Farewell (2009) - full transcript

In 1985, Sergei Gregoriev, a Soviet colonel, wants to force his nation to reform, so he leaks secret information to the West. He picks an unlikely contact, a Pierre Froment, French nebbish in the diplomatic corps. Gregoriev keeps a lot of balls in the air - a marriage, a teen son he's trying to bond with, a mistress who's a colleague at work; his tradecraft is equally reckless. Meanwhile, Froment keeps his spy work secret from his German wife, and Mitterrand uses Gregoriev's information to make France indispensable to Reagan and his government. When Gregoriev leaks a list of key Soviet moles and spies, Gorbachev is left without secret intelligence. Will Gregoriev get what he wants?

Moscow, Russia
April 1981

I caught Olga rummaging, I was upset!

Look at that shot.


Borg had a serve
that was very good.

Watch the slow motion.
Of course it is good

We'll have to hurry if we don't want to miss the beginning.
Damien, let's go!


Are you coming?


Securely close the door
behind when you leave...


Good evening!

Look at your sister!

You saw that, too?

There has been some progress!



Bravo! Bravo!

I think I left the car open.
I'll go check.

Are you crazy!
Hurry up!

The match between Borg
and McEnroe just ended.

Borg won the match...

It is still finite, Borg!

What are you doing in my car?
Your back door was not locked.

I was told that I would
find you in your car!

Speak in French.

Look ahead.
It will appear more normal.

You never know.

How is Jacques?

Good, very good.

He told me to tell you,

that the French Embassies in the
countries of Eastern Europe...

are open, to you and your family.

But I don't want to leave!

This is my country.

Now, I have some important
things for you.

15 top leaders of
the West have...

been working for us.
For a longtime...

You see, your classmates
in the DST will love you.

I don't work for the DST!

You don't work for the secret service?

Of course not!

I work here in Moscow,
for Thomsons.

Jacques is my boss.

He just asked me to tell you,
about the embassies.

That's unbelievable!

They sent me an amateur.

It's very French.

Is that what you are saying...
You really want to stay in Moscow?

I will not flee like the others.
It's pathetic!

I'm not afraid to die.

My country needs me.

I can change the world.

Tell Jacques I don't want
to talk to anyone.

What I have done, should be worth
something to guys like you.

I'm going to leave you because
my daughter's show is going on.

Lock the door before going out.
Good evening.

What a jerk!

They are nothing, those French!

Igor is back?

In his room.

It has taken...

a warning.

He called Brezhnev an old fart.

What's the story with Brezhnev?

All right!
It doesn't bother you.

But not in public, you idiot!

There could be some trouble.

Excuse me! I don't want to
hurt your brilliant career.

Don't speak to me in
that tone of voice.


I have things to do...

What are you listening to?

Western music!

Don't worry, go!

Your friends have shut down the shop.
Bye bye, Queen!

MAY 1981

I heard about the job in
New York was about to open up.

It will not be easy.
There's lots of people on the list.

But it's not...

for now, Ah, here he is...
Pierre Froment..

Our engineering student
stationed in Moscow.

Maurice Vallier, DST.

How did it happen...

in Moscow?

I told him the truth,
I did it just to help you.

He wants to talk to a professional.

Your guy is a pathological liar,
who thinks he can change the world.

This man..

is a Colonel.

Colonel Grigoriev.

He was born in Moldova,
he studied...

in Moscow, KGB used its
influence at the university.

He occupies a key position.
Everything goes through him.

He has become indispensable
in processing information.

Anyway...we didn't expect it.

And the list of names
he gave you...

is unprecedented since the
beginning of the Cold War.

OK. Anyway, thank you...

for your help.

How are you...

doing things, now?

You will contact him yourself?
Certainly not!

KGB had a file on me.
It even has Grigoriev, who was posted in Paris.

Given the turn of events,
we will regain control.

Excuse me, I am tired.
Goodbye, gentlemen.



As we expected...

the elections in France
didn't go well.

Francois Mitterrand won
with 51% of the vote.

And what we know is Mitterrand
does plan to have Communist,

ministers in his cabinet.
Oh, that France is our ally...

out there!

What does Margaret Thatcher think?

Never! I'll never let them do such a thing.

We can't rely on the French!
We just can't!

Our relationship with Moscow
is extremely tensed and it's...

and it's just as we lose an ally!

Where were you?
It has begun!

In each store, at the bottom of every court...

behind a window,
there is a granny...

One of our brave babushkas,
Simple and discreet...

But note...

that no one had seen.

Let's drink to our babushkas...

Our true sentinel...

Against the attacks..

of the imperialists!

Let me introduce you to...

our new rookie...

who is far from being a babushka...

Alina Samarova!

Thank you!

Girls, a little less chattering...

and a little more work.

* Who are happily marching together? *

* Our column pioneers! *

* Gaily, gaily, always the right place. *

* Leninist Pioneers. *

* The Leninist come. *

* Be ready! Always ready! *

* Be brave! Always brave! *

Cmon go! Go!


I thought,

we should work...

together, Paris sent someone to follow me.

Right from the airport,
we knew who came.

It will never work!

Are you sick or what?

There is no danger.
Nobody in KGB is interested in you.

You are already in Moscow,
your assignment folder is empty.

Or it is almost.
I could've avoided marrying...

a former East German.

But hey!
She went to the West in '57.

She has an 8 years old.

I have to go.

Make some copies of these documents
and bring them to me...

to the Novoslobodskaya station.
On Thursday!

No, but...
Wait! Wait!

No, but it's incredible!

The plans for the shuttle Columbia.

It's crazy!

Look, the notes by the
Russian researchers.

They believe that the fuselage
will not avoid overheating...

when it starts its re-entry in the atmosphere.

The route of French nuclear
submarines for the next 6 months!


But why?

Why you?

I don't know, why me?

Maybe they mistook me
for someone else.

We must get rid of all this, fast!
Is it not possible?

Wait, this is very serious.
Be quiet!

We cannot throw...

documents we can only dream of...
being agents of the West!

It's not your problem.

I married an engineer,
not James Bond.

Perhaps I can ask Jacques if...

What will Jacques do with this?

Jacques provides occasional
services for the DST.


I know that from the
past three months.

Your boss passed along messages for
the Secret Service and by chance...

there was Russian tote in your
car with secret documents.

You're not telling me everything, Peter.

You think we're all
spies here at Thomson?

Jacques does what he
wants with the DST.

I see nothing in all this.

I sure hope so because we're
in the lion's mouth in Moscow.

If you don't want to
endanger your family,

burn it all and forget everything.

Forget it!

OK, you're right.

Tomorrow, I will get rid of it all.


What is the level of the source?

Uh...level One.

We believe that the source
will continue to be engaged.

We have planted a
cell within the DST.

Why is the DST dealing
with this matter?

The source was stationed
here in Paris...

from 1965 to 1970.

And it was during this time
that we made the approach...

we sent a signal...

then, there were three months.

If this case is assigned to our
colleagues operating abroad...

we will lose contact.

The external espionage service is
totally infiltrated by the KGB.

The Russians have not
infiltrated the DST,

because it seemed unnecessary to them.

We do not have to intervene
outside the national territory.

Glad to hear you say that, Mr.Director.

Continue to follow this case...

and report to me personally,

because I agree with you on one
point, the fewer people involved,

the better.

I can provide a cover for you,
while I count on your loyalty

and my respects.

Mr.President, I have devoted my life to
the defense of the interests of France.

You may proceed with this.


What did he put at the...

top of the document?

One moment.

The code name of the source...

'Farewell', which means farewel.

And why 'Farewell'?
The Russians...

think like the CIA.
It will allow us gain a little time.

Come in.

JULY 1981

United States of America cannot
accept Communist ministers...

in Western Europe.

Or in any free country.

So therefore I'm asking you,
in the matter of freedom...

We meet...

Review the makeup of
your government.

I was elected by a free people...

On the basis of a platform
I will implement...

and I will fight...

all forms of foreign interference to
guarantee the people of France...

the freedom to choose their own destiny.
Without interference...

in American affairs, I think...

I'm a sincere ally of
the United States...

and I bring this to your attention.

A top-level source
sent us this list.

There are fifteen U.S. citizens
working with NASA, the CIA..

Pentagon...and the White House.

Everything indicates that they
have a direct link with Moscow.

This time, now it's
between you and me!

You know...

I was supposed to do
a film with Ford..

it got made so...
crash shenanigan with the studio.

I can't remember any more like this!

Mr.President, it's getting late...

I should probably....
I don't trust Mitterrand.

He is just making waves for his communist
ministers to buy some time and this...

this Farewell business...
it's just hokey.

I certainly hope so, sir.

Because if it turns out to be true...

The last two names on this list.

I wanna know before the time,
I get back to Washington.

But, the last two names!

Not a word to Feeney about this!

No, if he found out I was
snooping behind his back...

Feeney is the boss of CIA but I'm
the boss of the United States.

Ah! The Pentagon!

It's good, eh?
I've put the...


of Air Force One.

It's funny.

For your consideration.
Why are you doing this?

For the documents, all that they
asked me was how much you want.

You will become a little spy.


No, I can assure you the contact will
find another solution in a while.

So, how much you want?
Money, money!

What I can gave you is priceless!

I will tell them.

Keep your money...

and bring me some cognac and
champagne from Paris.

They will all ask about the
bottles in my office.

That will be the day when
there will no longer be...

It is not easy to
speak in Russian?

I like to speak French and who
can I talk to, if not you?

It would be more practical, anyway.

The next time I'll bring the champagne.

You French are chauvinists.

So are we.

I got my engineering degree here...

in 1955.
And my son Igor will be...

an engineer here also.

You are always in love...

Your wife?

Yes, of course

We all love our women,
but in our own way.

Can you get this for Igor...

Johnny Walkman.

Johnny Walkman?

I don't know that.

Sony! A Sony Walkman?


Maybe Sony.
And the group...

Cassettes of the
American group 'The Kin'.


No, Queen! They are English.

* We will, we will, rock you *

Perhaps, yes.
You don't know?

You like that?

Yeah, that's fine.

Me? I love Ferri.

Ferri, that's good!

What poetry!

And can you also bring
me some French poems?

And cassettes by Ferri?

And a hundred balls and
a salad Nicoise, too?

Look, I'm not FNAC!

Your departure and arrival times...

are written in a notebook
by the guys in the booth.

And there were two men in a Lada...

who followed you...
while you were driving.

And then there's the cleaning lady who
searches the apartment when no ones around.

But people who watch...

are not amused.
If you're nice to them...

they will like you a lot and
they will never suspect anything.

Next week same line in the subway.

One last thing!

The French residence...

is bugged.
You knew that, I guess.

Yes, I know.

Especially in the ceilings.

So if a guy does not intend
to be with his wife in bed...

he has a girl in his sights and
there are possibilities, then...

kiss his wife, it is the
only way to keep the peace.

Funny, eh?

No, it's not funny.

I'm sorry...

I can't...

because of Igor and
also because of Serge.

You can't spend your life
sacrificing yourself for others.

You're unhappy, Natasha.
Enough, let's go!

Dimarre, we can't be seen here!

I'm tired of lies.

Think of yourself first.

No, we have no new names...

but the source has provided us with
some very important documents.

What kind of important documents?

They include air defense
plans of the United States.

I am looking all the
radar installations...

installed on your territory since 1976...

Your coded procedures
to trigger a response...

in case of an enemy air attack.

In the margin, written in Russian...

he has the keys to reach
you at the same time.

I also have the codes to get
into the White House...

the schedules of companies
delivering food and clothing.

As well as the communication
codes used since 1959...

by your embassies.

I see.

I thought,

you wouldn't come.

I think it is a mistake.

Me too.

Remember your own wedding!

Shoot me with them! OK!

Of course, comrade.

I am a professional photographer..

Get closer.

A smile!


It's a good dream, communism.

Yes, happiness flows
on your streets.

People are uplifted with joy.

It's difficult to realize,
that dream.

You know what state
Russia was in 1917?

The Middle Ages.

And after 40 years,
it was first...

to send a man into space.

The first!

Today the system is
totally plugged up!

We must blow up the system.

That's why I am giving you
all this information.

When the Soviet bloc no longer exist,
you loot, everything will fly...

and there will be a new revolution.

I don't see that.
But Igor, my son...

it will be alive in it.

That is it, my reward.

Speaking of Igor, I have brought
the things you asked me for.

A Walkman.

Some cassettes...

by Queen.
And a Lio Ferri for you.

That's nice.

For the book on poetry...

I took 'Lagarde and Michard'.

A school book...

used as a shelf.
It's a 19th century one.

The Baudelaire, Mallarme...

you'll be amused with that.

I can't accept it.

It's your personal book, right?

You can't be serious.
It was thrown in a closet.

My wife would not need it anymore.

But she doesn't know...

So you gave it to me?
Yes, of course.

We quickly learn...

a lie, eh?

I too am a lie.

And lonely. You, you should talk.
Jacques has it all, has other...

But me...

I have you, Pierre.

Are you on vacation?
Yes, for 2 weeks.

With my parents in the Vercors.

What is there?

Holidays were introduced in France...

by a communist government.

You are trying to piss me off?
A little.

The little cat...
The little cat...


In the park!
In the park!

In the park!
In the park!


Will attack him!
Will attack him!

Who left...
Who left...

The door open?
The door open?

Well done!

Let, let!
Oh! It's our fault!

No, but let me do it!

There's someone looking for you.

I'll have...

a glass.
I'm coming!

You asked Jacques
to come here?

There is something to
clear up on a file.

A file on what?

You're doing it again?

I apologize.
I imagined a bunch of stuff.

It's not serious.

Let's go! Where were we?

I would like...

to thank...again the CIA,

Mr.Feeney in person, its director...

for this precious collaboration.

If you don't mind, Mr.President...

I'm going to continue in French.

Thanks to the last
information from Farewell...

We can see the global
Soviet espionage system.

KGB is not the only
ones spying on us.

Every business in the East...

Science Academies,
and even smaller...

modest participants
in a trade show...

are involved.

And all these networks send
routine information...

that is centrally...

reviewed by a body
we didn't know...

even existed: The VPK.
How many agents...

work for this service?

Who's in charge of it and since when?

I don't have that reliable
information at my disposal...

that would allow me to answer you.

A long time ago, we too heard about the VPK.

That thing is the
Loch Ness monster!

This is why we decided we
would never talk about it.

Good, continue...


We have calculated...

that the Russians spend more...

for industrial espionage than
they do for their own research.

They take the risk of looking...

but they want to buy insurance.

They will find something
and it costs them dearly.

The looting is over 40%...

of their overall budget
in the arms race.


that's incredible.
Are you sure of it?


40 percent!?

Can you imagine...

the sums at stake?

It don't make any sense.

To feed the enemy good
information to hook them,

and then dish out
a lot of baloney...

that's an old tactic.

But you know...


But Farewell is the finest
source of all times...


I was given this to
hand it over to you.

There's a second...

if the other fails.

The Minox?
Is it from the CIA?

They're involved?
No, not really.

But they know that the DST
has a source in Moscow.

They know your identity,
as well as mine.

What are they asking?

So far it has been going
very well without them.

Here are the detailed instructions
to photograph under any conditions.

To photograph documents on the spot...

and no more lugging them away!

Someone from the CIA
gave you these devices...

So now they know who
you are and who I am!

No! It was Jacques who discreetly
passed them along in France.

And I'd stashed them in a
little train for my son.

Voila! Okay?

I'll stop everything.

Its become too much for me.

It's a big operation.
It already had a code name: Farewell.

It's on track with
Mitterrand and Reagan.

I can't stand lying to my wife.
The more I do, it disgusts me.

We should stop seeing each other.

Now, I know what will happen.
They will tell you!

You are arrogant,
pretentious and pathetic...

You, the people of West!

It's me who decides how
and to whom, I give...

what I want! Tell those idiots at
the DST they will understand...


Nobody buys me, never!


You are busting my balls!

Me too, I will decide!

It's over for me!
I'll not throw away my life and my marriage...

for reasons of state!

Good luck and so long!

Not so fast!

Where are you off?
What were you doing in this car?

Your papers?

Kind of stupid!

What a moron!

That's not possible!

Go! In the car!

This is my cousin from Leningrad!

He is a bit dumb.

You're angry, I know.

But we will finish this story, Peter.
Both of us.

Soon, a large file will come
into the hands of the service.

The X list!


What's the story?

This is an X list.
This is the cream of cream.

The best agents at the Embassies
and the Consulates.

You provide the X list...

it's killing the system.

You know the favorite
poem of your wife?

I don't have the heart for poetry.

The Death of the Wolf.

By Alfred de Vigny.

What's the poem about?

A couple of wolves with 2 little ones were
raised by the poet and his friends...

The pups were slowing them...

And the hunters approaching quickly.
So the male stopped...

to wait for the hunter,

and the mother fled with the pups.

Obviously, the hunters
killed the male wolf...

who died in silence.

In silence.

You scared?
Yeah, I'm afraid.

I am afraid for my children,
for my wife and for me.

Even with diplomatic protection.

Diplomatic Protection?
To me, this will be the special treatment.

And for you...

It's a truck, an unfortunate accident.

Watch the road.

Drop me off at Smolenskaya station.
It will be easier for you.

You will follow me?

Not worth it.
I asked Jacques for your address...

Your phone number, a photo
of your wife and your son.

Me too, I know a
lot about you.

When you finish this last case,
agree to stay in the West.

In time the dust will settle.
Then you will come back a hero.

In their eyes, I'll always be a traitor.

I do the dirty work
nobody wants to do.

Until Thursday.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Do come in.

Hello Igor!

Had a good day?

Are you interested
in what I am do now?

A super day!
We studied...

the benefits of the FYP
under Khrushchev...

Solved differential equations...

discussed poverty in New York and
there were potatoes at lunch.

Everything is great!

Who's that lady with your mother?

She came to see the puppies,
after seeing the advertisement.

Serge, have you seen the
book on dog breeds?


The book on dog breeds?

I put it away the other night.


Look under the sofa.

Who's that woman with mother?

For crying out loud!

Listen Igor, with couples
there are times...

Stop the bullshit!

You are lying to me...

You lie to mom,
you lie to everyone!

Its in your nature!

A professional distortionist!

Leave us outside
all your lies, okay?

It is the cowards...

who lie!
And the traitors!

Let me see!

Have you gone completely mad?
Sit down.

Don't touch me.
Don't touch anything

Don't worry, I will say nothing.

But you can't give
me any more lessons.

Get out of my room.

Get out of my room!

Someone is coming.

You're mad!
You don't know..

I couldn't help it.
I had to find out where you live...

It is how it is,
it's how she talks to you,

it's how you live...together!

I couldn't resist it.

Everything is going too fast.

Let's just take a step back...

let things clear up.

Serge, please forgive me.

I just don't understand.

Forgive me for this
awful thing I've done.

Serge, I want to be
with you always...

whatever happens.

Hello, what is the problem?

Hello, Comrade Captain!

Yesterday, my wife and I got
home at 4:00 in the morning.

There was nobody here...

to record our return
in your notebook!

Excuse me but I think
it's a serious concern.

Bring the book.

What about the documents
while I'm away...

While I'm here,
talking to you!

Yesterday, we were short staffed
at the embassy level.

To be exact.

It won't happen again,
I assure you.

I trust you, Captain.
Let's forget it!


Look! I bought the cognac
for an office party.

Drink to your health.

Thank You.

What are you doing?

It said it was in your car.

I've brought you what you
wanted for Christmas.

I did something stupid, Peter.

I have a mistress.

My son knows and Natasha does too.

It's not very serious, it happens.
There's ups and downs.

My son hates me now.

It is very important to him.
I'm taking risks here.

Why didn't you tell
him the truth?

He never listens to me.
More so now than ever!

Do you have anything for me?

The X list?

That will be very soon.

In the library...

there is nothing interesting.

In the room my wife left
at the side of her bed...

the plans for the French
Alliance next month.

Show it to your bosses.

It will make a good impression.


Thank you.

Be careful, it's fragile.

We have to be careful our whole life...


* The street is blocked we can't say why *

* Ten years of memories destroyed *

* It is what we want *
* without having to choose *

* So sad *

* It's is a lost cat *
* believed to be found *

* It's a dog more *
* than world we know *

* It's a street name *
* where ever I'm on *

* So very sad *


* When the cop yells *

* And he doesn't know *
* that you are sick *

* and on the way home you *

* casually turn on the TV *

* and look distracted. *
* A Zitrone hurry *

* To speak of terse, *
* that you have not played... *

* Melancholy *

* Melancholy *

* It is seeing a beggar *
* At the council room *

* It is to see two lovers *
* reading the newspaper *

* It is to see her mom *
* sick each time we meet *

* Melancholy *

* This Garbo review *
* in Queen Christina *

* This Charlot review *
* back in Chaplin times *

What's up?

I saw you in the park
today with a man.

You are pathetic.
Totally nuts.

You have been lying to me...

right from the beginning.
And I can't take it.

I'm leaving.

I've lost confidence in you.

And I must protect our
children from everything.

No, leave me.

Four times I have delivered
documents to the West.

I photographed them.

And I took the film to Paris,
like any tourist.

I never had a problem.

The photos are being
studied at the Elysee.

Then the White House.

For the first time, it is possible
things can really change.

But I told Jacques it was over,
that I was finished.

It makes me sick that I have had
to hide everything and lie to you.

I have an ulcer since summer.

I know, I should have explained it
but I couldn't do it without risk.

But I was a coward
I preferred to lie to you.

I completely screwed up.

I love you always.

Let me be with you.

I will ask Jacques for a post in New York,
that will be open in two months.

And I will get it, believe me!

I'll never have to worry about
keeping anything hidden from you.

I promise you, never again!

You don't even ask me
what I think of New York.

You're the one who wanted to
go to New York, from the start!

Look at me.

Look at me.

What are you doing?


Anatoly was...

who I made my report to...

on French Arms.

You know...

what he did with it?

He released it to the meeting.
Weren't you there?

Go to the meeting...

you are getting late.

We haven't seen one another,
nor talked for a very long time, Serge.

I have had a lot of work.

But let us do it Wednesday night.

We need to talk.

What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with you?

His father, during the war...

commanded a division
against the SS!

Mine was a simple cook,
at the back.

But I'm better than him.


The other day,

they were all excited
in my office...

And he asked me, Alina,
what is the meaning of farewell?

I explained it and he said:

I learned French so I
could have a cushy job...

And they got mixed up
with the English!

I will tell him the joke,
Anatoly was brave.

What are you gonna do?

On Wednesday?
On Wednesday.

Ophelia! Ophelia!
Ophelia! Ophelia!

It's over, Peter.

The X list is...

in your pocket!
We won.

When you return from Paris
we'll drink champagne.

I never listen to music much.

Watch out for the paranoid!

They listen to everyone,
especially in Paris.

Jacques, my wife is a
nervous wreck in Moscow.

She is cracking up
because of all this.

We gotta go.

The position of New York will be open.
It will be New York.

I am not deciding alone.

They will listen.

The X list.


Yes, complete.

I'll convince Grigoriev he has to
move with his family to the West.

I just need to know
how it will happen.

You are crazy!

New York, for you,
but to have it happen...

it's a source in the West
that Moscow happens to like.

Yes, exactly!

From the beginning,
we only play by our skin.

So that's enough!

You must assure me of my
safety and that of Grigoriev.


* Paname *

* Me, me it is your eyes and your lips *

* That I want to kiss right *

Where did you find French songs?

Leave some secrets with me...


I'm going...

to Leningrad
in two weeks.

They are looking for
a French interpreter.

You will never leave your
wife or your family.

I understood I was going home.

You're a little loose...

like all married men...


hold me in your arms...

And then take me back to my house.

Alright dude...

this time right
between your eyes.

Not bad, huh?

Wish you wanted to see the whole picture?

Well I didn't have time to organize
a screening for you but, ah...

I wanted to at least show
you how in the film,

the point of view changes.
It's a masterpiece.

You know, Feeney came by to
see me this morning, and...

One of their moles in the KGB
identified Farewell..


Don't worry.

Only two people in the CIA
who know about this.

Are the French aware of this?


Feeney doesn't wanna tell the
French and I agree with him.

We know enough to
act without them.

What do you and Feeney want now?

Wipe out their X Line
then play poker, dick!

Well bluffing is...

lot more fun when you know your
opponent has a lousy hand!

You are absolutely right, Mr.President.

Whole new ball game.
We hit 'em as hard as we can, huh?




Ten, nine, eight...

seven, six, five...


My fellow Americans,

thank you for sharing this
moment with me tonight.

The subject matter I want to
discuss with you, security...

and peace, is both fundamental
and crucial today.

We and our allies...

have managed to contain nuclear
warfare for more than 30 years.

This stable approach, by means
of an offensive threat...

worked well.

Kremlin, Moscow

After consultation my advisers...

I think it is up to us to
come up with a program,

to counter the impressive Soviet
nuclear missile threat...

by defensive measures
placed in Earth orbit.

There are risks and the
results will take time.

But I think we can do it.

When this step...

I ask for your prayers
and to support me.

Thank you, good night,
and God bless you!


So, what does the KGB know about
these defensive measures,

placed in the Earth's orbit?

There have been leaks
in the American press.

They nicknamed this project...

Star Wars.
Tell me more than that!

Unfortunately we know nothing more.

We have lost almost all
our sources of information.

But it is only temporary!

I've ordered an extensive investigation...

which is moving forward.

We need to establish our
own Star Wars program...

How long will it take?

10 years at a minimum!

Thank you,


Andropov has been asked
to go to Geneva.

He is not ready.
I will meet Reagan.

I will try to convince
him to renounce...

this project, but...

he will go after...

especially today because
it has been well known...

we have no way to monitor them.

The country is in a
critical situation.

Particularly dangerous, Comrade General

This country must
take a deep breath...

find new energy, otherwise it will sink...

into chaos.
For this country, more than ever...

needs reforms.
Urgent reforms!

What are you doing?

Who are you?
Get out of here!

You want some coffee?

Not in the afternoon.

It has been dark for a while.

You told Natasha
I am in Moscow?

How is she?

In the last letter...

she wrote it's very hard for her.

I am so stupid!
You know all that!

You've been reading?

I think...

we will find...

she and I...

They are clever, these Americans!

Take on an identity as lovers...

of French culture.

Tell me...

who was your contact in
the American Embassy...

and what did you give
him specifically...

you can save yourself.

Tell me.

But the children of the wolf...

played in silence...

Not knowing that on two...

only half asleep...

Behind the walls...

their enemy.

But the children of the
wolf played in silence...

Coming back to the point.

You're here because your friends
betrayed you, Grigoriev.

You're all alone!

Think about my suggestion...

He looks at us again,
then he lies down again...

While licking the blood
spread on his lips.


What did you do?


They think I am someone who is...

working for the Americans...

They will find out they are wrong.

Do not worry.

Igor didn't come?

He is in school.

He spend the morning...

Don't cry...

my dear.

And straighten up!

If you tell them everything,
they will let you go home.

Is that what he said?

Forgive me, please.

Please, forgive me.

Me too!

Do you really want
me to come home?



I beg you.

I am a friend of your husband.
I'm that French.

Where is he?
Is he alright?

My husband has nothing
to do with you.

The dismal KGB traps!
Shame on you!

This is not a trap.
I can help you.

Let us be!

I am at the French residence.
Leave us be!


Have you searched the parents room?
Not yet, I'm going.

Have you checked everywhere?

Go check the son's room.


Come here, please.

Son of a....!

Is it an obsession with you?


Never mind!

I must find out.

Tell me why my father...

finds himself in prison because
of the KGB, why these guys...

dig into our affairs.

What the hell is going on?

When was he arrested?

Why? How is he?

Answer me.

Son of a....

Answer my question!


You know nothing about your father.

Leave now.

I want to show you something.

The owner of the book knows...

That you can not
give it back soon.

Miss Jessica Zimmerman.

An uneventful file.
Today Ms.Wheat was married...

to Pierre Froment...

two children, moved into
the French Residence


This story in poetry...

in your handwriting...

in Russian and French?

What's this?
I took this book these people had...

during a literary evening
put on by the French Institute.

I liked this poem:
The death of the wolf.

I had an idea that, with these verses,
I could create...

a code.

A brilliant new code.

Are you kidding us!

Want to save time, right?

I have lots of time.
You'll tell me everything!

The Covenant Cities...

is the name I gave
to my syntax.

Never enter into a
pact in the cities...

as man did...

in bonding with domestic animals.

At 8:15 this morning
he left on foot, alone.

His wife needed the car,
so he took the subway...

and promised to return by 19:00 hr.

You followed them?

All reports are normal,
there is nothing on the French.

And his wife?

Around 9:00 AM, she left
with children in the car.

She was buying clothes
for the children.

Did you notice anyone following you?

We got rid of the Lada
because of no staff.

Then OK!

The airport is their last chance.

You will see if the
French are leaving!

They had called. The device is in place.
They won't fly out.

He has promised to be
back by 19:00 hr.

I am the skin...

If they spin.

I'm the skin?

Russian-Finnish Border

Everything will be alright.
Don't worry. Where you going?

Come back!

Stay the in same lane.
Don't move!

Nothing at the airport.

They are heading somewhere else.

They are playing hide and seek.

They hit the road!

They are heading to the Finnish border!

800 km to the north?

Would you leave in mid-winter
with two children in the back?

I don't have any children.

Your papers?

Good evening.

What is your destination and
the purpose of your trip?


Don't move!


Your license is not signed.

It's true! I will do it.

What happened?

Someone has been trying to
cross the border.

Go ahead.
Thank you, goodbye.



Thank you


The cubs have fled.

Igor and Natasha knew nothing.

Absolutely nothing!


Natasha had never accepted it.

She hates lying.

You know very well.

Let's stick to facts.

I do not want to die
like the others...

shot in the neck.

It is not for you to decide.

Of course it is!


as never before,
for a long night comes.

Without sacrifice
change is not possible.

The country needs
change to survive.

The country will change
thanks to you, Serge.

Apart from your statue at the Kremlin
do you want anything else?

Thank you for coming, Igor.

I think...

All these times when I
wanted to chat with you...

you, you locked yourself in your room.

And now...
Stop Daddy

What will happen now?

Everything will change.
The world will change.

It will not be easy...

but you are young, intelligent.

You'll find your place.

Dad...to you.
What will happen to you?

We will make arrangements
with Gorbachev...

and others.

We found...

a common ground.

Are you sure?


Separate them!

Get him out of here now!


My son!



They don't know
it and they...

mustn't find out.

Because if they did,
they'd know that all

or almost all of the
western strategic points

had no secrets from the Russians
and hadn't for a long time.

They will lose trust
in their institutions.

Not one.

Exchange Grigoriev and his family.

That's all I came
to ask you for.

He won't say a word about all of this.
I know him well.

And we owe him a lot,

don't we?

An operation like that doesn't stand a chance
to see the light of day, no chance at all.

In fact you don't give
a damn about people.

You spent a lot of crap
about Western democracies...

but you're letting a man go to
his death because it suits you.

I understand.

If Grigoriev talk on
this side of the wall

you get flushed down the tubes.

But you see, Grigoriev didn't try
to save his head like you're doing.

No, he has a little bit
more class than you.

Come over here.

Come here.

That man is called Chekhov.

A senior officer in the KGB.

We got him out a few days ago and brought
him here to this NATO Army base.

He has been working for us since 1978.

When we first contacted him,
he was stationed in Ottawa.

He was very disappointed with the whole
Soviet system, Brezhnev and his old cronies.

Everything, he was the
perfect, perfect candidate.

Just like Grigoriev...

but with a Swiss bank account.

He didn't really give us
any valuable information...

But this last Christmas,
everything changed.

December 24, he tried to
renew his relationship...

with Grigoriev's wife
at a place of work.

He failed, dejected...

he left the military museum
and saw Grigoriev in the park.

And then, you missed up from there.

From that moment on, we knew...

what Farewell was.

how he operated, disregarding...

all the elementary rules of espionage.
It was so reckless...

it was above suspicion.

We asked Chekhov to arrange for the
Russians to find out who, Farewell was.

The KGB had started...

very thorough internal investigation that
seriously threatened all our sources...

of information.
So, yes...

We gave them Grigoriev.
Just like throwing a dog a bone.

Bye, bye Farewell.

In that way, we saved

our whole network.

The DST had no one the spot,
asked us to get you out.

And on March 4, your cleaning
lady gave you a signal,

at the request of Lt. Colonel Chekhov.

And you managed to escape.

Without having serious problems.

You should really try to
forget this whole business.

It's better for you and
your marriage, your ulcer.

And New York...

is waiting for you with open arms.

East 72nd Street...

A few steps from Central Park
and a French school. You'll see...

over there life is sweet.

For well off young couples,
without problems.