Fatal Skies (1990) - full transcript

A ruthless businessman plots to dump toxic waste into the water supply of a small town. It's up to a small group of innocent sky-diving teenagers who accidentally land inside the walls of his industrial center to try to stop him.

[music playing]

PREACHER BOB: Every morning, god visits me for breakfast.

And although you can't hear him, I

will share this verse with you.

This morning, God and I are playing "Guess What It Is."

I read the ingredients and God tells me what it is.

Are you ready, God?

He can't wait.

Well, here goes.

Sodium, iron sulfate, water, black hall stingray,

hydroxine-- frabble-- fromonium?


I can't even pronounce that.

Silk batter.

Citric acid.

Methyl-- shazam.

The FCC won't even let religious broadcast

get away with words like that.

I'll skip it.

What was that?

Roofing tiles?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Well, maybe they do have those ingredients,

but it's not the one.

I'll give you a hint.

It's metal.


That's dog food.

Wonderful Bread?

Well, you're getting a little warmer.

Crackly Puffs?


You guessed it.

You're amazing.

But then, you are God.

[plane engine]


Is everybody ready?

Ugh. Summer in the country.

Yeah, your uncle's great.

He's crazy.

My mother's crazy.

I can't believe she thought this would be good for me.

What, you're not having fun yet?

Hey, wait till we jump.

You just stop that, Mr. Jackson.

I am a lady.

All right, everybody.

Fall out.

Now remember, head for the pasture out by the air field.

I don't want to have to be driving all of the country

looking for you guys.

That wasn't me last time.

Duane's the one always getting lost.

Now remember, no monkey business.

Yee haw!

Get a move on!

Woo hoo!

I love you, baby!

Open your chute!

Anything for you, baby.

Something's wrong.

His chute isn't opening.

You try it.

The tail.

Oh, damn it.

We're going to go down.

Grab onto me.

We'll go down together.

I'm gonna drop your top off.

They're turning a proper chute.

I said, grab on.

Won't work. I'm too heavy.

We got to try.

Take hold.

Hold on tight.

It'll never work.

Goodbye, my love.

I'll see you in hell.

Oh, that stupid kid.

I knew it.

He's been shoving his semen into his brain.

You dumb, redneck, moron, jerk-off, idiot.

You jack-ass bastard.

Stop that.

Thrill seeker.

You know what pleases me, baby.

Son of a bitch.

Don't do that any more.

Look, I'm sorry. I was only kidding.


I didn't mean to scare you.

Get lost, you jerk.

Hey, wait-- maybe we can get a ride.


[sheep noises]



Anybody in there?



(SINGING) Home, home on the range, where

the deer and the antelope play.

Knock off the racket, you knuckleheads.

Clem, don't dump this barrel near that goop over there.

Why not?

Because if this stuff mixes with that stuff, it'll explode.

Without a fuse?





Just do what I say, Clem.

And leave the thinking to me.

This ain't no government job, you guys.

Get moving.

What the hell?

God damn, where'd they come from?


Well, hiya, kids.

What you doing in this neck of the woods?

Oh, we were skydiving, Mr. Boyle,

and we got blown off course.

That's too bad.

You know, this is private property, Duane.

I'm sorry.


That stuff stinks.


It's pretty funny looking water.


That's, uh, fertilizer.

What are you fertilizing rocks for?

It's flagstone cleaner.

Got it?

Give me a break.


BILLY: (SINGING) Home, home on the range--

Well, no wonder your flagstones are always so clean.

Look, you little shit--

if I ever, if I ever catch you trespassing here again,

I'm going to use this on you.



Hey, Clem, go tell that retard to knock it off.

He's giving me a migraine.

BILLY: (SINGING) Sweet land of liberty--

Hey, Billy, shut up.




You only come here for the gravel, right?


[sheep noises]


Hey, it looks like your supervisor over

there could use a little help.





Jesus, it's gonna blow.

Oh, shit.




What about Billy?

What about Billy?



What the hell was all that?


Billy must be hurt.

Where did you get that switchblade?

I always took it on the subway,

but I never had to use it.


Let's go.

Dumb kids.


He tried to kill us.

Billy's hurt.

Duane, shut up and listen.

That's the last time you're going to pull a fool

stunt like that because it's the last time you're going

to jump out of my airplane.

Forget it.

Listen, this is--

Forget what?

You could have got us all killed.

That schmuck's dumping shit all over the place.

It exploded.

Buddy tried to kill us.

You're lucky he found you before I did.

I'm not kidding, damn it.

Don't curse me.

You disobeyed orders.

Uncle Jack, you got to listen to him.

I told you to shut up.

Who are you to give orders?

Pretty pathetic for someone that got kicked out of the Army.

That had nothing to do with orders.

I thought you won the Purple Heart?

I did.

And you got kicked out?

All those war stories were just lies.

Everybody thinks you're a hero.

You're just a coward.

And you won't even listen to us. Go to hell.

All right, Clem.

What happened to Billy?

You know that dumb tard Billy.

He's out there trying to cook some wieners.

Wait, or was it marshmallows?

Wieners, god damn it.

The police will have all day for you to remember the facts.

Well, that moron's out there squirting the fluid up

in the air, trying to hit the coals.

But all he did was spray his fool self.

I couldn't believe when he lit the match.

I yelled out, no, no, no.

That's great.

Very good, Clem.

I might even have to give you a raise.

Gee, thanks.

You're a real pal, Buddy.

Let's keep an eye on those kids.

We can't them going around town yakking about this.

That Duane boy is Barbara and Daryl's kid.

They're the ones who've been making the big stink.

Them dopes.

This stuff ain't dangerous, as long as you handle it right.

Yes, sir.

No more dangerous than walking the street.

Isn't that just like you told us, Buddy?

Would I lie to you?

Don't worry, Buddy.

I'll keep an eye on things.

This might be fun.


Jesus, Wade.

Will you say excuse me, Wade?


It wasn't me.

OK, I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

[radio squealing]

Uncle Jack, aren't there any rock and roll stations?

Preacher Bob's the only one.

Oh, this is going to be a long summer.

PREACHER BOB: Hey, all you alley cats.

Have you all been over-indulging and living a life of sin?

It's not nice to croon around the back door waiting

for Mrs. X's honey to leave.

The Church of God would like to remind you that coveting

another man's wife is a sin.

Just remember-- one of these days,

one of the people throwing shoes at you, alley cats,

might be God.


You wouldn't be laughing so hard

if your man had cheated on you.

You been drinking that Freon again, Willy?

Never could stay mad at us very long.

Look, Uncle Jack, I'm sorry about what happened.

That's all right, but listen, you ever

pull a fool stunt like that again I'll tan your hide

and I'll ring Duane's neck.

That guy?

He has the IQ of a grape.

What a yokel.

You know, he's not as dumb as he looks.

That's country wisdom.

Spare me.

Look, Uncle Jack, we weren't joking

about what happened out there.

That guy, Buddy, you know the one

that looks like he's on drugs?

He pulled a gun on Duane.

And then some serious-- this stuff blew up

and then some retard guy got toasted.

I'll see about it.

Just relax, Darryl.

You need to have a few more tests.

We have to get to the bottom of this, but we're getting close.


You've been getting close for years.

[radio squealing]

PREACHER BOB: Speak of the cross of humanity--

Will you turn that off?

PREACHER BOB: And some day you sinners man yourselves on--

Yeah, we did.

It's really crazy though.

We landed in Buddy's.

He was really upset.

Son, stay away from Buddy.

He's bad news.

The reason your father's in here is because of that stuff

Buddy had them haul all those years.

Now Barbara, we don't know that.

Oh, you guys, I think Billy's hurt.

They were dumping some stuff and it caught on fire.

You mind me--

don't mess with Buddy.

Dad, you don't understand--


Honey, don't upset your father.

It'll be all right, dad.

Take it easy.

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.

I'm strong as a horse.

You let Jack take care of Buddy.

Mom, that guy's full of it.

I talked to his niece.

You know he got kicked out of the Army?


You know why, hm?

There was a Lieutenant and one day

he just snapped and he started shooting

all these innocent civilians.

Well, Jack had to do something.

The guy was crazy.

He was out of his mind.

Then he starts trying to shoot at Jack.

He had to do something.

You mean Jack shot one of his own men?


And then poor Jack gets canned.

But I'll tell you, he did the right thing.

Why didn't he just say so?

Did you give him a chance?

[airplane engines]

Hey, Duane.

Look, uh, about what I said, I'm really sorry.

I was mad. - Ah, it's OK.


No, it's not.

I had no right to say those things to you.

It took a lot of guts to do what you did.

I talked to my mom.

Your mother said that?


I promise, no more crazy stunts like that again.

I was just showing off.

Your father's a lucky man.

By the way, how is he?

He's doing OK.

They're running all those tests on him now though.

You know, I owe you an apology, too.

I should have listened.

I think Sheriff Horne might be interested

in your little story.

So how's the project, Buddy?

Everything's all right by the book, right?


To the book.


The purple window sash?


Hey, look, you nimrod.

I told you that I wanted mauve.


M-A-U-V-E. You understand?


So the time has come, Buddy.

The heavy water starts arriving on Friday.

If there are any mistakes, we lose it.

We lose everything, Buddy.

It's the start of it all.

When I'm president--


So buddy, you know who I'm going to need for my Chief

of Staff, don't you?


I'm excited.

How about Haskel for a Secretary of War.


Yeah, Buddy. That's real funny.


I like that.

Why'd you-- do that--

I've been hearing stories.

People are filing reports.

What stories?


Look, you go figure it before the drop time.

Hey, Joey, stop the car.


You better deal with the problems instead

of creating them, Buddy.

Hey, think it over.

You're in it up to your ass.

Get the fuck out of here.


Get the fuck outta here.

It's a long way back to town.


Well I think a nice, long walk might do you some good, Buddy.

Come on, man.

Give me a break.

Give me a break.

It's a long way to town.

Damn that Barbara.


Hot damn.

You owe me.

Derwood, there's not much crime in this town.

You want to know why?


It's because criminals avoid me.

They know they never could escape.

Wilson, stop goofing off.


Well, Buddy, you know, you're a real pal--

getting them braces to help straighten out

my daughter's teeth and all.


Yeah, well don't you worry about a thing.

[car engine]

Buddy, I got to go.

What can I do you for?

Duane and Toni here have something to tell you.

It concerns Buddy.

Eat it, Derwood.

We were skydiving the other day

and we got knocked off course and we landed in Buddy's quarry

over there.

Now Buddy and his boys were dumping

some fertilizer or flagstone cleaner,

I think they called it.

I never smelled any fertilizer like this stuff before.

Then they pulled a gun on me and Toni over here.

Then Billy knocked some barrel over,

this big fire starts and he gets caught, burned.

Next thing you know, we're running like hell

because they're shooting at us.

[chair creaks]

All right.

Let me see if I got this correct.

You're trespassing on private property,

and when those people started defending

their basic human rights to their privacy,

you started fighting with them.

That's not what happened.

I'm not through talking yet, Missy.

Matter of fact, you even pulled a knife

on these innocent people, didn't you?

And then you used that knife to stick it in Buddy's back.

What's going on here, Ted?

Buddy pulled a gun on these kids just

for walking through his quarry.

It's Officer Wilson to you.

Now you listen to me.

Right now, I can book you on three charges--

trespassing, assault with a deadly weapon,

and intent to kill.

What about Billy?

Let me tell you something--

you try any more of these false accusations,

and I'm gonna throw your ass in jail

and I'm gonna throw away the key.

You hear me? [banging]

That's disgusting.

That was Billy, wasn't it?

Poor kid.

He burnt himself toasting marshmallows.

That's a lie. [banging]


All right.

Now you listen to me, son.

Everybody knows that you and your whole family

has had it in for poor old Buddy.

So I want you to just get the hell out of here right now.

I'm trying to tell you the truth.

Get out.

Buddy must give you some fat tips.

Don't let that doorknob hit you, honey.

Hoo wee.

Feisty little bitch, Ted.

I think she likes you.

What do you expect?

He's on the payroll.

Knock it off.

You don't just sit here and take this.

I won't.

Suit yourself.

[radio squealing]

[organ music]

[preacher bob fades in and out]

Hey, cowards.

Come and fight.

Dumb suckers.

We're gonna nail you cross.

Do you hear me?

Y'all been making some serious allegations.


You're going to be a bunch of dead alligators.

Prepare to die.


[engine starting]

Eat me!

I'll take this to the government.

You kids keep away from them.

There they are.


Do you think this was such a good idea?

What if we get caught?

Oh, come on, Becky.

Let's get out of here!

I knew this was gonna be trouble.


Looks like we got some business to take care of.

Little snooping bastards.



I can't believe they're dumping

that stuff in the water.


Those sleaze-bags



Jack's not in?


He's off investigating.

Maybe we should lay low till he gets back.

Look, I'm a mess.

I'm gonna go clean up.

Hey, what do you say we go for a swim?

Actually, that might be nice.

I'd like to relax for a change.

Is there a pool around here?

Well, sort of.

It's a pond.

I don't have a suit.

Ah, you don't need one.

The have some there.

OK, I'll go with you in a second.

Just let me go close up the house.


You little liar.

You knew there weren't any suits out here.

What about your birthday suit?

Aw, now who's shy?

I thought you were a woman of the world?

Well, I thought I could trust you.

Well, you thought wrong.

Come on in.

The water's great.

Sight for the blind.

You dweezle.

Did you really think I'd go skinny dipping with you?




She's got a damn swimsuit.

Let me see that.

This is bad news.

Real bad news.

Oh, great god in heaven.


She's prepared for me.

I love a modern woman.

They're so practical.

Give that, you dump.

Clem, this is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.

CLEM: It's like drowning fish in a barrel.

You moron.

You can't drown fish.

Ah, Haskel.

She's prettier than a mess of fried catfish.

I just got to nibble on a piece.


Can't just drown them without having any fun first.

She'll go to heaven knowing a real man.

You think Buddy's gonna pay us over time

for this kind of work?

What are we waiting for?

I see your hiney.

You're so full of shit.

Come on in.

Well, at least you're not a fag.

I ain't no fag either, missy.


You got a pretty little mouth.



Party's over, blabbermouth.

Sweet baby, I'm in the mood--

Get off of her!

You're next.

Too bad what happened to you two young kids at the pond.

Out for a day or sunning and funning

and just like that, down.

Mighty strange currents in these parts.

- Go to hell. - Shut your gab.

You said too much already.

Too bad, honey.

You could have ended up with me.



Two of your--




Clem, why'd you let her get away?

She kicked me in the nuts.

Well, get after her.

Damned thing.

Clem, you couldn't pour piss out of a boot

if the instructions was written on the heel.

Kids, this is how we do things in the military

when we run into problems like this.


Woo wee!

Take that, Charlie.

Nah, take that Clem.

It's important to use the proper channels

kids, but just in case--

Learn to shoot a gun.

The hell with the law.

Christ, we could start a war with all this.


Playing with a gun makes me feel alive.

I'm worried about you, Willy.


No, no, no.

Look, look.

Plant your feet, OK?

Come on.


Little higher.

Little higher.


That's it.


Oh, darling, this is fabulous.

The pig's lines have such character.

Oh, I think it's cute.



Try this one on for size.


You understand?

If you come around here again, I'm

gonna have to use this on you.


My country 'tis of thee--


Billy, I told you once, I told you 1,000 times.

We dogs can't sing.






You guys done like I told you?

It's all ready.

Have we ever failed you?

Get out of here.

All right.

If all goes well, by Friday, we'll be set for life.


You know, when I first met you,

I thought you were a real redneck.

A redneck?


Now I guess I know you better.

What am I?

Don Juan?

It's Don Juan.

Don Juan. That's what I said.

Nah, you're still a redneck.

A redneck?


Pink neck.


Mm, Cheri, come fly away with me

and I will show you the world.

I've seen the world.

Well, then.

I will show you the barn!

I've seen the barn, too.

Well, then.

I will show you the true meaning of love.

Surrender your tongue to me now.

Oh, please.

Hey, come on Mr. Farmboy.

You're getting out off hand.

When you say no, do you mean yes?

- No. - No?


Oh, no.

Oh, yes!




Dag-blasted bucket.


What's that thing doing here?

Who's out there?

Let's bushwhack him.


[horse neighing]


Hold it.

Don't shoot.

I was just getting a drink.


[horse neighing]

Nice souvenir.


Let's skedaddle.

Uncle Jack?



Look out!


Those bastards.


That's the last straw.

I'm going to the source.

Now Buddy, Buddy always works for somebody

and I'm gonna finish him off.

I bet you Clem would squeal.

Yeah, maybe we should invite Clem

to his own marshmallow roast.

Nobody messes with my water and gets away with it.

Let's go.

Well, we shouldn't have too much trouble smelling them.

[radio squeals]

PREACHER BOB: [garbled]

God wants him.

It's the source of life.

Yes, but the Devil is casting his purpose on our very lives.

This ain't no--

I wonder if he's been drinking the water.

He's attacking himself with all this stuff.

PREACHER BOB: Remember, only God can walk on the water.

And the hours--

Let's go check the north road.

All right.

Now you two stay here.

If I'm not back in 20 minutes, you go get help.


Does he really think we'll just sit here?

Come on.

Let's go.


Get back to work.


Who does the work now that Billy's gone?

The work?

I wonder who does the thinking?

Now he brings that girl home to meet us,

and a skinny looking critter, especially for a wife.

And all's we can think is, well, Jesus--

why won't her own family marry her?

There must be something wrong with her.

Oh, yeah.

There's something wrong with that girl.

I just know there is.


This stuff stinks kind of funny.

Or likely, you need a bath.

Haskel, you know hanging out in all this sun's

bad for your skin.

You read about it all the time.

You could catch cankers.

Hurry up.

Well, if you just gave me a little hand,

we might get out of here before Christmas.

I'm supervising.


Even the president's worried about it.

Even he's using suntan lotion--



No, don't shoot!

What the hell are you two doing here?

I thought I told you--

damn kids.


Ah, we're going to take care of you.

Yeah, real slow.


TONI: You know, Haskel?

I think that's the most intelligent thing I've heard

come out of your mouth yet.

You must be getting real thirsty,

Clem, with all that hard work you've been doing, eh?

I'm not thirsty.

Haskel did all the work.

Talk to him.

[mumbling] Shut up, Clem, you weasel!

No. Don't!

I just stomped the stuff.

Ah, you're a modest man, Clem.

But you know, our pal Buddy's been working hard, too.

And I'm just betting you can tell me who he's making

all of that trouble for, huh?

Isn't that right?

No, don't.

I'm a family man.

I always wondered what this word caustic meant.

Do you know, Clem?

Clem, you better tell me who buddy works for.



That's a neat name.

I'll bet he's got lots of girls.

Now who does Mr. Lance work for?


Let go!

Thank you, Clem.

You've been very helpful.

What do you say we take care of these guys right now?

Ah, they'll all be in jail soon.

Now you listen to me, Clem, you come on my property again,

I'm going to kill you.

I'll kill your family.

And I'll kill your little dog, too.

You, too, Haskel.


It won't be much longer.

Honey, I've been waiting here for two hours.

He's a very busy man.

[door opening]

- Is Lancey in? - Go right in.

LANCE: Cindy, baby.

It's good to see you.

Yeah, baby. You're looking good.

You're looking good. Keep it up.

Keep it up. Come on, baby.

Let me see what the good lord has given.

Yeah, move your hands. I like that.

You know that, don't you? Yeah, yeah.

Put your hands to your hair.

[phone ringing]

Yeah. Yeah.

That's it, baby. That's it.

Come on, touch some more.

Touch some more.


Yeah, yeah.

Put your hair up.

Hair up, yeah.

That's it.

I like that.

You ain't missing a trick, are you?

Screw this.

Hey, wait a minute.

LANCE: Who the fuck are you, buddy?

[phone ringing]

Barbara, Barbara, Barbara-- wait a minute.


What happened?

Where's she going?

Not dad.

I'm sorry.

Poor guy.

What'd he died from?

Chemical poisoning.

It was long-term.

He must have had it for years.

She must have gone to Buddy's.

Come on.

Let's go.

Let's go.

So what can I do for you, Jack Hollohan?

I'm here about Buddy Boyle.

His waste disposal methods are irregular.

[phone ringing] - Irregular?


You're in direct violation of all the EPA codes.

I have pictures.

Well, that's very distressing, sir.

I guess we'll have to look into it, huh?

Ms. Smith, please hold all calls.

MS. SMITH: But it's Mr. Eden on the line.

Put him through.

What can I do for you now, we, Eden?

Round flagstones?

Round flagstones?

I told you that I wanted square flagstones by Friday.

Hey, don't mock me.

Are those ears on the side of your head?

Are you listening?

I said square.

S-Q-U-A-R-E. Damned construction workers.

You know, they can't even get government jobs.

So now where were you, Jack?

Buddy Boyle.

He's dumping your waste all over the county.

That stupid little son of a bitch.

Duane, I'm really sorry about your dad.

Jack, I want to thank you.

If Buddy had anything to do with this,

I'll nail his ass personally.

Thank you.

No, Jack.

Thank you.

You know, it makes me very proud to be an American

when I meet somebody like you.

You know, doc gotten a lot of black eyes in your life,

but you're a man of principle.

It's been a pleasure.

Hey, maybe you and me can get a couple of beers some time,




Babs is sure in a hurry.

Yeah, hey doc--

I've got to talk to Duane.


That's terrible.

Tell Toni to stay put and I'll be home in a few hours.

Open up.

Sorry, Duane.

I can't do it.

Look, my mother is in there and I got to go in.

I'm sorry.

- Lester, back off. - I'm sorry.

I cannot do it.

I'll shoot.

You crazy?

Oh, shit.



Come on. Let's get Uncle Jack.

He'll help us.

Damn kids.

Be on alert.

Barbara's kid just tried crashing through the gate.

God, the whole family's gone crazy.

Let's call the police.


That guy Wilson?

Are you serious?


WOMAN: It's Lance.

He sounds very upset.

Tell him I'm out.


I'll be taking my lunch break now.


But make it a fast half hour, got it?


What a pleasant surprise.

You bastard.

Daryl's dead.

Oh, no.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I just bet you are.

BUDDY: Is there anything I can do?

You knew this stuff wasn't safe.

BUDDY: I think you're misinformed.

Daryl was in no danger.

No danger, huh?

I need you to drink this stuff.

BUDDY: Well, I'm not thirsty just right now.

Yeah, because you know what you've been

dumping in this for 30 years.

That's why you won't touch it.

Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill.

You pervert.

I think you're upset.

Maybe you should go home.


Barbara, please go.

Sure, that's just like you.

BUDDY: It's just for protection.

From what?

A woman with a glass of water.

You know, Duane saw what happened to Billy

and you Didn't even try to help him.

That's a lie.

Babs, I love you.

You and I could have had a life together.

Stop it.

Stop it!

You had to go marry that nobody.

Don't you ever--


Oh, God!


[ringing phone]

Come on, Buddy.

Answer the phone.

[ringing phone]

Come on, you son of a bitch.

Answer the phone.

[ringing phone]

Why'd you do that?

Why did you do that?

Jesus Christ, where the hell are you?


Oh, Buddy.

Pal, how you doing?

Buddy, you're never going to believe

who just paid me a visit.




No, it wasn't Cindy.

It was Jack, you idiot.

Yeah, he pulled a gun on Clem.

Well, isn't that just wonderful?

Look, Buddy, you better go deal with him

and the whole lot of them before I deal with you.

BUDDY: Yeah, you're right.

Buddy, I think that you're smart enough

to know what that means.

OK, I'll take care of it.

Hey, listen, I've got to go.

Take care of them!



HASKEL: Hurry up, Clem.

CLEM: I'm coming.

Just putting the finishing touches on.

Drop the gun over there on the floor.

No problem.

Why is Buddy so nervous?

These people are just trash.

They're a threat to our lifestyle.

We're doing the community a favor.

Yep. Now don't forget to call Wilson.

Buddy better pay us overtime for this.

This job-related stress is difficult to cope with.


Maybe we'll take us a long vacation.

Maybe go to Barstow.

Nice kitty.

You don't think she'll do anything, do you?

I'm more worried about what Buddy will do to her.

That guy's nuts.

Not Come on.

It's not too much farther to Jack's.


He'll get the chair.

You can bet on that.

Murder lurks in every corner, and I smell it.

[gunshots] Bull's-eye!

[cat screeches]

What the--

Uncle Jack!

What's wrong?

Where's my uncle?

Now you know, Missy, I was just about to ask you

that one myself.

You know, I had a dream about you last night.

Son, can I have a word with you.

Yeah, I'll remember to tell you about it some time.

What's going on?

Look, you son of a bitch.

Oh, now, now.

I wouldn't say that if I was you--

not I was an accessory to murder.


Uncle Jack?

Don't be touching any of them things in there.

That's evidence, you little honey pot.

I'm afraid to say that your mother has been murdered.





Oh, now, save the drama for the courtroom, honey.

Hey, Wilson, looks like our culprit

coming down the drive now.

Better draw your gun there, Derwood.

He's dangerous.

You bastard.

You know he didn't do it.

Don't make me smack you again now, huh?


Hot, ain't it?

What the hell is going on here?

You have the right to remain quiet.

You have the right for a lawyer.

Knock it off.

Buddy killed Barbara.

He dumped her in your house.

That's enough out of you.

And you're under arrest.

Not Barbara.


Look, he didn't do it.

We followed her to Buddy's.

It was your murder weapon, Jack.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take you in for questioning.

Wilson, get over here.

Listen, you--

I have been at AXL all day long.

You can do all your talking at the jailhouse.

I might have known you'd have an alibi.

Buddy, how could he?

He was always in love with Babs.

Take him in.

You're making a big mistake, Horne.

Be careful, Wilson.

He's a dangerous type.

Go on.

See you later.

Yeah, this is Wilson.

I'm coming in.

CLEM: We'll be waiting for you.


That was Clem's voice.

Where you taking me?

Jack, you want me to give you a piece of advice, boy?

You just get back down there nice and low

and you shut your mouth, right?

When all this is said and done,

Wilson, I'm going to take care of you.

You can count on it.

Yeah, well I believe I heard that one a time or two.

You just do as I said.

Now get down, boy.


Now that's real nice.

Real nice.


Hold it right there.

Jail, my ass.


How in the hell did he escape?

OFFICER WILSON: You tell me.


He must have used one of them B&N tricks.

He's one of them commando types.

OFFICER WILSON: Yeah, he jumped me all right.

Well, Derwood, this is a red alert.

Dangerous criminal on the loose.

Shoot to kill.

That's crazy.

He didn't escape.

I followed them.

They're at Buddy's plant.

Little girl, you just protecting your uncle.

Now let go of my arm or you'll go to jail

the rest of your life.

You won't listen.

Come on, Derwood.

We have an escapee to catch.

They're gonna kill him.

I want to kill that son of a bitch.

How? We can't even get past the gate.

I've got an idea.

We'll surprise them.

Good morning, Jack.


Now who's wetting their pants?


Dumb name.

I bet you don't get any girls, like Lance.

Now, who you been blabbing your fool mouth off to?

You think I'd squeal as easy as you?

Cut it out, Clem.

We wouldn't be here if you'd kept your mouth shut.

And you're a heap of trouble.

You're wanted for first degree murder.

Now, who you been telling those lies to?

Yeah, you killed Babs.

I know it.

Everybody knows it.

I'm gonna see you get the chair for it.

Well, you seem like a real big thinker to me, Colonel.

Well, I bet if you thought real hard,

you could remember who else you've been going

to with your bold-faced lies.

If those kids are running around town spouting

their mouths off-- have they?

Have they?

Have they?

Who else you gonna murder, Buddy.

One day, it'll be you.

Shut your yuck.

Well, who else have you been talking to?

I forget.

Well, maybe this will help you remember.

I still don't see why we can't call the police.

It won't help.

Trust me.

They're in on it.

Wait until we land and then call the FBI.

Well, I sure hope you know what you're doing.

It's the only way to save Jack.

And I'm gonna take care of Buddy.

I sure hope you're enjoying this as much as I am.

I can't seem to hurt you, lard-bucket,

with all that padding there.


Get ready.

You all be careful.

And don't come back without Jack.

Remember, don't pull till 2,000 feet.

We all land together.

This is really dangerous.

We really need you, Becky.

Don't worry.

It won't be bad.

I hope.

I worked there one summer.

A lot of them guys carry guns.

Well, I wouldn't worry.

Most of them probably couldn't hit a can from 20 feet.




I hope it's not too late.

Stupid bitch.

Hands out to me, Becky.

This is crazy.

We could get hurt.

It's around that bend to the river.

Over that way.

What the-- sound the alarm!

They're here!

We're under attack.

MAN: By who?


The Reds!

Who else?

Take that!



Let's ditch this stuff.

You keep your eyes peeled for those kids.

Don't worry.

They're not going to get past us.




Hey, those are gunshots.

That ain't no fire.

Must be a fire.

Somebody pulled the fire bell.

Good thinking.

Good thinking, Clem.

Maybe it's the National Guard.


It's a trick.

An ambush.

Hey, you don't think Sheriff Horne caught on?



Hey, you guys get out there and check things out.

Buddy, I-- I don't think that's such a good idea.

Come on, Clem.

We'll get us some real firepower.

This will be fun.

I'll keep him on ice.

And if things get nasty, it's so long Jack.



Let's split up.

You go over there, and I'll go this way.




Let's get them from below.

I'm not going down there.




I'm gonna stick my tongue in your--




Damn it.



Whoa, shit.


No, no!

Let's split up.

We'll take the west side.

Hi, honey.

Oh, don't be so cool now.

Come on.

Let's put that piece down.

Do it with one hand.

That's easy.

That's a nice, but you know something, darling?

I think I got something better for you.

Don't be scared.

You know something?

I've been looking to have this date with you for a long time


A long time.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

So have I.



I knew it.

I knew it.

Was it good for you?


I should just do you in right now.

Take that.



We're too late.



I thought you were dead.


You all right?


Uncle Jack!

Where's Buddy?

That Way.



Now, wait a minute.


Don't shoot.


You son of a bitch.

Duane, no.

Ah, don't Duane.

Yeah, you don't kill me.

You don't kill me. - Come on, Duane.

Don't be like Buddy.

Come on.

We'll see him fry in jail.


Leave me alone, you little shit-head.

It was an accident.

Come back here, you chickenshit.

You could have been my son.

Thank God my mom had better taste.


You're pathetic!


Say goodbye, Buddy!

Oh God.

Not Duane.


How about a drink, you little twit?




[music playing]

SONG: Me and my Lord are walking on the water.

Me and my Lord are walking on the water.

I won't fear.

I won't fall because my Lord is here.

I'm walking on the water with my Lord.

Me and my Jesus are walking on the water.

Me and my Jesus are walking on the water.

I won't fear.

I won't fall because my Lord is here.

I'm walking on the water with my Lord.

Oh Lord, something in the water.

Oh Lord, something in the water.

Strong enough.

Is it laced by the Devil's old toxic waste?

There's something in the water.

Oh Lord.

Something in the water.

Something in the water.

There's something in the water, oh Lord.

Me and my Lord.

We're walking on the water.

Me and my Lord, we're walking on the water.

I won't fear.

I won't fall because my Lord is here.

I'm walking on the water with my Lord.

I'm walking on the water.

I'm walking with my Lord.

I'm walking on the water.

I'm walking with my Lord.


Don't make a move.

You can avoid me, but you can never escape.