Chasing My Girl (2009) - full transcript

Six guys wacky guys, who worked together at a summer beach bar job, come across a letter from dream girl Eriko. The letter isn't addressed to anyone in particular, but asks if the recipient would meet her at the beach bar on Christmas Eve. Each of the men believe they are the one Eriko wants to meet and a heated battle between the lovelorn men begins. A seventh man, attorney Sekiguichi, then appears and also enters the competition!

Choshi Marina Beach

Beachside Clubhouse Enoshima

Have you finished cleaning the shop Nishina?

I'll be done soon.


Let's see...


Summer will come once again,
although winter will too.

If you open it, close it.

Oarai!! I will be back!

This summer was really hot but pretty short.

Well then...


How many times are we going to do this?

Manager, we finished cleaning up.

Ok, thanks.

This is the last of it.

I think we're done now.

Everyone, thank you!

There was a lot of rain this year.

I was worried about my business here.

But nothing could be done.

Although it ended with a loss for me,

honestly I am very glad

we could work together.

No, sir. It was our pleasure.

It feels kind of sad.

Why does the beachside clubhouse
season end on August 31?

It will still be hot even after.

It's called a beachside clubhouse precisely
because it ends on August 31.

It isn't much, but let's call it a day and celebrate!

I'm sorry! I've already gone ahead and...

Don't worry! Drink as much as
you want. No problem.


Eriko-chan and Yoshimi-chan and also...

Hayashi never came back after going to Choshi.

What? Choshi?

Why did he go to Choshi?

I don't know.

He said Sugimoto told him to go.

I never told that guy such a thing.

Oarai is quite a ways from Choshi.

We're in lbaraki
and Choshi is in Chiba.

And the girls went to buy dessert
at the convenience store.

I see.

It gets lonely at this time every year.

I have to say goodbye
to the kids that work here.

You kids are all full of big dreams.

Once the summer ends,

you'll spread your wings and fly away

to continue chasing your dreams.

But there are those that return here,
like Sugimoto-chan.

Sorry. My bad.

It's a moment of sadn...


It's always sad when this day comes,

but the beachside clubhouse will open again!

Please don't forget us!

What are you saying?

How can I forget!

I've never forgotten
a single person who worked here.

Oh yes yes!

You know.

Romance blooms in this beachside clubhouse.

In the past, while working here,

six couples have gotten married.


But this year we only have two girls,
Eriko-chan and Yoshimi-chan.

Were you guys fighting over them?

No, no, we were working hard.

We don't think of those kinds of things.

Oh really?

Even though it's summer?

A time of falling in love?

No, not at all.

Is that so!

I know!

Everyone close your eyes.

This is my last order as manager.

Close your eyes.


Come on. Close your eyes.

Ok. Ready?

Please answer honestly.

"Out of this group,

I am going out

with Eriko-chan or Yoshimi-chan."

If your answer is yes, raise your hand.

Thank you for this summer.
See you next year.
- Beachside Clubhouse Enoshima Crew

Yamada Takayuki

Yamamoto Yusuke

Muro Tsuyoshi

Koyanagi Yu

Shiraishi Shunya

Yasuda Ken

Sato Jiro

Toda Erika

Oarai ni mo hoshi wa furu nari
Chasing My Girl

It's freezing!

For those of you listening on this
Christmas Eve, I'm impressed.

It's 8 PM now.

Lovers are probably looking forward

to having a romantic dinner together.

Forget them! They're not listening to the show.

This is usually called the time for lovers.

But here I am again this year,
alone, speaking to you.

There may be listeners out there
who are living alone.

So this next song will be dedicated to
you on this Christmas Eve.

The latest hit "naze ka hitori de sugosu"
(Why I Live Alone) by Hamaguchi...

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

I'm asking you. What are you doing?


I was just...


passing by.


you live in Gunma, right?

You couldn't have just wandered here.

Oh yea huh?

As for me,

I live in the area.

So you were passing by?


Pretty much.

Oh I see.

Seriously though,
why are you all the way out here?

What was... ?


What was I doing?

What was it?

Are you hiding something?


Why do you ask that?

Because you're acting like
a chicken with its head cut off.

Headless chicken?

What? No I'm not!

How would a headless chicken act?

Just like you now.


I'm always like this.

And I just really like pillars.

In that case,

you should really get a checkup.


Are you still doing research on
lizards at the university?


Don't mix them up!

Sharks, lizards. Same difference.

Don't disrepect sharks punk!


I guess I should head home.



When I walked by earlier, I was surprised
that the clubhouse was still up.

So I came to take a look.

Right? I was surprised too!


That was it.

I see.

Ok then.



I'll leave after you tell me what you're hiding.

How persistent.


Spill it.


If I tell you will you really leave?



I didn't think you would get here before m...


What is this?

What's going on?

On the night of August 31,

we never talked about

meeting up on Christmas Eve, right?

No I don't think we did.

Then why are you both here?

So tell us first why you're here.

I was going to tell you but Nekota-san barged in.

By the way,

Nekota-san why are you...

I can't tell you!

It sounds like

you do have a reason for coming.

Yes! I have a good reason!


You guys are in the way by being here.

Can you leave?

No, I can't go back.

I especially came all the way from Gunma.

I understand,

but I'm in a difficult position.

If you don't leave soon, the person will come!

Come? Who's coming?


What is it?

You're weirding me out.



Eriko-chan gave this to me.

It seems like the seaside clubhouse is still up.

If possible,

I want to see you there again on Christmas Eve.

That's what it says!

And so!

Sorry but you guys are in the way!

Tonight is Christmas Eve!

A night where lovers around the world hook up.


without exception, we will also become one...


Exact same content.

Mine too.

What does this mean?


Is there a reason for calling us here on Christmas Eve?

I got it!

This is like a final exam!

Final exam?

While working with us over summer,

she found herself growing fond of us three.

But throughout the summer
she couldn't decide on which one.

So she spent the next three months deliberating

who would be the most suitable boyfriend.

The results of that final exam

will be today!

I see...

I see...

But isn't it weird?

If that's the case, she could have
just contacted one person.

Why did she have to go out of her way

to call the other two
and tell them, "You're out."

You need to make a clean break
before a fresh start.


You don't know if you're the one.

Well, I'm glad that I'm one of the chosen three.

My apologies for making you wai...

Another one.

What are you guys doing?

What are you doing here?

Isn't it obvious?

No matter how you look at it,
he has the same purpose.

How could any of you possibly have
the same purpose as me?

I was

led to Oarai by this letter


have come back.

How can this be?

Now we have another rival.

Ahh! Eriko-chan you're already...

Not another one.

Where is Eriko-chan?

What does all this mean?

Hi Yoshimi! What's up?


Uh huh?

Something came up.

I did buy you a present.

Aw you got me one too?

Thank you.

Uh huh.


Uh huh.

So the party is tomorrow, right?

Dummy! I don't want to!

I am alone but...


Je t'aime Mon Yoshimi.
(I love you my Yoshimi)

I l-o-v-e you.

Forgive me, dearest Yoshimi.

I'm telling the truth!

I received a letter asking me to

leave the beachside clubhouse
up through Christmas Eve.

That's kind of hard to believe.

It wasn't easy with all
the complaints from nearby residents.

I'm getting more and more confused
about what Eriko wanted.

You mean about her giving a letter to the manager?

How could...

You know!

It's only natural for a girl that age

to become infatuated with someone my age.

The so-called "wild" older man.

There's nothing wild about you.

I have a "wild" beer gut.

You call that wild?

Nishina, don't play along with his ridiculous old man gags.

I completely understand

her true intentions now.

What do you mean?

Simply put,

she longed to see her
prince charming once again.

But, she was too shy to meet him alone.

And so she put together this fake reunion.

Is that it?

With that being said, unfortunately for you,

our mature love does not need outsiders.

We will be meeting with just two of us.

Thank you for coming.

Please don't hold back and

"Go home."

That ticks me off.

Listen Sugimoto.

The prince that Eriko-chan is coming to see

might not be you.

Please look around you.

Besides yours truly,
who would best suit her?

You know.

It's not an issue of being suitable or not.

The point is how much
she liked you over the summer.

That is the most important factor.

If you say that...

I... I...

Be quiet!

Pipe down!

You fool.

Wait your turn.

Starting with Sugimoto-chan.


During breaks, I always...

You know, I'm always...

When I'm eating, I always...

She always makes my shaved ice with
the same amount of strawberry and melon...

Not again!

I am not almighty Prince Shotoku!

Good evening.

Good evening!

I'm sorry.

We've been closed since August 31.

ls the owner here?

That would be me.


Yes, I'm shop Manager Sasao.

An order to demolish this beachside
clubhouse has been issued.

I see...

My apologies for the late introduction.

I am Sekiguchi, lawyer.


I stopped by numerous times,

but nobody was here.

It costs money to demolish the place,
and the city doesn't want to pay.

But since you are all gathered here already,

you can carry out the demolition.



This place is like barracks.

With these men,
it can be taken down in an hour.

We can't do that.


Not tonight.

We will take it down tomorrow.

Do you understand what you're saying?

In that case

I can impose legal sanctions.

Anyways, she would always ask me
to take her to the station.

You're exaggerating!


That's just a coincidence!

Demolish this seaside clubhouse immediately.

Or you will be prosecuted under the law.

Demolish this seaside clubhouse immedi...

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

What are you doing?

This is a quiet beach! Don't be so loud here!

This is not like Shonan Beach,
where it's noisy 24 hours a day.

During winter, this beach is deserted.

This is an Oarai Beach.

You're causing trouble for the fishermen!

Your illegal building causes even more trouble.


I understand your feelings.

But we're also at our wits' end.

Let us resolve this first,

and then we can discuss that.

I won't wait long.

For me, love is not about being loved,

but how much you love the other person.

That's the male ego talking.

I'm confident I like Eriko-chan the most out of all of us.

After all,

I came all the way from Gunma!

It takes three and a half hours just one way!

That's nothing.

Then how much do you like her Matsuyama?

I super like her.

I super love her.

How about compared to sharks?

You can't possibly compare them!

Sharks are sharks.

And Eriko-chan is Eriko-chan.

I super like them both.

Then how about you, Sugimoto?


However much a woman loves me,
I return the same amount of love.

Therefore, she loved me most of all,
and I loved her back.


I su-super love her.

In the end it's the same as me.

What about you Manager?

45 years of being single.

I have a strong feeling that

I've been saving myself for her.

Like it's fate.

Destiny. With a capital D.

A capital D?

I just told you not to go along with his gags.

How about Nekota-san?


don't particularly like her that much.

Then why did you come?

Because I'm a man.

I'm not gonna pass up on this opportunity.

What an animal.

What about you guys?

If a woman you don't fancy
tells you to make love to her,

you would, right?

And so I came here

because she was saying, "make love to me."

"Make love to me" wasn't written anywhere.

I will never hand Eriko over
to such a despicable person.

Yeah! Go back!

Oh yea...

If everyone was invited,

then the other girl should come too, right?

Oh, Yoshimi?

You can take "that" away
and disappear somewhere.

Hey that could work!

Come now. Even Nekota-san wouldn't
date a girl that ugly.

You're right.

Just thinking about her makes me laugh.

That face! Who could stand that face?

She was like Eriko's sidekick.

The great ugly girl, Yoshimi-chan.

Was her face that funny?


Even people would feel sick.

That bad?

Come on all of you.

You're all co-workers.

You shouldn't say those things.

Then Manager, try to remember her face then.

Even if I do, I would never lau...


It's like Nishida Toshiyuki in drag.

She has a cute side too.

No way.

She's ugly through and through.

Every minute every second she's ugly.

She's a quarter of Tokyo Stadium ugly.


What's with the sudden change Nekota-san... ?

No way!

Don't be stupid!

Answer it.

No need.

Our amusing talk has priority.

Come on just answer it.


Then I will

"call back" and be back.

"Call back."

What is it?

It's ugly girl!

Can this be just a coincidence?

I hope the talk we just had

won't make this awkward...



It's been a long time!

Yes long time. How are you?


He's here.

Today Yoshimi-chan...

You're not coming?

The letter... ?

Ah he didn't mention it.

So everyone is meeting up

but you're not sure where?

Ok he didn't say.

How do you know Nekota-kun is here?

You used GPS?

You're using it right now?

To find Nekota-kun.


I-I-I see, I s-see, I see...

I got it!

That's great!

Romances bloom here at the beachside clubhouse.

Uh he just, he just, uh he just

He just stepped out.

I'll let him know
when he comes back.

I don't think he noticed your call.

Yoshimi-chan, by the way,

does Nekota-kun know about the GPS?

He doesn't. I see...


This is bad.

What happened?

It looks like Nekota-kun

is going out with Yoshimi-chan.

What's wrong with that?


What were we talking about earlier?

Oh no!

Oh man!

This is definitely bad.

"Ugly through and through"...

"Nishida Toshiyuki in drag"...

"So ugly that she wouldn't even die from
the zaraki death spell."

No one said that.

So that phone call just now
was from Yoshimi-chan.

Hold on, hold on...



It's me again.

Were you able to get through to Nekota-kun?

Oh no...

You know,

I forgot to tell you something.

I think Nekota-kun is too shy to
say that the two of you are going out.

No that's not it!

He's just shy. That's all.

That is definitely not it!

It has nothing to do with how you look!

Absolutely none whatsoever!

Men are actually embarrassed about these things.

I'll just keep quiet about the two of you going out.


We'll just pretend we don't know anything

until Nekota-kun says something.



An elder's wisdom!

Got it?

We don't know about their relationship.

But Manager you're the biggest blabbermouth.

That's right.

You'll just spill everything.

Please be careful.

Ok ok, my lips are "peeled".

It's "sealed" ok?

Like I said don't encourage him.

Were you able to talk to them?

No... The line was busy the whole time.

Oh well.

What were we talking about again?

About how ugly Yoshimi is.

Ah! A bug...

We did?

Nope we never talked about that.

Yea yea.

We were discussing
who likes Eriko-chan the most.

Yes yes yes!

Let's continue.

First off, Nishinacchi?

I "super" love her!

Super of "Super S", right?

Huh... ?

Ok, what about Matsuyama-kun?

Really bad.

"Really bad?"

You don't like her?

It's slang that goes beyond "super".

You mean like really bad romance?

Not really...

That's not the point!

Oh, my bad! Really.

How about Sugimoto-chan?

Like I said,
however much a woman loves me...

Not that again!

I diabolically love her.

Oh my!


That's badder than bad!

Then I said destiny with a capital D.

Alright, Nekota-chan?

Earlier I said I didn't like her much,

but actually, I love her to death.

Thank you!

Wait wait wait!

To death?

Death tops diabolically, right?

Of course! This is death!

There is no doubt that I win!

No no! How can we say unless you die?

No I seriously love her to death!

At the very least, it's above your "destiny."

Idiot! Stop your nonsense!

Destiny is guided by God!

Destiny trumps all!

But Manager, you've never spoken to God!

Neither have you!

So your reasoning is invalid!

Shut up!

You already have Yoshimi-chan

so you have no right to be here!

Yoshimi and me... ?

Exactly. Yoshimi-chan called me earlier

and said that she is going out with you.

"Why is he embarrassed about it?"

"Is it because I'm ugly?"

That's what she said.

Oh no what have I done?

I went and said it.

I said it.

You guys knew?

Ummm no...

Actually, we all knew

and were playing with you.

We wanted to see how long it would take

for you to get mad at us for calling her ugly.


we were all jealous of you.

So we kept calling Yoshimi-chan ugly.


She IS ugly.

No she isn...

No no no. That's not true.


if you compare her with Eriko-chan...

Yea compared to Eriko.


Since it's Christmas,

wouldn't it be best if you go back?


Your dear girlfriend is waiting for you
with Christmas cake.


They're right.

You bought her something, right?



Santa Claus.

I'm going back.

I was tempted,

but I already have Yoshimi.

Take care of her, ok?

Say hi to Yoshimi-chan for me.

Me too.

Let's all meet up again.

Of course.


I was so nervous!

Give us a break, Manager!

Sorry, sorry!

Excuse me...

What is it?

Did we violate the law?

I didn't say that.

Then what is the matter?

How long will I need to listen to you

go on and on about
Eriko-chan and Yoshimi-chan?


We just forgot about you.

Please don't forget me.

Try putting yourself in my shoes!

You found out about Nekota-san and
Yoshimi-chan's relationship.

But you came up with a scheme so that

you could hide the fact that you knew.

And even offered to keep it a secret.

But will this work?

Being a big mouth that he is,

the manager might just spill everything.

Do you know how nervous I was
listening to all this?

And he ended up revealing everything.

But you guys were able to get around it again.

When Nekota-san decided to go back
to Yoshimi-chan,

I admit I teared up a little.

Did you even once spare a thought for me?

Sorry sir.

Just now

you were the only one who
didn't say "sir."

You're not really sorry are you?



I will reflect on my actions.

I've given you more than enough time.

Let's start tearing the place down.

No, no, no. Wait.

Wait a minute.

It's dangerous to do this at night.

You won't be here tomorrow

so we have to do it now.

We will definitely be here.

It's just that we can't tonight.

She is looking forward
to meeting up at this clubhouse.


If this place is gone, it's over.


Ok then,

we just have to determine who gets Eriko-chan?

Yea, I guess that's the gist of it.

Then let's move quickly.

I've heard your stories with an objective view,

but dating a woman is not about
how much you feel for the other person.

We can't be that childish.

Whether it be man and woman,
or husband and wife,

regardless of how much you care for them,

it won't work out if they don't accept it.

In other words,

even if each of you loves Eriko-san,

the issue is not how much you do,

but rather, who Eriko-san loves.

Wait, wait, wait, wait...

Look you hotshot lawyer,

stop meddling in our business.

Take this and leave for today.

I can't possibly accept...

Aren't these just stamps?

I don't need them.


It's not like you understand love.

Excuse me,

I was married once too.

You're a once divorcee?


Hey everyone, actually...

Please stop!

I beg you.

Despite my personal life,

I've handled many divorce cases in my work.

I am quite experienced with these matters.

I can't pay the legal fees.

That's fine.

I only want to quickly put an end
to this ridiculous fiasco,

so we can proceed with the demolition.

Ok then?

Let's begin...

with this gleamingly snobby guy here.

Yes, what is it?

Please tell us

how much Eriko-san loves you.

It was the day that we buried
Hayashi in the sand.

The incident happened that night.

That night,

everyone was tired
and went home early.


I'm going to head home soon.

What about you?

You're sleeping?

I guess I have no choice then.

It would be dangerous to leave her alone.

So I stayed by her side.

The night sea breeze and the smell
of her freshly washed hair...

Yes, the fragrance of her Essential shampoo.

It brought me great joy.

I fell asleep?


like a mermaid washed ashore.

What? Is that a compliment?

Instead of a kiss from your prince,
have this to wake you up.

Thank you.

It's usually so noisy with everyone.

But now with just the two of us,

it's kind of a strange feeling, isn't it?

And then,

she gave me this look

that melted my heart.

You're right.

I can hear the waves so clearly now.

Now that you're awake we have to go home.

I don't want to.

Even if you say so...

I don't want to.

I had no choice but

to give in to her whims.

The moonlight was bright,

making her eyes twinkle and glisten.

At times, she looked at me shyly

as if she wanted me to embrace her.

Were we more than mere co-workers?

But my rational thoughts took over

and I didn't take that next step.

When I think about it now,

why didn't I take her in my arms back then?

Dawn was about to break.

The dolphins are leaping!

As she said this,

she playfully sped off,

running along the sparkling beach
and bright morning sun.

Wait for me!

And so our secret night together came to an end.

I understand.


let's pretend this is the veranda.


Can I have you sit here?

Earlier you said

that there was a sea breeze,

which carried the scent of her Essential shampoo.

That is correct.

Given it was the summer season,
the wind was coming from the south,

which means you were sitting over here.

And in order for the scent to reach you

you couldn't have been too far.

Which puts you...

about here.

Wait, that's way too close!

No I wasn't that close to her!

You can still smell it from further away.

The Essential scent is considerably strong.

That's not true.


This is Essential we're talking about!

That is to say,

you took advantage of her sleeping

and got close without her permission.

This is stalking and can be prosecuted under the law!

Why? I didn't do anything.

According to my deduction,

when she woke up

she was startled at
how disturbingly close you were.

As a result, she was unable
to quickly assess the situation.

I'm sure you've all experienced this before.

When you wake up in a hotel

and think, "Where am I?"

Yes I have.

And then we have the glass

that you offered to her.

The question is the contents.


Wasn't it beer?


How was I supposed to know?

Plus it was dark.

Your job deals with alcohol!

Even if it was dark
you should be able to tell.

In addition, you said that
the moon was bright that night.

What, you were planning to get her drunk?


What was it called?



She was half asleep and
you told her it was coke.

But wasn't it actually dark beer?

Want some?

Your perverted face was plain as day.

Thank you.

How can you do something so despicable!


When you said "go home",

you actually meant "come to my place."

How can you do that to a tipsy girl!

So what if I did that?

Do you even know what you're saying?

Because she...

kept on saying "no" to me.

When hearing that,

who wouldn't be happy?

Why would saying "no" make you happy?

Are you stupid?

Manager you didn't know?

When a girl who likes you says "no,"
it means "yes."


Usually "no" means no.

That's ridiculous.

After waking up,

where was she seated while talking to you?


If the moon reflected in her eyes,

then she was facing this way.

Where were you Sugimoto-san?



is not how you face
sitting with a person you like.

This is how Takigawa Christel sits right?

What does that mean?

Takigawa Christel.

Matsumoto Masaya.

News Japan anchors.

You're wrong!

It doesn't matter which way you face!

Oh yea!


she shifted her legs a few times.

She was coming on to me, no doubt.

How many times?

Two times.

Surely she will move at least two times!

Otherwise her legs will fall asleep!

Oh yes.


She played with her hair.

When a girl does that, she wants you.

What kind of books do you read?

If that was a sign that a girl wants you,

men wouldn't get any rest on windy days!

No rest...?

When she stole a few glances at you,

it wasn't because she was shy.

It was because she was afraid of you!

Want to drink some more?

No, I'm good.

It's ok. Have some more.

No need.




You and your plain as day perverted face.

Don't say it.

Don't say anymore!

"The dolphins are leaping!"

Dolphins don't exist near Oarai!

I see...

Eriko-chan said that

to get away from him.

Like a stalker...

I'm not a stalker!

I am NOT a stalker!

You're right.

That was too much of them.

Next, Matsuyama-san.

Sugimoto is out!

I want to taste the thrill of infidelity!

It's true that I am Yoshimi's boyfriend.

But this is a once in a lifetime chance!

I want to fool around with Eriko.

Going out with a girl is a miracle for me.

The chance of my having an affair
is 1,000% impossible.

You can't do that!

That's... dirty!

Our love is pure.

We can't accept that!


As I said earlier,

if she likes Nekota-san

then he gets her.

Irregardless of whether
it's a pure love or an affair.

By the way, Nekota-san,

do you have an incident that shows
how she much she likes you?

How much she likes me...

Please wait. I'll think of one.

Wh-what're you doing?

If you have to think that desperately,

something is wrong...

Ok Matsuyama-san.


Please tell us how much Eriko-san loves you.

The truth is

we both took a day off from work

and went for a date in Kamogawa.

A date?

It happened that day we
were playing with fireworks.

She suddenly asked me out.


Let's go out for a date next time.

Are you talking to me?


Just the two of us.

Afterwards, we both took the day off

and I drove us up to Kamogawa.

The sea

is so beautiful.

You are so beautiful

even the sea is overshadowed.

Even Matsuyama-kun says that...

Should I not?


I'm happy.

I felt like I climbed to heaven!

Against the glittering ocean,

her smile was shining as bright as the sun.

When we arrived at Kamogawa,

we went to Sea World and other oceanariums.


is your mango juice good?

Let me have a sip.



Want to try mine?


there was a sudden downpour that evening.

The colorful tropical fish on her t-shirt

looked as if they were swimming around her chest.

We're pretty drenched huh?

Are you okay?

It's all because Matsuyama-kun

wanted to build a sand castle.

It's kind of...

cold, isn't it?

Thinking back

she was giving me a sign
she wanted me to warm her up.


I didn't have enough courage.

I wasn't able to use
this body of mine to warm her.

Then, I took her home.

Isn't it amazing?


At the end, she...

Take me out again ok?

Next time...

let's go to Enoshima.

she said.

Enoshima together...

That's sacred ground.

You and her there?

An Enoshima date...


Knowing where she lives
puts you in the lead.

In that case I know too!

I did my own investigation.

I pack her favorite snacks and drinks

and leave them
in front of her house all the time!

You definitely are a stalker!

Let's calm down and analyze this.

Why would Eriko-chan

propose a date with Matsuyama-san

out of the blue like that?

Because she has always liked him?

Was she always that forward and bold?

No, actually she is the very shy type.

In my opinion,

Eriko-chan confirmed her friendship
with Matsuyama-san,

and then she used him.

Don't be ridiculous!

Why would she want to use me?

She is the one who
invited you to Kamogawa, right?


Were there other places she wanted to go to?




and then Enoshima.

My hunch is that she doesn't like you,

but she likes fish!


And next would be Okinawa?

The Churaumi Aquarium?

But, why me?

Because you know a lot about sharks.

At Sea World, did you answer
all her questions like a fool?


Is it true that sharks can sense
that a creature is in distress?

Yes, it's true.

Sharks have a special sensing organ
called the ampullae of Lorenzini.

We talked about this for three hours.

There are these pores on a shark's head

that are connected to jelly-filled tubes.

When sharks are biting their prey

they close their third eyelid
to protect their eyes.

Sharks can even sense

the movement of their prey
using bioelectric fields.

Hey Eriko-chan? Eriko-chan?


You're an expert on the
ampullae of Lorenzini now, right?

Your role

is the same as Sakana-kun's.


So you are Sakana-kun?

Come on and say "gyo gyo!"

Hurry say it!


In the car she looked like
she wanted me to warm her up.

I presume you're heat sensitive...

Even though it's winter
you're wearing short sleeves.

Even though you were drenched by the rain,

you turned on the air-conditioning
at full blast, didn't you?

Oh no!

Any girl would feel cold.

So cold~

For you to not notice that,

how cold!

What are you saying, bastard?

What, you bastard?

Let's take this outside!

Sure punk!

It's pretty spacious here
so you don't have to move.

Wait, wait, wait.

What are you doing?

Hold on, hold on.

Alright bastard!

Wait, wait!

If this is the result,
don't bother in the first place!


That makes me the winner then.


What happened between you and Eriko?

We went to a hot spring together.

The two of us spent the night
at a traditional inn.

That certainly is compelling.

The two of us went to Hakone Onsen.

After the bath, dressed in her yukata,

we went to buy souvenirs.

Her legs under her yukata,

the white nape of her neck
hidden behind her collar,

the sound of her wooden sandals,

I can still recall it now.

We even stopped by Owakudani.

So Tokugawa Iemitsu had this
water carried all the way to Edo.

Amazing it didn't get cold!


If you fall, you'll get burned.

I'm ok.

We each bought an egg,

put them in the basket,

and made onsen eggs.

We were eating onsen eggs side by side.

The flowing red yoke

was the same color as her cheeks.

This is a picture taken at that time.

How is it?

No grumbling right?


There we go!

Grr. Grr. Grrrrr...

Are you elementary school kids?

Men have a tendency to glorify memories of love.

The same goes for all of you,

but it's not that you
intentionally twisted the truth.

But I'm the only one with physical proof.

Physical proof...

can end up backfiring though.


This is not good.

I knew it!

You can see faces in the background...

Isn't this actually a ghost photo?

How scary!

Sugimoto-san. Sugimoto-san.

Do you mind shutting up?

I'm sorry.

What's the problem?

There is a huge difference between

going there together

and accidentally running into each other.

How did you figure it out?

So I was right.

This photo...

was taken by a child relative, correct?



Did you take it?

Hey! Not Bad!

Hold on, hold on!

It was a low-angle shot.

If you were on a trip together,

it's unlikely for you to ask
a child to take a picture.

"So Tokugawa Iemitsu had this
water carried all the way to Edo."

"Amazing it didn't get cold!"

Wasn't it the child who said this?

No, I don't think so.

No adult would think it possible

to transport boiling water from
Hakone to Tokyo during the Edo period.

If Eriko-chan actually said that,

she's really ridiculous.

You REALLY twisted your memories.

You're like

a detective.

On many levels,

I'm much sharper than a detective.

I see.

You found out that she was going to Hakone

and pretended that it was
an accident running into her.

Get ready!


Oh, Nishina-kun.

No way!

What a coincidence!

You even brought along a
relative's child to catch her off guard.

He's my nephew.

Say hello.



How low!

How frightening!

This person is scary!

There's a pervert!


there's a big pervert on the loose!

I won't say anything.

I won't make excuses.

Therefore, in conclusion,

there is no one here...

No way, Manager.

For a wild older...

A wild, fat stomach doesn't count.

Listen up.

It all happened

on the evening of the typhoon.

Like a true man,

I was outside boarding up the...

There was no such thing!

There was no typhoon this year,

unfortunately for you.

As I suspected,

nobody here is fit to go out with Eriko-san.


Y'know what?

On the flip side,
what do we think of Eriko?

I wanna ask you all.

What do you mean?

There's nothing special about her.
That's what I think now.

What are you saying all of a sudden?

No no no.

You should give up on that chick.

Seriously. You'd be better off.

She's a perfectly cute girl.

You're still hanging on to that illusion?

What are you saying?

Should I expose...

that woman's true nature?

You know...

Her favorite food is the
gyuudon in front of the station.

She's already eating an extra large bowl
first thing in the morning!

After oversleeping one time,

she was running AND
eating a huge gyuudon bowl!

Sugimoto-kun, good morning!

The gyuudon

is delish.

And to top it off

the pickled ginger was all around her mouth!

It was just hanging off her face!

She had a red mustache!
A red mustache!

I was grossed out!

Totally gross!

And then

she torments poor turtles.

Not even like how kids do.

She singlehandedly beats them up.

She drank two whole bottles of sake

like she's playing the trumpet!

Chugged it all down!

Have you ever seen that?

That weirded me out!

She has a lizard tail strap on her cell.

A real lizard tail.

And then...

What a turn off!

That makes no progress.

Those are just your made-up stories,
not reality.

You're trying to make them give up...

What's wrong with that?

Five is too many.

Someone give up.

What do you mean five people?

What? I'm still in.

That's not what I meant.

Then, what is it?

I think I like Eriko-san too.

Sorry, sorry, sorry...

What did you say?

I am saying that

I love Eriko-san too.


While listening to your stories,
I've fallen in love with her.

She is my ideal type.

Do you realize what you're saying?

It's no use.

You can't stop a runaway train.

Is it ok for lawyers
to do this kind of thing?

There is no law that
forbids lawyers from falling in love!

Are you stupid?


You... haven't even met her.

Since I've never met her, I have a better chance.

She doesn't really like any of you.

If among a group of worthless men,

an excellent lawyer emerges,

what do you think will happen?

Are you insane?


I love you!

That bastard!


Let me have an affair with you!

As far as I know,

that's the worst line ever
yelled at the ocean.



Eriko! I love you!


I will

stalk you forever!

My my...

They're even causing trouble for the sea.


I don't want you to tell the others but...

What is it?

Actually I am...

going to Canada.


I'm a shark ecology major.

My efforts have been recognized
by a Canadian university

and I've been invited
to be a research student there.

Even though it's officially for 2 years,

if I do well I can stay

and get my masters.

A master/manager of a beachside clubhouse?

Not that kind of "master".

I can go to grad school.

That's good that you're being recognized!

That's why I want to meet Eriko.

Before I leave Japan for good,

I wanted to see her at all costs

and have a last date.

You should let them know
your circumstances.

They'll surely back off.

That kind of handicap isn't fair.


I want to fight like a man.

I think it's better for you to tell them.

Everyone will give up and go home.

No, I don't want to tell them.

It's better to tell them!

I can't!

Can I keep quiet after hearing this?

Please. Please Manager!

You're cool, Matsuyama-kun.

If our feelings are mutual,

I want her to go to Canada with me.

That's a good plan.

Plus she likes sharks.


I don't want her
to choose me because of this.


I won't tell them.

You can't tell anybody about this.

I definitely won't tell them.

Not a word!

You absolutely cannot tell them.

If you do,

"we guess we'll hand her over to Matsuyama..."

It'll be like that!

You have to keep it a secret!

Don't tell me...

you want me to blab about this?


Of course not!

So cold!

So cold.

Manager and Matsuyama,
why didn't you come out?

Dropping out?

Nope, not yet.

Manager, remember to keep my secret.

What? What is this secret between men?

No, I definitely won't say it.

Eriko-san should be here soon.

She's at the Oarai Station now!

Then... It'll take her 15 minutes to walk here.

It's almost time.


Has Sugimoto's mustache grown?

After coming here,

he suffered emotional damage.

People who lose their confidence

can be destroyed like that?

As I remember, he looked like
Johnny Depp when he first arrived.

Now he looks like a thief on a windy day.

I better abandon myself to fate.

That yell was really strange.

Just now you were a serious lawyer.

He is divorced

so he's desperate for any chances.


I told you not to tell.


It's impossible for him to keep quiet.

That's right!

I've been divorced once.

I'm getting old so give her to me!

That's nothing.

Matsuyama-kun is going to Can...


I heard he licks it very slowly.

No Manager...

What was that?

He's unbelievably slow.

In a league of slow candy suckers,
he would be the champion.

Really Matsuyama?

Why didn't you say anything?

Here you can lick mine.

I don't want it.


Eri's ideal man may be
an incredibly slow licker.

That's 100% impossible.

No it's possible!


Stamina makes a man.

Manager, we're running out of time.

Only a man with circumstances

should go out with Eriko-chan?


Nishina-chan comes all the way from Gunma.

It's difficult to see her.

Gunma is actually pretty close.

Right, Manager?

You're right!
Matsuyama-kun is going to Can...

Look the candy is still there.

Damn! I can lick it slowly too...

Manager, don't you have something to say?

Don't worry.

I won't tell.


I'm going to Canada.

Let me have a date with her tonight.




Yoshimi says she is coming here.


That's not good!

You stood her up on Christmas Eve, right?

- And she's ugly, right?
- That's irrelevant.


Nekota-chan, hide for now.

It doesn't matter if you hide.

She is using GPS to locate you.

She's using GPS on me?

Dammit, treating me like a lost old man...

That's not the point.

Anyways, leave the phone and go.

Even if I go she'll know I was here.

What should I do?
Should I cancel my mobile service?

This is bad. I can't make
a good decision.

I'm going to Canada...


Even if Yoshimi-chan knows you were here,

she doesn't know the reason.

Yes, yes.

She doesn't know
you wanted to cheat on her.

Just tell her you guys

planned to meet here.

Yes, that's right!

Nobody better squeal.

That'd be you.

Yes, yes! That's it.

Don't screw up.

Yes, yes, okay, okay...

In a bit, Eriko-chan and Yoshimi will...

bump into each other?

How awkward?


Like in "Fatal Attraction,"
when the mistress meets the wife.

How should I play it?

No, no, no...

There's nothing between you and Eriko-chan.

But in my imagination...

we have eloped to a bar up north
where snow silently falls...

Kita no Sakaba

You are so beautiful.

You know how to flatter a lady.

It's not flattery. I'm serious.

Stop with the delusion.

And then I...

I'm going to Canada!

I'm going to Canada.

I'm going to study sharks.

So I don't have time.

Let me have one date with her.

I want to confirm Eriko's feelings.

And if she agrees,

I want her to go to Canada with me.

No! I can't let you have her
just because of that reason.

You don't even have a reason!

Matsuyama, is that true?

It's true.

I don't plan on returning to Japan.

You should have told us earlier.

Don't say that.

I know this is low.

But, that's how much I like her.

But just for that reason...


It was your own decision to go to Canada.

Nekota-san, Yoshimi-chan might be able
to hear what you're saying.

You're right.


You're serious, right?


I understand.

I'll let you have her for today.

Are you sure, Sugimoto?

Matsuyama is serious.

I know everyone is serious too,

all except Nekota-san.

I too like Eriko very much.

That's why I would stand
in front of her house everyday.

Stare through her room window.

Check her mail.

That's a crime.


But we feel the same, right?

I don't want to be compared to a stalker.

We have honest feelings for her.


aren't we comrades
who've worked hard together?

When we had heavy rain,

and we couldn't sell anything

we got customers and worked hard.

After work, we looked forward to
playing fireworks together.

These beautiful memories

I don't want to taint them.

Now, Matsuyama is in this situation.

If we don't let him have her,

I don't think we could forgive ourselves.

But it's a different story if
Eriko doesn't like him.

But for tonight,

on Christmas Eve,

as a parting gift,

I'll give her up for you.

I guess...

I agree with Sugimoto-chan.

Even though I do believe

Eriko-chan is my destiny girl,

compared with Matsuyama-kun's feelings,

it doesn't seem like true destiny.



I guess there's nothing I can say.


Let's leave Eriko-chan and
Matsuyama-kun alone.

Before that,

will you allow me
to have one affair with her?

You should give up.

Yes. What if Yoshimi-chan is
outside right now?

Yes, yes!

Thanks, Sugimoto.

Thank you, everyone.

You better make her happy.

Or else we'll be on your ass forever.

If you need divorce consultation,
contact me.

Hold on!

I feel shy

being alone with her right off.

How about you all stick around for a bit?


How about we have a Christmas party then?


Why are you here?

Is ugly girl out there?

Come here.

Hey look.

He said he was waiting outside the whole time.


Good evening.


So you got a letter too.
I'm glad to see you.

Don't lie.


You've forgotten all about me.

There's no such thing.

Since everyone came here, you know...
We talked about you every few minutes.

Like "How is Hayashi doing?" and stuff.

And if Hayashi...

is really Hayashi...

Everyone was talking about you.

Alright! Time to prepare for the party!

Is that true? I'm happy.

Actually your name didn't come up even once.

What? So blunt...

And I was looking forward
to meeting up with everyone too.




Hmm... You...

weren't here on August 31st, right?

I wasn't.

I didn't return from Choshi until morning.

I didn't have enough for train fare.

I hitchhiked, but wound up in Yokohama!

The opposite direction...

You were always like that.

Why did you even go to Choshi that day?

Sugimoto-san told me to go.

I did not. I was accused that day too,
but I never told you that.

You did!

"Beer is not selling at all.
So let's go to Choshi."

He probably said, "Don't you see."
No Choshi.


You haven't changed a bit.

When Manager asks you,
you never get the things he asks for.

I asked for a garden hose.
You brought panty hose.

I thought you said, "panty hose."

You're always overwhelmed.

You tense up when ordered around.

That's true but...

Where are Eriko-san and Yoshimi-chan?

Don't tell me you're here for the girls too?


How do you know Eriko-chan
and Yoshimi-chan are coming here?

From the letter... I guess...

I see.

Yoshimi-chan is out.
She's dating Nekota.


Hands off, boy.

And even Eriko-chan...

is pretty much Matsuyama's now.

Sorry guys.

Is she? You're lucky Matsuyama-san.

I'm going to study abroad soon.

We all love Eriko but due to
my circumstances, she's mine.

Too bad for you, Hayashi.

I see.

We all tried our best.

Sugimoto valiantly made us all give in.

I haven't given up.
I am just giving in for today.

I haven't given up either.

So only the manager gave up?

Did you give up, Manager?

What are you talking? Of course I have.

He's out to win her over.

What do you mean? I always dress
this way at parties.

I've never seen you dress like that.

It's a joke.

I looked hard for some food,
but there was none.

Then Hayashi. Go buy something.


Come to think of it, after work,
we often ate fried squid.

Yeah, we did.

And those hot, stir-fry sausages.

That takes me back!

And noodle fried rice.

Oh yea.

Want to cut open a watermelon?


It's out of season.

- Let's karaoke?
- Ok!

- Play LIFE?
- Nostalgic!

Have a pillow fight?


What do you think this is?
A slumber party?

But you threw pillows last summer.

The summer magic took over me.

- Put up summer decorations?
- Oh yea.

- Turn on some music!
- Do it!

Let's jump into the sea!


You'll have a heart attack
if you jump in the ocean now.

How about snow cones?

Not in this cold weather.

How about winter fireworks? It'll be like TV.

That is breaking the law.

Dig a pit in the sand!

Go ahead if you want.

Then, I'll go to the store.

Seems like old times.

If I go get food...

will I get lost
again and not return?

You might.


Nishina, you go.

Why me? Nekota-san you go.

Listen to your elder. Go.

Why? Why do I have to go?

Forget it. Sugimoto, you go.

I'll catch a cold.

Why are you wearing a tank top?

Nishina, go.

Why me? Why?

Just go.

Why me, I don't want to go.
You go. You got a scarf and all.

I can't. I'm a terrible shopper.

I have cold feet!
I don't know how to tell her I love her.

That's up to you.

What were you going to say Matsuyama-kun?

Come in.

Hi Eriko.

I love you.

Too sudden.

You need a build-up.

Talk about fish.

Yea. She likes fish.

Killer whales or king of the sea
are toothed whales.

Males are 9 meters long
and weigh 10 tons.

The females are a bit smaller and
only weigh 3 or 4 tons.

About 6 or 7 meters long.

Killer whales are the fastest animals in the sea.

Their top speed...

When do I tell her I love her?

I'll... cue you.

Killer whales are black and white.

With a black back and white stomach...

this pattern acts as camouflage in the water.

Each whale has its own unique pattern.
Telling them apart is-

I love you.

That will never work.

Hold on. We don't have time.
Let's take this seriously.

Just tell her you love her there.

What do I do next?

Say "just kidding."

Huh? Why?

He said he loved her.
Now, he should play it cool.

Making it a joke won't work.
She'll think I'm strange.

Mr. Lawyer, what should he say after "just kidding?"

Say "just kidding" again.

A double "just kidding."

What effect will that have?

Gives her thinking time,
and keeps the moment flowing.

So what's his next move?

You never quit.

You should just talk about fish and
just say you love her.

If you joke after saying you love her...

she would believe it was a joke.

Then Eriko-san will think,
"I wish he wasn't joking."

Will she?

Then Matsuyama-san says,
"Did you want me to say I love you?"

Then, Eriko-san will get nervous and gulp.

Then Matsuyama-san.

Oh ok, the bright evening sun-

"I'm... moving to Canada."

"Want to come with me?"

Then Eriko-san.

"I can't."

Just leave out the names.

"Why? Why not Eriko?"

"My parents are divorced, and I'm poor."

That's Eriko being shaken.

"I have to care for my sick brother."


as Eriko-san wonders what to do...

she comes to consult with me,
her best confidant.

Hayashi-kun, I...

I love Matsuyama-kun,
but I can't go to Canada with him.

But, Matsuyama-san is a good man.

There's merit in going away with him.

I see.

Thank you Hayashi-kun.
You're always there for me.

Next time I'll treat you to some cake.

No need.

I'm happy... just talking with you.

Then a typhoon comes.

Eriko-san, who was out on a boat,
is caught in the storm and is about to crash.

Matsuyama-kun! Matsuyama-kun, save me!

Matsuyama, go save her! She's your girl, right?

But I'll die.

I don't care about Eriko anymore.

The typhoon is scary.

I'll go.

Hayashi, it's too dangerous. Don't.

Hayashi! It's hopeless!

Maybe so but I want to save her!

Pushing through the rough sea,
I go to save her.


I'm so glad you're safe!

I finally realized something.

You're the one I truly love.


Damn you.

That's a convenient plot line.

Then as we leave, a massive hurricane.

Hayashi-kun, stop it.

But this is the more exciting part.

I got questions. Stop there.

You sure?

So that's what's on your mind.

Hayashi, you really like Eriko-chan too?

Please stop, Nekota-san.

We held that love letter for you.

To be precise, Hayashi gave it to Yoshimi.

I know because I was already dating her.

No wonder. I thought it was strange you knew.

After giving Yoshimi the letter,
he called her.

He said, "Don't give it to Eriko."

How embarrassing.

Sorry Hayashi. Come visit us in Canada.

Thank you.

I'm happy, but I might not be alive.

What did you say?

I don't think I'll live much longer.

What do you mean?

I have a serious brain disease.

You won't get better?

I need a difficult operation.

There's an 80%-90% failure rate.

But, there's a 10% chance you can be cured, right?

Yes, that's true.

Sorry to bring everyone down.

But... before I die

I wanted to see Eriko-san once more.

So I came here.

But Eriko-chan is going to Canada... with... me...

You serious?

No fair!

Death or Canada, which one?


That's not fair! Dying.

Watch your mouth!

I know I'm saying terrible things!

Your reason is petty compared to his.

Hayashi is...

So... he's dying.

I never thought
I'd have a chance with Eriko-san.

The more you talk like that,
the more they'll take your side.

Grow up, Matsuyama.

Shit! Earlier you were supporting me.

What disease is it?

Brain cancer.

Aesop in that TV show
had the same disease and...

He died.


He did? I thought he lived...

His death plays an
important role in that drama.

This body that has never been sick
once in 22 years...

never felt more betrayed.

Hayashi-kun, this time...

You can accept our kindness.

But that wasn't my aim.

I'm satisfied just seeing her face.


you have to tell her how you feel.

You know...

A friend dying is a first for me.

It doesn't feel real.

It doesn't feel real to me either.

Get that surgery.

There's only a 10% chance of success.

And... I'm scared.

You were so lively during the summer.
I can't believe it.

Eriko-chan is late.

The road is dark too.

I'll go get her.

I'll go too.

Me too.

Actually, we all got the
same love letter from Eriko.

And we fought over who would
spend Christmas Eve with her.

Is that so?

Is the letter you received the same?

I think so.

How fun. It feels like summer break again.

The letter they received
was written by you, wasn't it?



Hayashi-kun wrote it?

You're the only one who knew

both the girls and the guys would come.

I wanted to see everyone.

But if I signed the letter,
not everyone would come.

Up until now, I have never kept the same job.

Since entering college,
I had many jobs but always quit.

But only this job was fun.

The sea doesn't suit me...

but I envied my classmates playing there.

They all went to Enoshima or Chigasaki.

I wanted to go too
but didn't have the courage.

Oarai was as far as I got.

This job is like any other.

But here, you all get angry at me.

Nishina-san, Matsuyama-san, Nekota-san,
Sugimoto-san, everybody.

Like kids you laugh, cry, and get angry.

That's right.

At other jobs, people would say things
behind my back...

I would hear about it afterwards.

At first, it surprised me to be yelled at.

Everyone was so completely honest.

On the contrary I felt happy.

You were probably the first friends
I could be honest with.

But no matter how close we got,
the clubhouse closes August 31st.

That's the worst part of this job.

So you wrote the manager using Eriko-san's
name asking to keep this place up.

I'm sorry. I know it was selfish.

Then I got sick and faced death.

I had to see you all again.

I wanted to fool around like in summer.

But you were wrong on one thing.

I learned the girls were
coming by listening to you.

I didn't send them a letter.

But the girls are at the station.

I wonder why.

Life is a mystery.

God probably called them here.

No, Yoshimi-san probably called Eriko.

This place will be gone after tonight.

As long as you're alive,
this place will stay.


Hold on. That's...

I've been doing this job three years. Trust me.


Come any time you feel lonely.

This beachside clubhouse
doesn't close on August 31st.

It's always open for business
when you have friends around.

Right, Manager?

You got it.

It'll always be here.

That's just way too cool.

Sorry to be so selfish.

Don't apologize.

When I think about it...

if I'd gone to Shonan with my friends...

I'd have lived a better life.


Do the surgery.

Yes, Hayashi-kun.

We love you as much as...

you love us.

If there's a chance, take it.

Look Hayashi.

Oarai's got the same stars as Shonan Beach.

I will undergo surgery.

Here come Eriko-chan and Yoshimi-chan!

Hurry! Come this way!

Why aren't you coming? This way!

Come here!

Hurry up! This way!
Why aren't you coming?

Beachside Clubhouse Enoshima

The next summer, I ended up working at
the Beachside Clubhouse Enoshima again.

Not just me. Nishina too.

Nekota-san who married Yoshimi too.

Of course I love you.

We received a postcard from Eriko
saying she got married.

Her husband...
wasn't Hayashi.

A shark fisherman from Okinawa.

When told about Hayashi dying, she dodged
the issue with "I have a boyfriend."

As for Hayashi...

Nishina-san, I went and bought it.

What is this?

"Rig a pole" like you asked.

You idiot! Can't you learn?

I said, "Dig a hole!"

- Go return it!
- Yes!

Watch out!


You trying to kill me?
Point that thing the other way!

He recovered without the surgery.

When the doctor said "plain answer,"
he thought he heard "brain cancer."

Plain answer.

You just slept funny. A brace should do.

You ok?

Fine. Thanks.

We have new female employees.

This is Masayo-chan.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

I will work so hard that
I'll outshine the summer sun.

That's that.

And then we have Kumiko-chan.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Where are you from?

So summer came again in Oarai.

Yamada Takayuki

Yamamoto Yusuke

Muro Tsuyoshi

Koyanagi Yu

Shiraishi Shunya

Yasuda Ken

Sato Jiro

Toda Erika

Written and Directed by Fukuda Yuichi

Subtitles cleaned and fixed by cici galatia
with adaptations from Christian Storms subs