Bullets or Ballots (1936) - full transcript

After Police Captain Dan McLaren becomes police commissioner former detective Johnny Blake knocks him down convincing rackets boss Al Kruger that Blake is sincere in his effort to join the mob. "Buggs" Fenner thinks Blake is a police agent.

What time does
the crime picture start?

Woman: 8:15, in about 3 minutes.

2 loggias.

[Theme music playing]

Narrator: This is
William Kennedy,

bringing you the second
of a series of short pictures

exposing the rackets of America,

the syndicate of crime,

a series of short pictures

presented to the American public
as a warning,

to arouse them against
a growing national menace:

The modern racketeer.

Wait till you see the
actor that takes you off.

1935--the total gold bullion

in the United States'
treasury and mints

was $9.5 billion.

1935--the crime combine
of the racketeers,

entrenched in 88 cities
of over 100,000 population

and reaching into thousands
of surrounding towns,

robbed the American people
of $15 billion,

huge sums
extorted from the businessman,

a steady flood of pennies,
nickels, and dimes

drained from the purses
of the homeowner,

the laborer, and the housewife.

On the east coast,
perishable foods--

a quarter of a cent levied
on every head of lettuce,

a cent on artichokes,

a fraction of a cent
on every type of produce.

When wholesalers refuse
to pay tribute,

the racketeers prevent them
from moving shipments.

Hundreds of carloads
of fresh vegetables

rot on siding.

Across the street
from 100,000 American schools,

attractive games are installed

in stores,
shops, and restaurants,

and in one city alone,

the racketeers harvest
$80,000 a week.

Can you tell us how
many kids there are

in that school over there?


You get much of that trade?

Quite a bit.

How about building it up?

We'll install a nickel game for you.

So they can go
hungry handing you
their lunch money?

Get out of here.

Well, if that's
the way you feel,

we'll only install 3,
and you'll like it.

A home run!
There it goes! Oh...


I can beat that.

You better not spend any more.

Lend me a nickel, will you?

Out of my way.

Narrator: The pacific coast--

a group of restaurants
refused to buy meat

through the racketeers.

They try to buy it direct.

What's the big idea?

Where you taking the load?

Paris cafe.

All right, Joe.

Why, you can't get away with--

sit down!

Nothing like a good
kerosene flavor

on a steak.

You're next.

Narrator: October, 1935--

Al kruger,
a notorious racketeer,

comes up for trial.

He has previously
been arrested 11 times

on charges ranging
from grand larceny

to felonious assault.

Dismissed each time,
he finally faces a jury.

Judge: Be seated.

Have you reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

You may state it to the court.

We find the defendant
not guilty.

[Audience talking indistinctly]

[Bangs gavel]

I wish to state
that your verdict
is one that destroys

the confidence of
law-abiding people

in the integrity and justice
of the American court.

You can leave here
with the knowledge

that you have rendered a blow
at law enforcement

and encouraged those
who violate the law.

They will probably praise you.

I do not.

Jury discharged.

Narrator: And so Kruger
is again given his freedom

and returns to collect his share

of the $200-million plunder

taken each year in his city.

So what?

Entrenched and protected,
the crime combine

strikes swiftly
at those who oppose it.

Ward Bryant, publisher

and leading crusader
against the rackets

receives a telephone
death threat

against himself and his family.

He makes a public reply.

Bryant: I have been ordered

to stop making
the syndicate of crime pictures.

The gentleman who phoned
added, "or else."

For his information,
I shall continue to make them,

and my papers will continue
their present policy

of open attack on racketeers

and the directors
of organized crime,

who are the really dangerous
enemies of society.

His phone call
is only further evidence

that the racketeers
have the American public

pretty well whipped,

when a citizen has to sacrifice
the safety of his family

to ask for security and decency.

These same racketeers
laugh at your laws.

They make a joke of your courts.

They rule by the fear
of their bullets.

They must be smashed
by the power of your ballots.

Let's go.

Who threatened Bryant?

I don't know,
but it's about time

somebody told him to pipe down.

He's been doing
enough yelling
in his papers

without making those pictures.

Ah, he's just racing his motor.

Yeah, well, he's
racing it so loud,

the public's
liable to wake up
one of these days.

The public's been
played for a sucker
so long,

they'll never wake up.

Yeah, but that's
where you and I
think different.

If he keeps on
bringing our names
out in the open,

he can make it plenty hot,

and I'm going to
stop him before
he stops us.

You stick to your milk
and produce business

and leave Bryant alone.

I'm still running
the show, and I say
let him yell.

He can't hurt us
without any evidence,

and he isn't going to get any.

Pick me up here
at the office at 1:00.

Go get yourself
a drink and cool off.


And forget Bryant.



Say, waiter,

some bourbon and ginger ale.

Hi, Herman.

Hello, Eddie.

Hello, Mr. Blake.

Hello, Herman.

I see you got the bad news.


That ought to
cause a lot
of trouble.

Yeah, I shouldn't be surprised.

Probably blow
the lid right off
the city hall.


Oh, excuse me.

Oh, I forgot.
Miss Lee's
waiting for me.

Did you get
a look at that
crowd out there?

I'll say. Boiled shirts
all over the place.

How's your routine, Mary?

Swell. It's in the bag.

Good. How about
your number, Eddie?
Is it clicking?

It will knock
Broadway for a loop.

Never mind Broadway.
Concentrate on the
customers out there.

Now, this is the biggest
play we've ever had
from downtown,

and if our show
gets over, we'll be
packing them in.

So go out there
and give them

Say, we'll have them
right on the floor.

We're having a tough
enough time keeping
the seats filled.

Go on out there.

Come on, kids.

Hello, girls.
Excuse me,
will you?

Hello, miss Lee.

Hello, Herman.

How are the collections?

Just fine.
You really
got something

in this numbers game, miss Lee.

Mr. Heimich says he thinks

it's going to
catch on here
in the Bronx

even better than Harlem.

From the looks
of that money,
I think he's right.

Well, if it keeps
hauling in, you can
quit the cabaret

and move right in
to park Avenue.

I drive a Rolls-Royce swell.

We'll stick to the cabaret.

All right,
but rolls-royces
are better.

Let's see...
Seems to me,

I had something else
I wanted to tell you.

Never mind.
It will come.

Oh, I remember.
I saw Mr. Blake
when I came in.

In the bar.

In the bar?
Was he drinking?


What's happened downtown?

Who, to me?
Nothing. I wasn't
even downtown.

No, not you.
What's happened
on Broadway?

Any extras out?

Oh, yes.
That publisher
was murdered,

the one named, uh...

That explains it.

The name...

Never mind, Herman.
Just sit down and rest.



Thank you.

Man: How are things, Lee?

Lee: Fine, thank you. Hello.

Woman: Hello, Lee.

Come and see the show.

How is the show, Lee?

Go in and see for yourself.

I will.

Hello, Johnny.
Want to go in
and see the show?

No. Uh, sit down a while.

How have you been?


Why didn't you
let me know
you were here?

I was busy
reading this
about Bryant.

Did you know him?

Yeah, a little. Swell fellow.

He had
a swell wife
and kid, too.

Be plenty tough on them.

Wife and kid?


You're a funny fellow, Johnny.

When you come out
of your shell,
you're really human.

Well, I don't like to see

decent people pushed around.

When something big
breaks down there

in your old stamping ground,

it kind of gets
under your skin,
doesn't it?

What makes you think so?

It's the only time
I ever see you
take a drink.

Oh, no. This is
just a celebration.

We found out who stole
Mrs. Blausmeier's

Oh, that must be something.

It was.

Are you on the level?

Why, sure.

Well, that's a fine
finish to a great
police career,

looking for laundry
in the Bronx.

Well, it's
better than being
pensioned off

with the fire horses.

Say, I'm not kidding myself.

I'm no use to them
downtown anymore.

When things like
this happen, they
need you plenty.

You and your whole flying squad

ought to be
back there in action.

Say, they don't
believe in kicking
the rats

into line anymore.

Nowadays, you're supposed to

kiss them and tuck them in.

Your friend Mclaren
seems to think so, too.

Well, he's only a captain.

He takes orders, too.

And you'll go on being loyal

to Mclaren and the department.

Yeah, that's it.

And looking for laundry.

Nice clean job.

Well, someday
Mac will be
back up on top.

Then he won't
have to worry
about me anymore.

Say, I thought
you didn't let mugs

come into this place.

I don't when I know
them. Who's he?

That's crail. I sent
him up to sing sing

a couple of years ago.

Hello, Blake.

Well, I see the parole board

has let you loose
on the public again, huh?

Yeah, no thanks to you.

Well, I see where they cut

the big shot
down to size.

Sure must be tough
not to be able

to kick the boys around anymore

and make them
tip their hats
to you.

Yeah, but they still do.

Ha! To a Bronx flatfoot?


Yeah. As long as I'm
part of the force,

they'll keep on
tipping their hats.

Remember it next time.

I guess I'll go
downtown and see
what's going on.

You haven't lost
your gentle touch,
have you?

I'll see you soon.

Don't hurt your knuckles.

What's the trouble?

Put him under arrest
for destroying property.


Now, come on.

I mean, you're
making it worse.
Come on.

You're sure you saw Fenner
go inside the hotel?

Well, yes, sir.
I didn't pull away

until after he went in.

What time did you leave him?


Could he have had time

to get down to
Bryant's office
by 10:15?

I guess so.

I'm not paying you to guess.

Well, he could have
if he grabbed
a fast car right away

and got a break
with the traffic.

[Knock on door]


Detective Blake to see you.

Send him in.

That's all.
Wait for me.

Yes, sir.

Hello, Al.

How are you, Johnny?

Big night for you, huh?


Secretary and chauffeur
working overtime.

Oh, that happens a lot.

Well, your rackets
must be doing all right.

About 5,000 last week.


Ha ha ha!
I can't count
that high.

Have a chair, Johnny.


I thought you
were homesteading
up in the Bronx.

What are you doing
down in this neck
of the woods?

Oh, just poking
around the old


No, thanks.
I'll smoke a pipe.

What do you think
of Bryant's death?

I was just reading about it.


It's too bad. He was
a nice fellow.

They'll probably try
and hang it on you.

Well, a couple
of the boys
from headquarters

were up here half an hour ago.

They were very nice
about it, though.

Well, that's the trouble
with them. They have to be.

You'd have taken me
around the corner

and rolled up a newspaper.

Yeah, I suppose I would.

But I didn't get much out of you

the last time
I gave you
a going-over.

You came close to it.

I wish I'd known it then.

You'd have got some more.

I wanted to get you on that rap.

Good old days, eh, Johnny?

Yeah. You've traveled
a long way since then.

You would have gone
a long ways, too,

if you'd thrown in with me

the first time I asked you to.

Yeah, I suppose I would.

You would have been a great help

in this business, Johnny.

You know more
about the inside
of this town

than any bird that
ever lived in it.

But if I'd gone in with you,

I'd have done it to nail you.

Oh, no, you wouldn't.

You never double-crossed
anyone in your life,

not even a crook

if he told you something
in confidence.

Sure, you rode
the pants off
of all of us,

but you always
let us know
where you stood.

Well, you've
always known what
I thought of you.

And you're the only fellow
I'd take it from, too.

But I'd still like
to have you throw in
with me, Johnny.

I'll stick with the department.

After all
the kicking around
they've given you?


Well, you're a sucker.

All you'll ever get out of it

is a petty larceny pension.

I could do more
for you in a year

than you can earn
in a lifetime
on the force.

Well, maybe I like
to make my money
the hard way.

Well, I'll probably
still be asking you

10 years from now.

If you live that long.

Ha ha ha!


Blake's the name.

How about getting out of here?

I asked Johnny in here.

And I'm asking him out.
No Bronx detective's

going to hang around
this office.

Listen, Fenner--

never mind, Al.

After he took a swing at me.

I don't think
much of him, either.

See you sometime.

So long, Johnny.

Oh, I forgot to
compliment you, Fenner.

Nice, clean job
you did on Bryant.

What's he talking about?

You know what
he's talking about,

you 10-cent thug.

I told you
to leave Bryant alone.

Yeah, what's
the matter with him?

Fenner, someday
you're going to
get wise

to the fact that
that strong-arm
gangster stuff

went out with prohibition.

You're not running
liquor anymore.

You're in big business.

I pulled you up
out of the gutter,
and you take a chance

on ruining
a $200 million gold mine

to satisfy a grudge.

Well, it's a fine way
to pay me back

for all I've done for you.

Oh, I wouldn't
pay you back
that way, Al.




Yes, Kruger talking.

Yes, sir.
Right away.

The bosses?

They're liable
to knock the props

right out from under me

on account of this Bryant mess.

If they do, it will be
the last thing

that will ever happen to me.

You knew that.

Swell, having to cover you up

to save my own neck.

Who are they, Al?

If you knew, you wouldn't
sleep much tonight.

How are you, gentlemen?

Who did it, Kruger?


I had an idea
that's why
you called me.

Yes, but you
haven't answered
the question.

Now, I wished I knew myself.

Wasn't anyone
in the organization.

Very interesting.

How did you arrive
at that conclusion?

Well, I checked
on them--Driscoll,
Vinci, all of them.

Did you check on Fenner?

Well, yes.
What makes you
pick him out?

Just that he's a little inclined

to that type of work.

No, not anymore.

He's getting too fat
on the profits
to want any trouble.

He was at the hotel.

So of course,
you don't suspect him.

Well, certainly not.

He's been doing
all right, hasn't he,

getting that extra
2 million for you

out of the raise in milk?

Hmm. And did it
occur to you
that Bryant's death

would cause an investigation?

Sure, but I'm not worrying.

There's nothing like
a good investigation

to make the public happy.

This one won't make you happy.

The mayor had a talk
with the governor tonight.

He's convening
an extraordinary grand jury.

What good will that do him?

And thanks to your
letting things get
out of control,

it will cost us
an extra million
dollars this time.

I think you're beginning
to slip, Kruger.

I suggest that you locate

the weak spots
in your organization...Now.

There aren't any.

I'd still look
around, if I were
you, Mr. Kruger,

because if you
make just one more

you're through.

What do you mean, through?

There's just one way
to interpret it.

That's all, Mr. Kruger.

Man: You've been
in the police

for 30 years, captain Mclaren.

Mclaren: 31.

We find that you have
an excellent record

and a fine reputation

for honesty and integrity,

yet you've been very outspoken

against the attempts
of previous commissions

to solve the racket problem.

Why is that?

Are you asking
for a Frank opinion?


I've had that attitude
because half the commissions

were nothing but political sops,

thrown to the public
to keep them quiet.

The other half
did just what they
were supposed to do.

They investigated,
wrote a report on it,

took a swing
at the police department,
and went home.

Their work was of no help?

No. We don't need
investigations and reports.

Every policeman on the force
knows about the rackets.

We know what they are
and how they're worked,

and they'll keep on being worked

as long as the penalty
for running a racket

is no more than
for breaking a bottle
in the street--

a misdemeanor,
30 to 90 days in jail.

What if stronger
laws were passed?

You'll have to go
further than that.

You'll have to wipe out
the corruption behind them.

Does this corruption
reach into the police
department itself?

There have been rumors
of its reaching into
the other grand juries.

That's why they went home.

That's possible.

This one's not going
home, Mclaren.

Then you'd better
make it your job

to find out where
the racket money goes,

who the top men are
that buy protection.

The governor's
taking a crime bill

before the legislature
next week.

It gives this jury
something the others
never had--

complete power
to fight the rackets,

to cut off
their source of revenue

and discharge corrupt officials.

We're recommending
the appointment
of a police commissioner

who will be given
the same power.

Will that help to wipe them out?


Would you accept the post?

Police commissioner?

With our complete backing.

Yes, on one condition.

What is it?

That I have
your full support
in anything I do

without having to
explain it or answer
to you for it.

That's a large condition.

And a necessary one.
Plans are no good

when they leak ahead of time,

and I have seen
some leaks in high places.

If those terms are satisfactory,

you can let me know.
And thank you
for considering me.

We don't care
to waste time.
We accept,

and we'll recommend
your appointment
at once.

Will you be ready
to take charge?

Yes, I will.

Patrolmen Jack Owens,

Raymond Keeler, Alfred Quinn,

Frank Rader, Richard Philips,

Edward lynch...

Paperboy: Police
department cleanup!

Read all about it!
Police department cleanup!

Extra! Paper, mister?
Extra! Paper?

Hey, Garber.


Didn't you forget something?


Hi, boys. Hello.

All: Hello, Johnny.

Hi, boys.

Hi, Johnny.

Say, you better get
these loafers working, Kelly,

or Mclaren will swing
his ax at them.

Hey, Johnny.


What's on your mind?

I've got some bad news for you.


You were washed out
this morning.

Hey, what are you doing,
framing up on me?

No, I'm on the level, Johnny.


Well, where's the discharge?

They sent it up
from headquarters.

Ha. Inefficiency.

It's a rotten deal

for Mclaren to give
a man with your record.

I thought he was
a friend of yours.


Good news, miss Lee.

Mr. Slasser sold
more numbers

than any day before.

How many?

I forgot to ask him. Why?

Never mind.
How much have
you got there?

2,180. No. Uh, 2,800 and, uh...

Let me see the slip.

Mmm, did Slasser do this adding?

No. I did.

That's just what I thought.

How much is 7 and 4?

Which ones? 10.

Perfect. Now, suppose
you just collect

and let Slasser do the adding.

It would make it
a lot easier
that way.

How much
did you make
in Harlem today?

I don't know yet.
Nellie hasn't come in.

There was something
I wanted to tell you
about Mr. Blake.

It was important, too.

So you forgot?

Oh, I'll
remember it. I got
so much on my mind.

Yes, I know.
Well, before you forget,

put the money
in the safe, will you?

I know it was something,

I won't rest until
I think what it is.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Hello, Nellie.

Hello, miss Lee!

That's all.

If this keeps up,
you're going to be rich.

$4,500 yesterday, miss Lee.

And the game
is spreading
all over Harlem.

The boys all around
the pool halls

are spending
their money
on the numbers

instead of dice.

And when
a colored boy
stops crapshooting,

that's something.

Rose, how many times
have I told you

not to use this
on miss Lee's hair?

You ain't putting
the wave in the hair
right, either.

Give me that comb.

Shoo! Get on out of here.

These no-account girls.

You can't learn them nothing.

Honestly, miss Lee,
you ought to let me
come back

and take care of you.

No, Nellie.
You've graduated.

You keep on managing
the Harlem end.

You thought of this game,

and you're the one
that deserves to
get rich from it.

Sometimes I wish
I hadn't thought
of it.

Madame Nellie LaFleur. Phooey.

7...And 4...

And 18.

[Telephone rings]

Who is it?

He isn't here.

Who did they want?


That's you.


He hung up.

How many had
the winning number
yesterday, Nellie?





I've been writing
my preacher's
auto license number,

and it showed.

People will think
you're cheating.

I didn't tell anyone.

Oh, miss Lee, I remember

what I had to tell you.


Mr. Blake got fired
from the police
force last night.

Somebody's kidding you.

No, it's true.

Lee: Hello, Johnny.

How are you, Lee?

Say, I never
thought you'd
get over this way.

Well, what are we going to do,

stand here
and swing on the door?

Why, no. Come on in.

Say, what are you
in an uproar about?

Herman said you got fired.

Yeah, that's right.

Sit down. Make
yourself comfortable.

Who did it?


And you're
the one that was
always telling me

when Mclaren got to the top,

everything would be
just fine and dandy.

Well, I was wrong.

Well, it's time you
got wise to yourself.

Around this town,
the only reason friends
pat you on the back

is to find an easy place
to break it.


You're a friend, aren't you?

Well, I guess you're
dumb enough to think so.

No, no.
I'm not dumb.

You like me pretty well.

Well, that goes both ways.

If women
and home life
had been in my line,

I'd have fallen for
you a long time ago.

That would have been
kind of nice, wouldn't it?


Until you went crazy

being married
to a man who
was never home.

Sort of wondering
if it was
an optical illusion.


It isn't in the cards.

And you can't
beat the cards, can you?


Johnny, I suppose you

didn't get enough salary
to save much, did you?

Oh, I'll get along.

I suppose you'll be
looking for another job.


I was wondering if you'd
like to come in with me

and help me
run the numbers game.

Say, you've got
all the help
you need.

I won't have.
It's getting bigger
all the time.

Some weeks it takes in
from 10,000 to 12,000.

12,000? In that penny-ante game?


Well, last time
you told me
about it,

you were getting
nickels and dimes.

I know. But they're
crazy about it in Harlem,

and now it's going over
in the Bronx.

I wish you'd come in
and help me run it,

You'd make a swell job
of building it up.

You'd make
a lot of money
for both of us.

Hey, you're pretty regular, Lee.

You'll do it?

No, not a chance.

See, any money I'd
make would be coming
out of your pocket,

and I don't take
any money away
from women.

Not me.

Well, I thought I'd
tell you about it anyway.

Well, thanks, just the same.

I'm sorry you got
kicked out, Johnny.

It's going to be kind of tough

to start into
a new game after
all these years.

Yeah, I suppose so.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to take in the fights.

They got a good card on tonight.

Don't hurt your knuckles.

[Car horn honking]

Hello, Johnny.

I just wanted
to thank you for
the kick in the teeth.

Would you
prefer charges,

No. Just
throw him out
in the street.

Come on.

See where Blake goes.

Ok, boss.

This is it, boss.

Mind if I sit down
and have a drink?

It's waiting for you.

Oh, you knew I was coming.

I had a good idea

from the way your man
out there was tagging me.

You don't miss much, do you?

It's a habit.

How was the main event?

Ah, they should have
had you in the ring.

That was a sweet punch, Johnny.

Well, he had it coming to him.

You're finally washed-up, eh?

Yeah. Plenty.

And a lot of thanks
you got from Mclaren
and the public.

Yeah, not even that
petty larceny pension
you were talking about.

From now on I'm going
to see what it's like

looking out for number one.

Well, that offer's still good.

I'd like to have you in with me.

Doing what?

I got a hunch
we're going to
have some trouble,

with Mclaren
and that jury
on a tear.

If there are
any weak spots
in the organization,

I've got to find them now,

and you'd be
the first one
to spot them.

I want you
to look over
the whole setup,

and the only one
you'll have
to answer to is me.

You've got a lot
of confidence in me.

Why, I've heard
guys that you've
sent to prison

say that if you
ever made a deal,

you'd see yourself
dead before
you'd go back on it.

How about it?

All right, Al.

[Door opens]

Oh, where you been?

I just heard about Blake.


Yeah. I understand
he's moving in on us.

That's right.

You're having him
check up on us, eh?

Right again.
Any objections?

Yeah, well, I'm running
the milk and produce end.
You keep him away from it.

Why? You
got something
to cover up?


Well, that's good
because he's
going to check up

on your outfit
along with
all the rest,

whether you
like it or not.
If he oks it,

all the cracking
down Mclaren can do
won't hurt us.

Suppose Mr. Blake
double-crosses us.

You've got him wrong, Nick.

Yeah? Well, he's
still a cop to me.

Well, if it makes
you happy, you keep
right on thinking so.

Are you coming down
to the garage tonight?

No. I suppose
you're going to
take him there, too.

That's the idea.

You know,
that hat on the bed
might be bad luck.

For you or for me?

Blake gone yet?

He just went out with Al.

He's got
room 318 upstairs.
Get going.


You go down to
the garage and tail him
when he leaves there.

I want to know every
move he makes. Check
all the phone calls

and get as much
dope as you can.
Go on. Snap to it.



This place used
to store bootlegged liquor.

I raided it once.

I sat in
the building
across the street

and watched you.

Second-floor window.
I saw you.

You'll be surprised
at the change.

[Chuckles softly]

No. This way.



He's the guy.


Hi, Blake.

How are you, Blake?


Threw away your club, did you?

Well, I don't
need one working
with you fellows, do I?

Are you through?



Oh, we don't believe
in letting the banks
handle our records.

Yeah, I noticed that.

All the cash
and business money
is handled right here.

So, most of the business
is cash?

Yeah. All except
a few of our regular

How much, vinci?

Come on.


What's the matter?

Aren't they collecting anymore?

Fellas on
the east side didn't
do so good this week.

Johnny, you better give

loan sharks
the once-over.


He won't give
my outfit the once-over.
Keep him away from it.

What are you afraid of?

I don't like the way
your face is fastened on.

Well, I'll be down
tomorrow morning.

Give you a chance to change it.

That's calling him, Blake.

Cut out the squawking, Louie.

He's in here to help us.

How's this for good news?


Not bad for one week's take
on pinball games.

I wouldn't cry about it.

of opening
a bank account?

That's right.

What do you think
I joined this outfit for?

I've been talking
to some of the other
fellas about you.

Yeah? Well, what
have you decided?

Al is sold on you
and wants you in.
That's ok with us.

We're glad
to have you around,
but we like proof.

We're expecting
some real help from you.

You're going to get it.

If you fail us, we'd
be awfully disappointed.

I can imagine.

Hello, Wires.

Oh, hello, Mr. Blake.

I guess
that kind of stuff
is out from now on.

Yeah. I'm sick of it myself.

Have a cigarette?


What are you doing these days?

Oh, I'm working
for Fenner.
Produce business.

Yeah? Gave up the old
wiretapping game, huh?

Oh, sure. There's
no money in that.


Well, I'm glad to see
you're doing so well.

See you again.

Thanks, Mr. Blake.

He just came in.


He's whistling. It works great.

[Knock on door]

What's happened, mister?

Anything wrong?

Oh, it just went off
by accident.

What's the matter?

Did you hurt your ears?

[Police sirens]

Policeman: All right.
Out of the way, kids.

Come on, boys.
Move them out.


Come on. Get out.

All right, boys.
Push it in.

First it was
my loan shark racket.
Now $200,000 in jewelry.

You ain't
getting it any worse
than the others.

Looks phony to me.
Those cops couldn't
have found those hideouts

without being tipped off.

Yeah. And it
all happened
since Blake got in.

[Men yelling]

Man: Get that truck unloaded

and get it out of here.

Hey, what's going on here?

Mclaren: Glad you
dropped in, Fenner.

What are you trying to pull?

We're changing
things around so
the honest produce men

will have a chance
to do some business.

I'm running a legal
wholesale business
here, Mclaren.

You can't close this plant.

Why not?

You going to call them off,

or have I got to get
a restraining order
to make you?

Go get your
restraining orders
and injunctions

and anything else you need.

The police used to
waste a lot of time
getting them

trying to stop you.
From now on
we act first.

We'll let you
waste your time
getting them.

Maybe you can stop us.

And don't forget to tell Kruger.

That flatfoot.

Yeah, if he wants
trouble, I'll give
him plenty of it.

Get Chamberlain
on the phone.

I don't care where
he is. I said, get
him on the phone!

Better forget
about the lawyers
and locate Al.

And Mr. Blake, too.
I want to ask him
a few questions.

Hello, Chamberlain?

You'll have to move that car.

I'm waiting.

You've been here for
over an hour. Move on.

Forget it.
This car belongs
to Al kruger.

Hello, Donlan.

Say, what's the idea
of the ticket?

Afraid Mclaren
will fire you if you
don't get rid of him?

Nope. He's already
weeded out all the rats.

Leave him alone, Johnny.

Woman: Oh!

Come on. Get up
and learn to keep
your mouth shut.

Woman: Stop him.

Stop him.

Call the wagon.

Someday you'll learn
that you can't be
pulling that stuff.

Yeah? Well, someday
I'll run into you

when you haven't got
the cavalry around.

Call your lawyer, Al.

Solitary, huh?

Yes, sir.
Nice and private.
All for yourself.


Hello, Mac.

How are you, Johnny?

How's the jaw?


How did you get here
ahead of me?

Oh, Donlan phoned
you were on the way over.

Did he get hurt
going off the horse?

No. But your punches
messed him up.

You ought to learn
to pull them, Johnny.

Well, they'd look phony.

We've been watching
Fenner's men.

They've had you covered
every minute.

Yes. One of them
followed me here.


Here's some more
stuff to work on.


Yeah. The sooner the better.

You're getting them
worried, Mac.

Have you found out
who bosses Kruger?

No. All I know is
there is somebody
higher up,

and he controls everything.

If we can nail that bird,

the whole works
will fold up
from the inside.

Does Fenner know who it is?

No. Nobody except Kruger.

Do you think you'll
be able to get it
out of him?

Oh, no.

Now, Fenner
is Kruger's
number-one man.

If anything happens to Kruger--

and I'm going to see
that it does--
Fenner moves up,

but I'm not going to let him

because I'm going
to step into
Mr. Fenner's shoes.


I don't know yet.

Is that all you got to tell me?

Well, that's all for now,

except keep on smashing them

as fast as you
get my instructions.

When the break
comes, I'll know
what to do.

In the meantime,
you've got
to play the cards

the way I deal them, Mac.

Only one thing tough about it.

What's that?

Kruger. Oh,
he's a rat as much
as the rest of them.

He'd knock me off
in a minute
if he found out.

But I'll hate to cross him.

Because you haven't
given him an even break.

Yeah, that's right.

I haven't given you one, Johnny.

We had another man on the force

that tried to smash that mob.

They didn't kill him.

They threw acid in his face.

His headlights
don't burn anymore.

I handed you
a rotten job, Johnny.

Ah, forget it, Mac.

I asked for it, didn't I?

All I know is handling mugs.

I'd have taken
the job if I had
to ride a horse

or hand out traffic tickets.

[Knock on door]

Kruger's lawyer
is in the office
with a writ for you.

All right.

Take care of yourself, Johnny.


As soon as I'm set,
I'll let you know.

In the meantime,
keep hammering,
especially Fenner.

Blake. Nobody else but Blake.

Nobody touched us
till you brought Blake
into the outfit.

You think I'm a sap?

We're talking about Blake.

So am I.

I gave the guy a break.

If he's double-crossing me--

[intercom buzzes]


Send him in.

Thanks for
the fast legal service, Al.

Hello, stool pigeon.

Say, what is this, a wake?

It might be.

Johnny: Nice picture of Mclaren.

The boys think
you're working
for him.

I'm wondering.

I'm not.

I suppose
your bird dog told you.

I mean that thing
you've had trailing me

since I've been in the outfit.

What have you got to say?

Sure, Al. They're right.

I just sold you
right down the river.

Yeah. The cops said
they were sorry they
kicked me off the force.

Mclaren sent me
a basket of flowers for
hitting him in the jaw.

Yeah, said if
I wanted to come back,

he'd give me
the whole Bronx
to wander around in.

I wouldn't clown, Johnny.

Finally got wise to you.

You're through.

Oh, no.
I'm just starting.


I don't like guys
who put their hands on me.

Let's keep this
a business meeting.

Start talking.

I went to work
for you, Al, because
you wanted help.

I didn't come to you.
You came to me.

So you think I crossed you, huh?

Well, I couldn't
get a dime a dozen

if I handed this whole mob
over to the coppers,

and you know it.

I can see now
why you needed help,

and you need lots of it.

You going to let him
talk his way out?

Shut up.
Keep talking.

Keep on talking.

I've never seen it fail.

Whenever mugs get into a jam,

the first thing they do
is they start knifing
each other.

Yeah, I thought you
were smart, Al.

Have you got
anything to suggest?

Let Mclaren have his fun.
You can't stop him. As soon
as he's made a showing,

the grand jury will fold up
right under his nose

and leave him
without any backing.

They always do.
You know that.

we sit back
and wind up broke.

No. But go to work.

Stop playing cops and robbers.

Quit tapping telephone Wires.

Spend your time
building up new rackets

so then when Mclaren
comes up for air, he'll
find a dozen more going.

Just pull them
right out
of the hat, eh?

I suppose you've got one.

Yes, I've got one.

Just talking about a new racket.

Johnny: What's the odds
against picking
the right number

from one to 1,000?

Why, 1,000 to one.

That's right.
And the payoff
is 600 for one...

If anybody
picks the right number.

Now, here.

Now, a lot of people
will try and pick that
every day

if $1.00 would win them 600.

What are you trying to sell us,

the penny-ante game
Lee Morgan is running

up in the Bronx and Harlem?

Well, it's so penny-ante
that she's cleaning up
12,000 a week

just around
a few neighborhood stores,

and most of the bets
are dimes and nickels.

7 million people in
this town, and all of them
looking for easy money.

You just offer them 600 for one,

and this thing will spread
like a 4-alarm fire,

and they won't be buying
one number. They'll
be picking 4 or 5.

But if you want to control
the winning number,

you can pay off
on racetrack bets
and manipulate the totals.

All it needs is organization.

Get a million people
in this town buying numbers,

and this one racket
will clean up
300 million a year.

Why, it's a cinch.
It's easy.

You boys better beat it.

Mr. Blake and me
want to
talk over

a little business.

Come on, now.

Give him a chance
to get this thing set up.

Man: You going to
call another meeting
or something, boss?

Tell you all about it
at the next meeting. Sure.

See you later, boss.

Kruger: Everything's
going to be all right.

Man: Call us later, ok?

You bet. You bet.

Sit down, Johnny.


Let's go to work...

What makes you think
we're going to retire?

Man: Because there
ain't gonna be
any room for you.

Our company's
a numbers game

all over the city,
and that
lets you out.

Lets us out, nothing!

I started this game
here, and I'm going
to keep it going,

and so is miss Lee.

You and no other
gunman's going to
tell us what to do.

Second man:
You have us wrong, sister.

We're businessmen.
We don't carry guns.

Oh, you don't?

No. We're just telling you.

Well, then I'm afraid
we'll have to ask
Timothy about it.

Yes, ma'am.

Nellie: Timothy.


Throw those gentlemen
out on their ears.

They took the money
away from me--

the numbers money,
the bag, everything.

Who did?

I don't know. Some
men. They stopped
me on the street

and told me
to keep my face
out of there.

They said
I couldn't even make
collections anymore.

They did, did they?

What are you going to do?

I'm going to tell
Johnny Blake about it.

He'll run those mugs off
the 93rd street dock.

I guess I'll go upstairs
and turn in.

You did all right
tonight, Johnny.

Hey, has Fenner come in yet?

He's in the coffee shop.

Hey, where
did you get
that shiner?

An oversized bouncer
up at the Bronx.

What were
you doing up
in the Bronx?

Taking the numbers game
over for Fenner.

We were doing all right
until we tangled
with this Morgan dame.

Have a seat.

Just where did you get the idea

you were going
to take over the
numbers game?

I have taken it over.
By tomorrow,
it'll be in the bag.

You're going to
keep your hands off.

I'm going to run
that game, Fenner.

Since when did you
get to be a big shot
in this outfit?


You ain't got a crew
to do any organizing.

Well, I will have from now on.

He's working for me
just the same as you are.

I didn't give you
any orders to take over.

He's to have it, eh?

That's right.

I used to be
number-one man
around here, Al.

You're kind of kicking me
downgrade, ain't you?

You'll still be number-one man

if you quit
stepping out of line.

So you call this
stepping out of line, eh?

This, and a publisher
named Bryant.

Thanks, Al.


Yeah, there's another thing

we might just as
well get straight.

Lee Morgan started this game.

She's going to keep on getting

a small-time break
or part of it.

When this outfit
takes anything over,
it takes it all.

If you're going
to run it, you're
going to run it right.


Take it easy.

Louie, call it off.

I said, call it off.

I understand
John Blake lives here.

That's correct.

I'd like to see him.

What's your name, please?

Lee Morgan.

I'll try his room.

Mr. John Blake, please.

Right. I'm sorry.
He doesn't answer.

Are you looking
for Johnny Blake?

Yes, I am.

My name's Nick Fenner.
Maybe I can help.

Well, I've got to find him.

You're Lee Morgan.


You run a numbers game
up in the Bronx.

So what?

I hear they started
running you out tonight.

they won't get
away with it.

It's a dirty trick.

I don't blame you
for gunning for Blake.

Gunning for him?

He's the one
that's taking it away.

That's a lie.

He's grabbing it
to put himself
in strong with Al kruger.

Go and ask him.
He's in the coffee shop.

Oh, hello, Lee.

are you taking
the numbers game?



Well, I can't tell you.

And I tried to
take you in with me.

It sort of turned out better

to toss it
to the wolves,
didn't it?

Well, I thought they'd
let you keep on running
your end of it.

I guess that wasn't poetry

about friends
finding an easy place
to break your back.

Eh, give me 7-0-42.

I know I'm going to win today.

Yeah, sure.

I tell my wife
this morning, I got
luck today, all right.

Ha ha!

One buck on 7-7-7.

Shootin' the works, ain't you?

I just took 3 blondes
to the seventh floor.
See you later.

8-11. 301 on 9-87.

$10 on each of them.

I'll be around in the morning

with a clothes basket
to collect.


[Crowd cheering]

Oh, no such luck.

What is it?

5-0-8 won.

Oh, that's my number!
I won!


Now I'll get that fur coat.

That's better
than putting it
in bank accounts.

If the tax boys find out
how much you got,

they're liable to wonder
where it comes from.

Yeah. Looks like
I'd have to hire
another box.

Looks like you'd have
to hire about 10,

the way those numbers
keep paying off.

You want to send some
into Canada.

Is that what you do?

Yeah. It might be
convenient sometime.

Well, you and
the bosses must have
had to hire a vault.

I don't know what
they do with it, but
they're not complaining.

how about meeting
them sometime, huh?

Not a chance.

I'm the only one
who knows who they are,

and I gather they
want it to stay that way.

I guess you can't
blame them for that.


Hey, uh...

What would
happen, though,
if you got lost?

They'd just pick
somebody else
and keep on going.

Fenner, I suppose.

No. I think it'd be you.


They think you're
the best man I've got.

They do, huh?

But you wouldn't
want it, Johnny.

It's a top job, all right,

but it's the last one
a guy ever holds.

There's only one way out.

Yeah. That's the payoff
for helping them, huh?

But you don't have
to worry about getting it.

I'm not going to get lost.

You better keep your eyes open.

The boys are getting restless

about Mclaren
still hammering
their rackets.

He'll be washed up pretty soon.

Oh, yeah.

How are you, Mr. Hollister?

Oh, Blake.
I didn't recognize you.

Well, I guess it's
been about 5 years.

All of that.

Oh, Mr. Kruger, Mr. Hollister.

Mr. Kruger.

How do you do?

I read that you left
the police department.

You seem to be doing all right.

Have you had any more holdups?

No, no. I lost
some jewelry
a few years ago,

and it only took Blake
about 6 hours
to recover it.

Kruger: Nobody
was better on
that kind of a job.

Well, I wish I'd known
when you quit.

I'd like to
have had you in
the banking business.

Oh, there isn't
enough money in it.

I'm glad to have
seen you again,

Thank you.

Good-bye, Mr. Kruger.


Swell fella. Yeah.

Hello, Mac.

I'm ready to go.
Grab Kruger right away.

I can't cover
an arrest like that.

But you've got him.
Put him where nobody
can get at him.

Well, what are you
going to do, Johnny?

I got no time
to answer questions.

Wait a minute.
That's not all.

Crack down on
Fenner's milk outfit.

Break it up, smash it.

This is the last move.
Ok. You'll hear more
from me.

Yeah, what's up?

They just knocked over
your milk outfit.

Yeah? Which plant?

All of them.
They even raided
the Brooklyn place

and grabbed all the trucks,
and that's all we got left.

If we don't do something
about it, we're going
to be washed up.

What's Al doing about it?

Nothing. He's going
to let it ride, like
he does everything else.

Yeah, but the numbers
game's paying
off big dough.

Sure. It's going to keep
on paying off, as far
as he's concerned.

Where is he?

He's checking up
with the racetrack boys.

Listen, Nick.
I'm going with you.

Get out of that car!

[Revs engine]

Where's all this protection

you were supposed to give us?

You're not
beginning to coast
on the profits

from the numbers
game, are you, Al...

Letting the rest
of us hold the bag?

I'm taking orders
just the same as you are.

When the right ones come,
I'll pass them along to you.

Until then, you keep
your noses out of this.

We were just wondering.

All right. I'll see you
a week from Thursday.


Hello, Nick.

What's eating you?

I'm starting to take over
the numbers game.


[Door opens]

Are you at it again?

It ain't a very big one.

If Mike catches you
back there, he'll
crown you.

Yeah, but he isn't here.

Oh, look what happened.

Hello, Lee.


Pretty soon you'll start
coming around here
in the mornings.

Beat it.

Who, me?


I wouldn't stay.

He's no good, miss Lee.

She knows it.

So do I.

A lot of news there.

Who did it?

We're trying to find out.

I thought he was
a friend of yours.

He was.

You don't seem
very upset about it.

There's no use crying
if the dice happen
to fall that way.

Do you want to go back
in the numbers game?

What are you
trying to do--
kid me?

You started this racket.

You ought to have a share in it.

I suppose Mr. Blake
will let me have it.

He'll have nothing
to say about it.

I'm running things from now on.

If you want the Bronx
and Harlem districts,
they're yours.

If you need protection,
you'll get it.

You don't trust me.

I don't trust anybody.

Neither do I.

We ought to work fine together.

How about it?

You're going to
take it away
from Blake?


Go ahead and take it.

The numbers game.

We'll find out who got Al
sooner or later,

but we ain't got
any time to start
worrying about that now.

The question is, do I
run this business
from now on or don't I?

Well, that's all right with us,

but the bosses may have
something to say about it
if we ever hear from them.

I'll take care of that.

Why wasn't Blake
asked in on this meeting?

Because he ain't
gonna have so much
to say from now on.

He's the one that sold Al

on sitting back
and waiting for
Mclaren to run down.

Well, it didn't
work out that way.

I'm going to put
the rackets back
in full swing,

even if
it means trouble
with Mclaren.

Hi, Mike.

Hi, Johnny.

Bill. Hello, Lambert.


Driscoll: Hiya, Blake.

I'm sorry I'm late.
Say, what is this--
an election?

It's already been held.

And you're it.

Any objections?

A few.

Yeah? What's the first one?

The job was given to me.


The bosses called me in
2 hours after the news broke.

You expect us to believe that?

Well, I told them
you might have a few doubts,

but I couldn't persuade them
to come down here and prove it.

Who are they?

Kruger tell you?


So I think I'll
keep on sitting
in the driver's seat

till I hear from
them personally.

Ooh, sit anywhere you want to,

but don't try and stop me
from carrying out orders.

Got orders and everything, eh?


I'm to take charge
of their money

and have it over to them
by 10:00 tomorrow night.

Or keep it yourself,
and no one will
know the difference.

Say, the numbers business
is doing all right, Lambert.

I don't have to
chisel in on yours.

Half the money I take to them
will me mine anyway.

Well, what do you say?

Do I take charge of their split,

or have you
some other suggestion?

None that I can
think of right now.

All right, then.

We meet in the garage
tomorrow night at 6:00.

Ok, Johnny.

[Men talking all at once]

[Telephone rings]


This is John Blake.

The oceanic bank, Mr. Blake.

Mr. Hollister asked me
to call you

and ask if you could
drop over and have
a little talk with him.

I believe it's concerning
your checking account.

What's the matter?
Is it overdrawn?

I don't know,
but Mr. Hollister
considered it important.

He'd appreciate it very much.

Tell him I'll be right over.

Mr. Blake.

Will you go right in?

Thank you.

Hello, Blake.

Well, didn't expect
to see you again
so soon.

Neither did I.

Mr. Thorndyke, Mr. Blake.

Thorndyke: How do you do?

How are you?

Mr. Caldwell.

How do you do?

How are you?

Hey, did it take a board meeting

and an ex-government official
to go over my account?

Nothing wrong
with your account,

We want to know why
you tried to take over
Kruger's job.

You're the heads, huh?

Thorndyke: Yes.

Well, no wonder
the organization has
been so well-protected.

Why did you try
to take over
the job?

I didn't try and take it over.
I took it over.

Did you think we might object?

Well, why should you?

I've proven to you
that I can run it better
than anyone else.

Fenner isn't any good.

Yes, you've given us
quite a nice bit
of revenue.

Well, I've given you
more than any four
of them put together,

and you'll keep on getting it,

provided you give me
a few breaks.

You know,
I'm not in this for fun.

Hollister: Satisfied?


Thorndyke: Blake,
the job is yours.

Thanks. You're not
making any mistake.

Incidentally, Mr. Blake,

you are the only
one who will
know who we are.

I understand that.

And the first thing
we want you to do

is to collect our,
in the garage tonight

and bring them here.

I've already made arrangements
about collecting them.


Will it be all right
if I'm here at 10:00?

Uh, yes, yes.

Hollister: Well,
before we go into
detailed instructions,

I suggest we all
have a drink to
Mr. Blake's success.

Thorndyke: That's a good idea.

Hollister: How about it?

Well, it will taste pretty good.

Ha ha ha!

You're making a mistake
by not telling the public
what you're doing, Mclaren.

The papers
are beginning
to blast at you. Let them.

But you haven't
discovered a thing
on Kruger's death.

Not so far.

What are you doing
to investigate it?

I don't care to say.

I'll be perfectly
Frank with you.

The jury is fed up
they way you've kept
them in the dark.

Those were the terms
when I took the job.

And we expected you
to deliver, but you're
getting nowhere.

I know that you've
broken up a few rackets,

but you haven't gotten
the men that we want,

and if we don't get them,
they're going to get us.

A lot of pressure is
being brought to bear
to have us discharged.

If that happens,
all our work will
have gone for nothing.

I think you'll have
some action soon.

I hope so.

If something doesn't break
within the next 2 weeks,

you're going to be let out.

Thanks for telling me.

Did you want to see me?


Have these
40 men here 3:00
this afternoon.

Tell them
to be ready for
24-hour duty.

Things are getting warm, eh?


Got your figures, Driscoll?

Yeah. 28,400.

Yeah, that's pretty bad.

I'll say it is.

First time I was here,
it was about 170,000.

Won't stay this way very long.


Aren't you going
to wait for Nick?

No, I, um...I'll get
his figures later.


I'll see you at the hotel.


All set to take them
the money, eh?

Yeah. Shall I give
them your regards?

That's a lot of dough
to go southward, Blake.

If I ever find out
you don't know them, I'm
going to drop in on you.

Yeah, like you did on Kruger.

I'll be looking for you.

[Alarm rings]

Man: Hey, let's beat it, boys.

[Talking all at once]

Hey, you.
Throw me that bag.

Burn those papers.


Let that silver go.
Come on. Let's get out of here!

Policeman: Stick 'em up!

Stick 'em up!

Stick 'em up!

Policeman: Outside. Come on.

Come on.

There. Here it is.

That's it.

Policeman: Come on, now.

Come on.

[Door opens]

Everybody get out?

None of them got away.

They found a back entrance.

You mean, Blake told them.


I saw him signal the cops.

Don't kid yourself
he doesn't know
who the bosses are.

He wouldn't have
pulled this raid

unless he was ready
to clamp down
on them, too.

He said he was going
to see them at 10:00,

and I can't warn them
because I don't know
who they are.

That makes it great for him.

I've got to get him
before he gets to them.

Yeah, if you can find him.

I've got Wires
tailing him.
I'll find him.

You hear from Blake?

No, and he's 5 minutes late.

I'd feel a lot better
if we got Fenner.

Are the men stationed?





Where are you?

1124 18th street.
Did you get everyone
at the garage?

All except Fenner.
We couldn't
find him.

Did you get the serial numbers?

Yes. The job's almost
washed up, Johnny.

If we can grab them
with the money that
matches those numbers,

it's an airtight case.

They'll get it at 10:00 sharp.

I'm leaving here
at a quarter of.

Yeah, and don't
make a move
till I come out.

One phony sign,
you'll be out of luck.

I won't...

But I'm still
worried about Fenner.

Oh, forget it, Mac.

We'll be having a beer at 10:30.


Man: So he said,
"my word, the warden's
betrayed me."

Pardon me.
You're wanted
on the telephone.

Excuse me.



Has Mr. Fenner
been there this evening?

Oh, this is Mr. Kagal speaking.

Well, when he comes in,
will you please tell him
that Mr. Blake phoned.

He wants to see him.
It's very important.

He's at 1124 east 18th street.

Yes, I'll tell him.


Pardon me, but Mr. Fenner
wants to see you.

Where is he?

In the office.

[Door closes]

the idea, coming
in the back way?

The cops are after me.

Do you know any places
that Blake might be
using for a hideout?

Yes. He's at 1124
east 18th street.

He says he wants to see you.

How do you know?

Well, someone
by the name
of Kagal phoned.

Why? What's happened?

It's nothing except
that Blake's done what
I always said he'd do.

He's put the whole crowd
in the spot for Mclaren.
They're under arrest.

He's working with the police?

He's been working
with them all the way,

and I'm going to pay him off.

There's no telephone listed
at 1124 east 18th.

Well, there is
a phone there, and I've
got to find the number.

There's no number
listed at that address.

It must be
a confidential
number. I'm sorry.


Are you all right, Johnny?


Has Fenner been here?

He's in there on the floor.

Say, drive me over
to wall and 24th.

Don't you want to go uptown?

No, I've got some business.

I was afraid
he was going
to kill you.

Well, how did you know about it?

I told him where you were.


I didn't know
what he was
going to do

till he told me
you were back

with the police again.

You know that, huh?

Oh, I feel like
such a heel, Johnny.

And after the way
I talked to you
that night

in the hotel.

Oh, you didn't know.
Forget it.

I tried to be sore,

but it seemed
so funny not
seeing you around.

You're all through
with that, though,

aren't you, Johnny?


I'm so glad.

Now you can go
back on the force,

maybe in the Broadway district.


Here's where I get off.

Are you all right, Johnny?

Oh, sure, I'm all right.

Go back that way, Lee.

I'll wait for you.

You'll have to wait too long.

Thanks for the lift.

You're aces, Lee.

I'll remember that, Johnny.

Good night.

Good night, Johnny.

Something's happened to him.

Wait. We can't break it up now.

Hello, Blake.

How are you, gentlemen?

How are you?

10:00 on the dot.

You keep your appointments.

I wanted to make
my first job perfect.

Good. You can open it, hunter.

Did you have
any trouble
with Fenner?

We got along fine.

How does it feel
to be head of
the organization?

I've been waiting
for a night like
this for 15 years.

You deserve it.

Thank you.

Will you gentlemen
need me any longer?

No. We'll get
in touch with
you next week.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.



Mclaren: Go ahead in.

[Loud footsteps]

What's that?

Lock that door.

Hold it, Hollister.

I think Mclaren
can use that.
Get that box, boys.

Ok, cap.

Put the bracelets on them.

Yes, sir.

Have a look in that vault.


Hello, Mac.

Did you nail 'em?


Well, that's that.

Who got you--


Where is he?

He's washed up.

You check the bullets
he put into me

with those that killed
Bryant and Kruger.

They're all from his gun.

You didn't miss a bet, did you?


I was wrong about
that glass of beer...

But we've had lots of them.

We'll be having more,
Johnny. I'm taking you
to the hospital.

It won't do any good.

Keep kicking them
into line, Mac.

I will, Johnny.

I like to think

that when those mugs
pass a policeman,

they'll keep on
tipping their hats.