Day of Resurrection (1980) - full transcript

A military-engineered virus, released during a plane crash, kills the entire human population. The only survivors are scientists in Antarctica, who desperately try to find a cure and save what is left of the planet from further destruction. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food



Last deck's footage: three miles
offshore now, sir. -Very good.

Stop together.
-Stop together.

Keep 56 feet. -Keep 56 feet.
-Keep 56 feet.

Stand by to take an air sample.

Launch surveillance drone.
-Launch surveillance drone.

Receiving video transmission
now, sir.

Where is Yoshizumi?

I think he's asleep, sir. He was up all
night working on that theory phase.

That earthquake predictional?
-Yes, sir, I believe so.

What a crock! We read about
a massive disaster, is it?

We'd better give him a call. I don't
suppose he'd be seing this sight again.

Yoshizumi to control room.
Yoshizumi to control room.

Yoshizumi to control room.
Yoshizumi to control room.

Yoshizumi reports in.
-Keep him a clod.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant.

But it's of no matter to you.


Any more positive, nut-gab?

Let's not get too damn
heavy about this.

Japanese seem to have licked
their smog problem at last, don't they?

That would be quite enough,
major Carter.

I am sorry.

Look here, major.
What are you riding him for?

We have no room for that sort
of thing down here, you know?

Jones, you haven't got room for a whole
hell of nothing down here!

Pardon! Pardon!

Well? -Captain, the analysis
of the air sample...

from the outside enviroment
is complete.

Result? -Positive. The virus
is still quite active.

Retreive the drone. Eject
the air sample. -Captain!

I ask of you: do not eject the sample!
-That's impossible, doctor Letour.

You want us to keep that... that thing
with us? Take it back?

It's quite out of the question.
-I beg of you! Reconsider, captain!

You're thinking only of
the short-term risk?

I like to think of no risk at all.

With a little time I can
study its characteristics.

There is no danger
as long as we keep it isolated.

They shall not have you isolate a virus
aboard the submarine, doctor.

Captain, this submarine... it is
powered by a nuclear reactor.

Is there no danger
to us from the radioactivity as a call?

Of course not. We are completely
shielded from it...

I accept your expertise at this matter.
Will you not accept mine?

Captain, what choice do we have
but at least to try?

Retreive the drone. Secure
air sample in isolation.

Retreive drone. Secure
air sample in isolation.

Retreive drone.
Secure air sample in isolation.

That's it. Go home.

And for home...

It'd differ if we have home to
return to now, wouldn't it?

And for Antarctica it should be.

9000 miles.

Except there are no homes. It will
be Christmas by the time we get back.






IN 1981...









Close that or the coffee gets cold.
I've got to drive 60 kilometers today.

I'm sorry, professor.
It's pretty bad weather.

I have no choice.
My sister is sick.

I am sorry. Please drive carefully.
-Thank you.

Professor! How nice to see you!
Dreadfully cold, no?

Warm yourself.

I trust everything is in order.

It is critical. The content is to be
delivered directly to dr Leisenhau...

at the Viral Research
Institute at Zurich.

Transport it exactly as it is.

Under no circumstances take off
the dry ice pecking.

Under no circumstances allow
the dry ice to run out.

Insert perfectly. Absolutely clear.

I understand, professor.

You seem relieved.
Is that the right word?

Dr Leisenhau is in my opinion the
leading authority in the world today

on the subject of viral infections.

And the test data?
The documentation?

I had enough trouble getting
the specimen out of the lab.

You expect me to take this to
dr Leisenhau with no proof...

no idea of its characteristics,
its properties?

"Here, dr Leisenhau,
here is a germ, fix it, please"?

It is more than a germ.
It is a weapon! MM-88 is an accident.

It is a Frankenstein monster,
mascaraded as a virus!

MM-88? -Soon after it was found
we could take DNA apart...

and reassemble it in different ways,

the American geneticists
developed this MM-88

and when heard of its characteristics,
we decided to borrow some of it.

What characteristics? -Essentially,
it is a mimic. -A what?

A mimic attaches itself
to existing viruses,

such as polio, influenza, etcetera...

increasing both the toxicity and the
reproductive level of the host desease.

In other words, it hits so hard and
multiply so fast,

it simply overwhelms
any vaccine known.

If you excuse me...

You have a cold?
-Oh, it's nothing.

If I were to open
this ampula to the air,

you would've been dead
within three days.

It is no laughing matter!

Men, women, children...
Livestock as well.

Birds, dogs and cats even...

All vertebrate life on Earth with
no exception is susceptible.

Unless a way is found to
neutralize this monster,

we are left with
a doomsday weapon.

Which means the weapon that will
never be used. -By a rational man.

And the history can tell you
that the rational mind...

is not always a prerequisite
for a position of power.

Very good, professor.
You've done well.

In five days a bank account will
be opened in your name in Brazil.

Fifty thousand pounds
will be deposited to that account.

Do you think I did this for money?

I want you to get this virus to
dr Leisenhau, nothing more!

You are certain professor Krauss
was hit? -Yes.

Just as well I suppose.He wouldn't have
been very happy if he'd found out...

we were not representing
the good dr Leisenhau after all.

We gotta go higher! There's
too much turbulence!

No! We'd be picked up by radar!

Keep hugging it close! -It's not
safe! We're too heavy!

Don't worry. We have plenty of ballast
to get rid of if we have to. -Noooooo!

MARCH, 1982



Come in!

Director Roger.
-Dr Meyer. You have a visitor.

How are you, Ed?

You're busy? -No, no, I just...
I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow.

I came by to check on your progress.
-I have a few things to do, gentlemen,

so if you'll excuse me.

Did you get it back?

A scientist named Krauss was making
a discreet increase to the Swiss,

about something that
sounded like MM-88.

I sent him some of my people
posing as Swiss,

they never came out. -Well, send
then some more, damn it!

It's vitally important to find out
who stole that virus!

My only link was Krauss. East Germans
are saying that he comitted suicide.

So, MM-88 is still out there.

And we don't know where.

That's why it is imperative for you to
develop a vaccine immediately.

There is not a vaccine in the world
that can stop it.

Not liked it to be one, either.

At extremely low temperatures
the virus is completely dormant.

But at minus 10 degrees Centigrade,
it begins to reproduce itself.

By minus 3 degrees Centigrades,

its reproductive rate is increased by a
factor of 100.

Above zero it starts growing in
a horrendous rate,

reaching its peak infectivity.

At above 5 degrees Centigrade,

at which time its reproductive rate
(the speed in which it multiplies)

reaches massive proportions.

Its reproductive rate is now something
of the order of 2 billion times greater

than what it was at minus 10.

Look at this!

And look at this!

And look at this.

I'm scared to death
of this thing.

It's not just a vaccine you wanna
develop from this little monster is it?

I don't know what you're talking about.
-I know how this system works, colonel!

You develop a part of the weapon here,
another part over there,

the trigger some place else again,

and nobody involved knows what the hell
they're working on

until it's all put together!

Go on. -Militarily, a vaccine would
be a very useful defensive element.

And that's all you've been asked to
develop. -Come off it, colonel!

Why is Columbia being asked to study
MM-88's resistance to extreme heat?

You are developing a weapon system
based on MM-88, aren't you?

You are a fool.
-For God sake, why?

At this moment...

we do not have a creditable
deterrent in the USA ourselves.

At this moment we are capable not only
of reducing each other to rubble,

but of reducing the rubble to rubble!

We were. Before we installed the
automatic reactions system, the ARS.

So how does that leave us defensless?

The Soviets installed the same system!

Now neither side can employ
their missiles even if they want to!

So this... this so-called Disarmament
Treaty of President Richardson's...

is more of his political
show bugging!

We are back to square one, unless we
can develop a new weapon system fast!


Christ, not again!

Why can't you people
have to leave it be?!

Are the Russians gonna leave it be?!

What's with him?

We're in trouble.

He has figured it out.
Take a look.

My God!

He's gonna blow the whistle to Senator
Barkley's Defense Overside Committee.

What do you propose to do?

I think...

We should send him over
to Letterman this afternoon.

For a... routine physical.

No, no, no!
I'm not crazy! No, no!!!

I'm not crazy!!!

APRIL, 1982






MAY, 1982


Leader, it's a message
from the capital.

"We hope to have the Italian Flu
under control soon.

Please calm down
and continue your observations."

A superficial response,
as usual.

Doesn't calm me down.

Let's pin it up
in the cafeteria.

It should make
everyone feel better.

Yes, sir.

Hallo? This is Aye Jaywan Aller.
I copy you.

What is your code sign? Over.

This is BK-0-CC. A-Have
proportion station. Over.

It's that Australian group
from next door.


What communication
you had from outside? Over.

Just for a couple of minutes to
some doctor in Uganda.

He said, whatever it was, the Central
Africa was hit bad.

Not just the people. Most of the wild
life as well. Even the elephants. Over.

Wild life too?

Imagine an elephant with a flu. One
sneeze can break its neck, I reckon.

Let me speak.

Hallo? This is doctor
Yamochi speaking.

Could you please explain,
if it's possible...

..the characteristics the Ugandan
doctor described. Over.

All he said was it started out like
a simple cold, or flu mostly.

And then quickly turned to pneumonia.

And there were symptoms of
other diseases as well...

but he didn't think it was
any of those things.

He thought it was something else.

Something else?

Can an unknown disease
like that...

really exist?

How should I know?

All I know is that
the whole world's in a panic.

Connect the electricity!


You amaze me.

Doesn't it bother you at all?


He's got a girlfriend.

She's my wife's friend.
She's really beautiful.

What do you think?


I won't say anything bad.

Why don't you ask about her
by telegraph sometime?

We broke up.

Broke up?

She probably couldn't
put up with me.

- But you...
- Matsuo!

- Let's do this.
- Hey!

I'm pregnant.

The child will be born
while you're at the South Pole.

I'm lying.

But even if it were true...

it's of no importance to you.

No matter
what happened to me...

you'd still go, right?

That's right.

and the South Pole...

are all
you care about, right?

Let's break up...

after all.

You and I.


I didn't think you'd come.

As far as the child goes...

I told you it was a lie.

Either way...

it doesn't matter to you.

I'm sorry.

I hadn't planned
to say something like this.

In truth...

I wanted to see you off
with a smile.

Go in good health.


JUNE, 1982 - TOKYO

- Move aside!
- It's an emergency!

- Out of our way!
- Let us through!

- It's an emergency!
- Let us through!

Excuse me!

Miss Noriko?

Miss Yoshiko.

What's wrong?

You're so pale!

Nothing's wrong.

I'm just a little tired.

Akira, what's wrong?

Do you have a cold?


It was hard...

so early in the morning.

Miss Noriko!

Miss Noriko!

Miss Noriko!

You're awake.

You stayed with me?

I'm so sorry.

What are you saying?

More importantly,
are you okay?


They couldn't save it?

The baby.

Recently, I've been so busy...

I overexerted myself.

Did Mr. Yoshizumi...

know about it?

I did something cruel.

I thought I could
raise her myself.

The raging epidemic of the Italian flu

so inseeds fear and panic
throughout the world.

A severe shortage of
vaccine of every kind...

is reported in almost all countries.

Everywhere there are ugly


...martial law is the order of the day.
Civil disorder has escalated...

with widespread damage to
private and public property,

and rising death tolls
in number of countries.

In the United Kingdom...



West Germany...

...and Japan.

The USA is no exception.

For the past several days
on Capitol Hill in Washington DC

mass demonstrations of tens of
thousands of people are daily events.

This morning the National Guard
and the police...

attempted to restore order,

only to inflame the angry move
of the vast crowd

demanding effective vaccines.

Reports of bloody encounters
continue to stream in.

The President Richardson's television
appealed to the nation...

asking for calm and restraint,
has no appreciable effect.

Noone dares to say
when order can be restored.

Even now, in Washington, authorities
cannot maintain order.. -That's enough!

..and everywhere in the country there
is confusion, chaos... -Turn it off.

What vaccine?

All right.

How long will it take you to...
manufacture this vaccine in quantity?

Mr. President, we have not even
been able to isolate the cause.

The virus, if it is a virus,
is like the common cold,

it is everywhere, it is nowhere.

I'd like to say at this point,
Mr. President, that HHS...

might have been in a better position to
develop the crash program...

if its budget hadn't been slashed...
against the specific wishes of Congress

Damn it, senator, I don't have to
hear that from you!

What do you mean?
There is no vaccine?

Then what's it that we're giving to the
police and fire department personnel,

the essential services, the military
alert cruise, if not a vaccine?

It's just that we don't have enough for
the general populus, isn't that right?

We had a vaccine of sorbose and
we put together a soup

of every fluor-rated vaccine we know.

Its effect leaves something
that we desired.

In fact, it's more of a placebo
than anything else.

You gave me a god-damn placebo?!
-We are doing our best!

Mr. President, my apologies
for being late.

But, I have been gathering the latest
death tolls estimates in our situation.

And? -This shows when the
Italian flu first broke out.

And the rounds in which it
has spread.

Here we have a break on the victims.

Alive - yellow, dead - black,
according to region.

As of this morning, Mr. President,

I would like to point out the very
real possibility

that we might not have just
an epidemic on our hands,

we may have a case of germ warfare!

From where?
What source?

Every country on this chart has massive
casualties. Can you explain that?

As far as we know. Some of our
information is quite sketchy.

Still, the most suspect country
should be obvious.

You have any hard evidence to support
this theory? -We are working on it.

In the meantime, Mr. President, as
Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff,

I must request that we go out
to the stage 1 alert,

including the activation
of the ARS network.

A nuclear strike, general? The Stage 1
alert, if it makes you feel any better,

but the Automatic Reaction System
aimed at the USSR and noone else,

leaves us no
flexibility at all.

How flexible are we going to be when
the Soviet missiles are incoming?

The only thing that is incoming
are germs, general.

The Soviets must be
made aware of the fact

that they cannot take
advantage of this situation!

All right. That's the point
to consider.

Yes? One moment.
Mr. President. The Kremlin.

This is President Richardson.


Yes... Um...
Yes, I... I understand.

Well, the... message was brief enough.

Their Chief of State died this morning.
Of the Italian flu.

As far as we know.
-Five star fool.

JULY, 1982


When did this start?

He was coughing
last night...

but he suddenly
went limp this morning.

You, take him
to a room quickly!

We have
to examine him now.

Take a lung biopsy.
His heart is weak, too.

Will he be okay?!

We must take him now!

But Doctor, my husband
is in the hospital...

and I have
a 101 degree fever.

All the hospitals are full,
and I've been waiting!

Please calm down.

After the flu test,
he'll get better.

- Come on.
- This way.

Okay, next patient.


I'm fine.

I'm okay.

Please rest a bit.

I'll take over for you.

- Okay, please take over.
- Yes, sir.


Please hang in there!

Thank you.

Shall I get you some tea?

I'm fine.

You've got to have something!

We have milk, too.

- Get me some water.
- Yes, sir.

Did you hear today's news?

The death toll
has passed 30 million.

That many?

The mortality rate...

is 45%!

They say it may keep growing!


how long will this continue?

I don't know.

But we must do
everything we can.

Everything must end sometime.

The question is,
how will it end?

AUGUST, 1982

CQ, CQ! This is JGX!
Polar Station of Japan!

Aye Jaywan, read my transmission!

What is the condition in Japan?

Answer me, someone! Please,
answer me! Over.

It's no use!

How many days
since we lost contact?

This is the eighth day.

It seems to be
a terrible situation.

I don't believe it!

How could Japan be ruined...

in just three months?!

How could that be?!

How could it be?

Tatsuno, that voice!

Are you calling us?

This is Aye Jaywan Aller!

Hello? Can anybody hear me?

My name is Toby Anderson.

This is Aye Jaywan Aller, polar
station. Toby, come in. Toby? Over.

Can anybody hear me?
My name is Toby.

Toby! I hear you! I hear you!!

Can anybody hear me? I'm Anderson,
at... outside Santa Fe.

This is daddy's radio.

Can anybody hear me?

It's no use, he's pushing
down the mike button!

He doesn't know how to use it.

Daddy told me not to use the radio
until I turn 10.

I'm only five. -Toby! Let go the mike
switch after you speak!

I asked daddy if I could use the radio
just this once, but dad doesn't answer.

He's asleep on the floor
and he won't wake up!

Mommy is gone.
Is anybody out there?

Toby! The switch! The switch!
Let go the switch!

I don't feel good.
I want my mommy.

I'm scared... -Toby, the switch!
-I'm not a baby, though...

Daddy's gun is right here. I know how
to use it. I don't wanna be alone.

Toby! Toby!

You're not alone! Toby!

He must have...

gone on to Heaven.

You asshole!

Mr. Tatsuno!


Here we sit, gentlemen...

leaders of the most...

powerful and
advanced nation...

on the face of the earth...

Here we sit.

Damn it! There must be
something we can do about it!


Mr. President, has the
plague been identified yet?

Senator, we don't know whether we're
dealing with one plague germ or six.

We don't even know where it came from
or how it is being transmitted.

Maybe we've been looking in
the wrong direction.

We have looked in
every direction, senator.

Tell me something about the
Operation Phoenix, general Garth.


What is Operation Phoenix?

Just a... just a paper study.

One of civil options being
studied in purely theoretical terms...

..Mr. President, nothing more.

Maybe a little bit more,

What are we talking about?

Operation Phoenix was a top secret
military study of a new weapon system.

There are many such studies. It goes
with a job. New weapons, new studies... alternatives...
-A biological weapon system.

It was a paper study.

It was an active research project..

involving a genetic manipulation
of existing pathogenic viruses!

It was theoretical!

New strains were not just study. They
were created in laboratory.

Under completely controlled conditions!
I assure you, Mr. President!

One strain, MM-88 was stolen
and never recovered,

and the President was
never told about it.

Now I'd like to know why!

Colonel Renken, get in here
this minute!

Colonel Renken, Operation Phoenix
was your baby.

MM-88. Was such a strain

Yes, sir.

Was any of it stolen?

No, sir. But it wouldn't have made
any difference anyway.

Why not?
-MM-88 was a failure.

It was benign.
-He's lying.

Senator, I have had enough accusation
for one afternoon.

Now I demand to know the source
of this horrible slander!

Sir, this man is a paranoid
schizophrenic, I can vouch for that!

Well, there you have it.
Rumours from the funny farm.

This is doctor Baldwin's report.

Doctor Meyer is incurably sane.

It took us a while to find that out
because Col. Renken had put him away.

Colonel, why was he committed?

To keep him from passing information
about Operation Phoenix to my committee

Renken, I could have you shot!

You have been relieved
of your duties!

Tell me something...

Is this... Italian flu...

actually... MM-88?

I'm sure of it, sir.

Sir. I fully support you in this
last ditch effort.

But I must stress the importance of the
strong military posture at this moment.

Again I urge a Stage 1 alert,
including the ARS activation.


Get out of my sight.
-Mr. President... -I said...

..get out of my sight.

Gentlemen, we will place a
complete secrecy on this situation.

On the contrary, sir,

we need to enlist the aid
of scientist from all over the world.

Out of the question.
-But, Mr. President!

Top secret!

Now, what do you need?


I understand.

My wife... has come down with the cold.

What do you need, doctor?

What do you need?








Miss Yoshiko.

Miss Yoshiko.


You're here!

You're alive.

I'm sorry.

You were lonely, right?


do you want to come with me
to where Papa is?

What about Mama?

Your Mama...

can't come with us.

That's why
I'll take you to Papa.

Papa will be happy!

Are you cold?


drink this.

What is it?

It will stop you
from being cold.

What's wrong?

It's nothing.


try calling your Papa.




One more time.



Is that you, Tatsuno?



Tatsuno's gone somewhere.

- What?!
- Stay here.












You can't go any further!

Let's search again
once the blizzard has ended!

Let me go!



has gone to join
his wife and child.

If I could,
I'd do the same thing!



This may be the last sunset
we'll ever see.

If we only had a little more time...

..those were doctor Meyer's
last words.

God had the entire civilization to
sputter out with those words.

As our state founders so proudly
have been saying about history...

Those who cannot remember
the past...

..are condemned to repeat it.

There are some of us
who can.

I wanted my name to be entered
into the history books.

But I wanted it to be for something
meaningful, something...


What could I have done that would have
made the slightest bit of difference?

What could I have done?

Maybe it will snow.

Might give us a little more time.


Meyer said that the virus is dormant
in cold temperatures.

Well, it's not going to snow,

It's high and higher is to get.

The damn cold...

-Palmer station!

Come on, there must
be someone.

Yes, Mr. President?

Get me the Palmer Station!

There have been
snowing all this time.

You're the reason that could not be
flown down. It'll be safe there.

We'll make it...

God if willing.
-Not we, Mr. President...

You represent the nation.

The government must continue.

You were my opponent in every
political battle...

but you were never... you were never
my enemy...

Palmer station, Mr. President.

Palmer station, this is the
President of the United States.

This is Admiral Conway here,
Mr. President.

I would like the entire American
continent to hear what I have to say.

Has the sickness hit
your station yet?

No, sir. There is no sign of
any illness here.

And the other stations?

There are no reported illnesses
at any of the stations...

and we are in more or less
regular contact.

How bad is it, Mr. President?

Pass me through to the other
Antarctica bases.

All of them, sir?
-All of them, admiral Conway.

Right away, Mr. President.

-Attention, attention, all stations!

Please stand by for an important
message from the President of the USA.

-All personnel, all stations, must...

...I repeat, must listen to the
following message.

Please stand by. is with great regrets
and personal sorrow... well as the position of the
government of the USA

that I officially confirm what
most of you already know.

-The world has been beset...

by a horrible claim.

And now we are unable to devise
an effective vaccine.

The United States has sustained...

casualties of the greatest

No country has escaped
the similar fate.

We do know something about
this virus.

We know this virus remains dormant
under sub-zero conditions.

For this reason
you in Antarctica...

have not been affected.

Do not leave your sanctuary.

Do not allow those from the outside
to enter.

Under no conditions
try to return.


..offer you no solutions... hope...

..other than that somehow
you may prevail.

This time try to work it
out together, please.


And may God bless you all.

Mr. President, I form the
request that you..

under authority credited by Congress
and by the Constitution of the USA...

meeting your responsibility to defend
this great land against all enemies

internal and external, give the order

to put our retaliatory forces
on full alert, Stage 1..

including the activation
of the ARS!

You are a fool, general.

There's nobody left.

General Garth, ZX-34!

This is General Garth speaking.
In the interest of national security...

I'm activating the ARS!


Dawn already?

Want me to drive?

I'm alright.
Please sleep.

I can't.

Only five days left
until the Antarctic Conference.

Until we reach
Palmer Station...

we'll have to keep this pace.

Will all 11 countries...

be at
the Antarctic Conference?

They should be.

It's a meeting
to decide the fate...

of the survivors, after all.

We can't be late.

Wait a second.

Hit it again!

It's no use!

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

What should we do?

There's no time!

Shall we walk?


We're still 620 miles
away from Palmer Station!

Even I couldn't be
so reckless.

But since
we've come this far...

Norway's station
should be close.

We should be fine
if we go there.

Hello! Is anyone in there?


Is anybody...?

Please, listen to me.

Open the door. We are
from the Japanese winter team.

It's all right.

It's all right.

What's happened here?

She's pregnant!

We were just sitting there...

..not talking...

The radio man shot himself...

..then everyone went mad.

My husband pulled out a gun...

..and pointed it at me.

I ran.

But he just came after me...

I closed and locked the door...

..and he just kept banging.

Then someone shot him.



Can you stay here
with that woman?


I have to get
to the conference on time.

So there's no way...

I can take a woman
about to give birth along with me.

Since you're single,
please take care of her.

I understand.

I'll figure something out.

To give birth at the South Pole
in such times as these.

I hope she's born alright.

We are, almost certainly, all that has
left, the sole survivors.

855 men and 8 women.

We have supplies to last us for 2 years
at the present levels of consumption.

But we must work together,

pulling our scientific knowledge so we
can survive until the virus dies out.

And that is the purpose
of this meeting,

to devise a plan to enable us to deal
with our present situation.

We are not completely isolated here,
are we, admiral? Not after the fall?

What do you mean, doctor Tarovish?
-You have an ice-breaker...

that was not able to make it out
before the last freeze,

and it's been here all winter, so...

we could, in fact, go back,
if we so elected.

To what purpose go back,
doctor Tarovish?

To what purpose stay,
admiral Conway?

There are some who might choose to
go back and make the best of it,

instead of spending
the rest of our lives here, marooned.

There is no best of it to make,
doctor Tarovish.

The question before us is how best to
organize the resources at our disposal.

I do not have to listen to you any more
Borodinov. You have no tanks here!

Gentlemen, gentlemen, we must not allow
this to degenerate to personal levels.

But Borodinov is absolutely correct.
We must establish our priorities.

Admiral Conway! Representative of the
Soviet Union whose rank is not clear...

All my life I have waited to tell the
representatives of the Soviet Union

and the United States, how tired I am
of listening to them

lecture the rest of the world what
is best for all of us!

So at this time with your
kind indulgence

I would like to do just that!

Not now, Lopez. -Exactly what I would
expect from Argentina!

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!

If you people wanna hurt each other,
I suggest you use this.

It's a lot more effective.

You Americans have
a certain directness.

As though we needed another
method of killing ourselves.

Mr. Nakarishi.

Thank you.

May I have your attention, please?

May I have your attention, please?

I've just received a notification from
my courier that a Norwegian survivor...

has just given birth to a baby girl.

Rather unfortunate being born
in this situation.

Not necessarily, doctor.

Death will be after us.

There is still a world out there.

I'd be a father by now.

Has she chosen a name
for the child?



I like the sound.

Grae in Norwegian is a word meaning:
The First Light of the Sun.

The Dawn of a New Day.


You have a message.
-A message? From whom?

From the Federal
Council of Antarctica.

I've never heard of them.
-Neither did any of us before today.

We are here. We must have
a government.

One of the first of our official
actions was to issue a proclamation...

welcoming Grae to the
new world...

and wishing her every happiness.

Every happiness?

...they want to know if the Council
can serve as a collective godfather.

How nice of them.

The rape is rape! The fact is Sylvia
was attacked...

and it cannot be allowed
to happen again!

My dear...

I'm sure noone wishes to minimize
the seriousness of what happened.

However, we are dealing
with human animals...

..natural reaction to the threat
of extinction...

..which is to reproduce,
to propagate the species.

It is regrettable...

..but inevitable.
-This is not the point!

If this Council cannot take care of
their eight women,

well, then, gentlemen, this whole thing
is just a joke!

Of course there's truth in what you're
saying, we must protect our women.

-Oh, let's face it.

What we really need is a completely
new attitude toward human sexuality.

In a community of 855 men
and 8 women...

conventional one-to-one relationships
between men and women..

will not be possible.

Well.. That may be so.

But I agree with doctor Latour
that we should be concerned...

with the instinct for survival,
and think of brothers and sisters...

for little greed.

The question now must be:
How do we go about it?

Doctor Allich?


We really do not know how
to go about it just yet.

Although the problem itself
is certainly clear enough.

Women have become our most valuable
natural resource.

And as it has been just
pointed out... relationships
are no longer possible.

This means that each woman,
however reluctantly...

will have to... accomodate
more than one man.

Of course, we will have to go
against deep personal feelings.

And this is an extremely
serious matter.

But somehow we must find the will
to suppress our instincts.

And that is what troubles
me the most:

Can we?

Can we control our instincts
with reason?

Unless we can,
there is no future.

The human race will die out.

It's so much!
How can we live like that?

Sylvia... From the bottom
of my heart...

I wish that I could
answer your question.

Sorry, sir.

We've just picked up
a submarine distress signal.

Sir, they're on their way here
and they ask permission to disembark.

Palmer Station?
-No, sir, the Soviet Station.

We received the message
is that Soviet sub T-232...

they are requesting the emergency
assistance, sir.

And their condition?

This is ensign Smirnoff speak.

Active captain of Soviet submarine

Ensign Smirnoff,
this is Admiral Conway,

Chairman of the Federal
Council of Antarctica.

We understand that some of
your men are injured.

No injuries, admiral.

We have illness.

Our men need provisions
and medical attention.

What is the nature of the illness?

Italian flu.

In that case it is my duty
to inform you...

with great reluctance, that the
Federal Council of Antarctica...

refuses your permission
to land.

What are you telling me?!

Ensign Smirnoff, this is
doctor Borodinov,

commander of the Soviet
Antarctica winter team.

Ensign Smirnoff, doctor.
Request the permission to land.

Smirnoff, it is not possible
that you should land.

You would infect us all.
You must understand.

Doctor Borodinov, my men must
leave this boat!

We need rest. We need
medical attention.

Can you hear me?
Doctor, can you hear me?

We will land!
-You will not land.

Who is this speaking? -Her Majesty's
nuclear attack submarine Nerid.

Captain McLoud at your service.
-This is not your concern, English!

We have the most profound sympathy
for your situation, ensign Smirnoff,

but surely you realize you cannot be
allowed to disembark.

I have a responsibility
to my men!

You have a higher responsibility.

There is nothing more to
say, captain McLoud.

Captain McLoud, what is
your present position?

Sufficiently close, I should say.

Then, captain...

do what you have to do.

Target range: 6000 yards.

Target range: 6000 yards.


Your tight little island remains
secure for now, admiral Conway.


Captain McLoud...

we owe you our thanks.

Where will you go?

Like the Flying Dutchman, we'll
just sail on.

You chaps still have a god shot on it.
Don't let us down.

Captain McLoud.
-Yes, sir?

How long have you been on station?
-Since February.

That's winter back there.

Captain, I want you to answer this
next question very carefully.

Are you or any of your men infected?
-No, sir, we're not.

It must be unanimous.

Captain McLoud, would you care
to come aboard, sir?

Yes, sir, I believe we would.


We look forward to it.

Stand by to surface!
-Stand by to surface!

Stand by to surface!



Doctor Letour is not joining
us this evening?

No, he went back to his laboratory to
work on the vaccine against the virus.

Was I wrong, I wonder, to allow
Letour to bring that virus sample...

here to our sanctuary.
-That's hard to say.

Mind you if a vaccine can be developed,
doctor Letour is the man to do it.

He told me so himself.

Surely they must have tried
it out there.

They must have tried.

Let's see what we can do
with this big fellow.

Hey major, could you tell us something?
Who the kid looks like, him or me?

Me, you twit, it's obvious, innit?

Come on, major Carter, which
one, basically speaking?

What is it, the boy or a girl?
-What difference does that make?

Because if it is a boy,
it will partly look like you.

And if it is a girl? -Then it will
partly look like its mother.

Now would you two please
leave me alone? Thank you.

Ohh, she's beautiful.

Excuse me.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

From Grae.
-From Grae?

Why do you think
it is for me? -Ask her yourself.

What's the matter?
Don't you like children?

There's was a time perhaps
when I did not.

I don't understand.

Sometimes I cannot express
myself very well.


I believe we have
an appointment.

I could come back later if you like.
-No, there's no need to come back later

You sent for me, admiral Conway?
-Yes, doctor Yoshizumi.

Would you come in, please?

It appears we may have a small
problem here.

Would you mind explaining
what this seismic map means?

I did it in my own time. -Yes, of
course, but would you please explain it

in layman's terms?


Out here is the
Baltimore Canyon...

where offshore oil drilling
has recently started.

In my field of earthquake prediction,
I became extremely interested...

in this situation. -But, that is
not an earthquake prone area.

You're right, captain Lopez. I was
concerned about what might happen...

..when tapped oil in this area
was brought out...

the tremendous weight of the sea
pressing down, it could lead...

to a tectonic movement of a
great magnitude.

In this particular area there are
various deep rabbit...

between the Baltimore Canyon
and the Aleutan formation...

which could result in a very
critical condition.

What is the expected magnitude of this
earth tremor if it occurs?

Between 8.6 and 9
on the Richter's scale.

You placed the epicentre here? -Yes,
within 100 miles radius from that point

That means that Washington DC could be
severely affected? -Yes.

Doctor, let me ask you. Could this
shock be as great as nuclear explosion?

Well, the rapid vertical movement
of the shock pattern...

would be like the shock wave
of a nuclear explosion. Yes.

I should emphasize, however,

this earthquake will occur
in the eastern seaboard area,

not here. -When do you expect
this earthquake to hit?

Within a month.

Major Carter, I think it's time
everybody to be told what...

you already told me. Gentlemen,
by way of explanation,

major Carter is a former staff member
with the Defense Intelligence Agency.

He acted as a liaison to
the Joint Chief of Staff.

The USA has in place the retaliatory
system called the ARS.

Automatic Reaction System.

An earthquake of the magnitude
indicated by doctor Yoshizumi...

would trigger the ARS.

The United States military...

was very closely coordinated with
that of the United Kingdom.

Captain McLoud, sir?

Major Carter is quite
correct, gentlemen.

About a year ago, in September,
while on station,

we indeed
received the activation signal.

Rather surprising, I might add,
because we assumed...

there was noone left alive in
Washington to send it.

I think it's imperative that you,
gentlemen, hear some cold facts...

From my Soviet colleague.

Captain Nievsky?


The first missile to hit
Russian soil...

will set off our entire
retaliatory force.

Our system was activated
over a year ago.

But that's not all,
I'm afraid.

What do you mean?

The opinion was held
at one time...

that the USA was planning the
construction of a secret base...

here at Palmer Station.

I believe that Palmer Station
was targeted. -What?

That is insane!

The United States have no particular
monopoly on idiots.

This is... impossible!

How long are we to be haunted
by our past?

There is one thing
we can do.

Send someone to Washington to
disarm the damn thing.


What about the virus?

If you're right about the
earthquake, what choice have we?

Admiral, this is stupid.

Yes, this is stupid!!!

I'm going myself.

Excuse me.

It's all right, doctor.

Major Carter is correct.

It must be him.

He will need help.

Major Carter!

You are not going, pal.

You cannot do this alone.

If I was gonna take someone with me,
which I'm not,

it's sure as hell it
wouldn't be you.


Doctor, have you ever handled
explosives? -Yes, many times.

As an earthquake experiment.

Well, even if you had
handled explosives...

you'd slow me down.


I don't wanna hurt your feelings, doc,

but you're not physically
tough enough for the job.

I'm sorry.


You're gonna go back home now, you
understand? Now get up!

I suggest you get out of my way
and get on home. -No!

God damn it!

Jesus Christ, you
beat me.

Life is wonderful.

Hey, Yoshizumi, how do you say "Life is
wonderful" in Japanese?

Gentlemen, a toast
is in order.

You'll leave early in the morning
to your success. -Success. -Success.

How quickly the few last days
have gone.

If only we could turn
back the clock.

How many days would it take
to reach Washington?

Ten days, I should say.

Eight women and children and a skeletal
crew will get on their way...

in an ice-breaker
first thing in the morning.

If worst comes to worst...

they should still be out of range
when the missiles hit.

Assuming the missiles are accurate
enough to hit the base.

There is no question of our missiles
not hitting the target.

That's very reassuring.

And what about the rest of you?

The rest of us will hope for the best.

Major Carter, I have been saving this
for a very special occasion.

I really shouldn't take it, sir, and
drink it by myself, but I will.

If Carter's going to get drunk tonight,

you don't wanna be
in the same room with him.

Here's my room.
-No. -Please.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.


Bon jour. -Doctor. -I trust you will
forgive this last minut intrusion.

But, without going into
boring detail...

I believe... I believe,
mind you,

that I have developed a vaccine
against the virus.

But, how?
-Well, to simplify...

it appears that high level of radiation
introduced into a living virus cell...

create an effective antibody.

Of course, I cannot force anyone
to become a Guinea pig.

But, under these circumstances...

What the hell.

The effect should be immediate.

To minimize the danger to the crew,

do not inject yourselves until
just before you leave the submarine.

If it does not work...

please report your symptoms...

as long as you can.

We will do our best.

Oh God, make him come back!

You chaps are all right?
-Fine, thank you.

He certainly sleeps a lot, doesn't he?
-I too sleep a great deal.

We were speaking of it yesterday. We
have never slept so much before.

I know.
-Oh, come on, captain.

When do we get to Washington? -You've
got five days more to sleep, major.

That long? -Still within your
deadline, is it not?


But... earthquakes do not always
occur on schedule.

Maybe we should try to
force it.

You got any more surprises
for us, doctor?


Nothing to it.

Washington DC, gentlemen.

Take a look.

Major Carter... Everything you
need has been launched with life boat.

Thanks, lieutenant commander Jones.

Okay. It's gonna be all.

Good luck.
-Thank you.

And save a couple of beers for us.
-Real or a medic?

I don't care as long as
it's cold.

May God go with you.

What the hell! Is this it?
-I don't think so.

Not just yet.
-I hope you right, doc.

Watch out.

Here, take cover.

Are you afraid of heights?

Well, can you handle this?
-I must. We're running out of time.

All right.

Let's go.

Can I do anything for you?

Major Carter!



It's too late.

Major Carter, it's too late!


How do you say...

life is wonderful...

in Japanese?

Life is wonderful.

Life is...



Nerid? Submarine Nerid?
This is Yoshizumi speaking. Over.

This is Nerid. Over.

We were too late.

Save yourselves if you can. Order
the Palmer Station to evacuate.

We tried. We tried.

We know you did,

There's just one more thing.
Tell doctor Letour...

his vaccine seems to
have worked.

in case that still matters.













Don't you understand?
Winter is coming.

We have very little food left.

We should head north now.

What's the point?

The virus would kill us anyway.

We've all had injections of
my vaccine against the virus.

Which is why we preserved
the last for you.

Besides, with all the radiation
released by the bombs...

virus is probably no longer
a threat.

It doesn't matter.

My child is dead.

I'm tired.

It doesn't matter.



Yoshizumi... You are alive!
You are... You are!

He's alive! -It's a miracle!
It a genuine miracle!


Life... is wonderful.