Covert Action (1988) - full transcript

Inside the stately Senate Hearing Room, Frank White, professional soldier, Vietnam vet and CIA operative, is fighting the toughest battle of his life: he's on trial for the assassination of Miguel Rivera, a Central American diplomat. Only two men could have made the shot - White or his friend Rick Burns, ex-military sniper now working as a Mafia hitman. Testimony unravels the intricate web created by Rivera and Daniel Waterman, head of an international cartel dabbling in both Latin American Politics and cocaine. A while back, White and Burns led a commando assault into the Colombian jungle to destroy Waterman's main cocaine processing factory. After a vicious battle against counter-attacking mercenaries the entire strike team was slaughtered...all except for White and Burns. Burns returned home with a bitter obsession: revenge. But Waterman discovered his plan to assassinate Rivera and set out to stop it by blackmailing Frank White. Desperate, White turned to beautiful WHITNEY TODD, fearless Federal Agent. As they find themselves caught in the crossfire of the courtroom persecution they realize they must fulfill one last hunt for the truth that would destroy Waterman forever.





[men screaming]

[gun fire]

The American people really
can't tolerate a renegade,

like Frank White running around
south america with his militia

creating his own foreign policy
for our government.


Frank white is in South America
conducing covert activities,

which I believe to be neither
appropriate or tolerable
in our day and age.

[all talking at once]

The purpose of this comity is to
expose what we feel is a
dangerous trend...

.being followed by
the present administration.

I am speaking to it's
unbrittle use of security

and our intelligence services.

On September thirteenth
a foreign diplomat was
brutally assassinate... the United Nation in
New York city.

The international ramifications
of this incident have
profound effect...

.on the foreign policies
of this country.


[screaming in foreign language]

This tragedy has captured the
attention of the public
and the media,

and has cause the members of
this comity to question...

...the roll we have appeared to
be taking on in Central America.

Specifically Cover operations
have been launched
and conducted...

...through the Central
Intelligence Agency...

.and have been done so without
appropriate congressional

This comity will be dedicated to
determining the depth,

scope, and lawfulness
of these activities.

They reek of gun-boat diplomacy,

and are ultimately endangering
our national security...

...and foreign policy.

My intention is to prove that
Frank White, who is sitting here

carried out the assassination of
ambassador Miguel Rivera,

under specific authority from
Central Intelligence Agency.

I would like to call
my first witness,

detective Brian of the
New York city department.

Detective Brian you responded to
the scene of the murders
on September thirteenth,

Would you tell the council
what you saw?

Rick Burns.

A possible accomplice.

Now uh- this location was
directly across the east river

from the sight of
the second murder,

that of Mr.Miguel Rivera.

At the scene we found an
extremely high power riffle.

A weapon of a type used
by snipers.

That is to say a sniper
could use this weapon... take a long range,
yet accurate shot.

Sounds like you did
your homework.

What sort of sniper weapon?

It was a fifty caliber.

An army type weapon.

So let me make sure
I understand this.

This is the ultimate weapon
to terminate someones life.

And White used this
awesome weapon to, in fact,

assassinate a foreign diplomat
at the U.N.

Yeah, we think so. At least that
is the conclusion the department
came to judging

from the evidence
that we found at the scene.

Thank you very much
detective brian.

That it?
I can go then?


I would like at this time
to call Rafael Ortiz.

what is your current assignment?

I am the Hector Ruiz
share holder.

At new York University.

I am also the head the the
policy center...

...for Latin American Studies
in New York city.

I like at this time for Mr.Ortiz
to describe Miguel Rivera,

and perhaps to shed a little
light for this assembly...

...on the background of his
good will mission... the United States and
to the United Nations
last september.

Miguel Rivera was a very
charismatic states man.

He was also one the the most
progressive leaders on the
Central American scene.

If the United States had
recognized that it had friends
like Miguel Rivera,

perhaps we could have averted
this nightmare

that we have developed in
Central America.

I think we are starting to get
the picture Mr. Ortiz.

Could you be specific about the
good will mission, please?

I could congressman.

Mr.River came to New York to
address the special meeting...

...of the U.N. General assembly.

Specifically about U.S.
Intervention in Central America.

At this time he was targeted by
the C.I.A for murder...

...and the evidence shows that
he was the victim of a snippers

Mr.Ortiz you say that Miguel
Rivera was on a goodwill mission
to the U.S.?

Could you comment on this, just
his department document I have
before me,

that specifically names
Mr.Rivera as a mayor conduit...

...for drug smuggling operations
based in his country...

...and importing cocaine
into the United States!

That is a lie!

That is C.I.A propaganda!

What is it? I stated nothing

What is this?

I think that will be all from
Mr.Ortiz, I think that he is
commenting on matters

that do not pertain to these

The congressional investigations

...the assignation of Miguel
Rivera got on their was today.

Congressman Philip Stumper,
centered his attack...

...on former marine officer
Frank White.

I think we all agree,
American foreign police...

...can't be dictated
by a bunch of renegades.

And sir if successful,
will you be running for senate?

Let's see what happens
the next week.

I think congressman marks the
investigation on who is
Frank White?

What is his background?

And what was his relationship
with Rick Burns?

The second man mysteriously
found dead...

Yeah Phil?

Get me the Nelson ratings
on my opening statement.

Okay? Go!
Move. Move. Move.

[T.V. Continues]

Ellis, send in doug will you?


I want you to know that
we've accepted your
letter of resignation.

Sir if I may, I don't think it's
fair that one man be the
escape goat for this

entire mess.

Mrs. Todd let's get one thing

...congress is gearing up for
another witch hunt...

...the politicians are crying
for our blood...

...the agency will steer clear
of this matter, no matter what.

We're all expendable here,
Frank white especially.

Sir my testimony will not
involve the agency.

You're damn right it wont.

Sir what are you getting at?

You signed an oath with this
agency... divulge any
sensitive information...

...and you'll find yourself
being tried for treason.

In federal court.

Do you understand?


Stop people take five...

Here we go congressman
check this out.



People talking to people.

About thing.

About things for...

Beautiful, here I come.

Bye guys.

Hey how you doing idiot?

I don't play.

The issues are broad based

...they're about people like you
and me.

[T.V. Continues]

"People talking to people."

They'll buy it.

David, did you get
the scoop on White?

Well I've got Frank White's
service record right here.

I got to say,
he's quite a war hero.

Served in Vietnam with Burns.

Nothing tarnishing huh?

Then get me some dirt
on Rick Burns.

Well I tried,
he's quite a hero himself.

Highly decorated.

Jesus Christ David,

Politics one-o-one here guy.

I don't need a couple of heroes,
I need a bad guy.

Somebody for the media and
the people to focus on.

That's how things work
around here David.

Remember that.

For me to win,
somebody's got to lose.

He's the bad guy,
I'm the good guy.

He's bad, I'm good.

He's bad, I'm good.

Now I don't care how you get it,

go out and get me some dirt
on White and Burns.

Got it?


This stuff in beautiful

Oh thanks David.

A new approach that's
what I like to see.

A campaign...

I like the entry.

You got a visitor frank.

Yeah, it uh-
a lady friend of yours.

I've been subpenaed Frank.

Of course.

You're the key witness.

Their only witness.

They offered me
an immunity deal.

Maybe you better take it.

How's your lawyer doing?

They gave me this clown.

He's street smart though.
Pretty tough.

He thinks he's over his head.

What do you know about
congressman Stumper?

Not much, Freshman congressman.

He came out of nowhere
with an incredible ego.

I don't buy it,
someone is behind him.

What's the agency's situation?

They won't touch it.

I got to be on my own
on this one Frank.

I've resigned.

You've resigned?

If I'm no longer with the
agency, then I can take
the immunity deal.

That'll keep Stumper off my back
until I can figure this
whole thing out.

Good plan.

I owe you one.

Then we're just about even.

That's fine Frank.


[radio] In headlines today,
congressman Philip Stumper
meeting at the special
congressional comity...

Daniel, how are you? Good to see

Congressman so nice of you to
come out here to the sticks and
visit us.

Well I like it out here Daniel,

especially when I'm coming to
hop-notch with my best


You listen, you make sure that
my name doesn't appear in
any of these...

...proceeding your conducting.

Well trust me on that.

As far as I can see it,
you're not involved in any
of this anyway.

You know, you can destroy the
national security council,

you can can even topple the

. but you just remember one
thing son...

you working for me.

I wish you wouldn't put it
quite that way.

Our working relationship as
I like to describe it Dan,

Helps me to buy votes and helps
you to keep that Sam
of your back.

Well if you play
your cards right,

this kangaroo fucking circus
you're running... gonna make you the hot
shit young stud on the hill.

Now isn't it?

I'm sure you're aware of that.

Well I'm aware of the potential
publicity aspect.

Yeah, I'm sure you are.

Now the wild card here
is Frank White.

What do you know about him?

He's the key.

He's the link to the C.I.A,
I mean...

...if I can prove that...

he was sanction to assassinate a
foreign diplomat on our shores.

I'm going to blow
this thing wide open.

He's a tough nut.

Nah, his testimony is going to
hang him.

When I'm trough with him, he not
going to have enough ass left
to sit on a thumb tack.

Don't worry about him.

Oh I'm not worried.

Barry you've got to put me on
that stand here.


Congressman's witness are lying.

They're full of shit.

Frank trust me,
I know what I'm doing, okay?

Let the congressman hang himself
with his bullshit witness.

We'll buy our time.

I've got to build a case
for you.

What I need to know is what was
your relationship with
Rick Burns?

Rick Burns?

Served three tours together
in Nam.

[gunfire & screaming]

Hey you fire that thing,
and you're gonna catch some
friendly fire from me.

They're all over the place man!

They're going all around us!

They're in the wild man!

Yeah you pull the trigger on
that M6 and we're gonna catch an
RPG round right in this hole.

What the fuck is going on?

Charlie throwing us
a little party.

I just got here man.
I need to get my weapon.

Here you go kid.

If we get overrun,
you can shoot yourself with it.

You an officer?

Yeah something like that.

Because I'm looking for my C.O.

Yeah what's your M.O.S?


Jesus Christ,
they send me another N.F.G?

I'm not an N.F.G.
I'm a snipper.

Alright kid,

Maybe I can work with you.

I was assigned to Rick Burns.

We started working together.

As a snipper team?

We were good. Definitely one of
the best ones over there.

The would give us mission that
nobody else would touch.

How far you figure?

About eight-hundred meters.


Don't move man.

Movement is the one thing
they'll spot.

Easy and slow does it.


It's a long shot though.

Shit Frank, I can hit a target
anywhere from five-hundred to

a thousand meters nighty-seven
percent first time.

As long as I got
the right equipment
and the right conditions.

This is not like shooting
targets in training.

We're out here on our own,
without any support.

Yeah, the risk is minimal.

You know, we pull the trigger
on one of these guys...

...all they know is that
somebody fell down.

By the time the figure it out,
they don't know where
it came from.

Snipper doesn't have to
give blows.

They're invisible.

Snipper is like God.

We just sit up here
and survey the world.

Point our finger,
decide who lives or dies.

All alone.

Yeah well right now we're
waiting for that general... stick his head out,

so that I can point my finger
at him.

You think you can make the shot?

You know it.

You're ready, you take this one.

What's the matter?
Playing god is bothering you?

Just pretend your a military
surgical instrument.

I'll spot for you this time.

Is this dialed in Rick?

Yeah, eight-hundred meters.

Don't ever take anybody's word
for it, you set it yourself.

Take it easy Frank.

Talk to yourself,
it'll help settle your shot.


Take your time.


We've got all the time
in the world.

He's got all eternity.


Good shot.

Yeah come on, let's leave.

No. No. Come on,
we've got al day.

Like I said we're invisible.

Well what about after the war?

Peace time was always
pretty dull.

Mustard out about the same time.

But because we were
highly train personal,

we were in demand
by various agencies.

Hey listen Frank,
level with me huh?

What are we talking about here?

Recruited by the C.I.A.

Hey Frank!
Let's go.

I'm out of here



Just kidding alright.


[photograph flash]

Would you describe yourself

Well Sir I'm a soldier.

Are you currently in the employ
of the United States
Armed Services?

I'm not currently in the
Armed Services of the
United States government.

I am an officer in the
Marine Core Reserve.

Then you are not a
United States soldier?

Are you in fact a mercenary
or a soldier for hire?

Congressman I wouldn't put it
in those terms,

I have from time to time served
on a freelance bases... a consultant for our
government in military areas.

Where you involved in a covert,
commando type mission,

in Central America that
took place approximately
two years ago?

What mission
would you be referring to?

I'm referring to a mission
you lead,

Sanctioned by the C.I.A.

Could you describe
that mission please?

This alleged mission
took place two years ago.

And has nothing to do with the
matter currently before this

...concerning Mr.Riveras death.

In addition my client has not
been granted immunity yet--

We appreciate you trying to
protect You client Mr.Feld,

but this comity will decide what
is purtinate and what is not.

This mission is a matter
of record.

We would like to hear Mr.White's
version of what happened.



We were conducting a long range
reconnaissance mission.

We were part of a joint
law-enforcement task force.

Under the auspices of the
Drug Enforcement Administration
and the C.I.A.

I lead a six men team comprised
of hand picked,

highly trained military

Our ops orders were to insert
an observer.

We got to get you a dead piece.

As long as you get me within a
thousand yards, ain't gonna be a

It was to observe a large
cocaine processing plant,

deep in the remote jungle
of that country.

Did your orders include anything
other then observation?

Move out!
Move out!

Yes congressman,
if we were to to locate certain
targets of opportunity,

we were to arrest them.

[silenced gunshots]

Would you elaborate upon that

Our intel told us that
we might run into certain...

...high ranking members
of the cocaine cartel.

Who were wanted for extradition.

If that was the case we were
to carry out that extradition.

[gunfire & screaming]

Why did you take along
a snipper with you?

[gunfire & scream]

A snipper sir?

That's right a snipper.

By the name of Rick Burns.

I believe you knew him
personally Mr.White.

Well Rick Burns was our

through his snipper training he
had certain expertise through
long rang observation

equipment and it's use.

Did you see any...
action on this mission?

Ah no we didn't, the woman
where all back in the city.


Very funny Mr. White.

I meant, did you engage
in armed hostilities...

...with the people at that
cocaine processing plant?

I don't understand the question

Did you engage the enemy?

We ran into a
very serious fire fight.

We had to an affect
an emergency extraction.

An "emergency extraction."

That's a fairly descriptive term
Mr. White.

What exactly is
an emergency extraction?

Boby's hit!

Forget him, he's history.

Let's go!

Go! Go! Go!

Come on get to the Helicopter!

Move! Move! Move!

Come on...

The mission did not
go as planned?

That's correct.

There was a security leak,
they were waiting for us.

So you engaged uniformed troops
of a foreign power?

No, they were regulars.
They were employed by
the cocaine cartel.

There're some more
down the line.

Get down! Lay flat!

They haven't spotted us yet.

Sir they're headed
for the tree line.

They've spotted us!

Alright then move!
Move! Move!

Come on move!

Head for the ridge!

[screaming continues]



[screaming in spanish]

You were involve in a fire fight
with civilians?

Is that correct?

As in explained, congressman,
they weren't exactly civilians.

Did you kill any of these

We defended ourself against
a Superior hostile force.

I lost four good Americans,
my men!

I would not know about
their casualties,

as we were attempting
to withdraw after attack.

Thank you Mr. White,
that'll be all.

How did it go Frank?

To hell with those guys!

Pensil-neck wouldn't let me
tell my side of the story.

Show em your balls,
eh Frank?

Didn't get to the good part!

They cut me off.

Okay you guys, we've got a lot
of work ahead of us.

Were we able to get that uh,

eye witness account of White's
las trip to Central America?

Not yet Phil,
but we're working on it.

But in the mean time, The IRS
came up with their records of

- Oh yeah?
- Everything going back to

Okay, good.

David, what about that military
misconduct thing?

- Back in sixty-seven?
That violation?
- Yeah.

Whats the story on that?

I don't thin theres anything in
it, but I'll...

[T.V. static]

With a live update from Capital
Hill, Martin Spustin.

Former Marine Lieutenant, Frank
White, is due to appear today.

Mood on the Hill is quite
anticipatory... he certainly is one of the
key players in this C.I.A. gate


This pretty rough on you Frank?


I've been in deeper shit
than this.


It was in a place where they
weren't as concerned about
my human rights as here.

Where was that?

Central America,
a couple of years ago.

What happened?

On a mission.

My whole squad got captured.

They took us to a shitty
stinking prison.

Run by the secret police.

It was a one way deal.

They put you to never get out.

[screaming in Spanish]

[screaming continues]

Played a rough game.

Just part of the rules.

They tortured you guys?

Yeah, got pretty routine
after a while.

Ah they weren't
very imaginative.

Every morning they'd come
get us, string us up.

It was time for the
question and answer period.



[screaming in Spanish]

Don't fuck with me!

The men blamed Burns.

Who's Burns?

Rick Burns.

Team snipper.

My oldest friend.

Bastard tracked us
through the jungle,

picking his cigarette buds up.

Fuck you Burns!

We've been here because of your
cigarettes from the start,

these nights are a combination
because of your ass!
You got us here!

Fuck you!

Back off!

I did my job!

Son of a bitch is dead!

You were suppose
to get us out of here.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'm better than this man.

Burns had lost the edge,
got carless.

And so we got captured.

And then the big guy showed up,
and quite fucking around.

He killed my men one by one.

Jesus Christ.

This men are obviously
trained professionals.

Again, this is not a good thing.

Not for me.

Not for you.

Alright McCall, why don't you
tell me what happened?

They are part of
a strike force...

...that attacked
our central cocaine factory.

Brutally murdered my men.

It was totally destroyed!

We lost millions.

- Millions.
- Okay.

I can assure you this will not
happen again.

That's why I have
Mr. Blunt down here.

To prevent these uh- sort of

True SeƱor Blunt
captured these men.

I count on you and your
political power in the
United States... prevent this kind
of military force.

Well... you just can't change
U.S. Foreign police over night,


You have to fuck with it
a little.

But now that we've isolated
the case, I'm sure that...

...we'll be able to
take care of it.

I certainly hope so.

I've ordered Mr. Blunt
to find out what the C.I.A
knows about our operations.


I don't care what they know,
and I don't give a shit!

I want these men to pay
for my lost.

I want them to die!


[screaming in Spanish]

Tell me now.

What men from our organization
are targeted for assassination?

I don't know anything.

I get paid to eat, shit,

Now you'll get paid to die.

Fuck you Burns!

Your goddamn cigarette buds
got us into this shit hole.

Shut up Ryan!

Don't give them
the fucking satisfaction.

We die together here.

Shut up.

Wheres your
military honor Blunt?

Fuck you.


You happy now?

They executed each one.

It was pretty grim at the end.

Well how did you get out?

It was just me and Burns.

We knew we weren't
walking out of there.

We saw out chance
and we took it.

And that's the last I ever saw
him, until the day he got shot.





Where you going?

- Wait a minute.
- Get off me!

Goddam border is that way man!

Forget it! I'm going down river.

We won't stand a chance apart.

We got to do it together.

It's over man.

Come on Frank, use your head.

It's over.

I don't need you!
You let me down.

I don't need you!

I taught you every goddam thing
you know!

We stand on our own now,
go our own way.

You're not going
to make it alone Frank.

You're not going
to make it alone.

Come on man don't let
your pride kill ya.


Come on

Goddammit we're a team!



What happened then?

I never got another assignment.

I had to retire.

They hushed the whole thing up.

What do you have for me?

Those checks can be traced
directly to congressman Stumpers
political action fund?

Drawn by Daniel Waterman?

And you'r positive
you can trace that?


Hey Daniel you're
forty-five minutes late.

I've been here
like over an hour.

Well I mean, you know,
what's up?

I'm not very happy with the way
these proceedings...

...are developing.

Well Dan-

I have certain business interest
in Latin America.

Hey you know how it is
down there..., politics,
they're all the same.

But we're being very specific.

What I'm saying is...

...I would hate to appear
as a character on your little
third world soap opera.

Daniel, we're talking about
congressional hearings.

You follow me now don't you?


Oh yeah sure.


Stumper do you have anything
to say today?

How do you feel...

We got to remember
our Constitution,

our legal system
is on the line here.

I don't really think
it's really right or fair...

...our forefathers didn't intend
for us to be govern by a few

This is a land of the people.

[reporters continue]

This is Suzanne O'Rourke
in front of what you can see
is the closed door session...

...of the ongoing C.I.A hearing
here in on Capital Hill.

I'll be standing by
the hearing room door, Bob,

keeping a close eye
on further developments.

I'd like to call Thomas Bills.

Who is a former member
of the C.I.A.

Who is currently testifying
under immunity granted
by congress,

and we very much thanks him
for appearing here today.

Mr. Bills, what was your
assignment in the C.I.A?

I was a case officer.

I see, and in that capacity did
you ever meet Mr. Richard Burns?

Yes I did.

It was my job to assign him
certain task, certain missions.

Sir, White's FBI file.

Keep this under wraps.

Uh- Mr. Bills the assertion had
been made that Mr.Burns also
worked as a contract hit-man...

...a snipper for hire.

Would you be able to
substantiate that assertion?

Yes I would.

He was a wetwork specialist.

Oh a wetwork?

Could you describe for us
what wetwork is?

He would carry out murders,
assassinations, things of
that sort.


However, he became unreliable
after the Central American

His behavior was erratic.

We had to retire him
form the service.

He began to work for
the private sector.

He seemed to be driven by
a personal vendetta.

He continued to apply the skills
that he employed while working
with the agency.

He was the ultimate snipper.

He could blend into
any environment,

wilderness or urban.

He could maneuver anywhere,
without being spotted.


He was rumored to do anything
at the right price.

Simply stated
he was a contract hit-man.

Uh- so knowing this, the C.I.A
an organ of the U.S. government,

...actively sought
to employ such a man.

Is that correct?

That is correct.

In pure terms he was probably
the best military snipper
in the world.

At least on our side that is.

Hello mister,
you like nice Chinese girl?

Yes this is the place.

No, me no like this place.

We go to my room.


You want to be paid,
you'll do what I tell you.

Now go and tell the land lady
that I want the top floor...

...on the lower side
of the building.

I'll pay a weeks rent
in advanced.

Have you got that?


Go ahead.


Do you have any evidence to
connect Frank White
to these events?

No, we have no direct evidence.


Thank you very much Mr. Bills.

Jesus Frank,
you're front page news again.

Gonna be a legend.

This Stumper...

...reminds me of a
young Richard Nixon.

Reminds me of a dick with ears.


Who's that lady
you got on the outside?

Whitney Todd.

She's one of you guys.

Use to work with her.

Big time romance.

It was a long time ago.

She's already a on something.

She's helping me on the outside.

Looking out for me.

When did you meet her?

I used to shoot out
at the FBI range at...

One day I notice
this beautiful woman.

That's the lady who visits here?

What I really noticed
was her shooting form.

[laughs] Yeah right.

Thats a nice one sin't it?

How's it shoot?

It shot fine at Camp Perry.

Oh can I try it?

Look I really rather you didn't.

Come on, let me look at it.

Are you a member here?

Nah, they let me
shoot here though.

It's got a nice feel.

Can I try a few rounds?

Go ahead.

That's a couple of inches high.

I brought the gripping
a little tighter.

Who are you?

You're the best shot
I've ever seen.

My name is Frank White,
and I'm the second best.

How you doing babe?

Not to good.

I got to get out of here.

I'm going nuts.

I've found some very interesting
information for you.

Do you know Richard Bills?

Sure, case officer.

I used to be assigned to him.

He testified today
in a closed door session.

The agency had been keeping tags
on your friend Rick Burns.

Burns left quite a string
of dead bodies.

I've heard rumors
to that affect.

Did he also say that all those
hits where against Rivera?


Of course not.

Stumper would never let that out
in open court.

Those weren't just random hits.

Everyone was against a guy
in Rivera's organization.

Burns wanted revenge.

I want them to die.

Burns never forgave himself
for the death of my men.

He wanted to even the score.

The men that we killed
during the war,

were targets of opportunity.

It was a military situation.

What Rick Burns had
on his mind was murder.

I couldn't let him do it.

I knew that if he killed Rivera,

He'd be signing
his own death warrant.

After we parted ways,

I realized that the bond between
us was too strong to be broken.

I had to stop him.

I owed him that.

White, I'm going to nail you.

You make me sick.

Oh what are you going to do?

Kill me with
your bare hands now?

He's probably going to try
and napalm the court room.

I'd like to at this time
hear more from Mr. White...

...on his fantastic exploits.

This is a very compelling yarn
he's spinning for us here.

Uh- Mr. White you have now been
contracted to stop a
Rick Burns...

...from assassinating a foreign
diplomat, is that correct?

Well I would say contracted
is the wrong word...

...I simply planned to abort
his mission as it were.

You were to kill him?

Rick and were old friend.

I had to stop him from killing
Miguel Rivera.

My problem was that I had to
find him first.

I knew he'd hit Rivera
at the U.N.

But I had to figure out where
he'd take the shot from.

Snippers are well versed
in the art of concealment
and camouflage.

Rick trained me.

I knew I would have a hard time
getting close to him.


Rick was a tactical genius.

I knew his capabilities.

He would find a vantage point
at the maximum short range.

Where he could make the shot.

In order to escape easily,
I knew he'd fire from across
the east river.

There where only certain
structures that would offer him
the high ground.

It was a simple mathematical
problem to determine where
he would take the shot from.

I dreaded finding Burns
for several reasons.

I didn't know how to stop him
without killing him.

Also I knew the son-of-a-bitch
was dangerous as hell.

I didn't want to die myself.


You could've been dead Frank.

I suppose thank you.

You got to call it off Burns.

No way.

I can't let you do it.

Why not?

Because you want Rivera as dead
as I do. He killed your people.

What's done is done.

I'm going to stop you.

I that your final word on it?

Are you telling this comity that
you wanted to stop Rick Burns

out of friendship?

Come on Mr. White.

Yes I am.

[gunfire continues]


You're a better shot
then that Rick.

I never thought we'd windup
on opposite sides.

We're not!

You know that Rick!

Hey we can work it out buddy.

Help me kill Rivera.

Not gonna happen.

Why don't you step out,
we'll talk about this.

Come on Frank, that's not
the way we're going to play.

You come find me.

Kill your man in cold blood.

That's not what
we're about Rick.

Hey Frank,
you know where you are?

Close to you.

Yeah, but I'm invisible.

Not to me you're not.

Come on, this way.


Rick was running out of time.

He had to get in position before
Rivera arrived at the U.N.

He was leading me
on a wild goose chase.

Trying to shake me.

It had become a game.

A very dangerous game.

You lost Frank?

I'm up here.

You still smoking Rick?

Told you that was
going to kill you.

Yeah, that's all that's
going to kill me.

It ain't going to be you.

I don't have to kill you Rick.

I just got to stop you.

You running low on ammo?


You running low on time?

It ain't going to be
that easy Frank.

I taught you
everything you know.

Yeah, about everything I know.

I've picked up
a few things myself.




Oh yea.

That's about as pretty as a
picture as you could want.

Oh Mickey old baby.

Me and you have got a date
with the history books.

Probably going to be the first
man to die on the U.N. Steps.

And this is going to be the
longest assassination... history.


Step on out there asshole.



You ain't going to make it.

You gonna kill me Frank?

I doesn't matter.

I already did the

Don't make a shit.

You going to play God
with me Frank?

You gonna do me?


I'm out of ammo.

Doesn't make a shit, does it?

You got a cigarette?




This is what it feels like

Get that-

Congressman that is the truth.

That's what happened that day.

Members of the comity,

I move that this case be
dismissed and all charges

Uh- council that motion
is denied.

Uh- this hearing will adjourn
until tomorrow.

Thank you Mr. White.

Council will adjourn until
tomorrow at 8 a.m.

Sir I have a proposition
for you.

Aren't you being a bit
presumptions Mrs. Todd?

We're not here to make deals.

I think You'll be interested
in this one sir.

First of all, I can keep
the agency out of all this.

And second of all, we can shake
up some pretty powerful people.

I see.

And what do you get out of it?

I get Frank White.

Sorry I'm not interested
Mrs. Todd.

Now if you'll excuse me, we have
a lot of work around here.

As you know, I am to appear
before a congressional hearing

I'm prepared to make a very
tearful statement,

confessing my involvement
in a covert plot
to kill Miguel Rivera.

Thats preposterous.

I'll make myself, Frank White,
and the agency... executive order to
terminate a foreign diplomat.

It's the new scoop
of the decade sir.

You'r bluffing Mrs. Todd.

Are you prepared
to take that chance?


I'm bringing your little
publicity charade
to a close congressman.

Daniel, what are you getting at?

Let me give you a little
background on this, okay?

Miguel Rivera worked for me.

What do you mean
he worked for you?

I don't understand this.

If Whitney Todd testifies

she drags my name
all trhough this.

I'm slamming the breaks
on you now.

I don't know if you can do that.

Yes I can.

To make things just
a little bit easier.

Heres the boobie price.

I like boobie prices.

I think you will find
that sufficient.

At this time I'd like to call
Whitney Todd.

Who is testifying
for us here today

under a congressional grant
of immunity.

And we're looking forward
to her testimony... we hope she can
help shed some light
on some of the issues...

...that have been raised here.

Mrs. Todd when you were working
as a federal agent, did you ever
meet Frank White?

Yes I have.

Where you aware that he was a
mercenary that often worked for
the C.I.A.

Yes I was.

Where you ever...

...involved romantically
with Frank White?

Congressman I really don't see
how this question is relevant.

Please just- well let the comity
decide what is relevant.

Just if you could answer
the question for us.

Yes for a time that is correct.

At the time of the Miguel Rivera

where you not working
with Mr. White?

On a C.I.A assignment?

I would rather not comment on
that at this time.

Mrs. Todd, I don't think you
quite realize what is
going on here.

You've been granted immunity
form persecution,

and in effect you must answer
the questions as they are
posed to you.

Are we in complete understanding
of this?

Yes congressman I do believe
I have a complete understanding
of it.

Were you not in fact,
part of a C.I.A hit squad,

whose specific mission
was to kill Miguel Rivera?

I would rather not answer
that question.

At this time I think I would
like to exercise my rights under
the fifth amendment.

You can't do that!

We've granted you immunity.

What do you think is
going on here?
You must answer the questions.

Now Mrs. Todd how do you account
for your presence

at the scene of the

You were acting
under somebody's orders.

Congressman Stumper I can say
that I was working on a...

...federally sanctioned

I was trying to develop a link
between Miguel Rivera...

...and and international
business cartel based her in the
United States.

Lead by a very prominent

That man's name is
Daniel Waterman.

I would like to at this time
call for an adjournment

while I confer with
the congressman on the
immunity issue.


[reporters all at once]

Congressman you should see this.

Congressman I'm not a reporter.

I think you should look at this.

Let me give you a little
background on this, okay?

Miguel Rivera worked for me.

If Whitney Todd testifies
tomorrow, she drags my name
all trhough this.

I'm slamming the breaks
on you now.

What is this?

I don't know if you can do that.

Where'd you get this?

We got it.

Give it to me.

No, I think the public
should see this.


I can explain this.



Here goes my pension.

Dan, listen your name came up
in the trail today...

...but I've got everything
under control.

I'm becoming bored
with all your talk.

I got the tape.

And I can get Whitney Todd's
testimony thrown right out
of there.

You don't get it,
your history.


Come on Daniel we go-

We go way back together?

I mean, I'm your man
on the capital.

We're a team.

I don't care.

Don't think your the only man
in this town that I own.

Take the tape.

Oh come on.



Over here congressman!

You idiot.


Take this.


They're trying to kill me
out there...

Get down!


They're all over the place.
What are you doing?

You reloading?

Don't tell me your out of
fucking bullets?

Forget me, I'm a mess.

I'll take care of you Stumper!

I'll call my lawyer.

I'll be out in two hours!

You hear me?

Two hours!

White, lets make a deal...

...I'll drop the charges,
forget the hearings.

I'll close the hearings.

Waterman is going to kill me.

White you got to kill waterman.

That what you do!

You kill people.

You got to kill waterman,
that's our deal.

And I'll clear your name.

Just kill Waterman,

but before he kills me.


[multiple gunshots]