Four Sisters Before the Wedding (2020) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
--== McEphie ==--

Sisters, we're all still alive!
Thank You, Lord!

I miss you all.

Sorry, I'm having lunch.

I have a class in 30 minutes.

I also have a consultation
with my dissertation adviser.

Nice, very busy.

[Alex laughs]

I can already imagine Mama's excitement

when she hangs your PHD
diploma on our wall, Gabbie.

And I'm sure, Alex,
she will be as excited

when she hangs the poster of your

first movie on our achievement wall.

I hope she will be.

By the way, how's Mama?

Mama's fine. Don't worry.

She looks after the kids
when I conduct my online classes.

I've been thinking during this quarantine,

if the frontliners get hazard pay...

...moms should get

haggard pay.

Speaking of haggard...
Guys, I have to go in a while.

I have a meeting.

Why did you call for this
super-secret sisters only meeting?

What's this?


we're having this meeting

because of CJ.

Wait, is he okay?

There's a problem with CJ?

What happened to CJ?

He's been texting me recently.

He and Princess have been
arguing a lot lately.


They just visited me the other day.

They seemed fine.

I know.

But they almost split after that visit.

- [ALEX] Huh? Really?
- [TEDDIE] No kidding?

Princess went back to
Uncle Honey Boy and Aunt Jeannette.

Wow. That bad?

What were they fighting about?

Random stuff.

But lately...'s Nicole.


They've been married six years.

Why is Nicole suddenly an issue?

No, no, no.

I know that, I know that.

They met up recently.

Yeah, they had a meeting.

It's for the high school reunion

they're planning for next year.

That's all there is to it.

You think they'll split up?

I don't think so.


I hope not.

I have a feeling, it's just a small tiff.

Nothing serious.
Like the one Mama and Papa had before.

The first one, yes.
The second was a major blowup.

You all remember that?

We were so young back then ...

[My life is filled with joy]

[My life is filled with joy because of you ]

[My life is filled with joy]

[My life is filled with joy]

Gabbie, I'm already 13!

[GABBIE] You just turned 13,

barely a teenager.

You're still a baby.

It's against the rules!

Bobbie! Talk to CJ!

He wants me to deliver
flowers and stuffed toys

to a girl he's courting in school.

And he wants me to pay for it all!

You're such a snitch, Gabbie!

You're courting someone?

Since when?

It's against the rules, remember?

Sis, I'm not courting Nicole.

I just want to give her gifts for her birthday.

Anyway, how's Singapore?
How's technology camp?

Super fun!

[CJ] Yesterday, we saw a tablet PC,
a pocket phone PC...

But speaking of technology,

CJ, why don't you just email her?

Or send her a message on YM?
Or Friendster.

You're okay with CJ courting this girl?!


[TEDDIE] No, no, no, no!

There are rules, rules, rules!

Give me that.

[TEDDIE] Hello, CJ?

What is the meaning of this?

You know Mama and Papa's rule, right?

What's the rule, everyone?

"You can't date, until you graduate.

Diploma first, lovelife later."

Good, you know!

Wait, wait, where's Alex?

Is she up already?

Manang, please call Alex.
We're gonna be late.

- [GABBIE] I'll do it. Alex!
- [BOBBIE] Alex.

- [ALEX] Yeah, coming!

Sis, I'm not courting Nicole.

Just be a good boy, CJ.

[TEDDIE] Make the most of your trip.

Say your goodbyes to CJ.

- [MANANG] Bye CJ!

I'm not gonna buy your gifts anymore.

Okay. Bye, sisters.

Buh-bye, CJ.

Gabbie, why did you call CJ?

Overseas calls are expensive.

Mama might faint
when she sees the phone bill.

[BOBBIE] Ate Teddie, chill.

It's CJ after all.
And we don't do it often.


Matutina Marie!
Has the van been repaired?

The van is so, so super fine.

Oh, my goodness!
From Matutina to ... Butch?!

Stop it!

You're making me blush.


Did you put hair gel cement?

- [TOTI] Don't touch it.
- [ALEX] It doesn't move.

Are you gonna join a Filipino version of F4?

[ALEX] Or will you form your own boyband?

- [TOTI] Ah, why not?
- [ALEX] I like that!

[Manang coughs]

Or they can serenade me instead.

[TOTI] Yeah, I'll be like Shan Cai.

[Toti sings]

[Toti makes up lyrics]


Tina Marie, you want to be
like the F4 boys?

F4?! I'm Shan Cai.
Pretty Shan Cai!

Chan Chai!
Go wash the dishes.

Mama, don't I look like Shan Cai?

Alex, earlier--

Hey, hey, hey!

What's the meaning of that?

Alex, why are you wearing my shoes?


No! Alexandra, I don't want to lend them!

I'm sure you'll take them everywhere

and you'll return them to me, all muddy.

Relax, Teddie.

I'll clean them later when we get home.

No! Where are your sneakers?

Worn out.

I have a video shoot
and I need to wear sneakers.

Gabbie, lend her yours.

Sorry, I have P.E. today.

Alexandra, you can't!

[TEDDIE] Those are new shoes.

[TEDDIE] I've only worn them three times.

You'll ruin them for sure!

Are you that heartless?!
You won't lend them to me?!

Give them back!

Teddie, stop it.

[Teddie and Alex bicker]

[MANANG] You might hurt each other!

Let's eat first!

[GABBIE] Stop it! Please!

[everyone screams]

Take care of my shoes.

Take care of my watch.

- [ALEX] Mmmm.

- [TEDDIE] Gabbie, you've got all your things?
- [BOBBIE] Alex...

You were wrong there.
Next time, ask permission.

And please, make sure to
bring those home in one piece.

So she doesn't get on your case again.

Okay, for you Bobbie,

- [ALEX] I'll bring these back so clean
- [TEDDIE] Is there gas?

- [ALEX] they're whiter than your armpits.
- [TOTI] Yes, there is.

[TEDDIE] What's wrong?

Matutina Marie,
didn't you say the van's fine?

I'm so sorry.
It was fine a while ago.

I'll try again.

[phone rings]

Guys! It's Mom!

Hello, Ma!

Hi, Ma!
I'll put you on speaker phone.

[GIRLS] Hi, Ma!

[GRACE] Hi, kids.

[GRACE] You're still at home?

We were just about to leave.

How's the conference?

[GRACE] It's okay.

[GRACE] Too bad we don't
have time to go sightseeing here in Cebu.

[GRACE] How are your sisters, Teddie?

We're okay, Ma. Alex tried
to sneak out last night ...

- [TEDDIE] She came home late--
- [ALEX] Ma, I didn't!

And Bobbie's covering for her.

She was just five minutes late, Ma.

[GRACE] Just don't be late for dinner later.

[GRACE] You know how your Lola Ibiang is.

Yes, Ma.
I'll make sure Alex comes on time.

What time should
we pick you up at the airport later?


Ma, what time will Dad
arrive from Cagayan?

[GRACE] Ah...

Hello? Dad?

Dad, I'll put you on speakerphone
so you can hear Ma on the other line.


Hi Pa!

- [GABBIE] Hi Pa!
- [BOBBIE] Hello, Pa!

[CALOY] Hello?
Hello, Grace?

Is Tina going to fetch you
and mom at the same time?

- [GRACE] You're Papa isn't coming home.
- [CALOY] My flight arrives around five PM.

- [GRACE] You're coming home?
- [CALOY] I never said that I wasn't.

Wait, wait!
Are you coming home or not?

[CALOY] Of course, I am.

[GRACE] So, you're coming home.

[GRACE] Good thing you changed your mind.

[CALOY] Seems like you
don't want me to come home.

[GRACE] I didn't say that.

[CALOY] You didn't,
but your tone says it all...

[GRACE] What tone?!
What, Caloy?!

Ma, Pa, are you okay?

- [GRACE] We're fine.
- [CALOY] We're okay.

- [GRACE] I have to go. Take care.
- [CALOY] Okay, see you later.

- [BOBBIE] Bye.
- [TEDDIE] Bye, Pa. Bye, Ma.

Is there a problem
between Mama and Papa?

They said they're fine.

When they see each other later,
I'm sure they'll forget about it.

I'm just worried.
Lately, Mama seems angry whenever

she talks to Papa on the phone.

Something's going on.

That's nothing.
Remember their last fight?

They were about to split
but they had Rebreb. They're fine.

Right, sis?

And if there is a problem,
we'll just offer biscuits again!

Right? C'mon, we're gonna be late.

Bobbie, come on.

Okay. Matutina Marie, let's go!

Maybe Mama and Papa
don't really have a problem.

But just in case ...

[men talking]

[JP] Thank you Father.
I'll think about it.

Okay, take time to think about it.

Sorry... I'm really sorry...

It's not you, it's me.

Maybe it's her.
Are you two together?





Sorry. Do you want me
to set you up with another guy?

Don't bother.
I'm not that desperate.

[JP laughs]

You're such a jerk, JP.

Hey, John Paul!
You've rejected so many girls.

What are you waiting for?
For Mia to go back to you?

Mia and I are over.
I've moved on.

You moved on?

So now what?

You just want to be alone?


Yes. Just like you last prom.
You went stag, right?

You enjoyed it, right?

Will you go stag again to the prom?

Or do you have a date?

I'm not waiting around to be asked to--

What if I ask you?


What? Didn't you just say ...

So you won't be alone.

And to keep our classmates off me.

It's hard work turning them all down.


You don't wanna be my prom date?

No way.


So, no.

[ROSA] Congratulations, Bobbie.

[ROSA] It's a student exchange program.

One semester, free tuition.

But you'll shoulder
the other fees like

airfare, accomodations,
daily living expenses.

Auntie, this is in New York.
It's too expensive.

I don't want to be a burden
to Mama and Papa.

You're a full merit scholar
here in Ateneo.

Your parents barely spend
anything on your tuition.

How are you a burden?

When will Jerry Yan and
Vic Chou come here?

Hmmm, isn't Jerry
a Bench model already?

- [TEDDIE] Ha? Right, right!
- [SHIELA] He'll come for sure.

Girls, we need money again for this.

Where will we get money?

From the universe!
Power of positive thinking!

If you say it over and over,
it'll come true.

Okay girls, altogether.

What do we want?

Money, money, money!

Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend!

I hope it's Jerry, Jerry, Jer-

Baby girl, are you okay?

Ouch! Who did that?!

It's just Jeremy Yulo.

So sorry about that.

That hurt! Apologize better!

You sound sarcastic, jerk.

What you did to me was way worse.

Next time, don't pass through
here if you don't wanna get hit.


Teddie bear,
what is the meaning of that?

Did you have a past?

He's my high school batchmate.
I dunno.

Maybe he hasn't gotten over
his crush on me.

[SHIELA] You're something else.

Let's go and get my grades up!

That guy's cute!

I'm sorry, sis.
We're still investing on them.

Think of it as a labor of love.

Right, Alex?

This project is like
a labor of love to you?

- [ALEX] Of course.
- [GINO] You see?

I'm Dragonfire's number one fan.

Sir Gino, pay us better
for the next video shoot.

- [GINO] I'll make it up to you.

[GINO] What else do we need?

[DIREK ARAH] You already have
some manpower.

Just do better next time.

I want smoke effect.

[romantic music plays]



Direk Arah?

Uhm, are you available--

I'm available, Direk.

[GINO] Wow!

That was a good shoot,
Direk Arah.

Thank you!


- [CHAD] You're the best.
- [DIREK ARAH] No problem.

When can we see
the rough-cut of the music video?

Actually, next week.

[DIREK ARAH] The editor will do it pro bono.

Thanks, Direk.

Thank you, Alex.


You going to Bagaberde after this?

Yeah. Wanna go with us?

I can't tonight.
It's my grandma's birthday.

[phone rings]

Hello? Ate Bobbie?

Yeah, I'm leaving.

Yeah, I'm about to get into a jeep.
Okay, bye. Bye.

Sorry, I have to go.

See you later. Promise?

Take care.


Thanks, sir.

[ALEX] Sis!


- [TEDDIE] You're late again!

I was being careful
not to soil your shoes.

The shoes are clean,
but look at yourself.

You're a mess!
So dirty.

You didn't even change clothes.

[TEDDIE] Can I have some?


Come on, we're hungry.


[TEDDIE] Thank you.

I might be dirty but
I'm not greedy.

Thank you, sis.

Alex, wear this cardigan.
Lola will be shocked to see your navel.

- [ALEX] Okay, sis. I'll do it.
- [BOBBIE] Secure it around your waist.

You stink.
Here! Cologne!

[ALEX] You're overreacting.

Now you smell wealthy, not dirty.

- [ALEX] Smells nice. I want more!
- [TEDDIE] This is for rich people.

- [ALEX] More!
- [TEDDIE] No! This is expensive, Alex.

[sisters squabble]

[ALEX] Fine, here!

Let me have that.

[GABBIE] Sis, don't touch that!
Grandma Ibiang might get upset.

[ALEX] So we can be seen.

Mama and Papa's wedding photo
is not on display.

And all our pictures are at the back.

True! As if we're the grandkids
that need to be hidden from the world.

[LOLA IBIANG] What are you doing?

- [TEDDIE] Hi, Grams!
- [BOBBIE] Happy birthday, Grams!

- [LOLA IBIANG] Thank you.

- [TEDDIE] Happy birthday, Grandma.
- [LOLA IBIANG] Thank you.

[ALEX] Happy birthday.

Oh my, Alexandra.

Oh my goodness.
What are you wearing?

It's like ...



Off-putting, Lola.

Don't sugarcoat it. Ugly.

No, I mean, uhm ... It's a ...

A little immodest.

This is okay in UP, Grandma.

I'm pretty covered up, at this rate.

Besides, you need to
be comfortable in a shooting.


Music videos shoot, Grandma.

Side job.

Side job? Do you need money?

No, Grams, no.
We don't need money.

- [BOBBIE] No, thank you, Lola. It's okay.
- [TEDDIE] We're okay.

But if you want to give us--

Don't listen to Alex.
She's just joking.

Okay. Did Tina Marie
fetch your mom?

Can you call her?
And then ask her, where they are.

Okay, Grandma.

Ma'am, the food is ready.
Should I serve it now?

Hey, let me borrow your phone.
I've got zero call credits.

Neither do I.

Same here.

What if we borrow Grandma's phone?

No! It will comfirm that we're broke.

Everything's okay, Grandma.
Everything is perfect!

Everything's okay. Look,
I'm gonna call her now.

Hello, Ma!

[TEDDIE] Ma, where are you?

Yeah, we're already here, Ma.

[GRACE] Hello, everybody!

- [GABBIE & ALEX] Hi, Ma!
- [BOBBIE] Hi, Pa!

[TEDDIE] Hi, Ma!

[TEDDIE] Ma, I missed you!

Teddie, who were you calling?

Ah, Ma ... Ma ...

Marina! My classmate!
Sorry, I dialed wrong, Grandma.

Ma, happy birthday.

Thank you.
How was your conference in Cebu?

It was okay.
I hope you like my present.

Sorry, I wasn't able to wrap it.

It's alright, baby. Thank you.

Ma, happy birthday.

Uhm, I brought durian
from Cagayan for you.

Madam Ibiang, look!

So spiky! So special!

Ay, thank you.
Yaya, please get!

Gabbie, do you want a new laptop
for your graduation?

Laptop, Grandma?

[ALEX] Grams, unfair.

When I graduated, I only got a cellphone.

Gabbie and I only got
phones last Christmas.

Alright, okay.

To be fair, I'll give Gabbie a phone
on her graduation and come Christmas...

... laptops for everyone!

[sisters cheer]

Wow! Thank you, Lola!

[ALEX] Thank you, Grandma.

Mom, that's too much.

Too much?

Grace, your computer is
practically a relic.

Yeah, but we want to teach
the kids how to share.

[CALOY] She's right, Ma.

We want to teach them resourcefulness

and to learn to make do with what they have.

Learn to bear it.

Suffer in poverty?
Is that what you're saying?

Well, if that's the case,
why did I sponsor CJ's trip to Singapore?

As you said,
it's an opportunity, right?

It's for his future. Right?

Thank you, Ma, for sponsoring CJ's trip.

You know we really appreciate it.

And thank you for being so generous to the kids.


You're the parents.
I'm just the grandparent.

Sorry, girls.
No laptop this Christmas.

- [GIRLS] It's okay, Grandma.

We're okay.

Uh ...

Sorry, Ma, I can only give you
durian for your birthday.

You know what I want for
my next birthday, Caloy?

For you to go back
to the house I gave you.


Caloy isn't just a
public school superintendent anymore.

He's earning more now.

Why don't he buy back the house?

You had so many
good memories in that house.

And besides, the house you're renting
now is too small for five kids.

Mind your heads.

[TEDDIE] Pa, I'll get Ma's bag.
[CALOY] It's heavy.

[BOBBIE] Pa, I'll get that.
[CALOY] Okay, okay

[CALOY] Careful.

Pa ...


You think we can go back to the old house?

I'll find a way, okay?

But, Pa. Don't be pressured.

I'm fine living here.

But you know what?

I do miss the old house.

We were happier there.

Because it was a bigger house?
A nicer house?

No, Pa.

Because you were always with us there.

I wish you can go home more often.

I'll try.

[CALOY] Come on,
let's go inside.

[GABBIE] What did you get for us, Pa?

[CALOY] Secret. You'll find out later.

[ALEX] Let's open Papa's luggage.
Hi, Pa!

[CALOY] Oh, hello.

Pa, is this dirty?

Yeah. The jeans too.

Bobbie, can you pass me the plastic bag
with the bracelets?

Check the pocket.

[BOBBIE] Okay.

[CALOY] Thank you.

Is this the one, Ma?

Yes. My gifts for you.

Teddie gets to choose first.

Wow. It really pays
to be the favorite.

Alex, Teddie gets to choose
first beause she has high grades.

Bobbie has high grades too.

Even higher than Ate Teddie.
Right, sis?

Bobbie did a good job too.
She has good grades too.

But Teddie should still go first
because she's the eldest.

Awww. Thank you, Mama.
You're really my favorite Mama!

Silly you!

What about me?

I don't have high grades.
So no gift for me?

Of course, you still get a gift.

But I have to be honest.

I'm worried.

Your video side jobs
are becoming more frequent.

That's just supposed to be a hobby.

It shouldn't distract you from your studies.
You might not graduate.

She'll graduate!

Ma, I got this.

Promise, in four years,
you and Dad will have a Tourism graduate.

That's right.

And in five years,
you can retire with Papa.

The four of us will take care of Rebreb.

Ma, mark my words.
We'll be wealthy.


[CALOY] That's my kid!

Look at him.
He's so handsome, right?

Your previous crush looks better.
The drag racer.

Huh? Marco?



Ah, 'coz he looks like JP.

What JP?

Crushes again?
Look! What do you think?

Does it go well with the bracelet from Mama?


Bobbie, what do you think?

Hello! Roberta Olivia Salazar!

Sorry, sis. What's that?

Why the long face?

You'll be studying in New York?

I was shortlisted for
a student exchange program.

I'm so proud of you.

[BOBBIE] Thank you.

[ALEX] Sis, when does it start?

It's still in March.

But it seems impossible
because it's too expensive.

[ALEX] You should still apply.
It's only September.

We still have time to save money.
Don't you even wanna try?

She'll try and definitely pass.

Then what? Mama and Papa
will be forced to look for money for it.

Teddie, I'm sure if you were
given the same opportunity,

Mom and Dad will do the same for you.


Which means,

they'll borrow money from Grandma again.

And she'll look down on Dad again,
just like she did earlier tonight.

Is that what you want, Bobbie?

Alex, I'll borrow this.

Gabbie, let's go to bed.
Good night.

Good night, sisters.

Good night, Gabbie.

You know what?
I get a feeling Teddie envies you.

What would she be envious about?

And she's right.

We have a lot of expenses
and I should not add to those.

But that is still an achievement.

And we should celebrate that.

Let's go to Begaberde!

Huh? Right now?


Why Begaberde?

Chad has a gig there.


Come on! Go with me!

It's a school night.
And you didn't tell

Mama and Papa that you're going out.

It's dangerous to go out at this time.

Sis, it's okay!
It's worth it if it's for true love!

True love, my ass!

Alex, you barely know the guy!

If he's got this effect on you,
I don't like him for you.

Please? Please?

[Bobbie shushes Alex]

[whispers] Go, go!

[gate squeaks]

Grace, can we talk about this?

I don't understand.

[GRACE] Let go of me.

Come here. Get in.

[door slams]

I thought you've forgiven me?
Why don't you believe me?

Forgiveness is different from trust.

It's hard to trust you again.

Especially now that
we're not together everyday.

What do you want?

I want you to avoid temptation!

You want me to leave my job?

I want you to end it with Linda!

[CALOY] Grace, it's over.

Don't talk to her, stop seeing her.

Grace! It's impossible.

I work with her.

There! She's calling you again!

[door opens]

Grace! Grace! Wait!

[GABBIE] So, Papa has a side chick?

- [BOBBIE] Seems so.
- [ALEX] No.

So which is it?

- [BOBBIE] There is.
- [ALEX] There isn't.

But what if there really is?!

Wait, wait, wait.
Why are you dressed to go out?

No, we're not.

We're just trying to match
the bracelets that Mama gave.

- [GABBIE] How can we be sure?
- [BOBBIE] Yeah.

Without Papa not knowing what we're up to.

Oh my goodness, I am so smart.

I got it. Let's hack Papa's phone!

Uh ... Teddie, I don't think that's a good idea.

Uh-uh-uh! It's not a good idea for you
to sneak out but you still did it, right?

I'm the eldest. Trust me:
We'll find out the truth tomorrow.

For which class is this, Teddie?

For my sociology class, Pa.

We need to interview families
that don't live together.

Like those of an OFW
(Overseas Filipino Worker).


Uh, Dad, can I borrow your phone?

I'll call CJ and update him about Nicole.

Who's Nicole?

[GRACE] His crush.

Since when?
How come I don't know that?

You're not here, like an OFW.

Here, here.

That's okay.

Okay let's start.

Pa, how's your work in Cagayan?

Are you happy there?

It's okay. But of course,
I miss you, my family.

Pa, why don't you work
here in Manila again?

Yeah. Why don't you
teach at Astra instead?

The principal doesn't like me there.

Ma, what do you say to that?

Don't believe your Dad.
The truth is, he doesn't want me as his boss.

Because the other employees
will know I'm your favorite.

Gimme a kiss.

Quit it. This is a serious interview.

It's just us, and we're married ...

Is there a Linda?

There's none.

All the messages are from us,
Mama, Mrs. Malvar, Mrs. Jacinto--

Look harder.

Ma, how will you celebrate your
20th anniversary with Papa?


[EVERYONE] You will separate?!



Your Mom means that she'll
be here while I'm in Cagayan.


CJ, not now!

Who's calling?

[GIRLS] That's my phone, Pa!

- [ALEX] It's Teddie's.
- [BOBBIE] No, it's Alex's.

Whose phone is that really?

It's mine.

Hello? CJ?

Gabbie hung up on you?

Sisters, Papa might get mad
if he finds out what we were really up to.

We were invading his privacy!

Relax, Gabbie.

He was convinced that
were just playing snake.

Good job, Alex.
You came up with that pretty fast!

You've become a master
at making up excuses.

Teddie, why don't
we just ask Papa directly?

You think Dad will admit it? Hello!

Remember when we asked
him about the house before?

He couldn't give us a straight answer.

Then, one day, were just
moving to a different house.

[TEDDIE] And if you're up to no good,

will you admit to it when asked without evidence?

Exactly. We didn't see
any Linda in his phone.

Maybe there is no side chick.

Then what did we hear last night?

Sisters, I've been
telling you, something's wrong.

Yes, it's very wrong that they won't
celebrate their anniversary together.

That's why I have a new plan.

We will organize a surprise party
for them before Papa goes back to Cagayan.

[TEDDIE] Of course, it's 20 years of marriage.

It should be unique!
It should be flashy!

1000 pesos per hour?!
No one's gonna buy that.

I'm not only saving for Jerry Yan's concert.

It's also for my parents' 20th anniversary.

Aha! I am so awesome.

Good thing I posted this all over UP.

Now, I have a client!

- [TEDDIE] I am so awesome!
- [FRIEND] In fairness.

Give that to me.

I'll tutor you, Mico.
I'll meet you at the cafetieria.

Just give me five minutes.

Okay. Thank you.


Who did that?! That hurts!

Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to.

You again?!

You did that on purpose?!

No! You could've ducked
to avoid the ball.

My apologies!
I'm trying to make a living here!

And there are things you simply can't avoid!

Funny you say that.

You're good with avoidance.

My God!
That was so 1999!

That was so last century!

That was so ... third year high school!

You still hold a grudge until now?
How immature!

Don't call me immature when you're

the one who couldn't even
own up to what happened

Because nothing happened!

Something happened!

You just have selective amnesia!

Enough! I don't remember anything
because nothing happened

You want me to remind you of what happened?

Back in Junior prom?

[JEREMY] How brave of you, Salazar.

[JEREMY] You're not afraid the principal might see you?

[TEDDIE] Why? Will you report
me to my mother?

I heard you like me.

I do have a crush on you.

Do I have a chance?

I remember...

I have a tutor. Excuse me


This is your tutor.
Where are you?

Turn around, I'm here.

Hello, tutor!


like we prayed before,

we don't want Mama and
Papa to separate.

We all want to be together no matter what.

[woman talking]

Mrs. Salazar!

Russel, thank you so much for coming.

And thank you for helping us celebrate

the 50th foundation day
celebration of our alma mater.

Don't mention it, ma'am.
You know we're running

short on our funds for the expenses.

It's a good thing an
alumnus donated money.

Your batchmate,
Mr. Edwin Benson. He's here.

There he is, now!

- [GRACE] Oh my gosh, Edwin!
- [EDWIN] Gracie!


How are you?
Oh my gosh, long time no see!

- [EDWIN] You're now the principal here.
- [GRACE] Uh-huh.

[EDWIN] Come here.

It's so good to see you again.

It's so good to see you again.
- [GABBIE] Auntie Rosa,

-[GRACE] And, welcome back.
- [GABBIE] was that man your classmate too?

Edwin? Yes.

He was your mom's high school
best friend and first love.

Is that really necessary?

I need a DNA sample from you.

Love ...

is it possible that you're wrong?

That's why we need the test.

I can't move on unless I'm sure.

Sorry, sorry.


What's up?

Order some food, I'll just go to the washroom.


Where's Chad?


He just left.

The contract signing just ended.

Go ahead and order.


Chad again?

You're way too in love with him.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Okay, no problem.

I really appreciate everything.

- [DIREK ARAH] Alex! Hey!
- [CALOY] Let' go.

Here. Where did you park?


- [ALEX] Pa! Pa!
- [DIREK ARAH] Alex!

Love, don't text me.

- [CALOY] I'll take care of it.
- [ALEX] Pa! Pa!

- [DIREK ARAH] Alex!
- [ALEX] That's my dad!



Alex, come here!

Don't cause a scene!

- [DIREK ARAH] Alex!
- [GINO] Alex, what's going on? Alex?!

- [GINO] What's going on, Arah?
- [DIREK ARAH] Stop her, stop her!

Alex, Alex.

What's happening?

Alex! Oh my God!

Just relax!


Hello, Dad?!

Who's that girl with you?

Why are you here in a hotel?!

Is that your mistress Linda?!

How can you do this to Mama?! You cheater!

Hello?! Hello?!

Fuck, deadbatt!


- What?!
- Wait, wait.

What did you see?

My dad with that ugly, flirty girl!

So, what about it?!

She hugged him!
I think that's his mistress!

You think?!
It was just a hug.

She could be just a friend!

Or a former student!

Or a distant relative!

The possibilities are endless!

Yeah. Did they kiss?


See! That's what I'm saying.
It's something else if they kiss!

[DIREK ARAH] Calm down.
Don't make a scene!

Bad news, bad news, bad news!

I can't find a tutee.

I have nothing to contribute!

Why the long faces?

You've got nothing too?


- [GABBIE] Mama saw her ex today.
- [ALEX] I saw Papa hugging another woman.


- [GABBIE] His mistress is here?
- [BOBBIE] Mama's ex?

Wait, wait. One by one.

Mama's ex was in Astra?

Yes, Mama's first love.
Confirmed by Auntie Rosa.

Is this the guy
Lolo and Lola wanted for Mama?

Yup, and I get it.
Sophisticated, well-educated, wealthy.

While our dad is a simple son of a farmer.

Good thing, he's handsome.

Sis, Mama's ex is also handsome.

And if you saw them earlier,
they look so happy. Like they're in love.

Unlike Mama and Papa who are always bickering.

Well, you know, it would be really hard to be happy,

sweet and loving if your
husband is cheating on you ...

... with his boss.

Hep, hep, hep! What?!?

I just felt so unsettled.

We couldn't find anything
about Linda in Papa's phone.

But we have a clue.
Mama said, Papa works with her

So I did some research.

The name of Papa's boss is Linda Malvar.

He's gonna replace Mom with that?

She could pass for his great aunt!

Why her?!


I hate to say it but
she gave Papa a job.

So, you think Papa's cheating for money?

I-I don't know what to what else to think.

Is it better if he's committing adultery for love?


Just calm down, okay?

What if you're wrong?


but that's weird coming from you

because you just said
you saw Papa's embracing another woman.

Oh my goodness, another one?!
It gets worse and worse!

Should we still continue the surprise party?

What if we're right about his affairs?


We need a super secret spy!

I know a super secret agent who can help us.

[TOTI] She's awesome.
I swear, promise!

Matutina Marie Bugayong, is that you?

Susiebeth Sanchez.

So nice to see you, Susiebeth.

Just Bette.

So you don't trip on your lisp.

[TOTI] But...

Did you get surgery?

No, I just woke up.

[BETTE] Who will be my clients?

Here are my girls. Take a seat.

Alex and Teddie.

Who do you want me to investigate?

We want you to invstigate our dad

who has two possible side chicks.

One from Cagayan and another one here.

Here's the one from Cagayan.

Alex saw the second one in this cafe'.

lex saw the second one in this cafe'.

That's all?

Even my mom is also cheating.

Your mom has a side chick too?

No. Her ex might be trying to win her back.


As long as you're ready.

Ready to pay.

Because I am very, very...


You can do this. You can do this

You can do this. You can do this.


What do you want?

What do you want?

To be your tutor.


Twenty hours.


50% downpayment first.


I'll only pay you only for the
number of hours that we finish.

No advances.

Please give me an advance.

I really need the money.

If I pay you now,

how sure am I that you won't run off?

I promise, I won't run off.

Nah, not interested.

Hey, wait. Hey.

Hey Sorry.

Sorry I denied you to the world that
I kissed you during our junior prom.

And sorry I avoided you

and I turned you away when you
went to my house to court me.

not only are we not allowed to
entertain suitors,

you're also not the type of
boyfriend I would have wanted back then.

Because of my acne?

Hey! I'm not that shallow!

Then, why?

Back then, you were reckless.
You didn't have any ambition in life.

You lacked direction.

So, I was a mistake.


Kissing you was the mistake.

Because it shouldn't have
happened that way.

My first kiss should've been with my true love.

Don't you want your first kiss to
be with someone you love?

You should have just told me that before,

instead of publicly humiliating me.

Everyone thought I was lying.

because I was the batch f*ck-up.

But not anymore.

You're a varsity player for UP now.

Who's gonna get kicked off
the team if you don't help me.


Are you willing to be my tutor?


No advance?

100,000 pesos just for a party?


Well, the catering is expensive.

Plus, the decorations.

Cake, fireworks, photographer.

And, we'll give them a weekend
stay in a hotel as a gift.

It would be awful for them to celebrate

their honeymoon in our tiny and hot house.

And, we still have to pay PI Bette.

Okaw. Wow. So ...

We need to sell a thousand cookies?


[romantic music plays]

[LOLA IBIANG] Oh my goodness!

What happened here?

Sorry, Grandma.
The flour bag burst.

Ay, it's okay. (laughs)

We'll clean it.

Okay, thank you.

[MANANG] Bobbie.

Thank you, Manang.

Hi, Bobbie!

Hi, Ma!

Hi, Pa!



Are your sisters home already?


We went to Divisoria.
I bought some pants for you.

Thanks, Ma!

But Bobbie...

Teddie gets to choose first.
She's the eldest.


Is this the school with the
exchange program?

Your Auntie Rosa mentioned it to me.

Yes, Ma. But we can't afford it.


yes... but...


Ma, please don't borrow money from Grandma.
I don't need to do this.

Why don't we ask Ma'am Linda
to sponsor your studies?

She loves hearing about you guys.

She's very kind.

She loves me so much.

Yeah, she really does.

Is that okay with you, Ma?

Of course!

I think that's a good idea.

I can ask Mrs. Malvar to
make you her personal scholar.


I'll call her.

Manang, what are you cooking?

[phone ringing]



Thank you, you're my hero!

Wooh. I love my life! Woooh!

- [CHAD] Uhm, Sir Gino...
- [GINO] Hello, Chad.

Look! My crush is here.

- [BOBBIE] Where?
- [ALEX] There. Look. Don't be obvious.

He's so cute, right?

- [CHAD] Alex?
- [GINO] Oo.



Okay, good.

Sis, fix my make-up.
I gotta look good.

I'll take care of it.

-[CHAD] Ah, Sir Gino, I'll just fix something first.
-[GINO] Go ahead.



How are you?

I heard you're gonna be my
leading lady in the video.

Are you okay with that?

Of course.

It's you.

Chad, this is my sister.

Sis, come here.



Hi. Bobbie.

Do you have your costume, Alex?

Yes, Direk. I'm ready!

Wait, Chad. I'll just my ask
sister to fix me up.


[love song playing]

You have a talented sister.

Thank you, I know.

[CHAD]You like... you like our song?

[BOBBIE] It's okay. You wrote it?

Yeah, yeah.

Have you heard of our other songs?


Alex always plays them at home.

And I have this favorite one
that I always remember.

"All I've known is lonely until you found me.

All I'll know is love

[both singing]
until you leave me..."

[BOBBIE] That one.

You don't find it corny?

No. I like it.

Of all the songs I wrote, that one's my favorite.


Okay! Everybody get ready for
the kissing scene.

- [DIREK ARAH]Costume change
for the next shot!

[DIREK ARAH] Ah, Gino.

There's a kissing scene?

Yeah... uh... Didn't she tell you...

How did I do?

You like what I did?

Yeah, you were great...

Thank you.




I don't think you should do
the kissing scene.

No offense, Chad.

Mom and Dad might have a heart attack
when they see the video--

Bobbie, it won't be a real kiss.
We'll fake it--


I'm not gonna take advantage of Alex.

Even though, Lex. Just don't do it.

Ma and Pa will get angry.

I don't want them on your case.

Sis, I can explain it to them.

You know what,

I'll tell the director.

I think the music video is
still good without the kiss.

Uhm, don't worry, Bobbie.
I'll take care of it.

Thank you, Chad.

[CHAD]Director Arah...

- [ALEX] I really wanted to do that kiss!
- [BOBBIE] Forget it, Alex.


I'm sure Nicole will like this.

Text me once you've delivered it to Nicole.

[CJ] And don't tell Ate Gabbie
and the others.

Of course, it's our super secret.

Okay, Tina. Thank you, thank you,
thank you. Bye.

Bye, baby boy.

Matutina Marie, is that for me?

Yes, Susiebeth.

-[BETTE] Let me have it.
-[TOTI] Here...

Open wide.



I thought this was mine!

[BETTE] Who's Nicole?!

So stupid.

Sorry, Susiebeth.

I forgot it's for CJ's crush.


if you like,

I'll make one for you too.

You like?

I like.

I deserve it

Because I'm so awesome.

It's from the coffe shop CCTV.

How did you get it?

I seduced the security guard.

You seduced the security guard?

[BETTE] Yeah...

That's what you call ... skills.

[Toti laughs]


You're the best, Susiebeth.

I'm the best,


That's why

Much better.


[GINO] Hey!

-[DIREK ARAH]Why are you here?
We don't have a shoot today.

I know.

I just want to support my favorite band.

- [ALEX] I brought some food.


Please, have some.

Thank you.

Chad, here.

Okay, Thanks.

Have you seen our music video?

No, not yet.

It looks great.

You looked great!
Your makeup was amazing.

Of course, Bobbie did it.

She's very good.

My sister's good at everything.

Uh... how's Bobbie?

She's okay. Busy in school.

Does she have a boyfriend?

Nope, it's against the rules.

[GINO] Hmmm, no boyfriend.
But can she entertain suitors?


Why are you asking too
many questions about my sister?

Who has a crush on her?

I don't know and I'm not telling.

What the heck!

Why's is she here?!

Seriously?! This girl is a singer?!

Well, she tries.

[CHAD] She's the daughter of our
record label owner.

[ALEX] Love Mae...

[ALEX] Love Mae what?

What's her last name?

I don't wanna say it.

It doesn't sound nice...


D... i... c... k...


[Gino coughs]

Love Mae Dick.

It's already 4:02.

We're two minutes overtime.
And I have practice in a few minutes.

I can do this while you practice.

I'll wait for you until you're done.

Then, we'll add two hours extra tutoring time.

Good plan, right?

Let's go!

You sound like you wanna
spend a lot of time with me.

Because you don't want to flunk, right?

Or you just want to
make money off of me?

No! I'm not like that.

No, no.

How much do you need?

How can I help you?

We barely have the money we need.


Don't tell me I'm doing
another bake sale?

My arms muscles have gotten quite big
from all the cookies I've made.

Why don't we simplify the party?




Okay. Thank you, Jeremy.
Uh-huh. Alright, see you tomorrow.

Guys, we might get a free hotel and
catering for Mama and Papa's party.


Jeremy's family owns a hotel.

He said,

[TEDDIE]he'll try to talk to his dad about it--
[BOBBIE] Jeremy? Jeremy who?


The guy you avoided like
the plague in high school?

Don't you hate him?

He agreed to help you? Why?

No, it's nothing really...

Oh my goodness,

he still has a crush on you?

No, no.

Oh my goodness,

you now have a crush on him, too?

No. Diploma first before lovelife.

[TEDDIE] No, he's not my type. No!

My crush is Jerry. Jerry Yan!
Dao Ming Sz forever. Wooh!

Okay, I admit! I have a
crush on Jeremy Yulo! Okay?

We're good?

At last... finally admitted it!

Gabriella, it's your turn.

Why me?


Okay, okay. I have a crush on JP!

Are we good?

And sometimes I feel like...

...he likes me too.


How 'bout you, Bobbie.
Who's your new crush?

- [TEDDIE] Who?

John Lloyd!

In his role as Yuri, not as Rovic.
He's so handsome in the soap.

The Long Wait.

No one's gonna ask me?

We already know.

That badboy rocker with the attitude.

Actually, he's not a bad boy.


You approve, Bobbie?

Mmm ...


[GIRLS] Hi, Ma!


Ma, are you okay?

I'm okay.

Uh, girls ... family meeting, later.

We called for this meeting

[CALOY] because I want to ask
you girls something.

What do you think if...

...I work in the US?

My boss, Mrs. Malvar, owns
a teacher recruitment agency.

Five years



we might not see each other
for a few years.

I'll stay in Mrs. Malvar's apartment in Atlanta
until I find an apartment.

Are you leaving this year, Pa?

Your Mama and I
haven't decided on this.

So Papa will be living with
his mistress in America?

Mama's reaction doesn't make sense.
Why does she seem okay with it?

You really think that Mama
would just let this go on?

That she won't fight for Papa?

Well, if she has a back-up plan,


Mom isn't like that!

Maybe we just need to
confront the mistress!

Teddie, that's not a good idea.

Bobbie, why do you always have
to disagree with me?

You're not the only one who can
come up with good ideas!

That's not what I'm saying.
Mama and Papa's reactions don't make sense.

And I don't think
Mrs. Malvar is his mistress.

If really is his mistress, would really let
Mrs. Malvar sponsor my studies in New York?


Linda will sponsor you?

No! It was Papa's idea,
and Mama just agreed with it.

And you're okay with that?!

For your New York dream,

you're willing to overlook the fact that
Papa's boss is his mistress?!

So your ambition is more
important than your family!

Going to New York is not my dream!

And I'm offended that you actually believe that
I will allow our father to cheat on our mother

just so I could study abroad!

Ate Teddie, that's so stupid.

I'm not stupid!

[ALEX & GABBIE] Stop it.

I didn't say you are.
What you're saying - that's what's stupid.

You always think you're smarter
than everyone else!

Just because you have a scholarship to New York
doesn't mean you're better than everyone else..

What? Where'd that come from?

Teddie, all Bobbie's saying is that
we might be wrong about Mrs. Malvar.

We might be wrong about Love Mae, too.

Love Mae?

Love Mae?

Love Mae Dick.

That ugly girl in the coffeeshop.

How'd you know?

Chad told me.

He said

He doubts she's Papa's mistress.

[ALEX] She keeps asking
Chad out for dates.

So, we might be wrong?

I hope so.

Don't you want to be wrong about this?

[ALEX] Ha!

Gotcha, Pa!

Whats that?

No, no. Don't show the video to your Mama.


Erase that. Come on!

Fine. There, Pa.

But, Pa, stop smoking. You might get cancer.

Yeah. Promise.

Alex, I just wonder.

Is tourism the right course for you?

That's the easiest, Pa.

And it's not that expensive.

Your passion seems to be
somewhere else.

I think...

That camera.

That's what you want.

That's your passion.

Why don't you shift to Film?

There's no money in film, Pa.

Besides, it's an expensive course.

There's a thesis at the end
that needs a lot of money.


that's why we had the meeting earlier.

I'll work abroad

so you and your sisters
can study whatever you want.

Even if it's difficult,

I'll do it...

...just so you can all study.


I want you to have careers
you're passionate about

and really good at.

Is that why you became a teacher?

Because it's what you're passionate
about and good at?

Teaching is what I do best.

Teaching makes me happy.

But it's also what...

You know what my bigger passion is?


My family.

We're so lucky you're our dad.

That's nice to hear.

And I'm happy my phone died the other day,

that you didn't hear what I said.


[phone rings]

[phone rings]

[phone rings]




Yes. Okay.

Okay, Love. I'll see you in Park hotel.

Yeah, it's the coffee shop at the lobby.

Who's that?

What? That?

[phone rings]
What? That?

[phone rings]

[phone rings]

[phone rings]

Mr. Rabago.

Yes, yes, sir.

This is the bank.
We have a chance to get our old house back.

Yes, Mr. Rabago.


Yes, uhm,

I'll just go to my wife.

[CALOY] Wait a sec.

[CALOY] The signal is really bad.

Hello, Bette?

Spy on Love Mae tomorrow.

I'll text you which coffe shop.

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.


[CHAD] Name?


I'll go ahead.

Okay, Sir Gino.

What about you?

I'll just finish this.


Take care.

I'm already here.

But the other woman isn't here yet.

There is a dude here.

Lots of people asking him
for an autograph.

Chad can I get a hug?


[BETTE] The girl just hugged him.
And another girl hugs him again.

[CHAD] Take care.
Thank you.

Who is this guy?

Why does he have so many fans?

He winked. Oh my God,
he winked at me! Wait a minute.

And he waved. Susiebeth,
calm down!


- [LOVE MAE] Chaddy! My favorite Dragon.
- [CHAD] Love Mae.

How are you?

I'm good. You?

What a flirt!

This other woman is such a flirt!

The way she touches his arm ...

Like she's feeling the fresh
flesh of a spring chicken.

[phone rings]

- [BETTE] Hello? Tina Marie?
- [TOTI] Hello. Should we go there?


Well, I'm on surveillance.
The second mistress is here.

Yeah, such a flirt!


-[TOTI] I'll just fetch CJ from the

Hello? Hello? Hello

Can't you hear me?

Hello, Tina Marie?

[TOTI] I said I'll just pick up CJ from the airport.

[BETTE] Bad signal! I can't hear you!

[phone rings]



[TOTI] Fetch... CJ... airport...

Tina Marie. Hello?

So we'll just meet up in the hospital?

Okay, sure.

[TOTI] I said I'll just fetch CJ.

Chad, I have to go now,
but promise me you'll drop by the studio, okay?


Take care.



Can you speak louder?

[CHAD] What are you doing here?


[BOBBIE] I just finished an interview

...for my research paper
for my management class.



- [CHAD] Alex was just asking

- [CHAD] about your dad and Love Mae.
- [BETTE] I can't hear you. Hello?

Uhm, that's so weird. She was just here.

You just missed Love Mae.

Love Mae?

Yeah. I'm supposed to meet her at the studio.

Can I come with you?

I just have to talk to her.

Alright. Yeah, sure.

Let's go?

I saw the girl. She's with the rocker
who thinks he's famous.

Yeah. Okay, okay. Bye, bye!


Yes, ma'am?

Where's the guy with the checkered shirt?

They left together. That's them.

[BETTE] Huh?!

Okay, okay. Thanks.


Uh, we'll just get it later.

Thank you, sir.

It's okay, Bobbie.

The coffee shop manager has your phone.

Thank you.

Just wait.

Love Mae is just finishing
a test in the hospital.

But she's on the way.




You think

my dad and Love Mae are not having an affair?

I don't think so...

I might be wrong though.

I thought my mom was...

not cheating on my dad. .

But then, I found out she was.

I'm sorry.

Are you angry at your mom?

I don't know.


[CHAD] But that made me realize something.

Once I find the person I truly love
and who loves me...

...I will never leave her.

Lucky, that girl is.

What if it's you?


I like you, Bobbie.

Sorry, Chad... No ...

Yeah, I know.

Alex told me about your rule that you can't have
a boyfriend until after graduation. graduation.


It's not just that.

Then, what is it?

You don't like me?

[CHAD] I'm not up to your standards?

I'm not such a bad guy,

am I?

- [ALEX] I'm sorry. I have to go.
- [CHAD] Just tell me-

[CHAD] Bobbie.

[CHAD] Bobbie, wait.

She's inside. She's with her boytoy.

Huh? Where?

Is Papa there?


She didn't meet up with your Papa

in the coffee shop.

She was with someone else.

Another guy.

Wait. Wait.


Please let me explain.

I'm sorry.

[CHAD] Was I out of line?

Was it wrong to say that I like you?

[TEDDIE & GABBIE] Bobbie?!

She's not the girl in the coffee shop.
It was the other one.

You also like Bobbie?


He likes everyone.

He was flirting with Love Mae earlier.

He was flirting with me too!

He flirts with everyone! Such a flirt,

this boy!

Naughty boy!


[engine sputters]

What?! Let's go!

- [GABBIE] Try again, please.
- [BOBBIE] Alex.

- [GABBIE] It's late!
- [BOBBIE] I'm sorry.

- [GABBIE] Please hurry up!

[GABBIE] If I'm not in school yet.

This car is gonna start soon.

[phone rings]
[BOBBIE] Hey. Alex.


Direk Arah!

[engine sputters]

[engine sputters]

[ALEX] Don't give my number.

[ALEX] No!

I don't like him anymore.

[TOTI] You try making it start ...

That's right!

Don't give your number to that metalhead.

He doesn't like you.

He just wants you to be his wingman.

Tina Marie, why is this van acting up again?!

The van is getting stressed
out with your bickering.

My gums are getting stressed out, too.

I'll be reprimanded in school for this, Teddie.

Alex, I'm sorry. Okay? Please.

[TEDDIE] You said John Lloyd is your crush!

He is!

Then why are you with her crush?!

And how did her crush have a crush on you?

I don't know!

I barely even know the guy.

It's the second time I've met him.

Just the second time,
and yet he already likes you?


Teddie, stop it.

Why do you seem more offended than Alex?

Have I done something to offend you, Teddie?


Alex, Gabbie, let's go push this car.

The three of us can do it.

- [TEDDIE] Let's go. Let's go.
- [TINA MARIE] Why don't you drive this time?

- [TINA MARIE] Altogether!

[engine sputters]

[TEDDIE] Push!

- [BETTE] Girls, push! More!

[BETTE] More! More!

[BETTE] Some more!

[BETTE] Some more!

[BETTE] Come on!

- [BETTE] Push!

That hurts!

So do your words.

[engine sputters]
They have to hurt to wake you up from your stupidity.

What stupidity?

[TEDDIE] Do you even hear
what you're saying?!

[engine sputters]
Are you saying it was love at first sight?!

That's what he said.

Maybe it wasn't love at first sight.
Lust at first sight.

[BOBBIE] What?

You flirted with him.

What did you say?

He fell in love with you because you flirted with him.

Alex, I didn't flirt with him.

[BOBBIE] I would never do that.

[BOBBIE] And I would never hurt you like that.

-[BOBBIE] How dare you insinuate that!
-[TINA MARIE] Girls!


I'm not insinuating.

I'm saying it straight up because
I'm not two-faced like you!

-[GABBIE] Alex, stop it--
-[ALEX] No!

[BETTE] Alex!

Just admit it.

Maybe that's why you didn't want us
to kiss in the music video.

Because you wanted him for yourself.

-[TINA MARIE] Alex, stop it.
-[TEDDIE] Wait, wait, wait.

You're gonna kiss that guy?

Yes. Why?

It's just acting. It's not real.

Not like what you and Jeremy did.

That one is real, right?

That's not true. That's just gossip.

Oh is that right, Teddie?
Was it just gossip?

Why is this about me now?

- [TEDDIE] Isn't this your fight?
- [TIA MARIE] You better stop--

-[ALEX] Because you keep meddling!
-[TEDDIE] Don't turn this on me!

I'm so sick of you!

Alex, we're on the same side.

You're siding with me only
because I'm against Bobbie!

I'm siding with you
because you are right for the first time in your life!

I'm right for the first time
because you always have to be right!

Of course!

- [BETTE] Hey! Stop it!

-[TEDDIE] Why? I'm the eldest here, am I not?!
- [ALEX] And so?!

- [ALEX] Why does it always have to be my fault?!
- [BOBBIE] That's enough!

While you always get to be
the martyr and the favorite child.

and I always have to be the black sheep?!

Because you always break the rules!

- [TEDDIE] And this one here lets you!
- [TINA MARIE] Teddie!

[TEDDIE & BOBBIE] Stop it!

What's wrong with you?

Why do you always belittle me?

What?! You've never made a mistake?!

Colossal failure I may be,

but I'm not a liar!

And I'm not a traitor!


- [TEDDIE] Alex, come here.
- [TINA MARIE] Stop it.

[TEDDIE] Come here.

BOBBIE] I didn't betray you!

[girls shout angrily]

[car honks]
[girls shout angrily]

- [ALEX] What the heck?!
- [TEDDIE] You want a fight?!

[BOBBIE] Can't you see?!
Are you stupid--

It's Grandma.

What's happening here?
Oh my God!

What's happening?

[GRACE] You all cut class?!

Just tell us if you
don't want to go to school!

That way, your dad and
I don't have to kill ourselves

just so we can send you to school!


[GRACE] You're the eldest!

[GRACE] How can you let this happen?!

How can you be so irresponsible?!

Sorry, Ma ...

Apparently, they were in that building

because they wanted to
join a dance competition

I think it's called...

Dance Dance Revo whatever.

It was a good thing I parked there.

That's why I chanced upon them.

Why are you joining that?

The cash prize is huge, Gracie.

What do you need the money for?

It's for the...


It's for my student exchange program, Ma.

[BOBBIE] So that you won't have
to borrow money anymore.

Oh my goodness, Gracie.

Ma, can you please not--

Can I not what?

Can I not look after the welfare
of my daughter and my grandchildren?

Gracie, you are confusing your children.

[LOLA IBIANG] You want them to suffer in poverty,

[LOLA IBIANG] while making them aspire
for the lifestyle you deprive them off.

This is not the life for you, Gracie

You can do so much better than this.

[LOLA IBIANG] But your husband wanted
to play the patriotic hero

[LOLA IBIANG] And now, you barely scrape by.

[LOLA IBIANG] And now, you barely scrape by.

Ma, please.


I'm saying this because you
can't say it to your husband.


[LOLA IBIANG] enough of the pride.

It's time you make some
sacrifices for your family.


please stop.

Grace, it's okay.

Don't worry, Ma.

[CALOY] I'll just finish out this semester.

Once I get my visa,

I'll go abroad immediately.

[DIREK ARAH] Sonny, lower it down a bit.

[DIREK ARAH] It should be focused here.



[DIREK ARAH] Let's break for lunch.

[DIREK ARAH] Be back after 30 minutes.

[DIREK ARAH] Please switch off the bulb...


[DIREK ARAH] I feel like
we should add more products

[bell rings]
[DIREK ARAH] because there are very few...

[bell rings]
Why are you here?

I'm sorry, Alex.

I didn't know you had feelings for me.

Did Bobbie tell you?


It was Arah who told me.

[CHAD] And Gino.

[CHAD] And everyone in the band.

All of them know that
you have a crush on me.

I was the only dense one who didn't notice.

You met Bobbie just once,

And yet you liked her immediately.


Is it because she's pretty and I'm not?

Alex, no.

You're pretty.

It's just that...

I'm not your type.

[CHAD] Look.

I fell in love with Bobbie

not only because of how she looks

What I really like about her is how

is how she was so protective of you.

[CHAD] And how she takes care of you.

[CHAD] How she loves you.

[CHAD] It made me want to be loved like that.

It made me want to be loved by her.

I'm really sorry, Alex.

Can you stop being nice with me?

[ALEX] Can you just be jerk right now?

So I can stop liking you.

So that I can stop hurting.


Could you please help them post these things?


I'll just go to the restroom.


Just post that one over there.

Just post that one over there.

[bell rings]

[EDWIN'S TEXT MESSAGE] "Babe, call me.
I have good news for you. Love you."

[Gabbie crying]


[GABBIE] My family is falling apart.

Please help me.

We can't lose our parents. I'm begging you.

Please! Please!


[Gabbie crying]

[GABBIE] Is there no one in this world
who can love faithfully?

[GABBIE] My mom is cheating.

[GABBIE] My dad is going to America
to continue living his messed up life.


My family is breaking apart, JP.

I'm here for you.

Why are you like that?

Why do you act like you love me sometimes?

Do you love me?


Because no matter how much I tell myself

that you're just my best friend,

I love you.


[JP] Gabbie, wait!

Let go of me.

It's okay. I get it.

You don't like me.

It's not like that, Gabbie.

It's not that I don't like you--

Then what?

It's not you. It's me. Is that it?


Are you really using that excuse on me?!

Gabbie, it's not an excuse. It's true--

Can you smile a little bit?

Do you understand this?

Which of this do you not understand?

Why are you in such a bad mood?

[JEREMY] I thought there'd be no more
avoiding each other?

No more running away?


Or I'll kiss you.

Because I will just deny it again.

Even if we're already together?

Even if you love me?

We're not together.

Not yet. I know.

I'm waiting until graduation next year
so I could officially start courting you.

Don't wait for me anymore.
Just go look for another girl.



You still think I'm not good enough for you?

I'm the one who's not goo enough for you.

I'm not good enough. Period.

I'm a fake!

It's not true that I'm the smart one
in the family because that's Bobbie.

No matter how hard my mom tries
to convince us that I'm just as smart as Bobbie,

I'm not.

[TEDDIE] I'm not the obedient daughter either,
because that's Gabbie.

I'm not even a real rebel

who fearlessly owns up to my awfulness.

[TEDDIE] Unlike Alex who doesn't even pretend to be good.

What am I?!

Fake, fake, fake!

And you know when Alex asked me if I did kiss you?

I couldn't be honest.

I still feel ashamed about what I did.

So tell me?!

Do you still like this fake and awful girl in front of you?!

There's nothing fake about this girl in front of me.

[JEREMY] Since you've come back to my life,

all you've been is honest.

Or maybe I could just see through your bullsh*t.

But I like you.

You may not like yourself

but I like you.

[Teddie sobs]

And I think...

I may be falling in love with you.

I'm not giving up on you, okay?

Guys, guys.

I'm so sorry.

I promise this time,

I got everything right.

Did you know?

That Mrs. Malvar is here?


She has a teacher recruitment seminar in Manila.

How did you know?


Online announcement.

That's so smart of you, Bobbie.

[BETTE] Anyway.

[BETTE] Here is the plan.

Our goal is to have them all together.

[BETTE] Starting with Linda, mistress 1.

And then Love Mae, mistress 2.

And then the four of you.

Best friend Tina Marie and I
will pretend to be hosting a debut party

for our one and only daughter, Gabbie.


Of course. You are so pretty.

You will easily pass for my daughter.

We'll pretend

to be auditioning performers for the party in the hotel.

We'll invite Love Mae to that audition.

While the fake audition is happening,

the two of you have to pretend that you're there
to also recruit teachers.

Then, you will bring Mrs. Malvar to the other ballroom.

At last, they will all be in one place.

And then?

If they go crazy with jealousy and get into a catfight,

just let them do it.

[BETTE] And if you guys want to join the riot,

[BETTE] just go ahead.

[BETTE] That way you get to avenge your Mama.

Do we have a plan here?

Do you like my plan? Tell me!



Excuse me. I have to get water.

Bobbie, what's the problem?

I'm scared.

I don't want to lose our parents.

I know we have to know the truth.

I was even the one who suggested

to ask Mama and Papa directly.

But every time I say that,

I am so scared.

[BOBBIE] I'm so afraid that if this is all true,

I won't be able to forgive.

I might not even want to have
them as my parents anymore.


Don't get ahead of yourself.

I'll make sure we don't lose the sister I know,

the Bobbie who loves and accepts a person like me

who is crazy

and stubborn.

That's the reason why Chad fell in love with you.

Because you love me.


Sorry, Bobbie.

Because I got angry.

It's just so painful to be rejected.

It hurts to lose.

Even if I know that my enemy deserves to win.

No, no, no, no.


I will never be your enemy, okay?

I am on your side. Forever.

You, too, Ate Teddie.

I will always be on your side.


I'm sorry.


If you sometimes feel that I'm disrespecting you.

That's not my intention.

I'm so sorry.

I'm the one who has to say sorry.

It's hard to be the eldest sometimes.

I have the best sisters,

but I'm not the best big sister.

Mama always expects,

and I expect it of myself too,

that I will lead, and you will follow.

[TEDDIE] That's my job as the eldest in the family.

But it's not easy.

Especially when the two of you oppose me.

Being your big sister becomes so much harder.

[BOBBIE & ALEX] Sorry. Sorry

How I wish you are always like this.

Like you, Ate Bobbie,

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.

I don't want to lose our parents.

And I don't want to lose my sisters.

The last thing I want to happen

is for you to hurt each other so much

that you wouldn't even want to come home anymore.

Sorry, Gabbie.

[TEDDIE] Sorry, baby.

[TEDDIE] Sorry, baby girl.

So ... Ma, Pa?

Since you're going back to Cagayan tomorrow night,

what family bonding activity are we gonna do?

Up to you. Anything.

Can we play charades after lunch?

[GRACE] That will be fun.

[GRACE] Sure, CJ.

Can we do it after dinner instead?

Mrs. Malvar is here.

I promised that I will help
her in her recruitment seminar.

Which reminds me.
Why don't you come along, Bobbie?

So you could meet Mrs. Malvar.

Pa, we'll go with you.

[ALEX & GABBIE] That's right.

You better eat fast. I need to leave in a bit.

[GIRLS] Okay.

How about you, Grace?

I'll just spend time with CJ here.

I missed our baby so much.

[GRACE] Try this one.

Let's register first.

Where's Susiebeth?

Call her.


Go. Call her now.

Good morning.

[TINA MARIE] Over here.

[CALOY] Has Mrs. Malvar arrived?

She's here.

[TINA MARIE] That's her. She's here.

[TINA MARIE] We'll go to our spot now.


Sir Caloy.


I'll just go to the washroom.

Okay. We'll just be here.

Let's go.

Come on. We better hurry.

You look fabulous today.

I'm flattered.

Let's go.


Let's go in.

Pa, um ...

We'll stay out here.

What will you do here?

There's nothing to do here.

You go ahead, Pa.
We'll just play some Snake first.

-[TEDDIE] Yes.
-[GABBIE] Snake.

Snake, snake.


Since you're the highest scorer,
make sure you do well.

I'll just go inside.

Okay, Pa.

Don't forget: we're doing this for Mama.

And for Papa.

And for CJ.

For our family.

Okay. Are you ready for
Operation Fix the Family?

Let's do this!

Hello, hello, hello.

Your parents are here.

Hello, daughter!

Tina Marie?

For today, I am a man.

And I am your Papa.

And I am Toti.

[LOVE MAE] Chaddy.

What if Chad blows our cover?





I'm so glad to finally meet you.

You know us?

I always see your pictures in your Papa's office.

[MRS. MALVAR] He always tells us about you girls.

I'm Mrs. Malvar.

[MRS. MALVAR] Bobbie, I am so excited
to make you my scholar.

My godson who is studying in New York?

He said he'll take care of you when you arrive there.

His name is Tristan Harris.

Hi, hi, hi!

I'm Love Mae Dick, and I'm ready
to steal the show.

Hi, Madam!

[LOVE MAE] I like your dress.

[Bette laughs]

Thank you!

By the way, this is my husband, Toti.

Hi, Sir!

Are you ready for me?


do you Love Mae Dick?

[BETTE] Stop flirting with her.

Stop it.

Show some respect to your wife.

Sorry, sorry.

So you're Love Mae Dick?


I hope you don't mind.

I brought a band to make my audition full on.

I know them.

I know him.

You think you're so handsome, don't you?
My girls are fighting over you.

Excuse me, sir?

Excuse my husband, sir.

He thinks he knows everyone.

Stop it.

Ma'am, here's the program.

Oh Lin!

Look who's here.

These are Caloy's kids.

Teddie and Bobbie.


She is your Papa's assistant principal in Cagayan.

This is Ms. JacinTWO.


It's just a joke. The thing is we both have
the same name.

I'm Linda #1,

and she's #2.

Mrs. Malvar,

I could hear your voice from inside.


Guess what? I've met your two girls,
and I love them.

Ms. Jacinto. You're here?

Ma'am Linda asked me to join her.

By the way, where are Alex and Gabbie?

Presenting to you our daughter, Sarah,
and her assistant, Becky.


What are you doing here?

Is it possible that Ms. Two is the mistress
and not Mrs. Malvar?

[BOBBIE] Possible.

You're not gonna argue with me?

It makes sense.

[TEDDIE] So how's this?
We'll have both of them face Love Mae?


Are you really not gonna argue with me this time?

Teddie, I won't.

It's a miracle.

Let's go.

Excuse me, Mrs. Malvar.

Can we speak with you?

Yeah sure. About what?

We have this surprise party for Papa
before he returns to Cagayan.

How sweet of you.

Of course, I'll help. What's the plan?

Let's just discuss it inside the other ballroom.

You're coming too.

Me too?


I think it's there.

Excuse me.

Has Caloy Salazar arrived?

- [CALOY] Oh, CJ!
- [CJ] Pa!

I thought you guys were gonna bond together?

CJ said he already misses you.

And his sisters as well.

He wants all of us to have lunch together.

I'm not the only one who misses you, Pa.



Thank you!

So excited!

Wait. Who are these people?






Your Papa has been looking for you.

Wait a minute.

I'm confused.

I thought you're her dad.

[LOVE MAE] I feel sorry for her for being confused.

Being unsure about one's father is no joke.

Trust me.

I know from experience.

Who are you?

Love Mae--

And who are these people?

Why are they claiming to be Gabbie's parents?


did you see Mrs. Malvar?

She went inside the ballroom with your daughters.

I see.

Let's go to them.

I'll introduce you to her.


Kidnappers! That's what you are!

Have you hurt these kids?!

We're not hurting them!

[TEDDIE] Stop! Stop! Stop!

You're the one hurting these kids!

Bette, the thing is--


You know these people?

My God! They look like conmen and swindlers!

And you look like a homewrecker.

[BETTE] You, too. You're a homewrecker, too!


[MRS. MALVAR & LOVEMAE] A homewrecker?!

If we're really homewreckers,

whose family are we destroying?



What's this?

[people arguing]

[people arguing]
[GRACE] What is the meaning of this?

Love Mae,

what are you doing here?

Oh my God!

[LOVE MAE] Finally, we meet!

I'm so happy to be part of this family!

How dare you!


You will never be part of this family.

The nerve to date a married man!

What are you talking about?

Ma, that girl has been seducing Papa.

Your Papa? He's like my dad!


You plan on making him your sugar daddy?!

You won't get a single cent from him! He's broke!

It's not money that I need from him.

DNA. To know if we're related.

[GIRLS] You're his kid?!

I'm his niece.

His youngest brother got my mom pregnant.

Are you sure you're our cousin?

Yes. She's your cousin.

The DNA test confirmed it.


I really thought...

That got me worried.

I really thought your dad has a mistress.

But he does, ma'am!

- [CALOY] What's this about, Tina Marie?
- [TOTI] Come with us.

[MRS. MALVAR] What?! Oh my God! Oh my God!

[MRS. MALVAR] How dare you!

[CALOY] Mrs. Malvar, I'm really sorry.

I would never!

Caloy is almost like a son to me, Grace.

You know me. I would never do such a thing.

Of course, Ma'am. I know.

I'm already getting confused
with all of this.

I'm sorry, Ma'am.

Mama, isn't she the cause of your distress?

How did you...

It's not her, Gabbie.

It's this one.

Linda, what is the meaning of this?

Slut. How dare you!

[LOVE MAE] Homewrecker.

[MRS. MALVAR] Oh my God!

- [CALOY] Stop it. Love Mae!

- [CALOY] Enough! Enough!



CJ is here.

Hi, sis!

Hi, CJ!

You're all here.

Wait, are you guys talking about me?

Gabbie, you're such a snitch!

Sorry, Reb.

Reb, you're our baby.
We're concerned about you.

Hey! Do you have a problem
with your wife?

CJ, we just want
to help you and Princess.

Thank you.

And yes, I need your help.

I made a mistake.

I didn't have an affair.

[CJ] It's not that.

[CJ] But it almost happened.

[CJ] Nicole and I,

[CJ] we kissed.


The thing is, I am so unhappy.

I lost my job. Then...

you know that kind of feeling

of being such a failure?

CJ, it's not your fault.

It's because of this pandemic.


But I might not have been
laid off from the company

if my performance were satisfactory, right?

I don't want my marriage
with Princess to fail too.

How do I fix this?

Reb, don't lose hope.


Do you rememeber when
Mama and Papa spoke to us?

[GABBIE] After that incident in the hotel?

We thought you were going to separate.

You know, guys...

We didn't want you to know this...

Ever since we lost our house...

and our debts started piling up...

I just felt like

I'm such a terrible father.

[CALOY] Especially when...

you all got dengue one by one.

[CALOY] I didn't have money
to pay for the hospital bills.

[CALOY] That's why when Mrs. Malvar
offered me that job in Cagayan,

I accepted it right away.

[CALOY] When I arrived in Cagayan,

the first person I met was her ...


[CALOY] We became close.

We went out once.

Something happened between us.

[CALOY] But it only happened once.

I regretted it right away.

I immediately told your Mama about it.

[CALOY] I asked for forgiveness.

And until now...

I'm still trying to earn her forgiveness.

Are you the only one who needs
to ask for forgiveness here, Pa?


I saw Edwin's text message for you.

He called you "Babe" and said "I love you".

Did you also cheat on dad as well?

[GRACE & CALOY] With Edwin?

Do you know why Edwin and I didn't end up together?

Because the truth is...

...he likes your Papa more than me.

[GRACE] You know,

You have nothing to worry about.

My heart belongs to just one man.


give me some time to learn
to trust you again.

I hope to regain your trust before I leave.


I'm not complaining.

I'm not complaining about our life now.

I'm fine with whatever little we have.

[TEDDIE & BOBBIE] Same here, Papa.

I know you don't want me to go to America.

But I need to do it, Grace.

Not only to prove to your
family that I deserve you,

but also to prove to myself

that I can give you

and our children

the life we've always dreamt of.

Sorry, girls.

Sorry for all my shortcomings.


If only I could go back to the past...

Sorry for being the
first man to break your heart.


You're the first man
who fixed our broken hearts.

And someday,

we hope to find men who will love us

the way you love Mama.

But not yet.

We have a deal, remember?

[GIRLS] You can't date until you graduate.


Promise us!


[CJ] Are you done reprimanding them?

Can I join you now?

Come here.

You'll be gone five years.

We will have plenty of saved by then.

Life is too short, Caloy.

And five years is too long to still be mad at you.

[GRACE] I don't want to wait

five years to forgive you.

And I don't want you to live
five years alone in another country

feeling unloved, thinking...

...I don't love you.

So ... Carlos Salazar,

...will you marry me?


Of course.

[GRACE] I know that one day...

[GRACE] the kids will ask me why and how
I was able to forive you.

[CALOY] Why did you forgive me?

[GRACE] Because the man I married is a good man.

[GRACE] The man I love is a good man.

[GRACE] The man I want to spend forever with is a good man.

[GRACE] Because he loves me despite my shortcomings.

[GRACE] Even if I didn't say it during our wedding vows,

[GRACE] but I promise to forgive you, too.

[CALOY] And I promise to ask for forgiveness.

[CALOY] I promise to say sorry whenever I hurt you.

[CALOY] I promise to do better
whenever I do something wrong.

[CALOY] I want our kids to learn that too.

[CALOY] To learn that a person who loves
asks for forgiveness and gives it too.

- [ALEX] Sorry.
- [LOVE MAE] Thank you.


Thank you.

- [TEDDIE] Sorry.
- [MRS. MALVAR] It's fine. Thank you. Thank you!

[TOTI] Ma.

Thank you.

I have something to confess to you.


Hold on.

What is it?

I hope that you'll accept....

that I'm...

Tina Marie.

I know.

I know.


It's Toti Marie, Ma.

[GRACE] A person who loves
fully accepts their beloved for who they are.

[CALOY] A person who loves
happily sacrifices for the sake of their beloved.

You surprised me earlier.

Since when did you become a sacristan?

That was my first time.

I've already made up my mind... enter the priesthood.

So you weren't lying when you said,
"It's not you...'s me."

It's you and God.

Last summer, I did my
retreat in the seminary.

That's when I first felt...

...that my vocation is to be a priest.

[JP] But when the school year started,

I got so confused.

[JP] I developed such a big crush on you.

I tried fighting the feeling.

And when you admitted that you also like me...

But I still lost in the end.

What chance do I have against the Lord?

[GABBIE] You better take your priesthood seriously.

Make sure that my pain of
letting you go is worth it.

[CALOY] And a person who loves knows how to let go.

Pa, Ma. This is Jeremy.

[CALOY] Because it's only in letting go
that you will find the love that is meant for you.

[CALOY] That love that you will fight for
and cherish forever.


How do couples stay together forever?

You know son...

The secret to a happy marriage... a secret ...

The secret to a happy marriage... a secret...

...that only you and your spouse truly know.

Talk to Princess.

Ask for forgiveness.

Be honest.

Be brave.

Be happy.

Because you love her
and because you're not alone.

We will always be here
for you, Rebreb. Okay?

Thank you.

Thank you, and pray for me. Okay?

Anything for you, Rebreb.

Of course.

I'll offer biscuits
here in the church for you.

Do it for all of us.

Gabbie, why don't you
take a screenshot?

Since we're complete, this will make
for a good photo.

Let's go. Game.

Game. Screenshot.

One, two, three...
