Death Count (2022) - full transcript

Strangers awaken in individual holding cells with no memory of how they arrived. They realize if they don't acquire enough online "likes" in a timely manner, they'll die horribly at the hands of a sinister executioner. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

What is...


What is this?



Can you hear me?

Wait a second,

Coach Roberts, Principal Bruno,



Mr. Curtis,



Ladies and gentlemen,

by this time you've been fed

and I'm sure you're curious
why you've been brought here

and by whom.

Allow me

to introduce myself,

I am the Warden and I
have gathered you all here

to participate in a little game

And then there were.

The number will depend entirely
on you,

I will only say that your
survival is dependent

on what you are willing to

As with most things in life,

there are rules, rules to
the game and like most games

the rules are simply not in your

An audience will be watching

Our society has shifted into
one built on cyber likes

and it will be incumbent
on each of you to acquire

as many as possible to be liked.

What you must ask yourself is

are you willing to do
whatever must be done

to acquire the most amount of

no matter what the cost
in order to survive,

in order to live?

And since we wanna include
our friends in the cyber world

in our little adventure,

they will vote as to which of
you will begin the first round

in our maiden voyage.

At this time there are
three basic directives

you must follow.

You cannot make any attempt
to contact the outside world

or you will be eliminated.

You will follow and adhere
to the schedule I set for you

which includes non-refusal
of participation.

The person with the least likes

at the end of the selected
time period will be eliminated.

The goal is to survive the game.

Should you fail to comply at any

you will be immediately


it appears Number Six
has issues with the game.

Is this where I'm
supposed to beg for my life,

you fucking coward? Hm?

What is it?

You afraid to come in
here and deal with me?

Is that why you got to
hide behind that camera

in that fucking wall, cunt?

Number Six, for someone
who cleans for a living

you have a rather dirty mouth.

Can you just come in for a

let me clean the fuck out of
your mouth,

then I'll use my entire fist,

I'll just fuck.

There you go.

Here, dog.
- Ah.

You like it, dog?

Are you stating that
you will not participate?

You speak fucking English?

I'm not doing nothing.

Zero, kiss my ass.

Such language.

A caveat to the aforementioned

Each of you has an
explosive device implanted

at the base of your skull.

Should you not participate
the device will be executed

and you will be instantly

Ooh, I'm so scared.

Please don't blow me, ooh.

Ooh, yes sir help me.

Will you fuck me in the ass,

Number Six, once again, are
you refusing to participate?

Is there something you wanna
say to me,


Is there something you needed to

No, I will not participate.

I will not participate.

- Help me!
- Oh my God.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Number Eight, I strongly suggest

you stop tampering with your

I can figure this out.

I can...

I can find a way out.

I just...

I know what this is.

It's like one of those...

It's like on of those escape
rooms, right?

You just need to...

You just need to find the hidden

Secret numbers to-


To release these bounds.

The only mathematics
that can save you this time

would be the amount of
likes you'll receive.


What do you mean likes?

What kind of likes like?

I don't have any friends, nobody
likes me.

Like this,

it's just a matter of time.

I can figure this out myself.

I'll do this myself.

I've almost got it.


You're going to get it all


So, there we have it.

Remove the collar and the device
automatically ejects itself

in fairly nasty fashion.

So two down, six to go.

Well, six already went

but you know what I mean.

The real game will begin

stay tuned.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.

What's this about a website?

Is this some kind of a joke?

People in cells?

What do you mean people in

No, this is not being
downloaded from here.

We don't do things like
that to our prisoners,

I don't care what you see on TV.

People, what the
hell's going on in here?

Did a bomb go off or something?

Yeah, something like that,

I'm getting reports that
some guys head just exploded

on the internet.

Oh my God, the internet,
it's always the internet.

Every time I go online
my head wants to explode.

This is supposed to
be somebody's real head

and somebody else got
shot through the eye.

Now this is supposed to be a
live feed.

Being run by someone who's
calling himself, the Warden.


It's some game or something.

People are actually
watching this garbage.

This has got to be a prank,

doesn't it, Casey?

What are those numbers?


We've got sickos out
there liking this shit?

Oh, you would understand
that, wouldn't you Conner?

That's what you do all day.

Well, we're not the ones
calling the station, detective.

Well, why don't you
calm everyone's nerves

and tell them that you're not on
the case,

you're not on it officially, all

What a Dick.

That's what I'm paid to do.

Casey, Tanner in my office now.

Okay, okay.

Gonna finish that banana?


Go on.

Good luck.

I want you
two guys on this right away.

Captain, I think the
whole thing is a hoax.

Yeah, I don't know.

The site's encrypted,

which means it's gonna
be really hard to trace.

This Warden guy is pretty smart.

I mean, he's got this out
where everybody can see it

but he really does not wanna be

What makes him so different

from anybody else we're chasing

I mean what the fuck, it
doesn't make him special.

I hear what you're saying, I do.

We have to get this guy and we
have to shut down this site.

You know what would be good?

Is if we did it today.

I'm just getting too old for
this shit.

I honestly...

What am I doing here?

It's connected to
the missing person case

you guys have been working on.

Phillips and Mitchell got a
positive ID from this site.

We got to do something.

So you're saying that she's
involved like voluntarily,

she wants to be part it?

Okay, this is gonna be hard,

I know I'm your boss but
you guys are the detectives.

So why don't you go out
there and get it done.

The Warden.

Let's go get The Warden.

Okay, all right Captain.

All right, get out.

Come on, let's get this guy.


Selena, is that you?

Who's there?

It's Rachel.

Come over to the vent,

the one across from you.



I thought that was you on the

Are you alone in there too?


Do you know how we got here?

No, I don't.

Are you all right?

You hurt?

I'm okay.

I'm chained.

Yeah, me too.

I think we all are.

What the hell is going on, huh?

I'm just an English teacher.

I didn't do anything to deserve

Neither did I or the janitor.


The game is about to begin.

Please place yourself
directly before your monitor.

We better do as we're told.

We'll talk later.

You have 10 seconds

or you will be eliminated.

Fuck you.

We'll just see about that.

You have five seconds to comply.

What the fuck?

It amazes me

how people can't follow
simple rules nowadays.

Once again, failure to comply
means immediate elimination.

Being a gym teacher, Number

I assumed you remember warm
up, stretch before exercising.

Now let's see how limber you
really are.

You bastard.


That poor woman, bless her soul.

And with that we bid fair adieu

to one lucky Number Seven.

At this rate this game
may become very short.


He killed another one.

I think so, that looked real
to me.

That looked fucking real, wow.

You better get this guy.

What do you think we're trying
to do?

I mean look, this guy's
using these splitters

and relays and so what it does

it bounces a signal all around
the world,

that's gonna be really hard to

Listen, we gotta get this

it's no joke anymore.

I thought it was a joke before,

I'm gonna get him.

My uncle.

Hey, yey, yey, yey.

You can't just come in here.

Hey, I don't care who your
uncle is,

I don't care if he's the
president of the United States,

you can't-

You don't get it.

You can't just force-

I just watched my uncle die

- All right, I understand.
- Everyone, I got it.

Someone blew his fucking head

Come on, I got it. I got it.

I got it. I got it.
- I understand.

- I got it. I got it.
- All right.

Give me a second here.

I got it.

Nobody's against you.

Now, who's your uncle?

Jose Mendez, went missing last

Thought I just had too much to

then I see him on this website.

What the hell is he doing on a

I just know his fucking head
blew off.

You saw that?

Oh yeah.

Listen pal, he's my
partner, Eddie Malone.

You go ahead and give him a

I wanna know all about your

and everything that's going on.

All right, we'll go from there.


Do you trust me?


All right, I got you back, okay?

Please, you got to find him.

Oh, I will.

I will, go ahead.

Come on.

I'll take your statement.

Thanks, Casey.

You really think it wasn't
real, right?

I hope not.

Just CGI or some trick.

It's a joke or something stupid.

We'll find out.

I promise you that.

Take it easy.

What do you make of that, man?

Oh, that's...

That's rough.

We got to do it, man.

We got to go.

I think that I might
be able to find this guy

if we can find one of
the stronger signals.

Yeah, okay.

So what does that mean?

Road trip.


So you're driving.

Okay, let's get this game

before there aren't any players

The audience will choose which
one of you

will initiate the proceedings.

Number Three,

go to your trunk and pick
the object of your choice.

You have 15 seconds to comply
or you will be eliminated.



Return to the monitor.


excellent choice.


extend the blade.

Extend the blade, final warning.


place it beneath your right

Right thumbnail, final warning.

Remove your nail.


your nail.


I've had enough.

I don't know who is doing this
or why

but as head of the board of

I strongly object to
what is going on here.

School is no longer
in session, Number One.

You don't make the rules here

and you're in no position to
give orders,

do you understand?

Same goes for you, Number Four.

So what?

A broken nail.

I've seen worse.

From now on you
must obtain the most likes

or you will be eliminated.

What the fuck?

Round one, completed.

Football is a game.

Baseball is a game.

This is a shits how.

Where's the sportsmanship?

The skill?

It's a game, where's the skill?

This is violence for the sake of

You think some sicko is
gonna get off watching this?

And the internet today
has created quite the buzz

with a new website that has

that has everyone talking.

A sinister force that
calls himself the Warden,

claims to have eight
unwilling participants

playing a twisted game on the

It's unknown at this time
if this is a real big hoax

or people are actually
watching real life murders.

Films like Saw and
Hostile have now led the way

to a website capitalizing on
this brand of quote unquote


People are watching

and the numbers are
increasing by the minute.

Authorities are currently

this illegal dark website to
see if this is fact or fiction.

Warning, this site is
not for the squeamish,

viewer discretion is advised.

Rachel, are you all right?

It hurts.

Can you wrap it?

I did.


Who is this Warden guy?

I don't know but we
better figure something out

before it gets any worse.

Three people are already dead.

How much worse can it get?

Well, if Mr. Curtis were still
with us

he'd probably say, "Three
times two times worse."


why did this guy pick my school?

Did we flunk some psychopath

This isn't the work of
a disgruntled student.



This is personal.

Someone's idea of revenge.

Well revenge or not,

we'd better get these things
out the back of our necks

before we wind up like Jose or


What do you have in mind?

I don't know, Rachel,

you're the science teacher.

Don't you know about anatomy?

Think of something.

This is a game.

Every game I've ever played has
a rule book, whatever it is.

Roberts, can you hear us?


He's got the mics on,
we can hear each other.

Look, the Warden wants us
to follow his every command,

he thinks he's the judge and
the jury and the executioner.

It's up to us to find a
way out of this thing.

You hear me, Ms. Phillips?

I guess so.

We got to stay calm.

You hear me, Selena?

No, no, no.

He's right, keep your wits.

We'll get through.

Stand before your
monitors and wait instructions.

You have 10 seconds to comply.

All right, here we go.

Be strong.

You will have
one minute to choose

what task you will perform for
the camera

in order to be most liked by our

You may choose any item at your

What does that mean?

The individual with
the least likes that deadline

will be of course eliminated.

This is horseshit.

Get your ass in here.

Me and you

unless you're a pussy.


I don't understand any of this.

I don't belong here.

I didn't do anything wrong.

This is pointless.

Utterly pointless.

Look, I work, I go home.


No baseball bats.

Just do my job and I'm
really go good at it.

You have 30 seconds.

You have 25 seconds.

What am I supposed to do with
this shit?

I'm not gonna put up with
this insanity any longer.

I'm warning you.

I need more time.




- Nine-
- Fuck.

Eight, seven.


Five, four,




Wait, wait, wait.

Your time is up.


what do you want me to do with
this shit?

You will now each perform
a non-suicidal self injury

with the instrument you have
chosen for our audience.

You have 10 seconds to complete
this task

or you will be eliminated.

We will begin with



Begin or be eliminated.

Injure yourself with the
instrument you've chosen.


You have 10
seconds to perform your task.

10, nine,


- I can't.
- Seven.

I'll do anything you want

- Six, five, four.
- Please.

Three, two.

We will now move on to Four.

You have 10 seconds to perform
your task.

10, nine, eight.

What are you waiting for?


He's gonna kill you if you
don't do it.

Five, four, three.

You'll never get away with
this you sick son of a bitch.

Fuck you.

Way to go, Bruno.

Way to go.

We will now move on to two.


What about three?

Three's next.

You have 10
seconds to perform your task.

You're the numbers guy.

- 10.
- Can't you even count?

Nine, eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two.

You fuck.

Fuck you.

Fuck is this?

Let this be a lesson.

You will not be warned again.


If you don't follow the
rules you will be eliminated.

Now, let's go to Number Three.

You have 10 seconds to perform
your task.

10, nine, eight, seven, six,

Come on Rachel,

you can do it.

Four, three, two.



let's move on to Number One.

No, no, I won't do it.

I won't.


No, I'm a role model in this

Eight, seven, six, five, four,

I will not participate
in this sick twisted

little game of yours.

Three, two.

Oh God.

And now the voting begins.

Our audience will choose which
of you will be liked most.

I guess people like surprises.

One is the most liked.

Five, you're eliminated.



I'll do something else.

I'll do...

I'll do whatever you want,

please just please.

I'll do something else.

Rachel, help me please.

Please let me out.

Now we're cooking with gas.



Killed another one.

Okay now listen,

I don't wanna waste a bunch
of gas driving around.

We're getting closer, brother.

We're getting closer.

How do you do that stuff?

Uh, you don't want to know.

I wanna get that cock sucker.

We'll get him.

Yeah, Seesaw 69, the remake,

Starring The Warden.

Remember Gary Ridge way?

Serial killer.

Yeah, yeah.


49 women he killed?

Yeah, yeah.

He used to go back and visit
his victims

and they asked him why
he would go back to them

and he said, "Well, you know,

it's too expensive to find a new

we're spending a fortune on

I spend a lot of money on gas.

You got to be kidding me.

No, he...

He actually said that.

Casey, Tanner.


We just received a call.

Someone identified that last

Her name is Selena Marshall,

she's a local.

Teaches at Wootton High.

Also went missing yesterday,
it wasn't reported.

Okay, we're almost there.

Someone also thinks they saw

Coach Roberts on the site.

He also teaches a Wootton.

So I guess this shit just got


Rachel, are you there?

Can you hear me?

I'm sorry about Selena.

She was a good...

She was a good person.

A lot of good that does her now.

A lot of good that does any of

Without a gas mask
there's no scientific way

to survive mustard gas

That's what that was?

Pretty sure, judging by her

It's a hell of a way to go.

She will be missed.

Unlike another teacher
who was recently let go.

Why bring her up now?

Have you noticed the
music that's been playing

after each one of us dies?

How could you not?

It's annoying as hell.

It's an old nursery rhyme
called, 10 Little Indians.

That's just a coincidence.

You sure about that?


what are you two talking about
in there?

Hold on a second,
somebody's on the other side.

Roberts, is that you?


What's left of me.

How's your face, pal?

It hurts like a mother.

I'm gonna kill that son of a

Yeah, if he doesn't kill us

Listen, I have a plan.

Great, what is it?

When the time is right

just be ready.

Hang in there.

I'm gonna get us out of this,

you know I can.

You got it.

Rachel, be ready.

The coach has a plan.

He's not the only one.

What have you got?

It started with eight of
us, the Warden makes nine

and if we count Charlotte-

Dammit, would you give it up,

It's terrible what happened
to the woman but she's dead,

she can't be behind any of this.

Welcome back to the next
round of our little game.

Monitors please,

instructions coming.

10 seconds to comply.

Number One, 10 seconds to
comply or be eliminated.

Final warning, Number One.

Comply now.


As before,

you will now perform a
non-suicidal self injury

with an instrument from your

You are each provided
with a duplicate item,

however, the audience
will vote on the item

and how you use it to be liked.

Once again,

I call bullshit.


vote now.

Audience has chosen
item eight, the pliers,

in a silent vote.

Our audience was asked
what task you will perform

with the pliers.

The overwhelming majority voted

for extraction of a
tooth of your choosing,

failure to comply will lead yes

to your elimination.

20 seconds to comply.

Silent vote my ass.

Come in here

right now,

little bitch.

20, 19, 18, 17.


16, 15.



Bring it.

I'm good to go.

As before, you will perform
an non-suicidal self injury

with the instrument
chosen by our audience.

Once chosen, you have
10 seconds to comply.

The refusal to do so

will result in your immediate

Audience, vote now to see who

Two will begin this round.

You have 10 seconds to comply.

You got it rigged.

This is your plan?

Fucking meat head.


You and me,

bring it now.

- Four.
- Come on.

- Three, two.
- Do it.


That's what I thought.

The audience has voted
to award each captive

a free pass to be used as they
see fit.

Audience my ass.

You have to be kidding me.



It must be earned.


The fuck is that?

It's something you should
be well acquainted with

in your profession.

You just received the
concentrated injection

of horse steroids and
some other little goodies.

It should really get your blood

You know I got a bad heart.

You most certainly do.

It was very, very bad.

Now we'll all get to see
if you have the guts.

What did you do?

It's in my body.

It's growing inside me.

I'm sorry.

I feel you.

I feel...

I see you

get out!

You're coming out.

You're coming out.

You're coming out.

You're coming out.

Look, I did it.





I did it.

Why are you doing this?

I don't deserve to be treated
this way,

none of us do.


Rachel, come here.

Come take one with me.

Oh fuck.

He just killed Coach Roberts

Okay, listen

we need some answers.

We need them right now.

How do we find this fucker?

I know. I know.

Casey, Casey, I got him.

I got him, he's in the warehouse

You better be right, Tanner.

You know I kind of miss
the old days before this,

all this computer shit and
"Brings people together"

my ass.

All it does is inspire everybody

to destroy ourselves quicker,

that's it.

Yeah, unfortunately I don't know

how the world would survive
without the worldwide web

these days.

We'll find a way.

We'll find a better way
without this virtual bullshit.

Says the man without any

real or online.

You know what?

Friendship needs to be earned
and not just retweeted,

that's not where friendship
comes from.

It's not something that
comes out of social media,

it's something that comes
from a different place.

A different time.

Yeah, you're right.

Right, Casey, it's right up


Right here.

Let's go in.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


Why are you showing me your


who are you talking to?

What's going on?

Can you hear me?

I'm here.

I heard you talking to someone.

I was talking to myself.

I do that when I get nervous,


No, I get that.

So much for Coach Robert's plan.

I don't know what he was

He should have just listened.

If we play the game we buy more

Time enough to die.

No, don't you say that.

We can get through this.

There's three of us left now.

Then there were three.

Jesus, Rachel, you've got to
give it up.

This has nothing to do with

This has everything to do with

Before we started talking a
photo flashed on my screen,

it was a picture of Charlotte,

Charlotte Knight.

Charlotte Knight is dead.

Who in the
heck is Charlotte Knight?

She was a teacher at our high

the theater department.

I thought we defunded that

Yes, Mr. Turner, we did

based on your forced budget

Uh, wait a minute.

It was your decision on
which after school programs

we were gonna lose or cut.

Yes, yes it was

and we all signed off on it,
it was a unanimous decision.

Like we had much of a choice.

You sure as hell weren't going
to cut the sports program

or the math and science

It's always the arts that has to

This isn't getting us anywhere.

We need to focus on getting out
of here.

Have either of you
been paying attention?

We are all connected to
what happened to Charlotte.

Mr. Turner initiated the

You carried out the directive
and we all supported it.

The theater meant everything to

it was her whole life

and we,

we took it away from her.

Nobody forced you to sign
the petition, Ms. Phillips.

Oh the hell you didn't.

Look, we all agreed,

the play she wanted to do was
too violent

for high school kids.

I hope the irony of that
decision isn't lost on you now.

It doesn't matter anyway

we're all gonna die,

it's just a question of how.

And we're back.

The three remaining Indians,

I mean, players.

Stand before your monitors and
await further instructions.

I take it by now

you have all come to
understand at some level

why you are here.

Your confederates have been
dealt with

and you must all pay for your

Sins you committed.

Sins that an innocent
paid for with her life,

a life cut short, a debt is

I still don't have a clue
what you're talking about.

I don't belong in here.

I don't even know what
I did to deserve this.

I think you've made a mistake

10 little, nine little,
eight little Indians,

seven little, six little,
five little Indians,

four little, three little,
two little Indians.

And what is this "Little
Indian" thing all about?

For your information,

the correct term is Native

10 Little Indians was a novel

and then a play later
written by A gather Christie.

It's about 10 people who are
invited by an unknown host

to an isolated location, where
they're accused of crimes

and then murdered one by one.

Charlotte was planning
on putting on that play

at the high school before
it was deemed inappropriate

by Principal Bruno,

who in turn sent out a letter

that all the members
of the faculty signed,

thus resulting in the
cancellation of her show

and the entire theater
department dismantled.

Charlotte died soon after these


The coroner report said it was

The coroner report was wrong.

Who said that?

Who is that?

Is somebody else out there?

Help, please help us.

Thank you, Number
Three, for filling us in.

Now, one of you was in a
position to help Charlotte

but did not.

You did not help a young
woman who was in need,

all due to increase the bottom

and out of fear you did nothing.

Therefore, you will each perform
an non-suicidal self injury

with the instrument
chosen by our audience.

Once chosen, you will
have 20 seconds to comply,

refusal to do so will result
in your immediate elimination.

The voting will begin now.

You heard that, right?


The Warden's not alone.

Who is she?

Where is she?

Our audience has chosen
instrument Number One,

the drill.

You have 20 seconds to secure
your drill

and return to the camera.

20, 19.





- This isn't fair.
- 16.

I was the only one who
participated in the last round.

13, 12.

Remember the pliers?


The tooth.

Don't I get bonus points for


Hurry up.

Four, three, two.

You know that Coach Roberts
was right.

This whole thing is rigged.

As mentioned previously,

you will each perform an
non-suicidal self injury

with your drill.

However, before we begin

each of you will be given an

to defend yourselves and your

with regard to the death
of Charlotte Knight.

I had nothing to do with her

My conscience is clear.

I never even met the girl.

Should our audience believe
your defense

you'll be rewarded with a
pass and will not be required

to participate in this round.

They didn't participate
in the last round

I was the only one who did, you

Disrupt the game once more
and you will be eliminated,

Number One.

And by the way,

I'm quite aware that the tooth
you pulled was a prosthesis.

You lost that tooth years
ago and had it replaced

with a painted acrylic one, it
was a fake.


You told us we could use
any tooth of our choosing.

I was still playing by your


What the hell?

This isn't water.

Correct, it's kerosene.

Interrupt me again and you
will be playing this round

with item number two, the
propane torch.

Actually, due to these

one shall be punished.

He has lost the opportunity
to defend himself

in regards to the death
of Charlotte Knight

and must now proceed with the
self injury using his drill.

He has five seconds to comply.

Five, four, three, two.

You know what?

Screw you.

You motherfucker,

I'm gonna get you you bastard.

You son of a bitch, you

We will resume momentarily.

Holy shit.

What happened?

Number One just lit
up like a Roman candle

on the 4th of July.

Looks like the whole
room went up in flames.



Why the hell is that good?

Because where there's
fire there's smoke.

Captain this is Detective Casey,

I need a chopper to fly
over the warehouse district.

Tell him to light up all
the abandoned buildings

in this whole area, over.


What's it searching for?

Look for a thick black smoke.

You were right,

we are gonna die.

Well, whose fault is that?

Don't you put this off on me.

Charlotte and I were friends,

she told me she begged
you not to cancel her show

and cut her apartment.

She lived for the theater and
you knew it.

Do I need to remind you

that you signed that piece of

like everyone else?

If that's what led to her
suicide it's on all of us.

You forced me to sign
it, you blackmailed me.

I guess I forced you to
fuck Simon too, didn't I?

I didn't know.

I told you I never met her

He never told me he was married,

he wasn't even wearing a ring.

It's not my fault.

Simon picked me up that night at
the bar.

Why didn't you just
tell her what happened?

I knew if she found out
it would've destroyed her.

Well, I guess you were right.

How clairvoyant of you.

Wait, did you tell
her, you son of a bitch?

That's the only reason I
signed your goddam letter

so she wouldn't find out.

You promised you wouldn't say a

You weren't there when I
had to give her the bad news.

She was angry, she came at me.

She blamed me for ruining her

I just simply said,

if she were more concerned
about her home life

as she was her professional

well, maybe.

You asshole.

You told her.

She figured it out for herself.

And she killed herself.

Her job, her passion, her
marriage, all on the same day

and we drove her to it.

We are responsible.

Thank you for your patience.

Due to the unscheduled
elimination of Number One

we are now down to only two

Therefore, we shall skip ahead

to the final lightning rounds of
the game.

Number Three and Four
stand before your monitors,

you have five seconds to comply.

Five, four, three, two, one.

As the final two,

our audience has silently
voted that if you use your head

the winner will be unleashed.

However, only one of you will
be allowed this opportunity.

The question is, how far are
you willing to go to be liked?

Audience my ass.

It's only you out there, whoever
you are.

You will each be given
30 seconds to be liked.

There will be three lightning

The captive most liked will be
freed, the other eliminated.

You will have two minutes
to consider your strategy

and items of use.

What if we refuse?


What if we just refuse?

We stop playing this sick game.

We just refuse.

Then we just die.

Her blood is on our hands.

We are responsible.

No, we are not.

School programs get cut all the

Husbands cheat on wives.

Charlotte had her choice
and she chose to die.

This is just some sick vendetta.


Oh my God, I think I
know who's behind this.

Care to fill me in?

Look, Rachel.

My fight's not with you,

it's with this sick fucker doing

Live or die,

it's got to be on our own terms.

Before we get started

I think it's only fair that we
share with everyone watching

who the Warden really is.

Do tell.

Come on, Simon,

I know you're behind this.

Show yourself.

Oh my God, Simon.

Sorry, Number Three.

Simon Knight is not the
one calling the shots here.

In fact, he was the
first one to be captured,

the spine that he is.


where were we?

So then who the fuck are you?

Uh, uh, sorry,

only one guess at a time
during the lightning round.

Now, our audience will
vote as to which of you

they feel has been the most

and will reward that person

At the end of the three rounds

the individual most
like will be unleashed.

For the first round you
will have 15 seconds

to perform your penance.

Round one begins now.

10, nine, eight, seven, six.

Five, four, three, two, one.

What are you seeing up there?


There's signs of smoke

generating from warehouse seven

located in the rear.

Listen, call for backup

'cause I think we might have
found this son of a bitch,

all right and I hope it's not
too late.

Four is in the lead.

Ready for lightning round two?

Would you care to take another

who is behind this?

I'll give you a hint,

there's nothing like a woman


No, it can't be.

It can't be Charlotte,

I was at her funeral.

She's fucking dead.

I was there too.

This can't be 10 Little Indians
for real.

Yes, Rachel.

My daughter is dead.

You took her away from me.

You all did by your actions

and now you're going to repent.

This is your last
opportunity for redemption.

Oh, what the fuck?

This is about a mother's

Who the fuck is this guy?

Uncle Joe?

It's a hired hand doing the
Lord's work.

As I said, I am the Warden.

I see to it that justice is

I write the wrongs in society.

Consider me a Dark Avenger
for our dark times.

When I heard what happened to

I happily took Mrs. Pine's
case free of charge.

Thank you.

But enough about me,

lightning round two begins now.

You will continue to acquire
as many likes as possible,

the winner who is most liked

at the end of the third and
final round will be set free.


the question remains,

how far are you willing to go to
be liked?

Why don't you show us your face?

Or are you afraid?

Now as with the first round

you will have 15 seconds
to perform your penance.

Begin now.

Four, you have no instrument,

you must participate or be

No, I'm done with this
bullshit game.

Number Four,

are you stating that you
will no longer participate?

It's my understanding of
the rules that you stated

that the one with the most likes

at the end of the final round

will be afforded the
opportunity to be released.

I'm saying it's Number
Three, Rachel Phillips.

I'm calling the shots.

I'm making the decisions.

You can't play this game
with only one person.

Uh, so be it.


make him die slowly.

Never argue with a vengeful



Number Three,

you have five seconds to comply

or you will suffer the same

Five, four, three, two, one.

I believe school is now out of

You son of a pitch.

Round three starts now, Number

choose your item and
continue with your penance.

Once you have been liked 10,000

you will be freed.

Wait, I had more likes than

You have to earn your freedom.


What's that?

Looks like we have company.

Our little game might be
coming to an end soon.

Continue, Number Three,

7,000 more likes than you could
be free.

It's all up to you now.

No, I want them to die,

I want them to all die.

Now, that's not very sporty.

I'm not leaving until it's over.



Freeze, asshole.

You dumb fuck.

Warden, it's your stupid
nickname, huh?

Don't fucking move.

Congratulations, gentlemen.

You arrived just in time for the

Go ahead, make a move

and I'll blow your brains
Goddamn brains out.

Okay, I won't but you have to

if you wanna save that final

I'm sorry about Charlotte, I am.

I didn't mean to hurt her.

It was all a terrible mistake.

Simon tricked me.

Bruno lied to me.

I'd take it all back if I could,

I swear.

Than do it.

10,000 likes remember?


Is this what you want?

Is it?


Fuck you all.

Where's Rachel?

She's here, still alive.

I think.

Where is she?

Well, that gets a little

Start down that hallway,

take a left then take a right

then take two lefts down the
staircase through the tunnel.

Why don't you show us, dickhead?

That means I'd have to move.

Then move

and move now,

get over here.

You need to lock your fingers
behind your Goddamn head

before I blow it off.

As you wish.

Go that way, I'll go this way.


You lose my dear.

10,000 likes, remember?

I win

even if you kill me now.

I beat you.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.

Die, die.

You got to die.


I got you.

I got you.


Casey, did you get him?

Uh shit.

Fuck you.

This game is survival, life
and death.

You know the rules.



Come on, Tanner.

Okay, freeze bitch.

Don't shoot,

I'm unarmed.

He was torturing me for hours.

Thank goodness you found me.

It was horrible.

He had me tied up in that
control room.

Did you see his face?

No, he wore a mess the entire

Listen, you're gonna be okay.

No, it's not.

Holy sweet Jesus, you're Rachel,

the one we've been looking for.

Hey, it's me.

Listen, I need a medic and

warehouse district right away.

Do you copy?

How's it going, Detective Casey?

Who the fuck is this?

The guy with a nickname.

Come on now, you know who this

Where are you, asshole?

So this is the button
for the siren, huh?

He's in my fucking car.

All right listen, I'll get you
to the hospital myself, okay.

Take care of this asshole, all

I'll take care of you.


There's one thing I learned

is to never give up.

At the end of the three rounds

the individual most
liked will be unleashed.

You will have 15 seconds
to perform your penance.

Round one begins now.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You got to die.



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, please.

I'm sorry too.

Where the hell are you, bastard?

Now, now, detective.

That would be telling.

I say we put a pin in it

until the rematch.

Where the fuck are you?

I'm gonna get you, man.

Hey, the hell is this?

The hell am I?

Son of a bitch.

Oh my God.

Please, please.

Is anybody there?

Look, my family's rich.



No more fooling around.

Get me the fuck out of here.

Why me?

What did I do wrong?

Come on.

Speak to me.

Listen, you don't have to lock
me up.

Whoever's doing this better
let me the fuck go right now

or I'm gonna twist off your
stupid head.

I can be an asset to you.

I can help you.

And use your skull to
crush those teeny tiny

nuts of yours.

Let me go and I swear
I will not tell anyone,

I promise.

I don't want to die here.

Come on. Let's negotiate.

Anything you want.

What is this?

A game.

Ladies and gentlemen allow
me to introduce myself.

I am the Warden and I
have gathered you all here

to participate in a little game

and like most games, the rules
are simply not in your favor.

I can't stop watching.

I mean, I can't...

I can't look away from it.

I can't push myself away from

I find the whole thing truly

degrading, irreprehensible.

I think it's fake.

I think everything in the
world is fake nowadays.

You can't believe
anything you see anymore.

That got me thinking,
you know, it's like,

what does that say about me

as a human being.

It's truly sickening

but I can't stop watching.

I would just turn it off.

Just turn it off.

If you can.