Days of Violence (2017) - full transcript


Hey Claire, I'm just
putting the groceries away.

How was your day off?

It wasn't really a day off,

I just caught up on work.

Did you just get in?

Of course, why, what's wrong?

Well I had my headphones on,

and I thought I heard a door open.

I assumed you got home earlier.

You know Tuesdays I'm not doing my blog.

Besides, Mikey asked me out for a drink.

So, you and Mikey?

Calm down, he has a girlfriend.

It was strictly professional.


Well, it must have been
a neighbor's door then.

Well this building
is a thousand years old so,

everything in it creaks.

Are we still on for tonight?

Do we still wanna go?

It's cold outside.

But it's cheap nights at the movies,

and I really want to see
Ryan Gosling shirtless.

You're such a perv.

Fine, I'll go get ready.

I'll freshen up.

That was quick.

Are you gonna wear any makeup?

Why, we're just going to the movies.

I thought we might
grab a bite afterwards.

Yeah, but then we'll be
back way past my bedtime,

and I have to work tomorrow.

So do I, grandma, but
we gotta live a little.

All right, all right, let's go.

Where do you want to eat?

I don't know,
what do you feel like?

I think I'm feelin' pizza.

I'm always up for pizza.

Have you tried that new place
that's near the theater?

Yeah, the Italian brewery?

Yeah, I heard it's pretty good.

Yeah, I haven't
been there in a while but.

I hear they
have a wine.

I didn't count on the
other girl being here.

That was sloppy of me.

How was it?

I think it's my best work to date.

What do you think?

It was good.


Just good?

I think it was fantastic.

What about my performance?

You're performance was fine.

I mean, you like to show off a little bit.

And that's fine, you can
do that, it's you're show.


But what?

I feel trapped.


Trapped, how do you feel trapped?

I want to be more up close,

a little more personal.

I want to be in the action
when it's happening.

I don't want to be hiding in the shadows,

set up a camera, and just leaving.

I want to be more intimate with you.

Let me direct you, make you a star.

Isn't that what you paid me for?

A star?

I am a star!

Okay, never mind.

My puppet.

Wasn't that fun?

It wasn't what I wanted.

But it'll do.

Now clean up the mess,

put the body in the car.

Boy that was fun,

watching that girl try to escape.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just needed some air.

It takes a bit of getting used to.

It's not what you expected, was it?

I had an idea, but
I'm getting used to it.

Makes me wonder,

where was she gonna escape to, anyways?


They are afraid of you,

but what is it you're
trying to accomplish?

When the time is right,

I'll let you know.

When you snatched her did
you know she wasn't the one?

Of course.

Then why do it, why risk it?

It's all for fun.

Everything is just for fun.

You need a little taste.

Now come on!

This is for you.

What about your video?

I trust you, you can give it to me

the next time I see you.

Terrence, sorry about earlier.

I was getting ahead of myself.



you were right.

I should be the one to
be apologizing to you.

I let my ego get the best of me.

I know you wanted to be
a part of the action.

But next time, we'll do it your way.

I'd love to thank you,

for pointing out all my faults.

It helps me become

a better person.

So, thank you for everything.

Thank you.

Wait here.

I'll be right back.

He thinks that we do porn.

You know, that hardcore shit?

A little pain, a little violence.

I pay him, he doesn't say a word.

That's what I like.

Do you even care what I do to the bodies?

No, not really.

That's your business,
I want no part of that.

So, how's the girl?

What girl?

Don't be stupid.

The girl you keep in
your pocket, right there.

What's her name?

That's not important.

Have you even spoken to her?

Yes, of course.

It's coming together.

Coming together, how flattering.

Maybe I want to meet her.

Stay away from her.

Okay, okay.

I don't want to risk what we have.

Drop me off there.



Do you want to get a drink?

Let's make something clear, okay?

We're not friends, we are acquaintances.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The less you know about me, the better.

Let's try and keep it that way, okay?


You'd better go rest up.

You're gonna hear from me.


I have your number.

Oh, you'll hear from me.

Welcome to another episode

of Eves and Company.

Today, we are looking at
a reoccurring situation

here in Toronto.

Criminals, murderers, and vigilantes.

Over the past several
months we've see reports

of increased armed robberies,

local drug-dealing gangs,
unprovoked murders,

and civilians being tired of this,

and in some instances, taking
matters into their own hands,

as is the case of one person

I'd like to refer to as, 'The Citizen'.

Joining me today is Mister Tyson Briggs,

one of The Citizen's surviving victims.

He's reached out to me,

hoping to tell his unfiltered
story about being kidnapped,

and brutally assaulted,

by this person who has left him

physically and emotionally scarred.

How are you, Mister Briggs?

You know,

it's been a rough time
for me, but I'm coping.

We've seen reports about the event,

we've heard specialist's opinion,

but we have yet to hear
your side of the story.

So please, Tyson, share your story.

Well, the statement that I gave

to the Toronto Police
Department's no secret.

I never intended to hide it.

You know, whenever information
gets passed around,

it often gets mistaken.

I just want to let the world know that

despite what happened to
me and how I look now,

I've grown.

This incident's opened my eyes.

How so?

Well, it's a little hard to explain but,

being there, held against my will,

feeling helpless and powerless,

being violated and mutilated,

I felt enlightened,

as if God was trying to show
me that my life has purpose,

beyond my appearance,

how it's my actions that have
meaning, and repercussions.

See, for a long time,

I thought that this man, this criminal,

the guy who did this to
me was just pure evil,

but I've come to understand,

and I should really thank him.

What would
you like to thank him for?

He showed me
the light, Miss Eves.

He showed me who I truly was.

This, this is me now.

I'll never go back to who I was.

Don't you
want him to be caught,

and held accountable for
his crimes against you,

and so many other victims like you?

Honestly, I just want to talk to him,

if even for five minutes.

After that?

Well, it don't matter
what happened after that.

Is there an ulterior motive

to this potential conversation?

No, I just
want him to understand

that what he did to me,
made me a better person.

I want him to understand that through him,

God's grace saved me from what I was.

My face may be disfigured forever but,

what was awoken in me, made it worth it.

I'm a better man now.

Are you saying you admire his work,

why you're glad he did this to you?

No, I don't think he just
realizes that he's a tool.

Can you elaborate?

He's a tool of God.

He showed me what it's like to be shunned,

like a leper.

See, the holy scripture
says, in Second Kings,

chapter seven, verse three,

"There are four leprous men,

"and they sat at the gate,
and they asked of each other,

"why do we sit here until we die?"

This isn't the end for me.

I won't just sit back and wait to die.

I'll gain strength from my plight.

Don't you think about revenge?

About justice?

Revenge is hate.


Justice is only temporary.

I just want him to open up
his eyes to who he truly is,

the way he opened up mine.

I would like to ask
your audience for help.

You all seen the sketches,

you've heard the description of this man.

You know how to contact me.

Look, I ain't hidin',

so I ask this to you,

if you're watching, let's talk.



We're gonna go get something to eat,

Cassandra and I,

do you want to come?

Yeah, sure.

Just give me two minutes.

We'll wait for you.

This is nice.

Spending time together.

We never do this anymore.

Yeah, I know.

Why are you so tense?

You need to loosen up.

Maybe see a girl, are you seeing anyone?

You know everything about me.

If I was seeing someone,
you'd be the first to know.

I'm trying to lighten the mood.

What I don't know, is what
are you doing with your time?

Freelance work, I told you that.

I know you told me but, what?

I'd like to see some.

No, no you wouldn't.

It's not important.

It's not interesting.

I totally would, I'd like to.

What's the harm David, we need to bond,

be like how we used to be.

So long as the money comes
in, why does it matter?

It matters to me.

Okay, fine.

I'll show you my work.




I didn't think you were home.

I'll be here for a bit.

Are you going out again?

Shortly, but first
you made me a promise.

I want to see you work.

Not gonna give up are you?

I'm your sister, I have to bug you.

Fine, come here.

You're sweating, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it.

Why didn't you tell me you did weddings?

Like I said, it's not important.

I find it boring.

I mean, it is boring, but I
have to do it if we want money.

You had me worried.

Why do you say that?

I thought you were doing something,

you know, like illegal.


You're funny Bea, but nope
nothing illegal going on here,

just some weddings and events, I promise.

I love you.

There's food in the
fridge if you're hungry.

I'll be back later.

Where are you going?

To meet a friend.

Hi, how's it going?

Is your brother home?

Yeah, he just got in.

Well, I don't see any windows anywhere.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

It's just, I can't get through
to David the way I want to.

I mean he finally opened up to me

and showed me some of his work,

but I don't understand why I
have to harass him about it.

He's always going out, coming in,

locking himself in his room.

It's like he wants to be distant.

So what did he show you?

A wedding video he had done.

And I am so relieved that he's not

getting himself into trouble,

but that's not the point,

why is it so hard for
him to open up to me?

I always assume the worst.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

You've been making an effort to get close.

And if he doesn't want to share his space

with the person he lives with,

who just happens to be family,

you should ask him to find his own place.


I mean, maybe you could
have someone living with you

who appreciates you more.

We talked about this.

I have to be here for David.

Can you give me a little more time?

My entire life.

What's in the bag?

Oh, just a few surprises.


Hello, David.

How's my video coming along?

Good, it's almost done.

How are you?

Sorry for the delay.

I had to lay low for a little while.

You know what I mean, family stuff.

You can understand that, right?


And none of them finding out about

your dirty little secret, right?

So, who are you following?

Did I startle you?

No, I'm just winding you up a bit.

Just playing a little game with you.

I don't have time for your games today.

What do you want?

I just wanted to let you know

I found a couple cuties.

They do look kind of delicious.

But the distance can be deceiving.

You can't tell, eh?

Anyways, I'll be seeing you soon, okay?

I'll call you.

I can see you.

Excuse me, hi, can I ask you a question?

Like I said, I've been trying to,

I've been trying to talk to him.

He doesn't answer, he doesn't call.

He doesn't, nothing nothing.

Yes, I know, he's weird.

Hold on, hold on.


Tyson Briggs?

Oh shit, I gotta call you back.

I just ran across Tyson.

Yes, I'll call you back, fine fine, bye.


What the fuck?

Hey Tyson?



The fuck did he go?

Who the fuck are you?

I'm a friend.

The fuck you want, man?


Been trying to reach you.

You never return my calls, man.

You some kind
of stalker or something?


I got enough to deal with right now.

I ain't got no time
for no pussy-ass bitch.

No no, it's not like that.

I just wanted to talk.

I saw your interview
with this YouTube girl,

and I don't really agree
with what you said.

You and I might have something in common.

What the fuck you want, man?

What he did to you, he did to me.


Man, I don't know what the
fuck you talkin' about,

you ain't got a scratch on you.

You sound very bitter for
someone who just found God.

This is what happened to me.

He broke every single finger in my hands.

I can't use it anymore,

I can't be in med school anymore.

I will never be a
surgeon, I got five like,

Jesus, what else can I ask for?

Yeah, you talk about your hand but,

you think I deserve this?

Nobody deserves this
man's actions, nobody.

However, you're the
only one of his victims,

that's actually talking about it.

Everyone else was afraid of
doing that, including myself.

Aren't you afraid he's
gonna come and look for you?

You know what, man?

Let's talk.

Tore my new clothes, too.

Fuck your clothes.

Come in.

Just lock the door behind you please.

You want a drink?

Yeah sure, water's fine.


You know, you don't have to hide from me.

We're in the same boat here.

And just 'cause I said some shit online

doesn't mean I'm fully committed.

More comfortable this way.

I understand.

This is shit I gotta deal with
for the rest of my life, man.

Have you thought about plastic surgery?

What do you think I'm made of?

No man, I'm straight.

I got my good days, and
I got my bad ones, too.

Just gotta learn how to
deal with it, you know?

Sure, sure.

If you don't mind me
asking, what happened?

What did you do to provoke him?


Yeah, right.

For real man.

I was walking down the street,

and the next thing you know
I'm tied up to some chair.

He starts walking around, waving his gun,

calling me a nigger and shit.

Fuckin' racist bitch.

You know he's probably

some white over-privileged motherfucker.

So it was a race thing?

Yeah man, what, you call me a liar?

No, no man, I'm just,

come let's have a seat.

I'm just trying to make
sense of things, you know,

trying to find a pattern or something.

First, he breaks my fingers,

because he's annoyed
by my knuckle cracking,

and then, he mutilated you
because you were black?

I guess so.

See, if it was racism,

how come he isn't on a rampage,

just attacking every black
person on the street?

Why was I singled out?

Probably hates all
colors, Hispanics too.

Shit, I don't know.

I do know that I've had a lot of time

to deal with this shit,

and I was able to find myself and God,

so, I guess the only thing
left to do is thank him.

You want to thank him?

Holy fuck, I think he fucked you up

in more ways than just physically.

Like sure, I want to know
why he does what he does,

but at the same, I just want
to bash his face in with a bat.

Like, do you really want to thank him?

Man, it doesn't matter
why I want to meet him,

it's just, he can't
undo what he did to me.

This is what it is, from here on out.

Sure, sure.

Have you, I don't know,
have you heard from him?

Yeah, he,

he sent me a gift.

A gift?

What'd he send you?

My nose.

Your nose?



My nose, he cut off
my fuckin' face, man.

I come home one day.

There's a package on my doorstep.

Letter on it.

Pick it up, open it up.

It says, "I thought you might like this."

Oh, God.

It's on my fuckin' dining
room table, right now.

That guy's sick.

You know, if I were you,

I would just watch my back, man.

He's not the type of guy
that you would sit down

and have a conversation with.

And that interview you
did, you taunted him.

Yeah, so?

What would you do?

I honestly don't know.

I don't know.

I guess, I got an article
into this newspaper,

but let's be honest, who
reads newspapers nowadays?

My story died right there and then.

Your video though, it inspired me.

Like, I want to meet him too.

And say what to him?

I'd ask him, why?

Why he just loves to
fuck up people's lives.

Is it a ritual, does he get off on it?

Is there some meaning behind it?

Like, fuck man, I was just,

I was sitting in the dentist's office,

I was waiting to be called in,

and I was nervous, I was
cracking my knuckles.

So what's your story?

He had me tied to that chair,

and wanted to educate me
on the proper terminology,

and physiology of knuckle-cracking.

Fuckin' know-it-all man.

I know.

With each new explanation,

snap, he would fuckin' break a finger.

I was in so much pain,

and just when I thought he was done,

I remember he took out
these pliers and made sure,

to finish every last one of my fingers.

Did you see his face?


He had that stupid mask on.

Mask, yeah, I was drugged.

In and out for the most part.

I saw the mask,

but I couldn't make out
much of anything else.

Fucker's good, man.

Then, when he finally finished,

he just left me there.

I was,

I was in so much pain.

I struggled to get out of that chair,

and then I fell over,

and I didn't know where I was,

I was in a room, in a
warehouse, I don't know.

I didn't know where to go.

Next thing I know, I
wake up in the hospital.

I'm assuming somebody found me
and helped me, I don't know.

What about the others?

Well, there is one

who's in a coma right now,

and I don't think he's
ever coming out of it.

But, there's just not
enough proof that it's him.

But at the same time,

who the hell is gonna drug

a homeless man on whim?

A grudge, maybe?

- Revenge?
- No.

I mean this fucker's gotta have enemies.

No no no no, he's
tactical, he's technical.

Everything has to be
planned out perfectly,

just like what happened to the both of us.

He's not your average killer, man.

There's this guy I know, for example,

he always wanted to join
the police forces, anyway.

He couldn't, because
of his physical skills,

but anyway his theory is,

that he could be working
with the puppeteer guy.

Puppeteer guy?

You mean that guy that dresses
his victims up as dolls?

Yeah, that one.

He believes that they
could be working together,

throwing everyone in a loop.

Oh, be the same guy,
we just don't know yet.


But just remember, though,

take it with a grain of salt,

it's a failed police officer's theory.

Yeah, but,

not a bad theory.

Perhaps, I just want to find this guy.

Then what?

Do you see these hands?

I want him to feel what I'm feeling.

I want him to pay for what he did.

I got it up,
I want you to feel it.

Hey, this is what you wanted, right?


We're both amateurs here.

Now better, tell me what
you want me to do with her.

Hmm, huh?

Come on.

Tell me.

What's this? Love?

Come on over.

Here, feel the squeeze.

Maybe you'll like it.

Come on.

Why won't you join me?

Why won't you?

This is what you wanted, right?

This is not what I wanted.

I'm not a part of your actions.

I'm not your accomplice, okay?

Look at this, David.

Look at this girl.

I killed her with my bare
hands, and you did nothing.

You watched her die.

Yes, you are an accomplice.

You just stood there,

you could have done something.

You did nothing.

No, I'm not a part of this.

I said I would observe you.

I never said I wanted to
be part of the action.

I'm not killing anyone for you.

How many times have we done this, David?

From a journalistic aspect,

what do you want?


How do you know about that?

I can do my own research.

I know the little tidbits about people,

so I don't end up being
back-stabbed later on.


tell me what you want.

Tell me.

I just want to observe you.

Like, take notes or something like that?

Let me film you with my camera.

Film me?

Like make a video?

A camera?

I don't know if I like the sound of that.

What if you take the footage,
and take it to the police?

Why would I do that?

If I wanted to, I could.

If I wanted to, we wouldn't be doing this.

You wouldn't be doing this.

You'd be behind bars.

I said I wanted to observe you

because I'm interested in what you do.

I think I can take the
opportunity to show people.

Turn you into something.

I want it to be like Manson, Ramirez,

Gacy, Bundy.

If you let me film you,
I can make you famous.

You're a little twisted there, David.

But, if we're gonna do this right,

I'm gonna have to pay you.

What? Why?

Well consider it a
little bit of a token of my

appreciation for your dedication,

your loyalty to me,

and making it all about me.

Yeah, I like the sound of that, yeah.


We'll shoot a few.

See how it goes.

Oh, sounds good to me.

I just want to tell you this once,

and only once.

I like you David.

It seems like we have a connection.

But if you betray me, I'm
gonna make you suffer.

I don't care what happens,
what I have to do,

you're gonna suffer.

Now leave me alone.

I'm not done with this one.


What are you doing to her?

Come on, we're gonna go have some fun.

Who wants to have fun?

You do, I do, we both do.

Everything you asked for is on there.

Thank you, David.

You're a very generous guy.

You always do such great work.

I knew I could count on you.

Especially with all that
new stuff I put in there.

Did you like it, huh?

Why are you so quiet David?

I don't get it, is there
something bothering you?

Like, what's going on?

Come on, tell me!


You don't have to talk.

Sometimes silence is golden.

Did you bring that

mask I gave you?


Well where is it?

Right here.

Well what
are you waiting for?

Just put it on.


I've got a
surprise for you tonight.

I wanna tell you much more,
but oh it's gonna be amazing.


Oh yeah.

The catch, oh I'm so excited.

Well, aren't you coming?


Well, let's go then like,

I don't know what you're waiting for.

If that's on her
face, then what's in the bag?

I don't want to ruin all the surprises.

You'll just have to wait and see.

Are you filming?

This isn't you,
why are you deviating?

This is who I am, David.

You made me realize that.


are you filming?

Ladies and gentlemen,

and whoever's watching this,

I'd like to introduce
you to my new design.

For those of you who
have not been familiar

with my past endeavors, it doesn't matter,

because I'm looking for the the future.

My colleague, my partner...


Shut up!

I pay you to do one
thing, and one thing only,

this is my show.

Sorry about that.

My friend has broadened my sense,

he's made me realize a lot of things.

You see here.

Don't worry, she's heavily drugged.

She won't miss a thing.

She was meeting someone.

She told me all about it.

But that doesn't matter.

She's here with me.

Whoa, what are you doing?

What does it look like?

I film you,
not the other way around.

Get that camera out of my face.

Are you afraid of
seeing yourself on camera?

I have an image to protect.

From all the people you watch?

An image indeed, an image.

I'll pay you more.

I don't care, that wasn't the deal.

Get that camera out of my face.

Afraid of getting caught?


Okay David, you made
me realize some things

since the last time we met.

I respect your views.

You do?

Well you have a funny way of showing it.

Don't worry, I have a few
more little things up my sleeve.

Why are her wrists slit?

Surprisinge for something else?

I'm an artist, David.

I've been letting all
my victims go to waste.

Senseless killing, for no reason at all.

No purpose.

But now, I don't want to go down that road

of being a monster.

Tell me about your design.

She's my puppet.

I will drain her blood,

make her my doll, put makeup on her.

And dress her up.

Make her a part of the family, my family.

She'll like that.

What do you think?

You're crazy.

That's why it's my design.

Now keep up.

Look, have I
done something to you?

You're not being you.

No, David.

All your criticisms, your opinions,

have paved the way for something new.

Oh, exciting!

She's awake!

I'm gonna gut her!


Now, she's already bleeding out.

Whatever happened to taking things slow?

It's my new motto.

You don't have to scream,
there's nobody here for miles.

Do you want to see, Mister Director?


So beautiful.

I told you there was no use.

Why doesn't anyone listen to me?

Typical bitches.


Am I doing something wrong?

Not something wrong,

but your ritual is all over
the place, it's confusing.

The audience is gonna get confused.

You have to think about the audience.

What is it you want?

I want her.

Then preserve her,
don't treat her like cattle.

Is that what
your friend would do?

What friend?

What are you talking about?

The guy who
does the same things as I do.

Is that what this is about?

You're not the only
person I observe Terrence.

That's not the problem.

Then what's the problem?

That I'm not with you, 24-7?

This is strictly business, okay?

Strictly business.

Yes, you're right.

And after tonight, you can go.


After we're
finished here, you can go.



She's getting paler.

Then save her.

Kill her slowly.

This is what you want, I
know this is what you want.

Yes, you're right.

You know me.

Watch her, I'm going to the
car to get a few supplies.

Can I trust you?



Help me.

How come you know my name?

Does he know about her?


Does he know about Madison?

Let me out of here.

Just be quiet, okay?

Can you do that for me?

Your safety's more important.

I was supposed to meet her.


Well well well.

What are you doing?

What part of the last conversation
didn't you understand?

You're gonna risk
everything, for this bitch?


Now you watch.

You betrayed me, all
for this little whore?

Now you watch.

You're next.

Listen, I'm sorry, okay?

I thought we were friends.


This is business, remember?


I'm gonna kill you.

Hey David.

Your sister just stepped out.

Are you okay?

Did something happen?

Just leave me alone!

Hey honey, I think you'd
better talk to your brother.

What's wrong with him?

I don't know,
but I think he's hurt.

What happened, are you hurt?

Nothing happened.

Something happened, Cassie told me.

You tell that bitch to
stay out of my business then.

What's she even doing here?

We're watching a movie.


Don't change the subject.

You're hurt, you need
to go to the hospital.

Get out of my way.


Claire Reynolds.


Who's this?

She's cute.

What's her name?

It doesn't matter.

I've got you.

David, I'm gonna fucking kill you.

I'm gonna go out now,

I've got some unfinished
business to take care of.

Understand? Right?

When I return, I'm going
to introduce you to mother.

She really loved.

He won't answer any of my calls.

And he's never been like this before.

I just keep calling, and
nothing, he won't pick up.

It's gonna be okay, all right.

Just don't think the worst.

I'm so worried.

Ever since mom and dad died,
he's never been the same.

I'm too weak.

I failed as a sister.

Don't say that.

You know that's not true.

He'll come back, and he's
gonna tell you everything.

It's gonna be fine, you'll see.

Hey, it's gonna be okay, come here.

Don't worry, it's gonna be okay.


He must have forgot his keys.

All right, I'll let him in,
you stay right here, okay.

Should we tell him about us?

Yeah, we will, when the time's right.

I'll be right back.



It's someone else.

She's pretty.

Look at your sister,

'cause it might be the
last time you ever see her.

That was for you.

You never told me she was my type.

Does she know what you do?

No, you never told her what you've done,

or what you do.

You wanted to protect her.

Now look at her.

Oh, sorry about what I
did to your little friend.

Your lover.

Her lover.

You didn't know?

I couldn't help myself.

I have secrets, you have secrets.

She has secrets.

All that matters now, is what
you will do to get her back.

An eye for an eye.

I killed your lover.

You betrayed me.

I'll make this very easy.

You get me the guy,

the artist that you so highly
recommend and talk about,

and we'll trade.

I'll call you.

I'm sorry, Cassie.

Thanks for meeting me here.

Fuck it.

What is this place?

Why are we meeting here?

Don't worry about it
Stephen, we'll get to that.

What I want to talk about is you.

How do you know my name?

Stephen Meyers.

I read your article in the paper.

I did my research.

I come to you because I
want to make an offer.

I thought about going to Tyson Briggs,

but he's too unpredictable, unstable,

like a bomb that could
go off at any moment.

Yeah, can you blame him though?

No, but after the
mishap, he is a liability.

But you, you're reasonable.

You have common sense,

and I think I can give you what you want.

What's that?



Do you know the guy or something?

He's an acquaintance.

That's why I wanted to bring
you to one of his crime scenes.

He took a girl, and
strangled her, right here.

She wouldn't die.

She fought for a long
time before giving up.

And I can't get that image out of my head.

See, the guy I met, he's careful.

But the guy you're describing,

it's different.

He is careful.

He's very careful.

"But once in a while it's
okay to be a savage," he says,

"just as long as you don't get caught."

Sounds like you guys are buddies.

He's interesting, but
let's stay on subject.

I have something else I need to show you.

What's that?

I read your article in the paper.

It was interesting.

Hands of God,

sounds like you were gonna
be a very skilled surgeon,

I'm sorry about the setback.

It's not a setback.

My career is done, my life is done.

I'm over.

Before you even got started.

That's what it sounded
like from the article.

It's a shame.

So why didn't
you help this victim?

I don't like
to get my hands dirty.

That was my philosophy.

But now I've been back-stabbed
and targeted by him.

And that's not a problem
I can deal with on my own.

I can get you in the same room as him.

You can exact your
revenge any way you want.

You can do anything you want to him.

The guy who sliced up your friend's face,

who put the homeless man in that coma.

He ruined your life,

he ruined the lives of countless others.

Many people need closure with him,

but you need it the most.

You want it the most.

Oh yeah.

Wanna play, baby?

Oh yeah.

Of course.

Yeah, give it me, yeah.

So why should I trust you?

Because I want to help you.

This has gone on long enough,

and I can't just sit back and
watch this happen anymore.

So you grew a conscience.

Just call the cops, let them handle it.

Do you know what
happens to scum like that?

They're protected for
the rest of their life.

They wait out the rest
of their lives in a cell.

They don't have to worry about anything.

They don't have to pay taxes.

They get three meals a
day that you pay for.

That's not justice.

That's not justice for you, or for Tyson.

If you want answers, you
have drag them out yourself.

Besides, he has something that I need.

And what's that?

My sister.


You're just gonna walk away?

This is your one chance you
have at catching this guy.

He's just gonna kill again.

What's his name?

I don't know his name.

Then why should
I trust anything you say?


You may know him as the Puppeteer.

What's his last name?

I only know his first name.

And I haven't bothered to find out.

You don't want to agitate a person

with multiple personality
disorder and schizophrenia.

You can reason with one of them,

but the other one might get mad.

This madness is what makes him smart.

The police don't know about it.

At one moment, he can be sloppy,

butchering a woman under a bridge,

but at the same time he's
precisely calculating

the reason, the way,
the place, and the time,

of his next victim.

It's fascinating,

but disturbing.

But above all else, it's intelligent.

So my friend was right.

Terrence wants me to
bring him to my friend,

in exchange for my sister.

But the only problem is.

He is the same guy.


Do you remember this place?

No, not really.

You were in there for hours.

I wanted to help you, but
he made me wait outside.

He insisted on driving me home,

but I thought about you the whole time.

As soon as we parted ways, I headed back.

It took me hours to find you.

This place is a maze.

When I finally did, you were unconscious.

So I called 9-1-1,

and I fled when I heard the sirens.

So you saved me?

I'm not a good person, Stephen.

I don't pretend to be.

But I just want to set things right.

I want my sister back,

and I want to make amends with
all the people we've hurt.

Are you in?

Yeah, I'm in.


Hey, it's good to see
you, it's been a while.


I see you've put on some weight,

you eating some of them Twinkies again?

You're funny.

So how are you?

How you been?

Been okay man, you know how it is.

Some days are worse than others.

Where's Rick?

Snitch is a snitch, in other words,

work is shit,

and our cops treat us like
dirt, like to work us.

Sorry man.

That's okay.

There's this one guy for example,

he's no longer on the force,

he was discharged due to
the murder of his daughter.

He let his personal life get
in the way of his work life.

Understandingly so, and
I've been helping him out,

kind of sending updates.


You know his head is so far up his ass,

he blew his entire.

His arrogance has gotten the best of him.

We believe his daughter's murder,

was connected to the Puppeteer case.

There's nothing substantial to back it up,

but there are similarities.

If only he could lay off the booze,

and get his head on straight,

maybe he could help us find this fucker.

Well, that's why I'm here.

Remember when he told me you suspected

that the guy that broke my
hands and this Puppeteer guy

could possibly be the same person?

Well I just met with
someone that knows him,

and it is the same guy.

What, that was just a,

that was just a theory,

just some stupid theory I came up with.

I know man, but maybe
you should be a cop.

I know it's been circling
the back of your mind.

But apparently he knows
me, Tyson, and others too.

He's been following people,

spectating one might say.

Who is this guy?

He didn't say.

He told me he had to protect
himself in some sort of way.

Anyway, I didn't believe him at first,

but he also told me that if I helped him,

he would give me something to give to you.


He knows me as well?

Not necessarily.

I told him about you.

Why would you do that?

Because, he has a video of him,

with one of his victims.

And not just him, listen Gord.

Others throughout the city, too.

This is your calling card, man.

And I'm giving it to
you on a silver platter.

I just need one favor.

What's that?

I need a gun.

A rifle with a scope would be ideal.

You with a gun?

With your shaky hands, really Stephen?

It's almost as bad as a
Hispanic with a white name.

You know where that is.

What are you gonna do, miss and shoot?

Everyone say, oops I'm sorry, afterwards.

Look, you did have the steadiest hands,

but look at you now,
you're gonna kill everyone.

Then so be it.

Fuck, I know you better than that.

So what, you gonna help me or not?


Okay, fine.

Come this way.

I can't believe I'm doing this stuff.

I like you.

Someone just fuckin' pissed me off.

Sorry man, fuck.

You're the only one I know.

I know, I know.


put this gun at your waistband.

I don't trust you with a rifle.

Like that, I don't want to
see you going to prison.

I understand you're not
gonna tell me a location.

I get it.

Shoot to wound him, not to kill him,

do you understand me?

Got it.

The gun is unmarked, and don't worry.

Just come home safe.


If you need my help,
just let me know, okay?

I'm fine.

And no more favors.




What the fuck?

What are you doing?

Drinking my problems away,

what's it fuckin' look like, nigger.

Give me the bottle, bro.

What's wrong with you?

Give me the bottle, man.

I'm straight, man.

It's doing me some good.

Doing you some good?


This is how you want to go?

That's the path you want to take?

Tyson, do you realize what
you're doing to yourself?

I don't care man, it's helping me cope.

Look, you are not in this alone, okay?

Look at me.

I get to live with this
for the rest of my life.

Are you looking at me?

I gotta live with this, all right?

I gotta look at my hand,
every day of my life.

Do you think I like that?

No, man.

Just give me the bottle, man.

I'm gonna tell you something.


There we go.

All right.

Let's hear what you want to tell me.

You gotta give me the bottle first.

It's not doing you any good, bro.

I'm fucking scared, man.

I don't know what to do.

I know, I know.

I understand, trust me I do.

But you're not in this alone.

Look, I'm gonna tell you
something, all right?

We're gonna get this guy.

All right, you and I we're
gonna catch this guy.

How, man?



You and I, as a team.

We're gonna go meet him, face to face.

All right, listen to me.

Face to face.

We are going to have our revenge.

All right, we're
gonna have our revenge.

You stupid piece of shit.

Let's go get our revenge.



I'm here, I came.



What the fuck?

Oh Jesus.

Where the fuck are you?

What the fuck?


Where the fuck is he?




Hey David!

So nice to see you.

How are you doin'?

What did you just do?

Oh, the blood.

Well I had to take care
of a couple of loose ends.

I love this place,

but I don't think I'll be
here for very much longer.

I didn't know that the guy had a wife.

So sad.

Oh, don't get too sad about
it, they're dead by now.

Their blood is on your hands.

After the first, the second,

the 10th stab,

I was thinking of you.

I told you what would
happen if you betrayed me.


I really did like you.

Where's my sister?

Oh she's safe, she was real good.

Bring her out.

Calm down, you don't have to be so tense.

I just want to know,

did you enjoy that video I gave you,

I thought it would be something special.

Where is my sister?

Okay, calm down, calm down.

I think I could do that.

Just wait right there, don't go anywhere.

Don't worry.

It'll be over soon.

Yo, that the guy you met?


Let's do this.

Come check this bad boy out.

Huh, where's you get that?

Just friends, man.

Friends in high places.

Holy fuck,
that's some gangster shit.


Oh my God.

Are you okay?

It's okay to nod your head.

So, where is he?

He's around.

You get him when I get her.

So that's the trade off?

I get him, while you get her?

I didn't really think that
you'd put that together.


I never wanted
to double-cross you,

but you went off the deep end.

I was not gonna sit there
while you killed people.

That's because you're weak,

you insignificant little insect.

You'll never know the power

of putting your hands
around a girl's neck,

and squeezing, and squeezing,

and then snapping.

You'll never feel that,

that power.

You're right.

I'm not like you.

I don't want to do this,

so just give me my sister and
we'll never cross paths again.

He has his sister.

We're good to go.

Nah, fuck that.

What are you, a hero?

Or something?

Just give me my sister.


Go on.


I'm playing by your rules, now.

Isn't that sweet?

Isn't that beautiful?

I love that, family ties,
bringing it together.

What's this?

I'm so sorry.

I should have told you.

Are you okay?

What the fuck?

Where's Bea?

That's not your sister?

Where's Bea?

What are you gonna protect her, now?

Stay behind me.

Where is Bea?

Do you think that I
would give you your sister?

It's not as easy as that.

Do you think you can protect this one?

I thought you killed her.

You think that I killed her,

that's probably what you saw.

She was on the ground, bleeding out.

What did you do?

That's why I had you
shoot from a distance,

so you wouldn't see everything.

Now dear, lift up your jacket,
and show him the wounds.

I missed all the vital organs,

and she passed out with all the bleeding,

and a little bit of exhaustion.

It was beautiful, it was so beautiful.

Where is she?

I knew that you should have stayed away.

From the very first moment
that you laid eyes on me,

you should have just walked
away and avoided all this.

But I did warn you, I did warn you,

what would happen if you betrayed me.

You sick bastard.

Oh yes.

This was never about her.

You didn't care if I betrayed you.

You were pushing me.

You wanted to see how far I'd go.

I knew from the beginning,

you couldn't handle
anything that I was doing,

and I knew you would snap one day.

I wanted that little
Asian girl of yours, but

she was pretty good too.

I had to reel you in,

just so you can see a
little bit of my world.

Then I got to learn about you,

learn about your little sweet girl.

Then I had to do my own investigations

into the people around you,

maybe that's why it took so long

for me to find that girl, Madison.

But you hid her well,
you really hid her well.

And then when I was looking
at that girl, Claire,

oh that was, hmm,

but I really liked Madison.

Oh Madison, was just
good, but then I settled.

I settled for that little Asian whore.

Oh, she was good.

I wish you'd picked her instead of Claire.

Now that would have been beautiful.

But, we're here now.

And now, I know for a fact,

you stupid pile of shit,

I appointed you, just
like I appointed them.

You didn't really figure
this out, did you David?

You're right.

There are consequences.

I've let everyone down,
including my sister,

and now I'm paying for it.

Just tell me, what did
you do with my sister?

Well, why don't you come with me,

and I'll show you.

Well come on!

Let's go!

Come on in, guys.

She could be over here,
or maybe over there.

Maybe she's up here.

What are you doing?

I was just in here, I know she's not here.

Well, you're right, she's not here,

but why don't you ask her, she knows.

Yeah, she knows, yeah.

Ask her, yeah.

Where is she?

Where is she?

I don't know.

I was there and she screamed,

and I don't know what
happened, he drugged me.

What is this?

What did you do?

Eany, meanie, minie, moe.

Catch your sister's nipple,

if she hollers, don't let her go.

She hollers some more, make
sure she hits the floor.

You couldn't even protect Claire.

You couldn't protect Madison.

What made you think you were
gonna be able to protect her?

Maybe even your sister.

Oh David, you're one of
the most useless people

I've ever met.

What are you trying to do, kill me, David?

You don't have the balls for it.

I'm gonna tell you a little story,

about your little sister.

She begged and begged
for me to let her go.

What did I do?

I knocked her teeth in.

Then I made her suck me off.

It was warm at the start,
the blood was dripping down.

Do you see that?

Can you imagine the look
on that slut's face?

Shut up.

And then when I was done with her,

I threw her aside,

put her in a crate,

and then I buried her.

You want to know where
I buried your sister?

Over there.

Hey, get off me, get the fuck off me.

Hey asshole!

Who's that?

Is that your friend?

Is that him?

No, he's your friend.

Drop the fuckin' knife.

Let me do this first.

What's wrong with you?

You don't take niggers
seriously, or something?

What are you doing?

I'm on your side.

It's him, he's the one
that did that to you.

Oh, you're that nigger.

Where's your sister?

He buried her, in there.

Liar, liar.

Get the fuck up.

You white boys don't hear so well, huh?

Whatever he said, I didn't do it.

I'm innocent.

What the fuck you talkin' about?

So that girl isn't yours?

His sister's not buried?

And he showed me his
hand, what about my face?

I didn't do your face.

Don't play me for a fool, man.

What the fuck you still
doing here, get out of here!

Shit, move!

Fuck fuck,

freeze motherfucker.

Okay, okay, you got me.

What is this place?

This your home or something?

You could say that.

How many of these do you have?

I've got a couple.

You sick fuck.

Over there.

That's where you torture them?

I've been known to have
a couple of hot dates with

sexy girls.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What now boss?

The door.


Don't try nothin' neither.

I'm surgical with this motherfucker.

Go on.

Hurry up.




Move it.

Go get the rope.


You heard what I said white boy,

go get the fuckin' rope.

Let's go, move it, get
in the fucking chair.

Hey, girlie.

What's your name?


All right, Kate.

Tie his hands up.

She won't listen to you, she's mine.

He'll hurt me if I do it.

Look, Kate, ain't no one
gonna hurt you, all right?

This man's trash.

He'll never touch anyone again.

Now come on, tie him up.

Forgive me.

You'd better make sure it's tight.

Make sure you tie his feet, too.


You did good, Kate.

You can go now.

What are you gonna do to him?

Don't worry about him.

I got this.

Go on, now.

Seems familiar, doesn't it?

Boy, I have no idea what
the fuck you're talkin' about.

Are you on some PCP, or somethin'?

That's funny, yeah.

You won't be needing these anymore.

You know what, I won't be needing this.

Ain't got no time for that shit.

Real niggers like me,

I know you all think
that we just run around,

waving guns and shit, but guess what?

That's not how it works, buddy.

I really don't know what
the fuck you're talkin' about.

But maybe if you pass me some
of that crack you're smokin',

we can come to an arrangement.

Yeah, whatever.

See this?

Doesn't have as much character
as your bush knife but,

it'll have to do.

It looks fancy.

What are you gonna do with it?

Funny how the tables have turned, huh?

How many people you put in this chair?

Huh, how many people
tried bargaining with you,

the same way you're
trying to bargain with me?

I really have no idea what
the fuck you're talking about,

you're really messed up.

Look, I don't give a
shit about you, all right?

I don't care whether you live or you die.

I just wanted five minutes alone with you.

You can have 10.

Yeah, you got jokes, huh?

Let's see how funny this is.


Where are you?

Not as skillful as you
but, it'll have to do.

Hope it burns, motherfucker.

I've got a gift for you.

This is what I've become because of you.

Consumed by vengeance.

You stupid, filthy ass nigger.

I didn't do that to you.

But I know.

You shut the fuck up

or I'll cut your goddamn tongue out.

You know what?

I'm just gonna do to you,

what you did to me.

So guess what?

Better shut the fuck up and take it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Kate Kate Kate, hold on now.

It's over, he gonna bleed out, it's fine.

What did you do to him?

Just a little payback, that's all.

Come on, let's get the fuck out of here.

Police station just around the corner.

They'll take care of you, bring you home.

I'm sure your family'll
be happy to see you.

Can't you come with me?


This'll make it worse, trust me.

Go on, now.

Everything gonna be all
right now, you'll see.

- Fuck!
- Tyson, open it the fuck up.

You can get out now.


You good, man?

What the fuck is your problem?

Honestly, I go out of my
way to give you closure,

and this is how you fucking pay me?

Hey man, I fucking got him.

I don't give a fuck
if you got him or not.

We were supposed to do this together,

as a team, I thought we were friends.

We ain't a team, bro.

We definitely ain't friends.

You're soft man, that's why I used you.

I knew a little sucker
like you would help me.

I thought we were on the same page, man.

Fuck, I'm stupid.

Yeah, you stupid for real.

But yo,

I mean look at these.

Yo man, I got his fuckin' nose, bro.

Now's your chance, if you like.

He's still up there, he's tied up,

in his barn, in his torture chamber.

Look man, I know you
want some payback bro.

Don't take it out on me,
go take it out on him.

Go break his fuckin' fingers or something.

That's what you want.

You're no better than him.


What do you mean?

You heard me.

You're going home.

Don't be a pussy man,
come look at these.

Yeah, they good ain't they?

You're such a tool.

Like I said, you're no better.


bring your scary ass over
here and look at these.

Where you going?

Home, we're done.

You know what, man?

Fuck you, man, go home.

You're just jealous 'cause I
fuckin' got him and you didn't.

You'd do anything to steal my thunder.

Fuck you man, go home.

Fucking jealous, man.

Who are you?

The fuck?

What the fuck do you want?

How'd you get in?


You like my nose collection, motherfucker?

Maybe I'll put yours right next to 'em.

Why you wearin' that stupid mask?

You know, you wouldn't
be the first motherfucker

I fucked up tonight.

You hear me, bitch?

Why do you keep starin' at me like that?

You know me or somethin'?

Get the fuck out of my house.

You know what?

See this?

I'll call the fuckin' cops.

I'm a fuckin' hero.

You hear me, punk?

This is your last motherfuckin' warning.

Whoa, wait a second.

Where'd you get that?

