Deadwood '76 (1965) - full transcript

A young drifter is mistaken for Billy the Kid. The consequences prove deadly. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
* Billy Boy rode out
to Deadwood, *

* Far from home
and the family folks, *

* Left his home 'lone
far behind him, *

* Searching for a
bag of gold. *

* Billy Boy was
tall and handsome, *

* Gentle soul,
with a heart so bold, *

* Swore he'd always
keep on riding, *

* Till he found
that bag of gold. *

* Under sky so bright
with sunshine, *

* And over mountains
sweet with rain, *

* Billy Boy rode West
to Deadwood, *

* Where the sunset
weeps with flames. *

["Oh, Susanna"
playing on harmonica]

[wagon creaking]

All right, steady, boys.

Doggone it, there's always
something to take care of.

Let me look at this gantry.

[hooting] [gunshots]

Ho-howdy, boys.

I'm Tennessee Thompson,
son of Dixie.

Ain't causing nobody no harm.

[speaking foreign language]


Ain't got nothing worth taking.

Sure as hell
I ain't worth killin'.

[cats meowing]

Just a load of pussycats,
takin'em to Deadwood. [laughs]

[cat meows]

White man sure make big fool.

Yeah, I've been a big fool

ever since I had the general
rattle my shots shallow,

didn't pull the trigger.

[cat meows]

What you do
white man skunk?

That ain't skunks, it's cats.

They kill rats!

Go ahead, help yourself.

All Indian tents
just full of rats.



Sure glad you happened by, son.

- Get the rifles.
- Yeah.

Gimme that pussycat!

I'll take that gun.
Damn coyotes!

Gimme that gun!

Low stinking Indians.
You too, varmint!

Call my pussycats skunks again.

Try to kill me, Indian?

I'm gonna blast
your thievin' head off!

Don't be feeling
your oats, old timer.

You ain't aiming to turn these
rotten hyenas loose, do you?

They caused you no harm.

Caused me no harm?

They was gonna kill me,
shoot me down like a rat!

Be on your way!

You can't trust
them Indians, boy!

I said, get!

The only good Indian
is a dead Indian!

Oh, you reckless youngun!

The graveyard's full
of your kind, boy,

and for doing
what you just did.

[mumbling] Doggone youngun
lettin' those Indians go.

Oh, this young generation's
already done anyway.

Piece of coward
made me so mad--

Where you headin'?


So am I.

Well, you just better
come along with me, then,

if you ever expect
to get there!

* Across the wide
Dakota country, *

* Where the Lord
ain't ever seen, *

* Billy Boy,
he kept on riding *

* Like an eagle
on dark winds. *

Watcha gonna do
with all them cats?

I'm in the cat business, boy.

But not for long, not exactly.

I'm gonna load this ol' wagon
here full of gold,

go back to Tennessee,

buy myself a plantation.

There I'm gonna sit down
on my veranda,

in silk shirts and fancy pants,

and sip them juices.

You know where
you gonna get all this gold?

I'm gonna dig for it.

You make it sound pretty easy.

Oh, nothing is easy
in this old world, boy.

You after gold, too?

Reckon so.

Digging it, or taking it?

I see there's been
another shooting.

Yes, preacher.

It looks like you'll have
another busy day.

Maybe when we can build
a church in Deadwood,

people can come
to know the Lord.

Who was it, Kate?

Oh, one of the boys spit on
the dance floor again, Charlie.

You know how fancy
he is about that.

That was a nice straw of fancy.

As long as
I'm working for you, Kate,

we're gonna run a clean place.

- Curt, Spec.
- Howdy.

Purty nice shooting, Fancy.

Here here.

Don't wonder if Fancy
don't steal his oats

and decide to have her go
with Wild Bill.

Yeah, well Wild Bill is coming
to town after Billy The Kid.

Now that oughta be
a real showdown.

Yeah! [laughs]

Can't you do anything
to stop these killings?

Mrs. Steadman, I'm only
the deputy, not the sheriff.

Mr. Harding, is it true
Billy The Kid is coming to town?

John Slaughter says
he's riding in from Santa Fe.

Hear that, Ma?

I hear it and I don't like it.

They don't come any faster
than Billy The Kid.

Hubert, you're a long ways
from being a gun fighter.

I can outdraw anybody in town.

Maybe you can, but gunmen
are something else, boy.

I ain't no boy.

You come on home
and do your chores.

Oh, Ma!

- Howdy, Half-Shot.
- Howdy.

I see Bear Creek Johnny
is at it again.

Now that's
the smartest man in town.

Never gets himself in trouble
and does a good business.

Someday he's gonna be
the richest man in Deadwood.

Lord, help us.

These people they keep coming,

the young and the old
into this place.

They know not what they do.

Oh, Lord, your people
think only of gold.

I need help.

We need a church
here, in Deadwood.

Oh, Lord,
we need a church.

* From near and far, *

* The man has gathered, *

* Wildest tears
these dreamers told, *

* Of the bad land
in the town of Deadwood, *

* Where the rivers
rattly go. *

* They brought along
their wives and children, *

* The trail was long,
the nights were cold, *

* A brand new day
would soon be dawning, *

* Where they all
discover gold. *

Sam Bass put you up
to that, Kate?

Oh, put your mind
to rest, Fancy.

The way he's beginning
to twist you around,

it looks as if he's trying
to take over Deadwood.

Nobody's gonna take over
this town.

Sam Bass
or any other gunman slinger.

Just you, Kate, huh?
You alone.

Flattery will get you nowhere,
Fancy Poggin.

[joyful saloon music playing]

Well, I didn't know
you could read, Bear Creek.

Kate, you're the smartest woman
West of Saint Louie.

- And?
- And the prettiest.


- And the richest.
- And?

You're gonna be all mine.

Don't count on it,
Fancy Poggin.

[men laughing out loud]

Well, that ain't polite.

Ma always taught me
to be polite.

Poor show, maybe he got
no Ma to learn him, huh?

- Yeah.
- [laughing]

Hey, Chucky, come and pour
a couple of glasses here.

[man laughing]

His attitude is bad.

It can knock a fellow plum out
without hardly getting them.

Yeah. [laughs]

Hey, Chucky,
bring that bottle over here!

How the bets come in?

- Running about 50-50, I'd say.
- Yeah?

When Billy The Kid hits town,

he'd better turn in
his gear to Bear Creek.

[laughs] I saw Hickok stand
between two willows,

draw and firing three slugs,

and hit both willows
at the same time.

- Oh!
- [laughs]

Yeah, yeah.

Gentlemen, any kindness
would be appreciated.

Are you still pushing that sack?

I'm trying to build us
a church here, in Deadwood.

Well now, how do we know

that all that money
you're collectin'

is going for the church, preach?

Yeah, let's see
what you got in that sack.

All right now, stop it, boys,
or Fancy will shoot.

Oh, we was just funnin', Kate.

[laughs] Why sure!

Now you wouldn't shoot us,
would you, Fance?


There's lot of money here,
preacher. Take care of it.

The town is growing, Miss Kate,

new folks moving in.

Someday we're gonna have
a grand place here.

We'll have a fine church.

I'm pledged to.

You gettin' soft, Kate?

Supposin' you just
pick up Charlie.

[men laughing]

Come on, boys,
let's have a drink.

...and she's gentle
and she's housebroke.

Do I hear ten dollars?

- Five dollars.
- That's very nice, thanks.

- Do I hear--
- I say ten!

Thank you, friend.
I hear ten dollars now,

do I hear fifteen?

Do I get fifteen?

Somebody bits $15 now?

Sold to the gentleman out here
for ten dollars.

Mister, you got yourself
a real steal.

Get them
while they're left, folks,

ain't many left.

Not get ready
for this little beauty.

Her mother belonged
to President Jeff Davis

and her father...

- Well...
- [girl laughs]

What will it be?

- Five dollars.
- Thanks, friend, five dollars.

I got five dollars,
do I hear ten?

Ten dollars.

Now here's ten dollars now,
do I get fifteen?


Sold to the gentleman
right here for $40!

There you are, sir.

She'll purr like [indistinct]
if you pet her.

Here you are, Clammie,
a present for you.

Oh, thank you, Walter.

This here big fellow's growed up
on fresh water catfish.

He looks like a mountain lion.

I named him General Bolyguard,
that's my old commander.

- What are my bids?
- Five dollars.

Sir, that's an insult
to General Bolyguard

and his good name.

Go make it ten.

How would you like
on of them cats?


Oh, you gotta be kiddin', Fancy.

Those scrawny little things?

Besides, I have enough trouble
with my girls.

Yeah, they are pretty
scrawny looking at that.

Sold for 25 dollars!
There you are, ma'am.

Curt, I think I'm gonna get me
one of them cats.

Maybe it'll help my gal
sweeten up a little bit.

Yeah, sure, take a couple.

Makes me feel quite sad
to part with Mark Twain.

I called him that on account
of these whiskers,

a fine mustache.

- [cat meows]
- [man laughs]

- That'll cost you $100, friend.
- Oh!

That cat came all the way
from Omaha.

[man laughs]

Did you hear that, Ben?

That cat came
all the way from Omaha.

- Yeah.
- [man laughs]

Hundred dollars
for the cat, mister.


Well now, take it easy, sonny.

You don't wanna
go get yourself in trouble.

Tell the kid who I am.

Kid, you're talking here
to Ben Hayes.

And I happen to be Curt Aiken.

The money or the cat.

Now kid, maybe
you didn't hear what I said.

We're Sam Bass's boys.

I don't care who you are.
The money or the cat!

BEN: You be kiddin' me, Curt.

Maybe I oughta teach him
a little lesson on respect.

He sure talks big.

Down in the panhandle, when
punks like you hear our name

they jump right out
of their boots.

Now where
do you want to slug, kid?

'Cause I don't wanna kill ya.

Well then, suppose
you just leave it in your gun.

[Ben laughs]

Boy, I said
I didn't want to kill ya,

but you keep up
with that big talk and...

Kid, don't you know who I am?

I'm Curt Aiken!

Well now, maybe some
of these Eastern folks

ain't heard of ya, Curt.

Maybe it's time they did.


I'm gonna kill you, kid.

Out here you gotta
back up your talk.

Now let's just see
if you're as fast with that gun

as you are with your mouth.

[horses neighing]

[people clamoring]

You sure got a fast gun, Billy.

Billy? That's Billy The Kid.

Billy The Kid?

So you're Billy The Kid, huh?

That's him, all right.

Billy, I'm Poker Kate,
I run the Greenfront.

- But, Ma'am, I--
- Welcome to Deadwood.

I've gotta explain something--

Pretty fancy gun
played there, Billy.

But I'm a-warning you.

Sam Bass will be
madder than a devil

when he hears you gun-downed
two of his top boys.

Yeah, well I've seen Billy here.
He can take on anybody, anytime.

That was the fastest gun
I ever saw, Billy.

Hubert, how many times
have I told you

to quit playing gun slayer?

That's Billy The Kid, Ma.

First it was Wyatt Earp
and now it's Billy The Kid.

It don't look too much older.

He ain't much bigger, either.

[sighs] I don't care
who he is. Come on!

- If you dare--
- But it's Billy The Kid, Ma!

Boy, I've been thinking.

Why don't you and me
be partners?

We both want gold.

Now I got the stake
to get us started,

you got the guns
to keep us in business.

Partners in what?

The mining business.

Sounds good.

Yeah, we-we'll name it
The Tennessee Mining Company.

How's about it, Billy Boy?

- Okay.
- Right.


I was thinking
more like 10% for you.

Oh, no.
Fifty-fifty, Tennessee.

- But that's half!
- That's right.

Half for you, half for me.

Look, let's get
ourselves a drink

and then we're
gonna find a mine, huh?

10% for you.

- No, fifty-fifty, Tennessee.
- Boy, that's half!

[joyful saloon music playing]

Hello, Billy.

They call me Montana,
but I'm from New Orleans.

Hey, you wanna buy
a little gal a drink?

- Sure!
- Okay.

You know,
you just bought yourself

one of the best claims
around these parts.

Just a minute, sir.

If this is the best claim
on these parts,

how come you're selling?

Ain't got no choice.

- Can't work it on account
of old trinket here. - Oh!

You know, the Doc says that
heavy work might just kill me.

Here, pour another.

No! No, no.

I'm going over
and talk to my partner.

Billy Boy!

We got ourselves a mine.

The best claim around,
as I was said.

Yes, sir. There's the start
of The Tennessee Mining Company.

Well, Half-shot,

I see you finally got rid
of that worthless mine.

The fool and his money
is soon party.

The kid is liable to draw on you
when he finds out

what you did to the old boy.

That kid ain't gonna be around
when Hickok gets here.

Who sold you this?

Deputy Harding.

Poor feller's got a bad ticker.

He can't work at it himself.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Hello, boys.

I hear you bought
yourselves a mine.

Yeah, we sure did.


[mumbling] Up there by
the gray side, side of the Pop.

You mean the "Pa-Pasapa"?

[mumbling] That's what it says,

There's gold
in those hills, all right,

but that ain't all there is.


Meaning it's Injun country.

don't last long there.

Don't pay Fancy no call, boys.

Like he said, there's plenty
of gold in them hills.

Gold nuggets feel right at home,
here at The Greenfront.

Montana sure is a cute
little thing, ain't she, Billy?

She sure is.

We call her our lady in red.

Come to think of it,
you're kinda cute yourself.


You know, I was just about
to say the same thing 'bout you.


I bet you're a real ladies' man.

Hmm, I'm not one to brag,

but I have had
my share of funnin'

with the women folks in my time.

Oh, I bet you were
a holy terror, handsome.

Thank you, Kittie.

Now, here's to your mine,

and Billy's success
against Wild Bill.

[Tennessee singing]

How do you feel?

Billy Boy, we got
ourselves a mine, boy.

Let's go back in
and get a little drink

with Poker Kate, huh?

Poker Kate, here I-- Whoa!

That's all said, huh?


* You found a partner, *

* And to him his
story told, *

* In their search for gold,
They searched for gold. *

And there's gold
in this here streaming.

Must come for up there.

Nothing, nothing.

Billy Boy!

Gold! Gold, Billy Boy!

You have to see this, Billy Boy!

Gold! Yeah! Lookie here!

Gold! Gold!

This place must be
full of it, Billy Boy!

We're gonna be rich!

[both laughing]


Billy Boy!

Take a look here, won't you?

Ain't that a purty sight?


Yes, sir.

Big [indistinct]
is gonna make us rich.

I'm gonna make us a terwilliger.

- You're gonna make a what?
- Terwilliger.

We'll terwilliger
this whole area.


Tennessee, you still drunk?


Back in Tennessee,
when I was a youngun,

I knew this feller he struck
gold with his bare hands,

he witched it out, just like
he was hunting for water.

Yeah! Seen him
with my own two eyes.

Old Donald Terwilliger
was his name.

Yeah, you go ahead
and laugh, boy.

Yeah, laugh all you want to.

He just wanted to be
the richest man in Tennessee.

Yeah, Donald Terwilliger.

[playing the harmonica]

If the Indians
didn't know we're here,

sure in the hell know now.

Better take turns
sacking in tonight.

[playing the harmonica]

Where you from, Billy?


You don't loved it.

Fight in the war?

Georgia's 5th Regiment.

I was twelve when I went in.

[laughs] I'll be.

[playing the harmonica]

Uh, how come
you drifted away out here?

It's a long story.

Well, we got nothing but time.

Well, after I got home
from Gettysburg,

I found nothing but ashes
where my house once stood.

Fields were burnt.

Horses stolen.


My Ma never recovered.

Pa never came back.

Heard he was killed
over at Shiloh.

So I just took off
and hit it West.

Kept on the move.

[playing the harmonica]

That's how you got
your reputation, huh?


How many men you figure
you killed, Billy?

I'm not Billy The Kid,

My name is Billy May.

You mean you're not The Kid?

I never said I was.

They think you are in town.

Let them think it.

The way I look at it,

there's gonna be
a lot less trouble that way.

Less trouble?

With Hickcok
and Sam Bess around, boy,

you're in for a heap of trouble.

Every gun slinger will try
to oversize you, boy.

And I took you in as a partner,

as the genuine Billy.

- That's right, Tennessee.
- Yeah.


Wasn't it gonna be my gun
and your stake'd make us rich?

But I thought
you was Billy The Kid.

But it's still the same gun
that helped you.


* Billy Boy
was like a storm cloud, *

* But as the grass
is fit the sun, *

* Like the pine trees
meet the mountain, *

* Billy made
his fate with God. *


- Tennessee.
- [growling]

- Let's go!
- Hm?

All right. Where? What?

[mumbling] [snoring]


You could have been
a dead man, Tennessee.

Now you stay awake, you hear?

Uhm, you ain't thinkin'
about maybe,

maybe cuttin' off
your partner, eh, Billy?

There ain't gonna be
no partners and no nothing

if you keep falling asleep
on guard!

Now I like my scalp
just where it is.


[coyote howling]


[speaks foreign language]

[speaks foreign language]

We meet again, young one.

Spotted Snake not forget.

No harm will come to you
for now.

[speaks foreign language]

[speaks foreign language]



- Pa!
- My Billy boy!

I thought you was dead.

I thought you was, too.

All these years,
you growed into a big man.

- You're growed some too, Pa.
- [laughs]

[speaks foreign language]

Little Bird,
Spotted Snake's daughter.

I guess that's about
the whole story, Billy.

But, Pa, you can't do this.

Why, you still fightin' the war?

Yes, and I'll never stop.

But the South surrendered.

No Yankee took my sword,

and they never will.


You saw what
they did to our land.

How they treated
our women folks.

And you'd give into.

But, Pa, don't you understand?
The war is over!

It's been over
for several years, Pa.

There's no more fighting.

What are you doing here,
wasting away your life?

Here, with my Indian friends,
I found something, Billy.

The Indians are great soldiers.

Look at Red Cloud.

I bet with Goat, Crazy Horse,
Rain in the Face,

together we can annihilate
the 7th cavalry.

You mean you're planning a war?

The Sioux are planning war.

I'm what's left of the army.

And I believe in them,
in their cause.

The Yankees are doing to them
just what they did to us,

but when we're ready,
the Yankees will go such hell

as they've never known before.

I can't believe it.

I just can't believe it.

If we can destroy Custer,

the Sioux can force a treaty
and retain the Black Hills,

and then this will become
the headquarters

for what's left
of the Confederacy.

Billy, you must join us.

Pa, I think you oughta
come with me

and forget
this whole crazy scheme.

They need men like you
in Deadwood.


When I go to Deadwood,
I'll take an army of warriors

and I'll burn it to the ground.

And I'll raise the Confederate
where I go with the ashes,

in the name of the Sioux.

But you can't do that.

Don't you see?

You're using the Indians
for your own purpose.

You wait and see.

Soon you'll here
what happens to Custer!

Pa, you're taking
like a mad man.

I am a madman!

I've got good cause to be.

Now you stay here with us.

You'll think different.

Here, you can have it.

Go on.

I got that from General Olstry.

Little soldier
of great white leader.

You changed your mind, Billy?

Look, Pa. I got a partner.

He's working on our claim.

- So I gotta get back.
- But, son, I...

Billy, this is chief Big Foot.

Chief Goat and Crew Dog,
friend of Crazy Horse.

My friends, my boy
will soon join us.

He to is a confederate
and an experienced soldier.

Pa, I ain't joining nothing.

I thought him
how to handle pistols

and he's fast
as the best of them.

Ain't that right, Billy?

Tonight you sit
with our counsel.

Pa, I said I had to go.

Why don't you leave
these people to their ways?

You don't need to teach them
white man's war.

Teach these men?

Why I learned from them
more than they learned from me.

These chiefs are great generals,
great as any white general.

Goat could've stood up
to Stonewa Jackson.

Crazy Horse and Crew Dog,
all fine generals.

Tonight we'll feast
and then we'll counsel.

And the Confederacy
will be born again, Billy!


- Billy?
- Billy.


I gotta be going, Pa.

Son, what are you aiming to do?

I'm sorry, Pa.

I don't think your way.

Well, go then!

But you'll come back.

You and I don't have a country.

This is our country, our home.

No, Pa, this is not my home.

Great chief, I do not want
any part of war.

I only want gold
so I can go back to Georgia

and leave in peace.


All men should think peace.

You may dig
all the gold you want.

My braves will not harm you.


Thank you.

Bye, Pa.

* Billy Boy has met
his true love, *

* Indian girl
with a face so fair, *

* She would be
forever faithful, *

* Fill her soul
with a love so real. *



What are you doing here?

I stay with you.

You can't do that.

You better go back
to your people.

You're a little young
to be riding about alone.

Do you understand what I say?

I am not lone .
I am with you.

You can't stay with me.


Because you can't, that's why.

I stay.

You can't stay.

I stay.

You see this shirt?

This belonged to my partner,
Tennessee Thompson.

Something's happened to him,

It's not safe here.

My people
won't bother you anymore.

There's other people here
besides your people.

Now go!

I said go.

Pretty little gal,
ain't she, Spec?

Mighty purty for a squaw.

Sure looks tender.


[men laughing]
[girl screams]

Go on! Get her!
Grab her good!

Get her! Fast!

It will be easier
if you don't fight it.

Give it to her! Go on!

Stay still, stop fighting!

Come on,
you look like a fool!

Come on already!

- [groaning] [screaming]
- [laughing]

She's gonna be all right.

Was she...?

Yeah, and whoever did it
has a few scratches on him.

I found skin and blood
under her fingernails.

Can I?

Can I see her?

She's resting now.

A little later.

Thanks, Doc.

[saloon music playing]
[men laughing]

Boys, I wanna have
myself a house

like ol' Andy Jackson's place,

with those big white pillars,
old purtied up.

And I'm gonna wear
imported clothes

and smell sweet.

Boys, you looking
at the richest man in Tennessee.

Here's a draft of the contract
with a private bank

in San Francisco, Mr. Thompson.

Just sign your name.


And this is just
to start, you say.

Just to start, Mr. Thompson.

You say the Injuns got Billy.

Yes, poor kid.

I tried to save him,
but couldn't.

It almost cost me my life.

It's such a shame, you know,

'cause Billy could've been
a rich boy.


Billy! [stammers]
I thought you was dead.

Yeah, I just heard
what you thought.

Uhm, oh, we struck it rich,
Billy Boy.

Look, here's
a draft for $40,000.

We're in the mining
business, boy.

I just signed the deal
with Mr. O'Hara here.

He's gonna do the minin' for us.

All we gotta do is-is
sit back and spend it.

Tennessee tells us
you're not Billy The Kid.

I-I thought
I'd tell the truth, Billy Boy.

You know? Ain't no reason
for not telling the truth.

Oh, I'm sure glad
to see you alive, Billy Boy.

I worried something
terrible about you.

Come on, boy.
I'll buy you a drink.

You know, kid,

Hickok's arriving
from Cheyenne tomorrow.

He'll know
if you're The Kid or not.

A lot of money's riding
on The Kid.

Don't get any ideas
about leaving town.

Not before tomorrow, that is.

You don't expect Billy
to go against Hickok, do you?

He wouldn't have a chance.

Let's get that drink, boy.

If you'll excuse me, Miss Kate.
Mister Poggin.

How well do you know
Wild Bill, Kate?

Well enough, why?

There's a lot of people in town
that still think

this boy here is The Kid.

A lot of money's riding on him.

A little talk with Hickok
and we could clean up on this.


You may not believe this,

but I tried to save you
from those Indians, boy.

That is right.

Almost cost me my life, too.

I thought you met up
with some kind of trouble

when I found your shirt
with blood on it.

Oh, I tore that while
I was workin' on the wagon.

You thought that I was--

I thought you was dead,
you thought I was dead.

Uh, a celebration.
Celebration, yeah.

Let's have a little drink.

Chucky, send me another bottle.

Jollie, take this bottle
in to Spec.

Okay, Chucky.

Don't go away.

I'll take it to him.

- Hey!
[girl laughing]

[laughter, giggling continues]

Come on, Montana,
give ol' Spec a little kiss.

Hey, what happened to your face?

You tangled with a wild cat?

Yeah, baby, she sure was
some wild cat.

[both laughing]

Give it here, boy.

Give it here.

That's all, boy. You can close
the door on your way out.



- What happened?
- What was that?

What happened?

- He's dead!
- What's wrong?

He was just lying there dead.

- What is it?
- You don't understand?

- Oh!
- What happened?

Billy shot Spec!

You out of your mind?

You just gunned down two more
of Sam Bass's boys, Billy.

Pretty fancy
shooting there, Billy.

I'm betting 500 more on The Kid,
any takers?

[crowd approving]

[saloon music resumes]

* When the crowd
began to gather, *

* On the streets
of Deadwood town, *

* Billy knew
that Wild and Hickok *

* Would be there
to gun him down. *

* Oh, Billy Boy... *

[knocking on door]

- Who is it?
- Tennessee.

The Doc told me
about that Injun gal.

So that's why you gunned down
them two men, huh?

I'm sure you didn't come here
to say that, Tennessee.

So what do you want?

I came to tell you that Hickok
just rode into town.

He checked into the hotel.

Poker Kate and Fancy Poggin
is with him right now,

having a little talk about you.

They're not sure
you're not The Kid.

Come tomorrow, you will
be dead and they'll be richer.

A lot of money
being bid on you, boy,

especially after tonight.

I've been telling everybody
you ain't The Kid,

but nobody believes me!

You worried about me
again, Tennessee?

You ain't fixin'
to take Hickok on, are you?

Oh, Billy Boy,
nobody's that fast.

Not even Earp or Clay Alysson.

I didn't say
I was taking anybody on.

Yeah, but you're thinking it.
I can see it in your eyes.

Listen to me, boy.

Leave now or you
gonna be dead tomorrow.

All you damn
gun slayers is a lie!


It aint' just Hickok
you gotta worry about.

Sam Bass's gonna be here, too,

and he's gonna be firing mad
when he finds out

that you gunned down
four of his boys.

If you stay here tomorrow,

you're just aching
to be laid in the grave.

That's mighty kind of you
to worry about me so, Tennessee.

Why the sudden change of heart?

Boy, tell you what
I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna make you
full partner again.

On one condition.

You leave now,
while you can.

Go to them friends
you was telling me about.

Them Injuns friends.

Is it me or that mine
you're worried about, Tennessee?

You confounded youngun!

More stubborn
than an army mule!


- Good night.
- Good night!


- Beautiful night.
- Yeah.

Thanks for the drink, Kate.

See you in the morning, Fancy.

Good night, Bill.

Good night.

Well, Kate, looks like
we're in business.

Hickok doesn't know it, yet,
but he's working for us.

Don't be too sure, Fancy.

Hickok's no fool.

Neither am I, Kate.

- Mr. Hickok?
- Yes?

You don't know me,
my name is Tennessee Thompson.

I'd like to talk to you
about tomorrow,

if you got a few minutes.

Seems like a lot of people
want to talk about tomorrow.

That boy going up
against you tomorrow...

He ain't Billy The Kid.

Why is he passing him off
as The Kid?

Well, he never
actually said that he was.

The town just
sort of took it for granted

after he gunned down
Ben Hayes and Curt Aiken.

He gunned down Spec Greer
and Hawk Russell, too.

Those boys are pretty fast guns.

It takes a good man
to do that.

What is it that you want,
Mr. Thompson?

I don't want Billy
to get killed.

No one's forcing him
into a showdown with me.

You know how younguns are.

Yes, I know how they are.

They all want to be a big man.

Look, Mr. Thompson,
I've never seen Billy The Kid,

and I don't know if this boy
is him or not, so...

I can't take a chance.

Mr. Hickok!

I just saw you there talking
to Fancy Poggin and Poker Kate.

Now they both know
that he ain't Billy The Kid.

I understand and I heard
that you're a square shooter.

If you are Mr. Hickok, you won't
gun down that boy tomorrow.

Boy, you draw fast Hubert.

Pretty soon, folks
are gonna be hearing

'bout that Bad Land's Kid.

The Bad Land's Kid?

Is that how you're gonna
call yourself, Hubert?

[scoffs] The Bad Land's Kid.

Yeah! The Bad Land's Kid.

And I'm gonna be the fastest
gunner in the Dakota territory.

I bet you could outdraw
Billy The Kid.

I bet he can't.

Yeah, I've been thinking
about taking him on.


[scoffs] He's not gonna
take on Billy The Kid.

Yeah? You listen to me, Ernie.

I can outdraw you any day.

Hubert, you come home
right away, young man.

But, Ma!

[squeaky voice] Get over here,
your Mommy wants you.

I'm gonna get you, Ernie.

What time is it, Fancy?

We'll be rich in ten minutes.

How you bettin', Fancy?

Hickok looks pretty good.

A hundred on Hickok.

You're on.

* Oh, Billy Boy *

I still say Hickok
is the fastest gun around.

Ain't no faster
than Billy The Kid.

On twenty bucks
I say it is.

Hey, here he comes now.

He don't look so tough.

You wanna take him on?

He don't scare me.

- Mighty big talk, kid.
- Yeah?

My brotherin, hear me.

More blood spilled here'll
only sink us deeper into sin.

Let us unite
in the brotherhood of good.

For The Lord so wrote:

Man must know,
man must walk alone.

- Morning.
- Morning, Wild Bill.

- Kate.
- Mornin', Bill.

Looks like a nice day
for the showdown.

What time is it?

Two minutes to eleven.

* Oh, Billy Boy *

Where's The Kid at, Fancy?

The Kid ain't gonna show.

Where is he, Fancy?

He'll be here.
He'd better.

I think he's afraid to show up.

Where is The Kid, Fancy?

* Oh, Billy Boy *

* Oh, Billy Boy *

Billy, don't it.

Walk away and stay alive.

I was talking to Hickok,
he don't wanna kill you,

but you gotta walk away now.

Billy, you're gonna
get yourself killed!

I hear you came
to kill me, Billy.

I came to Deadwood
to dig for gold.

John Slaughter says
you came to gun me down.

I never saw John Slaughter
in my life.

TENNESSEE: That's true,
he never saw him!

[people clamoring]

Are you Billy The Kid?

- No.
- He is The Kid!

[people clamoring]

What's your name, son?

Billy May.

He's just trying to talk
his way out of it!

Hickok's afraid of him!

- MAN: Hey, come on!
- Go on already!

[clamoring enhances]

Boys! Boys!
Keep it together!

Thank The Lord.

I asked to make these men
friends and He heard me.

Preacher, maybe you got
something there. [laughs]

Someday I'm gonna read
that good book of yours.

We can begin together.

There is a verse in Matthew,
that I think'd be appropriate.

- Ah, here.
- Huh?

Read for yourself.

Preacher, I confess.
I can't read.

Mr. Hickok.

I don't know what to say to you.

Forget it, Billy.

Any relation to Boone May?

He's my Pa.

- You know him?
- Sure.

Hunted buffaloes with him
a while back.

Heard he's living
with the Indians now.


He used to be
proud of you, Billy.

Keep it that way.

Billy May!

Maybe Wild Bill's afraid
of you, but I ain't.

And I aim to prove it.

[people screaming]

No, Hubert!




Ma! Ma!


He used to call himself
the Bad Land Kid.

You know, he never
even seen the Bad Land.

I am sorry, ma'am.

But you see, I had no choice.

He was aiming
to shot me in the back.

You murderer!

He was only fifteen!

Only fifteen.

I'm sorry.

Sorry? Your kind
got no feelings.

You murderer! Murderer!

Are we gonna just stand here

and watch
a 15 year old boy murdered?

- No!
- Let's hang him!

- [people approving]
- Now wait a minute!


I'm tellin' you he's not guilty,
he shot the kid in self defense.

Just how you know
it was self defense?

Because I talked to him
and he saw the whole thing.

That's right,
he did do it in self defense.

Hanging is too good
for that Billy.

You keep out of this,
you no good little varmint.

- Don't you call me a varmint!
- MAN: Here comes Sam!

How are you, Sam?


Guess you heard
about your boys.

Yeah, too bad.

Town looks pretty riled.

Oughta be.

Same fella just gun downed
a 15 year old boy.

Sam, don't you think
it's about time

we had a hangin' around here?

[people approving]

Seems like
a good day for one, Kate.

Where is the kid now?

Billy Boy, you gotta
get out of town fast.

They're comin' to hang ya!

Sam Bass is leading them.
They got blood in their eyes.

Come on, let's get out
the back way.

Take Little Bird
back to her people.

What about you?

Never mind about me,

I'll meet you
at the Indian camp.

Now get!
Go on, Tennessee.

Look, I ain't
gonna leave you here.

If you're with me,
they might hang you, too.

Now get out of here!

Go on!

Hyah! Ha! Go on!

Go on! Hyah!

Hey! He's in the stables!

Here he is!

Move and you're dead.

We got him, boys!

We got him.

You can't hang this boy!

I beg you,
don't commit this crime.

This isn't the way.

He shot that kid, preacher!

This isn't the way!

This isn't the way!

* Billy Boy won't see
his homeland, *

* Preacher Smith
said prayers for Bill, *

* But they took him
to meet his Maker, *

* Upon lonesome
Hangman's Hill. *


Yeah, up there.
That should do it.

Let's go, boys!
Come on!

Bring in the kid, Hank.

Anything to say, kid?

- Come on already!
- Let's get thing over with.

Yeah, come on.
Let's get it over with.

In the name of mercy!

You can't do this.

Go on back to town, preacher.

Save the sermons
for them that need it.

This boy's entitled
to a fair trial.

He had a fair trial!

How 'bout the Steadman boy?
Did he get a fair trial?

My boys,
did they get a fair trial?

You know your boys disgraced
a young Indian girl,

you know what they did!

And this kid took the law
into his own hands,

when he should've gone
to deputy Harding.

But no, he killed in cold blood,

shot Ben and Curt
when they was only funnin'.

He hangs!

You're not gonna hang him!

- Go on already!
- Let's get it over with!

I'm not gonna let you hang him!

[men laughing]

I'm not gonna let you do it!

Get out of the way, preacher,

or you're gonna get hurt.

If you hang this boy,
you'll have to kill me, too.


That tin cup of yours
needs a-filling.

Now you get back to town
and get it filled.

When I say move, you move!

"Lord is my shepherd,
I'll shall not want."

"He makes me lie down
in green pastures.'

"He leads me
beside still waters."

"He restores my soul."

"He leads me in the paths
of righteousness"

"for His name's sake."

I have tried to tell him.

I tried to tell him, but...

Ain't now way
he'd listen to me.

He wouldn't listen to me.

Son of great white leader
will always live with us.

* In Deadwood town,
the wind is silent, *

* On Hangman's Hill,
the air is cold, *

* Billy Boy,
he lays there dying *

* In a canyon paved
with gold. *

* Billy Boy,
he lays there dying *

* In a canyon paved
with gold. *