Citizen Koch (2013) - full transcript

When Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stripped state workers of their union rights in 2011, was it simply a classic face-off between labor and management, or a bold political move designed to weaken his party's political opposition? Set against the rise of the Tea Party and Occupy movements, the US Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United, and the 2012 presidential campaign, Citizen Koch documents the consequences for democracy when private interests determine who is elected to deliver public good.

And speaking of President Obama,

I think we ought to pay
tribute to him today

on this Tax, Day Tea Party

because really he's
the inspiration

for why we're here today.

That's right.
The Tea Party Movement

wouldn't exist
without Barack Obama.


when the history of this
Tea Party Movement is written,

what you accomplished here
will not be forgotten.

God has shed His
grace on thee, America.

We will not squander
what we have.

We will fight for America!

And it starts here in
Madison, Wisconsin!

It starts here!

It starts now!

Mr. President, game on!

Yes we can! Yes we can!

-Congratulations, Mr. President.
-Thank you, sir.

Mr. President,
I want to believe,

I want to trust.

I want to hope for change,

but I am really failing to see
how this is any different.

He's not going to succeed.

We have to bend
over, grab the angles,

bend over forward,
backward, whichever

because his father was black

because this is the
first black president.

Not a single Republican joined
the majority Democrats tonight.

-Honeymoon is over.
-Is it done?

There's a lot of
wife beating going on.

Is President Obama's handling
of the troubled economy

a signal that we are
creeping towards socialism?

They got czars in
the White House.

Joseph Stalin
without the bloodshed.

Communist, the Marxist,
they're taking over.

U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Today is the beginning of
the grassroots movements

to take back this country.

My brother, Charles and I

provided the funds to start the
Americans for Prosperity.

And it's beyond my wildest
dreams how AFP has grown.

The largest tax day
tea party in the nation.

You can join the
tea party action

Kill the bill! Kill the bill!
Kill the bill!

The Democrats call
those folks a mob,

crazy, even worse,
I call them patriots.

I agree.

It's about patriotism.

He's not a natural born citizen.

He's surrounding himself
with people of his own kind.

This president, I think,
has a deep-seated hatred

for white people.

Thanks to millions of Americans
who stepped up in town halls

and tea parties
across this country.

He is not going to get his way.

He brought a gun to a meeting

the president held today
on healthcare.

Was your gun loaded today?

Ah, wow,

who would be silly enough to
carry an unloaded firearm?

This is the beginning of
taking our nation back.

We're going to take
back our government,

we can do it in Wisconsin
and by God

we are going to do it
all across America.

Oye Oye Oye.

All persons having business
before the honorable,

the Supreme Court
of the United States

are admonished to draw near
and give their attention

for the court is now sitting.

God saves United States
and this honorable court.

You'll hear re-argument this
morning in Citizens United

versus the Federal
Election Commission.

General Kagan.

Mr. Chief Justice and
may it please the court.

For over a hundred years,
Congress has made a judgment

that corporations must be
subject to special rules

when they participate
in elections

and this court has never
questioned that judgment.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

We never questioned it, but we never approved it either.

The Citizens United case arose

out of a movie made
a right wing group

Citizens United partially
funded by corporate donations

denouncing Hillary Clinton.

It was made at a time
when she was viewed

as the leading Democratic
candidate for president.

Ruthless, vindictive.

Venal, sneaky.

Ideological, intolerant.

Liar is a good one.

Scares the hell out of me.

I think anybody watching that
movie would walk away

with the clear impression

that the moviemakers
were trying to urge you

not to vote for her.

If you thought you
knew everything

about Hillary Clinton,

wait until you see
the movie.

They called it
Hillary The Movie

to ensure that their

would have to name
a federal candidate.

Congress said, if you are
running an ad about a candidate

and you're close
to the election,

you can't have
corporate funding,

you can't have union funding

and you have to list the
donors behind those ads.

This provides the voters
with important information

that they are entitled to know
about before the election.

Would it expedite the
visibility of this movie

if you were to simply
comply with the disclosure

and disclaimer law?

Well, we would suffer damage
if we did that.

We would not get contributors

who want to contribute
to the film,

to contribute to the
advertising of the film.

If we agree to
disclosing our donors.

Have you actually gotten an
expressed concern from donors

or it's just kind of a
theoretical principal

that you're standing on?

No, we have expressed concerns.

Jim Bopp has been
bringing test cases

of trying to push
the law back

and have less regulation.

You can even buy a Democrat
congressman for $2500.

The anecdotal evidence
is that it takes $99,000

in cold hard cash.

He decided that there was an
opportunity with Citizens United

to challenge the requirement

that the sources of funding
of a film like that

that advocated
the election or defeat

of a federal candidate

had to be reported to the
Federal Election Commission.

The case went to the
Supreme Court

and there were five
justices ready to say,

this isn't the disclosure case,

this is really about whether
corporate money can be spent,

we think that there
is nothing wrong

with spending corporate money

to advocate the elect defeat
of a candidate.

And the four justices
in the minority said,

"Wait a minute, that hasn't
even been briefed in this case."

The court said, we want you
to re-argue this case

and argue it bigger.

So that was a bit surprising...

It was very surprising.

It's a very unusual thing
for the court to do

and it's very activist.

Hillary The Movie
never made it to theaters,

but it's getting a
showing this week

in front of the United States
Supreme Court.

Here is the issue.

Is it legal to restrict
corporate spending

on political campaigns?

Mr. Olson.

Mr. Chief Justice and
may it please the court.

Robust debate about candidates
for elective office

is the most fundamental

protected by the First
Amendment's guarantee

of free speech.

Yet that is precisely
the dialogue

that the government
has prohibited

if practiced by unions
or corporations.

Mr. Olson, are you
taking the position

that there is no difference
in the First Amendment Rights

of an individual?

A corporation after all is
not endowed by its creator

with an inalienable rights.

I had attended the oral
argument with Senator McCain,

we sat together
and watched it,

and we were very concerned.

There are certain judges
who are alleging that somehow

corporations have the
same rights as citizens.

I don't accept that premise.

In Citizens United
versus the FEC,

Justice Kennedy has the
opinion of the court.

First Amendment protection
extends to corporations.

Political speech is indispensable to decision making

in a democracy
and this is no less true

because the speech
comes from a corporation

rather than an individual.

Senator McConnell leaned over
to me once or twice

and said that, is
this a very broad opinion,

and I said it's about
as broad as it could be.

The Supreme Court
is supposed to give

the narrowest possible ruling
to resolve the question.

Instead, the court
just went off the charts.

I was standing
outside the court,

I was really shocked.

I was shocked at the
arrogance of the court,

I was shocked at the fact
that they thought

corporations were people.

The court said that as long
as it's independent spending,

it can't be corrupting.

Give the money directly
to the candidate,

you can't give more
than $2500 per election.

Give the money to this
super pack out there

that is advancing the goals
of the same candidate

and you can give an
unlimited amount of money

and some folks are
giving millions.

It was a huge power grab
by corporate America,

they succeeded,

and sadly the Supreme Court
was a tool for their interest

instead of being the guardian
of our constitution,

the guardian of our laws.

The chief justice and
the associate justices

of the Supreme Court.

The president of
the United States.

Thank you very much.

With all due deference
to separation of powers,

last week the Supreme Court
reversed a century of law

that I believe will open
the floodgates

for special interest

including foreign corporations

to spend without limit
in our elections.

I don't think American elections
should be bankrolled

by America's most
powerful interests.

I would like you to do
something different,

I would like you
to bring a check,

but not $35,800
on Wall Street,

60 bucks

and have your neighbor do that

and have a
million people do that.

And then five million do that

and then guess who
runs the country,

the people do.

I thought that's what
the constitution said.

I thought that's what the

declaration of
independence said.

Well, let me repeat
what it says,

it says we will not
stand the tyranny of a king.

We will not live in a country

where there are
classes of people,

the very rich
and the very poor.

What has America become?

This is my woman,
I claimed her

and I've got an
invitation for her

marked with a T
for Tea Party.

You might her as the wife
of the Clarence Thomas.


November 2nd will be a
storm in Washington.

We are going to come after
you so hard you have no idea.

Two years from now Barrack
Obama is a one term president.


If you've maxed out to
the senate committee,

congressional committee or the
RNC and you'd like to do more

under the Citizens
United decision,

you can give money to the
American Crossroads 527

or Crossroads GPS.

American Crossroads
is responsible.

Club for Groth Action is
responsible for the content.

Americans for Prosperity is
responsible for the content

of this advertising.

More than three and a half
billion dollars has been spent

making this midterm election
the most expensive on record.

The Republican Governor's

is targeting swing states
like Michigan

and Wisconsin and Florida.

Let me tell you how
excited Republicans

across the country are
about Scott Walker

and what's all he doing
here in Wisconsin.

In 2010, Wisconsin is
going to experience

the greatest political
tsunami in the country.

You are going to lead the way.

We can take our government
back and take it back we will.

The whole new class of
Republican governors

in critical presidential
battleground states.

For the Republican,
Scott Walker,

there is a big gain here
now for Republicans

in the governor's race
in Wisconsin.

Tonight I want to tell...

Tonight, I want to tell
every worker,

every family
and every business

big or small in the state

that you have an ally
in the governor's office,

Wisconsin is open for business.

Wisconsin is a good example

where the people were
overpowered by money.

Two brothers,
Charles and David Koch

were the largest donors to
Governor Walker's campaign.

KochPAC gave $43,000
to Scott Walker

to help him get
elected governor.

But they didn't stop by maxing
out on a direct contribution

to Scott Walker,

they then gave the Republican
Governors Association

a million dollars.

And the RGA spent 5 million
dollars on advertising

supporting Walker's election.

Well, that was an incredibly
important investment

that may well have put
Walker over the hump.

It didn't come out until
after the election

that Koch Industries
had played the role

in bankrolling Scott Walker's

Wisconsin used to have some
of the best disclosure laws

in the country,

some of the strongest
campaign finance laws

you would find
anywhere in America.

And now those laws are
basically not worth

the paper they're written on.

That's the largely unknown
consequence of Citizens United,

is that it is unleashed money
that our disclosure laws

are not equipped to reveal.

The point of it is to find a
way to spend money in elections

nowadays without
telling anyone who you are.

And why would you
want to do that?

Well, that's a good question.

It maybe that you just
like operating

under the radar as they say.

It maybe that you have
somewhat nefarious motives.

Allowing corporations to spend
money on elections

will always keep it
a freer country,

but it need not always
benefit the country.

It may lead to very bad people
being elected sometime

and it may lead to
too much power.

On the Supreme Court,
we seen an individual

such as Chief Justice
John G. Roberts, Jr.

who conducted himself
brilliantly before the

Senate Judiciary Committee

and soon Chief Justice Roberts

will have as his colleague
Judge Samuel Alito Jr.

In Citizens United, we thought
we had a very good argument.

The problem was we didn't have a
good audience for our argument.

One justice retired and
with that one switch,

what had been a 5-4 majority
on the court

that was willing to uphold
campaign finance laws

switch to a 5-4 majority

to strike down
campaign finance laws.

Nothing else in the world
had really changed.

I mean nothing had changed,

never mind really changed.

That's one of the things
that Justice Stevens said

on his descent.

You know, we don't
overrule precedence

unless something has
significantly changed.

And the only thing Steven said
that I can see that has changed

is one justice on the
court has retired

and had been replaced
by somebody

who views it differently.

The Supreme Court

in front a statue eternally
contemplates justice

and inside
nine men dispense it.

When they were in
elementary school,

we learned that the
Supreme Court

was the highest court
in the land.

Well, I discovered in the last
year is that the Supreme Court,

the highest court in the land

has the lowest
ethical standards.

Justice Scalia and Thomas

actually had a
conflict of interest

on the Citizens United case.

Justice Thomas had
violated the rules

by not filing his
financial forms

and in voting for
Citizens United

gave his wife the opportunity
to receive a large gift

from a corporation
to spend politically

which she could not have done

before Citizens
United has passed.

Hello patriots!


She then spent that on
ultraconservative candidates

that she supported.

Justice Scalia appeared before
the tea party on Capitol Hill.

We were delighted
with Justice Scalia...

If they were under the
judicial code of ethics,

they would not be permitted
to go to any political party

or make any contribution
to political parties.

If the liberal interest groups
and their allies on Capitol Hill

want to have a battle,
we're ready to go.

So with that,
we'll show you the spot.

When President Bush
nominated Clarence Thomas,

he choose a man
who grow up poor

in a one-room dirt floor shack,

but with strong grandparents,
a good education,

and his own hard work,
Clarence Thomas made it

and his conservative
values show it.

But Thomas faces
bitter opposition

from liberal senate Democrats

whose value should be
on the Supreme Court,

Clarence Thomas'
or Ted Kennedy's.

Call today.

President Bush and Clarence Thomas need your help.

We're here in Rancho Mirage

to report on this conservative
fundraiser that's going on.

It's a fundraiser/political
strategy session

with some of the wealthiest
businessman in the country

to fund the
conservative movement.

For 10 years, the Koch brothers
and their friends

have been meeting twice a year

at resorts in California
and in Colorado.

They're inviting all of the
conservative legislators

from the House and Senate.

They even invited Justices
Scalia and Thomas

to speak to their meetings.

They're extraordinarily wealthy.

They have fertilizer plants.

One of the largest timber
companies in the world,

a large network of pipelines,

shipping fossil fuels
around the country.

The refineries that
specialize in

some of the worst types of oil

like Canadian crude oil
that's high carbon

very bad for the environment.

Last year, when they had this
meeting in Aspen, Colorado,

they planned how to
take Congress

and raise hundreds
of millions of dollars

plugged it into nonprofits like
Americans for Prosperity,

so the politicians know
where the money was coming from

and we've got a brand new
Congress elected by these guys.

Hi sir, my name is Lee Fang.

I'm with the blog
Think Progress--

Hey Lee, we're not
doing any interview today,

we're not doing any interview.

What you're expecting
from the new congress?

Well, cut the hell out
of the spending

and balance the budget

and reduce regulations
and support business.

Mr. Koch, are you proud of
the Tea Party Movement

and what they've achieved...?

Yeah, like there's
some extremist there,

but the rank and file are
just normal people like us.

David, Lee here is a good
blogger on the left.

We're glad to have him.
No more interviews now.

Just a quick interview,

are you proud of what
Americans for Prosperity

has achieved this year?

You bet, I am.
Man oh man.

We're going to do more too

in the next couple of years,
you know.

All together,
global warming is...


In January of 2009,
Americans for Prosperity

start sending organizers in California, Arizona, Florida,

several other states
to organize these tea parties

to depose the belief
in climate change

and support key agenda items

that Koch Industries
has an interest in.

And we are going to
fight the future,

we are about ready
to launch

the right to work effort
in Michigan,

AFP is here at the right time
for our nation's history.

In 2010, after he's elected
with tremendous support

from Koch Industries
and Koch PAC,

Scott Walker takes legislation

that was written by an
outfitting Washington DC,

ALEC funded by the Koch brothers
and other corporate interest.

He takes these model bills
from voter ID laws

to a tax on worker rights

and he's made it
his own playbook,

and he's put all
that policy in place.

That's not something that people
in Wisconsin were yearning for,

it's not something that you
heard a hue and cry about.

This is an agenda
that the less 1% wants.

Good to see.

Thanks for having us.

Thank you.

Good to see you again...

So what we're going to do
and talk about right now,

these concerns that Mary and I
have are a little controversial

to bring upstairs,
because there's press up there.

We'll follow.

Any chance we'll ever get to be
a completely red state

-and work on these unions?
-Oh yeah.

And become
a right-to-work?

-Well what...
-What can we do to help you?

Well, we're going to start
in a couple of weeks

with our budget
adjustment bill.

The first step is...

We're going to deal with
collective bargaining

-for all public employee unions.

Because you use
divide and conquer.

So I need lawmakers
to vote on it,

but the key is by
tying it to the budget,

there's no way to unravel that.

Huge changes could be on the
horizon for public employees

as the governor seeks to
strip unions of some rights.

We're going to have
to make changes

in terms of collective

even question whether
or not you have

a public union to begin with.

The change would strip bargaining rights from everyone

from snow plough
drivers to prison guards.

The union actually says about
37% of our membership

voted for Scott Walker.

Everyone knew that he
was not union-friendly,

but he never said anything about
attacking collective bargaining.

Mid-term elections
went Republican,

Republican and Republican.

And I am a Republican.

What I voted for
is not what I got.

I did not vote,

and this is a harsh word to use,

I did not vote for a dictator

who would strip me

and my colleagues
of all the rights.

The reaction around
school was shock.

We didn't know if we were going
to have a job the next day,

the next month,
the next year.

It's not just about teachers,
it's about our state's history.

This can't happen.

This is wrong.

For snow plowers that
take care of the roads.

What Walker is trying
to do is unfair

without giving us a voice.

The union is losing ground.

They lost 612,000 union
members in 2010 alone.

Now, think about it,

everyone in those
602,000 people had literally,

perhaps several hundred
dollars worth of union dues

going into the political
coffers of their union

to spend on politics.

So yeah, you keep having
for half a million people

leave the labor
movement every year

and pretty soon you
start having crimp

in the political budget
so these unions

that has a direct effect on
the presidential election.

He was going to change
the world old Walker.

I know people were voting
for him left and right,

and so all of a sudden,

have you heard what
that governor is doing?

If it's just about the budget,

we'll give you the
pension reform,

we'll give you the increase
in our healthcare cost,

just don't make it
about our union.

My name is Dee Ives

and I'm a veteran of the
United States Air Force.

I am also proud to say that I
work at the veteran's home

at King Wisconsin.

I am also a Reagan Republican.

This bill should not be
about party politics people.

Kill this bill! Kill this bill!

I am urging all of our
legislators to consider

the serious implications
to the quality of care

that we will be able to provide
the veterans of Wisconsin

in the home that was
established over 120 years ago

to protect our veterans.

It is 2:50 a.m.

at the Republican members
of the Finance Committee

have said that they are
walking out of the hearing.

They're adjourning
it in their words.

We will speak! We will speak!

We have not heard of ever
a hearing ending

before every person
had the right to speak.

That ended here tonight.

That is a Wisconsin tradition,
we should never allow to end.

In Wisconsin today,
a game of hide and seek.

The state legislature
sergeant at arms on the hunt

for 14 senate Democrats
who fled the state.

The reason why we left

is this was the only
way we could try and get

the governor to
sit down rationally

and talk about this proposal
and talk about changes.

There is on ongoing negotiations

with the Senate Democrats
at this point.

They need to come
back and go to work.

The bill is not negotiable.
The bill is not negotiable.

Wisconsin is ground zero.

I think it's going to determine
largely whether or not

the pampered nature of
this public employee unions

is finally reined in so that
they're paying for healthcare

and they're paying for pensions

in a level that the
private sector is doing.

I think this is the ground zero.

I don't have a problem at all
contributing to my pension plan.

In our school district,
we already paid

10% of our medical cost,

another 2.5% is nothing.

These are both of Will's?

- Yeah, those are Will's.
- Fantastic.

Two more student books in.

Yey, hurray another one done.

I don't think any of the
union members have a problem

contributing financially to
get in the state out of debt.

And I guess, we hoped that
our elected officials

would see that we were willing
to meet them halfway.

But don't take away my right
to negotiate my paycheck.

That is not what I
voted for you to do.

I've got 21 years in with
the United States Army,

came back and choose to
become a correctional officer.

As a job that I'm suited for in
terms of my personality

and the training that
I got in the military.

You can be required to
give more than most jobs.

7:20, 106.7 FM
Sly in the Morning,

correctional officers,

Brian Cummingham and
Mark Elliot with me.

At one time I thought you
guys got to carry guns

in those facilities,
you don't,

all you've got is your
walkie-talkie and your brain.

That's it.

We have 1233 inmates
that live in the city block.

They all live in their bathroom.

Half of them live with
another man in their bathroom.

Everything that those
inmates do on a daily basis

were responsible for.

That's what we do as a service
to the state of Wisconsin

and Scott Walker
has vilified us.

He has made us the enemy
when our job is to serve.

They're saying they
will agree on the cuts,

but they feel that the request

to eliminate collective

you know, basically
amounts to union busting.

Is there no room for compromise

if they're willing to give on
the financial incentives?

Well, for us, we're broke.
We're not involved...

When Scott Walker announced that
Wisconsin is open for business,

I did not know at that time that
that meant that Wisconsin

was open for business

at the expense of workers,

at the expense of elders

who were depending
on Medicare benefits

for home health services

at the expense of people
who are already marginal.

The young lady from Wisconsin.

The governor and I have
a really long history,

we're friends,

I'm crazy about his kids
and his wife,

but I'm not going to spend
my five minutes pretending

that we agree on anything.

You started out by giving
117 million dollars

worth of tax breaks
to wealthy people

which reduces revenue
and in contrast,

you cut the earned
income tax credit,

doubling the taxes on
the poorest parents.

What in the world does that have
to do with balancing a budget?

I have here a website,

that is supported by
the Americans for Prosperity

and funded by
the Koch brothers.

How much have you received
in contributions

from the Koch brothers.

I had 50,000 contributors,

I couldn't tell you
who they all are.

Governor Walker, your proposal
would require unions

to hold annual votes

to continue representing
their own members.

Can you please explain to me and
members of this committee

how much money this provision
saves for your state budget?

We gave workers
the right to choose

which is a fundamental
American right,

the right to choose
whether or not

they want to be a
part of the union

and whether or not they
want up to a thousand dollars

-taking out of...
-How much money
does it save, governor?

In particular it
doesn't save any...

OK, that's right.
That's the point.

It obviously has no effect

-I'll answer your question--
-I'm reclaiming my time.

it obviously had no effect
whatsoever on the state budget.

To pretend that this is
about a fiscal crisis

in the state of Wisconsin
is malarkey.

Seven of the top 10 donors
to political campaigns

donate to Republicans,

the other three all
donate to Democrats

and they're all unions.

This is the potential Armageddon
for organized labor,

public sector unions as
money laundering operations

for the Democrat Party.

Unions are the only competition
Republicans have

in electoral politics.

Post Citizens United,

conservatives look at this
and they smell blood.

Bust the unions,
it's over.

Hi, this is Scott Walker.

Scott, David Koch,
how are you?

How are you, David?
I'm good and yourself?

I'm very well.

I'm a little disheartened
by the situation there,

but what's the latest?

We're actually
hanging pretty tough.

What we're thinking about
the crowds was

planting and troublemakers.

You know, the...well,
the only problem with...

because we thought about that,

my only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused

is that that would scare
the public in the thinking

maybe the governor has
got to settle to avoid

all these problems.

There's a lot of us new
governors who got elected

to do something big.

You're the first domino.

Yup, this is our moment.


Thirty years ago,

Ronald Reagan had one of
the most defining moments

of his political career

when he fired the
air traffic controllers.

To me that moment
was more important

than just for labor relations
or even the federal budget,

that was the first
crack in the Berlin Wall

and the fall of communism

because from that
point forward

the Soviets and the communists

knew that Ronald Reagan
wasn't a pushover.

Well, I'll tell you what Scott.

Once you crush these bastards,

I'll fly out to Cali and
really show you a good time.

All right.
That would be outstanding.

Now, what else can we
do for you down there?

Well the biggest thing it would be and your guy on the ground

is probably seeing this
is after this

a lot of these guys
are going to need...

They don't necessarily
need ads for them,

but they're going to
need a message out

reinforcing why this was a good thing to do for the economy

and good thing to do
for the state.

So the extent that that message is out over and over again

that's obviously a good thing.

Who decides Wisconsin's future,

voters or government unions?

Wisconsin voted for fiscal
sanity and balanced budgets,

but government workers
fight to keep benefits

far better than
the private sector.

Democratic legislators refuse
to show up for their jobs

hiding out in other states.

And incredibly, President
Obama backs the union bosses

and floods Wisconsin with out
of state political protesters.

Governor Walker has the courage

to do what's right
for Wisconsin.

Americans for Prosperity
is responsible

for the content of this

That's those are American
for Prosperity ads,

those are Koch brother ads.

...To all that
outside spending,

some of it coming from groups
that aren't even in Wisconsin.

...Own democracy
campaign estimates

that a total of 30 million
dollars will be spent...

-Thirty million dollars,

do you think they could find
something better to do

with 30 million dollars like,

maybe the Koch's
could pay their taxes

and then we wouldn't be
in this mess.

You know how many homeless
veterans that would feed?

Thirty million bucks.

I am watching my
Republican Party implode.

...Clerk call the roll.

-No! No! No!
-Excuse me.

Listen it says,
if it's any doubt

as to whether good
cause exists,

the governmental body should
provide 24 hours notice.

This is clearly a violation
of open meetings law.

The Republican lawmakers
were able to separate

the portion of Governor
Scott Walker's budget bill

that deals with
collective bargaining

and pass that on its own
in the absence of the

state's 14 missing
Democratic senators.


This is about the
presidential election in 2012.

If we win this battle

and the money is not there

under the auspices
of the unions,

certainly what you're going
to find is President Obama

is going to have a
much difficult,

a much more difficult time
getting elected

and winning the
state of Wisconsin.

If you never voted before,
I bet you will now.

Madison, these are the
front lines in the battle

for the future of our country!

Mr. Obama,

Mr. President, you and your
cohorts threw all the hatred

and all the violence
that you could

at these good folks here
in Madison, Wisconsin,

but you lost here.

And Madison, you defended
that 2010 electoral mandate,

you are heroes,
you are patriots.

Your historic stand brought down
the curtain on the last election

and the 2012 election
begins here.

I would join my brother in
expressing my appreciation

for your support and presence here this weekend.

What I want to do is
recognize those partners

who had given more than a
billion...a million. No...

I'm going to go easy on you,

more than a million
over the last 12 months.

If you want to
kick in a billion,

believe me, we'll have a
special seminar just for you.

We've had a lot
of tough battles.

We've lost a lot over the years and we've won some recently,

set the stage for,
as I said,

the mother of all
battles coming up a

year from November

and I've pledged to all
of you who've stepped forward

and are partnering with us,

but we are absolutely
going to do our utmost

to invest this money wisely

and to get the best
possible payoff for you

and the future of our country.

What we need to do is pass the
mother of all repeal bills

and I would begin with the EPA.

And one of the things the
Congress should do immediately

is defund the National
Labor Relations Board.

We could rein back the scale
of the government

and that's the
right thing to do.

It's three agencies
of government

when I get there
that are gone.

Commerce, education
and the...

what's the third one
there, let's see...

Watch out Mitt,
watch out Rick Perry,

you watch out,

you give me a foot hold
in one of these debates,

I will tear their breaches up.

I'm a farm boy.
I'm a small businessman.

I'm a family guy.

I'm the only guy running
who's been a congressman

and a governor.

Hundred dollar limit.
I don't take PAC money,

no special interest money.

I'm Buddy Roemer,
I'm running for president;

president of the
United States of America.

Governor, how are you?

Buddy Roemer, how are you?

Do you always
travel Amtrak, Governor?

I do.
It's cheap.

It's subsidized
by the taxpayers.

Where is the
Secret Service today?

I don't have Secret Service man,

I've got Carlos from El Paso,
Carlos Sierra.

You know the first question
people ask me

because I've been at this
for six months or more,

day after day,

and they say, why haven't
you been on the debate?

You're the only guy running
who's been a congressman

and a governor.

You're a fairly successful
business man

and what's the reason you
can't get on a debate?

And I don't even have
an answer for that,

I don't know.

I called after I had
formally announced

that I was running
for president,

and they said, oh, you have
to have 1% of the vote.

Three weeks later,
we were 1%, I called again.

And they said,
oh, it's 2% now.

So we made the 2% mark
and we called again

and they said, you not
only have to have 2%,

you have to raise a
half a million dollars

in the last 90 days.

It's big business and there's
a place for a big business,

but is it in determining
who even runs for president?

What kind of country are we?

He has grounds to feel
mistreated by the system

and I'm not a
conspiracy theorist,

I don't know who is it who
decided time and time again

that he shouldn't be
in the debates,

but clearly, what he
wanted to talk about

is not what the Republican
leadership in Washington

wanted to focus on.

The politicians
don't run the country,

the major corporations do.

Congress acts like
the gates are opened,

there's nothing they can do

and the president
who is not a leader.

And I maybe very specific.

He is a participant
in the fraud.

I mean,
he signs bank reform,

runs to Wall Street
the next week,

has a $35,000-ticket

sponsored by Goldman Sachs.

Now, that's independent.

But Congress could
do something.

I've given them six things
they could do,

all they need is courage.

I feel a speech coming on,
I don't give a...

New York.

Here's what I want
to do with you today.

I want to draw the line between
the kitchen table issue

and money and politics.

So you don't have a job,

your grandma can't
get healthcare,

kid can't go to school.

Got no fucking heating oil,

so I'm going to push you
and say

-tell me Governor and you
just draw the connection.
-I'm there. I'm there.

Governor, they don't seem to
want you in the conversation.

This issue as you know Dylan
goes much deeper than that.

If you have a big check,

you stand first in line

and I don't call that a
representative democracy.

Sometimes it's a check,

sometimes it's the
threat of a check.

It's like heaven or weapon.

You could shoot the gun
or just show it,

it works both ways.

And money is a weapon.

It doesn't add to the debate,

it don't increase the
number of Americans,

it's in the very rich
and powerful

have more of it
than anybody else.

Let me put it in another way.

They have more guns
than anybody.

Who wins those battles?

I know I wanted to be a
teacher in seventh grade.

I wanted to make a
difference for one child.

It was everything I ever wanted.

I worry about the young
people in the profession,

I worry about the
students' needs.

So even though I feel like
I am truly a conservative,

truly a Christian conservative,

Governor Walker's
agenda frightens me.

It's made me question whether
or not they truly represent me

and what I believe in.

That's another teacher's home,
again opulent.

You know, I don't get where
regular people

have become the enemy.

You know,
I've served at every level

and now you're the bad guy.

Next up I have is
for Brian Cunningham.

I want to thank you
for being here today

because my voice has been
stolen from me.

It was hard being a correctional
officer 10 years ago,

it's almost impossible now.

You pay us to go there
to do that job,

Scott Walker's ACT 10
to just block that job.

He said it's about money,
let's break the union,

let's break the money train
to support political parties.

It's tough to go and protect the
state of Wisconsin every day.

Brian, if you were thinking
about what were the one or two

immediate things maybe
that we should focus on

to improve safety...

Recall Walker.

Signature gathering
has began in earnest.

The signing has
started at 12:01 a.m.

I can't tell you how many times
over the years I've been emailed

or called by somebody who is
ticked off at a public official.

And he said,
how do we recall that joker.

And I would say, well if
it's a statewide office holder,

you need 540,000 signatures

and it would end the
conversation right there.


Oh, that works good and then
we can take it down at night.

This is my neighbor Gordy,

he lives just down
the road from us.


A lot of people say,
gee you're Republican,

how can you recall a Republican?

It's like, Governor Walker
is a tea partier.

Tea Party and Republicans
are not the same thing

and I personally do not
espouse the tea party principles

of cutting government service
in order to balance our budget.

Now we go her done.

Yeah, get rid of that guy.

Walker is a bully
and I was a union man

and if it wasn't for the union
I couldn't have retired.

I had to worked
until I was 100.

Both my wife and I are county
workers and when I took the job,

I took a paid cut for benefits
and I'm losing my benefits.

How have you been doing?

Really good.

We only have 900 people
in this town

and we've already got
about 50 signatures.

You don't pay taxes?

-I pay employment taxes...
-What are you talking about?

Bunch of goons.

I pay employment taxes.
I pay business taxes.

I pay plenty of taxes, sir.

What Wall Street did to us
is just awful.

I think eventually
everything comes around,

but I'm 80 years old

and sometimes I'm not sure
it's going to come around,

you know, in my lifetime.

And there's my hubby pulling up.

Hey, baby, come up
and see you later.

I should be around.

One of hunting buddies
stop by the other day,

he signed here and the
other signature is me,

but we got two.

Two in the big effort
multiplied by a thousand

other little bike shops
like this.

There's 2000 signatures,
you know.

Every part on this motorcycle
is American made.

My American dream
has fallen apart here.

That's all big business,
the almighty dollar

and greed and the
corporate monster.

That's my opinion, kind of.

But I really don't have
a reason to whine

because I don't vote.

A friend of mine, he goes,

have you gotten any use for
an indoor burner like that?

I go, you bet.

So he gave it to me.

The bartering days
are back here again,

have been for quite a
while in this area.

I even make my own cigarettes
because of the cost.

It makes me sound like a
real hillbilly don't it?

It's pretty sad.

These millionaires, aren't they
happy just being millionaires?

Do they really have
to be gazillionaires?

Well, they're just going to
keep crushing the middle class,

crushing the poor people.

And does it bother them?


Just buy your way into a
certain level in politics,

that ain't cool.

People should run on their
merits not how much money

that so and so is dumping
on their campaign fund.

That's their world of bartering.

State law will allow
Governor Scott Walker to collect

unlimited donations to his
possible recall campaign.

The Governor can raise unlimited cash and donors have flocked.

His top three donors are
all from out of state.

Texan homebuilder Bob Perry

gave a quarter of a
million dollars,

he was the man behind
the 2004 swift vote

ad campaign against John Kerry.

Illinois couple Elizabeth
and Robert Uihlein

gave $205,000.

Third is Wyoming investor,
Foster Friess

who gave a $100,000.

On the democratic side,

Washington DC based
United Food

and Commercial Workers
Union gave $20,000.

State workers union AFSCME

gave just more than $11,000.

The unions don't have as much
money even in our wildest dreams

as the Koch brothers themselves.

It's unfortunate and unfair

that outside millionaires
from Kansas and Texas

can dump unlimited
amounts of money,

but they can also through
Governor Walker

and the legislature cripple our
ability to do the same thing.

It's a power grab the change not
only the rules of the game,

but to try to take us out
of the process altogether.

Not just the wiping out of
public employee unions

and collective
bargaining rights,

but also the Voter
Identification Law,

the redistricting,
all tactical,

but tactical with an eye
to the next election

and the election therefore.

There's very little proof of any serious voter fraud anywhere,

but so far 31 states
have jumped on the

Voter ID bandwagon anyway.

In Madison, the state assembly
is taking up the Voter ID Bill.

It was just about a decade ago

that I first introduced a
photo ID requirement.

This has been a long term desire
on the part of Governor Walker

to limit the electorate
for the benefit of,

I believe corporate interest.

Fifty-five percent of all
African-American males

in Wisconsin have no photo ID.

Forty-nine percent of
African-American women

have no photo ID.

Forty-nine percent
of Hispanic men,

59% of Hispanic women

and when you get to the
18- to 24-year-old group,

78% of African-American males
have no photo ID.

You need a photo ID
to fly on an airplane.

Well, yeah, if you're middle
class you fly on airplanes,

but guess what, there are
millions of Americans

that don't fly on airplanes
and guess what,

you don't have a constitutional
right to fly on an airplane.

As simple as things like getting
cold medicine requires photo ID.

Well, unfortunately, healthcare
is not a constitutional right,

but voting is.

Listen to me American,
you're unimportant.

They don't care about you

because you don't bring a check.

Welcome back everyone.

In Hampshire, will pick
who it believes

should be the
Republican nominee

for president
of the United States.

Mr. Roemer you've been quoted
as saying that your GOP rivals

for president are
"bought and sold."

But the bottom line is there
are more debates coming

and you're not going to
be able to get into

any of them, right?

In New Hampshire, they have
two debates coming up

that would be
nationally televised..

That's my only chance.

Buddy Roemer campaigning
in the grand state today.

I think the rest of
them are bullshit.

-Nice meeting you.
-All right, you too.

See you, Easia.

I never had barber
looked like you.

I'm a banker and
forgive me for that.

Oh, yeah...

Let's get the big money
out of the room.

That's me and you
run the country.

All right, we could do it.
We could do it.

You should see how
many people are saying,

don't give up Buddy,
don't give up.

He has amazing Twitter.

Whenever he gets an audience on
some of those national shows,

we always get an
increase in Facebook likes,

Twitter followers and donations.

We've only raised
about 32,000 last week.

It was our best week ever.

We're going to Calef's
for a sandwiches,

anybody wants one.

-Buddy, yeah.


He used to be the
governor of Louisiana.


I deny everything.

My name is...a Louisiana

that didn't go to jail..

It's the first time I've
given a contribution

and it's actually the first
time that I'll be voting

because I didn't think
my vote mattered.

I think they're all corrupt.

I always think I'd be picking
the lesser of the two evils

and I guess I saw
something in him.

We bought two television
commercials on the debates.

Really? Good.

So man, we are flying high.

That's good.
That's real good.

That's awesome.

-We're not going to
be in the debate.

But I expect to be proud.

I expect to tweet every answer.

I expect to give them hell.

There are our new poll numbers

heading into the final
weekend of the campaign.

The poll they're using
has a margin of error 5.5%.

I mean just think about that,

so if we got 1% that means
that we could have gotten 6.5

and would have qualified.

Tonight, all eyes
on New Hampshire.

We put them all to the test.

Seven old white men.

Governor Romney,
we'll begin with you...

Ready to be the Twitter
of the world, Ms. Jill?

Tweeter of the free world.

Governor Huntsman, Afghanistan.

I believe it's time to
come home and I would say...

Get him out.

Come on John,
get a little passion.

It's a troubled nation,
they're corrupt at the top.

It's Louisiana
in a bigger stage?

Buddy, you know you're
as good as these guys.

I honor them,
but it's frustrating.

Bullshit, you're as
good as they are.

Why is Rick Perry up
there and you're not?

I don't know.

Mr. 1%.

I would send troops back into Iraq because I will tell you...

Oh, man!

I think we start talking
with the Iraqi...

Texas, they've done a good
job for us over the years,


-Do you know who the largest
corporate giver is
-This is us?

to policy issues in Washington?

Goldman freaking Sachs.

Go on, buddy! Man.

Is bought and sold...

They don't want you here...

They don't seem to want
you in the conversation.

Wake up America, they've
stolen your government.

The highlight of
the debate, thus far.

Is there any one on the
stage you guys will be afraid of

having as a president?

Why don't you ask
an easier question?

Is there anyone you trust?

Talking to Scott Walker,
governor of Wisconsin.

Hey Rush, great to be with you
and your listeners.

Signatures are due today,
is that right?

They said they're probably going to turn in 720,000 today.

We don't even know who the
candidate is against us yet,

the real opponent will be
this money coming in

from out of state from these
government unions.

In the end,
we're going to prevail,

but it's going to
take a ton of support.

In the last two months,
we raised more money

than any candidate for
governor ever has.

Tomorrow morning it
becomes official,

you're going to be facing
a recall in the state.

Well, we assume it.

I mean, when the national
union has got involved,

we assumed the money
and the power behind it

to make that happen.

We view our opposition being
primarily out of state,

special interest money and the
bigger government unions.

We need to be prepared to
get the message out

to spread the truth.

This is Upfront
with Vicki Mckenna.

Tim Phillips, my pal,

from Americans for
Prosperity out,

knocking on doors,
shaking hands, kissing babies.

Tim Phillips,
welcome to the show.

Vicki, it's always
good to be with you.

Right now Republicans
and libertarians

have a voting advantage
over Democrats of plus 14

and that's because of the
work of groups likes yours.

I'm telling you on the ground

for the first time
in my lifetime

we're beating the left.

Black liberation and socialism.

Have you heard of
black liberation before?

White European man is evil man
and black liberation theology,

it's a Marxist form,
so-called form of Christianity.

And that's what our president...

actually he was educated for
20 years in that church.

And don't let people tell you
that there weren't

communism in Hollywood.

there were and Ronald Reagan
fought those people

back in the day.

Yes, I love Ronny.
I miss him. I miss the Gipper.

Now, the ubiquitous
socialist fist:

I saw everywhere
down in Madison,

Recall Walker, AFL-CIO,
Stand with Wisconsin.

The socialist permeate all
throughout the unions

in Wisconsin and
across the country.

How is it we go from a republic
to now we're all socialist?

It's education.
It's the culture.

There's a culture war going on.

It's 1933...1934,
who took over Germany?


And he hated what people?

The Jews.

And they were all Jews
so guess where they came?


They came here to
Columbia, Madison,

Berkeley, they infiltrated.

Just like the Fabians
of 20, 30 years earlier

and they were the teachers
of our future teachers.

I got to tell you something.

If Obama gets four more years
and appoints two more justices,

I'm telling you we are done
dancing as a republic.

We've got to stop him.


Tea Parties,
turn out June 5th

and keep Governor Walker
in office

and turn out November 6th
and keep out Obama.

Thank you.

I often wondered why our
country get so bad,

what's causing it,
what's right there.

You don't realize how it's
permeated to the culture.

There was a lot of people from
my church that came out and

I was so glad to see you.

I knew it was bad, but I
didn't know it was that bad.

-Just good to have a teacher
stand up for what's right.
-We need more teachers.

He's an inspiration.

I don't think that
these tea partiers

who are being sold by the
river by these politicians

taking all their
corporate money,

really quite realize that

in order for what they
consider smaller government,

they are going to dismantle
our social safety nets

and that's our grandparents,
our parents

and some of our children

that will not be able
to get healthcare,

that will not be able to
collect their retirements.

And I mean, why are they
so mad at the unions?

Unions gave us the weekend,

unions gave us the
40-hour workweeks.

Instead of being upset
about what the unions

have bargained for
in their contracts,

you would think that they
would want to help us

bring up everyone's

so that everyone could
have a living wage.

She got a couple of death
threats over this shit

she'd been in and that.

We know where you work,
we know where you live,

watch your car,

be careful when you
turn the ignition.

It was one of these tea party
assholes that one was.

Did you get on the
phone with him or...?

No, she's told the guy,

you failed to realize
my husband is a hairy biker

that believes in
the castle law.

That's what she told him.

He was really upset
and he was like,

maybe you should
stop doing this.

And I told him and
I said, you know,

the minute you do that
you let them win.

I think this is worth
fighting for.

Honestly, I think America
is worth dying for

that's why I joined in the
military in the first place.

The Tea Party sure as hell

should not be voting
for Scott Walker.

Scott Walker took one
and a half billion dollars

from state employes,

he gave it back to
special interest groups

that is the
redistribution of wealth

and that does not fall inside
the Tea Party objective.

When everybody in the
state is making $10 an hour,

how our any home loans
going to happen?

How is anybody
going to build a house?

They want to turn us
into India,

we'll all be answering phones.

People like the Koch brothers

have purchased
the Republican Party.


it's not my party anymore.

-All right.
-It's very presidential.

My fellow tax...Americans.

If I've said
"my fellow taxpayers,"

I would only be talking
to half of Americans.

Three, two, one.

Last night the Republicans held

their 23rd nationally
televised debate

in this primary election.

I have not been invited
to a single debate,

so today we're dropping out
of the Republican Party

where I've been a proud
member for 21 years

and we're becoming
an independent.

A 100 years ago that
great Republican

who turned independent,
Teddy Roosevelt,

he said the Republican Party
is now facing a great crisis.

It's to decide whether it will
be as in the days of Lincoln,

the party of plain people

or whether it will be
the party of privilege

and of special interest,

we are prepared to
challenge both parties

who were joined at the billfold
they're just alike.

Watch us challenge them,

watch us put America first.


Great job, Governor.

We got to remember that
98% Americans

-have never heard of me.

-More than that.
-More than that.

This is a struggle just to
get your name out there.

Republicans are
fighting for money, time,

and volunteers
as both a recall

and presidential primary
elections approach.

Have we kept you
well-fed in Wisconsin?

cheese curds.

Calista and I have shares
of Packer's stock.

Is that what you
call yourselves here?


Governor Walker
is one of my heroes.

Wisconsin is paying more
attention to that race

than to this primary.

Let's end the civil war,

let's restore trust in
the government

and let's fix this state,
let's do it

and let's win June 5th.

Thank you very much.
Let's go get them.

How are you going to overcome
30 million dollars

that Walker is going to
spend in this election?

United States won the gold
medal in the Olympics in 1980.

Thank you guys.
Take care.

All this money coming
into the campaign

means you owe a
debt to somebody.

No, the debt I owe to
is the taxpayers,

the hardworking
taxpayers of the state.

I think the people
around this state

and many around the country,

I mean, 76.4%
of all my donations

came from people giving
50 bucks or less.

What did out of state
billionaires like

Trevor Reese Jones and Bob Perry
and Foster Friess

and the Koch brothers seek to
get from Governor Walker?

They've contributed millions
of dollars for his campaign.

More than 76% of the
governor's contribution...

-I'm talking about the
high dollar donors.

More than 76% of the
governor's contributions

have been for $50 or less.

-But how about the
high dollar donors?

I'm not in a position to speak

for these contributors
to the campaign,

but what I can tell you is
that more than 76%

of our contributions have come..

But you're not
answering the question.

I'll take another question.

It's pretty transparent
what the labor unions want.

What is it of
high dollars donors,

I'm not talking
about the low dollar,

I'm talking about the
high dollar donors,

what is it that they're going
to get in return...and

what do they
hope to get in return?

Yeah, interestingly these donors

don't have any business
in Wisconsin.

These are not people who have
really a vested interest

in the state of Wisconsin,

so they don't get anything
from this at all.

But don't the Koch's own
six paper factories

and an oil pipeline
in Wisconsin?

-You've mentioned a
number of other contributors.

Certainly, there are people who
have given to Governor Walker

who have an interest in
the state of Wisconsin.

More than $60 million has been
spent on this recall effort,

nearly 46 million on
the Republican side,

almost 20 million on
the Democratic side.

Outside groups have been playing
a very big role in all this.

Tim Phillips is the president
of Americans for Prosperity,

a super PAC funded
by the Kock brothers,

and he joins me here live.

It's good to see you.

we're not a super PAC,

we're a C4
grassroots organization.

How much have you
put in Wisconsin?

Since January of last
year just over $10 million.

Ten million dollars.

The day after the reforms were
put forward in the legislature

before the Democrats
high tailed it to Illinois,

we began running ads and
supported this legislation.

It's important.

We're going to states like
Florida and Ohio

and Michigan and Colorado,

educating folks candidly

on President Obama's
disastrous economic record

and what folks
can do about it.

If you want to look at how
Citizens United

is warping politics,

there's no better place to
look than the state level.

We're not only vulnerable
from this onslaught of money,

we have less ability to know who
these corporate spenders are

and where they get the funds to
pay for all this electioneering.

Here's a phone for you.

Hannah will tell you how
to get into the system.

Hi, this is Jeremy.

I'm a volunteer for
Americans for Prosperity.

I just want us to let you
know that Mayor Tom Barrett

has raised taxes in Milwaukee

every year but once
since he became mayor.

Do you believe that Wisconsin...

Governor Walker has saved
Wisconsin taxpayers...

Thank you very
much for your time.

I urge you to go to
Americans for Prosperity...

Do you think in the post
Citizens United world,

you have more freedom
to do what you have?

No. It doesn't
impact us at all,

we don't do election advocacy.


Again, the Citizens United

did not impacts
Americans for Prosperity

in no way, shape or form.

This is not election advocacy?

We're an issue group

and we want to make sure
that Wisconsin citizens,

they've heard
our side of the story.

But what about your
corporate funders?

Isn't AFP just another way
for them to get money

into elections?

Yeah, well we don't
discuss our funding,

but we're...

Yeah, I know it's time...

We don't discuss our funding.

I think this recall process
has really torn people apart.

I'm worried we're going to
wreck the American way

by changing up the system.

Walker was voted in by
the people of Wisconsin.

End the recall madness,

vote for Scott Walker,
June 5th.

I don't want big money
from out of state

with a sleek ad influencing me.

I consider myself a fairly
intelligent human being

and I can figure things
out for myself.

You up for petting today?

I always thought the Republican
Party was a part of the people,

the common man

and that's what I am

and that's why I
voted Republican.

I don't think the party

what it used to represent.

The most important thing that
Republican Party stands for

that I will support and always
agree with is the right to life.

And yet, on both ends
of the life span,

they're doing things like
taking healthcare

away from the children,

they are taking healthcare
away from the senior citizens.

I've gone over and
over and over

in my mind and in my heart,

about what I need
to do at this time

that I can square
with my conscience.

It's been a long, tough,
decision-making process.

I'll do some thinking
and praying tonight.

That's how seriously I take it.

And Tea Party
actually flew me out here,

a beautiful airport
you guys got.

I tell you, I think we hit two
ducks and a cow on the way in.

God bless this country,
I love this country.

I noticed there's
no dogs around here though,

I didn't see any dogs here.

Obama had been around lately?


What do you think
he frightens me?

Yeah, he don't scare me.
Yeah, what happened to him?

I don't know, it looked
like a heart attack.

Our election system
ain't working

because the unions
control so much of it.

They actually contributed
from 1989 to 2011 election, 10.

And public employees
donated $465 million

and the Koch brothers donated
12 million something.

Koch brothers are donating 400
million in this election cycle.

-Who is?
-The Koch brothers.

Four hundred million.

How do you know that?

Read it in paper.

Well, you read it the paper,

Here! See the back,
see what this says here.

You know George Soros owns

the three major
broadcasting companies.

The chairman of the campaign
to defeat Barack Obama

Lloyd Marcus.

I am not an African-American.

I am Lloyd Marcus, American!

Oh look.
I have a photo ID.

So that confirms that black
people are not too stupid

to find their way
to get a photo ID.

This is why we have to
vote this racist,

divisive administration
out of here.


♪ We can't go Barrack,
back, back, back, back

♪ It's too late

♪ We're stuck with this

♪ And his spending
trillion state

♪ Our children and our

♪ They never will forget

♪ How we sold out
for a little change

♪ And left them all in debt

♪ We can't go barrack, back,
back baaaaak


You know, the days of the
liberals of the left

having this massive

that overwhelms us are over.

It's a new day.

Today, you are the
model for the country.

And what we're saying in
Wisconsin through the Tea Party

and Americans for Prosperity
and everyone else in all of you,

we're saying to every governor
and every state legislator,

if you do the right thing,
we got your back,

we'll be there for you.

We'll deliver the
message with you.

Frankly, we'll raise the money
and it takes a lot of it,

but we'll raise it, and we'll
put up TV ads and radio ads.

We've got your back.


Could you write down
the numbers on the map,

To like, by the street
that they're on?

No, sweetheart we're on
South Street.


Reminding you about
the recall election...


You're all good then?

Yeah, we're good.

Hit the road.

Oh, he's like keep going.
Yeah, hit the road.

-Did he really said that?

Remind you to get out
and vote on Tuesday.

Just remind him to vote.

Don't forget.

-We're going to vote.

I'm a disabled veteran.

I can't get a damn thing.

My mortgage payment
is 1100 a month here.

These people down at Madison
are just not responsible.


I can't even go to
McDonald's and eat.

They've broken
faith with the people.

Hey, get out and vote,
get out and vote.

This is our opportunity to
turn this thing around.

OK, thank you.

We forget where
the real power is.

You know, you could be
living in a cardboard box

underneath the highway somewhere

and you at one moment
in time have as much power

as the guy down the street
living in the mansion.

And that's when you go to vote.

I said all my life,
I wouldn't vote,

I wouldn't lower myself
to their crap.

But John,
this one is important.

I figured if I don't vote,
I'd be pissed off

if that idiot gets
in there, so...

My biggest concern is that the
first time I get you to vote,

it's a darn Democrat, oh!

You have to
show me how to vote,

I don't know what's going on.

Hi there.


-My very first time.
-He needs to register...

This is a historical moment.
I've never voted in my life.

Well, it's never too late.

-And there's my
driver's license.

I think that's a Labrador hair
hanging on that there.

Just the two X's
on this page is it?


I don't want to mess it up
now that you did say to do it.

Lick the envelope and...

I am a voter.

You are a voter.

At least that's one more thing
my ma can be proud of in my 50s.


-It makes my mother
happy because I've...

She didn't think she'd lived
long enough to see you vote.

So this is where I would
vote for president, huh?

Oh, I might vote then too?

One of my earliest Sunday school
lessons was taught

by my baby sister, Brenda.

She said Gwen,
God loves everyone.

And just because God made me
pretty and made you ugly

that doesn't mean that
God doesn't love you.

Election day must be a very
frightening day for people

who are very wealthy
or very handsome.

You know, to know
that on this one day

you are no better than your
brother or your sister

and you have the same rights.

And so I urge each
one of you all

to exercise this precious right.

If it weren't so precious,

they wouldn't be trying
to take it from us,

isn't that right,

ain't that right,
Reverend Briscoe?

So, if no other reason
but just to be ornery

and to deny them the right
to disenfranchise...

I voted because you
didn't want me to vote.

Vote because they
didn't want you to vote.


We win.

All right.
Have a good day.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

I made up my mind
about 5:30 this morning.

And how do you feel
about your decision?

It's a decision I can live with

and it's a decision between
me, my God and my country

and God bless America

and Wisconsin motto is

and regardless of the
outcome today

we do have to move forward.

Another day.

Another day as an employee
of the state of Wisconsin.

Go to work.
Try not to get stabbed.

Try to pay attention.

Try to pay attention
to what matters.

It was stolen by
all that big money

and the rest of the America,
they're coming for you next.

Please welcome,
Governor Scott Walker.

By carrying Ohio,

Michigan, Pennsylvania.

61% of union households backs the president last night.

Can we say labor delivered
President Obama's second term?

Labor absolutely delivered
President Obama's second term.

We should not all go home
and start celebrating.

The last time we did that,

I put on my rhinestones
and my black gown,

sweeping the floor and
they went into the war room

and plan to defeat
this president

on that very day
that we were dancing.

So I'm telling you,
all the chicken wings are gone,

all the Doritos have been eaten,

let's get to work.

Hey! Hey!

Organized labor's
suffered a defeat today.

Michigan became the
24th right to work state.

That causes union members to
decline that means fewer dues,

that means less money
for political actions.

Launched in partnership
with the same guys

who bank rolled
Governor Walker's campaign

to undermine workers' rights.

We fight these battles
on taxes and regulations,

but really what we
would like to see is to

take the unions out at the knee

so they don't have the resources
to fight these battles.

Who's paying your salary?

I work for Americans for
Prosperity or a non-profit...

Who's paying your salary?

Americans for Prosperity
I told you we're a non-profit

just like the Red Cross,
just like any other nonprofit.


PBS has been accused of
scuttling a documentary called

Citizen Koch

because they feared the
reaction from David Koch.

I guess for a donation of $75
you get the PBS tote bag

and for 23 million,
you get the PBS's nut sack.
