Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (2020) - full transcript

Dr. Steven Greer examines details surrounding his alien-visitation "disclosure" movement.

Something strange
is happening.

We are living through
the most extraordinary
moment in human history.

After decades of
denial and ridicule,

government officials
and the mainstream media

are admitting that
extraterrestrial civilizations
are visiting Earth.

But, there's a twist.

The same people
and institutions
who lied about ETs,

and just about
everything else,

are now framing
the extraterrestrial presence
as a threat.

And we are
seriously thinking
of the Space Force.

One man has been trying
to warn us about this
for decades.

If you're seeing this,
it's because I'm either dead,

or have been entrapped,
or have disappeared.

Most of us
are ill-prepared

for open contact with
an advanced ET civilization.

As our expanding cosmology
outgrows our theological

modern human society
is spiraling into decadence,

narcissism, depravity,
and nihilism.

Catch me outside.
How about that?

If we want to truly
understand ETs,

their technology
and their intentions,

we have to readdress
our assumptions
about the nature of reality

and our relationship
with the physical universe.

On the surface,
"Oh, UFOs are real.

"They are these machines
zipping through the sky."

But one of the things
I've always said is,

"Well, that's interesting
and it's cool,

"and it's great to see them.
But what's really interesting

"are the people on board
those spacecraft.

"They're intelligent.
They're conscious.

"They're here.
They're interested.

"Why are they here,

But no one has
made the question,

"How do we develop
that relationship

"with the occupants
of the UFOs?"

That's what this is about.

It's going from just sort of
a materialistic view,

there' s a machine flying
around the sky, and sort of
a superficial view of it,

to a deeper truth of,
"Who's on board?

"Why are they here?

"What is their relationship
to humanity?"

Perhaps the origins
of the human race.

What are we to do to create
a relationship with them?

And how do we do that?

What is the foundation of
a relationship between
humans, at this stage

of our evolution,
and civilizations that
are hundreds of thousands

to millions of years
more developed,

and socially and perhaps
in consciousness.

We have to find
where that point
of commonality is.

I have put a briefing
together for every president
since Bill Clinton,

and, to the extent
that they know anything,

it doesn't mean
they have control
over these covert programs.

The unacknowledged special
access projects are run
in a way that they are outside

the purview and control
of the president
or the Congress.

And for that reason,

our elected representatives
are unlikely to resolve
this problem.

But we can resolve it,
by going directly to these
civilizations and saying,

"We're here.

"You can make contact with us.
We're unarmed. We're friendly."

Since 1990,

a network of
freethinkers and renegades
had been bypassing

the National Security State
to make direct contact

with advanced

using the Close Encounters
of the Fifth Kind protocols,

or CE5, developed
by Dr. Greer.

This has proven to be
the most subversive
and dangerous information

he has released
to the public.

Oh, my gosh!

MAN 1:
What the fuck?
MAN 2:
Look at this.

These three lights,
they keep coming together,

and they
fucking blow apart.
Watch this.

Look at them.
Look at 'em.

There goes one.
Now the two lights.
There it goes.


Close Encounters
of the First Kind

consist of visual sightings

of an unidentified
flying object.

Close Encounters of
the Second Kind,

some physical trace is present,
like impressions in the ground

or scorched vegetation.

Close Encounters of
the Third Kind,

the occupants or pilots
of an ET craft
are witnessed.

Close Encounters of
the Fourth Kind,

a human is brought on board
an ET craft.

Close Encounters of
the Fifth Kind,

proactive, human-initiated
communication with
extraterrestrial beings.

For thousands of people,
contact has begun.

This is their story.

MAN 1: Look, there's four!
There's four!

WOMAN: Holy damn
hot shit!

MAN 2:
Come on, baby.
Don't go away.

This got on the radar
of the intelligence

and they knew that
we had come across

the Rosetta Stone
of contacting

and communicating with
interstellar civilizations,
and it worked.

That is what started
the intelligence community

coming after what we were
saying and doing and
trying to intercept it.

This is, in fact,
cosmic disobedience
on a grand scale.

We're gonna bypass
the sociopaths in these
covert programs,

and do this directly.

It's the same thing with
The Civil Rights Movement.

The Civil Rights Movement
would have never happened
from the top down.

Even the Kennedy brothers
did not want to step into
that mess.

It took a mass of people,

not just Martin Luther King,
but millions of people,

all over the country
doing sit-ins and
lunch counter sit-ins,

and buses and what have you
to change that direction

of our civilization
out of Jim Crow,
onto a society that is,

while not perfect,
is more open and
inclusive than it was.

The same has
to happen here.

And to do that, we have to
understand what cosmic
consciousness is,

what the nature
of the cosmic mind is,

that is resonating
within every
single human being,

because that's the foundation
for the relationship
between humans

and these civilizations.

By doing it directly,
all of us are going to know
what the truth is.

You don't have to go through
a proxy or someone who's
telling you second hand.

But it also creates
a movement globally,

to show these
civilizations that there
are people on this planet

who are enlightened
and conscious
and peaceful,

which is the majority
of humans.

Because real disclosure is
humans making contact with
these civilizations directly.

And these civilizations
are waiting for us to do it,

so this is our opportunity.
This is our moment.

And it really is
we the people
that have to do it.

For decades,
only crackpots
and crazy people

believed in UFOs
That's what
I thought, anyway.

And then in recent years,
it turns out,

that governments have been
taking them seriously
all along,

very seriously.

The question
is often asked,

"When will UFO
disclosure happen?"

The answer is, "It has
already happened."

It happened in 2001,
at the National Press Club
in Washington, D.C.,

where military, NASA
and Intelligence Agency

testified to their involvement
in the UFO cover-up,

and the back engineering
of extraterrestrial

It happened again,
in 2017,

with the release
of the film,

in the anticipation of which,
the CIA and the FBI

published millions
of UFO documents
on their websites.

Despite all this,

nothing has really changed.

Life goes on as before,

except there is a new
narrative unfolding in
the mainstream media.

One that is designed
to subvert
true disclosure

and extinguish the opportunity
for transformation
available to us

through these revelations.

Earlier this week,
the New York Times

the existence
of a secret
government program

to investigate
UFO sightings.

It was especially focused
on encounters by members
of the military,

like this one experienced
by a US Navy pilot,
off the coast of California.

MAN: Look at that thing!

Average people see UFOs
on the news, right?

All of a sudden, it's real.
UFOs, we've been
tracking them in the sky.

And they go,
"Okay, well, were the tin
foil hat people right?"

It took a long time for
the mainstream media
to finally admit that,

"Yeah, they are,
in fact, real."

Why did we wait that long?
Why did we wait
for the mainstream media

to tell us before we finally
believed, "Hey, this is
actually happening?"

And the challenge is,
if there's potentially
multiple narratives,

how do you decide
which one to go with?

Back in the 1990s,
I was read into or briefed

on a project that involved
an inter-agency group,

that had the ability
to disclose
the ET presence in a way

that would frighten everyone
on Earth and convince
the public that there was

"an alien threat,"

which is completely false.
It's all a lie.

And that this
had been developed
in the '50s.

And they had been
developing the means and
the psychological warfare

to make that happen.

So, in the 1990s, I wrote
a paper called "When
Disclosure Serves Secrecy."

What that means is,

there are two kinds of
disclosures that
might happen,

a truthful one that is
also a hopeful one,

which is what I gave up
my medical career
to try to actuate to do.

And then,
there's the one
that is spun

by the spinmeisters
in Washington,

and at The Pentagon and CIA,
which runs like this.

"It's true
the UFOs are real.

"They are here as a threat.
They're violating
our airspace.

"They're a National Security
threat, and a threat,
to our sovereignty."

I'm quoting.

The purpose
of the program,

advanced aerospace threat
identification program,

was really designed
to do just that.

From a national
security perspective,

identify those
things that we see

and try to ascertain and
determine if that information
is a potential threat

to national security.

And we knew
this was
going to happen,

because I had met
with people

who were in these classified
projects who were on
inter-agency committees

that had everything set
to roll this out,

and they were just
waiting for the right time.

The Soviet Union has ended.
We have the global terrorism.

While it's still there,
it's not like it was
around 9/11.

This is the next "big thing"
that they want the public
to be afraid of.

When a pickpocket
meets a saint,
all he sees are his pockets.

Or if you're a hammer,
everything looks like a nail.

It's not that this isn't
a genuine perception
on their part,

because they've been raised,
their entire political
and professional career

has been designed to have
this kind of artificial
construct of this...

There's this national
airspace and nobody can
come into the airspace

unless we say so.

And they've got
this super control
mechanism going.

And they're right at
this really important place
right now

where they're attempting
to establish

a kind of
one-world government.

They've got
the communications
systems up.

The transportation
systems are up.

They want to establish
a planetary government.

And there is nothing
that is going to
motivate the creation

of a one-world government,
like the discovery
of an ultimate other.

Ronald Reagan was standing
in front of the United Nations
just said it out.

Perhaps we need some
outside universal threat.

I occasionally think
how quickly our
differences, worldwide,

would vanish, if we were
facing an alien threat
from outside this world.

He was silly enough to say it.
That's part of his naivete.

But the fact is,
that is their agenda.

civil rights attorney
Daniel Sheehan

has spent over 50 years

fighting the National
Security State.

The Pentagon Papers
and the Iran Contra

are but two of his many
landmark cases,

before becoming
a whistleblower
and legal counsel

for the Disclosure Project
in 2001.

It's helpful, of course,
for them to say,
"Oh, UFOs are real."

That's quite helpful.

We've been trying
to get people
to understand that now

for the last 30 years.

But it's all immediately
wedded to

this fact that they're
this horrible threat.

And so we have to
come forward with
a positive set of programs,

a positive vision for this,

and that's what I'm trying
to help get the Vatican
and the Jesuit order

to become involved in,
in putting forth
a discussion

about the theological
and philosophical challenges

that this presents to us,
but it's not
a national security threat.

It's not a threat
to our species.

It's not a threat
to our planet.

It's a threat to our view
as ourselves,

as the be-all and end-all,
that the entire
universe was created

as a stage on which to play
out the human drama
for one single species.

That ain't so.

But let's get used to it.

And let's figure out
what the new story is.

What is the new story?

There's a positive story.
What is our role in it?

We may not be
the star of it,

but we're a good supporting
character in the unfolding
of our universe.

And let's figure out
what that story is.

The success of
which has been seen by

hundreds of millions
of people now...

Have you not

What is

-You gotta
-What is that one?

-Okay. You gotta watch
-What is it?

You gotta watch

Is that that
Steven Greer movie?

It caused a reaction within
the intelligence community

of the United States.
And so, what the major media
has begun to do

is to cooperate with
the intelligence community
in reporting

all this information out,

but with this peculiar spin,
very subliminal at this stage,

that it's a threat.

The project was called
the Advanced Aviation Threat

Identification Program,

run by an official
named Luis Elizondo.

I think this is
a national security

We have clear things
that we do not understand
how they work,

operating in areas
that we can't control.

One of my first cases,
coming out of law school,

was for NBC,

to establish the right of
journalists to protect their
confidential news sources.

I did the Amicus briefs for
The New York Times

The Washington Post

and also for CBS and ABC.

And it was at that time
that I began to realize

that there was
this close
working relationship

between the board of editors
The New York Times

and the national security

That there's conversations
going on all the time

between the Board of
Editors and the national
security people.

And we actually
got an affidavit
from Teddy Sorenson saying,

"Oh, yes, the National
Security State and CIA
and everybody consult

"regularly with
The New York Times
to get them not to tell

"information about
covert operations
that we're engaged in."

I was surprised
to find that out
at that point.

I began to do
an investigation about this,

as a lawyer for
The Times
and for NBC,

and found out that
there were 42 full-time
Central Intelligence Agency

or NSA people employed
by the major
national news media.

And they had an entire project
called Project Mockingbird,

and that they were deeply
embedded with the major
national news media.

And they were constantly,
from their point of view,

the information that was
going to be allowed
to get out.

And it was quite clear
that they viewed themselves

as all part of the same
basic fraternity.

They all shared in
the patriotic vision of
the Central Intelligence Agency

being able to
go around the world.

The biggest
challenge with them,

the Pentagon Papers case,
is they didn't want to reveal
the fact that there was

a massive assassination
program going on.

And it was being funded
by heroin trafficking,

to keep it away from
the congressional
funding investigations.

I thought this was
a terribly newsworthy thing
to talk about,

but it was
beyond the pale.

That was not to be
talked about here.

You can talk about how bad
the Vietnam War was,

and even the fact that
they lied about
the Bay of Tonkin incident.

But not this.

Even the Air Force Office of
Special Investigations officer,

Richard Doty, admitted
that he would bring
bags of cash

to national security editors
in the major media

to get their cooperation
in this narrative.

So every news agency,

every television,
radio station,

in the Albuquerque
or Santa Fe area,

had our snitches in there.

So we knew.
And we paid 'em.

We paid 'em good money.

One of the reasons
you get the people,
is you pay 'em.

And that was controversial.

That was
somewhat controversial.

Oh, yes.
I'm not going to
name them.

What you have now
is a concerted effort

between mainstream media
and social media platforms

and tech giants to say,
"Let's gain control
back of the narratives

"that we require
to make sure
that we can control

"how people think
about certain topics."

So, now you have
this fear driven,

you have this tight little
box of what the UFO
and extraterrestrial

subject is really about.

How it relates to military,
government spending,

all this sort of conversations
that are very common
in the mainstream

that people are
going to relate to.

That they,
"Okay, I can piece

"the typical dots together."

Let me give you
a great example.

If you look at a lot of
the Disclosure Project

which is beyond
the scope of this film,

we identified dozens of people
who were at intercontinental
ballistic missile,

nuclear silos,
nuclear weapons areas,
who had had UFOs come in

to those areas,
surveilling them.
But in some cases,

rendering those missiles

Now, most of the men
that were in those silos

have said to me, personally,
they felt that these ETs
were saying,

"Please don't blow up
this beautiful planet.
But if you do,

"if you go to
mutual assured

"the full launch of nuclear
weapons, globally, we can
intercept a lot of them,

"so that you don't
go to a full
extinction-level event."

They felt that it was actually
a very hopeful thing
that happened.

Meanwhile, people came along,
took the same data,
the same cases,

and spun it into
a national security threat.

One set of facts,
two narratives.

Diametrically opposed.

When I got involved in
the issue of the UFO issue,

and the ET issue, that started
in 1997, with President Carter,
I realized

that the work
that I was doing
was characterized

by the National Security State

as a target for

When I see this thing happening
with the To The Stars Academy,

where they suddenly appear
on the front page of
The New York Times,

and the CNN, all of a sudden,
wants to talk with them,

and they're on MSNBC,
and all this kind of stuff,

I immediately realized,
"Wait a second.

"This is part of what
I've been worried
about coming out,"

because they were constantly
spinning that story that this
is a threat.

My name is Tom Delonge.
A lot of people know me

from my band Blink 182.
I started that band
when I was 16.

Through a series of
meetings, I was soon
connected to a large group

of US government officials,

from the CIA,
the Department of Defense

and Lockheed Martin
Skunk Works.

These guys were the ones
involved in the secretive
US government programs

that dealt with
these subjects.

What's happening is that
To The Stars Academy people,

were all... You know,
Jim Semivan who's there,

the Chief of Covert Operations
Domestic for CIA,

which in and of itself
is totally against the law.

You know, the National
Security Act from 1947,
completely, clearly

and unequivocally prohibits
any kind of covert operations

That's who he is.

There he is there,
and you got guys
from the DIA,

and the Defense Department
and Hal Puthoff and stuff.

And they're all there,
and what they're doing is
they're putting

this intense spin,
every single thing
they talk about,

all has this kind of
gestalt to it
that this is a threat.

And it very well
could be a threat.

It's a threat to
our national security.

It's a threat to
our air space.

It's a threat to
our sovereignty.

What it is, it's a threat
to our dominion
over our own planet.

And, of course
they think that's their job.

Our job is to assert
full spectrum dominance

over the entire planet.
We actually
have the documents

from the 1992
United States Defense

Department Policy
Planning Guidance document,

where they said that
right at the dissolution
of the Soviet Union.

They said, "Oh, we gotta
not cut back on our
military spending.

"We have to increase it,
so we can establish

"dominance over the planet."

So you know
what their agenda is,
the National Security State.

It's not for the defense
of our sovereignty.

The danger of this,
of course,
is that this is exactly

what all fascistic
demagogues do
to an innocent target,

whether it be
Jews in Germany,

or African-Americans
in this country.

They will create
a boogeyman effect

to try to get people
mobilized against it.

You're one
ugly motherfucker.

And as one member
of the royal family
told me,

"We need to do things
so that the public
will accept

"in blood and treasure
the sacrifices needed

"to have
an interplanetary war."
I'm quoting.

Bombshell CIA documents,

previously published
by The Disclosure Project,

reveal a decades-long
warfare campaign

to cultivate a culture of fear
towards extraterrestrials.

It's interesting that Hollywood
and the clandestine services

both spend most
of their time convincing
people that something

that's not true
is in fact, true.

I think, probably Hollywood is
full of CIA agents
and we just don't know it.

And I wouldn't be surprised
at all to discover that.

This is extremely common.

Intelligence assets
within Hollywood

have made
billions of dollars

popularizing the
narrative that humanity's
first encounter with ETs

will be a devastating

Mr. Chambers,
don't get on that ship!

The rest of the book,
"To Serve Man..."
It's a cookbook.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Sha, la, la, la, la, la

♪ Sha, la, la, la, la, la

♪ Why can't we be friends?

♪ Why can't we be friends?

♪ Why can't we be friends?

♪ Why can't we be friends?

Let's go out into space
and look at our planet
over the last 100 years.

World wars.
Hundreds of millions
of people killed in war,

the advent of
weapons of
mass destruction,

our going into space
in a competitive way
with the Soviet Union

for the Apollo projects
and others.

The degradation
and destruction
of our environment,

our targeting of
extraterrestrial assets around
the Earth and in space,

and successfully killing
many ETs and
downing their spacecraft.

Out here in Fort Huachuca
in Arizona,

there's an underground facility
where there are nine different

ET craft that are there
with all the autopsied bodies.

There's a man on my team
who used to work
in that facility,

near Tombstone, Arizona,
not coincidentally, perhaps.

This footage,
captured by NASA's
space shuttle

on September 15th, 1991,

shows an extraterrestrial
vehicle dodge
an electronic weapon

fired from Earth.

Here, we see the craft
slowly crossing the frame.

There's a bright flash and
then it makes an abrupt
right angle turn

and flies off.
Moments after the turn,

we see the shot fired
across space,
where the craft had just been.

Knowing all that,

if they were hostile,
in the way we think of
an invading hostile force,

that would have been made
abundantly clear to us

the day we detonated
the first atomic bomb.

The fact is,
they have shown
remarkable restraint.

Almost the level of
a Gandhian pacifism,

not to have
pushed back.

So the threat isn't
extraterrestrial, the threat
is covert human.

These secret projects
are an existential threat
to Earth,

the environment,
and to our peace in space

in relationship with
these civilizations.

I remember being
at Wright Patterson
Air Force Base,

where a lot of
the Roswell stuff ended up,

and it was the foreign
technology division
of the Air Force,

and I was there to do
a briefing and
the colonel said, "Well,

"what if these civilizations
are a threat?"

He was trying to bring me into
that view. And I said, "Sir,
with all due respect,

"given the galactically stupid
things you have been doing,

"if they were a threat,
you would know it by now,

"and we would not be
having this conversation
and breathing

"the free air of Earth.

"It would have been point,
set, match, over."

What are the technologies
that would permit
an interstellar civilization

to go from one star system
to another?

We're not talking
about Elon Musk's SpaceX

or the Apollo rocket.

We're talking

advances that are in
the hundreds of thousands

to millions of years past
what we have operating
on this planet.

Those technological

if they were weaponized
and in the possession
of a hostile force,

would be so devastating
that you could target
a planet

and turn it into a pink mist,
floating through the cosmos,

if you were
a hostile entity.

What I have discovered
in our contact
with these civilizations,

and we have had
many hundreds
of contact experiences

with our CE5 teams
around the world
over the last 30 years,

is that none of them
are hostile,

but quite a few of them
are very concerned
about our hostility,

and are doing things
to try to contain that.

But our destiny beyond
the Earth is not only a matter
of national identity

but a matter of
national security.

It is not enough to merely have
an American presence in space,

we must have
American dominance
in space.

They want to
project out into the stars,
their dominion.

Our job is to get people to
understand that that is not
what our mission is

as a human species.

We need to lay back,
participate with all other
sentient life in the universe,

and merit a proper position

in the galactic federation.

Not be the big bully
on the block.

Counterintelligence efforts
reach a new level of absurdity

with the staging
of host events
like cattle mutilations

and alien abductions.

In 2017,
retired Air Force
intelligence officer

Richard Doty made history
when he admitted on camera

that unacknowledged
special access projects

within the military,
do, indeed

stage alien abductions to lay
the psychological foundation

for an inter planetary conflict
sometime in the near future.

We did do that, yes.

OSI did that.

There was a special group
out of the 76th 2nd
intel wing

at Fort Belvoir that
came out and did that.

They had these
people that had maybe
some sort of defects,

anatomical defects
that were brought in

to fool people into thinking
they were aliens.

I can't give you any specifics
because the program
is still classified.

They're probably still doing it.
I wouldn't doubt they're still
doing it.

This corroborates
what dozens of other insiders
have disclosed

to Dr. Greer,
but they're too afraid
to testify on camera.

Colonel, you're about to
find out who your alien
really is.

General Stall?

Some years ago, I had
a meeting with the crown
prince of Liechtenstein,

Hans Adam Von Liechtenstein.

He had reached out to me
through some of his contacts.

He said, "Look, Dr. Greer,
we have to meet, but we can't
talk about this on the phone.

"Your efforts to effect
disclosure are noble,
but they will not

"be able to be permitted.

"And not for the reasons
you think."

I said,
"Oh, this is interesting."

Finally, we got together
in New York City
in July of 1994.

He said to me, "In 1989,

"a group of us were trying
to do disclosure.

"And it involved Gorbachev,
President Bush,
Senior, himself,

"and the UN Secretary General,
Perez de Cuellar.

"And in the course of us
putting together

"the high-level planning
meetings to do this,
Perez de Cuellar,

"the UN Secretary General
was abducted,

"out of his limousine
in Manhattan."

He was told by the "aliens"

that if they did not cease
and desist from their plans
to disclose this information,

that every
world leader involved,

including the President
of the United States,
would be abducted.

This blew up
like an atomic bomb
in the Bush White House,

and it did not go forward.

I said,
"Okay, well, tell me more."

He says, "Well,
we've concluded that we
have to prepare the public

"for an interplanetary war.

"And in doing so, we can then
also force the return
of Christ." I'm quoting.

And I just listened.

He didn't know
that I knew

that the means for
that abduction
for Perez de Cuellar

were run by
a counterintelligence unit

out of the National
Security State,

that had the technologies
to simulate an alien craft
and aliens,

run completely
by military assets.

And that there
was a deeper part

of these unacknowledged
special access projects

that were zoom in,
even people
like Bush Senior,

who was on the committee,

but had lost control of some
of these renegade factions.

It's a very complicated story.

Perez de Cuellar being
abducted caused them to
stop that process.

It manipulated these leaders
into going onto a war footing.

And he confessed to me
that the reason
he was funding

the work of
the abduction groups

was because they wanted
to put information
out to the public,

that would scare the public

so the people would make
the sacrifice in blood
and treasure to have

an interplanetary war.

Now this is 25 years ago.

It was not a happy
meeting for me.

If there's any one thing
that is gonna mobilize people

to allow the National Security
State to establish
full-spectrum dominance

over our planet,
it is this.

The beings themselves,
interestingly and
very importantly,

aren't putting out
their own story.

They're not doing that yet.

They're trying to
get us to understand it.

They're trying to give us
warnings or help raise
our consciousness,

which is a critical part of
this entire operation
going on.

And trying to get us
to do this for ourselves.

That's what
this is all about.

But the National Security
State realizes that
that's a slower process,

so they're now trying to
hurry this up.

There's kind of
an emergency process
under way right now.

Make no mistake about that.

When I was briefing
the director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency,

the very first thing he asked
wasn't about this subject.

He looked at me,
he says, "Dr. Greer,

"what we don't understand
is why you haven't
killed yourself yet."

He said, "Well, my dad knew
about some of this
way back in the '60s.

"No one would do
anything about it.

"So he took his revolver
and ate his gun
and blew his head off."

Now this is
a three-star general

telling me this story in
the first 10 minutes
we're together. I said, "Well,

"I'm sorry
that happened to you.

"But I understand
where your dad
was coming from."

Because it's sort of this...



Now, the truth is,

there are lot of people
who've been on my team,

who are military,
who have killed themselves.

Others who have
been assassinated.

So the other thing
that keeps me up is,
you know...

Survivor guilt.


This National Security State

is the bane
of our human existence
right now.

So we have to start
disassembling that
National Security State.

Now, even say,
Bernie Sanders, hypothetically,
were to become president.

The National Security State
isn't even going to tell him
where the washrooms are.

That whole group is gonna
descend upon him

and they're gonna give him
at least as much trouble
as they've given Trump.

If you got into the office

and you found out
something about aliens,

you found out something
about UFOs,
would you let us know?

Well, I'll tell you,
my wife would demand
that I let you know.

So that's why they want
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
to come in

and kind of get things
"back to normal,"

where the National Security
State is functioning.
They're all operational.

They're all going to
brief Goldman Sachs.

And they're putting people
from Goldman Sachs
in charge of the economy.

That kind of thing.

We have to rise
above those kind of
dialectical politics

to bring the people up,
raise the consciousness
of the people,

and have this function
through democracy.

I mean,
we've got the tools here.
They're in front of us.

And we've got access
to the Internet, still.

They haven't taken that
away from us yet.

But there's
a short window here.

One exception to
the almost universal failure
of world governments

to initiate peaceful diplomacy
with ET civilizations

took place in France,
in 2007.

Then President Sarkozy's
Ministry of Defense
reached out

to Dr. Greer to train
its senior officials

in the Close Encounters
of the Fifth Kind protocols.

During a covert test run
in the French countryside,

ET craft were tracked
overhead going 200,000
kilometers per hour.

And this massive
mauve-colored craft

partially materialized
a few meters
from the group.

Since the operation was
swiftly halted by National
Security State interests,

it remains the duty of
we, the people, to become
peaceful ambassadors

to the universe.

Much like a denial of service
cyber attack can
bottleneck and bring down

a computer network,

millions of people
initiating contact
would completely overwhelm

the National Security State's
ability to subvert disclosure.

The National Security State
people, potentially working
with and through

the To The Stars Academy,
are going to be pitching
this problem,

saying "Well, we can't just
let our whole
civilization know

"that there's this
highly advanced,
technologically superior

"society out there and..."
Because our whole culture
will collapse.

Whereas, in fact,
it's quite clear that it's
their defense of the elite,

this 1% of the human family,

that basically ends up
controlling over 40% of
all the wealth on the planet,

that they're
really defending.

It is their world
that they're trying
to defend.

So that you see
that this is a subset
of a larger question,

about how spiritual
consciousness and
the evolution of consciousness

of understanding what we
really are in the makeup
of the universe

is a threat in itself
to this elite.

Because that is
the dissolving away

of these kind of differences
among ourselves,

and this coming
into a full ownership

of our proper place
in the universe

puts these people
out of business
as the ruling elite.

And so that the raising of
consciousness of
our human family is so closely

related on to the opening on to
the extraterrestrial experience,

that both of them together
are viewed as a threat

by the elite.

What they're afraid of
is that this is such
an accelerator

as people have these
repeated contacts
with the extraterrestrials,

their whole consciousness
starts to rise.

They start becoming aware
of the fact that we're
damaging our environment.

They can become
aware of the fact

that nuclear weapons
are kind of an insane thing
to have.

War is a really bad idea.

This is
a spiritual experience.

It's a spiritual stimulation
that's coming.

If you take someone from Italy
and someone from Japan,

very different cultures,
very different people,

personalities, backgrounds,

and emotional temperament.
Now, extrapolate that out across

the cosmos and think
of the vast differences
there are going to be.

How do we make
any sense of that

if we aren't anchored
into something deeper?

And that point of commonality
has been folded within
each of us.

And that is,
we are awake,
conscious beings.

They are awake,
we are awake.

That faculty of being
aware of awareness,
the consciousness,

not what you're conscious of,
what it means to be awake,

that is a singularity.

And once we're anchored into
that state of consciousness,

the unitive state,
then there aren't
any aliens.

There are just
other people who are
a little different from us.

This is the point where
we can make contact
most easily.

When I looked at
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind,
I said,

"Well, somebody knows
what's going on here."

Because it had a lot to
do with telepathy, the sort
of dreams people had

that led them to
the Devil's Tower in Wyoming
and all this.

And I then found out
that Spielberg had
actually had a man,

J. Allen Hynek,
who was the head
of Project Blue Book

for the Air Force,
who was
the chief consultant,

who opened up files for him,
so he could make that movie

almost like a docu-drama.

In 2011, a CE5 group
at Joshua Tree National Park

successfully contacted
an entire flotilla
of ET craft.

In the unprocessed
night vision footage,

we see what appears
to be two distinct craft,

but image enhancements reveal
that these are two parts

of a super structure
or mother ship

surrounded by
an entire fleet
of ET vehicles.

How is this possible?

It is not possible
to simply crowbar

into our traditional,
relatively primitive
view of reality.

In order to make
sense of things,

and indeed,
in order to
make contact,

we have to pause
and readdress

our assumptions about
the very nature of reality.

This is an essential reflection
which reveals that the mystery

of extraterrestrials
is but a sign post
that points to

a far more profound
and intimate secret,

one with the power
to transform us and
the cosmos forever.

One day, I opened my mailbox
and I got out a little flyer,

and it said,
"We're inviting you to
a meeting with Ben Rich,

"the chairman and CEO
of Lockheed Skunk Works,

"former UCLA alumni.

"He'll be speaking to
the engineering
alumni group

"about his time at
the Skunk Works."

So, as he was
finishing his talk
after about 45 minutes,

his last slide
was a black disc,
zipping off into outer space,

and he ended
the talk by saying,

"We now have the technology
to take ET home."

And the whole room
burst out laughing.

We said,
"Did he just say that?"

And as he was
walking away,
I followed him,

and I said, "Ben, Ben."
He turned around
and looked at me,

and I said, "Ben, I'm really
fascinated with what you
had to say today,"

and I said,
"I would really love to know
how we would do that.

"What would we use
to get to the stars?"

He looked at me,
trying to figure out
who I was, I think,

and he said,
"Let me ask you a question.

"How does ESP work?"

And I was really taken aback,
because I was asking
a question,

I wasn't expecting
to get a question back.

So the first thing
that popped
in my mind was,

all points in space
and time are connected.

So I fired that answer
back to him.

"I don't know. All points
in space and time
are connected."

He said,
"That's how it works."

He turned around
and he walked away.

This astonishing admission

from a top military
industrial complex insider

proves to be much more
than a simple analogy.

The physics of UFOs,

how they travel and
communicate through
interstellar distances,

how they generate power,
how they're manufactured

is beyond the grasp of
unclassified mainstream

Instead, a model of reality
that accounts for ESP

is the only model in which
we can begin to comprehend
ET technology.

If you're traveling
beyond the speed of light,

I call it the crossing point
of light, it's beyond
the sound barrier.

Well, there's something
beyond the light barrier.

And you're going from, say,
the Andromeda Galaxy,

that's two and a half million
light years away.

So, at the speed of light,

it would take two-and-a-half
million years for them
to get here.

The speed of light's
too slow.

You cannot go from
point A to B
through the cosmos

through a linear system
of transportation.

you cannot communicate
through those distances

with something at
the speed of light, which
is what your cellphone

and all these radio
frequency electromagnetic
communication devices

we use now on Earth
are using.

Any civilization
that is here,

that is interstellar,
by definition,

is trans-dimensional.

They're passing through
other dimensions

and dropping out
of linearity

going from A to B, boom,

almost like a teleportation,
where it's that resonant effect

from point A to B.

Any communications systems
that these ETs have

are also going at the speed,
of not light, but of thought.

Quanta of thought.

We think of consciousness and
thought as this sort of
amorphous, irrelevant,

interesting but mystical thing.
But the central operating system

and communication system
for all
interstellar civilizations

is consciousness
and thought,

and technologies that
interface with them.

God, prana,
chi, magic, consciousness.

Every culture
throughout history

has had a word to describe
this intangible energy

that connects everyone
and everything.

Decades of laboratory studies

show that our minds have
a mysterious ordering effect

on quantum-level

Despite overwhelming
scientific evidence,

most people would still
be shocked to learn

that certain scientists
have known that
the force is real

for a very long time.

One of the people
that I met

in the course of doing
this work was astronaut
Edgar Mitchell,

who was
the sixth man to walk
on the moon.

We had sightings
of all sorts.

There seems to have been
a great deal of secrecy

surrounding the so-called
UFO event.

He had
an experience in space,

an expanded
state of consciousness

that led him to form

the Institute of
Noetic Sciences,

to study
the science of consciousness.

I also brought him
to the briefing
I did in 1997,

with the head of intelligence
for the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

Admiral Tom Wilson.
The data on that has
since leaked out.

Edgar Mitchell realized
there was this connection
between space

and these
extraterrestrial lifeforms

in the science of
consciousness that was
very integral to the study.

Most of the people that I had
met with in senior science,

NASA, aerospace and
intelligence community figures,

know that the key
missing ingredient

to most people's understanding
of the whole UFO phenomenon

is the science
of consciousness.

The ETs are trying to
encourage people to understand
higher consciousness

and the universal mind,
to be able to have
a relationship with them,

but that's going forward
into the future.

And Edgar Mitchell
realized that
quite early on

because of his own personal
experience out in space,

as the sixth man
to walk on the moon.

What's the nature
of the universe we live in?

What is our relationship
to the larger reality?

If that's a part of
the larger reality,
and we're denying it,

that, to me,
is unconscionable.

We've thought for a long time
that the closer we could look

at the operations of cells
in our body
and in our brains,

the closer we'd come
to finding the location
of consciousness.

While there's been fantastic
work at mapping
neural connections

and understanding more and more
about the brain and memory,

what we find is that
we still don't know
where "consciousness" is.

Adam Michael Curry
is an inventor
and entrepreneur

whose groundbreaking
work as a teenager

caught the eye of Princeton's
Dean of Engineering,
Dr. Robert Jahn.

Dr. Jahn recruited Adam into
the Princeton engineering
anomalies research lab

where they studied
the mysterious ordering effect
of consciousness

on quantum systems,

an effect they called
mind-matter interaction.

A non-localized picture
is the picture
of consciousness

on which we're
converging now.

Which is to say that
consciousness does
not seem to be

strictly produced
by the brain.
It involves the brain,

but there's something much
deeper going on here.

Consciousness may not
be localized to our bodies,

but may be a fundamental
feature of the physical
world in which we live.

Consciousness, this faculty
of being sentient, awake,

is not limited to our
brainwaves or our bodies,

but in fact, transcends
the limits of space-time,

as it unbounded field
of awareness.

And that is true
whether you
recognize it or not.

it doesn't matter
if you intellectualize it.

That is the reality of it
that has been proven
through scientific studies,

such as Dr. Jahn's work
at Princeton,
where they would have people

put their awareness on
a random number generator

that's spitting out zeros
and ones, randomly,

and would intend to shift it,
say, towards zeros,
and it would shift,

without any linear wires,
just their thought.

Essentially what
a random number
generator does,

is it looks at something
intrinsically random
in the physical world,

typically a quantum process,
and it converts those
into a string

of ones and zeros.

So you can think of it like
a coin flipper where heads
is one and tails is zero.

Now, if you collected
a large enough sample size,
you'll find

a 50-50 distribution
of these ones and zeros.

Meaning, physical reality
is behaving the way
it should.

If you get somebody in front
of a machine and you ask
them to use their intention

to mean shift the thing
to more ones
or more zeros,

what you find is that there's,
not all the time, but often,

a significant mean shift
in the direction
of their intention.

Now, that's a very
simple experiment,

but the implications
are absolutely profound.

That suggests that, in fact,
consciousness does not seem
to be just an illusion

or just
a localized phenomenon,

but that it does have
some sort of capabilities
to affect

the probabilities at
the deepest layer of reality
down in the basement layer

of the quantum world, somehow.

The best way to
understand nonlocality

is to understand that, in both
physics and in consciousness,

there is a connection
that exists
amongst all things,

from photons, to people,
to awareness,

that isn't limited
by space and time
per se.

That are woven
within each other.

Dr. Emoto,
the Japanese scientist,

began to experiment with water
and people putting their intent
on the water.

And he did photography
that would show

these different
crystalline structures.

If it was
a very negative emotion,

the crystals would be
all dissonant,

but when it was
conscious or love,

the structures were
these beautiful

ordered structures
that he would photograph.

And this was repeated
by other scientists.

Water has
a crystalline component.

But it's also tied into, like
all matter in space and
time in the universe,

to this consciousness
force field.

If you enter into
just a quiet state of
consciousness and intend

something very positive,
it literally altered
the structure

of the water itself.

Nonlocality is au courant
with modern physics.

Schrodinger talked about
nonlocality and entanglement
in the 1920s,

but it really wasn't
until 1970

that Freedman and Clauser
at Berkeley discovered
that photons

born together,
like identical twins,

can move off
into the distance
from one another

and you grab one twin
and you change
the polarization of the other,

even though they're
very, very far apart.

And the lingo,
describing this
in modern physics,

as we would say,
they're entangled
with one another.

There was an unpublished
experiment that we did
at the para lab

which we called
Plant R and G.

You have a room with no windows
and you have a house plant

that needs light to grow.

And you have
a single growing light,
up on the roof.

The growing light can turn
in one of four quadrants,

and which quadrant that light
is showing is controlled
by a random number generator.

So you put the plant
in one corner of the room.

The light has
an equal chance of shining
in all four quadrants.

But you give it enough time,
what you find is the light

actually shines
far more often
on the plant

than on
the other coordinates.

It's as though life itself,
even life or
consciousness in it,

in something as simple
as a house plant,

bends probabilities
in the physical world

in the direction of
what it needs,
in the direction of its growth

and its evolution.

I see that experiment as
profound because
it shows to me

what consciousness
does in the world.

How could ESP work?
Does ESP violate
any physics?

First of all,
you can't violate
the laws of physics.

It's not like going through
a stop sign.

If you have a phenomenon,

physics has to change to agree
with your phenomena.

The biggest interest
in classified intelligence

has to do with
the science
of consciousness,

because even during
the Cold War,
before World War II,

they realized that
there were people
on the other side

of some of those conflicts
that were very adept at what's
now called remote viewing,

the ability to
use consciousness
to spy on a remote place.

These programs began
to be studied, scientifically,

and then routinized,
made routine,

in the intelligence community
back in '40s, '50s, '60s.

You can say
my spiritual development
was paid for by the CIA,

which is
a very unusual situation.

In 1972, Dr. Russell Targ,
a laser physicist

at the Lockheed
Missile and Space Company,

joined the Stanford Research
Institute to begin
a CIA-funded

psychic espionage program,
using remote viewing

to gather intelligence
on distant targets.

We had a 20-year program
at Stanford,

in which we worked
with the CIA

to describe what the Russians,
what the Chinese were doing.

And we were forecasting
on a Monday

whether the market would go up
or down the following Friday.

And we made
nine forecasts like that,
nine weeks in a row,

and they were all correct.

We made $120,000,
and we were on the front page
The Wall Street Journal.

So, back in 1982,

when we were
making money on Wall Street,
ESP was real.

We didn't invent
remote viewing.

It was known
since Biblical times.

The Buddha spoke
in very great detail about
how to quiet your mind,

look into the future.

And if you're
an accomplished meditator,

you were expected to
be able to see
into the distance,

see into the future,

heal the sick
and diagnose illnesses.

And various times
during the next millennia,

people would discover

that, yes, indeed,
you can look
into the future,

you can look
into the distance.

And, our operation,
from 1972 to 1995,

23 years,
our venture into this

was a rediscovery
or recapitulation

of what people
had known and forgotten

during the previous millennia.

Religious traditions
and the emerging
scientific paradigm

are converging on this
personal experience of
universal consciousness.

Dr. Greer first glimpsed
this reality

during a near-death experience
when he was only 17 years old.

You know, if you've died
and you know
there is no death,

then you have
no fear of it.

And until you have
no fear of death,
you really can't live.

I realize
that the consciousness
whereby I was awake,

that drop of
my individual awareness

could merge with the ocean
of unbounded cosmic mind.

So that experience taught me
that there's nothing
to be afraid of

and there's nowhere to go
'cause you're already there.

You just have to open
to what's already there
within you.

This liberated me
in a way that
I can't even imagine.

It is true liberation.

Now, you don't have to
drop dead like I did
to have that happen.

I think you can
experience that

through this
deeper experience
in meditation.

And that's why,
after I had that
near-death experience,

I thought, "How do I
get back to there
without being deathly ill?"

And so I began to learn
how to do meditation,

'cause the whole universe
is actually

folded within every
single conscious being.

It's like
a quantum hologram.

But if you look at it,

every single sentient being
in the cosmos

has folded
within the structure

of their consciousness,
the entirety of the cosmos.


Which is why within these deep,
quiet meditative states

you can obtain knowledge,

see places, know things,

because in reality,
it's always there.

You just have to get into
a quiet state of consciousness
where it opens to you.

And so I began to be a student
of the ancient Vedas.

What I learned was

that they had
a really excellent
articulation, explanation

of consciousness,
the science of consciousness,

higher states
of consciousness,
and their effect.

Now, their effect were
known as

For example,
the ability to levitate

or teleport, dematerialize,

bilocate, trilocate,

go through solid objects.

These were all things
that develop spontaneously

as you enter into deeper
and deeper and higher states
of consciousness,

precognition, telepathy.

These were not considered
exotic phenomena.

These were considered
abilities that were available

to the experienced meditators

as part of quieting your mind,
part of the practice.

And it's all available.

We have to participate
in consciously evolving

these faculties that we have

that can directly experience
dimensions of reality

that, at the present time,
are beyond our direct,
immediate sensorial system.

That's what we're engaged in.
That's what this is all about.

And that's
what these beings are.

These beings, obviously,
probably come from like,

a red dwarf star,
some of them,

where they've been around
10 billion years longer
than we have.

So they've evolved these
other faculties

in addition to being able to
see and touch and taste and do
the things they do, you know.

And so people are saying,
"What is our relationship
to these beings?"

Why is it that they even look
as much as they do like us

or why we look like them?

These are all profoundly
important questions of
our relationship

with other sentient life
in the universe

and to understand our place
in the order of things.

When you accept
what this science
is showing us,

that we are all connected,

and you then say,
"Well, hold on a second.

"If we're not just connected
with human beings,

"but we're also connected
with the plant life,

"with the planet itself,
with the entire
animal kingdom,

"and you begin to develop
that deeper sense of
empathy with all that,

"who's to say that
that interconnectedness

"doesn't extend to
all the other planets,
to the cosmos?

"If we share that
with extraterrestrials,

"what does that world
look like?"

If consciousness and thought

can affect something
at a distance and at
a very great distance,

even many miles
or thousands of miles away,

what does that mean
for us communicating
with this civilization

that is centered
in the science
of consciousness?

And that is their chief
operating system,
it's not electromagnetic.

They use it,
but it's beyond that.

So, now, add to everything
we know about the Internet

and communications
and telecom

and then add a deeper level
of transdimensional physics

that involve
electronic devices

very clearly picking up
intended, coherent thought.

That's what
you're dealing with.

It's like Dr. Jahn's random
number generator experiment

on a cosmic scale,

but at a level of perfection
where there is precision

with the thought that
you project to it,

its reception
and then its activity.

Interstellar civilizations are
using consciousness-assisting

and technologies that
assist their own

both, in all their travel
and communication systems.

The central operating system

for any interstellar
competent civilization

is the science
of consciousness

and all the physics
that go with that.

We can see an early example
of consciousness technology

in the Mind Lamp
developed by Psyleron.

This prototype integrates
a random number generator

into a color-changing light.

Think of a color
and the lamp
turns that color.

Oh, that's what
I actually was doing.

First, I was doing sunset.

Oh, cool.

This basic interface
between mind and machine

points to
a deep interconnection

between all things that
science is only beginning
to recognize.

It's the means for us

as a civilization to be
anchored in something
more profound

than the superficial aspects
of being, say, human.

Because humanism isn't enough

because we're dealing with
non-human life forms.

Now we have to transcend
even humanism

and our common humanity
into this idea

that there has to be something
more universal within us

that's also within these
extraterrestrial civilizations

that bind us together.

And luckily, there is.

It's this field of consciousness
that is cosmic and universal.

And that's what's
inside everyone.

Doesn't matter
if it's a homeless person
on the street,

or an MIT professor.

If they are conscious
and awake,

the entirety of the cosmos

is folded within them
like a conscious
quantum hologram.

Because consciousness isn't
limited by space and time.

People say,
"Where do I have to go?"

Well, first, you have to
go within yourself.

But you have to understand
what "yourself" is.

And there's your
individual ego in self.

But there's
this deeper aspect
of ourselves

that is
simultaneously interwoven.

And when we go
deep in meditation
and connect to that,

then we have
reached the point
that we can be

an ambassador
to the universe,

because we have
become universal.

Once this question mark
is introduced into your brain,

you start
searching out answers.

It was like, kinda
the Dreyfuss character
Close Encounters.

You wanna know
what's really
behind the screen.

And because
we're not being told this

and, you know,

we do have the ability
to change life for the better
on this planet,

but we're being suppressed
and we're being stopped
from doing it

for a variety of reasons,

most of which are

So, we went out to Oracle

and, sure enough, I mean,
we did these protocols

and we got into meditation,

which is something
I wanna learn about more.

And, you know,
things started to appear.

WOMAN 1: Well, oh, no.

Oh, and it's fading out.

Yeah, it just went away.
WOMAN 1: It just faded out.

WOMAN: Oh, it's back. Yeah.
MAN: It's back.

MAN: Right here.

It just went out again.

The steps of this are
that you sit
in quiet consciousness.

And you don't have to have
a full-on
or whatever,

but just in
quiet consciousness,

connect to that aspect
of your mind

that is unbounded.

And then intend
to sense, feel, see,

know where
the ET craft is.

It could be
in another galaxy.

Connect to those beings,

politely invite them
to come and visit you.

And then you connect
to their
communication systems

and their consciousness,
which are integrated,

and you show them
where you are.

So you kinda zoom in.

It's almost
like a vectoring,

a zooming in from
wherever they are

to where you are. Let's say,
if you're in North Carolina,

you're coming in to Earth,

you're coming in
to North America,
the East Coast,

the mountains, the Blue Ridge,
zoom down to
a few square meters

around where you are,
where you clearly show them
where you are.

And you do this
in a coherent
thought sequence

that is continuous.

WOMAN: Look at that!
MAN: I got it.

WOMAN: Oh, my gosh.

MAN: Oh.

WOMAN: What the hell?

It's very easy to do
once you practice it
for a while.

The key thing is to first take
about half an hour to meditate,

go into quiet mind,
then sense where they are

and then invite them.

People say
we were calling them.
I said,

"Wait, no.
It's not like that."

You're actually making contact
in consciousness and thought

before they arrive
in their craft

or transdimensionally
around you.

And when the ETs
approach us
most profoundly,

is when everyone in the team
is in a coherent state
of consciousness

and are clearly doing this
with the intent.

This cohesion
with the group,

this meditation being part
of making contact,

which I had no idea.

Even though I'm looking at
your YouTube videos,

that component
didn't resonate.

It was my scientific brain

"I wanna go look at UFOs."

What happens in these groups
is a coherence between a bond

between the group.
And when there's a love
and a connection there,

it enhances the part
of making contact

because we're together,
we're one.

There's like a fine love there
between all of us.

The second or third night
we had the twin ships come,

you know, from Atlantic Ocean
at 9:00, 10:00 at night.

Then all of a sudden
this ship comes in,

and it's like
the size of the sun,

and it's pulsing.

And Dr. Greer used
a signal light with a laser

and then
a second one manifests,
and they're both pulsing.

At that point,
my hair is
standing up,

I have the chills.
I'm going,

"This is amazing!"
I'm like...

To actually witness
something firsthand

as opposed to seeing
in television
or seeing photographs,

it's mind-blowing.

For me, it was so profound,
I couldn't sleep that night.

I was just amazed,
but the amazement
was that,

not that I saw it,

and actually I needed that
because I have that mindset.

But the feeling you got...

I got this incredible feeling.

You had these two ships
and then...

I can't explain it. My...

It's just
an emotional state.

I was so taken by it.

Once you see something,
you can't unsee it.

It sort of shattered
my small view of the world

and I became aware.

Running the protocols
and making
this kind of contact

has really helped me
move up a notch,

I really feel that

it's helped me to really
see the oneness in all things.

When you're sitting
under a blanket of stars,

you're really part of it.
I mean, it's...

You feel you're a little drop
in that huge ocean.

Sorry, it's emotional.

You have to experience it,

but I wish for everybody
to have that opportunity.

When I first started out,
it was shocking.

The first few orbs I saw,
the phenomena I saw

changed my
entire paradigm.

The first sighting
was an incredible
triangle formation

of three golden spheres
over my apartment

in Newport Beach, California.

I ran outside

and saw this formation right
above my house at close range

and I managed
to capture it on film.

As I put the lens on,

I saw they were
three perfect
golden spheres,

all holding this incredible
formation over my apartment.

The longer I filmed,

the more maneuvers
they demonstrated.

And it was clear the objects
were under
intelligent control.

It was Christmas morning,
December 2016.

I was on my porch
having coffee

when I saw this incredible
double-staged orb

flying through the air.

I was following
this object upward

and it went right up
like it was gonna pass out
of my line of sight

when I asked the object,
"Please, turn back around."

I didn't want
the experience to end.

Amazingly, it stopped,

changed direction
and headed back downward.

That was truly profound
to me

that I could meditate,
send my thought
into the universe,

and then have a visual
response in the sky

to confirm that we are
interacting with each other.

That says something
about the nature of mind,

the nature of
the phenomenon itself

and the power of
our own consciousness
to interact.

In October 2018,

we had the biggest sighting
I've seen yet
in Long Beach, California.

My girlfriend and I were
in the backyard

when we saw this huge
white object in the sky.

This was different than
most of the normal orbs
I have filmed.

This object was elongated

and almost looked
like a moving portal
in the sky.

Amazingly, once I got
the camera on it,

and incredible triangle
formation of orbs

shot out of
this main object

and I captured it on film.

You can hear how excited
I am in the film to see
this again,

this triangle formation
for the third time.

Wow! What the fuck
is that thing?


Holy shit.

Continued to film the object
as it traversed across the sky

when suddenly
it started ejecting

a series of these
smaller orbs.

Fifty smaller objects
and counting.

Strangely, I could only see
the small orbs

on my infrared camera.

They were not visible
to the naked eye.

It goes to show you
how much is flying around
in the sky

that we can't see.

About six months
after I had
the near-death experience,

and I began
learning meditation,

I was sitting up on a mountain
up in North Carolina.

And right before sunset,

I looked over
towards the southwest

and I saw a beautiful
silver disc, seamless,

Close Encounter
of the First Kind.

It looked exactly
like the ET craft
I had seen

when I was eight or nine
when I was a child
in North Carolina,

which actually ignited
my interest in all of this.

So, I said, "Oh, well.
They're back."

I didn't think
much more about it.

So I sat to meditate
and I went to this
very deep meditation.

By the time
I came out of
the meditation,

it was very pitch dark
and there was the whole
Milky Way galaxy.

It was above my head,
and a thought
was sent in to me.

It was very clear.

It wasn't my random thought
or a hallucination at all.

And it said, "Behold,
what a beautiful universe
God has made."

And with that, I went
right into the state
of consciousness

that I was in
in the near-death experience,

except now I'm awake
and standing
on the mountain.

And at that instant,

I became aware
that there was
sort of a glow...

An energy field
right below the peak
and through the forest.

I thought it was a deer
standing on its hind legs.

And it had these
beautiful deer-like eyes.

And I went, "What is that
doing here?" You know.

And I realized
it wasn't a deer,

and it actually appeared
and then dematerialized,

came over and touched me
on the right shoulder.

But I could sense
its energy field

was still there.
It was phasing
in and out of 3D

and the near dimension
of astral energy.

And when it
touched my right shoulder,

I could actually see
my ski jacket indent.

And all my hair stood on end.
It was like this
electromagnetic pulse.

And I had long hair,
and it sort of... Ding!

At that instant,

I vanished
off the mountain top
on to the ship

and then we were, bang,
almost instantly
out in space.

So, at that point, I stayed
in this meditative state

and was teaching
the ETs

what it was like to be
in that state
of consciousness

but also be a boy,
a young man,
on Earth.

They were very
interested in this.

And then we kinda merged
together in our meditation

and I created with them
this protocol for making
contact with them.

Two years later,

Dr. Greer attempted
to recreate the experience

during a meditation
teacher training course

in the French Alps,

resulting in the first mass
witness CE5.

What we experienced in France
was really life-changing for me.

It was the summer of 1975,
and that was the year
we both turned 20.

When we were
in teacher training,
it was very intensive.

We were meditating,
doing yoga,

listening to endless tapes
of Maharishi.

So I did a deep meditation,
went into the state

and could sense
where in space
these ET craft were,

connected to them,
introduced myself by name

and then vectored them
like you would vector a jet

into JFK Airport.

All of a sudden,
right out of nowhere,

appeared a metallic, silent,

silver ship.

It just appeared.

And I said,
"What is that, Steve?"

There was no sound.

And it was just
suspended in the air
and then gone.

And it was just
the blue sky again.

It will happen

if you do it with just a pure
state of innocence about it.

And that's when I realized

that this can actually be done
with groups of people.

And I just filed that away.

In 1977, Dr. Greer
discovered how precisely
he could vector ETs

to a specific location.

Upon reconnecting
with those beings

using the CE5 protocols,

he showed them his location
in the Blue Ridge Mountains,

but first directed them
to where he was
born and raised,

in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Then he went to sleep.

Unbeknownst to him, that
attempt to initiate contact

precipitated a major sighting
over Charlotte

involving pilots
and air traffic control.

An insider has leaked
the FAA traffic control tapes

that corroborated
the encounter.

What I experienced
was that I'm awakened

and there is this kind of
beautiful cobalt blue ship,

maybe 20 feet above
the ground outside my window.
The bedroom window.

This wakes up my
housemate, who's in
the bedroom adjacent to mine.

He comes running out,
he says,
"What did you do?"

And the lesson from that
was the specificity
of the vector.

In other words,
I was very specific.

I vectored them first
to Charlotte,

showed them
where Charlotte was,

the epicenter
where all this
was going on,

was over the part of Charlotte
where I was born and all that.

And then guided them
from there up here.

I think what they
were saying to me is,

"We can be very specific
with instructions.

"And we'll show you that."

It was
a teachable moment.

And I sort of felt like
I really shouldn't do this

unless I have
some higher purpose to.

In 1990,

he formed
the Center for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence

to disseminate
the CE5 protocols

and establish peaceful
and sustainable relations

with ET lifeforms.

Two years later,
Dr. Greer and his team

went up to Woodborough Hill
in Wiltshire, England.

There, they visualized
and thought
a geometric pattern

symbolizing the trilogy
of components

that make up
the CE5 protocols.

Thought, light and sound.

Immediately, this crop circle
appeared in the field nearby.

So, some of these civilizations
that we're interacting with
on our teams

are in the order
of a billion years

beyond our development.

And all those beings
in that civilization

are in a state
of unity consciousness

that is so enlightened

that they could
be confused

with, say, an angel
or something.

But they're not.
They're not from...

They're ETs with star systems
and planets and bodies,

but their level
of consciousness

would be at the level of, say,
the highest spiritual realm.

There's a precise correlation
to the kind of technology

that you will observe
and the level
of consciousness

that civilization
has attained.

Let's take
our own civilization.

We're mostly
still separate people.

And we're operating
through a reductionist
separate paradigm.

We're also still
very violent
and destructive.

So let's look at
our technologies.

Oil, we're burning something
and destroying the air.

Nuclear power,

we're splitting and
tearing apart an atom
to create heat,

to turn a turbine,
to create electricity.

Coal, we're digging stuff up
and destroying mountains

and then burning the stuff
in a fiery furnace.

It's all very destructive.

And so our technologies

are a corollary to our inner
state of consciousness.

In 1964,

Soviet astronomer
Nikolai Kardashev

a hypothetical scale

of measuring
a civilization's level of
technological advancement

based on the amount of energy
they're able to utilize.

A level 1 civilization,
also called
a planetary civilization,

can use and store
all the energy available
on this planet.

At that point,

their main focus becomes

the development
of higher states
of consciousness,

because they have
all the technologies

to meet everyone's needs.
There's no shortage.

Their economic system
is non-economic

in the sense that
there is infinite abundance
for everyone

because of
these technologies.

They can materialize things
out of the substrate
of space time,

the elementals
of space time.

So, at that point,
a civilization becomes

really focused
on the development of
higher states of consciousness.

And as they evolve
in consciousness, their
technologies evolve with them.

They will begin
to then unfurl

the mysteries
of consciousness
and these

I mentioned earlier
in the Vedas,

but those get applied

which include levitation,


where the same object can be
instantly, resonantly created

and be in two places
at once.

We've had this happen
on our team.

I like this story of this
Lockheed Skunk Works

top secret witness
who defected.

He was trying to
learn a technique

to go into meditation,
but then astrally project.

And he did.
And he went up
out of his body

with his astral
body of light,

went up into the air

and slammed right
into the side
of an ET spacecraft.

But what he
couldn't understand
was that

when he bumped up
against the ET spacecraft

with his astral body,

the body all of you...

When you have a lucid dream
and you're
flying over the water

or flying over...
That is your body of light.

The same thing when you have
a near-death experience.

You go in
your body of light.

Well, his astral body

hit the side of this craft
and it rocked it.

And then
he popped inside,

the ETs were looking at him
like, "My God.

"Why don't you watch
where you're going?
Cosmic faux pas."

But he moved the ship.

He says,
"How did my astral body
move that ET spacecraft?"

I said, "Because the density
of that spacecraft

"resonantly, energetically,
was identical
to your astral body

"because with the naked eye,
it was shifted out of 3D

"into this dimension that is
increasingly conscious
energy and conscious forms.

"And since like
can interface with like,

"your density of
your own astral body
and that craft,

"because it was shifted
to that level,
it could interact with it."

Now, had it been a 3D craft
that had stepped down

like a transformer,
stepped down into full 3D,

he would have gone
straight through it

because the density
would have been different.

The resonant field interface
would have been different.

And when I explained
that to him,

he said, "Now I understand
so many things
that have happened

"between me and ETs"

The great thing
about CE5 is

it's anything but remote.

It is true contact.

-WOMAN 1: Steve, look!

MAN: Oh, my God!

That was great!

-MAN: Whoa!

During a CE5 expedition
of Mount Shasta,

Dr. Greer and his team
were in contact

with an interstellar object
and its occupants

in the field
in front of them.

Suddenly, this light ship
lifted off from the ground

and turned left,

phasing in and out of 3D
space time before
vanishing in clear skies.

This was visible to the naked
eye for everyone present.

You know, Dr. Greer says
our first interest

is an academic interest

and in my case,
that was how
I got into this.

But very quickly
after that,

it changes to

a heart, mind,
and soul connection

that is really a very powerful
driving force in your life.

And it's important to go
from the academic interest

to the experience level.

And that's what
happens very quickly.

You make this transition
to an experience of this
new lifestyle,

this new understanding
of our place in the universe.

We wanted to take action

because it's important
to not only learn
about this academically

but then to take
action on it.

It was very
empowering for me,

because I felt like
they helped to let us know

that we are on the right path

and then we have the power
to make a change.

It changes you completely.
It changes your heart,

and then
your entire life changes.

All things from that point
forward are possible.

I have a friend in Holland.

Her name's Linda

and she has some very amazing
footage that she's captured.

This is amazing.
It'll stop, turn left,

turn right, move around
at all kinds of angles,

and she said multiple
events like this happened.

What would be evident
in that footage

is what she has actually
asked for them to do.

So, I know this one case

where she has
told me herself that

they have produced
a "V" shape,

and she requested that
in consciousness.

We see this
quite often,

but it's very unusual
to get it on video.

And this is why
it's a fantastic example,

the kind of maneuverability
that these spacecraft can make.

I really do love it
when people
get things like that

and they can show people
that are new to the subject

because it's
really inspiring.

♪ It's late and I'm awake

♪ Staring at the wall

♪ Open up my window

♪ Head falls out the door

♪ No one else around

♪ And a shimmer
takes my eye

♪ I lift my head

♪ Blinded by the sky

♪ Feel my weight in front

♪ Following the sound

♪ Moves away so fast

♪ Falling to the ground

♪ I know what is more to come

♪ Jump back to my feet

♪ Now I only see
ahead of me

♪ Chasing down the street

♪ Down the street

♪ Down the street

♪ Down the street

♪ Down the street

I do wanna know
what aliens look like.

DR. GREER: All right.

Well, the one, for example,
that healed this man's hearing

who was in our circle,

sort of
very triangular head,

about five
and a half feet tall.

The photograph of it
is beautiful,

but the experience
that this man had
was more beautiful.

I had a great experience
at Oracle,

and ended up having
a healing experience.

We did these protocols
and we got into meditation,

and things started
to appear.

And we're
photographing it,

we're seeing it,
we're watching it

and we're looking around
and everyone's mouths
were wide open.

A lot of times, these craft,
they pop in and out so fast

that to try and capture
them on a telephoto lens
is next to impossible.

While in deep meditation,

they heard a being
walking behind them,

phasing in and out
of 3D space time.

Marconi adjusts his camera

to shoot in the direction
that Dr. Greer pointed.

All of a sudden, a teardrop
-shaped transdimensional
object materialized

between Ed Moen and a medical
student which was witnessed
by most of the circle.

We reviewed my photos
from that particular time

and there, on the hillside,
standing behind a man
named Ed Moen

was this being

that everyone was like,
"Whoa! What is this?"

This being has
a very triangular face

and has been seen
on a number of
our expeditions,

and they're known
as master healers.

Ed couldn't...
He wore hearing aids
in both ears

and he couldn't hear,
you know,

half of the things
people were saying to him.

Had hearing loss,
you know,
from high school.

I would avoid parties
and social settings

where lots of people
were gathered together

because it was uncomfortable
not to be able to hear it.

I got to my room
and I felt this draw
to go back out there.

So, I got up
and walked out

and I saw this red light
out in the middle
of the desert,

about 300 feet away or so.

I connected with it
right away.

I could feel it and knew
that it was aware of me

and then it was
indeed the thing
that was calling me.

So I invited it to come
and hang out.

At one point,
Daniel heard me
talking to this red orb

and he couldn't
believe it either.

He went and got his camera
and took a short video clip

of this red orb.

He said that for
the next 45 minutes

he had a communication
with them,

and at the end of
the conversation, he said,

"Do you think you can do
something about my hearing?"

I got some sleep
and when I woke up,

I went out to breakfast
with some of the people
in the group.

I had hearing aids,
and they weren't
with me at breakfast.

And it was a very emotional
event for me to discover

that I could hear everything
everyone was saying
at the table,

and not only at my table,
but at tables away from me.

And I haven't
worn my hearing aids since.

I had a hard time
finding them
to bring them here.

They do a very good job,
but not as good as
the ETs did.

It's changed my life.
You know, it really has.

And that's the part...

that gets me.

I didn't know
this happened to him

until I saw him the next day
on the hammock.

And he was
just relating this story,

and he was
crying like a baby.

Just to watch the emotion
coming out of him

was very moving, and he's had
perfect hearing since then.

My takeaway
from the event

and from my experience
with the ETs is that

they've been in my life
a long time

and I just didn't know it.

It's such a beautiful world
waiting for us.

It's useful for us to think
about our own experience

over the last couple
hundred years.

If you go back 200
and some years

and show Thomas Jefferson
a modern smartphone,

to anyone of that period,

it would look like
something that was magic.

We're dealing
with civilizations

where almost every aspect
of how they appear

in our time space
would look like magic to us.

And in the CIA,
this is actually
called WSFM.

Sounds like a radio station.
It stands for

Weird Science
and Frickin' Magic.

A space craft can be
completely 3D

like you see
a solid aircraft.

It can be partially
in this dimension,

but shifted mostly
into another dimension.

So I liken this to, like,

when you're turning a dial
on an old AM radio

and you can move it across

and you suddenly
pick up Chicago
and New York

at the same time.
They're bleeding together.

Dimensional bleeding.

And so,
often these ET craft

will be partially
in this dimension

but mostly out.

And all that we will detect
in this dimension

might be
an electronic signature,

orb or an object that
appears and flashes
in and out,

a scintillation of light
that then vanishes,

or an object that comes in
where it looks
almost like a hologram

of an ET being
that would be
standing amongst us,

but it's an electronically
teleported version

of that conscious being.

I love this one.
His name is Bijoux.

It's pronounced Bijoux.

He's an interstellar being
from Andromeda.

And he has a very
bright-looking nose

'cause there is an orb here
that teleported him
on to the site.

With the naked eye,
the only thing
that was seen

was this sphere that came up
right beside my shoulder.

What was amazing is
there was a light kind of
illuminating this being.

He was just floating
in sort of
this energetic space

and it looked like
he was waving at me.

He started doing
this, floating.

He's in the air,
maybe five feet up.

When I asked him
where he was from,

he said he's from
Andromeda galaxy.

Sometimes I have
to pinch myself

and make sure, you know,
I do a little self-check

to make sure
I'm just really
seeing something

or it's not my imagination.

But that was
a huge confirmation
that, you know,

we are really on to something
with what we're doing.

That we are
really making contact.

The ETs are participants
in the whole story,

in this whole unfoldment.

So it's really amazing

that you're communicating
with someone from, you know,

an entirely different world

and, you know,
it's mind-boggling, really.

Now, this is beautiful.

We were on the beach
and this appears.

Right on the sand
in front of me.

And you can see the eyes
very faintly.

It's barely
in this dimension,

it's very crystalline.

It's pitch black
on this beach.

This being,
highly intelligent,

an extraterrestrial civilization
at the level of the celestial.

So, visualize
humanity evolving

to the point that
everyone on Earth

were in cosmic consciousness
and enlightenment.

That's what
we're talking about.

Half a million
to a billion years
ahead of us.

Get a load of this.

We're in a deep meditation
I'm leading,

we're in
cosmic consciousness.

This is a Peruvian doctor.
Medical doctor.

I call it
the cosmic spermatozoa.

-It looks...
And it comes in

and it wraps around her

and she begins to have

and an enlightenment experience
like she's never had.

And, of course, this happens
a lot on these expeditions,

but we got it on photograph.
Isn't that cool?

I love this one.

This was off the edge of
the hill, and you can see
people turning to look.

And it was this object
that materialized into
this dimension

and lit up and then

What I saw
in my remote view

was a very large craft
filled with ETs from
different civilizations

that were joining us
in the meditation.

'Cause that's what
they're interested in.

They're interested
if you have a pure heart,
a clear intent

and you're wanting
to join them
in universal peace.

That's it. They don't care
about your degrees,

they don't care about...

This is what
the Prince of
Liechtenstein said,

"You know, I have gone all over
the world where these UFOs
are seen,

"and they're seen
before I'm there and after,

but when I'm there,
they're not around.
Maybe it's my attitude."

I said, "Bingo!"

Every experience
that could be...
That was described,

no matter how unbelievable,
in Dr. Greer's books

or the manuals, we've
experienced them ourselves.

And someone
snapped a photo
with their iPad.

Beams of energy in...
With arrowheads on them

coming out of
members' third eye

and the heart's center.

When we looked closer
at the photo here,

there was this silhouette,
and they were standing...

Before we had
broken the circle,

they were standing
under the hands of people

as we had held
hands there.

So, you could see
a bald being
with a long robe,

about four feet tall.

So that was an amazing shot.

What I began to understand

is that there's this whole
spectrum of phenomena

that involves 3D matter,

light, sounds that emerge,

electromagnetic interface.

For example, we have
electronic devices we'll have
out, like a radar detector,

magnetometers that pick up
the magnetic field shift.

Those will all
start being activated
when a craft is approaching.

And we're out
in the middle
of the wilderness

where there's
no source of this
electromagnetic radiation,

but they'll start communicating
in a specific cadence

and a repeatable cadence.

And I call this
electronic communication.

And they will actually
take over the circuitry

of these electronic devices
we have out in the desert

and begin to do
a specific communication.

Now, you have to decode it,

but it's reproducible.
And their
different civilizations

will have a different pattern.

So this is an electronic version
of them making contact.

On the shores
of the Outer Banks
in North Carolina,

ETs produce these tones
via the team's
radar detector.

An enormous
golden object appeared,

illuminating the ocean.


Another object appeared
and made a 180-degree turn,

a maneuver that
no satellite could make,

then dematerialized
in clear skies.

What comes up
in the context of CE5

"Something's happening."

"What is it?

"How's it gonna affect me?

"Is it..."
And all the drama
comes up.

Independence Day

the... The drama
that's all through YouTube.

All of the programming that is
out there comes up because
we're saturated in it.

What I would suggest to people,
if they are experiencing fear

or if they feel apprehensive
about doing it,

make sure you
do it in a group.

Make sure you set up
the parameters of unity,

of peace. This is
a frequency that is far out
of the spectrum of fear.

So, there's
an incompatibility there.

In a scientific perspective,
if you think
about resonant waves,

the energy, the gratitude,
love, joy, peace,
all of that...

This is a frequency
that we establish first

through whichever practice
appeals to you

and then extend
your connection
from there.

Researchers have discovered

that remote viewing and
meditation are most effective

when the participant
enters a state called
heart-mind coherence.

A human heart
contains 40,000 neurons

that can sense, feel,
learn and remember.

You can bring
your mind and heart
into this coherent state

and have more access
to intuitive knowing

by consciously focusing
on positive emotions

during your meditation.

These beings can...
They respond
to our thought.

They respond to our thought,
so they will not be invasive.

And if you're feeling
like you want to continue

whatever contact experience
that is happening,

but there may be a bit of
residual fear

that you're trying
to work through, tell them.

Say, "Look, I'd love
to carry on doing this,

"but I feel a bit scared
right now.

"Can you help me with that?"
You know?

And they will.

And that's the other evidence.
I know they're not hostile.

We've been all over the world,

thousands of hours
with thousands of people,

have had all manner of contact,

at a distance,
and intimately.

Beings... ET beings
appearing in our rooms.

All kinds of things.
No one has ever been harmed.

No one has ever
been harmed at all.

This is an unofficial document
on the FBI website

sort of hidden
in plain sight.

But it really confirms
everything that
we're explaining

but also the experience
we've had.

And this is from 1947,
so this is 72 years old.

He goes through
and describes

that they are
peaceful people,

they traverse
these dimensions,

that they have these abilities
and consciousness.

He even relates to
some of the Vedic terms

of the kind of capabilities
witnessed from these beings.

Even though what I'm doing
with CE5 is what
I'm most ridiculed for,

it was the project
that got the most
respect and attention

from the intelligence community
'cause they knew it was real.

They knew the science of
consciousness is real.

They knew that
these ET civilizations utilize
communication technologies

that interface with thought,
telepathy and consciousness.

They all know this.
This is an open secret
in the intelligence community.

We all think that power is
derived from your weapons
system, your financial clout,

the usual
materialistic paradigm.

The reason that
the deeper elements

of the intelligence community
have this intense interest
in it

and don't want
the public to know

is that, first of all,
it is extremely
efficient spy craft

which they don't want
others to have.

Secondly, they know that
if people understood
the power

of consciousness and of
mass consciousness,

they would be able to
completely change
the direction of the planet.

That is, to me,
the big secret.

Most people have heard
of the random number
generator studies

through the Global
Consciousness Project.

A question tonight,
can you actually measure

the emotional outpouring
in a worldwide crisis?

Sometimes scientists think
that they have done just that.

Their machines and computers
found a bizarre pattern

right after several
global disasters.

This was an experiment

in which researchers
placed dozens of
random number generators

around the world
and analyzed their data

to see if they could
discover anything

about global
or collective consciousness.

On September 11th,

a few hours before
the first plane struck,

this network of
random number generators
became more coherent,

less random
and more coherent.

It may sound bizarre,
but Dr. Nelson and his team

have been at this
for the better part
of a decade.

The first spike showed up
in 1997 with the death
of Princess Diana.

Other events like
the Concorde crash,

the Madrid train bombing
and the Pope's funeral,

all registered on those
random number generators.

But early on the morning
of September 11th,

the data went
off the charts

The odds of this
being a coincidence is less
than one in 100 billion.

This shows there is
a deep relationship

collective consciousness
and the physical world.

Sociology studies
of meditators,

where they go into
a community, say, you have
a town of 200,000 people,

and they would
send in 1% of
the population equivalent,

2,000 people,
to go into deep meditation.

And they found that
emergency room visits declined,

violent crimes declined,

All kinds of
negative behaviors declined.

Even though those people
didn't even know
they were in the city.

Because there is
this resonant effect

through the force,
if you want
to look at it that way.

Through this entangled,
consciousness field,

and people who didn't even
know these meditators
were there

became more ordered,
more peaceful,

more happy,
et cetera, and so on.

This was
actually based on

the studies done
in quantum physics

in which a container
of helium

was cooled down
to absolute zero.

When only 1%
of the helium became
aligned to coherent,

the entire container
went through
a phase transition,

instantly shifting into
coherence and taking on
almost magical properties,

a state called super fluidity.

So there was this transformation
at that 1% point.

When a critical
mass of people,

whether it's 1%
or a fraction of that

depends on the state
of consciousness

of those who are
practicing the meditation

or a prayer or coherence.

But at that point,
you can shift
an entire civilization.

If we all become coherent,

just 1% of us,
like a molecule of helium,

and we become aligned
and coherent and move
in the right direction,

it will transform
the other 99%,

even though they don't know
that we're doing it.

And that's the beauty
and the power
of the structure

of non-locality
in consciousness

is that it's all interwoven.

But there is enormous power

when you're operating
at that deeper level
of consciousness.

And that,
the intelligence community
is very much afraid of

because that's something,
A, they cannot control

and, B, it would
transcend their ability
to alter the outcome.

I'll tell you
a really funny story.

In '92, the head of
army intelligence
and a few of his minions

intercepted me and took me
to a hotel room,
very threatening.

There was a national security
agency person there, CIA people.

They were saying,
"What the hell do you
think you're doing,

"teaching people to bypass
our systems and contact
these civilizations?"

I said,
"I don't recognize your
authority over this matter."

And then I looked him
in the eyes and I said,
"I'm not afraid of you,

"because I died
when I was 17,
and I know there is no death.

"I don't care
about your money,

"and I've had direct contact
with these civilizations,

"so you can't deceive me
about who they are
and why they're here."

And the General
just sat back like this

and went, "We know exactly
who this son of a bitch is."

And I said, "Yes. So, this is
what we're gonna do."

It was very frustrating
for them, but later,

a member of one of
the European royal families,
who I don't wanna name,

who was involved with
that crowd came up to me
and she said,

"You know, they're very jealous
of what you and your team
are doing."

I said, "Jealous of what?"

These are the most powerful
people in the...

She says, "No.

"They know that you guys
actually, collectively
have all the power.

"And they wish they could
do what you're doing

"but they're in the box
of this National Security
State program

"that they cannot escape from,
and you're free.

"You're a free agent.

"You're free to do wonderful
things and they're not.

"And they're really jealous
of what you guys are doing."

It was a real insight
into the sad psychology

of the people
who are in this
pinched, small world.

So I say to the public,

you should be happy
that you are
not part of all that.

You have the freedom to do
things they can never do.

So let's do it.

It's good to know
that we have
the tools we need

when we apply CE5 protocols.

So anybody can do it
no matter
where you're from,

you know,
what background...

You can just learn
the protocols.

We have a lot of friends
from around the world

who have never been
on one of these expeditions,

and they just go online
and use the protocols

and apply them and have
wonderful experiences.

I'm practicing CE5
in Cambridgeshire,
United Kingdom.

Colorado Springs.

Creston, British Columbia,

Western Australia.

-Huntersville, North Carolina.
-Lexington, Michigan.

-Morehead, Kentucky.
-Vancouver Island.

-Shelton, Washington.
-New Zealand.

Albion, Australia.

Riverdale, Georgia.

-Beautiful Buckingham,
-Essen, Germany.

-Ontario, Canada.
-Scappoose, Oregon.


-Sydney, Australia.
-Winchester, Virginia.

-Darlington, England.
-Orlando, Florida.

-Knoxville, Tennessee.
-Freistadt in Austria.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

-Alexandria, Virginia.
-Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Albuquerque, New Mexico.

-Indianapolis, Indiana.

Cygnet, Tasmania.

We are doing a CE5
in Hong Kong
and making history.

People from
all walks of life

are becoming
interstellar ambassadors

and experiencing
transcendent states
of consciousness

in union with these beings.

Thousands are making contact

by simply using
the guided meditation
in the CE5 Contact app.

It's up to the children
of Earth to become
active participants

in the unfolding of our
universe, and not leave it
to the power elite.

Once we reach a critical mass
of people,

a coherent and
enlightened minority

can transform
the rest of
humanity, instantly.

It's more about
what your intent is.

If you have a pure heart
for lack of a better word,

you have a clearness
in your mind
and in your heart,

can you bring your
mind and heart into
resonance together

and invite these civilizations
to connect with you

in this great purpose,
this great journey

that we're launching on
as a civilization

where we are going to
become interstellar.

Interestingly, there was
a colonel, the name
of Philip Corso.

And Colonel Corso
wrote a book,
The Day After Roswell,

and one of the events
that wasn't known

was this encounter he had
with an ET at
White Sands Missile Range.

It was right... Not far from
where the first atomic bomb
was dropped.

And this was 1956,
and an interstellar vehicle
came in and it landed.

So he gets in his Jeep,
rushes out there,
this young, brash colonel,

and has a meeting,
an encounter with this ET.

At this point,
the ET asked the colonel
to switch off

these radar systems
that had piggybacked
on them

electronic warfare systems
that were knocking
these space craft down

and the colonel leaned in
and said,

"What's in it for me?"

And the ET looked at him
and said,

"A new world,
if you can take it."