We could go out together,

have a drink, take a walk...

Taking a walk... I got
better things to do!

From now on that girl
comes to visit you?


And the smart guy,

does he still poke his nose in?

You're jealous.

You've always been like that.
A real cock.

You yourself don't have any reservation.

I've seen you looking at her.

You can't help it.

She's not bad.

Is everything going well in the theatre,

you learned women?

Does it bother you that we are learned?


Let's see, I'm going to test you.

All right, get started.

For instance, let's take
this empty bottle.

Let's assume it were filled.

In the bar it costs 3 Fr.

And since you are learned,

you should be able to tell me
what that price consists of.

He wants to give us an economy lesson.

There's nothing left for us but economy.

Politics perished,

culture and nature are following soon,

that's why only economy remains.

One needs to hold
interest for something.

I'm waiting...

The factory, the wages...

the workers, the secretaries,

all the staff members...

The swill that's inside...

The company's profit, pretty much.

The earnings. The stock holders.

The advertising, the transport to the bar.

The truck driver,
the packaging.

The rent for the bar.
the bar owner's profit.

- The service. And the rest...
- Not bad...

If I count everything together,

I get to Fr. 2.80.

- 20 centimes are missing.
- Did you calculate it?

- A joke?
- No.

- Where are they?
- You won't find them.

It's because you aren't that learned.

20 centimes are missing.

Come on, scholar, explain it to us.

It's quite simple.

Economy experts differentiate between

lawful and unlawful profit.

That's what happened with the 20 centimes.

Unlawful profit?

It's not a money debt.

Therefore it's unlawful.

It just vanishes in the pockets.

That profit can't be put in the pockets.


Because the pockets are already filled,
there's no space left.

- Too much stolen money.
- Stolen from whom?

10 centimes from the workers.

and 10 centimes from the consumers.

- 20 centimes.
- What are they doing with that money?

They buy all kind of things.
The word, for instance.

- The word?
- Which word?

They sponsor.

They, for instance, sponsor Olympic Games.

But those aren't words.

Those are nothing but words.

Talk. The television is filled with it.

They form ideas, the spirit
of the age, fashion.

The words of the world.

The thieves speak louder than you do,

you not that learned women.

They run the show.

Is someone sponsoring
your television series?

- Yes.
- Who's that?

Doggy Bag. A company producing dog food.


Each dog shit...

pays for a line of my script.

It's going to be long then...

That makes each time...

another answer for Marie.

But you're not covered with shit!

Stop it! This is the
only time I get a job

and you're spoiling it.

You're not funny.

You got me entangled in this shit.

You always have to be the smartest one!

I can't stand your cynicism.
That's too easy. Shit!

- That was just a joke!
- I don't think so.

An yet...

Well then, I leave you
alone with your dog shit.

Shit, that's Marie,

I forgot about her.

Just skip her.

How are things going with Marie?

I don't know...

We only met briefly.

We wanted to meet yesterday.

But she didn't show up.

This weekend I'll be busy.

I have to work until closing time,
tomorrow as well.

And besides, she's too
young, still a child.

She doesn't look like me at all.

We're not from the same milieu.

She comes from a decent family.

You can't just let me down now.

We all need the money, especially you.

I know, but I'm sick of the whole story.

I don't want to anymore.

Then let's finish this quickly!

Tell me everything, then I'm
going to write my screenplay.

Because you want to continue participating?

Behind the scenes.

You should rather write your books.
My story is too stupid.

No, it's not.

You'll see,

I'm going to write about you
in one of my novels.

Really? Nein, you're just teasing me.

I've got to go...

We're going to meet again, right?

Yes, I'm coming.

- It's you?
- We made an appointment for 9 o'clock.

Come in.

Sit down in the kitchen. I'm coming soon.

"...yes I think he made them a bit firmer

sucking them like that so
long he made me thirsty

titties he calls them I had to laugh

yes this one anyhow
stiff the nipple gets

for the least thing Ill
get him keep that up

Ill take those eggs beaten up with marsala
fatten them out for him

what are all those veins and things curious
the way its made 2 the same

in case of twins theyre supposed
to represent beauty..."

Are you crazy?

"...he said I could pose
for a picture naked

to some rich fellow in Holles street

when he lost the job in Helys
and I was selling

the clothes and strumming in the
coffee palace would I be like that

bath of the nymph with my hair down
yes only shes younger

or Im a little like that dirty bitch
in that Spanish photo he has

nymphs used hey go about
like that I asked about her

and that word met something
with hoses in it

and he came out with some
jawbreakers about the incarnation

he never can explain a thing simply..."

- What are you blathering?
- I'm learning a text

"...relieved them theyre always trying

to show it to you every time

nearly I passed outside the mens
greenhouse near the Harcourt

street station just to try some fellow
or other trying to catch my..."

What's that? Quite nasty, isn't it?

No, that's Joyce.

- What?
- James Joyce, an Irish writer.

Show me.

Yes, nasty.

Are you learning that?

- Yes.
- By heart?


All that?

- Impossible.
- But yes.

What are we going to do now?


- What? Nothing?
- I'll do nothing.

I'm going to sit down,

hide away and watch

- What are you going to watch?
- You.

Just imagine I weren't here.

I'm not here. Nobody is here.

You think so?

Well, if you enjoy it.

It doesn't work.

Who are you talking to? Noone is here.

Still. It's not like noone were here.

I can feel someone being present.

I can't do whatever I like

Your idea is really stupid.

What would you do if you were alone?

It's unbearable to be stared at like that.

Like a monkey in a zoo. I can't stand it.

I can't even eat anymore.

Well, if that's the case...

- Do I eat too much?
- You eat quite a lot.

Yes, I know. Come on, let's go out.

- Pierrot finds you attractive.
- Do you think so?

Me and men, that's always a catastrophe.

It's not easy

to find someone with whom it work out

There may be one candidate
among a hundred guys.

- But how to find that one?
- It's tough work.

Kevin invited me to diner.

How do you like him?

Not bad.

He must be quite a womanizer.
I know his type

He sleeps with you and buzzes off.

How are things going with Paul?

We're friends now. Or at least we try it

But it's difficult for him.

What is difficult?

To earn a living with writing.

Afterall one needs to eat.

People like you always find a solution.

How are people like us?

I don't know.

Unlike me.

- You got a nice life.
- Really!

It's nice to be an actress,

not as unpromising as being a waitress.

That's not true.

Should we exchange roles?

What? I should do theatre?

I could never learn all this talk.

You let me do your job for one day,

and instead do a theatre exercise.

You're crazy!

What kind of exercise is that?

You leave the flat in the morning.

you take a walk around,

you take the bus, you
go to the countryside,

you go to the supermarket,

walk through the city,
have a meal at the restaurant

Then you tell me about your experience.

These are the kind of exercises you do?

Just talking a walk? That's easy.

Yes, but you need to observe everything,
to look closely,

to tell everything in detail,
your impressions,

your ideas, etc.

- And whom should I tell this?
- Me.

It's far more difficult than you think.

Agreed, and you'll work at the bar...

for one day. Until the closing time.

You're drawing the short straw.

I'm going to silence

this son of a bitch!

That was nice. I liked your exercise.

Theatre isn't that bad afterall.
A nice idea.

You think so?

Yes, because

when you go to work

or shopping or taking a walk

you don't see anything,
or you see things,

but you don't actually
take notice of them.

Right, that's the idea of this exercise.

To see something, to feel something,
and to recount it lateron.

I saw lots of things.

But it's difficult to recount it.

Well, where did you go?

I went to the countryside,
I took the bus,

and I went for a walk.

I picked flowers.
I don't know the names.

I haven't done this...

since my childhood.
I used to pick genister,

together with my mother.

It's nice in the countryside.

I never go. Pierrot neither.

We just hang around at the bar.

Did you also walk through the city?

Yes, but... I don't know...

It suddenly made me sick.

Usually one doesn't notice the cars.

But suddenly I found them disgusting.

Really disgusting!

- Where are your keys?
- I lost them.

I lost my jacket,

the keys were inside the pocket.

How did you lose them?

I don't know. I was in the bar.

There I must have lost them.
I'm not sure.

Tomorrow I need to get
going again. Damn!

I'm going to take a shower.

- Hello Marie.
- Hello Pierrot.

How about the little film?

Be careful, you could catch a cold,

my little bunny...

Oh, stop it!

And the people? In the city
there are many people.

That's a bit complicated.

Sometimes I only meet idiots.

Well, today I didn't. I don't know.

I told myself...

It's true, some people are sweet,

I'm not just talking about men

or beautiful women. There were many

that weren't bad, but

today I found the people to be likeable.

It's true. Life can be horrible.

You go to work, that pisses you off.

At home you roast some frozen food,

and watch television.

One can read that in their faces.

You start to wonder:
How does my face look?

Certainly not much better.

Someone said about the people:

I value them,

but I'm as valuable as they are..

That's exactly what I'm thinking.

- Who said that?
- Jean-Paul Sartre.

- Who is that?
- An author, a philosopher.

He beat me to it.

I think just like him.

I could be a philosopher.

Well, listen. I propose you to

play the first scene of the first act.

Marie, get into your role.

Henriette is sewing her bridewealth.

She stitches and suddenly makes a

wedding ring out of a thread. She is quite

surprised, really,
the marriage is wonderful,

you will see. And you

look at her from a distance

before rushing up to her.

Because behind all this

is Clitandre, right?

Let's start. Improve your gestures,

so that I can see you play.

What, sister?

Are you truly of a mind

to leave your precious maidenhood behind

and give yourself

in marriage to a man.

Can you be harboring such a vulgar plan?

Yes, sister.

Yes, you say! When have I heard

so odious and sickening a word?

Listen, when she walks behind you,...

you shouldn't look at her.

Show us your face, turn away from her.

It's a terrible thing she tells you.

She talks about sex and stuff like that,

that's just impossible, you see.

Don't look at her.

Turn violently away from her.
Let's give it another try.

Can you be harboring

such a vulgar plan?

Yes, sister.

Yes, you say! When have I heard

so odious and sickening a word?

Why does the thought of
marriage so repel you, my sister?

- Fie, fie! For shame!
- But what?

For shame, I say.

Can you deny what sordid scenes

are brought to mind by
that distasteful thought?

What coarse, degrading images arise,

what shocking things
it makes one visualize.

Do you not shudder, sister,
and grow pale?

At what this thought you're thinking

would entail?

It would entail, as I conceive it,

one husband, some children
and a house to run.

In all of which, it may as well be said,

I find no cause for
loathing or for dread..

Is this Pierrot's local?

Well, more or less. He seems to like it.

I don't come here that often.

It's a men's pub.

- Hello!
- That's themost beautiful one.

A friend?

That's Laurel, I'm Hardy.


Laurel and Hardy, never heard?

No, I don't give a fuck about these women.

Miss, I'm at your service.

Fine, now get going. Go somewhere else.

I'm not talking to you, but to her.

And I'm very polite.

Miss, I'm a real gentleman.

She is just jealous.

Go away! You stink!

Be courteous. Have some respect.

Go away! Leave us alone.

Come on! We need fresh air!

All right. One just wants to be nice

and that's the result...

Pleasant, these pubs!

Now you have to play my role.
You promised.

If you like. No problem.
Whenever you want.

On Saturday. I'll pretend to be ill...

and will send him a replacement.

You'll see: It's no funny job.

Because of a public opinion poll

the series is going to start
with a different concept.

It's going to be interactive.

What is that supposed
to mean: interactive?

Do you know have a dog?

No, it belongs to a friend.

How did we get there?

- Can you tell me?
- Where?

Where we are now.

You mean:

As things are now, the world,

all that "Fourbi".

Fourbi... that's the dog's name.

Fourbi? A dog of his time.

I asked you a question.

How did we get there?

An author should know that.

You should also know it.

At least I know one thing:

Thoughts are like electric power,

running through cables,

after having been plugged in.

Just like on a plugboard with holes on it.

And without noticing
the cables get unplugged

and get put into other holes.

That's clever, isn't it?

Who does that?

You've seen enough to know that.

- That's no answer.
- Think about it.

I'm no electrician.

Fine, you certainly heard about the

alignments of communication

and the autostries

and the infornication.

What are you rambling?
What does infornication mean?

Are you out of your mind?

No, the cables have been
plugged in incorrectly.

I mean:

The industry of communication

and the information highways.

The cables got unplugged

and plugged into other holes.

Their holes, which they control.

And you work for them.

You sold yourself to the devil.

He's the only one having
money these days.

Do you have a dog?

You look like a dog owner.

No, I don't.

Rosemonde got a dog.

What kind of dog?

Fourbi? A mutt.

Is he intelligent?

Of course. Dogs are intelligent.

Could he take part in the film?

Yes, but he wants lots of money.
I'm his agent.

Besides, he wouldn't play any given part.

He would have to eat a can of Doggy Bag.

He first needs to try it out.

Dogs are picky.

He doesn't just eat everything.

Doggy Bag consits of leftover hamburgers,

which they couldn't get rid of

in third-rate fast food
restaurants in Minnesota.

I'm going to send you a few cans for him.

You better take out an insurance first,

for in case he won't survive it.

I've got to get going. Tomorrow
I need to get up early.

I'm surely the only one.

The three of you certainly sleep till noon.

Marie, should I give you a ride?

- Do you have a car?
- No.

- Do you live far out?
- Quite.

I bring you home.

We can talk business.

- Is Pierrot home?
- No, he went on a journey.

Stop it, your drunk. Don't be an idiot!

Bye, Paul.

- Well?
- What do you mean by well?

Are you making progress with Rosemonde.

Are you talking to me?

Well... I think it will work out.

We're almost friends.

I like her.

And does she like you?

I don't know, I think so.

On Saturday I'm going to

take over her job.

A sign of trust, right?

Yes, of course...

Try to question her

about the thing with the scissors.

- The thing with the scissors?
- The lethal weapon.

Well... we'll see.

We'll see...

I soon need to know about it, because

I have to write two endings.


Kevin triumphantly announced that to me.

They want interactive television.

The viewers are meant to participate.

A democratic country.

During the broadcasting

the spectators form a kind
of jury, like a tribunal.

Ten minutes before the film ends, the
broadcasting gets stopped

and the viewers have to vote:
guilty or innocent.

After that the corresponding
ending gets shown.

I didn't know. No, that's impossible.

It's not.


the earlier we get this done the better.

You have to make Rosemonde talk.

Your friendship is nice,

but we need something concrete.

Facts. Matter.

Since people have to
decide about her destiny,

we need to know exactly how
it took place with this guy.

In detail. If he really fucked her,

the positions, if missionary
or from behind,

if he got a hard-on, if he hit her,

how he got a hard-on,

the size of his dick, the scissors...

I should get all is information
out of her?

That's what you get paid for.

Or not?

Hello, Pierrot!

Bye, Pierrot!

What's the matter with Pierrot?

He looks strained.

No idea.

With him you never know.

Apparently some guy
is searching for him.

You know, we didn't get
quite far, Rosemonde.

Quite far?

How far do you want to get?

I don't know.

Show me

how this whole thing
with that guy happened.

Wait, I got an idea.

Here: the lethal weapon.

Put away the scissors!

Never do this again! Do you get me?

Do you get me?! Never do this again!

Do you sometimes think about it?

About what?

That story. The guy. Who was he?

A poor asshole.

That thing certainly
shook you quite a bit.

I don't know.

Back then it did.

Lateron I forgot about it.

He provoked it.

You know, people die everywhere.

One person more or less...

One forgets about it.

One doesn't realize

how aggressive one can sometimes be.

Stop, what do you want? Stop fumbling!

- I want you.
- Yes... Not here...

- Do you live there?
- Yes.

Say, that's a nice place you have.

Kevin wants two endings for your story.

The new rule of the game. The voters

decide whether you are guilty or not.

- Are you stupid?
- It's the truth.

It's not up to them to decide!

They made the people
caretakers and cops,

now they shall be judges.

You know, that's just how justice works.

During the court sessions I told myself:

Everything depends on them.

I looked into the eyes of the jury.

I wondered: What are they thinking?

Guilty, not guilty...

Only I knew the truth.

That remained equal.

Did Kevin invent this garbage?

He or someone else.

He doesn't waste even a second.

The same goes for approaching Marie...

Don't make a face.
What's wrong?

Nothing. I just need to cry.
But it's all right.

We shouldn't have sex.

- Why not?
- Because.

We can touch each other, if you like,

but let's not make love.

Ah, well? What's the difference?

A very big one.

We thus need to suffer.

No, you're not going to suffer.

First I touch you, then you touch me.

Touching, until...


- Miss! Miss!
- I'm coming!

Hurry up!

- Miss!
- Ah, here...

Hands off!

- Two too many.
- That can't be true.

At the table over there. The bill...

Which food did you give him?

He got diarrhea.

The cans we received.

For advertising.

The food is called Doggy Bag.

I wanted to try it out.

Throw it away.

Poor Fourbi, I have to nurse
him back to health.

Are you ready, Francois? Marie?

Let's begin.

It seems to me that we two should confer

about this contemplated marriage, Sir.

Since it reduced our
hosehold to dissention,

do give my argument your kind attention.

I know that you expect to realize

by wedding me, a dowry of some size.

Yet money, which so many men pursue,

should bore a true philosopher like you.

And your contempt for
riches should be shown

in your behavior,
not in words alone.

It's not in wealth that
your attraction lies,

your sparkling charms, your
soft, yet flashing eyes,

your airs, your graces,
it is these in which

my ravished heart perceives
you to be rich.

These treasure only I want to possess.

I'm honored by the love
which you profess,

although I can't see what
I've done to earn it.

With much regret, Sir,
I cannot return it.

I have the highest estimation of you,

but there's one reason why
I cannot love you.

How does this actually work?

It's not that complicated...

- What's it called again?
- Alexandrine.


Is there always a rhyme?

Yes, of course.

And every verse needs
to have 12 syllables.

12 syllables?

Yes, 12 syllables.


It's not in wealth that

your attraction lies,

your sparkling charms,

soft, yet flashing eyes,

your airs, your graces,

it is these in which

my ravished heart

perceives you to be rich.

These treasure only

I want to possess.

Lies rhymes with eyes.

Which rhymes with rich.

A vowel is missing.

Yes, it follows in the next verse:

I'm honored by the love

which you profess.


- Do you have the book with you?
- Yes, it's in my bag.

Here it is:

Act 5, Scene 1.

Oh, the torn ligament.

Well, I need to work
on each page for a year.

- You're playing Henriette?
- Yes.

Before you recited Trissotin's speach.

I know his role, because I learned
it by heart.

As well? I can't believe it.

Say, the guy is called Trissotin?

Trissotin! What a name!

My lover is called Clitandre.

That's rather a girl's name:

- Clitandre, clit...
- Stop it!

I'm honored by the love
which you profess.

Although I cannot see
what I've done to earn it.

And much regret, Sir,

that I cannot return it.

I have the highest estimation of you,

but there's one reason why

I cannot love you.

Sounds like music. It's music.

Sounds like rap.

A heart's devotion

cannot be divided,

and it's Clitandre on whom

my heart's decided.

I know he lacks your merits,

which are great,

that I'm obtuse

to choose him as my mate.

That you should please me

by your gifts and wit;

I know that I'm wrong,

but there's no help for it.

Though reason chides me

for my lack of sense,

my heart clings blindly

to its preference.

I'm honored by the love

which you profess.

Although I cannot see

what I've done to earn it.

And much regret, Sir,

that I cannot return it.

I have the highest estimation of you,

but there's one reason why

I cannot love you..


You wasted enough of our time.

You received an advance, but
we didn't get a single line.

Either you'll come clean

or you'll hear from our lawyer.


Are you going? The day hasn't begun.

Yes, I'm going.

Good morning, captain.

Come with me. Come on.

Oh, you're boring me.

What are you doing here at 6 AM.

I had an all-night party.

But I didn't have money for the taxi.

Pierrot isn't there.
You can sleep here.

Any news from Paul?

You're hungry, right?
When Pierrot is away,

I always forget to feed you.

Your work in the bar

isn't actually that bad.

As if! Go each day and you'll see.

Even yesterday you feet hurt.

Just because I didn't
wear the right shoes.

I managed to pocket at least 100 Fr.

How that?

I didn't write down a couple of drinks.

You really did that?


And who's going to take the blame
once it gets out?

That guy won't even realize!

No way! I'm sure he
already knows about it.

Shit. He's going to throw me out.

You don't even care.

You're crazy. You don't
understand anything.

Just as with Kevin,

he just wants to fumble your ass.

You'll never get the part.

That's it. You're really disgusting.

You don't mind. You're unable

to sell your story to Kevin.

I sell whatever I want
to whoever I want.

What do you know about life?

And what do you know...

We should meet the deadline for the pilot.

Because of this shit we already got

a delay of two moths.

But cinema isn't like food cans.

That's true. But is should be,

at least if you were professional.

You put meat in cans,

people buy it, the dogs eat it,

they shit all around,

and then it starts anew.

In our case it's different. A work of art

gets created by human beings, not by dogs.

You sign contracts,

then you work for it. That's all.

I already adavnced far too much money.

One has to be ready to invest money

if one wants to realize film projects.

Well, this one doesn't work out at all.

- I quit.
- No. Wait.

I've been waiting long enough.

I want the invested money back.

That's impossible.

We already worked with it.

You can discuss that with
Communication 2000.

You don't fucking care...

No, but... whatever.

And then?

After leaving the disco,
he brought me home.

And before that, you

dropped by his place.


And then he fucked you.

But I didn't want to!

He fucked you nevertheless.

I drank too much.

I didn't quite realize
what was happening.

He said: "Come on, we'll
have a drink at my place."

He should have seen

that I wasn't actually up to it.

He didn't give a shit.
Not his problem.

He disgusts me.

And now he wants to get the money back.

I won't get the part.

Shit! Shit!

All right, the last journey.

I'm really sick of the German border.

What's the matter with your friend?

A matter of money.

Oh, if that's all...

This time you shouldn't give

Fourbi your shitty food.

And you shouldn't forget
to give me a kiss.

Don't worry, it'll work out fine.


- What kind of work is it?
- Which work?

You made us come

to work on something.

Yes, right. But first I need to
lock the door. Closing time.

Why do you lock the door?

Because you're going to stay

until you've payed me everything back.

- Paying back what?
- Ask your friend!

She stole 200 Fr. from me.

200? I didn't steal anything.

I perhaps didn't write down
two or three drinks.

That's 10 Fr. at most.

200. We checked it.

I tell you, it's 10 Fr. at most.

I can call the cops.

Do that! We're illicit workers,

so you better stop this...

And the price of your juice...

Ah, the young lady is trying to be funny!

- The key!
- She first has to pay.

Give us the key! Shit!

Give me back the key!

You bitch!

How is it going with work?

Like a tunnel. Not good at all.

- Because of the girl?
- Among other things, yes...

How did you know when you fell in love?

- Are you in love?
- I don't know.

- I would really like to know.
- Is she beautiful?

Yes, but she lives together
with some strange guy.

He may even be dangerous.

That smells like roast. Roast veal?

She cooks for six people,
because there are three of us.

If the two of us are alone,
she cooks for four people.

Six meals for three people.
That's your mother!

Your film project doesn't work out
because you're in love?

No. The girl doesn't want
to dish the dirt.

I would've done the same if I were her.

- Are you going to stop?
- Yes, I think so.

Besides, I got Marie involved.

Everything goes wrong.

- Are you still seeing Marie?
- Yes, of course.

All just air bubbles.

It's no surprise they burst.

Hey, you people in love!

Should we go?

Why do you wear silettos

for taking a walk?

I don't give a shit!

I got you!

Damn, look at my jacket.

Schau meine Jacke an.

Look at that fool.

Are you crazy, or what??

A brand new jacket!

What are you doing?
You agreed to it.

Whatever! Look at my jacket!

And what did you do
with my expensive shoes?

I didn't make a mistake!

Look what he did! Look!

You have to reclaim the money.

You said that you got too much money.

That doesn't matter at all.

I have to decide

how to spend our publicity budget

till the end of the year.

I can find something else for you.

- Really?
- Of course, that's my job.

Find something that works out.

No cinema anymore, never again.

Find a guy

who crosses the Atlantic Ocean by feet.

Someone already swam across it.
- Like Jesus?

Yes, right. At least they
would talk about him.

People like this kind of guys,

going beyond the realms
of human possibilities,

even if they have to die.

Are you happy with
your soccer sponsorship?

More or less. I hate soccer,

but the teams aren't bad.

Are you already sponsoring clothing?

How about a sponsorship
for shirts and throusers?

Shirts and trousers?

They put your trade name
on shirt and trousers.

Two times "Doggy Bag".

With that you'd have spent your money.

Fine. Shirts and trousers. Agreed.

But we want

the film money back.

It's not that easy when it
comes to advanced money.

The money is gone.

That's your problem.

Business is business.

I don't want to talk to
the anwering machine,

but to you, Paul.

Did you really want to
play a country wench?

- Which country wench?
- Me!

You're not a country wench.

But I didn't want to play your part.

That'sit! You didn't want to play
a country wench.

No, that's not it.

You deserve something better

than having to play Rosemonde.

I'll open the door.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Are you Mr. Sauverny?
- No, why?

I'm looking for Rosemonde Sauverny.

- Does she live here?
- Yes. Why?

Unpaid debts.

I come to evaluate the furnishing.


Is this supposed to be a joke?

- I ask you politely...
- You ask me politely... Get away.

Attention, Sir! You're
talking to a bailiff!

Buzz off, I say. Get going.

Get lost! Now!

You wretched fellow!

You'll hear from me!

Why didn't you want to play my part?

Because it was no longer
possible for me.

How could I have put
myself in your shoes?

But that's what you wanted.

I like you. I don't want to

play around with your life.


They wouldn't have given
you the role anyway.

They just used you

to worm the information out of me.

If they had given you the role,

I would have refused.


Because I find it disgusting that

someone should be playing me.


It almost banged.

I thought you were someone else.

- Who?
- The bailiff.

He wanted to take away the furniture.

But I showed him!

You're crazy. You'll get into trouble.

They act quickly.

Instant law enforcement.

They won't let us go.

I's me who gets all
the trouble, not you.

You shouldn't have punched him.

Attack is the best form of defence.

Let's consult your little brother.

Julien? What does he have to do with it?

Your brother is a computer whiz, isn't he?

Yes, but what do you want from him?

- How old is he?
- 18.

He is going to help us.

And he is going to have fun.

- He should help us.
- How?

By getting Doggy Bag's accounting data.

How that?

Doggy Bag is certainly
connected to a net.

If Julien searches a bit,

he'll likely fnd the data name.

That's certainly no sorcery.

One click and you get to it.

I don't get it.

And once he found the accounting
data? What happens?

Then Rosemonde is going
to call Doggy Bag.

Me? And what am I supposed to tell them?

You just disguise your voice

and name a few accounting numbers.

You say we're going
to destroy everything,

if the law enforcement
won't get stopped.

I should do this?

Why do I have to call?

- Who else?
- Who else?

We're in this situation because of you.


I don't understand anything.

What's the matter? Everyone is
having a go at me.

I could lose the job,

if I don't get the money.


I said: Forget about it.

Fine, we're going to lose 50'000 Fr.

I tell you: Forget about it. Yes


I told you: Stop the

law enforcement. I don't give a fuck.

That's business.

I can't hear you anymore.

Fuck it!

Hey, not so fast!

Not so fast!

Fourbi sets the pace.

Don't forget that I'm pregnant.


What are you saying? Is that true?

Yes, it's true.

The rose of the world
is expecting a child.

And are you going to keep it?
