Dealers (1989) - full transcript

The London branch of Whitney Paine, a major American investment bank, is in the midst of a crisis; after the loss of $100 million, one of their leading traders, Tony Eisner commits suicide by putting a slug through his head while seated at his place in the board room. Despite the high stakes, many of the firm's staff are eager to step into Tony's now-vacated shoes and get credit for saving the company. Daniel Pascoe, the leading trader at the firm, is convinced that he's first in line for the assignment, but the firm imports a new trader from America, Anna Schuman. Daniel is enraged and makes a point of trying to dig up as much dirt on Anna as he can, but things are going to take another turn. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food








London and this is golf Bravo kilo Mike

Mike inbound from Kent to learn by tower

bridge five miles south of zone at

15-under P can we go by Mike you crater

into the London control zone special VFR

maintaining one five zero zero feet on

the London pure nature one zero one

Niner sculpture gently don't go when you

pay Jeremy what's with these gyrations

in the long run but never mind that

you better get it in now bad news Tony I

just shot himself a couple of hours ago






it's our eyes now yes yes yeah okay Milo

come on we're all under press with the

Chris yeah he was under a hundred

million bucks worth there's the press is

gonna treat it like a bloody circus have

to tell his wife and we're gonna do that

I better do that now I know but there's

another problem what sir

well this sounds indelicate but having

your Dollar Tree to lose 100 million and

then blow his brains out all over your

boardroom table it's not the most

positive signal you can send your

shareholders it's gonna be a lot of

pressure on all of us particularly you

Robbie listen I got a research meeting

in ten minutes I'll take Danny off gilts

I'll put him on the dollar book that

won't work Robbie why not

whatever we do now is going to be

scrutinized with a laser beam I can't

recommend that we put Daniel in charge

of the dollar book why not you're too

high-profile Danny too damn risky come

on you've got a 100 million dollar loss

who the hell else is gonna pull you out

of that we have to assume a safe

Orthodox position for a while the only

way this hangs together is in a team

operation this is a respected financial

institution Daniel not a bloody casino

now most of you have been in this game

long enough to be aware of the dangers

what happened here today it's terrible I

know nobody can feel worse about it than

I do we're gonna have to try and push it


Tony Eisner lost his nerve and we are

left with the consequences we've got a

hundred million dollar loss to make up

we have to claw our way back that is our

primary concern all right everybody deep

breaths plenty of oxygen keep your heads

let's get to it



20 million buyer September's rhyme

he pays 31 well hit him again well I see

just prospectively yeah one more time

Jimmy Kelly on fourth degree

hallo minute Manny Hanny 30 dab it you

know talk to anyone today

pleasure doing business with you man oh

by the way how's Lucille oh yeah he was

to choose a bloke anyway Ben Yeah right

I'll see you

yeah right away okay come on Danny Boy

we want it upstairs Oh Robbie Daniel

thanks for coming up gentlemen this is

Anna Schumann Anna was over at Merrill

she's going to be joining us effectively

as of now Anna's gonna run the dollar

book Frank I'll be upstairs later if you

need me Anna welcome aboard

thank you gentlemen thanks Lee why

wasn't I informed Frank it's being

discussed at board level as chief trader

I expect to be consulted about the

selection of key personnel Frank now no

disrespect to mr. Schumann here but

according to my judgment which is why

you hired me in the first place in case

you've forgotten my judgment says that

Daniel here should be running the dollar

book he gets results Frank we need


miss Schumann has an excellent record

over at Merrill


read it I can't read it at all am i

doing something wrong you know we got

third quarter figures coming up I need

some decent numbers yeah Daniel I know

but can't we leave this behind for

tonight yeah we're 100 million in the

rent they've hired in some new girl from

Meryl to run the position I should have

had the position I'm the only one that

could dig us out of it well can't you

see what's happening a man kills himself

what for none of this is real

I know what you do we should go away

tomorrow night somewhere really really

hot Oh Daniel Daniel we need to get away

from me what do you think

I mean eyes nose dead six hours and

they're flying somebody else said can

you believe that

oh come on how can I take a holiday now

I can't take holiday now three days

Daniel maybe next week yeah yeah maybe

next weekend

we love fucking me





I can't bear this any longer Daniel


20 bar

I'm not going anywhere with you if you

want busy super well then forget the

deal big cousin is I don't want to go to

Johannesburg with you it's nothing

personal just that you're a real asshole

I've never even met you and you keep

asking me to go away with you


but it to be direct a wolf come okay we

pretty much square the position last

night's just loose change you be not

change okay I'm fine I'm tired you want

to take it on here yeah one of my

institutional clients is building a

portfolio and gilts thought I'd write by

you interested Daniel well I certainly

could me tell me more well we can have a

look at it hey thanks Lennox is looking

for a big stake in the five-year 85

million let's fill it should we do that

yes we sure are you sure listen the room

is under a pile of debt and we can make

a killing here small increments five ten

million don't start a panic

we've got employment things that -

shouldn't we wait come on the guy's

short he's caught I don't like this

Jamie done by Whitney plane

Nietzsche piers want to buy twenty by

the market yeah there's me yeah Jamie

down by Whitney training


come back to back yeah and on the best

soon as possible find out

hello mesmo Jamie Dunbar look I still

need more I've given you the price I

need an answer quickly I know the

figures are not you that's my business

give me those diamond

they're in place


hello Linux thought you'd call yeah

listen I can fill that order for you

well what's your price 96 in the quarter

I can fill it at 96

let's not break the positive


so what do you say I can fell it at 96

we point out of court what are you gonna

do Danny I told you to wait Daniel no

speak to you later

we appointed a court Oh this market has

to turn not our way it went okay

I'm not doing Linux one more favor you

telling Jimmy alright Tony what home




hi who's that

it's Daniel he's bonny then Franklin



I had to talk - okay - so why did you

leave without telling me what the hell

are you doing you we're doing a spread

on contemporary architecture and I

wanted time to think bukka texture this

is an architectural basis how people

like it down using a bed there you and



why after all be put into it

Wow a lot of hard drinking yes some wild

times yeah wonderful wonderful time so

what have we really put into this we

went to Europe boy

yeah I know we went to Europe we're the

only two people who've been to flamey

horrible Oh what I don't want this to


it's finished Daniel what somebody else

it's not the point

ah Christ but let's talk please let's

talk about it there's gotta be a

compromise somewhere come on again and

again I've been throwing through it with

you it isn't enough for me I mean your

work comes before everything right and I

can't live with that pressure any longer

is too much even secondhand I haven't

stopped loving you now

just need something more stable have you

found something more stable



Lucy hi it's Daniel hi what do you love

- sorry

have you eaten already will feel like

having dinner well anywhere where would

you like to go yes of course

fine when half an hour


oh it's over you know she fed up his

knees father what can I tell you spend

somebody else

cleaning up after yesterday's crapshoot

will cut half the division today we'll

take a dive in the rest


Patrick could you find me a short-term

guilty chart right pack is hi it's Anna

Schumann how are you

listen you said you were looking to get

out of German Treasuries well I can show

you a really interesting position guilt

its hit bottom it's gonna balance I'm

looking to place 85 million



Jamie want to be a hero what by 10

million guilts I'm already underwater

thinking I know I'm throwing you a

lifeline by him I have another client

you're gonna cut half your position at

the bottom of the market I've got you

the client Jesus listen you can cut and

run or go with this and see a profit

look I'm not trying to kill you I'm just

trying to help you out

Takas yeah Jamie spoon amounts 10 bar

selling short gilt done is high oh good

well book you for the 85 then yeah

that's all right let me just put you

through to Jaime Dunbar it's actually

his position Jamie pick up 44 okay for

lunch on Thursday

sure let's shoot for Thursday I look

forward to it thanks Takas would you

call him later

don't I'm out Thursday yes yes right 85

your sir

where the hell have you been

hey it's not mine it's blondie over

there engineered a rather nifty swap

attackers could say she got you out of

the shit


I never knew you played the guilt market

I just picked it up this morning wasn't

all that difficult well I appreciate it

anyway Jamie and I appreciate oh is your

responsibility not Jamie's oh Jesus

what's bugging you up dinner with me


I'm busy tomorrow busy as well Friday

Friday I'm going away

what about September 27 others blank I

never planned that far ahead

okay fair enough look I'm be straight

with you I'm busy okay let's make money




but she's only got the one regular guy



thank you shortest about I'm sorry sir

I've got my oldest in the eighth floor I

believe sir you've been dismissed this

fucking mist how come you know that and

I don't maybe I've been paying attention

I'm fine you know I worked it give me

Frank Mallory's office will you know now

hello Frank what the hell's going on

down here my office is blocked as a

bloke out here setting me on fire

what is this I put a fucking first when

listen if you want me to carry the

camper Tony either you better fucking

say-so don't give me all this crap about

trading profilin third quarter figures

it's very generous of you in the border

no no I mean it was certain my gut for

all the lies and treachery and deceit

over the years whatever no I think I'll

think about you every time I spend some

of it what's happening been fired what

they wanted a scapegoat I got the job

now you'll be getting a call from

upstairs very shortly in the meantime

I'm coming in there to pick up my

personal effects I've received a call

yes sir

I see does not compute ain't right let

me put it like this

the writing's on the wall Danny Boy the

man in a big cleanup movement don't put

a woman like Anna Sherman in here just

suppose she's got a pretty face I told

you didn't I

I want a safe altered box Tim better

what you're asked Annie well can we take

it to Peters oh forget it forget it it's

a good corporate American Farah right

nice tool a shake 60 grand I ain't

complaining cross the road you get famil

250 quid if you like a question is Danny

who's gonna be saying in my chair Oh

registered charity wants to kill us all

right all right risk Oh Patrick that

wasn't a risk of a suicide and now we're


anna xuan called Fredman wrote mobin's

he was look at the Yankee paid for 15

minutes ago

who is this a friend called Fred now

he's packaging someone he could help you

I will Kang them in the wrong game

forget it

Karl that when I would wipe all ties and

crew cuts okay Fred that sounds good

yeah I'm glad we could fill it by

Patrick I'm sorry okay

Whitney pain fair able to help you out

sping neighborly do you always smoke

like this Oh am I making you nervous

yeah yes what I always smoke like this

what you normally make people knows that

deliberately it just seems that people

around you on the hover unnaturally


I just like people think about what

they're doing well they weren't thinking

too clearly this afternoon I appreciate

what you did well I know we wouldn't be

sitting here otherwise I just wanted to

thank you that's okay I don't like to

see people too deep in the shit

listen Danny I inherited a situation you

know that otherwise I'm running an even

book anyway anybody can make a mistake

are you the only one who so hard to

screw up well I might take a dive now

and again but I always bring it back

every quarter I never less than even

lust returns showed I made three million

for the book in a nine week stretch take

a look I did take a look I read every

major deal you've made over the past 24

months I know that you're dangerous

dangerous reckless might be a better

word listen I don't want anybody under

me taking those kind of risks alright

cuz this is why you brought me here to

give me a formal warning no I didn't

bring you here to give you a warning


my place for a nightcap

it's late I'm tired oh come on I live

nearby in Canada

it's hardly nearby it's 20 minutes





you interested in photography how did

you get this well I was curious as to

how you were hired understand oh you

little shit I got this job because of my

ability yeah Oh cute I was hired because

of my track record at Merrill not that I

have to explain this to you a

relationship with Frank Mallory had

nothing to do with it not even a little

no what did you do have me followed

so it's curious that a woman with a

week's history the bank is promoted to

head trader over a guy with nine years

experience not to mention me with sixth

anything no I don't Beryl was running

that room as it was a private party for

you and Tony Eisner one hundred million

dollars I'm surprised you weren't fired

right along with him why because I can

walk into any trading room in London and

get hired like that really I'd be

surprised if you get hired shuffling

currency some deadbeat offshore bank I

get offers twice a month maybe you

should think about taking one of them

I'd like to go now

would you please take me home

it's tricky getting off the lake at

night you might hit a log or something

I'm sure you've done it before

okay then let's call a cab I do have

cabs out here don't I

yeah there's a town about four miles

away although I'm not sure they're gonna

want to come up here in the dark okay

good night Pascoe







max Colton Salomon's doesn't want feel

yeah yeah I'll be right up okay oh and

your car oh yeah

three thousand pounds and some change

since our bridge at the tire by the way

your Altima turd it's a war it's being

fixed oh don't bother

maybe you'd do us all a favor and crash

into something Anna thanks for coming up

this time of the morning I know you're

busy we're gonna research calm in 'its

hi hello okay then I'll get right to the


I've been reviewing the dollar position

since you joined us and I we are pleased

pleased and encouraged that the book is

running so smoothly thank you our

concern is the considerable loss that

the dollar operation still reflects yeah

its position you inherited of course oh

absolutely but one we have to address

ourselves to nonetheless you're talking

about a hundred million dollar negative

position and it's a tough situation we

know that that's why we hired you you

know you're capable of handling it

we're under pressure as well you know

are you saying you're not satisfied with

my performance Frank absolutely not but

Lee and I have been talking about ways

of speeding up the recovery process

that's right one scenario um I guess

that's the right word is a possible

incorporation of styles you're aware of

course that the bank wants to get rid of

this image of recklessness developed

under Robbie barrel at the same time we

have to acknowledge that Pascoe well he

does get results meaning what

what Lea is saying honor is that there

might be some percentage in utilizing

your talents and pastors in some sort of

combined operation a sort of team effort

what happens when we disagree do we flip

the coin it's a notion that we've been

discussing Anna and we naturally we

wanted to discuss it with you first okay

I'd be very grateful if you consider it

discussed and declined a plan like that

could backfire you'd be looking at a

three four hundred million dollar loss I

cannot be responsible for that I'm

telling you this guy should be put in a


so you're opposed to this idea yes I am

right all right Anna your positions

noted but it's an option which we may

yet have to consider well if you excuse

me sure thanks for coming up my pleasure

well I think that's gonna work out just



where are you going come on you never

get a text I'll give you a ride come on

come on


listen I really don't know what you know

I thought you flew everywhere I just had

this fixed it's very beautiful

so you


okay I'll see if he's in Lucy

Lucy hi

what guess some of that work and oh I'm

not sure yet can I ring you back

yeah promise your fix now was it

so whereabouts right over there the one

with the canopy


I don't suppose I could come up with a

drink are they stampeding you're right I

don't suppose you could thanks for the

ride hi Willie

evening madam what about lunch tomorrow

I'm away for the weekend


hey how are you my I missed you hi

Robert he do you meeting someone staying

Paula Lane coming up a drink all right

well yeah yeah me and Sheila decided to

pack in oh shit I'm sorry

nice all right was on her ups anyway

there's a bloody great wave couple of

and wash me off good man so what's

happening you're working no no come find

out it's an interesting not so sure

about the financial world anymore Danny

what about your life still leave it a

string of broken hearts behind only my

arm that's right Bobby

how long you down for this time two days

that's right

no sushi oh come on last time you had

just thick his fingers down my throat

okay what else are friends for I've

gotta go alright see Ben bye bye no I

love ya it's hard that she won't sleep I

can't figure out which

well this is home Danny Boy so do you

still see shit

you ever heard the expression no one

loves you when you're down and out

remember all those blokes in the mark I

used to know well they all have a parade


here's what a to Danny come on it's a

bit stuff of FEC I reckon you do too

much you're talking about I can handle

this gear so how much you paying for

this what this place

Oh bar bill laundry room service

I don't know what should we say three

grand a week but you can't stay here

Robby's like watching yourself going


oh I am broke Danny blue I am bro that's

great great I really appreciate it Danny

stay as long as you want okay okay yeah

Sam I

Jesus three o'clock what's wrong with


you're supposed to wake me at 12 on

Saturdays that's the arrangement of



why's the shoe away from the Wiggins I

brought to this present you know a bit

of a surprise there's no cable don't

kind of products all right yeah

recognize you oh yeah I tell him car


pray know what's your part thank you







figure that out




so where did you learn all this well

before I started mucking about for money

Danny I used to be a chef for years at

the super wet two years in Chicago just

be pretty good you know I've forgotten I

could do this you know we should have

invited your friend what's the name the

stewardess Oh Ricky Ricky you know what

she said to me she said she wasn't

interested in sex it might ruin our

friendship I told him said history is

littered with romances that were born

out of friendship I mean gotcha Napoleon

Josephine you got mmm

Antony and Cleopatra Hitler and Eva

Braun Sonny and Cher Charlie I'll show

ya you know I say more marriages fall

apart in this game than deals nobody can

think of anything else but the market

it's a circus mate I'm glad I'm out of

it oh you yeah I mean who needs all that

shit burnt out what 30:35 ripped

unemployable can take you're nothing but

numbers pow gonna throw stuff

you know I wish you could ease off a bit

the coke the booze the cigars yeah right

cold turkey nine o'clock first thing

tomorrow morning right come on I'm


good my friends Danny look I'm alone

yeah this world ain't such a rotten


it's just shit it's like you and me

that's what makes it what it is I'll say



this is really something Daniel we've

reached a decision about the dollar

operation albeit a temporary one he

positions this you and Hanna Schumann

are to run the book together until such

time as we recover from this negative

position Ana will continue as principle

trader and maintain overall

responsibility why not just give it to

me give me the dollar book we don't feel

secure in doing that we nonetheless

recognize your ability to put it bluntly

we want the ability without the risk

she's not getting results right Donna's

getting results we want results faster I

don't like it

this doesn't leave the room but we'll

double your commission over the next 12

months if you resolve the loss you could

be looking at 600 grand

basically you want me to troubleshoot

Anna's position out of the shit right in

a word yes

well if I pull this off I want the

dollar book exclusively we can discuss

that later I need a commitment now I

can't commit to that I'll think about it

well think about it on the way to the

elevator Daniel we have to move on this

you're wearing an enigmatic expression I

said something cooking well excuse me

could you ask the young lady could I buy

you a drink sure cooking we're upstairs

the young lady system pistol

Daniel hi this is mrs. Keith Keith

Daniel um drinking at the end of the day

relaxing yeah what about you

so we're meeting some people

hey Wolfgang

what's your position on lunch just a

sandwich no just a mineral water I like

to be in control here good why'd you

cover that position do you think it's

wrong to take a profit no change money

in the bank why don't we just go sell

apples on the corner hey Wolfgang yeah

why don't you take the price pick up

that poor she got Leah Daniel you in the

seven-year packet ah not interested look

you're gonna be all year digging

yourself out of this position unless you

commit yourself to some major move I

don't like the risk it's risky it's max

I'm one of your spectacular d1 Mossad

you got nice breasts

that's more than I could say for you so

come on tell me what to do boss

they seen Daniel I didn't ask to be put

in this position no we got your

sweetheart and Mallory to thank for that


you wouldn't happen to know anything

about a bunch of balloons floating

around my apartment oh dude yeah about a

hundred of them red white




you better leave your keys at the door

man otherwise I'll tell you



I wonder why Peters keeps having these L

fantastic look you know give him a braid

wants to show off his Jackson power all

we gonna do is walk around eat a few

these hors d'oeuvres and leave listen I

got a better idea why don't we slip away

now find something quiet to eat maybe

drink a little bit more than the show

what do you think well

fancy like anything

yeah I'd like that so what do you think

I think I should give this another

half-hour hi

Shu I'd like you to meet my wife caller

hi nice to meet you miss Anna Sherman

and down your pasture

one of our more flamboyant trainers Oh

Li Peters goose all about you

he thinks you're a star stars burner he

must be terribly clever

I don't even balance my checkbook excuse

me where's the chief trader who Anna

she's around they're usually around her

just a professional association I'll

show you

bullshit you shouldn't sleep with the

boss oh no you can sleep with the star

but not the box I'll bear that in mind I

hope you won't embarrass have you been

getting on with Pascal you seem quite

relaxed together we get a long time you

see transmission

Frank it was your idea that we've run

the book together you know oh it's

located for Monday sure



oh you slept with the light on

yeah the dark who was that bitch it sure

was a kid Thunder like something funny's

in London Mark Richt playing Whitechapel

fabulous someone hit something a little

bit fiercer than that Danny I might have

a little Enterprise of my own going st.

Danny yeah yeah found this restaurant

worse not exactly a restaurants more of

it in a couple miles down the road

they're running downhill bloke was to

pack it in so much I get something

together you know making a little bit

more upmarket check the aristocracy what

do you think always know a decent

ratatouille is a I think you'd be really

good at this all right son

you know we could go away together

yeah now you're gonna be too busy

sleeping partner best clients we have

myself the best part sweat so how's life

in the big city overcoming corner

country yoku you know forgotten what

it's like

how's the head girl a lot less frosty

than I thought yeah I'm sure you're

calling her out but you want to try

getting her to commit to some major move

we sit there we make these penny-ante

deals we never make a dent in the

position we don't need me to tell you

what to do there yeah what would you do

come on you're the golden boy didn't

keep you hanging around cuz I like the

colour your suit you know what would you

do Robbie you want me to confirm what

you're already thinking come on

right I double my position you got GMP

figures coming in a couple of days Marga

is gonna get a boost double your

position tough it out it's another 100


doesn't have to know does she

Daniel Pascoe what's your price for the

lumber good 20 boug


I know I have to leave but meet me at

the plane at 7:30 you all right yes you

take care of this


what's your price in the long bond

playing volatility huh what's your price

96 you got 50


50 million in the long bond passport

with me plane


you're right



hi Bev hi mission I'd like to listen to

the voice records on Daniel Pascoe's

position with Lee's sure some dispute

over a trade just want to clear it up

this guy's racing up the charts what do

you mean mr. Mallory requested Mr Pascoe

his voice records yesterday he did yeah


hi I thought I was being stood up I was

delayed I'm sorry

okay I gotta talk to you

let's talk over dinner I got this

houseguest I want you to meet this guy's

a terrific cook


it really is something I need to talk to

you about Daniel yeah

so on

come on Seville


where's your gun

Dora come on Dora

what are you going






what is it

not sure


oh my god

oh my god

yeah this is

I mean maybe we'll be Robby was right

this is a rotten business I mean Eisner

kills himself Robbie burns himself oh

well for who's next you me what are we

doing chasing one deal after another he

was coming around he was eating himself

after boozing the cock

nothing he was happy

what was it he wants you to say that you

wanted to talk to me about something

hello Ana have a seat

what's up I've say what's on your mind

I've discovered a situation that's

jeopardizing the bank's position and I

realize I I can't ignore it you being

rather cryptic yes well

simply put Daniel Pascoe's taken a

massive position in Treasuries without

my knowledge how massive two hundred

million dollars

you say without your knowledge and how

do you know I requested the boys records

have you confronted Pascoe what is he

say no I haven't GMP figures are due

earlier this afternoon I imagine he's

anticipating an upswing in Treasuries

what do you think markets looking for an

upturn what are you gonna do I think we

should go with it

I mean if pass goes right we can clean

out this position now if he's wrong

have you advised Frank Mallory about

this Frank already knows really he

requested the voice records a day ahead

of me did he and the point is he said

nothing not to me not to Pascoe and I

gather not to you either

well you're the chief trader the

discretion lies with you and your


Jesus the guy's crazy happen the US

Treasury secretary just now the press

conference he says he doesn't mind if

the dollar talks another couple points

what's the market doing holding like a

brick where's Danny he's in the men's


Danny you gotta get out here we got a

problem the markets going south so what

you built a huge stake in this market

it's gonna hit bottom we're gonna lose

another 100 million hey wait a minute

now how what did the feds say if there's

something about wanting a weaker dollar

charlie Jim people just come a 1:30

right we live that no I know you're

thinking seller position we are not they

just dropped again is that next time

what yeah oh shit where is this yeah

okay okay now where you going look

please I have to speak to Lennox but the

guys in a meeting at the Bank of England

they won't put any calls why because if

I let the GMP figures Ellie would be

ahead of the market never mind how just

give me 30 minutes don't do anything


what's the damage


I need to speak to mr. Lennox Mayhew I'm

sorry sir that's impossible

I can't disturb is being under any

circumstances alright Daniel Pasco

Department of Trade and Industry

Investigative Division if he's not here

within 30 seconds you cited for



then I need to ask a favor

well make it lightning quick Hey look I

need to know the USDA predicts a couple

of hours we'd all know I know I need to

know him now that remember a year ago he

was seeing that woman a federal reserve

now we had the CPI figures that before

they were published Lenox could you try

yeah thanks she left eight months ago

happily married expecting her first baby

that help use on


it's Daniel so what and Lennox say I

should know no does he couldn't make it

happen it was were to try to how do you

know that but I know I know I know I

know it is an instinct

it's just trapped again yes you could

say so it's giving ten minutes five I'm

on my way okay

Daniel I'm really putting my ass on the

line here this goes down we all go down

don't do anything I'll be back


I hold the discretion here I want you to

take this position now I'm running this

test when such time as I override you

this position to deteriorating by the

minute sellers


you were brought in here to run a

cautionary position instead of which you

let pass go take a 200 million flyer

you've been aware of this position at

least as long as I have Frank you said

nothing expecting path go to come and

glued so you could fire him seriously

gonna carry the can for Pascoe please

get a carry declare the TMP pickers are

gonna drive the market up how could you

possibly know that

never mind I know you're both on the

line here you've dealt beyond your limit

and you you failed to monitor the

situation this room was safer with a

rush like Robby barrel in control you're

finished here Pascoe when I've squared

this position then I'm finished we made

a deal you wanted an even book I'm gonna

give you an even book we are then I'm

out so why don't you leave me the hell

alone so I can get all minute




United States GNP figures announced this

morning a resulted in a surprise upswing

in the money markets a rally for the

dollar and a welcome relief for Wall

Street and other financial centers

around the world in London the dollar

has just made three cents against the

pound for Washington Chris Ackland has

this report

the GMT figures a quarterly analysis of

how the US economy is performing

considerably over those expected


come on come on come on come on come on


to see that


all right let's go we're in the black

just wanna see another heart


clean miss position out these GNP

figures dispelled any gloom on Wall

Street world markets appear to be

reacting favorably towards the dollar

forty four buck last 46

Carol playing lute nu 98 okay good

ten to you twenty sold Wolfgang yeah

your pal in Vienna the game you have an

interest in the fifteen years taking me

still there i what level to go better

little too good fill it he pays 31 but

Celebi can ever matter one all right

this guy lonely do 25 okay okay take 25

leave on you're done give me the

security department would you

good 20 yourself

that's it I'm done


running out on me Pascoe the books

straight that's what we set out to do is

that all that matters here the book well

I think my relationship with the

management is strained what about us

the team Alanna wherever you are to be a

great team

we've got an even book we can write our

own ticket

carefully flight




okay let's make money yes I am Frank

fully aware are you Frank I'm afraid you

may be too late


the security people came by 15 minutes

ago mr. Murray they changed the locks


hi Pascoe what took you so long

but I took a walk I needed some air

aren't you supposed to be somewhere else

depends how you look at it the books

straight that's what we set out to do oh

come on you got a clean slate you got

prime position in the room you got it

all have I



did you get y'all Timoner fix yeah

doesn't matter of fact I did what are

you taking me

I think you'll just slip away quiet

place nearby we could ask you dinner

you drink a little more than we show why

do you say where is this place

France that's hardly nearby it's 20

minutes I promise you
