Day of the Warrior (1996) - full transcript

Somehow, the L.E.T.H.A.L. Agency's Headquarters security has been breached by an unknown foe who managed to break into the Force's computer system and tamper with classified documents regarding valuable information about its operatives. It seems that the man behind this cyber attack is none other than the "Warrior", a former CIA Agent and nowadays, a powerful multi-level criminal entrepreneur whose tentacles have spread into pornography, smuggling and the white slave trade. Ultimately, with the list of all the undercover agents' identities in hand, it is Commander's Willow Black and her team of Agents, Tiger and Cobra high-priority mission to obliterate the mastermind's lucrative underground market network. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
You could own me if
you just call me cobra.

Lethal force security
code compromised.

Tiger, Amanda black
is in a budget meeting.

Red alert, Sherry.

Washington has to
protect our funding.

I'll make black hawk
aware of that immediately.

Red alert.

I'm relying on you.

I'll handle it commander.

There's been unauthorized
access to our master computer

here in Dallas by
supercomputer in Washington.

It's only a matter of
time before they identify

your agents in the field.

Doc Austin is in south Texas
about to bust open the warriors

fine art smuggling network.

Cobra's in Beverly
hills deep cover

posing as an exotic dancer.

She's plugged into his
diamond pirating scam.

Our other two agents, shark
and scorpion are in Las Vegas.

They've infiltrated the
warrior's porno operation.


We've got to get word to them.

They're in danger.

The warrior 1s our top priority.

If this break in is connected
to him, he'll kill them all.


You ok?

You ok?

All right, Jeep's in the woods.

Go get it and bring it back.


Mexico's 50 miles that way.

Start walking.

Give me the gun, Juan.

There's no way to
contact the agents.

They're scattered all over.

If we call them, it'll
blow their cover.

Tiger, how long has it been
since you've been in the field?

About two years.

Well get it
together, sweetheart.

You're going out again.

I'll contact Jordan in
Washington and fill him in.

Then I'm off to Vegas to
warn shark and scorpion.

I'm teaming you up
with Tyler ward.

Your assignment is
to find doc Austin.

Tyler is at the Dallas air
station just outside of town.

He's taking his yearly
proficiency tests.

I don't trust anyone else.


Nice flying, major ward.

Us reserve could use
more men like you.

Just missed out on desert storm.

You're the ones who
saw real action.

Speaking of real action, there's

a beautiful young
lady from us internal

affairs waiting to see you.


Tyler, big trouble.

The security code
has been violated.

We think it's a warriors people.

They could have a
mole in Washington.

My god.

That means our four
agents on this case

will be hung out to dry.

Willow is trying to locate shark

and scorpion in Las Vegas.

What about cobra?

Is she still in Beverly Hills?

Yeah, in deep cover
posing as an exotic dancer.

We haven't figured out how to
reach her without revealing

her presence to the other side.

Our assignment is
to find doc Austin.

He's in south Texas just this
side of the Mexican border.

We've got to bring
him in from the cold.

Bring him in from the cold?

That's real spy talk.

I love it when you do that.

Affirmative, top dog.

Now, let's clear the area.

Kym, this is better
than I expected.

Paintings from the great
masters of Europe, gold

and Colombian art from
south America and Mexico,

the warrior will be pleased.

Our share will be
worth millions.

Manuel, you are a genius.

I'm proud to be with you.

You should be.

Here's your nephew, sir.

Two Mexican federales had him.

Caught them on this
side of the border.

Totally illegal.

They were beating him
to get him to talk.

Did you kill them?

Not quite, but I
got their attention.

Hey, don't worry.

You know they didn't
check with the rangers

before they chased
Juan in Texas.

I smoked the radio in Jeep.

It's a two day walk
to civilization.

By then our work here
will be finished.

Good thinking.

Killing federales,
even the crooked ones,

could cause a real problem.

Juan, you are my nephew.

You stole from me, then
you were stupid enough

to let the Mexican
police catch up with you.

I should have let them keep
you, but you would have talked.

We don't have all day.

Not to worry.

You I trust.

I could use more men like you.

Load these things into the Van.

We must deliver these
goods to the warriors cabin

on lake Dallas.

Clean up the area.

We're abandoning this location.

We'll be back for
you in three days.

It's a long drive, my
dear, almost to Dallas.

What would you do
to entertain me?

Oh, I'll think of something.

Here he is, boss,
the guy the boys

caught snooping around
the cabin at the lake.

He's a fed.

I was out camping.

I got lost.

He's a bad ass, boss.

It took four of
them to take him.

He broke a few bones
before they got him down.

Get in there.

I'm going to give you a break.

If you take me, you
walk away clean.

In fact, I'm going
to fight you with one

hand tied behind my back.


Bring more.

Latest weather report from
Malibu climate looking great.

Two surf nerds downloading
soon into your mainframe.

Just as I hoped.

If anyone has infiltrated
our operation,

we'll know within a few hours.

Our contact man
in Washington has

succeeded in breaking into the
lethal force computer system.

Who's that?

All you got to know is
his code name, hard drive.

Hard drive.

Mr. drive has
spoken with his two

proteges, new blood, a couple
of high shots from Malibu.

They have no police record.

They're suppose to be two
of the best hitters around.

Pwell, I'm rolling
down the highways »

dwith nothing better to do j

dl'm rolling down the byways jd

dl'm coming back to you j

pmove over, buddy j

dstep aside jd

dl'm got some loving
that I can't hide d

pshe gives me
reason not to roam d

pshe gives me loving
when I come home d

pso I'm rolling down the highway
with nothing better to do j»

phey, I'm rolling
down the byways j

dl'm coming back to you j

hey, Chaz, over here.

Dyeah, I'm coming back

hard drive called.

We've been tagged to do a job.

Cool, jp.

But before we get into
this, I need a shower.

No problem, I want to check
today's market report anyway.

So you got that thing wet yet?

What, a surfboard?

No, man.

It's just a chick magnet.

So how we do today”?

Market rocketed to a
plus nine points early on.

The overall dow average
at this time is down six.

Two of our stocks are
doing pretty well.

The gm is down 4 and 1/2 points.

That's not good, is it?

We're only up on four
stocks this year.


And we're eaten it at 19 others.

At this rate the bank's
going to call in our paper,

and we'll be filing chapter 11.

Face it, jp, we
reek as investors.

I mean here we are a couple

of Harvard business
school grads,

and the, give or
take a class or two,

and the only way we know
how to make a killing

is by making a killing.

I'm afraid you're right.

Like grandma used to say,

always have something
to fall back on.

So where'd you get the chicks?

I ran into them yesterday
at the brokerage house.

They're stock analysts,
mba's from Stanford.

Is that all you know about them?

Hey, they're smart, they're
rich, and they're easy.

We have something in common.

We're easy too.

Oh, yeah, I knew that.

Ladies, I was telling
Chaz here that you're

a couple of Stanford grads.

So what's your gpa?

38, 24, 34.

You ladies are looking good.

I hate to ask you to
put your clothes on,

but we do have an
eight o'clock at spago.


Over here, jp.

So what about the call?

This is it, amigo.

We're going to Dallas.

Big d?

We'll be working for
a guy named, you ready?


So how's the pay?


Unlike the stock
market, we're assured

of a record profit surge.

300 thou cash.

Beats investing in pork chops.

Pork bellies.

Oh, yeah, I knew that.

We eat.

We drink.

We come back here, and
we play a little twister.

Will I hate myself
in the morning?

I hope so?

Dshe's a lethal lady jd

dshe comes on like a baby

pshe makes you think that
maybe you could be the one d

dyeah, she comes
on with a passion j

pwow, she's really
on for action d

pher feminine attraction
can put you in the cold

pshe's a cobra, which
way will she go jd

pshe's a cobra, no
one really knows jd

dshe's a cobra, deadly as sin

pshe's a cobra d

dshe'll always win jd

Pshe's a cobra, which
way will she go jd

pshe's a cobra d

dshe's a cobra, deadly as sin

pshe's a cobra d

dshe'll always win jd

pthe lady's always
willing, yeah, to get >

pmwith armageddon
leaving our regret d

pthrough the other
colored door d

prunning with a tiger,
bowing with a Willow jd

jpsliding with a scorpion,
you couldn't have a bow jd

pshe's a cobra d

dwhich way will she go jd

pshe's a cobra d

dshe's a cobra, deadly as sin

pshe's a cobra d

dshe'll always win jd

dshe's so hot and sexy jd

pyeah, she's got it,
but she's classy jd

pshe's a hot package
with everywhere to go j

dwith the team getting
bolder, don't try to hold her j

dshe's a lethal lady jd

pshe's armored and she's cold d

pshe's a lethal lady,
and she's the cobra d

dshe's a lethal lady jd

dyeah, she's the cobra pd

These are 12 uncut
diamonds from Russia.

We slipped them through
customs yesterday

morning with our regular
shipment from South Africa.

My god, they're
beautiful even uncut.

Yes, they are.

Count them and sign
this inventory.

This is a one time operation.

Warrior knows this.

It's far too dangerous
to ever try this again.

Notice, I'm putting your
signed piece of paper

in the case of the diamonds.

I'm sealing the case.

This is a key to a post
office box in Beverly Hills.

Here take this case, put
it in the post office case,

and destroy the key.

Do this immediately
exactly as I've instructed.

Chances are someone will
monitor your every move.

This 1s my package.

This is, cool half million.

Pleasure doing
business with you.

I hope to never see you again.


Pleasure doing
business with you also.

Dwell, I am all hot to try jd

jl got everything
that you ever want jd

dso come on down
and check me out pd

dl'm bragging on me jd

dl'm bragging, oh,
I'm hotter than tea d

dl'm the man you'll
see in dreams d

pl'm the one who'll
make you a beer jd

dl'm bragging on me jd

pl'm a hot little
man from togayo >

dl got more love than
you'll ever know jd

dso come on over
and give me a try jd

dl'll show you the biggest
reason why I'm bragging jd

doh, I'm bragging on me j

m'm hotter than he d

pwell, I'm the man you'll
see in your dreams jd

pl'm the one who'll
make you a beer jd

doh, I'm bragging on me j

Pwell, I bet you're
thinking how would it be d

pmwell, baby you'll have
no doubt all my loving >

dl'm bragging on me jd

m'm hotter than tea d

pbut I'm the one
who'll make you a beer d

dl'm bragging on me jd

dl'm bragging on me jd

ladies and gentlemen,
let's hear it

for Maxim's very own
Elvis fu performing

here three times nightly
at the cloud nine lounge.

How long have you been
using this act as your cover?

Six months.

Not exactly packing them in.

Hey, I haven't hit
my stride yet, babe.

Yeah, right.

Fu, I have a suite
here at the hotel,

and we have a lot to cover.

Ah so.

This guy, warrior, who
the hell is he anyhow?

The bastard was on our side.

He was a world class athlete.

Won gold medals in wrestling
and two international events.

He was a perfect
candidate for the CIA.

He did damn good work for the
CIA in Russia for four years.

Then the cold war ended.

Like many other agents,
he was dismissed.

His services were
no longer needed.

Warrior's mother was
part American Indian.

So after his Russian gig, he
came back to this country.

With his great
athletic ability, he

became a professional wrestler.

In memory of his mother's
heritage, he put on war paint

and called himself
the supreme warrior.

With this masquerade,
he was able to travel

throughout the world as
a professional wrestler.

Through contacts he made
when he was with the CIA,

he set up a black
market network.

He was able to smuggle
fine art out of Europe,

especially from Russia,
diamonds from Siberia,

and gold and silver and
precious artifacts from Mexico.

The sobs even into
pirating porno films,

and he's involved
in furnishing women

for clients in the mideast,
white slavery if you will.

Can you believe this guy?

Yeah, I can.

As we asians say, truth
is stranger than fiction.

Cool it with that
rice petty crap, fu.

Continue, grasshopper.

I'm here because
shark and scorpion have

infiltrated his porno business,
and now that the warrior

has access to our
computers, their lives

are in imminent danger.

If we don't get to
shark and scorpion fast,

they're going to get whacked.

Since you were
stationed here, I wanted

to recruit you to help me find
them before it's too late.

The last time shark
contacted me, he said he

and scorpion would be working
in an industrial park area

but they did not know
which one or where.

Due to security reasons,
I'm unable to make

contact with them.

Shark did say that they
would be driving a white

Audi station wagon
with Louisiana plates.

All we can do is
hit it in the morning,

try to find that
white wagon and them.

We're approaching the area

where doc was last contacted.

Man, there are a lot of
trees down there, not

like west Texas where I'm from.

It's really flat
where I come from.

How flat is it?

It's so flat when your
dog runs away from home,

you can see him for three days.

That's flat.

Hey, look at the map.

There's a hunting
cabin up ahead.

We'll spend the night there.

Is there room service?

Yeah, right.

When hard drive recommended you,

he said you have a certain
flair for the absurd.

I see your cover's that of a
couple of California surfers.

You got it.

You are”?

Smith, sir.

And you are”?

Barney, sir.

Smith and Barney.

Yes, sir.

They're code names.

Not our real names.

Not our real names.

Can either one of you
work a video camera?

Dude, are you kidding?

We're totally celluloid
literate, cyberspace

film school two day intensive.

Isn't it amazing what
you can learn on the net?


You'll take the
next plane to Vegas.

Your instructions are in here.



You, Mr. Barney,
my name is not dude.

I can dig it.

Do that.

Dig it.

That damn owl again.

Shut up.

Kym, the fax.

My, my, my.

What's it say?

There's strong evidence that
gringo friend, doc Austin,

is working both
sides of the fence.

I will take care
of it personally.

Well, what do we do?

I said shut up.

Fax this to warrior.

Finish loading these
things into the cabin

and guard it with your life.

Ok, kym, get in.

We have a long drive
back to our camp.

That Southern owl is
an endangered species.

Well, it's not
endangered anymore.

You think you'll need that?

Never doubt.

Explosive tip.

Everything I touch
has a way of exploding.

Mind if I try it sometime?

Be my guest.

There's something I have
to get off my chest.

\what is it?


How do you like these?

I just got them.


Who had them before?


Scorpion, I do believe.

My name is, Pete.

Pete, and I'm stoked.

We've heard about you
and shark, and we've

seen your audition tape.

Now we're ready to do it big
time for all the world to see.

We've been waiting
for your call.

Where should we meet you”?

No, no, no, no, no,
no, you don't meet us.

We'll pick you up.

We have a lot of props.

Perhaps, we should follow you.

They have props.

Ok, that may do.

You stay right where you are.

We'll be in touch.

Hey, at last we
have their trust.

We'll be on the inside.

If we have to be performers
in a porno film to do it,

so be it.

Yeah, we may as well give
it the whole nine yards.

It'll distract them.

Then we'll nail the bastards.

I think we should rehearse
until they get here.

Shark, you two start without me.

Should be about a
half a mile up the road.

Juan's getting a little ripe.

Son of a bitch is heavy.

You know something, the
dead deserve respect.

I'm going to give this
guy a one gun salute.


Fu, I'm calling
Jordan right now.

They call that foreplay.

Ok, I understand.

Tyler and tiger have
gone to locate, doc.

You and fu are in
Las Vegas searching

for shark and scorpion.

How the hell did
this leak out, Jordan?

You told me this
couldn't happen.

We are trying to
locate the problem.

Obviously, it's internal
here in Washington.

Dietrich and I are
on our way to Dallas.

Locate your people.

Meet us there the
day after tomorrow.

I'll need more time.

If I'm successful here,
I'll need to locate

cobra in Beverly Hills.

Cobra's on her own, Willow.

You can't mean that.

The hell I can't.

You have your orders.

Dallas, two days.

We've got to salvage what
we can from this mess.

I don't trust that bastard.

Come on, fu, let's go.

I have a way to contact cobra.

With this phone, I can
activate her warning device.

Her device will
respond in 60 seconds.

It's a code red signal,
return to Dallas home base


So do it, Willow.

It's not that simple, fu.


The warrior's people
could intercept the signal.

And if they know
she's being warned,

they'll kill her immediately.

But we have no choice.

Hey, where's Tony?

He came down with
3 real bad headache.

I'm filling in.

Boy, my pool man's
really going to be pissed.

I hope it doesn't
clog my filter.

Hey, that looks
like Manuel's car.

Something's up.

He ain't supposed to
be back until tomorrow.

Grab him!

Hold it.

So you gringo bastard,
you work for Jordan.

This will be fun
getting you to talk.

Take him inside.

They're shooting down.

Come on.

Kym, get in your car.

Kym, stay down.

Ah, damn.

That son of a bitch
has got a big gun.

You wanted to try this?

Be my guest.




Nice to see you, doc.


Damn it, how'd this happen?

These bastards trusted me.

I've been here for two months.

I was this close to getting
everything we need to nail him.

I discovered a security
leak in the computer system.

The four agents on this
mission are on red alert.

You mean someone on
our side is giving us up?

Afraid so.

Ain't life grand?

Matter of fact, it ain't.

Let's go, doc.

We got a plane over here.

What's the status on the others,

cobra, shark, and scorpion?

Cobra's on her own.

Willow is trying to locate
shark and scorpion in Vegas.

This used to be a
sleepy little town.

Now look at it.

There must be dozens
of industrial areas.

Finding a white Audi station
wagon is going to be tough.

This must be them.

Shark and scorpion,
this is Pete.

I'm Charlie.

We're going to make
a hell of a film.

Oh, yes, we are.

Flight 1628
departing Los Angeles

for Dallas fort worth
international airport

is ready for immediate
boarding at gate 41b.

Come on, man.

It's your turn.

Take off the robe.

We need to go handheld.

(Get some sounds.

Oh, oh, baby.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

Oh, you're so good.

Oh, I love you, baby.

Flight number 887
from Washington DC

now arriving Dallas
fort worth international

airport gate number 24.

Baggage claim is located in the
lower level of the terminal.

I'll get the car.

The Dallas office is
about 15 minutes from here.

Hey, this way.

I think we got some good stuff.

Hey that was great but we're
gonna need a few more shots.

We'll meet you here
tomorrow at noon?


We set the line, dude.

I et's see if the fishes bite.

We have to meet
with Jordan tomorrow.

I can't wait.

I've got a few things
to settle with him.

Welcome to Dallas fort

worth international airport.

Baggage for flight
number 1628 can be

claimed in carousel number two.

Cobra here.

I've arrived in Dallas.

Ok, what's the combination?


Let's go back.

Try it.

Shark, the camera recorded
him going behind this screen.

Look at this.

They're counterfeiting every
kind of film ever made.

This is a multi-million
dollar scam.

Look at this little puppy.

I'm good.

I bet I'd get siskel and
ebert's two thumbs up.

I don't think so.

This is one tape they're
not going to get.

We've got what we need.

Let's get out of here.

Chaz, here they come.

It's shooting time, baby.

Let's go. Let's go.

Come on.

We're getting them. Let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go. Let's go.

Hey, this is cool.

I can do this.

Top of the world, ma.

Gunshots, fu, around the corner.

With you, babe.

Let's go.

Hey, we're doing pretty good.

Did you see me hit the chick?

Yeah, and I got the guy.

Now go over there
and finish them off.

- Me?
- Go ahead.

I got you covered.

They're hit, fu, they're hit.

Get the phone and
call for an ambulance.

Damn you!

How bad is it?

Sure, Jordan.

We'll escort them
to the hospital.

Make sure they're
under 24 hour guard.

I want you two back in my
office by noon tomorrow.

By the way, cobra checked
in 10 minutes ago.

She made it back here ok.

Thank god.

Hey, come here.

There's someone
locked up inside.

Willow, I'm coming with you.

Help, we're in here.

Help, please help.

Thank god.

Thank you.

What the hell
happened to you guys?

We were jumped
vesterday by two maniacs.

They tied us up and threw
a dozen burgers at us.

Yeah, with extra ketchup.

You two must be the
real Pete and Charlie.

- Yeah, right.
- That's right.

I'm lucky to be alive.

I could have died
of indigestion.


Something's wrong.

Tiger, you take the outside.

You got it.

Hey, it's ok, Tyler.

Blondies home.

Damn, cobra.

You scared the hell out of me.

You scared me too.

I could use a little protection.

What's the similarity between
real estate and kissing?

Location, location,
location, location.


Ok, Tyler, yeah,
I'll be right there.

First I gotta get
something off my chest.

So shark and scorpion
were only wounded,

and you idiots knocked out
Pete and Charlie at my studio.

They worked for me, you morons.

Hey, we went there.

We told them who we were.

They got real pissy with us.

Yeah, yeah, they showed
us no respect, man.

We're college educated.

My whole damn Vegas
operation is up in smoke now.

Well, who would have
figured that fu and Willow

would have showed up.

Yeah, we're cool man,
pros like us packing heat.

Yeah. Yeah.

Hand to hand with fu
and Willow was out.

Word on the street is that
they're both black belts.


That's very interesting.

Well, I'm going to give you
two monkeys one more chance.

(So work out.

Get your bony little
asses into shape.

Your boy doc got away too.

We were attacked,
surrounded by a small army.

Not to worry, sir.

All the items were previously
taken to your cabin

at the lake.

There was nothing
left at my camp

to implicate our operation.

Hard drive wants
his money tomorrow.

You know what to do.

Everything's going
to be just fine.

Just follow his orders.

He can be brutal.

By the way, where's your
lovely associate, kym.

I left her at the hotel.

She was going to go shopping.

Please, put in a good
word for me with, warrior.

Of course, Manuel.

Don't worry.

My dear, you are a
woman of 1,000 faces.

That's one way to put it.

Kym, I don't know
which part of your body

to kiss first.

Surprise me.

No, absolutely not.

He's responsible.

Downright responsible.

All right.

All right.

Settle down, everyone.

We've gotta get back on track.

Hey, track this, Jordan.

You want to fire me?

Be my guest.

I can retire in
two years, or you

can can me now and pay me off.

Four of us put
ourselves on the line.

We infiltrated the
warrior's top operations,

and your department let some
turncoat jerk off give us up.

Can I say something?


No, no, I mean
something off the record.

All right, sure.

I'm not so sure you're not
the jerk off who fingered us.


You son of a bitch.

Yeah, you.

Who else knew what we were up to

and how to access the master
computer in Washington?

What was it, Jordan, money?

What'd you get?

30 pieces of silver.

You're crazy, doc.

The only person in this room
that can access the computer

is tiger.

I'm the only one
as far as we know,

but it can be done by any
expert given enough time, data,

and access codes.

Face it, Jordan.

It could be you.

Why did you get so ticked off

when cobra told you I contacted
her on the red alert beeper?

You could have compromised
the whole operation.

My call saved her life.

You want to talk about
shark and scorpion?

The leak that put their
asses at death's doorstep

came from your end.

It came from Washington.

All right.

Let's stop this.

We aren't getting anywhere.

I say when we've
arrested the warrior

and this operation is
over, you kick Jordan's ass

on general principles.

What about you, Dietrich?

Have you've got anything to say?

I must advocate Jordan's
feelings on this matter.

The computer infiltration
was an unfortunate incident.

Unfortunate incident my ass.

Dietrich, you're not in
the field dodging bullets.

Come on, folks.

What are we going to do next?

Let's consider our options.

The warrior obviously
has a central computer

office somewhere in the city.

We don't know where,
but what we do

know he has a home
in the Nob Hill

district of north Dallas, a
very expensive gated community.

He pretends to be a solid
citizen, he frequents the arts,

and he donates to charity.

He puts up a very good front.

We know his primary contraband.

Paintings, artifacts,
and gold were transported

from Manuel's location
in south Texas

to a secluded barn
on lake Dallas.

Those artifacts are priceless.

The Las Vegas porno
operation, that was

small potatoes just for kicks.

The contraband from south
Texas and the diamonds

cobra handled in Beverly
hills, that's his score.

The warrior's consolidating.

He's going to make a big move
soon like out of the country.

I can feel it.

Tyler and I'll stake out
his place in Nob Hill tonight

and see we can come up with.

Cobra, tiger, and fu can
stay at our place in case

you need them.

That'll be fine.

Willow, I'll need you
for a while longer.

We have a hell a lot
of paperwork to cover.


I'll get my files
and be right back.

I don't trust those bastards.

You guys keep your
asses covered.

Yeah, that's why I
mentioned the stakeout

to see how they'd react.

Which one of these cars
belongs to Jordan and Dietrich?

That white one right there.

Good luck, guys.

This should keep tabs on them.


Man this working out
stuff is killing me.

Yeah, after this set we
can have a cigarette break.

There's a lot of construction
going on around here.

Doc, that's the warrior's

place right over there.

Are we on the same page here?

Yes, sir.

Everything is under control.

The cowboys are in the woods
behind us about 100 yards back.

Do your thing.

Don't screw up.

It's our worst nightmare, Tyler,

to have someone in
our organization

giving us up,
probably for money.

I'm going to drop out,
grace my bike, get laid.

Dammit, out the back, Tyler.

Out the back.

It's those two idiots again.

How'd they get a bulldozer?

What the hell?

Let's get out.

They're shooting at us, doc.

I got a crush on you, baby.

Do it, Chaz, do it.

Push it back.

Push it back.

All right, I'll clear
one of them, Chaz.

Duck, duck.

They got guns too.

We got no bullets left.

Are you all right, buddy?

How bad is it?

Are you ok?

Oh my god.

We're lucky we got away.

I see your dossier.

So you're a California girl.

That's right.

Your bio said you were
working at Disneyland

when you were recruited.

What did you do there?

I was one of the rides.

All righty, here we go.

Let's hit the bar
for a cool one.


We'll see you in the
morning Dietrich.

We'll hit it early.

This should really
piss off the agency.

I don't know, man.

I think most of it will rub out.

There's a general store a
couple miles back on the road.

Can you make it?

Yeah, let's go.

I wonder how the rest of
our troops are making out.


Do you think anyone in our
department knows about us?

God, I hope so.

Otherwise they would
suck as agents.

I'll get us some grub.

You get us a cab.

House specials, donuts,
chili, ice cream, and beer.

Well that pretty much
covers all the food groups.

Yes, sir, I'm parked
right out front.

I'll get ready.

I'll meet you downstairs
in 10 minutes.

That was Dietrich.

He received a top priority
fax from Washington.

We're meeting two
interpol agents at 10:00.

He says his agents have
received information

from the lacross satellite,

information as to
where the warrior

has his treasure stashed.

Room service please.

Hey, I'm going to
grab some breakfast

and call fu to pick me up.

We'll meet you at the
office this afternoon.

Here's the fax, sir.

Ah, lacross
satellite, I'm always

amazed the amount
of information that

can be gathered by a satellite
200 miles up in the sky.

We're to meet the
interpol representatives

at that lake site.

It's about a 30 minute
drive from here.

This is fu.

Fu, I'm at the holidome.

Pick me up in half an hour.

I'll be waiting out front.

I assume you will have much
to tell me, little butterfly.

Your body's like a temple.

You must have used it to
exiract an enormous amount

of information from
Mr. Jordan son.

I didn't get Jack from him.

All we did was hump
our brains out.

You have a way with
words, little flower.

I shall be there in 30 minutes.

I got to haul ass.

Room service.

You fellas can set
that down right there.

Today's special,
waffles a la beretta.

And you better make that to go.

Thanks a lot.

We leave tonight on my
private jet for south America.

This is my day, Ron,
the day of the warrior.

First, I'll kill these
two with my bare hands.

I can feel the power.

Then I'll leave this wretched
country taking riches

beyond my wildest dreams.

The world is my oyster.

Ron, take these two to lake
cabin and pack up everything.

Prepare them to fight.

Here's a gift for you.


When fu left to get Willow
he said he'd be right back.

That was over two hours ago.

Nobody's heard from
Jordan or Dietrich.

The lake cabin, it's
the only lead we have.

Let's go.

Well, this is it.

According to the
map, this is where

we're supposed to meet them.

You know what?

Please open the case.

This 1s a bomb.

It's very simple.

We give Mr. hard drive the case.

We get back in the car.

He drives away.

I press the button.

He blows up.

I like it, Manuel.

You think of everything.

So we burn up a few
dollars with the explosion.

It costs money to
stay in business.

It'll be money well spent.

We've got to find their cabin.

It's somewhere on this lake.

The homing device
signals we planted

only carry five miles, doc.

We need to get lucky.

Here it is, Mr.
Hard drive, I believe.

Open it.

$1 million in unmarked bills.

This should keep you in style
for the rest of your life.

Money goes far in
certain parts of Europe

if you don't overdo it.

This is only a fraction of what

I helped the warrior unmask.

If I decide to overdo it, tell
him I'll be back for more.

I'll do that.

The back roads are tough.

The camps about
100 yards this way.

Come on.

We're going to get killed.

I've told you a thousand times,

you've got to think positive.

I'm positive we're
going to get killed.

Soam I?

It's the bug on Jordan's car.

Oh my god.

What happened to you?

He's lucky to be alive.

He's got some broken ribs.

I'll be ok.

Lucky I had my
bulletproof vest on.

Dietrich is the mole.

That son of a
bitch, he did this,

he and some cheesy blonde.

They turned north
past those trees.

Let's get him into the boat.

We can't go back.

Willow and fu could be at
the cabin if they're alive.

Come on, baby.

Show me what you got.

Come on, big girl.

Let's see what you've got.

Hey, jp, come with me.

Good to see you.

How did it go with El taco?

Tostado, baby.

Manuel was a thieving
son of a bitch.

We've gotta get
this stuff loaded up

and take it out to the airstrip.

We're going to fly out
of here with the warrior

in about six hours.

Let's get started.

Hey, while they're loading
up, let's go patrol the area.

That's a great idea.

Hey, you see anything
fishy, you drive.

I'll shoot.

Cha, cha, cha, here I come.

Look, Chaz, there they are.

Let's open fire.

They're shooting
at us. Hit the deck.

They're shooting at us. Hit it.



Come on, jp, shoot.

I got it now.

They're all shooting at us.

We've got to go. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Let's go.

Hey, let's get out of here.

Let's go the other way.

Come on.

Let's rock and roll

the more you sweat,
the less you bleed.

When they come around
the bend, we'll nail them.

Hey, piss ants.

Some business this is.

All we ended up with was a
bunch of singed underwear.

Hey, handcuff yourselves
to this post, boys.

Party's over.

We'll send for you later.

Come on. Come on.


Doc, the homing device
you put on their green Van,

the signal's coming in strong.

It's just up ahead.

Spread out.

That tramp.

Without that gun,

I could tear you apart
with my bare hands.

You spit in doc's
face, you slut.


There ain't nothing
like a right cross.

Everything else just sucks.

That son of a bitch has
one of those big guns too.

Ggive me that cane.

My cane?

I told you everything I
touch has a way of exploding.

Weren't you listening?

Willow and fu are
not in the cabin.

Nothing would please me more
than to blow your head off.

You have five seconds to
tell us where Willow and fu.

Willow, come get this stick.

- Ha-ya.
- Ha-ya, my ass.


Practice, doc.


I got to get
something off my chest.

Book him, fu.

Murder one.


Word from the
hospital in Las Vegas

is that shark and
scorpion are doing fine.

They'll be released in two days.

This riverboat here in
ll ouisiana is fabulous.

Yeah, and it's just a
stone's throw from big d.

This is great,
a little gambling,

good food, great company.

Good sex.

Oh, look at this.

Babe, hit my stride.

Three weeks here I love Capri.

Let's hear it for, fu.

I love you, guy.

Hey, I'll drink to that.

We'll all drink to that.

Mwell, here I am
all hot to trot d

jl got everything
that you ever want jd

dso come on down
and check me out pd

DI'm bragging on me jd

m'm hotter than he d

pl'm the one who'll
make you a beer jd

dl'm bragging on me jd

p'm a hot little
man from Tokyo jd

dl've got more love
than you'll ever know jd

dso come on over
and give me a try jd

dl'll show you the
biggest reason why j

doh, I'm bragging on me j

m'm hotter than he d

pwell, I'm the man you'll
see in your dreams jd

pl'm the one who'll
make you a bear jd

doh, I'm bragging on me j

poh, I'm bold d

Pwell, I bet you're
thinking how would it be d

pmwell, baby, you'll
have no doubt d

pthat all my loving
will wear you out jd

dl'm bragging on me jd

m'm hotter than he d

pmlook here pd

dl'm the man you'll
see in your dream j

pbut I'm the one
who'll make you a beer d

dl'm braggin' jd

dl'm bragging on me jd

moh d

pthere's a cut to it d

dl'm bragging on me jd