Fenced In (2022) - full transcript

Walter moves from the city out to the countryside after a nervous breakdown. But his dream of a peaceful life is ruined when he meets his loud neighbors.

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♪ I'm gonna tear it up
Tear up the system ♪

♪ Tear up the Internet, the TV,
And the movie theater ♪

♪ I'm gonna tear it up
Until you beg me to stop ♪

♪ I'm gonna tear it up until I get rich ♪

♪ I'm gonna tear it up,
Whatever comes my way ♪

♪ I'm gonna tear up your dad,
Your brother, and the president ♪

♪ I'm gonna tear up, tear up your life ♪

♪ Because it tore me up
I had no food to eat ♪

♪ I'mma tear it up
Tear it up with a bang ♪

♪ I'mma tear up all your joy ♪

♪ I'mma tear up your happiness ♪

♪ I'mma tear up this hood
And the entire town ♪

♪ I'mma tear it up until you go nuts ♪


Oh, dear Lord!

What kind of demon is possessing you now,
my friend?

Hey, sounds awesome.

I was killing it! Right, bro? Right?

I guess you should say
it was straight up murder?

Now, if you could just take this down
a few levels

or see a neurologist.
Something's definitely wrong.

What is happening with you now?

Where's the goddamn off-switch?
Tell me you're buying this one. Because...

Oh, no, no, no, I gotta try another one!

- Oh, I gotta try...
- No, you don't...

- You don't have to try it! Please.
- I gotta try.

I'll give you a 10% discount if...

I'm the customer right now.

Yes, absolutely.

The customer wants to try it out.

Oh my God.

Oh, Wally?

- You okay?
- Oh, I'm great.

Things couldn't be better, right?
I'm working here, aren't I?

Hey, I'm the employee of the month, see?

I work from Monday to Monday,

Saturdays, Sundays, every holiday,

and I get to listen to great music
the entire time.

But if one more rapper
comes through that door,

I'm shoving a microphone up his ass.

- Hey, calm down, relax.
- Uh-huh.

Why don't we split up the work,
give your nerves a break.

- Yeah, that's a good idea.
- All right, then.

I can take those girls over there,

and you can help whoever comes in next.

No, for God's sake, Otaviano.

You take Satan's DJ.
I'll deal with the sisters over there.

Help me out?

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

Well, it's your call.

Uh-huh, thanks a lot.

- Good luck.
- Yes, you too. Good luck.

Peace be upon you.

What a day to be married to the Lord!

What can I help you with?

Talk to me, man.
What are you looking for?

I'm looking for something
to best reflect my art,

like a keyboard or piano...

Oh, a piano?

And what kind of music?

- I dig classical.
- Classical?

Yeah, yo.
Right now I'm really into Claude Debussy.

Debussy? Debussy is beautiful!

This piano is just what you...

We have all kinds of guitars.

We have acoustic, electric,
bass, twelve-string...

That sounds nice.
Man, you really good at this.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

Sorry, mister.

I'm not sure you're really getting
the kind of instruments we're after.

Oh, so you're after something
like a piano or organ, right?

Perhaps a harp. Something more angelic.
Something for church.

No, not all.
What makes you think we go to church?

Well, I sort of assumed

when I saw you were nuns.

No, we're not nuns at all, mister.

- Oh, you're not nuns then?
- No.

Whatever could have given me that idea?

No, we're actually the...

Hell Sisters!

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
What's going on here?

Cool, right? Gotta make an impression.

Quite an impression. My underwear agrees.

We wanna check out that loud stuff
over there.

No, no need to try it.
I guarantee you it works fine.

- Come on.
- Not that one.

Don't turn it on for...

Please, girls, don't.

- Ready?
- No, I'm begging you guys.

- Let's rock!
- No, guys. No.

Oh, God!

Walter? Walter? Wally? What happened, man?

Walter? Stay with me, Walter.

Wally? What's wrong?

Talk to me, Wally. Talk to me.

He's awake.

- What the...
- Sit up slowly.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

Well, doctor, what's wrong with me?

I'm afraid your situation isn't good,

I'm gonna die. I told you, honey.

I'm a goner. I'm a dead man.

Oh, God in Heaven, I knew it.

Honey, nobody dies from being nervous.

I won't be around
to watch our daughter grow up.

But Dad, I'm 21 already, remember?
Chill out.

Will somebody please feel sorry for me?
Can you do that?

I'm at death's door, aren't I, doctor?

- I'm dying?
- No.

- There. See?
- That's really great.

Not dying yet.

Now... Walter, listen.

Your nerves are extremely fragile.

They're like billions of little strings
ready to snap at any moment.

Any noise could be fatal.

What kind of noises are we talking about?
Be specific.

Well, any noise, any stress.

there's a risk you could go into shock.

If that happens,
then your heart might really stop beating.

Jesus Christ. No good news for me, huh?

First things first,
I'll prescribe you with a tranquilizer.

You hear that, honey? There's a solution.

And a defibrillator.

Defibrillator? What for?

Allow me, doctor.
It's not to shock your heart, Dad.

- It's actually very simple...
- Back up a sec. Daddy's not stupid.

Daddy knows what defibrillators are for,
and he doesn't want one.

I don't like to be shocked, understand?

I don't even like to get shocked
on the shower tap.

I wear flip-flops inside,
so I don't build up static electricity

and get shocked
whenever I touch something.

- Walter.
- What?

Doctor, does he really need that thing?

Unfortunately, he does.

I also recommend changing your job,
lifestyle, city even.

Is that a possibility?

we already own our apartment, don't we?

- Yeah. Uh-huh.
- And we both have decent savings.

I'm a financial advisor
with a home office.

We've always dreamed of having
a little place in the mountains.

That's true, but how could we
just leave our baby here alone?

Dad, I don't live with you anymore.

I think the mountains would be great
for you.

No, no, no. It's way too much,
way too drastic.

Is this really necessary, Doctor?


As soon as possible.




Honey, careful.

Oh my God, what is all that noise?


Walter, are you all right?

Where's it coming from?

- Calm down, babe.
- I can't, my love.

Dear God, what's that?

- That horrible noise.
- Are you okay?

I'm not okay.

Calm down. Don't worry.
It's okay, honey. Just breathe.

What the hell?

Will they be able to hear the doorbell
over all this noise?


I said,

will they be able to hear the doorbell
over all this noise?

Don't yell at me like that.
I'm sick. You'll kill me now.

Hey, you guys.
What's with all the noise, huh?

Uh, hi,
we're your new neighbors next door.

I'm Joana, pleased to meet you.

I'm Walter. The pleasure is all hers.

Ah! You're the couple
who bought that place next door.

Oh, that's amazing!

- So nice to meet you. I'm Kelly Christina.
- Good to meet you.

That's enough. And...

And this little one is Maggie.

She is my baby,
the youngest member of the family.

Just a baby.
Why don't you tell them, Maggie?

Hi, everyone.
Nice to meet you. I'm Maggie.

Hey, Maggie! Maggie!
Should we introduce them to Daddy?

Yes, mama, let's go.

Good idea, sweetie.

Oh, isn't she precious?

- Oh, she's funny.
- That's for sure.

Come on in, you guys.

You all just make "yourselfes"
right at home, all right? Come in.

That's so much worse than the noise.
That yell thing, right? No? Okay.

Come in, guys. Excuse the mess.

- Wow, your house is just...
- It's pretty, right?

Have you lived here a while?

Oh, we've lived here a long time now.
Yeah, a really long time.

Oh, but we were traveling.
Came in last night.

You don't say.

- Last night? Yeah, we noticed that.
- Uh-huh.

We spent three months up there
at mama's house in Itaquaporanga.

- You been to Itaquaporanga?
- I have not.

It's upstate São Paulo, so forgive me,

sometimes my accent just...

...comes out

- I can't help it.
- Fascinating.

I couldn't stop if I tried.

- Yeah, yeah.
- My Toninho, though. Toninho, my husband.

He's from Rio de Janeiro
just like you guys.

- You're from Rio?
- We're from planet Earth.

Oh, right.

- I'm not sure she is.
- Mm-hmm.

You'll never believe
where I first met Toninho.

- Oh, where?
- You all won't believe this.

- I'm sure I won't
- At a magazine party. That's right, Caras.


Caras! Mm-hmm!

Why was I there?

Oh, nothing major.

It was just after I was crowned
Miss Persimmon.


- My God, are you seeing this?
- Walter.

Persimmons have to be
the least sexy fruit ever.

- Do you like persimmons?
- I enjoy them, yeah.

- So you're fruity?
- Oh, yes.

Don't do that.

Stop yelling!

Excuse me?

- Hmm.
- He's kidding.

It's his sense of humor.

- He is such a clown.
- Oh, right.

Well, you almost had me for a second,
you big tease.

- Uh-huh.
- Let me tell you more about this picture.

What year was it?

This... This photo was taken in...

...nineteen ninety none of your business.

Just stop yelling for the love of God.

Oh, what's going on?

Another little joke.

- I warned you what a joker he is.
- Wow. Oh my God!

Toninho is gonna love you guys.

He will go crazy for you all.

I'll introduce you. Come right this way.

Come on, he's gonna love you.

- Hey, Toninho!
- My love.

Walter, for God's sake, honey,

you can't just yell at someone
in their own house.

Oh, but they can blast a marching band
right in my eardrums, is that it?

- Don't you have your pills?
- Of course you're right.

- Good thinking.
- We have to be strategic, be friends.

- Use your head.
- I'm afraid. I think I'll die.

- You're not dying. Stop.
- I'll take four.

Come on, guys!

Why does that woman have to yell?
I hate people who yell!

it sounds like a samba school in here.

Just relax, Walter. Don't be so dramatic.

It's not a crime to like...


♪ ...the land of joy and propolis ♪

♪ That's why I sing
Praise, praise, Joaquinópolis ♪

Toninho! Baby, the new neighbors are here!

What up, my new neighbors?

Everyone, let's take a quick five, okay?

Go have some barbecue, get some meat,
get some food and drink, okay?

I think I prefer the Kelly lady.

Come on down, neighbor.
Come get some meat.

- So, you guys vibin'?
- Not the word I would use.

One thing, are you rehearsing?
Is there a whole samba school here?

No, no, no, no, of course not.

Ah, that's a relief.

This is barely half.

Speaking of which, that reminds me.

Hey, listen up you guys.

This Monday it's really gonna go down,
you hear me?

- I expect to see you all here...
- No, no, no.

...so bring as many people as you want.

I'm dead.

Toninho is the director.

Director, composer, and organizer.

I play every instrument.
I conduct rehearsals. I do it all.

- All of it.
- Oh, that's lovely.

- Lovely? Did you say "lovely"?
- What else am I supposed to say, Walter?

Listen, want some meat? We got all kinds.

Shoulder, topside,
high round, chuck, or brisket,

but Kelly, Kelly wants sausage.

I haven't had any in forever.

That's not the kind of sausage
he's talking about.

Consider what you implied about me.

Oh, boy...


Ugh, cachaça is too much.
Why did I get cachaça?

- Wally!
- Oh, hi.


I'd like to introduce you to my mom,
Mrs. Nono.

- Hold this.
- How do you do, ma'am?

Pleasure is all mine.

Huh? Didn't catch that. Did you?

Make yourselves at home.

I can't hear anything she's saying,

I think he's deaf.

He's not deaf, not deaf at all, Mom!
He's just a little slow.

A little slow?

- A little slow.
- Sorry, did he just call me a little slow?

Don't worry, ma.

Everyone will learn to deal with it
in time.

- Eat up.
- Now she thinks I'm slow.

What's the name of the samba school
you have here?

Union of Joaquinópolis.

- It qualified for the second-best group.
- Ah.

Next year, we'll get into the first group,
God willing.

We'll rehearse every day if we have to.

- Rehearse every day? Seriously?
- Of course. It's a competition, after all.

Uh, just a thought,

but why don't you rehearse in a warehouse
like other samba schools?

That's what we did at first.

We had a warehouse,
but then, out of nowhere,

the neighbors started complaining to us.

People are crazy that way, right?

What's the problem with rehearsing,
am I right?

People like to sleep, am I right?

But didn't your previous neighbors
complain, too?

So you really don't know?

- Did nobody tell you?
- Tell us what?

Agenor killed himself.

What do you mean? Killed himself how?

He turned on the gas,
and he stuck his head right in the oven.

He just left behind a mysterious note.

"At last some silence."

Deep, isn't it, Kel?

Oh, it's super deep.

I still wonder what he meant by that.

Do you really not get it?

Could he have been looking for silence
inside his oven?

- I can explain it to them, right, Jo?
- No.

Listen, Wally. Hey, come with me.
I got something to show you.

You'll love it, bro.
Now bring that dyed mustache over here.

- Look at that, already so friendly.
- Try to go with the flow.

Come here, Wally.

Don't be scared. Are you surprised?



These are my pets, Wally.

I have lots of pets,
but I like the birdies the most.

Actually, I have a birdie I've raised
since it was teeny weeny.

If you catch my drift.

Wally! Welcome to my quiet corner.

Yeah, so what's with all these pets?

They were my mother-in-law's.
We just brought them to the house.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear
because your rooster just made me deaf.

Check this guy out. That's Zico.

He's my alarm clock. He's a bit off.
Know what I mean?

I noticed.

He sings all hours of the day, man.

- Do you like roosters?
- I prefer them roasted.

Yeah, we have a lot of pets right now.

We have some dogs, a rabbit,
a parrot, a parakeet, a hamster.

Hey, can you do a favor for me?

I have to sweep up
and empty this litter box.

If Kelly finds out
I didn't do any of this,

she'll kill me.

Help me out, Wally.

Hold this.

- Just watch out for Rondinelli.
- Where's the bathroom?

Watch out for Rondinelli! Whoa!

Hey, Rondinelli, come here.

Rondinelli, ya bad boy!

You almost got Walter dirty.

Almost? There's poop in my mustache.

Hey, Dad!

Listen up, Pedroca.
You have to look out for Rondinelli, huh?

You have to train him, remember.

Leave me alone, Dad!

Don't mind him.
He's got a strong personality.

Yeah, who's training the boy?
Hold on a second.

What's this brush
you're rubbing on my face?

Just relax, okay?
It's clean. It's Rondinelli's brush.


Come on, Petkovic!

Tell everyone,
what's the greatest team in the world?

- Well?
- Flamengo.


We're leaving. We're leaving. Let's go.

Have you seen all the pets they've got?

Yeah, I've seen them. They have plenty.

- Let's go.
- What's that smell?

I may have stepped
in some cat poop back there.

But you didn't step in it with your face,
did you?

Can you stop talking
and just follow me out of here?

I'm not explaining.

Hey, check this out with Petkovic.
We do this trick together.

Petkovic, come here.

- Let me get the treat for him.
- Huh?

Here we go. Okay, here, here, look.

Oh, Toninho!

You know how much I hate
when you do this. Stop that!

You almost ruined it, Kelly.

- Come on. It's fun.
- But I don't want you to.

Any kid could do this trick. Right, Wally?

- It's Walter. It's not Wally.
- You wanna try it, Wally?

No, no, no. I really don't.

That's something you do with birds,
not parrots.

Parrots are a bird, aren't they?

Give it up, Dad.
These old guys never have any balls.

That's really funny.
Aren't you a funny guy?

"I make a joke about this guy I just met
who I barely know."

I'll have you know it's not about age
but hygiene.

I don't want to get any parrot diseases.

- What?
- Hold up!

are you saying my pets have diseases?

Animals eat things off the ground,
don't they? Maybe it ate some poop.

Let me tell you something, Wally.
Take a good look at us.

We may be simple, but we are clean.
Right, Kelly Christina?

We squeaky clean. Wanna smell?
Smell my armpit. Smell it, baby.

Smell mama. See, she licked me.

If he checked us out,
would he find anything?

Not a single speck of dirt.

Not one! Listen up.

All of us in this family are vaccinated,
loved, and completely dewormed.

Guys, let me explain something.
It's a misunderstanding.

Walter didn't mean to offend you.

He was raised by his grandma.

- He has different boundaries than some...
- Hey! Boundaries?

Are you trying to make me look
like a wimp?

You know what, give me the parrot.
I'll do it.

Keep it down. You're scaring him.

Oh, I keep my voice down? Give it to me.
I'll do it.

- It's what you wanna see. I'm not afraid.
- Walter, stop it.

Don't stick your tongue out.
You can't stick it out.

Don't! Wally!

No, no!

Don't move, Wally.
Stay right there.

- Honey!
- Oh my God, is he okay?


Let it go, Petkovic!

Let it go, Petkovic!

Let it go!

Let it go!

Let it go! Pull!

Pull it! Pull it!

I suppose he really was that slow
after all.

Honey, are you okay?
How's your tongue doing?

- How do you think?
- You don't have to speak.

I couldn't speak now even if I wanted.

Hearing you like that makes me nervous.

Oh, I'm sorry that you're nervous.

How terrible you got nervous.
You wanna know what just happened to me?

A dog threw sand with cat poop on my face.

Now my face smells like shit, right?

A parrot grabbed my tongue
and pulled it all the way out like that.

Then I had to come home

because I got a bucket full...
a bucket full of water on my face.

I just got fucked.

I got fucked. You saw it.

I can't understand most of what you say.

Can you hold your tongue in
while you speak?

No, because my tongue has been broken.

Listen, honey, it isn't broken.

Our tongues don't have any bones
inside them that can get broken, okay?

So you missed everything I said
except for that last thing, huh?

That's nice. Awesome job, Joana.

Oh my God!

There they go again with those damn drums.

- I can't take anymore.
- Just breathe, hon. Relax.

Try to breathe, okay?

Just stay calm and listen to me.

I talked to Kelly.
We were getting along great.

- Oh yeah?
- We got along.

- And she said she would talk to Toninho.
- That's fine.

But their rehearsal today
will last two hours.

- Motherfuckers.
- You have to be strong, honey.

- Two hours?
- Two hours. Can you promise to be strong?

I promise.

♪ That's why I sing
Praise, praise, Joaquinópolis ♪

- Do you hear all that?
- Now, just relax.

Why is he shouting, "Praise, praise"?
Why does he have to scream?

Stop talking. Try to calm down.

I'll go get some medicine for you,
a nice little tranquilizer.

I have sinus pressure.
I have to breathe through my mouth.

- See that?
- I know, honey. Yes, I know.

- Just relax.
- Oh, it's bad.

- Look at you, you big cutie.
- Am I really cute?

- Relax. Try lying down. Stay calm.
- Oh my God!

- "Praise, praise!" He says that.
- It's okay.

- Things will be all right. Just lie down.
- I don't wanna.

I'll get your medicine, okay?

- Okay.
- Get some rest, honey.

This song keeps going and going, Joana.

- That's right! Let's do this!
- I am so fucked.

- All night long!
- So fucked.

I wanna die.

Great work. Until next time.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, guys.

I promise next time I'll bring some girls
for everyone.

I'll get us some of the good shit, too.

Thanks, my man. Thank you, buddy.

Seriously, see ya.

Finally done.

Okay, honey, you can relax.

Wait, where?


Walter, where are you?


Uh, hey... Walter?

Is that...? Walter?

Oh, is that the voice of an angel?

No, my love, it's Joana.

No, I'm hearing a man's voice.


Joana, I'm hearing my own voice
speaking my own thoughts.

Oh, that's just wonderful.

There's no more noise.
Your tongue is sounding better.

- Yeah. Uh-huh.
- Right?

Now, let's get you to bed,
so you can take a little rest,

and I'll bring you a warm glass of milk,

Yeah. Yeah.

Careful. One step at a time, Walter.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Hey there, everyone.

I have some tips to share

on how to make sure your retirement
is as calm and peaceful as it can be.

Jesus Christ. What the...?

How do I turn this off?

What in God's name is that noise?







Walter, are you okay?
Do you want your medicine?

I don't want any medicine.

I wanna know
what the hell is going on this time.

You see this, honey?

the neighbor's son is playing the drums.

- Let's stay calm.
- Stay calm, my ass!

No more sympathy. No more being nice.
Now we're doing things my way.

Who are you, old man?

What do you mean "Who?"

I was literally just at your house,
and hey, show some respect.


the man who ate our cat's poop is here!

I didn't actually eat any of it, okay?

My dad says you did.

Well, he's lying 'cause I didn't eat...

- Who's there, Pedroca?
- Jesus Christ. Her.

- You little brat.
- You did.

Oh, it's our favorite neighbor, Wally!

Are you okay?
Hey, go, go. Let me talk to him.

How are you doing, honey?

Wally, Wally, what's going on?

Actually, there's lots going on.
They just found the Lindbergh baby.

So the reason I'm here is...
And it's Walter.

I'm here to ask your son
to please stop playing the drums, okay?

But why? Not happening.

He just loves playing those drums,
you know?

And it's such
a beautiful "precussion" instrument.


Yeah, "precussion."



Is your husband inside?

Hey, Toninho!

What's good, Wally? You want a drink, huh?

It's Walter.

I didn't come here to drink.
I came here for silence, understand?

Relax, my dear. Want some tea?


Maybe his family wasn't very loving

- Huh?
- Hey, Ma.

Leave Wally alone.
The guy's issues are acting up bad.

Go pray in your room for a while, Ma.
Go ahead.

Excuse me.

You pray loud, okay?

Because with all the noise,
God won't be able to hear your voice.

You are very slow.

I was just telling our little friend,
Walter, that in this house right here,

we always encourage the arts.

Oh, you encourage the arts?

What about origami,
painting, or watercolor?

Your son's art must be the fucking drums?

I've had it up to here with this guy.

I'm gonna tell him.

- No, I'll tell him.
- I'll tell him.

- Let me tell him.
- Toninho!

- You tell him.
- I'm gonna tell you something, Wally.

You are absolutely right,

Okay? We'll work it out.

No, I can fix this.

We can't just keep accepting
what's been going on in this house.


You mean
we've finally reached an agreement?

- We'll get this over with now.
- Thanks.


Oh, God. Oh, God.

- Yeah?
- Get out here!

What's up, Papito! What's up, Walter?

Son, say you're sorry to Wally.

Say sorry? Say sorry for what?

No, no need to tell me sorry.

As long as the drumming from hell stops,
that's fine by me.

No, say you're sorry
for playing all that garbage rock.

This is a samba household.
You should be playing samba.

- Dad, we settled this.
- Seriously?

Let me live.

I think you're misunderstanding
what the problem is.

Shut up for a second, Wally!

Listen, the son of João Nogueira,
he plays samba.

The son of Péricles, he plays samba.

The son of Arlindo Cruz, he plays samba.

This son of mine only plays rock.

Okay, Dad, listen to me.
With all due respect,

I hate samba.

I could put food on this table

because of samba.

I could buy this house because of samba.

Samba is the greatest music in Brazil!

What do you want me to do?
I like metal. I like rock and roll.

- I hate Brazilian music.
- Don't you ever say that again!

- This is family business.
- Stay here!

Great. Family business, let's get to it.

Well, what if he played funk?

- Would it be okay?
- No!

- For the love of God, funk? No.
- Yes!

- Fuck me.
- I agree with Wally again.

- Funk isn't even Brazilian.
- Dad, what is this?

I don't think you understand
what I'm asking you.

- My problem is...
- You know what? You guys handle this.

- Can I go back now? Great!
- Go on, go back. I give up.

No, you absolutely can't fucking go back!

What'd you say, Wally?

Wally is not my fucking name,
you understand me?

I just lost my temper.

Forgive me,
but I just completely lost my cool.

From this day forward,
I demand some peace and quiet.

Peace and quiet!

Can we do that?

♪ What I want? ♪

♪ Quiet ♪

♪ What I want... ♪

Walter, baby, did you take your medicine?

I'm dead. I'm dead.

- No, Walter, you're not dead.
- I know. I know.

This will pass.

No, it won't. It won't.

I bet when this party's over,
they'll start a rave.

No, they won't. You wanna know why?

Because it's against law.

At ten o'clock, there's a noise ordinance,
you know?

And if by ten
they haven't stopped this party,

then we'll call the police.

What time is it?


Call 'em.


This is great.
All we're missing is the popcorn.

I thought you might say that.

Ah, give me. Want some?


Hello, officers. What's up? Good morning.

Identification, please.

Coming right up. I warn you, though.
I'm a little messed up in this photograph.

Don't you think it's a bit too late
to be to throwing a party that size?

Nah, it's never too late to have a party.

this is a quiet residential community.

He's right.
It's too late for this much noise.

"Antonio Vilares de Souza."

I recognize that name.

People call me Toninho.

Toninho da Vila?

He stands before you.

Toninho from the Joaquinópolis Union!

What a coincidence, man!
I remember you from high school.

Praxedes. Francisco Praxedes.

- Chico Praça?
- Yes, Chico Praça, brother!

Give me a hug. I'm a huge fan of you now.

Thank you.

I made a point of telling my colleagues
that I met you as a kid.

- I have all your music on my phone.
- I also have all your songs.

Everyone's hoping this is the year
you get to Group A.

- God willing, we shall.
- You will.

And our samba is
on the tip of everyone's tongue.

It's pretty good. You wanna hear some?

- Yeah!
- Sing it!

♪ My voice is a smile
Through the airwaves ♪

♪ It's a song that everyone craves
When I sing the sweet samba ♪

♪ I'm come right from the land
Of joy and propolis ♪

- ♪ That's why I'm always screaming ♪
- ♪ Praise, praise, Joaquinópolis ♪

- ♪ That's why I scream ♪
- ♪ Praise, praise, Joaquinópolis ♪

- Yeah!
- Amazing!

- That's amazing, dude!
- Oh, man.

Man, how could anyone complain
about having you as a neighbor?

I don't know.
I've been here for ten years,

and nobody has ever complained about me
before this.

No way. Do you have any new neighbors?

I see you over there, Wally!

Uh, it's not Wally.

- What did you say that for?
- I don't know. I got carried away.

- Get your hands up!
- Come out from there slowly.

- Just keep coming over nice and slow.
- Please, we're unarmed.

For the love of God.
We have our hands up, don't we?

- Good evening, everyone.
- Good evening. Good evening.

Were you the ones who called us?

- No.
- Yes.

- Why are you admitting it?
- That's not how this works.

- We never agreed to lie.
- You didn't think to improvise a bit?

All right, all right. Put those down.

I am very disappointed.
I am very disappointed.

I didn't expect this coming from you.

You and I only met for the first time
today. You realize that, right?

- Where do you get off reporting my friend?
- Yeah.

It's just...
I didn't report anyone's friend.

I reported a neighbor
who has no respect for the community.

- Exactly right.
- Furthermore,

I'm a believer in law and order.

Quiet hours must be respected,

but this guy right here,
he's not respecting them.

Honey, great point.

Thanks, honey, but try not to hit me
in front of the officers.

One more thing I wanna make very clear.

- Very!
- We are citizens who pay all of our taxes,

who pay your salaries, okay?

- That's too much.
- I'm just getting started.

- Sorry.
- I'm way too damn excited to stop now.

And I took one semester of law,

so I'm really gonna fuck things up
for all you guys right here, you idiots.

You all had a duty here tonight,
but it is abundantly clear...

...my dear Praxedes, Reginaldo,
and Madureira,

you have not fulfilled the duty
you had to fulfill.

You don't even know how to do it.

- You don't know how to fulfill your duty.
- Honey...

That is the truth,
but you cannot handle the truth!

This man should be in prison.

You should be taking him there right now

and putting an end to this orgy,
this hell party that is happening here.

Do you understand?

Did you just put your hands on me?

- No, he did not!
- No, I didn't touch him. You saw it, Jo.

Well, you just did.

- You saw what he did?
- I did!

Listen, I'm going to go back
inside my house.

I don't want any trouble...

What the hell.

You smell good. Good looking guy, too.
What now?

- Move it.
- Take him in.

Turn around, little sheep.
Show me those pretty hands.

- Move along.
- Call our lawyer, Natasha. Call her.

- Calm down. Everything will be okay.
- For the love of God!

I'll work things out here.

- Take her in as well.
- No!

- Why me? He's the one who pointed his...
- Move. Let's go.

Don't leave me.

I'm cooperating.

Wait! Please, my husband's shoes.

Let's go.
Get in the car, lady. Here you go.

It's your lucky day, all right?

My God, how humiliating.

I have never been
inside a police car before.

- Neither have I.
- Why did you have to yell?

This is really your fault.

You were egging me on, saying,
"Yes, honey. That's right, baby."

- I got carried away.
- So it's my fault?

Did I make you touch him?

My love, you saw him push his nose
against my finger.

- He did that.
- Big deal.

- Because of you, I'm wearing handcuffs.
- So am I.


I'm getting out, okay?
Be patient, officer.

This guy is the best.



For all I care,
you'd have spent the night in jail.

- He asked me to let you go. That's all.
- He did?

- Great. Whew.
- Look. Look.

Don't you bother my friend again, okay?

I was bothering him?

I was bothering him?

- Why that little...
- Walter. Walter, don't argue.

- Okay, I won't say anything.
- Wally!

You owe me, don't you, man?

Let's go, Joana.

Out! Out, you filthy monster!

- What's going on?
- The neighbor's dog destroyed our garden.

How did he get in?

What kind of cursed dog is this?

Hey, Wally!

Not Wally. My name is Walter!

This is a real number
Rondinelli made this time, isn't it?

This is the largest hole he's ever dug.

The largest hole?

He used to be in the fire brigade.

He was trained to dig these holes,
so he does this all the time.

They used him to recover
the bodies of victims

of floods, earthquakes, tsunamis.

He was trained to dig,
so that's what he does anytime, anywhere.

My dog is a hero, Wally.

I don't care about your hero dog.

I demand you cement this hole
as soon as possible.

Don't you worry, Wally.
Just buy the cement, and I'll do it.

What the hell do you mean? I buy it?

You will cover this up and make sure
your dog never comes in my yard again,

or I'll shoot him.

- Jesus, Walter!
- With a tranquilizer.

But I'll shoot, okay?

What's happening down here, Toninho?

Was this our boy?

- Rondinelli, my love.
- Oh, so pretty.

Check this out.
You could fit two of him down here.

Our boy is practically an architect.

I'd say it is the biggest hole
he's ever dug.

No way, honey. Remember the hole
he dug to the other neighbor's door?

That was three times more bigger.

She's must be doing this on purpose.

- Much more bigger.
- Oh, God!

Awesome, Dad!
Can I use this to get over there?

Nothing and no one is coming over here.
Do you understand, boy?


The tattletale is getting angry, honey.


you reported us to the police, Wally.

What do you call that?


Is this too many people
to be talking through a hole?


Walter, don't pick a fight today.
Take this and fill the hole.

Joana, they called me a tattletale.
You heard.

Let it go. Who's gonna remember that?

Tattletale. Tattletale.


Can I just use this to hit the parrot?

- Tattletale. Tattletale.
- Shh!

- Shh.
- Shh.

Have you ever seen that work on a parrot?

- It's not a dog or a baby but a menace.
- Tattletale.


Can I hit it just once?
One rapid strike directly to the head.

Tattletale. Tattletale.

- Hey, Kelly Christina!
- Here I come, baby.

Oh, baby, look at that.

Oh, I missed you all day.

- Me too. Let's do it in the pool.
- Oh my God.

Can you hear this?

Ooh! Ooh, baby, I'm cramping up.


- My stud.
- Are they going to keep this up all night?

- Try taking another pill, dear.
- No, I'm not taking any more drugs.

They sound like Animal Planet.

- I've had it, Joana.
- What are you doing?

What I should've done ages ago.


Oh my God!

Walter, what is that?

It's a bazooka, military grade.

When the hell did you get that?

I knew this day would come. I knew it.

No, Walter. Don't do this. Please don't.

Just one shot. Just one.

Die, Toninho, die!

- Die, Toninho...
- Walter? Walter?

- What? What?
- What happened?

Oh, Joana, why did you wake me up
from the beautiful dream I was having?

Beautiful? You were saying,
"Die, Toninho, die."

Yeah, but he couldn't hear that.

Yes, we heard it all!

You wanna kill the neighbors, do you?

No, no, no.
I don't wanna kill the neighbors at all.

That's great.

Instead, I would hire a hitman
from the Internet.

He could do it. Let me Google that.

Let me remind you that murder is a crime.

No, this is a case of self-defense.

It's him or me at this point.
There's no other way.

Walter, I want you to accept reality
and take your sedatives.

One day you'll just get used to it.

- Get used to it?
- Used to it.

Get used to the sedatives?
Let me show you something. Look at this.

- I've read the leaflet, Walter.
- No, you haven't read it closely.

- You're crazy.
- Take a look at page two.

There, paragraph four, read that.
You can skip everything else.

Read, read.

"Continuous use of medication
may cause drowsiness,

irritation, back pain, itchy skin.

It can also cause blurred night vision.

In rare cases, dry mucosa glands and..."


"Permanent erectile dysfunction"?

"Eternally lying in a splendid cradle."

It means saying goodbye to the little man.

I'm afraid the warrior
with the pink helmet

would never go into battle.


That's why I need you to sign
this petition

that my husband and I put together
because it's urgent, extremely urgent.

We have to change
the expectation in this community.

This can't go on.

People should be able to live
in peace and quiet,

not in some kind of samba school

and where people can just do
whatever they please.



We want this to be a place of quiet,
a place of peace.

A place
where silence is our main priority.

And where what should reign?
Our sense of calm.

Especially you,
who are already closer to the other side.

We're only asking for a little bit
of peace and tranquility, right?

No one deserves this tremendous racket
even when we're making love,

know what I mean?

Maybe you don't. You aren't there anymore.

I'm winding down in that department

Because of the noise, it happens.
It just doesn't...

You must know. You look beat.

But you know what? That doesn't matter.

I want you to sign this right here,
so we can finally remove these people.

How do you manage to live
with the amount of noise, for real?

And all the partying that man does here,
how do you do it? I wanna know that.

What was he saying, Oswaldo?

I don't know, Angelina.

What was that you were saying, young man?

I was talking about...
You two are completely deaf, aren't you?

You haven't complained yet
because you can't hear it, can you?

Thanks anyway. Thanks to you both.

You didn't help out at all, so thank you!

Great work today, everyone.

Have a great day.
Stay safe out there. Best of health.

I'm sorry for opening up
about my life to you.


Were you just here bad-mouthing my dad?

Me? Who, me? No, of course not.

Well, I heard you doing it.

No, actually, my tiny child,

I was conducting a poll
of community members.

I'm gonna tell him everything you said.

Please don't. There's no need to do that.

Let's try something.

Why don't you take some of my money
and go buy yourself an ice cream?

And then there's no more problem.

Are you bribing me right now?

You already know what a bribe is,
little girl?

Okay, in that case,
go buy yourself two ice creams.

You should really be ashamed of yourself.

Come on, kid. Now you're embarrassing me.
You said that with such conviction.

Okay, how about this? Don't do this.
Don't get me in trouble, okay?


Holy Daddy, who art in heaven,
blessed be thy name.

Come back, kid.

For the love of... Oh, fuck me.

- Joana...
- What's going on?

Toninho's daughter just heard
me bad-mouthing him.

- How many signatures did you get? Show me.
- Not a one. You?

Zero takers, but I found something out
that you'll never believe.

- What's that?
- Everybody here likes them.

Are they all deaf? Impossible!

Sure it's possible. They give out tickets
to the carnival parade

for anyone who asks.

They host community parties...

...lend money to people in the neighborhood.

Loan sharks, then.

Even I have to admit it.
They are nice people.

No, Joana. They're not nice people.

They're rude, loud,
and unable to live in society.

Maybe we're just the unable ones, Walter.

You have a problem with them.
They don't have any problem with you.

What the hell kind of doorbell is that?

I didn't even know we had a doorbell.

- Please get it fixed. I'm begging you.
- Wow.

Shit! It's the snitch daughter.
Go out, go out and talk to them.

He saw you.

No, he hasn't. You go, you go out there.

I saw you!

- Okay, I hear you. I hear you.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Walter.

Oh, why Walter, huh? Wally.
You can call me Uncle Wawa.

My daughter says she saw you
bad-mouthing me to everybody.

Did that little snitch...
I mean this beautiful girl, this princess,

this most precious, tiny thing...

Did she made a mistake?
You know how children are.

They go, "I heard that."

No, I'd never bad-mouth you.
You know that's not me.

I already confirmed it
with 15 of the neighbors.

How'd you do that so fast?

We have a group message in WhatsApp.
They told me everything you said.

Yeah, I muted that.
Group messages are annoying. No offense.

I came here to deliver a message.

I can tell you

that you're about to ruin
my peace of mind.

Oh, that's such a load of...
All right, listen.

Isn't she so precious?
So, now you listen to me.

- Your peace of mind?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna ruin your peace of mind?

Living next to you is like
living next to Disneyland.

Only I'm pretty sure
Disneyland closes sometimes.

That's not true. We actually took it easy
all because of you.

What? You took it easy?
What are you talking about?

We interrupted our daily tuba lessons
for Sasha. Tell him, sweetheart.

- Right, Dad. We did.
- And I stopped doing woodwork...

...which, by the way, is my favorite hobby.

I have so many saws I could be using.

I have circular saws, jigsaws. I have...

Yes, I get the idea. You're gonna thank me
for those tuba lessons

because nobody likes tuba, little girl.

And there's more.

We didn't watch the soccer match
the other day.

I didn't invite my friends,
didn't celebrate by shooting fireworks.

We kept quiet.

Yesterday was my mother-in-law's birthday,

and we didn't host a party for the family.

My grandma was so sad, you know?

You are a disappointment, Walter.

You are a major disappointment.
I opened up my heart to you, my friend.

- I invited you into my home.
- I was at your house only once.

- You want a war?
- No.

Then you will have war.

go get that tuba from the garage.

We're playing that tuba all day long.

- Let's go.
- No, my dear, don't play the tuba.

You'll be bullied. No one will like you.

You won't have any popular friends.
Have I died and gone to Hell?

Is that why Satan's my neighbor?

Tell me, God,
what have I done to offend you?

Did I pee on the Shroud of Turin?

On the count of three.
One, two, three. Go!

Why is Dad sitting so far away?

Your father has been having
a little bit of trouble eating lately.

Honey, can you hand me
the pitcher of juice?

Walter, not the juice.

- Can I pour you some?
- No.

I'm not disabled. I can pour my own juice.

Please, my dear, hand me the juice
since your mother refuses.

- Be careful, Dad.
- Thank you, dear.

- Careful. Careful!
- Yes, I've got it.

I'm not a child.
Do you see any children, Joana?

Are there any children sitting
at this table?


Passion fruit sauce.
Seriously, it's good.

You should... should all try it.

Yes, sweetheart, you're doing great.
Now give it everything you've got.

Sasha, let's eat.


Lesson's over.


I think I'm full.

I'm full now. I'm done. Delicious.

Uh, Joana...

...do we have anything for dessert? Hmm?

There's pineapple.


We have tangerines as well.

Listen, Joana.

We can't continue on this way.

A pineapple is not dessert.

I'm under a lot of stress.

What I mean by dessert,
at a minimum, is a pudding.

Am I asking for the best pudding? No.

Just any, any pudding.

Perhaps even some papaya ice cream
or sorbet.

You can decide.

What do you want, Joana? Hmm?

What I want, Walter?

Yes, tell me what you want.

Well, what I want is...

Do you really wanna know what I want or...


Yeah, forget it.

Sweetheart, dear Joana,
who doesn't have to speak her mind,

I'm going to take a nap in the pantry.

Excuse me.

Is he really sleeping in the pantry?

Actually, we found it's the quietest place
in the whole house.

All the pickle jars block out
most of the noise.

You need to get out of this place.
Sell it or try renting it out.

We can't sell this house.
We're totally stuck here.

Mom, I work for a law firm, don't I?

You guys should have called me.

Honey, you're just an intern.

but... but I know the law. I know lawyers.

Why not let me help out?

I can sue your crazy neighbors.

No. No, no, honey.
I don't want you getting involved in this.

You have your life.
You have your friends at college.

- Come on, honey.
- Your father and I can handle it.

Hit it!

Forgive me.
It's not easy to sleep standing up,

but it was good
because I found the peaches.

Excuse me. Ouchie.

I'm so tired.

Who is it?

Hi, uh, I'm...

I'm Camila.

My dad, Walter, is your neighbor.

Uh, pleasure. Arthur.

I came here to see you.

Oh, no, no.

I mean, I came to see Mr. Antonio.
Your father, I presume. Is he in?

Yeah, my dad's inside now.

Please come in. Be my guest.
I'll show you the way.

You coming?

Excuse me.

Walter, what are you doing?

I'm worried about Camila going over there,

and I don't really trust these people
with her.

We shouldn't have let her go in
by herself.

- She can take care of herself.
- Not sure.

Honey, this package came for you.

Daddy has been waiting.

You took your time getting here, baby?

Walter, what is that?

This is my handgun.

Pretty, isn't she? I'm naming her Shirley.

Shirley, say hello to mama.

Walter, you're not thinking of killing
someone or yourself, am I right?

No, this is a tranquilizer gun.
I'm not some kind of crazy person.

- Why?
- I already told you.

If his dog or any other animals
get in this house,

they'll be sleeping for a week.

- Walter.
- Hmm?

Please don't use that thing on anyone.

Joana, I'm a desperate man.
I've got nothing left to lose here.

Dad. Mom.

It's time to talk.


Ow! I need to practice.

Mr. Antonio understands I could sue him
and chose to cooperate.

Ah, so prison, right?

No, Dad,
you don't go to prison for a party.

First, they agree to stop
the samba rehearsals next door.

- They will move to the school's warehouse.
- Amen. Thanks be to God.

And they will reduce
their wild animals by half.


I said I would call the feds.

Wow, what a great idea, sweetheart.

Great! And the dog is gone as well, right?

Dogs aren't wild animals, are they, Dad?

But parrots are.

They've had that parrot 50 years.
It stays with them.

Who the hell is this parrot? Highlander?

Parrots live 80 years, Dad.

Oh, God.

Well, tell me which are the animals
that are going away.

Well, um, there are two turtles,
a macaw, one boa.

- One boa?
- One boa?

The boa is missing
but will be gone when it's found.

Uh, the coati plus two guinea pigs,

one lark, two hornbills,
twelve parakeets, a capuchin monkey,

and finally, the Amazonian bellbird.

- They have a bellbird?
- Yeah.

We haven't heard it.

It came today, but they're returning it.

Come back here, Adílio!

That was Adílio, but he's leaving.

- I suggest you try to get along with them.
- We'll do our very best.

Invite them for dinner.
Show them how nice you are.

- Cozy up to them.
- We will. Great idea, sweetheart.

I should get going.

Honey, can I just say
your father and I are so grateful for you.

- Yes, we definitely are.
- We are so thankful.

- My dear, you are our greatest treasure.
- In fact...

I wanted to tell you...

- Love you.
- Walter.

- Calm down.
- Our greatest treasure, isn't she?

Uh, yes. Yeah.

Aw, Dad's so cute. I'm just gonna go.

It's fine.

All right. Need any money for a cab?

No, that's okay. I got a ride back to Rio,
so take care of Daddy.

Go easy on Mom.

- She'll take care of me. Take care.
- Goodbye, my love.

Calm down. Just try to relax, honey.

Joana, I have to...

I really have to say

that our daughter

was the best thing
we ever created together.

I know.

- Hey there.
- What's up?

- Here, put this on.
- Okay.

Okay, girl.
You better hold tight back there.

Walter, listen to me.

Tonight we're going to be nice and polite
and have a wonderful evening.

We will talk to each other like adults.

- Can you do that for me?
- Sure, honey.

Okay, let 'em in.

- Hello, neighbors!
- Surprise!

- Surprise? We were invited.
- Oh, that's right.

Hi, everyone. I'm just so excited.

I'm ready for my visit.

It drives me crazy
when she does the dog's voice.

- Walter.
- Okay.

- Come in.
- Come in. Please. Welcome to our home.

Kelly, you go first.

I have a good feeling about tonight.

- Me too.
- Look, honey. It's all so new.

Damn, I'm not a big fan of
what you've done with the place, Wally.

I just want to say that I'm honored.

I am honored to be here.

No, we should be the ones honored
to have you here. Truly.

I was just telling Kelly

that you're really not the douchebag
I thought you were.


If you catch my drift.

I'm not so sure I do,
and yet I'm still offended, Joana.

Can I say something?

If there's one thing in this life
I have no respect for,

it's the antisocial.


I say the man...

...who opens the door of his home
to his neighbors is the man...

Oh my God.

...who opens himself to life.

- Yeah.
- He's so loud.

You have such a wonderful high pitch.

Thank you.

we haven't been here in a while, huh?

The last time was when
Pedroca set the place on fire, remember?

your son once set fire to this house?


But that was a long, long time ago.
Way before Mr. Agenor.

- Oh, the suicide?
- Yeah.

It's just so many different people
have come and gone.

More than ten owners.

No one stays. Honest to God, no idea why.

Yeah, maybe it was built
over an Indian burial ground.

- And now the house is cursed forever.
- You think?

Hey, Kelly, remember the day of the fire?

- I do. Yeah.
- You remember what happened that day?

It was chaos,
so many people running around.

Police cars, firefighters, paramedics,
the helicopter.

It was total chaos.
Flames engulfed the entire house.

Remember that staircase?

When the floor collapsed,
it all landed right here.

- Damn.
- Shit. Damn. This fucking guy.

Luckily, no one was seriously hurt.
Thank God.

I still have the video
of the evening news.

It was on national TV.

- It was thrilling, I suppose.
- Yes, what fun.

Oh, yeah. It was so exciting,
like being in a movie.

- We can watch if you want.
- No need.

- We don't wanna watch it.
- We get the full picture.

Exactly right.

You'll never guess
who else we met that day.

Rondinelli, our dog.
He was there with the fire brigade.

not everything was a tragedy, my friend.

It was good for you, but that family...

they probably weren't as happy about it.

Yeah. Oh, but you guys hear that?

What, Maggie?

"Mama, Mama, I wanna go down."

Oh, did you hear that?

Can Maggie go down? Is that a problem?

- Actually, I'm allergic.
- She can.

- Yes, she can. Of course, she can.
- Okay, just make yourself at home, Maggie.

Go on, baby. Go explore.

Any chance we can still cancel?

- No.
- Yeah.

Besides samba,
I've been getting into comedy.

I'm thinking of writing
a stand-up act to make extra cash.

The first joke is gonna
bring down the house.

So, an ant saw an elephant
in the jungle and said,

"Mr. Elephant,
thank you for the favor you did me."

The elephant said,

"Thank me? No need to thank me.
Just pull down your pants."

I don't think she got it. I'll explain.

- What the elephant really wanted...
- No, I got it.

It's hilarious, really funny.

I'm going to the kitchen to get more wine.
Is there anything I should bring?

I'm coming with you.
I'm an excellent "Somalian."

"Sommelier," you mean?

That's what you call a girl one, dummy.

That's right, my love.
Our language, our rules, right?

She gets it. Let's go, Jo.

Oh, be careful. Watch those steps.

Careful. Careful.

Wally, I really appreciate
Joana inviting us here for tonight.

Yeah, well, that's Joana.
She's incredible.

It's about time we had a conversation
as adults. Wouldn't you say?

Well, speaking as an adult,
since the children aren't around.

- Since there's no one to interrupt us
- No, there's not. No one.

- Perhaps we could...
- We could.

We could try something different.

Really make use of the evening.

You know, Wally, this adult evening.

- We've been making great use of it...
- Wally.

Open up your mind.

Fuck, are you a mime?

Let's consider all the possibilities
for us adults.


Maybe we could mix things up.
You know what I mean?

Trade some cards, shuffle the deck.

We could try playing with different hands.

- Hmm.
- So then we can have some new experiences.

What we need to, you know, evolve.

Together as a whole if you catch my drift.

I noticed that you and Joana
are a lot like me and Kelly.

Yeah, what the... what the... Okay.

Wally, you're a bold guy, too.

Yeah, when you say I'm bold,
what do you mean by that exactly?

How do I put this?
I'm sort of walking on eggshells here.

- I'm worried you...
- Best to be careful. Mm-hmm.

You might react badly
when I make you this proposal.

Uh, what proposal?

That's the whole reason
why I'm choosing my words so carefully.


I'm just trying to lubricate the crowbar
a little.

- Right. Oof.
- So I don't traumatize you.

You know, I think the word "crowbar"
is a bit traumatizing already.

Why don't you explain a little more to me?
I don't understand.

Wally, when a couple
has been together for a long time...

- Yeah?
- Well, they can start to lose...

...their desire for certain things,
for other things, you know?

They lose some of the spice,

and they need new things to get it back.
Understand, Wally?

- Yeah.
- I think that we've been able to find...

For example,

excitement comes from things
that me and Kelly,

things we do once in a while,
that we allow ourselves.


Yeah, uh, uh...

What the fuck is it
that you're trying to say?

Look, Kelly and I have been together
a long time.

- Over 20 years.
- Yeah.

- That's a long time, right?
- Indeed.

What haven't we seen?
What haven't we done?

- What haven't we tried, right, Wally?
- Jesus. Yeah.

- I have no idea.
- So, we just...

We indulge.

If you catch my drift.

I think I understand.
You're making it very clear.

You lost me a bit
with the lubricated crowbar,

but, um, you indulge in what?



- When it comes to you...
- Yeah?

Even though
your face is sorta funny looking, really.

Kelly, she... she... she likes you.

She really likes you, and she...

She thinks that you're interesting,
that you're smart, a nice guy.

- Thank you. Thanks for that.
- And I, with complete sincerity,

from one friend to another,
I thought from the very beginning

that Joana was pretty great herself.

- Keep your hands off my wife!
- Ah!

Walter, what's going on?

You'll never believe
what this sick pervert tried to propose.

A proposal I'm too embarrassed to repeat.

What proposal?

I... I only suggested
that we play a little poker for money.

I thought you were down.

Yes, exactly, pok...
Wait, poker is what you're talking about?

Yes, poker. What else did you think?

You were complimenting Joana,
saying she's pretty,

that your marriage was lukewarm,
and you needed to spice things up...

- I thought you were...
- Oh, Toninho! I know what he thought.

You don't need to say it. No, Joana,

I swear to you. If you had heard him,
it sounded like...

- No way!
- Mm-hmm.

Wally, how could you think that about me
for a second?

- You're so filthy-minded.
- My mind is not that filthy.

Forgive me, but the way he talked
made it seem like he needed us

to spice up his marriage

because his was kind of lukewarm,
not ours.

- Wally.
- Yes?

- Is applause what you wanted, Wally?
- No, no.

- Is that what you wanted, Wally?
- I appreciate the applause.

- But that's not what I wanted.
- Come on, Kelly.

Let's go home and leave Wally
with his filthy imagination.

Let's go. Maggie, let's go!

Joana, you didn't hear it.

It sounded like this marriage is great.
Their marriage is lukewarm.

I should just shut up now.

you punched our neighbor in our home.

I didn't understand what he was saying.
I told you.

But now he can sue our asses.
Your ass, at least.

- True love, huh?
- Don't drag me into this shit, Walter.

- Who are you calling?
- I'm calling our daughter.

The only adult in this family.
She'll know what to do.

If Toninho sues us,
we'll need a plan of action.

No, don't wake our little princess.
It's late, hon.

- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi, Mom.

- Dad!
- Hi.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, I know it's late.

- Just go back to sleep.
- I'm sorry to call.

- Please, Walter.
- Let's talk tomorrow?

- Your dad did something stupid.
- No, I...

Yes, it was very stupid.

- Your stupid dad screwed up.
- It's late. Can we talk tomorrow?

Your dad just punched the neighbor.
Can you believe it?

Walter punched my dad?


- It wasn't me.
- No. No, no, no.

- Ah.
- Mom, I think it's best...

- Walter!
- Dad! Dad! Dad!


Relax, Walter.

Calm down. Everything is fine, honey.

Everything is all right.
Here, take your pill.

My baby girl...

My baby girl...

you don't have to cry for our daughter.

She's an adult. She can handle herself.

I'm not crying for our daughter anymore.

Then just tell me what you're crying for.

That fucking dog, Maggie.

She peed on my chair.

Why did you get involved
with his son?

Arthurzinho is a great guy.
So is his dad. They're nice, okay?

They are the opposite of nice guys.

They're annoying.
They're a curse on my entire life.

They're a punishment
sent from God to torture me.

At least Toninho didn't punch you.
I barely saved you from a lawsuit.

- You know I'm a sick man.
- You have no idea how sick.

What did you say?

I'm done with you, okay?
I can't stay here.

I'll spend the night at Arthurzinho's
if you catch my drift.

See ya around, Wally.

- You have nothing to say to that?
- Bye, Mom.

I've decided we're getting out of here.

You and I are never coming back.
We'll find an apartment in Rio,

load all of our furniture up
on a moving truck

and be forever gone. Goodbye. See ya.

Are you with me or not?



You and I are broke.

W... We're broke?

What do you mean?

I don't...

I don't know what to tell you.

We dumped all our savings into this house,

and I lost a few clients
when we moved here.

I made a number of bad investments

since I spend 80% of my time
taking care of you.

We only have enough left
for the bare minimum.


It's okay.

I have you.

We always have each other.

Do we still have anything to eat?

- We have our garden.
- Well, there you go.

- And there's the eggs from the chickens.
- Wow.

Say nothing more.

Where are you going?

To make the best omelet in the world
for the best wife in the world.

- I love you.
- I love you.



What's the matter, Wally?
You're not into chicks?

This was supposed to be an omelet.

It seems your dog isn't the only creature
in this family that likes trespassing.

Right. Wait a minute.

Are you implying that Zico did this?
Can you prove that, Wally?

How about we cut the crap, mister.

Yours is the only rooster
in a six-mile radius.

Keep all your animals
out of my damn property.

These chicks don't mean anything, Wally.
You have no proof.

Do you want me to test your rooster's DNA?

I don't want any of your animals
in my house.

Do you understand me?

Let me tell you something, okay?

It's not my fault if animals sometimes
copy their owner's behavior, is it?

In my house,
we don't let a sure thing slip away, man.

We are all very flirty.
You know what I'm talking about?

We like to toss a little banana
in the fruit salad.

We do squats in the cucumbers, ya feel me?

If you catch my drift, yeah.

Again with more of those damn analogies.

Hurry up! You better run.

I'm gonna get you.

Oh, I got you. You're going in.


- You can't catch me.
- Watch out, kid. You're next.

- You're next.
- No!

- No, no, no!
- Whoa!

In this house,
I don't put limits on people.

Now, in my house,
nature and hormones are the bosses.

My Arthurzinho is a master
of the four-legged foxtrot.

If you catch my drift.

And let me tell you,
I'm sure the day after you moved in here,

Arthur was already popping the champagne
to celebrate his victory.

If you catch my drift.

I'm willing to bet
Arthurzinho hasn't slept a wink lately.

If you catch my drift.

And I'll tell you one more thing.

If I know my Arthurzinho, I can guarantee
he dipped his stinger in that honey

the very first chance he got.

That honey... Whew, that honey's gone.

If you catch my drift.

Doctor, is he any better?


Actually, he's worse.

- Oh my God.
- Walter, are you doing what I said?

Doctor, best not go there.
It might stir something up.

I see, but I do have some good news.


There's a new German technology.

A microchip implanted behind the ears.

This would relieve 80% of the stress
on your neurons, Walter.

You mean they won't burst?

One surgery is all it takes.

Thank you, Germany.
I rooted for you in the World Cup.

They deserved it.
Brazil played like shit that day.

One second, Walter.
Doctor, that's excellent news.

It's just that... I'm wondering,
will our insurance cover this?

- No.
- But it covers the surgery?

Also no.

How much is it?

Oh, it's big.

Easy, my love.

Why can't she say?

Oh, that's doable.

We have that. It's nothing.
That's in my bank account. I'm saved!

- Oh my God, thank you, Doctor...
- Walter.

- What is it?
- Did you count all the zeros?

It's a doctor's handwriting.
No one can read it.

- Count them.
- Yeah, okay.

Three, four...

I'm dead. I'm gonna die.
Why don't we speed up the process?

Does your window open?
I can jump right now.

You should get my black suit ready.

- Please calm down.
- Who is this good news for exactly?

Good news for you people, maybe.
This is quite a big payday for you.

- Walter, please don't.
- I'm just being realistic.

I want a nice tombstone.
"Good husband and father."

- And I want a nice coffin.
- Honey...

- Get me something nice, like white marble.
- It'll be fine.

- We'll figure this out.
- Use a picture without a mustache.

- That's enough now. Yeah.
- Okay.

You're not getting away this time.

Come back here, you bastard.

There's no escaping me, beast.

Yeah, I can see you, you bad boy.

Looks like your time has finally come.




Ma. Please.


Oh my God.

Please, God. What did I do?

Oh my God.

Till death!

Fucking hell.


"Though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."

"Thy rod and thy staff..."
I don't know the rest. Oh my God.

How do I turn her over? Crap. Crap.

Okay, here I go. Come on. Come one.

This is not good. Not good at all.

Why is this happening?

Oh, crap. Ow.

Let's just...

We've just grown so close.
I'm sorry it was too late.

Here we are, guys. We're home.

Don't scrape the paint.

I won't.

He thinks I don't know how to park.

This is fine.

Out, out!

You made us lose the game.



Maggie, are you glad we're home?

That was all your fault.

It's okay. Just admit I'm better at it.

I'm confiscating both of your phones.

You guys. Look who's there.

Honey, is your mother sleeping or...?

Strange, right?
She doesn't usually sleep now.

What's going on?

- Let me check on her. Hold this.
- Give it to me, Dad. Hey!

Go help him.
Go help your father, please.

- Tattletale. Tattletale.
- Shh!

Tattletale. Tattletale.
Tattletale. Tattletale. Tattletale.

Tattletale. Tattletale.


Shh. Shh.

Be quiet, you little fucker.

Joana, for the love of God,
come help me save the parrot.

What parrot?

- Whose parrot is that, Walter?
- Whose parrot do you think?

It's alive. I know it.

- No, Walter, he's dead.
- No, it's not dead!

Nobody else should die today.

- Come on.
- Someone else died?

- What do you mean?
- Never mind. Never mind.


Walter, give up. It's dead.

No, it's alive. I can feel it.

Come on, parrot.

Admit it. It's gone.

No, it's alive.
Go and get the defibrillator.

- Get the... No!
- Get the defibrillator as fast as you can.

Help me out. Come on, parrot.

Get the defibrillator right now, Joana!


Honey, get it. Get it!
Bring it to the table. That's it.


- Now hand me the paddles. Hurry.
- Are you sure that's a good idea?

- Give me the paddles!
- How do you know?

There's nothing else left to do.
Give them and set that thing on high.

- What? No! That's way too much.
- The maximum.

- It's just what he needs. All the way.
- I'll turn it up just a bit.

No, a lot!

More, damn you. Crank it up!

- I did it, okay?
- Don't you dare lie to me, woman.

Turn that knob to the tippy top.


Stand aside. Clear!

Uh, where...

Where did the parrot go?

- You disintegrated the parrot!
- No, he's not disintegrated.

Of course, he's disintegrated.

- You used maximum power.
- I... I was just trying to save him.

- What?
- Is it alive?


It is alive!



Oh, hi.

Afternoon, Walter.

Afternoon, Arthurzinho.
I have your little parrot right here.

It flew away straight into my house,
so I'm bringing it back, okay? Here.

We didn't notice he was gone.
My parents aren't home.

- Went for a little walk, hmm?
- At the hospital with Grandma.

But I'm here with Camila.

Watching my little siblings, of course.

- Yeah, that's it.
- Okay.

Oh, that poor Mrs. Nono.

But I'm sure she's gonna be okay.

I don't know. She was unconscious.

We're all pretty worried.

It's probably nothing.

I hope. My father...

- Mm-hmm...
- He'd be really devastated.

- Oh, I can imagine.
- Yeah.

- Take it easy, Walter.
- See ya later.


Good morning.

You look sad.

Don't you know what happened?
Somebody next door died.

Mmm, uh... Who was it who died?
A coati, a parakeet?

An otter or something?

No, Dad, Mrs. Nono.



That is so sad. I am truly...
I am completely taken by surprise.

I'm shocked, really.

She was always healthy as a horse, right?

You don't seem too surprised, Walter.

Uh, what? Who? I am.

I'm, like, super surprised.

On the inside, there's a river of tears
running back behind by eyeballs.

If anyone asks, "Who's surprised?"
people would say, "Surely Walter was."

- Very surprised. My God, he's surprised.
- Well...

Time to go to the funeral. Come on.

All right, honey.
Send the family my condolences.

We are all going.

Is that really necessary?

I won't answer that.

You just did.
I'll go and get changed in a minute.

Seems like even the animals are sad
at that house.

Animals can feel those kinds of things.


It's strange all this silence

But isn't that what you wanted?


Sweetheart, how is Arthurzinho?

Mmm, yeah.
He's fine, being there for his family.

- What a great kid, right?
- Yeah.

But it's hard for Toninho.

He wants to move away from here.
He wants to sell the house.

Sell the house? Why is that?

He says everything here reminds him
of his mother.

He blames himself
for leaving her home alone.

But it wasn't his fault at all.

Yeah, but he thinks it was.

he can't sell the house because of that.

- He can't.
- What's wrong, Walter? What's the problem?

You always wanted them leave.
This is what you dreamed of.

Yeah, Dad. What happened?

Nothing happened. And I didn't dream it.

- Not like this.
- What do you mean "like this"?

Just the way it's happening.
Everything else is fine and normal.

Dad, nothing here is fine.

Arthurzinho told me
his dad isn't even rehearsing samba.

Toninho quit the samba school, Mom.

No, he cannot and he will not quit samba

Hey, Toninho, just snap out of it.
Your mother is fine. She's with God.

I can't do it, Walter.

What's with this "Walter"? Call me Wally.

- Wally. I am your friend, Wally.
- It's just...

Listen, Wally. I really, I...

I appreciate everything you've been doing
for me, Wally. It's just...

You know what it's like
when life loses its meaning?

It's like my mom...
Everywhere I look, I see my mom.

Don't say things like that.
I'll shit myself.

It's feels like she's here, you know?

Yes, but she isn't. There is no one here.

It's like she's trying to send a message,
like a mystery that hasn't been solved.

There's no... There's no mystery here.

- No mystery at all.
- I know. I know.

- It's just this feeling I've been getting.
- Let's keep it in the feeling realm.

- Yeah?
- Okay.

Wally, let me ask you something.
I'm thinking of having a séance.

Yes, well, life is all about science.

No. Kelly Christina, she's a bit psychic.

She's sensitive to all the messages
from beyond.

So we thought
that you would be a good person to invite

because we need people with faith
who believe in it.

You believe in it, don't you, Wally?


I don't believe this.

Fake it. This is just like a Ouija board.
Haven't you ever used one?

That's not what I meant.

Why do you want us to be a part of this,

Well, I do want to be part of helping our...
our neighbor

and also, also to defend myself...

I... I mean, to defend us.

What if her spirit badmouths...
badmouths us.

You never know with spirits.
I just don't trust any of these spirits.

- I wanna see this firsthand.
- Why would her spirit badmouth us?

So many questions today, hon. Oh, Toninho!

What time does the séance begin?

Yeah, it's starting soon,
as soon as Mother Dinoca gets here.

Mother Dinoca?

Ah, she's awesome.

She's one
of the world's greatest psychics.

She knows all, and she discovers all.

You can't discover everything, though.

Of course, she discovers everything.
She's seen all my previous lives.

Guess who I was in my previous incubation.



Well, you know,
there's a bit of a complication with that.

Obama is still alive.

it's rude to question people's religions.

It's not about religion. It's mathematics.
He was on TV last night.

Hi, Dad.

Hi, Mom.


Where did you come from?

Are you really asking me that?

Walter, give it a rest.

Their hair is still wet.
They're rubbing it in my face.


Mother Dinoca is here.

Wait, but that's Kelly.

Shh! This is Mother Dinoca.

She puts on her special turban,
and an entity takes over.

Pleased to meet you, Mother Dinoca.

There is a tormented soul here.

- Ah, is it my mother?
- No.

It is someone still on this Earth.

Who is it?

No one's tormented over here.
I'm super calm!

Extremely calm. My God.

- Why is she looking at me?
- Calm down.

She's look at me, directly at me.
It's freaking me out.

Is she still... Yep, still looking.

Get behind me, Satan.
That's what Jesus said.

Who are you guys?

She's lost it.

This is Camila.
She's dating Arthurzinho here.

I'll bet he's caught a few catfish
in that particular river.

Am I right, son?

If you catch my drift.

Mother Dinoca gets it. We all get it.

Over here, this is Walter,
and this is Joana, our neighbors.

Good people, Mother Dinoca.

- She's growling.
- At me.

Hello, how are you?

I'm fine.

Un poquito shitting myself.

But I'm fine.

Well, if you would all join me.

- In sitting.
- We were already sitting.

What a waste of time.

Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

- Mom!
- Fucking little boy from Hell!

You completely scared the shit out of me.

I just wanna know where the powder is
because I wanna make chocolate milk.

This is not your mother.
This is, uh, Mother Dinoca.

Go to bed, Pedroca.

- Tell me where the chocolate is.
- It's under the...

The powder is under the sink.

Make your chocolate milk
and piss off, you brat!

Thanks a lot, Mom.

See that?

Mrs. Crazy doesn't remember our names.

But she remembers where the chocolate is.

- Mysteries from beyond.
- Shh!

Quiet everyone.

I just picked up on another soul here.

There is another poor sould here.

Show yourself. Show us right now.

The spirit is doing
something pretty funny to her, right?

Now manifest yourself if you are good.

Don't manifest. Don't manifest yourself.

Who's that?

It is Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega.

From A Praça é Nossa.

Wait, he was on that show the other day.
He's alive.

Oh, Carlos Alberto bothers you,
but Obama, that's fine.

Marcelo? Where's Marclo?
My son, Marcelo?

Bring Paulinho Gogó back.

I really miss that guy.
His character is great.

Gogó is my best friend.

Man, that's kooky.

Holy shit!


That was a big one.

I can feel another spirit in the air.

Maybe we should close the door
with so many people coming in here.

Shh. Shh.

Silence. Silence.

I just felt the presence
of another spirit here.

There is another spirit here!

You really are slow.



No, don't point. It wasn't me.
I swear I didn't do anything.

I didn't...

Oh, my baby!

Look, honey.

- We found our precious wormy.
- Mm-hmm.

Tonight, we're going to tickle the worm

if you catch my drift.

- Wally.
- Yeah?

I wanna say thank you, man,
for everything that you've done for me

and all the support you're giving me.
It's just...

I don't feel like going back
to the samba school, you know?

Bullshit! That's bullshit, my friend.

Go back and restart your life.

I need you to do that
so I can be at peace again.

But why, Wally?

Because you see...

...you are my favorite neighbor.

And I like you.
So, come on. Let's go. Let's go.

No, Wally.

Since my mom died,
I've had no desire to carry on in life.

None at all.


I'm not gonna let you give up.

Come on.


Mr. Anibal, respectfully sir,

I'm saying you cannot fire my friend.

There isn't a better Carnival man
in Brazil.

I know. I know.

It's like I said. I like him a lot.

But he wants to do a tribute
to his mother.

Nothing against your mother.

But a samba school shoudn'y pay tribute
to anyone's mother.


Look, there are only three themes
that work for a samba school, ya get me?

Brazilian history.

Kissing famous people's asses.

And Dorival Caymmi.

Interesting. I never thought of that.

The rest, brother, forget it.

You need something more

inclusive, you know?

Oh, Anibal, for God's sake, man!

What's more inclusive than mothers?

No, that's not true.
You're completely right, Toninho.

- You don't need to shout. He's right here.
- Okay.

- Uh, everyone has a mother.
- I didn't have one.

She abandoned me.

You could've mentioned that.
I triggered you now, but I didn't mean to.

No, no. There was no trigger.

I just don't want this tribute.

Listen, can I just say something?
Relax, don't worry.

So, Mrs. Nono was an amazing woman.

Oh, Mrs. Nono. How we loved Mrs. Nono.

So extraordinary and magnanimous.

I would go further.
She was wonderfully maternal.

She was incredible.

I'm tearing up right now
just think about her.

I wish I had a mother like her.

She was taken too soon.

A great woman, a warrior, a fighter.

Truly, she was one of a kind.

There was...
There was something she used to tell me.

Most of the time I couldn't understand
because she had a very quiet voice.

She called him "slow."

some things are better left a mystery.

Out of all his family members,
she bothered me the least.

With all due respect,
if you catch my drift, you know?

Listen up, Mrs. Nono is love.

The most important thing I know
is our love for Ma Nono.

Repeat that!

- Right in my ear. I'm sitting right here.
- Repeat what you said.

I said the most important thing I know
is our love for Ma Nono, your mom.

Hold up. Wait, now in rhythm.

♪ Ah, it is love, it is love, it is love ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono, Mrs. Nono, Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ They don't make them like her anymore ♪

♪ La-la-la, La-la-la ♪

♪ Let's hear the drums ♪

♪ Hello, Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ Nono, Nono, Nono ♪

Wait, Wally,
the important thing is it sounds good.

- An it's good, buddy.
- You like it?

- Anibal, listen to this, man.
- Listen.

The chorus with "Ma Nono," it goes like,

"The most important thing I know
is love for Ma Nono" It's gonna be a hit.

- Add a few rhymes, too.
- The samba writes itself.

we're not singing about anyone's mother.

- This guy.
- Isn't your school.

It's not yours.

It is my school!

I'm not afraid of you, Anibal.

But I'm scared to death of him, myself.

Just because
you've killed more than ten people,

you think I'll suck up to you.

Wait, hold on.
Mr. Anibal, give me a second.

You could have told me he's a killer
before now.

You could have mentioned that earlier,

and if you had, I wouldn't be here
risking my life right now.

Wally, just chill out.

- We have God on our side.
- I admit it. I'm scared shitless.

In fact, I'm shitting myself right now.

Seriously, Mr. Anibal, where's...
where''s your toilet?

I need to use it because something
pretty nasty is happening down there.

Enough of this shit.

- No one points a gun at my friend.
- I just did.

Got you, bastard!


- Drop it!
- Don't do it, Toninho.

This ain't no somber day.

I'm gonna kill you.

Wait! No, no.

What have you done to my friend, Anibal?

But why is he on the floor?

The bullet hit the wall.

There's blood.
The bullet must've passed right through.

That's not even blood.
It's the ink from my stamp pad.

See, it fell off the table.

So, what the hell is doing on the floor?

He can't get stressed or hear loud noises.

We should call an ambulance right away
and get Walter to a hospital.

You could've told me that before.

- Let's lift him up.
- Let's do it.

- Wait a second. I'll tell you the truth.
- Huh?

- I like the samba.
- You do?

- Yeah.
- Of course you do.

- Let's go.
- Come one.


What happened to me?

It's okay, my love.

- Everything's all right.
- Okay, but...

What are these things on my ears?

Bandages from the surgery.

You got the implant.
Walter, you're better now

Oh, that's wonderful, honey!

But how could we afford it?

Toninho paid for it.

He paid for me?

- He did.
- Hmm.

He did to thank you
for what you did for him.

- They really are good people, Walter.
- They are.

You're a good man, too, my love.

I shot a tranquilizer dart
into his mother's ass.

- Yeah, I had a feeling.
- I had to say it out loud.

Well, you should go tell him that
instead of me

because you've completely ruined the mood.

Seriously, I'm getting the doctor.

I love you, Jo.


What's up, Wally?

Oh, Toninho, hey.

I just wanted to thank you
for everything you've done for me.

Don't mention it, man.
I'm sure you'd have done the same for me.

Not so sure about that. Anyway.

Um, well, actually,
I have something that I need to tell you.

I need to tell you about

how your mother passed away.

What do you mean?
It's simple. My mother died of cancer.

Yes, exactly, she...

What? Cancer?

Yeah, cancer.
Lots of people die from it every year.

The samba school is gonna have a float
to bring awareness to the issue.

Dr. Dráuzio Varella will make
an appearance on it.

- Your mother died of cancer?
- Yes.

She'd been going through treatment
for a long time.

But she was unconscious
when you took her to the hospital.

Ah, she just fainted.
It was nothing worse than that.

She woke up feeling great,
in high spirits.

I took a video of her

dancing with the workers at the hospital.
Look, check it out.

- Look how cheerful...
- She was dancing.

All the doctors and nurses danced
with her.

♪ That's why I sing
Praise, praise, Joaquinópolis ♪

But then after,

they took an X-ray of her lungs,
and that's when they discovered,

by accident,
that a tumor had been growing there.

They tried to operate,
but sadly she didn't make it.

You're fuck...

Son of a...

- Holy shit! So, wait. No.
- What?

Uh, you're just now telling me
that a tumor is what killed your mother?

- Yeah.
- Nothing else, right?

- Yeah.
- So I've been over here feeling guilty

for all this time, all for nothing, huh?

Why were you feeling guilty?

- What?
- What are you saying?

- I said that?
- Yeah.

- Who said?
- What do you mean?

- You did.
- What?


Is that your mom?
That's a lovely, beautiful t-shirt.

- Uh, I said "guilt"?
- Yes.

I'm guilty...

- Right, let's see. Guilty because...
- What? Say it.

Because I didn't know here better.

That's silly, Wally.

Don't fixate on something like that.
Focus on the big stuff.

What's really important is
that you didn't let me leave.

We almost stopped being neighbors.

Fuck, really?

I... I did?

I'm the reason you're still here?

- Otherwise you'd be gone?
- You kept me here.

Just imagine the tragedy.
You would be here missing me.

And I would be away missing you.
You know the best part?

- No, I...
- You know what's nice?

We're gonna be side by side
as neighbors forever, Wally.

Thank you so much, my friend.

Neighbors forever.

♪ Hello, Joaquinópolis community ♪

♪ We're here, come on ♪

♪ Oh, it's love, it's love, it's love ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono, Mrs Nono ♪

♪ A brave woman, a mother who never quit ♪

♪ She represents all of the mothers
In Brazil ♪

♪ This is love ♪

♪ Oh, it's love, it's love, it's love ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono, Mrs Nono ♪

♪ A brave woman, a mother who never quit ♪

♪ She represents all of the mothers
In Brazil ♪

♪ Soft-spoken, wise,
And always knew when to listen ♪

♪ Our ancestors taught her
A warrior mother never gives up ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono faced all hardships ♪

♪ Fought truthfully,
Built a happy family ♪

♪ Nono is a goddess, a queen, an empress ♪

♪ Nono is the mother everyone wants ♪

♪ Check out Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ Oh, Nono, Nono, you're an inspiration ♪

♪ Your love for samba is a tradition ♪

♪ Toninho honors and follows your legacy
The drums send your message ♪

♪ If you want to be the best,
You can't hesitate ♪

♪ No one here is simpleminded ♪

♪ If you want to be the best,
You can't hesitate ♪

♪ No one here is simpleminded ♪

♪ Check out Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ Oh, it's love, it's love, it's love ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono, Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ A brave woman, a mother who never quit ♪

♪ She represents all of the mothers
In Brazil ♪

♪ Check out Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ Oh, it's love, it's love, it's love ♪

♪ Mrs. Nono, Mrs. Nono ♪

♪ A brave woman, a mother who never quit ♪

♪ She represents all of the mothers
In Brazil ♪

What's up, Wally? You good?

I'm really emotional
as I send you this message.

I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart.

I'd like to thank you

for helping our samba school
go to the first group.

And we did, Wally!
We even got a warehouse to rehearse in.

I think this news may make you upset,

but we won't be rehearsing our sambas
at home anymore.

Just at the warehouse.

From now on, I'm helping Kelly
with her new career as a funk singer.

She's really good,
so I'm gonna help her out,

and we're gonna rehearse
her funk songs at home.

I don't even like funk music
all that much,

but you know how women are,
they rule the world now, man,

so I'd like to invite you
to get on over here.

Let's dance some funk, Wally!
Come on and have fun at our house!

Come on, Wally!

♪ This song is powerful
Known all over the planet ♪

♪ I ride, I ride, I ride, I ride
This is the booty funk ♪

♪ The boys all want me,
I look so naughty ♪

♪ You hit that good
You make me horny ♪

♪ We're a match in bed
We're a match and that's that ♪

♪ Let's do it good
Let's hear the booty funk ♪

♪ Hit that, hit that ♪

♪ Let's hear the booty funk ♪

♪ Hit that, hit that ♪

♪ Let's hear the booty funk ♪

♪ Slap that booty, slap that booty ♪