Convict Cowboy (1995) - full transcript

Rodeo-cum-prison movie about an ageing rodeo star bonding with a young rookie while they both serve time

With a score of 87,

ry Weston does it again!

Champion of the 21st
tri-state prison rodeo.

♪ I've been to school

♪ but I didn't need
no books ♪

♪ I've been to school,
baby ♪

♪ but I didn't need
no books ♪

♪ it was one good woman

♪ whoa, that's all it took

♪ She'd say, "you don't know
about no horses" ♪

♪ "but I believe
you can ride" ♪

♪ she'd say, "you don't know
about no horses, baby" ♪

♪ "but I believe
you can ride" ♪

♪ "you just gotta ease
onto the saddle"... ♪

Hi, chief.

Let's go, cowboy.
Party's over.

Well, us is just, uh...

We just sitting around getting
to know each other here--

the family and I.

Are you going to
get up yourself,

or are we going to
have to get you up?

No, I...No, I ain't
lookin' for no trouble.

I'm just...
I'm just sitting here...

Just having a drink.

You can tell us
all about it
in the morning.

Let's go.

Now, wait a second, guys.

I'll need to pay for damage--
the window and all.

Look, I can't go to jail.
I got a job.

Well, you should have
thought about that

before you broke
the damn window.

Eggs is supposed to
be yellow.

Whatever this shit is
on my plate, it ain't eggs.

It's eggs.
It's how my old lady
used to make them.

No wonder
you shot her.

You'd bitch if you were
hung with a new rope.

You're a fuck.

You wouldn't know,
sweet shit.

a goat-smokin' fuck.

Ha ha ha ha!

Everything set, bishop?



East gate locked
and crosschecked.

It used to be you had
the convicts--

guys would do
their damn time

and leave you alone
to do yours.

Come on, lonny.
Not the good old days,
not this morning.

Well, shit.
What have we got now?

Inmates, gang boys,
drug scum.

They'd cut you
soon as look at you.

Well, they goddamn
ruin it for everybody.

Ain't that so, ry?

Yeah. It ain't half the fun
it used to be.

Let's go.

New fish!

Put your eyes back
in your head, Billy.

None of them's
gonna look good
in a dress.

Fuck you.
I ain't lookin'
for no punk.

The way you've
been eyeballin'
the livestock,

I was beginning
to wonder.

Knock it off.
Now, get on.

North gate,
open for the work party.

Let's go.

Where the hell
those guys going?

None of
your business.

Face forward.
Eyes open.


Clay treyton,
is that you?

That's what I thought.
It isyou.

It's me--
Jimmy latrell.

Pondera county jail,
three years ago.

Jimmy latrell. Yeah.
You still owe me 20 bucks.

You crashed some party
or something.

Your sister's wedding!

You're the black sheep!
The family fuck-up!

You busted up
your new brother-in-law
and two other dudes.

So what did you do
this time, huh?

What? Did you
waste somebody?

I hit a cop.
I got two years.

No problem.
You'll gate in a year.

What the hell
you in here for?

I mean, I didn't

Five fuckin' years

'cause some people
were looking
to get rich

without working
for it.

If I didn't
hustle 'em,

somebody else
would have.

Come on! Let's go!

I'll see you around.

I'll be around.

Dave, go with Bob.
Check the south end.

What about
the salt lick, ry?

Yeah. Check the salt
and the heifers,

and the rest
are with me.

O.k. Roll out.

I ought to head on over,

see if I can get
that windmill pumping.

Cut across from here.
Saves a long ride.

Thank you, 471.
Head for the windmill.

All right, bishop,
let's go.

Welcome to "c" wing, gentlemen.
It will be your home.

You will eat, shower,
and exercise with your wing.

There are three counts
a day.

Miss a count,
you're in the hole.

Treyton, cell 18.
Stow your gear.

Anderson, 20.
Move it.

You tell jaggs neff

to run his drugs
someplace else.

The next man he sends,

only the coyotes will know
where he's buried.

Now, get off my ranch.
Don't come back.

This ain't
your table, meat.

Think about it.

I thought
you were smarter
than that, Weston.

Getting in the middle
of something that's
not your business

will get you hurt.

Maybe you'd better
take your business
where I ain't.

We'll have to talk
about this sometime.

You know where
to find me.

I sure as fuck do...
Every tick of the clock.

Lockdown. Lights out.

Lockdown. Lights out.

We're lean and mean.
No fat, no waste.

Go back
and tell them that.

Relax, Harlan.
Nobody's cutting your funds.

Damn sure thinking
about it.

We're looking at every
facility in the state,

reporting back
to the budget committee.
That's all.


Come on, Harlan.
You know how the game's played.

Everybody talks crime tough.
Nobody wants to foot the bill.

Built this place
from the ground up.

I won't let politicians
nickel and dime it to death.

But when I tell
my constituents

a convict-run ranch,

they don't hear

They hear
"country club."

Down the road,

I've got 1,500 convicts
warehoused in my main facility.

Most of them
have nothing to do.

They'll be
on the street again--

worse off
than when they got here.

Now, you tell that
to your constituency!

through ranching--

is that what
this is, warden?

I think we're
finished here.

Nice, Harlan.
You got his vote.

Henry, my people...

Have worked
long and hard.

This outfit
is as proud
and disciplined

as any group of men
you'll ever see.

You got to help me.

I'll do what I can.

Same as always.

Thank you.

How much dope
was he packing?

I don't know

Don't talk me
dumb, ry.

I know
you tore up bishop,
and I know why.

Bishop fell
from his horse.

If you'd
let him deliver,

I would have had jaggs
with the stuff.

See, I was tipped.
I was laying for him.

Dope don't come in
off my ranch.

You work here
on my say-so,

and I don't care
how many trophies
you have.

If you mess
with jaggs again,

you can kiss
the blue skies

You'll be
doing your time
on the inside,

and on the inside,
you're just another
fucking con.



Get out of here.

Is that enough, boss?

Yeah, yeah.
Go ahead.

How much seed
we got left?

10 alfalfa.

10 alfalfa?

Hey, Weston,
I've been looking
for you.

to say thank you.

Clay treyton.

Man, I got to
tell you something.

When I found out
who that fella
jaggs was,

I just about shit.

You saved my bacon.
I owe you one.

Without the bird seed.
What do you want?

Oh, no, you got me
all wrong.

I just wanted
to say thank you.

Good. You said it.

There you go.

how about a job?

You got a job.

Hell, I ain't
no sink jockey.

I can outcowboy
any of those yahoos
you got out there.

Give me a chance,
and I'll show you.

I'll think about it.

Well, for how long?

Give it a rest, kid.

Two years I've been
stomping around this place.

Welcome to my domain.

Sit down.
Make yourself

What do you want?
Something to eat?


You don't see it,
just ask.

I don't know what
you got going on, latrell,

but you got it going
pretty damn good.

I'm mean, man.

Just because I'm
off the street,

don't mean
I'm out of business.

I got
this place wired.

Anything you need,
I'm the man can
get it for you.

Why don't you
get me a job

out on the ranch?

What do you want
with that?

Ain't nothing out there
except cow flop and flies.

Beats the sink,
don't it?

You in the kitchen?

Am I in the kitchen?
I'm in the kitchen
up to my elbows.

Ha ha ha!

Stretch out, my man.

We got some things
to talk about.

What the hell is
horny haimer doing here?
Ain't he on vacation?

Guess there ain't as many
hookers in New Orleans
as there used to be.

Hey, you old

That shriveled-up
thing you call a dick
finally fall off...

Or what?

If it did,
I don't miss it.

Sorry, ma'am. We thought
you was somebody else.

That's all right.

Who are you?

You're ry Weston.

Who are you?

I'm Maggie sinclair.

Fred haimer retired.
I bought his practice.

I've been a veterinarian
for 14 years.

I know my business.

said you didn't.

Doc haimer was treating
one of your mares

for distemper--

little sheba.

I'm here to follow up.

Right this way.

Going in the barn.

Now, that's a woman.

No shit.

Got an ass
on her, too.

No shit.

There's no infection.

No inflammation.

This salve
should do it.

You can take her off

and start her
on exercise.

I already have.

This ain't no 4-h club.
You shouldn't be here.

I thought
about that.

You ain't thought
about it enough.

Enough to scare me.

Then how come
you're here?

To see if I can
handle it.

Keep your head up.
Keep walking.

I expect your fee
is the same as
old doc haimer's,

'cause I have to
sign off on it.

Look at me,
not them.


Oh, yeah.
You'll get your, um...

Uh, copy
of the invoice

the proper channels.

What the hell
is wrong with you guys?

Ain't you ever seen
a vet before?

You got it?

Hurry up.


Oh, we're in the bootlegging
business now, man.

We're gonna have
half the population
bumping into walls.

You just get me
out of here.

I'm working on it,
all right.

I'm not kidding,

You get me
out of here.

Hey, chill out.
A deal's a deal.

your best horse, boss.

You got yourself
a new hand.

I got the papers
right here,

signed by the warden

I pick my own men.

You had a vacancy.
I got the job.

Good thing, too.
I was getting
sick and tired

of sweating over
that stinkin' sink.

If you aren't
too busy...


You could give me
a hand.

I never seen a posthole
one man couldn't dig.


Don't waste it.

"C" wing. 55 prisoners.
All in.



Here, boy.

Watch yourself
around that animal.

He's a crazy
son of a bitch.

He looks
sound enough.

What's wrong
with him?

Story is, he used to be
a pretty good cow pony.

Just went sour.
Threw some rancher,
busted him all to hell.

He got a name?


Rounder, huh?

Well, you don't look like
such a bad boy to me.

Then again, neither do I,

and they got me
locked up, too, huh?

Aw, shit, ry.

That boy
needs a hand.

Sit down, Bobby.

We're waiting.



Hey, now, there.

Unload it.

Get off my back,

You've been
busting my balls
for three weeks now.

I'm not taking any
more of your shit.

You wanted the job.
This is it.

You don't
like it, quit.

Hey, what is it
that's eating you?

Huh? Is it that
I bucked you?

Or is it
that I'm here
without your say-so?

come on, old man.
Spit it out.

I'd like to know
just what it is
you got against me.

You're too slick, kid.

You're looking
for the easy way.

You got no character.
You got no spine.

Fuck you.
You don't know
anything about me.

I know you
and Jimmy latrell
are making money

off what you stole
from Otis.

Otis? Ha ha!
That stuff didn't
cost him anything.

It's not like he
had to pay for that.

Wrong thing to do, kid.

That kitchen's his
like this ranch is mine.

You violate a man's space,
you answer for it.

When you're through here,
I got more for you.

Ha ha!

Nail him, ry.


You're slow, boy.

You want a fight?
Give him one.

Teaching that boy
a little manners.



Stay down, son.
You ain't winnin'
this one today.


Jesus, kid.
Stay down.

Get up.

I'll give you
a hand.

I hear you got
a problem.

I got a problem.

I got demand
to satisfy, neff.
I need product.

You'll get product

as soon as
the warden's nose
is out of my ass.

I thought the ranch
was supposed to
take care of that,

or are you
going to let some
motherfuckin' cowboy

put you
out of business?

Nobody puts me
out of business,

and that goes for
those fuckin' spics

you've been talking to.

You buy from me, Sykes,
or you don't buy at all.

I buy
where I can get it.

You take care
of Weston,

we ain't got
a problem.



Better start
without him.

I want out, latrell.

You told me you were
going to get me
the transfer

back to the kitchen
over a week ago.

I told you, man.
I'm working on it.

Yeah, while you're
tap-dancing around,

Weston's out there
busting my balls.

Hand me that towel.

You just get me
out of there,
you hear me?

Look, man.
I can't do that.

What the hell
you talking about--
you can't do that?

I owe some people.

They want their money.

They want
you to help.

What the hell
you trying to pull,

Nothing you can't handle.

Hold on now.

All I want to do
is my time

and get out of here.

Whatever you all
got planned,

it's got nothing
to do with me.

Yeah, it does...

If you want to
go on living.

Oh, shit!

Goddamn it!

Goddamn it!

Fuck this shit!

All right, you.



All right,
you son of a bitch.

Let's see
what you got.


Come here.

Come here.

What the hell
is he trying to do?

That horse is
going to kill him.

It just might.


What the hell
do you think you're
doing on that horse?

I got myself
a cow pony.

I want the job
that goes along
with it.

Your job is
in that mud hole.

Get back to it.

Hell, you want it
that bad,

it's yours.

You messing with me?
Don't mess with me!

I said
you got the job.

You want it or not?

Well, hell, yes,
I want it.

All right, then.

All right.
You got it.

You got it.

I'll bust my butt
for you.

No. I mean that.

Lon will
get you some boots.

I will bust my butt
for you.

Good. That's good.

Son of a bitch.

Howdy, warden.


That back of yours
been bothering you again?


I hear you were in
to see the doc about it.

But it's
all right now, hmm?

My back's o.K.,

O.k. Enough
to rodeo?

I got two months
to worry about that.

No. You got
two weeks.

Yeah. Bill renner
over at treadmore

says he found
himself a couple
of cowboys.

Says one of them
is as good as you,

maybe better.

Wants me to bring
two bronc riders

over to
black diamond ranch

for a private

Your dogs
against his dogs.

Ha ha ha!

Well, I wouldn't
sell it that way
to the prison board,

but, uh, yeah.
Something like that.

The back's
a funny thing,

Can't tell when it
might go out on you.

Oh, quit
bullshitting me, ry.

I'm offering you
eight seconds
on a bucking horse.

That's a shot
of freedom

you can't afford
to pass up.

We ain't got
two bronc riders.

We only got me.

Well, the treyton boy's
supposed to be a good rider.


to be hot stuff.

He's green as hell.
He ain't never been
under fire.

Green is one thing.
Good's another.

He's the best you got,
and I want him.

I sure hope
nothing happens

in these next
couple of weeks

to aggravate
my condition.

Me, too.
Aggravation's something
we both can do without.

Let's go! Git!

Get him!

Ry, when
you get a minute,

I'd like
to talk to you.

That vet likes you.

All right.
Let it go.

You know
horses and cows.
I know women.

She's got
an eye for you.

You wanted
to speak to me?


I'm concerned about some
of these yearlings, ry.

They're underweight.

So are some
of those calves.

I noticed that.

Mind if I take
some blood samples,

run a few tests?

I don't think
they're diseased.

I didn't say
they were diseased.

I'd just like
to rule it out.

You handle yourself
pretty well.

That wasn't
your first time
in a branding pen.

No. I was raised
on a ranch

out near silver bow.

And there are times
I really miss those days.

I know
what you mean.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to,
you know...

Forget it.

I got over
feeling bad
a long time ago.

Let me know
how those tests
turn out.

Do you know
what they get

for a saddle
like that
these days?

A damn fortune.

And they ain't
near as nice

as this one's
going to be.

This one
ain't for sale.

Oh, it's...

It's nice,

You using that
at white river?

So what did she
have to say?

Come on.

I mean it doesn't
matter what she said

It's how
she looked at you

when she said it
that counts.

How close
she stood to you,

the way she moved,
whether she touched
you or not.

It's the
stuff, ry.

There was no
between-the-lines stuff.

Oh, yes, there was.
She's a woman,
ain't she?

They never come
right out and say,

"hey, let's do it,

They can't, right?

But, man, they say
all other kinds of shit.

That's all I'm trying
to help you with,
is the other shit.

You're about as smart
as a bagful of hammers,
ain't you?

No. Listen, listen.

If I was you,
I'd take her
for a trail ride

down by cross creek,

lay a blanket out.

A blanket?

Yeah. Look, ry.

You could do this.

with your connection
with Ferguson,

you could
make this work.

Lay out a blanket...

Of course,
I wouldn't make
my move right away.


We'd sit in the sun,

the energy build.

Oh, man. I'd let
that work for me.

And then when
we started sweating,


I'd suggest a swim.

Only no suits.

"Well, honey,
we're going to have
to go skinny-dipping."

Ry, women get turned on
swimming naked.

I don't know why,
but they do.

You just don't
get it, do you?

I'm a lifer, kid.

Can you understand that?

Well, man, that's
all the more reason

to take
the opportunity.

Look. Man, you
can get the hacks
to back off, ry.

If anyone can do it,
you can.

Just how long you think
I'd survive here

if I let
a thought like that
enter my mind?

Just how many seconds
would I survive?


Time to go.

The good news is
there's no disease.

The herd is healthy.

The bad news is
the lab can't tell us

why these cows
are underweight
and the others aren't.

Uh, it's probably
something they're eating.

Might be.

We could have
some bad grass
out there?

jimson maybe?

Well, I know
where they're grazing,

so I'll go out
and check it out.

Why don't I saddle
the horses

so, doc, y'all can ride out
together and look?

It's too beautiful
to be cooped up inside.

I'm sure she has
better things to do.

No, he's right.

a beautiful day.

It's o.K. With me.
I'll get my hat.

She went right for that,
didn't she?

I tell you what--

you play it
like I told you,

you are going to have
one hell of an afternoon.

I'll bet you
anything on that.

Bet you what?

I bet y'all find what
you're looking for out there.

I'll go saddle up
this horse for you.

Well, if I can
get permission,

it's o.K. With me.

Well, here it is.


There's larkspur.

I was right.

you were right.

Doesn't seem like
there's too much of it.

a good vet.

I appreciate
a good vet.

Getting rid of it
shouldn't be a problem.

It is so beautiful

So peaceful.

So quiet.

Take away
the guards,

and you'd have
a real nice
piece of property.

Do you ever forget?


You know, ry...

I've been
waiting to see
if you'd remember.

Remember what?

We've met before...
At belton,

4th of July.

I won at belton
4th of July.

It was
a long time ago.

They still send up
them rockets
after the show?

No. Belton closed down
a couple years back.

How come
you was there?

I was
with my father.

You borrowed
his bull rope.

Jack sinclair
is your daddy?

Yeah. That's right.

I should have
figured that

when you told me
your name,

said you grew up
ranching near silver bow.

Man, he was one
tough bull rider.

How the hell
is he?

He's still tough.

Oh, that's good.

You tell him
hello for me,
will you?

I sure will.

Lots of memories.

I'll bet.

that gold buckle,

riding around
in that new

chasing away all
them pretty women.

Ha ha! You cut
one fine figure.

Yeah. I was
one red-hot cowboy.

I know. I spent
the whole night
staring at you

the dinner table.

We had dinner?

With my dad
and a bunch
of other people.

We danced, too.

I had the biggest
damn crush on you.

Took me almost a week
to get over it.

I guess I missed
my chance.

Last one in
tends the horses.

Come on!



Come on!






That was close.
Nice try.

Nice try?
I won.

Like hell
you won. I won.

Here's the finish line.
Right here.

What do you mean
right here?

I had you
by a nose.

I started easing up
way back there.

You didn't ease up

You saw me ease up
way back there,
didn't you?


They're just saying that
because you're a woman.

Oh, because
I'm a woman.

O.k. Fine...

If you need
an excuse,
but I won.

That's how
it goes down
in the record.

Goes down
in the record?


Nothing like
an aggressive woman,
huh, ry?

So what happened?

Down in the record...
I won.

No. I mean
what happened?

Come on.
What happened?

Tend the horse.

Oh, come on!

Tend the horses.

Tend the horses.

All right.
Keep together now.

Well, there's
the competition--

Cody stavert.

The other guy's cutter.
Supposed to be pretty good, too.

What I worked out
with renner--

it's going to be
a team situation.

Total points win.

He suckered you.
Kid's first

Total points
is a dumb bet.

I didn't bet.

Gambling's illegal
in this state,

but if I had,

it would only be dumb
if I lose,

and we didn't come
all this way to lose.

You are
with the wrong guy.

I've never won
a damn thing
in my whole life.

Relax. It ain't
coming out
of your pocket.



Who's judging this--
your relatives?


Hey, man.
Watch where you're going.

You want to do
something about it?

He's got a horse to ride,
but I got time.

I could have
handled it.

You're scared,
and they smell it.

Don't let them
get to your head.

Who's scared?

I am.

Fear is what this game
is all about.

It's what
you got to fight
every time up.

You got the heart
to beat it,

you just might be
a rider.

O.k. You're up.
Let's go.


Watch your head now.


Easy now.

You got
any last-minute advice,

I suggest you
give it to me
right now.

Don't fall off.

his head out.

Bear down, Clay.

It's yours.


Good boy!

That's it.

what a shit ride!

You stayed eight
on a good horse!

Yeah, well,
67 about buries us.

You give us a shot.
All I ever asked for
was a shot.

Go, Cody!
Show 'em what you got, boy!

Come on, Cody!

Come on, Cody!


Way to go, Cody.
Way to ride!

All right!


All right!

at that animal!

You wore him
out, Cody!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!
Sure enough!


is he sweet.

I told you
he's a rider.

You want
to see a rider,
keep watching.

Turn him out now.

Ride him, ry!


Come on.

Stick it
to him, ry!

Son of a bitch.

Ha ha ha!
Look at him ride!

Way to go, ry!
That's it!

Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch!

You son of a bitch!

Ha ha ha!
You did it!

You son of a bitch.

I've never seen
a goddamn ride
like that before

in my entire life!

We whipped 'em,

Pack your gear.
We done our day's work.

See you
at white river,

I'll be there!

Get your gear packed up
and get back on the bus.

Just got to get
my halter.

Special delivery,

to jaggs neff.

You don't deliver,
you're a dead man.

Single file to the bus.

Let's go.
Move it.

Shame you're not
on the circuit,

You could be
making a pile.

Have a line
of women, too.
That's a fact.

You're as good
as the best
of them.

No way
of really knowing,
is there?

Good ride.

Way to go, boys!

You're ready
for the big time!

Uh-uh. You ain't
getting away with this.


That's my seat
you're sitting in,

It's o.K. I'm just
fooling with you.

Ha ha ha!

Winner sits
anywhere he wants.

Had you going there,
Clay, eh?

Showed them
treadmore punks.

That was
a good horse.


He was doing o.K.,
about three seconds.

That wasn't so hard,
was it?

That's it, jaggs.
No more. I'm out.

Let him go, jaggs.
We had a deal. We're even.


I don't
make deals.

I own you.

We're even
when I say
we're even.

Same goes
for you, cowboy.

Now, that's
a pretty nice loop.

It's about
the only thing

my old man
taught me,

except fighting
and drinking.

Well, at least
you got the basics.

Keep your elbow up.

Son of a bitch.


Get down!

Close to your record!

Ho, ho!
Good run, ry!

This is that red
son of a bitch, Bobby.

You got it,

Oh, that
was sweet, huh?

Run another one.

Hey, I want
to go to white river.

Don't worry.
You're going.

No, no. I mean
I want to compete.

I want you
to get me ready
for the all-around.

You don't want to
get on no bull, son.

Oh, yes, I do.

I tell you what.

You got
the intelligence
for it.

So I guess let's see
what you're made of.

There you go.

Well, that's going
to happen every time.

Wherever you're looking,
that's where you'll go.

Now get on.

Stay over your hand.
Keep your chin down.

Once again.

I want to see daylight
under them jeans.

Bull riding is done
with your legs.

Well, surprisingly,
that wasn't a bad run.

Get on.
One more time.

Get on.

All right.

Make it real,
or you're wasting my time.


Work him!
Don't baby him!

Chin in!

There's your eight seconds
right there.

Be grateful
that son of a bitch
don't have horns.

Just bring on
a live one.

When you're ready.

Get on...



All inmates will return
to their cellblocks

by 1800 hours.

All inmates will return...

I heard something
I think you ought
to know, man.

Jaggs has got
a shipment coming in.

It's got nothing
to do with me.

Look. It's time
to hit it, man.

It's time to get
the fuck out of here.

Look. It ain't
no big thing,
all right?

I get outside the fence
on a work crew.

You meet me on a horse.
We jam to the highway.

My wife comes
and picks us up,
and we're gone!

And what happens
when we get caught?

We ain't gonna
get caught.

Yeah. Well, I ain't
riskin' five years

to find out.

What you think
you doing

running that shit
for jaggs, man? Huh?

How does a dime
sound, homey?

That's right.
10 years.

You don't get it,
do you?

He's going to work you
till you get popped.

The last time
was the last time.

No more. That's it.


Is he hurt?

We'll see.

Hey, you'll
be all right.

Don't tell me.
I did everything wrong.

Well, at least
you know that much.

He'll live.

You know, when it
comes right down
to it,

is plain crazy.

Maybe we ought
to get a doctor.

You don't need
a doctor.

I've sewed
plenty of wounds.

Of course,
mostly on cattle.

That figures. What else
but a dumb damn cow

would let you
touch them?

Hey, quiet. Just
making it worse.

I mean, who
in their right mind

would jump
from a running horse

onto 700 pounds
of steer?

Ha ha ha!

Just hold it
right there.

Hold it. I'll get
the scissors.

There, you're done.

Now, get out there,
do it right.

What--you mean now?

You got a rodeo
in a month.

Hell, I got
a hole in my lip.

Let's go. Go, go!

burning daylight.

That's some
mighty fine stitching.

I couldn't have done
better myself.

What are you
doing here?

It's my regular visit.

a week early.

No, I'm not.

You wanna bet?Yes, you are.

How much?

See you next week.

Uh...hold on,
Dr. Sinclair.


Uh, I treated
some pinkeye.

Maybe there's
some more.

you want to...
Check it out.

I mean you're here.
You might as well.

Sure. If you're
not too busy.

Oh, he is kind of busy
right now, doc,

getting me ready
for the rodeo and all.

Well, if today's
no good, I can--

oh, today's
just fine.

You took
a nasty spill.
You need a rest.

No. I'm raring to go.
That daylight's burning, ry.

If I were you,
I'd take it easy.

When it comes
to your health,

you can't be too careful.

Ain't it something,
the way he looks
after me?

I'm taking the vet out
to check the calves.

I don't see any, ry.

If there's going to be
an outbreak,

you'd have seen it
by now.

They don't seem

I am.

Runs clear,
doesn't it?

The Cheyenne used to
water their horses here.

Fought the settlers
for all this land.

Do you mind
if I take a picture?

We don't have
any more calves.

Of you, I mean.

It's just something
I'd like to have.

O.k. All right.


Don't move.

Stay right there.

I want you
right in front
of the river.


Let me take
one of you now.

O.k. Where
do you want me?


Same place, I guess.

It's been a long time
for me.

Maybe you'd show me
how it works.

It's pretty simple.

You just turn this
to focus,

and you advance there.

It's all right.
I understand.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to--

I understand.

I understand.

The crush
was on the cowboy,
not the con.

That's not how
I think of you.

That's what I am.

A woman like you
don't need a lifer.

I don't think of you
that way.

I don't.

I mean, you're
an attractive man.

I admire you.
You're strong and...

I don't even know

what I'm trying
to say.

I guess that about
covers it.

It'll never
happen again,

I guarantee you.


Take him down!
Take him down!

All right, Clay!
Nice ride!

Sure was!

How was that one?
Was that better?

If you ain't
going to work at it,

I ain't going to
sit around watching.

If you don't want it,
what am I doing here?

That's it for today!

What the hell's
wrong with you?

While you're
getting laid,

I'm doing my best.

What do you want
from me?

Don't you ever discuss
my private business!

Said you wanted to rodeo.

All you want to do
is run your mouth.

I'm tired of it!

I'm tired of you!

Look, ry, if I said
something out there
that was wrong--

you're in my light.

I didn't say leave.

I said
you're in my light.

Pass me
that strap there.

Your saddle
is almost finished.

Good-looking saddle.

It ought to be,
with all the work
you put into it.

You're looking for
an apology,

you ain't
going to get it.

You ain't
my good buddy.

I killed a man.

Took away his gun
and did him cold.

Stop trying to make me
something I ain't.

I heard
there was a fight.

Yeah, there was a fight.

I'd won the all-around
at grand forks.

Went out to celebrate.

A wild-ass cowboy,
pocket full of money,

looking for
some action.

I was going to push
till I found it.

Cut in on a guy
on the dance floor.

Started dancing
with his girl.

He threw a punch.
I decked him.

His buddy come running.

I decked him, too.

The bouncer grabbed me.

I hit him hard.

He had a gun.
Pulled it.

We wrestled.

I took it away from him.

Hell, that's

No. He was down.
I had the gun.

Witnesses were right.
I had a choice.

Could have stopped it,
but I didn't.

Didn't then.

I don't know
if I would now.

That's who I am, kid.

I ain't proud of it.

I don't know
what you were like then.

I do know what
you're like now.

You're a good man, ry.

You're a good man.

Aw, hell you say.

Come on in, treyton.


He tells me
you're Weston's
star pupil,

that the warden's
expecting big things
from you

at white river.

I'm impressed.

You got a pen?
I'll give you an autograph.

Got a package
coming tomorrow.

You're going to
bring it in.

No. I can't do that.


Don't you use
that motherfucking
word on me, man.

Killing me ain't going to get
your load in, jaggs.

Don't worry.

I'm not going to
touch you,

but your buddy

going to see
his last roundup.

Tough chasing cows
down in the hole.

Kill his ass
or lockdown.

Either way,
your boy's going to
miss a birthday.


We'll be in touch.

Where'd you disappear to
after lunch?

West pasture
to fix some fence.

You nervous?

Why should I
be nervous?

I was nervous before
my first big rodeo.

Yeah, I'm a little
nervous, I guess.

You'll be fine.

You're cutting it close,
aren't you, treyton?

Let's have it.

I ain't got it.

Don't fuck with me.
Where is it?

It's in a safe place.

You want a piece
of the action,
is that it?

I got a deal in mind.

I don't make deals,
you stupid motherfucker!

I don't make deals!

Yeah, well, that was then.
This is now.

It's getting
a little dry out there.

Everybody's getting
a little fucking edgy
around here,

don't you think?

You don't deliver now,

people are going to go
someplace else.

They might not come back.

That's the way
I figure it.

What do you want?

I get out of here
in six weeks.

You get half the stuff now.
You get half when I gate.

But from here on out,
it's over.

I'm out of it,
he's out of it,

and Weston's out of it.

That's the deal.

Take your best shot.

10 minutes.
In the boiler room.

Let's go.

He stays...

Until you deliver.

He's got balls.

You're letting him
get away with it?

He'll tell us where
the rest of it is.

Nobody will hear him
screaming down there.

I'll say good-bye for you.

Jaggs is going to
kill Clay.

He was trying
to protect you

and me, too.

In the boiler room.

Get a medic.

He won't make it!

Where's latrell?

I get the product,
you get him.


He's back there
with stoker.

You did good, cowboy.

Now let's have
the rest of it.

Where's latrell?

Same place
you're gonna be

if you don't
start talking.

Little son of a bitch!

There's big money here,

I'll cut you in.

Name your number.

is my number.

You and me.

stay where you are!

Get 'em up!
Get 'em up!

I got no weapon!

Get him on his feet.

I got him.

latrell wasn't lying.

We have plenty here.

Where's latrell?

He's dead.

He made it to
the greenhouse

after jaggs shanked him.

Here's your weapon
right here.

Murder one, jaggs.

Bought yourself a seat
on death row.

Get him out of here.

This ain't over,

So long, ghost.

You're going to die,

There's more of that
behind the mess hall.

In the vent
next to the dumpster.

Find it.

Ry didn't have
to do with this.

I brought it in.

I brought it in
from black diamond.

They said they were
going to kill you
if I didn't help.

This was
the easiest way
I knew how

to get everyone out
from under it.

It didn't work.
I'm sorry.

All you had to do
was tell me, kid.

I didn't have
the guts to tell you,

not after
you trusted me.

I'll take
what's coming to me.

Might be more than
you bargained for, son.

I wouldn't be
too hard on him, warden.

He could have took
the easy way

and got away with it,

but he stood up,
and you got jaggs neff.

That's one way
of looking at it.

You and me, warden,

we're slammed down here

We're lifers.

But the kid's got a shot
at something real,

if he don't
stay caged too long.

First time I seen you
go to bat for anybody, Weston.

I put a lot of work
into him.

Don't want to see it
go to waste.

I'll take it all
into consideration.

Lock these men down.

We've got an outstanding rodeo
for you today, friends.

An interesting match-up

in the all-around
cowboy competition

between Cody stavert
from treadmore prison

and the current champion,
ry Weston, out of brownwood.

We'll watch that closely
as the day goes on.

Right now, let's hear it for
our new rodeo queen--

miss crystal lynne tompkins
and her court.

Hey, now, I knew a girl
named crystal.

I knew a beauty
whose hair was red.

Had thighs
like peanut butter--

smooth, creamy,
and easy to spread.

They say, "redhead, redhead,
fire in the woodshed."

What the hell
you talking about?

That's right.

Welcome to
the best of the worst.

This is the 22nd tri-state
prison rodeo.

Now here's a cowpoke

we've heard
some good things about.

In his first rodeo--
Clay treyton.



6 1/2 seconds for this rookie
out of brownwood.

Looks like this boy
is serious about making a run

at all-around cowboy.

A lot of these boys
have never rodeoed before.

We ought to make some noise
for them

for giving us a good show.

6 seconds flat.

Cody stavert ties
ry Weston's old record.

That was
one heck of a run.


It's official.

It's a 5 and 9/10th-second run.

A new record
for ry Weston,

breaking his old Mark
by 1/10th of a second.

Looks like I got myself

another championship,

You're not in
the money yet,

In the all-around, third place,
newcomer Clay treyton.

In second, Cody stavert,

right on the heels
of our leader--

you guessed it--
ry Weston.

Hey, Weston!

You were a lucky
son of a bitch
last time!

Today's going to be

Keep telling yourself that.
Might start believing it.

Oh! You're off there, son!

Hope you have better luck
at your parole hearing!

My! Oh, my! Oh, my!
Look at that boy fly!

Next out of chute four--

Clay treyton
on a hard-to-ride bronc

we call zamaka.


Stay down!

Get him out of there!

That's an official ride
for a 78.

Treyton just made it
to the buzzer,

and it looks like
he's all right

after that unbelievable wreck.

Let's hear it for
this tough cowboy.

Now in chute nine,
Cody stavert, treadmore.

Stavert gets the first
80 score of the day,

and he's got a real shot
at that gold buckle.

All right. This is it.

The ride
you've been waiting for.

This is the convict
you've been waiting for.

Go to chute number four
for the all-around champion

of the tri-state prison rodeo--
ry Weston on twister.


What is it?
What's wrong?

My back.

Doc! Get the doc!

Bring him over here!

Give me a shot,
I'll be all right.

It's against
the rules.

You need x-rays.

You're all right,
ain't you, ry?

Never better.

He's through.
Pack his gear.

I ain't going nowhere.

Just get me a shot.

Want to ride a wheelchair
the rest of your life?

I ain't going nowhere!

I told you it'd be
different today.

There's going to be
a new champion.

You son of a bitch!

You couldn't carry
his boots!

Get the hell
out of my face!


I'm going to beat
that son of a bitch
for you.

It's your ride.
You earned it.

Beat him
for yourself.

Ah, this is too bad.

Because of injury,

ry Weston has to withdraw
from the competition.

That means we'll have

a brand-new
all-around champion today.

I think we should show
our appreciation

for a great cowboy.

You wouldn't be interested
in a little wager,

now, would you?

Stavert against the kid.
Straight up on the bull ride.

My man gets hurt.
He wants to bet.

What do you take me for?

Treyton boy's
a rookie.


That's what I thought.

Unless he's backing Weston,
he's gutless.

Ha ha ha!

You got yourself a bet.

You're on.

All right, everybody.
Get ready for our grand finale.

And I'm not talking about
no mamma's-boy picnic now.

Rodeo's most dangerous event.

The toughest eight seconds
in sports.

This is bull riding.

Talk about doing hard time.


I don't know why that bull's
mad at you, Jesse,

unless it was him you robbed.

With ry Weston out,

this ride could determine

this year's
best all-around cowboy.

Coming out of chute nine--
Cody stavert.

Get a good ride!

Way to go, Cody!


Son of a bitch
didn't make it easy,
did he?

Well, if you're going to
work the circuit,

you got to learn
to handle the pressure.

What'd you just say?

You heard me.

Don't screw around
about something
like that.

You're green,
but you got the instincts,
you got the tools.

If you got it in here,
you can make it out there.

I want it.
I want it bad.

I know the feeling.

All right.
You're up. Get up.

Well, here's our last ride
of the day--

a first-year man

who's still got a shot
at the all-around championship

coming out of
chute number four,

on annihilator--Clay treyton.

Turn him loose!
Turn him loose!

Get him!


Well, there you have it,
ladies and gentlemen.

Cody stavert is the new
all-around champion.

I almost had him, ry.

What'd I do wrong?

You just got throwed,
that's all.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry, kid.
You got it here.

Hear me?


You ain't
spitting up blood.

That's a good thing.

Well, they got
us both wrecked up.

Hell of a day.

You'll be all right.

I guess this is it.

Guess so.

I don't know
what to say.

Not too much, I hope.


You taught me
a hell of a lot.


I got in touch with
the mcshay spread.

I got that job.
Got room and board.

I got six bucks
an hour.

Hell of a deal.
You're only worth three.


This is for you.

I can't take that.

Then you'll be
the only pro in the circuit

without his own
bronc saddle.

Oh, forget it.
I ain't no pro.

Why, 'cause you
fell off a bull?

Ain't a cowboy out there
ain't done the same thing.

Treat it right,
it'll last you.

See you, kid.

See you, ry.