Dingo (1991) - full transcript

Traces the pilgrimage of John Anderson, an average guy with a passion for jazz, from his home in outback Western Australia to the jazz clubs of Paris, to meet his idol, jazz trumpeter Billy Cross.

Okay, come on!

This is to see whose king of the flat
once and for all, okay?

The winner gets to kiss me.



Poona Flat - January 14, 1969

Peter you're not trying, push!

What'd you let go for?

You can kiss me now.

No that wasn't fair.

Now we'll have to go with our left hands.

You hear that?


I don't know, some sort of music
or something

I don't hear anything.

Aren't you gonna kiss me?

No I gave ya one this morning.
I'm not a kissing machine.

I've been through a lot of
interesting places

But I don't think I've ever had the
pleasure of visiting...

Poona Flat.

My name is Billy Cross.

If you don't mind, we'd like to
play something for you.

Did you like the music?

It was the best thing I ever heard.

What's your name?

John Anderson.

You ever tried music, John?

You should try one day...

You seemed tuned into us, John.

Gotta go now John.

Before they take off and leave me.

Nice meeting you.

Mr. Cross, wait!

If you ever come to Paris, look me up.

Did ya get his autograph?

Looks like we got our work cut
out for us, Des.

He's been educated.

Come on boy.

What do you reckon?

Seems as good a place as any...

Back up.

Come on.

You sent that letter to Billy Cross yet?


Johnny'd think he had all his birthdays
at once if he got a message from his idol.

With Archie working at the post office
I'm always suprised a letter gets anywhere.

Don't know if I ever explained to you
about the educated dog.

I came across one today.

Sometimes a trap is too sharp
or a dingo is left

too long, and it chews through its
leg to get away.

Three legged dogs

are the worst kind.

Because they're too smart to
get trapped again...

and too slow to go after
anything but sheep.

I hope you like the tape that
comes with this letter.

Daddy's home!

How's my girls?

Hi dad!

How are ya?

How do you like that? A supporting
act from a dog.

Nevermind, they'll be back for dinner.

Put me down! Watch the post!

You kids take your time out there!


Come out here.


Come on, what are you doing in there?


Sorry to interrupt but there's
someone here to see you.

Don't you remember Peter?

You don't look too rich.

Not as rich as I'd like to be.

I wonder how much he's changed.

Y'know some of those boats he sells
cost more than a million dollars.

You ever wondered...

what would've happened if you
married him instead of me?

You have?

Of course.

You know,

I can't imagine you swanning
around those cocktail parties,

drinking champagne, eating fish eggs.

You'd be bored in a month.

A month can be a very long time.

What's wrong?

- You did that on purpose.
- No I didn't!

Let me see, let me see.

I'll kiss it better.


when I sell one of my songs,

you'll be swimming in champagne.

I'd settle for a new washing machine.

Whatever you want.

Heard that before.

And you've always believed me.

Sort of the ideal family car isn't it?

- Hey Norma!
- Hey Dingo!...

They're very good considering none
of them have had proper training.

What sort of music do you play?

A bit of everything really. A cross between
country and western, rock and roll,

folk, blues, jazz...

What, no Mozart?

We don't get many requests
for him actually.

Yeah boys, you like it!?

They're called Dingo and the Dusters.

Yeah, and I'm Dingo.

That was one of the worst...

No, that was the worst thing I've ever heard.

She'll be right on the night.

In my bloody oath she'll be right.

Because I'm not standing up here,
making a fool of myself

while the rest of you learn how to play.

And I told you to tune that damn thing!

If you don't wanna play, we'll find
someone else who does.

Johnny, it's not that bad.

We'll fix him.

What are you doing?


Stop it, you'll scare the neighbours.

I was in the backyard a few years ago,
chopping wood.

A splinter flew up and hit me in the eye.

Jane took me to see the eye doctor.
He was on the end of his district run.

He was telling me about a case
he'd had a few weeks earlier.

Well this bloke came in

with a big piece of jagged metal
wedged in his eye.

The doc asked him what had happened

and he reckoned that he and a friend
had been in the bush.

His friend was chopping wood.

This bloke said that,

what had happened, was a piece
of the axe head had broken off

and come up and hit him in the eye.

The doc didn't believe him though.

Was something strange about the metal.

Didn't look manufactured.

So he took it to get it analysed.

Y'know what it was?

No, what?

A piece of meteor.

Must've been about the
unluckiest bloke on earth.

And you believe that?

Yeah, why not?


Clever bastard.

Maybe he'll get hit by a meteor.

Would save me a lot of grief.

Johnny, you know how you had
those dreams of going to Paris

and playing with Billy Cross...

What happened to that?

That's all you ever talked about.

I stil think about it.

Sometimes when I'm practicing,
I go to Paris.

I can see myself on a stage in
some nightclub

playing next to him.

Johnny, you're a dreamer.

You always were and always will be.

- Think so?
- Yep.

I'll tell you something I never
told anyone else before

not even Jane.

I've been saving money

ever since that concert on the runway.

I keep it stashed under my cot,
locked up in the caravan.

It's my Paris money.

How much you got?

More than 3000 dollars,
got a passport too.

See, all the time I've been saving.

And I always figured, If I kept saving,

there's always a chance I might go.

Now Jane's thinking of sending the
girls off to school so...

That's that one gone.

But what I reckon is, I can filter it
back in, slowly over the months,

she'd never know I was holding out.

You'd be losing a fortune just in interest.

Why don't you just put it in the bank.

Can't do that mate.

Why not?

Jane is good friends with the bank
manager, I'd get caught.

Gotta be smart.

You wanna know the last thing my
father said to me, just before I left?

He said boy, the grass is no greener
anywhere else.

I thought you would've sold this
place after your father died.

I had this idea of fixing it up a bit
and bringing Tom and Lydia out here.

It'd take a fair bit of fixing.

Feels funny seeing you walking
around out here.

After reading about you in the papers.

I read about your boat,

I've seen photos of you and Lydia
at society functions.

Does Lydia work?

She manages an estate agency.

She's very pretty..

She left me Jane,
just went off with this other guy.

Oh Peter, I'm sorry.

I wonder, you know, what it
would've been like

if I'd stayed here.

- Would you have married me?
- Might not have asked me.

But if I did?

I guess we'll never know, will we.

Here, I'll give you a push.


I hope you build your yachts
better than you build your swings.


I'm sorry.

I guess we were better at that as kids.

As I recall, you used to run a mile.

Beer thanks, Les.

How ya going?

What's up with you?

I did it.

I did it.

I finally bloody

did it!

I bloody did it!

Congratulate me, I sold one!

I bloody got one!

- You beauty!
- What are ya talking about?

What am I talking about?

Feast your eyes on this boy, go on.

Nice loud voice, listen to this.

"Dear Mr. Anderson,

"Loved your latest tune.

"Most original and exciting music
we've heard in a long time.

"Contract stuff, fellow. Congratulations.

"Jacques Boulain."

- Isn't that the agent you've been writing?
- That's the one.

That's great, Dingo!


Can't bloody believe it.

Well Dingo, never believed you until now

but seeing is believing,
congratulations mate.

I tell ya it's the happiest bloody
day of my life.

Wait until I tell Jane and the girls.

Drinks are on me,
as much as you can hold.

Very kind of you, Dingo.

Hold on a minute, he's only
buying for the band.

No, fuck it, drinks for everybody.

Dingo Anderson's the name.

Look for it at your local record shop!

You better be careful, you don't
wanna be spending all your money.

Don't worry about that mate,
it's spent.

Have a look at this!

How'd you pay for all that?

Pay for it? Put it on credit.

Wait til you see this.

Let's get outta here.

There you go mate, no hard feelings.

Do you like it?

Well yeah.

Do you really like it!?

- Yeah!...
- Right!

Now let's do some drinking.

Where's the boys?

Look, you better take this back.

Take it back!? No mate,
it's all yours, no more excuses.

Come on everyone, back inside!

Holy shit, he's here.

Ruth, lock all the doors.

Didn't I tell you I'd get you a
new washing machine?

You're gonna have to take
the whole lot back.

I didn't steal it, I bought it.

Archie and the boys made the
telegram up.

It's just a rotten joke, Johnny.

They meant no harm.

Bullshit. Hang on, listen, they couldn't
have. I've got it here, look.

Read that.

No you read it.

No go on, I can't see. Uh,
"Dear Mr. Anderson..."

Ruth's been over. Archie's very sorry.

He didn't think you'd quite
take it this far.

Got out of hand, John.

You mean it?

Yeah it was just a joke.

Sorry darling.

I'm dead.

It would serve you bloody right.

He started it.

Just keep him outside til he cools off.

He's really mad.

I hope you've learnt something out of this.

Just shut up.

Come on, if you don't open it
I'll break it down.


Archie knows he went too far,
and he's willing to pay for the drinks.

You didn't have to buy for everybody in town!

You can't stay up there forever.

You brought it on yourself.

The way you were showing off for your
rich friend. We're just a bush band

we're never gonna get any better.

We just like playing, that's all.

How did we know you were
gonna buy all that stuff?

I'm warning you Archie, you ever
do anything like that again,

I'll punch your face in.

Hey, Dingo.

Thanks for the guitar.

Watch where you're going.

I was already headed this way!

No you weren't, you turned!

Sunday driver!

Put those bicycles away,
they gotta go back.

We're not hurting them.

You heard me! Wake your father up,
tell him dinner's ready.

Dinner's ready.

We don't have to take them back,
do we, daddy?

Of course not.

You want a drink?

No, no way.

Oh, I guess I could. Go on.


The hardest part is being away for
so long, isn't it?

Why don't you come down to Perth
and work for me?

Oh yeah, doing what?

I don't know, I'm juggling a whole
lot of things

I could always do with someone
I can trust.

I guarantee you'll make more than
you're making here.

You mean I'd move to Perth?

Can't pay you unless you're there.

I can sort it all out,

I can get a house, school for Jo
and Emma, the whole lot.

Well thanks, Peter, but uh...

I don't really wanna move to Perth.

Yeah well, I suppose you're still
dreaming of going to Paris?

Wake up to yourself, Johnny.

You're this oddball who sits in a caravan
out the back pretending to be Billy Cross.

You got no future in that.

Yeah well, I just might suprise you
and prove you wrong one day.

I don't see why you have to prove
anything to anybody.

You wanna pack everything up and
move to some tin pot city on the sea?

You know why you never went to Paris?

Tell me, Peter.

I reckon you're scared
you're not good enough.

Am I really? Tell me?

Well what's stopping you? You got
the time, you got the money,

3000 is more than enough to get you there.

Thanks, Peter.

That's great.

Whose got 3000? You got 3000?

I got 3000 dollars, yeah.

- Where'd you get that?
- Let's just forget about it.

You kept that to yourself?
We need that money.

- I bloody need it too alright!
- What for!?

What for!? Jesus...

We'll talk about it later alright.


I'm not going to Perth. No one is going
to bloody Perth. Get it out of your head.


Aren't you gonna take that stuff back?

The longer we keep it,
the harder it's gonna be to return.

You wanna know what really shits me?

It wasn't the joke.

But that no one, not even my own
bloody wife, thought for one minute

that I might've sold a song.

You've been laughing at me
just like the rest of them.

I have not.

Not on the outside,

but on the inside you have.

Oh for gods sake Johnny, grow up!

Sold any songs lately?

Dingo Anderson?


I had nothing to do with it, I swear.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Now there's no need to run for the
door, I'm not gonna gas bag for long.

I've just got a few thank-you's.

Firstly, to Meryl and Steve Thornton
for putting up the tressel tables.

Meryl, I hope your back's better now.

Porky Chubs, whose out the back
cooking the snags on the barbecue.

And to Janie Anderson,

thanks for the great lamingtons.

Billy Thompson for providing the ice
to keep the tinnies [beer] cool.

And to you mums, for keeping
the kids from out under our feet.

And Poona's ladies auxiliary,
for making

those mountainous sandwiches
we're gonna devour.

Who else?

Oh of course, to Dingo and the Dusters

for giving us something to dance to.

I think that's it.

It's all yours, fellas.

It's all yours, fellas...

That was our own Dingo Anderson
on trumpet.

"My girl val".

You were good, Johnny.

Just no one was expecting it.


What happened to Peter?

He's gone home.

What do you mean home?

He's gone back to Perth.

Why'd he do that?

I told him to go.


Because he's in love with me that's why.

Joe McCarthy needs a hand
with some fencing.

Sheep keep getting knocked
over by cars.

Is that at Bundiby?

Pay is good, shouldn't be more
than a week.

What about your birthday?

I'll be back by then.

Better be, the girls are planning
a surprise party.

Surprise party eh?

I'm off like a dirty shirt.

- Ring us if you get a chance.
- I will.


What did Payne find here?

Petrol station.


You there?


What're you doing here?

My wife says you're in love with her.
Is that true?

Shit, Johnny.

I don't know.

I've been so mixed up lately, I dunno
what I've been doing or saying half the time.

Is Jane with you?

No she's home.

You wanna come on board?

I don't know.

Have you ever wondered that it might
be better to have a dream

rather than actually find out it's
all a load of shit?

I need you to look after my dog,
and stay away from my wife.


Yes, closed!

You don't understand, I have to see...

Come back Monday?

Monday? No no, excuse me!


No no, you don't understand.



You know where I can find Billy Cross?

I think he's dead.

Well that's it...


Here you are, boy.


Well um...

Hello, my name's John Anderson.

I'm from Australia.

We met a long time ago, and you said:

"If ever you're in Paris, look me up."

So, here I am in-...

No, let me think.

No guts, no glory.

I don't believe it. They're not home.

Hey Max, quick, what's this lady saying?

Want to leave a message?

Too late.

Depth charge.

I'll try anything once.

Depth charge.

You take care now,
sorry If I kept you up.

Good morning.

Well Mr. Dingo, you have already
seen more of Paris

than most tourists.

I'm sorry about this Mrs. Cross,

but yours was the only number I had.

If you would have answered our telegram,

we could have made arrangements.

You mean...

the second telegram was yours?

Second telegram?

You sure this isn't too much trouble?

Oh no, Billy wants to meet you.
Come with me.

You sure?

Sure sure sure.

Billy sleeps during the day.


Sit down.

Do you want something to drink?

Cup of coffee?

I'd love some tea if you have any.

You have any idea why I've come back?

Why don't you just tell me?

I need you with me, Jane.

You're all I think about.

I love you Jane, I love you, and I
can give you anything you want.


We can go wherever you wanna be.

Sorry I slept so long on your coach.

You know that old expression,
"The grass is greener on the other side"?

It's true.

Here you look down and you
see grass and dirt.

Look straight ahead and you see
green grass.

Think about it.

What brings you to Paris?

Came to see you.

Who, me? Me?

You're the reason I started playing.

I've got every record you ever made.

That's a gift from

one hip maharajah.

Like a work of art.

Play me a C.


I do a lot better when I'm warmed up.

Don't you play trumpet anymore?

I am playing trumpet.

I mean, don't you play trumpet?...

I don't play trumpet.

I'm hungry.

That's where they got to!

All the top end, that huge region,

that was all sheep country once.

Well now, it's cattle country right down
the Meekatharra,

the place I showed you on the map.
You see the dingo is moving so far south...

Sometimes I wouldn't be surprised to see
him strolling through the streets of Perth.

Whatever happened to that educated Dingo

that you wrote so much about?

- He's a special one.
- Like you.

Too smart, too slow.

Too smart, I don't know.
Too slow? Yeah, he's like me.

I remember you.

Yes... 69, the Japanese were
crazy about us...

and we stopped and played a concert

on a runway in the desert.

And you were there.

I sure remember you.

You know, I wonder so many times

what my life would've been like if

if your plane hadn't accidentally landed.

There are no accidents.


G'day Joe, it's Janie here.
Janie Anderson.

Fine, thanks. Yeah...

Oh, it's alright.

Listen is John there?

No, no.

Oh he's been waylaid somewhere, yeah...

Yeah, I'll tell him.

Alright then, bye now.

Let's drive.

I think we're driving.

Goodnight, Dingo.

I hope you find Paris as exciting
as your outback!

You know when I first got this car,

everybody thought it was shit

'cos it was made in Germany.

But now there's are fucked,
and mine's still running.

Your cassette player work?

Yeah it works.

I bought a tape of my music.

Wait a minute.

I don't wanna hear it.

Why don't you wanna hear it?

Because if I say I like it, you're
gonna think I'm being nice,

and if I say I don't like it, you're
gonna be hurt.

You don't need my opinion.

Look, ever since that concert at Poona
Flat, I've been practicing trumpet.

I just wanna know if I'm even
halfway good.

And then what?

I come here and make a living.

You've been here for 24 hours

and half your time's been spent in jail.

You must really be a positive thinker.

What's wrong with that?


How come you don't play
publicly anymore?

You know what a stroke is?

I reached for a beer in Munich

and my head kept going down and
down and down and down...

After playing the same old shit
for forty years

my soul pulled a switch on me.

I was becoming a jazz museum piece

I caused the stroke myself.

It was just like a brand new start for me.

So after six months in a cocoon,

I was able to...

sleep four hour shifts,

integrate my dreams with my music,

And now it's like a new start.
Everything is fresh.

Well, I don't think you should drive it.

What's that over there?


- A jazz club?
- A jazz club...

Everyone works there when they
come to Paris.

I did my first gig there.

Wouldn't mind hearing some music.

I don't go into clubs.
I don't go in.

What you afraid of?


Nice to see you,
where have you been man?

A table up front.

- Happy birthday.
- Thank you very much.

Hey, lookin good, brother

He never comes to the club.

He must like you.

I fixed it so you could sit in...

- Sit in!?
- Sit in.


I couldn't do that.

You need to know if you can
play with the pros or not.

I'm not ready.

Haven't got my trumpet.

Got one now.

There all yours brother.

Dingo Anderson.

Poona Flat.

You sure you have the
right number?

That's right.

Hey, I like what you do
with your trumpet man.

Dingo, that was amazing, amazing.

My Australian buddy there.

Listen, if you're in town next
week when I'm on

if you wanna sit in, you got it.
We love it.

Take it 'cos you'll take his job.

You mean it?

Just wish my wife could've
heard me, I really do.

It could be pretty hard for you here.

You don't think I'm good enough?

I didn't say that.

It's not that you aren't good enough.

But it's not gonna sound
the same here.

What you brought with you,

was the dingo sounds,
the outback sounds.

It's not gonna be like that.

I understand that.

And even if you're good,
it's still gonna be hard.


We gonna record one of
your compositions.

You're having me on [joking].

No, on that last tape you sent.

You serious?

Yeah. We're gonna call it
"Dogs of the Desert".

Jacques will send you a contract.

You leaving?

I better be getting back.

My girls are throwin' me a
surprise birthday party.

Thanks for everything.

Well... now that you know you
can do it,

next time, bring your family.

We've got plenty of room.

I will.

Thank you.

Come on, Des.



Jane I'm home.

Evening, Ruth.

Oh Johnny, Archie's gone out somewhere.

Could you give us a hand with this?


Where do you want it?

Just round the back.

It is Tuesday isn't it?

Yeah, all day.
Have you been drinking?

No not a drop.

You haven't seen Jane and
the girls have you?

No I haven't seen them
for a couple of days.

Do you know anything about a party?

What party?


Happy birthday darling.

I love you.

Aren't you gonna join in?
We spent a week learning this thing.