Brave Warrior (1952) - full transcript

In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavors to gain the support of the Shawnee Indian tribes in the area. Governor William Henry Harrison enlists the aid of Steve Ruddell, whose friendship with the Shawnee chief Tecumseh goes back to childhood. Tecumseh's leadership of the Shawnee is contested by his brother, known as The Prophet, who sides with the British. Tecumseh, who grew up as a childhood playmate of Steve and of Laura McGregor, loves Steve as a brother and hopes to marry Laura. But Laura is in love with Steve. Laura's father, Shayne McGregor, secretly leads local support of the British against the Americans, even though it risks the life and love of his daughter. Everything comes to a head at the battle of Tippecanoe.

NARRATOR: This is a story
of two men and a town,

all drawn by a strange destiny
into the maelstrom

that was to be
the War of 1812,

between the United States
and England.

One of these men was
an American, Steven Ruddell.

The other was Tecumseh,
greatest of all Indian chiefs,

who had his headquarters
at the town of Tippecanoe,

home of the Shawnee Indians.

The fuse was already
burning close to the
powder keg of war

when a flatboat
carrying a shipment of salt
from Vincennes,

capital of the United States
territory of Indiana,

sailed up the Wabash River,
bound for Tippecanoe.

Ah! Confound it!

The mosquitoes come as big
as eagles around here.

If you don't
kill them, Joe,

you'll break your own neck
slappin' at them.

Aw, it's them Shawnee.

If it wasn't for them,
we wouldn't have to do this.

When they sell land
to the United States,

why don't they take money
instead of salt,
like everybody else?

Did you ever try curin' meat
for the winter with money?

Ah, just the same...[GUNSHOT]



You men back there...
Keep them behind those sacks

so they can't shoot down
at the water!

You four men,
follow me.

Ohh! Aah!



Get this boat ashore!

Gather up the pelts, men.
We're returning to Vincennes.

That should give those
bloomin' Shawnees
at Tippecanoe

somethin' new
to think about, eh?

The subject
of the Prophet's next sermon

will be the United States,

and how it cheated
the Shawnees out of
a payment again.

[DRUMMING STOPS]It is the Americans.

First they send men
to rob our traps

so that we have no pelts
to trade for food.

Then they send whiskey
to the Wyandots, the Miamis,
and the Potawatomies

to get their chiefs drunk

so they will sign
unfair treaties.

Now they do not send us
our payment of salt.

They want our meat to rot

so that we will have no food
for the winter.

I say take up the hatchet
against the Americans!


I am the Prophet
of the Shawnee nation,

and I have spoken.

Take council.


My brother, the Prophet,
speaks strong words against
our friend the United States.

That we could be born of the
same mother is indeed strange.

You know but one thing...

To live with war paint
on your face

and a tomahawk
in your hand.

A tomahawk is stronger
than your soft words.

My words are words of peace
that will help the Indian.

I'll go to Vincennes

and learn from
Governor Harrison
what happened to our salt.

And get more of his lies
thrown in your teeth?

Go to Harrison
with your soft words!

I'll go with my war paint
and tomahawk!

You are my blood brother,
but I am your chief.

If you dare to make a move

before I have talked
with Governor Harrison,

you will feel
the weight of punishment.

Remember this,
all of you,

if you wish to choose war
instead of peace.


TECUMSEH: All the Prophet said
is true, Governor Harrison.

I want peace
with the United States,

but I cannot hold back
my brother or his followers

so long
as these things happen.

we, too, want peace.

Can't you see
that enemy agents

are trying to cause
bad blood between us?

But I cannot prove this
to the Prophet.

You say you will send
another shipment of salt,

but my brother has already
formed a war party.

If he kills
any of our settlers...



It's the Smith house!





Governor, Indians started
the fire! You better hurry!

My brother's raiding party.

That fire is clear over
the other side of town.

Can't see a thing.

Yeah, I'm sure glad
it ain't this.


The salt is in there!
Take it all!

This doesn't seem
to accomplish much
for your brother, Tecumseh.

Why would he set fire
to this one house?

Knowing the Prophet,
I would say he had no interest
in this house whatsoever.

MAN: Governor! Governor!

Governor, Indians in war paint
raided the Marshall Company.

And took salt
and meat?

They cleaned out everything
and escaped to the hills.

It was a trick to get everyone
on this side of town.

I hope
no one was hurt.

While you stand and palaver
with this redskin,

his Shawnees raid the town.

Calm yourself, laddie.

Everyone here knows
Tecumseh's got too much sense

to be back of anything
like this.

Thanks, Shayne.

Just the same, MacGregor,
Smith's place is burned down
and Marshall's is robbed.

If these redskins
have the gall
to come into Vincennes...

Gentlemen, I think
we'd better go into my office.

Chief Tecumseh and I have
tried to find a way to peace

between the United States
and all the tribes.

Perhaps you will all
rest easier if you know

we are in negotiations
to buy land from the tribes...

Land that is
strategically situated

so that forts can be built
quickly, if necessary.

This is
excellent news, sir.

We're dealing only
with the Kishpoko branch
of the Shawnee.

The others
will come later.

Needless to say, gentlemen,
this is confidential.

I only tell it to you
so there will be no
hotheaded outbursts

that may ruin
our endeavors for peace.

I hope you understand.

Anything we can do, Governor,
you can count on us.

Thank you.

If you want peace, redskin,
keep your brother
out of Vincennes.

Never you mind him.

He's always getting hot
under the collar.

As I must silence
my brother,

so must you silence
such men among you.

Come for dinner tonight.

Laura's cooking
will make you forget Barker.

Thanks, Shayne,
I'll be there.

Good. I'll tell Laura.

Goodbye, Governor.

My brother will be punished
for what he did today.

If only the Prophet could be
made to think our way,

so he could be a friend
of the United States.

When the Prophet was young,

it was an American
who caused him to lose an eye.

It'd be hard for him
to forget such a thing.

All right, Tecumseh,
it's your problem.

I'll make you out
a requisition for wheat flour,

according to our treaty.

When friendship between us

can be had
without a signed document,

then peace will be secure.

It is not what we write down
for others to see.

It is what we feel here.

Goodbye, Governor.

Goodbye, Chief.

Well, you heard them.

I'm glad you didn't
follow us to the fire.

Well, it's best no one knows
I'm in the territory

until we want them to know.

My health
will be better that way.


I sent for you, Ruddell,

because President Madison
has a lot of faith in you.

As long as the merchants
came up here,

I thought I'd drop
your little bombshell

without waiting to call
a special meeting.

They swallowed the bait.

Just as well
you didn't hold it off.

Now that I gave them
the information about
the Kishpoko,

I hope you know
what you're doing.

We've got to open
something up somewhere.

Even though that salt shipment
was sent secretly,

spies got the information.

If any action is taken
against the Kishpoko,

we'll know it was
one of the men here today.

We can boil it down
from there.

You've been away from
Vincennes for a long time.

There are
a lot of new faces here.

Things have changed.

The Indians don't change.

I was brought up by the family
of Tecumseh and the Prophet.

I know the red man,

If the Prophet really is
tied up with the British,

we'll force his hand.

Well, the sooner I get
to Chief Little Cloud

at the Kishpoko village,
the better.

I'll get back as quickly
as possible.

Go out the back way.
No one will see you.

Well, father, it's about time
you got back.

Any man who'd neglect his
business to run to a fire...

Aye, lass. But I still prefer
the fire in your eyes.

Well, lads, what have we,
more pelts?

Fine. Fine.

The market in furs is booming
in New York and Boston.

These look all right?

They'll do, but don't
you let them overcharge you.

[LAUGHS] Come into the office,
and I'll pay you off.

And, Laura...

We're havin' company
for dinner tonight.

And you tell me now?

Oh, father, you've no right
to invite someone

on such short notice.

He'll be meeting us
at the house.

It's Tecumseh.



Did you destroy the boat?We blew it up.

The salt dissolved
in the river.

There isn't a thing left.

Fine, fine.


LAURA: Father!

There's a Mr. Bancroft
to see you.

Tell him I'm busy. I...

Oh, Mr. Bancroft.
Come in. Come in.

You'd better go home now
and get dinner ready.

All right.
Don't be too late.

General Proctor.

At ease, gentlemen.
I'm not in uniform.

Who was the girl?

My daughter, Laura.

She doesn't know
what's going on here,

so it's just as well
if she's not around.

You're a long way
from Fort Malden, General.

American counterespionage

has saturated the territory
between here and Canada.

I couldn't take a chance
on a leak in our plans,
so I came myself.

It's a long journey.

This wilderness is our
weakness unless we make it
our strength.

MacGregor, do you have a map
of the surrounding territory?

Aye. My men have
charted every hill,
back trail, and road.

We can break it down to trees
and bushes if you like.

All right.
It may be necessary.

A wagon train
and convoy of troops
has already left Fort Malden.

It's on its way here now.

You're daring to send soldiers
before war has been declared?

Artillery men, MacGregor.
There are a number
of cannon in the convoy.

These will be placed
in the hills

overlooking the one road
that leads from Vincennes.

This town, gentlemen,
will be the headquarters

for all American troops
should war be declared.

It's fantastic, sir.

Yes, but possible
and feasible.

The Indian guides are leading
the convoy over trails

not used for normal travel.

If that plan works,
our cannon can blast

any American army
before it reaches Canada.

It had better work, Captain.
The King doesn't
intend to lose.

When those cannons
are in place,
I want them camouflaged.

We've been promising
the Indians muskets, sir.

They're in the convoy.

The Americans
aren't sleeping, sir.

They've been negotiating
with various tribes
to buy more land.

They want to build a string of
forts from here to the border.

Those land sales
must not be made.

Such a defense system
would make our plans useless.

Demming, I want the Prophet
to make an immediate attack

on the Kishpoko village.

If necessary, he is to kill
Chief Little Cloud

as a warning
to other tribes

not to sell more land
to the United States.

Yes, sir.

The gun emplacements
will be ready for the cannon

by the time
the convoy arrives.

Good luck, sir.

Thank you, Captain.

Now, MacGregor, let's take
another look at this map.

I'd like to see the position
of the surrounding hills.

So it was your brother,
the Prophet,

who caused
all the trouble today.

Tecumseh, we've known
each other since
we were children.

You've always studied
our ways.

You've found them good,
haven't you?

Your schools...
Your religion...

The way you build
your towns...

These things are good.

Then why can't the Prophet
and the other chiefs see it?

It would take many moons.
Many moons.

There is still an earth
and a sky

and years of civilization
between our people...

Even between us, Laura.

You've closed that distance.

Do you think
it would be different

if I were to live
as a white man?

Wear white man's clothes?

I would still be an Indian
to your people.

Laura, you know
what is in my heart for you.

But a miracle
would have to happen

before I'd have the right
to tell you.


I couldn't get away.
I never saw it to fail.

Always last-minute business
when there's company home.

I'm sorry, Tecumseh.

I understand.

Father, it was the Prophet who
caused all the trouble today,

and Tecumseh's
going to punish him.

What are you gonna do
to him?

Banish him
from Tippecanoe.

He must learn to realize
the authority of his chief.

I see. That seems
kind of harsh, doesn't it?

He was only after
what was due him.

Why, father...

You shouldn't defend
the Prophet.

Your place
may go up in smoke next.

Aye, aye, aye, lass.

One man could bring peace
to the territory.

If only Steve were here.

Steve Ruddell?

Perhaps the troubles
of our territory

have become too small
for him.

Perhaps he's outgrown
everything here.



Chief Little Cloud!
The Prophet's on his way here!

He'll kill you and burn
your tepees to the ground.

We've got to destroy
the bridge that leads
to the village.

It is the only way
of reaching my village.

What will my hunters do?

Harrison built that bridge.
He'll build you another.

Get your braves
out to the ravine.

I've got to blow up
that bridge.
Heave, boy! Come on!









You are to spread the word
around among the other tribes.

They must be prepared,

as the Prophet
will attack again.

Unless the Prophet
is defeated, there will
never be peace here.

Tell them the great
white father in Washington
wishes it

and will protect them.

You speak
with the tongue of truth.

It shall be done.


Tecumseh, I came back because
we must have understanding

between the tribes.

The Prophet is beginning
a reign of terror among them.

He'll scare them
over to the British.

What can I do?

I haven't seen my brother
since he raided Vincennes.

He always wanted...


So, you come here
to make trouble also.

If it means stopping you,
then that's what I'm after.

Do what the Americans want.
You are no longer my chief.

I will rule the Shawnees
and the Tippecanoe.

I will be chief.

By what right?By this right!

Unless you think
your tomahawk is stronger?

You would fight
your own brother?

There is no other way
to settle this, Steve.

He has always wanted
to be chief. He shall have
his chance.

When I am chief, Sinnamatha,
you will die.

Our people will sit
in council to watch.

you're the one man

who makes the difference
between peace and war.

If you...

I don't want to die,

I'll get ready.







I cannot kill
my own brother.

You will know now
that I am chief,

but you wish to kill me.
There cannot be love
between us.

You will leave Tippecanoe
and never return.

You are no longer
to take meat

from the hunting ground
of the Shawnee.

Those of you who wish
to follow the ways
of my brother

will leave with him now!

Take what is yours and go!

You are a fool, my brother!

You should have killed me.

All my life, I have defended
him and protected him.

How could I harm him?

You couldn't.

What happened tonight
will certainly drive him over
to the English.

Now he will spread
his propaganda of fear

to every tribe
in the territory.

Well, it takes propaganda
to fight propaganda.

There must be some
definite way to prove
to the tribes

that the United States
wants them as friends.

There is a way.

We used to talk
about it as kids.

A dream you had
about making Tippecanoe

just like
a white man's town.

I have never
stopped thinking about it.

Then why not build it?

A town with real houses,
a school, a church...

With flower gardens
and farms.

Is it possible?

Sure, with Harrison's help.

It would be proof
to every tribe

that the white man and Indian
can live together.

Steve, it would give me
the chance to ask Laura
to marry me.

Tell your people
that the supplies and the men

will be here
within two weeks.

It's an amazing undertaking,
but I'm sure it will work.

Give the tribes this example,
and they'll all follow along.

The men and supplies
will be sent immediately.

Notify Tecumseh.

I already did.

Good. We're on our way
to peace.


They'll be no real peace
until we find out

what the spies
are trying to do in Vincennes.

Do you have
any plan in mind?

Only to let them know
I'm after them.

Let them make the plans.

They'll try to kill you.

Then we'll know the ones
we have to worry about.

Well, good luck, Steve.


Where's your father,
Miss MacGregor?

He's in his office,
but you'll have to wait.

There's someone...Thanks.


Who is it?Demming!

Well, Tecumseh
and the Prophet
are split wide open.

The Prophet's been banished
from Tippecanoe.

It's taken a long time.
We've broken Tecumseh's power.

Maybe... The attack
on the Indian village

was stopped
by Steve Ruddell.


He's here in town.

I just saw him
leave Harrison's office
and he's heading this way.

He'll be coming here
to see Laura.

Ruddell knows me.

I met him in Washington
at one of the peace parlays.


Young lady, I have
150 elephant skins that I...Elephant...


Nice to see you.

Oh, Steve, I thought
I'd never see you again.

You better go out
by the storeroom, General.

There's a door will
lead you to an alley.

I can't stay in Vincennes
with Ruddell here.

Can you handle
the details without me?

I'll do my best.

You're a hard girl
to please, Laura.

You always were...
Even when we were kids.

Don't worry.
When the right man
comes along, I'll get him.

I'll be in touch with you
from Canada.

Now where's your father?

Business has been wonderful.

But he'll have time for you.
Let's go into his office.

All right.
There you go.


Steve Ruddell!

Laddie, it's good
to see you again.

We were just talkin'
about you the other night.

Shayne, you haven't
changed a bit.
You're looking fine.

Just like old times,
eh, Laura?

Steve, Laura, and Tecumseh...
The three of you.

Kids together...
Thick as thieves.

Look at you now.
I'm getting old, Steve.

Why, he's as strong
as an ox.

He can lift
a whole moose skin...

Still full of moose.

What happened
to Mr. Bancroft?

Oh, I sent him
to the stockroom to see
what we had on hand.

But I could have given him
an itemized inventory.

Oh, sometimes I wonder
who's runnin' this business.

Will we see you
for dinner tonight, Steve?

Please come.I'll wear my Sunday best.

Good, good. Let's sit down
and have a chat.

I'm sorry, Shayne.
I better run along now.

Then we'll see you tonight,
and you can tell us
all your plans then.


Well, goodbye, Steve,
until tonight.

I've seen Tecumseh,

He thinks about you
a great deal.

He comes to Vincennes

Why did you come back,

I was sent here...

Oh. Wait a minute, Steve.

I want to see
how Mr. Bancroft's
getting along.

That's strange.
He's not there.

He must have gone out
the storeroom door.

He dropped his snuffbox.

H.P.? Are you sure
this is Bancroft's?

Well, I was in the storeroom
a few minutes before you came,

and it wasn't there then.

These crossed muskets
are the insignia
of the King's Grenadiers.

You know where he's staying?At the inn. Why?

This may be one of the reasons
I'm in Vincennes, Laura.

The English are learning
too much about our plans.

Has your father
known Bancroft long?

No, he's a new customer.

I'd like to see him.
May I return this?

There might be trouble.

There already is.



The proprietor
sent me, sir.

Your snuffbox
was found downstairs.

Oh, Ruddell!General Proctor!

You should have
let us know you were
going to be in Vincennes.

We would have given you
a military reception.

What do you want here?

No English gentleman
is complete without
his snuffbox,

and this one probably
has some special sentiment

since it bears the insignia
of one of your
favorite regiments.

Well, thank you very much.

Well, now, since I'm in
rather a hurry, would you...

A military man
in civilian clothes?

A bit unusual for a general
to be a spy, isn't it, sir?

We're not at war,
Mr. Ruddell.

I'm merely here on a little
business with Mr. MacGregor.

Business as usual?

I'm afraid you'll have
to answer a few questions

for Governor Harrison, sir.

Why, of course.
I have no objections...

Good work, Captain.

The horses are in the back.
I think we better hurry, sir.

Steve, this is the first time
I ever did business with him,

and he certainly did not seem
like a military man to me.

He gave no hint

and appeared to know
quite a lot about pelts.

Who could he have wanted
to contact here?

The other man
in that room, perhaps...

The one who hit me.

Apparently, Proctor's been
using you and your business

to cover up
the real purpose of his visit.

Aye, he could have.

Steve, I hope you don't
think that I...

No, you wouldn't do that
to Laura.Of course not.

Why, I'd disown him.

Well, I'd better report this
to Harrison. See you later.

Proctor get away
all right?

I took him to the edge
of town, but Ruddell...

I know. How quickly
can you reach the Prophet?

He's camped near the first gun
emplacement in the woods.

I should say an hour,
possibly a little longer.

Take him this message.

I want him to raid
my farm tonight.


No one here
could suspect a man

who's attacked
by the Prophet.

Steve Ruddell
will be at my house,

and he will die trying
to protect Laura and myself.

What time
shall they attack?

Tell them...

I'll signal from my window
with a lantern.

And remember, no harm
is to come to my daughter.

I know how much
you think of Ruddell,

but this is one time
you haven't any choice.

I'll tell that
to my conscience.
You better hurry.

Hard to believe Proctor would
chance coming here himself.

It must have been important
enough for him to come.

I just received one
of our intelligence reports

from the Canadian border.

It seemed routine enough until
this business with Proctor,

but perhaps
there is some connection.

The report states
that a lot of new artillery

was recently
brought into Fort Malden

and then shipped out again.

Shipped out?

"We've tried
to locate the shipment,

"but it appears to have
vanished into thin air.

"We're keeping a close watch
on all land and
water approaches."

This artillery must have been
part of Proctor's strategy,

and it must also have had
something to do with Indiana.

That's why Proctor was here.

I've requested
our counterintelligence

to redouble their efforts,
but there may not be time.

No one knows
exactly how close war is.

Well, at least it gives me
more to work on than I had.

The difference between victory
and defeat, Governor,

may prove to be the snuffbox
of an English gentleman.

Nothing like
a good glass of port

to top off
a good dinner.

Dad looks as though my
cooking gave him indigestion.

No, Laura,
it isn't that, lass.

It's just that suddenly these
things seem important to me...

A snug home, the satisfaction
of good food, good wine,

and a pretty lass
to look at.

Too much wine.

I think I know
just how he feels.

But nobody rests easy
these days.

Every man's tied up tight

with his own principles
and politics,

and men die
because of them.

Well, you two
will be wanting to talk

about something else
besides politics.

Good night, Steve.

Good night, Shayne.
See you tomorrow.

Tomorrow... Oh, aye, lad.
Aye, tomorrow.

Good night, lassie.Good night, Dad.


You've been gone
for so long.

I don't know whether
you've changed or not.

[LAUGHS] Not much
reason for changing.

Oh, Steve...

You left Vincennes
over two years ago.

Why didn't you write?

I... Oh, I don't know.

I thought maybe
you and Tecumseh
would be married by now.

He always said
he would ask you
when the time was right.

But the time
hasn't been right...
For either of us.

You know he loves you.

And the new town of Tippecanoe
will make the time right.

But the Indians
would never follow a chief

who had married
a white woman.

Will you be at Tippecanoe
during the building
of the town?

Part of the time,
at least.

Harrison is sending
men from here to help,

and someone's
got to be there

to prevent any clashes
between them and the Indians.

You'll have trouble
from the English,

and the Prophet, too,
no doubt.

They're not
going to like it,
that's certain.




Shawnees! Go to town
and get help!

Your father and I
will try and hold out.


I see them, Steve!
I'll pick them off
from up here.











We could see the fire
from town.

Raiding our place!



I knew that trunk would take
care of those redskins, Steve.

It almost took care of me,
too, Shayne.[GUNSHOTS]


Thanks, Governor.
You did not get here
any too soon.

Looks like it pays to keep
a squad of men ready to ride.

Steve, you all right?

Thanks to you.Oh, thank Dad.

If he hadn't shot
one of those Indians
from that window,

I never would have
gotten away.

Neither would you, Steve,
if it hadn't have been
for that trunk.

Governor, I'm not going
to accuse anybody

until I have definite proof.

I know how much
you think of the MacGregors,

but if Shayne is guilty
and you let him go free,

it could mean your life.

The Shawnees did
raid his place, didn't they?
You heard Laura.

Her father killed
one of the braves himself.

I think we can prove
whether he's involved
with the British or not.


You're hiring white men
to help in the building
of Tippecanoe.

I want you to hire
some of MacGregor's trappers,

a man named Demming.

But those men could sabotage
the whole project.

They'll be watched
day and night.

If they try anything,

then we'll know
we're on the right track.

All right, Steve.
We'll do it your way.

The English promised me
much power.

Instead, the power of Tecumseh
increases, white brothers.

Since the town of Tippecanoe
is almost finished,

what are you going to do
about it?

We're going to let them
finish it.

Demming's there.

He reports that when
the town is completed,

Tecumseh will journey
to the southern tribes

to tell them about it.

While he's gone,

you'll be the new ruler
of Tippecanoe,

king of
the Indian nations.

But Harrison will send
the American army to stop me.


But what he doesn't know

is that our cannons
are hidden in the hills,

ready to blast his forces
to pieces.

He doesn't know that
your men are armed
with English muskets.

Those wagons are loaded with
guns and ammunition for you.

This will cause war
to be declared

between the United States
and England.

A child doesn't always know
what's good for it.

Maybe it'll take
another war to make
the United States realize

it needs the protection
of its mother country,

Well, do you agree
with our plan?

The Americans shall pay
for this eye.

I accept your plan,
my brothers.

Mr. Ruddell!

Demming and two men
just left town.

They took horses?

They moved very quietly.
Wanted no one to know.

Which way did they go?

Different ways.
Heading for the hills.

And Demming?

In direction
of Great White Rock.

Hey! Hah!

Give him plenty of rope.

We want to see
where he's going.

He stopped riding.

We better
leave our horses here.

This will give you the range
and target area of your gun.

The other gun crews
are receiving
instructions tonight.

Is there any indication
as to what day it will be?

No, but you'll have
that information in time.

Under no circumstances
try to contact us.

We can't afford to take
any chances.

Very good, sir.


The town of Tippecanoe
shall symbolize

the good will and sincerity
between the Indian nations

and their friend and neighbor,
the United States.

And now the man whose dream
made this new town possible,

Chief Tecumseh
of the Shawnee nation.

White brothers,
people of my own tribe,

what you see here

tells you more
than any words I could use.

Today I leave for the south

to bring the news
of Tippecanoe,

and to show our brothers

how they can build
their own towns just like it.

Wherever I go,
I shall spread the word

of the generosity
of the United States.

May our united strength
forever keep war from our land

and grant us
everlasting peace.

MAN: Bravo!


Tecumseh has been
gone a week now,
and I don't like it.

Neither do I.

What are you
going to do about it?

Start the raids at once.








Come in.

Another raid?

Worse. Not only has
the Prophet been raiding

every outlying settlement
and murdering its people,

now he's taken over Tippecanoe
and made himself chief.

They were just waiting
for Tecumseh to leave

so they could provoke us
into an attack

and then crush our army
with hidden artillery.

You said it would
take six months
to find those cannon.

Governor, I want you
to spread the word

that our army marches
in the morning

to drive the Prophet
out of Tippecanoe.

What?We'll need
every wagon in town.

They must be ready
to leave at dawn.

But, Steve...

The rest of the plan
will work this way...

It's all over town.

Every able-bodied man
is marching at dawn.

Send the men out tonight
to notify the gun crews,

and see that the Prophet

distributes the muskets
to the braves.

Without any further
interference from
Steve Ruddell, I hope.

So long as he's alive,

I wouldn't be too sure
of anything.

The messengers have
a hard ride ahead of them.

You better give them
plenty of time.

Steve, I'm worried.
The Prophet's no fool.

He wouldn't deliberately
force you to attack

unless he were ready
for it.

We've got to win
this battle, Laura,

or the United States
is through in
the Indiana Territory.

We've sent for Tecumseh,
but he'll never arrive
in time.

He might have been able
to rally his warriors

against the Prophet.

This way, it's...
Well, it's up to us.

There just isn't much
we can do.

Oh, Steve,
if you're hurt...


I had a job to do here.

When it's finished...
I'm going back to Washington.

Afraid if you stay here,
you might hurt Tecumseh

by revealing
that you love me?

Laura...Let me finish.

I love you, not Tecumseh.

If I have to throw myself
at your head, I'll do it.

Why are we waiting here?
Why don't we go on?

You may know why
in just a few minutes.

What happened to those wagons
our men were supposed to ride?

Let's call them
the advance guard, Barker.

Sounds like highfalutin
military stuff to me.

Cut the horses loose
and jump!


That sounds like cannon.

You're right, Mr. MacGregor...
Cannon meant for us.

Then you knew
they were there?

We just didn't know
where they were.

Now we do.

In a very short while,

we'll be able
to move on to our camp.

MAN: They're dummies
in those wagons.

Real ones are coming
up the hill.

Change your sights.


You getting 'em all?

I hope so.

No new batteries
have opened up.

There are 15 in all.

Get your squads,
and we'll move in now.


What was
the Prophet's decision?

Will he surrender
without a fight?

He wants 24 hours
to think it over.

24 hours!

He's just marking time.

You think there might be
a surprise attack?

There's something
in the air.

MacGregor didn't volunteer for
this expedition for no reason.

I'm standing watch tonight.



You've gone
far enough, Shayne.

And don't touch your gun!

Maybe we ought to have a talk
with Governor Harrison.

What's the matter?
What's bothering you, Steve?

I waited until I was sure
you were heading
for Tippecanoe.

What nonsense!
Why, I was only...


Enough information
for the Prophet
to massacre our men.

Steve, I always had
a great liking for you.

It's too bad that we're
serving under different flags.

I want to ask you
to do me one favor.

Will you take care
of Laura for me?

She's going to marry me.

She is?

That's grand!

It does not seem as if
I'll be coming to the wedding,

but I want to wish you
all the happiness
in the world.


I'm sorry, lad.




You're certain
that's the man?

So your stupid braves
killed MacGregor by mistake

and revealed to the Americans
that you have guns.

We were going to let them
attack us here

and surprise them
with our musket fire.

The only thing to do now
is attack first.





The drums have stopped.
Better make ready, sir.

Blow assembly.


Man the barricades!
Gun crews in position!






Quick, to the town.
If we can't have it,
no one will.

Well, that's the end
of Tippecanoe, Steve.

The end of
a lot of things, Governor.

The end of a dream
for Tecumseh.

LAURA: Tecumseh!

We thought you'd be here.

How is your father, Laura?

He's dead.

Steve told me
that he died a hero

in the battle
with the Prophet.

I'm sorry, Laura.
He was such a fine man.

Come back with us,

Harrison will welcome you.

Shawnees have gone
to the north.

I must be with my people.

But you're just as much
a part of us.

Whatever things may happen,

you will always
be my brother.

But I died
when Tippecanoe died, Steve.

Because here, all
the Indian nations are buried.

Goodbye, Laura.