Four Seasons of Children (1939) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
A Shochiku Production
00:00:19,619 --> 00:00:28,618
Part I: Spring and Summer

Based on the novel by
Joji Tsubota

Cinematography by
Masao Saito and
Yuharu Atsuta

Music by Senji Ito

Production design by
Minoru Esaka

Sound by
Takenori Mori

Film Development by
Taro Sasaki

Reikichi Kawamura
as Father

Mitsuko Yoshikawa
as Mother

Masao Hayama
as Zenta

Jun Yokoyama
as Sampei

Takeshi Sakamoto
as Grandfather

Fumiko Okamura
as Grandmother

Seiji Nishimura
as Rokai

Kinuko Wakamizu
as Mitsuko

Shinichi Himori
as Shunichi


Here he comes.

Let's go.

I bought something for
all of you today.

Come on. Hurry.

First come, first served.

So hurry up.

why don't you get one?

What's the matter?

I don't want a
plain woman's mask.

You don't like it?

"The Best one is the last one."
Don't you think so?



Does anybody want to
change your mask with his?

Not me.

Not me.

Not me.

Nobody wants to change,

Why don't you take that one?

I don't want it.

If you take this,
I'll take you home by horse.

By horse? Really?

So why don't you take this one?


Do you want to change?

No, take mine.

You can have
a long-nosed goblin.

No way.


Can I get a ride tomorrow, too?

Tomorrow? Sure, you can.

The day after tomorrow.

You can have one everyday.



Every single day, after school,
I'll give you a ride.


Can you draw a moustache
on this mask?

Why do you want to do that?

To make it look strong.

It's weird
if a woman has a moustache.

Is there any rule that
you can't?

No. But it's weird.

I don't care as long as
it looks strong.

Who gave you that?

You know that old man who rides
a horse everyday? It was him.

He gave me a ride today.

He'll give me a ride everyday.

He promised me.

"Subject: My grandfather
My grandmother"

Okay. Who's done?


Go ahead, Tomizo.

My grandfather has
a curved back.

He often coughs and
he often yells at me.

My grandmother is chubbier
than my grandfather.

She has bad eyes
so it takes one or two hours

for her to thread a needle.

It takes me a second.
So I do it for her.

That's why
she cares for me a lot.

And I love her, too.

Okay, Sampei.

I don't have any grandfather
or grandmother.

I want one of each.

I'd be happy
if the old man on the horse

was my grandfather.

Yesterday, when he...
he let me...

ride on the horse,
he smelled like grandfather.

He smells good.

And he'll give me a ride

Oh, I'm running late.

Think he's coming?

Of course. He promised me.

Do you think he'll let us ride
on his horse too?

Not without a promise.

Let's trade masks.
Then can I ride?

I don't need your mask.
Mine has a moustache now.

A woman with a moustache?

Yes. It looks good.

What's wrong with you guys?


I'll take him home and
be back for you.


I don't want to ride a horse

I'm going to ride a cow.

So your father's sick?

I'm sorry.
Has it been a long time?

His fever's not going down.

Oh that's a problem.

Can I have a ride to town
to get medicine?

Sure. Go and
leave your stuff then.


Yeah. So hurry up.

San-chan has fallen off a cow!


That's awful.
Hurry and tell his mother.

Sampei, are you alright?

He's alright.

That's good.
Take him home.

Sampei, what happened?
Are you alright?

It's your mother.

Mother, I fell down.

If he can speak, he's fine.


You're my father, aren't you?

What are you doing?
Go take care of him.


Please don't get upset.


I saw my father today.

The old man on the horse
that Sampei was talking about.

That was him.
What are we going to do?

We can't do anything about it.

That's true but...

If our children found out...

If they find out, they find out.

It's better that way.
They are old enough to know.

But what if they wonder why

their parents kept it secret
until now.

I don't want them to
have any worries.

Yes, so just let it be.

It's going to be fine.

Your father's getting older.
So he wants to see his grandsons.

Yes, I suppose.

But if our children
start going to the Ono's,

people there, especially
Mr. Rokai won't like it.

He likes to cause trouble
for people.

We're in this situation
because of him.

I think he is planning
something bad.

he's in a favorable situation.

There's no heir to
the Ono's house.

So he wants to dominate
the house and their company.

Yes, I suppose.

Let's not talk about that.


I can't stay sick like this

I need to get
more and more cows,

to enlarge our ranch,

and pay back the money.

The money?

The money I borrowed.

What will you do with it?

It's none of your business.

It's not fair.
You're having fun everyday.

I love my grandsons too.

What do you think I'm doing

Don't try to fool me.
I know everything.

You're not being clear.
I'm not trying to fool you.

Yes, you are.

You go over the mountain

travelling 13 miles
to see your grandsons, right?

I've been riding horses
everyday for 50 years.

Plus, our daughter married
without permission.

How could I know whether
she has children or not.

And if I did happen to know

I wouldn't want to see the children
of my disowned daughter.

You're very stubborn.

That's my nature.

Well, I know
what you're doing.

You bought masks the other day.

What did you do with them?

What are you trying to say?

You have a big mouth.

You, too.


Anyways, don't do anything
without my approval.


Do you know where
the Aoyama's ranch is?

That's where I live.

What? So you must be
Zenta or Sampei.

I'm Sampei.

Oh you are Sampei, I see.
You're older than I thought.

So Zenta must be bigger.


I see.
Which one is Zenta then?

He's not here.

I see. Take off your mask and
let me see your face.

You don't have to be scared.
I'm your grandmother.

I don't have a grandmother.


I cannot blame.
He doesn't know anything.


Doing laundry.


He's back working -- in the stable.

I met a strange old lady.
She said she's our grandmother.

We don't have a grandmother,


Also, she said "Where's Zenta?"


Oh, she's coming.

I'm going to tell Mother.
Keep an eye on her.

I'm scared.


Grandmother is coming.


She said she's our grandmother.

Sampei met her on the street.

Do we have a grandmother?

Dear, Dear!


My mother is coming.

Your mother?

Sampei met her on the street.

What are we going to do?

She came a long way to see us.

Can we see her?

Zen-chan, let's go.

She's already inside.



Are you ready?

Old man!

School's out already?

Today's Sunday.

Oh, it's Sunday.

Where's Sampei?

An old lady's visiting
his house.

So he can't play now.

An old lady?


I see. She must have gone
behind my back.

Everybody, call San-chan.



Sampei! Sampei!

He's not here!

That's her voice. Let's go!

If Aoyama had come,
that would've been everybody.

I'm sorry that he's been sick.

But it's still nice...

Shuichi, you seem vacant.

You're always sluggish
and that's not good.

You also seem preoccupied.

You always seem to be

thinking about money
and I don't like it.

I have unfinished business,
so if you don't like it.

Oh, okay.

Hisako, have a nice time.

I'll visit him soon,
but say hello to Aoyama.

Hey, Kintaro!

You're sneaking
just like your father.

What are you doing there?

go outside and play.

Zen-chan, San-chan,
why don't you go outside too?

Want to go?

Let's go.

Gentlemen, come close.

Kin-chan's a meek child.

He's too shy.
But Sampei's outgoing.

He's just a little devil.

It feels like yesterday that
you two went to school

in your uniforms.

But now you're mothers
talking about your sons.

It must mean I've gotten
really old.

How many years
are you apart in age?

I'm two years older.

But Mitsuko was like
my older sister

because I was so shy.

No, you were just brought up
like a princess.

We were always together.

Mitsuko is younger than me,

but she acts like
my older sister.

Even now.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

They're coming!


They're coming!

Chase them?

No, don't.

Do you have carp streamers?

Yes, I have really big one
my grandmother gave me.

How many?

What's that?
They are all dead.

What? Dead?

They're not moving.

Of course. There's no wind.

They look like salmon.

What? Salmon?

They're salmon.

They're not.

Hung up like that?


Close the gate!

He's not there.

We're going to see the factory.
Get on.

"Ono Weaving Company"

This factory, that smokestack
and that tank

will be all yours,
Zenta, Sampei.

See? This office,
that cashbox and this desk

will be all yours, too.

why don't you sit there.

A little president.
You look good there.

Bring tea for the president.

Shunichi, take a look.

I think you need to clear
this up.

It'll make it easier for Aoyama
when he comes back.

What's the matter?

I'm afraid there's something
that I have to tell you.

What's this?

It's from a long time ago

when Aoyama and Hisako got
married without your approval

I provided them with money
to go to Osaka.

That was a long time ago.

And expenses for her maternity.

And expenses to buy the ranch.

It adds up to 3,000 yen now.

Aoyama's having
a hard time now.

But I'm responsible for this.

This is a family matter, so
I just wanted to take care of it.

But it's a large amount of

I'll pay...

But the funds came from
this company

and since it's owned
by our family

can't we just excuse it?


Of course this is my
responsibility and oversight.

But can't we just let it go

and just write it off
when we close the books?

Or put it down as
uncollectable expenses?

But isn't there a better way
to write it off?

We'll still have to pay taxes
on it, right?

Let's figure out a better way.

That lost money will be the price
I pay for this reunion.

This case... not just this case.

But these problems come from
your indecisiveness.

You shouldn't have lent money
to people I disowned.

These problems arise from
our corporate structure.

What do you mean?

I mean...

If we were a general partnership
or stock company

nobody could get out of line.

For example,
lending money to someone

should be discussed by
members of the company.

I see.

That horse, this factory,
and that cashbox

will all be mine.

He said the horse
would be San-chan's.

The company and the cashbox
would be his too.

That's not true, right?

You've been driven
like a horse for long time.

And if Aoyama comes back,
you'll never get ahead.

Father, the horse and the cashbox
really belong to San-chan?

Yes. And when you grow up, you'll
be driven like a horse by San-chan.

Don't tell him that.

Don't worry. The company will
become a general partnership.

What will change then?

I will have the same rights
and responsibilities as others.

Now it's a limited partnership, so
the old man and Shuichi have power.

And small investors like me
are just their slaves.

But what would happen
if Aoyama came back.

He was disowned
and owes money.

Even that old man
wouldn't give him power.

Also, he can't just come back.

Father, the horse really
belongs to San-chan?

Grandfather's late.
What happened to him?

Let's walk toward the mountain.

Is your father home?

Still sick. He shouldn't have
worked the other day.

Oh. That doesn't sound good.

Maybe he knows
about Grandfather.

Let's ask him.

You should appreciate what
the Ono family has done for you.

Last night I thought,

"How much would this money
make in 13 years?"

If the profit is 10% a year,
it's over 10,000 yen.

20% would be 30,000 yen.

I'm one of the people
in charge of management.

Recently, we keep lowering
workers' wages.

It feels like we're squeezing from
80 employees.


No offence. I'm speaking
as a business person.

Did I ever say that I'd accept
this note of debt forgiveness?

Take it back with you.
I'll pay back my debt.


Please take it with you.

If you'll excuse me.
I have high fever.



Maybe I said too much.

But it's about a large amount
of money.

And I just wanted you to
accept our favor.

But if you say you don't accept it,
I'll take it with me.

You're just following orders.

So just take the note
and leave.

The old man has a temper. I hope
that this won't cause a big problem.

I appreciate what he's doing.

But you're just under orders.
I won't accept anything from you.

Tell him exactly
what you said to me.

I see.

Sorry for the bother.


Excuse me.

What happened to

Your grandfather?

He might not come back.

What happened?

Let's ask Father.

San-chan, bring me an ice bag.

Zen-chan, go get some ice
from the ice shop.



Where are you going?

I'm going to swim.

Father's in the hospital.
How could you do that?

Mother said
we should stay home.

I'm writing a letter to

Why don't you write, too.
So they'll come.

Are you sure?


Then I'll write.

"It's summer vacation now."

"Grandfather and Grandmother,"

"you don't come to see us anymore.
Why is that?"

"Father's in the hospital
in the town."

"Mother's with him so there's
just two of us at home."

"We need you. Come and see us"

"Zenta, Sampei."

Poor kids.

He's home.

There's a letter from
Zenta and Sampei.

They sent me a letter?

Why it's open?

Because I opened it.

I won't read unsealed letters.

But it says
"Grandfather and Grandmother."

They want me to read it too.

I'm head of this family and
your husband.

It's rude to open a letter
on which my name is first.

I won't read it.

No. Please read it.

I said I won't.

You sure?


Aoyama is in the hospital
and Hisako is with him.

The children are alone at home.

They want us to come
and see them.

Even so,
you still won't read it?

You don't feel sorry for them?

You don't want to read it
for them?

Aoyama's scared of me,

and uses his kids
to get my attention.

You're horrible.

He'll ask me to provide
hospital expense next.

How could you...
So you think this letter is fake?

Even if it's not,

I don't pity someone who rudely
returned the note I sent.

Do you think
they got the letter?

I think so.

Grandfather'll come?


Grandmother, too?


Then they'll come
on the horse together.

With presents?

Yes. A lot of them.

Let's climb this tree.


They really got the letter?


You're not asleep yet?

Your eyes were open too.

I think I hear
the sound of hoofs.

Me too.

I thought I heard the sound,
and got up.

But then,
Sarayama's snore cut it.

That's right. It's noisy.

Let's plug his nose
with newspapers.

That's a good idea.

Zen-chan, San-chan!

Open the door.


He went to the hospital!



Don't tell your grandmother.

Is San-chan really coming?

Yes. He's coming right away.

I want to go home.

Come on!
Sampei is coming in a second.

I don't like him.

What? You don't like him?

Why didn't you come and
see him alone.

What about you?

I said I didn't want to.
But you took me here anyway.

I'm bored.

It's hard to come here
by myself.

Let's go home.


Oh, Kinta is here too.
Let's go to my house.

Hey! Sampei, Sampei!

You can play with Kinta.

Let's test endurance.


Kintaro. Call San-chan.



I'm scared.

You're a coward.




He's studying right now.


What're you doing?

Testing endurance.

Endurance? I'm in.

Did Father get well?

He got way better, they said.

How's Mother?

Tomorrow's the collecting day.
So she'll come.

Oyama gets two bottles
on the first of the month.

Two on the second.
Four on the third.

Aoyama gets two on the second,

two on the third and...

Okay. I'm done.

Can we go and collect money

It's harder than you think.

We can do it.

Let's take a calf with us.

A cute calf, then
we might get new customers.

Let's do it!


We'll collect money with a calf.

Oh yeah?

I wonder why people
are not paying.

If they can pay it next month,
why not this month?

But we've got new customers.

Let's take more calves
next time,

so we'll get more new customers.

I hope that all of the nation
will be ours.


Why don't you come swim?

You want to swim?

Can I borrow this loincloth?

Why don't you dive?

The calf ran away!

The calf ran away.

She went that way.

She came home.

What's the matter?

The calf ran away.

What happened to
the bag of money?

Oh we forgot it.

The cow was 800 yen when we bought.
We shouldn't have sold it for 80 yen.

But she doesn't give milk.

And we desperately need money
to pay the hospital expense.

Will it be much longer?

I hope he'll get better soon.

Come on!

Where is he going to take her?

Not that way! Be good!



What are you doing
with our cow?

Get off of me!

Get away from me!

Idiot! Fool!

Why don't you move?

Ow! Screw you!


Mr. Kamahara!

What happened to the cow?

She'll become beef.

She won't become beef!

when did you come back?

A while ago.
I have something to do.

Did you sell the cow?

She's getting old and
she is pretty much dry now, so.

The calf will miss her mother.

Your father needs more time.

And hospital expense is
really expensive.

Will she really become beef?


That's not true, right?


I feel sorry for the calf
whose mother was taken.

Father's sickness will linger
for awhile.

I'll work really hard from

Me too.

Get more customers.

All of the nation will become
our customers.


I'll work hard from tomorrow!

We'll make all of the nation
our customers!

"To Mr. Aoyama"

"Please pay as listed immediately."

They're taking advantage of us
since we're women and children.

When Rokai came
with that note,

they ended up in a quarrel.

I know that Rokai is
behind this.

But Grandfather can't do this.

He knows that
Aoyama's been sick.

I'll go and
give this back to him.

But Mother...

It'll be alright.
Leave this to me.

I don't know about this at all.

But that's from your company.

You're the owner, right?

Yes. But I never sent this letter.

Well, then who did?

I'll ask Shunichi and Rokai.

I never sent this letter.

Well, then who did?

Let's ask Rokai.

Rokai, did you send this letter?


You did?
How dare you?

Is this some kind of joke?

Who's behind this?

Who ordered you to?

We reorganized
as a general partnership,

I checked the unpaid debts
for the first time closing.

The resolution to do
that was passed last Friday.

You didn't have to include

But that's money of the company.
We can't just ignore him.

And when I visited him with the note
he clearly said he'd pay it back.

I'll assume Aoyama's debt.

Change it to my name.

But why is it now 127,000 yen.
How did you calculate the interest?

3,000 yen at 30% for 13 years
reckoning compound interest.

It's in the company's bylaws.
Since we reorganized.

In the bylaws?

Bring me a copy of
the bylaws.

The bylaws mean more to us
than civil law.



Zen-chan, San-chan!

Your father's gotten worse.
Let's go!

Thank you for coming.

Come here.

I'm not going to die.

But in case
I don't get better.

I want to tell you one thing.
It's for both of you.

As you live your life

don't think to gain more
than other people.

If people would pay 5 sen
to buy something

you pay 10 sen.

If people would pay 10 sen

you pay 15 sen.

It works for anything.



The idea is the same.

And doing that,

you live strongly


and properly.

Get that?

If you understand that,
you are free to go now.

Goodbye, Father.


Zen-chan, San-chan!

English Subtitles by
Tsuyoshi Koide and
Greg Lindeman

A Shochiku Production
01:10:16,576 --> 01:10:27,919
Part II: Autumn and Winter

Based on the novel by
Joji Tsubota

Cinematography by
Masao Saito and
Yuharu Atsuta

Music by Senji Ito

Production design by
Minoru Esaka

Sound by
Takenori Mori

Reikichi Kawamura
as Father

Mitsuko Yoshikawa
as Mother

Masao Hayama
as Zenta

Jun Yokoyama
as Sampei

Takeshi Sakamoto
as Grandfather

Fumiko Okamura
as Grandmother

Seiji Nishimura
as Rokai

Kinuko Wakamizu
as Mitsuko

Shinichi Himori
as Shunichi


Zenta, Sampei and Hisako
will stay here

and live with us
from today.

This is your home.

Don't ever think
that you're strangers here.

I know that you want to

take on Aoyama's dreams
and run his ranch.

But since you're just
a woman and children

Rokai might come after you.

To avoid that, the ranch will
temporarily be someone else's.

When Zenta and Sampei grow up

you'll take it back
as was decided.

So you don't have to
worry about it. Okay?

Sampei is really cheeky.

I won't play with him.
Let's not play with him, okay?

Oh he's coming.

Hey guys! Come here.

Let's go!

Let's go.


He's coming!

Close the gate!

Oh, carp! Awesome.

They let Aoyama's family
live with them.

They might make those children
Ono's heirs.

Although you became a partner

you couldn't do anything
about that.

You're just a small investor.
So we can't expect many dividends.

I don't know if we can afford
Kin-chan's university fees.

Under the Ono's care,

those two can go to university
and walk proudly.

It's okay.

I won't play with him.
I'll never ever play with him.

Do you know where Sampei is?

No, we don't!

Where's Sampei?

He left school early.

Where's Sampei?

He hasn't come home yet.

I didn't see him at school.
He left early.

What happened to him?


I see. They've been fighting.

Zenta, you look for that way.
I'll go this way.


What are you doing?

I'm playing with carp.

With carp?

They're so funny.
I gave them a half of my lunch.

We're friends now.
Here, look.


Come here.

That's awesome.

Here, give it a try.

Hey, Sampei!

You left early?

Everyone's being mean to me.

So you're fighting with them.
Then I'll play with you.

I'll make you a dummy horse
and a swing.

Let's go home.

I'm playing with carp.

With carp?

They're so funny. Right?


Really? Let's see.

Oh this is wonderful!

Come to my house!
I got a dummy horse and a swing!

Let's play with them!

Can I let Kin-chan ride them?

Of course.

Kintaro, why don't you play?

Kin-chan, let's play together.

Kin-chan, let's go!

Everybody, come on!
Let's take Kin-chan there!

Carry him!

I stopped fighting with San-chan.

He's really funny.

This is a draft of my speech.
Listen to it.

As you know,
we're a general partnership company.

Capital investors are
the Onos and Rokai.

Regarding this loan

some of you think that
I'm pressing it out of greed.

But if we take the money back in full
and each take a share, mine'd be small.

And most of it
would go to the Onos.

However, oddly enough,
they are trying to write it off

this a large amount of money.

And what I'm trying to do is
collect it in order to generate profits

bringing raises and bonuses
for everyone.

That's the reason
I wanted to collect.

It's just for
the good of the company.

It's not out of my own greed
at all.

By the way,
the debtor was Ichiro Aoyama.

He was a nephew and
a son-in-law of Mr. Ono.

And now the debt is assumed
by Mr. Ono.

But in a general partnership company
one can't represent the company

and make deals with oneself.

That means you can't write off the
money that you owe your company.

And that makes me the only investor

who can deal with this problem.

Capital investors are the Onos
and Rokai. And regarding...

You'll give a speech today?

...some of you think that
I'm pressing it out of greed.

But if we take the money back
in full...



My father'll give a speech today.
Do you want to go?

Saku-chan! My father'll give a speech.
Do you want to go?

Do you want to go listen a speech?



My father'll give a speech today.

Everybody's coming.
Do you want to go?

Speech? Today's Sunday.

Maybe Rokai's up to something

So as you can see

I'm doing it for good business
via the bylaws of this company.

Kin-chan's father gave a speech.

It was really good.
We clapped.

Okay. Go home and play
with the horse and swing.

Let's go!

So you gave a speech?

Yes. A little one.

Is there any problem?
What was it about?

I see.

Why don't you take a look?

You reasoned it out really well.

What will a fox do before
attacking a chicken?

Give a nice speech.

It makes good excuses
then attacks the chicken.

I'm not comfortable
with the word "fox."

It could be a raccoon or
a weasel or a badger... It's you!


You, Rokai!

Damn you!

Whoa, hold on!

I won't talk about past favors,
but listen.

Can you say that I ever
once wronged you?

I don't like
the way you do business.

You use laws against a man
whom you owed for 20 years.

I can stand an idiot or
lazy person but not a villain.

And you're a villain!

Is that all you have to say?


Hey, Rokai!

You're my brother-in-law
but I can't take this.

So I'm forsaken by everyone.

Only the law is on my side.

The time has finally come when
we must give up all of our assets

including this house.

I don't know much about laws.

But you have to pay back
what you owe.

And it always comes with interest.

Even if you own the company

you have to draw a line
between public and private.

I don't know what Rokai is up to
but in theory it sounds fair.

So don't get upset if they
come to seize everything today.

And we mustn't have regrets.

I'm first!

Wait, wait!

This horse and swing and everything

belong the company now
by Rokai's order.

It's not yours anymore.

This house, this yard
and this storehouse, too

taken by the company.

So you can't play here anymore.

It won't be a long time.
Because we have a lawyer.

Go outside and play.

You can play in the mountains
and rivers -- everywhere.

Get it?

So go out and play.

Let's go out then.

Come on, Kin-chan!

I'll ask my father
for the horse and swing.

Let's go with him!

Oh, the company!

Father, I want the horse
and the swing back.

Father! Father!
Father, I want them back!

Shut up!

Ooh, that was scary.

I'll go home and ask my mother.


I want the horse and the swing back.

The horse?

Father took them away from us.

I want them back.

You can't go to the Ono's house

You can play here at home.

We have toys and books
and lots more.


Do you want to come in
and play at my house?

Let's go!

Let's play!

Everybody, come in.

I'll be back!

Can I play at Kin-chan's house?

Yes, you can.


It's San-chan!




Don't play with San-chan and Zen-chan
anymore. They'll be mean to you.

I'm not fighting with San-chan.

I don't care. You can't play
with San-chan and Zen-chan.

Or Father'll scold you.

You want to go?

Do you?


Let's go pick sweet acorns.

Let's go!

I'll play with San-chan.

Your father'll punish you!

I hate you!

Here are some! A lot of them!

San-chan, here are some.

Let's see.

Oh yeah!

I'll climb the tree and shake it.

can you go up higher?


Oh! He fell!


Are you alright?



They're coming!

No, don't get up.

Come in.

You have to play with Kin-chan
a lot today.

And I'll make you a lot of food.
So just come in.

I'll make you a lot of good food.


Come to my house.

Zenta. Did you choose between
middle school or career school?

You have to apply soon.

Have you talked to
your parents about it?

You haven't?

You were hoping for middle school.
Your parents disagreed with you?

If that's so, why don't you tell them
what you want again?

If you want, I'll talk to them.

You don't need to cry.

What's the matter?

I'm not going to either of them.

Your parents don't want you to?


I don't want to go.

What are you doing here?

Waiting for you.



Want to go to the ranch?

Do you?

Let's go!


Why were you crying?

It was nothing.

You didn't do your homework
so you got punished?


Because you just went to bed
last night.

I won't go to middle school.

"Nakagawa's Ranch"

Calves got big.

They give milk now?

Not yet.

Let's walk her.


Zen-chan! San-chan!

You got big.

Yes, we did.

She got big, too.

Zen-chan and San-chan are here!

I wonder
where Zenta and Sampei are.

Their grandfather went
looking for them.

Maybe he's playing with them

I'll go see how Kin-chan's doing.




You're alone?

They went ahead.

Why don't you ride on my back?

You're early today.
Don't you need to study?

I don't care.

Don't leave him behind.
Help him get home.

I'll carry you on my back.

Come on, Sampei!

Come on!

I'm tired.

I'll carry you this time.

I'll carry you this time.


I'll carry you home.

Hang on!

Come on, Sampei!

You can do it!

Strong boy! Come on now!

Come on!

Are you okay?

Come on!

Hang in there!

Hang on!

Hang on, Sampei!

Almost there!

Hang in there!
You can see the goal now!

Come on! Hang on!

Don't give up! Hang on!

Come on! You can do it!

Come on!

Almost there!

Hang on!

Is that all you got? Come on!

That's it! Hang on!
Almost there!

Hang in there!
You're almost there!

Sampei, you're almost there!

Almost! Hang on!

You made it!

Mother! San-chan and
the others carried me!

Really? Thank you, boys.

Why don't you
play with Kin-chan here?

Zen-chan and San-chan, too, right?

I'm going home.

Me, too.

Zen-chan, you can stay, right?


Then why don't you?
Kin-chan's not ready to go out yet.

Brother's not coming.

Go in?


Zen-chan and San-chan carried
Kintaro on their back

from school today.

And played with him all day.

They told me that the old man said
he can give up the company he built

but he can't just let go of
the ancestral house.

Poor children.

Can I go to Zen-chan and
San-chan's house tomorrow?

I promised today.

Can I ride their dummy horse?

And their swing, too?

Father! Father!

Shut up! Go to bed!

Kin-chan's mother
gave them a feast.

I heard about that.

I feel sorry for her
being married to a man like Rokai.

You two were really close
when you were children.

Everyone thought that
we were sisters.

She was strong-minded then.


Hurry up. Everyone's coming.

Come in!

Let's go.

"Notice of Seizure"

The paper's still there.


Ask your father.

We're not allowed to touch it.

Let's go play with the carp!

Where's Kin-chan?
Let's take Kin-chan, too.

Why did you come back?


As long as you are good,
she won't get mad.

His mother's really nice.


Can't you take the horse and
the swing back from Father?


They're coming.

Let's go play with the carp.

He's coming!

Let's go!

Don't run!

Hold on to me.

Hey! Be quiet!

I told you what will happen
if you don't quiet down.

If that rumor is right and

Rokai's also an executive
at Yamaoka Weaving

that's a big problem.

I can't believe it.

But maybe he thinks that

if he can pit the companies
against each other

he'll get a good position.

And if it's true?

Well, I'll leave it to the lawyer
to figure out if it's illegal.

I'll just go see my sister
and ask about Rokai.

Kin-chan! Kin-chan!
Be quiet!

He often said that
he hasn't gotten anywhere

after a long time
working at the Ono's.

I was frustrated, too.

So he wanted to make the company
bigger -- and himself as well.

And to do that, he said
he should be more aggressive.

But he never thought of becoming
an executive of the other company

and betraying the Ono's.

I think so, too.
But I just heard the rumor.

I know
what he resented is low position.

I know he wasn't happy
with his low position.

That's why
I looked the other way.

But if the rumor is true,
I can't forgive him.

I think that everything he did
was for himself first,

but also for
the Ono's in the long run.

So I don't want you to think
he's scheming

to bring the Ono's down.

You're late.

Where have you been?

Zen-chan, it's not only today.
Where've you been these days?

Why don't you tell her?

Why can't you tell me?

Why can't you tell your mother?

Mother, he was just...

San-chan, leave us alone!

Zen-chan, your teacher
came here today.

I understand what you're doing.

But if your grandfather
finds out about it...

Tell her you were
playing with the carp.

She got mad because you hid it.

Oh, you're home.

I was looking for you all over.
Where have you been?

You two are fighting again?

We're not fighting.
Brother is...



I won't go to middle school.


I want to go back to the ranch
and work there.

Children should look straight ahead
and walk proudly.

Your school expenses are
not a problem.

You don't have to worry
about that.

I want to join the Navy.

Read me letters
we received today.

"Yamaoka Weaving Company."

"A document of resolution."

"Board of Directors:
Juro Yamada and Teizo Rokai..."

Dear! Dear!


What is this?

So you're an executive of
Yamaoka Weaving...

Why're you crying?
It's none of your business.

Stop crying! Stupid!

We have a rule that prohibits
working for our competitors.

If you become a director of
another company

that's in the same business as
this one, you'll be expelled.

You must have known that.

Or are you the proverbial monkey
that fell from the tree?

Anyways, you have to agree to
these three terms.

"Break off relations with
Yamaoka Weaving."

"Agree all company decisions
will be made by vote."

"Drop the lawsuit about the loan."
That's three.

If you can't agree,
we'll start discussing expulsion.

Remove me.


He's quite a person.

A very thorough villain.

If he gave in to us,
I would've been disappointed.

But he was gracious in the end.

So the lawsuit will be dissolved,

English Subtitles by
Tsuyoshi Koide and
Greg Lindeman