Distiller (2016) - full transcript

A world traveling ghost hunter mysteriously disappears leaving everything to his niece; who accidentally releases a horde of angry spirits, imprisoned in liquor bottles, during her Fourth of July party


You called for a distiller?

Yes, come in.

I spoke with a man on the phone..

Yes, Moses.

He said 9:00.
I assumed he meant p.m.

P.M. is prime time.
I've missed my stories.

Well, I guess I thought
since they come out

at night, that that would mean..

No, they come out all the time,
we just notice them

more at night because you don't
have anything better to do.

And your name is?

My name is Matthew Moon.

Has it been happening
all over the house?

Mostly in the study, although
we've been hearing them

in other places as well.

Just hearing?
You haven't seen anything?

We've had several items go missing.

We thought someone had
been stealing from us.

What about batteries going dead

before they're supposed to?

What about food expiring
before it's supposed to?

Now that you mention it,

we've been having trouble
keeping milk fresh without..

Milk! Shit.

You didn't drink any of it,
did you?

No, should I have?

It's just that milk
makes them strong,

makes them excitable.

It does more than just a body good.

Did you get the items
Moses asked you to get?

Yes. Yes,
I picked them up last night.

Let me go and get them for you.

I have been finding crumbs everywhere.

Could that mean anything?

This is bad place to put cookies.

Hm. This is too cheap,
it won't work.

Moses just said rum,
he didn't say expensive rum.

He didn't say cheap rum either.

Where's your liquor cabinet?

It's to the left.

No. No.

No, farther left.


That was a gift!

Are you sure none of these
other bottles will do?

How do they even know the difference?

You said the Reading Room, right?


They like sweets.

Can you hear that?


They can smell the bourbon.

Ok, now I need your blood.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why can't we use your blood?

Well, that'll cost you extra.

A lot extra.

A Swiss Army Knife?

Shouldn't it be a magic knife,

with a dragon skull
carved into it,

or some other iconography?

This knife has a can opener,
a screwdriver,

and performs ritual blood letting.

It also has a toothpick.

That sounds pretty magical to me.

I can draw my own blood.

Here. It dissipates with time,
but trust me..

It's in there.

And whatever you do,
don't ever open it.

Unless you want to cause
some trouble again.

And don't ever drink it.

You, you're not taking it with you.

No, it's yours, for you
to display as you please.

No. No, no, no, no.

My cleaning woman is
extremely superstitious.

She would never allow
this to be in our home.

She would quit cleaning,
the whole place would..

If you want me to take it..

My wife would never allow it.

It's going to cost you more.

Fine. Fine. Take it with you.

Whatever it costs, just
get it out of my house.


What the hell was that anyway?

Oh, it'll be itemized on your bill.


Yeah, I just flew in.

We just got your package for
Blue in the mail.

I'll put her on after she
opens it.

Yeah, sure.
How's the birthday girl?

She's been asking about you.

We got your postcard from
Santa Fe.

They thought you said
you saw Santa Claus.

How's the weather?

Oh, the weather's fine.
It's hot as always.

They were predicting rain

For us today,

but it turned out to be
nice for her party later.

Great. That's great.

How's the fish?

It's really big.

It was a nice thought, but

Charlie would rather
watch TV or play games.

I think he's going to be
more of an indoor kid.




Blue, Uncle Matt's on the phone.

Hi Uncle Matt.
Say thank you

for the teddy bear.
Hi Blue, happy birthday.

Did you get the box of
styrofoam peanuts I sent you?

Say thank you!

Thank you for the teddy bear.
I really love it.

Oh, was there one of those in
the box too? Good.

Give me the phone.

Hey Matt.

Charlie! Matt, I gotta go.

Charlie, what are you doing?

I mean, we'll probably
have a connecting flight

somewhere in Heathrow.

We should meet up for
dinner or something.


Looks like I'm late for the party.

Sorry I'm late.
Family business to attend to.

Apparently they're not taking Visa

in Saudi Arabia these days.

Another client declined
to keep their souvenir

from the experience, I take it.

Either we're not charging
enough for its storage

or people just aren't as
sentimental as they used to be.

Only you would be morbid enough

to keep these things as decorations.

Besides, storage is our
most profitable service.

This one caused me enough trouble

that I'd like to hang onto it.

Have it sent back with Fussell.

Your trophy collection

is more trouble than it's worth.

Better that they be kept
safe in my disused house

than in some storage
facility where a

hapless maintenance worker
can come along

and have the drink of his life.

And yet you take your
caretaker to put them away,

despite the fact that you
won't tell him what's inside.

I hate it when they look at me.

Where's Baynes?
Baynes run into trouble?

No. Trouble ate him.

Most of him, at least.
We found the body.

We're shipping him back to
Akron tomorrow.

Moses, that'll cost an arm
and a leg.

You're awful.

I mean, it's expensive to
ship a body.

Especially if there's so
little of him left to ship.

And I mean it, you're an awful,
cheap bastard.

You wouldn't want to be sent

back to your family?

For God's sake Moses, when
I die, go ahead, cremate me.

Send me home in an envelope, ok?

I suppose we just tell the postman

it's a package of coffee?

Pepper. I hate coffee.

We recovered this with Baines' body.

You'll need it for the ritual.

You're not sounding very good.
You feel all right?

No worse than you look.

Yes, but I look a little worse
every year.

Maybe you should take some time,

go visit your girlfriend,
what's her name, Blue?

Blue's my niece, Moses.

Spend some money for once.
Take time.

You know better than most
you can't take it with you.

I'll take time when the
holidays come.

You don't look like
you'd last another week,

let alone five months.

The holidays.

Now if you'll excuse me,
your time is my money.

Don't forget to wear something warm.

Well, there's your problem.

He probably wanted
it back in his cave.

Or wherever you stole it from.

You're no Humble Bumble.

This is for you.

Stop touching the radio.

When you drive, you'll get
to pick what we listen to.

When I drive, we get to
listen to listen to you

running your mouth,
which pretty much

drowns everything else out.

I'm sure you'll really miss hearing

one of the 20 classic rock
songs they play in a loop

because you really needed to
hear "Stairway"

just one more time.

You know what,
if someone didn't forget

which bag she packed the iPod in...

You know, it's too bad
you feel like tuning me out,

instead of speaking with me.

You won't be seeing as much
of me,

now that's I've got my own place.

Would you stop shoving that
in my face?

You know, you'd still
be living at home too,

if Uncle Matt left me the house.


Yeah. How could I not be?

Twenty years of wondering
what the hell happened to him,

and the last message
I get is a box

of reruns of "ALF" on VHS?

You loved "ALF."

You loved it so much.

And you got a house.
I mean, how fair is that?

You watched those shows
with him when we'd visit.

It's a sentimental gift.

I mean, who even has a VCR anymore?

The only place we'll be able
to watch them is at your house.

Your house.

Maybe I'll spend the
weekend reminiscing

about my '80s childhood.

And you get to clean up 20
years of disrepair and junk.

You know, it's so cute
when you get all sulky.

That's how I know
you'll really miss me.

What time are we supposed to meet,

uh, what's-his-face, the caretaker?

Mr. Fussell? We're early,
still got, like, half an hour.

I can't believe it's been 20
years since he disappeared.

Yeah, well, he was almost
always away on business anyway.

He hardly ever came home,
except for on holidays.

That's why it took people so long

to even file a missing
person's report.

He was always just,
out there somewhere.
bell tolls)

Missing episodes of "ALF."

Yeah, that's why he taped 'em.

Nowadays, I suppose he could
have just

watched them on his phone,
wherever he was working.

That's true,
and there'd be no commercials.

Old commercials are fun!

That's the best part of old tapes!

There's plenty of ads on the Internet.

Sure, and in the future,
when they implant Wi-Fi

in your brain, you won't
need memories anymore either.

Ha ha.

Here's a set of keys for you.

You should find most things
in decent order.

Most things.

It's dusty and there's mail everywhere.

I ran out of places.

I don't know where to put
everything after 20 years.

Well, it'll be nice

to have someone in
the old house again.

And Mr. Fussell won't
have any excuses

to not help out and leave me.

I was up there yesterday
and turned on the gas.

The wiring is old up there,

and don't be surprised if
the electricity goes out.

You should check the hot
tub before you turn it on.

The hot tub!

I totally forgot he had one.

And be careful.

I set up mice traps
down in the basement.

The roof's still in good condition.

So's the television.

Mr. Fussell leaves me alone
often enough to check on that.

Grace, go see what
Toby's barking about.

If you need any help..
You can call a handyman.

He's done more than his fair share

of helping out around here.

If Toby hops the fence,
you can go after him.

It's your turn.

Hey cool, Uncle Matt's hat!


What are you doing?

Would you give me that!

You have to lean into it ...

like you mean it.

You want to try again?


Guess dear old Mrs. Fussell

wasn't the only thing
being neglected, huh?

Looks like the TV's pretty
well taken care of,

and the snacks.

Let's hope for that old guy's sake

that, uh,
those aren't 20 years old.



Nuthin', just..

A mouse?

Nope, not a mouse.

Mr. Fussell..
I'll take care of it.

Was talking about a mouse.

I'm aware.


There's a mouse down there.
It's dead!

I'm not touching it.

I'll take care of it.

That's what you're here for.


Lucky me.

Water works.

Wonder who's been paying for it?

Look at these bills.
Second notice.

Third notice.
Second final notice.

Absolutely fin..

I mean, do they even
do that anymore?

I think it's an old thing.

Yeah, probably before they
had collections agencies.

Probably pretty hard to repo water.

Ugh. Did you know that
coffee can grow mold?

Who knew? That's terrible.

Mmm. And you can clean that too.


Hope this isn't a support web.

Chair still works.

Blue Bear!

Aw, look who you found.

It's like no time has passed
at all,

from when we used to
stay here as kids.

Yeah, you're right.

I mean, with no one
here to pass the time,

I guess time didn't even pass.

So I guess you can take the
bottom bunk,

and I'm gonna take the
master bedroom upstairs.

That was Uncle Matt's.

I think we should leave it alone,

at least for the time being.

Ok, fine.

Can I at least take
the room next door?

Is that off-limits?

It's yours.

I just think I'm a little too old

to be sharing a bunk
bed with my sister.

Fine, it's yours.

Oh, do you remember this?

Hey, you want to go down to
the pond with me,

see if we can catch anything?

You know that there

are never any fish in there, right?

Mom and Dad just sent us down
there to, uh, waste some time?


Why wouldn't they have
put a light switch

at the top of the stairs?

This basement always
gave me the creeps.

Oooooh, Charlie,
it's the furnace talking.

Found it.

You ok?

Come on.

The pinball machine!

Wonder if it still works.

Think it saved my high score?

Amazing that it saved that

after all these years.



Oh man, this is awesome.

You gotta come...

Hey, what is that?

I think it's supposed to be liquor.

Holy awesome.

Uncle Matt must have been
some kind of bootlegger.


Uh, wha..


First one's for Uncle Matt.

There's plenty for
you to get loaded on

at the party tomorrow.

Let's finish up. Come on.

Damn straight.
Whole basement full of moonshine?

This Fourth of July,
I'm going to celebrate

by becoming independent
from my pants.

It was right over there!

It followed me all the way home

and just stood outside my window,

staring, like it weren't
never gonna stop.

That was the time you tried
to have sex

in the graveyard, huh?

What happened to the girl?

Huh. She's all right.

Boy she was pissed!

She heard something but
didn't think it was worth

me jumping up and running away.

Well, I hate to be the bearer
of bad news,

but people don't tend to
live long, fruitful lives

once they actually see a Black Shuck.

A Black..


Matches the description
of what you saw.

In the old days, there
was a superstition,

that the first person buried
in a new cemetery

was given the task of protecting
that cemetery from evil.

But to keep human souls off
guard duty,

churches started a new custom.

In the first grave of a new cemetery,

they would bury a black dog,

usually a Lab or a Shepherd.

And they would bury this dog alive.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
that's messed up, man.

This thing ain't no dog!

It was big, like a, like a
gator or a coyote or something.

They get that way after
being dead for a few centuries.

But once you've seen one,
you've only got three days

before you end up buried

in the same cemetery that it guards.

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you mean, "seen"?

As in looked at, you know,
with your eyes.

But I did that!

And tonight's your third night,

which is why I'm sure
you'll understand

you need cash up front
if we're to go further.

Ohhh, I don't like this.

You don't have to.

When I hired you,
Moses didn't say nuthin'

about me havin' to play bait.

What are you doing?

I thought I made that clear.

I can't look in its eyes,
or it'll come after me.

But you've already looked at it,

and you can't die twice.

What, why can't you just kill it?

Because it's already dead.

You did take physics in
high school, didn't you?

Look, just lead it down
the alley, onto the seal,

and I'll take care of the rest.


you'll need some of this.

You're damn straight.

No, actually, not like that.

He needs to be able to smell you.


Here boy.

Damn mutt.

Here boy.

Ugh, nice night for a walk.

Ooh! Least y'all ain't drivin'!

Damn mutt.

Whoa, what's there?

Matt! Matt! Matt!

Matt, do something!

Tell me when he's on the seal.

Just, just do it, now!

Is he drinking the rum?

Tell me when he's drinking
the rum.

It's tasting me!

Work, work, work.

Damn boxes.



I need to document this,
otherwise no one back home

will ever believe you were helpful.

Ha ha. Now where do
you want me to put this.

This is getting heavy.

Hold on a minute.

I just want to make sure
you had your eyes open.

Looking good Chuck.

Ok, gimme that.

I don't know, I think we're going

to have to delete this one.

There's definitely

something wrong.

Don't delete that!

Hey, there is something there.

What is that?

I don't know, probably a lens flare,

or a reflection of the window.

No, it almost looks like some
kind of animal.

Yeah, sure it is.

If you want to see things,
I don't know,

maybe look for Elvis or the
Virgin Mary in your soup,

but I am getting hungry,
and it is dinnertime.

Do you hear that?

Huh? Oh, that was me, sorry.

No, not that.
It sounded like a dog.

That's funny.

Usually I'm the one who
blames it on the dog.

Could Mr. Fussell's
dog have gotten loose

and come over here?

How could he get inside

or upstairs without either of
us even know..

I hear it downstairs now.


There's nothing out on the porch.

There's nothing here either.

It definitely sounded
like a dog though, right?

Looks like you've settled
in for the evening.

Mm-mm. I got a hot date,

with the pinball machine.

Sounds like more exercise than
you're used to.

Try not to hurt yourself.

I need you to help
put up decorations

in the morning before the parade.

Yeah yeah.

Son of a..



Guess it can't get any worse.

Yeah sure it works now Charlie.
What the..



Whoa. Ugh.



Is that you boy?

Did you sneak out of
Mr. Fussell's yard

to see if we had any table scraps?

Damn it, Charlie, not funny.

How long were you out
here waiting for me?

That sounds more like bear
than dog.

Come on, we'd better get inside.

Did you drink this whole bottle?

This stuff smells like you
could use it

to de-clog a shower drain.

Everything's locked.

If it is a bear, it won't be
poking its nose around in here.

I really wish you would think
before you drank so much.

You need water.

I don't want you to be
hung over in the morning.

What the hell's gotten into
you Charlie?

Stop being an asshole.

They'll be no more drinking

for you at the party tomorrow.


Hey! Douchebag!

Enjoy your milk. It'll be the
last time you get so drunk

you forget you're lactose intolerant.

Ugh, oh.

Oh, uh.


Grace, go check on the dog.

What's a matter with you?

You're sitting right there,
you can't go check on the dog?

Oh, jeez. Just go check on him.

I check everything myself.


Toby. Where are you, boy?

Come here Toby, come.


Grace, you ok?




DId you call me?






What are all the Xs for?

Oh, the number of Xs is relative

to how dangerous the contents are.

I think you should probably

take it with you.

It'll cost extra.

Well all right, may-maybe we
can work something out, uh..

You're the best.

Wait, I have something for
you, also.


Oh, thank you.

That's exactly what I
expected you to give me.


What is it?


it has lots of names, actually.

People give lots of names to hungry,

evil things that hide in dark corners

and wait for children.

Bloody bones, a Der Schwarze,
a Duende.


A damn bogeyman.


People invoke all kinds of names

to get their children to behave.

Some of those names are real,

and this one certainly
would've eaten your son,

if you hadn't called.

Why don't you have a seat?

Are you ok?

Wait right here,
I'll get you some water.


What the...


Oh, thank goodness.

Thanks for making coffee.

There'd have been none
if I waited for youu.

Hey, how did I end up on the floor

of your room last night?

I don't remember a thing.

I bet you don't.

Yeah, I should probably
lay off that moonshine.

At least until you
learn some self-control.

Just because you open a bottle,

doesn't mean you have to
finish it.

I drank a whole bottle!

And turned into a total dick.


Blue, I'm so sorry.

What did I do?

I don't know.

It's like you're a different
person when you drink.

Just forget about it.

Finish putting up the decorations.

I'm going to shower before
the parade.

Mr. Fussell? Mrs. Fussell?

It's Blue.

Blue Moon, from up the hill.

I think your dog may have

gotten into our yard last night.

Just thought someone should know.


It's a holiday.

Come on, it's fun.
Would you just take it?


It's a pinwheel!

It's your favorite.

Thank you.

About last night.
Just, try to let it go.

It was probably just a power surge

or a malfunction with the
fuse box or something.

There was a light!

Yes. Televisions have lights?

You remember,
Mr. Fussell said there was

something wrong with the electricity.

I don't know.

You were already on edge from me,

and I apologized, and the dog ...

the bear?

I want you to look at it
before you leave.

Ok, fine, I'll look at it.

You know I'm no electrician.

Or anything handy. I'll try.

Do you think we'll be able to
see the fireworks

in the bay from the house tonight?

Nah, probably not.
But you know what we could do.

We could all go down to the
beach on our side of the bay.

At least we'd have some
privacy there.

Here, here, here.
Charlie, here.

Charlie, what's in these
cases over here by the cooler?

It's some kind of liquor, man.

I mean, I think my uncle
was some kind of moonshiner.

I'd be careful drinking that.

Charlie turned into
a complete asshat

yesterday after drinking some.

It doesn't take much, does it?

Hey, Toby!

Hey Blue. I told you Toby got loose.


And this is the loft.

Got your haunted TV, a futon.


A pretty chill place.


That was Uncle Matt's bedroom.

I don't know what I'm
going to use it for yet.


And that's the tour.


Linda. You interested?

Sure, what the hell, right?


Here's two.


Ugh, that smells disgusting.

Maybe I'll just have a beer.


Smells like my grandfather.

So, uh, Charlie was telling me

that he has a pinball machine,
in the basement?

And you thought that would
entice me downstairs?

Come on, pinball wizard.
Let's see those flipping fingers.


Burger or dog?


Burger with cheese.

Hot dog it is.

No I want a burger.

Too bad.

I want a burger, with cheese.

I want to make her a burger,

and I want to make you a hot dog.

Um, I'm going to go to the bathroom.

I know you know how to make burgers.

Mm, I don't know how to make burgers.

I don't even know what a
burger is.

Burger, cheese, bun.


What an ugly bear.


Oh, look at all this stuff here.

Come on. I thought we were
going to play pinball.

Damn it! Ugh.

It's ok..

It's not like it's going to stain

the basement floor or anything.

Yeah but.

Come on.


What, what-what is it? What?
A mouse.

Yeah, but, so what?

Get rid of it.

Someplace where I'm not
fooling around with you.

Which is going to be
everywhere in a minute.



Nothing here.

Who wants overcooked meat?

Ugh, gimme that.

Fair enough.

Wait, I have to go to the bathroom.

Sorry. I'll be right back.

Yeah, hurry up.
I will.

So, there's a pinball
machine in the basement.

I don't think so.

But, but I'm a pinball wizard.

Uh, no.




Now I gotta change.

Your friend Dana?
Asleep in my bed for some reason?

She was sitting in the sun
all afternoon drinking.

That could wipe anybody out.

It would have been nice
if she asked permission

before she just crawled right in.

It's my bed! It's my house,
I really don't think

you need to be getting
possessive over it.

Right, everything here is yours.

That's right.

And that bed was where
Mom and Dad slept anyway.

Your bed was the top bunk,

and the only thing keeping
you from it

is a pile of junk mail.

Feel free to clean it off if
you suddenly need to lie down.


Oh, what'd you do, fall asleep?

I'll wake you up.
Tickle, tickle.

What are you doing?

Hey. Hey, where are you guys going?

Hey Blue. When are the
fireworks gonna start?

Uh, it's getting dark now.

We should probably head down
to the beach

if we wanna get there in time.

You know.

It's gettin' kind of cold

for Fourth of July.

Maybe I'll get a jacket.

Look, please don't say anything.

Blue is already freaked
out from last night.

Just keep this on the
down-low, all right?

You guys, just relax, trust me?

Have a little drink,

it'll be ok.
Hey, we were going

to take those down to the..
Shut up, Blue's friend.

Just have a drink,
it'll all be fine.

You didn't even see anything.

I know what I saw.

You said you didn't
even see a thing!

Blue, can we take the
bottles down to the beach?

Yeah sure, knock yourselves out.

You know what? Fine.


Here we go!


Race you down to the beach!

It's getting kind of chilly.

Maybe we should bring some jackets.

Hey. We're all headin'
down to the beach. You ready?

Nah, you guys go ahead.

Not really feeling up to it.

Why you being such a douche
this weekend?

You can't just come
out on the beach

and enjoy the fireworks
with the rest of us?

You know, they're your friends,
not mine.

You're my friend too.

I'm your brother.

Exactly. We can see each other

only when obligated
to by family stuff

and not be bothered with
the rest of the year?

But that's not how we
are. We're friends.

We do things together.

Are we? Or am I just here
to help you move your crap?


I can't believe you!
You can't even accept

when someone is trying
to be nice to you.

What the ...

I don't have anything else to
say to you.

Just leave, go home.


really sorry about the way
I've been acting all weekend.

No you're not.

If you didn't want to come,
you shouldn't have come.

I thought you'd be excited
for me.

Look. It's pretty obvious
I'm jealous of you.

Getting your own place?

And I get to be one of those
guys, you know?

Almost 30 and still living
at home with mom and dad.

And you're absolutely right.

I mean, we're not just related.

You're my best friend.

And I want to you to have
fun and be successful here.

I'm sorry if I haven't
been supportive enough.

What the hell?

Oh! Oh!








What is this?

Mail for me? From 1993?

Dear Blue.

Enclosed in this package,

please find the remains
of one Matthew Moon,

delivered in accordance
with his final wishes.

For over a decade, I had
the pleasure of employing

this peculiar and efficient man

who claimed to be your uncle.

Unfortunately, our relationship
rarely went beyond business.

In fact, all I really knew
about his personal life

is your name and his home address,

where I shipped a great deal
of usual cargo on his behalf.

Moses? Bagg?

I feel compelled to warn you.

Do not open any liquor
bottles you find

among Matt's possessions.

And never

let anyone drink from them..

Oh my God.
They're cursed.

The bottles!




Don't! O-open the bottles!

There's Blue!

The bottles!
