Dear Mandela (2012) - full transcript

When the South African government promises to 'eradicate the slums' and begins to evict shack dwellers far outside the city, three friends who live in Durban's vast shantytowns refuse to be... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[Indistinct conversations
and shouting in Zulu]

[Whistle blowing]

[Whistle blowing]

[Shouting in Zulu]

[People screaming]



[Indistinct shouting
on television]












♪ Buy me a rose♪

♪ Call me from work♪

♪ Open a door for me♪

♪ What would it hurt?♪

♪ Show me you love me
by the look in your eyes♪

♪ These are the little things
I need the most in my life♪

♪ My life♪

♪ Ahh hey ahh♪

[Speaking Zulu]







Man: Exactly.

Court order.


[Singing in Zulu]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Indistinct talking
on television]

Oh, okay.

[Mid-tempo jazz music plays]



[Indistinct conversations]


Sisulu: We're very proud
of the achievements

that we have notched up
as the Department of Housing.

I have believed in you.

I needed to
because when I got to Housing,

I knew absolutely nothing
about this.

And my God,
we have a long way to go.

It is an endless, endless
struggle that we face

because housing
is so much at the bottom

of everything
we would like to achieve

when we talk about pushing back
the frontiers of poverty.

We're dealing with people

who are increasingly seeing
opportunities for themselves

reflected in urban areas

and leaving in their droves
from the rural areas.

Our rate of urbanization
is far beyond

what any government
can cope with.

Especially a government that's
just come into, you know,

into place.

15 years is a very short time.

Ultimately we are committed
to ensuring

that each and every person
has a house.

Nobody in the world forced us
to do that.

It is part of what we decided
we were going to do

because we believe our people
deserve that.

That's what they fought for.

It is enshrined
in the founding documents

of my own political party.





[Indistinct talking]


Before the election,
we promised

that we are going to build
houses for you.

I warned then
that to do these things

is not something
that we can achieve overnight.

It is going to take a year,
and even as much as five years.

Don't expect us to do miracles.

We are ordinary human beings.

[Singing in Zulu]


Thank you for joining us.

Man #2: Good afternoon.
Good afternoon to you.


[Speaking Zulu]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Indistinct conversations]







[Keyboard notes playing]

[Rooster crows]

[Shouts indistinctly]




We have committed ourselves
that we would ensure

that wherever we encounter
a problem,

we are going to provide
alternative housing.

Nobody is thrown out.

Everything we've done
is within the constitution.

[Indistinct conversations]

You sure? Thanks.

[Speaking Zulu]

[Indistinct conversations,
music playing]

[Electricity zapping]






[Country and western music

[Conversing in Zulu]

["Just Because I'm a Woman"

♪ My mistakes
are no worse than yours♪

♪ Just because I'm a woman♪

[Speaking Zulu]












[Cheers and applause]

[Cheers and applause]

[Cheers and applause]

[Indistinct talking]

[Vuvuzela blowing]

[People cheering]

[Chanting continues]

[Woman sobbing]



[People singing in Zulu]

[Singing in Zulu]

Man: The class in whose interest
this application is brought

is the homeless.

The public at large
has a very real interest

in ensuring that the homeless

aren't unconstitutionally
evicted from their homes.

Here owners are being obliged,
maybe against their will,

to evict, and nothing appears
to me to be there in the act

to ensure that anybody
is directly responsible

for ensuring
alternative accommodation.

What you have heard this
morning, we respectfully submit,

is time and again, with respect
to our learned friends,

a very obdurate and,

by resort to Winnie the Pooh,
I would say Eeyore-ish,

pessimistic assessment
at every turn

of how the statute
is properly to be read.

[Indistinct talking,
whistle blowing]



No ways.

[Horns blowing]

[Singing in Zulu]


[People singing in Zulu]

[Cheers and applause]

[Light laughter]

[Up-tempo music playing]


Well, well, well.

[Up-tempo music plays]



[Speaking Zulu]

Announcer: Both these sides have
created superb chances.

Come from an offside position.

Looks comfortable
at this point, doesn't it?




[Up-tempo music plays]

[Singing in Zulu]


[Rapping in Zulu]


♪ Now it's a breath of fresh air
in this game ♪

♪ So shit must change

♪ Step back or move forward
and get rearranged ♪

♪ You had your chance

♪ I think it's about time
to flip the page ♪

[Singing in Zulu]




Wilson: Thank you very much
for that introduction.

I was hoping to come here today
and be able to, um,

discuss a judgment
in the Slums Act case with you.

But unfortunately the court

isn't handing down the judgment
as quickly as we would like.

But if we --

as we hope we are --
are successful,

not only will it stop the act
from being harmful

and stop it from being used

to evict thousands of people
all at once,

but it will also demonstrate
to government

that if they don't want to
be sued,

they better start participating

and consulting meaningfully
in the first place.












[Child laughing]

[Speaking in Zulu]


Now just an opportunity
for the members of the media

to ask questions.

There was an attempt
to destroy homes,

but the police took
the appropriate action,

and there were none of those
homes then destroyed.

The crowd was dispersed by means
of the necessary police action.

[Rooster crows]

I'm afraid I don't have
any details on that.

None has been
brought to our attention.

The police claim that they were
unaware of any homes destroyed

or people displaced, which...

which is pretty ridiculous.

Especially if they'd had
24-hour policing there.

Then they would have noticed
people leaving on Sunday.

Who did the killing that night?

I doubt the police are gonna
help us uncover that.

[Horn honking]





[People chanting
in Zulu]



I mean, essentially
what Nigel Gumede,

who is the chairperson of

the municipality's
housing committee, said,

was that Kennedy Road
is not developed

because of the Slums Act appeal,

that if it hadn't been
for the Slums Act appeal,

that people
would have houses by now,

which, again, points to...

...basic lying.


I'm here to drop my CV.




Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.




Thank you.



Thank you for that.

That's probably one of
the most exciting things

that's happened to me.


Section 16 made slum clearance
possible without consultation,

without all the safeguards that
national legislation provides.

From today, Section 16
of the act is deleted.

It just doesn't exist.

The Slums Act, you don't have to
worry about it anymore.

It's gone.

I think it's an important
judgment for Abahlali

and for all shack dwellers
in South Africa.

[Cheers and applause]



[Speaks in Zulu]






[Speaking Zulu]


Good boy.


[Whistle blowing]

[Indistinct shouting ]

[People chanting in Zulu]
























