Called to Duty (2023) - full transcript

North Kiyung is threatening U.S with nuclear attacks and missile tests. U.S plans to strike back and train best pilots. However Air force leans on Navy's best fighter Lt. Andrew "Bells". Few hours before attack the drama unfolds.

Relax, Ego.

We're only
a few minutes behind you.

Focus on taking
out that nuclear plant.

Let the girls
focus on distracting them.

There's the shoreline.

Stay alert.
Eyes open, ladies.

God help us.

It's awfully quiet.

How about I knock on the door
with an old Mack,

we can wake 'em up.

I see something.

It does not
appear to be operational.

Welcome to North Kiyung.

Is any of this ancient
military shit operational?

This doesn't feel right.

Something's wrong.

Looks like someone's awake.

What is it?
What is it?

Anybody see it?

Negative, no joy.

Right. Missile. There!

Warning, warning.

We have friendlies
down in the hot zone.

I repeat, we have friendlies
down in the hot zone.

Come on.

Don't cheat, yeah,
don't cheat.

Stay straight,
stay straight, get up.

Don't cheat.
Two more.

Two more. Last one.

Put it away,
put it away, put it away,

put it away, put it away.

Air Force baby,
that's how we do it!

- Let's go.
- Yes, sir.

- Congratulations, man.
- Oh, man. Got it.

- Congratulations.
- Hey, thank you.

- Good job.
- Thanks.

Man, hey, not gonna lie.

That last one kinda hurt.

Looks like it.

Look, the Colonel's may run us
some exercises,

the next couple days,

so try not to hurt yourself,
all right?

Especially with these guys
over here.

I'll be ready.

I'm always ready, you know that.

I know, last time
out of here for a week,

how much your arms hurt.

You couldn't move
the flight stick.

Yada, yada, yada, yada.

Oh, my gosh.
No, no, no, no.

- That was--
- No, come on,

you can't do it, not this time.

That was different, man.

I had two guys
on my back at that time.

You were one of them.

Okay. Just be ready.

Are we--are we gonna go?
Are we going to North Kiyung?

just say I got a hunch.

All right?

Just be ready for anything.

Well, I'm gonna need a team.

I mean, these guys at AFLA,
they're good,

but I don't think
they can handle any of that.

Gotta change up the simulations.

Start focusing on those SAMs.

Listen, we'll be fine.
Come on, man.

It's the red,
white, and blue, baby.

You know how we do.

Now go get 'em.

Angle to your departure.

Frequency is 263.07.

Target is six miles
and coming fast.

Here we go, Baby Bear.

Hey, Edge, what do we got
on the mission playlist today?

How about
something a little more subtle

like Christian
like this time around.

Now, you're talking
my language. Amen.

Nah, I'm thinking
rock and roll for this crowd.

How about some Stealing Eden?

Oh, I got just the track.

Take it to Buster girls.

As you know, North Kiyung
has been performing

multiple amounts
of missile tests.

At 0600 hours this morning,

they managed to land
one sixty miles

outside the Russia shoreline.

As we speak,
the Navy is sending out

a second aircraft carrier
to the border of South Kiyung.

Are we leaning more towards
a strategic airstrike?

The losses
will be catastrophic.

The last time
we had a similar situation,

we lost 2,800 fighters.

We'd be sending off fighters
to their death.

Assemble a team of commandos
and eliminate Kim Wun,

one of the Joint Chiefs-of-staff

Eliminating Kim Wun
would buy us some time,

but it does not stop
the missile production.

We'd only be passing
the reins to a pissed off

sibling out for revenge.

Why not eliminate them both?

And then what?

Kill his cousins,
his uncles, his nephew,

his girlfriend, son-in-law?

If that's what needs to be done
to save the future

of this country.

I think eliminating
one man's family tree

is certainly more beneficial
to us than someone

our entire country, sir.

And I think
the National Security Council

would agree.

Why don't you ask him yourself?

Good morning Colonel.

Grace Daley National Security.

So that makes 24 shows
this year?

That's affirmative.

It's actually not that bad.

Listen we have to--

Russian MiGs?

The hell are they doing out?

Let's get inside.

I'm telling you, man,
I was like Jesus up there,

dude, I banked him.

Just earlier today

we had some unexpected visitors

over the Atlantic Ocean
when two MiGs

flew just twenty feet off
the deck

of one
of our Navy aircraft carriers.

A spokesperson from the Navy
tells us that they immediately

scrambled four F-18 fighters
to escort the MiGS

back across the border
to the Kuban territory.

The MiGS claimed to be
on a training exercise

and stated they were simply
saying hello to the carrier

in their daring,
unannounced fly by.

I'm Brooke McKinley.
Stay with us.

We'll be right back.

Yeah. Okay, next time
we're up there,

let me buzz one of their ships

and see how well
that's saying hello stories.

- Yeah, baby.
- Yeah. Woo.

Man, they gotta change
my call sign to Hollywood, man.

I'm making the news.

- Hell, yeah.
- Hey, sweetheart.

Wanna see what
a real pilot looks like, huh?

Funny, I didn't see your face
on the report.

Nah, I think he was talking
about that special

itch cream commercial
after the news report.

Now, that's funny.
I'd expect that out of Riddles.

Hey, do you--do you hear
something over here, huh?

Got it.

- It's just a little wasp.
- Get over yourself, Igor.

It's Ego.

But don't worry
you'll get it Widows.

It's okay.

She flies planes guys, huh?

Edge, no. Edge.

How about
I rip out your tongue

and shove it up your ass?
I mean, really?

What's your problem
anyway, Jeeter?

Or is this some sort
of grudge against

one of your ex-girlfriends?

'Cause let me
tell you something,

you might be a pilot,
but it don't mean you can fly

and any one of these girls,
including myself,

will outmaneuver you
in the sky any day.

You see, just 'cause you got
your name on a flyer

and you do a couple barrel rolls
and an air show once a week,

see that don't make you
a fighter pilot, honey.

Your girls is doing tricks
so people clap.

- Right.
- Big deal.

- Okay. Really?
- Guys, Commander's coming.

Chill out.


Is there a story behind this?

No, ma'am.

Literally just fell off
the table.

Air show went well today?

Yes, ma'am.
Another one in the books.

Good to hear.

Looks like you'll get headed
to Maryland next week.

- Good luck.
- Excuse me, Commander.

Um, we were wondering
if we could possibly work

on some maneuvering
for the Maryland show

and maybe we could borrow

a few of the men for some...

dog fight simulation?

I don't see why not.

If it helps
with your show routine.

I'll run it past the Admiral.

Thank you, Commander.

The United States
has placed sanctions

on North Kiyung
and some of its financial firms

in Giannia,
in an effort to tighten the rope

around its nuclear
missile developments.

We are learning now
that a third US aircraft carrier

is en route to its border.

North Kiyung released
a public statement today

claiming that they will
continue their ballistic...

- Knock, knock.
- Who's there?

- No one.
- No one who?

No one at all
'cause we're all goners.

They have been threatening us
since way before our time.

They're not gonna do anything.

They're just a gum under
the shoe of the old red,

white, and blue.

Speaking of gum
under the shoe,

thanks for taking care of
that whole Jeeter thing today.

Yeah, I don't know what it is,

but that guy
just does not like us.

Don't mention it.

It was just the right thing
to do.

Besides he deserved it.

And furthermore,

the United States is demanding
the release of three

Americans currently
in custody in North Kiyung.

One of them being Olson Walter,
only 22 years old,

the condition of the Americans
is currently unknown.

Those poor guys
didn't do anything.

They're just using 'em
as leverage

and they damn well know it.

Did you guys know
that their whole country

believes America
is just military?

I read that somewhere.

They have like pictures
of American military men

torturing women
in their school hallways.


They think the whole reason
we exist is just to attack them.


Whatever it is,
I'm an American.

My family lives here.

Now, that I'm flying
is good enough for me.

Speaking of flying,
Edge tomorrow,

let's keep
it cool up there, yeah?

That's the plan, Lieutenant.

All right, TV off.
Rec time, girls.

Split 'em up
and do what we do best.

It's show time, boy.

I'm not used
to having a RIO flying with me.

Hang tight little Bear.

What's the rules, Jeeter?

Rules are simple.

Once we obtain a missile lock,

you drop below the deck
and sit on the bench

until the rest
of the wing chickies join you.

And when we get a missile lock?

That is highly unlikely,

but if you do,
Jeeter will buy you all dinner.

Thanks, Stixx.

Riddles, you and Bear
are cloud jumping.

Riot and I will skim the pool.

Edge and Wiki,
you're the sheets.

- Get some cover.
- Game on.

Okay. And starting now.

I want Country and Riot.

You guys take the groupies.

I got
your groupies, Igor.

Copy, bro.
Eyes on lock.

If he gets any closer
he's gonna

be the logo on my shirt.

One more sec.
I know what I'm doing.

Taking her down.

Let's see what you got.

Hold on.

right behind us, bro.

- They're right behind us.
- I see her.

Oh, not today.

Head locked and painted.

Woo! One for the ladies.

Damn it.

Sorry, Jeeter.
Another drink is on this flight.

It's all right,

This comedy show
is just about over anyways.

- Did he say over?
- That's what I heard.


- Shit.
- Damn, that was close.

That's how they get you.

Her range never pays off.

Where'd he go?

I see him.
He's going head on.

Tag it and bag it, Edge.

Jeeter, you got Edge
coming right towards us.

Change course, buddy.

No way, Stixx.
This is exactly what we do.

You might
wanna tighten your buckle up

for this one, Wiki.
If we fail, we fail.

Country's back.
She's on our 6:00.

Edge, fall back.

Might wanna move,

If you don't break now
you're gonna hit us too.

This one's personal.

Edge, move out.

Country's got him.

Not good.
Not good.

get us out of here.

Damn it.


- Whoa.
- Is that shit

even in the handbook?

And that's two
for the ladies.

Oh, my God.

You're instructed
to land immediately.

Just great.

I am in charge up there.

When I give you an order,
I expect it to be followed.

And who's in charge
when it comes to seeking out

for our rights as women?

Is there a captain
or a commander or someone

who's gonna defend my rights
and my dignity as a woman?

Can we serve the country
just like the men?

And you are.

- Okay, guys, come on.
- I am, yes.

Under pressure, I am.

You know damn well
if I pulled out of that line,

we would never hear
the end of it.

They'd be laughing at us
even more.

I'll be damned
if I let any man label me

or my team
as anything less than equal.

So what? Maybe I upset
our government today

and my superiors,
but I know I stood up

for every woman on the planet
by shutting Jeeter's mouth.

Look, I respect
your Christianity

and your devotion to Christ.

You're supposed to love,
forgive, and all of that.

But my job as a pilot
for the United States Navy

and a member of this team
is to protect us,

and I will,
even if it means dying.

Now, I don't know
about you, Country,

but to me...
that stands for something.

I don't know
who the hell authorized

that ridiculous circus act.

I understand, Admiral.
I'm looking into it now.

And I want someone
in my desk or of yours,

- within the hour.
- Within the hour, sir.

Good day, Admiral.

Well, I don't think
I need to explain much

as I'm sure you overheard.

You're losing control
of your squadron, Lieutenant?

No, ma'am.

Today was a isolated incident

and I've already spoken
with Lieutenant Lee

about the situation to assure
it doesn't happen again.

If I knew this was a contest
on who's the better pilot

or a contest
of colorful actions,

I would've never approved
the exercise.

Unfortunately, it happened.

Now the Admiral wants someone
to be held accountable.

As the team leader,
I must assume responsibility

for my Wing Girls'
actions, ma'am.

You do realize that your wings
will be taken away

until further notice.

You still wanna take
that responsibility?

- Yes, ma'am.
- No, she doesn't.

The flight recorder
is going to reflect

that Lieutenant Riebach
gave me a direct order

numerous times
and I disobeyed Commander.

Suspending her would be wrong
and against policy, ma'am.


What the hell do you know
about policy, Lieutenant?

You're really gonna stand here
and try to educate me

on the Navy's handbook?

My apologies,
I forgot you're a sea lawyer.

No, no, no, ma'am.

That was not what I was trying
to say, wrong choice of words.

You're damn right,
bad choice of words.

All of you get in here.

As of today, the Wing Girls
will be restricted

from pilot duty and suspended
until further notice.

Consider yourselves rattled.

Ladies, these aircraft
are not toys.

They're not for skylarking,
they're for combat.

I realize that your job
entitles you to do

certain aerial performances
that a regular pilot cannot.

But that's for 30
approved minutes a week.

Not at your discretion
and certainly not off

and above my ship.

I want you to know
it saddens me to do this, girls.

I've been tested numerous
times in my career

and I can't say that I wouldn't
have acted the same way,

but as your commanding officer

and at the admiral's
very heated request,

I'm gonna have to ask you

to pack your sea bags.

You'll be flown to the airport
in the morning.


So how long do you guys
think we'll be suspended for?

No idea.

I hear the Wing Girls
are performing next weekend

in Maryland
if anyone wants to go.

Oh, that's right.

Show is canceled.

Never mind.

Hey, Edge, knock, knock.

- Who's there?
- Ida.

- Ida who?
- Ida rather be suspended

with you than being
on active duty with Jeeter.

Thank you, Riddles.

Hey, Country.

Look. Not tonight, Billy.

All right, I really
cannot handle one more thing.

- So unless you're gonna just--
- Look...

I'm really sorry
for how things went down today.

It's just guys being guys.

I hope you know that.

Well, we certainly
weren't discharged.

We're just taking a small break.

Well, I just want you to know

that I think it's really great

what you guys are doing,

representing the women and all.

I'm glad to have you guys here.

I'd fly with you anytime.

Is Jeeter
in line somewhere behind you?


Uh, well, I don't--
I don't really think so,

but I do believe
that he's receiving

some punishment himself.

Don't expect
an apology from him.

Jeeter will always be Jeeter.

Anyway, I'm proud
to serve with you.

Thank you.

I did just hear that,
well, they might be sending

a couple of us
down to North Kiyung.

It's pretty heated down there
right now.

Yeah, it's been
all over the news.

You know,
be careful up there, Billy.

That's not the most
welcoming sky

for fighters as we've learned.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

And Jeeter too.

I hope to serve
with you again, Lieutenant.

I'd be honored.

Good day, gentlemen.

Today, we're gonna put you right
in the heart of enemy territory.

You're outnumbered, two to one.

- Let's see what you got.
- Let's get dirty.

Only two?
Come on, Colonel.

I thought you were giving us
a challenge.

Hey, I'm okay with two.

Of course you are, Poet.

You're a rider, not a fighter.

Ooh, splash one.

No worries, boys.

As soon as I down my bogies,
come over for the leftovers.

Here they come.

And they hate smiling.

On 1984, there was an actor
that gave

one of the greatest lines
of all time.

And what would that be?

I'll be back.

I'll take two high.
You take two low.

How's that sound?

Oh, hell no.

The Black man ain't dying first.

You guys really fell for that?

Come on now.

Splash one...

and splash two.

What was that, 30 seconds?

No, no, no. I think it's 31.
You're slipping.

Somebody get Bells his smiley
face sticker so we can go home.

There we go.

It's only for
a little while this time, Kaden.

And when I get back, I'll be
able to take you to the base.

You can play with the simulator.
You like that, right?

I know, but I wanna go with you.

I wanna fly with you.

I know kiddo.

I have something special
for you on the piano,

so why don't you go get it
while daddy leaves. Okay?

Okay. Okay.

Go ahead. Go get it.


I'm a pilot.

Mommy, mommy,
I'm a pilot. I'm a pilot!


Come here.

Oh, hey.

Oh, I miss you so much.

Look what grandma got me, mommy.

Wow, a fighter jet.

That's very cool.

Yeah, she said I got
to start practicing

so I could chase seagulls
like you do.

Chasing seagulls, huh?

Well, you wanted
a Christian daughter,

that was the easiest G-rated way
I could put it.

Hey, look.
Who's here?

- Hi, Riddles.
- Hey, Falcon.

Look what I can do.


This bitch gotta be kidding me.

Margo, wake up!

Hey, you can't hear me
calling for you downstairs?

It's kind of hard not to.

Why do you want Tyler?
It's my first day home.

Can I just sleep in?

Sleep--it's 8:30. Get up!

Dad says you're gonna
help me out

with some stuff
around the house. Yo, B!

Calm them dogs down! Shut up!

Isn't it a bit early
to be drinking?

I thought you said you were
gonna quit once Mom passed away.

Where the hell is Dad anyway?

You think he'd
be happy to see me.

He's out doing

a beer bar hop thing.

Oh, a beer one.
You know what?

If my name was Coors Light,
he'd be happy to see me.

That's a hella way
to talk about your dad.

I don't need you coming in here,
asking questions,

acting all cocky, okay?

I'm surprised Dad
even let you crash here.

And just show up unannounced.

Are you listening to yourself?

I'm his daughter,
which makes me your sister.

Not for nothing, dickhead.

This is my house, too.

It was your home, okay?

Until you abandoned us
for your air circus.

Get up.

You can help me with the trash.


Now, in the Korean War,

we lost 2,837 aircrafts

and that was in 1950.

our aircraft capabilities

have grown substantially,

but so has
our missile stockpile.

Colonel, are you giving us
a history class here?

Could you please just get
to the point?

As you saw on my test today,

we were unsuccessful
when evading the SAMs

when dealing
with two or more at a time.

North Kiyung knows this
and I can assure you,

they will launch at least
two per jet,

at a minimum.

This is where
we're gonna need pilots

with exceptional skills.

Now, we don't have time
to train for this,

we need to attack ASAP.

Now, in order for this attack
to be successful,

we need to do this
in three stages.

So what brings you
to the Navy, Colonel?

To put it bluntly, North Kiyung.

Ah. A lot I could say
about that.

Getting worse by the minute.

Washington needs to figure out
something quickly.

Well, that's why we're here.

I don't know
if you're aware, but we are

from the Air Force Last
Resort Operation Center.

And currently,
we're working a solution

to shutting down North Kiyung

and eliminating the constant
threat of nuclear attacks.

And one of your squadrons
became a unit of interest

in making this solution
a success.

We've already sent
two aircraft carriers over

and multiple squadrons
to the southern border

- for "training exercises."
- I understand. However--

And I'm praying
that none of those men

have to be sent over
to North Kiyung.

I lost my husband there.

And let's face it,
we don't exactly have

invisible aircraft to navigate
around all those missiles.

Well, the solution
we are working on

is classified at the moment.

I can tell you
that we are looking

for your best pilots

with advanced
aerial capabilities.

A squadron that can maneuver
through such conditions.

Colonel, I can assure
you that we are working

on advanced maneuvering
with our pilots daily.

you're asking for a bird

to fly through a hailstorm.

This is not one or two missiles
we're talking about.

I wish I could help you but
unfortunately, I don't have

a squadron with those
capabilities aboard my ship.

Sure you do.

Absolutely not.

With all due respect, Commander,

this is in the best interest
of the United States Government

and the safety of its citizens.

And with all due respect,

you're asking me to volunteer
six women who are aerial

stunt performers,
not combat aviators.

Besides, Lieutenant Riebach
would never agree to it.

She's a devoted Christian
and she won't participate

in combat, hence, why she flies
for the aerial demo team.

I was unaware
that we offer the program

flying a $40 million aircraft
just for fun.

They signed up
to protect our country.

Our government trained them
for combat,

not for carnivals.

I'm quite sure if
they refuse the order,

they will be restricted
from flying.

And then, perhaps, we could
offer them a job at the mall,

handing out Navy brochures

or be suspended indefinitely.

Yeah. That one's not gonna work.

They're already suspended,

by our government.

Well, Commander, I will have
an order on your desk

by day's end tomorrow
to unsuspend them.

And I can assure you,
I will have the total support

from the Department of Defense

and our National
Security Council

to proceed with this operation.

You will be hearing
from us very soon.

Good day, Commander.

Dude, what the hell?

Dude, what did they teach you

in basic training?
Come on.

When's the last time
you shot a gun?

Keep your arms straight.

Try it again.

There's no way
I missed that again.

There's gotta be something
wrong with the sights on.

You scared the shit out of me.

Nice shot.

Try this one.

They could take our wings
but definitely not our guns.

What are you doing here?

I thought you're spending
some time with your Dad.

Yeah, well, Dad had a hot date

with a bottle,
so I wasn't too welcome.

- I'm sorry.
- No, it's fine.

It's not like you guys
want my family anyway.

That's right.
Wing Girls, fly or die.

Oh, see?

- Told you it was your gun.
- Whatever.

- Listen, my piece don't miss.
- Come on. Let's go.

Oh, hey, Country.
Is your Mom around?

I was gonna say hello
and catch up?

Yeah, she's inside,
uh, go ahead.

We're gonna go take a quick ride
and we'll be right in.

Kaden, Commander called.
She said it was important.

I think you need
to return back to base.

Well, whatever it is,

I'm sure it can wait.

I'm on my time now.


As of 0600 hours,

you are reinstated for duty.

for this particular assignment,

you will be under
AFLR's command.

May I ask a question, ma'am?

- Go ahead.
- AFLR as in

Air Force Last
Resort Operation Center?

That's correct, Lieutenant.

Would it be out of order

to ask for additional details,

I don't have the details,

What I can tell you
is that the US Navy

has agreed to assist
with this operation

and we will be docking
on the Atlantic coast

just outside
the operation center.

The Colonel and his team
will be boarding the ship

and running some
training exercises with you.

Jeeter has been selected
as well.

I expect you all to behave

and represent yourselves

Leave your grudges at the door.

I suggest you get some shut eye.

I don't wanna
send them delirious,

lazy-eyed pilots in the morning.

Good night, ladies.


I got a bad feeling about this.

No one goes to AFLR unless
they're going into combat.

AFLR is boarding our ship,

we aren't going anywhere,

and that's not true, Bear.

They may be just using us
for stand-ins during training

or something, okay?

Let's just wait
and see what happens tomorrow.

But we finally get
an opportunity to do something

and Jeeter has to come with us?


We can always say no, can't we?

Don't work like that, Riddles.

Once you sign those papers,
you basically gave them

parental rights to your ass.

Welcome to AFLR.

I have to tell you I'm quite
excited that you all are here.

It's not--it's not often
that we get a woman

that comes through the Air
Force Last Resort program,

so to have six of you

is quite rare, so welcome.

Since you're already
commissioned officers

and well-respected pilots
for our service,

I think we can just
kick the tires

and light the fires,
and get this thing going.

We're gonna be boarding your

and running a series
of training exercises.

And during this training time,

you're gonna be under
Colonel Micklin's command.

Lieutenant Riebach?

Is anyone gonna explain to us

what exactly we're doing here.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you, Sergeant.

I'm sure
you're all quite curious

as to why the Air Force
Last Resort program

is interested in your services.

Soon enough, we will fill you in
on all those details.

I need to see if you even fit
the criteria for the operation.

I am seeking
the best of the best,

and I expect nothing from you
other than everything.

We didn't choose you,

it was your exceptional skills
and abilities that did.

Tomorrow, we're going
to test those abilities,

only faster, harder,

and perhaps deadlier
than you've ever imagined

because it's one thing
to serve your country,

but when you're called to duty,

will you protect it?

I want you all
to think about that.

- Hi.
- What's up, guys?

- Welcome to AFLR.
- No way. What's up, man?

- Hi, guys.
- Hi, guys.

- How you guys doing?
- Hello.

What's up, man?

Baby, how you doin', dude?

Damn, who would've thought
they're merging units, man?

Oh, man.
Oh, they ain't with me.

Captain Middleton,
call sign Mooney.

I'd love to hear
the story on that name sometime.

Lieutenant Riebach,
call sign Country.

This is Wiki, Edge, Riddles,

Bear, and Riot.

Riddles, huh?
You must be the comedic relief

- of the bunch.
- I try.

Just so y'all know,

Superman ain't got nothin' me.

I'm just a call away.

Travon Dixon, call sign Poet.

Who would've guessed?

You guys wouldn't
happen to know, like,

what we're doing here,
would you?

Uh, it's just what
I was asking my pal, Baby, here.

You know, what are we doing here
with the Charlie's Angels, man?

You know, giving us

- some eye candy, yeah.
- Oh, candy, no, man.

That's sour candy,
the kind you spit back out.

Come on, guys. Really?

That's okay. Really,
we're used to it.

Looks like
we got us another Jeeter.

Great. As if one isn't enough.

Hey, there.

I guess you felt
a little left out.

You know, that's my fault.

I should've introduced myself.

Lieutenant Lee.

- Baby.
- I don't care.

Jeeter, apologize to my sisters.

We don't wanna be here with you

any more than you want
to be here with us.

But like it or not,
you are flying with us.

So, how about we just smile
and get through this, yeah?

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, that's fine.

I'll see you in the sky.

We're gonna have some fun.

All right. Later, Country.

See you, Bear.

I'm telling you guys right now,

Jeeter wants to keep
running his mouth acting like

- he's--
- Oh, my gosh.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Whoa.

- I'm so sorry.
- Are you okay?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Uh, perfect actually.

Captain Harris.
Call me Bells, please.

Welcome to AFLR, ladies.
Major Nikoli here.

We call him Shortstop.
There's no explanation needed.

I'm, uh, Captain Billy.

How do you do?
I, uh, call sign Clownz.

The only clown but I'm always
hanging with a couple of jokes.

But, uh, gotta go

save the world,
so I'm gonna leave you

a couple of America's
best, yeah?

Yeah. You go do that.

- All right.
- All right. Yeah.

Anyways, uh,

it's awesome
to have you guys here.

I'm really excited.

We were just talking about this.

I gotta admit,

I'm a little star struck.

I, uh, been watching you guys

in your last few shows.

It's pretty impressive.

Well, thank you. I am sure

you're pretty good yourself.

I am. And I'm gonna make
you guys better.

He can ring my bell any day.

I concur.

- Really, guys?
- Yeah, well, who knows?

Maybe we'll make you better.

We'll just--we'll just
forget about that

how about we compromise,

let's say we'll make
a good team?

Yeah. Let's see
how good you fly first.

Lady's got some bite.
I like it.

Yeah. On that note,
we're gonna hit the showers.

See you guys up in the clouds?

I think I'm already
in the clouds.

Uh, check to the 3-6-0.

Feels good to be back up here,
doesn't it, Bear?

Who the hell changed
the station on my radio?

I don't know, but my seat
is a little reclined back.

That was probably Riot.

She knows all
about reclined seats.


Ha, ha.

Kill the chatter, girls.

You heard the Colonel,
zero tolerance.

There are two persons
of interest

parked on top of Devil's Ridge.

I need you to fly over there

and get their ugly photographs.


That's it?

Damn. Okay. Easy first day.

What? Air Force
doesn't have enough money

for a wedding photographer,

Angry Birds, your mission is

to prevent them from getting it.

Angry Birds? What?

We got two eagles
and a warning, incoming.

Now this is one Charlie Foxtrot

that I don't mind.

And I agree this is gonna be
an easy first day.

All right, gentlemen.

Let's keep it clean
up here, okay?

All right,
Jeeter, Baby, and Bells.

It's okay.
Bear, Edge, and Riddles,

you guys are gonna be
the fly swat on the rear,

keeping them busy.

I'll take Wiki and Riot
to the objective. Copy?

- Game on.
- Let's get it going.

Operation Mug Shot
begins in three, two, one.

I see 'em, three of 'em.
12:00 high.

Right behind you, Mooney,
on your 6:00.

Careful, boys. I know them,
they're planning something.

We're moving fast, girls.

I'll take left.
Riddles take right.

Bear, keep point.
Keep them off Country.

I'm gonna skim the deck.

I'm taking them down.

Hey. They ain't gonna
go that easy, Mooney.

All right, ladies.
Time to open the umbrella.

- Got lock.
- Take it.


That went well.

I'm going low and right.

Already on it, Jeeter.
Get your own.

I ain't bailing, no way.

Time to light the fires
and take 'em higher.

- And there she goes.
- Don't lose her, Jeeter.

Quit your whining, I see her,

and now I know
why they call you Baby.

Talk to me, Bear.

We're gonna end this right now.

Right above you, guys.

He's all over me.

Okay, girls. I got a maneuver

that's gonna put us
right behind them.

But, Bear,
I'm gonna need you to dive

right between me and Riddles.

Remember the Dosey Doe?

The Dosey? Are you nuts?
They could hit us head-on.

Edge, that's not a good idea.

It won't work if only three
of you know the routine.

It's too risky.

All planes
have to be choreographed.

We're almost at the objective.

- Sit tight, girls.
- How about you focus

on taking pictures
and I'll focus

on keeping them off your ass?

Bear, dive now.

Oh, hell no.

Dammit Edge.
Country, I'm going to help them.

Do not leave my wing,
they'll handle themselves.

On my way, ladies.

I see you guys.

- Talk to me fast.
- As soon as we meet,

you're dead.

Buckle up
my little hamburger helper,

we might be scraping
a little paint.

What the hell
are these girls up to now?

It's too close. Spread out.
It's too close, Edge.

Let's see if these guys
can Dosey Doe.

Wait, wait, wait,
right arm or left arm?

It's too damn close.

Always left arm, always.

- Three...
- Edge?

This is not gonna end good.

I'm coming in, 3:00,
through the middle.

Captain, we should pull out.


We need to pull out now.

Everybody, knock it off.

This is not an air show.
Let's go.

Warning, warning, warning,

warning, warning,
warning, warning.


- One.
- Look out.

- Whoa.
- Look out -

Ha-ha, damn that was close.

Woo. Dosey Doe!

These girls are all
over the damn place.

I told you.

Lock 'em and dock 'em, team.

Splash one.

- Shit.
- Mooney is called Boomey,

game over.

Let's make that two.

Poet you're through.

Splash one.

Woo! Ah!

Jeeter and Baby
are out of there.

Back to the birdhouse boys.

There's our objective.

Let's see who our guests
of honor are today.

Say cheese.

Wing Girls, one.
Angry Birds, zero.

Good job today, guys.

Pucker factor was definitely
high, but good job.

- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.

I appreciate you.

I do.

I would take a missile for you
and you know that.

The next time
you disobey my order,

I am dismissing you
from this team.

Do I make my myself clear?


What I saw today
is unacceptable.

You all have to remember

that you may serve
under two branches,

but you fly under one flag.

We are the last line of defense
to this country.

He's protecting your family.

She's protecting yours.

So, when the alarms
are going off,

and that MiG is preventing you
from seeing your family again,

it's not gonna matter
who's saving you,

if it's a male or a female.

You can ask any pilot,

any pilot that's had a missile
or a MiG locked onto them,

that feeling you feel,
it's indescribable.

Dramatic situations bring people
together, unfortunately.

So, let's start now.

Let's not wait
for the alarms to go off.


The only thing you managed
to prove to me

is that these girls
can take a picture

and their lack of communication
in that ridiculous maneuver

that almost cost six lives
and six aircraft, Colonel.

- But it didn't, did it?
- Thank God, no. Had it?

I'd be talking to you
from behind a plate glass window

- in prison right now.
- You haven't even seen

- what they can do yet.
- I don't know.

And if I'm not mistaken,

we gave them a mission today,

and it was completed.

And that's what
we train our military to do.

Get the job done, isn't it?


do I need to remind you
where you are

and who you are speaking to?

Now, proceed.

- Bear.
- Hey, Margo.

What's up?

Taegan, wait.


you know if I thought
for even a second

that if I was putting you
in harm's way,

I wouldn't have done it.

This team is literally
all that I have.

So, uh...

I just wanted you to know that.

I know that, Edge.


So, they didn't fill you in

on why you're here, I suppose?

I was thinking they wanted us
to fly the new F-35s.

Ain't for no F-35s.

See all that?

That's what scares me.

No. We're an air show team.

We don't--


My girls and I don't do combat.

Unfortunately, you don't have
that choice if you're here.

Just keep that
in the back of your mind.

It's all so dark
and mysterious

when the one you want
doesn't want you, too.


Is that one yours?

Backstreet Boys.

He's got charm.

You gotta give him that.

Well, well, well.
Who we got here?

It's the legendary Wasps.

This is the crazy one. Tell me.

How did it feel

to bump your head
falling from heaven, huh?

Well, I didn't fall from heaven.

But I did scrape up my knees
and my legs pretty good

crawling out of hell.

Something wrong with this girl.

Come on.

Look. You girls, you--

you're a government-funded
gimmick, all right?

Look. I don't know
whose daddy knows

whose daddy to get you here,

but don't you put my life
in jeopardy again, all right?

If I'm not mistaken,
you were chasing us.

So, say it like it is.

You're mad because you were
outsmarted by a bunch of women.

- Okay. Okay.
- I see.

- That's enough.
- Yeah.

Don't be screwing the pooch
on this one.

That's fine, man.

I'm out of this
pig palace anyway.

Come on.

Go back to your bitches, Jeeter.


Don't mind him.

He's in heat and he's miserable.

- To Wing Girls.
- Wing Girls.

Okay, ladies.

In today's training exercise,
we're going to focus

on your air-to-ground
precision skills.

This will be missiles only.

Proceed through the canyons,
to the convoy target.

Take it out.

Oops, a little rusty. Sorry.

Circle back around
and get in line.

Lieutenant Rossi,
you are go for your attack run.

Copy that.

Target visual, and fire.


Just to clarify,

this is the squadron
we're sending into North Kiyung

in a few days?

Lieutenant Beckett,
initiate your attack run.

Copy that.

Switching to guns.

What the hell is she doing?

Target acquired.

Negative, Lieutenant.
This is missiles only.

Damn. That felt good.

Nice one, Riddles.

Bring them home.

I've seen enough.
Send the girls packing.

Oh, you said missile.

We thought you said miss all.

That's what it sounded
like to me.

That's what I heard.

Well, hell,
coming right up.

FOX 2.

Fire, FOX 2.


What else you got,

Tomorrow, you will advance
to stage three of your training.

Now as a squadron,
you are very advanced

and certainly an asset
to this operation.

But, individually,

you are lacking a lot
of combat experience.


Today, your ability
to follow orders

was both disappointing
and embarrassing.

Whether it was one of you
or six of you,

it's still unacceptable.

So with that being said,

none of you
will be flying anything

if you don't start
working together as one.

I suggest you all take
tomorrow off

and find something
you can do together

to set your differences aside
and get along.

You can't fight the enemy

if you're too busy
fighting yourselves.

He did say operation.

What does that mean?

Definitely eliminates
the possibility

of training for new jets.

They can't possibly think
that we're capable of flying

in any type of physical
combative operation.

They have 17,000 pilots
in the service.


And only 700 women.

Six of them are right here.

Would you guys
listen to yourselves?

You're pilots
for the United States Navy,

and if you have a chance
to go down in history

protecting your country,
you do it.

Down in history, yeah.

Down behind enemy lines?

Yeah, I just don't know.

As the United States
plans to meet

with the President
of Xiangyu today,

Kin Huan has tested a rocket
believed to be capable

of mounting
onto the ICBM missile

that he says
"will turn Americans to ashes."

Uh, yeah. Speaking of.

You might wanna reconsider
that statement.

I mean, it's ridiculous.

I don't know how he just
hasn't told them how it is.

We're going to battle.

No one's saying you're wrong
for saying that.

Somebody need
to tell these girls this,

get their mind
in the right place.

But unfortunately, you, I, us,

we don't wear the medals
to make that decision.

I mean, they're out here,
acting all reckless

like it's some damn spring break
freakin' air show.

You can't do that.
This is war, baby.

There's no choreography in war.

That's right.

If that missile wants you,
it's gonna get you.

Or die trying.

If Colonel thought
they weren't good enough,

they wouldn't be here.

Hey, what are we, chopped liver?

You're a nurse, not a pilot.


Big difference.

I'm gonna go talk to him
right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What did you and I
talk about, man?

Remember, remember,
daddy-daughter time.

Go spend your time
with your daughter.

When you come back,
then we'll deal with all this.

- Right.
- Families first.


I'm gonna go hit the showers,
see you guys in a week.

All right.

Good luck.

Let's give them the Raptor.



Let me guess.

They want us
to catch that thing.

Wing Girls, you're clear
to simulate engagement.

Let's paint it.

No joy.
Country, you got it?


I got 'em.

Shit! Lost 'em.

I got 'em, Edge.

Lost 'em. Damn it!

Where'd he go?

If this isn't the shit show
of all shit shows.

Excuse me, Council.
You need to take this.

It's Washington.

Mr. President.

Understood, sir.
Twenty-four hours.

North Kiyung just launched
a long-range missile.

Get them out of the sky,
we attack in 72 hours.

We could use a little more time.

We're not near
close to ready yet.

Well, I suggest
you get them ready.

There is a long-range ICBM
in the air as we speak.

God-willing it's just a test,

but it might not be
the next time.

Now, these girls were your plan.

Break the news to them.

Their next air show
is over North Kiyung.

As you know, we have a situation

that is escalating rather
quickly with North Kiyung,

a threat that needs to be
addressed immediately.

Told you.

The training exercises
you've participated in

over the last few days

were crucial in determining
the success of this mission.

We are confident that each
and every one of you

will be able to provide
the air superiority we need

to keep this country safe

and end this threat immediately.

Ms. Daley?

Gentlemen and ladies,

I'm going to dispense
with the sugarcoating material,

and I'm gonna throw it
all out on the table

as boldly
and as clearly as I can.

Thirty minutes ago,

North Kiyung announced

that they will be
firing missiles at Guama.

We have just learned

that they are now
a nuclear power.

They have repeatedly threatened
our families here at home.

This is unacceptable,

and they must be stopped.

If you are sitting in this room,

you are the answer.

By ignoring this threat,

you are putting your country
in jeopardy

of a nuclear attack.

You are going to be flying
in the most dangerous skies

in the world.

The chances of survival,
on a scale of one to ten,

is a four.

In three days,
you will attack North Kiyung.

- Wait, what?
- Is this really happening?

We do not accept these orders.

Excuse me?

I apologize, Council.

But my squadron is not
a combat squadron.

We were brought here
without a clue

as to why we were being trained
and had I known

that we were gonna be
sent to combat,

I would've refused
from the very beginning.


Lieutenant, we discussed this.

You discussed this
with your team, not us.

I'm sorry, but I'm not
gonna watch my sisters die

in the sky of North Kiyung.

We are a demonstration team,

Not combat.

I'm sorry.

Ballistic missiles
are being - coast

that spy satellites
had detected activity -

What are you doing?

missile has recently...


You should, too.

They're just gonna
suspend us again.

- But I'm not gonna wait.
- So that's it?

You're just gonna
pack up and leave

as soon as your country
needs you?

My husband died flying my wing
over North Kiyung 15 years ago.

I watched him get blown
to pieces before my eyes.

If anyone understands
your fear, I do.

But if I had to go again,
I would.

And he would want me
to protect my country.

Think about what your father
would do and what he would want.

And that's where you'll find
the right answer.

We have some very unfortunate

breaking news out of Washington.

It's coming in right now.

Olson Walter,
the 22-year-old student

that was previously
imprisoned in North Kiyung,

has died at his home
this evening

from the brutal injuries
that he sustained

while being imprisoned.

North Kiyung leader Kin Huan
has released a statement.

He promised
every American citizen

will scream in terror

now that he has an ICBM

capable of reaching Los Angeles,

and possibly even Washington
and New York.

I'm Brooke McKinley.

Please stay with us.
We'll be right back.

All right. Joe Wilson,
live from the Pentagon.

It's always a pleasure
to talk to you. Thank you.

All right. Tensions are still
heating up across the West

as we have just learned
that North Kiyung

launched yet
another test missile.

That's seven missiles total
in the last three weeks.

The Department of Defense
will be joining us shortly

and briefing us
with the latest developments...

Look, if you give me
just a couple hours,

I'm sure I will come up
with something where I can--

Well, I suggest
you think of something

because in approximately
60 hours, we're--

I will protect it.

I'm sorry?

It's one thing
to serve your country.

But when it comes down to it,
will you protect it?

I will.

And I'd like the details
of the operation, sir.

Oh, Colonel.

Hey, um, I'll catch you
in a minute, okay?

Okay. Uh-hmm.

Shouldn't you be
in final briefing?

Can I speak freely with you,

You know, just Kaden to Julian.

Sure. What's up?


I just--

I really wanna make sure

that there's no more
hidden agenda.

I mean, my team doesn't fire
a single shot.

We cross the border,
distract them a little bit,

and Squadron-2 comes in
and does all the dirty work.

We all head home together.

That's it.

Can that be a promise?


you're going into a battle zone.

-I mean--
-I need that promise.


I promise.

Okay. Thank you.

Please forgive me
for what I'm about to do.

Watch over me.

And be my wings.

We're gonna hit them
at sunrise.

The nuclear facility
is buried 60 miles

in the mountains of Baganiya.

In order to get
to this facility,

you'll need to get past

their coastal defenses.

Wing Girls will be leading
this operation

as a distraction team.

You will be referred to
as the Iron Angels.

Stay below 5,000 feet.

Get as close to the coastal line

without being picked up
on radar.

Once you break
the 200-mile mark,

it's gonna become a very
uncomfortable situation

very quickly.

They're going to throw
everything they have at you.

Just do what you do best.

Give them an air show
they've never seen before.

Squadron-2 will punch through

and take out
the nuclear facility.

Once Squadron-2
takes out the facility,

you can pull back to the Sea
of Jafnia, your safe zone.

You'll be in and out 20 minutes.

Make us proud.

That's why
they call them clowns.

Hey, Bells,
What the hell happened?

Well, Washington gave it
the green light.

First wave just left.

Green light?


Tell me Country and her team
are not on that first wave.

What, you want me to lie to you?

Give me airborne now.

Negative. Colonel's got you
on alert, Bells.

I said now.

Attention, aircraft,

this is Falcon Riebach
from the Wing Girls.

You are flying
in restricted airspace,

please identify yourself
or I will take you down.

You're a girl?

Ha-ha-ha, no way, American scum.
Bring it on.

Almost got him
and FOX 2.

Thanks a lot. He got away.

Tss. Nah, he just got scared.

Didn't have to shoot them.

And you still saved the world.

I'm Lieutenant Claymont.

I fly with your mother.

Thanks for your service.

Well, you are definitely
Country's daughter,

that's for sure.

And I would be her father.

Hey, Dad.

What? No salute for me?


Lighten up.
I'm just messing with you.

How can I help you?

Yeah. First of all, I'm sorry.

I guess I--I guess
I should have knocked first.

I actually have
a special package

from Ms. Riebach
for her daughter.

It's a letter and she wanted
to make sure it got to her

as soon as she was airborne.

May I?

Yeah, sure. Go right ahead.

Can I open it now?

Whenever you'd like.

Why don't you go take it

and read it on the bench,

"If I know my little Falcon,

you're probably in the middle
of some important

fighter pilot training

when you were interrupted
with this letter.

You're always training
and preparing for your time

to own the skies.

And one day, you will.

I just wanna let you know
that mommy and daddy

will support you
in whatever you decide

to do with your life."

"Being a fighter pilot
seems really cool

when you're looking up
from below

and watching these machines
fly past.

It is a lot of work.

You are going to come across
many obstacles

and I want you to know
that no matter what you decide,

I will always be proud of you.

In my eyes, you will always be
my little Wing Girl.

Please try to get along
with your father.

He loves you so much.

If you ever need
to talk to mommy,

just look to the sky
and I will be there for you.

Someday, as mother and daughter,
we will chase eagles together."

How you guys doing?

Anyone awake?

Yeah. I'm ready, Captain.

Any pilot that can sleep

before a preemptive strike,

better pilot than me, man.

Huh? Huh?

Sorry, sorry, I was sleeping.

Did you say something
about a preemptive strike?

Oh, splash one by Baby.

Yeah. Okay, Baby,

did you bring
an extra diaper with you?

You're gonna need it.

if you're changing it.

I wanna be a Navy pilot.

How about you, Country?

How your you girls
doing up there?

I'm okay.

A little nervous.

Just enjoying the sounds
of the Indian night-noises.

You're gonna be just fine.

Got any preflight jokes

to bring break the tension
up here, girls?


I honestly can't think
of anything right now.

I just wanna say whatever
happens up here today,

it's been a pleasure
to serve with you, ladies.

I mean it.

Thank you, Baby.
We appreciate that.

Oh, come on,
serve with them?

Met them like three weeks ago.

I'm the one who served
with them.

Not the time
for pickup lines, Baby.

That Mr. Ego
getting overprotective

of the sour candy you wanted?

You got something
to tell us, Ego?

Jealousy is the pain
a man feels

when he is not equally beloved

by the person
whom he entirely loves.

Yeah. Perhaps you'd like
to give the prestrike toast

and share some words
of encouragement.

Stage is yours.

Okay. Awkward.

Okay. Okay.

All I have to say
is I don't know how the hell

I got stuck saving the world
with a bunch of women.

Come on, man.

- But--
- And here we go.

But at least
when all hell breaks loose

and they fail on me,

I'll be okay,

because I'll still have Country

and the Wing Girls
to get me home.

Oh, okay, you got jokes.

And I'm honored
to fly with you.

All right, Angels,
you are weapons-free.

Godspeed, everyone.

It's happening.

All right. Here we go.

- Oh, shit.
- Okay.

Let's not fall apart now.

Remember the plan,
let's ring alarms,

let's do a couple tricks,
and get out of here.

Can we do that, team?

Let's do it.

God, I'm nervous.

Now is not the time
for nerves here.

Time for piloting.

Wiki's, right.

This is the biggest air show

in the world right now.

That's why we're here.

The audience, they're hostile,

and they do wanna shoot you down

to prevent you
from seeing your family again.

So instead of being nervous,

let's get angry
and make these bastards surface.

- Agreed?
- Agreed.

We fly in together,
we fly out together.

That's right.

Wing Girls for life?

Wing Girls for life.

Now let's go save the world.

I don't feel right
being back here, Mooney.

I should be up there with them.

Relax, Ego.

We're only a few minutes
behind them.

Focus on taking out
that nuclear plant.

Let the girls focus
on distracting them.

Hey, there's the shoreline.

Stay alert, eyes up, ladies.

God help us.

It's awfully quiet.

How about I knock on the door

with that old Maverick
and wake them him up?

Radar should
have detected us by now.


I see something.

It does not appear
to be operational.

Welcome to North Kiyung.

Is any of this ancient
military shit operational?

This doesn't feel right.
Something's wrong.

Ever get the feeling like
you're being watched?

Looks like someone's awake.

What is it? What is it?

Anybody see it? Country?

- Negative, no joy.
- I got nothing.

It's gone.

Nothing here.

I think it
was a false alarm, guys.

Sky, - keep ringing detecting
any uglies in the area.

We picked up some
activity momentarily.

Be cautious.

It's an ambush.
Get them out of there, Colonel.

That signals them locking out
of on to their coordinates.

No wonder why
they do so many missile tests.

Shit don't work.

Yeah. I believe they said
we'll be flying in the most

dangerous skies in the world.

Angels, we are picking
up multiple missiles.

- Missile!
- I got incoming!


- We got missiles!
- Guys, look out!

Flares out.



Angel -

I've lost control
of the aircraft.


No one goes to AFLR unless
they're going into combat.

We aren't going anywhere.

Angels, you have
multiple bandits airborne.

Keep them away from the guys
or this mission is a failure.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

And eliminate
those missile sites now.

All right,
son of a bitch, let's go!

I got visual on the MiGS.

Distraction coming up.

Time to burn some gas
and kick some ass.

Angry birds, you need
to get to that objective.

The Angels
have been compromised.

They are holding those
MiGS off momentarily,

but it might not be for long.

Move it.

Sorry, fellas.

I'm going after the girls.

You heard the order, Ego.

We're going to the objective.

Can't do that, Cap.

Those are my girls.

Good luck.


That's it, fellas,
let's bring it over here.

Now that we're face-to-face,

let's do this introduction

This one's for the girls.

On my way.

That's it.

Keep it coming, boys.

Ah, shit.

- A little help up here.
- I'll be right there.

Got three left on me
and one off windows.

I'm taking the shot.

Bandit down.


Mayday, Angel 3, I'm going down.

No, no, no.
Get down, Bear!


I need an update now,
Goddamn it.

Mayday, mayday.

This is Angel 2.
I took a direct hit.

All systems are - Fubar,
and I got a MiG

still on my 6:00.

I'm not gonna make it.

Yes, you are.


I'm right behind you, Edge,
I'm blocking the shot.

You want got to eject.
Get out of there.

I think I can make it
back across the border,

just a little bit longer.

Just got locked.

He's locking me up, Edge.

Almost there, Jeeter.

Just a little bit longer.

Oh, shit. He's firing.

- Hit.
- Jeeter!

Warning. Warning.
Warning. Warning.

- Made it. Made it.
- Eject!

Edge, bad news.

- My hydraulics are down.
- FOX 2.

Clear, Jeeter.
Get the hell out of there.

Eject. Eject!

Edge, do you copy? Edge?

Skykeeper, we have friendlies
down in the hot zone.

I repeat, we have friendlies
down in the hot zone.

I'm currently
assessing the situation.

Standby for orders.

Country, I'm coming to you.

I need you to get a grip.

We're in a lot of danger
right now.

I need you to stay on my wing

and I'm gonna stay on yours.

We can talk about this
and grieve later.

Can we do that?



What the hell did that
bastard just say?

He said,
"Girls can't fly combat."

Believe that shit?

Attention, aircraft.

This is Lieutenant Riebach
from the United States Navy

and I am the last voice
you're gonna hear.

That's my girl.

Let's drop.

I got him.


Nice shot.

Come on.

SAM incoming.

You handle the MiG.

I'll keep the missile busy.

Country, wait.


I got you.

FOX 2.

Bogie down.



Today is not only
an anxiously proud day

for the American people
as the airstrikes against

North Kiyung's nuclear
facilities were successful.

But it is a somber one as well.

Seven of our brave men and women

who selflessly sacrifice

and devote their lives
to keeping us all safe

are reportedly missing
behind enemy lines.

We lower our flag
in the hopes that they are alive

and with the intention
of bringing them home safely.

I'm Julia Dalton.

Stay tuned.

We all head home together.

I promise.

Okay, thank you.

Oh, hey mom.
There you are.

The commander called and said
something about they found Edge.


The doctor will be with you

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Is she okay?
- Calm down.

Please tell me she's okay.

She's home.

That's what's important.

But she, um, she's, um,

she's in a coma, Kaden.



Margo, can you hear me?

This is your father.

I know I haven't been the best
dad in the world to you,

but I promise I'm gonna
make it up to you.

You really need to know
that I care for you

and I love you very, very much.

You're a strong woman.

I know you're gonna
get out of this.


My job as a pilot
for the United States Navy

and a member of this team
is to protect us.

And I will,
even if it means dying.

Can I offer
you guys something to drink?

Some coffee?

Maybe some scotch?

I'm fine.

We're fine. Thank you.

I spoke with
Commander Mosko today.

She said Edge really
hadn't improved too much.

How you doing? Are you okay?

How do you think I'm doing,

Look, Kaden...I know.

- I know that--
- You promised me.

There was no way...

I could have predicted what
was going to happen up there.

No one could have.

I have reason to believe

that a lot of them
are still alive.


This conversation,

it stays right here.

- Yes.
- Captain?

Of course, sir.

The UN uses a channel

what's known as
the New York Channel,

which has been an avenue
of communication

between the US and North Kiyung.

Well, a few days ago,
they made a statement

regarding American prisoners.

Pilots, specifically.

They're alive.

How do we know
they're not bluffing?

Couldn't they just be
saying this to gain

some sort of leverage?

Because they said...

the prison camps have never
smelled so beautiful before.

My girls...

and that son of a bitch.

What's the plan?

We can't just let them sit there know what they do

to Americans in those camps.

Well, unfortunately,
there is no plan.

Not right now, anyways.

We are trying to dissect exactly
what they meant by that comment.

But unfortunately,
the lines went dead

within the last few days.

And after everything
that's happened,

I can assure you...

it's gonna take an act of God

to go back in there again.

It just so happens...

that I am very close with God.

I'm getting them back.